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"Linux Terminal Commands: Beginner to Advanced Stormy"
"Level up your career by joining with over 1000 satisfied students that have chosen Stormy Lessons Knowing where to start when learning a new skill can be a challenge, especially when the topic seems so vast. There can be so much information available that you can't even decide where to start. Or worse, you start down the path of learning and quickly discover too many concepts, commands, and nuances that aren't explained. This kind of experience is frustrating and leaves you with more questions than answers. Linux Terminal Commands doesn't make any assumptions about your background or knowledge of Linux. You need no prior knowledge to benefit from this course. You will be guided step by step using a logical and systematic approach. As new concepts, commands, or jargon are encountered they are explained in plain language, making it easy for anyone to understand. In this course, you will be introduced to Ubuntu, one of many popular Linux distributions, on interesting and effective way. The course lessons are separated into chapters, where every video has a unique topic that we're gonna be dealing with. Lessons are unique in some way because students can always expect important theory with animation that easily explains later practical work. With animation, the theory becomes much easier to understand while practical tasks cover all the tips and tricks that you will need in order to become as a master administrator with any Linux distribution out there. I keep my lessons short and precise because I focus on just stuff that you will really be using. The course does not require any previous experience in work with Linux OS just your will to become a professional administrator. After completing the course, you will be able towork easily on Linux OS and alsothis course covers scripts and commands that you need in order to be prepared for ethical hacking."
Price: 19.99

"O parto (Micro curso)"
"Nesse micro curso os pais podero ter uma noo rpida e completa sobre o parto.A mestre em enfermagem obsttrica e neonatal, Fanny Sarfati Kosminsky, aborda de forma didtica ocontedo sobre Parto abrangendo as seguintes aulas:PARTO- Fatores que interferem no parto- Hora de ir para a maternidade- Internao- Tipos de parto e anestesia"
Price: 219.99

"O ps parto (Micro curso)"
"Nesse micro curso os pais podero ter uma noo rpida e completa sobre o parto.A mestre em enfermagem obsttrica e neonatal, Fanny Sarfati Kosminsky, aborda de forma didtica ocontedo sobre: O PsParto abrangendo as seguintes aulas:PS-PARTO- Cuidados com a me aps o parto- Amamentao- Alojamento conjunto"
Price: 219.99

"Ganhei dinheiro na internet! Sua loja virtual em 30 dias!"
"Curso que o guiar para a construo de sua primeira loja virtual do zero, sem necessidade de estoque e com fornecedores nacionais.Daremos uma extensa lista de fornecedores nacionais especializados e srios, alm de todas as dicas de gesto necessrio para formalizar sua abertura, com certeza ser o curso mais completo do gnero no mercado.Produzido por quem tem experiencia a frente deste tipo de negocio.E-Commerce Basics"
Price: 84.99

"Realidade Aumentada"
"Realidade Aumentada uma tecnologia utilizada para unir o mundo real com o virtual, atravs da utilizao de um marcador, webcam ou de um smartphone (IOS ou Android), ou seja, a insero de objetos virtuais no ambiente fsico, mostrada ao usurio em tempo real com o apoio de algum dispositivo tecnolgico. Livros so incrveis, no mesmo? Mas, livros animados em 3D so DEMAISA Realidade Aumentada permite aos usurios olharem para o processo de leitura de uma forma completamente nova, sendo ento, uma poderosa promessa educacional Adultos e crianas no vo apenas ler a histria, vo ter a sensao de conexo com o personagem, o que vai motivar as crianas a lerem mais, e estimulando cada vez mais a nossa capacidade de aprender.Esta experincia nica que une algo ldico com tecnologia de ponta nos faz pensar como ns e nossos filhos iremos aprender de hoje em diante."
Price: 84.99

"Segurana da Informao Vol.2"
"Cupom de DESCONTO : PROMOCAO10MotivaoCom as constantes e aceleradas mudanas na rea de TI, novas ferramentas, sistemas e protocolos surgem a cada dia, tornando tantas outras obsoletas. O mesmo vale para tcnicas de ataque e ferramentas associadas. Para ser um bom profissional de segurana preciso, mais do que dominar suas ferramentas de trabalho, entender conceitos e tcnicas por trs de cada ferramenta. S assim voc ser capaz de modelar seus ataques, dimensionar seu trabalho e aplicar com confiana o que sabe, atravs do ferramental mais atual e tcnicas mais adequadas quele problema.ConclusoA auditoria Teste de Invaso uma das auditorias de segurana que podem ser realizadas sobre ativos do cliente. O principal diferencial deste tipo de auditoria que a avaliao de segurana realizada atravs de simulaes de ataques reais aos ativos do cliente. Isto quer dizer que a auditoria Teste de Invaso vai alm da simples identificao de potenciais vulnerabilidades, incluindo a avaliao do risco real que estas vulnerabilidades representam para o cliente e a apreciao do impacto associado explorao das mesmas sobre a segurana da informao e o prprio negcio do cliente.Teste de invaso o que Teste de invaso oupentestso mtodos que avaliam a segurana de um sistema de computador ou de uma rede, simulando ataques de uma fonte maliciosa. O processo envolve uma anlise nas atividades do sistema, que envolvem a busca de alguma vulnerabilidade em potencial que possa ser resultado de uma m configurao do sistema, falhas em hardwares/softwares desconhecidas, deficincia no sistema operacional ou tcnicas contramedidas. Todas as anlises submetidas pelos testes escolhidos so apresentadas no sistema, junto com uma avaliao do seu impacto e muitas vezes com uma proposta de resoluo ou de uma soluo tcnica.Teste de invaso x Analise de vulnerabilidadeDiferente de uma avaliao de vulnerabilidades, ao realizar um teste de invaso, ospentestersno s identificam as vulnerabilidades que poderiam ser utilizadas pelos invasores, mas tambm exploram essas vulnerabilidades, sempre que possvel, para avaliar os danos que os invasores poderiam causar aps uma explorao bem-sucedida das falhas.Sobre PentestUmpentest realizado seguindo algumas etapas explicadas abaixo. Porm, antes de iniciar umpentest, necessrio que o cliente esteja a par de todo o processo para que no haja nenhuma falha de comunicao entre as partes. necessrio conhecer os objetivos do negcio do cliente no que diz respeito ao teste de invaso: se esse o primeiro teste de invaso, o que o levou a procurar esse servio? Quais as exposies que ele mais teme? Existe algum dispositivo frgil com o qual deveremos ter cuidado ao efetuar os testes?"
Price: 84.99

