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"Zbrush - der neue Power-Workshop (deutsch)"
"Wolltest Du schon immer tolle Modelle in Zbrush erstellen ? Ja? Dann ist dieser Kurs einfach ideal fr Dich.  Du lernst  Zbrush von Grund auf.- Wie bewegt man sich im Programm.- Wie funktioniert das mit den Brushes ?- Mit welchen Mglichkeiten kann man 3D-Modelle erstellen ?- Wie kann ich mein Modell bearbeiten?- Wie kann ich es texturieren bzw. bemalen ?- Wie kann ich es rendern ?- Wie kann ich es exportieren ?-  An einem einfachen Beispiel (Cartoon - Fliegenpilz) zeige ich Dir, wie Du diesen von Grund auf erstellst,   texturierst / bemalst und mit einem Cartoon-Style renderst.- Danach solltest Du in der Lage sein, Deine eigenen Ideen in Zbrush zu verwirklichen."
Price: 149.99

"CAPM Certification: Detailed CAPM Math for the CAPM Exam"
"CAPM (Certified Associate in Project Management) Exam Detailed Math Prep _ According to PMBOK v6You will learn:EARNED VALUE MANAGEMENT, CRITICAL PATH METHOD, CONTRACT TYPE CALCULATIONS, RISK ANALYSIS, PRESENT VALUE CALCULATIONS, THREE-POINT COST & DURATION ESTIMATING TECHNIQUES, COMMUNICATION CHANNELS, PROJECT SELECTION METHODS, MAKE OR BUY ANALYSISDo you know that there will be more than 40 questions in the CAPM Exam related to Math Concepts?Take this course, if you want to solve all of these questions very easily!As a reminder, this is not an introductory course! This is not a How to apply to the exam course too! This is a 4.5 hours length real course explaining all the math concepts you should know before taking the CAPM exam.  The course presentation structure is constructed in a step-by-step manner to make you understand everything very easily. In each section, there are lots of examples so that you can understand all of the concepts very easily.At the end of each section, there are sample questions. Sample questions are designed for you to solidify your knowledge.So,If you want to solve all of the math and math-related questions in CAPM Exam;If you want to get a strong background for the CAPM Exam;If you are looking for a great reference for the CAPM Exam;Better than all, If you want to pass the PMP Exam;You are WELCOME to this course.Disclaimer: PMI, PMBOK, PMP, and CAPM are registered trademarks of the Project Management Institute"
Price: 139.99

"CSS + HTML 101. Your First Web Development Project, CSS"
"CSS + HTML for beginners!Create a web page from scratch with this CSS & HTML project. Learn the basics of HTML & CSS, for beginners. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>If your expectations are too high then you will be disappointed with this course. Don't bother.*********If you're expecting to master HTML and CSS with this course alone you will be disappointed. Don't bother.*********If you're expecting to learn EVERYTHING about HTML and CSS in this course, you WILL be disappointed. Don't bother.*********This IS a beginners course that will give you the basic foundation of HTML and CSS. Nothing more and nothing less.*********If you appreciate working hard and learning this is the course for you.*********If you appreciate what it takes to learn a new profession, this course is for you.*********HTML and CSS is easy to learn and do. However, it takes time! You can NOT learn everything in an hour. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying to you. I will not. I speak the truth. This is...HTML + CSS for beginners. Learn all about HTML & CSS with this crash course for beginners. You'll learn how to use HTML & CSS by doing an actual web development project!When you're finished with this course you'll have completed your first web development project with a real web page.You'll learn all of the following...the basics of HTMLbest practices for HTML structurethe basics of CSSbest practices for CSSthe foundation of both HTML and CSSmy top 3 recommended text editorshow to use tags for headlines, paragraphs and morehow to divide your page into different sections with div tagshow to style your page for pixel perfect designhow to add text and image linkshow to code a link to open in a new taband much more"
Price: 29.99

"Electronics : Diode - A thorough understanding (Part 1)"
"Learn the fundamentals of Diodes and take the first leap to the world of Electronics.This course will be very helpful for students with great interest towards science and especially electronics.Finally ,the course is so designed that if anyone goes from lecture 1 to last lecture the entire subject can be thoroughly understood easily.So lets have a highlight of the entire course quickly-Understand the fundamentals of P-N Junction Semiconductor diode.Properties of P-N Junction Semiconductor diode (Concept of Energy Band Diagram,Depletion Width,Electric Field at the junction etc).V-I Characteristics of Diode.Understand Diode function Generator & Diode Transfer-function Generator.Understand Diode properties under forward biased condition.Diode properties under reverse biased condition."
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking with Hardware Gadgets"
"In this course we will have a look at a couple of hardware gadgets which can be used for hacking.USB HackingI will present you how a keystroke injection attack works and present USB sticks likeUSB Rubber Ducky and while show you how to write your own scripts to exploit this vulnerability.In a series of lectureI will show you how you can build a lower-cost version of theUSB Rubber Ducky by using cheap Chinese made development boards which are compatible with the Arduino platform.After you understand how the attack works and are able to build your own device, I will explain what options are available in order to protect yourself.WiFijammingWiFi Jammers or to call them more properly WiFi deauthers, are basically a very easy way of kicking everybody out from a specific Wi-Fi network and if wanted, making the Wi-Fi network useless.This section is dealing with a known vulnerability in the IEEE 802.11 (Wi-Fi) protocol even with WPA2. While the data you are transferring by the Wi-Fi network is encrypted and better protected, the problem are the so called management frames that are not always authenticated, thus allowing an attacker for example to disconnect the devices from the network by sending a so-called deauthentication frame, used to terminate a connection. I will show you how it is done and what you can do to protect yourself.Expected more?I plan to explore other devices and attack techniques, based on your feedback!"
Price: 19.99

"Google Analytics Grundlagen 2020"
"Durch diesen Kurs lernen Sie die wesentlichen Funktionen von Google Analytics kennen und welchen Nutzen Ihnen die Webanalyse bringt.Im Kurs ""Google Analytics Grundlagen"" erfahren u.a. Sie wie Sie ein Konto erstellen, Properties und Datenansichten verwalten, Tracking-Codes implementieren und Datenfilter einrichten.Auerdem lernen Sie die Google-Analytics-Benutzeroberflche kennen und erfahren, wie Sie verschiedene Berichte aufrufen sowie Dashboards und Verknpfungen einrichten.Auerdem zeige ich Ihnen, wie Sie die grundlegenden Berichte ""Zielgruppe"", ""Akquisition"" und ""Verhalten"" auswerten sowie Zielvorhaben und Kampagnen-Tracking einrichten.Das Wissen dieses Kurses schafft die Grundlagen dank intelligenter Datenerfassung und -analyse weiter auszubauen und zu optimieren.AbschlussbescheinigungNach dem Abschlieen eines Udemy-Kurses erhltst du eine Abschlussbescheinigung, die du Kollegen und mglichen zuknftigen Arbeitgebern vorlegen und natrlich auch Verwandten und Freunden zeigen kannst. Mit dieser Abschlussbescheinigung kannst du zeigen, was du erreicht hast."
Price: 89.99

