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"Motivao atravs de Jogos - Gamificao e Mecnicas Ldicas"
"Todo mundo sabe a importncia da motivao!Muitos anos atrs, Skinner, cientista do comportamento e do aprendizado, com seu condicionamento operante, provou que motivao sim uma caracterstica imensamente importante na realizao de tarefas, mudana de hbitos e no aprendizado. Atravs dela, podemos impulsionar os esforos das pessoas e gerar resultados incrveis! E aqui, no curso Motivando atravs de jogos, voc vai aprender a fazer isso de uma maneira ldica! Nos dias de hoje, muito tem se falado sobre gamificao, a utilizao de mecnicas de jogos em aplicativos que controlam mudanas de rotina, afazeres, ensinam idiomas, entre outros recursos, mas nem sempre toda essa tecnologia est disposio. Sabemos que nem toda casa, escola e empresa tem condies de desenvolver um aplicativo prprio e facilitar as tarefas de educar filhos, ensinar alunos e engajar colaboradores. No curso Motivando atravs de jogos, porm, vamos trabalhar o uso de ferramentas ldicas prticas, manuais e interativas, para desenvolver experincias incrveis e levar a motivao a outro nvel! ""Quando nosso comportamento reforado positivamente, ns dizemos que gostamos do que estamos fazendo; dizemos que estamos felizes."" B. F. Skinner O curso dividido em 4 mdulos, sendo eles: Sobre a motivao, no qual abordaremos conceitos de motivao, psicologia do comportamento, condicionamento operante e behaviorismo; A fora do ldico, no qual abordaremos os fundamentos da gamificao, o ciclo de motivao > ao > feedback e conheceremos mecnicas que podem ser aplicadas; Diferentes objetivos, no qual abordaremos os 4 tipos de jogadores existentes e veremos casos e exemplos de aplicaes prticas da motivao de filhos, alunos e colaboradores; Consideraes finais, no qual vamos finalizar o assunto apresentado atravs de reflexes, indicar literatura complementar e apresentar recursos para que voc produza seu prprio projeto! Nesse curso, voc vai aprender: Conceitos sobre motivao, behaviorismo e psicologia do comportamento; Os fundamentos da gamificao e a utilizao de suas mecnicas; O ciclo de motivao, ao, feedback; Os 4 tipos de jogadores e como engajar cada um deles; Como utilizar jogos e experincias ldicas para educar seus filhos, ensinar seus alunos e motivar seus colaboradores. Pr-requisito Fora de vontade para motivar seus filhos, alunos e/ou colaboradores! Pblico-alvo Pais que desejam educar seus filhos de maneira diferenciada; Professores que buscam novas formas de aplicar seus contedos; Empresrios e gerentes visando motivar seus colaboradores a alcanar melhores resultados; Voc, interessado em aprender mais sobre motivao e engajamento atravs de jogos! Ao concluir esse curso, voc ser capaz de: Utilizar recursos ldicos para motivar pessoas a obterem resultados melhores; Colaborar para a educao de seus filhos de uma maneira divertida e agradvel; Ensinar seus alunos com praticidade, inovao e metodologias diferenciadas; Aumentar os resultados de sua equipe atravs de jogos para motivao; Desenvolver seus prprios sistemas de motivao utilizando as mecnicas apresentadas; Tudo mais que sua criatividade permitir!"
Price: 219.99

"Como lidar com pessoas difceis, txicas e destrutivas"
"Voc j se viu enfrentando uma situao em que voc simplesmente no consegue se afastar de algum que sabe que te faz mal? J se viu justificando erros de outras pessoa apenas para poder permanecer ao lado delas? J aceitou desculpas vazias de quem no parecia realmente se importar com a forma como voc se sentia? J se sentiu preso a relacionamentos ou amizades que te desgastavam emocionalmente?O mundo moderno criou sentimentos lquidos e pessoas que tanto tentam se proteger da dor que, mesmo sem perceber, causam dor a todos os que delas se aproximam. Muitas vezes nos pegamos envolvidos com pessoas que acabam com nossas virtudes, repletas de problemas e de pequenas destruies. Essas pessoas-tempestades nos envolvem de uma maneira que, quando percebemos, estamos abrindo mo dos nossos sonhos e das nossas vontades para ajud-las e, quando somos ns a precisar de ajuda, elas simplesmente viram as costas.Para lidar com pessoas difceis e se proteger de pessoas destrutivas, precisamos, primeiramente, entender o que transforma algum dessa maneira. Compreendendo as diferenas entre amor e dependncia, culpa e responsabilidade, egosmo e amor prprio e ajudar algum ou ser consumido por algum, podemos olhar de outra perspectiva para aquilo que vivemos e para as pessoas que esto presentes em nossas vidas, percebendo quando devemos mudar nossas atitudes, oferecer mais ou menos de si, ou quando, diante do abismo, no nos resta sada alguma a no ser saber desistir e se afastar."
Price: 159.99

"Gamificao para educao corporativa e escolar"
"Quanto mais o mundo acelera, mais difcil fica manter a ateno das pessoas, especialmente na educao.Uma tima ferramenta educacional a gamificao, o uso de mecnicas de jogos em ambientes de no-jogos para gerar maior engajamento e envolvimento dos alunos. Ao criar experincias ldicas, mantemos o interesse dos ""jogadores"" e aumentamos enormemente a reteno de conhecimento.Mas como fazer isso?Neste curso, vamos abordar o Mtodo Andarilho para desenvolver experincias de gamificao em cenrios educacionais, seja a escola propriamente dita, cursos ou mesmo universidades corporativas.Com este contedo, voc ser capaz de estruturar projetos gamificados e colocar seu contedo tradicional em um sistema envolvente e inspirador!"
Price: 249.99

"Desenvolvimento pessoal, liderana e vendas - Andarilho Way"
"Como seria se voc pudesse receber o contedo de mais de 10 livros, desenvolver habilidades de vendas e liderana, ampliar sua viso a respeito de temas importantes, ganhar motivao adequada e melhorar sua produtividade, tudo isso em um s contedo?Andarilho Way um curso que traz tudo isso de uma maneira dinmica, atravs de animaes em quadro branco e vdeos narrados com contedos diversos. Aqui, voc vai ter contato com os 7 passos da venda, que vo te ajudar a negociar melhor, mesmo que voc no seja um vendedor; vai aprender tcnicas de liderana e de produtividade, encontrar resenhas animadas de diversos livros importantssimos para seu desenvolvimento e ainda trabalhar sua motivao com contedos que te auxiliam a buscar seu propsito e seguir com a sua jornada.Temos mais de 3 horas de material animado para te impulsionar no desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional!Agora me responda: o que te impede de conquistar aquilo que voc mais quer?Vem subir de nvel voc tambm!"
Price: 249.99

