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"Introduction au LaTeX: Apprendre rdiger en LaTeX"
"Ce cours est un cours d'initiation LaTeX. Il prsente les premiers pas pour la rdaction d'un document LaTeX, depuis l'installation de l'environnement de travail jusqu' la cration d'un document LaTeX professionnel. Le cours est ddi aux personnes dsirant apprendre diter une lettre, une prsentation orale transparents, un poster, un papier scientifique, une thse, un mmoire ou mme un rapport de stage"
Price: 19.99

Price: 15000.00

Price: 19800.00

"Learn full HTML in less than 1 hour"
"Hi there,Hope you all are doing well. Now today i am introducing my new course of Html with you guys and in this class i will create a modern looking coding structure with Html so you will get more deeply about the course of Html. This is the only course where i have discussed all the possible ways to create an awesome looking basic structure for your website and at the end of this course you will be master in Html to the some extent. First we will start with Some basics code or snippets of Html like h1 to h6 and so on. So guys this is totally a brand new course of Html and you will learn more than yours expectation. Hope you will like and will get more benefit with this course."
Price: 29.99

"Crafts for Kids: Handmade Christmas Cards"
"What would Christmas be without the sending and receiving of holiday cards? The joy of a handmade greeting card is a gift for both the crafter and the recipient. This holiday season is the perfect time to get crafting and create delightful Christmas cards that your friends and family are sure to remember. I've got you covered from cards the kids can make to three-dimensional greetings that combine multiple techniques.I've put together the ultimate assortment of Christmas cards to help you reach everyone on your mailing list. Youll learn how to make adorable cards with the kids, 3D pop-up cards, curled paper cards, clever ways to give money (without just sticking it the envelope), and more! Plus youll have all the templates, directions, and step-by-step video instructions to make sure that your cards reach their destinations filled with the warmest seasons greetings.Make this Christmas special! The extra time that you put into each card will be well worth it when theyre opened. With a few basic techniques, and a little patience, you can create a wide variety of creative cards in a range of styles, shapes, and decorative details. The only question will be... who gets which card?**This course is designed with your kids in mind.** There's something for every level and a way that your children can help throughout the entire process.  If you're looking for a professional card-making course to rival Hallmark... this isn't it :) Kindly note that not every card in fit in standard envelopes."
Price: 19.99

"Crafts for Kids: Handmade Gifts"
"The only thing more gratifying than giving the perfect gift is giving the perfect handmade gift! A handcrafted gift shows the receiver that you thought about them and is truly an expression of love from one person to another. This course is the perfect guide to making things that people will love and cherish... and it's fun and easy-to-follow for children.With more than 24 projects for gifts and loads of gift wrapping ideas, youll be ready and set for every occasion. From New Years to Fathers Day and Christmas to Halloween, there is something for everyone on your list. Whether its for your childs teacher, your best friends Thanksgiving dinner party, or your neighbors 4th of July cook out, you will find an idea for a personalised gift in this ultimate handmade gift giving course.Each project is clearly explained with complete start-to-finish video, simple step-by-step instructions, and a full list of everything youll need to see your gift come to life. These projects are great fun for the whole family and can easily be adapted to fit every level. Plus, every template youll need is available for download to make sure that your gifts are a true reflection of your effort and time. I've even included some great wrapping suggestions, as well as tips and ideas on variations to help you create personal one-of-a-kind gifts for your friends and loved ones. "
Price: 19.99

"Master the English Tenses/Improve Your Speaking Skills 1"
"This course is intended to give you an insight into the present tenses andexplain the differences between them.Upon completing this course, you will be able to understand and know when to use any individual present tense. From my own teachingexperience, students shy away from speaking English, because of the lack of ability to recognize the tense and use it properly.So, this is what the trilogy Master the English Tenses and Improve Your SpeakingSkills isall about! To give you the extra confidence when you speak English!The first part is about he present tenses, the second part deals with the past tenses and the third will focus on the future tenses."
Price: 29.99

