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"Figma: Design colaborativo do bsico ao prottipo responsivo"
"**Criado pelo autor do curso mais vendido de UX da Udemy em portugus, no ano de 2018 (com mais de 15 mil alunos). **Quer iniciar sua carreira como Designer de Interfaces? De repente migrar do Design Grfico para o UX/UI Digital?Esse o curso de FIGMA mais fcil de aprender que voc vai encontrar na Udemy em portugus. Voc vai aprender como usar o FIGMA para sair do absoluto ZERO ao nvel PROFISSIONAL organizando seu trabalho, seu guia de estilos e trabalhando em equipe com outros desenvolvedores. Durante o treinamento, criaremos projetos reais para voc aplicar nos seu dia a dia.Assista nossa aula de apresentao e conhea tudo que voc vai aprender.O que torna esse curso diferente? Qual a mgica?Nesse curso nada que voc aprender ser teoria por teoria. Cada desenho de retngulo para criar um elemento na tela, cada uso de ferramenta de alinhamento para posicionar um componente de um aplicativo real. Tudo ensinado na prtica para no ficar chato e voc saber exatamente quando utilizar cada recurso no seu dia-a-dia. ***Este curso de FIGMA vai te ensinar na prticaa criar interfaces para aplicativos e sites responsivos com uma das melhores e mais modernas ferramentas de UI de 2018.Voc aprender:Criar prottipos em papel,desenhar telas de apps e sites,criar interfaces responsivas que se adaptam a qualquer dispositivo,organizar seu projeto em guias de estilos,prototipar interatividade e transies,exportar prottipos para testes reais e troca de informaes com desenvolvedores (handoff).EXEMPLO NETFLIXTransformar seus prottipos em papel em prottipos de alta fidelidade,Criar prottipos interativos para seus usurios testarem ou mostrar para seus stakeholders,Utilizar grids para organizar os elementos na tela criando interfaces responsivas,Utilizar as constraints de alinhamento para que seu prottipo se adapte a outros dispositivos sem ""quebrar"",Organizar seu trabalho de forma profissional como um verdadeiro carto de visitas,EXEMPLO INSTAGRAMScroll Horizontal no prottipoScroll Vertical no prottipoEXEMPLO BOOKINGCriar guias de estilos com elementos reaproveitveis para acelerar seu processo de construo,E receber de bnus:Minicurso de rabiscoframes para criar prottipos em papel,Minicurso de UsabilidadeChecklist de UX para verificar se seu design tem potencial para gerar boas experincias***Depoimentos dos alunos do curso de UX (4.6 de 5 estrelas)Todos depoimentos esto disponveis na pgina do curso de UX.""Curso sensacional. Dinmico, bem feito, instrutor dominando completamente o contedo. Tudo de uma qualidade excelente. Um dos melhores cursos (seno o melhor) que j adquiri. Parabns!!!"" - Rafael Patrcio""Empresas vieram falar comigo no linkedin me requisitando para entrevistas para trabalhar exclusivamente com UX. Sem experincia de mercado, e as empresas me buscam pelo que aprendi no curso"" - Nayra""O curso foi maravilhoso. Eu tentava vrios estgios e no conseguia. Depois do curso, quando mostrei o que aprendi e os mtodos utilizados na prtica, consegui o emprego! Em menos de 1 semana aps terminar o curso eu j estava estagiando!"" - Alberto""Logo nos primeiros exerccios passei a ter uma viso completamente diferente da razo das minhas dificuldades. Com o passar do curso e aplicando as tcnicas, criei um produto especfico para um pblico bem definido e passei a converter 80% mais clientes!"" - Andr Carvalho""Muito bom, pois alm de trazer toda a base conceitual necessria, tambm apresenta casos reais de utilizao do aprendizado e dicas de como aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos!"" - Jos Leonardo""Nao criei expectativas com o curso porque no o conhecia, porm ultrapassam qualquer pr-julgamento que eu teria feito a respeito. Estou aprendendo muito!"" - Beatriz Rimanski***Qual ferramenta escolher? Se o FIGMA no for para voc, voc tem outras opes que criei na Udemy!SketchPara usurios MacOS que buscam criar guias de estilos para projetos escalveis. $99/ano.Adobe XDPara usurios Windows e MacOS. Sua verso grtis permite criar 1 projeto. A partir da so $119/ano.FigmaUma das mais promissoras ferramentas do mercado, que permite trabalhar colaborativamente em tempo real com outras pessoas. Tem uma verso grtis que permite criar at 3 projetos. A partir da so $144/ano.Invision StudioA ferramenta que chegou em 2018 fazendo muito barulho no meio do design e que est em verso beta com lanamento em breve. a primeira do gnero com avanados recursos de animaes para microinteraes. Voc pode sair na frente e dominar a ferramenta antes mesmo dela ser lanada. Perde apenas para ferramenta mais especialistas em microinteraes como o Framer X.Esse formato permite que voc escolha sua ferramenta e trabalhe com ela vendo as diferenas sempre que tiver curiosidade. Cada aula de uma ferramenta possui sua correspondente na outra para fins de comparao.***DicaCaso voc queira ir alm, pode tambm adquirir o curso completo de Design de Interfaces, tambm de minha autoria e disponvel aqui na Udemy! Nele voc ir alm das ferramentas (o curso das 4 ferramentas citadas acima esto inclusas) e aprender:Aprenda a escolher, combinar Cores e dominar seus atributos (matiz, saturao, brilho, contraste, etc),Saiba como definir Tipografia e os padres tipogrficos com Modular Scale,Crie Botes que engajam e ajudam o usurio a entender as principais funes da interface,Entenda como projetar Formulrios fceis de preencher,Estabelecer uma Hierarquia Visual na pgina que ajude seu usurio a fazer o que precisa - usando Balanceamento, Ritmo, Harmonia, Dominncia, Alinhamento e Proximidade,Organizar os elementos em Grids,Trabalhar Responsividade e projetar interfaces Mobile first,Criar Guias de Estilos para projetos escalveis e com componentes reaproveitveis (building blocks e atomic design)E muito mais!ATENO: OS CONTEDOS ACIMA ESTO DISPONVEIS SOMENTE NO CURSO COMPLETO DE DESIGN DE INTERFACES. ESSE CURSO QUE VOC EST VISUALIZANDO SOMENTE SOBRE A FERRAMENTA FIGMA!***Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Estou certo que ser um dos melhores investimentos que voc far em 2018 com grandes chances de trazer muito mais contedo e por um valor muito menor que qualquer curso online, presencial ou acadmico que voc j tenha feito na vida no Brasil ou Exterior.Junte-se a mais de 15 mil alunos que j fizeram e aprovaram meu outro curso!Ea, o que est esperando? Vamos nessa?"
Price: 129.99