"Yaammz her gn aldmz yzlerce kk ve byk kararla ekillenir.Bu yzden,karar verme becerisi gelitirmek,odaklanmamz gereken en nemli ilerden biridir.te bu kurs,bu konuda bilinen yntemleri renmeniz ve yaamnza uygulamanz amacyla yaynland.Yaamniyiletirmek isteyen herkes,mutlaka karar verme konusunda kendini eitmeli ve baarl insanlarn ,bu konuyla ilgili neri ve yntemlerini renmek iin gayret gstermeli.Eer byle bir aba iine girerseniz ,ok ilgin bilgilere ulama ans yakalayacak , ayni zamanda da kendinize zevkli bir yolculuk yaatm olacaksnz."
Price: 49.99

"Facebook Ads e Instagram Ads (2020) + Copywriting"
"NUEVO Curso de Facebook Ads (2020) y Neuromarketing/Persuasin donde aprenders fcilmente:Mdulo 1: Marketing Online y Embudos de Conversin Descubre porqu Facebook ADS es tan potente y como puede ayudarte en el embudo de conversin. Tipos de campaas que funcionan mejor para cada necesidad.Mdulo 2: Pblico y ConfiguracinConfigura paso a paso tu cuenta, segmenta tu pblico, instala pxel y enva campaas a los clientes potenciales. Empieza a adelantar a tu competencia.Mdulo 3: Creacin y Segmentacin de campaasAqu vas a aprender todo lo que necesitas saber de la segmentacin en Facebook para sacarle todo el partido. Trucos y secretos que funcionan. Capta ms clientes en modo automtico.Mdulo 4: Campaas paso a paso para DUMMIES (Nuevo!)Las 3 campaas ms importantes paso a paso, para que puedas aprender todos los detalles y no te pierdas nada.Mdulo 5: Optimizacin de campaasDescubre ejemplos y diseos que funcionan y convierten. Optimiza las campaas y tus anuncios. Descubre como analizar los resultados y recuperar la inversin. Convierte visitas en clientes.BONUS: NeuromarketingAprende a persuadir a tus clientes, haz que tus textos e imgenes destaquen y aprende a utilizar el Marketing emocional y la persuasin. Enamora a tu pblico, haz que quieran comprar ms.Que voy a aprender en este curso?Este Curso te convertir en un experto en Facebook Ads, con todos los elementos necesarios para puedas hacer crecer su negocio con publicidad de Facebook. Despus de este curso vas a poder ser independiente en tus campaas de Facebook ADS con conocimientos que van mas all de la herramienta."
Price: 199.99

"Wordpress de la A a la Z"
"En estecurso 100% onlineaprenders lo necesario paracrear tu propia web o blog. Aprende los pasos para instalar tuWordPressen un servidor propio, configurarlo y empezar a escribir. Aprenders no solotcnicas,sino tambinestrategiapara encontrar un nicho de mercado que te aporte valor y opciones demonetizacin.Este curso esta pensado para cualquier persona que desee tener un sitio web en Internet, desde una web corporativa a un blog personal o profesional.La formacin se realizar paso a paso y en pequeasentregas diarias(pldoras formativas) que podrn ser realizadas durante los diferentes das del curso online.Si realizas este curso, al finalizar, tendrs:Una pgina web o blog en Internet con una temtica monetizable.Dominio propio y alojamiento.WordPress instalado y funcionando con los plugins y temas imprescindibles.Temario:Eleccin y compra de dominio.Alojamiento web.Instalacin y configuracin de WordPress.Eleccin detemticas monetizables.Iniciacin a WordPressConfiguracin bsicaMens y WidgetsCreacin de pginas y entradasInstalacin de un tema GratuitoPlugins y Temas Recomendados"
Price: 19.99

"Linux System Administration for Beginners"
"Linux System Administration for Beginners course Designed for people who want to kickstart their career in Linux. RHEL v7 is used to perform practicals. You may opt for CentOS 6/7 as well. Linux System Administration for Beginners course is Designed in such a way that it covers almost all topics which are important from the beginner point of view.Linux System Administration for Beginners course is divided into 4sections:SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION1. Introduction2. Installation of RHEL 73. Using SSHSECTION 2: BASIC MANAGEMENT TASKS1. Using vim2. Working with Files3. User and Group Management4. Managing Permissions5. Managing ProcessesSECTION 3: OPERATING RHEL SERVER1. UsingEssential tools and Getting Help2.Managing Softwares3. Working with links and tar4. Working with Logs5. Managing Partitions6. Managing LVMSECTION 4: ADVANCED MANAGEMENT TASKS1. Scheduling Tasks2. Understanding Kernel3. Configuring HTTP andCreating a Website4. Firewall Configuration5. Resetting the Root PasswordLinux System Administration for Beginners course comes with 30-Day money back guarantee.(No questions asked)"
Price: 59.99

"Course for Freelancers targeting North America clients"
"This course will turn you into a special freelancer. The lessons here are designed to teach you exactly what Western employers want, helping you stand out from thousands of other freelancers.My name is Lior Izik and I live in Toronto, Canada. I have managed multiple IT companies in the fields of programming, design, and marketing.In the last 15 yearsIve moved millions of dollars from my bank account paying offshore developers, and worked in areas that most people have never heard of.This course will turn you into a special resource. The lessons here are designed to teach you exactly what Western employers want, helping you stand out from thousands of other offshore workers.The course includes 19 lessons, homework and quizzes."
Price: 19.99

