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"Advanced Hypnotherapy with Age Regression; Hypnosis Program"
"This course is a practical guide on how to run a complete program of hypnotherapy sessions based around age regression.Age regression can be used tohave catharticemotionalrelease, andtogain insightsinto causative issues, and toovercomelimiting beliefs.Age regression can be used for much more thanchildhood trauma,it can be appropriate for mostclients and most issues of hypnotherapy.Age regression uses the unique abilities of hypnosis to access the long term memories and inner wisdom of the subconscious mindto help heal withteaching stories from the client's own personal history.The manualis mostly a practical script you can useword for wordinsessions.Thevideos are a commentary on the manual,coveringwhat to do,why you are doing it, what not to do, and how to handle many differenttypesof possible reactionsfrom clients.The program structurecovers;Client Interview; a foundation for the entire three sessions process.Hypnosis; three variations ofhypnotic pre-talk. Three rapid hypnotic inductions. Three progressive relaxation inductions and deepeners.First Session; regression to positive resources. Managing any abreactions.Second Session; regression to causative emotions andevents.Helpthe inner child with the wise adult.Apply initialfixes includingreviewing, reframingand rewritingpast events.Third Session; regression to key people. Therapeutic resolutions including forgiveness, cord cutting, parts therapy and future progression.Applications; case studyexamplesof how to apply the full three session structure based aroundage regression to most of the key issues of hypnotherapy.Guidelines on how to apply age regression to client issues ofsmoking, weight loss, confidence including public speaking, romantic relationships, family & friend relationships."
Price: 99.99

"JavaWeb WebOSWindows7"
Price: 7800.00

"JavaWeb OSWindows7"
Price: 7800.00

Price: 7800.00

Price: 7800.00

"1SubversionSVNEclipseVisual StudioSubversion"
Price: 7800.00

"C# .NET Framework"
Price: 7800.00

Price: 7800.00

Price: 7800.00

"Build Web Apps with Vue JS 2 & Firebase"
"If you're looking to get started building full-stackapplications with Vue JSand Firebase, then look no further. In this courseI'll take you from novice to ninja in Vue JS, starting out with the very basics of VueJSand then moving on towards creating fully-fledged VueJS applications.We'll spend a whole chapter learning about the Vue Router-and how to create SPA's (single page applications) using it -as well as exploring how to usethe Vue CLI to get up and running quickly when creating Vue applications.I'll also teach you how touseFirebase, an online, freeservice provided by Google which acts as a very feature-rich, fully-fledgedback-end to our applications. We'll learn how to use Firebase to store and retrieve data to and froma NoSQL database called Firestore, as well as authenticate our app's users with the Firebase Auth service, We'll also take a peak at Firebase Cloud Functions (which allow us to run server-sideJavaScript code in a Node.js environment), as well as deploying all of our applications to Firebase hosting.There's a crazy amount to cover, but by the end of this course you'll be in a position to create full-stack web applications (complete with user authentication) using VueJSand Firebase!I'm also know as The Net Ninja on YouTube...With around 200,000 subscribers and nearly 1000 free web development tutorials. So feel free to check out my teaching style and reviews before you buy my course :).This course is built with Vue 2.x, and will be added to with extra sections in the future."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda Unity - 2D Definitivo"
"Este curso destino a todos que querem aprender a desenvolver jogos 2Dcom qualidade profissional.No necessrio conhecimentos prvios de programao pois no mdulo inicial daremos toda a base necessria de C# para o aluno acompanhar as aulas sem grandes dificuldades.Neste curso voc ir aprender a desenvolver jogos 2D com elementos de RPG como sistema de progresso de personagem, armas, skiils bem como sistema de dilogos, inventrio, sistema de fraquezas e resistncias.Neste curso utilizaremos a verso 2017.3 da Unity utilizando a programao C#"
Price: 54.99

"Introduccin Automatizacin de Procesos en ETL"
"En este curso aprenderemos todos los conceptospara poder implementar un sistema ETL.Podrs adems practicar con ejercicios super dinmicos y definicin del procesos, desde instalarlo hasta ejecutar tu primer ETLenlazndolo con SQL o tu Base de Datos favorita.Podrs aprender a gestionar tu propio proyecto ETL y tener el conocimiento necesario para afrontar cualquier contra en el mbito laboral.Recuerda que al inscribirte podrs enviarnos correos para aclarar las dudas e ir interactuando constamente. Tambin podrs tener tu Diploma Bit2In y acceso a los webinars que estaremos impartiendo constantemente."
Price: 69.99

