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"Aromatherapy for Women"
"""Very comprehensive and informative, covers many relevant topics for women.""Learn the best essential oils for stress- and whyKnow which type of PMS you struggle with so you can choose the most suitable essential oil to help youHow using essential oils can help your infertility or miscarriage journeyKnow what essential oils are safest during pregnancy- and ways to use themLearn how using essential oils postpartum can help your sanity Change the way you go through ""the change"" using aromatherapy for menopauseDiscover how aromatherapy can be an effective tool for weight managementCan you relate to anything there? Let's see. Are you a woman? Check. Does any of these issues affect you personally or someone you know?Check. Are you tired of men giving advice on something they clearly have no experience with? Check and check. Are you interested in natural alternatives to some of the biggest life issues that women face? Are you curious about essential oils?Let's talk about a plan of action. Watch the course preview. You can watch more after that...Did I mention that Aromatherapy for Women comes with a FREE workbook? Yes it does. Why? Because I know that as a woman you are very busy and appreciate:valuable information all in one placerecipes!This course outlines practical strategies for dealing with these phases of life. Projects for the course include:Make essential oil blends for diffusermake a massage oil blend Make a body scrubMake a body spray for hot flashes and moreThis course covers life stage challenges for women:Stress or anxietyPMS (premenstrual syndrome)Infertility or MiscarriagePregnancy (including postpartum)Peri-menopause & MenopauseWeight managementAre you tired of men giving advice on menopause? I was.One thing that I have learned is that every woman's journey is unique, but there are a lot of common things that bond us together.I have a special place in my heart for women and the challenges they face. I have spent a lot of time talking to women about their journeys through life, sharing in their joys and struggles. The issues that affect women are obviously hormone related, and this course tackles these head on.Essential oils can provide amazing benefits to you as you care for yourself so that you can in turn care for others. (Because chances are pretty good that you are also in a caregiver situation.)This course comes with a comprehensive workbook for easy reference as you work through the projects. It also includes ""recipes"" for formulas.What women are saying about Aromatherapy for women""Very comprehensive and informative, covers many relevant topics for women.""Jill R.""This course was full of well-organized, easy to follow information. It had so many practical, real world applications for women in all stages of life to relate to. The projects were thoughtful, clear, and easy to personalize to my own needs.The instructor is very knowledgable and obviously passionate about aromatherapy which helped me feel comfortable to try the projects on my own and to feel capable of completing other recipes listed in the guidebook.I am really happy to have gained this knowledge at this point in my life, as I am currently expecting my first child, and I feel I will continue to use what I have learned a lot in the coming months and years!""Shaye R.This course is brand neutral.Important: My sincere apologies, but I am not able to give medical advice or answer medical questions- please consult with your health care provider for your individual situation.Keywords: aromatherapy, essential oils, women's health and wellness"
Price: 139.99

Price: 19.99

"Shutterstock gibi sitelere grsel ykleyin, gelir elde edin."
"Grafik Tasarmclarn ve illstratrlerin internetten nasl para kazandn renmek ister misiniz? Stok siteleri ile bu mmkn. yleyse hangi stok siteyi ya da siteleri kullanyorlar? Stok sitelere eser gnderip para kazanmak istiyor musunuz? O zaman bu eitim tam size gre. Yllardr biriktirdiim deneyimlerimi bu eitimde paylayorum.Kursumda iinize yarayacak materyaller paylayorum. Grafik rnlerinizin pazarlama formllerini rendikten ksa bir sre sonra satlarnzn bydn greceksiniz. Bir ok fotoraf sanats, vektr sanats ve 3 boyutlu tasarm yapan uzmanlarn rnek ilerini de stok sitelerden inceleyebilirsiniz.Eminim eitimleri tamamladktan sonra sizler de rnlerinizi internet zerinden satabileceksiniz.Profesyonel olun veya amatr olun, nemli deil. Greceksiniz stok siteler hakknda ksa zamanda ok bilgi edineceksiniz.Bylece dnyayla, zellikle Amerika'daki irketlerle evinizden almaya balayacaksnz.Kazancnz bytmek sizin elinizde, ne istendiini anladzda o grseli retip sata sunmanz yeterli olacaktr.Herhangi bir sorunuz veya bir problem olursa, bana dilediiniz zaman ulaabilirsiniz. En ksa zaman iinde size tekrar geri dneceim!Eitimin faydal olmas dileklerimle..."
Price: 19.99