"Real World Android App Development Course Build 10 App"
"Welcome to this Android Apps Development Course. If you want to learn Android Apps development from scratch, then this is the course for you.In This Course First You Will Learn Basics of Android. After that you will learn how to develop a complete Project. This course is designed  for create real World Android Apps.Here is Some List That You Are Going To Learn In This Android App Development Course:Android Layout Design XML/UIAndroid Date Picker DialogAndroid Bottom Navigation BarAndroid Menu BarAndroid Fragment, Develop A App Using Android FragmentDevelop a Simple Cost and Bill Calculation Android AppDevelop Android Project Show Case AppWork With Android Firebase DatabaseWork With Firebase AuthenticationDevelop Project Base Android App Using Firebase DatabaseDevelop Complete Wow Notebook Android App Using Firebase Database (Advanced Android App)Develop Complete Expense Manager Android App Using Firebase Database (Advanced Android App)Sign Up To This Course and You Will Get:This Course has 13 Hours Video ContentProject Base Android App Development Video LecturesThis Course has 81 Lectures For Android App DevelopmentReal World Example of Android ProjectBecome Master With Android Firebase DatabaseDevelop Complex Android App Using Firebase DatabaseHow To Become an Android App Developer? Step by Step Guide For Android App Development.Nowadays Android is a hot topic for IT Sector.Their is many jobs Sector is open for Android App Developer. Even You can also Work as a Freelancer Android App Developer From All around the world. So,When you will apply for a Android job they will ask you about your previous android project that you have  completed. That time you will be able to show many projects that you are going to develop in this course. You Will have many Complete projects after completing this course.Here is Some Feedback about this course from my Students:""This course is enough good for start android apps development.This course cover all basic features of android and then real world android apps.I Mostly like Expense Manager App section using firebase. Best course so far.this course contain a lot of information about android development.""""I wanted an app development course that would show what is really important and that is what I got. I learned all features of Android for becoming Android developer. Certainly would recommend the course. """"Best android apps development course so far. First I learn basic of all android components. After that I learn how to develop real world android apps for client and App Store. I mostly like all firebase sections of this course. Instructor shows how to develop real world apps using firebase. After complete this section I learn a lot about firebase and I build many real world android apps. Thanks for your course.""""Best Android development course I have taken so far. The teacher has amazing teaching skills. He has the ability to describe all parts very clearly on a step-by-step basis. Highly recommended! """"Very well made course about Android Development. Will continue and hope to learn a lot more. I am very happy with what I have learned so far!"""
Price: 199.99

"Math Fundamentals-Prime Series"
"Math Fundamentals-Prime Series course covers all the necessary topics tobuild a solidhigh confidence in each andevery individuals to go with next level of mathematics.At the end of each and every video lectures assignment and quiz questionsare available to help you to test your understanding along the way.Name of theTopics:Divisibility, Prime Factorization, Least common Multiple (LCM) ,Greatest Common Factor (GCF),Absolute Value, Place ValueIntegers Or,Negative Numbers(Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division),Rounding (Whole Number and Decimal Number)Decimals (Divide by 10, 100 and100,Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division)Fractions (conversion,Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division with Like and Unlike Denominators)Mixed Numbers (conversion,Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division with Like and Unlike Denominators)Order of Operations and PEMDAS Rule, Identify Number of Terms, Variables, Co-efficient, Degree and constantIdentify ,Addition and Subtraction of Like termsExponent Rules and its Properties(Evaluate Exponents, Product Rule, Quotient Rule, Power Rule, Inverse Rule, Expanded rule andZero Rule)Scientific Notation (Conversion from Scientific to Standard Notation, Standard to Scientific Notation, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplicationand Division),Square Root and Cube Root, Radicals (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division),Evaluate ExpressionsConcept of Ratios and Word Problems, Ratio and Proportion and Word Problems, Percent and word ProblemsUnit Conversions (Example, mm to km , km to m , gm to km , inches to feet,.. etc),Unit Rates, Distributive PropertyIdentify Monomial , Binomial, Trinomial and PolynomialsNotes:The notes section is where you find the most important things to learn, remember and refreshyour knowledge.Video Lectures:Watch the video lectures carefully to understand each and every steps of the problem.I have covered all the common possible questions which are usually asked in your exam.Assignment Questions:The assignment section will cover the related questions discussed in video lectures whichhelp you to test yourself and build the confidence.Quiz Questions:When you think that you have enough confidence on a topic , you can test your knowledgeby taking one of our quiz test. Quiz questions are having different answeroptions and you will be askedto mark the correct option. Once quiz is over you can check you score percentage."
Price: 99.99

