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"Diffusez votre film au cinma en crant un DCP"
"Bienvenue sur cette formationen vido qui va vous permettre de Raliser un DCP pour le cinma.Ddi aux ralisateurs(trices), monteurs(euses), professionnel(le)s ou amateurs(trices),cette formation vous permettra de devenir totalement autonome sur la dernire tape de post-production d'un film: LaDiffusionen salle de cinma !!Qu'est-ce qu'un DCP?Pour montrer au plus grand nombre de personnes leur oeuvreet surtout dans des conditions professionnelles, c'est dire dans une salle de cinma, les cinastes doivent obligatoirement fournir un support qui sera lu par un projecteur de cinma. Il s'agit d'un format spcifiquequi contient les images, le son etles sous-titres que l'on nomme DCP (Digital Cinema Package).Le DCP est la dernire tape pour concrtiser votre rve: Voir votre film sur grand cran.Le soucis c'est qu'un DCP cote cher produire (en moyenne 15 euros la minute de film -sans options diverses-), ce qui est souvent un frein pour beaucoup de petites productions.Dans cette formation nous verrons comment raliser un Master de votre film (sans perte de qualit) en utilisant, pour l'exemple, le logiciel de montage Premiere (mais il est possible de raliser cette tape avec n'importe quel logiciel de montage). Ensuite, ici nous raliserons le DCP via un logiciel gratuit (DCP-o-Matic) et enfin nous installerons divers logiciels (toujours gratuits) pour permettre de crer un support (une cl usb) sous LINUX qui pourra tre lu par un projecteur de cinma.Un Master et un DCP sont des lments avec une qualit d'image non compresse, donc prvoir un disque dur avec environ 200go d'espace libre pour un film d'environ 15-20 minutes.Afin de vous permettre de suivre cette formation dans des conditions professionnelles, nous dtaillerons ensemble chaquetapeen partant d'un court mtrage de 18 minutes,tournavec une camra RED Epic (rsolution en 5k)et quisera au final diffus en 2k cinma. Je vous accompagne en vous expliquant tous les aspects de la cration pour vous garantir une compatibilit avec la majorit des serveurs cinma.Cette formation va vous permettre de:Dcouvrir et comprendre les normes de diffusion cinma (rsolutions, les ratios d'image...)Vous familiariser avec la ralisation d'un DCP via le logiciel gratuit DCP-o-Matic.Convertir votre mixage stro en 5.1 et rgler le niveau audio.Connatre les erreurs frquentes chaque tape du processus.Ajouter des sous-titres votre version finale pour une diffusion l'tranger.Installer une partition LINUX et formater une cl USB pour accueillir votre DCP.conomiser sur votre budget de post-production.Admirer votre oeuvre sur grand cran !!!etc...Et tout a n'est qu'une partie de tout ce que vous allez dcouvrir.Ce cours vous offre l'opportunitd'tre autonome dans cette dlicate tape qu'est la ralisation d'un DCP.Donc je vous dis trs bientt pour cette formation."
Price: 149.99

"20 Ateliers Pratiques sur Adobe After Effects CC"
"Bienvenue sur cette formationAfter Effectsen vido qui va vous permettre de dcouvrir des techniques de plus en plus avancesavec le logiciel d'animation et de trucage vido d'Adobe.Ddi auxdbutants, amateurs ou confirms, connaissant dj l'interface du logiciel,cette formation de 10 heuresvous permettra d'explorer la richesse des possibilits propos par le logiciel pour la cration deMotion Design, d'Animation, d'talonnage ou des Effets Spciaux de Cinma.PourquoiAfter Effects? LeMotion Graphics et leseffets visuels deviennent de plus en plus prcieux et important dans toute vido cre.Apprendre crer ces animations en utilisant Adobe After Effects est devenu essentiel.Les talents pour crer ce genre d'animations et d'effets sont de plus en plus demands dans diffrents domaines (cinma, vidos Youtube, socits d'animation...).Cette formation a t ralis pour vous permettre de progresser votre rythme travers 3 tapes:des ateliers simples o onva rappeler certaines bases.des ateliers intermdiaires avec des techniques plus complexes (Expressions).Des ateliers avancs pour dcouvrir des Plugins externes (Particular, Element 3D, Optical Flares, DUIK).Pour au final,dpasser les limites du logiciel.Cette formation est compose de 20 Ateliers Pratiques:Ralisation d'un texte qui apparat en fume.Crer une animation de type Electricit.Animer un Dzoom Terrestre.Crer des logos sous forme de sphres animes en 3D.Les bases du Motion Design travers une animation liquide.L'animation d'une fuse avec sa trane de fume.Ltalonnage d'une vido avec un renduVintage (Style Instagram).Transformer une photo en vido et se balader lintrieur avec une camra Virtuelle.Recrer l'outro des dessins anims Looney Tunes.Synchroniser l'animation d'un lment sur de la musique.Cration d'un diaporama Design pour vos photos ou vidos de vacance.Les bases du Parallax et un effet d'ajustement optique.Ralisation d'un effet de laine.Transformer une vido en animation Stop Motion.Paramtrer et animer un personnage de dessin anim (avec le plugin DUIK).Dcouverte du plugin SABER et cration d'un texte lectrique.Faire voyager un vaisseau spatial en vitesse lumire (avec les plugins Particular et Optical Flares).Recrer le portail de Docteur Strange (avec le plugin Particular).Animer un texte de faon liquide et organique (avec le plugin Particular).Recrer une scne de STAR WARS en 3Davec le robot BB8 et dcouvrir le plugin Element 3D.Et tout a n'est qu'une partie de tout ce que vous allez dcouvrir.Cette formation va vous permettre de dcouvrir, devous familiariser et d'approfondir vos connaissances avec la pratique sur After Effects.Ici un seul objectif: Pas de thorie, que de la Pratique !!Ce cours vous offre la chance de comprendre, de pratiquer et de dvelopper vos comptences en tant qu'artiste des effets visuels, du temps et du mouvement.Donc je vous dis trs bientt pour cette formation."
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop CC 2018 pour les photographes"
"Bienvenue sur cette formationPhotoshopen vido qui va vous permettre de bien dbuter avec le logiciel de retouche photo d'Adobe.Les possibilits de Photoshop tant infinies, cette formation est ddie aux photographes qui souhaitent exploiter et retravailler leurs photos.Cetteformation ciblevous permettrade devenir totalement autonome sur le logicielet un expert de la retouche photo.PourquoiPhotoshop? Que vous soyez photographe amateur ou confirm, que vos photos s'entassent dans des dossiers ou que vous souhaitiez faire des tirages pour des expositions, Photoshop est le logiciel incontournable pour exploiter vos photos. Du recadrage au dveloppement de vos photos au format .RAW, de la diffusion web la galerie d'art, qu'il s'agisse de photos de vacances ou de mode, les supports visuels sont de plus en plus prcieux et demandsdans tous les domaines (magazines, internet, youtube, instagram, communication...).Cette formation a t ralise pour vous permettre de progresser votre rythme travers3 tapes:Trier et organiser vos photos via Lightroom (de la suite Adobe)ou Bridge (intgr Photoshop).Dcouvrir l'interface et les possibilits de Photoshop pour la photographie.Le traitement des images via les filtres, les masques et la retouche photo.Cette formation va vous permettre de:Vous familiariser avec Lightroom et Bridge pour trier et slectionner vos photos.Dcouvrir l'interface de Photoshop et tous les outilsutiles la photographie.Dcouvrir comment dvelopper vos images au format .raw grce Camera RAW.Connatre toutes les possibilits pour recadrer, modifier et enregistrer vos photos.Laisser libre court votre imagination sans contraintes.Proposer et diffuser vos crations sur le web ou pour des galeries.Apprendre les techniques utilises pour la retouche photo et sublimer un portrait.Supprimer des lments sur vos images ou dtourer proprement un modle.etc...Et tout a n'est qu'une partie de tout ce que vous allez dcouvrir.Cette formation va vous permettre de dcouvrir, devous familiariser et d'approfondir vos connaissances avec la pratique sur Photoshop.Ici un seul objectif:Raliser vos plus belles photos !!Ce cours vous offre la chance de comprendre, de pratiquer et de dvelopper vos comptences en tant qu'artiste photographe et d'exposer au plus grand nombre votre talent.Donc je vous dis trs bientt pour cette formation."
Price: 149.99

