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"Artrlm Gereklik-2"
"Unity ile ileri seviye Artrlm Gereklik (AR-2) derslerimize ho geldiniz.Artrlm Gereklik (Augmented Reality-AR) uygulamalarnn nasl yapldn PROJE BAZLI renmek iin doru yerdesiniz.Kurs program temel olarak AR-1 kursumuzun devam niteliindedir.Fakat AR1 e katlmadan AR2 ye dorudan katlanlar iin tekrardan Unity'nin kurulumu ilk 3 videoda anlatlmtr.Artrlm gereklik iin gerekli bilgiler proje bazl uygulamalar eklinde verilecektir.zellikle Unity ve Vuforia uygulamalar,Maya ve 3DMax'te ileri seviye tasarm yapabilenler iin  faydal bir eser olacaktr.Her hafta yeni ders videolar eklenecektir.Herkese iyi dersler dileriz"
Price: 19.99

"Easy Augmented Reality"
"Welcome to Easy Augmented Reality course. You are in the right place to learn AR Tech.Augmented reality is the technology that expands our physical world, adding layers of digital information onto it. Unlike Virtual Reality (VR), AR does not create the whole artificial environments to replace real with a virtual one. AR appears in direct view of an existing environment and adds sounds, videos, graphics to it.We will add new videos all weekends..We will announce the lesson title before it and at the end you will have a bout 100 lessons.Please,leave comments and evaluate us by points after the lessonsWe will support you all the time ...Do not hesitate to ask when you want.Follow us on Facebook ...Our name is "" Augmented Reality Group ""Have Fun"
Price: 19.99

"Artrlm Gereklik 3"
"Unity ile Artrlm Gereklik-3 , Unity'de Temel Seviye C# Kodlama derslerimize ho geldiniz.""Augmented Reality-AR"" uygulamalarnn nasl yapldn PROJE BAZLI renmek iin doru yerdesiniz.Kurs program temel olarak UDEMY'de yaynladmz AR-1 ve AR-2 kurslarmzn devam niteliindedir.Fakat bu kurslar  almadan da dorudan bu kursa katlabilirsiniz.zellikle bu kursumuzda, TEMEL SEVYE C# kodlar ile daha zengin ve etkili AR projeleri nasl hazrland anlatlmtr.Her hafta yeni ders videolar eklenecektir.Herkese iyi dersler dileriz"
Price: 19.99

"Sanal Gereklik-Virtual Reality"
"Merhaba arkadalar.Artrlm Gereklik uygulamalarndan sonra srada ""Sanal Gereklik"" uygulamalarnda sizlerle birlikteyiz.Derslerimiz temel seviyede ,yeni balayanlar  iindir.Her hafta yeni videolar eklenerek konular ksa srede tamamlanacaktr.Yeni ylda yeni derslerin hazrlamas iin almaktayz.Bizi izlemeye devam edin.Artrlm Gereklik konusuna ilgili iseniz Udemy'deki kurslarmza gz atabilirsiniz.VR konusuna merakl iseniz aradnz temel  konular burada bulacaksn.Fakat  VR derslerinde , AR den farkl olarak  VR gzlne ihtiyacn olacaktr.Sanal gereklik (Virtual Reality),  en yaln haliyle, bilgisayarlar tarafndan taklit edilerek oluturulan ortamlar eklinde tanmlanyor. Gemite Matrix gibi filmlerde sanal gereklik, bilimkurgu ile ok i ie olsa da artk gndelik hayatn iinde. Bu teknolojide, kii gerek dnya ile ilikisini tamamen keserek ana karakterin yerine geiyor.Dersleri dinlemeden gzlk siparii vermemenizi tavsiye derste gerekli aklamalar yaplmaktadr.Elenceli bir ders geirmenizi dileriz.yi dersler"
Price: 19.99

