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"PNL - Conhea o Seu Crebro - Como Encontrar a Felicidade"
"Ol, Seja muito bem-vindo, muito bem vinda, a esta introduo neurocincia esse curso introdutrio foi inspirado em muitas horas de pesquisa, onde reuni o melhor dessa cincia incrvel para te passar de maneira simples e didtica.Meu nome Andr Maluf, sou mster Coach, mster em Programao Neuro Linguistica, Hipnoterapeuta, Treinador, e autodidata em neurocincia.Talvez voc possa estar pensando agora... Por que devo conhecer como meu crebro funciona?Porque dessa forma, voc poder ser uma pessoa mais equilibrada emocionalmente, mais produtiva e poder criar, com o tempo, mecanismos de proteo e preveno contra as doenas mentais mais famosas do sculo XXI, ansiedade e depresso.Para ser mais preciso, nesse curso veremos a introduo ao que chamamos de ANC, A abordagem neurocognitiva e comportamental.Bem, basicamente, o que a ANC faz, estudar como o crebro funciona e seu impacto sobre o comportamento humano.Neste curso, voc conhecer a histria da neurocincia e depois,ns vamos caminhar por quatro estruturas diferentes situadas no crebro que so responsveis por milhares de decises tomadas diariamente.Essas quatro estruturas, se influenciam e agem individualmente em diferentes circunstncias no nosso dia a dia e produzem resultados diversos.Comearemos com uma parte pr-histrica do crebro conhecido como crebro reptiliano que se manifesta atravs do puro instinto de sobrevivncia, tomando decises impulsivas em situaes de vida ou morte.Veremos como o cerebro Paleo-limbico responsvel pela nossa autoconfiana e confiana nas outras pessoas.Com o crebro neolimbico, estudaremos profundamente sobre quem somos, nossas personalidades predominantes e motivaes.Vamos entender como o nosso crebro pr-frontal confirma cientificamente que somos verdadeiramente humanos.Agora redobre a ateno, fique numa posio confortvel e prepare o seu corao, pois voc est prestes a conhecer verdadeiramente o seu crebro!"
Price: 189.99

"iPhone Photography Take Professional Photos On Your iPhone"
"This online photography course will teach you everything you need to know to become a professional digital photographer with nothing more than an iPhone or similar smartphone. It is designed to keep you engaged and hone your skills for taking your pictures to the next level.My #1 rule in photography is 10% gear /90% knowledge. So ifyou know HOW to be a great photographer and know what to look for, you will be able to take amazingpictures with almost anything.This course is designed for:-Beginnersthat have little to no experience andwantto become a skilled photographer without spending thousands of dollars on expensive camera equipment.-Anyonethat wants todevelop a moreimpressive portfolio orsocial media account (i.e. Instagram).-Anyone that wants to make professional digital photography into an exciting career.You'll learn all the basics of professional iPhonephotographyin this course as well as plenty of tips andtricks that you can use during every day shooting to make your photos stand out from the rest. This course gets straight to the point withthe most useful andpracticalinformationso that you canget out shooting as quickly as possible.Here's some of what you will learn: -How to take stunning photos by utilizing shot composition. -How to optimize your iPhone camera settings for taking the best photos. -How to create depth in your photography -How/Why the best photographers tell stories in their photos. -How to utilize surrounding light to properly light your subjects -How to professionally edit photos in Lightroom (free) on your iPhone. -Tips,tricks, andmuch more! About the instructor:I've been in the field of photography and videography for 7+ years and have my Bachelors of Sciencedegree in Film from Full Sail University. I'm an award winning Youtuber for my channel: The Health Nerd, and co-created the travel film company found on Facebook asWANDR. Imake a living with photography/videography using my iPhone and looking forward to sharing my knowledge to help you capture the most stunning photos possible."
Price: 49.99

