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"Domain Flipping: Make Money Online"
"DescriptionDo you want to make more money? Do you want to buy that new car that you've always wanted? Do you want to quit that boring 9 to 5 job that you have? If the answer is yes and you are willing to for this, then this course is for you.You will learn how to start a business with a limited budget flipping domain names.In this course, I will show you how to make money online through buying domain names, appraising  and then selling them for profit!    I will show you how to:- Find domain names- Valuate domain names- Check if a domain name is safe to purchase- Register a domain name- Create an amazing description for your domain names- Sell them, creating an auction saleRequirementsPlease have sufficient command of the English language to follow the lectures. There are no subtitles in this course."
Price: 99.99

"Crestron Grundkurs"
"In diesem Kurs lernt ihr die Grundlagen von Crestron und die Steuerungsarchitektur. Den Umgang mit der Crestron Software SimplWindows, Visiontools Pro-e und der Crestron Toolbox.Ich werde euch erklren wie die Software Crestron Software SimplWindows, Visiontools Pro-e und der Crestron Toolbox funktioniert und wie ihr damit arbeitet. Am Ende werden wir zusammen ein kleines Programm erstellen bestehen aus einer Oberflche und der dazugehrenden Logik."
Price: 19.99

"Crestron Toolbox"
"In diesem Kurs werden ich euch die einzelnen Tools der Toolbox (wie z.b. System Info, Debugger, EDID Tools, und vieles mehr) zeigen und erklren. Die Tools werden an praktischen Beispielen erklrt und so mglichst Praxisnah die Tools im Einsatz gezeigen. Die Beispiele werde ich als Download fr euch zur Verfgung stellen."
Price: 59.99

"Crestron SimplWindows Logikbaustein"
"In diesem SimplWindows Kurs, werden ausfhrlich die Logikbausteine aus der Crestron Logic Symbols Bibliothek erklrt. Er wird die funktion der Logikbausteine erklrt und wie die Logikbausteine Programmiert werden. Den Logikbaustein erklre ich mit einem Beispielprogramm, welches ich euch als Download zur verfgung stelle. Zustzlich gibt es eine kleine Info ber den Logikbausteine als PDF Dokument zum Downloaden.Logikbausteine werden laufend erweitert."
Price: 79.99

"Make sales straight away with the Amazon FBA 2019 guide!"
"Hello! Thanks for checking out the course!I'm Will and will be your instructor. Here you will gain the confidence and knowledge to begin selling on Amazon by yourself completely independently. I will however be here to help should you need me but I am sure you won't!Confidence is a key trait of people taking the plunge into the world of Entrepreneurship. I will help re instate your mindset which makes up 80% of success! Go from zero experience to a proficient new seller. Make your first sales and grow your business from there!"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Character Arcs"
"Have you written a story with an exciting concept and interesting charactersbut it just isnt grabbing the attention of readers or agents? Its time to look deeper into the story beats that create the realistic and compelling character arcs that drive great fiction. Internationally-published and award-winning novelist K.M. Weiland shares her acclaimed method for achieving memorable and moving character arcs in every book you write.By applying the foundation of the Three-Act Story Structure and then delving even deeper into the psychology of realistic and dynamic human change, Weiland offers a beat-by-beat checklist of character arc guidelines that flexes to fit any type of story.This comprehensive course will teach you: How to determine which arcpositive, negative, or flatis right for your characterWhy you should NEVER pit plot against character. Instead, learn how to blend story structure and character developmentHow to harmonize the relationship between character and themeso you can stop churning out disjointed storiesHow to recognize and avoid the worst pitfalls of writing novels with no character arcsHow to hack the secret to using overarching character arcs to create amazing trilogies and seriesAnd much more!Gaining an understanding of how to write character arcs is a game-changing moment in any authors pursuit of the craft. Learn how to take your stories from good to great and bring your characters to unforgettable and realistic life!"
Price: 99.99

"Neuromarketing e Neurovendas"
"Este curso visa provocar voc a aprofundar seus conhecimentos num patamar jamais pensado antes. Com as informaes, dados e dicas deste curso voc ser capaz de Sua presena aqui muito bem-vinda e fico muito feliz por sua escolha.Este curso foi criado levando em considerao as expectativas de muitos clientes e milhares de seguidores que me buscam de diferentes maneiras para ter acesso a informaes e formao na rea de Neuromarketing.As aplicaes dos conceitos deste curso esto diretamente ligadas s reas de Marketing, Vendas, Gesto de Pessoas e Estratgia.Espero poder lhe entregar um contedo profundo e digno de sua ateno.Ao final deste curso voc dever ser capaz de:Entender as premissas que compe o comportamento humano e suas decisesConhecer tcnicas para melhor abordagem de vendasCompreender as funes cerebrais bsicas que modificam o comportamento humanoAplicar tcnicas de neurocincia em relaes humanasAplicar tcnicas de neurocincia nas reas de comunicao e marketingEstabelecer novos padres de comunicao entre seus produtos/servios/equipe e os consumidoresBom curso e um grande abrao!Seu amigo,Felipe Nasser"
Price: 189.99