"ANSYS Fluent (CFD)"
"This course mainly teaches the students how to accurately simulate the fluid flow case studies using ANSYS Fluent software. Also teaches them basic knowledge about the CFD concept used by this software. Further 8 tutorials are included in this course such as flow around 2D circular cylinder and aerofoil, H vac applications involving solar loads, piping and flow acoustics, wind turbines as a turbo-machinery application, fire fighting, water hammering, and finally water spillways.  .  "
Price: 24.99

"ANSYS Mesh Optimization (CFD)"
"This course mainly teaches students how to build their flow simulation model starting from geometry creation steps using ANSYS Design Modeler and proceeding to finally generate a fully structured mesh, Also how to accurately choose the element type and size, and reach good quality as well as how to build more economical model using ANSYS Mesh Module."
Price: 24.99

"Nail Art. Ornamenty 1 stopnia"
"Kurs Nail art Ornamenty 1 stopnia, to kompendium paznokciowej wiedzy, gdzie krok po kroku poprowadz Ci za rk, i naucz Ci jak wykonywa pikne ornamentowe zdobienia, w poczeniu z rnymi technikami zdobie paznokci, takimi jak: kocie oko, pigmenty, pyki, brokaty, i wiele innych.Tak aby twoje zdobienia byy jeszcze bardziej spektakularne i olniewajce."
Price: 249.99

"Nail art.Farbki akwarelowe 1 stopnia"
"Szkolenie przeznaczone jest dla osb pocztkujcych i rednio zaawansowanych w technice akwareli. Na tym kursie poznasz najistotniejsze podstawy posugiwania si pdzlami, i farbami akwarelowymi. A wic:Nauka doboru i mieszania barw. Proporcje wody i akwareli.Poprawne rozprowadzanie farby akwarelowej.Przygotowanie paznokci pod akwarele.Technika rozcierania i odsczania.Wymywanie, konturowanie, cieniowanie, rozwietlanie - wykaczanie detali.Cieniutkie linie i zawijaski.Podstawowe wzory salonowe: kwiatki, listki, abstrakcje.Oraz wiele wiele wicej.CZAS TRWANIA: 3 godziny materiau wideo. Obejmujce ponad 35 lekcji krok po kroku.Szkolenie wykonywane jest na tipsach i wzornikach, co pozwala maksymalnie przyswoi nabyt wiedz."
Price: 249.99

"Babyboomer bez tajemnic."
"Wyglda na to, e nikt tak naprawd nie wie, skd wzia si nazwa babyboomer. Moemy wnioskowa e:Kontekst kulturowy tego terminu jest zwizany z ludmi, ktrzy urodzili si w okresie boomu wzrostu ludnoci po okresie II wojnie wiatowej. Liczba pniej urodzonych dzieci, co roku wynosia rednio 4 miliony a do 1964 r, kiedy urodzenia si zmniejszyy.Czy wiedziaa e...W czasach wyu demograficznego najpopularniejszymi kolorami paznokci byy jaskrawo-czerwone, mlecznorowe i biae? Dlatego z powodw, ktre wydaj mi si oczywiste, mlecznorowy i biay trend paznokci zosta nazwany ze wzgldu na epok, w ktrej kolory te byy najbardziej popularne."
Price: 249.99

"Blockchain Basics Understand Blockchain & its Applications"
"Blockchain Basics Course is an introductory course for business-focused students who would love to understand blockchain technology and how it can be applied in different industries globally. The course introduces blockchain, explains its features, explores its advantages, covers the Bitcoin protocol its properties, and lastly gives an in-depth outlook and explanation on blockchain applications in finance, supply chain management, asset tokenization (real estate and land registries), and in identity management.This course is best suited for non-technical students looking to understand more about emerging technologies like blockchain and their use cases. Also, suitable for technical students who would love to understand the basics of blockchain innovation before delving into smart contract development or blockchain architecture development."
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a criar um Nugget - vdeo de Instagram e Facebook"
"J faz algum tempo que um certo formato de vdeo omina a internet. Esses vdeos curtos, com um ttulo chamativo e as vezes legenda. Chamamos isso de Nugget. Esse curso vai ensinar voc  a fazer esse tipo de vdeo do zero at a entrega, por algum que trabalha focado nisso h alguns anos. Simples e direto ao ponto. Isso o que voc vai encontrar por aqui. Em aulas diretas ao ponto, voc vai aprender a fazer vdeos que ficaram muito conhecidos por esse nome por causa do Erico Rocha. E afinal, ""como fazer vdeos iguais do Erico Rocha?""Vamos l!"
Price: 19.99