"A'dan Z'ye Instagram Reklamcl ve erik retimi"
"Alacanz bu kurs sayesinde Instagram Hesap Ynetimi, Instagrama zel ierik oluturma ve Instagram Reklamcl hakknda btn bilgileri edinmi olacaksnz.Dijitalleen dnyada Sosyal Medyann nemi yadsnamaz bir gerek. nsanlar artk her eye sosyal medyadan ulayor ilk olarak bir kiinin ve markann sosyal medyasn inceliyor.Yerel veya global kurulular sosyal medya mecralarnda yerlerini alm durumda. Sosyal medya mecralar artk bir maaza vitrini gibi kullanlyor. Bu mecralardan en ok kullancya sahip olan en popler alan ise Instagram. Aylk 600 milyon aktif kullancs olan Instagram 2010 ylnda ilk kez kullanlmaya balandnda sadece fotoraf paylalabilen farkl bir ileve sahip olmayan bir mecrayd. Bugn sosyal medyada ve markalar arasnda zel bir yere sahip.Gnderi etkileim ortalamas bakmndan dier sosyal mecralar arasndan birinci srada olmas markalar iin Instagram vazgeilmez klyor. Instagram pazarlamas dijital pazarlamada bylece yerini alm oluyor. Gnmzde sadece kurumsal deil bireysel olarak da Instagram markalama ve para kazanma yolu haline geldi.Kendi kiisel markanza veya iletmenizin mteri hedef kitlenize bu mecray kullanarak en ucuz ve pratik yollarla popllerite yaratabilir, reklam verebilir ya da markanz duyurabilirsiniz. Bu dersi HEMEN almanz iin 4 neden: Her hafta Instagramda ierik retimi, Instagram Hesap Ynetimi ve Instagram Reklamcl hakknda ipular ieren yeni videolar eklenecek! Eitim setini alan herkes bu videolara cretsiz eriebilecek.Eitim seti kapsamnda aklnza gelebilecek btn sorular bana iletebilirsiniz! Bu sorular dzenli olarak cevaplayacam.Bu eitim setinin ierisindeki btn bilgiler orijinal, test edilmi ve yeteri kadar ayrntldr. 4.Instagramda en etkili ve verimli sonucu almak iin MD eitim setini edinin!Bu kurs sayesinde lider fotoraf ve video paylam platformunda marka deerinizi ve kazancnz hemen artrn. Kaliteli popler ierik retip fenomen olun!Bu kursun renim hedefleri neler? Instagramda hesap nasl alr?Instagram hesap ynetimi nasl yaplr?Instagram hesap gvenlii nasl salanr?Markay yanstacak ierik retimi nasl yaplr?Popler, viral ierik nasl oluturulur?Instagramda hashtag kullanm,Instagram Mavi Tik ( Onay) nasl alnr?Instagramda gnderi zamanlama,Instagramda kuvvetli etkileim nasl yaratlr?Instagramda kitle oluturma,Etkili Instagram Hikaye ( story) kullanm,Instagram Hikayeye (Story) link verme,Instagram Hikaye Anket oluturm,Reklamcla dair terimler nelerdir?Instagram reklam ynetimi nasl yaplr?Instagram Hikaye (Story) reklam ynetimi nasl yaplr?Instagram reklam yatrmlarnzn geri dnn nasl optimize edilir?Instagram reklamclna dair taktik ve stratejiler nelerdir?Instagram raporlar nasl analiz edilir?Instagramda zel hedef kitle nasl oluturulur?letmeniz iin gl bir Instagram hesab nasl oluturulur?Instagram bir i arac olarak kullanmak ve buradan gelir elde etmek.Yeni Instagram takipilerinizi, uzun vadeli mterilere dntrmek.Instagram ieriklerinin kalitesi nasl arttrlr?5 dakikada Instagram reklam nasl oluturulur?Zaman kazanmak ve verileri analiz etmek iin kullanlan pratik Instagram aralar nelerdir?Instagrama zel ierik oluturmann nem,eriin yaratl sreci,Photoshopa giriPhotoshopun temel kavramlar,Klavye ksayollar,Photoshop Arayz,Katman temelleri,Seim ilemleri,Transform ilemleri,Dekupe yapmak,Yaz Eklemek,Renklerin durumu,Fotoraf Dzeltme Temelleri,Maskeler ve Kanallar,Fotoraflar Dzeltmek ve Zenginletirmek,Tipografik Tasarm,"
Price: 299.99