"Stop Anxiety: Crush it without doctors, pills, or therapy."
"Learn the easiest method to Crush ANXIETY for good IN AS LITTLE AS 1 DAY. This is a 20 video Course which walks you through ""HOW"" Anxiety is formed at BIRTH, and reinforced through your Environment & your Nurturing.To Eliminate Anxiety, you must know how you were programmed with ANXIETY. Once you understand how it was coded and became a part of you, Jamey Dragostea will teach you how to recode and replace ANXIETY with new programs like CONFIDENCE and PASSION. You will never be the same again. This course will TRANSFORM your life. The DRAGOSTEA Micro-Step Method is used by millionaires and moms to eliminate the feeling of Stress and Anxiety once and for all. The course is comprised of 20 engaging videos with an interactive work booklet. Over 4.5 Hours of entertaining and enlightening information, and techniques."
Price: 199.99

"Matura podstawowa - prawdopodobiestwo i trygonometria"
"Kurs zawiera rozwizania zada maturalnych z prawdopodobiestwa, kombinatoryki i trygonometrii na poziomie podstawowym. Skupiono si przede wszystkim na zadaniach otwartych, ale pojawiaj si rwnie zadania zamknite - wszystko po to, aby zapewni maturzystom kompleksowe przygotowanie do matury.S to zadania wycznie maturalne , w tym wszystkie, ktre pojawiy si do tej pory na maturach CKEoraz Operonu.Dodatkowo kurs zawiera rozwizania wybranych zada ze zbiorw maturalnych, ktre jeszcze nie pojawiy si na maturze, ale pojawi si mog.Zadania rozwizywane s ""na ywo"" i opatrzone wszelkimi potrzebnymi wskazwkami.Do kursu doczone s niezbdne materiay w formacie PDF. Naley je wydrukowa i rozwizywa zadania razem z instruktorem."
Price: 69.99

"moroccan recipes: traditional beef meat tajine"
"Do you want to learn how to cook a delicious Moroccan tajine recipe in a traditional and healthy way? your are in the right course. In this class, you will discover a beef meat tajine with vegetables, you will learn easily How to use and maintain a tajine pot. how to combine the ingredients to make a Charmola. cotrol the cooking process and how to serve you tajine.I guarantee you will impress your guests by making for them this special dish!!Have fun with healthy foods."
Price: 24.99

"American English Pronunciation: The Basics"
"The English language can be difficult when it comes to pronunciation, but listening to a native speaker and learning some simple rules can help you gain confidence and be more easily understood in conversations.Teacher Amanda designed this 5-unit course for high-beginner to intermediate English students who want to learn and practice American English pronunciation with a native speaker.Each lesson includes:A text study guide (in PDF format)Audio of Teacher Amanda reading the study guideVideo version of the lessonChances to practice, with answers!Once you purchase the course, you have access to it forever.Optional add-on features include:A one-on-one private feedback / question session with Teacher AmandaPrivate conversation mini-sessions with Teacher Amanda"
Price: 19.99

"Diseo y construccin de redes de fibra ptica."
"2019Las redes de telecomunicaciones estn en todas partes. Internet se ha vuelto algo indispensable en la vida de las personas ademas de mover millones de dolares da tras da. Pero atrs de todo esto que nosotros vemos como algo tan comn hay una infraestructura enorme. La fibra ptica es el material mas famoso e importante para construir redes de telecomunicaciones debido a sus increbles caractersticas, como por ejemplo enviar informacin a la velocidad de la luz y casi no tener perdidas de esta informacin en largos trayectos. En este curso veremos desde 0 todo lo que necesitaramos saber para ser tcnicos en fibra ptica. Vamos a ver como son los cables de fibra ptica.Entender los cdigos de los cables.Armar cajas de empalmes.Empalmar pelos de fibra ptica con una fusionadora-empalmadora.Medir pelos de fibra ptica para localizar fallas y errores con un OTDR. Entender diseos de diferentes tipos de redes. Ver todas las herramientas, instrumentos y materiales que se utilizan para trabajar con fibra ptica.Por qu debes tomar este curso?  Principalmente para introducirte en este medio de trabajo que esta en todas partes del mundo y es realmente muy bien pagado y solicitado. En cada ciudad de cada parte del mundo habr una empresa que de servicio de Internet o televisin y sus redes existentes y las que estn por existir estarn compuestas por fibra ptica, y estas empresas estn buscando constantemente personal de este tipo.  Este curso tambin incorpora: Acceso de por vida a todas las actualizaciones futuras. Soporte por parte de el instructor en la seccin ""Preguntas y respuestas"" del curso. Documentacin adicional. Certificado de finalizacin de Udemy listo para descargar al finalizar el curso. Garanta de devolucin de dinero de ""30 das sin preguntas""!."
Price: 199.99

