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"Conscincia e Reconexo"
"Contedo baseado nas nossas Oficinas de Bem-estar, que so eventos presenciais que fazemos e que sustentam aquilo que a gente tem como base no Unna Project - que o ser humano um combinado de 4 pilares principais: mental, emocional, fsico e espiritual/energtico.Voc no precisa de nenhum conhecimento prvio sobre esse assunto para entender o contedo. O workshop destinado para voc que est buscando por autoconhecimentoe mais conscincia para a sua vida eir te ajudar a se reconectar com voc mesmo e entender o que pode estar te bloqueando de conquistar mais equilbrio, felicidade e paz interior.Nesse workshop online voc ter uma introduo terica de cada um dos pilares e tambm algumas ferramentas para traz-los para a conscincia e conseguir trabalh-los em seu cotidiano. Voc vai aprender os elementos bsicos de cada um e colocar os conhecimentos em prtica atravs de exerccios e meditaes.Mais de 1 hora de contedo, dividido em:Pilar Mental -Voc vai entender o que so crenas e como elas esto, a todo momento, influenciando os seus comportamentos, emoes, a energia que voc vibra e, consequentemente, na realidade que voc tem criado para sua vida. Trazemos um exerccio prtico e passo a passo para que voc identifique quais crenas esto te bloqueando e quais esto te impulsionando em direo aos seus objetivos e, assim, comece a trabalh-las e us-las a seu favor.Pilar Emocional -Neste pilar, voc descobrir o poder das suas emoes tanto as positivas quanto as negativas e aprender como lidar com elas de uma forma mais consciente e benfica, trazendo para sua vida os movimentos necessrios para atingir a sua felicidade e realizao. A prtica nesse pilar uma meditao de reconexo com a sua criana interior - uma parte muito importante da sua essncia e que te trar insights profundos.Pilar Fsico -O nosso corpo fsico est intimamente relacionado com os demais pilares e o meio que faz com que eles se manifestem. Aqui, abordaremos a importncia de nutrirmos esse corpo de forma consciente e saudvel e isso envolve no s nossa alimentao, mas tambm a ateno e o poder da nossa respirao, por exemplo. Voc vai entender, na teoria e na prtica, como seu corpo pode ser uma tima ferramenta para produzir estados mentais e emocionais positivos e te ajudar a se conhecer cada vez melhor e na conquista dos seus objetivos.Pilar Energtico- Tudo possui energia. As pessoas, os animais, a natureza, nossos objetos, nossas palavras, nossos pensamentos. A todo momento estamos enviando e recebendo vibraes. Neste pilar iremos falar sobre o poder da energia que vibramos e quais os benefcios que ela pode trazer para sua vida. Faremos um exerccio prtico que te ensinar a mudar a frequncia energtica do que voc est emanando e dessa forma ser mais assertivo no que voc realmente quer atrair para a sua vida.Adquira agora e d esse passo importante para o seu despertar!"
Price: 54.99

"YouTube Anfnger Kurs: Erfolgreichen YouTube Kanal aufbauen"
"Lerne von mir, wie du dir einen eigenen Erfolgreichen YouTube Kanal aufbauen kannst. Ich bin selber YouTuber mit ber 180.000 Abonnenten und zeige dir wie es funktioniert! Wenn du dich fragst, wie du schnell neue Abonnenten gewinnen kannst, mehr Aufrufe erzielen kannst, oder sogar deine Video aufnehmen und schneiden kannst? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich. Zusammen starten wir Schritt fr Schritt deine YouTube Karriere. Ich zeige dir meine Einstellungen, meine Techniken und meine Tipps und Tricks, womit ich auch Erfolgreich wurde. Du lernst das richtige Equipment zu nutzen, du lernst die richtigen Programme zu nutzen.Ich biete dir:Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung fr Anfnger5. Jahre (180.000 Abonnenten) YouTube ErfahrungProfessionelle Tipps & TricksFehler die ich gemacht habe10 berzeugende Grnde fr diesen Kurs:Ich habe ber 5. Jahre YouTube Erfahrung. Mein Kanal besitzt mittlerweile ber 180.000 Abonnenten und ich zeige dir, wie auch deine 100.000 Abonnenten schnell erreichen kannst.Es ist ein Schritt fr Schritt Kurs. Du kannst also sofort alle Lektionen mit mir zusammen umsetzen.Ich bringe dir exklusive Tipps & Tricks bei, die dir bei deiner YouTube Karriere sehr ntzlich sein werden.Wie funktionieren die Programme? Du lernst Grundkenntnisse in den besten Programmen, die du fr YouTube bentigst.Welches Equipment fr den Anfang? Ich zeige dir gutes & gnstiges Equipment fr YouTube Anfnger.Call to Action? Ich zeige dir, wie du mit verschiedenen Techniken deine Zuschauer zu etwas auffordern kannst.Ich zeige dir, wie deine Videos mehr Aufrufe bekommen & dein Video besser gelistet wird, als die von der Konkurrenz.Du willst Geld verdienen? In dem Kurs zeige ich dir, wie auch mit wenig Abonnenten viel Geld verdienen kannst & deinen YouTube-Kanal schon am Anfang profitabel machst.Schnell Abonnenten gewinnen? Mit verschiedenen Techniken lernst du deine Abonnenten-Zahl zu steigern.Keine Design Kenntnisse? Diese brauchst du auch nicht, denn ich zeige dir, wie es auch ohne sehr leicht funktioniert.Fr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:Dieser Kurs richtet sich an YouTube Begeistere Einsteiger, die sich einen Erfolgreichen & profitablen YouTube Kanal aufbauen mchten. Mit dieser Schritt fr Schritt Anleitung wirst Du in der Lage sein, professionelle Videos zu erstellen & sie anschlieend auf YouTube hochzuladen. Wenn du dir ein monatliches Einkommen mit YouTube aufbauen mchtest, dann kaufe dir jetzt den YouTube Anfnger Kurs."
Price: 99.99