"Invision Studio: do bsico s telas responsivas e animaes"
"**Criado pelo autor do curso mais vendido de UX da Udemy em portugus, no ano de 2018 (com mais de 15 mil alunos). **Quer iniciar sua carreira como Designer de Interfaces? De repente migrar do Design Grfico para o UX/UI Digital?Esse o curso de INVISION STUDIO mais fcil de aprender que voc vai encontrar na Udemy em portugus. Voc vai aprender como usar o INVISION STUDIO para sair do absoluto ZERO ao nvel PROFISSIONAL organizando seu trabalho, seu guia de estilos e trabalhando em equipe com outros desenvolvedores. Durante o treinamento, criaremos projetos reais para voc aplicar nos seu dia a dia.Assista nossa aula de apresentao e conhea tudo que voc vai aprender.O que torna esse curso diferente? Qual a mgica?Nesse curso nada que voc aprender ser teoria por teoria. Cada desenho de retngulo para criar um elemento na tela, cada uso de ferramenta de alinhamento para posicionar um componente de um aplicativo real. Tudo ensinado na prtica para no ficar chato e voc saber exatamente quando utilizar cada recurso no seu dia-a-dia. ***Este curso de INVISION STUDIO vai te ensinar na prticaa criar interfaces para aplicativos e sites responsivos com uma das melhores e mais modernas ferramentas de UI de 2018.Voc aprender:Criar prottipos em papel,desenhar telas de apps e sites,criar interfaces responsivas que se adaptam a qualquer dispositivo,organizar seu projeto em guias de estilos,prototipar interatividade e transies,exportar prottipos para testes reais e troca de informaes com desenvolvedores (handoff).EXEMPLO NETFLIXTransformar seus prottipos em papel em prottipos de alta fidelidade,Criar prottipos interativos para seus usurios testarem ou mostrar para seus stakeholders,Utilizar grids para organizar os elementos na tela criando interfaces responsivas,Utilizar as constraints de alinhamento para que seu prottipo se adapte a outros dispositivos sem ""quebrar"",Organizar seu trabalho de forma profissional como um verdadeiro carto de visitas,ANIMAES NA NETFLIXTransies animadas para voc chamar a ateno do usurio em microinteraes (DIFERENCIAL QUE SOMENTE O INVISION STUDIO TEM).EXEMPLO BOOKINGCriar guias de estilos com elementos reaproveitveis para acelerar seu processo de construo,E receber de bnus:Minicurso de rabiscoframes para criar prottipos em papel,Minicurso de UsabilidadeChecklist de UX para verificar se seu design tem potencial para gerar boas experincias***Depoimentos dos alunos do curso de UX (4.6 de 5 estrelas)Todos depoimentos esto disponveis na pgina do curso de UX.""Curso sensacional. Dinmico, bem feito, instrutor dominando completamente o contedo. Tudo de uma qualidade excelente. Um dos melhores cursos (seno o melhor) que j adquiri. Parabns!!!"" - Rafael Patrcio""Empresas vieram falar comigo no linkedin me requisitando para entrevistas para trabalhar exclusivamente com UX. Sem experincia de mercado, e as empresas me buscam pelo que aprendi no curso"" - Nayra""O curso foi maravilhoso. Eu tentava vrios estgios e no conseguia. Depois do curso, quando mostrei o que aprendi e os mtodos utilizados na prtica, consegui o emprego! Em menos de 1 semana aps terminar o curso eu j estava estagiando!"" - Alberto""Logo nos primeiros exerccios passei a ter uma viso completamente diferente da razo das minhas dificuldades. Com o passar do curso e aplicando as tcnicas, criei um produto especfico para um pblico bem definido e passei a converter 80% mais clientes!"" - Andr Carvalho""Muito bom, pois alm de trazer toda a base conceitual necessria, tambm apresenta casos reais de utilizao do aprendizado e dicas de como aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos!"" - Jos Leonardo""Nao criei expectativas com o curso porque no o conhecia, porm ultrapassam qualquer pr-julgamento que eu teria feito a respeito. Estou aprendendo muito!"" - Beatriz Rimanski***Qual ferramenta escolher? Se o INVISION STUDIO no for para voc, voc tem outras opes que criei na Udemy!SketchPara usurios MacOS que buscam criar guias de estilos para projetos escalveis. $99/ano.Adobe XDPara usurios Windows e MacOS. Sua verso grtis permite criar 1 projeto. A partir da so $119/ano.FigmaUma das mais promissoras ferramentas do mercado, que permite trabalhar colaborativamente em tempo real com outras pessoas. Tem uma verso grtis que permite criar at 3 projetos. A partir da so $144/ano.Invision StudioA ferramenta que chegou em 2018 fazendo muito barulho no meio do design e que est em verso beta com lanamento em breve. a primeira do gnero com avanados recursos de animaes para microinteraes. Voc pode sair na frente e dominar a ferramenta antes mesmo dela ser lanada. Perde apenas para ferramenta mais especialistas em microinteraes como o Framer X.Esse formato permite que voc escolha sua ferramenta e trabalhe com ela vendo as diferenas sempre que tiver curiosidade. Cada aula de uma ferramenta possui sua correspondente na outra para fins de comparao.***DicaCaso voc queira ir alm, pode tambm adquirir o curso completo de Design de Interfaces, tambm de minha autoria e disponvel aqui na Udemy! Nele voc ir alm das ferramentas (o curso das 4 ferramentas citadas acima esto inclusas) e aprender:Aprenda a escolher, combinar Cores e dominar seus atributos (matiz, saturao, brilho, contraste, etc),Saiba como definir Tipografia e os padres tipogrficos com Modular Scale,Crie Botes que engajam e ajudam o usurio a entender as principais funes da interface,Entenda como projetar Formulrios fceis de preencher,Estabelecer uma Hierarquia Visual na pgina que ajude seu usurio a fazer o que precisa - usando Balanceamento, Ritmo, Harmonia, Dominncia, Alinhamento e Proximidade,Organizar os elementos em Grids,Trabalhar Responsividade e projetar interfaces Mobile first,Criar Guias de Estilos para projetos escalveis e com componentes reaproveitveis (building blocks e atomic design)E muito mais!ATENO: OS CONTEDOS ACIMA ESTO DISPONVEIS SOMENTE NO CURSO COMPLETO DE DESIGN DE INTERFACES. ESSE CURSO QUE VOC EST VISUALIZANDO SOMENTE SOBRE A FERRAMENTA INVISION STUDIO!***Satisfao garantida ou seu dinheiro de volta""E se eu no gostar do curso? Ns devolvemos seu dinheiro! Essa mais uma garantia de qualidade e um incentivo a mais para voc comear j! Aps a compra voc ter 30 dias para testar o produto, e se no gostar, basta solicitar o reembolso.Estou certo que ser um dos melhores investimentos que voc far em 2018 com grandes chances de trazer muito mais contedo e por um valor muito menor que qualquer curso online, presencial ou acadmico que voc j tenha feito na vida no Brasil ou Exterior.Junte-se a mais de 15 mil alunos que j fizeram e aprovaram meu outro curso!Ea, o que est esperando? Vamos nessa?"
Price: 99.99