"Como Criar um Canal de Sucesso no Youtube"
"Aqui voc encontrar um passo a passo desde a criao de uma conta at estratgias usadas por grandes do marketing digital brasileiro. Aplicadas por quem vive isso no dia a dia h anos. Um passo a passo para voc acelerar o processo desde a criao at a entrega para seu pblico."
Price: 19.99

"Como editar com o Premiere CC 2019 - Passo a passo"
"Como editar vdeos?Como editar vdeo no premiere?Esse curso deve ajudar voc de modo direto ao ponto, sem perda de tempo a aprender a editar vdeos no Premiere.Com um preo super acessvel, em um tempo recorde voc estar dominando essa ferramenta e podendo editar seus primeiros vdeos com maestria.Faa agora mesmo sua inscrio aqui e inicie agora mesmo."
Price: 39.99

"SAP ABAP 7.40+ certification preparation test"
"Questions elaborated based on SAP official material5 Practice testsThe tests corvers TAW10_740, TAW11E_750 and C_TAW12_740Designed for SAP Certified Development Associate - ABAP with SAP NetWeaver 7.40 and higher395 QuestionsTopics covered: ABAP Programming, ABAP Dictionary, Data Types and Data Objects, Classical User Interfaces, SQL Statements including Update Strategies, Enhancements and Modifications, ABAP Objects, Web Dynpro for ABAP, SAP NetWeaver Overview, Internal Tables, ABAP Tools and more!!!"
Price: 99.99

"Math on ACT as well as ACT prep"
"I teach lots of problems on algebraic, geometric and basic math concepts. I also give tips on how to be prepared to take the ACT test. I give tips on which calculator is permitted. If a person shows up with a calculator that is not permitted, they will be asked to leave. Also, on the ACT test, students are not permitted to darken ovals even with the test booklet closed."
Price: 19.99

"Basic Algebra"
"This is a course using the order of operations, types of numbers (which are counting numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, irrational numbers and real numbers). solving quadratic and linear equations, solving quadratic and linear inequalities, solving a system of equations, adding and multiplying matrices with an introductory video of what they will learn in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Design Thinking - Menez des projets innovants"
"Dans ce cours d'initiation au design, vous allez apprendre rflchir et travailler comme un designer en appliquant les principes du ""Design Thinking"", une mthode crative pour aboutir des solutions innovantes ! Le design nest pas simplement un dpartement dans une entreprise, c'est le cur dune stratgiecentre sur lhumain qui permet de rpondre aux besoins des utilisateurs et de rsoudre des problmes parfois complexes. Quelque soit votre branche, vous comprendrez concrtement commenttre plus innovant dans votre vie professionnelle et dans vos projets personnels."
Price: 49.99