"Fat Goes Flat Home Workout Blast"
"Who made this product ? Greetings my fit fabulous friends! Welcome back from the Holiday Hunger Games where every one seemed to be racing to the market to clear out the pie and eggnog sections. OH, But the veggie aisle was well stocked - the sweet section on aisle nine, not so much! But, thats ok, Fat Burn Mania is here to whip that pie eating, eggnog drinking, junk in the trunk glutes into shape again!Who is this product for? You may be wondering whom this program is for. Well if youre a young athlete or pushing the higher middle ages of life which I call the Era of Getting Betta (wink) this program is for you! As long as youre not physically prohibited from previous injuries or a doctors order to not participate in certain exercises, come aboard and get ready to rock the boat! These are basic exercises everyone, for the most part, should already be familiar with. They arent dangerous. Just remember, if you are recovering from an injury or have any other potential health issues, consult your physician first to make sure this program is for you. Whats the goal of this training? As I mentioned, this program is a fun and engaging way to get in shape. But let me be clear, this isnt Saturday Night Live Fitness joke time. Yes, we like to have fun, BUT the main goal is to train your body to burn fat and live healthy. This course is beyond convenient because it allows you to work out in unconventional places such as the gym. Not everyone can make their way to a Golds Gym or an LA Fitness. With this program, you can accomplish plenty without ever leaving the house. Whether you want to build your endurance, increase your strength, burn calories to keep your waistline in check, or do all of the above, you can do it in the comfort of your own home.What do I get from enrolling this course? Theres so much more to receive from incorporating fitness into your life. Being active has been shown to have many health benefits, both physically and mentally. It may even help you live longer, and who doesnt want that!? Exercise has been shown to improve your mood and decrease feelings of depression, anxiety and stress it just makes you happier. Exercise helps you shave off the extra weight and cellulite you like to refer to as fancy fat or a human version of connect the dots. I love the creativity behind the spin of sugarcoating lumpy body fat but were here to eliminate that! Once youve finished the course, you will be well on your way to living a clean and fit lifestyle. Fitness isnt a job, a trend or a hobby, its a lifestyle that must be maintained and consistent. Furthermore, if theres ever a workout you really, really despise, like total Grinch status of hating Christmas, its ok. The course is just 9 bucks so you dont risk much. Maybe youll miss a vanilla latte with a croissant from Starbucks, but youre not drinking those anyway, right? Because living and eating clean is the way to go!Lastly, think of exercising as fun movement. Thats what it should be! The purpose of fun is to live it. I heard this quote somewhere and want to encourage you to start thinking about putting the fun back in your fitness. We just wanted to play and move and we always found a way to make it fun. The FATBURNMANIA team is here to tighten your lose ends and put the fun back into fitness."
Price: 19.99

"As 7 Surpresas"
"No importa quem voc , a situao social, econmica, se voc jovem, ou tem mais idade.No importa se est acima do peso ou abaixo, se alta, baixa. Tampouco influencia se voc tem alguma limitao fsica.Absolutamente nada disso importa se voc decidir ser a melhor mulher que voc pode ser. Se voc quiser, ningum mais te segura.A possibilidade de fazer do sexo o melhor momento do dia, voc vai proporcionar.O nosso corpo um mundo de possibilidades de prazer, um parque de diverso. Voc vai ver que o sexo pode ir muito alm de uma simples relao sexual.*Este curso foi desenvolvido pelo portal Sexo Sem Dvida, o maior portal de sade sexual do Brasil."
Price: 174.99