"Resume Writing: Proven Interview Success of Dream Job - 2019"
"Job Hunting,Resume Writing, Master Interviewing Skills, Dress to Impress, Body language and RightMindset and Sample Interview Question Answers All in One Course for you.Todays Market Reality in a Flash... It's still a struggling economy with few job openings. You dont even know where and when these jobs come before they are taken. Even if you know one, there is huge competition, hard to beat. You have been putting in lot of efforts looking for your Dream highly paid Job but couldnt get even close to getting it. Over the Past 7 years, I have worked closely with huge number of unemployed people, I've interviewed and thoroughly observed recruitment heads and specialists, I've coached and mentored hundreds of candidates in Retail and Corporate world. Going through thousands of Resumes/CV's, it is no surprise to me that 70% of people make critical mistakes in Job hunt, Resume writing. Even the highly qualified and brilliant candidates make major mistakes in interviews, I've trained and coached countless Retail and Corporate Hiring managers on the selection and filtering process for Ideal candidates, Do you know that it takes first 9 seconds for any hiring manager to choose your Resume or to throw it? Your Resume will get Picked Up almost every time it gets through the hiring managers hands and will Never be thrown away. With all of my knowledge and experience I have put together this course, comprised of a Proven System that You can easily follow to get you a new dream job in 30 days. This course brings for you; Job Hunting made easy.Proven ways to hunt your desired Job Fast and Easy, tap the hidden job market. Learn the most modern Robotic protocols and ATS platforms filtering the ideal Resume. The inner secret AI system codes used to pick resumes for job interview and use them. Create an eye catching, Tech Savvy Resume to get you 3 times more job interviews. Get into the right Mind set and Attitude for a Big Job Interview. Learn the Positive Body Language critically important for Great Interview.Develop the winning Body Gestures and Non-Verbal Communication.Dress codes and Appearance to get past all of your Competitors.Proven best resume writing skills.Get hired Faster. Prepare foryour Winning interviews.Top interview Questions andAnswers.Develop the ability to conquer the most difficult job interview questions.Prepare for the Big job interview in aProven Professional way, which will make You beat the competition almost every time The salary related questions in a professional and right way. Boost your confidence and approach every opportunity. Follow the guidelines properly and Land a new job in 30 days. Get a FREE Salary negotiation E-Book at the completion of this Course. This course is specifically designed for: Anyone Looking for a Dream Job. Anyone who hates his/her Job and need to Get and New Job Fast/Easy. Fresh Student Graduates looking forward to start a new Career. Anyone looking for a highly paid Job. Everyone Interested developing the Job Hunt skills, Pro Resume writing and Master Interview skills, and to Develop the leading personality with Right Mindset and Attitude. People who are willing to take the next big step in their career in a new Job Role. Anyone willing to change Job sector/industry. Anyone willing to work hard and develop the professional as well as Soft skills for Personal/Professional Growth. Iadvise you to please complete the course and take notes, ask any question and iwill be glad to reply you back within 48 hours. Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my course. You will absolutely love it, and I can't wait to share my knowledge and experience with you in this course! Why wait, Change your Future Now? Click the ""Buy Now"" button, and take my course 100% risk free! (with money back Guarantee)"
Price: 69.99

"Passive Income: 7 Ways To Make Passive Income Online - 2018"
"Create SuccessfulPassive Income Online using Proven and Tested Models Like Affiliate Marketing, eBay Drop Shipping, Amazon Kindle E-Book and many More. These methods are being used by thousands of Online Professionals making Hundreds of Thousands every month again and again. Online Money making Methods can becomefully Automatic after some hard work and direction. See what some of the Students say about the Course ""This is a good courses, it has many helpful information such as websites and methods to earn money easily. Updating the courses as soon as you have new methods please.""""new information , tnx""""Valuable informationClear explanationsEngaging deliveryHelpful practice activitiesAccurate course descriptionKnowledgeable instructor""----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You see all over the internet people talking about making money online, generating Passive Income and getting filthy rich in few years time, mostly people think that it is a scam, well there are few scams as well but there are many many internet millionaires these days and these numbers are growing. With the right knowledge and methods any one can start making money online, have Continuousand Growing Passive Income.It is 100%true.All you need is a Will to start.You seriously need No money, No Product, No technical knowledge, No fixed time and No Experience to start making money from these methods and best part is these methods get youcompletePassive Income.I willteachyou to start earning money from Day 1 in this course using many methods.The real Passive Income Online Models. $5000 Kindle E-Book,Affiliate Marketing, Blog, YouTube, eBay Drop Shipping, CPA and many more new methods used effectively.Today's internetworld is full of opportunities to make hugeonline money and income. All you need is the right business model and methods to tap the ocean of Passive Income.In this course you're going to learn how you can start earning money online by creating short term and long termpassive incomestreams. Iwill teach you how easy it isand you should start doing this today.With all said about making legit money online ialso want to be clear that it will take time and a lot of effort to get the results you desire. Determination and Consistency are the real Key to Success.infectthese are more important than the""lot of effort"" Beready to put in the work that's needed tostart making moneypassively, Click the Buy Now Button and Start shaping your future.Enroll Now!Start Generating Passive Income fromtomorrow."
Price: 119.99

"YouTube Marketing Success - 11 Advance Money Making Methods"
"YouTube Marketing & YouTube Passive Income / Online Money Making Methods.If you want to learn more about how to start and grow your YouTube channel. Optimize, rank and have views faster than ever. Turning these viewers into subscribers building a huge personal brand. Most importantly if you want to learn the non-traditional methods of making money from YouTube which can be 50 times higher than YouTube monetization even with a smaller channel! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Featured Course Review from HeatherThis is a great beginner Youtube Marketing course, easy to follow with clear and concise instructions. I also appreciated the instructors non traditional monetization methods. The instructor is knowledgable and details best practices throughout the course. If you are considering Youtube Marketing, which you should! if you have a business and want to brand yourself, then this course is a great resource. I would strongly recommend this course. Thanks!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------You dont need any prior knowledge in YouTube marketing. Trust me this course will take you through everything you need to know in order to build a YouTube business. This course will teach you: Optimizing and Setup your YouTube channel. Explore all functions of Creator Studio in most optimal way for top channel and video ranking. The video creation process (even if you have no experience) Using the ideal thumbnails and settings for better SEO and brand identity. How to become a YouTube influencer, coach and much more... Options for outsourcing How to optimize your video before and during the upload process. Perfect way to upload your video to instantly boost your rankings. How and where to promote videos to boost your rankings and viewership. Real examples of videos Real keyword research No steps missing here Learn 11 non-traditional insider methods of making money on YouTube which are being used by top you-tubers. Making50+ times more amounts of money than monetization with YouTube making it a complete full-time business. This course is about taking action. You need to practically complete each task and specific action steps as you go through the course And most importantly, you can call for my help as I'll be available to answer your questions through each step of the process. Are you ready to take action?Ready to take your success to next level? You dont need have huge followings to start earning money with YouTube. Even with small viewership and subscription you can start earning money with the methods explained in this course. All of these methods are insider tricks and tips used by all the successful you-tubers. You need to keep growing your subscribers at the same time keep adding the revenue streams. You can run both of the things parallel. Waiting for millions of views to start handsome earning is a thing of past. Learn the new stuff which works and is being aggressively used by full time earners. I highly suggest that You directly start implementing the settings, methods and directions explained and elaborated in this course. No matter if you just want tostart out on YouTube or if you already have a YouTube channel, this guide will help you to grow exceptionally on YouTube become successful and famous. Who is the target audience? Anyone who always wanted to start YouTube channel for their own business. Anyone who wants to promote YouTube videos in order to sell YouTube services to clients. Anyone who like to create and promote affiliate products. Anyone who wants to learn more than 10 non-traditional methods of making money with you tube starting even when channel isgrowing. Anyone who wants to grow own business or company business making YouTube a full-time business."
Price: 149.99