"Learn English in 1 Hour"
"Do you want to go to an English speaking University? Do you want to work for a multi-national company? Do you want to travel the world or move abroad? Let me help you LEARNENGLISHFASTER so you can CHASE YOURDREAMS WITHENGLISH!ABOUTME:Hi, I'm English Teacher Ashley! I'm aNATIVEENGLISHSPEAKER and a CELTACERTIFIEDENGLISHTEACHER.Ihave taught 200+ students from 15+ different countries reach their goals with English! Think of me as your personal English Teacher teaching you, motivating you, and giving you the secrettips and tricks for LEARNINGENGLISHFASTER!INTHISCOURSE:You will Learn How English Works in 1 Hour and you will get14 TOTALLECTURES about.....LETTERS of the English Alphabet& SYMBOLS of thePhonemic ChartNeed to Know WORDS&VOCABULARY for speakingThe magicformulafor making SENTENCESDIFFERENTUSESof Englishand.........How to LEARNMOREENGLISH with teacher recommended study tips & resources!I have also added 7 BONUSDOWNLOADS you can use for future studyThe Phonemic ChartThe 3000 Word List9 Parts of Speech50 Most Common VerbsCommon Phrasal Verbs and Idioms12 Verb TensesSuggestions & FREEResources for future studyMYPROMISE TOYOU:A lot of English courses are with non-certified teachers looking to make money. A lot of textbooks just give you a lot of grammar rules that leave you confused. By taking my courseyou will get a real, knowledgeable, and certified teacher who cares. I teach you and motivate you just like a high-paying student at an English school. I show you what you need to learn so you don't feel lost and confused while learning English."
Price: 19.99

"Male Sexual Dysfunction Guide: Enforce your spirit and flesh"
"The sexual connection between couples is a reflection of their entire relationship. It is expected that if the man feels that there is a defect in his sexual performance during intercourse, he will be frustrated and this may affect the relationship between couples.Some men may feel ashamed of talking to their partners or wives about these problems creating a big gap between them. Further changes in the behavior of the man can result in the appearance of a state of tension that destroys the atmosphere of the relationship.Frequently, the Man feels ashamed to discuss such problems with his treating physicians or think that they cant help him and finds himself alone facing such problems causing him more and more distress.This course will try to be the first guide any man with sexual problems can use to face the most common sexual problems like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, decreased sexual desire and many others.Important note : All the scientific material presented in this course is the result of extensive exhaustinglong hours of illustration and simplification of male sexual dysfunctionchapters from many medical textbooks and websites."
Price: 39.99

"The Ultimate Guide for Low Back Pain: Mend your body support"
"Low back pain is that pain experienced in the lower back region. Approximately 85% of the entire population will experience back pain at some stage of their lives, 30s, 40s and 50s are the most common ages to have it with the average age being 45 years. Moreover, it leads to medical costs that exceed $38 billion per year. Your life may be full with activates and habits that increases the likelihood of developing low back pain or make it worse if you already have it. Causes of low back pain range from simple non-concerning things to serious life threatening conditions,,, but how to know? Should you seek medical help? Or be assured it will go away by its own? What will the doctor ask you and why? and What are the different tests he/she will order ? And most important what can you do to treat your back pain? Change your lifestyle, at work? Sleeping? Diet? Certain exercise to do? Should you take mediations? Or maybe try other different things that are said to be miraculous on that read about that day. You will find answers to all of these questions and more in this course: The Ultimate Guide for Low Back Pain: Mend your body supportImportant note : All the scientific material presented in this course is the result of extensive exhaustinglong hours of illustration and simplification of low back painchapters from many medical textbooks and websites."
Price: 49.99

"Basecamp 3 Fundamentals"
"Basecamp, the leading web-based project collaboration tool.Basecamp is a powerful project management and collaboration tool. Thousands of companies use it. Basecamp Essentials is the definitive guide to getting starting managing your projects with Basecamp.In this course you will learn how to effectively manage your projects online using Basecamp.Manage projects and teams using Basecamp, a popular cloud collaboration tool. Basecamp lets you schedule activities, assign tasks, share files, and communicate with team members and project participants throughout the life cycle of a project.This course shows you how to get started with Basecamp, manage teams, schedule work, communicate with others, share items, track progress, and more."
Price: 19.99

"Effective Listening Skills to Become More Successful"
"Listening is a critical competency, whether you are interviewing for your first job or leading a Fortune 500 company. Surprisingly, relatively few of us have ever had any formal training in how to listen effectively.In this course, you will learn how to assess your current listening skills, understand the challenges to effective listening (such as distractions!), and develop behaviors that will allow you to become a better listenerand a better colleague, mentor, and friend.You will learn everything you need to know about being an active listener. Being an active listener means you are engaged in the conversation and will get the most out of it as possible. This course explains the five steps you need to follow in order to achieve success. Once you are able to listen better, you will see success increase in all areas of your life."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads Professional PerfectComplete"
Price: 24000.00

"Japanese language lesson #1"
"Hello everyone! On this course, we introduce Japanese often used in daily lifefor beginners. We hope you enjoy studying Japanese."
Price: 3000.00