"AutoCAD video course 01"
"What is this AutoCADvideo course001 about?This AutoCADvideo course 001describes in detail drawing Horizontal and Vertical line.This course is equally good for AutoCAD 2000 or higher versions.Description this AutoCAD video course 001*AutoCAD 000-Setting WorkspaceIn this lecture students learn to set AutoCAD Classic Workspace or AutoCAD Ribbon Workspace in AutoCAD.*AutoCAD 001-Description of the screenIn this lecture students learn about AutoCAD Classic Workspace or AutoCAD Ribbon Workspace in AutoCAD.*AutoCAD 002-Coordinate systemIn this lecture students learn about Orthogonal coordinate system which usesAutoCAD.*AutoCAD 003-Entering points using Cartesian coordinatesIn this lecture students learn about Cartesian coordinates which usesAutoCAD.*AutoCAD 005-Introduction to the DrawingIn this lecture students learn about commands Line, Erase and Cancel.At the same students learn to use mouse in AutoCAD.*AutoCAD 006-Drawing a line with Cartesian coordinates theoryIn this lecture students learn about Cartesian coordinates in example on practical-theory level in AutoCAD.Drawing horizontal and vertical line - Practical*AutoCAD 007-Drawing a line with Cartesian coordinates - practical 1In this lecture students can see drawing Horizontal and Vertical line with help Cartesian coordinates.*AutoCAD 008-Drawing a line with Cartesian coordinates - practical 2In this lecture students can see drawing Horizontal and Vertical line with help Cartesian coordinates.What is this AutoCADvideo course 002 about? This AutoCADvideo course 002describes in detailsettingunits and Drawing Limits in AutoCAD. This course is equally good for AutoCAD 2000 or higher versions.Description this AutoCAD video course 002AutoCAD 009 - DefinitionsIn this lecture students learn about basic terms in AutoCAD.SCALECOMMANDSICONS UNITS DRAWING LIMITS ENTITY ATTRIBUTES TOOLS MODES EDITING COMMANDSGRIP INFOMATION COMMANDS BLOCK BLOCK WISH ATTRIBUTIES DIMENSION STYLE ASSOCIATIVE HATCH THE PROTOTYPEAutoCAD 010 - Menu FileIn this lecture students learn about basic commands of AutoCAD. NEWSAVE AS and SAVESAVETIME SAVEOPENCLOSEDRAWING PROPERTIES EXITAutoCAD 011 - Menu Format and ViewIn this lecture students learn how to set units and Drawing Limits in AutoCAD.UNITSDRAWING LIMITSAutoCAD 012 - Menu WindowsIn this lecture students learn how to show more than one drawing on the screen of AutoCAD.TILE VERTICALLYAutoCAD 013 - PracticeIn this lecture students learn practically set units and Drawing Limits in AutoCAD.What is this AutoCADvideo course 003 about? This AutoCADvideo course 003 describes in detailcreatingnew layers in AutoCAD. This course is equally good for AutoCAD 2000 or higher versions.Description this AutoCAD video course 003AutoCAD 014 - Control display - entity attributes - layersIn this lecture students learn about commands to control display in AutoCAD. COMMAND ZOOM Real TimeCOMMAND WINDOWCOMMAND PREVIOUSCOMMAND DynamicCOMMAND ScaleCOMMAND CenterCOMMAND ObjectCOMMAND inCOMMAND outCOMMAND ALLCOMMAND EXTENSCOMMAND PAN Real TimeCOMMAND PAN PointCOMMAND PAN LeftCOMMAND PAN RightCOMMAND PAN UpCOMMAND PAN DownAutoCAD 015- Entity AttributesIn this lecture students learn about Entity Attributes in AutoCAD. COMMAND COLORCOMMAND LINETYPECOMMAND LINE WEIGHTAutoCAD 016 - Layers In this lecture students learn how to create new Layers and Set colour, Set Line type, Set Line weight in AutoCAD.COMMAND LAYERAutoCAD 017 - Practice1In this lecture students learn practically creates new Layers and Set colour, Set Linotype, Set Line weight.AutoCAD 018 - Practice2In this lecture students learn practically creates new Layers and Set colour, Set Linotype, Set Line weight and switch of layer.What is this AutoCADvideo course 004 about? This AutoCAD video course 004 describes in detail calculation simple and difficult area practically or calculation simple and difficult volume. This course is equally good for AutoCAD 2000 or higher versions. Description this AutoCAD video course 004AutoCAD 019 - Entity attributes IIIn this lecture students learn to set a text style and table style in AutoCAD. All text in a drawing has a text style associated with it. When you enter text, the program uses the current text style, which sets the font, size,orientation, and other text characteristics. If you want to create text using a different text style, you can make another text style or another table style.AutoCAD 020 - Information command IIn this lecture students learn how to get information about entities, for example command List which displays properties of entity in the Text window or command Id point which shows coordinates X,Y,Z.How to get information when the drawing was created, how long is editing time though command Time and finally to set variables in AutoCAD though command Status.AutoCAD 021 - Information command IIIn this lecture students learn to find outa distance between two points with help of command Distance, to find out aradius with help of command Radiusof arc or circle, to find out a angle between two lines with help of Angle.AutoCAD 022 - Practice1In this lecture students learn practically calculate simple area with help of command Area.AutoCAD 023 - Practice2In this lecture students learn practically calculate difficult area with help of command Area.AutoCAD 024 - Practice3In this lecture students learn practically calculate simple and difficult volume with help of command Volume.What is this AutoCADvideo course 005 about? This AutoCAD video course 005 describes in detail drawing oblique line with help of polar coordinates - practically. This course is equally good for AutoCAD 2000 or higher versions.Description this AutoCAD video course 005AutoCAD 025 - AutoCAD coordinate systemIn this lecture students learn about orthogonal coordinate system WCS.where icon WCS has coordinates X= 0, Y= 0 which uses AutoCAD.AutoCAD 026 - Entering points using polar coordinatesIn this lecture students learn about polar relative and absolute coordinates which uses AutoCAD. The absolute polar coordinate are expressed by relation length< angle. Therelative polar coordinate are expressed by relation @length< angle.AutoCAD 027 Supplementary and alternate angle In this lecture students learn about supplementary and alternate angle in AutoCAD. We must calculate in AutoCAD supplementary angle because we must write in the command line always angle from +X axis. Alternate angles are equal.AutoCAD 028 - Drawing a line with polar coordinates - theory In this lecture students learn about polar coordinates in example on practical-theory level in AutoCAD.AutoCAD 029 - Practice1In this lecture students can see drawing oblique line with help polar coordinates. AutoCAD 030 - Practice2In this lecture students can see drawing oblique line with help polar coordinates.What is this AutoCADvideo course 006 about? This AutoCAD video course 006 describes in detail drawing a line withCartesian and Polar coordinates - practically. This course is equally good for AutoCAD 2000 or higher versions.Description this AutoCAD video course 006AutoCAD 031 - COMMAND LineIn this lecture students learn about command line in AutoCAD.AutoCAD 032 - COMMAND DOUBLE LINEIn this lecture students learn about command double line in AutoCAD.AutoCAD 033- COMMAND RECTANGLEIn this lecture students learn about command rectangle in AutoCAD.AutoCAD 034 - Practice1In this lecture students can see drawing a frame 5 mm from page border and setting format A4 in AutoCAD practical.AutoCAD 035 - Practice2In this lecture students can see drawing a line with Cartesian and Polar coordinates practical. AutoCAD 036 - Practice3In this lecture students can see drawing a line with Cartesian and Polar coordinates practical. Who is an Author?Milan Papp is alector in Computer School MARET for 25 years. Lector Milan Papp, the MARET Computer School, was awarded the title on 28.11.1992""Authorized AutoDesk Consultant''"
Price: 29.99

