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"How to Create a Wordpress website in less than 30 minutes!"
"So You Wanne Create Websites right?Then your here on the good place you will learn to build a full website in less than 30 miuntesWhy Take This Course?Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 1 HourThe Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Mobile Friendly)I have got 4+ Years experience of working with WordPressUsing Most Up To Date Version of WordPressLearn from a TopInstructor find out why!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Wordpress Website for Absolute Beginners"
"Why Take This Course?Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 1 HourThe Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Mobile Friendly)I have got 4+ Years experience of working with WordPressMaster wordpressUsing Most Up To Date Version of WordPressI have got 4+ Years experience of working with WordPressLearn form a Top Intsructor find out why!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Create a Wordpress Portfolio Website"
"Why Take This Course?Learn To Create A WordPress Website in Less Than 1 HourThe Website Will Be Fully Responsive (Mobile Friendly)I have got 4+ Years experience of working with WordPressLearn how to Create an Online portfolio websiteUsing Most Up To Date Version of WordPressLearn From a TOP Instructorfind out why!"
Price: 19.99

"Essential Leadership Qualities"
"This course outlines theEssential Leadership Qualitiesa great leader possess.Leadership is Criticalto Business's Success. Leadership is what takes you forward, whether you are one or you are lead by a good one.One becomes a great leader by working on self and developing the Essential LeadershipQualities. We will delve intothose critical and most important Leadership qualities that differentiates a Great Leader from an ordinary Leader.If you are a Leader, or a Leader in Making or aspire to be a Leader, this course is for you.This course will help you take off with the basics. Before you can master something of the likes of Leadership, you need to understand what is all about being a Great Leader.By the end of the Course you will learn a number of things -How are leaders different from ManagersThree primary Leaderships Styles for leading people and teamsThe 4C's of LeadershipThe 4E's of LeadershipSMARTGoals, and why its important for Leaders to set SMARTGoalsWhy Motivation in a team in importantWhat does a good vision doWhy is it important for a Leader to statethe WHYHow Language is the Key for a LeaderWhy Culture is important for a good Leader to lead people and teamsHow Recognition is a big differentiator for a good leaderLeaders create more leadersHow do Leaders develop more leadersThis course covers a lot of basics. Basics that as an aspiring/beginner/intermediary leader or a leadership enthusiast must be aware of to lead people and teams.Leaders are not those who lead. Leaders are those who people follow.If you are an Entrepreneur, Leader, going or aspiringto be a leader, and want to excel in your career, this course helps you with those important aspects of Leadership. Leadership can be learnt.Give this course a chance to help youbetter your leadership skills, by understanding the basic attributes and qualities andexpand your influence andachieve your leadership visionby enrolling today."
Price: 99.99

"Metas realistas"
"Todos ns sonhamos em realizar coisas, desde as mais simples at as mais complexas, mas muitas vezes ficamos s no sonho, porque to difcil? Entre tantos fatores um deles a nossa dificuldade em criar metas que sejam realistas, ou seja, que estejam dentro das nossas capacidades e necessidades reais de realizao. Nesse curso voc vai aprender a identificar e criar metas que sejam especficas, mensurveis, alcanveis, relevantes e temporais, utilizando ferramentas adequadas e entendendo como o comportamento e mindset interferem."
Price: 39.99

"Lder Iniciante"
"O que esperar?Com o curso Lder Iniciante, o profissional vai alicerar as habilidades, competncias e comportamentos dos que se propem ou so levados a liderar. No basta ser um bom profissional, liderana exige desenvolvimento e tudo comea na base slida de sua formao. Essa trilha tem 3 fases, mdulos divididos em conhecimento geral de liderana, habilidades e competncias, tcnicas e ainda comportamentais. Porque investir no desenvolvimento das bases dos lderes? Normalmente as organizaes designam profissionais que se destacam em suas funes para ocuparem cargos de liderana, mas nem sempre possvel habilitar de forma adequada esses profissionais, correndo o risco de perder o timo profissional e ganhando um lder despreparado."
Price: 39.99

"Low-cost Video Studio with iPhones & iPad - 4K Quality video"
"You don't need a huge budget toSetup a Home Video Studio for YouTube tutorials, Online Course Creation, Live Streaming & Video Production.Join video expert, Robb Montgomery, on a detailedtour of hisvideo studio in Berlin - a DIY, budget-consciousstudio design that produces an amazing amount of broadcast quality video with only a one-person crew.Robb has built multiplebest-seller courses on Udemy, with this video studio setupand his students frequently leave high ratings for the quality of the videos he makes for his courses.Montgomeryhas designed many professional-levelvideo studios around the world forclientsand willwill lead you through the keys aspects of studio design and production. Please glance through the lesson titles and watch the free previews.You will learn how to organize the lights, installbackdrops,control sound, and alsoget in-depth, step-by-step lesson modulesfor setting up a low-cost teleprompter and evenproducing live, multi-camera video shows using onlyan iPad an some old iPhones.Every lesson is designed to show you how to get the maximum value for your own video studio design.You don't need a green-screen to make awesome instructor videos, livestreaming and corporate videos.DIY: Home Video Studio for Live Streaming & Video Production will set you off on the right foot for building a small, but powerful studio in a small space.Enroll today!"
Price: 99.99

