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"How to Measure and Manage Legal Risk"
"Risk is a team sport. Learn how towin.Learn how to measure and manage legal risk with practical techniques for any type of legal risk.This course gives you to tools to communicate more effectively with management about risk.Incorporate techniques into your current process and work product.Suitable for any size team, unit, or company.Useful in any jurisdiction.Legal risk management is part of a broader risk management framework. Legal risk has special characteristics that pose challenges to the broad spectrum of legal professionals involved in law and compliance.Learn how to leverage international standards, like ISO31000, for better risk management."
Price: 44.99

"Cryptocurrency Investing for Beginners"
"In thiscourse for beginners, I show you step by step tutorialson how to obtain your first cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, Ethereum,Litecoin, Ripple, and many others. I show you how to see the majority of all cryptocurrencies currently activeon different exchanges.How to trade on those different exchanges from setting up a new account, to utilizing their different models.They all come down to the basics of buying, selling, and trading, but they all differ in one, or many different ways. We will go through setting up wallets, security via texting, email, and Google Authenticator which will ensure yoursecurity to the greatest possible extent.I will show youhow to make money with several different types of investment models, while avoiding the many scams out there, which can be an extremely tricky task. There are so many HYIP, and get rich quick scams out there. Some seem to be extremely successful, even if some are, how long can they sustain for? This and other topics are covered throughoutquizzes and assignments.Don't be worried by the speed of the videos as I have designed them to go at a fairly quick pace.But they are broken up into different parts so you can come back and navigate quickly, to whichever part you need help with.This is an interactive course so you will be able to discuss your thoughts, trades, predictions, and much more with other students as well as myself.Don't be upset if you have missed out on the Bitcoin growth in the early days, because it is still early enough for you to capitalize on bitcoin itself, and on the many other alternative coins rising through the ranks. You won't be an early adopter, but you will certainly be in the middle. Less than 1% of the world's population has a wallet address at the time of this writing. This technology will make it easy for anyone to have access to banking without centralized banks.As soon as you understand the value of block chain technology and the ease of its use, you will no longer want to know how many dollars you can trade your bitcoins in for. You will start to realize that soon enough, you won't have to or evenwant to.The ICOworksheet I have in the course comes from months of making mistakes, as well as some solid success. Make sure you utilize it on every investment you make in this market. We will go into more detail in the intermediate and advanced courses on trends and tools to help make new investments.At the end of this course, you will know how to buy, sell, and trade different cryptocurrencies. You will have the ability to do so with confidence in yourself, and in your security. You will also be able to go through the hundreds, maybe thousands of different ICO's and know what to look for in picking a winner!Don't keep putting it off, act today! The longer you wait to get into this market, is another day you are missing out, whether you get this course or not.As a bonus to this course, I will upload one new ICO pick each month from November 2017 to November 2018!!!"
Price: 154.99

"Trouver LA bonne NICHE pour se lancer en DROPSHIPPING, ou en e-commerce en gnral est particulirement compliqu !Secteur surcharg, manque d'ide, peur de ne pas s'y connatre assez, manque d'information pour trouver de bons produits vendre... Les raisons ne manquent pas pour se dmotiver avant mme de se jeter l'eau !Malheureusement, la peur est un sentiment rationnel et se jeter l'eau sans savoir nager et souvent une mauvaise ide : soit on fait confiance son instinct et a marche, soit ...on coule !Dans cette formation, je vous propose d'apprendre ""nager"" travers le monde du dropshipping en vous proposant un cours complet sur la recherche d'une niche et des produits qui vont avec en cassant les prjugs et en mettant votre disposition les ressources pour russir !A la fin de cette formation vous saurez mme de :Savoir si une niche est rentableConnatre la niche qui vous correspondTrouver des ""killer products"" pour votre businessDfinir quelle sera la niche de votre premire boutiqueIl ne vous reste plus qu' dbuter la formation en vido !"
Price: 99.99