"Unreal Engine: Cration D'un Projet Architectural Interactif"
"Dans ce cours nous allons voir diffrents points commencer par la modlisation de notre pice.A partir d'un plan 2D, nous allons modliser notre appartement et ainsi connaitre les piges viter lors de cette tape. Bien que ce celle-ci soit facultative, elle peut vous permettre d'en apprendre beaucoup sur la conception d'un modle ddi de l'architectural dans l'Unreal Engine.Dans celui-ci justement nous allons mettre en place notre pice, configurer nos lumires et les amliorer pour obtenir un rendu raliste. Nous placerons galement des objets et dtails en crant au pralable diffrents matriaux dits ""Matre"" pour garantir une bonne optimisation.Une fois notre pice notre got, nous configurerons notre Post Process et rehausserons des lumire grce un HDRI (Cubemap) que nous crerons nous-mme grce au plugin Nvidia Ansel.Pour la partie interactive, nous crerons et configurerons diffrents Widgets et Blueprints pour permettre nos visiteurs de changer les matriaux directement en jeu.Une fois notre interactivit fonctionnelle nous crerons une scne de nuit avec ses propres lumires et clairages grce au Light Scenario. Une option pense pour les projets Architecturaux et nous mettrons videmment en plus la possibilit d'activer le jour ou la nuit en jeu.Pour finir, nous crer un .exe de notre projet afin de pouvoir le prsenter quiconque tant donn de Windows en 64 bits.Note importante : Ce cours a t cr en version 4.19.2 et il est prfrable d'utiliser LA MEMEversion ! Si vous choisissez d'utiliser une autre version, soyez conscient que vous pourriezrencontrerd'ventuelleserreursnon traites dans ce cours."
Price: 19.99

"Unreal Engine 4: Cration d'un FPS"
"Dans ce cours nous allons apprendre crer ensemble un jeu de type FPS (First Person Shooter).Nous crerons et configurerons notre personnage principal, ses animations, son systme de sant et de dgts.Les armes, leurs animations, les fonctions de tirs, de rechargement et de vise.Nous crerons aussi une IA qui aura la capacit de se dplacer librement, de dtecter le joueur partir d'une certaine distance, mais aussi les ennemies morts autour d'eux et videmment, d'attaquer le joueur.Pour rendre le tout plus raliste, nous allons crer des items ramasser sur le sol pour rcuprer notre sant, porter une gilet pare-balle, mais aussi des grenades, du C4 et chaque type d'armes.Nous configurerons un ATH dynamique, simple et pur, avec seulement les informations utiles affiches l'cran.Comme notre map peut tre grande, nous allons crer et configurer un vhicule. Du blueprint dans lequel nous allons poser tous les lments sa prise de contrle, pas pas nous mettrons en place la possibilit de se dplacer plus rapidement. Nous allons galement configurer la rotation du volant pour toujours plus de ralisme.Nous crerons un matriel de terrain entirement automatique et paramtrable. Pour apporter un placement de vgtation organique et donc plus rel, nous utiliserons des masques.Nous mettrons en place notre map en important un terrain, nous configurerons notre matriel spcial et nous placerons les routes, les arbres, les buissons, mais aussi un camps ennemis.Nous crerons notre ciel avec deux conditions mtos spcifique, la premire sera par temps clair en milieu de journe, et l'autre sera couvertes, nuageuse avec du brouillard. Pour obtenir une lumire plus rel, nous crerons nos propres HDR grce au plugin Nvidia Ansel.Nous terminerons avec un chapitre ddi aux diffrents dtails comme le vent ou le matriel de notre personnage principal.Mise jour venir:Ajout de la fonction ""Swap"" des armes et sauvegarde des munitions.Ajout de la fonction d'tat de ""Recherche Du Joueur"" pour l'IA.Ajout des effets visuels des viseurs et de la lunette de sniper.Ajout des sons et bruitages..Ajout d'un systme de qutes principales et secondairesAjout d'un radar et d'une minimapNote importante : Ce cours a t cr en version 4.19.2 et il est fortement recommand d'utiliser LA MEMEversion ! Si vous choisissez d'utiliser une autre version, soyez conscient que vous pourriezrencontrerd'ventuelleserreursnon traites dans ce cours."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo ser un Community Manager"
"Este curso desarrolla las figura de un Community Manager, llevndo a los participantes desde el entorno de la Social Media, las funciones y acciones que debe ejecutar el Community Manager, la definicin del pblico al cual desea llegar, las estrategias que debe aplicar para ser eficiente, la comunicacin que debe establecer con su pblico, hasta la participacin que debe esperar de ellos. La aplicabilidad de el conocimiento adquirido es inmediata ya que se trabajar con actividades de aplicabilidad. El estudiante que tome este curso podr iniciar sus actividades como Community Manager."
Price: 19.99