"Shoot & Edit Amazing Travel Videos Make 12 Video Projects"
"UPDATED: 12 new video projects that you can make on your next travel.The Best Camera Is The One That Travels With You, this course will give the methods and techniques for making great travel videos and photos from your adventures.We carry amazing cameras in our pockets, but most people simply do not know how to get the best results when filming with their phone.This course will teach you the key tips & tricks that every travel photographer needs to know.Travel Photo & Video Tips: Mobile Travel Photography & VideosWho doesn't want to take better travel photos and videos with their phone? Whether youve got the new iPhone X or some other camera phone, this course will unlock your potential to create great looking photos and videos from your travels.The video tutorials were filmed in scenic locations around the globe. Join this travel masterclass and learn how to:Film scenes that capture the imagination and catch people's eyeTechniques for capturing those fleeting, candid momentsMaster tricks for capturing great action photos and momentsTips for capturing different lighting conditionsCapture smooth video and cinematic shotsThe key camera settings that will help you make the most of the new technologyThis course is for everyone who wants to know how to make incredible holiday videos using only their mobile smart phone.My photo and video courses are 5-star best-sellers on Udemy simply because I care about my students and I teach this material every day in workshops around the globe. At the end of the course you will be able to make engaging videos your friends, family & even strangers will enjoy watching. I am confident that you will become a better travel photographer after taking this course. After your next trip, you'll have images worthy of your walls and videos fit for a film festival.I encourage you to click on the enroll button now!Cheers,Robb"
Price: 99.99

", .   . . . . ."
Price: 39.99

"Mathematik (5) - Graphentheorie"
"Herzlich Willkommen und Guten Tag!Die Reihe ""Mathematik (auch fr Informatiker)"" umfasst viele Themenbereiche der Mathematik, die im Umfeld von Schule und Studium relevant, vor allem klausurrelevant, sind. Die Reihe besteht aus insgesamt acht Teilen:(Aussagen-) LogikRelationen und AbbildungenMatrizenrechnung Lineare GleichungssystemeGraphentheorie (dieser Kurs)(Binre) BumeVektorrumeLineare AbbildungenDie einzelnen Kursteile bauen z.T. aufeinander auf, so dass behandelter Stoff aus vorausgegangenen Kursteilen als bekannt vorausgesetzt wird.Welche Themen werden in diesem Kursteil behandelt?Wir werden uns im Kursteil ""(5) Graphentheorie"" mit folgenden Themen beschftigen:Einfhrung in die GraphentheorieWege, Spaziergnge, KreiseEulerkreis und EulergraphLsung des Knigsberger BrckenproblemsHamiltonkreis und HamiltongraphAdjazenzmatrixInzidenzmatrixIm Verlauf des Kurses werden verschiedene Beispiele und auch Aufgaben zur eigenen Bearbeitung angeboten. Zu jeder Aufgabe wird ein schrittweiser Lsungsweg aufgezeigt, so dass Du diese Aufgaben als Lernkontrolle und Klausurvorbereitung nutzen kannst.Was bringt Dir dieser Kurs?Kurz und knackig: Dieser Kurs bereitet Dich auf Deine Klausur vor. Natrlich ist jede Klausur anders (und meistens auch neu), aber das Grundprinzip ist doch immer gleich, oder? Weil sich weder die Mathematik noch die Informatik dahinter ndert. Und die lernst Du hier!Auch kurz und knackig, was dieser Kurs NICHT ist: Eine Garantie, dass Du die Klausur bestehen wirst. Lernen ist etwas sehr individuelles, das muss jeder selbst erledigen; so, wie es fr sie oder ihn am besten ist. Aber dieser Kurs kann Dir dabei helfen!    Also, was meinst Du?Ich denke, wir sehen uns im Kurs! Bis dahin!"
Price: 19.99