"The Complete IELTS Guide"
"This course will provide you with all the necessary knowledges and strategies to take theIELTS test. I have broken down the course into Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking parts and discussed about test structure, assessment criteria and provided a lots of tips and tricks to achieve good scores on IELTS.Getting a 7+ band in each section is not easybut achievable. I will train you in this entire course and make sure that your potential increases. After successful completion of this course you will have all the needed skills and tactics andhave the confidence to achieve a high score in each section of the IELTS test."
Price: 19.99

"Mehr Zeit und trotzdem erfolgreich"
"Der Onlinekurs""Mehr Zeit und trotzdem erfolgreich""umfasst 5 Bereiche. Du solltest den Kurs 2x mal anschauen. 1x um die Gesamtthematik kennen zu lernen und beim 2. mal machst du dir dann gezielt Notizen zu den einzelnen Kapiteln und whlst dir einen Themenbereich aus, den du dann anfngst umzusetzen.In dem Kurs fangen wir mit den Wurzeln der Produktivitt an, also der Bereich, der uns den Antrieb gibt, etwas zu tun. Da wird das WARUM erklrt.Im 2. Teil geht es um die Optimierung der allseits bekannten""ToDoListe"". Welche Fehler werden oft gemacht und wie sieht eine ProfessionelleToDoListe aus?Nachdem du weit, wie deineToDoListe aussehen sollte geht es im darauffolgenden Teil darum deine Effektivitt zu steigern. Du wirst Wege sehen, wie du in Zukunft mehr bewltigt bekommst in derselben Zeit.Wenn du dann ein Meister der Effektivitt bist, geht es darum, deine Arbeitsbereiche zu analysieren und zu optimieren. Bei diesen bungen dazu wirst du Feuer und Flamme sein und richtig Spa daran finden deine Bereiche zu optimieren.Zu guter Letzt, geht es im letzten Teil darum eine sinnvolle Struktur in dein Leben zu bringen. Eine Struktur, die dich jedes Jahr aufs neue wachsen lsst und ungeahnte Mglichkeiten dir offenbaren wird.Verschwende keine Zeit mehr und schau dir den Kurs an. Die 1 Stunde fr den Kurs und die investierte Zeit in der Umsetzungen der gelernten Regeln wird dir in der Zukunft 1000x mal zurckgezahlt, das Versprechen wir dir.Unser Ziel ist es 1.000.000 Menschen produktiver zu machen, damit alle Menschen die Chance haben Ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Damit alle Menschen das Leben fhren knnen, was Sie wollen und NICHT das was Sie MSSEN! Wenn du die Vorteile von dem Kurs verinnerlicht hast, dann sei bitte auch deinen Mitmenschen so fair und gebe Ihnen auch die Chance diese Erfahrung zu machen mit dem Kurs."
Price: 24.99

"Aprende Unity De Cero a Heroe"
"El mundo de los Videojuegos es un rea que atrae enormemente a los jvenes y mediante estos cursos se logra que haciendo lo que ms les gusta, adquieran conocimientos de programacin. Este aprendizaje les estimula el pensamiento lgico y les aporta unas capacidades para futuros desempeos profesionales.Con mi video curso iniciaran en el mundo de la creacion de videojuegos y mucho mas ya que este curso esta diseado para no solo dar los principios basico si no para que el estudiante obtenga experiencia minima necesaria para lograr iniciar un proyecto propio o trabajar en otros proyectos"
Price: 19.99

"French Desserts and Gateaux Cakes"
"In this course Michele Willaume,World Championof the Coupe du Monde de la Ptisserie, will teach youseveral techniques to make classic french desserts - gateaux de voyage and individual dessert cakes. He will show how to make several types of dough (sponge,dacquoise)andfillings (marmalade, jam, namelakacream) and will teach youessential techniques for working with pastry.After watching this video you will learn how to make several types of dough, fillings and glaze and willbe able to make 4 different french desserts."
Price: 94.99

"A Complete Guide to Chocolate Decor"
"In this step by step videocourse, Michele Willaume,World Championof the Coupe du Monde de la Ptisserie, and French chocolatier,will show you how to create beautiful chocolate decorations starting withsuchessentialtechniques as tempering and coloring of chocolateand finishing with modeling of chocolate forms. He will teach youhow to make 20 different chocolateformsincluding basic leaves and complexfigures,flowers and Christmas treesusing all types of chocolate - black, milk and white. Some decorations will require special forms, others can be easily madewith an ordinary kitchen knife, but most interesting ones will be made by hand.After watching this detailedvideo you will be able to make any decoration, and you will also have the recipe for delicious chocolate treats."
Price: 49.99

"Abschalten nach der Arbeit"
"In diesem Kurs lernen Sie, nach der Arbeit abzuschalten.Zahlreiche Lektionen und Erik das Faultier zeigen dir bis jetzt unbekannte Strategien, die Du im Alltag wirklich umsetzen kannst. Vielfltiges Bonus-Material wie ein Bodyscan, der Faultiertanz, eine Gehmeditation, ein eBookund die Wunderfrageergnzenden Kurs. Auch etwas Hintergrundwissen erfhrst Du, um frhe Signale von Stress besser erkennen und gegensteuern zu knnen."
Price: 59.99

"Iniciacin a los monlogos (stand up) y la comedia"
"Bienvenido!En primer lugar, si has llegado hasta aqu significa que te interesas en aprender a ser unmonologuista cmico. No es un camino fcil, pero con el curso y un poco de esfuerzo por tu parte, no nos cabe duda de que conseguirs grandes resultados. A parte, si aqu aprendes a ser cmico, significa que te lo vas a pasar genial, si o si.En nuestro curso te ayudamos a dar tusprimeros pasos, te enseamos las herramientas, los mtodos de creacin, psicologa de escenario, improvisacin, seguridad y confianza, afrontar el miedoescnico, cmo funcionan las programaciones de locales, cuales son los requisitos para optar a entrar en las pruebas de texto de canales de comedia de Tv, etc. No solo te servir para hacertus propios monlogos, te servir comoactor cmico, y comoguionista de humor."
Price: 49.99