"Facebook Marketing - Grow Your Fans & Business Fast for FREE"
"Facebook Marketing is best way toExcel your Profits using the Hidden Tips and Tricks most of the Top Professional use. The course keeps growing in Valuable Content (Regular Updated of new FB rules, Tips and Tricks) If you're looking for a simple, laid back tricks and tips to making extra money (Complete Passive) in your spare time without spending a single penny, then this course is for you! Follow the easy steps to have maximum out of your Facebook Business and Group pages. You will learn the Parallel methods of starting your Extra income streams. These will be extra bonus from your growing Facebook Audiences along with the selling of your business Products and Services. Create profitable Facebook Groups & Pages in any of your favorite Niche. Get thousands of genuine followers without Paid advertising and turn multiple pages into an extra income Streams. Create completely optimized and valuable Facebook pages / Groups with ease. Discover the best Methods for making extra money on Facebook. Learn Top posts which are magnets for attracting followers Get creative & amazing Facebook cover images/Post graphics for free. Learn to monetize Facebook pages without compromising your main business product. Learn how to turn a part-time income into a full-time income or more. Learn the Amazing Money Making Methods using Facebook. Have a great Passive Income from your Facebooks FREE Traffic. Even if you are New to Facebook, This course shows you everything from scratch. Everyone uses Facebook almost daily. Learn how to use Facebook to your advantage the Easy and Fun way. Put your FB leisure time to good use and turn it into cash! The course is suitable for anyone as it is completely beginner friendly. The course will constantly have updates as Facebook keeps updating the rules and options.After completing the course you will be able to start FB online business of your favorite niches, you will be able to set up as many pages as you like and turn these pages into Online Income Streams. You will be able to monetize those pages effectively and use awesome and effective free tools to increase your income. Enroll in the course today at the special introductory price. It is covered with Udemy's full 30-day, no questions asked money back guarantee :)"
Price: 129.99

"Instagram Marketing: Grow Your Online Business as Influencer"
"Instagram Marketing used EffectivelyInstagramis one of the most powerful and effective Social Media platforms making its position stronger with Snaps, Pictures and Videos. (Pictures speak thousand words). Instagram Marketing donecompletely FREE then why not leverage it to the most powerful advantage of business success and making money with it! I will guide you in step-by-step format with tips on Configuring, Optimizing your Instagram account. You will learn the latest Instagram Algorithm changes, understanding the system and using it to the best of your benefits. You will learn to grow your account organically with FREE tips and tricks. Learn to attract the Real, Live and highly Potential followers on your Instagram Posts. These organic followers will become your asset in the success journey of Instagram Marketing for your persona as well as business branding. Follow the guidelines to become most powerful Influencer in your online community. You will just be spending few hours daily in the right direction building your online Empire. A completely Passive property you will be proud of. In this course, You will learn the hidden and tested Tips and Tricks to make extra Income from your Instagram account. Even if it is Sponsorship, Being an Influencer, Monetization or many other methods, you will make thousands of dollars guaranteed. Keep in mind this is not overnight get rich system. It will take some time to grow. Please follow all the steps thoroughly and put them in practice. You will have an online Passive income business model for you in few weeks. The systems, which will keep, bring you online profit for the years to come. Click the""Buy this course""button now at the top right of this page to unleash the power of making an awesome complete Passive living as an Instagram Influencer."
Price: 89.99

"Complete Social Media Marketing To Grow Your Business - 2018"
"Complete Social MediaMarketing Course - 2018Social media is the Gold Mine of Potential customers for every online or local business. Everyone now a day need tons of direct customers for their business success. People tend to listen to referrals more than simple advertisement, which is available on social media only. As social media is an interactive platform, your business can get real valued review and credibility along with cheap organic Leads.Facebook Marketing, Instagram marketing, Pinterest Marketing, Google Plus Marketing, SEO, Content and YouTube Marketing / Vlogging, all are very important to get organic leads and customers. In thisSocial Media Marketing Course, you will learn to use the FREE Organic Traffic for the growth of your business. You dont have to spend thousands of dollars on expensive marketing. Learn and Understand the science and art of Social MediaMarketing?Everything you need to create a powerful online presence, to divert the rich targeted traffic to your blog or website. You will learn how to use the social media users for the development of your business.Learn to increase your profits from your followers. You and Your BusinessREALLYneed this course.With this course, you will learnHOW TO USE SOCIAL MEDIA TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS & MAKE MORE MONEY ONLINEWhen you finish this course, you will be able to- Create & Optimize the Your Business Accounts on Social Media Platforms.- Build pages with Magnetic Content to attract potential customers.- Completely execute the strategies to get guaranteed results- inspire your Audience / Followers to TAKEACTION!- EffectivelyMONETIZEyour social media marketing and Earn Extra Income!YOU HAVE A 100% MONEY BACK GUARANTEEThis Social Media Marketing course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee so you can try the course risk free.-- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- --- - -- - -- --- - -- - --Who is the target audience?if you're looking to learn Complete Social Media Marketing with technical know-how and step-by-step videosAnyone with a business idea, business plan, new Start Up or an established business that you want to grow through social media marketingAnyone looking to build relationships online, build your brand, and get results online."
Price: 149.99