"Power Point 2016 una experiencia profesional"
"Objetivo General:Al finalizar el curso el participante ser capaz de conocer y aplicar las herramientas que nos brindaMicrosoft Power Point2016.Descripcin:El contenido est dividido en secciones de los cuales, los temas ms relevantes son:Entorno general de la aplicacinde la aplicacin.Crear presentacionesAplicar diseos a las diapositivasAplicar efectos de transicionesAplicar animacionesInsertar vnculos y botones de accinInsertar Grficos y tablasVisualizar presentacin de diapositivas en diferentes vistasBeneficios del Curso:Aplicar las herramientas de Microsoft Power Point2016 como una ventaja competitiva, facilitando el trabajo yoptimizar eltiempo.Crear presentaciones profesionales para exposiciones, presentacin de proyectos y para clases magistrales"
Price: 24.99

"Querying Data y Transact SQL"
"Objetivo General:Al finalizar el curso el participante podr adquirir conocimientos bsicos a intermediopara la creacin de consultas SQL y Transact SQLDescripcin:El contenido est dividido en secciones de los cuales, los temas ms relevantes son:Creacin de bases de datosInsert, update, delete y selectConsultas de seleccin utilizando condicionalesFunciones para personalizar salidasFunciones de agrupacinMostrar datos de mltiples tablasTransact SQLBeneficios del Curso:Hacer buen uso de SQL Server mediante la creacin de diferentes consultas de SQLAdquirir conocimientos avanzados para el aprovechamiento del motor de base de datos SQL Server"
Price: 99.99

"Anlisis de Datos en Excel 2016"
"Objetivo General:Al finalizar el curso el participante ser capaz de realizar diferentes tipos de anlisis de datos para la toma de decisiones empresarial.Descripcin:El contenido est dividido en 3secciones de los cuales, los temas ms relevantes son:Anlisis de datos mediante tablas dinmicas.Segmentacin de datos agrupadosHerramientas de anlisis de datos 1.Anlisis mediante Hiptesis 2.Validacin de datos 3.Solver (Anlisis de sensibilidad) 4. Previsin de datos (Pronsticos)Beneficios del Curso:Te convertirs en un mster para el anlisis de datos y poderlo aplicar a un cuadro de mando integral en la toma de decisiones empresariales.Evitaras tiempos largos para poder realizar anlisis complejos.Podrs dar respuestas a diferentes preguntas complejasde anlisis financieros, administrativos entre otros.Podrs solucionar problemas complejos en una organizacin dando respuestas puntuales a las debilidades que se tienen tomando en cuenta el anlisis de datos realizado."
Price: 24.99

"O desenho da Figura Humana e Introduo Anatomia artstica"
"Venha aprender comodesenhar pessoas utilizando astcnicas e conhecimentos das principaisAcademias e Ateliers da Europa e da Amrica do Norte.Atravs dos fundamentos do desenho,voc aprender adesenhar afigura humana passo-a-passo do nvel iniciante ao avanado.Esse curso abordar tcnicas essenciais para quem deseja trabalhar com animao,quadrinhos ,ilustraoe Belas Artes."
Price: 204.99

"How to Self-Publish an E-Book"
"This short course delivered by award winning author Ian Andrew will teach you how to self-publish your own e-book.Whether youre a novice IT user or an expert, a new writer or an experienced one, youll gain real skills that can be used immediately.This course will guide you through registering your Amazon Kindle Account, filling in your bank and tax details and uploading your first book. In simple, easy to follow steps it will bring you to the point of being a Kindle Direct Publishing author.The course is delivered in 'bite-size' training elements that can be squeezed into any coffee break, letting you go at your own pace and learn quickly without tying you to your keyboard for days.Guiding you through the course in relaxed style is Ian Andrew, owner of the Book Reality Experience, an award-winning Indy author in his own right and an experienced trainer and facilitator with over three decades of training experience. Hell ease you through the techniques that will allow you to master and control your self-publishing journey."
Price: 149.99