"Screenwriting - Page 1 - How to Hook the Hollywood Reader"
"Conventional screenwriting wisdom tells us that we have 10 pages to hook the Hollywood reader.The truth is that we only have 1.For the well-trained eye of a film industry reader, the first page sometimes the first line is where your script or pilot sinks or swims. Even if the reader continues to page 10, they do so with a preexisting opinion of your screenplay, concept, and - unfortunately - your writing ability.Screenwriters spend years perfecting their craft, but often neglect the most critical page - the page on which a writer hooks or loses - the Hollywood reader. Ironically, this is the page on which just a minor amount of rewriting can result in an astronomical impact.Taught by professional screenwriter and script analyst Amanda Gusack, who directed her film THE BETRAYED, starring Melissa George and Oded Fehr, from a spec script she sold to MGM, this course demonstrates how to scrutinize your first page from the viewpoint of the industry reader. Writers of all levels will learn how to sculpt their screenplay's opening for a spellbinding first impression.Included are the following:- Video lectures on the critical elements of page 1- Video analyses of several page 1 examples, with real-time annotations on ways to elevate the content- A detailed PDF handout/checklist of the critical page 1 elements for students to use with their own screenplays- Bonus video of instructor's comprehensive screenwriting course, ""Hollywood Screenwriting - From Concept to Draft - How to Write a Killer Script.This course is vital for anyone interested in writing or elevating a script, or submitting a screenplay to a manager, agency, or production company. It offers a rare inside look at what the industry reader craves and how to hook the reader the instant they open your material.Praise for instructor's first course, ""Hollywood Screenwriting - From Concept to Draft - How to Write a Killer Script"":""This course is absolutely invaluable for newcomers as well as seasoned writers. I wasted my first seven years in Hollywood, too-cool-for-school to learn the basics of screenwriting under the arrogant delusion that my cinematic creativity would magically reinvent the wheel of a tried and true craft. Amanda Gusacks insightful instruction could have focused my creative energy to complete a well structured screenplay that was industry-friendly enough to land me an agent.Eric Bress, Co-writer/director - The Butterfly Effect, Co-writer - Final Destination 2, Kyle XY"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Small Business' Social Media: The Total Package"
"I started a small business from scratch a little less than three years ago.I knew that social media was going to be a very influential part of my business, so I studied everything about it that I could get my hands on. Iwatched videos, Ipaid for courses (both online and in person), Ispoke to others in my industry and there was a lot of trial and error. It was really hard and it took a lot of work, because there was really no one to show me a proven way to make it all work. But now, my Instagram account is at 30k REALfollowers and growing. My Facebook Business page has thousands of followers too and Pinterest drives tons of traffic to my website every month. I also use a handful of other platforms to support my social media mission (which we talk about in the first video). Every day, my website and my brick and mortar shop reap the benefits of all of that hard work. I get asked numerous times a week by other small business owners to help them get a handle on their social media strategy. Now I'd like to share what Ilearned with you, so you don't have to start from the very beginning, with no idea which way to go, like Idid. On other sites, where these courses are sold individually, it would cost $240 to have access to them all. But here we decided to offer a package price, since you're clearly serious about getting your social media portfolio in tip top shape. I hope you find these helpful and would love to hear from you with any feedback you may have. And good luck!"
Price: 189.99

"Preparao para Processo Seletivo"
"O curso Preparao para Processo Seletivo auxilia estudantes e profissionais a se destacarem em todo o processo seletivo a sua permanncia no emprego desejado. Ao longo deste curso, voc aprender a formatar seu currculo para deix-lo atraente para o recrutador, se destacar como protagonista na entrevista, ter domnio nas estratgias de empregabilidade, ter fluncia no marketing pessoal e na oratria. Sero passadas dicas, estratgias e prticas durante as aulas e por fim voc sair com o seu planejamento de carreira."
Price: 39.99

"Energy Healing through Kundalini Yoga and EFT"
"Would you like to re-engineer your life by learning how to move from finite to infinite potential? Would you like to learn how to attract from the universe what you desire for your life? Would you like to learn how to align your life with your goals, vision, purpose and dreams? If you have the desire to move forward in your life, be successful and want to make a positive impact for yourself, then this is the right course for you. Irrespective of one's upbringing or thought processes, no one's life journey is cast in stone. Your life can be re-engineered by following certain techniques judiciously and consciously.In this course you will be guided to re-engineer your life by Avril Quadros, a certified Pranic Healer, Kundalini Coach and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) therapist. This course incorporates 5 tried and tested protocols which channels and moulds your energy to help you align to your goals and attract what you need to achieve your goals. Avril has learnt these protocols from masters in these areas and has successfully applied them to her life and those of her many clients. The protocols range from: Powerful tapping techniques to get relief from unwanted physical and emotional problems Visioning to attract what one wants in life to releasing powerful Kundalini Shakti or energy to achieve better health and mental balance. Avril has curated the best techniques in various practices into a single course which when used in combination has life altering results. At the end of this course, you would be able to: Have a clear vision of your goals, ambitions and purpose of your life. You will be in better control of your mind and body. You will be free from emotional baggage like not feeling worthy, regret, worry, not feeling good enough etc. You will be able to learn how to relieve yourself from physical ailments like headache, backache, cold, migraine, etc.There are no coincidences or mistakes in life and if you are here, it is because the universe has conspired to help you take your beautiful precious life to the next level of fulfillment, peace and success and this course is a vehicle to achieve that!"
Price: 49.99