"Yoga Medicines Guide to Therapeutic Yoga"
"Make the most of your precious time on the mat! In our time-starved lifestyle, the moments we spend in yoga practice must have the most beneficial effect possible. This essential course is designed for any level of yoga practitionerfrom aspiring to experienced yogisto learn to approach any class or practice with greater integrity, so you can gain the maximal therapeutic effect possible, no matter when, where, or how you practice. The founder of Yoga Medicine, internationally acclaimed teacher Tiffany Cruikshank, L.Ac., MAOM, E-RYT, has designed this course to make the groundbreaking techniques of Yoga Medicine accessible to everyone. Yoga Medicine teachers are rigorouslyeducatedin afusion of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics with the traditional practice of yoga. Yoga Medicine extensivelytrains teachers to work with students and healthcare providers to find a yoga practice that is an appropriate therapeutic adjunct to medical care. After teaching for over two decades, training thousands of yoga teachers, presenting at conferences around the world, and working with tens of thousands of patients, Tiffany has distilled the Yoga Medicine training down to the most important factors that help everyone get the most out of their yoga practice. Sharing many of these findings for the first time, Tiffanys course is an essential supplement for anyone who practices yoga and wants to enhance the therapeutic effects of their practice. In Yoga Medicines teacher trainings, we pride ourselves on teaching our students the what, why, and how of the poses, so teachers can empower their students to take their practice and health into their own hands.In this course, youll access this teacher training directly, learning Yoga Medicines key insights on anatomy, physiology, and mental health that you will be able to immediately put into use.You will learn how to develop your practice with a three-dimensional approach to address the physical body, the internal organs, and the mind simultaneously, in harmony with your bodys physiological reflexes and instincts. This course features five sections with 28 unique lessons. In each lesson, you will learn critical information, alignment tips, and pose modifications that help you elevate your practice in whatever time you have. By the end of this course, you will be able to confidently approach any style of yoga with greater integrity, knowing you have the skills and knowledge to get the most out of every moment on the mat. Each lesson will begin with a structured lecture by Tiffany, during which she will review the key points of learning and how the training will build upon itself with each section. During her lectures, Tiffany will refer to medical illustrations and notes that are provided in your handouts, to help you make connections and deepen your understanding. After each lecture, youll begin a thematically-linked yoga sequence, guided by Yoga Medicines most accomplished teachers, to help you make the embodied connection between the ideas and the practice so you can feel the core concepts of that lesson at work in your body. The course flows as follows: Section 1: Introduction Introduction (1:59) Overview (6:10) Key Preliminary Points (7:01) Handout for this course (Yoga-Medicine_Udemy-Handout.pdf) Mindfulness in Action (3:44) Section 2: Physical Practices in Yoga Introduction to Physical Practices (4:37) Shoulder Structure (6:03) Shoulder Anatomy (11:50) Shoulder Therapeutic Applications (6:07) Shoulder Asana (35:06) Spine Structure (9:13) Spine Anatomy (9:54) Spine Therapeutic Applications (13:01) Spine Asana (36:40) Hip Structure (3:41) Hip Anatomy (5:13) Hip Therapeutic Applications (6:45) Hip Asana (47:28) Section 3: Yoga and the Nervous System Anatomy of the Nervous System (10:26) Application of the Nervous System to Yoga (6:04) Pranayama Effects on the Nervous System (10:17) Asana Practice for the Nervous System (36:07) Section 4: Mindfulness in Yoga Anatomy of the Mind in Yoga (3:11) Anatomy of the Mind in Meditation (6:37) Traditional Yoga and the Mind (8:27) Asana Practice for Mindfulness (52:17) Section 5: Conclusion Bringing it All Together (4:59) Establishing a Regular Practice (3:47) Rather than simply provide a set of classes for you to repeat (and become dependent upon!), this course teaches you the key biomechanical concepts needed to approach any type of practice with the maximum physiological, mental, and emotional benefit. Youll learn about the interaction of the nervous system with the poses, and how mindfulness meditation and specific methods of breathing can help you further tap into your bodys innate rest-and-recovery response. By the end of the course, you will have learned to move your body in more specifically healing ways, in all settings, so you can experience greater integrity and therapeutic effect from any yoga practice. These individual lessons and practices will be here for your review at any time, but the intention is for this education and these core concepts to travel with you, enabling you to tap into them at will. Pain and stress are reaching epidemic levels, affecting so many aspects of our health and well-being. The ability of yoga to combat the ravages of daily life has become essential in todays world. But with more and more scientific research validating yogas therapeutic and medical applications, the more intensive healing power of yoga has become undeniable, making an individual yoga practice an indispensable tool in any complete holistic health and wellness approach. These lectures and practices help you tap directly into that therapeutic effect, pairing cutting-edge scientific findings with hands-on instruction that helps you get the most targeted positive impact possible from your yoga practice. (Note: This course is not a replacement for medical advice nor is it a replacement for a yoga teacher who can give personalized guidance.) Check out Yoga Medicines Find a Teacher resource on the YogaMedicine website to locate a qualified instructor near you."
Price: 99.99

"Terminal Linux, Shell Scripting e Gerenciamento de Redes"
"Elaboramos este curso pensando em quem tem um nvel iniciante ou ainda nunca teve contato com o terminal do Linux. Aprenda a se tornar independente de interface grfica e faa com que seu trabalho tenha um alto rendimento por meio da utilizao do terminal.O curso abordar dezenas de comandos, suas variaes e aplicaes. Alm disso, aprenda tambm a utilizar todos esses comandos e montar o seu prprio shell script.Neste curso, voc aprender a:Manipular arquivos e pastas;Utilizar os principais editores de texto  de terminal;Processar, formatar, substituir textos, por meio de comados;Utilizar os principais modos de compactao e descompactao de arquivos;Gerenciar usurios e grupos de seu Linux;Manipular parties e imagens de disco, com dicas para iniciantes a avanados;Encadear comandos atravs de streams;Programao Shell Scripting;Configurar redes de computadores.Isso um pouco do que esse curso oferece a voc.Nos dedicamos para atender nossos alunos respondendo perguntas especficas do curso, bem como perguntas tcnicas relacionadas a seus trabalhos.Alm de tudo isso, este curso ter contedos atualizados mensalmente, de modo que o aluno tenha sempre um novo tema para aprender e se atualizar."
Price: 39.99