"Level Up to Leader: Practical Managerial Communication Tips"
"Want to achieve better results for your team, while helping your organization achieve its goals ANDsetting the stage for your own career advancement? This is the course for you.In this course, you'll learn a series of practical communications techniquesyou can use starting today to motivate your team and take them to the next level. The techniques are tried and true;they don't require an investment in fancy technologies, and you won't need to upend your current work processes. These are solutions tailored to your reality.Making the leap from manager (or aspiring manager) to leader isn't as hard as you might think.Learn how to build a high-performing team and supercharge your career:Simple and effective ways to build trust with your team that dont cost a dimeEasy-to-implement tactics that break down barriers and encourage innovative behaviorTips to build an engaged team that understands the role they play within the companyPractical techniques for providing feedback and recognitionAnd more"
Price: 109.99

"Storage Area Network (SAN)"
", , , - ., , - . , . Brocade."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Music Rhythms"
"This online video course will teach you simple and powerful techniques to read, write, sing and play music rhythms found in music scores. The course contains detailed explanations, musical dictations, practice exercises & progress tests designed to help you save time, money and make learning music rhythms easier. BENEFICIAL FOR* Anyone who plays an instrument * Musicians interested in learning to read music scores * Songwriters & Composers interested in sharing their musical ideas with musicians who read music * Teachers to have new teaching material for classesADVANTAGES* Suitable for all instruments and ages * Control the speed at which you learn with lifetime access to the course * Accessible anytime on mobile or desktop with an internet connectionCONNECT TO FRIENDS & FAMILY* Share or gift this course to musicians, students, teachers and music lovers "
Price: 49.99

"Blues Guitar Made Simple"
"This online course teaches well known blues guitar techniques to help you play blues guitar like a pro. Master the essentials of playing blues rhythm and form, pentatonic scale licks, bends, hammer on, pull offs and trills. These blues guitar lessons contain detailed demonstrations and practice exercises to help make learning easy. Accessible anytime on mobile or desktop with an internet connection. Learn from Canadian blues guitar master Jon Adessky.BENEFICIAL FOR1. Beginner and intermediate guitarists2. Blues music lovers3. Musicians, Teachers, Students to have new material for classesADVANTAGES* Control the speed at which you learn with lifetime access to the course* Accessible on mobile or desktop with an internet connectionCONNECT TO FRIENDS & FAMILY* Share or gift this course to friends, musicians, students, teachers and guitar lovers"
Price: 19.99