"Esse curso pra voc que nunca fez um curso de oratria, e no tem experincia em apresentaes!Imagine se voc soubesse exatamente como fazer suas apresentaes, desde o momento de estruturar o seu raciocnio para transmitir sua mensagem de maneira assertiva, at a sua performance em cima do palco. Fazer apresentaes, falar em pblico uma habilidade, e para saber fazer isso com perfeio, necessrio conhecermos tcnicas e conceitos que nos ajudem a ter domnio de nossa comunicao. Este curso tem a assinatura The Speaker, nica empresa brasileira com foco exclusivo em treinamentos bilingues de oratria, e  indicado para todas as pessoas que nunca fizeram um curso de oratria (tanto aquelas que j fazem apresentaes, ou no). Aqui voc ir aprender sobre os trs pilares que influenciam uma boa comunicao: MensagemVoz e Dico Linguagem No VerbalO que falar quando voc iniciar sua apresentao? Como concluir de maneira marcante? Como engajar sua plateia utilizando sua voz e linguagem no verbal a seu favor?! Aprenda atravs de videos leves e dinmicos tudo que voc precisa saber para fazer apresentaes profissionais, modernas e engajadoras!Este um curso rpido, leve e dinmico que vai mudar completamente o modo como voc se comunica, seja em apresentaes, reunies ou mesmo conversas pessoais. "
Price: 249.99

"Nuevo CFDI 3.3 desde la plataforma del SAT"
"Sabas que este 2019 hubo y habr grandes cambios en la emisin de facturas electrnicas en toda la Repblica Mexicana?Ests listo para los nuevos cambios en la manera en cmo facturamos en Mxico?Te sientes confundido en cuanto cmo facturar y porqu en ocasiones se hacen dos o ms facturas para una misma operacin?Si respondiste si a una o a todas las preguntas, entonces este curso es para t! Incrbete a nuestro curso y domina por completo estos nuevos cambios.PLUS: 1 HR DE ASESORA GRATIS con el instructor para afinar detalles"
Price: 1245.00

"Hotmart para programadores PHP"
"Esse curso exclusivamente para programadores PHP, aqui voc NO vai aprender a ser um afiliado e a como vender como afiliado, voc vaiaprender a como implementar o hotmart em seu sistema/site usando o PHP e comear vender seus produtos.No curso voc vai ver coisas como classes,models e muitos outros assuntos relacionados com PHP, ento esse curso somente para quem j tem conhecimento de PHP Orientado a Objetos."
Price: 39.99

"MVC do Zero com PHP"
"Esse curso para pessoas que tenham conhecimento avanado de orientao a objetos com PHP e queiram aprender a criar o seu prprio MVC.Quem tiver pouco conhecimento em Orientao a Objetos poder ter muitas dificuldades no aprendizado do curso, mas para isso estou aqui, para tirar suas dvidas durante o curso e lhe ajudar no que puder.Obs: O cdigo fonte est na ltima aula do curso."
Price: 39.99

"The Best Man Speech Video Guide"
"So, youve got to give a Best Man speech ... Damn.Nervous? Got nothing to say? Worried about making it funny?Dont panic - that's totally natural and you're in the right place.My name is James Evans. Im an established public speaking coach with years of experience coaching best men and other wedding speakers. Ive taken this expertise, developed a powerful, easy-to-follow, practical course.Through this series of videos, The Best Man Speech Video Guide will help you:Find material - Ill help you find the perfect anecdotes for your speech.Make it funny - Youll learn how to turn a story into a joke and deliver killer punchlines.Edit and structure your speech - I'll help you pull the thing together in a really interesting way.Deal with nerves - Concrete strategies for dealing with nerves before and during the speech.Learn the speech - Ill show you how to come off script so that youre not glued to your notes.Deliver it with flair - Youll learn how to engage and amuse your audience by employing some very simple techniques.Get ready for the day - I'll provide some last minute advice that will put you in the right frame of mind.If you'd like professional guidance on writing and/or delivering your Best Man Speech, I'd love to see you on the course.--------------------------  James EvansBest Man image kindly provided by Kristian Leven Photography.--------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"Teach Middle School Like a Rockstar!!"
"Working with and teaching middle school students can be very challenging and rewarding. It requires constant updating of skills to keep pace with the ever changing educational environment due tonew rules and regulations, changing culture, and new technology.In thisteacher trainingcourse you will learn:1. How to effectively structure and manage your classroom to improve student behaviors2. How to structure Lesson Plans to engage students bell to bell3. How to communicate with students and parents4. How to choose appropriate grading and assessment strategies5. Much much moreMany of the topics that are covered in this course are not taughtin detail during most teacher preparation programs or are ignored entirely.I have distilled many years of teaching experience in the classroom, hundreds of observations as an instructional coach, and research from my Doctor of Education program to bring you what does and does not work well in the 21st century middle school classroom.Join the course andhelp your current and future middle school students become successfulin all of their endeavors!Certificate of Completion will be emailed after satisfactory course feedback is completed."
Price: 29.99

"Create a traditional rose vector in Affinity Designer"
"Learn affinity designer by actually completing a projectAffinity designer is quickly eclipsing the more traditional giants in the vector art space, the only issue is MOSTOFTHECOURSEStell you EVERYTHINGabout EVERYTOOL. If you are like me you learn most effectively through the application of the tools through an actual project...and when it is immediately applicable!This course is perfectly suited to the individual that already knows a bit about traditional art mediums, but is looking to make the leap into digital art through the use of Affinity Designer. We will be creating a traditional tattoo inspired rose and banner ...complete with the ever favorite MOMtext.This course was designed to be about 1.5 hours in length and be completed including the project i about 4 this is the perfect course for the busy individual that is looking for a simple project to learn the software in the SHORTESTAMOUNTOFTIME.Course overviewEach tool will be covered in the ""Tool Bootcamp "".This section will take you through ONLYthe tools you will need to complete the need to wade through the tools that are immediately applicable, the tools you learn are the tools you will need...and include:LayersVector vs. RasterBrushesFill ColorPen ToolThen we will be creating the actual traditional rose project, applying the tools in my workflow teaching you a workflow that is not only applicable to the project we are working on....but any project.Set-up and ImportSketchingLayering the workColoringInkingShading / HighlightingWhat will I have at the end of the courseA workflow that is applicable to every other program and every other project in graphic artA finished piece of art that you can use in print, web and any other graphic designA reference of tools that you can refer back toA piece of art that can be customized by the client without ever having to be redrawnWhat's included19 lectures1 page cheat-sheets of key techniques and my workflowStep by step files showing everything I am lecturing on in practical application so you can easily follow alongA finished even if you do not finish the have the art"
Price: 19.99