Price: 4200.00

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Price: 4200.00

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Price: 6000.00

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Price: 7200.00

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Price: 8400.00

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Price: 4800.00

"Curso Marketing Digital - Consigue Clientes con Marketing"
"Te gustara descubrir el Marketing Digital para Crear Pginas webs Visibles y Efectivas?Te imaginas tener Clientes una y otra vez con una pgina web?Te gustara saber el proceso paso a paso para Lograr Suscriptores y Ventas de forma constante?En este curso de Marketing Digitalvas a encontrar todo el material que necesitas para comenzar a triunfar haciendo Landing pages. Las Landing Pages son Pginas webs muy poderosas donde logrars clientes y ventas de forma constnte siempre que lo hagas de la forma correcta. En el curso no solo te enseo a crear este tipo de pginas, sino tambin te ensear mi experiencia paso a paso; desde trucos y estrategias muy valiosas que me hiciern conseguir ventas en mi sitio web al implementar todo esto.Si siempre quisiste saber por qu algunas empresas consiguen tan grandes ventas y te gustara comenzar a monetizar ese blog que tenas apalancado o ese negocio online que NO logra ventas ni clientes...Y te frustras porque...NO sabes el mtodo para conseguir ventasPareces INVISIBLE y no sabes por qu NO tienes clientesEntonces necesitas este mini-curso que he creado para ti...Donde descubrirs el paso a paso para...Descubrir cmo VENDER con una sola pgina web en 20minutosSaber el proceso paso a paso por el que PIERDES ventas y CMO solucionarloSaber cmo Tener un Negocio que Genere CLIENTES las 24 horas.Todos los vdeos son 100% Online, para que puedas verlo en los dispositivos que desees.Listo/a? Pues nos vemos dentro...! :)"
Price: 49.99

"Curso Marketing Digital - Marketing para Principiantes"
"Cuantas veces has sentido que VENDER se te hace dificil porque NO tienes conocimiento de Marketing Digital?Qu Internet es otro MUNDO para Generar CLIENTES?o...Qu no sabes nada de Informtica para Hacer pginas webs que VENDAN?Eso tambin me pensaba yo...Al fin puedo decir, que estaba muy equivocado con mis conclusiones. Porque no es necesario nada de esto cuando sabes las herramientas necesarias que debes de utilizar; y no solo eso, sino el que ofrecer a tu CLIENTE en internet en cada momento para lograr la venta, en general tener un Marketing EFECTIVO.Te dir un secreto...Vender en internet es muuuy, muy dificil.Internet es un mundo de Oportunidades, pero tambin puede ser la peor preocupacin y estabilidad para tu negocio si recin empiezasno sabes Dominarla, y si no sabes nada de Marketing Digital se te har un infierno este proceso...Y s, que ests en esta situacin...Qu tienes un negocio online pero no vende, pareces invisible...Qu tengas otro negocio fsico y al adaptarlo a internet se te hace un infierno...Qu pierdes dinero y tiempo en una web que no te ayuda ni a pagar los gastos..Cuando yo comenc unos aos atrs, prcticamente estaba como t perdiendo horas y horas en frente del ordenador, sin saber formasREALESde promocionar mis servicios, incluso crea que era una perdida de tiempo anunciarme en internet o aprender Marketingpara tener mi primer Negocio Digital.Inclu panfletos, me promocionaba en restaurantes cuando an era ilusionista profesional, invert en carteles de publicidad. Es ms; mucha gente que conoc me propuso la opcin hacer publicidad por buzones... pero nada de esto funcion. Losmtodos tradicionales para vender estaban quedando obsoletos...La Forma de Vender a Cambiado...Desde que el mundo dio la bienvenida a internet las cosas han cambiado radicalmente. Ahora las pequeas empresas pueden florecer anuncindose por poco presupuesto y obtener grandes resultados simplemente porque saben cada estrategia de MARKETING que utilizar en cada momento.Y esto...Tambin te repercute a ti.Pero aunque hay mucho contenido en internet para aprender, desgraciadamente el contenido es tan abundante que perdemos la vista de nuestro objetivo. No hay nadie que nos gue, que nos muestre el manual de instrucciones para lanzar tu negocio al inmenso mundo de Internet.Porque Necesitas un Cambio en tu Negocio OnlineEl cambio de ser invisible a obtener visibilidad yRENTABILIDAD, dejar de...Perder dinero en Libros, cursos o manuales que te ayudan lo mnimo.Perder tiempo en arreglrtelas por tu cuenta a cada momento Perder la oportunidad de avanzar con tu NegocioPor eso hice este Curso guiadoPASO a PASO,un curso donde lo Explico TODO lo que he aprendido durante todos estos aos en internet, todo lo que me hubiera gustado aprender sobre Marketing Digital. De la forma ms sencilla posible para que lo entiendas todo; con plantillas de trabajo, guas, ms de 15 vdeos ymapas mentales para que Logres las ventas que tanto esperabas para tu Negocio Digital.Un Curso donde vas a Conseguir...Descubrir cmoLograrventas, incluso sin mucho de tu esfuerzo.Comenzar a Tener ms tiempo libre porque haces un Sistema en Internet en modo Automtico.ConseguirCLIENTESuna y otra vez para tu Negocio y descubrir el momento Exacto para Venderle.Descubrir cmo Obtener msVISIBILIDADy Lograr Vender ms Productos en Menos Tiempo.Lo que siempre quisiste para tu Negocio al alcance de tu mano. Un Curso Intensivo para Lograr los resultados que tanto buscabassin perder miles de horas en el ordenador o gestionando webs que te hacen perder mucho dinero.Sobretodo, este curso intensivo es para personas que quieran Aprender de verdad como mejorar su negocio, tanto si crees que esto no ayudar a tu Negocio Online o no vas a colaborar por mejorar tu sitio web; entonces esto NO es para ti.Lo que vas a Obtener cuando Compres el Curso:Ms de 15 Vdeos para que los veas donde quieras y cuando quierasGuas que podrs leer siempre que desees o imprimirlasPlantillas para que las descargues y las imprimasBONUS!1 Mapa del Sistema para que lo Recuerdes en cada momentoAhora la decisin es tuya...Puedes esperar que sigan pasando las cosasQu vendas por arte de magiaQue logres clientes con MUCHO esfuerzoo que compres este curso...Y logres conocerel SISTEMA paso a paso para Crear desde Cero tu Negocio Digital y lograr CLIENTES y Ventas de una Forma Rpida junto a mi. Ms que nada porqueestar contigo en todo el procesopor si necesitas algo en este proceso de Marketing.Nos vemos dentro!"
Price: 199.99