"Langage Microsoft SQL de A to Z Formation"
"Ce cours, ""Microsoft SQL pour les dbutants"". Ce cours, ""Microsoft SQL de A Z"".SQL (Structured Query Language) est le langage que nous utilisons pour interagir avec les bases de donnes qui stockent des donnes. Cela nous permet de rcuprer des donnes avec facilit et simplicit. mesure que les termes tels que business intelligence et big data deviennent plus familiers, les entreprises auront besoin de plus de personnes pour apprendre le langage SQL.Ce cours vous apprendra comment utiliser le langage SQL dans Microsoft SQL Server, l'un des moteurs de base de donnes les plus populaires au monde.Vous aurez beaucoup de leons vido pour vous enseigner la majorit du contenu. Chaque section comprend des problmes pratiques ou des livres lectroniques supplmentaires pour vous aider renforcer ce que vous apprenez dans les didacticiels vido. Dans cette formation :Extraire des donnes depuis n'importe quelle base de donnes en SQLC'est quoi langage SQLInstallation de wamp server pour MysqlCration de table et champ avec Langage SqlExcute les requte Sql en lignerequte select fromFiltrag sur langage SqlRequte OREDER BYRequte Group BYLa clause LIMITLa commande ALTER TABLE en SQLRenommer une colonne / suppressionJointure INNER JOINJointure CROSS JOINJointure (LEFT JOIN )Jointure (RIGHT JOIN)La commande WHEREOprateur LIKE %Les Oprateurs de comparaisons"
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Shapes in Adobe Photoshop CC + 10 Projects [2019]"
"***** 2019 UPDATED *****This course is all about VectorDesign in Adobe Photoshop CC. There are no requirements to enroll this course. You can start from novice to become a Master in Vector Design inside Adobe Photoshop CC. In this course you will learn: What are the differences between Vectors andRasters? What are the uses of Vectors? How to create and manage Grids and Guides inside Adobe Photoshop CC? How to create and manage basic Shapes? Including Rectangles, Rounded Rectangles, Ellipses, Polygons and Stars, Lines and Custom Shapes How to manage Fills and Strokes? How to work efficiency with Black Arrow and White Arrow tools? How to Manage Shapes using Live Shape Properties? How to create Masks and manage Masks Properties? How to create and manage Vector Masks? How to manage more shapes in one layer? How to Merge Shape Layers? How to Arrange Shapes? How to Align Shapes? What is the use of Align Edges Option? How to manage paths using Paths Panel? How to draw paths/shapes using the Pen Tool? How to get the best results from the Pen tool? How to work with the Freeform Pen tool? How to Add/Delete/convert Anchor points? How to create and Manage Custom Shapes?What are New Path Options? (Adobe Photoshop 2018 and Later)How to use Curvature Pen Tool? (Adobe Photoshop 2018 and Later)And finally put all this knowledge in action and create: 3D Wallpaper Origami Logo Monocolor Logo Icon Sets Business Card 3D DVD Package Web Elements Santa Character Symmetrical Design All from Scratch. Have fun and enroll the course :)"
Price: 24.99

"How To Do Professional Audio Recording & Mixing"
"Ready to Learn How ProfessionalAudio Engineers Make Pro Music?In this course you will look over the shoulder of a seasoned, professional music producers who makes music for a living. Whether you are an artist, looking to produce a demo, a professional sound engineer or someone looking to produce music for sale, you will learn valuable, real-life tips and secrets to making your sound stand out from the rest.In this video course, you will learn how to:Mix audio levelsMixing EQ (equalization) as an audio effectMixing EQ and Vocals (Vox)Mixing EQ and BassMixing EQ and AcousticsMixing EQ and ToneMixing EQ and Masking Part 1 and 2Mixing EQ and Percussion (Drums)Mixing Compression as an EffectYour instructor is Jordan Jackiew, owner of Tailored Mixing studio in Winnipeg, Manitoba."
Price: 34.99

"Audio Mastering Training"
"Demystifying the magic of mastering music and finishing your songs. A professional approach from real mastering sessions that goes in depth into the skills and techniques in mastering, as well as why it can be a confusing and frustrating experience. You will leave with a solid understand of why mastering is so easy yet difficult to master, and will have much improved skills in all your other recording projects. In this video course, you will learn how to:Mastering ExamplesMastering and CompressionMastering and EQMastering and LimitingMastering the chainMastering gain stagingHow not to tear your hair out trying to make things sound goodMastering Secret Weapons"
Price: 29.99

"How to achieve true happiness in 8 short powerful Lessons"
"HOW TO ACHIEVE TRUE HAPPINESS IN 8 SHORT POWERFUL LESSONSIf you want change, a shift, movement in your life then our 8 week online course is for you....Expect big shifts, expect light bulbs, expect haha moments, expect realisations...Your going to learn who you are, why you do the things you do & why your life is the way it is, more importantly your going to have the skill set for life in how to solve any problem & get the things you dream of!.Big claims we know, we live & breath this understanding & we want you to have it too.8 Lessons spread over 8 weeks, with short videos lasting no longer then 26 minutes.Within each lesson we give you games/tasks that can be achieved throughout your daily life, no having to create additional hours for our course.***WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE SAYING ABOUT OUR COURSE***This is fascinating and I'm excited because it opens up the possibility for a significant shift here ~ AI owe you guys big time ~ AI have so much faith in Kerry and Carrie ~ KIm really enjoying doing the lessons ~ SGot some great feedback , most of which really surprised me!! ~ KThe eye game is amazing, only by looking into their eyes, its like I have all the power ~ NJesus Christ!!! It all came out, never have I spoken out like I did today, all I can say is fucking hell! ~ KDone 'live' video.....was not as easy as I'd thought! Had to redo as got emotional, & lost for words! Me --lost for words! That's a 1st! ~ ALife has gotten exponentially better as I've dropped looking for validation from others. Dropping this last little bit can only be a good thing ~A""Everyone needs to do this course"" ~ AWe look forward to seeing you on lesson 1C&K"
Price: 44.99