"Using Procreate to take your tattoo art digital"
"Have you ever wanted to find an easy, understandable way to take your existing art skills and move into the digital art space?This is that course..With simply the ipad and the amazing app of Procreate the same organic feeling we get from drawing on pencil and paper is paired with the digital ease of being able to change on the fly for clients and designs.There are larger more complex courses out there....this one is about action in an afternoonIn this course your instructor Jesper Bram takes you through ONLY the tools you will need to get up and running immediately in procreate and start working with your client projects in the digital space .Included in the course you get: 14 video lessons that can be accessed from every major mobile platform (computer, phone, ipad)Lifetime access to all of the lessonsJesper Brams exclusive tattoo brushes that mirror the liners and shaders you use in your craftAccess to both Jesper Bram from Lowbrow Academy and Jeremy Hazel from 7th season studiosLifetime access to all future course updatesWith over 9000 students and a combined 40 years in the profession of professional art we are confident that we can take you from absolute novice, to getting you up and creating in an afternoon At the end of the course you will be able to Create and edit images in ProcreateConfidently execute in the digital art mediumSelect, resize, and manipulate layers within an imageTake a piece from sketch all the way to full color in front of your clientEnough of us.lets hear from a few of our students from other courses This is the most involving class I have taken on Udemy!- David This Is a 5 star class! The content I'm 5 lessons in and i feel like i got my moneys worth already. great class! UPDATE: 1/3 of the way in. Just finished a portrait, and i know my way around the software. Course just keeps getting better and better. , because this course is straightforward, presented in a logical pattern where each lesson build upon the past.- Brian"
Price: 29.99

"Affinity Designer- Design artistic text and Create Fonts"
"Thanks for checking out this brand new master's course on text in Affinity Designer The written word is one of the most powerful communication tools to ignite a feeling or move someone to action, and when combined with visually stunning presentation the result is nothing short of spectacular. This is why we created an ENTIRE COURSE ON ARTISTIC TEXT, TYPOGRAPHY AND FONT CREATION in Affinity Designerto get you off and running with text that looks as good as your graphics, welcome to the masters class. We wrote the book on the most comprehensive Affinity Designer Course on the market todayand we have followed up the best seller with the first COMPLETE Course on the subject of text in Affinity Designer. We cover the concept of text from all angles, including: How to create advertising centric text composition and let the text sell your story How to create Graffiti and visual street art style images to evoke a reaction in the viewer How to integrate images with photo to create moving stories that are visually pleasing How to utilize the powerful tools in Designer to integrate with Font Forge and create your own font We also covered the tried and true design principles common to ANY typography, so you get the design education as well as the technical know -how to get the job done. This course is taught from a perspective of PROJECT and WORKFLOW, each section contains: All the technical aspects you will need to master to get the projects completed Challenge guided projects in each section that build on knowledge gained in other lessons Field challenge to connect with the concepts actually out in the real world.Included in the course you get: 40+ video lessons All the project files for each lesson to follow along Access to experienced instructors Access to social media support groups dedicated to Affinity Designer Lifetime Access to the course and ALL future updates and additions 7 different projects to jumpstart your creative portfolio Why 7th Season Studios With over 11,000 students, and a strong instructor ranking 7th Season Studios is the premier instructor in the Affinity space to get you from familiar to mastering text .lets see what some of our other students have said about the courses 7th Seasons teaches for Affinity Designer:Great pace, Excellent Examples and Exercises, Clear voice. This course will get you up to speed to designing web art with Affinity. The course is definitely optimized for the student to develop many skills in a relatively brief period of time.- GuillermoVery much enjoying the course so far. Explanations are clear, concise, and thorough. This is most helpful because I'm very much a newbie.- SusanThis is a packed course! Excellent. Ties in a bit of practical application of the tools in the real world. Instructor also gives excellent examples of when to use certain tools, effects, modes for which practical application: ie, bevel emboss used in icons often. I also loved the deconstruction exercises- Julie At the end of the course you will be able to Feel confident in your knowledge of typography and text Create complex vector art from start to finish Utilize design principles to make the message match the mediumWith so many students, high reviews and a desire to learn..we look forward to seeing you on the inside and making your vision for creation a reality."
Price: 69.99

"The Complete Affinity Designer for iPad Course"
"Do you want to learn how to design graphics on your iPad?Affinity Designer is the perfect iPad app for designers like you, and this is the only course you'll need to master Affinity Designer.THE BIGGEST, MOST COMPREHENSIVE Affinity Designer course for the iPad in the market today.In this course we teach you the most desired techniques to take you from knowing the tools to creating professional styles used in industry today.What You Will Learn:Basics of using the Affinity Designer AppDesign skills using shapes, lines, colors, and textCreate seamless textures Advanced neon glow techniques Design your own emoji iconsVector based art pinstriping Create exportable vector and raster brushes Create professional pallets for use with documents And so much more!Get Immediate Access to:Over 80 lessons and 9 hours of contentPractice downloads with every lessonTechnical + challenged-based lessons to truly grasp new skillsPremium support from the instructor whenever you need helpLifetime access with course updatesWhy 7thSeason Studios and Video School Online?With several thousand students in the Affinity Designer space we know how to teach digital art, and with a 4.5-star average rating, we aim to be the best at what we do.Other programs can teach the material but when it comes to the actual application and depth of our knowledge..we have more satisfied students than any other.We teach under 1 principle....EDUCATION throughCREATION, so while there are technical lessons that must be taught, we have actual projects you will complete to kick start your portfolio. At the end of the course you will:Have 5 completed projects through concept to creation for your portfolioHave 2 complete brush sets ( vector and raster ready for sale)You will know how to complete different styles of art, including pin-striping, neon lights and fine pixel artYou will have access to a community of people that are taking the same courseYou will be able to master professional workflows through the application of challenge projectsSo if you are interested in taking your skills to the next level in the shortest time possible hit that enroll button...Go from WISH I COULD into NOWICAN!"
Price: 199.99