"-. , . , . . , ! , , . , ! , , . - . , . , - ! , ! !"
Price: 99.99

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Price: 199.99

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Price: 69.99

"Vue JS de menos a ms"
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar el framework VueJS en conjunto con la librera ElmentUI para el desarrollo de tus pginas web. Conocers varias herramientas y Plugins que te permitirn agilitar el tiempo de desarrollo y como aplicar las ventajas del framework para la escritura de un cdigo simple, ordenado y eficiente. En este curso no solo aplicaremos la mayora de los conceptos en un proyecto que rene las caractersticas para ser usado en un ambiente de produccin sino que la integraremos con una plantilla profesional e indicaremos las posibles adversidades que se presentan al momento de integrarla as como su correcta resolucin."
Price: 99.99

"Crea tu primer videojuego con Unity"
"En este curso de Udemy crearemos un videojuego con terminado profesional y sin programar. Al principio conoceremos conceptos bsicos de la plataforma Unity con la cual se han construido juegos como Mario Run, Pokemon Go, etc. Comienza tu carrera de desarrollador de videojuegos ahora!Este curso est enfocado a principiantes sin necesidad de programar. El objetivo es que conozcas la plataforma y funcionalidades bsicas, pero no tan fciles, antes de tirar cdigo.Crea algo grandioso con tus ideas de GAMER."
Price: 1920.00

"Uygulamalarla C Programlama Dili"
"Bu kursumuzda sizlerle birlikte C programlama dilini kullanarak en basit uygulamadan balayarak zora kadar giden ama yaparken bir o kadar keyif alacanz uygulamalar yaparak, C programlama dilinde algoritmanz gelitirerek niversite vize ve final snavlarnda kacak sorular daha rahat cevaplayabilir hale geleceksiniz.niversite rencileri iin belirli niversite hocalarndan aldm sorulan vize ve final sorularn zerek sizin baar yzdenizi arttrmaya alacaz.C programlama dili,niversite eitiminde temel olarak verilen ders olduu iin buradaki rendiiniz yaplar uygulamaya dkme kabiliyeti kazandktan sonra,baka dillerde de bu kabiliyetinizin gelitiini greceksiniz.Temel yapnz bol rnekli ve kolaydan zora giden uygulamalar yaparak gelitirdikten sonra sizlerin dier programlama dillerinde zorlanmadan yapabildiinizi fark edeceksiniz.Bu kursta bilmeniz gerekenler tamamen C'nin temel yaplardr.(printf,scanf,if,dngler fonksiyonlar ve diziler nasl tanmlandn bilmek nemli ve sizlerle birlikte uygulama yaparak kullanmn rahat bir ekilde kavrayacaksnz.) Eer temel yaplarn bilip uygulama yapamyorsanz,uygulama gelitirme kabiliyetinizi bu kursta kazanabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Zorbala Nasl Mdahale Edilir?"
"Bu kurs rehber retmenler, psikologlar ve psikolojik danmanlara hitaben ""Zorbalk"" konusunda ayrntl bilgi vermek ve zorbala mdahale ederken kullanlabilecek yntemler sunmak amacyla hazrland. Zorbalk maalesef okullarda sk sk karlalan ok hassas bir konu. Rehberlik olarak zorbala doru bir ekilde mdahale etmemiz gerekiyor ama bununla ilgili ne niversitede eitim aldk ne de ok ayrntl kaynaklar bulabiliyoruz. Kendi yaadm bu sorundan yola karak, yllarca okuduum aratrmalardan derlediim bilgilerle, kendim zorbalkla mcadele ederken gelitirdiim, uyguladm ve ok iyi sonular aldm teknikleri birletirerek bu eitimi hazrladm. Benim zorbalkla profesyonel mcadelemde ok etkili olan bu yntemlerin sizin de iinize yarayacan dnyorum. Ve siz deerli meslektalarma iyi seyirler ve kolaylklar diliyorum :)"
Price: 59.99