"Produtividade, estratgia e evoluo - ENTER THE DUNGEON"
"Ser mais produtivo, aumentar o desempenho e a performance, evoluir gradativamente, encontrar propsito e trabalhar suas competncias atravs de um acompanhamento eficiente. Essas so as ideias que estruturam o ENTER THE DUNGEON, ou entre na masmorra, uma espcie de workshop virtual que visa trabalhar seu desenvolvimento atravs de provocaes, reflexes, ferramentas, tcnicas de gamificao, sensao de progresso, desafios constantes e evoluo iminente!Aprenda o ncleo GEM, grandeza, evoluo e mudana, e use a estratgia BIO para romper os limites da sua melhor verso!Busque desafios, seja inconformado e ouse quebrar o script para encontrar uma caixa de ferramentas que podem te impulsionar.Avalie seu momento atual e crie planos de ao para vencer suas dificuldades e desenvolver-se por inteiro.Isso tudo, e muito mais, voc encontra ao subir de nvel com a Universidade Andarilho.Voc est preparado para entrar na masmorra?"
Price: 189.99

"Certificao Gesto e Liderana Produtiva"
"Lderes precisam produzir, pensar, vender e ensinar, e aqui, com a Universidade Andarilho, voc vai aprender sobre todas essas coisas e muito mais.Com o contedo de mais de 15 livros e diversas abordagens diferenciadas sobre inteligncia emocional, liderana singular, produtividade, treinamento de equipes, negociao, tcnicas de venda, encantamento de clientes, criao de planos de ao, entre outros assuntos.Crie uma boa base com o material apresentado e estruture o aprendizado de acordo com a sua realidade, assimilando o que pode ser aproveitado e encarando as dificuldades da rotina de gerenciamento e liderana com planejamento estratgico assertivo e muita capacitao!"
Price: 219.99

"Lder Coach - Coaching para desenvolvimento de equipes"
"Todo lder ensina, treina, capacita.Para aumentar o engajamento dos colaboradores, um lder pode estruturar desenvolvimento e criar modelos de gesto voltados para a evoluo de cada funcionrio, garantindo que eles estejam sempre em crescimento e assim se sintam em progresso constante. Uma das melhores formas de se fazer isso se aliando com o coaching, trazendo ferramentas de evoluo e incentivando desafios e multiplicaes de contedos.Neste curso, vamos conversar sobre avaliar o momento atual, criar planos de ao e de desenvolvimento, gerenciar projetos de capacitao, entre outras coisas."
Price: 219.99

"Adobe Captivate - Responsive Custom Quiz Questions"
"In this course, you will learn how to...create a responsive design interface for your question slides in Adobe Captivate using fluid boxessetup variables to keep track of the selections made by the users of your eLearning coursewrite advanced actions that will form the basis of the interaction for your userswrite conditional actions that will validate if your user has submitted the correct answers to your questionsconvert your questions to become scored final quiz questions"
Price: 29.99

"React Native Expo from Beginner to Pro :: Also with MeteorJS"
"This course is perfect for anyone who wants to learn how to program apps easily with React Native Expo. Expo is the hottest new expansion to the world of React Native programming. It gives you plenty of new tools to quickly get your app started and it is incredibly easy to use. Whether you have little experience with programming or you are a seasoned React Native developer looking to understand Expo, this course will help you learn a lot!We cover:Installing and using the Expo XDEThe basics of React and React NativeHow to make API requests to a database with axiosHow to build a MeteorJS server and connect it to our appBuild a Mongo Database with Meteor and hook up accounts to log intoAnd so much more!"
Price: 29.99

"WordPress 5 Prtico - Aprenda construindo 5 sites reais"
"Cansado de cursos de Wordpressque ensinam toda teoria, mas no mostram na prtica como criar um site real?Preocupado se vai ter que aprender programao e design, demandando muito tempo e esforo antes de construir o primeiro site?No quer gastar dinheiro com temas pagos?Este curso para voc! Atualizado com o WordPress 5!O foco construir 5 sites reais, usando as aulas prticas para falar da teoria relacionada com o Wordpress. Voc vai aprender sobre posts, pginas, mdia, temas, categorias, tags, plugins, widgets e tudo mais sobre a plataforma, mas de uma forma totalmente mo-na-massa, como nenhum outro curso conseguiu.No existe melhor forma de aprender do que vendo o resultado do aprendizado em um produto real, com funcionalidades profissionais e um visual totalmente profissional1 site institucional de empresa1 blog de afiliado de produto digital1 site de consultrio mdico, apresentando as especialidades, os mdicos, possibilidade de solicitar agendamento de consulta e muito mais.1 loja online de doces, com cadastro de produtos, controle de estoque, carrinho de compras, pagamento em dinheiro na entrega e retirada no localAlm de vrios bnus:criao de logos gratuita, ferramenta online de edio de imagens esite para download de imagens de qualidade, gratuitas e para uso comercial.Mais 2 site bnus (da verso anterior deste curso, usando o WordPress 4.X):1 landing page de lanamento de startup1 blog de viagens, com categorias, tags, galerias de imagens, carrossel de posts e muitos maisSem programao, sem design e sem enrolao!"
Price: 144.99

"Dating Exposed: It's not you, it's your game"
"How do I get more cute girls' phone numbers? How do I get them to go out with me? When I'm on a date, how do I progress things along?How can I find a meaningful relationship?Most of the dating advice you've received is crap. It's just true. You'll hear overly specific stuff from guys or ridiculous disneyland BS from girls. This is because we've been indoctrinated by hollywood to think dating works a certain way. That all men need to do is ""be nice"" and we'll win the heart of girls we like.As a society we've systematically emasculated men and women are losing interest. Why is that?If you've struggled in dating it's probably not because you're not smart enough, physically attractive enough, etc. It's because certain behaviors you've exhibited are innately unattractive to women. Behaviors that you can adjust immediately to your benefit.In this course I give practical, actionable advice that works. There are only 4 main sections to this course because that's all you need."
Price: 19.99