"Past Life Regression - Therapist Training"
"This course is to learn to give past life sessions to others as a therapist.To receive past life sessions, take my other course; Past Life Regression Therapy For Soulmates & Relationships.-----------------This could be the start of a wonderful journey, of adding a new modality to your healing toolkit, experiencing a past life, or moving towards becoming a specialist Past Life Regression Therapist.This course gives you the tools you need to run a complete program of three to five sessions of Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT), to heal your clients causative issues.Course Highlights;Get a process to take clients through a program of sessions of Past Life Regression Therapy (PLRT).Get a Script Book to use in sessions, and a Manual explaining many variations of response.Get one major case and two minor case studies illustrating the entire PLRT process.Learn how to deal with the top 9 applications of PLRT covering 1) Fears & Phobias, 2) Romantic Relationship Ends, 3) Romantic Soulmates, 4) Family, Friends & Rivals, 5) Negativity, Anxiety & Depression, 6) Weight Loss, 7) Health & Healing, 8) The Spiritual Path, 9) The Healers Path.Get a 54 minute PLRT video session, to experience general PLRT and learn from the inside.Get 4 additional audio PLRT sessions as resources to download. These relate to and have therapeutic resolutions for the issues of 1) Fears & Phobias, 2) Weight Loss, 3) Negativity, Anxiety & Depression, 4) Health & Healing.Learn how to integrate Past Life Regression with Hypnotherapy sessions.* Are you a hypnotherapist who does regression to this life, and is now curious to explore regression back to past lives?There is another step you can take in your regression practice. This course has a foundation in hypnosis and hypnotherapy, and shows how to take another step back to a past life, to regress to the cause and fix it.* Are you a spiritual healer who touches on your clients past lives, and now wants to formalise and expand your practice, with a refined structure and complete therapeutic technique.A past life regressionist can go the next level and become a past life regression therapist. Its one thing to get glimpses or some of the story from your clients past life, sometimes. Its another to gather a complete narrative of all relevant past lives, and apply a full and final therapeutic resolution on demand.This course can help put into words and focus your spiritual understandings, so it can be applied practically to help your clients spiritual insights and journey, and your own.* Have you had, or are you planning to have, in-person past life sessions?This course could also be a way to understand, integrate and extend the past life sessions you have had, or prepare you for in person sessions you would like to have, by bettering understanding past life regression, and your current issues.* Do you have clients who appear to spontaneously access past lives, or have spiritually orientated presenting issues, or request PLRT?The universe may be asking you to do PLRT! Take the hint from the nudges and whispers ;) A world of spiritual wisdom can come as we move from the subconscious mind to the superconscious.'Hypnotherapy with Age Regression' as a Prerequisite for Past Life Regression (LBL);Many students are already hypnotherapists. If you are not, you may consider getting my other course Hypnotherapy with Age Regression - Session Guide. We will also cover some Age Regression in this Past Life course, as it is integral to identifying causative issues from the past, and relating them to present life presenting issues.'Life Between Lives' as a 'Post-requisite', and Form of Advanced Past Life RegressionOnce you know Past Life Regression, you can then study a form of Advanced Past Life Regression called Life Between Lives Therapy. You will find some PLR clients spontaneously move in this direction, as you enter spiritual healing, and layers of spiritual wisdom in the form of Soul Groups and the Soul Council.To be prepared for this, and to enhance and advance your Past Life studies, you may consider buying this course Past Life Regression - Therapist Training together with Life Between Lives Therapist; Advanced Past Life Regression, as they are highly complementary.Course Structure & PLRT Process;Preparation; Therapeutic Context, Client Interview, Pre-Talk, Setting Expectations.Case Study; The whole process illustrated by an example. The course will then go on to show the technical and spiritual details of how the case study results are achieved.Inductions; Hypnotic and Non-Hypnotic. Rapid Inductions. Deepeners.First Session; Spirit Guides. Age regression. Accessing a past life. Mirrors, Faces & Scenes.Second Session; Entering and Navigating Past Lives. Narrative Information. Key People. Life Review. Dealing with BlocksThird Session; Re-entering Past Lives. Breaking the Bonds of Time. Reframing. Karma. Forgiveness. Applying therapeutic resolutions. Taking resolutions into the present life.Past Life Regression Session; Your chance to be the case study. Have your own experience, and learn PLRT from the inside.PLRT Therapy & Applications; Understand the key patterns and process of resolving these common presenting issues; Fears & Phobias, Romantic Relationships, Soulmates, Friends and Family, Anxiety and Depression, Weight Loss, Healing, the Healers Path and the Spiritual Path.Case Study; two more minor cases studies relating to Fear & Divorce, and Healing & Anxiety, to illustrate again the process and principles.Reviews For Past Life Regression - Therapist Training""Hi Mark! I did my first PLR session today. It was amazing! I followed your outline! After being a hypnotherapist since 2001, PLR got my client directly to the root cause of her issue even before I was done explaining the process and what is expected of her. My client informed me she has been in therapy for many years and this is the first time she was able to get such clarity. Thanks for creating this course and sharing your very valuable experience""I have been involved in Hypnosis for more than 20 years, and Regressions for 15. I took this course kinda as a refresher. I was highly impressed with it's content, explanations, and insights. I Highly recommend this course for any looking or interested in Past Lives Regression! I truly feel it is an Excellent Course!""As a hypnotherapist I found this course very informative and a great addition to the work I already do. Having already completed a few other PLR courses, I have enjoyed and have gotten the most from this one. If you are a beginner and wanting to work with clients, you may also want to consider doing some other studies in hypnotherapy to increase your understanding and also to build upon the information in this wonderful informative and practical course.""I have done a past life regression course on Udemy before with another instructor and have found Mark's course to be much more in-depth, informative and practical. I really enjoy the structure that I can take forward into my practice. Thank you for setting this course up and I look forward to attending your next courses. Ps. Please consider doing a life between lives course. CheersI am a licensed counselor already providing past life guided imagery sessions so this class helped bring more structure to what I already do.""Very practical, very hands-on, I will know exactly what to do and what to say in a session as a therapist.""I thought this course was so intense...I have done other course on Past Life Regression and I felt empty. Mark Beale really explains and gives many ways to work at it. I'm excited to get started with my clients. I want to thank you for all that you do.I have been working with Quantum Healing and Hypnosis for a while, but I had a couple of unanswered questions...after taking this course I finally cleared all my doubts and am able to answer my client's questions without hesitation. Thanks for that.I am glad I purchased this course, the material is something that I have relied on to give a handful of others successful PLR sessions. The scripts provided are great and easy to adjust depending on the client. Highly recommend this course!It is really good, covering the all aspects of past life regression. I also loved the audio session given in the last lesson on various common subjects. Overall it is good and it's really worthy to invest time to learn & heal yourself.Very detailed course really enjoyed the in-depth explanation. The best PLR course so far on Udemy. Excellent instructor.""I'm amazed with this course. I'm already conversational hypnotist myself. Just listening to the audio I was able to view some of my past lives and benefit from it. Looking forward to take ""Life between life"" course. Thank you, Mark!If you have any questions, feel free to message me.Visit my Bio Page for links to my website and youtube, that offer deals on my courses and free educational content.Thanks, Mark :)"
Price: 99.99

