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"Run Your First Marathon with Confidence"
"Do you want to run a marathon?Yourbody was designed to run long distances, I can show you how to finish your first marathon with CONFIDENCE.How can you finish your first marathon with confidence?If you are running a bit already, you can finish a marathon. I willshow you how totransform yourself into a marathon finisher.Confidence is the most important part of marathon running. This course will build your body and yourconfidence through an efficienttraining plan which will take less time than you might think. I will show you how to improveyour running technique so you can run further and faster with less effort, while avoiding injuries.Preparing your body and mind for the challenge of marathon running will change your life. I want you to experience this incredible experience as you transition from self-doubt to full self-confidence as a runner. The skills you learn by training for your first marathon can be applied to other big crazy goals in life. You will impress yourself andeveryone you know by finishing your first marathon with confidence!Buying this course will provide you:Lifetime access to all lessons (new material added weekly)Training plans to build your body and confidenceDaily responses to any questions about contentPrivate weekly Google Hangout sessions to ask me anythingExclusive access to my Facebook Group: Marathon MastermindDiscounts on future courses and productsI created this course because I want you to finish your marathon with confidence. If you put in the work, I will do whatever it takes to get you across that finish line. Running is one of the few things in life you will never regret.Let's get started now!"
Price: 199.99

"Curso de modelado de plastilina y porcelana fra Vol.1"
"Te gusta el modelado de plastilina o porcelana fra?Te gustan las manualidades pero crees que es muy difcil? En este curso encontrars una gua prctica y fcil de seguir para la elaboracin de figuras modeladas en plastilina y porcelana fra, este curso es el primer volumen y est dedicado a la elaboracin de figuras de animales y personajes animados.Este curso es estupendo para realizar actividades como:Talleres escolaresElaboracin de figuras decorativasActividades infantiles en casa Este curso es el Vol.1 en una serie de cursos dedicados al modelado de personajes animados que son parte de nuestra cultura popular de todos los tiempos, en este curso aprenders como modelar:GatoPanteraPerro Este curso esta desarrollado a travs de videos completamente prcticos para que paso a paso puedas seguir las indicaciones e iniciarte en el modelado de plastilina o porcelana fra.Inscrbete a este curso y comienza a desarrollar tu creatividad hoy."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de modelado en plastilina y porcelana fra Vol.2"
"Deseas comenzar a modelar plastilina? Te gusta el trabajo con plastilina pero crees que es difcil? Entonces este curso es para t, ya sea que seas un apasionado de las artes manuales, un maestro, ama de casa, o simplemente una persona curiosa que le gusta explorar actividades que lleven a la creatividad manual, este curso es para t.Este curso es ideal para trabajar en actividades con nios o adultos en marcos como:Talleres escolaresFiestas infantilesActividades con nios en el hogarDecoracin y elaboracion de detalles para regaloTrabajo con adultos mayoresElaboracin de figuras para la venta Este curso es el Vol.2 en la serie de cursos dedicadosa personajes animados que son parte de nuestra cultura, lo cul transforma nuestra actividad de modelado en algo muy divertido, en este curso aprenders a modelar:LenOsoMueco de nieveA travs de videos completamente prcticos, este curso te permitirobservar comose elaboran figuras de plastilina, en este caso un oso, cada video muestra el modelado en un ngulo muy claro para que sea totalmente prctico y fcil de seguir.Inscrbete y comienza a desarrollar tu creatividad en el modelado hoy."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de modelado en plastilina y porcelana fra Vol.3"
"Deseas comenzar a modelar plastilina? Te gusta el trabajo con plastilina pero crees que es difcil? Entonces este curso es para t, ya sea que seas un apasionado de las artes manuales, un maestro, ama de casa, o simplemente una persona curiosa que le gusta explorar actividades que lleven a la creatividad manual, este curso es para t.Este curso es ideal para trabajar en actividades con nios o adultos en marcos como:Talleres escolaresFiestas infantilesActividades con nios en el hogarDecoracin y elaboracion de detalles para regaloTrabajo con adultos mayoresElaboracin de figuras para la venta Este curso es el Vol.3 en la serie dedicada a personajes animados, en este curso encontrars la gua para modelar simpticos personajes que son parte de nuestra cultura animada.Aprenders a realizar un llavero con algunas de las figuras modeladas, esto traer un uso muy divertido a tus figuras, el lmite es tu imaginacin.A travs de videos completamente prcticos, este curso te permitirobservar comose elaboran figuras de plastilina, en este caso un oso, cada video muestra el modelado en un ngulo muy claro para que sea totalmente prctico y fcil de seguir.Inscrbete y comienza a desarrollar tu creatividad en el modelado hoy."
Price: 39.99

