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"Xamarin Android development with F# and C# & Learn Kotlin"
"This course learn you programming withfsharp functional programming langage .i will take aboutkeywords and some resources of this languagehow to print on the screen .using debugging to trace code .get input from the user and how to convert it .how to use functions .how to used for loop and while andif statement .how to write comments multi-line and single line .and use assign variable with if statement.What will you learn in this course?learn about using loops like for .. to loop , for.. in loop and while loopLearn about numbers and primitive typesExplicit Fields and membersParallel programmingXamarin.Android with f#ListView and GridViewuser interfaceXamarin.Android with c#ListView and GridViewuser interfaceData Access with SQLIteLearn Kotlin Programming LangugeRequirementsSome basic concepts about programming languagesome basic syntax of c programming languageWho is the target audience?Programming language learnersProgrammer needs to learn development android withxamarin.androidusing fsharpprogrammer write fsharp on linux and mac"
Price: 114.99

"Kotlin Bootcamp from Basics to advanced"
"This course learn you programming withkotlinhow to use its syntax and can you use datatypes and user defined datatypes and how to convertamong various datatypes .how to make functions and make return functions .we learn about some type of collections and arrays.take logical expressions , arithmetic expression and math class and its methods .we learn about control flow like if ,if else, and when statement then loop like for ,while and do.. while , what isOOPhow to make class ,interface, properties and methods then make extension function . we take exception handling .What will you learn in this course?Writebasic syntax and language featuresUsing control flow and its various shapeHow to use DatatypesTreat with files like write and readSerialization and DeserializationA lot of functions in some classes like Math classImprove language with write Extension functionsWrite interface in Java and use it with kotlinHandling errorParallel ProgrammingThis classString class and how to treat with itRequirementsIDE for write the programWho is the target audience?Programming language learnersProgrammer needs to learn android developmentProgrammer needs to use java's techniques"
Price: 109.99

"AutoCAD 2D 2016"
"O curso de AutoCAD 2D 2016 da Tecnologia 3D Cursos tem como finalidade abordar as principais ferramentas e comandos que auxiliam no desenvolvimento e criao de novos desenhos e projetos, sejam eles da rea de Arquitetura, Engenharia Civil, Engenharia Eltrica, Engenharia Mecnica, etc.Pblico alvoEstudantes de Arquitetura, Engenharia, Tecnologia e afins;Profissionais ligados aos setores de Projetos e Desenhos de uma indstria e/ou Escritrios de Arquitetura;ObjetivosCapacitar o aluno para utilizar o AutoCAD, tornando-o capaz de operar e desenvolver o desenho tcnico;Conhecer, compreender e desenvolver a competncia na criao de projetos grficos em 2D;Capacitar o aluno a desenvolver um layout 2D;Manipular as ferramentas de criao e edio de desenhos geomtricos;Criar, editar e excluir estilos de cotas nas diversas escalas de desenhos;"
Price: 84.99

"Autodesk Inventor 2017"
"O curso de Inventor 2017 - bsico da Tecnologia 3D Cursos ensina os conceitos e tcnicas necessrias para criar modelos paramtricos em 3D com Autodesk Inventor. O Curso ensina como criar peas 3D, montagens, detalhamentos, e vistas explodidas dentro do ambiente do Inventor. Alm disso, nosso cursotem como finalidade abordar as principais ferramentas e comandos que auxiliam no desenvolvimento e criao de novos desenhos e projetos.Todos os cursos de Inclusos:Modelagem 3D, Montagem, Detalhamento Tcnico 2D e RenderizaoCarga horria6 horas de vdeos-aulas corridas, o equivalente um curso presencial de 40 horas.Pblico alvoEngenheiros, Tecnlogos, Desenhistas e Projetistas MecnicosObjetivosGerenciamento de arquivos e metodologia de trabalho;Criao de Esboo 2D com restries geomtricas e dimenses no ambiente de projetos;Funes de criao e edio de slidos;Tcnicas e metodologia para criao de WorK Planes, Work Axs e Work Points;Criao e edio de vistas 2D vinculadas ao modelo slido;Criao do formato padro (Templates);Definio e configurao da norma utilizada no detalhamento (Styles);Criao de Vistas Explodidas;Configurao de montagem ;Modelamento Slido;Edio de Esboos e Anlise de Propriedades;Volume, Massa, Centro de Gravidade, Momento de Inrcia;Desenvolvimento e Desdobramento de Chapas Dobradas;Anlise de Folgas e Interferncias;Vistas Explodidas;Ferramentas de Dimensionamento;Lista de Material Associativo;Bales;Tolerncias Dimensionais e Geomtricas"
Price: 69.99