"Working With Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain on IBM Bluemix"
"Blockchain technology is making so much buzz now a days. You might have heard about some interesting technologies based on Blockchain. The Hyperledger Fabric is one of the most talked about Blockchain in the Corporate World due to it's amazing features for the corporation.TheHyperledger Projectis an open source, collaborative effort to create a blockchain for business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-customer (B2C) transactions. IBM was one of the founding members of the Hyperledger Project, donating 44,000 lines of blockchain code to what became the first project under incubation, Hyperledger Fabric.In this course I will teach you how to setup your own private Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain using IBM Bluemix Cloud service using their web interface.I will explain each and every step & their setup architecture while setting up the Blockchain. I will also explain how to to deploy chaincode using their interface & then also access their APIs using web interface.After this course you will be able to setup your fabricblockchain in IBM cloud & use it to get your PoC done."
Price: 129.99

"Overcome Difficult People - Assertiveness with Games Players"
"Overcoming Difficult People - Assertiveness with Games PlayersRegain control over Difficult People - a practical approach to using assertiveness when dealing with Games PlayersDo you have difficult people in your life? People who make you feel insecure, angry, or undermined? People who you seemingly cant ever say the right thing to do and always criticise or trap you? These people might be in your home or work life but I am sure you will know some! Overcome Difficult People is a practical programme designed to help you easily and calmly deal with Games Players using assertiveness, honesty and disarming techniques. My goal is for you to feel happy, confident and in control even in difficult relationships and manipulative interactions.This programme uses 100% practical tools and techniques to help you conquer difficult situations. We look at 20 different types of Games Players (most of whom Im sure you will have met during your life) and then 6 practical methods to disarm them immediately and regain your confidence and control. Being in a conversation or relationship with a Games Player is very circular, frustrating, and often hurtful, so this course will help you break that loop and finally feel calm and free! That annoying neighbour who wont stop criticising you, or the frustrating colleague who asks for constant advice and then tells you none of it will work.? Yep - theyre all in the Games Player theory!Games Player theory is entertaining and memorable - investigating negative manipulative techniques like Poor Me, Blemish, Mines Better, Only Joking and Sulking, plus lots more. We look at family dynamics, aggression, and reasons why perfectly good people might play games possibly even you do without realising! Then we detail exactly what you can say or do: like how to be Assertive, ways to live with these people comfortably, how to play the game back (and better!), and more. Every single videos uses real life examples and give practical tools you can use right away to regain control against manipulative conversations.Chris Croft is an international speaker, and widely published author, who has been teaching Happiness, Leadership and Assertiveness to companies for over 20 years. He now combines his business and personal experience into a practical course about overcoming Difficult People. He's taught all over the world, as well as hundreds of thousands of people online, and has an entertaining and practical teaching style.The course overview includes:Practical tools and techniques for counteracting interactions with Difficult PeopleLearn how to immediately disarm a manipulative conversationOvercome fear of confrontation, and rid yourself of negative peopleWays to reduce anxiety and increase empowerment and happinessTools to stop letting others intimidate you, manipulate you, or take over your decisionsHow to become calm and confident in relationships at work and at homeFind it easy to say no, be assertive, and speak your mindAnd as always it's 100% practical, and with no academic jargon.If you are ready to make practical changes and regain control this course is for you!By discovering practical tools to overcome Difficult People, not only will you benefit from feeling calm, happy and in control, youll have finally worked out which people are toxic in your life, and why that one acquaintance always got under your skin. Say goodbye to stress, manipulation and unhappiness. This course WILL change your relationships at work and at home.... if you let it!This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee, no questions asked."
Price: 129.99

"Formao Maya Completa Pacote com 15 Cursos"
"Formao Maya Completa Pacote com 15 Cursos, d bsico ao avanado, so mais de 250 aulas mais de 30 horas em vdeo aulas prticas e diretas.Aprenda modelagem, texturizao, iluminao utilizando um dos maiores programas do seguimento de 3D, utilize o V-Ray para gerar cenas realsticas.Durante os cursos voc vai aprender passo a passo todo o processo de produo das cenas, 15 projetos completos do inicio ao fim.Obs: emitido apenas um certificado geral para o pacote de cursos, a Udemy no emite certificados individuais para cursos agrupados, o aluno tambm tem a opo de adquirir os cursos separadamente adquirindo assim 1 certificado para cada curso."
Price: 579.99

"Formao 3ds Max Completa Pacote com 7 Cursos"
"Formao Maya Completa Pacote com 07 Cursos, d bsico ao avanado, so mais de 175 aulas mais de 19 horas em vdeo aulas prticas e diretas.Aprenda modelagem, texturizao, iluminao utilizando um dos maiores programas do seguimento de 3D, utilize o V-Ray para gerar cenas realsticas.Durante os cursos voc vai aprender passo a passo todo o processo de produo das cenas, 7 projetos completos no inicio ao fim.Obs: emitido apenas um certificado geral para o pacote de cursos, a Udemy no emite certificados individuais para cursos agrupados, o aluno tambm tem a opo de adquirir os cursos separadamente adquirindo assim 1 certificado para cada curso."
Price: 579.99

"A professional WordPress Website in 7 steps"
"Welcome to The 7 steps to create a professional Website by using WordPress - The ultimate WordPress crash course for your blogging business where I invite you to go through the essential steps for setting up your first Website/Blog in less than an hour by using WordPress. This is one of the easiest modalities on how to create a professional WordPress Website with no coding knowledge. Your blogging business is just about to launch. Learn the basic WordPress Commands quickly:Make a short WordPress Dashboard WalkthroughLearn WordPressNavigational ElementsBuild suitable WordPress Widget AreasFind useful WordPress PluginsYou will know the basic tools to create a WordPress Website according to your imagination and needs in no time!Discover the main tools of WordPress and learn to play with them, until you are content with the result you see. This introductory course is designed for future bloggers, coaches, consultants, trainers, and entrepreneurs, who want to be visible online - and trust me I have been blogging for several years and I have received numerous messages from my fans on how I have built the WordPress Website of my blog. ""I really like the design of your blog! Blogging seems so easy when I read your blog..."" Those are only a few comments received. Nowadays besides the social media presence, a Website is one of the indispensable marketing tools business owners should take advantage of. It is neither expensive, difficult nor time costly to self-create a WordPress Website and to start blogging business. On the contrary, this should be fun! As proof of the usability of WordPress 35 World Companies are using it for their Websites - among them famous brands like Vogue USA, Time Magazine Online, The New York Times Company, Coca Cola France, Forbes, Facebook Newsroom and the eBay Blog. We will start with the big picture by making us a first impression on how WordPress application is structured. Therefore we will make a quick WordPress Dashboard Walkthrough. The more we will get familiarized with the functionality of WordPress we will have a look at the navigational elements that means how the menu of WordPress is working: where you find the tools for giving your Website a shape, by choosing a suitable WordPress theme. In order to structure your Blogging Website in a user-friendly way you should know something about Widgets areas - this will make your Website look professionally. At the end of the course, we will find out what plugins are, which ones you can make use of and how to use them. I designed this introductory WordPress course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. Ready for your first online platform? Then subscribe to this course and let`s start..."
Price: 19.99