"Bass Layering and Mixing For Electronic Music"
"Every producer has spent hours trying togettheir basses to play powerfullyand yet stillremainbalancedwiththeir entire mix. We often think we've got the perfect sounding bass, butwhen it plays with everything else, it's either overwhelming or doesn't translate on smaller headphones/laptop speakers.In this course you'll learnthe right way to Layer, EQ and Sidechain the perfect bass for your mix.Course Overview1. Discoverhow bass can be divided into 4 frequency bands, and how they are individually EQed to create a clear and compelling low end.2. Learnhow to design each layer of your bass so they can easily be adjusted for your mix.3. Find out why wesidechain each layer separately and howit creates more room for your kick to punch through dense mixes.4. Learn the advanced techniques for getting your sub frequencies to play on smaller headphones and laptop speakers.5. Every producer must knowhow to use EQ and compression together. Included ismyE-book, ""The EQ and CompressionFormula."" In it you'll learn the step by step way to use EQ and Compression together.This course will removethe guess workwhen creating andengineeringbasses.It doesn't matter whether its a synth bass, anaudio sample or some combination of the two.By usingthesebass layering techniques you'll be able tocreatethe perfect sounding basses for any mix.Course FeaturesBass LayeringEQCompressionSidechainCompressionMultiband CompressionThe Low Frequency Microscope TrickThe Sub SweetenerTechniqueUnderstanding Bass Frequencies Chart (PDF)33 Creative Powerups for the Music Producer (PDF)The EQand Compression Formula (36-page E-book)"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Francs - Tenha uma Pronncia Perfeita"
"Estudar a pronncia fundamental para quem estiver comeando os estudos de um novo idioma. preciso saber articular bem os sons para ser bem entendido. Mas porque realmente devo estudar pronncia?Estudar a pronncia FUNDAMENTALpara um melhordesenvolvimento de qualquer idioma. Pois no adianta termos um vasto vocabulrio, saber utilizar todos os tipos detempos verbais, saber interpretar um texto, etc, se na hora que vamos falar enos expressarNO SERMOS COMPREENDIDOS.Com certeza uma sensao bem frustrante ver algum fazer aquela cara de ""ahn?"" porque no nos entendeu. O Domnio sobre a lngua falada comea com o entendimento oral, e este comea com o reconhecimento das palavras contidas no fluxo de produo oral. Conseguir isolar cada conjunto de fonemas correspondentes a cada unidade semntica (palavra), dentro da sequncia ininterrupta de sons no fluxo da produo oral, um desafio considervel.O que abordaremos nesse curso que ir me ajudar com a pronncia?Os 5 pilares principais para uma pronncia perfeita no FrancsTcnicas para voc j sair falando perfeitamente o som dos temidos""R e U"".Estudo minucioso de acentuaes e suas mudanas fonticasTreinamento em LeituraLigaes e os principais erros do Brasileiros com as mesmas.Dicas pessoais que me fizeram ter uma pronncia considervel em pouqussimo.A tcnica mais utilizada pelos poliglotas para melhorar a sua pronuncia rapidamente.O curso conta apenas com as vdeo-aulas?No. Alm das aulas em vdeo voc ter tambm como material de apoio uma apostiladetalhada sobre cada ponto abordado e que TOTALMENTE INDISPENSVELpara o curso.E o que tem nessa apostila?Curso detalhado para acompanhamento de cada tpico estudadoExerccios de leitura e soletraoDicasRecomendaes* Juntamente com o seu material tambm vir um Audiobook de cada lio, e o curso em formato de MP3 para voc ouvir onde quiser.Concluindo!Falar com boa pronncia muito diferente de soar como um nativo. Tenha em mente que o seu objetivo no se passar por um falante nativo da lngua alvo, mas ter uma pronncia clara, inteligvel e agradvel aos ouvidos.BONNES TUDES!"
Price: 54.99