"AutoCAD 3D"
"O curso de AutoCAD 3D - 2016 da Tecnologia 3D Cursos tem como finalidade abordar as principais ferramentas e comandos que auxiliam no desenvolvimento e criao de novos desenhos e projetos, sejam eles da rea de Arquitetura, Engenharia Civil, Engenharia Eltrica, Engenharia Mecnica, etc.Pblico alvoEstudantes de Arquitetura, Engenharia, Tecnologia e afins;Profissionais ligados aos setores de Projetos e Desenhos de uma indstria e/ou Escritrios de Arquitetura;ObjetivosCapacitar o aluno para utilizar o AutoCAD, tornando-o capaz de operar e desenvolver o desenho tcnico;Conhecer, compreender e desenvolver a competncia na criao de projetos grficos em 3D;Manipular as ferramentas de criao e edio de desenhos geomtricos;"
Price: 54.99

"Solidworks 2017 - Bsico"
"Verses utilizadas2016 e 2017Pblico alvoEstudantes de Arquitetura, Engenharia, Tecnologia e afins;Profissionais ligados aos setores de Projetos e Desenhos de uma indstria e/ou Escritrios de Arquitetura;ObjetivosO curso de Solidworks tem por objetivo o desenvolvimento de competncias relativas elaborao de modelagem em desenhos de projetos e a modificao dos mesmos, utilizando ferramentas tpicas da rea, visando a alterao das caractersticas do produto e a melhoria de sua funo, de acordo com normas e especificaes tcnicas, considerando princpios da qualidade e produtividade.Contedo programticoO que o software SOLIDWORKS?Inteno de projetoA interface de usurio do SOLIDWORKSBarras de ferramentasDicas rpidasrvore de projetosOpesModelagem BsicaModelagem AvanadaMontagem de ConjuntosDesenhos de Detalhamento"
Price: 69.99

"Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology (Achology Certified)"
"Psychology is the investigation of human behaviour, motivation, and our common rational processes. It also relates to the application of knowledge, which can be used to make sense of our life events, solve problems, manage our relationships and allow people to become more effective in all aspects of daily life.Modern Applied Psychology lies at the junction of implemented, educational, and philosophical concepts. Studying psychology enables people to appreciate better how the body and mind work unitedly. This understanding can aid with decision-making and evading stressful situations. It can also support with time management, establishing and achieving goals, and living life more efficiently.Approved by the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology, this high-octane training will equip you with all the essential teachings and insights required to drive your vocation as a Modern Applied Psychologist in whatever appropriate context. If you want to enhance the space you currently fill by uniting in an understanding of human behaviour, this training will more than accommodate you.Everyone applies psychology daily, whether they are communicating with friends, disputing with a spouse, or disciplining their offspring. Most people don't understand the psychology behind their choices. Recognizing how our mind operates benefits us in all aspects of everyday life by allowing us to build healthy relationships and make the most appropriate well-considered decisions.This training program merges a unique blend of training methods and is designed to ensure you become self-sufficient in effectively applying the principles and philosophies herein. These insights can be used to equip yourself and others to perceive and make positive modifications in automatic mental processes and their consequential behaviours.Modern Applied Psychologists move on to work many distinctive careers. Some can include teaching, coaching and therapy, social establishments, government, and business, although there are countless more vocations beyond the examples listed here. Even if you don't intend to work with people, psychology is still instrumental in helping you understand why people think and act the way they do.Qu) What will I be able to do upon completion of this course?As you apply what you study in the modules, you will discover how to:Apply critical principles from all schools of psychological thought.Learn from your past to make healthier and smarter decisions.Enhance your capacity to self-reflect critically and accurately.Manage your thoughts and regulate your emotional responses.Make congruent decisions in alignment with your goals & priorities.Understand how the unconscious mind motivates human behaviour.Link together ideas from different schools of psychological thought.Use psychology principles to enhance the quality of your relations.Think like a philosopher & decipher life events accurately & helpfully.Respond appropriately to the world experiences you face every day.Support others through growing in all of those mentioned above.And much, much more.Our curriculum is designed to help you lay a solid foundation, upon which you can mount your ongoing studies of Modern Applied Psychology. You will first be taught the philosophical origins upon which the psychologies have derived.All schools of conventional psychology will be broadly explored throughout this training, other than neuroscience, eugenics and biology of the brain. These are not applicable to applied psychology.Students of Modern Applied Psychology should be prepared for some introspection throughout their studies. Students are frequently asked to draw from their backgrounds to amplify their learning experience. Learners should feel comfortable with this kind of self-analysis.Psychology discusses a wide variation of interchangeable people skills, ideologies, philosophies and enables the aptitude to work with a broad diversity of people (and experiences) in expressing compassion and empathy. Studying psychology (or any of the social sciences) is a popular subject for good reason: it's a fascinating field of study, and also provides unlimited insights into the way we think, behave and live.Enrolling in this program entitles you to join our exclusive Achology online Facebook community, in which you can ask course-related questions, discuss what you're studying with others and profit from the wisdom of over 32,500 other like-minded learners. Work with our superb online community to further your understanding of Modern Applied Psychology and the correlation between human reasoning and performance.On closing the final lecture, you can obtain your Achology certified Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology and also apply to join the Academy of Modern Applied Psychology as a professional member.Achology holds a globally valued presence as an esteemed training institution and pioneers the way in an exciting new approach to teaching modern applied psychology that supports a new innovative way for psychological based training to be delivered and received.Full Money Back Guarantee: We know you'll love this Diploma in Modern Applied Psychology training course, and we offer a full money-back guarantee with no questions asked should it not meet your needs."
Price: 199.99