"Psychology Training: Stress management skills at work"
"While some stress at work is normal, excessive stress can lower your productivity and performance, impact your physical and emotional health, and erode your relationships and home life. It can also mean the difference between success and failure in the job. You can not have an influence on everything in your work environment, but that does not mean you're helpless, YOU can tune on your workflow! Whatever your ambitions or work demands, there are steps you can take to protect yourself from the damaging effects of stress, improve your job satisfaction, and boost your well-being in and out of the workplace.Therefore I created the online course ""Psychology Training: Stress management skills at work. Tune on your workflow!""As a manager, supervisor, or employer, though, you find there psychology founded methods you can apply to workplace stress. Having your employees can suffer from work-related stress can result in lower productivity, lost workdays, and a higher turnover of staff. By acting as a positive role model, you can remain calm in stressful situations - and your employees will adopt the same attitude.Train your stress management skills by doing it right in the workplace and accelerating therefore your workflow!Learn basic information about stress at work and its effectsGet to know what skills you need to trainDiscover exercises for individual workers to lower their stress levelApply methods for reducing the stress of your body Create a healthy work climate by training your competencies for managing stress at work using psychology knowledge - individually or from an organizational point of view!We will learn about it. Moreover, we will see. For a long time, it has been ignored. Only when big accidents - like for example crushing airplanes - caused by too much stress, organizations started to understand it is not just a personal problem of one worker or another and that something must change. So it is necessary to take action individually but also organizationally. This course will give you the right tools in this direction! I designed this course to be very practice-oriented, so 75% of it contains only of exercises! You will learn how to handle demands: work overload/underload, complex work, monotonous work, dangerous work, toxic substances, work posture, physically demanding work or shift work. Does this sound familiar to you?Take control over your work situation: What to do when you do not have to say much in your work? And how to handle liberties?Support is essential for lowering stress: How to act in case you have low pay? Or a flexible working contract? What about social support?Healthy relationships can make your work more pleasurable: How to react in case of poor leadership? Or when you or someone else is discriminated at work?Which is actually your role at work? How to manage too much responsibility? Or if everyone wants something else from you? Last but not least we will talk about change within the organization: What about poor career prospects? Or Job Insecurity?So if you are sick of work stress and motivated to make a change in this direction and enhance your workflow, I am glad to welcome you in my course about stress management at work. So push the subscribe button and let`s start!"
Price: 19.99

"Die Kunst der Verhandlung"
"Immer wieder erleben Menschen Verhandlungen, in denen beide Seiten eine feste Position beziehen und um die Marge feilschen. Am Ende fhlt sich hufig mindestens einer der Verhandlungspartner ber den Tisch gezogen und geht mit dem unguten Bauchgefhl aus der Verhandlung, eigentlich ein besseres Ergebnis erzielt haben zu knnen. Eine schlechte Voraussetzung fr alle weiteren Kontakte mit dem Gesprchspartner.Unser Kurs Die Kunst der Verhandlung zeigt Ihnen Auswege aus dieser (scheinbaren) Sackgasse!Auf der Grundlage eines Verhandlungsmodells nach der Idee des Harvard-Konzepts erfahren Sie, wie Sie durch 5 Schritte zur erfolgreichen Verhandlung ein Ergebnis erzielen knnen, das nicht nur fr Sie optimal ist, sondern auch fr Ihren Verhandlungspartner.So erhalten Sie Vereinbarungen, die eingehalten werden und die Ihre Beziehungen zu Ihrem Verhandlungspartner strken!"
Price: 149.99