"Laravel 5.8 Completo - O mais poderoso Framework PHP"
"OLaravel consiste em um framework back-end robusto que lhe oferece um time-to-market reduzido e tambm uma arquitetura de cdigo muito organizada, o que facilita a manuteno de seu sistema e tambm o trabalho em equipe.Atualmente, o Laravel considerado o maior Framework PHP existente. Esse status se d devido agilidade de programao de sistemas complexosenvolvendo grande quantidade derecursos, tais como segurana, acesso a dados e arquitetura da aplicao. Todas essas caractersticas, que so bsicas a qualquer sistema web, so fornecidas nativamente pelo Laravel de modo simples e intuitivo.Voc tem a possibilidade de construir aplicaes com autenticaoe cadastros em questo de minutos. Sem contar que no precisa dominar tcnicas de autenticao e muito menos saber SQL para realizar tal tarefa.Neste curso abordaremos os recursos que o Laravel oferece e voc estar apto a agilizar o desenvolvimento de seus sistemas.Preparamos os seguintes contedos pra voc:Diviso de seu sistema em modelos, vises e controladores.Conceitos avanados de criaes de layouts utilizando a sintaxe Blade do Laravel.Conceito de migrations, que facilita e agilizaa manuteno de sua base de dados.EloquentORM:O poderoso mapeamento de sua base de dados em objetos que o Laravel oferece. Voc acessa tabelas e relacionamentos de modo simples e sem precisar digitar nenhum cdigo SQL.Aprenda a trabalhar com os mtodos PUT, GET, POST, PATCH e DELETE e como linkar seus formulrios com seu cdigoPHP.Aprenda a interceptar as requisies e respostas HTTP por meio de middlewares.Fornea uma API HTTP e comunique-se com ela atravs de javascript.Aprenda em detalhesa como realizar autenticao em seu sistema.Caso tenha alguma dvida a respeito do curso, envie-nos uma mensagem que teremos o prazer de responder."
Price: 39.99

"The 7 Day Procrastination Fast"
"Are there things you are wanting to accomplish for your life but procrastination is holding you back from those dreams?Do you feel that you want more for your life but you just cant seem to get ahead?Then The 7 Day Procrastination Fast is for you!In this course we will cover the top 6 causes of procrastination. These 6 causes are key in preventing you from stepping into the future that you desire.You will also learn the counters to these causes and how to build a mindset that can become unbreakable.In 7 days we will talk about topics like unbelief, fear, and perfectionism. These lectures are brought to you by video, audio, and daily words of encouragements and you will learn what it means to walk in a life free from procrastination. Throughout the course you will also be given activations steps that when applied will help you get to the next level.Over these next 7 days you will learn effective techniques and strategic planning that you can apply for the rest of your life.So what are you waiting for?Today is the day that you stop letting The Dream Killer (Procrastination) keep you from the dreams that belong to you and you begin to walk in freedom!"
Price: 39.99

"CCNA - Configure Internet Access Practically"
"Learn How to Provision Internet Accessto an Organization. In this course the author will teach students how to apply different types of NAT, the author will gradually build the student knowledge towards how to apply NAT Overloadto an organization. The course will teach the students about the communication model - OSI Model, TCP/IP MODEL and IPv4 classes that are used by Internet and Private organizations. The author will implement topology designs and configure the network topology step by step and verify the results. Join now!"
Price: 34.99

"Tantra Tools and Practices for Beginners"
"Originating in India, Tantra is an ancient Eastern spiritual practice. It is practiced to achieve enlightenment and the philosophy applies both in the bedroom and in all aspects of life. In Tantra, sex and orgasm are a way to achieve spiritual awareness. When Shiva, male energy, and Shakti, female energy, come into a sexual union, they are able to reach the highest point of enlightenment. Their sacred relationship is the gateway to harmony, achievement and bliss in every way possible.We can all practice Tantric sex and obtain its benefits. If you can keep your body relaxed and your mind clear of the everyday tasks and issues, your inner god or goddess can awaken. Using your breath, you can spread orgasmic energy from your genitals through your entire body. This full body experience can lead to a deeper, more intimate connection with your partner.Its important to remember, however, that orgasm is not the goal in Tantra. Instead, its being in the moment and staying present and aware of your body while you and your partner are experiencing pleasure and arousal. If you focus only on getting to one high orgasmic peak, you will miss out on tons of other joys and sensations happening in your bodies along the way.Tantra teaches us to take the time and approach the sexual connection slowly, with attention. This allows women to experience orgasm more quickly since they learn to become more relaxed and sensitized. It also empowers men to last longer and to gain a better control over their bodies and excitement.What my clients say:""Helena is wonderful and the tantric sessions are an amazing awakening. I admit I was a bit sceptical, but after completing the tantric course, I am a true convert. Highly recommended for everyone."" Simon""Helena holds space gently and with confidence, and has a versatile range of approaches to draw from. In the work that I have done with her she has proved knowledgeable, professional and in high integrity - qualities that are so important in this field."" Austin""Helena has an approach that liberates one from the shackles of confusion and trepidation. Due so much to herotic frank, sprinkled with humorous, approach to a topic that is a 'basic need' amongst us. She makes it fun. Her videos are informative and delightful."" Robert"
Price: 99.99