"Sfrdan ngilizce Cmle Yazmay renin"
"Bu kurs, ngilizce Yazma Becerisini gelitirmek adna hazrladm serinin ilk ayadr. Genel ngilizcede yazma becerinizi gelitirmek iin u admlar takip etmelisiniz: 1. Cmle Yazm, 2. Paragraf Yazm, 3. Essay Yazm (5 Paragraflk Essay), 4. Essay Trler, 5. Makale YazmBu sray izleyen bir yazma eitimi srecindeki ilk admnz bu ders ile atabilir ve ilerleyen zamanlarda cmleden paragrafa ve paragraftan da essay yazmna geebilirsiniz. Bylelikle ngilizcedeki 4 ana beceriden biri olan Writing Skills konusunda kendinizi gelitirmeye balayabilirsiniz."
Price: 54.99

"ElegantthemeWordPressBloomMailChimpConvertKitAWeberCampaign MonitorGetResponseConstant ContactMad MiniInfusionsoftiContactmailpoetfeedblitzsendinblueONTRAPORTemmasalesforceHubSpotActiveCampaignConvertKitBloomConvertKitBloomConvertKit"
Price: 19800.00

"Marriage in Islam : How to find your soulmate"
"Salamunalaikum & Hello!How many times did you hear this sentence: ""Marriage is the half of faith (deen)"" ? I would guess very often, didn't you? Meaning being positively stimulated to marriage is very common in the Muslim societies regardless where you are living!BUT...Did anyone tell you HOW TO ENTER A SUCCESSFUL & HAPPY MARRIAGE?  You may heard something regarding to the deen (faith) like being ""religious""maybe assume something like doing the religious obligatory maybe enough and qualifies this person for being your ""perfect match"" or your soulmate. Let me tell you something: Doing your obligatory 5 pillars is primarly something individual between you and your creator, but between human beings the question is not how much you do this or that ibadah. The question is HOW IS YOUR PERSONALITY & CHARACTER.Learn more about the idea of having a soulmate from the Islamic perspective!To have a clear understanding of what a soulmate is and why that is important for your marriage. We will discuss this topic more from an Islamic perspective. In the beginning of this course you need to take time and answer some questions for you. After that we will elaborate the term soulmate based on Quran & Hadith as an Islamic definition. An effective understanding for finding your soulmate will be the 5 languages of love , which you will learn more. The course will close with Do's & Dont's regarding to your love language and some book recommendations.I will present you my point of view what I strongly believe you should know and do to have a higher chance to find your soulmate, inshallah. I will show you a possible way to your happy and fulfilling marriage, but you have to walk on it !Good luck!Note: I don't offer any certificate anymore."
Price: 29.99

"Die Ehe im Islam : Wie finde ich meinen Seelenpartner?"
"Lieben und geliebt werden ist ein hohes Ziel nachdem wir uns alle als Menschen sehnen. Als muslimischer Jugendlicher habe ich die Erfahrung gemacht, dass das Thema Ehe gerne auf die leichte Schulter genommen wird und man Jugendlichen  dazu auffordert in die Ehe einzugehen. Meistens sind diese Empfehlungen undifferenziert und pauschal. Was zur Folge haben kann/hat, dass viele Menschen mit religiser gut-gemeinter Motivation eine Person heiraten, aber dann spter feststellen, dass sie nicht zu einander ""kompatibel"" sind.Eine tiefere Untersuchung der islamischen Quellen, wie Quran und Hadith, zeigen uns auf, dass das islamische Ziel der Ehe nicht darin liegt einfach vom Anschein einen ""religisen"" Menschen zu heiraten, sondern bewusst jemanden zu finden, der zu einem auch passt. D.h. den du glcklich machen kannst und er/sie dich. Nur wie?LERNE PRAKTISCHES WISSEN UM DEINEN SEELENPARTNER ZU FINDEN!Ein Weg seine Chancen zu erhhen, liegt darin, zu erst selber bewusst zu werden: Wer bin ich? Wer passt zu mir?Darum werde ich in diesem Kurs dir aufzeigen, dass die Idee einen Seelenpartner in den islamischen Quellen zu finden sind. Des Weiteren wirst du eine Methode kennen lernen, um herauszufinden, auf welcher Art & Weise du deine Liebe und Respekt deinen Mitmenschen zeigst. Dadurch kannst du spter einen Menschen finden, der mit dir die gleiche Herzenssprache teilt.Nach dem theoretischen Teil musst du schwitzen, denn du bekommst von mir 3 Aufgaben, die du dir zu Herzen nehmen solltest.Ich wnsche dir viel Erfolg auf dem Weg zu deiner glcklichen Ehe!HarunNote: I don't offer any certificate anymore."
Price: 29.99