"Pinterest Marketing:How to use Pinterest for Business Growth"
"Pinterest Marketing is the New Hot Social Media Marketing Success.Did you know that you are seriously missing out on key opportunities to reach potential new customers ready to spend? If you don't have a plan in place for how to usePinterestas part of your business marketing strategy. Did you know people spend more money on Pinterest than any other social media platform? Pictures say a thousand words. This is the only platform, which has users who are ready to buy. More than 80% of Pinterest users are potential buyers, the highest number of potential customers more than any other social media platform. Follow this UltimatePinterest Guideto understand the importance ofPinterestformarketingyour business. From optimization of boards, content & Pins as well as more advanced campaigns, PSEO and analytics In this Course, You Will Learn: How to create a professional Highly Optimized Pinterest Business Account. Carefully choosing the User name, Business Name and Description for Top Class serach engine ranking of your Pinterest business account. How to create the perfect Niche Boards attracting the Customer serach a;gorithm for quality traffic. How to optimize your Pinterest account to help your business rank high in the big search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo. How to start getting results even from your new pinterest account. How to borrow the high traffic boards and to have creative collaboration with peers for current and new (potential) customers how to leverage your Pinterest account for your business growth, insider tips, tricks and techniques to drive tons of free traffic to your business, Blog or website. You will learn to plan your business marketing with perfect Pin pictures and posts. You will learn how to become the marketing expert in Pinterest with proper SEO techniwues. You will learn to plan your business marketing with perfect Pin pictures and posts. Keeping in mind your business demographics. Learn the Ultimate power of Pinterest to have completely FREE Organic traffic, helping your business, blog and website rank higher attracting highly converting customers. So start growing your business right now! Bonus!You will learn to make extra income using your Pinterest Account.Step-By-Step Methods easy to follow so that you have multiple ExtraIncome Steams.So that you will have double benefit from your Pinterest Account. Grow Your Business and Make Extra Income from Extra Money Making Methods.Target audience of this Course Anyone who wants to become an Expert Pinterest Marketer. Wanting to grow your Blog, Website, Online or Offline business. If you want to grow your business through tons of organic traffic of Pinterest."
Price: 129.99

"AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: 6 full practice tests 2020"
"Are you ready to pass the AWS Cloud Practitioner exam? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 6 practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take the exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly ( and detailed explanations to every question ) to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual exam.This AWS Cloud Practitioner Practice Exam course is updated regularly to reflect the latest exam changes and is continuously enriched with new content based on the feedback of our 20,000+ students.The AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam (CLF-C01) validates an examinee's ability to:Define what the AWS Cloud is and the basic global infrastructure.Describe basic AWS Cloud architectural principles.Describe the AWS Cloud value proposition.Describe key services on the AWS platform and their common use cases (for example, compute and analytics).Describe basic security and compliance aspects of the AWS platform and the shared security model.Define the billing, account management, and pricing models.Identify sources of documentation or technical assistance (for example, whitepapers or support tickets).Describe basic/core characteristics of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud.** Make sure you are ready to pass the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam by using these practice tests, written to mimic the kinds of questions you will see on the real exam."
Price: 74.99

"iOS 11 & Swift 4 - From Beginner to Paid Professional"
"Welcome to the newest iOS 11 App Development Bootcamp. In this course you will learn how to design your app interface with Sketch and then you will learn how to make modern iOS apps with Xcode 9 and Swift 4.I will take you step-by-step through comprehensive video tutorials and teach you everything you need to know in order to become a professional iOS developer.At first, you will learn about Xcode environment and Swift 4 language to become familiar with iOS development concept, and then you will make your first iOS app to understandfundamental principles about iOS development. Additionally, you will learn how to design your user interface with Sketch like a professional UI/UX designer, and then you will level up your skills with learning about using Firebase as your backend.Furthermore, you will learn how to work with animations with Swift 4 in order to make an outstanding user experience for your app. You will also learn how to make a To Do app during this course with a lot of useful features.Even if you have a little bit experience in Swift 4, you can gain your knowledge to a great extent to become a senior iOS developer.So what will you learn in this course?Building modern iOS apps throughout the course (From Scratch)Working with Xcode Making iOS apps with Swift 4Database &BackendSaving Data in BackendRegistration And Login FormMastering Interface BuilderFirebaseCocoapodsDesigning your app with Sketch (Shapes - Masks - Colors in UI designing - Plugins - Designing With Real Data - Prototyping in Sketch - Shortcuts - Exporting etc.)iOS Auto LayoutAnimation in iOS (Basics & Advanced)Working with Table ViewCore DataSwift 4 Fundamental (Variables & Constants - Declaration & Initialization - Strings - Functions - Conditional Logic & Boolean - Arrays - Dictionaries - Classes in Object Oriented Programming etc.)Don't just take my word for it, see what my past students had to say about the course: ""Excellent course! It covered every concept of iOS development in a clear and simple way. Examples are applicable to the real-world applications. It's absolutely up to date and brand new."" ""The first course on Udemy for me and I am so happy with this one. So easy to understand with his detailed explanation."" ""All the concepts taught were taught very well and thoroughly. Everything that was taught was applicable to the real-world application.""We are so confident that you will love this course that we're offering a 30-day money-back guarantee! So you can sign up today with zero risks.What are you waiting for? Click the 'Buy Now' button and I will see you in the course."
Price: 149.99