"Traditional Reiki; Usui Shiki Ryoho, level 1 Shoden."
"Hello my dear friend and welcome,  Thank you for stopping, pausing and taking your time to listen to me.  Your time is precious and I am honoured you are sharing yours with me.  I'm Deborah Casey your Reiki master teacher and course instructor.  I am here to be of service and aid you in learning Reiki.This course is your first step to empowerment through Reiki teachings and attunement.  Reiki is simple, easy and offers a way to self-healing and healing others through natural and none invasive methods through healing energy.  When you receive Reiki teachings and attunements this powerful Universal Energy will be with you not matter where you go, what you do it will guide and enable you.When you have completed this course, taken time to adjust to the new energies of Reiki you can progress on to become a Certified Usui Reiki Practitioner; this is a course that empowers and enables you to progress onto practitioner level and thereafter Reiki Master Teacher level.  Traditional Usui Reiki level 1 Diploma course (this course is a requirement to level 2 and 3 ReikiReiki level 1 is often referred to as first degree, Shoden, and is the foundation level to higher Degrees of Reiki; this must be completed before advancing to level 2 and then Reiki level 3.  It is very important to take time to adjust to the new energies and practices within each level of Reiki taken between each level of Reiki.level 1 Reiki is founded upon the attunements which open you up to Reiki and once this pathway is established you are able to channel Reiki for the rest of your life.  Maybe you have you experienced Reiki through treatment from a practitioner and it has led you here.  Maybe you have accessed my introductory Reiki course and want to progress on.  Maybe you have been called to Reiki as an impulse from your heart... then I am pleased to be here and of service in you personal growth and development. Life is full of up's and downs, bumps in the road, upheavals and changes.  But there is one thing that always remains the same and that is Reiki.  Reiki is a wonderful healing and spiritual practice that can support you as you navigate your way through life.  And when things become tremendously difficult you can place your hands in Gassho and recite the Reiki principles, apply healing and know that all is well.But know that Reiki is a holistic therapy and spiritual practice that treats brain, body, being balanced.My personal experience of Reiki in a nutshell:My experience began back in 1999 I escaped a dreadful life experience, this left me experiencing trauma and all the effects that go hand in hand with trauma.  One day a friend invited me to join her at a pamper day at a local community setting.  There I experienced Reiki; I was very fortunate as the lady was packing up and didn't really have time.  But she stopped and she gifted me her last 20 minutes that should have been used to pack up and clear away.  I never experienced anything like it before.  20 minutes seemed like hours and I felt the deepest comfort and calm. As I ""returned"" from what can only be described as the Presence of Divinity, I felt my life had changed.  Thereafter life did change.  There were many bumps and issues but Reiki seemed to be present at every turn... as if beckoning to me the way of peace.  I followed the way and life just kept improving and getting better and better as experiences of Chi Kung and healings with more practitioners came to me.  Over the course of time I enrolled onto my holistic therapy training and it was one day  when I was in college and a fellow student talked to me about her Reiki Master teacher friend.  her friend was visiting some months later and was going to attune my fellow student to Reiki and she asked if I would want to have this also.  I was sceptical, yet I had no reason for Reiki had been present and I had experienced Reiki.  But I went along and life changed again.  I had not experienced Reiki attunements and this was something very different.  Not only was I in the ""Presence of Divinity"" I was elevated to a place and space that felt limitless, timeless and as if I had come home.  I was at one with what is known as source, God, Divinity.  I digressed my path and it took me to ""Plato's cave"" and the darkest nights of the soul... From this I emerged and here I am today, grateful of my many lessons, and teachers and the gifts each have bestowed.Moving on with your Reiki course...Reiki can safely be used in combination with orthodox medical care and other complementary therapies.Reiki combines well with many alternative therapies, including Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Kinesiology, Counselling and will increase their effectiveness and decrease the time required to see positive change. Sometimes people find that with regular Reiki treatments their dependence on medication may be reduced. For example someone on Thyroxine may find that the thyroid gland is kick started by the Reiki, therefore for a time they could have symptoms of excess thyroid production until the medication is adjusted appropriately.It is therefore recommended to advise people on thyroid or diabetic medication of this possibility so they can be prepared to contact their GP if necessary. It may even be appropriate to let their doctor know beforehand that they are receiving Reiki if they are on Thyroxine or diabetic medicationWho is this course for?This course is for anyone who is interested in self-healing, healing loved ones and friends, through the application of natural methods that are friendly and healing to Mother Earth.  This course is for students who have limited finances, time and who prefer to study and learn in the comfort of their own home, at a time and pace that suits themselves.  This course is for those who may feel sceptical but who have an open mind and heart and wish to develop and grow their inner being and share this with the world.How this course is deliveredLevel one Reiki course is a foundation course and teaching is through a variety of means: Power point presentationFull pdf manual Demonstration videosMeditationsEnergetic Reiki attunement transmitted through multi-media (other methods are available please enquire)The course is online study, with student support with life time access to the training guides. A Udemy certificate of completion is accessible at the completion of your course, a traditional Usui certificate is available upon request and a small fee is required.What Will You Learn?This is a comprehensive, foundation course of study.  Students learn:The healer; what is healing, the responsibility of the healer, Reiki healing, healing and curing, Spiritual healing and spiritualityWhat is Reiki How Reiki worksThe History of ReikiThe founder of Reiki and Reiki masters active in development and spread of ReikiThe human energy system; including mudra, mantras, yoga poses, foods that power up the centresThe effects, uses and contra-indications to Reiki.Ways of using Reiki energy; what Reiki can be used for.The Reiki Principles a simple and easy method to reduce stress and tension.The effects of attunement and cleansing period.Self-healing practice.Sharing Reiki - working on others.Keeping you energys clear.The Usui healing hand positionsStudents also learn about the newly formed Professional membership group - the British Reiki Organisation which is open to all Reiki practitioners.Practical sessions include:How to sense your energy.How to cleanse your energy.How to sense the flow of energy.How to know when to move on.Posture and practice; Reiki energy practices and healing practicesAre you ready to begin learning Reiki and become attuned to level 1, Shoden?  Then enrol today and I look forward to meeting you on the other side - and remember you have support in the Q and A  platform.  And remember if youre not happy with what you learn then you have this one guarantee a 30 day money back guarantee."
Price: 119.99

"Level 2 Traditional Usui Reiki"
"***Traditional Usui Reiki level 2 Diploma course***Reiki level 2, is also known as Shoden in the founding nation, Japan. It is also referred to as 2nd degree Reiki. Welcome to this level of learning, your next step along your Reiki path. This level of learning allows you to receive paying clients who will accept Reiki healing from the Universe as it flow through, you a clear conduit of healing energy as you have healed yourself. This course teaches the student three of four Reiki symbols, how to draw and activate them and to use them in healing sessions with yourself and clients. This course teaches distance healing method that Dr Usui taught his students; distance is no matter for Reiki, Universal energy transcends all time and so healing the past, present and future is achievable, as too other lifetimes and dimensions. Karma is resolved and you begin to move into a clearer state of being, whatever requires purging from your conscious and unconscious mind will be released and you will be able to review this, if you choose, to glean pearls of wisdom and gems of insight. This course provides you with a recognised diploma that allows you to apply for membership with the international institute of complimentary therapists who have options for insurance that covers you and your practice when receiving clients.What is covered in this courseProfessional standards for holistic therapists Reiki is universal but it is also holistic and you will explore what holistic is?We look at communication and record keepingWe look at reception and consultation with clientsTreatment space, providing treatment and aftercareThe Aura and distance healingModern masters who explored the roots of Reiki providing a fuller understanding of Usui and ReikiAnd you receive your Attunement to level 2 Reiki through multi-media, energetic transmissionsSecond Degree Reiki (Usui Reiki Shiki Ryoho, Reiki Level 2) includes:Reiki Level 2 Attunement You are attuned to the Usui Reiki Level 2 energy, increasing the strength of your Reiki energy.A level 2 Reiki manual that supplements the course recordingsInformation about Reiki lineage.To receive your recognised diploma you will need to forward your Udemy certificate to me, your course instructor, as such this requires a valid and working email address that is used purely for your certification.  The benefits of taking this course are many and include:Progress deeper along your spiritual path, deepen your intuition and inner connection, deepen your own personal healing process.Release feelings that can stunt your progress and growth such as sorrow, sadness, grief, jealousy, fear and anger.Discover more balance in everyday life.Develop understanding of your connection to all beings, situations and how even difficult life situations can be a blessing in disguiseExperience the sensation of being grounded in any situation.Learn new techniques for meditation, relaxation and self-healing.Develop greater confidence in treating others.Begin to help others professionally.Receive guidance in the Q and A of the platform and through private messenger.Receive individual ongoing attention and guidance from your teacher.Learn to help others through the concept of oneness (distant healing)."
Price: 159.99