"Growth Hacking + Marketing Digital em Portugus"
"Growth Hacking + Marketing Digital o melhor curso de Growth do Brasil.Criado por Marcelo Pimenta, um growth hacker brasileiro com mais de 15 anos de experincia em crescimento de negcios.Depois de passar pormultinacionais, startups e varejistasno Brasil e no mundo, ele decidiu criar um curso que refletia o modelo exato de crescimento que ele aplicava nessas empresas.E ele co-fundou uma empresa que hoje multimilionria.Agora eleensinaa voc que o crescimento de um negcio est muito mais voltado para a forma que voc pensa do que ao simples conhecimento tcnico (desenvolva seu mindset growth hacker).Este um curso totalmente prtico, onde voc poder aprender no detalhe, com vrios exercciose muitasaulas, quais so os segredos e o processo exato para voc alcanar o to sonhado crescimento de sua empresa. claro que o curso no ensina mgicas e assuntos irreais, tudo vai depender da sua execuo no dia a dia.A prtica leva perfeio!E se voc quer virar um growth hacker de verdade, aprendendo com um growth hacker, garanta j a sua vaga neste curso sensacional!"
Price: 39.99

"Algoritmos y estructuras de datos"
"Acabas de aprender programacin y buscas ampliar tus conocimientos? sabes cmo funciona la memoria dinmica? conoces las estructuras de datos fundamentales? sabes aplicar algoritmos de ordenamiento eficientes?Aqu resolvers todas esas interrogantes, ya que a lo largo de este curso, aprenders qu son, cmo funcionan y hasta implementars las estructuras de datos ms famosas en el mundo de la programacin, tales como:ListasPilasColasrbolesTriesTablas hashAdems, descubrirs algoritmos que probablemente no conocas y quehacen las cosas de una manera mucho ms eficiente.Lo mejor de todo es que trabajaremos con C, por lo que ""fabricaremoscompletamente""nuestras estructuras;no como en otros lenguajes (ms ineficientes) donde ya est todo hecho perodesconoces por completo su funcionamiento interno y no puedes personalizarlas.Sabas que a los reclutadores deGoogle, Facebook o Microsoft no les importa cuntos lenguajes de programacin sepassino cuntos y qu tan bien dominas los algoritmos y las estructuras de datos?As que anmate a tomar este curso que definitivamente ampliar tus herramientas para la solucin de los problemas ms ocurrentes en el mundo de la programacin, convirtindoteas, en un mejor desarrollador de software.Nos vemos en clase :)"
Price: 1020.00

"Beginning Test Driven Development in C++"
"Test Driven Development is a key discipline every software developer should practice to ensure the quality of their code. In this course I'll show you how to use this discipline in your everyday coding practices to help ensure the quality of your code base.In this course well be going over:What is Unit Testing and Test Driven Development and how does it help you.What is the Google Test testing library and how is it used for writing unit tests in C++.How to setup some common C++ development environments to use Google Test.What are some Best Practices for unit testing and Test Driven Development.Well also walk through some hands onexample programming sessions using TDD in C++."
Price: 29.99

"Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in Python"
"Test Driven Development is a key discipline every software developer should practice to ensure the quality of their code. In this course I'll show you how to use this discipline in your everyday coding practices to help ensure the quality of your code base.In this course well be going over:What is Unit Testing and Test Driven Development and how does it help you.What is the PyTest testing library and how is it used for writing unit tests in Python.How to setup some common Pythondevelopment environments to use PyTest.What are Test Doubles and how do you implementand usethem with unittest.mock.What are some Best Practices for unit testing and Test Driven Development.Well also walk through some hands onexample programming sessions using TDD in Python."
Price: 29.99

"Unit Testing and Test Driven Development in NodeJS"
"Test Driven Development is a key discipline every software developer should practice to ensure the quality of their code. In this course I'll show you how to use this discipline in your everyday coding practices to help ensure the quality of your code base.In this course well be going over:What is Unit Testing and Test Driven Development and how does it help you.What are the Mocha and Chai testing libraries and how are they used for writing unit tests in NodeJS.How to setup some common NodeJSdevelopment environments to use Mocha and Chai.What are Test Doubles and how do you implementand usethem with Sinon.What are some Best Practices for unit testing and Test Driven Development.Well also walk through some hands onexample programming sessions using TDD in NodeJS."
Price: 29.99