"Lder Diamond"
"Curso voltado para desenvolvimento da liderana de profissionais que atuam em marketing multinvel e anseiam por crescimento de forma sustentvel. composto por 4 mdulos, sendo dividido da seguinte maneira: Mdulo 1, crenas pessoais e prioridades; Mdulo 2 Valores Lder Diamond e Comportamento coerente; Mdulo 3 Olhando no espelho e Evoluo contnua; Mdulo 4 Armadilhas."
Price: 99.99

"Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D: Working with surfaces"
"This course will improve your existing skills of using AutoCADCivil 3D and allow you to work more efficiently and productively. It is intended for those already in the civil engineering workforce and those looking to stand out from others and become a specialist civil designer.The software is very comprehensive and can perform any civil engineering requirement. Yearly updates are released from Autodesk, and there is multiple third party add-ons. You can spend a life time trying to master the software and still have benefit from more training.""The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don't know."" - Albert EinsteinThere are many training courses available which are excellent for beginners or those wanting to get an overview of a specific workflow such as a designing a road. However, this course takes a step back and looks at a variety of ways of working with Civil 3D surfaces in the initial stages of a project. It focuses on one topic in detail, a resource that is not easily found elsewhere.Having an accurate and manageable existing base model/surface is an essential step in a design project. It is paramount to ensuring the design is feasible, safe, and able to be priced accurately.Setting up a design project correctly is an essential skill that you cannot afford not to have.Note: This course will be done using metric measurement terminology."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D: Working with corridors"
"This course will improve your existing knowledge of Autodesk AutoCAD Civil 3D Corridors. It is intended for those who already know the basics of setting up a corridor but are interested in learning more effective ways of working with the software and those who want to learn more advanced skills.The course won't cover every detail of corridor modelling but it will quickly but thoroughly cover the key topics in an easy to understand way. I have taught many people in the workplace the best ways to set up corridors and how to use them to your advantage to productively create drawing outputs so I believe I understand how to convey the important bits of information in a format you can understand.There are many training courses available which are excellent for beginners or those wanting to get an overview of the whole software. In addition, I believe there is a demand for courses aimed at intermediate/advanced users who want to be able to use the software more independently at a higher level. It is important to understand, making a detailed corridor model is not always actually required. The corridor model is just a tool to help check and convey your design.Remember: ""All models are wrong, but some are useful"" - George BoxCheck out the course content below to see if the sections and lecture questions might be useful to you.Note: Example drawings in this course are provided in 2013 and 2018 file versions. Although, it is recommended you use Civil 3D version 2018 or later for this course to avoid backward compatibility issues with drawing objects.If you have a Civil 3D version below 2018 you will still be able to follow the course but some of the completed example drawings may not appear correctly when opened."
Price: 19.99

"Learn CSS Flexbox Practically"
"This class is about learning how flexboxes work.Did you hear about them before?It's a module, that has roots at Mozilla. It's a big timesaver for Frontend developers.You'll never want to create an HTML page without flexboxes after this course.We'll learn only basic things. Specification mostly.All CSS properties related to flexboxes.And we'll have a set of easy practical lessons.For each practice lesson, I advise you to recreate an example from scratch(no copy-paste) by your hands.Be aware, that this course touching only flexbox basics, so you need to know HTML and CSS.TOOLKITGithub- if you ok to share your code with other - My current pickBitbucket - if you want to have a free storageGoogle drive orDropbox -if you just want to save your code at cloudYou can also useCodesandbox or other online editors.For practice lessons, I'll useCodePen.But I'm sure - for your project, you'll decide to use a code editor.Code editorsSublime- I useitaround 6 years. small size and everything importantAtom because it's backed by the GitHub team and it also has a Github sync.If you want to save your project tasks, you can useTrelloIf you want to have some flexbox practice, you can check this game:flexboxfroggyFor flexbox prefixing please google ""flexbox prefixes SASS"""
Price: 19.99