"Sourdough bread , Bake Tunisian Fankoosh Like a Professional"
"hello .. we are here to present you how to do the TUNISIAN FANKOUCH. you can call it the dilecious TOO because it's really good to taste ..In this Course you'll find everything you need to prepare it ..I wish you'll like what we do and what we chose to show you .. enjoy it. thank you ."
Price: 99.99

"Flowcode And Labview For Embedded Systems From Scratch"
"What makes this course unique for our students? Proteus based hardware simulationcollection of 30 Years teaching training and field experience Extensive coverage of topicsPractical software Implementation Embedded code development Code Testing on Proteus simulator Concept building for final year electronics projects for University Electro Educators brings you aPIC16F877A based embedded system designcourse taught by Professor Electronics from Electro Educators. Course comprises of 41video lectures from basic concept of embedded systems design to advance level controlsystems designing.Students of all levels are invited to join thecourse and increasetheirknowledge ofembedded systems design concepts step by step in an easy and efficient way."
Price: 199.99

"Windows 10 The Basics"
"In this course you will learn the basics on how to use Windows 10 from using the start menu to using the new Microsoft Edge browser which is the replacement to Internet Explorer. You will also learn how to do a disk cleanup to free up space on your computer and how to create a icon to a website on your desktop."
Price: 19.99

"Social Media Success: How to Become an Influencer"
"Do you have a blog? Are you an entrepreneur? Why not take your business to the next level by becoming a social media influencer!A social media influencer is a person who has the passion, power, and platform to make a difference in the lives of others while promoting their products and services. By developing a large and loyal following on social media, influencers have the ability to: Generate hits on their website and/or social media channels Sell various products and services on their website Work with companies as a sponsored social media influencer The ability to work from home and have flexible hours Unlimited earning potential Traveling and meeting people from around the world Sharing your passion with people while making a difference in their lives Lifetime access to Margauxs private influencer networking Facebook group, the Fabulous Flourishers Taught by retired social media influencer and Influencer Coach, Margaux J Rathbun (creator of Authentic Self Wellness and Flourish and Flow Influencer Coaching)this course combines her 10+ years of experience of working in marketing with her knowledge of what it takes to become a social media influencer. There are many benefits in becoming a social media influencer including: Enroll in this life-changing course today! COURSE BONUS As a client and/or student, you will gain lifetime access to my private Facebook group, the Fabulous Flourishers. This is a safe and loving community filled with kindred spirits who are there to support your influencer efforts.What can you expect by joining this group?There are many perks to being a member of my Fabulous Flourishers community! You will have to opportunity to:- Network with other influencers- Gain new ideas and inspiration- Watch my bi-weekly Facebook live broadcasts- Promote your business in a supportive environment- Ask questions and gain prompt answers- Be the first to know when my new courses are available- And so much more!"
Price: 29.99

"Android for Absolute Beginners"
"This course will give you the foundations in programming Android applications using Java. This course is split into three sections:1. Setting up the environment and intro to languages / tools2. Understanding Java3. Android ProjectFrom this course, you will be able to understand and programming in Java and you will be able to create basic Android applications."
Price: 29.99