"Ganar Dinero con Youtube - Youtube para Principiantes"
"Te gustara Ganar Dinero con Youtube incluso sin Subir ni un solo vdeo?Te gustara saber cmo Tener ms tiempo y Ganar Dinero con tan solo utilizar Youtube?Incluso...Qu me diras si pudieras VIVIR de Youtube todo de forma 100% Automtica, donde incluso Ganas Dinero sin subir ni un solo vdeo en un ao entero?Suena demasiado bien... verdad?No voy a mentirte... No ser un proceso mgico o fcil, pero una vez te muestre mi mtodo donde te enseo paso a paso mi experiencia con Youtube, cambiars por completo tu perspectiva de lo que creste sobre subir vdeos a Internet.Si lo que siempre quisiste era...Ganar Dinero con Youtube sin estar pendiente siempre de subir vdeos o no...Lograr Subir vdeos sin estar horas y horas de tu tiempoen el ordenador.Poder VIVIR de Youtube de forma 100% AutomticaEntonces este curso es para ti...ATENCIN: En este curso NO voy a mostrarte cmo funciona Youtube exactamente, o los pasos que necesitas para crearte un canal. Este curso es una videopresentacin donde te muestro mi estrategia personal con la que YO MISMO logr Ganar Dinero en Youtube sin subir vdeos. Adems te enseo tcnicas y sutilezas para lograr Ganar Dinero en Youtube de forma 100% Automtica.Preparado/a para descubrir cmo lograrlo?Nos vemos dentro :)"
Price: 89.99

"Anuncios en Facebook - Crea tu Primer Anuncio en Facebook"
"Te gustara crear tu primer Anuncio en Facebook Ads con un Marketing Irresistible?Soy Migue Surez y llevo experimentado en Marketing Online desde hace ms de 3 aos y hoy quiero explicarte si alguna de esta situacin es parecida a la tuya:Nunca has creado una campaa en Facebook Ads y quieres dar el gran paso, pero no quieres arriesgarte a perder dinero.Te gustara crear campaas yanuncios efectivos en Facebook pero tienes miedo de perder mucho dinero, incluso no sabes que incluir en tus anuncios para comenzar con buen pie.Sientes que VENDER por Anuncios de Facebook Ads es muy dificil y necesitas aos de experiencia.Esto es lo mismo que yo sent cuando empec en el mundo del Marketing Online; no tena ni idea de por donde empezar; adems los cursos eran extremadamente caros y solo quedaba una opcin:Aprender a base de experiencia.Es muy dura la experiencia de buscarte la vida en Facebook ads, porque estars pegando palos de ciego constantemente, es decir; se te harIMPOSIBLE avanzarsin conocer lo indispensable.Por eso cre este curso especializado sobre Facebook Ads para las personas que recin comienzan con el mundo del Marketing Online, porque si eres de esas personas que quieres Anunciar tu negocio en Facebook pero tienes miedo de hacer las cosas mal y perder mucho dinero, incluso sentir que...Las Personas no le Interesan tus ProductosPierdes dinero y NO consigues ventasPierdes miles de horas en algo que NO sabes si funcionar...Entonces...Bienvenido al mundo de los emprendedores!Un lugar donde o Aprendes constantementeo MUERES.Siento serte tan sincero, pero la realidad es la base de mi experiencia y te lo digo porque si bien quieresdescubrir el PASO a PASO...Para Crear Anuncios que VENDAN, que Generen Clientes y consigan Resultados DE VERDAD.SaberCMO se crean Campaas de XITOcomo lo hacen los Cracks en Marketing Digital Detalle a Detalle...Adems delSISTEMA Probadopara Acertar con tu Cliente IDEAL yConseguir DINEROen vez de Perderlo...Entonces necesitas este CURSO.Un curso donde vas aDescubrir 5 Vdeos + PLANTILLAS + GUA + TRUCOSpara Lograr los Resultados que Tanto te esperabas con Facebook Ads, para comenzar aCrear Anuncios y Campaas de XITO desde el Primer Daen el que Compras este CURSO.****BONUS*****Plantilla en PDF para Identificar a tu Cliente y Hacer Campaas de xito en FBGUA en PDF para Crear Anuncios que Atraigan a tu Cliente IdealNos vemos dentro :) !"
Price: 94.99

