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"Bid writing: Improve your bid writing success"
"The ability to write a competitive and strong tender submission requires preparation, planning and time. This CPD accreditedonline bid writing course will give you the skills, tools and ideas to help you write successful bids.This course has been developed to help those with zero bid writing experience, right through to those with several years' experience. It will help anyone from any industry. To make the most of this course, all you need is your laptop/tablet/phone, the internetand a focus on challenging yourself to ""what more can Ido?"". A notepad and pen will also be worth having to hand - so you can make yourself an action plan.The content of this online bid writing coursehas been developed around industry best practice, our knowledge and experience, as well as input direct from procurement teams - something which provides a rounded approach to the learning."
Price: 49.99

Price: 10800.00

"Viver Melhor"
"Apresento-lhe esse curso prtico, criado e aperfeioado com todo carinho, para voc desfrut-lo no conforto do seu lar. Pode convidar amigos para assistir junto com voc. Voc ser apresentado aos critrios isomrficos de relao, ou seja so critrios, posturas e comportamentos que esto em total sintonia com Vida, que so verdades por si mesmas e que no se prendem a teorias ou frmulas mgicas. Esta apresentao ativar em voc novas regies mentais de elevada energia que passaro a fluir em voc de forma natural. Ofereo uma porta de acesso para o seu desenvolvimento em todos os mbitos, pessoal e ou profissional. Meu objetivo este: Ampliar sua mentalidade, ir alm dos conflitos, e reorient-lo para novas perspectivas, realizando mudanas consistentes e duradouras."
Price: 54.99

"Desarrollo de mdulos Drupal8"
"Aprende y domina como desarrollar mdulos en Drupal8 con este completo curso.Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia en el desarrollo de mdulos en Drupal8, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar en el mundo del desarrollo de Drupal8.Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Sabr usar correctamente los mdulo Devel y Seach Kint los cuales son imprescindibles a la hora de desarrollar.Sabr mostrar informaciones con los diferentes tipos de drupal_set_message.Podr Crear, Editar, Actualizar y Eliminar nodos programticamente.Podr Crear, Editar, Actualizar y Eliminar usuarios programticamente.Sabr el uso correcto de los archivos ms importantes de Drupal8 y cuando utilizarlos.Realizarn modificaciones a los formularios a fin de mostrar una vista ms agradable al usuario.Crearn formularios personalizados desde cero.Podrn Agruparcampos mediante diferentes tipos de contenedores.Crearn pginas personalizadas para mostrar informaciones.Aplicarn CSS y JS a cualquier pgina y/o formulario personalizado.Crearn tablas en la base de datos, para guardar las informaciones relacionadas a los mdulos que desarrollen.Sabrn como Crear, Editar, Actualizar y Eliminar registros en la base de datos a travs de Drupal.Sabrn crear un mdulo completo que realice el CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) a los registros de la base de datos.Por qu elegir este curso para aprender y no otro?1. Porque este curso es muy prctico.2. Porque este curso utiliza la documentacin oficial de Drupal8.3. Porque este curso es muy completo.4. Porque al finalizar el curso te convertir en un experto."
Price: 99.99

"Curso bsico de Laravel 6 - Creando un CRUD completo"
"Hola y bienvenido, en este curso aprenders lo siguiente:Varias formas de instalar laravel en la versin 6Instalar el sistema de autenticacin en esta nueva versin.Crear diferentes tipos de rutasCrear diferentes tipos de controladoresCrear migracionesCrear tablas con diferentes tipos de camposUso de modelosUso Eloquent ORMUso de vistasUso de bladeComo extender en bladeReutilizar una vista en otra vistaCrearemos la estructura para crear registroCrearemos la estructura para leer registroCrearemos la estructura para actualizar registroCrearemos la estructura para eliminar registroCrearemos una pgina donde deberemos confirmar si queremos eliminar un registro y mucho mas..."
Price: 19.99