"iOS 11 & Swift 4 - Making an onboarding for your iOS app"
"Welcome to this course. In this course, you will learn how to create an amazing and modern onboarding for your iOS app. Nowadays, onboarding is one of the most important parts of iOS development in order to engage users. So in this tutorial, I will guide you step by step, and I will explain all theinformation to you in detail. I just tried to keep the efficiency of this course as highest as possible."
Price: 99.99

"How to Retire on 3k with Day Trading and Option Selling"
"One of the biggest fear most people have is running out of money. Especially at retirement. My goal in this course is to provide you strategies, discuss the risk and go over the steps on how to actually use any amount of savings or retirement to create cashflow!In this program Iwill teach you- How to Day Trade- How to Day Trade using OPM (other peoples money)- Become an stock insurance sales person- Time your entires better- Read and understand the basics of candlestick sentiment- Place trades- Improve your financial positioningBottom line, for most the stock market is scary. Everyone 'knows' how much money can be made using the stock market, however the majority of people (especially retiree's)are terrified to use it's massive opportunities because of the risks!I begin teaching you a revolutionary risk mitigation technique in class 3!Capital protection and preservation is paramount and Iwant to ensure each client and customer who goes through this course feels confident in the simplistic yet profitable approach Ihave in the markets.Thank you for being here and reading this course description. If you have any questions, please reach out!~Jerremy Alexander Newsome"
Price: 29.99

"Startup Your Life - Find Purpose in Your Work & Life"
"Great comprehensive course that encourages reflection and rethinking. Pascal is a sympathetic trainer who looks very authentic through his open nature. His cheerful and easy demeanor motivates throughout the course. Since the course helped me a lot I would like to recommend it without any restrictions.Very goodstructurestep by step to reach your own calling. Great workshop materials!I have worked with Pascal personally, he is a gread coach and I can really recommend him. This course complemented our sessions and I discovered something new for myself or something I already knew became even more evident through this course.---Create the life, the career and the future that you really want !!!Recognize your hidden talents and skills, develop your personality and get the life you want! You do not have the career and future prospects you could have? Others seem to be in the fast lane while stuck in your job? You often drive through your life with the handbrake on?Then this workshop is for you!If we do not have the job that fills us, it's because we do not know what we really really need to be happy and fulfilled at work. Finding out is one of the toughest jobs there is.Often we hear: you just have to find out what you want and follow your dream. Being able to pursue your dream, however, requires a lot: a crystal clear knowledge of yourself, your personal work needs and skills that make you unique. Knowing and positioning yourselfis the ability that makes you independent and free. The better you know yourself, the better you can adapt your circumstances to your needs and make decisions for your future in all areas of life.That's what thisworkshop is all about.---We will answer thecentral questions Who and how am I? Where do I go professionally? What are my goals? How do I reach them?You will develop a clear concept of you, your needs at work and career goals for the future, and have a documented foundation that serves as a compass in every situation.---How we do this:Businesses have a business plan, in which they define themselves and the business for the years to come and plan the way to their goals. They define their values, their services, their products, customers, business processes and everything that has to do with their actions. How about seeing yourself as a life business that you systematically explore?The process is called ""Business Modeling"" and that's what this workshop is all about.Here, in many inspiring workshops, you will develop your own personal ""Future Model"", which will help you to find your calling. By defining who you are, what you can do and where you want to go, you have a unique opportunity to actively work on your future and ultimately your happiness.---The result:Maximum inspiration, endless new ideas for your future and a real plan for the next steps towards a confident and fulfilling working life.---What the benefits are: Clarity about your skills and competences Knowledge about your needs, strengths and motivation drivers The sweet spot of your interests, personality and abilities Your individual personal ""Business Model"" Documents, materials, notebook and everything you need. What brings you into the flow at work Why you are dissatisfied with your work so far---About meAs an independent designer and NLP Coach & Gestalt Therapist I help people and companies to become the best version of themselves, to define their personality and to communicate authentically.My own search for myself has brought me through virtually all forms of professional and personal development. From graphic artist to owner, pilgrim, impact coach and Gestalt therapist. I share myknowledge in groups and in workshops that combine a wide variety of formats and strategies to give participants completely new insights."
Price: 199.99

"Statistics for Engineers (in Arabic)"
"Covered Topics :- Uniform Distribution- Normal Distribution - Standard Normal Distribution - Sum of Normal Distributions - Central Limit Theorem - Normal as approximation to Binomial - Normal as approximation to Poisson- Introduction to Statistics- Descriptive Statistics -Types of Data & Histogram - What to measure in Data - Central Tendency - Variability - Symmetry- Statistical Inference - Choosing a Model - Parameter Estimation - Method of Moments - Maximum Likelihood Estimator - Comparing Estimators - Goodness of Fit - P-P Plot- Confidence Intervals- Hypothesis Testing"
Price: 99.99

"Pro Gaming: eU Clayster Guide to Competitive Call of Duty"
"eSports competitive leadersare either born or made, but regardless, leadership is an invaluable asset to any team. As the leader, you carry the shared weight of the team on your back more than any other member.In this course, X Games Gold Medalist, and MLGChampion James ""Clayster"" Eubanks will take you through the journey of transforming yourself from a casual/competitive gamer, to an established and recognized leader in the eSports space.He outlines how a leader should approach and manage high pressure situations, communication tactics both inside and outside the game, how to prepare like a pro and ultimately, what you need to do as a leader to represent yourself and your team in the best way possible."
Price: 99.99

"The Guide to Going Pro in eSports with COD Champ Optic Scump"
"About The instructorSeth ""Optic Scump"" Abner is an American pro Call of Duty player. He is currently the captain of OpTic Gaming,is a 2x Major League Gaming X Games gold medalist and arguably one of the best in the world. In addition to his success as an eSports athlete, he also runs an active YouTube channel with over 2 million subscribers.About the CourseA true glimpse into the competitive world of eSports, this course breaks down in detail what it takes to build and lead a professional team to victory. Covering everything from how to choose the right teammates, best practices for playing as a team, branding, dealing with tournament pressure, and more, join Scump in the Dojo as he talks through the steps he had to take to achieve this astounding level of success."
Price: 99.99