"Ultimate AWS English Course with Practicals (2020)"
"Q.      Are you looking for learning AWS or Cloud Computing?Q.      Looking forward for one place where you can get the quality content and can understand the concept in real with similar to live environment?Q.     Confused where should I go?Q.      Also, can put some effort and like to learn by Watching practical based tutorial?If your answer is Yes to all these questions, you are at right place go through the Course and you will be an AWS Guru after doing this completely.After covering all Modules, you can Go for Global Certification AWS Solution Architect Associate 2020.   This course cover all major services for AWS Solution Architect Associate such as Cloud Introduction, EC2, EBS, Load Balancing and Auto Scaling Route 53, S3, VPC,  RDS, Application Services and Best practices for AWS which includes Billing, Calculator in details.   Important Tip - Here is that watch video completely, do practically by using Free Tier Account.   Wish you all the best... Keep Learning and Keep Rocking....."
Price: 1600.00

"The Ultimate Cryptocurrency Investment Course: 2019 Approved"
"If your looking for a blockchain history lesson your in the wrong place. I am only here to teach you the relevant topics regarding CRYPTOCURRENCY INVESTING. Everything you need to know and nothing you dont. Here you will learn the fast and most efficient way to cryptocurrency success!I hold an MBA, multiple finance degrees, and have been working in finance for yearly 20 years, which includes some of the top investment banks in the world. I know investing and the top approaches to make money while keeping ourselves safe. I have been working with cryptocurrencies since 2013, when my commercial shopping cart site was the first to integrate with Coinbase so customers could buy goods through Bitcoin.This course will teach you everything you need to know about making money with cryptocurrencies, including some of the special techniques that no one else even knows about. In also include a nice little bonus for all my members so you can see the depths of our research in order to locate those cryptocurrency projects that are destined for success."
Price: 194.99

"From being a single to a fulfilling partnership!"
"Many singles are longing for a love relationship. They hope, they suffer and somehow it seems to them so difficult!But in fact it is often not due to the external circumstances - the reason lies in the internal resistance to a new relationship. In your heart, you don't completely want it!If this sentence resonates with you, then this course is for you! It helps you uncover your hidden barriers to partnership and shows you how to eliminate them. These may be bad experiences from previous partnerships or from childhood. Sometimes reasons go back as far as the history of the family. But sometimes it's also a very wise choice not to be in a partnership at the moment!It is not clever to push yourself, it is more intelligent to understand and to heal something - if you want. So try the many exercises which come from NLP, hypnotherapy and family constellations.Last but not least: Finding a new love is beyond your control but you can prepare yourself to receive it when it comes. It may be very close"
Price: 39.99

"Business Fundamentals For Small Startups Entrepreneurs."
"Are you thinking about starting your small business? If yes, then you need to have a clear understanding of business fundamentals and the guiding process and plan! Most small businesses fail to get off the ground for many reasons that could be avoided with proper planning and preparation.Some of those situations are a lack of business skills and knowledge, following misleading information, ignorance with not doing a market and competitive research, inefficient process and lack of marketing plan. The primary objective of this course is to guide you to avoid as many mistakes as possible, build a solid foundation with as low risk as possible.I understand as an entrepreneur that creating a business requires hard work and investment, and when you are starting, you should not suffer or pay a high price for that, you can not afford it! In this course, we will tackle those fundamentals early on through case studies, real-life examples, and exercises, take out all the fluff, misleading information and put you on the right track, I will do my best to give you a clear and focused process to follow, so you don't have to go through all the frustration, time-wasting, misleading and inefficient activities. COURSE OUTLINE:HOW - TO SET YOUR SELF FOR SUCCESS:It all begins with you, your current situation, your time, skills, strength, and weakness, you are the foundation of your business, once we understand where you are at right now and your goals for your future business then we can start planning for your business around it.  HOW - TO DEFINE YOUR TARGET AUDIENCE AND DELIVER VALUE (USP):If you are starting with a product, then stop immediately. It costs me $20.000 and two years to get it. A lot of small business entrepreneurs get into the habit of starting with a product without thinking of how is it going to fit their audience in the first place; this could be very deadly for a small business with a little to no investment. In this course we will begin with people pains, hopes, and limits, we will talk about different types of consumers and buying habits, how and where to find them and how to create a robust solution and package it into a robust and unique selling proposition that talks to them directly.  HOW - TO DO A MARKET AND COMPETITIVE RESEARCH: Do you know that most entrepreneurs get into a market without even doing simple research, it's like going to a wedding without knowing who you are getting married to. Business newbies get into a new market without realizing that it's a declining or saturated market, well, this should not be you. In this course, I will make sure to walk you through real-life examples with step by step process on how to research market segments, profitably and how to study your competition on a deep level.  HOW - TO FIND SUPPLIERS:Suppliers are your business friends and partners. Once you define your customers and research your market you should be able to form an idea about your solutions and product; this is the time to look for the best suppliers possible. In this course, we will talk about different types of suppliers for different types of industries and what cons should you be aware of and pros to be looking for.  HOW - TO BUILD YOUR TALENTED TEAM:Building a successful business requires a team effort, regardless of it's being composed of two or twenty people, the process of finding the perfect talent that fits your business value and financial situations are the same. In this course we will talk about different types of hiring, where to look for talent and what should you be aware of.  HOW - TO PLAN A SCALABLE PROCESS:Most of the small businesses operate without a consistent and scalable process, which makes them end up with unscalable, unpredictable and inefficient results, they spend their time working and getting exhausted in the business instead of building systems and working on the business. In this course, I will walk you through examples and case studies on how to create an effective and simple process for your business to generate consistent and predictable results so things won't go south on you.  HOW - TO ANALYZE COST STRUCTURE:I believe that you don't want to end up out of business pretty soon, do you? Tons of small companies run out of money and operate at a loss to end up with massive debt, massive damage and life exhaustion, this should not be you! In this course, I will walk you step by step through a simple and precise method and provide you with the essential tools for structuring your costs finding your break-even and do a profitable business.  HOW - TO PLAN ON MARKETING AND SELLING YOUR PRODUCTS:Although this course is not specifically designed to talk in-depth about marketing and sales I will make sure to put you on the right track and show you the big picture of how to market and reach to your audience, will walk you through examples and real-life studies on the process of positioning, pricing and offering your product.  BONUS MATERIALS:HOW - TO DESIGN YOUR LOGO AND COLORS:Visuals are one of the essential elements that reflect your brand image and interact with your audience, in this course I will explain to you all the different types of logo design, what does make a strong logo and what should you avoid, we will be talking about colors meaning and how to choose the right color schemes that reflect, match your brand personality and your voice.  HOW - TO DESIGN YOUR BRAND PHOTOGRAPHY:Learn The rules for creating strong brand photography, how should you communicate your brand message through products/story-telling photography and what you should avoid?"
Price: 19.99