"Aprendendo a Aprender (Seja Fluente em QUALQUER IDIOMA)"
"O Que ser Autodidata?Autodidata um adjetivo e substantivo de dois gneros, utilizado para designar uma pessoa que tem acapacidade de aprender algo por conta prpria, sem o auxlio de um professor ou mentor. Algum que aprende alguma coisa sozinho.As pessoas autodidatas so conhecidas pela sua fora de vontade e persistncia em aprender algo, seja um assunto, um instrumento musical, um idioma, entre outras coisas. Sem a ajuda de um professor que possa instruir os primeiros passos, o autodidata enfrenta bastante dificuldade no comeo do processo de aprendizado.O CursoVoc ter aqui um curso COMPLETO com as principais tcnicas utilizadas pelos Poliglotas, tcnicas que os ajudam a aprender 5, 10, 15, 20 idiomas. Aprender tambm o considerado Mtodo Perfeito, qual o material correto para se estudar um idioma sozinho e atingir resultados satisfatrios com o mesmo. O curso BEM COMPLETO sobre o tema que eu tenho CERTEZA ABSOLUTA que vocs no se arrepender de adquirir.O que abordaremos nesse curso ?Mudana de Mentalidade (De aluno para Autodidata).O Mtodo Correto.Tcnicas de Estudo.Como Otimizar seu Estudo.O curso tem somente vdeo-aulas?NO! O curso ele conta uma srie de dicas, links, exerccios, contedos diversos para download, pdf's, bnus, e etc.ConsideraesCom sua dedicao, esforo, e perseverana e todo o contedo que ser passado aqui nesse curso, eu tenho CERTEZA que voc ser capaz de aprender QUALQUER IDIOMA!E a, vamos estudar? TE VEJO NO CURSO!"
Price: 54.99

"Scratch ile Arduino Programlama - Kkten Bye Arduino"
"Merhabalar,Arduino renmek ve retmek mi istiyorsunuz? ocuunuz bilgisayar banda ok zaman geiriyor ama faydal eyler yapmadn m dnyorsunuz? Kursumuz ile hem siz hemde ocuunuz film izler gibi basit dzeyden gelimi dzeye arduino tasarmlar yapabileceksiniz. stelik en ufak yazlm bilgisi dahi istemeden kendinizi projelerin iinde bulacaksnz.Kursumuzda hem devre tasarmlarn retiyoruz hem elektronik ekipmanlar tantyoruz. Scratch ile arduino projelerinize can verirken ayrca balang dzeyde c++ eitimi vererek gelecek projelerinize ilk adm biz attryoruz.Neden oyun oynayan ve retilmii kullanan bir toplumdan oyun yazan ve kendi reten bir topluma gemeyelim?Sizde zenle hazrlanm alannda yeterlilie sahip ve retim tasarm ilkelerine uygun hazrlanm bu kursta hemen yerinizi aln. Eer arduino seti almadan temel bilgileri kazanmak ve bilgi edinmek istiyorsanz. Dier kursumuz olan ""Setiniz Olmadan Arduino renin ve retin - Tinkercad"" kursumuza gz atabilirsiniz."
Price: 369.99