"Convirtete en un SysAdmin en Linux, Windows Server y MySQL"
"SysAdmin (Windows Server)El curso de Administracin de Windows Server, GPOs para principiantes, tiene como objetivo servirle de base y de gua a la hora instalar y administrar Windows Server 2012 R2 y versiones posteriores, dotndole de una amplia serie de vdeos sobre Polticas de Grupo que le sern de mucha utilidad en la administracin de este sistema operativo da a da.El curso est elaborado desde lo ms bsico, con ejemplos prcticos detallados que le servirn para su desarrollo profesional en el da a da.Cada vdeo esta explicado de la forma ms simple, con el objetivo de que cualquier persona con conocimientos bsicos de informtica pueda seguir fcilmente el curso y ampliar sus posibilidades en el mbito laboral.Para los nuevos Administradores de Sistemas o Soportes Tcnicos es un excelente material que le servir de base a la hora de administrar una infraestructura sencilla, ahorrndole tiempo de bsqueda en foros y pginas de Internet (GOOGLEANDO), logrando as un trabajo ms eficaz y efectivo.Por que Windows Server 2012 R2?Esto es gracias a que la mayora de las infraestructuras tecnolgicas actuales an se basan en esta versin de este sistema operativo para servidores, adems su similitud con versiones posteriores del sistema te garantizar que lo aprendido en este curso puedas aplicarlo en versiones posteriores del sistema.Debido a que actualmente tenemos infraestructuras basadas en entornos de clientes mixtos (Windows 7, Windows 8 y Windows 10), creamos un ambiente basado en Windows 7 y Windows 10, con el objetivo de mostrarle como solucionar los problemas comunes a la hora de aplicar Polticas de Grupo (GPO) a sistemas operativos diferentes a Windows 7Sean todos bienvenidos a este curso, espero sea de su agrado. ?Dios le BendigaSysAdmin (Centos)Este curso esta diseado para brindarte las herramientas necesarias para iniciarte en el mundo de los servidores con GNU-LINUX.Al finalizar este curso estars en la capacidad de:-Crear una maquina virtual.-Instalar el sistema operativo Centos en su versin 6.5.-Actualizar el sistema operativo via la linea de comandos (Terminal).Manejar los editores de texto (Gdit, nano, vi)..Permitir a un usuario ingresar comandos como root (Modificando el sudoers fileAsignar permisos de Lectura, escritura y ejecucin a un archivo.Asignar permisos de Lectura, escritura y ejecucin a una carpeta.Crear una conexin remota  a travs de SSH. (Modo texto).Cambiar el puerto conocido de SSH.Permitir un puerto en el IP Tables.Como obtener la IP de mi Sistema Operativo.Colocar una IP esttica.Cambiar el nombre de mi equipo.Crear una conexin remota de manera grfica a nuestro sistema con XRDP.Abrir puertos en el IPTABLES para el XRDP.Abrir programas desde la consola, uso del comando TOP, KILL.Comprimir archivos, uso de los comandos TAR CF, TAR XF, GZIPComandos tiles para networking PING, IFCONFIG, NETSTAT y otros.Instalacin de APACHEInstalacin de PHPInstalacin de MysqlSysAdmin(MySQL)Este curso est pensado en personas que tienen poca o ninguna experiencia manejando bases de Datos e inclusive usando MySQL, y requieren saber de manera rpida, prctica, fcil, precisa y detallada, lo necesario para iniciar a manejar este motor de bases de datos, desde lo ms bsico hasta lo mas avanzado. Al finalizar el curso, usted ser capaz de realizar lo siguiente:Diferentes programas para poner su computadora en un servidor.Conceptos importantes relacionados con MySQL.Conectarse a MySQL a travs de PHPMYADMINConectarse a MySQL a travs de MySQL WorkBenchConectarse a MySQL a travs de la consola (Terminal o CMD)Crear Base de datos va SQLCrear tablas va SQLAlterar Tablas va SQLCrear campos va SQLMostrar tablas va SQLDiferencia de los comandos CHANGE y MODIFYEntiendo el comando USE DATABASEUso del comando desc o describeUso de comentariosUso del comando renameCrear ndiceUso de If exists  e If not existsUso de Insert/Delete/Update/SelectUso de TruncateAprender a usar Claves ForaneasExportar e Importar Base de datos de varias manerasUso de operadoresUso de funciones de tipo alfanumricoUso de funciones numricasUso de Funciones de FechaUniones entre tablasUso de Variables avanzadosCrear vistasCrear SubconsultasAdministracin de usuariosCrear triggersCrear funcionesCrear procedimientos almacenadosy mucho ms.Bonus (Ubuntu)Aprende a crear un servidor web en la versin de Ubuntu 18.04.01 LTS. Instalaremos esta distribucin en el virtualizador VMWARE.Instalaremos y configuraremos Apache en su versin 2.Instalaremos y configuraremos Php en su versin 7.2Instalaremos y configuraremos MariaDB.Instalaremos PHPmyadmin.Instalaremos los siguientes CMS: Drupal7, Drupal8, Wordpress, Prestashop y Magento.Nos conectaremos a travs de SSH con los programas Putty y GIt Bash."
Price: 19.99

"Songwriter Pod - Grow your songwriting potential"
"Learn Strategies Behind The Most SuccessfulContemporary Lyric and SongwritersThe course has been developed whilst I have been teaching singer songwriters attending London's Metropolis Studios.Gain tips for planning out your songs,based on songwriting challenges and exercises. Daily practical songwriting tasks - Improve in the space of 5 days!Im excited to teach you Contemporary Songwritinghavingset up the Songwriter Pod. Every single student I have ever taught this material too does something that is unique to them! Real world songwriting studentshave taken these idea templates and run with them.Some of their results have been quite great completed songs with strong hooks, an interesting subject matter and a clear structure that means that the song can work with any instrumentation or arrangement style!The main aim behind this course, and in fact the whole of the Songwriter Pod, is to help songwriters grow creative songwriting ideas and then stabilise that potential as an income stream. I provide you with knowledge, especially for songwriters who wish to write and produce quality music."
Price: 19.99