"The Ultimate Guide to Cinematography with Unity"
"Have you ever wondered how AAA studios make sleek cutscenes that are integrated throughout a game to tell the player a story? Are you interested in making your own short films like the Adam Demo created by Unity Technologies? If so, this is the course for you! The Ultimate Guide to Cinematographywith Unity teaches you how to create a complete stealth adventure game in Unity, where youll not only increase your C# programming capabilities, but also create four finished, cinematic cutscenes that tell your games story!This course utilizes two of Unitys latest features: Timeline and Cinemachine. These features allow developers to take their game a step further by adding animation tracks to tell a story. Through this step-by-step guide, youll learn how to build amazing cutscenes for your Unity games. Hone your game logic skills and problem solving techniques by developing systems from scratch. In this course, you will: Create a Point & Click Character ControllerDesign Intelligent AI BehavioursCustomize Camera Detection SystemsBuild a Notification SystemDevelop Trigger InteractionsSynthesize Animation State BehaviorsIntegrate a Complete UI Menu And more!In this course, you will also create four visually stunning cutscenes for your game, The Great Fleece. Join Darren, our thief, in this stealth adventure game as he silently descends a black rope and lands in the Beatrice Auction House. Wow your players with panoramic views of the auction houses treasures: glittering jewels, marble, and fine artwork. Use voiceover and suspenseful music to allow the player a quick glance at the security cameras, patrolling guards, and the main vault. Pull the player into your story and artfully explain your game objective.Additional cutscenes include Darren successfully stealing a keycard from the sleeping guard, reaching the vault to win the game, and getting caught by the guards to trigger Game Over. Build these cutscenes with over 50activities, where youll create timeline activation tracks, develop camera positioning and tracking, attach post processing profiles to virtual cameras, and more! Why Is Cinematography Important in Games?What makes some games stand out from the crowd? Games like Grand Theft Auto, The Last of Us, and Life is Strange are all wildly successful franchises, but why? Apart from advanced game mechanics and creative stories, what makes these games so intriguing? Game developers draw in players by creating vivid storylines with cinematic cutscenes. Take The Book of the Dead demo, created by Unity, which gives players a first person cutscene. As a player, you can see what the character sees and imagine that you are in the game yourself. Adding cinematography to a game with cutscenes is essential to telling the story of a game. Which is more immersive: explaining the game objective in a block of text or providing players with a concrete visual of their goal? In English class in school, we are taught to show and not tell. What better way to show your player the game environment, the player objective, and any other important features through a film-like cutscene? Not only does this take your game to the next level, but it also provides the player an opportunity to become emotionally invested in the game and want to continue playing. Unitys newest features, Timeline and Cinemachine, give developers the ability to create absolutely stunning cutscenes that elegantly tell your games story. This course will provide you with the foundation needed to understand cutscene development, which can then be applied to future projects!Why Learn From me?This isthe second game development course that has been co-created with Unity Technologies on Udemy. Because creating elegant cutscenes can seem intimidating, Unity Technologies wanted to create a course that breaks down how to use Timeline &Cinemachine to make them. You'll learn the process of setting up the scene, placing actors, and working with voice over recordings to create these cutscenes. Just like in my previous course, ""The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity"", there will be challenges throughout that test what you'velearned, while developing your cutscenes and your games.I've been working in Unity since the initial public release of version 2.6, and I've authored a book on Unity 3.x. As a self-taight software engineer, I found there weren't any interactive video tutorials that allow beginners to truly grasp concepts essential to game development. To remedy this and to help others trying to learn, I created my own YouTube video series focused on Unity game development, where I've had the privilege of helping thousands of others grow their passion for game development. As I've progressed in my career, I've had the opportunity to develop games for Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, the casino industry, and several indie game companies. I've also developed enterprise augmented reality applications for Futune 500 companies like Coca-Cola, GE, and Thyssenkrup. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and i hope you will see that throughout this course.Upon completing this Unity course, you will understand Timeline & Cinemachine and how to use both of these tools to create amazing cutscenes in video games. You will leave this course with confidence in your ability to utilize the latest greatest game development techniques, propelling you to success in your personal or professional aspirations.Join me on this adventure today! I'll see you in the course."
Price: 194.99