"Social Media Marketing for Fashion Domination Masterclass"
"THE MOSTCOMPREHENSIVE, SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING COURSE DEDICATED TO ALL TYPES OF FASHIONBUSINESSES ON UDEMY. Free access to all updates for life!Ready to take your fashionbusiness viral? Harness the power of social media with this extensive socialmedia course. Everything from content marketing to social ecommerce, Instagram and other platforms, socialmedia automation, audiencedefinition anddesign, etc.This course is not just meant for appareldesigners, but also to allied fashion business lines like footwears, swimwears,underwears, jewelry, bags, etc. Are you readyto become part of the next-generation of fashion business leaders? Harness thepower of social media for your fashion business, brand and career.You will learn exactly how the big brands like Nike, Marc Jacobs, Forever21, Puma, H & M, Louis Vuitton, etc are using social media to generate demand for their classy products. Other practical examples from leading Nigerian fashion brands also included. Joining this social media course withUNLIMITED & LIFETIME access you will learn how to drive sales, attract newcustomers and master social media for your fashion outfit.FULLSATISFACTION GUARANTEED.Social media sites like Instagram, Twitter,Facebook, Snapchat, Youtube, and Pinterest all have thousands of customerswaiting for you to explore.This course is the most comprehensive look atall of the aspects of social media management and engagement:What does thiscourse give you?Reasonsto use social media for your fashion brand2017's Top Fashion Brands on Social MediaWhat Social Media Platforms should your brand be on?Where top fashion brands are found the most10 Practices of Highly Successful Fashion Brands onSocial Media worth copyingSocial Media Content Ideas for FashionpreneursSecret of content excellence and the Marysia Swim storyTypes of content you can engage your fans withInstagram Domination Strategies for Fashion BrandsWhy have an Instagram strategy for your Fashion brand?What are thumb-stopping Instagram posts?6 rules for creating thumb-stopping Instagram posts 12 tools to start creating stunning Instagram postsBonus Instagram domination tipsEnabling Shopping from Instagram directlyThe obvious difficulties of selling on Instagram5 tools to enable shopping from your Instagram feed.Top free & pocket-friendly tools to change yoursocial media gameDesign/content creation toolsPublishing toolsContent curation toolsBrand monitoring toolsSocial media contest management toolsBonus lecture:ResourcesWith the practical approach this course assumes, it willtake you from complete novice to pro with your social media game. It isarguably the most comprehensive online course dedicated to fashionentrepreneurs to market their businesses on social media; giving learners agreat grounding and skill set to enter the world of social.DON'T FORGET:Udemy operates a 30 day full money back guarantee, no questions asked! Ifyou're not happy with this course you can request your money back.Click the""takethis course""button straight away at the top right of thispage to unlock the power of social media for your fashion business.Who is the target audience?Anyone who owns or runs any type of fashion businessSocial media managers for fashion brandsMarketing consultantsDigital agencies"
Price: 149.99

"Unity 2017 -"
", Unity . , , , , , , . , . . Shuriken VFX-. . , . : Unity , . Unity. . . 2D . Unity UI. Unity . Unity Entity-Component-System. , , . . . , , . : , . , . . Shuriken , ."
Price: 109.99

"2D Minecraft C# WinForms"
"C# ? ? ! , . :, . Minecraft Winforms. , Minecraft . , : , ."
Price: 29.99

"C# + Unity"
"? !? . . , , . , , . , . Unity. 50 , ."
Price: 19.99

"Unity 2D"
"Unity? ! . . TopDown Unity. Unity C#. "" ?"" , ."
Price: 119.99

"(OOP) C# C# 1"
"C#, ? , , , . , , . , . . , . C# ."
Price: 109.99

"Introduccin a Blockchain, criptomonedas y Ethereum"
"Este es el primer cursode Udemy sobre blockchain en espaolque cubre las bases sobre las que se asientan los proyectos en esta tecnologa.Blockchaines una tecnologa revolucionaria quepermite creartransacciones seguras en redes pblicas o privadas, sin intermediarios.Utiliza sistemas basados en la criptografa que aseguran su fiabilidad.Se habla sobre ella como la tecnologa del presente y del futuro, tanto es as, que muchos la catalogan como la prxima revolucin industrial.Se espera que las industrias creen o redefinan susmodelos de negocio a partir de proyectos de Blockchain.Los mltiples usos en diferentes sectores hacen que millones de personas estemos pendientes de ella y queramos formar parte de este gran cambio.Lasposibilidades y usos de la cadena de Bloquesson casi infinitas: Banca, transferencias, ciberseguridad, registros acadmicos, registro de propiedad, otros registros,votaciones, alquileres y ventas, el Internet de las cosas, Msica y cine online, comercio de acciones, etc."
Price: 49.99