"Java como tu primer lenguaje"
"En este curso aprenderna programar utilizandoel lenguaje de programacinjava como suprimer lenguaje de programacion. Aprendernde una forma simple el paradigma de programacinorientado a objetos. Aprenderna interactuar con diferentes motoresdebasede datos. Se aprendera utilizar en paralelo el IDE eclipse y netbeans. Y por ultimo realizaremos una introduccin a la programacinfuncional utilizando java"
Price: 19.99

"Gnrer des centaines de prospects/clients qualifis parJour"
"Si vous ne souhaitez plus faire les erreurs que la plupart des dbutants commettent sur Facebook, cette formation vido va vous donner toutes les comptences ncessaires pour raliser des campagnes de publicitperformantesavec un systme automatis pour bien grervos prospects ,Ce que vous allez apprendre :-Crer une Publicit facebook .-Cibler des prospects qualifis .-Gnrerplus de 30 prospects potentiels par jour (a savoir des centainesde prospectsselon le budget de votre compagne Facebook) .-Augmenter vos ventes /vos inscriptions .-Matriser le CRM Zapier-Inciter les prospects a vous contacter directement !-Grer les listes de vos prospects .-Configurer des emails automatiques / auto-rponses-Entrer en contact directement avec vos prospects et augmenter le taux d'efficacit de vos offres"
Price: 19.99

"Concevoir des Tshirts Best-seller sur photoshop Facilement"
"Voulez-vous apprendre la conception de T-shirt ?Voulez-vous conomiser de l'argent sur l'embauche de designers et crer vos propres conceptions de t-shirt?Si 'OUI', vous tes au bon endroit. Mme si vous n'avez jamais touch Adobe Photoshop. Parce que je vous apprends comment concevoir un t-shirt Bestselling en utilisant Photoshop facilement tape par tape.Une courte introduction sur moi-mme: Je suis Issam Elmotii J'ai une experience de plus de 7 ans dans le design , photoshop , illustrator , Cinema 4d , 3DS MAX ... Et je suis un Entrepreneur , je fait du commerce Online et Offline depuis 7 ans , J'organise plusieurs formations E-marketing et marketing relationnel pour mes equipe dans plus que 10 pays diffrents . Nous savons tous que l'industrie des T-shirts est une industrie de plusieurs milliards de dollars et enligne cette industrie connat une croissance trs rapide. Vous pouvez facilement vendre vos t-shirts conus sur diffrentes plates-formes. Par exemple Merch par Amazon, Teespring, Teemill, Redbubble etc. Et vous pourrez gagner de l'argent en vendant vos t-shirts.La vente de T-shirts est une activit comptitive avec beaucoup de vendeurs qui se battent pour l'attention et l'argent des acheteurs cibls. Ce cours en ligne vous apprendra comment concevoir un t-shirt accrocheur qui attirera l'attention de l'acheteur et ces choses seront inestimables pour votre succs de vente de T-shirt. Non seulement cela vous aller apprendre a tracker et espionner les ventes des autres pour trouver des ides de designs gagnants Aprs avoir suivi ce cours, vous apprendrez concevoir des t-shirts sur Photoshop avec diffrents outils et techniques simples . En utilisant ces techniques et en utilisant votre crativit, vous pourrez crer des t-shirts beaucoup plus tonnants.S'il vous plat contactez-moi tout moment pour des questions supplmentaires / support. Je suis toujours l pour vous aider atteindre vos objectifs d'apprentissage et hte de russir"
Price: 19.99

"Panes y mantequillas sin gluten, casena y azcar"
"En este curso acceders a recetas y secretos para llevar una dieta sin gluten, casena, azcar, colorantes y preservantes. Todas las preparaciones son hechas con ingredientes fciles de adquirir. Aprenders a: -Adaptar tus platos favoritos al rgimen especial alimentario. -Preservar la salud sin descuidar la sazn.-Implementar rutinas sencillas que ayudarn a ralentizar el envejecimiento.-Incorporar principios de alimentacin ecolgica. -Diferenciar una intolerancia alimenticia y una alergia alimentaria. -Eliminar el uso de conservantes y preservantes de tus platos favoritos. -Proteger la flora intestinal pues todas las recetas incluyen ingredientes que evitan las caloras vacas y alimentos procesados. Por el contrario, usamos alimentos que tienen cidos grasos esenciales, fibra diettica y antioxidantes. -A hacer variados panes. De esta forma, ser ms fcil sustituir la bollera industrial.Tendrs conocimientos bsicos sobre celiaqua, autismo y fibromialgia. - La informacin presentada tambin es til para rebajar de peso, siempre y cuando consultes con los profesionales de la salud. - Dars nuevos usos a frutos y vegetales muy nutritivos - Dispondrs de una gua con recetas como la tortilla de batata, aros de zanahoria, cupcakes de caf, galletas de auyama, crema pastelera con jugo de parchita, donas y mucho ms. -Cuando aprendes a cocinar sin gluten, casena y azcar, adquieres nuevas habilidades culinarias. Te hars ms creativa en la cocina y sorprenders a tu familia y amistades. -Dominars recetas que a su vez servirn de ingredientes bsicos para preparar otros platos. De esta manera extenders tus opciones para una comida saludable - Toda persona que requiera implementar un rgimen especial, ya sea por motivos de salud, mantener su peso, retrasar el envejecimiento o para llevar buenos patrones alimenticios."
Price: 19.99