"C++ Programming - The Complete Practice Test"
"Which programming language is often seen as a badge of honor among software developers? C++Which programming language can you learn that when added to your resume, will often get you a job interview? C++Which programming language is routinely ranked in the top 5 programming languages by popularity, and been consistently in the top 10 for close to 20 years? C++Why you should learn C++Much, if not most of software written today is still written in C++ and this has been the case for many, many years.Not only is C++ popular, itis also a very relevant language. If you go to GitHub you will see that there are a huge number of active C++ repositories and C++ is also extremely active on stack overflow.There are many, many leading software titles written entirely or partly in C++.These include the Windows, Linux and Mac OSX operating systems!Many of the Adobe products such as Photoshop and Illustrator, the mySQL and MongoDB database engines, and many many more are written in C++.Leading tech companies use C++ for many of their products and internal research and development. These include Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, PayPal, Google, Facebook, Oracle and many more.Can you see how learning C++ will open up more career opportunities for you?If more professional companies are using C++, it stands to reason that there is going to be more of a demand for C++ programmers.But the main reason programmers should probably learn C++ is because it is so powerful!What do I mean by powerful?C++ issuper fast, andis a general purpose programming language that supports both procedure and object oriented programming making it very flexible.It can scale easily. And it can be portable as well.C++ can do many things that other languages just can't.That's why nearly every major language has a way to interface with code written in C++.Since C++ has influenced so many languages, if you know C++ you'll likely see elements from C++ in new languages you learn.How can a beginner learn C++ ?Finda good course, taught by an instructor with many years of experience in C++ is critical, as is the need for the instructor to have the necessary skills to be able to teach you the language.Frank Mitropolous, the instructor in this course has been using C++ for over 2 decades and has taught students in both university courses and industry training courses. He even worked on a C++ compiler development project while he was in industry.So notonly will you be learning C++ from an expert C++ programmer, but you'll also be taught by an instructor who has successfully taughtat university level for many years.As a result, you can take this course with confidence, knowing that you will learn C++ the right way, and in the shortest possible timeframe.Which version of C++ should I learn?C++ has had many version releases and updates over the years. It's a sad fact that most C++ courses do not teach Modern C++, but focus on old, obsolete versions of C++.Frank teaches you Modern C++ (specifically C++ 11 and C++ 14). Learn C++ the right way, with Modern C++, as taught by Frank in this course.Is C++ difficult to learn?With all the power and flexibility of C++ comes complexity.There is no question that C++ is one of the most complex programming languages out there.But with the right instructor, and the right training, you really canget up to speed with C++ quickly,and that's what this course is all about."
Price: 1280.00

"Learn Canva from an Expert Designer: Let's Create a Brand!"
"Aug - 2018 - NEW lessons added! Font Pairing - Working with HeadlinesHave you been dying to learn Canva? CanvaIt is a cloud based design alternative for those overwhelmed by photoshop and illustrator.I am a Canva Certified Creative and I have 12+ years of graphic design experience. I even use Canva for quick projects and ad designs/social media campaigns. It is a pretty powerful but easy tool. I created this course to show you how you can use Canva to create an entire brand including aLogo, T-shirt,social media graphics, poster, business card, letterhead and more!This class will walk you though a logo and branding project.We will create a social media graphic, a poster and finally a business card and other branded items. You will learn all the basic elements of canva along the way. I will also provide some expert design/layout and branding advice as well!So let's Learn Together!We will learn how to:Create a LogoBusiness CardSocial media graphicsNEW! Design a t-shirt using onCanvaAdvertisingPosterLetterheadA MenuGraphics for use on all branded itemsNew bonus section, learn to create a T-shirt using only Canva!Then get it ready to go online for sale!I want to keep this class dynamic, so new lectures and sections will be added as time goes on.Please feel free to let me know a topic or item you want me to add in the future."
Price: 109.99

"Learn InDesign by Creating a Flip Book and a Magazine!"
"Learning InDesign by doing project basic tasks makes it fun and easy!This is aDynamicclass, so new content is added every month.In this class we will create a beautiful flip book for digital and for print, we will also create a full magazine. We will go over the basics of InDesign and learn how to layout a beautiful and clean design. We will cover and work with....Working with Paragraphs and HeadlinesSetting the Font/Colors for Our DocumentSaving loads of time by learning about master pages in InDesignText WrapsSpread Layout and DesignPhoto Cropping and LayoutBlending Modes and how to apply them to photosExporting files in both digital and print formatLearn how and where to upload your digital version online and be able to display it anywhere with a cool flip book likeanimation.NEW! Create a magazine inIndesign class was just loaded!If you always wanted to design your own magazinethen this class is for you.You do not have to be an expert in InDesign to follow along with this class. I move at a steady pace and make sure those who have little experience with InDesign feel at home.We will start from scratch in InDesign and develop a magazine front cover,the index page, several articles and spreads, and a back page. We will then learn to export our file so we can get itprofessionally printed or have an online digital version.We will learn how to automatically style and number pages using master pages, so we never have to manually number pages again. We will also learn character and paragraph styles, so you can apply the same style of type and alignment across all of your text.So get those magazine ideas ready and let's learn togetherA new InDesignprojectwill be added periodically,so feel free to share with mewhat type of project you want to create along with me.I also havePhotoshop, Illustrator, Canva,and Logo Design classes on Udemy. So feel free to check out my profile for more."
Price: 59.99

"Graphic Design Foundations in Canva: Theory and Projects"
"This full 4.5+ hour graphic design foundationscourse was developed for anyone who wants tounderstandGREATdesign andhow to practically apply it to real world projects.The goal is to take what you learn from this course andstart to build aportfolio of projects that use solid graphic designprinciples.If you are ready to tackle the full course!I go over the basics of Canva, a cloud based design tool that can help you hop right into design and layout in a matter of minutes.I am a Canva Certified Creative and we will use Canva throughout this course as the design software of choice because of its ease of use. Feel free to skip module 2 if you already feel comfortablewith Canva! TYPOGRAPHYThis class will conquer the world of typography and fonts. We will learn font types, pairing, styles, and how to use typgroaophy in layout and design.We will even create a poster only using the power of typography.PHOTOS and IMAGESNext, we will dive into the powerful and emotional world of photography in design.What is good photography and how do we incropate this into our designs?How do we use filters and effects to add to the emotional impact of a design and lastly,we will create a book cover using photos as our main attraction.COLORWhen talking about solid design principles. Color will be one of the most powerful tools we can use.We will Learn basic color theory,how to set the tone with color usage, finding the right color palette, creating mood boards to source of color choices and finallywe will create a logo and apply our chosen color pallet.LAYOUTWhat brings all of these elements together is fantastic and balanced layout and blocking. Wewill review basic layout principles and start to apply everything we have learned in the class to practical projectsincluding creating a social media graphic, a flyer and finally a full front and back tri-fold brochure. RESOURCESResources are an important part of your arsinal. We will review photo copyrights,free resourcesand even where I go for dependable paid resources for stock photography and fonts.PORTFOLIO BUILDINGIn the end of this class, you will be tasked to tackle several projects that will be the beginning of your portfolio that will show off great solid design principles and can help you land yournext big opportunity."
Price: 149.99