"Project Management with Primavera P6"
"Welcome to Oracle Primavera P6 online training course. This course is named as'Project Management with Primavera P6'as it is focused on practical application of Project Management using Primavera P6. This course was being taught by CEM Solutions for over 5 years. And now it is available online so that maximum students and professionals can learn this valuable resource from their desktops with convenience.This course is a field oriented course and containsreal world examples and a full fledge real project for better understanding and practice.This course is so designed that it covers every aspect of implementation. If you are working in large scale firms then you will get a picture of how projects are managed there. This will make you able to organize projects, control access to projects, organize and control resources and in effectively planning, monitoring and controllingof the project.Similarly if you are working in small or a medium scale firm, or if you are new to Project Managementand Primavera, you will get to know all the required core concepts of Project Management along with examples and you will learn their implementation in Primavera P6 from start to end.After successful completion of this course, you will be able to develop a schedule, update and monitor this schedule, control this schedule, generate reports, allocate cost and resources, develop cash flows and s-curves, monitor and control cost and resources and you will also understand lots of interesting Project Management concepts."
Price: 199.99

"Creando Flyer Fiesta, Tcnicas Avanzadas Photoshop"
"Aumenta tus habilidades de Adobe Photoshop a un nivel superior, en este curso vamos a crearun flyer de colores vibrantes, haremos nuestros propios recursos desde cero, explora Tcnicas Avanzadas de Photoshop utilizados por los artistas digitales ms importantes del mundo y ver cmo se puede usar esas mismas tcnicas para aumentar la calidad de tus proyectos y portafolio.Utilizaremos los modos de fusin para generar capas de brillos y contrastes con el texto, seguimos con los estilos de textos explicados aldetalle para que luego puedas aplicarlos en tu da a da. Descubrirs un nuevo uso a la herramienta pincel para lograr las luces brillantes que darn mayor impacto visual a nuestra creacin.No olvides dejar tus comentarios o dudas que estar presto a responder cualquier inquietud."
Price: 29.99

"Testosteron natrlich steigern - systematisch und sicher"
"Willst du die Gewohnheiten von Mnnern mit hohen Testosteronwerten direkt in dein Gehirn speichern, auch wenn du bergewichtig bist, nicht weit, wo du anfangen sollst, oder dich faul und trge fhlst?... Dann wird dir dieser Kurs zeigen, wie das gelingt.Aber zuerst, lass mich dir eine Frage stellen:""Wie fhlst du dich, wenn du morgens aufwachst?""Beschreibt eins dieser Symptome dich und deinen Alltag?Motivations- und energielosMde und unkonzentriertDepressivbermdet durch unruhigen SchlafLaunig und reizbarVerringerte LibidoErektionsproblemeErhhter KrperfettanteilMuskelschwundBist du frustriert, weil du nicht in der Lage bist, Muskeln aufzubauen, Fett zu verbrennen, oder im Schlafzimmer deinen Mann zu stehen?Keine Sorge. Du bist nicht allein mit deiner Frustration.Denn es ist eine Epidemie.Niedrige Testosteronwerte sind weit verbreitet. Inzwischen leider sogar jeder 5. Mann unter einem Testosteronmangel. Dabei gibt es simple Methoden, um diesen Trend umzukehren. In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir eine einfache und erwiesene Lsung, um dein Testosteron zu steigern und dein Mojo zurckzuerobern!Damit du weit, ob dieser Kurs fr dich ist oder nicht, sind hier einige Geheimnisse, die du darin findest:Eine mchtige Technik, die Hollywood-Schauspieler einsetzen, um innerhalb von Minuten ihre Biochemie zu verndern (Sofort mehr Testosteron fr eine strkere Ausstrahlung)Warum das spezielle Hormon, das bei Frauen die Milchproduktion anregt, bei vielen Mnnern stark erhht ist und wie es deine T-Produktion vollstndig aushebeln kannWelche alltglichen Gewohnheiten dein Testosteron unterdrcken, ohne dass du es bemerkst (schon die morgendliche Tasse Kaffee ist bei vielen durch einen einzigen Fehler ein strogen-Cocktail)Eine wissenschaftlich getestete Ernhrungsweise, die deiner Testosteronproduktion die dringend bentigten Rohstoffe liefertDer natrliche Essenrhythmus, der die optimale Verwertung von Testosteron gewhrleistet und dir konstante Energie ber den Tag gibtDer wahre Grund, warum die strogenwerte der meisten Mnner erhht sind (selbst rzte knnen dir meistens nichts dazu sagen)Warum seit den 60er Jahren (durch eine manipulierte Studie) die Fettsuren verteufelt werden, die dein Testosteron am strksten steigern und warum die Fette, die von Gurus als gesund angepriesen werden, dir massiv schadenVerdopple dein Testosteron wortwrtlich im SchlafWieso weltberhmte Boxer wie Muhammad Ali oder Manny Pacquiao auf Sex und Masturbation vor einem Kampf verzichteten und wie dir dieses Wissen hilft dein Testosteron zu steigernEine simple Trainingsmethode, die dein Testosteron innerhalb von nur 3 Wochen um 40% steigertUnd vieles, vieles mehrDas Beste ist: Der Kurs beinhaltet konkrete Schritt-fr-Schritt Anleitungen und du kannst sofort beginnen die Ergebnisse der Mnner mit hohen T-Werten zu kopieren. Wieso bin ich mir da so sicher? Zum einen, weil ich ber 150 Studien zu dem Thema ausgewertet habe. Zum anderen, weil ich in diesem Bereich arbeite. Das bedeutet auch: Du kannst mich jederzeit kontaktieren, wenn Fragen offenbleiben oder du einen Tipp brauchst!Mehr als 240 Mnnern habe ich mit diesem Programm geholfen. Sei du der nchste.Klicke auf Jetzt kaufen und wir knnen sofort loslegen. Medical Disclaimer:The information in this course is intended for educational purposes only. The author assumes no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen.Music in Promo Video by Nicolai Heidlas Title: Start your Day"
Price: 94.99