"A'dan Z'ye Temel ve Orta Dzey Adwords (Google Ads) Eitimi"
"AklamaGnmzn dijital dnyasnda, potansiyel mteriler artk birer aktif katlmcdr. Google reklam dnyasnda nemli bir role sahiptir. Google sahip olduu Adwords sistemi ile reklamlarnz milyonlarca hatta milyarlarca kiiye ulatrmay hedeflemektedir.Google Adwords sistemi kiisel veya iletme sahibi reklam verenlerin reklamlarn ok fazla kiiye hzlca ulatrmay salamaktadr. Doru yerde, doru zamanda, doru kiilere hazrlanan reklam kampanyalar ile hedefe daha hzl ulalr.Bu dersi HEMEN almanz iin 4 neden: Her hafta Google Adwords Reklamcl hakknda ipular ieren yeni videolar eklenecek! Eitim setini alan herkes bu videolara cretsiz eriebilecek.Eitim seti kapsamnda aklnza gelebilecek btn sorular bana iletebilirsiniz! Bu sorular dzenli olarak cevaplayacam.Bu eitim setinin ierisindeki btn bilgiler orijinal, test edilmi ve yeteri kadar ayrntldr. Bu kurs sayesinde Markanzn ve letmenizin marka deerini ve kazancnz hemen artrn. Minimum bte ile maksimum sonular elde edin!Bu kursun renim hedefleri neler?Google Adwords Nedir?Neden Google Adwords Reklamlar Alarn kullanmalym ?Nasl Adwords Hesab Oluturabilirim?Google Adwords Reklam Trleri nelerdir? ( Metin, Resim,Video ve Rich Media)Google Reklamlar Hangi Kriterlere Gre Gsterilir? oklu Reklam Setleri ve Reklamlar Oluturma Google Adwords Kampanyas Oluturma ( Arama A Kampanyas) Kampanya Hedef Kitle Belirleme ve Hedefleme Yntemleri nelerdir?Yer , Cihaz , Dil Hedeflemesinde En yi Uygulamalar Teklif Stratejileri ve Bteleme Teklif Stratejisi Trleri ve Seimi Reklam Grubu Oluturma ve Reklam Grubu Tekliflerini YnetmeAnahtar Kelime Planlayc ve KullanmAnahtar Kelime Belirleme ve Reklam Gruplarna EklemeReklam Sralamas ve Anahtar Kelime Kalite Puan Negatif Anahtar Kelime Ekleme ve Negatif Listesi OluturmaEtkili Google Adwords Metin Reklamlar Oluturma En ok Kullanlan Reklam Uzantlar ve Etkin Kullanm Arama Terimleri Raporu ile Anahtar Kelime BelirlemeAk Artrma Raporu ve Anahtar Kelimede Rakip Takibi Google Adwords Arayz TantmGrntl Reklam A Kampanya Kurgusu GerekletirmeGrntl Reklam A Kampanyas Oluturma ( GDN)Grntl Reklam A Hedefleme SeenekleriGrntl Reklam A Kampanya Optimizasyonu UygulamalarEtkili Reklam Oluturma ve En yi Uygulamalar Grntl Reklam A Reklam Trleri Konu, lgi Alan ,Anahtar Kelime ve Yerleim Hedeflemesi"
Price: 199.99

"PHP+MySQLMariaDB Web"
Price: 24000.00

"MBA ASAP Powerful Negotiation Strategies for Success"
"Description Learn to become a better negotiator through this five-step process.Negotiation is a learnable skill that you can develop and hone to resolve conflicts, build agreements, and get deals done. Make Your Life Happier, More Prosperous and the World a Better Place Create Wise Agreements Build Better Relationships Become a More CapableManager and Leader The Most Powerful Skill at Your Control Negotiations shape our lives. Think for a moment about how you make important decisions in you life the decisions that have the greatest impact on your performance at work and your satisfaction at home Most of those decisions you have to reach with others through negotiation. In this new world where direct lines of authority have transformed into networks of collaboration, negotiation has become the primary form of decision-making and a key to management and leadership. Negotiation is not limited to the activity of sitting across a table discussing a contentious issue; it is the informal activity you engage in whenever you try to get something you want from another person. To get what we want we are compelled to negotiate. Become better at it. Content and Overview This negotiating method, called PIANO, provides a high probability process for accomplishing your specific goals while meeting these three general criteria: Do no harm and feasibly improve the relationships Be orderly and productive Produce enlightened and sustainable agreements You will learn this straightforward method of negotiating on the merits of legitimate interests. It is defined in five strategic steps that we go through in this course. These five elements can be employed in any situation to strike a deal or resolve conflict. Each stage in the method addresses an element of the negotiation process. To help make the stages memorable I have created an acronym PIANO where each letter stands for an element in the process: People: Detach the individuals from the problem.Interests: Emphasize interests, not postures. Alternatives: Invent multiple options looking for mutual gains. Norms: Insist that the result be based on objective standards. Option: Have a clear idea of your course if you cannot strike an acceptable deal. Anyone can learn this method and apply it in all aspect of your life to make a great impact on your happiness, prosperity, ability to get what you want, and get things done. Become a Better Negotiator today."
Price: 19.99