"Postman Crash Course for Beginners - Learn API Testing"
"RESTful APIs are everywhere nowadays but at the same time they are getting more complex to get started with: different HTTP methods,headers, cookies, dealing with file uploads or authentication with api keys, tokens, OAuth and so much more.But before you start investing time writing code to retrieve the data the API is offering, why not test the request first to make sure everything is working as expected?This is where thePostman Appcomes in! Postman allows you very quickly create a request with the required HTTP method and parameters, submit the request and easily inspect the results.Postman can help if you are developing APIs as well! I have created this course for testing engineers and well as for software developers. Postman can help you during the development of your API as well as after the API is completed, by running tests that make sure your API is still working as intended.In this Postman crashcourse for beginners, we will start exploring the features of Postman, creating request and building simple workflows.Then we will continue by writing API tests and automatically running a Postman collection by using the Postman Collection Runner.So lets look at what you are going to learn:Start with simple requests and advance towards more complex scenariosLearn to deal with authentication (example using Bearer token)Start writing API testsOrganize tests in collections and share them with your teamRun API tests using the collection runnerSo after this course you will have an overview of Postman and can later decide in which areas you want to learn more.Excited to learn Postman? Sign-up up today!"
Price: 19.99

"37 Word & Excel 2016 Productivity Tips"
"I believe the very technology that was supposed to make our life easier has created another layer of work which takes us away from things that we want in our lives such as more time with family, time to focus on a new project or simply reducing stress levels and risk of errors.With over 20 years of Adult Learning &Development experince, in this course I cover 37 productivity tips that you must know about Word &Excel to immediately increase your productivity and reduce risk.Rather than waste time attending a classroom style training course, a small time investment will enable you to focus on the key elements of both programs that will have you immediately increasing your productivity and efficiency with Word &Excel with the additional benefit of reducing risk and frustration so you can get on with more important things in your day."
Price: 19.99

"3D Studio Max - Dicas Avanadas"
"Neste curso, reuni as dicas e informaes mais importantes que aprendi durante os mais de 10 anos que trabalhei com o 3D Studio Max para animao, desenvolvimento de personagens para games e filmes digitais.Nesta sequencia de aulas, mostro como configurar o mais corretamente possvel a interface e ambiente do 3D Studio Max 2016, tambm ensino boas prticas em relao a manipular as cenas, criar setups para animaes e configurar as janelas e atalhos do programa da forma mais produtiva e correta possvel.Ao trmino deste curso, o aluno ir aprender as melhores formas de se trabalhar, e salvar futuramente horas de trabalhoevitando o desperdcio de tempo ou tarefas desnecessrias.Esta srie de aulas melhor aproveitado pelos usurios que j so bem ambientados com o 3D Studio Max e que possuam ao menos um bom conhecimento e domnio do programa."
Price: 39.99