"The Ultimate Guide to 2D Mobile Game Development with Unity"
"Search for Dungeon Escape on the Google Play Store or Apple App Store (Dungeon Escape DL) by Defiant Lobster Games to checkout what you can make!Do you want to create the next big Android mobile game, but arent sure where to start? Are you curious about ad integration with mobile games? If so, look no further! The Ultimate Guide to 2DMobile Game Development with Unity teaches you how to create profitable and engaging mobile apps. Youll create a dungeon escape adventure game using 2D animations, while fine-tuning your C# programming skills with intermediate concepts like class inheritance, abstract classes, and interfaces! Youll utilize the Singleton design manager to create powerful manager classes that help delegate actions in your game. You will learn how to monetize your game by integrating Unity Ads, and youll set up a system to reward the player for choosing to watch an ad! Finally, you will learn how to publish your app to the Google Play Store! By the end of this course, you will have experience with the complete mobile and software development life cycle, from game development, to testing, and publishing! You will have a fully finished, downloadable game to show off to your friends and family, or to add to your portfolio if you are pursuing mobile development professionally!In this course, you will: Create a 2D Dungeon Adventure GameExplore the new 2D TileMap FeaturesImplement Unity Ads Synthesize Animation State BehaviorsDevelop 2D Animation HitboxesPublish to the Google Play StoreAnd more!This course explores the 2D features of Unity through creation of a dungeon escape game with Unity ad implementation to generate revenue, and by publishing the game to the Google Play Store. The course begins with an introduction to TileMap, which gives developers the ability to paint different worlds! Students will then begin setting up the player for combat and developing attack systems found within popular hack & slash type games. Students will also develop a shop system that grants players the ability to purchase items. If the player cant afford an item, they can choose to watch a Unity Ad in exchange for 100 gems! This way, players are rewarded for watching ads, helping make the game profitable. Throughout this course, students will explore intermediate to advanced topics in C#, including class inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, and interfaces, which help build modular systems within games and applications. This course has over 50 challenge activities, where students will create their own unique code base and improve problem solving skills. Why Learn Mobile Game Development with Unity?The global gaming industry is experiencing unprecedented growth, with the mobile platform now taking the lead. NewZooestimates that mobile games will generate over $70 billion in revenue, accounting for 51% of gaming revenue across all platforms. Mobile is the fastest growing platform, with over 10 years of double digit growth. Unity Technologies is helping foster this growth, by providing a free and user friendly environment to create elegant games in. According to Unity Technologies, in 2016, 34% of the top 1000 free mobile games were created in Unity - more than any other non-proprietary engine. Compared to other engines, Unity provides easy portability to both iOS and Android, allowing for mass dissemination of a mobile game.Why Learn From MeThis is the third game development course that has been co-created with Unity Technologies on Udemy. The steps involved with integration of Unity Ads and publishing a game can be tricky. Unity Technologies wants to create a course that breaks down how to monetize mobile games and applications, provide an introduction to more intermediate and advanced C# topics, and use Unitys new 2D feature, Tilemap. Just like in my previous courses, The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity, and The Ultimate Guide to Cinematography with Unity, there will be interactive challenges throughout the course that test what youve learned, all while developing your 2D game! Ive been working in Unity since the initial public release of version 2.6, and Ive authored a book on Unity 3.X. As a self-taught software engineer, I found there werent any interactive video tutorials that allow beginners to truly grasp concepts essential to game development. To remedy this and to help others trying to learn, I created my own YouTube video series focused on Unity game development, where Ive had the privilege of helping thousands of others grow their passion for game development. As Ive progressed in my career, Ive had the opportunity to develop games for Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, and several indie game companies. Ive also developed enterprise augmented reality applications for Fortune 500 companies like Coca-Cola, GE, and Thyssenkrupp. Teaching has always been a passion of mine, and I hope you will see that throughout this course. Upon completion of this Unity course, students will understand Unity ad implementation, Google Play store publishing, and more intermediate to advanced C# principles. Students will leave this course with confidence in their ability to utilize the latest and greatest game development techniques and will be able to create, monetize, and publish their own unique Android mobile games!Join me on this adventure today! Ill see you inside the course."
Price: 194.99