"Graphic Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design"
"As you can see, this course is updated frequently with new lessons and projects!Jan 2020 - NEW Lessons: 2020 Design Trends: and how to create themNov 2019 - NEW! - Adobe Illustrator introduction and tools section (vector tracing worksheet)Nov 2019 - NEW! - Photoshop section and Projects (including a new youtube thumbnail and book cover project)Oct 2019 - NEW!  11 page downloadable resource - The Guide to Grids Oct 2019 - NEW!  Color Theory and Color Harmony Lessons + new Downloadable ResourcesJuly 2019 - NEW!  Affinity Designer Section! Learn The Basic Tools and Differences Between Adobe Illustrator And Affinity DesignerMay 2019 - NEW! Downloadable Resources - the Anatomy of Typography poster and the Psychology of Color graphic! April 2019 - NEW Lessons: Finding Your Graphic Design Niche and Focus!Graphic Design Master Class - Learn GREAT DesignDo you want to learn all the skills and techniques you need to create incredible designs? Do you want to know the process of creating logos and branding packages? Are you intimidated by learning photoshop, illustrator or InDesign and want to learn through practical real world projects? Than This class will be for you! We will extensively review Typography, color theory, layout and composition, how to use photos in design, photo manipulations and editing and magazine layout design, branding and logo design just to name a few. We also learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop, illustrator and InDesign and do projects with real world applications. Every designer needs to know and master these programs and this course makes sure you know the essential tools to power through amazing projects. In Adobe Photoshop, we will review photo editing and manipulation techniques like how to cut objects out, duotones, changing color on objects, the liquify tool and we will create a compelling YouTube thumbnail with our newly learned photoshop skills as well as an entire book cover design project. In Adobe Illustrator, we will master the pen tool by hand tracing simple and complex shapes. We will explore the power of the shape builder tool and In the end of this section, we will design a complete logo design. There is an entirely new introduction and tools section that has been added where we work through a 7 page vector tracing worksheet and in the end create a complex vector illustration using our newly learned illustrator vector tools. Lastly, we will put together an event flyer to practice our layout skills, and even work through the branding process and create a logo, business card and letterhead for a business. We will will create a magazine layout in InDesign and learn the master pages tool to drastically speed up your design workflow when working with multiple paged layouts. We will talk about branding basics, what makes a good logo? How do you extend your logo or brand to other marketing materials? I designed this extensive course to be gentle enough for new comers to design but detailed enough for everyone to get a TON out of this course.New Mini-Course Added! (April 2019) Discover Your Design Niche! Do you want to find out what design niche you should concentrate on? This is an exploratory mini-class added to the Graphic Design Masterclass course on Udemy (Section 15) that helps you find your next focus and explore many wonderful options for budding and established designers.We are going to review some main core design categories and talk about what types of projects you will do and also what you will need to learn to leap into those design niches. There are always more niches to discover but we will focus on the following in this mini-class:Logo DesignPrint & Editorial DesignPattern Design and IllustrationPackage DesignBranding DesignUX/UI DesignSocial Media/Digital Graphic DesignerBy the end of this class you will have a solid grasp of what each design niche entails. You will have confidence in choosing your top three focal niches to kickstart or enhance your design offerings and know what to learn next."
Price: 194.99

"Adobe Illustrator Masterclass: Learn from an Expert Designer"
"Do you want to learn Adobe Illustrator from an expert designer with over 14 years of practical real world experience? Do you like to learn by creating ""real world"" projects instead of just learning endless tools without knowing how to use them? Than this class will be for you.I designed this masterclass to include 5 common project types. We will learn a wide variety of tools as we go in detail creating these projects.The first section is for those with little to no experience in Adobe Illustrator. I wanted to make sure there was a section for those who feel they need to start at the very beginning, reviewing basic tools and mastering the Pen tool.The next section we hop right into our first Project. We will learn how to create various geometric shapes, including Diamonds, Polygons and cool3-D cube patterns. This will help us learn the grid tool and the snap to point feature.Next, we will create a large Poster for a music festival. We will learn layout and how towork and master typography in Illustrator.Illustrator is my main tool for creating logos, so we will create our very own coffee themed logo and learn how to create several different versions for different situations including for cups, t-shirts and digital images.T-shirt design can be incredibly fun, so of course I included a section where we create our own t-shirt with custom drawn icons using the pen tool and we even discover how to apply that cool textured effect.Adobe Illustrator is an excellent program to create social media graphics, we will learn the artboard system, and how we can create different sized graphics for a variety of social platforms. Will will conquer more than just one type of social media graphic and will master blending modes, cropping photos, typography and layering.This class is dynamic, with content and projects that will be added frequently.So if you want to learn by creating real world projects, master design and Adobe Illustrator at the same time, then lets learn together!"
Price: 144.99

"Riesgo de Crdito. Administracin y Gestin SMARTS"
"Este curso contiene un punto de vista de manejo del riesgo crediticio desde la perspectiva operativa, es decir administrar y gestionar el riesgo desde la originacin del crdito; cuando un crdito cae en impago y no puede recuperarse, es un problema de mal administracin y gestin del crdito, pues se tuvo que haber analizado de antemano las posiblessituaciones catastrficas que pudieron llevar a dicha situacin. Por ello, se propone la metodologa SMARTS, la cual ensea a los ejecutivos de crdito, miembros de comits de crdito y jefaturade negocio, como prevenir los riesgos en el otorgamiento de crdito."
Price: 29.99