"solo travel for women & beyond"
"did you know that travelling can:boost your confidence and become more independentenhance your creativity and language skillsbe a source of stress relief and improves your health (there is scientific proof!)boosts happiness and lessen depressionbe great for the mind, body and the soulthe ultimate beginner's course for travelling soloThis course focuses on how to travel solo for women. I'll show you how to get over your mental hurdles to planning a trip on your own. Not only will the types of skills you learn while travelling be beneficial for your journey, but the skills that you learn will also empower you in your personal and professional life.this course is for someone who:has never travelled solo beforewants to travel on her own but not sure where to startis not sure how to get over the fears of travelling solowants to know how to plan her first tripwants to be aware of critical things before and during her tripfrequently asked questions:Q: Who should take this course?A: This course is for women who have never travelled on their own before and don't know where to start.Q: What can I expect from enrolling in this course?A: The course is a series of videos on how to travel solo. It starts with choosing a destination that aligns with your personality and passion. Then we will discuss how to overcome fears that women have that have been preventing women from travelling on their own. Since preparation is a big part of anyones first solo trip, a whole module will solely be on planning. Finally, I will show you all the benefits of travelling solo both in your personal and professional life."
Price: 29.99

"Moroccan Recipes : How To Cook the Mussels Tajine"
"in this course I will show you how you can prepare a tajine mussels and of course many people love seafood but they eat them in a usual sense but in this video you will see a Moroccan preparations of these mussels more than I'm going show you how to wash these mussels how to boil them how to prepare the sauce how to serve these mussels in tagine. I hope that the container of this video will please you and I will be attentive to receive your questions about the moroccan cooking or moroccan traditionalsand your suggestions if you want to learn about something different, on my accout gmail you will findit in the end of the video and I will answer with pleasure"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda Tesouro Direto sem nunca ter investido"
"No cursoTesouro Direto Para Quem Nunca Investiu voc ir aprender a investir no Tesouro Direto, o investimento perfeito para quem quer sair da Poupana e comear ainvestir de verdade.Anos atrs, quando abriconta nas maiores corretoras do pas e estudei muito cada opo de investimento, cheguei a concluso que o Tesouro Direto o melhor caminho para quemnunca investiu antes no vale contara Poupana, claro.(Assista a primeira aula e descubra que, ao longo dos anos, voc perdeu dinheiro naPoupana, por isso ela no considerada um investimento.)Voc ir perceber que investir no mesmo produto que grandes fundosno to complicado quanto parece alis, ao longo da vida somos bombardeados de anncios que mostram que sempre necessrio ter ""algum"" (como um analista)pra nos ajudar com investimentos, sendo que na verdade extremamente fcil administrar voc mesmo seu patrimnio.E o mais interessante: aplicaes no Tesouro Direto partem de R$ 30,00. Isso mesmo, a partir de Trinta Reais voc j consegue colocar seu dinheiro para render no mesmo lugar que os super-ricos e fundos especializados.OTesouro Direto um investimento garantido pelo TesouroNacional, instituio monetria soberana no Brasil, e a opo de diversos fundos de renda fixa.Assista a primeira aula gratuitamente por tempo limitado e veja como aprender a investir no Tesouro Direto pode mudar o rumo da sua vida financeira."
Price: 54.99

"Truccabimbi e Facepainting Corso Base"
"Un corso per persone totalmente nuove al facepainting e al truccabimbi che abbiano voglia di imparare le tecniche base. Partiremo parlando dei materiali indispensabili per il truccabimbi per poi imparare le tecniche principali usando pennelli e spugne. A seguire ci saranno alcune dimostrazioni di cheekart, con i soggetti pi richiesti, e alcune nozioni sulla pulizia del materiale."
Price: 54.99

"Diseo Grfico y Audiovisual: Mster Course"
"Este es un curso que integra herramientas de diseo grfico y audiovisual en un solo ecosistema, para comunicar y expresar tus ideas y entrenar tu creatividad. A travs de diferentes herramientas de diseo y cientos de trucos y material compartido, experimentars resultados potentes y profesionales aplicables a ideas, proyectos y personas. "
Price: 99.99