"MBA ASAP Understanding Financial Statements"
"Being able to read and understand financial statements is a fundamental skill to understanding how businesses function. Since financial statements are the end product of accounting, understanding them provides the context for understanding accounting. Mastering this skill will help you become a better manager. Being able to read financial statements will also help you make better investment decisions in the stock market because you will be able to get meaningful information out of an Annual Report or a 10K. If you are an entrepreneur planning a start up then understanding financial statements is critical for your credibility as you meet with angel investors, bankers, and VCs. Why take this course? Finally understand the numbers side of Business. Financial Literacy matters to your career and success Senior executives routinely share and discuss financial data with marketing directors, operations chiefs, and other direct reports. But how much do those managers really understand about finance and the numbers? A recent investigation into this question concluded most managers understand not enough to be useful. Asked to take a basic financial-literacy exama test that any CEO or junior finance person should easily acea representative sample of U.S. managers from C-level executives to supervisors scored an average of only 38%. Lack of financial literacy matters and impacts an organizations ability to optimally perform. Those who cant speak the language of business cant contribute much to a discussion of performance and are unlikely to advance in the hierarchy or reach their full potential. Does a lack of financial literacy matter? From a managers point of view, it surely does. Those who cant speak the language of business cant contribute much to a discussion of performance and are unlikely to advance in the hierarchy. They may get caught off guard by financial shenanigans, as many employees at Enron were. They also are unable to gauge the health of a prospective or current employer. The CFO of a small manufacturing company often asks candidates for engineering positions whether they would like to review the past two years of the companys financials. None yet have taken him up on the offerknowing, perhaps, that they could make neither head nor tail of the statements. People dont tell their bosses that they dont speak finance. Its the usual human reluctance to admit ignorance. In a survey managers were asked what happens in meetings when people dont understand financial data. The majority chose answers reflecting that reluctance, such as Most people dont ask because they dont want to appear uninformed in front of their boss or peers. Dont let this be you. Take this course and understand Financial Statements."
Price: 34.99

"Facebook Ads Mastery Course for Beginners"
"The Best Starter Course on Facebook Ads - If you have ever wanted to learn Facebook Ads easily, this course is for you!You will learn everything you need to get started on Facebook Ads. You will learn the about the following:What is Facebook Advertising?Why Facebook Advertising?How to Set up Your First Facebook Ad campaign?How to Optimize Your Facebook Ad campaigns( Increased Conversions & Leads)Setting Up your Facebook Ad campaign with a Realistic BudgetSetting up Your First Campaign and Fan pageSetting up Your First Ad setSet up More than one ad for A/B testing and monitor for effectivenessScaling up Your Facebook Ad budget if the Ad is convertingCreating Your Custom and Lookalike AudiencesGet started now."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Xamarin for iOS and Android"
"Welcome to this course on Xamarin. In this two part course you will learn Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android. We'll take you through the foundations of building iOS and Android applications using Xamarin. In this course, we're going to take you through the entire development process. You'll create a new project in Visual Studio, code the user interface and behavior, build the project, and test it in an iPhone simulator. As you build your app, you'll learn about the model view controller design pattern and all about protocols and delegates in iOS.By the end of this course, you'll be able to code a basic iOS and Android application with views and behavior written in C# using Visual Studio and Xamarin, giving you a solid foundation in getting started with using Xamarin."
Price: 19.99