"Boost Human Growth Hormone (HGH) The True Fountain of Youth"
"Increasing natural growth hormone levels, even in small amounts, has the amazing ability to transform our metabolisms into fat burning and muscle preserving powerhouses!There is a reason why most celebrities are craving this hormone. They take the easy route and go for artificial injections that may have some side effects we will make an effort instead to get the bodily production and secretion going as much as possible. It goes without saying that the only side effects, you will experience when you go through this course, are that your health will improve drastically and will get fitter and leaner in this process. Contrary to what is advertised, there are only a handful of supplements, diets, and exercise routines which are scientifically proven to increase growth hormone naturally. Everything else is fraudulent! In this course you will learn the secrets of what works and what doesnt when it comes to boosting growth hormone levels. All backed up by science so you can see for yourself that these strategies actually work if something sounds to outlandish to you. Because I was tired of hearing pseudo-scientific claums about how to increase growth hormone, I decided to provide a complete and easy to understand guide on how to boost GH with the real, verifiable methods. In this course I discuss which supplements, exercise routines and diets truly work, I analyse their effectiveness and I will give you instructions on how to implement them into your daily life. You`ll find exposed the hidden techniques used to scientifically raise growth hormone concentrations in laboratories around the world. After this course there is no more second guessing. You will know exactly what works. It is then on you to implement the strategies. Learn the dietary strategies that fuel your growth hormoneGet to know the supplement combinations that are able to boost HGH by over 100% from baselineTry out the training method that is able to increase growth hormone by 1700%!Profit from elevated levels of growth hormone: You will feel fresher, more energetic, mentally clear and your are able to loose fat faster and build more muscleMedical Disclaimer:The information in this course is intended for educational purposes only. Jakob Brand assumes no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen. Music in the Promo-Video: Nicolai Heidlas - Impressive Deals"
Price: 49.99

"Selbstbewusst und authentisch leben - In 3 Phasen loslassen"
"Wir haben verlernt echt zu sein. Obwohl wir mit dem Internet alles Wissen haben, an alle Informationen, Techniken und Strategien kommen, sind wir so unzufrieden und niedergeschlagen wie noch nie zuvor. Wir sind immer auf der Suche nach ""Mehr"". Alle Lsungen suchen wir im Auen und haben aufgehrt in uns nach Antworten zu schauen. Dabei warten nur dort echte und langfristige Lsungen. Alles andere bleibt an der Oberflche. Das wird sich hiermit ndern.---Ob du denkst du bist selbstbewusst oder du denkst du bist nicht selbstbewusst, du wirst auf jeden Fall recht behalten. So oder so hnlich wrde es wohl Henry Ford auf den Punkt bringen.Authentisches Selbstbewusstsein ist nichts was die einen haben und die anderen nicht haben.Dein natrlicher Zustand ist es glcklich, selbstbewusst und authentisch zu sein. Du glaubst mir nicht? Dann schau dir mal Kinder an, die noch nicht unsere erwachsenen Konzepte, Anschauungen und Glaubensstze verinnerlicht haben. Sie sind frei, lebendig, selbstbewusst, gehen auf Leute zu, wollen Spa haben und authentisch das Leben genieen. Von Moment zu Moment.Was ist also, wenn du nur verlernt hast diesen Zustand auszuleben?Was ist, wenn dir lediglich eine Brille gegeben wurde, die dich die Welt auf eine ganz bestimmte Art und Weise sehen lsst? Und zwar auf eine Art und Weise, die dich unsicher oder ngstlich macht und jede andere Realitt ausblendet?Es wird Zeit diese Brille auszuziehen!Es wird Zeit eine neue Realitt kennnzulernen!Denn wenn du versuchst dein Selbstbewusstsein zu steigern, ohne deine limitierenden Glaubensstze und Muster aufzulsen, ohne vorher die alte Brille ausziziehen, dann bleibst du immer nur an der Oberflche.Du fhlst dich vielleicht kurzfristig gut, wenn du diese neue Technik probierst oder jenes Seminar besuchst, aber nach 2 Wochen ist alles wieder beim Alten.Diese Muster ziehen dich zurck und halten dich in einer Realitt gefangen, die von Frustration und Unzufriedenheit geprgt ist.In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen, wie du diese alten Muster auflst.Du wirst eine neue Realitt entdecken. In dir.Die Selbsthilfeindustrie will der verkaufen, dass du immer nach mehr suchen muust: Mehr Wissen, mehr Techniken, mehr SeminareAber nichts will langfristig funktionieren. Denn es ist keine Reise des Hinzufgens. Es ist eine Reise des Wegnehmens und des Loslassens.Lass endlich die limiteirenden Muster los, leg die alte Brille beiseite und vereine dich wieder mit deinem natrlichen, authentischen Selbstbewusstsein.In diesem Kurs wirst du lernen:Warum wir dazu neigen uns selbst zu sabotieren Warum kein Mehr an Techniken und Strategien hilftWoher die limitierenden Glaubensstze kommenWarum die soziale Konditionierung uns so fest im Griff hatWas die Wurzel deiner ngste istWie du deine alten Muster auflstWie du dein falsches Ego fallenlsst und echt wirstWie deine neue alte Realitt aussiehtKurz: Wie du dein authentisches Selbstbewusstsein wiederfindestKlicke auf den Kaufen-Button und du kannst mit all dem noch heute beginnen.Music in Promo Video: Nicolai Heidlas - Never Give Up"
Price: 99.99

"The Dopamine Cure Hack the Happiness & Motivation Hormone"
"Dopamine lies at the core of the motivation process and is the main driver of a fulfilled life.When we lack dopamine, it is impossible to feel motivated.In experiments with mice that are depleted of dopamine the animals starve to death even when food is readily available right next to them. They literally lose the motivation to eat.This is an extreme example but most people can resonate with the feeling behind: For many it is not uncommon to wake up unmotivated, just wanting to go back to bed, putting the blanket over the head and not doing anything. A lack of dopamine is more common then we think. That is because the modern lifestyle has set up some traps that kill our motivation and long-term happiness by hijacking the dopamine-reward-system. And this has scary consequences:Low energyLow motivationDepressionLow libidoDifficulty to focusLife seems less colourfulBefore we learn how to increase dopamine levels naturally we have to get off these negative reward cycles. And this is where most books and courses about dopamine and motivation fail. They just teach you how to raise dopamine but fail to address the underlying issues that cause a lack of dopamine.Thus, this course follows a two-step approach:1st step: Getting off negative reward cycles (a.k.a addictions) that kill your motivation and increasing dopamine receptor density2nd step: Actively increasing dopamine to fuel your goalsYou will learn Actionable, Practical, and SAFE Steps to Heal your reward-system and load up your system with the fuel for your goals.Why This Course?Despite it's low price, this course offers powerful benefits like:Saving hundreds of hours of research: We go straight to the important things you need to know to improve your dopamine and motivationLearning how social media, porn and computer games hijack your dopamine and kill your motivationBreak the addiction to instant gratification that keeps you stuck and unhappyGet hooked on positive reward cycles that put you on the fastlane and bring longterm happiness into your life Develop a clear and personal action planLearn how to strategically use supplements that raise dopamineGet to know the methods top-performer use to boost their motivation and dopamineThe course is backed up by proven, scientific studies, which you'll find in the syllabus. So there is no second-guessing anymore. Its proven that you will achieve incredible results if you are willing to put the strategies into practice.If you are willing to do that, click ""Enroll Now"" and start your journey today!Medical Disclaimer: The information in this course is intended for educational purposes only. The author Jakob Brand assumes no responsibility to persons or property as a result of use or misuse of the information contained within. Always consult a health professional before making any changes to your health regimen."
Price: 74.99