"Design de prsentation - vitez la mort par PowerPoint"
"Vous tes-vous dj endormi devant une prsentation PowerPoint ? Cela m'est arriv trs souvent et paradoxalement, jai inflig la mme chose aux autres Mais a, c'tait avant que je comprenne une chose essentiellePowerPoint est un outil de cration visuel entirement personnalisable. Il faut arrter de le voir comme un gnrateur de slides prmches et commencer lutiliser diffremment, en supprimant le modle par dfaut, en se dbarrassant des indications du logiciel qui touffent compltement la crativit.Dans ce cours, vous serez guids tape par tape pour structurer et concevoir des supports de prsentations modernes ; vous dcouvrirez comment utiliser le storytelling et appliquer des techniques de facilitation visuelle qui fonctionnent coup sr ! Grce aux exercices pratiques et aux tutoriels, vous apprendrez composer des slides qui ont de limpact pour capter lattention de votre auditoire comme jamais !Que ce soit pour :faire une prsentation en entreprise,intervenir une confrence,animer une formation,prsenter un projet,un produit ou un conceptjai tout fait pour vous offrir un cours aussi passionnant, pratique et complet que possible qui correspondent vos besoins et ce, quel que soit votre niveau !Vous voulez sortir du lot en adoptant une posture innovante ? Alors, vous tes au bon endroit car ce cours va radicalement changer votre manire de faire !"
Price: 99.99

"(Corporate presentations in Chinese)"
"PowerPoint 2016201320102007......."
Price: 19.99

"Writing stronger melodies - lessons from nature"
"What TREES, SMOKE, MUSCLES and WAVES have to teach us about writing melodies?A killer melody line can make a song (and a lame one can also break your song).  You know a great melody when you hear it, by maybe you're wondering WHY it works?That's what we'll explore in this class, as we dive into songwriting/composition techniques to strengthen your music.  We'll approach this topic by looking at nature.  Nature is all around us, and it's literally us.  Our bodies are part of nature.  Therefore, we are instinctually attracted to works that have really strong similarities to nature.  Not literal similarities (i.e. a song about the ocean), but similarity in structure and anatomy.  Here's some of the things we'll cover in this class, that will help you when you are writing a song:How patterns, and variations on patterns, are found in nature - and how that relates to music composition and songwriting.  What can we learn from smoke - and how that teaches about anticipation and surprise.  And how this can inform how much repetition you'll use when composing and writing a melody.How tension and relaxation can create movement in your music - just like how it works in our bodies (with muscles).  There are a number of composition techniques in this, for how to work with tension (dissonance).  Adding complexity through overlapping melodic lines - similar to how waves overlap each other.  How composing with this in mind can add increased complexity and depth to your music.  Whether you're someone looking to get better at writing songs, or composing instrumental music, we are going to dive into the FUNDAMENTALS around music.  There will be plenty of songwriting techniques in there, but my main aim is to equip you with a better understanding for how these elements work.  #music #composition #songwriting #songs #compose #writesongs #write songs #composing"
Price: 34.99

"Creating a master template for Ableton Live"
"Ramp up your efficiency by setting up a master template - so that you can simply open a new session, and immediately get started. This class will share tips/ideas pulled from over 7 years of studying the best Ableton producers out there.At the end, you'll not only have a working template - but you'll understand the strategy behind these suggestions, so you can continue to tweak your own template over the years.#music #musicproduction #ableton #abletonlive #productionskills"
Price: 19.99

"From Silence to Sound: Composing for Film & Commercials"
"Are you a composer thats always been curious about scoring music for film, documentaries or commercials?This class takes you through the fundamental elements (with real life examples) for scoring music to moving picture. At the end of this class, youll have working strategies to:Outline/layout your rough draft so the music fitsDetermine the right tempo/meterMake important decisions about how to approach composing for your videoSuccessfully communicate with the directorRespond to a reference trackIt used to be that having a custom film score was out of reach, except the big budget movies. There's now an explosion of indie films, in need of music. And tremendous opportunity for new composers to find projects to work on. In addition, you can now finish/complete a film score with a home recording studio. Writing music for film is an opportunity to make a huge impact on the emotional tone of a film/project. Your contribution will greatly shape how the viewer interprets the events happening on the screen. These are real world examples for composing for commercials, or composing for film. This class also assumes that you have a working knowledge of music theory, and using audio recording software. And probably some experiencing composing songs/music already. We will be looking more specifically on applying those skills to moving picture/video/film. #music #composition #songwriting #musicproduction #compose #filmscore #filmscoring"
Price: 34.99