"How to Experience Mind-Blowing Pleasure In the Bedroom"
"We live in a world that rewards being in the head thinking, worrying, analyzing so we learn early to disconnect, de-sensitize and ignore our physical bodies and our senses. This leads to a limited access to the wisdom of our bodies and a limited experience of the bodily realm.This also leads to reduced pleasure in our lives.But at the depths of our souls, we all crave a deep sense of embodiment. We all want to learn to not only feel our bodies fully but to truly live in them. This is where the true wholeness in our life begins.During this Masterclass, youll learn:WHY YOURE NOT EXPERIENCING LEGENDARY PLEASURE RIGHT NOWWe all carry some degree of wounding, trauma, embarrassment or shame in our bodies which is stopping us from delving deep into our pleasure potential. Feeling much more is a matter of reversing the blockages, healing the hurts and opening up to the fullness of your bliss potential.HOW TO CULTIVATE YOUR SENSITIVITY & CONNECTION TO YOUR BODYA lot of people tell me that theyre always stuck in their heads and that their racing minds stop them from enjoying themselves fully. This keeps them stuck, disconnected and unsatisfied in their lives and relationships. Without a sense of deep embodiment, well always struggle to create profound pleasure in our lives.WHAT LEGENDARY PLEASURE FEELS LIKEMany of us dont realize what our bodies are capable of. We live our lives unaware, detached and frustrated with our everyday experiences. But living this way is like dining on fast food every day, without ever tasting the gourmet sensations and pleasures. The truth is that youre capable of trance-like states of bliss and ecstasy if you only learn how to reach them!HOW TO EXPERIENCE YOUR PARTNER IN A COMPLETELY NEW WAYAt this point, people at my workshops usually start shedding tears as theyd never before had such profound experience of being energetically connected with their partner. When two embodied people interact lovingly, theyre capable of reaching states of high bliss and ecstatic connection together. And it feels like heaven!HOW TO USE BREATH TO OPEN UP YOUR BODY TO NEW SENSATIONSYour breath is one of the most potent tools you have at your disposals. It can support your healing, your pleasure and your ability to expand your experience of self. This is not just about your physical body anymore, this is about experiencing your entire world differently as a whole, energetic, etheric, spiritual being. Its time to breathe your body blissful!About your host:Helena Nista is a Tantric sex coach and acertified embodiment expert. Shehas an extensive experience with somatic practices and bodywork modalities.She is a mentor, author and speaker.She has spent the last 5 years teaching her clients to re-connect with their bodies. She has been supporting them to heal past wounding, trauma and numbness and to move forward into a life of fullness, embracing both their thinking minds AND feeling bodies.From a young age, Helena struggled to feel her body fully and particularly to feel pleasure. This finally led her to a profound crisis from which she bounced forward to educating herself in the area of embodiment.Now shes teaching others to embrace their physical experiences, to connect with the wisdom of their bodies and to connect intimately with others.Testimonials:Already I was tingling! I could feel blood pulsing and I could feel movement. And I could feel like a tingling, uplifting feeling like felt just like joy! - Alice Mitchell-TavernerIm blown away! After watching this masterclass, I experienced one of the most beautiful connections with a person that Ive ever had before. Very deep, intimate, full presence, there were tears There was a beautiful connection with my own genital area which I feel like wow! I didnt even know how blocked that was! - Tarek Bibi"
Price: 99.99

"How to Attract Amazing Women and Form Intimate Relationships"
"This course is for men who are either single or in relationships and struggling with any or all of the following:insecurity around approaching women you're attracted toconversations with women that lead nowherefeeling like you're unattractive to womeninsecurity about your sexual abilitylack of experience in healthy relationshipsshame around patterns of addictiona dating life that's a long way from what you wantAlthough this course does focus on how to approach a woman successfully, as well as dating and in the bedroom tips, the principles taught are just as relevant to men in relationships, as well as to single men.If you're in a relationship, take the principles from this course and apply them to how you approach YOUR woman.If you're single, go out and apply these principles to women you find attractive, and enjoy the transformation you'll notice in your romantic life.The majority of men feel a lot of resistance at the prospect of approaching a woman they are attracted to.If this resistance is not explored and addressed it leads to a pattern of not taking action with women you desire. This often leads to finding yourself in dating situations and/or relationships that you weren't sure you really wanted to be in. Either dating women that you're not really into, or in relationships where the woman took the initiative from the beginning and you're just following along because you don't see a better option.In an effort to address their suffering, some men seek help from the pick-up artist industry, which teaches men manipulative tricks designed purely to get women into bed. Men who take to this path generally fall into a casual-sex based lifestyle and demonstrate an inability to create meaningful emotional connections with women.In our work with men, we've discovered that most men fundamentally look for depth of connection with amazing women. They want to be able to successfully approach women that they find attractive and they want to create beautiful intimacy with them.Despite the hype about all the tips and tricks you need to ""pick up"" a woman, there is a way to successfully approach woman you desire without needing to resort to approaches taught by the pick-up artist industry.In this online program, we go deeply into how you as a man can be successful with women you desire through a totally honest and authentic approach. This approach will help you overcome insecurity in the form of fear of rejection or concern about coming across as pushy.We answer many questions that men struggle with:where to meet amazing women,what do women truly want & how to give them that,how to approach her in a way that opens her up and gives you the best chance of creating a connection with her,how to ask for her number and ask her out on a date,how to move things into the bedroom,healthy relationship principles,and much more."
Price: 199.99

"Powering you with PowerShell"
"This course is targeted for new developers or administrators wanting to learn PowerShell. PowerShell can be a very good way to learn Programming too. You will learn how to call existing Commands in PowerShell, how to find commands and how to search commands. Then, you will learn the programming basics like Variables, Loops and Functions.The Course is divided into Three Sections.Section 1 is like a Lecture describing the concepts in PowerShell and you can close your eyes and listenSection 2 is the best way to learn by watching and getting ready to face the world. If you have your own Windows PC, launch PowerShell and try the commands.Section 3 shares my real world experiences in PowerShell and how PowerShell helps to solve many problems. PowerShell is very powerful to save time of many manual tasks that takes days to be automated in 1 hour of coding and executing. Learn from my mistakes and do not repeat them!"
Price: 199.99