"Adobe Premiere Pro CC: da principiante a esperto"
"Questo videocorso, oltre ad essere una guida completa al software di editing video pi famoso al mondo, un cammino di apprendimento di tecniche di montaggio video professionali.Analizzeremo tutti gli strumenti e le funzioni di Premiere Pro CC (versione 2014, con aggiornamenti video fino alla versione2018), dalle pi semplici alle pi avanzate in un percorso adatto sia ai neofiti che si avvicinano al mondo dell'editing video per la prima volta, sia a chi vuole approfondire e aggiornare la propria conoscenza del software per sfruttarne tutte le sue smisurate potenzialit.Possiamo considerare questo corso come un'unica, grande e completa sessione di montaggio video dove autore e apprendista lavorano insieme esplorando e utilizzando questo fantastico software di editing video unico al mondo!18 LEZIONI PER UN TOTALE DI CIRCA 8 OREAGGIORNAMENTI VIDEO ESERCITAZIONI PRATICHE MATERIALI DIDATTICI DA SCARICARE ASSISTENZA VIA MAILPROGRAMMA DEL VIDEOCORSO:LEZIONE 01_Interfaccia e funzionalit (00:46:21)UPDATE_(New) Interfaccia v.2018LEZIONE 02_Strumenti di base di Editing - prima parte (00:35:53)LEZIONE 03_Strumenti di base di Editing - seconda parte (00:32:10)LEZIONE 04_Propriet Video (00:27:12)LEZIONE 05_Propriet Audio (00:53:28)LEZIONE 06_Effetti fissi Video e Audio (00:10:29)LEZIONE 07_Keyframes (00:24:13)UPDATE_(New) Mascheratura e tracciamentoLEZIONE 08_Effetti Standard Video (00:27:18)LEZIONE 09_Color Correction (00:08:51)LEZIONE 10_Warp Stabilizer & Chroma Key (00:15:48)LEZIONE 11_Transizioni (00:34:39)LEZIONE 12_Titolazioni (00:21:44)LEZIONE 13_Realizzare una videointervista (00:29:46)UPDATE_(New) PannelloGrafica Essenziale e Titolazione (V. 2018)LEZIONE 14_Montaggio Multicamera (00:16:00)LEZIONE 15_Tecniche di montaggio - prima parte (00:24:41)LEZIONE 16_Tecniche di montaggio - seconda parte (00:18:17)UPDATE_ Effetto fantasmaUPDATE_Sostituire il cielo (Luma Key)UPDATE_(New) Tagli perfetti con il Morph CutLEZIONE 17_Gestione avanzata delle Clip Audio e Video (00:19:18)LEZIONE 18_Esportazione (00:18:13)UPDATE_(New) Novit versione 2015UPDATE_(New) Camera Track con Dynamic Link (Premiere/After Effects)"
Price: 79.99

"Adobe After Effects CC (2019): corso base"
"Questo corso rivolto ai neofiti che si avvicinano per la prima volta ad Adobe After EffectsCC e che vogliono avere un primo approccio generale con questo fantastico software di compositing video.Il corso esplora le principali fasi del flusso di lavoro in Adobe After Effects CC in maniera semplice e attraverso esercitazioni pratiche.Sar come lavorare l'uno accanto all'altro allo stesso progetto.E' un corso propedeutico che mira a far apprendere le nozioni base del software e la gestione avanzata delle composizioni prima di passare all'eventuale acquisto del corso integrale di livello avanzato di 23 ore ad un prezzo speciale di 69,99."
Price: 39.99

"Chatbot Facebook: crear un bot gratis"
"Con este curso vas a aprender a desarrollar, sin necesidad de conocimientos en programacin, un chatbot para tu negocio o pgina de Facebook. Es un curso perfecto para aquellos marketeros o amantes de Facebook que buscan convertir clientes potenciales en seguidores de una pgina o futuros clientes.Con este curso podrs hacer:Atiende a tus fans y genera clientes.Facebook Messenger Bot permitereducir los tiempos de respuestaa tus fans de tu pgina de Facebook a la vez que losconviertes en clientes potenciales.Permite enviar notificaciones a travs de Facebook de nuevos productos.Disparas el alcance de publicaciones de Facebook.Reduces la carga de trabajo de figuras como el Community Manager.Estos son algunos beneficios de los ChatBot en Facebook:Tasas de apertura de hasta el 85%Facebook Messenger est instaladoen ms de 1.200 millones de dispositivosmviles (al mismo nivel que Whatssap)Facebook Messenger permitemostrar la notificacin de un mvil sin tener que accedera la aplicacin (por medio de las llamadas burbujas)"
Price: 39.99

"Foundation Course Of Street DancePoppin Style"
"Hello everyone!This course isdesigned for people who are interested in street dance and poppin style.Whether you are a beginner or a dancer, this course can help you improve your dancing skills.In this course you will learn several important poppin foundations and become a popper in short time.In addition, this course will teach you how to practice and extend these foundations.So,after finishing thiscourse, you can still continue to practice and progress by yourself.Enjoy this course.Welcome to poppinworld !"
Price: 49.99

"The Logical Framework Approach (LFA) has been a key tool for development professionals for decades, but is a source of confusion for many. More than just a box-filling exercise, it's an approach designed to create projects that get the best outcomes possible for target groups and project beneficiaries. Donors like them, too.The Log Frame also makes the project results explicit and demonstrates how we will measure them at each level. It also looks at external factors - our Assumptions - to give us a 'logic' that demonstrates how the project connects with the wider society.In just a few short videos, let me demystify the LFA so you can understand what it is, how it works and the steps to creating more effective projects."
Price: 199.99