"Hyperledger Fabric on Kubernetes - Beginner to Expert"
"In this course, we will be doing a deep dive on Hyperledger Network Architecture. We will explore the background of blockchain and how it relates to Hyperledger. We will explore the difference between a public network and a private. Once we have established the basics we will construct many different types of hyperledger networks to give you a deep understanding of all the parts of Hyperledger. We will explore Fabric CA (Certificate Authority), Kafka/ectRAFT and Solo Ordering, Genesis Block Configuration, Peers and Peer-to-Peer Interactions, State Management for CA and Peers and many more topics related to the Hyperledger ecosystem. We are also going to be building a front-end in VueJS and a back-end in GoLang. We're going to connect these to the Hyperledger network in Kubernetes and have a complete end-to-end system.After we get a basic Hyperledger network up and running we'll establish that network on Kubernetes and eventually deploy it AWS using Kops.Come explore Hyperledger with me as we become Hyperledger Experts!"
Price: 199.99

"How to Sell Your Art Online"
"Learn exactly HOW to market your Art and see real results NOW. This is an online course on building a sustainable, profitable Art Business. Learn exactly how to implement your art marketing and business plan with step-by-step strategies. Natasha demystifies business for artists. She knows how art sells. When it comes to social media, you need a tailored strategy geared for creative entrepreneurs to benefit from the tools out there. The power artists have to profit from a visual based world such as the web is HUGE. Natasha Wescoat has become one of the most successful artists in the industry, making over 6 figures since 2004 and developing and world-renown art brand. She has worked with huge companies like Ford Motor Company, MySpace and Mashable where she designed and managed social media campaigns and visual social marketing strategies. After 10+ years of a successful, booming art career, Natasha Wescoat reveals exactly how YOU can build massive fans to create traffic, gain high-paying collectors and make art sales THROUGH Social media. How to sell your art online course will take you through beginner to intermediate concepts and strategies on art marketing, art business growth, expanding opportunities, pitching collaborations as well as everything from licensing to retail business. In addition to the course, you will receive: Natashas's Art Famous in 5 Days Crash course: Get your art in the media! 5 day challenge to build your expertise in personal PR for your art while getting your name out there in news, blogs and more! Natasha's e-book guide: Career Launch Guide: This is the core strategy book for everything from selling art prints to pitching to licensing companies. Everything you want to know, step by step to launching a successful art career. Great supplement to the Artist Blueprint Plan course! Natasha's e-book guide: ""Facebook Marketing Secrets for Artists"" where she shares how she made $50k in selling art directly on Facebook in one year. Natasha's e-book report: ""Social Media Metrics 101"" where she teaches you a step-by-step process to improving those keywords in your listings and website for maximum traffic."
Price: 49.99

"Creativity Supercharger Unleash Innovation"
"Learn to be an innovator!Learn to be more productive!Learn the strategies of creative genius!Creativity Supercharger has been carefully designed for those who want to increasecreativity and bring it to its fullest potential. The course is for those who seek to understand creativity so that they can apply it to their work and their lives. Its for those individualswho want to be creative and innovativein their fields.By the end of this course students will be able to:Apply over 30 strategies used by creative geniuses around the world in a variety of fields.Apply multiple methods to develop truly creative ideas in the shortest time possible.Understand the creative process so that you can apply it to any area.What are the most powerful principles that unleash creativity and creative power? This course covers them.Creativity can be learned. Creative skills can be developed and enhanced. We all possess the ability. The ability to create and innovate in any area can be improved through increased understanding of creative method and diligent practice of creative skills.Imagine for a moment a vast increase in your creative capacity. You can create as much, innovate as much as you want. What does that feel like? How does it feel to have greater creative skill than you have ever had before? This course is designed to get you there.The work ahead is challenging. Getting great benefits will require solid effort. I strongly recommend you complete every training and practise exercise and that you do so in a space where you are comfortable and free from distraction. You will also need to be in a space where you can write with pen and paper on hand. Im certain that if you study each lesson with an open mind and work through each training session to the best of your ability, a new level of creativity and creative mastery can be attained by the end of this course.Innovate. Produce. Create.Lets get started."
Price: 199.99