"Git Basics. Commits, code merges, GitHub repository"
"This course is for beginners software engineers. It will teach you the basics about Version Control and default coding workflow, that millions of developers using worldwide. You'll learn basic git commands. I will introduce you to some advanced concepts. They can help you in the future if you decide to extend your git skills. You will learn about the history of the code version system, how to use it, how to collaborate with other developers. It will help you to prevent errors or intersections with code changes from other teammates. After an introduction to git and how to use it, we'll create code storage at GitHub. Learning git can sound hard from the beginning. It's important to have a lot of practice. You cannot learn git just by only reading about it. My goal is to show you practical examples, that can help you in your feature projects. Mastering git skills it's mostly about coding and applying default coding workflows, that coding teams using at their commercial projects. I propose you to use the command line for applying git commands. At practical exercises will be real examples.We will start from simple examples, and then move to complex cases. In order to master skills, use practical lessons and recreate those examples from scratch.Don't try to copy-paste it. It wouldn't be very useful for you in the future. You will learn basic terms, like: Repository, Branch, Revert/Rollback, Push, Pull, Commit, Merge Hope you will enjoy it and in a few years, you become a coding rock-star. Good luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Git Workflows In Depth. Feature Branch, Forking, GitFlow"
"A Git Workflow is a recommendation for how to use Git to accomplish best from it. More consistent, productive work for developers.More effective work inside of the team.A more flexible way to manage code changes.There is no silver bullet for how to work with Git.No standards.When a team has a coding workflow, it's important to understand the logic of how changes should be applied to the codebase.There a few worldwide used popular Git workflows.Well be discussing them during this course.Why Care about Git workflow you can ask me.It's actually better to start to care about before things get painful :)Case1: You are trying to manage the integrity of a codebase that has numerous developers jumping in and out. And you get a conflicting release schedule. Case2: When you get tired of wondering why features are disappearing before deployment. Case3: When you dont have time to dig through the commit diffs of 500 commits to find out why a push from a specific person causes major unintended changes to your project. Case4: When a feature thats not ready for release sneaks its way into production and the whole project can be broken. Case5: When you cant have a conversation, explaining to clients/team leader (again) that you cant release feature X because feature Y has not yet cleared QA.I hope you see, there a lot of things can be avoided by applying a clean workflow.When you choose a git workflow for your project, you should have an answer for 5 major questions:1. How much visibility do you need?2. How much flexibility do you need?3. Is collaboration important to your workflow?4. How much control do you need?5. How important is ease of use to you?I'm sure that during the course you'll get a better understanding of what type of workflow should be incorporated."
Price: 19.99

"Start to use GitHub pull requests like a master"
"Free and open-source, Git is a distributed version control system that makes collaborative software projects more manageable. Many projects maintain their files in a Git repository. Websites like GitHub have made sharing and contributing to code simple, valuable, and effective.Open-source projects that are hosted in public repositories benefit from contributions made by the broader developer community through pull requests, which request that a project accept changes you have made to its code repository.This course will guide you through making a pull request to a Git repository at GitHub. It will help to understand how you can contribute to open-source software projects and private as well.We will also discuss a lot of details, related to pull requests, workflows, common tasks that can be done.We have a lot of ""how-to"" lessons, so you can try how things work by your hands."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Pull Requests Anatomy. Pull Requests In Depth Part 1"
"Welcome to course, where you'll learn about Pull Requests - an awesome collaboration concept for software developers.A pull request is a method of submitting contributions to an open development project or private projects hosted on server-side service for hosting repositories, like GitHub. It is often the preferred way of submitting contributions to a project using a distributed version control system such as Git. A pull request occurs when a developer asks for changes committed to an external repository to be considered for inclusion in a projects main repository.It is important to note that pull requests are a workflow method, and are not a feature of the version control system itself. This course will provide a simple overview of pull requests and how they are created, using the Git version control system and GitHub hosting site as examples.I'll talk about theory and basic terms, related to pull requests.You will learn the structure of the pull request and why to use them.How pull requests work inside at GitHub.How pull requests work with different git workflows such as forking workflow, feature branch workflow and gitflow.Then I'll show you a default case, where few people collaborating together with the same codebase at the same time."
Price: 19.99

"Learn advanced scenarios of git commands for daily uses"
"Welcome to course, where you will learn about advanced usages of basic git commands.For this course, I pack a lot of different cases-situations-scenarios that can become a reality in your daily work.Cases like that are pretty common:- ""I forget what was done?""- ""I want to revert changes that generate a bug.""- ""I staged too many edits, and I want to break them out into a separate commit?""All of the situations that were covered in this course look pretty simple and straight-forward, but when the situation appears - you should know what to do.This course is about learning how to apply basic commands like, commit, checkout, log, diff, stash and use them for troubleshooting.You will learn about more than 30 cases, that can be useful for software developers.We don't touching here merge scenarios at all because this topic is huge and it better to be talked separately."
Price: 24.99