"30 Days of Happiness"
"As a human being, you have an innate desire to be happy and to feel fulfilled. Yet, the confusing messages you hear about happiness don't make it an easy feat. They leave you questioning what happiness actually is and how you truly become happy. That is exactly why I created this course: to simplify happiness for you.This course makes happiness easy for you to discover. Through it, you will learn one new tip a day for 30 days to up your mood and welcome in your happiness.At the end of the course, you will have taken thirty, simple actionable steps that fuel your fulfilment and boost your positivity. Best of all, you can revisit the lessons and redo the tips however often you want, even after the course is finished.The tips I offer you combine the science of positive psychology with the practice of life coaching to make happiness easy for you to experience.The positive psychology in this course, also known as the science of happiness and human performance, means that every tip I give has a research based track record of making happiness happen. In other words, each tip has been tried, tested, and seen to be effective. In fact, Ive tested and now practice every single one of these tips myself.On the other hand, the life coaching practice ensures that the tips are practical and that there is a clear action you can take after every lesson to welcome more happiness into your life.The lessons in the course will make it crystal clear what happiness is and also what it is not, debunking some of the most misleading happiness myths out there. Furthermore, they will teach you exactly how you can feel happy and fulfilled, regardless of where you are in your life or what is going on around you.The tips I give for you to practice are unique in style, length and effort, making your learning journeyvaried and hopefully also more fun.What You Will Learn:The course is split intosix sections, each serving a specific purpose in your transformation to a happier you.Each section starts with a short, introductory video, highlighting why this part of the course is important for your happiness. Then, five individual videos, each with their own lesson and own tip for you to practice, follow.Here is a summary of what you will learn in each of the sections:Happiness 101: Time to rethink what happiness actually is and also what it is not. You will learn what happiness myths are holding your happiness back and how to let go of them in an effective way. This is how you will lay the right foundation for your happiness.Your Unique Happiness: You are more important in your happiness journey than you think. You will learn to connect with your authentic self in a more meaningful way and become more appreciative of who you are. You will also get a clearer idea of what fuels your unique happiness and what gifts you have to offer to the world.Your Perspective: Your perspective and mindset have a big influence on your happiness. You will get five different strategies to help you change your perspective into a more positive one. You will also learn how to use these strategies throughout your life with confidence.Your Relationships: Your relationships play a big part in your happiness. You will learn how to strengthen them into more uplifting ones and make the meaningful ones even more meaningful. You will even learn how to deal with the difficult relationships in your life.Your Body: Your body is incredibly powerful and can be used to up your mood. You will get to test five different gestures and physical movements that have been proven to up your mood, both in the short- and long-term.Making Your Happiness Last: Your happiness journey doesnt end here. That is why in this final section you will learn five lessons that will make it easier for happiness to organically come into your life.Together these six sections give you a holistic approach to happiness that you can embed into your daily life. Especially because practising happiness daily is what makes it stick.Hence, practicing each tip given in the lesson on the day you watch the lesson is critical in your learning journey. Having 30 different tips to choose from when you finish the course will also give you a comprehensive toolkit for you to use in order to choose happiness whenever you want.Your Journey:As a natural pessimist who trained herself into an optimist, I know firsthand that change isnt easy. However, I also know that change is always possible. In fact, I am living proof that anyone has the power to be happy when they are given the right tools to use.The lessons and tips in this course are the tools that made my transformation possible - and I expect them to do the same for you. Even to this day, despite being the Happyologist full-time, I revisit these tips again and again. Practicing them, time after time, is what makes my happiness stand strong.That is why it doesnt matter where you are on your happiness journey right now.You could be:Taking your first steps into fulfilment.Curious about feeling more joyful and upbeat.A happiness junkie fully immersed in all the different insights around happiness that exist.Interested in finding more about positive psychology.Eager to use positive psychology with your coaching or counselling clients.Either way, this course will help you to progress in happiness and get creative on how you approach it.The only thing that matters is that you want to dive deeper and you want to move forward in your happiness. You are serious about being happy and you understand that it might require some extra work at the start. You are excited about getting started and doing what it takes to make happiness happen for you.Does this sound like you? If the answer is yes, sign-up now. I look forward to seeing you in the course!"
Price: 49.99

"Level 2- Quantitative Methods"
"This course covers all readings of Quantitative Methods (QM)ofLevel IIof the CFA() Program(CFAInstitute, USA). The course includes video lecturesfor readings on Correlation & Regression, Multiple Regression, Time Series Analysis and Probabilistic Approaches (Simulations, Decision Trees and Scenario Analysis). The course also includessolved questions of the QM module in the form of instructor-led video lectures.""Learn the concepts of Quantitative Methods in this comprehensive course""""Be prepared for about 10% of the Level 2 exam in under 6 hours!""This course is ideal for you if you areenrolled in Level IIof the CFA() Program. However, it can also be taken up by those doing majors in Finance or working in the investment management industry.REQUIRED DISCLAIMER:CFA Institute does not endorse, promote or warrant the accuracy or quality of this course. CFA and Chartered Financial Analyst are registered trademarks owned by CFA Institute."
Price: 199.99

"Make Your First Game - Crash Course 1 Learn Unity Now!"
"Welcome to the Retro CrashCourse by Xenfinity!By following along withthe curriculum, you'll learn how to create a classic style retro game about shooting asteroids and earning points! Although this game is a 2D shooter, the lessons you learn will apply all across Unity due to its flexibility and cross platform support!The game includes the following features that Ican't wait foryou to build!Physics Based MovementInertia RetainmentYaw Rotation ControlsWeapon Firing2D Collisions and PhysicsUI Components such as Main Menu ScreenScoring/Points SystemRandom Asteroid SpawningLosing and RestartingZero GravityIn this course, we cover theessentialsfor you to create this game with no experience in Unity. Before starting, you should install Visual Studio Community 2017 and Unity 5.5+.You'll code along with me as we build Xenoshooter, a game where the player must stay on their toes dodging asteroids while shooting at the same time.Let's start your game developmentjourney together!See you in Lesson 1,Bilal"
Price: 149.99