"Aromatherapy level 2; intermediate study"
"Hi and Welcome to this course which has recently been redesigned and reproduced.  This course is suitable for personal learning, to support any current in class training programme you are on, or for personal interest.  This course follows on from level one aromatherapy course and precedes the level 3 Professional Qualified diploma Aromatherapy course.  The professional qualified diploma Aromatherapy course has received IICT approval but is accepted by the professional membership group British Holistic Therapy Organisation.This course is a pre-requisite to the professional aromatherapist diploma course to have completed this course.  Upon completion and submission of coursework, which includes case studies, and final exam students will receive a certificate from Calm Oasis Holistic Therapy (no sooner than 8 weeks after completion of the course) Note: there is a requisite for aromatherapy massage that students hold a professional diploma or are enrolled onto, and progressing through, the Calm Oasis Holistic Therapy Professional Qualification in Body Massage course.  Before commencing this course please take a look at the free Aromatherapy course, ensure that you have completed the level one course as they are prerequisite courses and we do check that students have completed them and remain enrolled onto the course.Aromatherapy is an ancient practice stemming back some thousands of years.  It is an art and science of utilising aromatic essential oils to aid health and well-being.  These essential oils are collected from plant material; flowers, seeds, roots, tree bark are just some of the materials essential oils are collected from.  The essential oils have therapeutic properties that aid many ailments, help with nourishing our mind and body, and lift our spirits.  Note:This course is also available to students who wish to learn about aromatherapy essential oils to improve their own health and maintain their wellbeing, and their loved ones, without any desire to become a qualified Aromatherapist.Some of the subjects covered in this course:Professional standards for therapistsReception and consultationAnatomy and physiologyA brief History of AromatherapyWhat is Aromatherapy?What is essential oils?Where essential oils come from.How essential oils enter the bodyCarrier oils and how we use them with essential oils.Methods of collection essential oils.Purchasing essential oilsBlending, mixing and dilution that have some demonstration videos with themHealth, safety and storage of essential oils A brief look at plant familiesA to Z of essential oils (therapeutic properties, uses and applications)Self application of essential oil massage blends - demonstrationsRecipe of delight - creating signature massage blends for personal use.Students receive lifetime access to recorded materials and a Udemy certificate of completion. students, upon completion of all course work receive a certificate of completion from Udemy a certificate from Calm Oasis Holistic For to achieve the professional diploma certificate students will have completed the Professional Body massage course and fulfilled those requisites, or provide evidence of being qualified in body massage by supplying a copy of a Professional Body Massage Diploma.  But also will need to provide case study's for this Professional Diploma certificate. This course is ideal for those students who are:Health-conscious individuals.Looking for the very best natural healing methods available.Are eager to be empowered in the decisions about their own health.Eager to discover ancient methods applicable for modern times in overcoming health concerns.Keen to discover easy, simple and natural ways to overcome health worries.Interested in discovering fun and enjoyable ways to improve and maintain health.Interested in exploring and researching to broaden their learning.Want to learn how to make personal products for personal use.For students who want to become professional Aromatherapists and to provide Aromatherapy massage as part of their servicesWho want to access professional membership and professional Idemnity insurance (currently UK and  EU member states)"
Price: 99.99

"Professional Diploma level, Certified Aromatherapy Course"
"This level 3 professional Aromatherapy is approved with the IICT - the international Institute of complementary therapistsThis course is an informational and educational tool for students to continue to develop their understanding and knowledge of Aromatic Essential oils for personal use, for use with family, friends, loved ones and clients.This course is useful for anyone who wants to learn more about aromatherapy to promote their own health and well-being using natural essential oils safely. Receive a Udemy certificate of completion Receive a Professional Diploma from Calm Oasis holistic therapy and information about professional membership and indemnity insurance The new course outline is below; this is to be produced/recorded and provided to students as it is completed and ready to share.  Any new students must bare this in mind before purchasing the course and remember the 30 day money back guarantee that is in place.  New course outlineThis course continues the students learning from the level 2 course, you may want to take this course but for the point of personal learning and how to make things for your personal care and includes:Role and responsibility of the AromatherapistContinued professional development and professional developmentAnatomy, physiology and pathology The use of holistic therapy and essential oils in care of palliative patientsTreatment area, equipment and consultationCarrier mediums; butters, gels, aromatic waters and waxesA- Z of essential oilsEssential oils and The ChakrasThe chemistry of Essential oilsMaking personal products; learn how to make a simple infused oil for use in making balms, learn how to use simple seeds to make natural gels etcAftercare and record keepingShould you want to go to the professional level then the following are requisites that must be fulfilled:Case study; 20 complete case studies are required - 20 people receive 6 full aromatherapy massage treatment which includes the consultation process.Aftercare and record keeping Final exam and assignments assess the students learning.This course is ideal for those students for those students who are:Health-conscious individuals.Looking for the very best natural healing methods available.Are eager to be empowered in the decisions about their own health.Eager to discover ancient methods applicable for modern times in overcoming health concerns.Keen to discover easy, simple and natural ways to overcome health worries.Interested in discovering fun and enjoyable ways to improve and maintain health.Interested in exploring and researching to broaden their learning.Want to learn how to make personal products for personal use"
Price: 199.99