"The Complete Twitch Streaming Course - 4 Courses in 1"
"The ultimate Twitch Streaming course for content creators and broadcasters.Have you been streaming for a while now but have yet to take the dive into streaming full-time?Do you want to start streaming but aren't sure where to begin?We brought together 4 experts from different sides of the Twitch streaming ecosystem to all bring their own experience and expertise to this course.Our Teachers Ninja, one of Twitch's largest streamers, ex professional Halo player, and atop competitorin PUBG and Fortnite.Ninja has been streaming for 6 years now, and has been full time for about 4 of those years. Learn how Ninja used scheduling and consistency to propel his career forward, and how to take advantage of up and coming game titles.TheZombiiUnicorn has become so much more than just a ""streamer"". She's gone on to master Voice Acting, and has even appeared on (and won) Fox's reality show ""Kicking and Screaming"".Zombi brings a unique perspective into our course by not only focusing on how to make your stream standout from the crowd, but also how to use your career as a streamer to open up new doors of opportunity, and career paths.Squalmuzza runs the largest stream team in the world, Senshudo. While Squalmuzza is a streamer himself, the value he brings to course comes from years of experience consulting and coaching streamers to partnership, and beyond.D1 works for Twitch as the Super Smash Bros Community Manager. His insight into Twitch's best practices and how to conduct yourself as a streamer to set yourself up for success is invaluable. D1 shows us what it takes to master Twitch's affiliate program, and use that success to fuel your ascension into Twitch Partnership.Course OverviewThe courses included in this bundle are:How to Grow Your Following on TwitchStreaming & Community BuildingHow to Make Your Stream Stand OutMastering the Twitch Partnership and Affiliate ProgramBy the end of this course you'll learn how to:Set up your stream from start to finishDesign all the creative assets you need for your channelIdeate and build your personal brandAttract new viewers to your streamGet off the bottom of the stream feedApproach brands for sponsorshipBuild your communityGet free games to demo from indie developersApproach other creators for networking and collaborationsAnd much more"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Guide to Alistar: League of Legends Champion"
"The role of Support in League of Legends is arguably the easiest to learn and the hardest to master. As League of Legend players, we have all experienced the struggles that come with an unbalanced team, especially in the absence of a soild support player. In this course you will discover that the role of support is more than just warding for your team and assisting your ADC in lane. Support heroes are the backbone of breakout team fights and often determine the outcome based on their ability to play the role properly, so mastering the skills associated with support heroes will be a core focus of this course.If you are considering picking up a new champion to play with, Alistarcurrently sits at one of the top five most picked supports and remains a staple in the meta throughout the constant shifts and patches introduced to League of Legends. Further, Alistar is considered on of the most versatile supports with his ability to shift between the roles of:frontline tanking, initiating, peeling for ADC, tower divingand anti-crowd control.The Instructor LohpallyLohpally Challenger tier Support player & partnered streamer on TwitchLohpally has been playing League of Legends since the game wasreleased in2009 and has been in Challenger tier every season following the launch of the game. In the past, Lohpallys professional career includes playing for teams such as:Curse, Complexity, and Winterfox. Currently, Lohpally focus on educational streams on Twitch and coaching. He has experience coaching players from a variety of level ranging from players who are new to the game to players on top LCS teams such as Cloud 9 & Fnatic."
Price: 119.99

"The Complete Guide to Twitch Streaming"
"About the CourseIf you are an avid gamer who has a Twitch account and is looking for new, creative, and practical ways to start, build and grow your stream, then this course is for you.Thiscourse focuses on all aspects of live streaming on Twitch. The instructors are both streamers, content creators, and industry experts that have been in the gaming space since its inception. Whether you are a streamer that is looking for resources to take your Twitch channel and community to the next level, or just an an avid gamer with aspirations to broadcast your talents to a broader audience - this is the complete guide to Twitch streaming.Throughout this course, we will be covering topics that are useful and necessary for streamers of all levels. Each section will contain lectures associated with the topic being covered, and will be accompanied byactionable activities to apply what you have learned to your own Twitch stream.Course Sections:Introduction to TwitchGetting Started - Setting up Your Accounts and Softwares Needed to StreamGaming PCsStream Channel AestheticsStreaming Bots and ExtensionsStreaming Best PracticesMarketing Your StreamCommunities on TwitchAbout the InstructorsSam ""Squallmuzza"" MurraySquallmuzzais a partnered Twitch streamer through his company Senshudotv, there is a good chance you have seen him or someone on the Senshudo stream team promoted on the front page of Twitch. Sam has personally assisted a number of streamers in getting partnered and has been part of some of the biggest streaming communities since their inception. His company, Senshudo creates systems around Twitch to provide analytics and data to help streamers grow their channels and better understand the data behind Twitch. You can go an connect your Twitch profile and each time you stream, the Senshudo dashboard will show you valuable information about your broadcast.ReinessaReinessa is a full time broadcaster partnered on Twitch. She began streaming in 2013 with a focus on Dota 2 content and has been partnered since June 2015. Since then she has been involved in a wide variety of gaming content creation. This has included cosplaying, YouTube highlights, weekly gaming news shows, and streaming popular competitive games and interesting indie games. She works with various organizations such as DreamHack, GinX, and Chaos to create and host written and video content. She is a BioChem PhD student in her other life"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Guide to Karma: League of Legends Champion"
"The role of Support in League of Legends is arguably the easiest to learn and the hardest to master. As League of Legends players, we have all experienced the struggles that come with an unbalanced team, especially in the absence of a solid support player. In this course you will discover that the role of support is more than just warding for your team and assisting your ADC in lane. Support heroes are the backbone of breakout team fights and often determine the outcome based on their ability to play the role properly, so mastering the skills associated with support heroes will be a core focus of this course. If you are considering picking up a new champion to play with, Karmawould be a good stable choice in these fast-paced meta changing days. In 2018, League of Legends hasrolled out patches that have been a complete game changer;you might find one week you are on a winning spree and thenext week you are losing in bunches. Karmas offensive and defensive abilities make her versatile and adaptable. Her shield and speedup ability make her one of the most resistant champions, whether it's against aggressive or poke champions. Not to mention, her shield and speedup works on all your allies if you combo it with Mantra (R), giving her the ability to help your team engage and disengage. Her Mantra (R) and Q ability make her one of the best at poking out your enemy in lane or team fights. Your instructor, Lohpally, is a challenger tier Support player and partnered streamer on Twitch. Lohpally has been playing League of Legends since the game wasreleased in2009 and has been in Challenger tier every season following the launch of the game.Lohpallys professional career includes playing for teams such as:Curse, Complexity, and Winterfox. Currently, Lohpally focuses on educational streams on Twitch and coaching. He has experience coaching players from a variety of levels ranging from players who are new to the game to players on top LCS teams such as Cloud 9 & Fnatic. In this course, you learn the basic combos of Karma and the 3 important aspects to playing Karma well: Laning PhaseMatchup vs Defensive, Aggressive, & Poke Champions Trading Effectively Apply Pressure Team FightsPositioning Applying Pressure Peeling for Your Team Taking Advantage of Mistakes Vision ControlEarly Game Vision Best Practices Mid-Late Game Vision Best Practices Avoiding Ganks Please enjoy Lohpallys Karma course and hopefully you can levelup your game!"
Price: 119.99