"Slide Plates & Pipe Rollers in the Fight against Friction"
"Discover the secret to a lower coefficient of friction while permitting transnational motion or movement with the supporting element. Learn about the different types of slide plates and pipe rollers used for various applications. View the design, load capabilities, and installation and maintenance guidelines for both slide plates and pipe rollers. See numerous photos featuring combinations with other critical pipe supports in order to allow for movement or a low coefficient of friction. Increase your understanding of the value added services that are offered by PT&P, and rest assured that your slide plate and pipe roller needs can be taken care of by our 24x7 web-based emergency services, field service, and quick-turn around time when you need it most."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Chatbot Using Chatfuel and Google's Search API"
"In this course you'll learn how to createa FacebookMessenger Chatbot that can performRestaurant Searches in your area. You can later modify this build to work for any kind of search from products, to events or anything else!We will build this botusing Chatfuel.The 10+lessons Icreated include:IntroductionWhat are chatbots?What's part of the chatbot landscape?What is Chatfuel and why use it?Creating a Chatfuel accountDeveloping a template for restaurant search bot in ChatfuelSetting up Google Search API within ChatfuelGetting your Google Search API Key & CSEIDand adding it to your botTesting your bot in ChatfuelLaunching your botBonus Sections Include awesome content around:1. Adding timed delays2. Adding AI to your bot3. Adding a GIfto your bot"
Price: 19.99

"Cryptocurrency Investing Crash Course"
"Welcome!If you've been paying attention to the news lately, you'll have noticed that Bitcoin is increasing in value at a pace nobody could have predicted! Now you're probably wondering well how do I buy some Bitcoin, and that's one of the reasons we made this course so that people could quickly get started with cryptocurrency and have a step by step guide showing you how to do it.You might alsohave heard that there are other coins similar to Bitcoin that you can trade and make a profit on. If that is your goal or if you just want to increase your knowledge on how to get started with cryptocurrency, then you are in the right spot!"
Price: 19.99

"Phng php hc Finger Math bc ngot gip con gii ton"
"C mt thc t m ai trong chng ta nhn thy l nhng ngi c t duy Ton tt, h c th lm bt c ngnh ngh no m h yu thch v h s tr thnh nhng ngi thnh cng trong khu vc c select. That's a to the useful skills of the lesson of math. Cho tr lm quen vi mn ton v rn luyn ton hc bnh thng t nh chnh l mt hiu qu rt ln i vi cc h iu hnh sau y. T , cc em s c kh nng x l cc vn , tnh hung phc tp trong cc lnh vc chuyn mn khc nhau. Tuy nhin, i vi dy hc, phn ln cc cha m c nhiu bn khon: - Lm sao m khng c hng th g khi hc ton? - Tr em hc m khng nh cc php ton n gin, phi lm sao? - Cch hc hiu qu nht cho tr nh l g? Failed tr li trong kha hc ""Hc theo phng php FingerMath"" . Kha hc c chia thnh 3 phn vi tui tng dn ca kin thc, xen k nhiu v d v bi tp cho cc em b. Vy b s tm hiu nhng g trong phn FingerMath gi hc? - Lm quen vi cc s t 0 - 99 - Fast and the exact system ch vi bn phm i. - Execution assertations of the groups - unless the number of the number of the first number of the first seminary. Ni dung kha hc c xy dng da trn phng php ngn tay FingerMath ca Hn Quc. This method will help you to phi hp nhp nhng gia cc hot ng c th vi t duy. Thm na, ch cn s dng bn phm i tnh ton m khng cn phi dng n bt k tnh nng no s gip bn thun tin hn trong vic luyn tp mi ni, tr s cm thy vic hc nh mt tr chi th v, b tr v mn Ton s khng cn kh khan v nhm chn. Hy cng khm ph cch hc ton hc v ti u cho cc m nh!"
Price: 19.99