"SAP Business Analytics Essential Training"
"If you have been looking to move to business analyst, this video will provide you with enough information to do so. Not only understanding the basics, but how to make your first business analytics project successful.Being a great data analyst is about helping your organization make better and more informed decisions.According to Gartner research, BI platform software and services sales will be tallied at $30 billion in 2020, and SAP Business intelligence solution has taken up to 10% of market share, so mastering SAP BI platform is a must.In this course, I'll share with you the overview of BI and the unique role of data analysts. I'll then share the tools and techniques used on the SAP Business Intelligence platform and talk about gathering of difference source of data and generate incredible insightful reports by using Crystal reports, web intelligence, analysis edition and dashboards. Finally, I'll share about the new generation of data visualization tool - SAP Analytics Cloud.As the 2nd part of the course, we will focus on - SAPEnterprise Performance Management.EPM software market could reach a value of about 3,600 million US dollar by 2022, and SAP EPM is the 2nd largest company by market share.It provides business users with visibility into business operations with the goal of improving financial strategies, planning, and analysis across all facets of the enterprise.Finally, we will move to SAP Governance, Risk, and Compliance.Compliance to the changing regulatory environment can be challenging to implement. IT complexities such as fragmented security frameworks and duplication and inconsistent definition of roles, lead to slower time-to-market and audit issues. SAP GRC can help the company quickly adapt to changes in technology, regulations, and the economy.If you're ready, grab your gear and let's get started with SAP Business Analytics Essential training."
Price: 199.99

"Astrology - How to Find the Hidden Money in Your Chart"
"What are all the ways money can flow into your life? How can you get money to stay, grow, and accumulate? How can you uncork blocks and improve money flow? In this course, well look at the natal aspects of the second, eighth and eleventh house rulers to see how money comes into your life and whats standing in the way of prosperity. Well discuss how to find career and business opportunities as well as how to receive money from others. By the end of this course, youll have actionable steps for releasing blocks so you can start to accumulate money.This course is good for all levels of Astrology knowledge."
Price: 39.99

"Feng Shui for Weight Loss"
"Five years ago I turned 53 and hit the highest weight I had ever been. For years I had been trying all different types of diets and exercise programs. But there was one thing I hadn't tried. Feng Shui. I Feng Shui-ed my own kitchen. When I finally did, the weight dropped off me. I lost 35 pounds in two months. I lost the weight and for years I have kept it off.In this course, we'll talk about the changes I made that worked for me. This class is NOT about what to eat. You can actually use all the information in this class with whatever diet program you want to be on. You can use this with Weight Watchers, Keto, Vegan, South Beach or you can do this without having any food restrictions at all.We'll talk about HOW TO EAT, WHERE TO EAT and HOW TO STORE FOOD IN THE KITCHEN.I'm Donna Stellhorn. I've been doing Feng Shui for more than 20 years. I'm the author of 16 books on Feng Shui, Space Clearing and Astrology. I'm on the board of the International Feng Shui Guild. I've lectured at Warner Records, Room and Board, the Rancho Santa Fe Water District and the San Diego Airport Authority. I've been on Coast to Coast AM with George Noory. One day I noticed one of my thin friends eating a piece of ham. And I was struck by how differently she ate. It occurred to me that HOW WE EAT makes a difference. Then I used simple Feng Shui principles to set up my personal environment to support my weight loss goals and   I lost 35 pounds in two months. I've been teaching classes on this system for years and now I'm bringing it to you. I hope you enjoy this program. Please let me know if you have any questions."
Price: 199.99