"La gua definitiva para la cinematografa con Unity"
"Alguna vez te haz preguntado como estudios AAA realizan increbles cinemticos integrados al juego que le cuentan una historia al jugador? Ests interesado en hacer tus propios cortometrajes como el demo de Adam creado por Unity Technologies? Si es as, este curso es para ti! La gua definitiva para la cinematografa con Unity te ensea como crear una aventura stealth completa en Unity, donde no solo incrementars tus capacidades programando en C#, tambin completars cuatro cinemticos que contarn la historia del juego.Este curso utiliza dos de las ltimas caractersticas de Unity: Timeline y Cinemachine. Estas caractersticas permiten a los desarrolladores llevar a su juego un paso ms all agregando tracks de animacin para contar una historia. A travs de esta gua paso a paso, aprenders como construir increbles cinemticos para juegos hechos con Unity. Mejora tus habilidades con la lgica de juego y tcnicas de resolucin de problemas desarrollando sistemas desde cero.En este curso , t:Crears un Character Controller tipo Point & ClickDisears comportamientos con inteligencia artificialPersonalizars sistemas de deteccin de cmarasConstruirs un sistema de notificacionesDesarrollars interacciones usando TriggersSintetizars comportamientos de estados de animacinIntegrars un men de juego completoY ms!En este curso, vas a crear cuatro cinemticos muy llamativos para tu juego, The Great Fleece. nete a Darren, nuestro ladrn, en este juego de aventura stealth mientras que desciende silenciosamente por una cuerda negra y aterriza dentro de la casa de subastas Beatrice. Impresiona a tus jugadores con tomas panormicas de los tesoros dentro de la casa de subastas: joyas brillantes, mrmol, y arte fino. Utiliza voiceover y msica de suspenso mientras que le das una muestra al jugador de las cmaras de seguridad, guardias patrullando, y la bveda principal. Atrae al jugador a tu historia y explica artsticamente el objetivo de tu juego.Escenas adicionales incluyen a Darren robando con xito una tarjeta del guardia dormido, alcanzando la bveda para ganar el juego, y siendo atrapado por los guardias para activar el ""Game Over"". Construye estas escenas con ms de 50 actividades, donde crears pistas de activacin de Timeline, desarrolla el posicionamiento y seguimiento de la cmara, adjunta perfiles de post procesamiento a cmaras virtuales, y ms!Por qu la cinematografa es importante en juegos?Qu hace que algunos juegos sobresalgan del resto? Juegos como Grand Theft Auto, The Last of Us, and Life is Strange son franquicias muy exitosas, pero por qu? Adems de mecnicas de juego avanzadas e historias creativas, qu hace estos juegos tan interesantes? Los desarrolladores atraen a jugadores creando historias vvidas y escenas cinemticas. Toma la demo de ""The Book of the Dead"", creado por Unity, que ofrece a los jugadores una escena en primera persona. Como jugador, puedes ver lo que ve el personaje e imaginarte que ests en el juego t mismo.Agregar la cinematografa a un juego con escenas cinemticas es esencial para contar la historia de un juego. Qu es ms inmersivo: explicar el objetivo del juego en un bloque de texto o proporcionar a los jugadores una visin concreta de su objetivo? En la clase de espaol en la escuela, se nos ensea a ""mostrar y no decir"". Qu mejor manera de mostrarle a tu jugador el entorno del juego, el objetivo del jugador y cualquier otra caracterstica importante a travs de una escena cinematogrfica? Esto no solo lleva tu juego al siguiente nivel, sino que tambin brinda al jugador la oportunidad de involucrarse emocionalmente en el juego y de seguir jugando. Las funciones ms recientes de Unity, Timeline y Cinemachine, les brindan a los desarrolladores la capacidad de crear escenas absolutamente impresionantes que cuentan elegantemente la historia de su juego. Este curso te proporcionar la base necesaria para comprender el desarrollo de la escena, que luego se puede aplicar a proyectos futuros!Por qu aprender de mi?Este es el segundo curso de desarrollo de videojuegos que ha sido co-creado con Unity Technologies en Udemy. Debido a que la creacin de escenas elegantes puede parecer intimidante, Unity Technologies quera crear un curso que analice cmo usar Timeline y Cinemachine para hacerlas. Aprenders el proceso de configuracin de la escena, colocando actores y trabajando con grabaciones de voz para crear estas escenas. Al igual que en mi curso anterior, ""La gua definitiva del desarrollo de videojuegos con Unity"", habr desafos durante la prueba de lo que has aprendido, mientras desarrollas tus escenas y tus juegos.He trabajado con Unity desde la versin 2.0 y he desarrollado videojuegos para consolas de Nintendo y Playstation, tambin me he divertido con algunos desarrollos en mviles y actualmente estoy desarrollando juegos web y realidad virtual, he trabajado para grandes corporativos internacionales y tambin he hecho desarrollos independientes, adems tengo varios aos de experiencia enseando desarrollo de videojuegos en diversas universidades, tambin colabor con Unity Technologies para escribir las preguntas de la certificacin de Unity para programadores.Al completar este curso de Unity, comprenders Timeline & Cinemachine y cmo utilizar ambas herramientas para crear increbles cinemticos para videojuegos. Dejars este curso con confianza en tu capacidad para utilizar las ltimas y mejores tcnicas de desarrollo de juegos, lo que te impulsar al xito en tus aspiraciones personales o profesionales.nete a mi en esta aventura hoy! Te veo en el curso."
Price: 194.99