"Learn A-Frame And Get Ready For WebVR"
"*** NEWS 15 SEPTEMBER 2019 ***The downloadable source code has been updated to the latest release v.0.9.2 for the following lectures:Lecture 40 ""On-rails dynamic FOV reduction""Lecture 41 ""Instant and blink teleportation""Lecture 42 ""Free teleport locomotion""Moreover, some of the most relevant changes are covered in the dedicated section ""A-Frame v0.9.x - What Has Changed"", which includes the following lectures:Lecture 66 ""Introduction""Lecture 67 ""Animation""Lecture 68 ""Antialias""Lecture 69 ""Sound""The code update for the other lectures is currently work in progress!*** INTRODUCTION ***Welcome to my A-Frame course, where you will be learning how to create and test your first WebVR scenes on any device within a few hours!Whatever area of design or development you work in, you have probably started getting your head around Virtual Reality for the Web (WebVR) and, if you haven't already, soon you will have to.Indeed today the WebVR standard is incredibly well supported on phones and desktop computers for almost all major headsets.Its clearly time for all creatives to get on board!*** ABOUT ME ***I am a designer with coding skills, and some of my WebVR works won awards in competitions and hackathons in April 2018 and March 2019.April 2018My entry ""Epic Medieval Battle was announced as one of the 3 winners achieving the 3rd place in the WebVR Medieval Fantasy Experience Challenge, the contest organised by Mozilla and Sketchfab.March 2019Working in team with an AR developer, we merged WebVR and AR technology for context-aware remote placement of content on 3D maps and real-time visualisation in the real world. Our project won the Community Vote Award at #SCAPEHACK 2019, the first hackathon organised by Scape Technologies in London.If you want to keep an eye on my WebVR activity you can follow me on Twitter: @theDart76To view some of my WebVR works just visit my website and my WebVR playground (links in profile).*** WHY TO ENROLL ***This is the most complete and detailed A-Frame course you can find on Udemy, and its content is structured to introduce you to all the topics, from the most basic to the more advanced ones, in a logical progression.In each lecture I explain the concepts with practical examples, which will allow you to see the theory in practice. If you would like to have an idea of my way of teaching, just have a look at the preview videos: you can watch the first 1 hour and 20 minutes of content for free!Most importantly, I created this course in September 2017, when A-Frame was on v0.7.x, and since then I have kept it updated adding new content and information. Therefore you will have the opportunity to learn what has changed with its next releases that are v0.8.x and v0.9.x.Last but not least, as you will find plenty of examples and chucks of code online (e.g. on Glitch, CodePen, Stack Overflow) this course will also allow you to understand why some projects and experiments created using older versions of A-Frame may not work correctly when using the latest release.*** CONTENT ***By enrolling in this A-Frame course, you will learn how to use the Mozilla web framework for building awesome cross-platform Virtual Reality experiences.The course is structured to cover all the knowledge that you need to get started with A-Frame and be able to:Understand the basic syntaxTransform the objects in your sceneModify the virtual environmentLoad and display 3D modelsUse standard and semantic animationInteract with the objectsUse locomotion and teleportationModify the controlsLoad and play audio and videoCompose and register componentsUse JavaScript to control entitiesTest WebVR scenes on any device*** ADD-ONS ***For each lecture, you will be provided with the full source code that you can freely use as a template for your own projects.The course also includes some extra valuable resources to provide you with:Web links to resources used in the lecturesWeb links to FREE 3D models and 3D modeling softwareWeb links to VR-related websitesFinally, this A-Frame course will be continuously updated with new content, projects, and resources, so you can think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of A-Frame training!"
Price: 199.99

"Ethical Hacking Exam Questions and Explained Answers"
"How well do you know Ethical Hacking?Thepractice tests herewould you assess your level of understanding concepts in Ethical HackingThere are twotests of 75 questions each. The duration for each test is 1 hour 40 minutes and the passing score is 70%. The answers are EXPLAINEDforyou have a better understanding of the topic(s).Also, the questions have been grouped into the certain Cyber Security domains.You can sort the questions by each knowledge area. This is after taking the test.Good luck as youcomplete these twotests and aim fora passing score."
Price: 24.99