"Desarrollo de aplicaciones para iOS 11 desde cero"
"Este curso est enfocado en instruir a desarrolladores de Swift tanto entusiastas como profesionales que quieran aprender a desarrollar aplicaciones para el sistema operativo mvil de Apple iOS 11. A la altura en la que el curso fue publicado la version final de iOS 11 no fue lanzada y existe una muy buena razon por la cual he decidido hacer esto: Hacer que las personas aprendan a desarrollar las aplicaciones antes para que cuando est disponible la versin oficial puedan aprovechar la oportunidad y lanzar las aplicaciones a la App Store.Si no tienes experiencia en el desarrollo con Swift o programacin orientada a objetos NO te recomiendo tomar este curso. Se supondrn ciertos conocimientos referentes a estos respecto. Si por alguna razn quieres continuar con este curso ignorando la advertencia puede que aprendas sobre la marcha, lo cual sera ms que interesante.El curso est mas que nada centrado en un pblico principiante que quiera aprender los conceptos base o intermedio que quiera repasar algunos conocimientos (lo cual nunca est dems)"
Price: 24.99

"Mainframe REXX for Absolute Beginners - Live Demo"
"Rexx is a procedural programming language that allows programs and algorithms to be written ina clear and structured way. It is easy to use by experts and casual users alike. Rexx has beendesigned to make easy the manipulation of the kinds of symbolic objects that people normallydeal with such as words and numbers. Although Rexx has the capability to issue commands to itshost environment and to call programs and functions written in other languages, Rexx is alsodesigned to be independent of its supporting system software when such commands are kept toa minimum.Many applications are programmable by means of macros. Unfortunately, in the Unix world,almost every application has a different macro language. Since Rexx is essentially a charactermanipulation language, it could provide the macro language for all these applications, providingan easy-to-use and consistent interface across all applications. The best examples of suchsystems are on CMS such asIBM's mainframe operating system which was the birthplace of Rexx."
Price: 19.99

"Programacin en Kotlin: Desarrolla para Android con Kotlin"
"Quieres aprender a desarrollar usando Kotlin como lenguaje de programacin? Quieres desarrollar tu primera aplicacin en Android con Kotlin?Te invito a inscribirte en el curso para que aprendas todo lo que deseas de Kotlin!Este curso est diseado especialmente para aquellas personas que tienen conocimientos bsicos enla programacin usando cualquier lenguaje(sobre todoJava). Tambin, es importante tener un conocimiento bsico en el desarrollo de aplicaciones para Android, especialmente usando Android Studio.Se muestra y explica cada mbito del lenguaje desde los aspectos ms sencillos hasta aquellos que son ms complicados de entender. Sin embargo, en cada clase se muestran ejemplos claros y concisos, lo cuales permiten un buen entendimiento de los conceptos que se estn explicando.A lo largo del curso, los estudiantes tendrna la mano un video por cada clase, adems de un recurso descargable que sirve de material deapoyo y/o recordatorio de los aspectos claves de cada clase una vez hayan finalizado el curso. Adems, presentarn exmenes y ejerciciossencillos y concisos como actividad,que apoyen los conocimientos adquiridos por cada seccin."
Price: 99.99

"Fundamentals of PHP with MYSQL for Dynamic Websites"
"Our PHP, MySQL ace program gives you a chance to pick up capability in PHP language and MySQL database administration framework. You will deal with certifiable activities identified with PHP functions, data types, script syntax, web interface, MySQL client and server clients, database objects.This is a Course from Technocrats that incorporates in depth understanding of PHP and MySQL with a specific end goal to make sites and applications that match the demanding measures of today's business undertakings. Learn how to seamlessly work between the web interface and the back-end and connect them for stellar results. You will learn advanced PHP concepts and MySQL databases."
Price: 199.99

"A Developer's guide for QlikView Certification Course"
"QlikView is a leading Business Discovery Platform. It is very powerful in visually analyzing the relationships between data. It does in-memory data processing and stores the data in the report itself that it creates. It can read data from numerous sources including files and relational databases. It is used by businesses to get deeper insight by doing advanced analytics on the data they have. It even does data integration by combining data from various sources into one QlikView analysis document.This course is designed for all those students/professionalswho want to create, read, write, and modify Business Intelligence Reports using QlikView. In addition, it will also be quite useful for those individual who would like to become a Data Analyst or Data Scientist."
Price: 199.99