"Spirit Releasement Therapy - Psychic Energy & Entity Healing"
"The course gives you the tools you need to run sessions of Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT), to help clients with literal spiritual issues, relating to inappropriate spirit attachments that are best released.What is Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT), and is SRT for me?Have you had unusual spiritual, emotional, verbal or physical reactions from clients, especially during hypnotherapy or past life regression sessions?Have you had unusual reactions from clients, during your Reiki, Mediation, Energy or Spiritual Healing sessions?Do you work with Spirit Guides and Angels, or work as a Psychic, Medium or Intuitive Empath? Has any light work at times ever turned deceptive, grey or dark?Have you had unusual inner spiritual experiences yourself in mediation, or while communicating with spirits that became uncomfortable?Are you interested in connecting with the spiritual world for yourself or with others, and keen to learn how to do so responsibly, so you can manage anything that arises?This course can help with healing your clients, yourself and certain spirits, and give skills to protect and avoid unhelpful situations.This is a Practical Guide for;Therapists to manage spontaneous spirit attachments that arise in their clients in sessions. This can occur during past life regression, hypnotherapy or many forms of spiritual healing like reiki and psychic sessions, or while doing psychic or mediumship work.Therapists to give intentional sessions for clients that bring spirits or spirit attachment as a primary presenting issue.Non-therapists to understand what is happening if they have spirit attachment issues, so they can do some simple releasement themselves, or seek out a therapist to help with a complex spirit releasement.The course focuses on identifying a range of spirits you can encounter in a therapeutic context, including Spirit Guides, Earthbound Spirits and Dark Force Entities (DFEs). We break down the subgroups of each spirit type.We then apply the appropriate releasement techniques, including help from the Rescue Spirits of Lights, Archangel Michael and the Spirit Guide of the client and therapist.The means of spirit communication is mainly through the voice of your client, as spirits speak to your client, or through your client. We cover therapy to heal the attachment, and ongoing therapy to go to the cause, and prevent future attachment.The course uses a few teaching styles and includes;A Manual With Scripts And Dialogue; to use word-for-word in sessions.Audio Program - One Hour; a four part guided meditation to check for and release any simple spirit attachments.Cases Studies; Major stories to illustrate the core techniques. Gives the big picture story of doing spirit releasement with a client from the start to finish, to bring it all together.Reviews For Spirit Releasement Therapy (SRT). Thank you.""yes, i love this so far...i am a spiritual healer , so am looking for a more therapeutic language and technique to deliver this way of working with clients.""""yes . As an intuitive empath it resonates and helps bring positive tools with me wherever i am. Thank you.""""An Amazing Course and great trainer. Now I will have the ability to help both client and spirit in my healing sessions.""""Really great course. It was thorough and easy to get through. Loved the manual, additional scripts and relaxation mp3 that go with it as well!""This course is really helpful when you are a naturopath and people with severe trauma related psychological problems come to your practice for help. The calm talking in his video lectures make the heavy stuff you get to learn nearly easy to digest. It makes it easier to distinguish between clients you have to send back to their GP in order to get a referral for psychological help, and those who can be helped with the knowledge from this course. So this course can lessen the anxiousness for getting heavy burdened clients in your practice.""After going right through this training for the second time its made me realise that the information provided is even richer in content than I first thought. It is also very clearly explained which has made it really easy for me to learn and integrate into my understanding. The audio and text resources are very useful and handy to refer back to if needed. I also like the neutral non-dual approach, this really resonates deeply with me. Excellent training Mark! Thanks so much :-)""To give a score and feedback, I patiently waited and waited. I think this is my first extensive feedback on a course even though I enrolled a bunch of courses in the past. The reason I chose this course is that I witnessed spirit releasement and I wanted to apply it in my hypnosis sessions to help my clients but also to be prepared for such cases. Every word Mark spelled out resonates with my beliefs (it doesn't have to resonate for you to learn) and all the spiritual knowledge I gathered up until now in my life from many resources. Mark explains what to do and why to do so, very well. He gives suggestions while lecturing about not jumping to a conclusion fast and also much information about different possible cases, how to handle them and also, working with different kind of clients from different backgrounds. Videos, documents, and presentations are prepared professionally. Just because I liked his lecturing, I purchased his other courses even though I didn't have the intention to get those courses in the beginning, but I'm 100% sure that it is going to benefit me. Mark, thank you very much for sharing your wisdom. Anything you would like to teach in the future, I'm ready to spare my resources (time, money, etc.). May the light be with you, thank you for your service.Thank you for reading. If you have any questions, feel free to message me.Visit my Bio Page for links to my website and youtube, that offer deals on my courses and free educational content.Thanks, Mark :)"
Price: 99.99

Price: 7800.00

"Cmo Aprender de forma Consciente"
"APRENDIZAJE CONSCIENTEEl mundo y la sociedad avanza de manera constante, lo que implica que los mejores lderes saben que ellos tienen que seguir desarrollndose y crecer para realizar su verdadera capacidad. En el clima corriente econmico, donde hay cada vez hay ms demanda de lderes para tomar y poner en prctica decisiones importantes, la necesidad de la planificacin de desarrollo profesional es probablemente an ms importante que nunca.En tiempos de cambio quienes estn abiertos al aprendizaje se aduearan del futuro, mientras que aquellos que creen saberlo todo estarn bien equipados para un mundo que ya no existe. Eric HofferTemas Destacados: Liderazgo, Responsabilidad Plena, Humildad, Resolucin de Conflictos, Pedidos y Compromisos y Gestin de EmocionesAl finalizar el curso, los participantes tendrn las herramientas necesarias para ser Lderes Extraordinarios, podrn gestionar equipos de alto rendimiento con excelentes habilidades comunicaciones, tanto con ellos mismos, como con otros."
Price: 19.99

"La importancia del Coaching"
"La importancia del coaching radica en que es una herramienta poderosa y personalizada para mejorar la eficacia profesional y personal, desplegando todas las potencialidades de las personas en su rol. Entre los beneficios inmediatos del coaching estn la mejora en el proceso de toma de decisiones, el alcance ms rpido y efectivo de objetivos y metas, y el alcance de nuevas competencias y responsabilidades.El xito es la paz interior que resulta directamente de la auto-satisfaccin de saber que has hecho todo lo posible para ser tan bueno como eres capaz John WoodenTemas Destacados: Que es el Coaching?, Tipos y Procesos de Coaching, El Camino del Aprendizaje, Responsabilidad Incondicional, Modelos mentales y Vocabulario Emocional.Los contenidos de este libro son el resultado de sucesivas investigaciones personales y tambin del aprendizaje de muchos autores, investigadores, acadmicos, consultores y expertos en desarrollo personal, management y neurociencias."
Price: 19.99