"ExcelAltExcel Excel Excel"
Price: 10800.00

"Google Chrome Extension Development"
"This is a specially designed course for all who have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript and want to learn Google Chrome Extension Development from scratch along with Publishing and Updating your first extension to Chrome Web Store.This course covers the fundamentals of Chrome Extension Development and then move towards Extension Development. After it adding extra assets to your Chrome Extension such as External CSS Stylesheets, Javascript code and a jQuery library. It also focuses on Extension Code Modularization and in the end covers Publishing your Extension at Google Chrome Web Store to make it public to everyone and then Updating it.Google Chrome Extensions are small programs orplugins that extendthe functionality of Google Chrome Browsers and are purposeful. They are easily added in any Chrome Browser from the Google Chrome Web Store or manually adding from Development Mode available in Google Chrome Browser.If you feel any confusion while coding you are encouraged to freely ask questions in the discussion forum that can also help others while learning this course. I will love to see and highly appreciate your Chrome Extensions shared in the discussion forum as it will fulfil the purpose of this course and will encourage other peers too to come up with their ideas :)At the successful completion of this course you will earn a Google Chrome Extension Development Certification and a Chrome Extension Developed in your Portfolio. So dont forget to leave your valuable feedback after the end of this course :)See you in the Class! :)"
Price: 29.99

"Object Oriented PHP, Ajax, Flexbox Build Messenger App"
"Welcome to ""Build Your Messenger With Object Oriented PHP & CSS Flexbox"" course, if you want to boost your PHP, CSS and ajax skills then this course is for you. In this course you will learn everything from scratch, in this course you will learnObject Oriented PHP from scratchAjax from scratchPDO (PHP Data Object) from scratchCSS Flexbox from scratchCSS Variables & CSS UnitsAdvanced CSSAfter completing this course you will be able to create your own PHP Object Oriented base websites, you will be confidently use advanced CSS in your projects. The most important thing you learn how to images/files with ajax and how to send emojis, we will discuses PHP security like XSS attack, password top security, you will learn how to do jQuery typevalidationswith pure PHPand we will build our own alerts messages with cool jQuery effects."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de maquetacin web profesional con Pug, Stylus y Gulp"
"Un curso paso a paso si deseas conocer todo el proceso de realizar un sitio web.En este curso aprenders herramientas, tcnicas y tecnologas web avanzadas: Iniciaremos con las etapas del diseo, el cual incluye: Wireframe (Lpiz y Papel), Sketch (NinjaMockup), Mockup y Prototipo (AdobeExperience Design), visitaremos algunos sitios web que nos sirven para inspirarnos en nuestro diseo, daremos un vistazo rpido a banco de imgenes, vdeos, iconos, fuentes, luego conoceremos los dos editores ms usados actualmente por los desarrolladores, Sublime Text y Visual Studio Code, aprenderemos el manejo bsico de la consola (Babun y Git Bash), continuamos con el motor de plantilla de Node.js llamado Pug (Jade) el cual nos permite modularizar nuestro cdigo y seremos ms productivos a la hora de maquetar, conoceremos su compaero ideal, el preprocesador CSS llamado Stylus con sus extensiones Nib y Rupture, y para ser ms felices a la hora de codear utilizaremos BrowserSync + Gulp. En este curso aprenders lo bsico de cada herramienta y/o tecnologa, despus integraremos todo para hacer diseos a la vanguardia, es decir: crearemos una base slida y aprenderemos de la forma mas adecuada, maquetando un proyecto real."
Price: 199.99

"in Englishwith subtitles and a companion book in Greek 4-6 / /. , . / . , . . ; ; , . , , . . ? . , . 4-6 . 31 Score . 4-6 ; , . , . . STD (Space Time Disorder) Score ., . , , . , Score . , . , . : , , , , , ,, , : , . . ; , ,, (STD). , . . o ., , , 4-6 STD . master class , , reiki master , (Self Communication and Relation). , , . (PhD) , (STD) ( )."
Price: 199.99

"Convert kids play: therapy, learning, & personal development"
"The play has got a lot of benefits for a child's development. These benefits will be presented in this class. One of these benefits is that can be used to prevent and for the therapy of Space and Time  (S.T.D.) disorderMoreover, in this course, you will learn the basic steps to organize your children's play to learning. These steps are based on the unique W.W.W anthropocentric Self Communication and Relation (Score) method.    The method is proved and easy to be applied.    After you have finished this course you will have the skills to organize children's play and convert it into learning and therapy like an expert. You will be able to use it for prevention and therapy of the Space and Time Disorder (STD)    You will be able to maximize the learning outcome with less effort.    You will increase children's and student's abilities, self-esteem and organizing skills.    This course is for teachers and parents who want to facilitate their children's or student's learning process as well as for school and counseling or coaching center administrators for their faculty development.    Just press the button to enroll.    There is a money-back guarantee.    How many times have you asked your child to stop play because it has to do his/her lessons?    How many times have you stopped doing what you like because you have to do other more important things?    I have done it also because I was feeling that I was not good enough as a parent or as a teacher if I don't stop kid's play to teach them ""real lessons"", making this way children to feel frustrated, unhappy and not to be able to concentrate.     But on the other hand if you permit all day playing then there is chaos and actually there is not any more an ""organized"" learning process.     With this method, we learn gradually to organize the chaos into development and learning for our children's benefit.   In this course, you will learn why play is important for the development and the learning process as well as for the perception of space and time and the prevention of Space and Time Disorder STD which is one of my research and counseling practicing fields.   After you finish this course you    1.     will know the benefits of play    2.     will have the skills to organize children's play and convert it to learning like an expert.    3.     you will be able to maximize the learning outcome with less effort.    4.     you will increase children's and student's abilities, self-esteem and organizing skills.    5.     you will not lose any more moments to help children learn and develop6.     moreover, if you are already working in the facilitating area or counseling and teaching you will be able to teach, counsel, coach or help adult parents to manage and prevent STD.  7. you will have a tool to use it with adult therapy or teams with adults for  personal development8. You will have in hand ways and tools to use for intervention and therapy of STD (Space and Time  Disorder).  My name is Anastasia Makratzi and I am a teacher, a counselor, an anthropocentric score sand tray play therapist researcher and a reiki master therapist founder of the anthropocentric Self Communication and Relation approach. I have been working many years now on how to be in full functionality in our everyday life, and how to help our children to be happy, fully functional persons, not to be afraid to work in order to accomplish their dreams, desires, and core's needs.  I have written a lot of books with ""writing in white"" I have got a specialization (Ph.D.) and I am counseling and teaching for Space and Time Disorder (STD) prevention, identification and therapy.  I was asked the following questions and I think they are useful for all of us1. Does the play therapy course enables me to help children undergoing any kind of trauma? Or prevention of any kind of overwhelm? Or is it specifically geared towards space and time disorder alone?2. Does becoming a play therapist enable me to also connect myself and the children to the inner child?3. The play therapy is meant for children of what age range specifically? Answers1. Each disorder or trauma has got different characteristics and has been created as a result of many different reasons so it needs a specific way of therapy.  The method that I present can be used as a supplementary with other types of therapy so it can meet the needs of a variety of types of trauma but it is for children who can communicate and play in some way.   2. Does becoming a play therapist enable me to also connect myself and the children to the inner child? Yes,  play can help you and the child to connect with the inner child 3. The play therapy is meant for children of what age range specifically?This method as it is presented here is for children 4-6 or 7 years old. But I use it even with adults.You can find valuable information, practices, and methods in all other of my coursesEffective communication skills for 4-6 years old childrenRejection: How and Why for Prevention and TherapyChilds stories or narrations organized FOR therapy & growthThe inner child and how to use it for therapy and growthUse the steps to cook with a child for therapy and growthDr.  Anastasia MakratziCounselor, Anthropocentric score sand tray play therapist, Teacher-AuthorSpace TIme Disorder specialistEven if only one person is going to benefit from this course then it worths the effort."
Price: 199.99