"Photoshop Script - Automatizando Processos em AdobeScript"
"Bem vindo ao curso deAdobeScript!Meu nome Tito Petri, e h muitos anos dou aulas sobre os melhores softwares de animao 3D, computao grfica, e desenvolvimento de aplicativosegames.Se voc utilizaos programas da Adobe como o Photoshop, Illustrator ou After Effects, vai se interessar bastante neste curso.Vamos aprender utilizar Scripts e Programao para criar Ferramentas e Plugins para o Photoshop (que tambm pode serutilizado nos outros softwares da Adobe).Em muitos momentos, nos deparamos com a necessidade de se produzir grandes volumes de imagens, cones, telas ou capas em nossos trabalho.Isso pode fazer nosso trabalho se tornar chato erepetitivo, e fazendo esta tarefa manualmente,estamos sujeitos acometer algumerro.J trabalhei muito tempocriando slides e capas para aulas online, botes, telas e elementos de interface para aplicativos. E durante esse tempo aprendi a criar processos bem interessantes para automatizar a gerao desses grficos.Quando aprendemos a aplicaros scripts neste processos, entendemos que o trabalho pode se tornarmuito mais interessante, inteligente e prova de erros.Hoje possuo mais de 1500 video aulas publicadas na internet, um canal do YouTube com mais de 500 videos, j produzi centenas de personagens animados em 3D e j publiquei uma tonelada de material educativo para e-Learning e treinamentocorporativo. Isto seria impossvel sem a ajuda dos meus plugins, ferramentas e scripts mgicos =)O QUE VAMOS APRENDER COM ESTAS AULAS?.Primeiros passos e conceitos sobre Lgica de Programao.Ferramentas e Actions para executar comandos automticos no Photoshop.Primeiros passos na programaodosScripts da Adobe.Criar e manipular grficos, componentes e camadas de umPSD atravs de um script.Criar uma ferramenta para inserir contedo em um arquivo PSD.Criar mtodos para exportar o PSD em diferentes formatos de imagem.Conhecer a estrutura de arquivos JSON, para alimentar o contedo em um PSD.Criar uma ferramenta para gerar Slides baseado em um arquivo de dados em textoSe quiser aprender atrabalhar de forma inteligente, aumentar a sua produtividade etornar o seu trabalhomais divertido, este curso para voc!"
Price: 39.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms In Python"
"This ""Data Structures and Algorithms In Python"" course is thoroughly detailed and uses lots of animations to help you visualize the concepts.  Subtitles are available for the first section and Single Linked List. Closed Captioning for rest of the sections is in progress and are available as [Auto-generated]. This ""Data Structures and Algorithms In Python"" tutorial will help you develop a strong background in Data Structures and Algorithms. The course is broken down into easy to assimilate short lectures, and after each topic there is a quiz that can help you to test your newly acquired knowledge. The examples are explained with animations to simplify the learning of this complex topic. Complete working programs are shown for each concept that is explained.This course provides a comprehensive explanation of data structures like linked lists, stacks and queues, binary search trees, heap, searching and hashing. Various sorting algorithms with implementation and analysis are included in this tutorial.This course covers following topics with Python implementation :Algorithm Analysis, Big O notation, Time complexity, Singly linked list, Reversing a linked list, Doubly linked list, Circular linked list, Linked list concatenation, Sorted linked list.Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Dequeue, Priority queue, Polish Notations, Infix to Postfix, Evaluation of Postfix, Binary Tree, Binary Search Tree, Tree Traversal (inorder, preorder, postorder, level order), Heap, Searching, HashingSorting : Selection, Bubble, Insertion, Shell, Merging, Recursive Merge, Iterative Merge, Quick, Heap, Binary tree, Radix, Address calculation sortThroughout the course, a step by step approach is followed to make you understand different Data Structures and Algorithms. You will see code implementation of different data structures in python and algorithms are explained in step-wise manner. Through this course you can build a strong foundation and it will help you to crack Data Structures and Algorithms coding interviews questions and work on projects. Good foundation on Data Structures and Algorithms interview topics helps you to attempt tricky interview questions.In this Data Structures and Algorithms course, Python programs are used for implementing various concepts, but you can easily code them in any other programming language like C++, Java or C#.What students are saying about this course - ""Very detailed and covers a wide range of topics so far. Great content and explanations. """"This is an excellent course. One of the best I've seen in udemy. The lecturer's use of visuals is refreshing. Her step-by-step explanations are very clear.""""The examples are really good, which further make the explaining of concept a lot easier. I would highly recommend this class to whoever has not learned any data structures before. """"The course meets my expectations. Much of this material is review for me, but I am still learning quite a bit. Deepali's accent is hard for me to understand at first, but I got use to it fairly quickly. I try to code the examples myself while Deepali is presenting them. I am enjoying the course.""""I got the C Data Structures book by Deepali Srivastava earlier and it was a great book. So I had no doubt while purchasing this Data Structures course in Python and the course is great. Absolutely 5 star experience.""""It's a great course. I love it!""""good explanation. good lectures""""Properly explained each and every topic with in-depth knowledge as well as example.happy to take this course""""The pace is about right and everything is explained clearly and concisely with relevant examples.""""Excellent stuff!!""I have been a programmer for a few years, and have learned a lot of these concepts ""on the job."" But this is helping give me a much better foundation.""""Easy language. Understandable. Good use of interactive examples after every theory for explanation.""""Yes, it was more than what I've expected.""""Excellent teaching and demonstration of the material. It is more beneficial for learners to develop their own codes or at least mimic the ones described in the tutorial. I highly recommend this course for anyone interested in Data Structures and Algorithms""""She was explaining it quite clearly""""good explanation. good lectures""""The instructor has selected the topics very intelligently, so that core of data structures is covered. She does not confuse you with plenty of topics. Also for a given problem the internet is full of code examples that are not very straightforward. The instructor of this course has selected the code examples that are very clear. I am discarding tens of python books in favor of her examples. I wish she finds time to give a second volume of the lessons that can cover more topics.""This Data Structures and Algorithms In Python online course on udemy will help software developers to refresh the concepts studied in book / pdf and also to students learning from referred book / pdf.So what are you waiting for, click on Buy button to enroll now and start learning."
Price: 149.99