"Legends of Comedy : English Workshop"
"INTELLIGENT CONVERSATIONS This English conversation workshop is for students who are looking expand their vocabulary and reach a higher level of English listening and comprehension skills. If you are tired of traditional English courses and have an open mind, then this is the course for you!COURSE OBJECTIVESThe objective of this course is not only to improve your English, but also to expand your knowledge of interesting and informative subjects. By the end of this course you will be able to talk to your friends in English about the lives of four legends of comedy, Ricky Gervais, Jerry Seinfeld, Robin Williams and Jim Carrey. The focus is to expand your mind as well as your English! DRINK WINE WHILE STUDYING ENGLISHIt is not necessary to drink wine while doing this course, but it is recommended! (If you are of a legal age to drink!).THIS COURSE INCLUDES Full HD videos of two native British speakers discussing four legends of comedy. Complete professional ENGLISH CAPTIONS on all videos.Quizzes at the end of each section to help test listening and comprehension skills. PDF Text of workshop to accompany the videos. Vocabulary list. Full lifetime access. 30-day satisfaction or money back guarantee."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende Swift 4 para iOS y lo mejor en Bases de Datos"
"Hola bienvenido a este curso en el cual te enseare de forma practica ysencillaa crear apps para iOS utilizando la ultima versin del lenguaje creado por apple, Swift 4. Ademas de contar con mas de 30 apps y contando.En este curso he decidido hacerlo enfocndome principalmente en el uso de diferentes formas de bases de datos, lo quehaceque cuando hayas terminado la primera appya habrs creado una aplicacin con persistencia de datos. Esto porque cuando queremos dedicarnos al desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles, ya sea para trabajar como freelance, para una empresa o para nosotros mismos, en la mayora de los casos la app que te soliciten o decidas desarrollar tendralgn tipo de persistencia de datos, ya sea en mayor o en menor medida. Es por esto que este curso se enfocaen ver diferentes alternativas como:UserDefaultsCoreDataFirebaseFirestoreRealmSQLitey muchas formas mas...Algo que hace interesante a este curso es que cuando tengas las primeras 10 horasya habrs visto como hacer bases de datos con los temas de los puntos anteriores y eso acompaado de las herramientas que hacen que nuestras apps tengan interactividad con los usuarios, utilizando formularios, tablas, menus, vistas, colecciones, mapas, localizacin, tomar fotografas de la cmara o la libreray muchas cosas mas.Ademas eso no es todo, tambien veremos temas de importancia como PDFKit, Alamofire, SWIFTYJson, GestureRecognizer, CoreMotion, Google Maps y diferentes libreras muy tiles, como CarbonKit, Eureka y muchas cosas mas.."
Price: 2370.00

"Desarrollo de aplicaciones con iOS 12, swift 5 y Xcode 10"
"Bienvenidos a este curso de desarrollo de aplicaciones mviles, en el cual pondremos en practica la ultima Version del lenguaje Swift la Version 5 con la cual podremos desarrollar aplicaciones para la nueva Version de iOS 12, en este curso exploraremos desde las bases si nunca has programado hasta enviar nuestras apps a la Appstore.Empezaremos conociendo el lenguaje Swift en su mnima expresin utilizando los playgrounds, conociendo cada parte del lenguaje de una manera simple entendiendo cada uno de sus conceptos.Posteriormente empezaremos a conocer nuestro entorno de desarrollo con Xcode 10, conoceremos conceptos bsicos sobre el ciclo de vida de nuestras apps, y el como empezar a crear aplicaciones mientras seguimos conociendo el lenguaje de programacin.Nos vamos a centrar en buena parte del curso a aprender a disear nuestras apps con las reglas de diseo como las size classes, el autolayout, los constrains y stackviews, para tener una buena base para el desarrollo visual de nuestras aplicaciones tanto en iPhone como iPad.Enseguida veremos como empezar a persistir datos en nuestras apps desde utilizar userDefaults hasta realizar apps mas complejas con bases de datos como CoreData, utilizando relaciones, consultas ids, etc. al final tendremos el conocimiento suficiente para crear apps propias con bases de datos y aprenderemos como subir nuestras apps a la Appstore.Pero como es costumbre este curso estar en constante actualizacin ofreciendo nuevos temas como firebase, notificaciones push, compras integradas en nuestras apps, mapas, machine learning, realidad aumenta con ARKit y libreras externas de utilidad.Te invito a este curso que seguro te agradara y aprenders mucho sobre desarrollo de apps mviles para iOS 12"
Price: 2745.00