"Professional Qualification Diploma Reflexology Course"
"**********This course is under review and will be updated*************Professional Qualification in Reflexology, this course builds upon the level one and level two Reflexology courses that must be completed before enrolling onto this course.  Current students are requested to enrol and complete these as requisites - there are no exceptions as these two new levels provide a fundamental grounding in Reflexology. Reflexology is an amazing therapy as it works on the feet and has a whole body affect.  The act of lying down and the feet being raised helps to relieve pressure from the body.  Preparing the feet, followed by a gentle, slow and rhythmic treatment is soothing, calming and comforting. I've received many clients who have enjoyed Reflexology and incorporating hot basalt stones has provided a touch of luxury to the experience but also the stones help to clear the stagnant energies - and in this course there is a wonderful section sharing hot stone reflexology...  Additionally there is a section about the incorporation of crystals gemstones into Reflexology therapy sessions as an interest element only...Hi and welcome to this professional course of study, this course has received approvals from the international institute of complimentary therapists which gives credibility to your learning and training.  The professional qualification is accepted by the British Holistic Therapy Organisation that is a professional membership group that offers a practitioner register and directory for qualifying students.  Upon becoming a member students can gain access to professional indemnity insurance which is currently only available to UK and EU students, students in other locations will need to make enquiries of insurers in their locale.This course builds upon the Level 1 beginners Reflexology  and Level 2 Reflexology for couples courses that are required before enrolling onto this course of professional learning.  Or you may have received a Reflexology treatment and found this to be extremely helpful your own health and well-being and feel drawn to learning to provide this method to others to promote their health and vitality.  Whatever brought you here know that this course is comprehensive and teaches all you need to know to ready you as a professional therapist providing reflexology to private paying clients.  The feet are a mirror to your body and show the areas of imbalance that are currently requiring your help and Reflexology aims to restore balance through application of pressure to reflex points. When we have balance in our life we have harmony in our body brain and we are relaxed, happy and content.As a qualified therapist you will be empowered to help others through the power of touchAre you ready to take this step? Yes! Then enrolled today and take your next forward strides to a new professional career I look forward to being with you on this journey.This course is comprehensive and successful students can apply for a professional Diploma qualification.  To obtain the qualification students must fulfil the assignments and case study elements.  Topics covered:Professional standardsReception and consultationTreatment area and equipmentProducts for treatmentAnatomy and physiologyReflexology and massage techniquesHistory of therapyEquipment and treatment areaHealth, safety and securityDemonstrations of providing professional therapyUsing heated stones and crystals in therapyLearn about case studies and practice theseCase study - due to the courses being for educational purposes only the case study optional students require 6 case studies = 6 clients receive 6 treatments each = 36 hours practical experience.Each course is currently being updated to reflect this new information.Why take this courseLearn from a seasoned professional and qualified therapistAccess to support through the Q and A area of the platformThis course is comprehensive and included demonstration videosLearn natural approaches to improve and maintain health and well-beingShare the experience with loved ones, family and friendsThis course can supplement in person, live training at colleges or institutesThis course is a useful aid to in person training"
Price: 194.99

"Professional Qualification Indian Head Massage course"
"Indian head massage is founded in ancient culture and has been shared in families in Indian for centuries.  The luxurious and voluminous hair of the Indian ladies and gentlemen is due to the care provided.  Indian head massage is part of the Ayurveda system of health and is a delightful and wonderful therapy to learn and share.About this course:Access a fully comprehensive course of studyBuild your knowledge and confidence in your chosen modalitySupport your professional development and personal growthUseful for ultimate health and wellbeing and share with loved onesEnjoy sharing the many benefits of natural holistic therapyReceive the Udemy certificate of completion, a professional diploma qualification from Deborah and information about professional membership and insuranceLearn from a seasoned professional and qualified therapistAccess to support through the Q and A area of the platformLearn natural approaches to improve and maintain health and well-beingShare the experience with loved ones, family and friendsThis course can supplement in person, live training at colleges or institutesThis course is a useful aid to in person trainingTopics covered in this course:Introduction to your training providerProfessional standardsAnatomy and physiologyMassage techniquesMassage mediumsHistory of therapyEquipment and treatment areaHealth, safety and consultation etcDemonstrations of therapyLearn about case studies and practice theseCase study - due to the courses being for educational purposes only the case study optional students require 6 case studies = 6 clients receive 6 treatments each = 36 hours practical experience.Each course is currently being updated to reflect this new information."
Price: 109.99

"Professional Qualified Body massage - Swedish Style"
"Body massage is a therapy modality that helps to relax the mind and body, reduce tension and pressure, aid restful sleep, improve mobility and skin tone, and much more.  There are many people who enjoy sharing massage with their partners, family members and friends, but also who want to start a career, develop their skills, open their own therapy business and receive clients.  This course is a requisite for the Aromatherapy course, especially if you want to practice Aromatherapy body massage, which has three levels of learning that takes the student through a progressive pathway.    About Professional Qualified Body massage course:Access a fully comprehensive course of studyBuild your knowledge and confidence in your chosen modalitySupport your professional development and personal growthUseful for ultimate health and wellbeing and share with loved onesEnjoy the many benefits of natural holistic therapyLearn about joining a professional membership groupLearn about insurance to provide therapy as a professional masseuse Topics covered:Background to massageProfessional standardsReception and consultationAnatomy and physiologyTreatment area and equipmentProducts used in massageTreatment techniques and providing treatmentAfter care and record keepingLearn about case studies and practice theseCase study - due to the courses being for educational purposes only the case study optional students require 6 case studies = 6 clients receive 6 treatments each = 36 hours practical experience.Each course is currently being updated to reflect this new information.Why take this courseLearn from a seasoned professional and qualified therapistAccess to support through the Q and A area of the platformThis course is comprehensive and included demonstration videosLearn natural approaches to improve and maintain health and well-beingShare the experience with loved ones, family and friendsThis course can supplement in person, live training at colleges or institutesThis course is a useful aid to in person trainingAchieve a Professional Diploma that can lead to professional membership and professional indemnity insurance that allows you to receive paying clients into your own private massage therapy clinic.Access information about joining a professional membership group and accessing professional indemnity insurance (applicable in the UK and currently EU member states, students outside these areas will need to contact local organisations to enquire about the eligibility of this course for insurance to practice)This course includes9.5 hours on-demand video6 articles18 downloadable resourcesFull lifetime accessAccess on mobile and TVUdemy Certificate of Completionvarious PDF documents including a supplementary manual"
Price: 199.99