"Gluten Free & Dairy Free Cakes and Brownies"
"In this class, you'll learn how to bake 3 Gluten Free and Dairy Free Cakes by only using 2 types of flour.- The simplest one will be Rich Dark Chocolate Brownies which you can easily bake as a treat because it's so addictively good.- The second cake is Lemon and Raspberry Cake Class where you will learn how to make: Lemon Cake, Raspberry Filling, Italian Meringue Buttercream and how to assemble and decorate the cake. This is a sweet and tangy delicious cake, but also look great for a birthday cake.- Finally, Chocolate Hazelnut Cake class is a three-layer cakes which is very suitable for celebrations. You'll learn how to make : Chocolate Cake, Hazelnut Filling, Chocolate Buttercream and how to assemble, fill, coat and decorate the cake.By the end of this class, you'll be able to bake gluten free and dairy free cakes for either a simple treat or a celebration's cake."
Price: 1050000.00

"The Five Elements Mudra & Mantra"
"For thousands of years across every continent, spiritual traditions have taught us that when we become out of balance with the elements, and thereby the world around us, we suffer and feel disconnected. To feel connected to the world we inhabit internally and externally is key to our enjoyment and happiness in life. When we are connected we can feel whole and present and in our power. This teaching on how to work with the Five elements is drawn from the Tibetan Bon tradition and perhaps dates back beyond five millennia. The idea of this practice is to bring the natural world alive, and animate it both within and without us, focusing on unity beyond separation.This course will teach you how to use a variety of simple but very beneficial and powerful healing techniques involving sacred seed syllable sounds for each of the five elements, hand gestures (mudra) and visualisations that add focus and additional power to your healing potential. The course focuses on simple heart essence, and inspires simplicity and direct communion with the elements.Working with balancing the five elements inside and outside of us with no sense of separation creates the harmonics of joy and deep inner peace. You will learn to cultivate a beautiful relationship, a living participation with the world around you that leaves you feeling grounded and earthed in the now and flowing with all nature."
Price: 24.99

"Sound Healing with Chenrezig Heart Mantra"
"In this course we will look in detail at how to chant the mantra, and what it means and represents, and how we can use it and integrate it in our daily lives. You will learn 3 powerful healing visualisations and meditations to accompany the sacred six syllable mantra of Chenrezig. There are six unique practice recordings to voice the mantra with, two of which are studio recordings made specifically for this course. This course is a unique and honest teaching of the mantra, and is a hands on direct approach to integrating the manifestations of the mantra and the ways in which we can use sacred sound as a dynamic and very powerful healing modality. Nick a teacher and follower of the mantrayana path for over 25 years will guide you through how you can heal, open and transform your heart and life with this beautiful mantra.We will look at the benefits of chanting it, how it can serve to open and deepen any spiritual practice no matter the level of your skills, and how it can help to support and influence positively the lives of other beings and therefore ourselves."
Price: 24.99

"Using Windows 10 for Beginners"
"BEUPTODATENOW. Browser, Explorer, Utilities, Programs and Passwords, Talking on Skype and Messenger, Outlook and Email, Drives and Storage, Anti Virus, Technical and Hardware, Education, Networking, On-line Shopping, What Comes Next? It covers user issues for those students looking to use Windows 10 for other courses and trainings. The course is a hands on video series over 3 hours with demonstrations and voice overs which can be paused and followed through another browser window."
Price: 79.99

"Introduction to Creation of a Course on Udemy (Unofficial)"
"This course will take students through the process of planning a course topic of their choice, using their knowledge and experience gained in their employment or position. Having decided on the topic, students will then go through a process of validation of their choice. The next sections address the issues of what Hardware is necessary, sometimes free, and the software that will enable the course to be constructed and uploaded to the Udemy platform."
Price: 99.99

"PCB Designing Course in Tamil (PCB )"
"KiCAD open source software . course students professionals . software . . course . . PCB KiCAD Software .Hobby project/students project/prototype project, , professional Corporate project. Software course . course ."
Price: 1280.00

"Japanese Head Massage beginner -Let your client sleep !"
"Did you have a good sleep last night?The number of people using PC and smartphones are increasing.According to newspapers, Japanese people spend an average of about 3 hours per day using them.People who overuse them have a problem with their body, that is ""sleep disturbance"".Hello, Im Mitsutoshi Taniguchi,Practitioner in acupuncture and moxibustio, and shiatsu therapist.I am director of ""Japan Body Care Academy"" , which is a school teaching ""KEIRAKU"" techniques.KEIRAKU is an original technique mixed Shiastu and Japanese dry massage based on oriental medicine, and which has been passed down in Japan since ancient times.Now our main school is located in Akihabara,Tokyo but we teach KEIRAKU also in Rwanda, East Africa.In Rwanda, we teach the KEIRAKU especially to the visually impaired therapists, the mothers who have disabled children or single mothers and we help human to be successful in society.Well, as I mentioned before, since ""sleep disturbance"" reduces concentration, it gives us a negative influence for studying and working. Moreover, it is said that ""sleep disturbance"" raises risk of adult disease, depression and dementia.if you can not sleep at night , you might have the problem of sleep disturbance. But please don't worry.Among techniques of KEIRAKU which I teach, there are techniques to improve sleep disturbance. That is ""KEIRAKU head care"".In the KEIRAKU head care, we approach to the Meridian, that is a passage of the Energy in one's head,and do shiatsu to acupressure points.It is a technique in just 17 minutes, but you can sleep deeply as soon as you get a KEIRAKU head care.And you can sleep deeply in the night also,It is possible to improve the sleep disturbance.It goes without saying it is not effective with just one treatment but you can keep effects of keiraku head care by getting two times a week.This program consist of one main video and 32 additional videos. You can master KEIRAKU head care by using this program.Thank youJapan Body Care AcademyMitsutoshi Taniguchi"
Price: 19.99