"La mejor estrategia Forex (Mario Bros v2)"
"El objetivo es claro: ganar dinero y ganar calidad de vida, para ello hemos peleado mucho para disear un curso muy metdico,donde cada vdeo ir orientado a un tema muy concreto y entre todos estos bloques construiremos una fuerte pared.- Comprender como se mueve el mercado- Ciclos del precio y patrones.- Gestin monetaria- Gestin del riesgo- Control de las emociones (psicotrading)- Manipulacin del mercado- Aprender a hacer bien un backtesting- Como aprender a entrenar- El camino que sigue un trader exitoso.Muchas gracias por leerme, lanzaros a aprender, es divertido, es un camino apasionante yes un gran reto. Estare a vuestra disposicin."
Price: 199.99

"A Muslim's Guide to Mastering Wealth"
"There are plenty of books and resources out there that teach how to invest, how to manage money, how to plan for retirement, etc. But how many of these are specifically designed for Muslims living in Western countries?With this course, you will learn from an Islamic perspective how to build wealth the halal way, what investment choices are available and how to get started,how to purchase a home without paying interest, and how to plan for a blissful retirement.Course content is presented in an easy-to-understand manner and doesn't assume that the student has background knowledge on investing, etc."
Price: 34.99

"Property Management for Homeowners"
"Learning How to Manage Your Investment Property Here are just a few of the topics we will cover in this course: Qualifying Tenants Setting the price Drafting a lease Inspection Reports Maintenance Have you ever considered purchasing an investment property? Or perhaps you already own a second home and are considering renting it out?This course is good for prospective landlords who want to learn the ins and outs of the property management business. You will learn how to select quality tenants, how to draft a lease, and how to maximize your investment. At the end of this course you will have all the tools you need including tenant applications, property inspection forms and acustomizable leaseall in one place.By the end of this course, you'll have valuable skills that will help you to effectively manage your property, and gain you a reputation as one of the best landlords around."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Android Databases (ObjectBox database)"
"ObjectBoxis a new mobile object database optimized for performance.Welcome to the firstObjectBoxcourse for Android development.Here you will learn how to add a database to any mobile or IoT application or refactor its current database into a really efficient one.My name is Andrei Dan and I'll be leading you through the course.I have more than 6 years of experience as and Android software engineer.I designed this course for anyone seeking to learn an efficient object-oriented database for small devices. By the end of the course you will be able to design, code and integrate your database with real applications.I'll be teaching the ObjectBox Database, which is designed for mobile and IoT applications, optimised for performance and saves you from dealing with SQL.The motto of Objectbox is: Less code is better code which means that it's very easy to work with and makes it very readable and beginner friendly.Not only shall we cover the details of ObjectBox, but well also practice it, using selected examples.The ideal student for this course is an existing Java orAndroid developer, who wants to expand their current skills, or a student who is currently learning Java and Android.There are no other requirements to enroll, you only need to come open-midned and ready to learn.Feel free to look through the course description and I am looking forward to seeing you inside. Here are some of the advantages of ObjectBox:Performanceis the number one reason why I chose ObjectBox. Its authorscreated greenDAO, the fastest Object/Relational Mapper (ORM) for Android and SQLite. Since its first release in 2011, theygained a lot of insight into object persistence and the performance limitations imposed by SQLite. They realized that in order to improve performance on mobile significantly, they needed to go to the core and build a database designed for objects.Superfast:ObjectBox was builtto deliver the best possible performance. It outperforms all embedded databases we ever tested (which are quite a few), typically by a factor 5 to 15.Object API:No more rows, columns and SQL ObjectBox is a database built for objects from ground up (no ORM, no SQLite). The concise API is easy to learn and just takes a fraction of the code you would need to work with SQLite.Instantunit testing:With ObjectBox's multi-platform approach, you can run plain unit tests on the desktop (no Robolectric, no instrumentation tests) with a real database in an instant.Simple threading:Objects returned by ObjectBox work in all threads with no strings attached.No manual schema migrations:ObjectBox takes care of new object versions with added, removed, and renamed entities and properties.Don't forget to join the free live community where you can get free help anytime from other students."
Price: 19.99

"cleaning silverware"
"Everyone does not have liquid black soap at home, so we had to provide you with other great mothers' remedies to polish your silver objects. A small turn in your kitchen or bathroom cupboards should suffice to find the necessary ingredients. All you need to know is how to shine silverware to enhance your decorative accessories.1) In a container of hot water, add a handful of crystals of soda and then soak your silverware. After a few minutes, the objects shine and are no longer dull. Rinse and dry.2) With toothpaste, your silverware regains shine. Without fatigue, with a toothbrush in hand, lightly rub your objects. With a classic rag or a chamois skin, it only remains to eliminate the toothpaste.3) To maintain the silverware in perfect condition, vinegar acts as a remedy. In a container on the fire, water is made to cool with vinegar. From the first sign of boiling, put coarse salt until saturation. Then, the water is poured into another container and then the silverware, either dishes or deco, is plunged in, two or three minutes. The mixture of vinegar and coarse salt makes it possible to dissolve the oxidation of the metal. Dry thoroughly and shine the silverware with a soft cloth.4) In hot water, add baking soda. Soak your pieces of silverware completely for a few minutes then rub lightly with your fingertips. Wash them with soapy water, why not with liquid black soap, then dry.good luck"
Price: 19.99