"Portrait drawing - basics, techniques & nuances"
"This is about a 3 hour video where I have covered a lot of topics such as basics of drawing, learning/understanding/analysing all the facial features, understanding the structure of face, the magic of free hand face drawing and construction of face.The intent of this video is to make drawing simple and very importantly to inspire you to draw/practice portrait :-)It covers about 26 chapters. At the end of this tutorial you will have a fine idea of how to start a portrait and how to process through the drawing :-)"
Price: 24.99

"BEGINNERS: Create an Autopilot Website for Passive Income"
"Learn to create a WordPress website for passive income that runs on autopilot with very little maintenance required. This step-by-step course will take you from start to finish without having to learn a single line of code. If I can do it, so can you. So, what are you waiting on?"
Price: 49.99

"SOLID : thorie et pratique"
"Durant ce cours, je prsenterai les conceptsassocis l'acronyme SOLID, les concepts thoriques mais aussi et surtout leur application pratique dans la vie quotidienne d'un dveloppeur et/ou d'un architecte. Ce cours vous permettra de dvelopper vos architectures de manire plus robuste, tout en gardant une souplesse propre au dveloppement software."
Price: 19.99

"Google Advanced Search: Become A Search Sniper & Save Time"
"Welcome to this course aboutAdvance Google SearchYou might already know searching something on Google is pretty much time consuming process, and sometimes it takes too much effort, scrolling and diggingthrough so manypages and opening so many uselesswebsites that doesn't have exact content of our need.The reason is thatGoogle Indexes thousands of webpages every singleday, because there'ssuch a huge amount of contenttyping asimplesearch query to find stuff often doesn't give you the exact results on Google's first page.That is because Google shows you results based only on therelevance to the search query.In this course you will learn:How to type effective search queries that give you exact search results.And how to control the snippets that you see in the result page by telling Google search, what exactlyyou want to see in the result page.The variety of search options in Google and how sometimes doing an image search can be more helpfulthan doing basic google search.Specify search results using built-in filters in Google search and other Google products.A complete chapter dedicated to advanced search operators and specifiers and there use. Also the use of thecombinations of these search operators.All the tools of everyday use embedded inside of Google search, such as weather forecast, unit converter,calculator and so many more.Reverse image searchto find information about an image and finding stuff with the help of image Voice search functionality to help you quickly perform Google search and other operations without having to type search queries.Throughout this course you will find tons of examples to explain each and every search query. I have tried to make this course simple to understand and easy to follow and I didn't used too technical terms to avoid confusion. Also I haven'tincluded any outdated search operator or anything that doesn't work anymore because google has recently did some changes and dropped some of them. (e.g. use of + signas AND operator)BONUS! Download the PDF documents containing the Complete lists of all built-in tools and hidden tricks. These are by far the most comprehensive lists.After finishing this course youwill have all the tools and techniques to search the web quickly and effectively, saving a lot of time and effort.Whether you areacompletebeginner or a you know some of the search techniques, you will definitively benefit from this course.I am excited to share with you all thelatest techniques and tools. Enroll Nowto get started with learning a new skill of web searching."
Price: 49.99