"RPython3:7RPythonRPython(20181) UdemyRRR(R)RheadhelpRRRforsampleR()starsparcoordrgltabplotR()ggplot2ggplot2ggplot2ggplot2ggplot2()filterselectmutategroup_bysummarize()1()2()3(mice)4(mice)()()(RandomforestXgboost)()()()1()1()2RandomforestxgboostRandomforestxgboost()(Twitter)TwitterwordcloudTwitterAPI12POS123456POS123PythonPythonPythonNumPyPandas12-1(SVMKNN)-2(SVMKNN)-3(SVMKNN)-(SVMKNN)PythonDeepLearning(longwidegroupby)_1_2_3_POSDATA_()()(pdftxt)udemypdftxtpdftxt()(pdfpdf1.pdftxttxt1.txt):1,2,3,"
Price: 3600.00

"O Mendeley um poderosogestor de referncias bibliogrficas gratuitoque o vaiajudar a organizar a suainvestigao ea sua escrita. Com esta poderosa e amigvel ferramenta pode selecionar e aplicar diferentes estilos bibliogrficos de forma automtica e instantnea.Aprenda agora a gerar bibliografia automaticamente interligando o Mendeley ao Word."
Price: 19.99

"Give Yourself a Military Haircut"
"Learn to give yourself a military haircut! I designedthis coursespecifically with military folks in mindbecause we tend to need haircutson a weekly or semi-weekly basis.However, whether you are in the military or not, this video course will be a useful investment of your time and money. You will be well-prepared with the knowledge and skills to forego the barber for the rest of your life.What will Ilearn?This concise, easy-to-follow course will teach you how to cut your own hair. You will never have to see a barber again.Why should Ilearn it?Barbers are expensive, time-consuming, and you never know what you will get. Quit subjecting yourself to that! With this course you will save money, save time, and always look great.Now for some numbers:If you need a haircut every week, like me, that's 52 cuts per year.The national average men's haircut costs *$28but military cuts tend to be a bit cheaper. So, let's use half that to be conservative: $14 including tip. 52* $14 = $728 per year!If you are in the military for four years, this equates to $2,912.Ten years? $7,280.Twenty years? $14,560.And that's not even accounting for inflation and the opportunity cost of that money, but that's a discussion for another time.Now, let's look at the time cost of going to a barber. You need to drive there (and hope that they are open), wait in line, get the actual haircut, pay, then drive home. Let's very conservatively say this only takes half hour. 52 weeks * 30 minutes = 1,560 minutes = 26 hours.That's right, you are spending at leastan entire day every year getting your hair cut. Now, let's say it takes an hour. 52 weeks * 60 minutes = 3,120 minutes = 52 hours.Over two days per year! It takes me less than ten minutes to cut my hair (and so will you after practicing a few times). 52 weeks * 10 minutes = 500 minutes = 8.33 hours.Barely the equivalent of a full work day.Is it worth saving all this time and all this money?I think the numbers speak for themselves.For years I have been perfecting the technique taught in this course. After taking it, you will have the skills to perform the same cut on yourself. This will give you the know-how and confidence to perform my technique and it will get you proficient in using the equipment. With practice, you will be able to use what you learn here and begin experimenting with other hair styles.*According to a recentstudy by a well-known website"
Price: 19.99

"Master Bootstrap 4 (4.3.1) and code 7 projects with 25 pages"
"ABOUTBootstrap - the world's most popular front-end frameworks!This course covers all the different parts of the latest version of the world's most popular front-end framework, Bootstrap 4.3.1. Bootstrap has been used by thousands of people around the world and have been carefully developed to cover a wide range of typical user interfaces. Web pages built with Bootstrap 4 works across all kinds of devices, browsers and screen sizes while also taking care of accessibility and a clean and modern design.This course is for the beginner who want to learn Bootstrap 4 from the bottom up. It goes through all the different parts, but each lecture can be watched independently.In addition to just learning about the different parts of Bootstrap 4 you will find a detailed walk-through of how to build different responsive, modern and common web page templates, including a photo gallery, video gallery, mixed gallery, audio gallery, login, contact, footer, sitemap, shortcuts, FAQ, thank you, employees, pricing table and create account.Finally, I will walk you through how to create 7 complete projects using Bootstrap 4.PROJECTSLearn to build the following projects using Bootstrap 4:Project 1: Landing PageProject 2: Online ForumProject 3: BlogProject 4: Knowledge BaseProject 5: Resume and CV PageProject 6: Small Business WebsiteProject 7: SurveyLEARNING STYLEMore than just video lecturesIn addition to the video lectures this course contains the following kinds of learning materials:70 coding exercises:A total of 291 automatic tests against your code. This is one of the best ways to learn how to code - no downloads or installations required.5 quizzes:In the end of every section you will find a quiz to test your new knowledge.Bootstrap 4 Learning Kit:Downloadable ZIP file that works offlineA custom built learning kit with source code for all parts of Bootstrap 4. Features a reference section with many examples and a practice section, which you can use while learning about Bootstrap 4. More than 100 source files included in this learning kit.WHY THIS COURSE?Why this course instead of other Bootstrap courses?Wondering why you should choose this course instead of other Bootstrap courses? This course has the following features that makes it stand out among the rest:up to date with the latest version of Bootstrap 4 from February 13, 2019: version 4.3.1more features and extra learning materials including coding exercises, interactive CodePens and a custom Learning Kitmost lectures can be watched independently of each otherhas been carefully crafted through more than 300 hours of dedicated workUPDATESUpcoming future updates for this course will include the following features and lectures:New projects will be added: online shop, social network, portfolio, CMS admin, dashboard and more...""Assignments"": practice your knowledge by doing assignments as part of the courseNew components, utilities and other features in future versions of Bootstrap will be addedTESTIMONIALSDon't take my word for it read what other students are saying:Amazing detailed lessons Joseph AlbaThis course is the best of all the bootstrap courses I have taken on Udemy. The presenter's language is clear and to the point, with only a very slight accent which does not affect intelligibility. Structurally the course material stands heads and shoulders above the others, with not only a comprehensive coverage of the bootstrap framework which the author maintains up to date, but also some very pertinent real world projects which can be used as starting points for most commercial projects which one might want to launch into after taking the course. Additionally, the presenter is very responsive when reached out to and his answers always cover questions comprehensively. As far as I am concerned, this course sets the standard by which all educational courses in this format should be measured. Philippe DamervalVery detailed and useful! It is right for me! I am very satisfied with all the content on this course. The instructor has been very clear in his explanations. Thank you Mr. Jeppe for your time and patience! Julio Bell SoubletExcellent, I've been loving it since the beginning !!! Douglas Matos da SilvaBootstrap 4 - the complete guide Andr BrandoDetailed explanations about different Bootstrap features. Many Live example demos. The Learning Kit alone makes the purchase of this course all worth it. Thank you Jeppe. Dany MichaudGreat introduction to the building blocks of Bootstrap. Material is taught in a comprehensive manner. Not only has this been a great tool for learning bootstrap, but i will also be able to use this coursework as a reference for projects moving forward. The instructor (Jeppe) is quick with feedback and the coursework is taught is a logical, effective manner. Eric DuselGreat in depth Tutorial I really enjoyed and upgraded knowledge. ShyamThe Awesome Bootstrap 4 Bible :) AnkruzThe course is very thorough. The lecturer is a master of the subject matter. I like the application he provided which serves both as a lab and a reference application. Glyn DaviesVery thorough going through everything so far. I like the Learning Kit which you get to use and follow along with in CodePen. Jim O'BrienFantastic course with concrete quiz which makes it easier to master the content included. AndySunI took alot of courses on Udemy, this is the first time i feel that i must leave such a rating because simply it deserves more than that .. the instructor answered all my questions faster than i even imagined and was more than clear and helpful, beside it is very explanatory for a beginner like me (other course i took claimed that no prior knowledge is required but i discovered later that i was in a total mess because i dont have prior knowledge in bootstrap to an extent that i left the whole course).The usage of pencode was an excellent idea because it shows for beginners (Like me) the effect of each class alone before applying the next class. The course is rich with alot of learning hours that concentrates on the pure bootstrap classes before engaging in projects (I hope all courses do this, i dunno why all courses today just dig into projects without deeply explaining the core of the skill), All the previous made me dig into the course faster than i imagined .i hope the instructor can make more courses ( I would highly appreciate a course of modern Html5 that contains deep explanation for Aria and modern accesibility attributes). Karim UsamaVery fluent and easy to follow. Kevin RamboIts really a great course, helped me in understanding many new features related to BS4, Lectures are very clear and to the point.Also Jeppe is prompt in responses, Wish to see more content around this subject. Thanks Jeppe. Ravi ChallaThis course is the best HTML, CSS, bootstrap course there is in 2018. Alice RoseExcellent course on frontend with bootstrap 4, very interesting and useful. Sridevi AmbatiGreat and enjoyable course with a very extensive information on different aspects of Bootstrap. The instructor is very enthusiastic and the depth of his knowledge is impressive. So glad I enrolled Nadezda ZajancauskaiteThe quality of the course is very good. The tutor explains everything in an ordered way. Akash GiriAn outstanding course for learning & understanding Bootstrap 4 Arifur RahmanExcellent course Monirul Hossain AnikInstructor really put in the effort to teach us the principles of Bootstrap 4. Would recommend to anyone who wants to learn Bootstrap and is a fan of ""video tutorials kinda way of learning"". Brane OpaiA well deserved 5/5!! Thank You so much for such an excellent course!! Aman AliIts timely, and the structure is awesome... Waibi Andrew FranklinLots of resources, very well documented. I have a good feeling that with this course i am going to be really good at bootstrapp at the end of the course. Tim de Tombe"
Price: 199.99