"Pre-ICO: How to raise up to million by spending hundreds."
"Now it is difficult to underestimate the power of the growing cryptoeconomy and the opportunities that it creates. Over the past year, the market capitalization of the largest seven cryptocurrencies has increased more than eight times, exceeding $100 billion. Currently, there are more than 800 cryptocurrencies in the world, nine of them have a capitalization more than $1 billion.The volume of the ICO market demonstrates a galloping growth - we observe the creating of specialized ICO funds, and classical venture capitalists are actively investing in the blockchain (about $232 million only in the second quarter of 2017).The ICO market ""feeds"" the growth of cryptoeconomy and gradually becomes an effective mechanism for financing blockchain projects, competing with the classical venture market.And in June and July 2017, the volume of funds raised through ICO exceeded the world's investment of venture capital funds at an early stage.Therefore, we can say that this becomes a great tool for business for attracting money, even for non-existing ones. After all, the vast majority of ICO projects do not even have a prototype! Almost everyone can attract money in such a simple way - from any country, with any idea and in a short time.So, even if you have only an idea - this course will be very useful. And even if you don't have it - the first sections will allow you to understand which direction to choose and what characteristics your idea should meet.The cost of an ICO, according to various estimates, is from $50,000 to $300,000 now and growing each month. Thus, many projects, including ours, initially conduct pre-ICO in order to raise funds for an ICO.We spent 59 dollars in total, and are already very close to collecting $200,000. To achieve such results, you need to take into account a lot of nuances, and I will tell about them in this course.We will go through all the processes step by step and will show you how to attract significant investments in order to create a project. Because what turned out for us, will work for you, since I described in this course-instruction absolutely everything that we did."
Price: 49.99

"Fotografia de Animais"
"Fotografe animais de estimao e capture toda sua essncia!Uma mentoria para voc que j fotgrafoprofissional ou criador / ongs,ama animaise deseja se aprimorar nessa rea to linda da fotografia!Nesse curso vamos abordar as lentes que mais uso para fotografar animais eos tipos de foco que utilizo.Vamos falar de fotografia de ces, gatos ecavalos.Vamos dar dicas essenciais de como chamar a ateno do animal para sua fotografia e assim fazer lindas imagens.Vamos editar nossas imagens no programa Lightroom e alguns ajustes bsicos que gosto de usar no Photoshop.Tambm falo da entrega do trabalho ao seu cliente e disponibilizo um contrato de prestao de servio para voc usar como modelo / referncia para voc ou sua empresa.Vamos l? Espero vocs!Todas as fotografias mostradas nesse curso foram feitas com luz natural, sem flash.Quem sou eu?Sou graduada em Artes Visuais e fotografo famlias e animais desde 2013.J fotografei Ongs de equinos e gatinhos,tive fotografias publicadas em revistas no Brasil, fotografei criadores de raas especficas e tambm pets com suas familias."
Price: 159.99

"Akupressur fr Lufer"
"Wie die Akupunktur stammt die Akupressur aus der jahrtausendealten Traditionellen Chinesischen Medizin, die auch kurz TCM genannt wird. Diese ist eines der ltesten Medizinsysteme der Welt.Das wichtigste Grundprinzip der TCM ist, dass die Lebensenergie als Grundlage fr alles Leben in ihren Bahnen frei durch den Krper flieen kann. Durch den Druck auf bestimmte Punkte knnen Stauungen und Blockaden im Energiefluss-System aufgelst und harmonisiert werden.Im Gegensatz zur Akupunktur ist die Akupressur sehr gut fr die Eigenbehandlung geeignet. Dazu ist sie eine sehr leicht zu lernende Methode, die berall durchgefhrt werden kann und die auerdem noch kostenlos ist.Auch fr viele Beschwerden und Probleme, die im Luferalltag immer wieder vorkommen knnen, ist die Akupressur zur sanften Anregung der Selbstheilungskrfte sehr geeignet.Der Kurs Akupressur fr Lufer vermittelt das komplette Wissen, was bentigt wird, um sich selber erfolgreich bei vielen typischen Beschwerden aus dem Luferalltag zu helfen.Die Kursteilnehmer lernen die Ursprnge der Akupressur kennen.Sie verstehen die Prinzipien, wie die Akupressur wirkt.Sie erhalten das komplette Wissen fr die praktische Anwendung der Akupressur.Sie lernen 10 Akupressurpunkte ausfhrlich kennen, die sehr vielseitig eingesetzt werden knnen.Sie erhalten 26 Akupressur-Konzepte zu Problemen und Beschwerden, die im Luferalltag hufig vorkommen. Dazu gehren z.B. Muskelkater, Muskelkrmpfe, Lampenfieber, Erschpfung, Achillessehnenbeschwerden und das Luferknie.Sie erhalten eine Akupressur-Punkte-Datenbank zum schnellen Nachsehen einzelner Akupressurpunkte.Ein sehr visueller Ansatz erleichtert den Teilnehmern das Lernen vor allem der 10 Akupressurpunkte fr alle Flle. Dies geschieht durch die Verknpfung mit dem oft sehr blumigen chinesischen Namen, dazu passenden Bildern und Visualisierungsstzen.Verschiedene Aufgaben vertiefen das Gelernte zustzlich.Neben dem lebenslangen Zugriff auf die Videos erhalten die Kursteilnehmer alle Informationen des Kurses auch in schriftlicher Form. Alle Akupressur-Konzepte sind bersichtlich zusammengefasst und knnen ausgedruckt werden. So sind sie schnell griffbereit, wenn sie gebraucht werden.Nach Abschluss des Kurses und mit den zur Verfgung gestellten Materialien sind die Kursteilnehmer selbstndig in der Lage, bei sich selber eine Akupressurmassage nach den vorgestellten Konzepten durchzufhren und auch eigene Akupressur-Konzepte zusammenzustellen. Damit knnen sie den eigenen Krper bei Beschwerden in ihrem Luferalltag optimal untersttzen."
Price: 79.99