"Python in Depth : Hands-on Python Programming with Projects"
"This ""Python in Depth : Hands-on Python Programming with Projects"" course is thoroughly detailed, to the point and does not waste any time. It provides numerous 350+ quiz questions and 250+ practice exercises with solutions to strengthen your Python Programming skills.Why learn PythonAccording to recent surveys, Python is one the most popular programming languages in the world. It is used by tech giants like Google, Amazon, Instagram, Facebook and many more.Knowledge of Python is an important prerequisite for working in emerging fields such as Data science, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Python programmers are paid high salaries in the software industry and there is an ever increasing demand for Python professionals in the industry.The reason for Python's popularity is that it is powerful, yet very simple. If you have never programmed before then Python is the best language to start your journey of programming. The code written in Python is shorter than equivalent code written in other languages. Developers love this language and this increases the speed of development which is one of the main reasons why companies prefer Python.Why take this courseThis ""Python in Depth : Hands-on Python Programming with Projects"" tutorial is an efficient and detailed course that teaches you Python in depth without wasting much time. The content of the course is very concise and the presentation is to the point and straightforward.You will get the opportunity to practice Python programming concepts by solving various exercises and quizzes. Solution to each exercise is provided. No prior knowledge of programming is required, this course will smoothly take you from a beginner to an expert.You can clear your doubts in the question and answer forum inside the course.This ""Python in Depth : Hands-on Python Programming with Projects"" course explains the Python features in step-wise manner. All the topics have been explained with Python programs in simple way. You will also see the demonstration of source code implementation for each topic with good examples and programs. This course will build Python programming/scripting skills of developers who have basic understanding of programming. You will learn rich Python programming concepts which will help in providing efficient solution of software projects. You will be able to understand and implement all the Python programming techniques and apply in Python projects/code. This tutorial will also help you to present yourself well for Python coding interview questions.Here is the course content-IntroductionGetting Started with PythonStringsLists and TuplesDictionaries and SetsConditional ExecutionLoopsLooping TechniquesComprehensionsFunctionsModules Scopes and NamespacesFilesObject Oriented Python ProgrammingDecorators350+ Quiz questions250+ Practice exercise for programming5 ProjectsCourse will be updated by adding new topics in detail to have good understanding of Python programming features to build the technical strength and shape your career.This ""Python in Depth : Hands-on Python Programming with Projects"" online course on udemy will be great help to developers to have good Python programming/scripting skills and work on Python projects. Also it will be a good complement to any book/tutorial.What students are saying about this course""Learning new thing always challenging so learning new language. But when I started this course then from beginning it became so interesting that I am going to complete it sooner than later. I hope that I will learn Python within few days which was not possible without this course. Course is fast paced and which is good for experienced developers. Course is well researched and structured. Author of this course has shown great passion.""""Looks great, Underscore thing was a new learning for me and thanks for teaching""""excellent and very nice video tutorial and I want to learn many things in python from your videos and needed more knowledge in future with the same way of teaching""""Good Teaching""""so far I am loving it. thanks""So what are you waiting for, click on Buy button to enroll now and start learning."
Price: 149.99