"Rompe con tus Creencias Limitantes"
"La motivacin que tienes para realizar cualquier accin viene de la unin de las palabras motivo y accin.Motivo viene del latn motus, que significa movimiento, y junto a la palabra accin, compone el trmino motivacin que es la fuerza interna que te empuja a hacer o lograr algo.Dicho de otra manera, un motivo es el motor que te ayuda a concretar alguna accin. Del tamao del motivo deriva el tamao de la accin.Las creencias limitantes son una percepcin de la realidad que nos impide crecer, desarrollarnos como personas o alcanzar todas esas cosas que nos hacen ilusin. Es algo que realmente no es cierto pero que como si lo es para nuestra mente y eso es lo que vale para nosotros, lo damos por bueno.Temas Destacados: Aprende a usar la mente, Distorsiones Cognitivas, El impacto de los Pensamientos y Frenar el Piloto Automtico.Los contenidos de este cursoson el resultado de sucesivas investigaciones personales y tambin del aprendizaje de muchos autores, investigadores, acadmicos, consultores y expertos en desarrollo personal, management y neurociencias."
Price: 19.99

"C#: Coding for Beginners. A Hands-on Approach to Learning"
"This course will teach you the basic concepts and theories of the C# coding language. You will learn how to write clean code that is formatted in an easy-to-read way. I will show you shortcuts that will enable you to use less keystrokes and avoid misspelling code. The course is taught using a hands-on approach to C# that enables you to be actively involved in your learning rather than passively involved by listening to lectures. At the end of the course you will have the practical knowledge needed to advance to an intermediate level of C# coding. To reinforce your knowledge, you will be provided with quizzes at the end of each section that will allow you to assess your mastery of the material before you move on to the next section of the course. As you progress through the course your knowledge and confidence in coding will grow. In the course you will also learn how to use the Visual Studio integrated development environment. Visual Studio is a phenomenal developer tool that enables you to create web sites, web apps, desktop apps, web services, windows store apps and mobile apps (iPhone and Android). For this course, we will use Visual Studio to create console applications.Who is this for?Are you interested in learning the C#coding language and have little to no experience? Do you have prior programming experience and want to learn C#? Answer Yes to anyone of these questions? Then this course is for YOU! What? Build a strong foundation of C# syntax and structure through this easy to follow course. Topics covered in this C# course include classes, arrays, loops, constructors, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Why? Positive job outlook, opportunity to be creative and learn a highly desirable skill. Take the first steps today towards learning a new skill that can launch your programming career!What students who completed this course are saying:I am very pleased in purchasing this course. I found the information to be very informative, clear and concise. Not only that but I love how the instructor took a hands on approach in this course and made you feel as if he was right there guiding you through every issue and showing you step by step how to code. Along with that I was taught in this course how to research on your own to resolve problems you might encounter later on as a coder. This course is suitable for both beginners and advance coders that don't know C# and would like to learn it. I enjoyed this course and instructor and would recommend this course to anyone reading this review! Akeem Fyine""I really enjoyed the course. It's great for someone who wants to learn the fundamentals of C# programming. I feel I gained a great understanding of the concepts presented and I am prepared to advance to an intermediate level of learning."" Judy Nunez""This is an excellent course. The examples given and pace of the course is perfect in order to learn this material. Having learned about array and loops and variable assignment in VB.Net it was much easier to understand from this course. This course goes into just enough depth to learn the concepts without bogging down a beginner with overly complex examples.""- Roger Henderson""Very easy to follow, its step by step its exactly how I like walk throughs."" - Jahnii Moore""The Instructor Efrain is clear and Explain verywell at every single step. This is the course I am enjoying the most comparedto other courses I took on Udemy!"" - Eugene Uwiragiye"
Price: 189.99

"Grundlagen des Projektmanagements"
"Egalob im private oder beruflichen Umfeld, das Projektmanagement kann in vielenSituationen entscheidende Vorteile bringen. Mit einem klaren Plan undstrukturierten Vorgehen, kann jedes Projekt bewltigt werden.Indiesem Kurs schauen wir auf die 5 Phasen des Projektmanagements. Dabei zeigeichIhnen, welche Schritte je Phase notwendig sind, um einProjekterfolgreich zu verwalten. Durch gezielte Aufgabenstellungen werden Sie dasgelernte direkt anwenden, somit verinnerlichen und folglich besser anwendenknnen. Nehmen Sie sich etwas Zeit, um in die Welt des Projektmanagementseinzutauchen."
Price: 79.99

"Build Data Visualizations with D3.js & Firebase"
"Learn how to create great-looking data visualizations with D3.jsD3.js is a powerful JavaScript library used to create data visualizations easily. In this course I'll teach you how to harness the power of D3 to create a variety of different data-driven visualizations such as bar charts, pie charts, line graphs, bubble packs and tree diagrams.We'll learn about D3 select, changing SVG attributes & styles, scales, axes, transitions, hierarchial data and much more...Use Firebase Firestore to update your D3.js diagrams in real-timeI'll also teach you how to use Firestore (from Google Firebase) - a real-time NoSQL database in which we can store our data. We'll use this to power our D3.js visualizations in real-time (without updating the browser) and to make them interactive, fun & dynamic.We'll also be creating 3 projects to put our D3 & Firebase skills to the test - first of all a money planner called Ninja Wonga, then a fitness tracker called The Dojo and finally a company employee tree diagram called Ninja Corp. ...Why all the ninjas?I'm also known as the Net Ninja on YouTube, with over 200,000 subscribers and nearly 1000 free development tutorials. Feel free to check out my teaching style there before you a buy my course :)."
Price: 99.99

"Cubic spline interpolation with examples in Python"
"This is a technicalcourse designed for students and practitioners.This course gets youan introduction to spline interpolationan understanding of what splines area detailed description ofhow to construct linear and cubic splinesPython code to construct cubic splines with different boundary conditionsthe confidence of knowing what library functions for spline interpolation actually do"
Price: 94.99

"Super Quis PRO - Desenvolvimento de Jogos com a Unity"
"Com o curso Super Quis Pro voc ir aprender desde o zero de programao C# at a compilao final do jogo para Android e para PC.Para voc que j programador e quer apenas aprender a desenvolver jogos com a Unity este curso tambm para voc, por isso a seo C# est separada do desenvolvimento para que j tem conhecimento no ficar preso a aulas de contedo base.Neste curso eu ensino como criar mecanismos customizveis para que voc possa deixar seu quis exatamente da forma que deseja, cada tema que voc incluir pode ter uma mecnica de jogo completamente diferente e tudo isso customizvel de forma simples.Dentre os recursos que voc ir aprender a fazer esto: sistema de perguntas aleatrias, tempo para responder, indicao de erro e acerto, utilizar imagens como perguntas ou respostas entre outros recursos, todos eles com opo de ligar e desligar ou seja, voc pode ter temas sem tempo outros com tempo temas que utilizam o sistema randmico outros que no e por ai vai.Procurando por Aprenda Unity voc ir encontrar outros trabalhos meus e comprovar a qualidade do que estou lhe oferecendo."
Price: 39.99