"Sell Your Home Without A Realtor - For Sale By Owner"
"Selling your home can be confusing and stressful. This For Sale By Home Owner course will teach you how to save big as a seller or sell better as a new realtor. Homes being sold by their owners, also called FSBO homes, are listed without the assistance of a real estate agent so the seller can avoid paying a commission.  This course gives you the basic tools and resources you need to successfully sell your home on your without a real estate agent or successfully sell more homes as a new real estate agent. In this course you will learn how to access your homes value, how to attract buyers and how to sell your home quickly for your asking price. As long as you are willing and ready to be dedicated in treating your home selling plan and process as a full-time job; then you will be extremely successful with our course when it comes to selling one of your most precious asset. To Ask Questions and Be A Part Of Ask Ebonie on Tuesdays Subscribe To My Youtube Channel @reiinvestmentsociety"
Price: 69.99

"Ser Espiritual Vivendo Humanamente O EU SOU"
"=> Voc vai aceitar sua natureza espiritual e iluminada e saber que precisa se abrir para a melhor verso de si mesmo=> Muitas pessoas perseguem a vida toda um caminho espiritual, mas elas esquecem que so um ser espiritual vivendo uma vida humana, um estado de humanidade real e que traga benefcios de evoluo espiritual para essa existncia=> Voc vai valorizar sua vida humana sabendo que da espiritualidade veio e para ela um dia voltar levando a maravilhosa experincia de ter vivido uma vida humana=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para Ser Espiritual Vivendo Humanamente O EU SOU estabelecer uma forte conexo com sua natureza espiritual, remover todas as crenas limitante do ego que te fazer perseguir um caminho o qual j seu, somos todos iluminados espiritualmente, voc vai assumir o controle das melhores experincias da sua vida como ser humanoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a SER ESPIRITUAL VIVENDO HUMANAMENTE O EU SOU Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. SER ESPIRITUAL VIVENDO HUMANAMENTE O EU SOU o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para SER ESPIRITUAL VIVENDO HUMANAMENTE O EU SOU"
Price: 24.99

"MIndfulness - Estar no Presente - Treinamento Mental"
"=> Voc vai comear a experimentar viver no agora, vai focar naquilo que realmente importa na sua vida, se tornando plenamente consciente de suas opes e escolhas=> Muitas pessoas no conseguem uma meditao de tempo presente, estarem focadas em seus reais objetivos, ficam presos em pensamentos preocupantes do passado ou mesmo projetando desnecessariamente o futuro, fazendo com que crie emoes que as prendem em um momento diferente do agora=> Voc vai se conectar com sua vida usando o poder do momento presente=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para o Tema MIndfulness - Estar no Presente deixar de lado mgoas do passado com mais facilidade, no ficar projetando um dia no futuro para ficar bem, sua concentrao ir melhorar te tornando mais produtivo. Tanto que suas habilidades sociais e seus relacionamentos se desenvolvero no presente de forma positiva, pois voc estar com a mente presente em qualquer situaoEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a MINDFULNESS - ESTAR NO PRESENTE Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. MINDFULNESS - ESTAR NO PRESENTE o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para MINDFULNESS - ESTAR NO PRESENTE Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Equilibrar o Chakra do Terceiro Olho - Treinamento Mental"
"=> Voc vai auto curar seu chakra do terceiro olho para desenvolver a sua intuio e seu sexto sentido=> Se voc perdeu contato com sua verdadeira intuio, ou no tem f no seu prprio julgamento, se tornou uma pessoa muito logica, ou mesmo muito dogmtico e arrogante, precisa desenvolver rapidamente uma inteligncia emocional=> Seu terceiro olho precisa de cura se voc: extremamente rigoroso e dogmtico, tem muitas dores de cabea, sinusite e problemas oculares, muito impaciente, indisciplinado, sente que no tem nenhuma ambio, teme ter sucesso na vida e/ou muito exagerado nas coisas=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para Equilibrar o Chakra do Terceiro Olho se tornar profundamente consciente desenvolvendo a intuio e autoconscincia, equilibrando-se de forma livre, sem medo do desconhecido, vai ousar mais na sua vida seguindo sua intuioEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO TERCEIRO OLHO Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO TERCEIRO OLHO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO TERCEIRO OLHO Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Equilibrar o Chakra Larngeo - Chakra da Garganta"
"=> Voc vai aprender se expressar com mais harmonia com os outros e melhorar sua comunicao em todos os sentidos=> Voc no ter mais problema para expressar sua voz no mundo, vai poder comunicar suas emoes para aquelas pessoas que estima, vai pensar e falar claramente, sua comunicao ser muito mais fcil=> Cure o seu chakra da garganta se: for incapaz de expressar suas opinies, quando sentir que sua opinio no importante e se calar sempre, quando tiver crises de arrogncia e hipocrisia, no conseguir se auto expressar, passar desapercebido pelo seu ponto de vista e seguir somente o que os outros falam, esteja sofrendo de infeces e dores de garganta=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para Equilibrar o Chakra Larngeo - Chakra da Garganta voc despertar seu centro de energia na garganta para se comunicar de forma melhor e eficaz, desenvolvendo seu senso de confiana e segurana pessoal ao se comunicarEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA LARINGEO - CHAKRA DA GARGANTA Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA LARINGEO - CHAKRA DA GARGANTA o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA LARINGEO - CHAKRA DA GARGANTA Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Equilibrar o Chakra do Corao - Treinamento Mental"
"=> Voc vai experimentar uma completa auto aceitao e desenvolver a compaixo dentro do seu Ser=> No sabotar mais seus relacionamentos com sentimentos de cimes e raiva, no vai mais sentir medo de se abrir as emoes com medo de se machucar, voc deixar de bloquear o amor na sua vida e desenvolver seu potencial mximo nos relacionamentos=> Voc vai precisar auto cura seu chakra do corao: se estiver vivendo irritado e amargo, cheio de medos e inseguranas, sentindo que nunca vai encontrar o amor, experimentando constantemente dificuldade nos relacionamentos. Sofrendo de hipertenso, alergias, asmas, bronquite, cncer de mama, problemas cardacos em geral=> Voc vai treinar a sua mente para Equilibrar o Chakra do Corao voc ativar seu centro de energia para o amor incondicional a si mesmo e a compaixo pelos outros, depois se abrir para amar as pessoas a sua volta sem medo, vai saber expressar seus mais sinceros sentimentos sem medo de se machucar, sentir profunda paixo pela vidaEsse Treinamento Mental ocorre como um Reprogramao Mental para o Sono, que vai te levar a EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO CORAO Esse Treinamento usa tcnicas de auto-hipnose no sono, mensagens subliminares, afirmaes positivas e ondas thetas que induzem uma reprogramao no seu subconsciente enquanto dorme. Esse Treinamento Mental usa a Tecnologia Brainwave com ondas cerebrais que possuem comprovao cientifica e est sendo realizada por milhares de pessoas no mundo inteiro. EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO CORAO o Treinamento Mental que vai mudar a sua mentalidade, reformatar as suas crenas e te levar a ter uma personalidade mais atuante em sua prpria vida. Os Resultados desse Treinamento com Reprogramao Mental que usa tecnologia de ondas cerebrais so revolucionrios, e comeam a ser sentidos aps a primeira semana de treinamento. Voc vai adquirir um Treinamento Mental para EQUILIBRAR O CHAKRA DO CORAO Voc vai mudar a sua mentalidade, veja agora passo a passo como fazer seu Treinamento Mental"
Price: 24.99