"Aprenda a programar e crie jogos com novo Scratch 3.0 - 2019"
"Neste curso os alunos aprendero de forma rpida, simples e direta como utilizar a ferramenta de programao Scratch para criar projetos como Animaes, Games e Jogos EducativosCada projeto a criana desenvolve um programa do incio ao fim, aprendendo passo-a-passo os conceitos e fundamentos da programao e lgica computacional.O aluno pode se divertir depois brincando com o prprio jogo, se divertir com a famlia ou amigos, e ainda compartilhar com a comunidade do Scratch que possui milhes de programadores mirins.QUEMDEVEFAZERESTECURSO?Este curso foi feito para crianas e jovens de 7 a 18 anos, pais ou professores que querem aprender ou ensinar o letramento digital atravs da programao.O curso tem um nvel de dificuldade baixo, voltado para alunos com pouca ou nenhuma familiaridade com conceitos de lgica ou programao.O QUEOSALUNOSAPRENDERO ?Navegar pelo site do Scratch onde se encontra o editor, utilizar e identificar as funes do Scratch, criar programas, cenrios e personagens.Em cada aula uma nova atividade realizada e gradualmente a criana aprender como funciona o pensamento computacionalde forma ldica e divertida atravs dacriao de jogos, estrias, animaes e artes.OQUEOSCRATCH?OScratch uma linguagem de programao visual baseado em blocos de comando, onde as crianas criam seus programas unindo os comandos como um quebra-cabea.OScratch foi desenvolvido pela universidade americana MIT,especialmente criada para o ensino de programao para crianas e jovens.Com o Scratch possvel criar jogos, animaes, estrias, msicas e desenhos. Programar dispositivos externos como kits de robtica Lego WeDo e Lego Mindstorms. Tambm possvel utilizar em conjunto com dispositivos eletrnicos como Makey Makey e micro:bit. Alm disso possvel criar programas interativos e de realidade aumentada com o uso da cmera de vdeo. REQUISITOSNo necessrio nenhum conhecimento tcnico ou de programao para fazer este curso, apenas saber navegar pela Internet, manusear um Tablet ou computador.Aproveite a oportunidade para se divertir com seu filho(a)."
Price: 39.99

"Estrias, Animaes e Jogos c/ ScratchJr (5 a 8 anos)"
"O curso foi desenvolvido para crianas de 5 a 8 anos, mesmo no alfabetizadas e tem 2 principais objetivos:introduzir o aprendizado de habilidades essenciais para o futuro das crianasajudar o desenvolvimento intelectual As crianas aprendero programao e lgica computacional de forma divertida e simples atravs da criao de  Animaes, Estrias e Jogos.As aulas e atividades estimulam a criatividade e o raciocnio das crianas, ajudando a construir um pensamento crtico em relao aos problemas, pensar de forma lgica e sequencial.Memorizao, concentrao, matemtica e o ""story telling"" so outras habilidades desenvolvidas durante o curso que ajudaro as crianas em todas as outras reas de ensino e sero essenciais para sua vida acadmica e profissional."
Price: 39.99

"Crypto Clear - Clearest Guide To Profit from Cryptocurrency"
"Its natural to be cautious about investing in cryptocurrencies, a new asset that is so different from anything youve dealt with before, and so volatile. This course is aimed at lifting the fog and demystifying myths and conceptions you have about cryptocurrencies - and provide you the single and whole truth about this new asset, one of the most explosively profitable investments in human history. It is delivered in simple, easy-to-follow English, so that ordinary people like you and me do not get sidelined when the next cryptocurrency rally happen. Just like cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology today, a lot of smart people were convinced the internet was just a passing fad.And because of that a lot of regular investors missed out on once-in-a-lifetime gains.Perhaps you were one of themBut if you were one of the few with the courage to get educated, and confidently place a few small bets on internet technology before the rest of the world caught on to how big it was going to be. You could have made your fortune, all from a small starting stake.Now of course, there are no guarantees. And you shouldnt risk more money than you are willing to lose. But the potential here is clear. All signs are pointing to the start of big, TRILLIONS dollars of institutional money flowing to cryptocurrencies! If you wait until after all that money has flowed in, it WILL be too late! HENCE, its important you get in NOW."
Price: 179.99

"Introduction to Mechanical Drawings"
"This course is meant to give a brief introduction to mechanical drawings that an engineer would typically give to a machine or fab shop or create for the mass production environment.We go over orthographic projection, section views, auxiliary views, dimensioning styles, and geometric tolerances. In order to learn all of these things, we utilize DraftSight, a free 2D sketch environment created by Dassault Systems."
Price: 19.99