"Feng Shui fr den perfekten Arbeitsplatz"
"Feng Shui stammt zwar aus China. Die Gesetzmigkeiten beruhen aber auf Beobachtungen der Natur und des Lebens und sind daher universell und auch auf unseren Kulturkreis sehr gut bertragbar.Dieser Kurs vermittelt ein umfangreiches Wissen zur Anwendung von Feng Shui speziell fr den Arbeitsplatz. Ziel ist es, dass die Teilnehmer ihren eigenen Arbeitsplatz so einrichten knnen, dass sie sich dort wohl fhlen und ihre Arbeit konzentriert, effizient und erfolgreich erledigen knnen. Nach und nach werden dazu alle Bereiche optimiert, die einen Einfluss auf das Wohlbefinden und die Arbeitsleistung haben.Die Kursteilnehmer lernen in einem kleinen Feng Shui Crash-Kurs die Ursprnge des Feng Shui und einige wichtige Gesetzmigkeiten kennen.Sie verstehen die Prinzipien, wie Feng Shui wirkt.Sie lernen, ihren Raum wahrzunehmen und eine allenfalls ungnstige Raumform zu harmonisieren.Sie werden in ihrem eigenen Arbeitsraum den energiereichsten Platz finden.Sie lernen die Auswirkungen von verschiedenen Schreibtischformen und - materialien kennen.Sie lernen, wie viel die richtige Schreibtischposition mit unseren unterbewussten Reflexen zu tun hat.Sie erhalten das Wissen, wie sie ihre aktuellen Lebenswnsche auf ihrem Schreibtisch aktivieren und dadurch frdern knnen.Sie lernen einige Methoden kennen, um sich persnlich ganz individuell zu untersttzen.Durch zahlreiche Bilder, Skizzen, Tabellen und Beispielen aus dem Erfahrungsschatz der Autorinwird es fr die Teilnehmenden leicht, die Zusammenhnge zu verstehen und das Gelernteselber in die Praxis umzusetzen. Verschiedene Aufgaben untersttzen dies zustzlich.Neben dem lebenslangen Zugriff auf die Videos erhalten die Kursteilnehmer alle Informationen des Kurses auch in schriftlicher Form. bersichtlich zusammengefasst stehtder gesamte Arbeitsablauf zur Optimierung des Arbeitsplatz zudemam Ende des Kurses noch einmal in schriftlicher Form zur Verfgung.Nach Abschluss des Kurses und mit den zur Verfgung gestellten Materialien sind die Kursteilnehmer selbstndig in der Lage, ihren eigenen Arbeitsraum so zu gestalten, dass er sie bei ihrer Arbeit bestens untersttzt. Auerdem knnen die Kursteilnehmer gespannt sein, wie sich die Aktivierung ihres zurzeit grten Lebenswunsches auswirken wird."
Price: 79.99