"Getting started with Cassandra from scratch"
"Technocrat's Cassandra coursewill help you master the concepts of Cassandra including its features, architecture & data model. You will learn to install, configure, and monitor Cassandra. This course is well suited for big data developers, software developers & analytics professionals. You'll also gain expertise in CQL,Gossip Protocol, Tarball Installation while working with real-life industry use-cases.There will be many challenging, practical and focused hands-on exercises for the learners during this course."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Apache Kafka: Messaging System"
"Kafka is an open-source stream processing platform. Kafka can be integrated with Spark, Storm and Hadoop. Learn about Kafka Architecture, setup Kafka Cluster, understand Kafka Stream APIs.Apache Kafka was originated at LinkedIn and later became an open sourced Apache project in 2011, then First-class Apache project in 2012. Kafka is written in Scala and Java. Apache Kafka is publish-subscribe based fault tolerant messaging system. It is fast, scalable and distributed by design.This course will explore the principles of Kafka, installation, operations and then it will walk you through with the deployment of Kafka cluster. Finally, we will conclude with real-time applications and integration with Big Data Technologies."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Scala by Hands-On"
"Scala is a modern multi-paradigm programming language designed to express common programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way. Scala has been created by Martin Odersky and he released the first version in 2003. Scala smoothly integrates the features of object-oriented and functional languages. This course explains the basics of Scala in a simple and reader-friendly way.This course has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the conceptsofScala in simple and easy steps. After completing this course, you will find yourself at a goodlevel of expertise in using Scala from where you can take yourself to next levels."
Price: 199.99

"Apache Spark 2.0 with Scala: A Big Data Framework"
"Apache Spark 2.0 Certification Training Course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills to become a successful Big Data & Spark Developer. This course would help you to clear the CCA Spark and Hadoop Developer (CCA175) Examination. You will understand the basics of Big Data and Hadoop. You will learn how Spark enables in-memory data processing and runs much faster than Hadoop MapReduce. You will also learn about RDDs, Spark SQL for structured processing, different APIs offered by Spark such as Spark Streaming, Spark MLlib. This course is an integral part of a Big Data Developers Career path. It will also encompass the fundamental concepts such as GraphX, SparkSQL, messaging system like Kafka, etc."
Price: 199.99

"Master Redis: A Complete Course on Redis"
"Redis is an open source, BSD licensed, advanced key-value store. It is often referred to as a data structure server, since the keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets. Redis is written in C. This course provides good understanding on Redis concepts, needed to create and deploy a highly scalable and performance-oriented system. This course is designed for Professionals who are willing to learn Redis in simple and easy steps. After completing this course, you will be at a good level of expertise from where you can take yourself to a higher level.Before proceeding with this course, you should have basic knowledge of Data Structures, SQL and Basic Programming Terminologies."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Teradata: A Beginner to Advanced Guide"
"Teradata provides market leading data and analytics platform. Built from scratch using parallelism, Teradata has been a market leader for decades. It is used by worlds largest and competitive organizations to derive insights from their data and make decisions.In addition to its data warehousing platform, Teradata provides Analytics platform and connectors to integrate seamlessly with Hadoop.The Teradata database management system can be applied in a number of areas. It can be used for enterprise or active data warehousing and even for customer relationship management in large scale organizations and MNCs that cater to a wide variety of clients at the same time."
Price: 199.99

"Web Development Basics: Learn HTML, CSS and Javascript"
"Welcome to Web Development Basics: Learn HTML, CSS and Javascript course. In this course you will learn the basic concepts of Web Designing :How to use HTML / CSS to design your websiteHow to use Javascript to make your websitedynamicDrastically improve your ability to debug problems in Javascript.How to host your website on internet and make it available online.Practice your new skills with coding challenges (solutions included).In addition, you will be able to get lifetime access to my HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you want."
Price: 39.99

"SAP ABAP on HANA +HANA Modelling for Beginners with Hands-On"
"This course is designed for beginners who are trying to learn SAPABAP on HANA , HANAModellingor move from traditional ABAP to HANA. It covers all the basic concepts needed for you to start your career in SAPHANA. In the first few lectures we'll focus on HANAModelling and later on move to External Views, stored Procedures, CDSViews, ODATA and AMDPProcedures in HANA.The following topics are coveredin this course:1. Attribute Views2. Analytical Views3. Calculation Views4. External Views5. HANA Procedures6. CDSViews7. ODATA8. AMDPProceduresI'll be adding more topics to this course as and when I find time."
Price: 39.99