"The Complete Guide to League of Legends"
"League of Legends is the most popular video game since 2012 with over 100 million monthly active players and the biggest eSports scene across the globe with over 100 million viewers. Over the years, professional players have figured out the complexity of the game, making it one of the hardest games to learn and master. As League of Legends players, we all have gone through the same struggles of learning the game mechanics, roles, meta, and individual champions. However, NicoThePico is here to help. Nicholas ""NicoThePico""Korsgrd has been an EULCShead coach for teams such as Origen, Fnatic, andNinjas in Pyjamas.In addition, Nico also has assisting coaching roles for teams like Banditos (now Misfits), and prior to that playedas the Jungler for Enigma eSports. Currently, Nico is the top-rated coach on GamerSensei where he has coached over 100 people with 100% of them improvingtheir ranks in no time. On a personal level, Nico has achieved challenger tier on 3 different roles respectively. As a player and coach, Nico will be able to show you perspectives of League of Legends that you may not have noticed or ever thought of. NicoThePicos League of Legends course will feature the 3 most important aspects of the game. Learning Your RolesTop, Jungle, Mid, ADC, Support Early Laning Phase Mid Late Game Game Mechanics Creep Score (CS) Wave Management Roaming Team Fights Time Management Apply Pressure Vision Control Improving Your Rank Psychology of the Game Guides from Bronze ChallengerOutside of the 3 most important aspects of the game, Nico will also go over the Rift, talkingabout the objectives of the game that include:Top / Bot Jungle Camps Rift Herald 5 Different Types of Dragon BaronAs anadded bonus to Nicos course, you will get a bonus lesson on how to use the Replay Tool on League of Legends. From a coaching standpoint, Nico believes the Replay Tool is extremely important in analyzing your own and others'gameplayin order to fix your mistakes. Lastly, Nico has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics & Leadership, with an emphasis on Entrepreneurship & Business Management. This played a crucial part in Nicos success breaking into the eSports scene. Toward the end of this course, Nico will share his secrets and tips on how you can stand out & break into the competitive eSports scene. Please enjoy Nicos course and hopefully you too can level-up your game!"
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Guide to Overwatch"
"Overwatch is a highly dynamic FPS (First Person Shooter) game with multiple maps, objectives, and many different heroes. Overwatch has a massive active player base of 40 million and the first ever eSports scene (Overwatch League) created to represent cities all over the globe. Whetheryou are new or have been playing for a while, this is the right course for you if you are looking to make some improvements in your gameplay & rank, or if you are lookingto go pro in this amazingly fun game. You will be learning everything from basic fundamentals of the game to more advanced mechanics and how to climb the ranks. The course includes: Introduction To Overwatch Introduction To All Heroes Insights & Best Practices On Different Maps Properly Improve Your Mechanics Climbing Your Rank From Bronze To GrandmasterThis course is taught by Twitch partner, Slayergramps, who has experience competing in the tier 2 & tier 3 scene of Overwatch. Slayergramps has also been a Top 100 player consistently since Overwatch came out back in May 2016;his most notable achievement was formerly being Ranked 1 as Tracer. Currently, he focuses on fun and educational streamers over at Twitch. If you're ready to become a better Overwatch player, enroll in this course today!"
Price: 199.99

"ABC des Leaders"
"Leadership umfasst jeden Bereich des Lebens - privat sowie beruflich. Wahre Leadership ist heutzutageberall sehrgefragt, in jedem Unternehmen, jeder Organisation, jedem Verein, jeder Sportmannschaft und jeder Familie. Aber was ist Leadership berhaupt? Die meisten Menschen haben eine relativ klare Vorstellung davon, was Erfolg ist oder was Management bedeutet. Aber Leadership? In diesem VIDEOKURS definiert Karl Michael Pilsl dieses mysterise Wort. Er bedient sich vieler unterschiedlicher Eigenschaften, verfolgt dabei aber ein groes Ziel, nmlich:Wahre Leadership und ihre unumgnglichen und unverzichtbaren Charakteristika zu definieren und dem Kursteilnehmer zu helfen, eine Leadership-Eigenschaft nach der anderen ins tgliche Leben einzubauen bzw. zu verstrken."
Price: 194.99