"Basics for Customizing Your WordPress Theme"
"Design and Style your WordPress Template in simple to follow stepsLearn Best Practices of coding where we create a ""child"" theme and what it means.Create your ""child theme"".Using the Inspect Element tool to change and test your code.Change the color scheme of your site.The settings panel and what is important and what to changeSetting up your navigation bar and footer.Clean-up of any files and placeholders given in your WordPress installation."
Price: 19.99

"Unlocking the Power Of Permission: Self-improvement"
"Grow Confidence, Unlock Potential &Build Momentum towards Your Dreams & Goals through Understanding and Harnessing the Power of Permission.Permission is a powerful dynamic in our lives...Learn about how that dynamic works and affects us, how we can go about reclaiming that power we often leave to the side, and how we can empower ourselves and build ourselves up from the inside out.Through workshop style teaching, and free downloadable graphics and worksheets, we'll look at:Choosing and welcoming ourselves Building self-confidence and self-esteemPractical steps to combat the fear of success or failureIdentifyingpermission programs running in the hard drive of our minds and how to free ourselves from themCreating manageable and positive goalsBuilding direction and momentum away from procrastination and self-doubt and towards fulfillment Why is the dynamic of permission important?It is important as it can be the very thing that spurs us forward or holds us back.Ever wondered why you dream and long to do something but never do it? Why you left behind something that stirs your heart and excites you? Why it can be so difficult to be yourself? Why procrastination is a problem? The answer is probably to do with permission: interpersonal permissions or self-permission.It's time to get the tools to better equip yourself for clarity, transformation, and positive progress. Kick procrastination and fear to the curb and use the intrinsic power of permission to your benefit.Most importantly, it's time to empower yourself.This course is ideal for anyone wanting to see personal progress in the areas of their dreams, desires, and lifestyle direction. By becoming more self aware you will be able to reprogram your mindset to experience both results and freedom."
Price: 64.99

"Fundamentals of VFX"
"Fundamentals of VFX is a comprehensive training series that gives you in-depth knowledge and insight into the process of creating visual effects.***** Wonderful course, basic and expert questions and answers are found here. If you want a map of the world of VFX, The Fundamentals of VFX will provide. *****- Halen Ricker***** Probably  the best course for a beginner who wants to learn the fundermentals of visual effects, it has helped me from ground up. Every  beginner should have this. *****- Joseph Stark***** Amazing course, I have learnt so much from this course. It is very professional and put together so well AAA. 5/5 stars easily. *****- Craig Wright***** Superb. I'm very happy I took this course. Not only it covers the topic excellently it is also delivered in highly professional way. *****- Alexandr Pospech***** The tutor's accent is great, the course was informative and I have learnt a lot from it. I look forward to more courses from you. *****- Daniel Wincott***** So far, this course has clarified what some of the elements are that I  use to create my effects. Before, I would just add an element because a  tutorial told me to. Now I know why I had added it. Love it! *****- William Masters***** Fantastic information, pacing, content and delivery. I will be returning to this several times. Thank you. *****- Whitt Hansen***** Super informative and  well structured material, I enjoy this very much!!! *****- Aris Misopapas***** I have really enjoyed this course and I highly recommend it. Its clear and easy to understand, while providing essential information to filmmakers who want to better communicate with vfx artists or dive deeper into vfx themselves. *****- Tarin Camarena, Cinematographer & VFX artist***** Awesome lectures, I'm looking forward to more! *****- Jairus Nouvel***** Great course. I had already done a vfx course before but it was good to go back to basics and brush up on some much needed theory. Fundamentals of VFX is a broad topic and the instructor does a great job of explaining everything. *****- Aparajita Basu***** Easily explained for such complicated concepts, I now have a clearer understanding ***** - Mohamed Haridy***** In depth and concise. Nice and clearly narrated. *****- Gordon RudmanIf you want to learn the art and science behind the stunning visual effects (VFX) of modern films, Fundamental of VFX is for you. During this course we unlock key areas of visual effects production and explain complicated and technical concepts in an easy-to-understand way. The course spans the length of 14 lectures that make your learning experience exciting and engaging.Learn the techniques behind successful VFX shotsHollywood blockbusters and the best video games of today rely on the use of 3D and Motion Graphics in an ever-increasing measure. This has increased our awareness and capacity to spot even the slightest imperfections in photo-realism. This of course sets the bar very high for visual effects artists. Its not enough merely to drop a 3D model into your composition, tweak the contrast and adjust the colors. And even if you have all the right tools, you need to know how to use them and in what order.Creating convincing and realistic visual effects takes a lot of thought, time and talent. Things such as lighting, optics,  camera angles and movements must be taken into consideration when compositing elements together. Intricate details and subtle effects are key factors for photo realistic results.In this series we want to give you a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental requirements and techniques for combining 3D and Motion Graphics into live footage so that you can take your work to the next level.We will guide you through the following lectures: 01 - Course Introduction 02 - History of VFX 03 - Mattes 04 - Chroma Keying I 05 - Chroma Keying II 06 - Matching I (Lighting) 07 - Matching II (Optics) 08 - Matching III (Tracking) 09 - Rendering 10 - Advanced Compositing 11 - Colour Theory 12 - Layer/Node-based Compositing and SoftwareEven though we have packed the course with a ton of information, we have also made sure it does not take you ages to go through it. If you are time-conscious and yet want to gain a profound understanding of the most fascinating field in the filmmaking industry, then Fundamentals of VFX is for you!"
Price: 129.99