"Solidworks 2019 - Sfrdan leri Seviyeye Uygulamal Eitim"
"------------------------------------------------------------------Solidworks 2019 Eitim seti ile, daha nce hibir 3d tasarm program ile almam bile olsanz, 2d tasarm, 3d tasarm, montaj ve teknik resim modllerini bata olmak zere baka modlleri de ileri seviyede reneceksiniz.  Her blm sonunda blme ait komutlar kullanarak uygulama rnekleriyle rendiklerinizi pekitireceksiniz. Daha nce hazrladm online eitim videolarndaki tecrbelerimle, sorulmas muhtemel sorularn cevabn nceden alacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"()             ."
Price: 199.99

"Discover the Authentic You."
"Discover new joys as you learn to let go of living the way that others think you should and, instead, live your life as the real YOU.Learning to live your life authentically is a process. This course takes you through that process on an introspective journey that will result in newfound self-awareness, self-confidence, and the courage to create a life that truly makes you happy.Youll find tools, techniques, and strategies throughout to make your journey a success. The course includes 49 lessons with a variety of reflections, exercises, and even a field trip to guide you through this exciting journey to authenticity.Your journey starts with getting to know who you really are. Clarify your beliefs and values. Discover your true passions. Develop a healthy self-concept. The path continues with proven techniques that will help you accept and love the person you find inside.Put your new self-knowledge to work in the next part of your journey as you discover your life purpose and determine your priorities in life whats most important to you!The last few stops on your journey help you to develop the courage to show the world who you really are. Set yourself free from the expectations of others. Create a compelling future that excites you as you end this journey of discovery and start a new one as the real, authentic you!In this course, youll learn how to:Discover who you really areFind out your true passionsBuild your self-esteemLet go of past mistakes and accept yourselfBreak free from crippling self-doubtsEmbrace your individualityLove yourselfFind your life purposeShow the world the real youCreate a joyful life by living authenticallyAre there requirements or prerequisites for this course?There are no prerequisites for this course. Its open to anyone who wants to increase their satisfaction in life by learning to be authentic.Your success in this course depends on your willingness to take action. Take the time to do the suggested self-reflections and exercises.What benefits will I receive from this course?Youll find out what it is to live authentically.Youll discover a lot about yourself and how you got that way.Youll learn how to accept yourself and love yourself just the way you are.Youll understand your own value and what you have to offer the world.Youll boost your self-confidence.Youll develop the courage to be yourself around others.Youll discover your passions and how to enjoy them in your daily life.Youll see how you can structure your life around what matters most to you.By living authentically, you can simplify your life, reduce stress, strengthen your relationships, build a more satisfying career, and increase your happiness and fulfillment in life."
Price: 199.99

"Achieve 3D Photorealism in Blender 2.8: Subway Challenge"
"NEW - NO EXTERNAL TEXTURING SOFTWARE WILL BE USED (GET RID OF SUBSTANCE DESIGNER)- Learn Procedural Texturing in Blender 2.8: Create All Textures Procedurally: Bricks - Ground - Stairs - Ceiling (Concrete)- Using Substance Designer is OptionalThe Main Objective is to Show You the Process of Turning a Real Image into a Realistic 3D Scene.You will Learn the Basics and Principles of Achieving Photorealism by Working on a real reference example of a Subway: Something that exists in Real Life. You Will Learn everything You need to turn any image reference into a high quality realistic 3D scene in Blender"
Price: 74.99

"Learn to Make Realistic PBR Materials in Substance Designer"
"Everything You Need to Create Photorealistic Materials from ScratchThis Course is for Beginners who want to Create Materials using Substance Designer. Everything is Explained in Details:How does Materials Work?What is a Normal Map? Roughness? Metallic? BaseColor?How can you Leverage these 4 Channels to Create Awesome MaterialsNodes in Substance DesignerI will explain the nodes, how they work, their effect and how can you use them over and over to create the Materials that you wantCreate 3 Realistic Marble Material based on a Real Reference- Square Marble Material- Pyramid Marble Material- Bricks Material"
Price: 49.99