"Create Animated Explainer Videos Using Camtasia Studio 8"
"A short, catchy video that explains how your product or service can solve a customers problem can be incredibly powerful. Companies like Spotify, Groupon, Unroll_Me, Dollar Shave Club, Mint_com, and Stitch Fix have used their clear explainer videos as part of their marketing strategies to drive engagement and conversion rates! In this course, you will learn how to more effectively promote your business by making informative animated explainer videos using the screen-recording video software Camtasia. This is an intermediate Camtasia course. To get the most out of this course, I highly recommend that you have some basic knowledge about Camtasia. While animated explainer videos are a highly effective way to sell a product, business, or idea, producing a good animation video is not easy. And while there are many tools and software available to create such videos, learning to use these tools effectively can be difficult. Thats where I come in! In this course I will focus only on Camtasia Studio. In addition to learning how to produce an animated video, you will also learn:About timelines and layersHow to make a character talkHow to make popular touchscreen hand movementsHow to do voiceovers in different languages for freeWhere to get background music for freeWhere to get side effects for freeWhere to get great cartoon characters for freeIn addition to learning all of the above, you will receive a downloadable 70 MB file with all the characters and images that I use in this course - for FREE! Are you ready to build a powerful explainer video and market your product or service more effectively?"
Price: 19.99

"Create Hand Drawn Whiteboard Animation Videos With Camtasia"
"Are you looking for a simple, creative way of sharing a story? Whiteboard animation videos are a wonderful, unique way of bringing a story to life. Companies like Coca-Cola, Toyota, and Purina have all used whiteboard animation videos to share their messages with customers in a personal, creative way.So want to create your own hand-drawn whiteboard animation video (in HD!)? And what if you could do it in less than an hour without any expensive hardware equipment? This is the perfect course for you.Youll just need creativity, patience, a whiteboard and marker, and Camtasia Studio 8.In this course, youll learn how to:Draw simple shapesAnimate objectsPrepare and implement masksSketch textAnd Ill show you how to put it all together in a compelling whiteboard animation video that you can use to convince others why your idea is awesome.In addition to learning all of the above, you will receive a downloadable 35 MB file with all the hand-drawn images I use in the course - for FREE! Are you ready to create an amazing hand drawn whiteboard animation video and deliver your story in a truly unique, compelling way?"
Price: 19.99

"Competition Analysis course for new digital marketers"
"Every online businesses face competition. If you know who is your competitor then you can analyse their website. And you can apply the same techniques and tricks they are using to improve their business.This is a comprehensive competition analysis course. In this course you will learn following things:1. Know who is competitor?2. What are their websites?3. How much traffic they are getting to their websites?4. What kinds of tools they are using to improve their website?5. What kinds of services they are using to optimize their website's performance?6. Which wordpress theme they are using?7. How find and spy on hidden Shopify store which marketer don't want to show you.8. How to make money online with knowledge which your learning in this course."
Price: 19.99

"Deep Learning, Neuronale Netze und TensorFlow 2 in Python"
"Bewertungen von Kursteilnehmern:""Fr mich der beste (deutschsprachige) Deep-Learning-Kurs."" ( von Lutz Marcus)""Der Dozent hat meiner Meinung nach die wichtigsten Punkte fr den Einstieg in das Deep Learning angesprochen und man merkt deutlich seine Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet."" ( von Nils Kleinrahm)""Habe nach einem schnellen Einstieg in das Thema Neuronale Netzwerke gesucht und der Kurs hat die Erwartungen weit bertroffen."" ( von Daniel Trautvetter)Kursbeschreibung:Update (Dezember 2019): Der gesamte Kurs ist jetzt auf TensorFlow 2.0 ausgelegt.Neuronale Netzwerke sind in aller Munde. Du willst deren Aufbau verstehen und anwenden? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau richtig fr dich. Du wirst eigene Neuronale Netzwerke mit Python, TensorFlow 2.0 und Keras entwickeln knnen und diese auf reale Probleme anwenden knnen.Der Kurs beinhaltet eine perfekte Balance zwischen der anschaulichen Theorie und der praktischen Anwendung. Er ist mit Videos, Quizze und Programmieraufgaben versehen, um dir den optimalen Lernerfolg zu garantieren. Ebenfalls werde ich ihn auch immer auf dem neusten Stand der Technik und Wissenschaft halten.Der Kurs besteht aus folgenden Problemen:Das Erkennen von handgeschriebenen Zahlen Das Erkennen von Hunden und Katzen auf BildernDas Erkennen von Objekten (Autos, Flugzeuge etc.) auf BildernDie Klassifizierung von echten FilmbewertungenDas Schtzen von Hauspreisen in Boston und KalifornienDas Schtzen von Taxifahrten in DortmundEine KI fr ein Videospiel programmierenDieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Grundlagen der Python ProgrammierungGrundlagen des Machine LearningsGrundlagen von Neuronalen NetzwerkenAlle Features von TensorFlow 2.0 und TensorBoardGrundlagen der Digitalen BildverarbeitungConvolutional Neural Networks (CNN)Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN)Reinforcement Learning (AI)Warum sollte man TensorFlow und Keras verwenden?TensorFlow ist eine Open-Source Software Bibliothek von Google und  wird von einigen Big Playern weltweit genutzt, darunter sind z. B. Ebay, Dropbox, Snapchat, Twitter, SAP, IBM, Intel und Google!Keras stellt eine Erweiterung von TensorFlow dar, damit schnell und unkompliziert Neuronale Netzwerke erstellt werden knnen.Werde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning: Generative Neuronale Netzwerke mit Python"
"Bewertungen von Kursteilnehmern:""Sehr schn erklrt. Selbst als Mathematiker lerne ich noch einiges dazu, super!."" ( von Peter Klausmann)""GAN's sind wirklich ein spannendes Thema im Deep Learning. Und diese werden hier auch noch super erklrt ;)"" ( von Markus Preez)""In dem Kurs wird viel gezeigt ohne gro um die Themen herumzureden. Es wird alles sehr gut erklrt und Schritt fr Schritt programmiert."" ( von Karl Marwe)Kursbeschreibung:Du wirst anhand des Kurses eigene Generative Neuronale Netzwerke erstellen knnen. Unter Anderem werden die Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) vorgestellt. Diese knnen beispielsweise knstliche Gesichter von Menschen, Tiere oder handgeschriebene Zahlen erzeugen. Die Sektionen des Kurses sind mit Videos, Quizze und Programmieraufgaben versehen, um den optimalen Lernerfolg zu garantieren. Ebenfalls werden zu allen Lektionen weiterfhrende Materialien verlinkt und der gesamte Code wird frei zugnglich sein.Dieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Grundlagen der Python ProgrammierungGrundlagen des Machine- und Deep LearningsEigene Deep Neural Networks implementieren Verschiedene Adversarial Generative Networks implementieren (GAN)Ein Angriff auf Neuronale Netzwerke mit Adversarial AttacksDie Komprimierung von Daten mit Autoencodern (AE)Das Erzeugen von Daten mit Variational Autoencoder (VAE)Warum sollte man TensorFlow und Keras verwenden?TensorFlow ist eine Open-Source Software Bibliothek von Googles, mit der man sehr effiziente Neuronale Netzwerke implementieren kann. Keras ist ein Software-Paket, welches zahlreiche vordefinierte Funktionen fr TensorFlow bereithlt.Diese Software wird von einigen Big Playern weltweit genutzt, darunter  sind z. B. Ebay, Dropbox, Snapchat, Twitter, SAP, IBM, Intel und Google!Werde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen!Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 99.99