"A Step-by-Step Guide To ECSA Registration - Roadmap"
"This Course will:Provide windows of opportunities to aspiringCandidate Technologists, Technicians and Engineering Graduates to obtain ECSA registration Status.Provide exclusive benefits and Professional recognition to aspiringCandidate Technologists, Technicians and Engineering Graduates.This Course is for Engineering Professionals with 2 to 3 years working experience and have engineering qualification from any of the South African Universities and or Universities of TechnologyThis Course is not for high school students or highly qualified executives with more than 10 years working experience."
Price: 1500.00

"Fundamentos de Proyectos con Estndares PMI y PMBOK 6"
"Hola a todos en este curso revisaremos la Gestin de Proyectos o Project Management mediante los estndares del PMI que es la organizacin ms reconocida a nivel mundial en lo referente a direccin de Proyectos.Vamos a revisar como la correcta gestin  y el uso de herramientas hace que tus proyectos puedan cumplirse de la manera que lo has planificado. Cmo puedes haberte dado cuenta si trabajas con proyectos sabes que es una de las reas ms complejas de una organizacin debido a los constantes problemas que se presentan y a los cambios de alcance que son solicitados de manera regular. El PMI naci debido a que solo el 39% de los proyectos son terminados a tiempo y solamente el 50% de ellos lo han hecho con el presupuesto inicial estos datos son tomados del PMI a nivel mundial. Una de las razones para estas cifra es una comunicacin ineficaz y que la realizamos con solo algunos de los involucrados y en otros casos los requerimientos no son recopilados con los involucrados adecuados.Dentro de este curso abordaremos las herramientas y procesos que el PMI a comprobado que funcionan y revisaremos como se debera gestionar un proyecto desde el inicio paso a paso a fin de tener una idea clara de qu hacer para que nuestro proyecto avance segn lo  hemos planeado. Entre las herramientas revisaremos las principales reas de conocimiento del PMI el cmo y cundo usar cada proceso involucrado en cada rea.Todos estos conocimientos te sern de gran ayuda y te permitir poder realizar una gestin correcta y evitar problemas constantes con un estudio de involucrados adecuado o un anlisis de riesgos de tu proyecto.Recuerda que el objetivo es siempre mejorar y este ser un pequeo paso que te llevar por un camino de muchas oportunidades y mejora constante. "
Price: 34.99

"Preparacin del examen PMP del PMI con el PMBOK 6ta edicin"
"La certificacin PMP es una de las ms importantes dentro del mundo de Proyectos. Este curso te permitir medir tus conocimientos mediante los 6 exmenes que contiene: Examen de Diagnstico: Con 30 preguntas desarrolladas para que de una manera rpida puedas medir tu conocimiento y  diferenciar las reas que necesitas mejorar. Examen de Marco Conceptual, Alcance, Interesados : El segundo examen te permitir medir tus conocimientos sobre El Marco Conceptual, el Alcance y los Interesados mediante 40 preguntas en el cual tendrs 45 mn para resolver. Examen de Cronograma y Costo : En 40 preguntas  que engloba los temas ms importantes de estas dos reas del conocimiento. Aqu tendrs 45 mn para resolver el examen. Examen de Calidad y Recursos:  Este examen consta de  40 preguntas con los temas ms importantes de estas dos reas del conocimiento. Aqu tendrs 45 mn para resolver el examen. Examen de Riesgo , Adquisiciones y Comunicacin: En este examen demuestra  tus conocimiento sobre estas tres reas del conocimiento. Tendrs que responder 40 preguntas tipo examen PMP en 45 minutos y obtener 70% para aprobar. Esto te servir para que sigas acostumbrndote al examen real. Es recomendable usar 1 minuto por pregunta para que tengas tiempo al final para revisar tu examen. Examen Final: En este examen demuestra tus conocimiento sobre el todas las reas. Tendrs que responder 200 preguntas tipo examen PMP en 4 horas y obtener 75% para aprobar. Esto te servir para que sigas acostumbrndote al examen real.Los 5 primeros exmenes contiene la explicacin de cada las preguntas para que sirva de referencia, adems existen preguntas en las cuales adems de la explicacin te indica la pgina del PMBOK 6ta edicin en la cual encontrars ms informacin.El 6to examen te indica la respuesta correcta pero no se ha colocado la explicacin. Esto se debe a que lo mejor para aprobar el examen es formar un criterio que te permita justificar si una respuesta es correcta o no.  El material que necesitars es PMBOK 6ta edicin como libro de cabecera, pero adems existe ms bibliografa que te ayudar en tu estudio como Director de Proyecto de Pablo Lledo"
Price: 39.99