"Men's Best Secrets To Making Friends and Attracting Lovers"
"FREE BONUS! Complete this comprehensive course and receive: Your own copy of "Captivate & Conquer: How To Master Attraction With Beautiful Women" as a free ebook gift from me! . Your own copy of "How To Captivate And Audience Using Your Hidden Charm" Your own copy of my special report, "The Top 7 Secrets To Amazing Social Confidence" ALL FREE!_________________________________________________________________________ Why should you take this course?Because you don't have a girlfriend and you want one. Because you don't have quality friends....and you want some of those, too!Because you are recently divorced and are now new (again) to the dating scene...and could use some guidance. Because you are tired of being lonely, single and frustrated.Because you are ineffective with your current system of attracting women and friends."
Price: 24.99

"Block Buster: Overcoming Writer's Block"
"This is a class for both new and experienced writers whowish to overcome writer'sblock and fill their blank pages with inspiration and creativity.Take this CreativeWriting Course now and learn to unleash the creative writer within you.Gain confidence in your creative abilities. Learn how to overcome your writer's Block. Discover theenjoyment and playfulness of daydreaming and imagining on paper!"
Price: 19.99

"Beginners Adobe Illustrator CS5 Tutorial"
"AVerifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Along with Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator is one of the most important graphic design tools in the world, and absolutely the best choice if you want to create vector graphics that can be endlessly resized without degradation. Andy Anderson's Illustrator CS5 for Beginners video course can help you quickly become proficient with Illustrator'scutting edge tools and functionality. This Adobe Illustrator video tutorial teaches you to work confidently with vector graphics no matter what your focus. You will get a thorough introduction to the individual tools Illustrator offers and also gain a better understanding of how the program can be used as a go-to choice in virtually any workflow. Andy thoroughly demonstrates vector graphic design techniques that can be used to create logos, business cards and enormous posters, and also covers 3D, animation, file conversion and printing, too. By the completion of this computer software training course, you will be completely competent in the use of Illustrator, creating your own masterpieces of vector art. This course includes working files that allow you to work alongside the author."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe Photoshop for Photographers"
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Photoshop is now a household word, and with good reason. It can make washed-out imperfect images into digital masterpieces, or even take decades-old photos and repair damages that have been there for years. Professional technology trainer Andy Anderson will show you how to get professional results, with the same straightforward teaching approach he used in seminars for Disney and The White House in this Photoshop CS5 Tutorial that will inspire and inform.This Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Photographers course goes through techniques that are tried and true, and used by professionals everywhere to touch up and enhance digital and scanned photography. This tutorial is not for the beginner to Photoshop. You should have at least a basic working knowledge of Photoshop and the tools that are available. Starting with a basic introduction to the fundamental photography concepts of ISO, Depth of Field and Shutter Speed, you will quickly discover that this video tutorial covers more than correcting red-eye, although it does that too, but it also is rife with techniques that photographers can use both in Photoshop, and before you even take the picture with your camera. When combined with the Photoshop for Beginners tutorial course, you will have an impressive range of knowledge of the program and a specific expertise when it comes to working with photos after learning these Photoshop Actions for Photographers."
Price: 49.99