"Cype 3D - Estruturas Metlicas"
"Neste curso o aluno ir conhecer a ferramenta Cype 3D que auxiliar no desenvolvimento de projetos de Estruturas Metlicas. O aluno ir aprender a:Conceber uma estrutura;Lanar os carregamentos, inclusive de vento (Conforme NBR 6123);Dimensionar os perfis Analisar os esforos e deslocamentos conforme exigncias das NBRs;Alm disso, o aluno ter noes de como exportar seus projetos para o cad e elaborar os seus detalhamentos."
Price: 249.99

"Dimensionamento de Muros de Arrimo em Concreto Armado"
"Neste curso o aluno ir conhecer os principais conceitos e procedimentos para o dimensionamento de muros de arrimo em concreto armado com o auxlio de uma planilha automtica do excel desenvolvida pelo autor, que aborda/apresenta as seguintes situaes e/ou verificaes:Solos estratificados (at 04 camadas);Carregamentos verticais e horizontais (empuxos de solo e gua);Verificaes de Estabilidade: (tombamento e deslizamento);Verificao das tenses no solo da base;Verificao ao cisalhamento da parede e sapata;Dimensionamento das armaduras principais e complementares;Verificao das deformaes no topo do muro;Detalhamento do projeto;Resumo e quantificao de materiais;Estimativa de custos de materiais;O curso vai apresentar os principais conceitos e mtodos de origem dos principais resultados obtidos.As referncias bibliogrficas e a planilha estaro disponveis para download no decorrer do curso."
Price: 99.99

"Eberick - Estruturas de Concreto Armado"
"O aluno ir aprender a utilizar o software colocando em prtica as exigncias previstas nas NBRs 6118, NBR 8681, NBR 6120, NBR 6123 E NBR 6122.O projeto utilizado no curso possui 3 Pavimentos Tipo e 1 Platibanda. Nos pavimentos tipo sero utilizados 2 arquiteturas diferentes.O contedo programtico do curso abordar:Lanamento e dimensionamento dos elementos estruturais de fundao e supraestrutura;Lanamento e dimensionamento de reservatrio enterrado;Lanamento e dimensionamento de escadas;Comparao entre o dimensionamento de lajes macias e nervuradas;Lanamento e dimensionamento de fundaes superficiais e profundas;Otimizao das armaduras das vigas;Correo de alguns erros e avisos comuns no dimensionamento;Exportao para o Cad;"
Price: 129.99

"The Wedding Film School"
"Hi, Im Adrian Stone, founder of Europes leading wedding film studio: The Dreamcatchers. I have used my vast experience having filmed over 800 private events forLondons most prestigious and exclusive clients to create SelfieWed. The first product of its kind to show filmmakers how to film a wedding, using their camera phone.Ive filmed everything from intimate elopements to weddings held in Italian castles, chteaus in the south of France and all the five star hotels in London, to discreet royal events at Windsor castle and lavish footballers weddings at Blenheim Palace.The SelfieWed Method is an instructional product that teaches you how to film a wedding using real examples from the hundreds of weddings I have filmed all of them edited into our 50 Key Moments.Over a year in production, 48 000 words written,12 PDFs designed and 2.5 hours of video content edited, its the first product of its kind to show filmmakers how to film a wedding, using their cameraphones.Designed specifically for the millennials who want to embrace the latest technology to film their magical wedding day.With SelfieWed and the latest cameraphone, you can become a master wedding filmmaker.""Adrian is the Martin Scorsese of the event world."" - Adam Blackwood, Founder Private Drama Events"
Price: 29.99