"How to make cooking with a child a valuable activity"
"Cooking with children will help you to create a deep relationship with children. You will be the best parent/teacher that you were always dreaming.  Can help your children to be able to choose more types of food if they are picky eaters.This course will give you the ability to organize cooking with your child/children or student/students.You will learn the procedure which will transform cooking simple recipes in the home or as an activity in school in a real learning process. You will learn all the benefits that cooking with children has. Children will benefit from the ability, information and knowledge that you will get from the course about the cooking procedure which you will be able to implement instantly. You will be able to prepare with your child easy recipes like salads, cakes, cookies and other simple recipes, which are not presented in the course. Children will learn the way we think to prepare a meal. This contains a lot of higher thinking activities. The smell with the relationship with the father or mother or the adult who is cooking with them has a positive effect on the development of the brain and for space and time perception. You will have in hands a tool to prevent and to heal Space and Time Disorder (STD).Moreover, this course is giving an alternative view and is trying to fill a gap for the acquisition of knowledge.As all of my courses, there is a lot of space for you to work with yourself. This is also an ideal course for school administrators for teacher training and counselling centres for their faculty training and clients counselling. Always think about safety when you cook with a child and do not allow to do something which is not safe for his /her age.You have nothing to lose there is a money-back guarantee. My name is Anastasia Makratzi and I am a teacher, a counsellor, researcher and a reiki master therapist founder of the anthropocentric Self Communication and Relation approach and the anthropocentric sand tray play. I have been working many years now on how to be in full functionality in our everyday life, and how to help our children to be happy, full functional persons, not to be afraid to work in order to accomplish their dreams, desires, and core needs. I have got a specialization (PhD) and I practice counselling and teaching for Space and Time Disorder (STD) prevention, identification and therapy. I also practice male counselling and I have created the Male Counselling Questionnaire, the S.core Questionnaire as well as the S.TeTest Test and specific intervention and online counselling programmes and seminars. If you want to be in the course but you cannot afford to pay ask for it with a message to me!If one person is doing a step ahead 300 more will be benefited from it."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Advanced EFT Meridian Energy Tapping Techniques"
"This is a comprehensive course in Advanced Concepts and Techniques in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Energy Meridian Tapping. The course takes students from their past studies and experiences in basic and intermediate concepts to higher level skill sets at more advanced techniques and applications. It is highly recommended that students have past knowledge/experiences in understanding and using EFT/Meridian Tapping in order to follow along and be successful with this Advanced Course.Students will explore protocol based Meridian Tapping, such as Thought Field Therapy (TFT), its history and how protocols were developed. An experience with a protocol based process is included. Advanced techniques that are used in TFT and that are often used by EFTPractitioners, such as the 9-Gamut Procedure and the Floor-to-Ceiling Eye Roll are presented and demonstrated included indications for use.The Thymus Gland is detailed and studied including its role in immunity and as a powerhouse of energy. The Thymus Thump Procedure is presented and demonstrated as an adjunct for use in EFT and Energy Meridian Tapping. Students will follow along with the instructor doing the procedure and also explore the benefits of adding this technique to their practices.Content is presented on Disease States and Illness and how we can use specific EFT/Energy Meridian Tapping practices and processes to work more effectively with such states and issues. Alecture is also provided on the use of positive affirmations with Energy Meridian Tapping when working with disease states and physical symptoms.Students will look deeper into the Meridian Systems of the Energy Body. A look at the major meridians used in EFT/Tapping and their corresponding innervation of body organs is presented.Discuss and techniques are presented to work with removing energetic blocks to our successes. Students will lean how to better identify their own blocks to success and how to effective clear these energetic blocks to bring about transformations in their EFT/Meridian Tapping practice and in their lives.Students will learn how to incorporate the following more advanced tapping points and techniques into the EFT/Meridian Tapping Practices:Tapping the Wrist PointsHow to do Mental EFTHow to doProxy EFTHow to do One Point EFTTapping the Brow ChakraHow to do Proxy Animal EFTThis is a highly interactive course and students will follow along with the instructor in many EFT/Meridian Tapping exercises as new advanced techniques are learned.There is a Bonus Section to this course that provides a lecture on ""What is EFT,"" as well as a lecture/demonstration of the Meridian Accupoints that are tapped in EFT. This provides an excellent review for those who may have been away from EFT for awhile and serves as a refresher and prepares them to take this advanced techniques course.The course also provides for three (3) Bonus E-Books filled with various articles on EFT and Meridian Tapping. Students also receive handouts of all of the Power Point Slides presented in the lectures. Other handouts include a chart of the tapping points and the Animal EFTProtocol.For those who feel not ready to take this advanced course but desire to learn how to do EFT/Meridian Tapping, you may want to preview my other two courses on Udemy:Learn EFT Energy Meridian Tapping: From Basics to Intermediate TechniquesThe EFT Learning Series: How EFT Works"
Price: 74.99