"Make Email Work Better"
"Make Email Work Better is anintroductory course that shows you a set of simple tips and tools for keeping on top of your email inbox.Our aim is to help you towards an empty email inbox: Inbox Zero. This isa foundation for a new way of working with email, that'll save you time, reduce stress and leave you feeling clearer, in control and more engaged in your work.By showing you new ways to deal with email, Make Email Work Better helps you gain some clarity and control, and reinstate a feeling of calm and confidence. Ideal if you're working with a lot of email or an inbox that has grown too big to manage.The tips and suggestions we'll show you will help you get to grips with email and help you sleep better at night."
Price: 19.99

"learn English with no effort"
"Hello everybody! This course is a special one because it gathers all sides of the language: Listening, Speaking, reading andwriting, in my course you will find all what you need for speaking English in daily life but in a correct way, plus I will give you a short story and show you too how to write short stories easily with no effort, ok join me and hope you will get your goal to learn English soon."
Price: 19.99

"The moroccan kitchen with my mom"
"Hello!when you travel to any country you ask about food also as a part of the culture, in this course you will be able to understand the moroccan kitchen, and if you already had the Opportunity to taste one of these meals now you will have the Opportunity to know how to make it yourself.In this course you will get to learn how to make some principal meals in Morocco, and you will be ready to visit this beautiful country without hesitating about food."
Price: 19.99

"21st Century Retail Business"
"21st Century Retail "" is a Digital Guide For Retail Business Owner To Learn About Professional Retailing. In This Guide Retailer Will Find Some Easy And Practical Tips Which Retailer Can Easily Apply In His Shop And Increase Hid Business.In This DVD Guide We have Covered All Essential Aspect of Modern Retailing Like Display, Stock and Customer Service. This DVD also Useful For Students Who Want To Make Their Carrier In Retail Industry."
Price: 1600.00

"Build an SAP Hybris Clustered Landscape"
"Creating a simple SAP Hybris Commerce landscape can be difficult for even the most seasoned SAP Systems Administrator. This course uses Google Cloud Platform to create afully production ready SAP Hybris landscapefrom scratch. You will be taught everything from basiclandscape designto implementing a performance andload teston the new environment.You will create a two tier Hybris landscape with a cluster operatedMaster and Slave Hybrisnodes. These will be linked tostandalone Apache Solrinstances all underlined with aMySQLback end.Delivered by experienced SAP Hybris Engineers, the course assumes no prior knowledge of landscape design or SAP Hybris. We will teach you the basics of landscape design, SAP Hybris environment requirements and finish withtheadvanced best practice parametersandGoLive checklistto get you ready for your next implementation. Asbonus content, we introduceyou to the SAPrecommended Wily Introscope to monitor the new landscape and create a load test with Apache JMeter, step by step.Course Topics:Landscape Overview A complete picture of the landscape and implementation on Google Cloud Platform.Instance Set Up & Installation Learn the skills to deploy and instrument the SAP Hybris and Apache Solr products.Monitor & Test Create &conduct a basic load test with Apache JMeter and learn how toinstrument the installation with Wily Introscope.Tune & Run Configure the landscape for optimum performance with hints, tips and tricks from SAP Hybris Engineers."
Price: 34.99

"1. Introduction - How to Save a Life - The Basics"
"Accidents are inevitable; the ability to respond may not be. Every year, millions of accidents happen. Some even life threatening. Equipping yourselves through basic concepts and understandings of what it takes to save a life may be the best investment you've ever made. Every second matters whenthere is avictim in distress.Doing something about it is the first step. On standing bylookers may be able to obtain an AEDor offer a helping hand in CPR. Striving to read an EKGor AEDwithout spending thousands institutionally may be a wise investment in case something happen at work or home.This course will recommend life saving instruments and procedures, and advice on what to do in case less of that is available. We also advise following up with reading up to date guidelines from leading institutions and programs. We strive to only reinforce important concepts in a different way."
Price: 19.99