"Write Your Symphony Now! The Elements of Music Composition"
"Welcome to Write Your Symphony Now! The Elements of Music CompositionThis course is designed to take you through the process of writing a symphony for classical orchestra.Take your music composition and songwriting skills to the next level.Three Approaches to this Course:1. Cover all lessons and advance your ability to write melodies, harmony, songs, and scores.2. Complete selected practice activities and write a sonata, an adagio, a minuet and trio, or a rondo.3. If you successfully complete this course and each of the lessons and activities in it, you will have a completed symphony for full classical orchestra.By the end of this course students will know:Five methods for coming up with melodies and harmonies from scratch.12 ways to create variations on a melody.Principles of composition.How to write and arrange four of the most popular classical music song forms.And much more.This is not a passive learning course. There is a significant amount of work involved to complete the objective and practice modules and the application of concepts in workspaces require your active engagement. What you are undertaking can be done, but it is not easy."
Price: 199.99

"Conquering You Stress with the Five R's"
"My Five Steps to Conquering You Stress Programwas designed for busy working adults just like you.This Conquering Your Stress withthe Five R'scourse describes TheFive R's of Coping(Rethink, Relax, Release, Reduce, & Reorganize) the multi-leveldefense system against stress that forms the foundation of my Five Steps Program. This introductory courseis broken down into sevenlectures, each around 15minutes long.For one low price you get video, audio, and printversions of the course lecturesand a complete set ofexercises and assessments. You can watch, listen, or read the course at your convenience.In Lecture One you will learn how the course is set up and how to access all of the content.In Lecture Twoyou will discover the three components of stressInLecture Threeyou will learn about the short and long-term effects of stress on the body and the mind.In Lecture Fouryou will discover theFive Rs of Coping, amulti-level defense systemagainst stress.In Lecture Fiveyou will find out how the Five R's target all three components of stressIn Lecture Six you will learn how to keep a stressor journal and why it is thekey to personalizing your stress management program.In Lecture Sevenyou will find out how to keep a time journal and how it combines with your stressor journal to form your Personal Stress Profile. You will also learn how to use yourPersonal Stress Profileto build aPersonal Action Plan,your multi-level defense system againststress.Here is What You Get in the CourseAWelcome to the Course videowith step-by-step instructions for navigating the course.SixVideo Lectures delivered in mycasual but scholarlyway.SixAudio Lecturesdelivered in mycasual but scholarly way.A Complete Course Manual in one easy-to-download PDF e-book file. It includes all of the content covered in the video and audio courses plus references and all of the course exercises, assessments, and journals.The complete set of Journals and Exercises that bring the content to life and help you hone your new knowledge and skills.Stress Buster Tips that help youapply the information contained in the course content.Keys to Understandingthat clarify key concepts and get to the essence of the content.Key Termsdefine allof theimportant words.And as a special bonus for signing up from this website I will include a free copy of my best-selling self-help book; Seven Weeks to Conquering Your Stress, a $16.99 value."
Price: 39.99

"Everyday Mindfulness"
"Imagine what your life would be like if you could live it more mindfully with all five senses. You could:Give your work, school. and training activities the full attention and focus they deserve.Treat each conversation with respect by truly listening to others with understanding.Listen tomusic, watch a movie, or read a book with your full attention and focus, appreciating every note, scene, and word.Turneach lovemaking session with your partner into a sensual delight that keeps it new and fresh.Transform your meals into mindful eating experiences bursting with color, flavor, and texture.Turn all of your aerobic exercise sessions into moving meditations.These, and other daily tasks can be made much more rewarding and effective by practicing them more mindfully. This is the goal of the Everyday Mindfulness course."
Price: 149.99

"Great Sex From the Inside Out"
"Most loving, committed couples get stuck in a sexual rut at some point in their relationship. They are not dysfunctional, just stuck.If you are stuck in a sexual rut or are unhappy with your sex life my new course called Great Sex From The Inside Out that might be just what you need to reignite the flame of desirein your relationship.If you are in-between relationships this course will help you identify what you need from your next lover to create the kind of sex life you want and deserve."
Price: 159.99

"Release Your Stress"
"Muscle tension and nervous energy are two common by-products of stress. Each session in this course shows you how to get rid of stress-related tension and nervous energy in healthy ways. In Session One you will release your stress-related nervous energy and muscle tension using Systematic Muscle Relaxation a form ofmild physical activity.In Session Two youwill release your stress-related nervous energy and muscle tension using Yoga and Static Stretching,two forms ofmild-moderate physical activity.In Session Three you willrelease your stress-related nervous energy and muscle tension using Moving Meditation a form of moderate-vigorous physical activity that can be done while walking/running or with other forms of continuousrepetitive exercise.In Session Four you will release your stress-related nervous energy and muscle tension using catharticphysical activity."
Price: 69.99