"Learn Positive EFT and Positive Meridian Energy Tapping"
"This course focuses on using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Meridian Energy Tapping from a ""Positive"" perspective of the techniques and modalities. Both techniques have been most commonly used in dealing with body energy disturbances and blocks related to negative emotions. However, we have learned that EFTand Meridian Energy Tapping can be extremely beneficial in transforming our body energy into highly ""positive"" states if approached in the correct ways. When we transform our body energy into states of free flowing ""positive"" energy remarkable and transformative things start happening. We live on the ""positive"" side of lifein better states of health and wellness, we have more physical and emotional energy, we find that negative thinking and feelings start to abate on their own, we see things in our life from a more positive perspective, we attract more positive experiences into our lives and we actually see our positive affirmations coming to fruition.Learning and working with Positive EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping awakens us to a whole new world of highly therapeutic energy healing modalities. Are you ready to take your EFT&Tapping practices to a higher level of quality outcomes and learn how to live on the ""positive""side of life? Then this course is for you!Amost interesting and fast paced course, you will learn all about positive energy, positive states and how to use EFT& Meridian Energy Tapping to achieve positive living ! As you learn, you will ""tap"" along with the instructor and experience the learning and the outcomes for your self.You will also learn how to put your positive affirmations on ""steroids"" by using EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping to instill them into your Body's Energy System. You would learn various methods that can be used to overcome any subconscious resistance to positive affirmations that will go a long way in enhancing your success. You will learn a whole new way of thinking and working with energy and the energy body by employing the concepts and principles of EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping ! If you love EFT& Meridian Energy Tapping, this is a course you do not want to miss.This course includes complete handouts of all of the Power Point slides. It also includes three (3) E-Books containing many articles on the Emotional Freedom Technique. APrintable Chart of the Tapping Points is also included. Another bonus is an E-Book on Positive Living.ABonus Section is included of video lectures for those who would like a refresher on the concepts of EFT. There is also a Bonus lecture with a slow presentation and demonstration of the tapping points and how to correctly tap on the acupoints. This is a great re-view for those who may have been away from EFTand Meridian Tapping for awhile and will prepare you to be able to take the course.To take this course it is advised that you have some past experience or knowledge of EFT or Meridian Tapping. For those who are highly motivated and without past exposure to EFT/Tapping, watching and studying the Bonus Video lectures on the concepts of EFT and the Tapping points and how to tap, may be enough to allow you to move on with this course, as there is a time-period in which you can request a refund if you feel you are not ready for the full course. Ialso offer two other courses on UDEMY, ""The EFTLearning Series:How EFTWorks"" and ""Learn EFT & Energy Meridian Tapping:From Basics to Intermediate,"" that you might want to consider taking before taking this course on Positive EFT & Meridian Energy Tapping. For those ready to enroll now, welcome to your journey of learning how to use EFT and Meridian Energy Tapping in a new and wonderful way!"
Price: 74.99

"Learn EFT & Meridian Tapping: The Beginner's Tool Box"
"This is an introductory course to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Meridian Tapping. It is designed for those who have no previous knowledge or background in EFT and Meridian Tapping or who would like a short refresher course in the subject matter.It provides participants with a good foundation of lecture and discussion on what EFT/Meridian Tapping is, how it works on the body's energy system, what it can be used for, how to do it correctly and offers many useful tips to do it correctly and effectively. Participants also have the added benefit of tapping along with the instructor in several actual EFTsessions so that they can experience EFT and Tapping for themselves and understand its incredible positive effects on their energy bodies and feelings!This course prepares participants to ready themselves to go forward and enroll into the other courses in EFT and Meridian Tapping that are offered on UDEMY and other venues with great confidence and understanding of what EFTis and how to do it correctly and effectively! It opens up for participants a whole new world of foundational knowledge and experience to energy modalities and energy healing!Topics cover in this course include:What is EFT/Meridian Tapping?The Uses of EFT and TappingThe Energy Body and the MeridiansThe Meridian Tapping Points used in EFTTips for Correct & Effective TappingThe Subjective Units of Distress ScaleThe Set-Up & The Reminder PhrasesEFT:Putting It All ToegetherExperience EFTSessions: Tapping AlongWhen Not to Use EFTon Yourself"
Price: 39.99

"Create Better Requirements with Use Cases"
"This course is about a foundational technique of Business Analysis, use cases. For those of you who have taken ourBusiness Analysis Simplified: Master These 10 Techniques to Deliver Requirements in Less Time, you will recognize use case modeling as one of the golden techniques. This is our second courseon use case modeling. Our first course,Business Analysis Simplified - Model Use Case Diagram, focusedon the use case diagram and the overall framework and why it's so successful. In this course, we are taking a deep dive into the use cases and explain how to document detailed requirements with use case technique.So why use case modeling? In our opinion, itis the most important, useful, and efficient technique for analysis of system functional requirements. Once you learn thistechnique, you will not be able to approach a project without it and just like us for the last 15 years, willbecome a use case aficionado!Here are our top three reasons why use case modeling is such a powerful technique:Focuson value - this technique will guide all your elicitation and analysis activities and help you keep laser focus on the business needsClear structure - using this technique, you will be able toorganize all your system requirements clearly and consistently around the goals of the usersSupport of all delivery methodologies - use case modeling enables Iterative and Waterfallmethodologies and is really a technique for all agesAs with all our courses,this course is focused on practice.You will work through a software developmentproject as it's being delivered by a Business Analyst, named Laura, so that you can see use casesapplied in a real-life scenario. You will also have an opportunity to practice use case technique in the assignment section of the course.In this course, you will learn:What areuse casesand why its a powerful techniqueWhen to use use casesHow to create a use case step-by-stepExample to work through"
Price: 49.99