"Adobe Acrobat X Professional Tutorial - Learn The Easy Way"
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. Adobe Acrobat Professional is the perfect tool for professional document creation and distribution, from official forms to scanned copies and customer surveys. In addition to the security and reproduction quality offered by PDFs, Acrobat now includes a full suite of data collection and collaboration options that this course will cover step by step. In this Adobe Acrobat X video training course, expert author and trainer Michael Hoffman will show you how you can create documents, forms, add interactivity, collaborate and publish your work for everybody to view. Starting with a review of the interface and toolbars, this video tutorial will teach you to get the most out of Adobe Acrobat X. But this is much more than a rundown of product features. You'll learn exactly how Acrobat fits into a professional business environment, with tips on workflow and productivity that can save you time and frustration. By the conclusion of this video training course on Adobe Acrobat X, you will be fully capable of creating, editing, and sharing your documents in PDF form. The author has included extensive project files to allow you to work alongside him as you learn."
Price: 49.99

"Learn to Program with C++"
"A Verifiable Certificate of Completion is presented to all students who undertake this course. As one of the most popular general purpose programming languages in the world, C++ can be used to create everything from small apps to complete video games and critical system drivers. Now you can get started with C++ in a step by step, hands-on video course, in far less time than trying on your own with this ultimate c plus plus tutorial . In this 10 hour tutorial series, computer science professor Mike McMillan introduces you to the basics of programming in C++. With over 25 years of programming experience, 13 years of teaching, and having written 6 textbooks on programming, Mike offers the definitive guide to coding. Starting with the basics of the C++ programming language, this video tutorial covers all of the basic operations you need to start building your own programs with c plus plus programs"
Price: 49.99

"Ultimate Excel Shortcut Guide Become a Power User in Days!"
"This Microsoft Excel Shortcut Guide training course from Infinite Skills takes you beyond the basics of Excel, showing you numerous useful shortcuts within this spreadsheet program. This course is designed for users that already have a basic working knowledge of Excel. You will start by learning simple shortcuts, such as adding hyperlinks to Excel objects and using the fill handle for quick data patterns. You will then jump into learning Excel interface shortcuts, how to move swiftly between workbooks and worksheets, and creating and using custom views. Guy proceeds to teach you how to work with dates and times, as well as working with data and formula. Finally, this video tutorial will show you shortcuts for creating charts and pivot tables, including referencing a pivot table value in a formula and separating worksheets from a single pivot table. By the completion of this video based training course, you will be comfortable with using many of these shortcuts in Microsoft Excel. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Beat the SAT Math"
""Beat the SAT Math" contains 15 sections, each covering an essential SAT Math topic. Section 1: Algebraic Techniques Section 2: Equation Solving Section 3: Exponents Section 4: Number Properties Section 5: Angles Section 6: Triangles Section 7: Area & Perimeter Section 8: 3D Shapes Section 9: Slopes & Coordinate Geometry Section 10: Functions Section 11: Graphs Section 12: Probability Section 13: Sequences & Patterns Section 14: Averages & Percent Section 15: Test-Taking Tricks How to use this course: Step 1: Read the section introduction Each chapter starts with a written overview of the main ideas, including sample questions explained and key formulas (included in the PDF at the beginning of each section). Step 2: Practice with Set A After the section introduction, each chapter is broken down into two problem sets, Set A and Set B. After reading through the necessary formulas and sample questions for a given chapter, try the questions in Set A. Check your answers in the answer key. For any questions you need assistance with, watch the video tutorial. Step 3: Master the topic with Set B After reviewing Set A questions, try Set B. You'll see that Set B mirrors Set A. The purpose of this is to reinforce what we covered in Set A and to give you an opportunity to master the material."
Price: 54.99