"Reduce Your Stress"
"Reduce, as a line of defense against stress, works by helping you get rid of unwanted responsibilities and demands on your time. By ""reducing"" these unwanted demands you free up valuable time and energy to focus on the things in your life that really matter. Additionally, when you find that right balance of responsibilities and demands you operate at ""peak performance"" and regain your passion and zest for living. Each person has a unique level of responsibility and demand that sets the bar for their peak performance. This course will help you find your peak performance level and get rid of all of the unwanted responsibilities and demands on your time and energy. ."
Price: 69.99

"Rethinking Your Stress"
"Stress begins and ends in your brain with what your mind tells you about the threat involved in potential stressors and your ability to cope with it. Rethink works by helping you change the way you think about potential stressors and your ability to cope with the threat, harm, or loss, you associate with them. If you can do this you can short-circuit the stress response before it happens.Rethink strategies also help you slow down your runaway mind so you can think more clearly. When you can think more clearly about potential stressors you can often defuse their stressful potential.Lastly, Rethink techniques help you co-exist with your troubling thoughts and painful emotions as you move forward towards your goals. Sometimes you cannot get rid of stressors or defuse them so you have to learn how to shift your focus off of them while coexisting with them."
Price: 69.99

"Reorganize Your Life and Your Stress"
"Coping with stress takes time, energy, and resources. A healthy lifestyle is your best source of these resources. In this course you will:Learn the secrets to creating a healthy, more stress-resistant lifestyle.Discover how to reign in your runaway mind when it obsesses on unhelpful and troubling thoughts.Uncover the secrets to accepting and co-existing with painful emotions such as worry, fear, & anxiety.Discoverhow tofindyour optimal balance between work, play, family, and other responsibilities.Uncover the key to saying no to the people and demands that put you over the edge.Discover how to relax your aching muscles and rid yourself of stress-related tension and nervous energy in healthy ways."
Price: 69.99

"""How Do You Show Up?"""
"""How Do You Show Up? - Practicing Emotional Intelligence""  Are you ready to dig in to answer this question via ""up-front "" and ""to the point"" real conversation?  In this course, we will address how your self-perception matches how you are perceived by your peers and family.  Are you often misunderstood? Have you been passed over for promotion?  Do you consider yourself a good listener? Are you a good team player? If these questions caused you to ""Pause and Think"" then this class is for you. In this course, will dive into defining Emotional Intelligence(EI), the benefits, and begin practicing the EI concepts right away.   You will learn how to be more aware and how to tap into your powers to decide how you will respond to situations that trigger your emotions.Each lesson is followed by a journal prompt that encourages you to reflect upon the lesson, capture your thoughts about the topic, and consider how you will practice applying what you have learned to your life. Join today and begin to realize the benefits of emotional intelligence both professional and personally. "
Price: 19.99

"How to Be Happy & Have the Life You Want: Tools For Success"
"Welcome to our 'How to Be Happy & Have the Life You Want: Tools For Success' course!We all want to be happy, right?If this is true then why are so many of us unhappy? Why do so many of us wish for more excitement, more joy and more fulfillment out of life? True happiness is something that can be learned. Happiness is a choice and just like anything you want, you have to consistently commit to applying principles and tools to your life to maintain happiness.In this course your Instructor Alli Saunders shares her tools, mindset, perspectives and practices regarding happiness and success, that she has learned throughout her life living in multiple different areas in the world, and through running several businesses. She presents tools, tips and new perspectives that will put you on the path to being a happier person and a more successful person, to reach your own version of fulfillment.Here's What Our Students Have to Say:""Very helpful step by step information regarding ""Happiness"" and the myriad of things, such as, the news some of the people we may choose to be around and sometimes our way of thinking negatively can alter your ""Happiness."" Excellent! and down to earth course on happiness."" -Eljeana""This course had very useful information in it to help maintain a positive outlook on life. This would be an excellent beginning course for those who are looking to make immediate changes in their life in order to become happier individuals.""  -L. Micki""She gets right to the point, and makes full sense of everything she says.""  -Daniele""Awesome course! Great suggestions and techniques to achieve happiness immediately and continually. Very uplifting! I will definitely check out her YouTube channel!"" -SabiWhat you will Learn:How to figure out what you really want out of lifeThe things that are blocking you from having the life that you wantTools to use to be happierHow to motivate others to be happierHow to motivate yourselfHow to write affirmations that will make a positive change in your lifeHow to frame your mentality for success and positivityHow to be your best friendThanks for checking this course out! Enrol now and learn to live a more happy and fulfilling life!"
Price: 89.99