"The Complete SQL Server For Beginners"
"Welcome to the Complete SQL Server For Beginners Course, The ultimate practical guide to master SQL Server for developers.This course willstart with you from zero level experience in SQL databases, starting to level up as we are going through the course.explaining all the questions you maybe asking yourself such asWhat is a relational database?what isSQL Server?what is a cloud database?This course will guide you how to install SQL Server on a local machine step by step and even how to create your own cloud databases on the most required cloud services providers in the market...AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure.You will learnwhat is meant by concepts like DBaaS and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) After you learn the basic concepts of the SQL and relational databases and how to install it on a machine and on the cloud, now it will be about time to dive deeper into the world of SQL databases and learn : How create databases and schemas.How create tables and views.Understand all the big concepts like DML, DDL, T-SQL and DBaaS.You will learn how to create users to access your database based on specific permissions you gave them.How to create different constraints.Create primary keys, foreign keys and composite keys. How to export and import a bulk of data in and out of your database.How to retrieve data from your database using select statement.How tofilterdata using where clause.How to use aggregate functions (Sum, Min, Max..etc).Learn how to use group by and having with aggregate functions.How to use case statement.How to use the keywords like between, in, distinct and percent.Understand how to create subqueries.How to manipulate data using Insert, update, delete statements.How to use joins to link two tables or more together.How to design complex database relations.How to create different stored procedures to perform different jobs.You will learn how to use string functions such as replace, substring, CharIndex and more.How to use the powerful date functions in sql server such asDateAdd, DateDiff and more.You will learn how to use the numeric functions such as round, ceiling,floor and more.You will be designing a small human resources database from scratch, and we will also work with the AdventureWorks database. AdventureWorks Database is a Microsoft product sample. The AdventureWorks Database supports a fictitious, multinational manufacturing company called Adventure Works Cycles. You will learn how to install AdventureWorks database onto your database server and we are going to perform different sql queries and statements on both HumanResources and AdventureWorks.You will learn how to increase your productivity with relational databases using joins and views, you will be creating inner joins, left outer joins and right outer joins.You will have the chances to create joins in two different ways, first using SQL script and you will learn how to do this step by step, and visually using the management studio features which allows you to create joins much faster and easier. With over 30 real world exercises to help you practice and learn more about almost each major topic in the course, I am going to solve all of the exercises with you while giving you some time to try to solve it on your own.All the SQL scripts I will be using in this course are available for you to download anytime.Give your CV a huge boost by mastering the SQL server with the Complete SQL Server for Beginners course, do not hesitate enrolling."
Price: 199.99

"Learn The Basics of PostgreSQL For Beginners"
"Welcome to Learn The Basics of PostgreSQL course, The practical guide to learn the basics of PostgreSQL and pgAdmin.PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. Learning PostgreSQL is one of the best ways to boost your career! As it is getting popular each day and many giant companies are using PostgreSQL as a relational database.This course willstart with you from zero level experience in PostgreSQL and relational databases, starting to level up as we are going through the course.explaining all the questions you maybe asking yourself such asWhat is a PostgreSQL?what isrelational database?what is a cloud database?This course will guide you how to install PostgreSQL on a local machine step by step and even how to create your own cloud databases on the one of the most required cloud services providers in the market...Amazon Web Services (AWS).You will learnwhat is meant by concepts like DBaaS and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) Some of the points we will be covering : How to install the PostgreSQL.How to install and use pgAdmin.Create databases with PostgreSQL.Understand what is schema and how to create a schema.How create tables using SQL script.How to create tables using pgAdmin.Use different datatypes available in PostgreSQL.How to create views.Understand what does DBaaS mean.You will learn how to create users to access your database based on specific permissions you gave them.How to create different constraints.Create primary keys in PostgreSQL.Create foreign keys in PostgreSQL. How to import a bulk of data in and out of your database.Generate Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) using another powerful tool called DbVisualizer.Give your CV a huge boost by learning not hesitate enrolling."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete MySQL For Beginners"
"Welcome to the Complete MySQL For Developers Course, The practical guide to become a MySQL masterThis course willstart with you from zero level experience in SQL databases, starting to level up as we are going through the course.This course will guide you how to install MySQL on a local machine step by step and how to workwith MySQL Workbench (The main GUIthat we will be using to work with MySQL Database engine) then you will learn how to create your own cloud databases on the most required cloud services providers in the market...AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Microsoft Azure.You will learnwhat is meant by concepts like DBaaS and Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) After you learn the basic concepts of the MySQL and relational databases and how to install it on a machine and on the cloud, You will be ready to start interacting with the database engine, some of the topics this course will cover : How create a database and schema.How create and drop tables using both SQL script and easily with Workbench.Understand the famous terms DML, DDL, schemas, DBaaS and more.You will learn how to create users to access your database based on specific permissions you gave them.How to create different constraints.Create primary keys, foreign keys and composite keys. How to export and import a bulk of data in and out of your database.How to retrieve data from your database using select statement.How tofilterdata using where clause.How to use aggregate functions (Sum, Min, Max..etc).Learn how to use group by and having with aggregate functions.How to use case statement.Master data manipulation with the essentials statements (insert into, update and delete)How to use the keywords like between, in, distinct, exists and more.Understand how to create subqueries.How to design complex database relations.Cloning database tables easily.You will be designing a small human resources database from scratch, and we will also work with the Sakila database. Sakila is sample relational database ready for you to test and use it. You will learn how to install Sakila database onto your database server and we are going to perform different SQL queries and statements on both HumanResources and Sakila.With over 30 real world exercises to help you practice and learn more about almost each major topic in the course, I am going to solve all of the exercises with you while giving you some time to try to solve it on your own.All the SQL scripts I will be using in this course are available for you to download anytime.Give your CV a huge boost by mastering MySQL with the Complete MySQL for developers course, Enroll now and start mastering MySQL."
Price: 199.99