"SEO 2019: Ultimate Guide to Content Creation & Link Building"
"Over time, SEO has changed so much that all the secret techniques used by SEO experts in recent years, which have helped them stay on top, no longer work. In the past, SEO was based on excellent content, frequent site updates and excessive use of keywords. That way, the more content the website contained, the more space it had at the top. But after some important updates in Google's algorithms, namely Panda and Penguin. Things have changed a lot. By the way, that does not mean that Google does not like good content anymore, but publishing only attractive content and publishing it frequently will not help you to rank your site. You must actively promote the content, monitor and interact with your competitors to beat the competition. This course will help you to:- Check out white-hat SEO strategies that help you rank your desired keywords on the first page of Google.- Explore all the tactics and techniques of SEO (search engine optimization) to bring your website the first - page of search engine. - Bring more traffic to your websites / blogs and get more conversions.This course includes 4 basic modules:In Module 1, you will: Learn to identify people in your niche Find a topic for your first power page Discover Medium Tail KeywordIn Module 2, you will learn: How to create and condition your topic into one of the 5 Power Page content frameworks. How to include scientifically supported ""Share Triggers"" in your content. How to use Content Frameworks to quickly generate traffic and backlinks. Once you have a Power Page that attracts people from your niche, it's time to promote it.In Module 3, you will learn: How to promote your content using the Content Amplification method. More than 6 content promotion and white-hat link building strategies, including word-for-word e-mail outreach scripts and step-by-step processes. Renovation Link Building: Number 1 go-to Link Building Strategy.At this point, you will notice a big difference in your ranking and your traffic.Finally, it's time to use SEO Energizers, advanced on-page and off-page SEO strategies, which provide faster results.In Module 4 you will learn: How to quickly increase your ranking with the WAG technique The secret to getting reputable bloggers to write about your products andServices Advance on-page SEO strategies to optimize your content.Is this course for you?Whether you have a small business or a large company, your success depends primarily on your website. You may be a web developer and want to generate more traffic for your customers. Or you are responsible for your employer's website and you are concerned that it will be quickly ranked in the search engines. Or maybe you have hired an SEO company, but they are not doing a good job at ranking your site.Whatever your situation is, this course will guide you step-by-step, with simple examples.Search Engine Optimization is not a rocket science, there are some strict rules that, if you follow properly, will bring you success."
Price: 199.99

"Testando seu conhecimento sobre o Git"
"Este simulado permitea voc testar seu conhecimento sobre o bsico doGit. Se voc est aqui porque provavelmente j ouviu falar do Git ou at mesmo um profissional que faz uso deste sistema. De qualquer maneira vale a pena fazer um breve resumo do que o Git.""Git um sistema de controle de versodistribudo paragerenciamento de cdigo fonte,com nfase em velocidade e produtividade. O Git foi inicialmente projetado e desenvolvido por Linus Torvaldspara o desenvolvimento do kernel Linux,mas foi adotado por muitos outros projetos.""Aproveite este simulado e teste seu conhecimento. Boa sorte!"
Price: 39.99

"Oracle Database Administration"
"Course targetting to those students who wanted to start there carier as Oracle Database administaration. I have covered most of the topic including real time scnenario. Iwill keep posted the same on your demand.Please send me mail on below email ID if you have any queries. Iwill try to solve the same as soon as possible.Following are the important topics covered in course1) Core DBA2)RAC(Real application cluster)3)Dataguard4)ASM(Automatic Storage management)5)Oracle 12C Administration6)RMAN Backups7)Logical Backups8)Monitoring Tools9)Basic understanding of ITIL ProcessCourse Feature===========================1)All videos contain the real time scenario which you will face in daily DBA routine. We create the problem and then provide the way to get the solution.2)New Videos will be added to course on Daily or Weekly basis.3)On Demand Videos will be added.4)you can reach directly vie mail or message for any technical query."
Price: 29.99

"Real time Oracle database administration interview questions"
"Course targeting to those students who wanted to start there carrier as Oracle Database administration. I have covered most of the topic including real time scenario. Iwill keep posted the same on your demand.Please send me mail on below email ID if you have any queries. Iwill try to solve the same as soon as possible.Following are the interview questions are covered along with practical solution. All the questions are frequently asked in interview. 1) Core DBA2)RAC(Real application cluster)3)Dataguard4)ASM(Automatic Storage management)5)Oracle 12C Administration6)RMAN Backups7)Logical Backups8)Monitoring Tools9)Basic understanding of ITIL ProcessCourse Feature===========================1)All videos contain the real time scenario which you will face in daily DBA routine. We create the problem and then provide the way to get the solution.2)New Videos will be added to course on Daily or Weekly basis.3)All the interview questions are frequently asked in interview.4)Answers are provided in with practical presentation.5)On Demand Videos will be added.4)you can reach directly vie mail or message for any technical query."
Price: 19.99