"Code a Knowledge Base using popular web frameworks"
"ABOUT THE COURSEThis course is for the beginner who wants to get a quick introduction to various popular front-end CSS frameworks by recreating the same project multiple times. By taking this course you'll get introduced to the latest versions of Bootstrap 4, Bulma, Semantic UI, Foundation 6 and Materialize. These frameworks are some of the most popular ones used today by web designers and developers all over the world.In this course you'll learn how to create a Knowledge Base using various popular front-end CSS frameworks. Using one framework at a time I will start from scratch and walk you through how to create the same project. The project created with each framework will have the same general layout and design, however there will be some small visual differences from project to project due to the specific features and styles of the various frameworks.The idea behind re-creating the same project with different frameworks is to learn how each framework use different code structure, classes and attributes to create the same kind of component. You will also learn how each framework differ in the visual style of each component, and learn what is possible and what isn't with each framework.ABOUT THE PROJECTThis project is about creating a Knowledge Base. You'll learn how to structure various pieces of content, how to design a user-friendly interface, and how to make it look great on all device sizes by using a responsive grid.The project will contain the following pages:IndexMenu, dropdown, search form, responsive grid layout with card and images, responsive grid layout with text, footerCategoryMenu, dropdown, breadcrumb, search form, responsive grid layout, page navigation (including smooth scroll effect), main content with headings and lists with links, support contact, footerArticleMenu, dropdown, breadcrumb, search form, responsive grid layout, page navigation (including smooth scroll effect), main content with headings, text, link, lists, images, message, code block and table, feedback form, support contact, related articles, footerABOUT THE FRAMEWORKSThe following frameworks will be used to create a Knowledge Base:Bootstrap 4 (compatible with the latest version v4.4.0)Bulma (compatible with the latest version v0.8.0)Semantic UI (compatible with the latest version v2.4.2)Foundation 6 (compatible with the latest version v6.5.3)Materialize (compatible with the latest version v1.0.0)Bootstrap 4:We'll use the following parts of Bootstrap 4:Layout: Containers, Grid systemContent: Typography, Code, Images, TablesComponents: Alert, Breadcrumb, Button, Card, Dropdown, Forms, Input Group, List Group, NavbarUtilities: Flex, Position, Spacing, TextBulma:We'll use the following parts of Bulma:Modifiers: Typography HelpersLayout: Columns, Container, SectionForms: General, Input, Radio, TextareaElements: Box, Button, Content, Icon, Image, Table, TitleComponents: Breadcrumb, Card, Message, Navbar, TabsSemantic UI:We'll use the following parts of Semantic UI:Elements: Button, Container, Divider, Header, Image, Input, ListCollections: Breadcrumb, Form, Grid, Menu, Message, TableModules: DropdownViews: CardFoundation 6:We'll use the following parts of Foundation 6:General: XY Grid, FormsTypography: Helper ClassesControls: Button, Button GroupNavigation: Menu, Top Bar, BreadcrumbsContainers: Callout, Card, Dropdown, TablePlugins: Smooth ScrollMaterialize:We'll use the following parts of Materialize:CSS: Color, Grid, Helpers, Media, TableComponents: Buttons, Breadcrumbs, Cards, Collection, Footer, Icons, Navbar, Table of ContentsJavaScript: Dropdown, Pushpin, Scrollspy, SidenavForms: Radio Button, Text Inputs---I hope you will be inspired to create your own Knowledge Base afterwards. Please send me a link if you do so. I would love to see it!"
Price: 199.99