"SolidWorks Essentials: Weldments"
"You will learn to efficiently create weldment part files and drawing files from SolidWorks. The course focuses on structural components as well as sheet metal design to produce organized and clean cutlists for manufacturing. This method of modeling will save time, money, and file space as opposed to assembly method of weldments."
Price: 19.99

"Mobile Games for Passive Income"
"You will learn how to monetise mobile iOS and Android games. Increase installs flow. How to choose and promote games, create marketings assets, use analytics and more interesting things which help you earn good money. With our online tutorials, you'll be amazed how much you can earn with mobile games!"
Price: 199.99

"Risk Management Professional (PMI-RMP) Practice Tests"
"- These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more study time on any of the project risk management processes (chapters).  Most of the ideas of the real exam questions are covered in these practice tests, even those are not clarified well in the ""Practice Standard for Project Risk Management"". - Many tools and techniques have been developed and are in widespread use to support the Project Risk Management processes. Some techniques can be used in more than one Project Risk Management process.In the PMI-RMP exam you will see many questions about tools and techniques, although is not clarified well or even mentioned in the ""Practice Standard for Project Risk Management"" nor PMBOK Guide, 5th Edition. (for example: Latin Hyprtcube, Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).etc.)These practice tests will help you to understand all tools and techniques and you will be able to solve related questions in the real exam.- Tell this moment the PMI-RMP exam is not updated yet , This course is structured as per the PMBOK Guide, 5th. Edition , It's expected to follow the PMBOK Guide, 6th Edition updates and the new Risk Management Practice Standard in the 3rd. quarter of 2020.- Each Practice Exam contains 50 Questions and should be completed in 1 hour.- Each question has only one best answer. Mark the one best answer on your answer sheet by filling in the circle next to it.- You will find a justification for the answer with the reference in the Practice Standard for Project Risk Management or the PMBOK Guide 5th edition.- I will update and add more questions  depending on your rating."
Price: 19.99

"Make Ecommerce Website Front-End Using HTML CSS Bootstrap"
"Learn to create modern looking eCommerce website front end with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. You should have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Bootstrap before starting this course. You will learn to create eCommerce website front page design and single product page design. You can find my project code in the course."
Price: 19.99

"Search Engine Optimization Made Easy - Beginner to Pro SEO"
"I spent the last 10 years working with Search Engine optimization. I've worked with all kinds of websites in all kinds of fields and markets but the part of the job that I always found the most fun was educating other people about SEO. I've seen so many people with a few hours of proper SEO teaching get from being complete beginners into being able to make their own action plans and execute improvements on their websites to increase their rankings. That is a fantastic feeling.For that reason I feel very happy to have my first search engine optimization course published online. The course material is well tested with hundreds of people in companies of all sizes during the last 8 years. It covers all the basic knowledge you need to have to be able to start taking your own actions.I will go through the 4 foundations of SEO - Technical, Structure, Content and Links one by one - and give you all the important knowledge in these fields. The course starts off with making a status analysis, later on you make a keyword analysis that you can then implement to your structure and to your on site SEO. The course material is not based on having a website to work with. If you just want to watch and listen for example if you don't already have a website - that is also possible.On top of getting you loads of SEO knowledge and setting you up to take action during the course - I also update the course regularly with case studies of websites that I work with at the moment to give you inspiration for what you can try in your SEO work.I am also available in the course to answer questions and to take requests for future lectures. So regardless if you are a small business owner working with your own website, a developer, graphic designer or copy writer that want to broaden your knowledge to provide more value to your clients or raise your future salary or you want to learn the basics of SEO to see if it is your future career - enroll in the course and I'll see you on the inside."
Price: 59.99

"SEO for Absolute Beginners - Learn SEO Basics Quickly"
"After being in the SEO industry for about 10 years I have found a lot of situations where people really want to learn the basics of SEO as quickly as possible - to be able to talk to a consultant about it, to evaluate a proposal or to know if it is a field they want to dig deeper into and get more actionable knowledge. Because of these requests I decided to make this course - and to keep it as cheap as possible.I keep the lessons as short and to the point as possible - and we are not assuming that you have a website. Enroll as you are and learn the basics about search engine optimization."
Price: 19.99

"Create a Professional 1-Page Wordpress Website"
"In my work as a web designer and SEO-consultant i have often had people wondering if they can create a simple website themselves without much knowledge. The short answer is YES! You don't need to pay a developer to get a simple but still goodlooking Wordpress website. There are more than enough simple tools to achieve a beatiful, functional and mobile friendly result in a short time. You will be able to start your own project and follow along in the course to have your own 1-page Wordpress website ready after completing the course lectures."
Price: 29.99