"DIY WordPress Theme -"
"## ( ) /archives/1688 !(WordPress) . 1/4 ,    ? (Presentation) (Dashboard) (Contents)  . .    . , (Bootstrap) html css javascript .  html css, javascript , ( )     .  .  html css . 1 10 15 . .  .  QnA . ."
Price: 110000.00

"DIY Bootstrap 4 - 10 (+ , )"
"## ( ) /archives/1688 !(Bootstrap) Front Endh  html css javascript .  html css, javascript , ( )     . , (Components) . : Grid (Container Columns ) CSS3 display flex , (Typography, Image ) .Modern Javascript Module bundler Compling Library (Webpack) , Webpack Starter template .4 Website . Javascript css Website . Resource, Bootstrap 4.1( jQuery, popper.js), Fontawesome 5, animate.css wow.js, Lightbox2(css js) Google map api . Code Editor Sublime Text , Visual Studio Code, Atom ."
Price: 110000.00

"Youtube Para Afiliado Vdeo na Primeira Pgina"
"Nesse treinamentoeu voumostrar de como colocar seu vdeo deforma rpida e fcilna 1pgina do YouTube e no Google.No necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio,qualquer pessoa capaz de colocar seu vdeo na primeira pgina do YouTube seguindo estas estratgias.Voc vai aprenderComocolocar seu Video na Primeira Pagina do YouTube!Tcnicas de pesquisa de palavras-chave no youtube com a concorrncia do mesmo nicho.Como criar o seu canal do YouTube (caso ainda no tenha)Como otimizar seus vdeos para aparecer na primeira pgina dos resultados de pesquisa do YouTubeComo transformar esses vdeos em dinheirocom seu link de afiliadoE muito muito mais...Para quem este curso:afiliados. consultores, empresrios, blogueiros,qualquer empresa ou pessoa tentando comercializar um produto ou servio online devem aproveitar agora para obter uma vantagem sobre a concorrncia, antes que eles ganhemHojeas empresas utilizam vdeo nas suas campanhas de marketing. Marketing no YouTube.Quem o pblico Youtube para afiliadoSe voc tem vdeos no YouTube e quer estar na primeira pgina doresultados do YouTube, este curso para voc!Se voc tem uma empresa, este curso vai lhe ajudar a divulgar a sua empresa utilizando o YouTube."
Price: 144.99

"Mailchimp iniciantes"
"Saiba como usar a ferramenta poderosa e eficaz do Maichimp para vender para sua lista de e-mail, e descubra qual o momento certo de enviar um e-mail de venda. Aprenda a criar uma sequncia de e-mail automtico.Esse curso voc vai aprender uma estratgia que os grandes usam mas vai facilitar sua comunicao com seu pblico. Mesmo se voc nunca enviou um e-mail marketing na vida voc vai conseguir absorver esse contedo, pois o mtodo de ensino muito simplesMailChimp para Afiliado iniciante"
Price: 129.99