"Tm Aamalaryla naat Eitimi - AUTOCAD/STA4/EXCEL/PROJECT"
"Bu kursta sfrdan YEN DEPREM YNETMEL TBDY-2018 ile AUTOCAD, STA4CAD , MS EXCEL ve MS PROJECT programlarn iki katl bir villa projesinin aamalar zerinden, ileri seviyelerekadar beraber grmeye balayacaz. Eer programlar hakknda hibir fikriniz yoksa bu kurs tam size gre!Kursun YapsKurs boyunca ;Tasarmlarmz ve hesaplarmz programlar zerinden uygulamal olarak birlikte yapacaz.TBDY-2018, TS-500, TS-498, TDY-2007 ve dier birok ynetmelii reneceiz.Paylalan dkmanlardan yararlanarak nemli girdilerimizi birlikte oluturacaz.Daha nceden rendiimiz bilgilerleprogramlar arasnda geiler yapacaz.Mimari ve statik koordinasyon srecini reneceiz.Bildiiniz veya gemek istediiniz dersleri ilgili dersin altnda bulunan tamamlanm dkman kullanarak geip, bu dkman ile bir sonraki derse devam edebilirsiniz.+ Ara derslerde ihtiyacmz olan zet ynetmelikleri uygulama sunumlarn birlikte inceleyeceiz.Ayrca her konuyla ilgili piyasada bulunamayacak verilere sahip olacaksnz.Kurs eriiKurs boyunca u konular renmeye alacaz:AUTOCAD zerinden mimari ve izimler - 13 dersSTA4CAD V14 zerinden statik ve izimler - 11 dersMS EXCEL zerinden maliyet ve fizibilite hesaplar - 5 dersMS PROJECT zerinden zaman analizleri - 4 dersTm bunlar tek bir villa projesinin aamalar ierisinde dzenli ve sral bir ekilde reneceksiniz.Ayrca BONUS blmmzden STA4CAD V13 ile birlikte TDY-2007'yi de renmi olacaksnz. Bu sayede eski ve yeni deprem ynetmelikleri arasndaki farklar da renmi olacaksnz. Ska Sorulan Sorular:Derslerle ilgili bir sre kstlamas var m? Aldktan sonra tekrar izleyebilir miyim?Derslerimiz video formatnda Udemy zerinde hazr ve ykldr. Kursu aldktan sonra kursa istediiniz zaman balayabilir ve istediiniz kadar tekrar tekrar izleyebilirsiniz. Tek deme ile snrsz olarak size ait olacaktr. Bir sre kstlamas yoktur! 2. Derslerde kullanacamz programlar nereden temin edebilirim?Hazrlk blmnde, derslerimizde kullanacamz programlarn nereden temin edileceinden de bahsetmekteyiz. Yani kursa balamak iin bir n hazrla gerek yok! 3. Derslerde aklma taklanlar size sorabilir miyim?Derslerimiz bire bir zel ders formatnda olduundan platform zerinden srekli iletiimde olacaz, sorularnz bana anlk olarak iletip en ge 12 saat iinde yant alacaksnz. Ayrca eitim ktphanemizde dier arkadalarmzn sorduklar sorular inceleyebilecek ve sizler de soru sorabileceksiniz. 4. Ders videolarn indirebilir miyim?Eitim srecinde ilerleme durumunuzu sistem analiz etmekte ve eitim sonunda sizin adnza sertifika vermektedir. Ayrca eitim platform zerinden videolara ek zel ders formatnda gereklemektedir. Tm bunlardan dolay videolar indirilemez ancak tm dier dkmanlar snrsz olarak indirilebilir. 5. Eitimi nasl alacam ve nereden izleyeceimi anlamadm? u an bulunduunuz sayfada eitimin tantm videosu altnda yer alan ""hemen satn al"" butonuna basn ve Facebook'a kayt olur gibi kaydnz oluturun, devamnda ilgili ynergeleri izleyip kartnzla eitimi alabilirsiniz. Aldktan sonra sisteme yine Facebook'a giri yapar gibi oturum ap ""Kurslarm"" blmnden eitime tklayp izleyebilirsiniz. Eitimi Udemy web sitesi ve mobil uygulamalar zerinden, internetinizin olduu her yerden eitimi takip edebilirsiniz.Kurs boyunca tm sorularnz, grlerinizi ve eletirilerinizi hi ekinmeden bana bildirebilirsiniz. Bunlara elimden geldiince cevap vereceime emin olabilirsiniz."
Price: 299.99