"Aperture 3 a fondo"
"Capitulo 1 Abrir Aperture Partes de la Interfaz Importar imágenes desde una tarjeta de memoria Trabajar con imágenes en el explorador Ver y usar los metadatos Ajuste de imágenes Clasificar y rechazar imágenes Compartir fotos por mail Subir imágenes a Facebook, Flickr y MobileMe Capitulo 2 Importar archivos desde el finder Personalizar ajustes de importación Mostrar metadatos Palabras Clave Editar vistas y ajustes de metadatos Clasificar y filtrar proyectos Capítulo 3 Crear vistas previas en aperture Evaluar imágenes a pantalla completa La herramienta Lupa Clasificar imágenes Comparar un grupo de imágenes Usar opciones de selección Clasificar imágenes usando el teclado Revisar imágenes en la tabla de luz Capitulo 4 Completar grabación Aplicar palabras clave 2.4 Trabajar con el HUD de palabras clave 2.5 Modificar Metadatos por lotes 2.6 Utilizar los botones de palabra clave 2.7 Lift & Stamp 2.8 Capitulo 5 Editar vistas y ajustes de metadatos 2.9 Clasificar y filtrar un proyecto 2.10 Crear álbumes y álbumes inteligentes 2.11 Capitulo 6 Crear vistas previas 3.1 Evaluar imagenes en pantalla completa 3.2 Herramienta Lupa 3.3 Capitulo 7 Clasificar imágenes 3.4 Comparar y clasificar un grupo de imágenes 3.5 Pilas de fotos 3.6 Clasificar imagenes con el teclado 3.7 Mesa de luz 3.8 Capitulo 8 Importar bibliotecas de iPhoto 4.1 Places 4.2 Añadir ubicación manualmente 4.3 Importar rutas de GPS 4.4 Crear un smart album de una ubicación 4.5 Caras 4.6 Capitulo 9 Bibliotecas en OSX 5.1 Importar fotos referenciadas 5.2 Trabajar con imagenes referenciadas 5.3 Organizar bibliotecas 5.4 Crear copia de seguridad de la biblioteca 5.5 Capitulo 10 Acerca de la edición en Aperture 6.1 Trabajar en el inspector de ajustes 6.2 Corregir imagenes sobreexpuestas y subexpuestas 6.3 Reencuadrar una fotografía 6.4 Capitulo 11 Realizar ajustes a pantalla completa 7.1 Mejorar las altas luces y las sombras 7.2 Ajustar los niveles de una imagen 7.3 Convertir imagenes a blanco y negro 7.4 Comparar versiones de imágenes 7.5 Capitulo 12 Ajustar la saturación 8.1 Aplicar controles de matiz 8.2 Controlar la viveza de la imagen 8.3 Mejora selectiva del color 8.4 Trabajar con curvas 8.5 Corregir las aberraciones cromáticas 8.6 Trabajar con un editor externo 8.7 Capitulo 13 Pincel de desenfoque 9.1 Suavizar pieles 9.2 Aclarar zonas 9.3 Oscurecer zonas 9.4 Aplicar pincel a toda la imagen 9.4 Corrección de Halo 9.5 Capitulo 14 Retocar imágenes 9.6 Crear pincel a partir de ajuste 9.7 Crear multiples instancias de un pincel 9.8 Capítulo 15 Introducción a archivos RAW Trabajar con RAW + JPEG 10.1 Decodificacion del formato RAW 10.2 Boost y Hue Boost 10.3 Enfoque y reducción de ruido 10.4 Eliminar efecto Moiré 10.5 Guardar ajustes preestablecidos 10.6 Archivos DNG 10.7 Capítulo 16 Ajustes preestablecidos de pases de diapositivas Crear un album de pases de diapositivas Como mejorar un pase de diapositivas Títulos, transiciones y efectos fotográficos Mezclar música y efectos de sonido Vídeo Editar con ritmo Edición improvisada Compartir un pase de diapositivas Capítulo 17 Subir fotos a Facebook, Flickr y Mobileme Crear un diario personal Cambiar y modificar temas en un diario web Publicar un diario web Capítulo 18 Componer un libro fotografico Personalizar imágenes y diseños de página Realizar un pedido Entrega de fotografias impresas Imprimir con ajustes preestablecidos"
Price: 19.99

"Intro To AJAX With jQuery ( Web Programming Made Easy )"
"This Introduction to AJAX With jQuery training course from Infinite Skills welcomes you to the world of programming using AJAX and jQuery. This course is intended for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior knowledge or experience with AJAX is required to take full advantage of this tutorial. You will start by learning how to use jQuery to change a webpage. From there, you will learn how to load external content into a page element. Walter teaches you how to send data and get information back from the server so you can update your page. He will also show you how to dynamically update your page so that it can support tagging, search, and other features. This video based training course will also teach you basic form validation with jQuery, how to handle potential errors when submitting data, and how to build a search form. Once you have completed this training tutorial, you will be fully capable of programming your website using jQuery. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99