"Spanish Immersion II"
"Research has shown that memorizing grammar rules is not as important as we thought before. Studies show that students who study through immersion actually learn better. Learning rules is not the same as learning a language. This course gives you exposure to authentic video in which you can hear and practice the language. Many studies done on language retention all point to immersion being the best way to learn a language. You will learn about practical topics.Then you will listen to meaningful conversations. The approach is fun and it allows for ample opportunities to practice your speaking and listening skills!"
Price: 199.99

"English Grammar Immersion I"
"This course is about English Grammar based on skills from the Common Core. The Common Core is a set of educational standards teachers use at every grade level in the United States. This course starts at the beginning of the standards list. If you are new to English, this class is for you. If you want to learn English the best way, through immersion, this class is perfect for you. This class is flexible - children or adults can learn equally well from this style of teaching. Many visuals and concrete examples are used. This class is also meant for lower elementary school teachers. Teachers have to be creative in presenting the standards to their students. This class gives teachers a break! Teachers can teach the standards using these videos!"
Price: 199.99

"iMovie for Beginners"
"Welcome to iMovie for Beginners! Ihave broken down iMovie into very simple steps. If you are a visual learner, this course is for you! This course allows you to learn the componentsof iMovie one part at a time.Not only will you learn to create your very own iMovie, you will also gain access to courses Ihave made using iMovie. It may promote more business ideas for you in the future as well!"
Price: 119.99

"English Grammar Immersion II"
"This course is about English Grammar based on skills from the Common Core. The Common Core is a set of educational standards teachers use at every grade level in the United States. This course starts at the beginning to intermediate level of the standards list. If you are somewhatto English, this class is for you. If you want to learn English the best way, through immersion, this class is perfect for you. This class is flexible - children or adults can learn equally well from this style of teaching. Many visuals and concrete examples are used. This class is also meant for lower elementary school teachers. Teachers have to be creative in presenting the standards to their students. This class gives teachers a break! Teachers can teach the standards using these videos!"
Price: 199.99

"Generacin de texturas hiperrealistas en 3D"
"En este curso aprenderemos el significado de usar mapas de relieves en nuestro entorno 3d para simular superficies. Veremos que son los Bump maps, el uso de mapas de normales y las ventajas de los mapas de desplazamiento. A travs de pequeos ejercicios seremos capaces de generar estas superficies realistas de forma procedural o a travs de imgenes .A travs de pequeos ejercicios veremos cmo crear un Bump Map a travs de una fotografa en Photoshop. Veremos cmo crear y sacar mapas de normales a travs de un objeto 3d y nos introduciremos en la produccin procedural de materiales en cinema 4d y Substance Designer. Tambin exploraremos las posibilidades que nos brindan otros programas para hacer todo esto ms fcilmente, como Bitmap o CrazyBump.Finalmente cargaremos el trabajo final en un motor de render para sacar unas superficies foto realistas.Aprenders La utilidad de las coordenadas de mapeado Sacar Mapa de Bump en Photoshop Sacar los mapas a travs de geometra 3d Introduccin a los materiales procedurales en Cinema y Substance Designer Sacar los mapas a travs de fotografas con Bitmap Render de los materiales en motor de render externo como Marmoseth o sketchfabNecesitars: Este curso es muy terico, puedes no disponer de todos los programas ya que algunos son muy especficos. No es necesario tenerlos todos, aunque se recomienda fervientemente bajar las demos comerciales para poder exprimir bien lo que se muestra durante el curso. Todos los programas que se muestran son el estndar en la industria asi como los paquetes de software dedicados al cgi ms usados y con ms reconocimiento.Asimismo para adentrarse de verdad en el 3d se necesitan multitud de programas que hacen funciones especializadas.-Cinema 4d-Photoshop-Substance Designer-Bitmap (mismo paquete que substance designer)-Marmoset (motor de render)"
Price: 24.99

"Developing MicroSoft Azure Solutions 70-532 Practice Tests"
"Practice for the DevelopingMicroSoft Azure Solutions Exam 70-532 using these two full length, 60 questions each, practice tests.You will be able to mark question or review, move back and forth, and skip questions. For practice mode, the timing has been relaxed to 180minutes for each exam, but you can finish it in less time if you answer all questions. Actual exam will be between 40-60 questions, and 1 to 4 hours time.Passing score is adjusted like the actual exam at 70% to reflect 700/1000.Good Luck with the tests and your upcoming exam!Sherif Omar"
Price: 24.99

"Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions 70-533"
"Practice for the ImplementingMicroSoft Azure InfrastructureSolutions Exam 70-533using these two full length, 60 questions each, practice tests.You will be able to mark question or review, move back and forth, and skip questions. For practice mode, the timing has been relaxed to 180minutes for each exam, but you can finish it in less time if you answer all questions. Actual exam will be between 40-60 questions, and 1 to 4 hours time.Passing score is adjusted like the actual exam at 70% to reflect 700/1000.Good Luck with the tests and your upcoming exam!Sherif Omar"
Price: 29.99