"Energy healing with Flower Remedies"
"Hi and welcome to energy healing with flower remedies, this is a great course for students who are looking to use holistic therapy and energy healing methods to maintain their emotional well-being.   Udemy review! Congratulations, your course is now live in the marketplace!Recommended Improvements:We don't have any recommended improvements at this time. Nicely done.Recommended Improvements:We don't have any recommended improvements at this time. Nicely done.Please check out the free videos before choosing to purchase this course... that way you will have a much better idea if this course will be useful :)Learning about the gentle, energy healing benefits of these essences opens up a new avenue to support your health and well-being regime; Heal thyself.  The flower remedies system was established many decades ago by a British medical physician who sort to discover simple, easy and affective methods of restoring health and well-being.Dr Edward Bach, a qualified homoeopath, did this by noting the emotional and mental states of a person and how this could be observed in their behaviours; ""the attitude of mind plays a vital role in maintaining health and recovering from illness...""  Although this course provides an overview it will support a great foundation to learning and enable you on your learning journey to take professional study should you wish. Flower remedies are specially prepared flower essences, containing the healing energy of plants and facilitate restoring balance. They are prescribed according to a patients emotional disposition, as ascertained by the therapist, or individual themselves.Flower remedies are more homeopathic than herbal in the way they work, addressing energy frequency rather than chemical balances. The remedies work on the principle that they encapsulate the flowers healing energy, and are said to deal with and overcome negative emotions, and so relieve blockages in the flow of human energy that can cause illness or imbalance.This course will teach you:The 38 flower remedies created and developed by Dr Edward BachThe Schuessler tissue saltsThe course is delivered in a variety of methods including:Voice over videoPower point presentation styleSupplementary pdf booklets to support your learningThere is no course manual as such as all the information is contained within the recordings and there are supplementary documents. The course is intended for personal learning and information but can be very helpful to anyone who is studying this modality in depth with a view to becoming a practitioner of flower remedies. Udemy certificate of completion availableCalm Oasis holistic therapy certificate of completion available 5 weeks after course completion and upon receipt of a copy of your Udemy certificate - we do check students have remained on the course.In brief some of the key areas covered in this course are:Dr Edward Bach; history and philosophyResearch outcomes into remedies on stress in emergency personnelJan De Vries and Alfred Vogel.38 flower remedies and rescue remedyHow remedies are made, stored and usedRemedies and the chakrasRemedies and astrological signsRemedies and specific conditionsConsultation and assessment - in briefFlower remedy work; Deborah shares using the remedies to maintain her own emotional well-being and mental health as a way of helping students see how remedies can be tailor blended for personal use.Receive a Udemy certificate of completion.Receive a COHT certificate of completionAdditional section: It is some 30 years ago that I your course instructor learned of the tissue salts, I was fascinated with how these micro nutrients were so vitally important for our health.  I felt it would be a great subject to share with students and so tissue salts have been added to this course with the intention of furthering your learning goals and because they offer great health and well-being benefits.Personal note: I have used these gentle remedies to help myself as I have journeyed through the ups and downs of life, and shared this with family and friends.  They have experienced positive outcomes.  However I urge students to be mindful that you are solely responsible for seeking professional medical examination, investigation and treatment or referral to an appropriately qualified person should you require this.Note: this course is for educational and informational purposes only.  This course aims to enable the student to incorporate flower remedies and tissue salts into their well-being practices and support any professional learning.   This course does not qualify students as professional flower remedy practitioners.  This course does not replace health care required by a qualified medical physician."
Price: 79.99

"Professional Qualification Diploma Hot Stone Massage Therapy"
"Ancient cultures found value in heating volcanic basalt stone and applying them to the body in order to relieve aches and pains, to soothe and ease and bring comfort.  From this basis stone massage developed and has now become a world wide therapy most often provided in spas and retreats.  This is a decadent therapy, a therapy that indulges the mind, body and soul and the basalt stones provide a grounding energy, they help to clear the chakras of any negativity and restore balanced to the brain, body, being.  This manual is offered to the reader who is a student of holistic therapy and who is taking study in this modality.  Professional Qualification Diploma in Hot stone massage therapy provides a fully comprehensive course of study.  Upon successful completion of course criteria students can apply for a professional diploma and access to professional membership group (international membership) and professional practitioner indemnity insurance (UK and EU member states at present time).Topics covered:Introduction to your training providerProfessional standardsAnatomy and physiologyMassage techniquesMassage mediumsHistory of therapyEquipment and treatment areaHealth, safety and consultation etcDemonstrations of hot stone massageLearn about case studies and practice theseCase study - due to the courses being for educational purposes only the case study optional students require 6 case studies = 6 clients receive 6 treatments each = 36 hours practical experience.Each course is currently being updated to reflect this new information."
Price: 189.99

"Health and safety for Holistic therapists"
"Are you taking on line holistic therapy courses and feel there are some missing pieces? Or do you live in another country and interested in working in the UK, or maybe just interested in the UK's health and safety system? Well this course provides specific teaching of Health and safety in the UK for holistic therapists working in a clinic or salon but this is applicable to all UK employees. Anyone outside the UK can still benefit and even share what health and safety is like in their home country - this course aims to assist you in improving the health and safety of your workplace wherever you are. There course will be added to over time and updated whenever legislation and regulations are changed/amended.What do you learn in this course?Employers dutiesThe workplaceRisk assessment, identifying hazards, taking actionAccidents, incidents and injuriesWaste disposalLone workingWhat do you receive with this course?Students will receive:Life time access to the course recordings and updatesA certificate of completion from DeborahSupport in the Q and A section of the platform"
Price: 29.99

"Safeguarding vulnerable people for Holistic therapists"
"The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 arose from serious cases where children, disabled, elderly and adults were found to have been abused in various different ways. This legislation was aims to safeguard vulnerable people through various activities; DBS is the disclosure and barring service that vets all persons who are seeking to work within work areas that have vulnerable groups and prevents anyone who is on the DBS list from gaining employment in such settings. Where UK legislation changes and is amended this course will be updated to reflect this. In this course students learn:Legislation around Safeguarding vulnerable groupsTypes of abuseSigns and symptoms of abuseThe ""alerter""; your role and responsibilitiesReporting and recording; when to make a disclosure and to whom.Includes: domestic violence and abuse, modern slavery and the homelessThe mental capacity Act and Deprivation of libertiesThe Disclosure and Barring system - to be addedDeborah is currently drafting a final element for this course and may take some time to get to you; this element will pay attention to the obligation of confidentiality and data protection. This involves a very personal experience in which work colleagues, at a place where Deborah once worked, (a private health care setting) forged false allegations against her. Deborah will utilise the acronym F.E.A.R as a method of providing how psychological abuse can be applied and lead to the decimation of a persons character, credibility and career - Deborah opens this to students so that students will become mindful of a malignant personality disorder that issues abuse in a pathological way. This element creates the foundation of a course that will be available around Cluster b personality disorders and the abuse they spew upon their victims and looks at holistic healing methods and practices the victim can apply to heal and recover.*****Deborah will pay profits from this course as a monthly donation to a charity that helps, supports and assists homeless women here in the UK; this is because women, both migrant and refugee women as well as UK nationals, are the most vulnerable in society.*****"
Price: 29.99

"First aid for Holistic therapists"
"Learning to take charge in an emergency first aid situation is really important to assisting a casualty to recover quickly. This course instructs students in emergency first aid that is in line with training in the UK.What will you learn? You will learn...Defining first aidThe role of the first aiderThe first aid kitCheck out my kit! Would it pass the legal test?!Recording the accident; your responsibility as a holistic therapist.Basic life support/cardio pulmonary resuscitationMedical EmergenciesRecovery positionand includes Introduction to mandatory training...You have lifetime access to the recorded material and updates whenever there are changes required. Students receive their Udemy certificate and also a certificate from Deborah, of completion. You have your 30 day money back guarantee and access to the Q and a section for support."
Price: 29.99