"Programming in C# Exams 70-483 Practice Exams"
"With 4practice exams containing 40 questions each and after passing these exams, you will be:Prepared to take Programming in C#Exam 70-483.Prepared for C#interview questions.Get confident of your skills in C#.For every question you answer correctly that is great to measure your skills and for the questions you answer incorrectly that is a chance for you to learn something new and spot the light on a new C#area you did not know about, so you are winning either ways.Not only you will be ready for the exam but you can test your skills and knowledge in C#with these exams.This course will measure your ability to accomplish different tasks in C#. Some of the questions are going to be easy, some are intermediate, some are hard and some are really hard.After each practice examattempt, you will receive your total final score after each exam.The exams are :Time based with a score to simulate a real exam.Very well formatted, even the C#code is highlighted properly.No duplicate questions in all of the exams. I have a C#course onthe Udemy discussing almost all the questions in these exams, and Iinvite you to visit the page of the C#course and my instructor profile to learn more about me, and read the reviews of my courses. This course is constantly updated to ensure it stayscurrent and up-to-datewith the latest release of the Programming in C#Exam 70-483, and also provide a 30-day money-back guarantee, no questions asked!So what you are waiting for let us test your C#skills."
Price: 49.99

"Writing short stage plays."
"Starting with the selection of ideas you will go step by step through the processes involved in making a scaled down play for performance. Determining what a short play is and isn't in terms of length and narrative scope.Learning how to examine ideas to find the story in them.Developing an idea into scenes which will then be further developed.Looking at dialogue and trying some writing exercises to strengthen writing skills in this area. When your play is finished, editing techniques can be considered as well as simple production ideas.Your end result will be a piece of work you can produce for an audience viewing. A short play is a fantastic way of quickly getting your writing in front of people to entertain, inform and present your skills."
Price: 29.99

"3 Stufen einer glcklichen Beziehung"
"In diesem Kurs lernst Du das 3-Stufen Modell einer glcklichen und langfristigen Beziehung kennen. Es geht um Werte, Aktivitten und Investitionen in und aus Eurer Beziehung. Diese drei Komponenten gilt es zu verstehen und im Alltag zu leben, um nachhaltig miteinander glcklich zu sein.Der Kurs enthlt Videos, ausfhrliche Artikel und konkrete Aufgaben sowie Beispiele fr einen nachhaltigen Lernerfolg."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Game Maker Studio 2: Introduction to Game Development"
"What if I told you that learning how to build video games didn't have to take 4 years or more? Would you believe me? If you want to learn how to program and build games quickly, then this course is for you. My name is Patrick Johnson, and I currently serve hundreds of students in more than 40 countries around the globe here on Udemy. In this course, I will take you from a complete beginner to game design and turn you into a valuable asset to any studio that can help take ideas and turn them into basic concepts and selling points for fully developed games.Here is what you are going to gain from enrolling in this course... This course starts out by teaching you the fundamentals of Game Maker Studio 2 and basic scripting. After this you will receive my complete guide on how to quickly and efficiently program code into various objects and sprites. We will cover several different aspects of Game Maker Studio 2, and how to improve your own skill set to make you more valuable in a game design studio.After completing this course, you will be able to...   1. Know the basics of Game Maker Studio 2 and how to use it on a daily basis   2. Know how to create Sprites and implement them into an IDE   3. Create objects and program them with various functions to achieve what you would like them to   4. Build rooms for games and input objects into a digital environment   5. Add audio and visual effects to your game to create an immersive experience for players   6. Turn projects into executables to share across the world   7. And much, much more!*Please Note: This course does NOT teach Drag and Drop (DnD). This course teaches you Game Maker Language the whole way through.When you are finished with this course, you will know how to build video games with Game Maker Studio 2. You will be an expert in the basic proponents of what it takes to create a game. I want you to feel comfortable when purchasing, so feel free to play the finished game that we are making (available in the course Lecture 2 preview) that you can download and play for free at any time.I also offer you a 30 day money back guarantee.WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?It's time to take that leap into the world of game design and development. It's time to put off your fears and just go for it regardless of what could happen. You won't know if you don't try!Go ahead and click Enroll in this course right now button and I will see you inside! Yours Sincerely,Patrick Johnson- Instructor -"
Price: 199.99