"The Divi WordPress Theme for Beginners"
"Take this course if you would like to learn how to use the Divi theme to build a modern, responsive, sophisticated website, all within the browser. No requirement to know HTML and CSS!Join me in this course and together we will build a 5-page website. Best of all, it will all be accomplished from within your browser.We will be creating a website for a fictional web design company called Blue Fox Web Design. By following along with this project, you will gain a deeper understanding of the Divi theme, as well as learning techniques that will help you build better websites. What will I learn? Although we will be creating the website for a fictional web design company, the skills you will learn can be used for your future projects. Here are just some of the things you'll learn throughout the course:How to install and configure WordPressThe basics of Divi, including sections, rows and modulesCustomising Divi's modules to effectively brand your websiteLots of different types of modules, including text, images, accordions, counters, and lots moreAmazing scrolling animations - make elements appear when the user scrolls to a certain point on the pageHover effects - make your elements come to life when the user hovers their mouse over themUsing Divi's pre-made layouts to save you many hours of workNavigating quickly and efficiently through the Divi interfaceAdding contact forms, separators, Google maps, blogs, and much much more!If you're looking for the most feature-packed Divi course on Udemy, you've found it! Who are you? My name is David Sharkey; I have been using Divi for three years, and I've been a web designer for six years. I've used Divi in many real-world projects, and I'm excited to be able to share what I know with you. Who this course is for:-Coding a website in HTML and CSS is hard, and it takes a long time. If you are looking for a way to create high-quality, modern websites in a fraction of the time, then Divi might be what you've been looking for. Divi's revolutionary Visual Builder makes designing webpages a fun, simple experience. Sections, rows and modules can be created in the blink of an eye, then duplicated, re-arranged and edited, all within the browser! Websites that can take weeks to create using HTML or CSS can be built with Divi in a matter of hours. There is no true substitute for learning HTML and CSS, but for projects that require a short turnaround time, Divi provides the tools for you to quickly achieve your goals. You do not need to know how to code to take this course, but please note we will be using a few snippets of CSS when it's absolutely necessary. I will, however, provide the code which you can just copy and paste into Divi. **** Student Feedback **** ""I have never managed to create a nice looking website using Divi, despite several tries, but with this course I am well on my way to having a website I can be proud of. 5 stars - highly recommended.""- John Edwards""Great course. Every detail was shared on how to complete a stunning website. I am now feeling very confident to get my first one done. Thank you David.""- Megan Thorpe""This course is an excellent, thorough tutorial on how to begin using Divi. David provides clear and precise instructions on everything you need to get started.""- Matthew Koenen""So far this course is amazing. I just landed a job as a wordpress developer and the company uses Divi for most of its work.""- Emmanuel""Perfect, everything is explained very clearly""- Eva Lopatov""Very useful course. Best one I've seen on web site development in the WP/Divi space.""- Doug Sire""The instructor was knowledgeable and the course exceeded my expectations. I will be able to utilize what I learned in the course and implement Divi Builder in Wordpress. Hopefully, the instructor will offer an intermediate course.""- Sue Hawkins"
Price: 99.99

"JavaScript Animations with GreenSock (GSAP)"
"Do you sometimes feel that your web design projects feel a little flat? Lacking a bit of pizzazz? Do you browse award-winning websites and think ""I wish I knew how to do flashy stuff like that""? If that sounds like you, then the GreenSock Animation Platform (GSAP) might be what you're looking for! GSAPis a collections of tools that enable you to unleash your creativity and write buttery-smooth tweens and timelines. GSAPis built for performance, compatibility, and ease-of-use. It's no wonder that over 7 million websites use GSAP to give an extra layer of polish and professionalism to their projects. This course will teach you everything you need for a solid foundation in GSAP. Upon completion of this course, you will have all the tools you need to create stunning JavaScript animations.The course is split into two sections: ***Section OneIn section one, we will learn the main tools and features of GSAP, including TweenMax, TimelineMax, different types of tweens, easing, playback controls, and much more. By the end of this section you will have a solid foundation to take forward into real world projects. ***Section TwoIn section two, we will apply our newfound skills and techniques to an actual webpage. We will work on the homepage of a fictional company called AlphaStar. Using various GSAPtools, we will make a variety of UI enhancements to the page to make it more interactive, engaging and eye-catching. Who are you? My name is David Sharkey, and I've been using GreenSock for over 4 years. From simple animations to complex timelines, I have used GSAPin a variety of projects. In my career as a web designer, Ican honestly say GSAPis one of the most fun, versatile tools I have ever worked with. Over the years, my clients have loved the extra touches that GSAPcan provide, and it has made my websites stand out in a crowded market. Why take this course? Take this course if you want to take your front-end web design to the next level by incorporating Javascript animations into your skillset. Mastering GSAP will unleash your creativity and free you from the restrictions of HTML and CSS. Wow your clients, earn more money and attract higher calibre employers by harnessing the amazing power of the GreenSock Animation Platform. Complete your purchase and let's get tweening!*****Student Feedback*****""This course serves as an excellent introduction to GreenSock. I haven't even completed the course yet and I'm already able to make some quite complex animations. Great course, 5/5.""- John Edwards"
Price: 69.99