"MonoGame: Introduction to C# Game Programming"
"Over the past several years, game development has grown into something that anyone can do. The barrier to entry is continually getting lower, and with so many tools to make the process easier, theres nothing stopping you from getting started! In this course, we will learn the basics of creating games using MonoGame, a game framework with a rich history rooted in indie development. Hundreds of successful titles have been published that utilize this software, including Stardew Valley, Fez, and Bastion, each of which has well above one millionsales on Steam. The programming language we will be using is C#, one of the most widely used languages in the industry. The combination of a solid game engine and a well-documented programming language will provide everything you need to create any game you can imagine.This is a project-based course: we will apply the programming and game development fundamentals that we learn to create our own MonoGame projects. The lectures assume no prior technical knowledge, and whether or not you have programmed before, there is content in this course that can be utilized by anyone. After the introductory section, the course will be divided into three sections discussing C# programming, and three sections that go through the process of developing with MonoGame. We will alternate between programming sections and game development sections in order to get started making games as quickly as possible.We will develop three games from scratch using MonoGame within this course, startingwith a Shooting Gallery game where you click on targets that appear on the screen. Then well create a Spaceship game where you move around the screen using the arrow keys to avoid incoming asteroids, andthen well round off the course by creating a top-down action RPG, where we control a player that can walk around and shoot projectiles at enemies. Each new game that we develop will build on what was learned in the previous one, and in the end, you will have a great understanding of what you will need to develop games of your own, which includes:Creating a playable characterKeyboard and mouse inputDisplaying images to the screenDetecting collisionsShooting projectilesEnemiesPlayer score and healthAnimationsTimersLevel design with TiledCameraIn order to successfully implement these aspects of our games, we will need a solid understanding of several C# concepts. Throughout all three programming sections, we will cover a wide variety of topics, including:Variables and Data TypesConditional StatementsClasses and InheritanceMethodsLoopsSwitch StatementsData StructuresAlthough these concepts will be explained in the context of C#, they are common throughout most programming languages and can be applied to topics beyond the scope of the course. That being said, if you already have a background in programming, there is a syntax review lecture, where well do a quick walkthrough of how to do these simple programming tasks in C# specifically. So, if you already know what these are, you can quickly get up to speed on its use in this context.With all the skills acquired from this course, you will have everything you need in order to get started with projects of your own using MonoGame. By coding along with the lectures, the information will stick with you as we go through the material, and you will have the projectswe complete available on yourcomputer thatyou canlook back on and reference. With a solid understanding of C# and MonoGame, there will be nothing stopping you from developing anything you can think of!"
Price: 49.99

"Prospect like a Champion to Win in Sales"
"Why take this course?Do you ever wonder what the top five percent of an industry's sales professionals are doing differently? The truth of the matter is, they're not just lucky when they get far more commitments from clients.Top sales professionals and persuasion experts utilize repeated successful techniques to capture and keep the attention of clients. After taking ""Prospect like a Champion to Win in Sales,"" you will gain exclusive knowledge into some of these proven techniques and have the confidence to prospect like a champion.This course is for anyone looking to take their persuasion and selling ability to the next level. The science of learning how to capture and keep a client's interest without speaking to them in person is a skill all salespeople need in today's digital age. Whether you have ran our own business for five years or you just got a job as a sales representative at a start-up, you need to know how to sell over the phone smartly. What you will learn in this course.... From taking the course you will learn valuable prospecting insights from my 25 years of selling and coaching. You will gain access into effective tips on how to prepare for a call, and how to navigate an intelligent prospecting call. After completing this course, not only will you be able to maintain rapport and empathy with your prospect to spark genuine interest, you will be able to move past hesitations and gain a commitment for next steps. In addition to much more material, hear are some of the key topics you will be able to learn and master:Successfully planning for the call and create a value propositionGathering intelligence and using social engineering to position your callAvoiding common mistakes in the introductionAsking the best open-ended questions which are tailored to the prospectBest practices for handling resistance from a prospect Building rapport and gaining a commitment for next stepsAfter taking this course.... By the end of this course, you will be able to dramatically increase your confidence and effectiveness in your phone selling abilities. You will learn how to build trust and rapport over the phone, which will end up increasing the number of times prospects say yes to taking next steps with you. It's exciting to share these insights with you, so please enjoy ""Prospect like a Champion to Win in Sales."""
Price: 99.99

"Deploy Fortinet Remote Access (RA) VPNs"
"TheDeploy Fortinet Remote Access(RA) VPNscourse shows you how to configure, verify and troubleshoot Remote Access IPsec VPNs based on Fortinet FortigateFirewalls, beginning with initial device setup and configuration and continuing with the actual VPN configuration.This course is 100% hands-on and itwill provide you step by step all the information needed in order to install and deploy the full VPNsetup based on Fortinet Technologies : FortiClient - the client VPN software and Fortigate Firewall - theNGFW Firewall."
Price: 49.99

"Implement Redundant Fortinet NGFW Solution"
"100%HANDS-ON, NOSLIDESINCLUDEDEnglish CC Captions (Subtitles) personally written are provided, in order to help non-native English speakingstudents.I have designed the""Implement Redundant Fortinet NGFW Solution"" course in order to help you deploy a Fortigate Firewall HACluster and achieve Redundancy and High Availability in your network infrastructure.By the end of the course, you will feel completelycomfortablewith installing this solution into your infrastructure, providing that a step-by-step approach is outlined on how to build the course topology in GNS3, on your own laptop, in order to practise every single topic.Wondering what's in the course ?Here is a complete list of tasks that we willtogether go through:===========================================================================How to Practise - Create the Course Topology and Practise on your own PCCourse Lab Topology and Session GoalsPreparing the Lab Environment on your Windows or Mac OSX LaptopBuilding the Course Topology and Start Typing - part1Building the Course Topology and Start Typing - part2Devices Initialization - Basic SetupConfigure Fortigate 1 - The Master Firewall in High Availability Group (Free Preview)Configure Fortigate 1 - The Master Firewall in High Availability GroupConfigure IP Connectivity on the end user Windows PCVerify Connectivity Between LAN User, Firewall and the InternetConfigure Fortigate 2 - The Slave in High Availability GroupConfigure and Verify HTTP Management Access to Both Master and Slave FirewallsCore Topics ImplementationConfigure NAT Policy on Master Fortigate FirewallVerify Internet Connectivity on LAN User Windows PCConfigure Active-Standy HA Group on both FirewallsSimulate Failure and Check ResultsConfigure Active-Active HA Group on Both FirewallsSimulate Failure and Check Results===========================================================================If this sounds interesting to you, ENROLLnow and let's get started now !"
Price: 49.99