"The Sales Instrument - Mastering The Art of Selling"
"Decent product. Good market.But still NO SALES!What could've possibly gone WRONG?Believe it or not, its one of these reasons:You are NOT getting enough quality Visitors to your page -or-There is NOT enough sales magic factoron your page to make it happen-or worse-Both!What am Itrying to teach you?A sales instrument that Automatically does it's job& brings in the target audience to your page continuously.Automatically captures the lead of anyone coming to your page.Automatically contacts the captured leads regularly.until it converts to a sale. (No, We Don't mean spamming. We reveal the instrument inside :))We walk you through a proven 4 Step strategy to create this sacred sales Instrument.What does The Sales INSTRUMENT coursereveal?This course reveals the super-secret ingenious hacks followed by successful Entrepreneurs & companies who sell stuff online effortlessly. Not only that, but also a technique to forge all the hacks into creating a flawless instrument that startsworking for you!The powerful PYRAMID technique to create the instrument. Once implemented, brings in the target audience to your page [ Automatically, even while you sleep ]The ISOMETRIC technique to get visitors perplexed on your page [ long enough to make them provide their contact details ]The HONEY-POT technique that makes site visitors subscribe to your page most willingly [ in a seamless manner ]The FOUNTAIN technique that makes the subscriber BUY your product by regularly contacting them in an interesting manner [ Automatically ]& the SECRET INGREDIENT to forge all the above hacks in to the shining Sales Instrument15years of struggle in the Online Business. 400+ tireless Experiments.74+successful implementations. We have finally discovered the mechanism to create this flawless Instrument. And it justworksagain & again.With this in hand,Your Struggle is Over!"
Price: 29.99

"How to let go of what is no longer serving you"
"It this course you will be learning how to make those necessary changes in your life in order for you to move forward with your life again. Like leaving that relationship that you have outgrown, finally quitting that job that you hate doing, or no longer seeing that friend that is making you so negative."
Price: 19.99

"Aplicaes Web Com Golang MVC + Echo + Mysql + Ajax"
"O curso trs de forma fcil de compreender a criao de uma aplicao web utilizando a linguagem de programao Go. Quebrando o paradigma de que criar webapicom Go difcil, sendo que temos muitos facilitadores a nossa disposio e so esses facilitadores que eu pretendo mostrar.Neste curso iremos criar uma aplicao de membros, onde o usurio poder realizar um CRUD(create, read, update e delete) ou seja, criar, ler, atualizar e deletar."
Price: 204.99

"Learn HTML & CSS By Building a Facebook Clone"
"Welcome to the number one course to learn HTML and CSS.I go over the skills that you need to be ready to start applying for a position as a front end developerIn this course you will learn the following:HTMLCSSConvert PSD or any design to HTML and CSS"
Price: 199.99

"PUG Template Engine Master Course"
"Learn how to write html with the pug template engine and make your work flow faster. Also when you learn pug you can use it for node js as your main template engine. Pug used to be known as jade but for legal reasons they decide it to rename it pug. Learn how to write loops, render template on node js, and export it to html."
Price: 34.99

"jQuery 2018 and beyond course"
"Developers find jQuery intuitive and easy to learn -- this library is built on shorter, simpler code, after all. With simple syntax and open coding standards, developers can shorten the time it takes to deploy an application or site. In addition, developers don't have to be experts in programming or Web design to create great styles for their sites. Any developer who has spent hours coding and testing CSS files will surely appreciate the simple implementation that jQuery brings to the table. There's also a set of robust jQuery UI components that developers can plug into their websites."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Javascript ECMAscript ES6, ES7, ES8, and Beyond Course"
"Javascript is one of those languages that will continue to evolve every year with this course you get every version released. We start with ES6 which is the current official released version of javascript. I break down ES6 in a way that people can easily understand and give you real life examples that you will see why it's important to learn."
Price: 199.99

"If you are a developer who has been using css frameworks like bootstrap or bulmaand wish to be able to create sites with your own grid this is the course for you. In this course we will go straight to the point when it comes to learning advance features of css like grids and flexbox. I breakdownthese 2 difficult topicsand make them look easy. At the end of this course you will be comfortable to put under your skills sets that you have master CSS Grids and Flexbox."
Price: 24.99