"Artificial Intelligence und Reinforcement Learning in Python"
"Bewertungen von Kursteilnehmern:""...Was ich besonders gut finde ist, dass die unterschiedlichen Arten des RL Schritt fr Schritt in komplexere Algorithmen ausgebaut werden. Anhand von Problemen bei Anwendungsfllen wird erklrt, warum etwas nicht funktioniert und wie man es lst..."" ( von Thomas Albrecht)""Ja der Jan erklrt recht gut, detailliert und durchdacht, nicht wie andere Dozenten die oft spontan noch ausdenken, was wichtig ist oder versuchen etwas spontan zu erklren und dann denken die lnger nach oder sagen vereinfachte Erklrungen, weil sie selber nicht wissen, was Sache ist...."" ( 1/2 von Nathan Kaufman)""Ich habe mich jetzt doch fr die 5 Sterne entschieden, denn die hast du dir verdient! Generell finde ich den Kurs super und ich wrde ihn weiterempfehlen..."" ( von Abdullah Al-Mubarak)Kursbeschreibung:Wir bewegen uns auf das Zeitalter der knstlichen Intelligenz zu. Es wird in Zukunft unser aller Leben bereichern und beeinflussen. Wenn du dich heute schon mit diesem spannenden Themengebiet auseinandersetzen willst, bist du hier genau richtig.Der Kurs beinhaltet zunchst den Einstieg in die Python Programmierung und des Deep Learnings mit Neuronalen Netzwerken. Anschlieend werden die wichtigsten Konzepte des Reinforcement Learnings vermittelt und anschaulich erklrt, indem wir eigene KI's programmieren und auswerten.Der Kurs ist mit Videos, Quizze und Programmieraufgaben versehen, um den optimalen Lernerfolg zu garantieren. Ebenfalls werden zu allen Lektionen weiterfhrende Materialien verlinkt und der gesamte Code wird frei zugnglich sein. Dieser Kurs besteht aus folgenden Themengebieten:Grundlagen der Python ProgrammierungGrundlagen des Machine- und Deep LearningsEinfhrung in TensorFlow und KerasEinfhrung in das Reinforcement LearningAnwendung neuster Reinforcement Learning TechnikenErstellung einer KI fr SimulationenErstellung einer KI fr Atari VideospieleWerde noch heute ein Profi, in der Technologie von Morgen! Wir sehen uns im Kurs!"
Price: 119.99

"Apache Cordova Fundamentals"
"Apache Cordova is an open-source mobile development framework. It allows you to use standard web technologies - HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript for cross-platform development.In this course, you'll learn the fundamentals ofApache Cordova and the PhoneGap ecosystem, including the two command-line interface (CLI) tools and the PhoneGap desktop app.We'll go over on how to set up your local system and how to create, configure, and build your first project with the Cordova CLI. Once you've mastered the fundamentals, we'll go over on how to extend your app with native and third-party plugins that enable features such as QR code detection and geolocation, and debug your app, preview it in an emulator or on an actual device, and then prep it for release in the Apple Store or on Google Play."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Data Analysis and Visualization with Python"
"The main objective of this course is to make you feel comfortable analyzing, visualizing data and building machine learning models in python to solve various problems.This course does not require you to know math or statistics in anyway, as you will learn the logic behind every single model on an intuition level. Yawning students is not even in the list of last objectives.Throughout the course you will gainall the necessary tools and knowledge to build proper forecast models. And proper models can be accomplished only if you normalize data. In view of that, there is a dedicated class that will guide you on how to avoid Garbage-In, Garbage-Out and feed the right data, which most courses skip for some reason.SampleDatasetsUsed in This CourseWeed PriceChopstick size and pitching efficiencyComputer pricesBaby GrowthUnemployment Rate andInterest RatesUSSpending onScience and Suicide by HangingWorld ReligionsDivorce Statistics by GenderUSMusic Sales By GenreBankStatementCustomer Satisfaction PollBoston House PricesHistorical Speed LimitsIris flower datasetHandwritten digits datasetNYSE Sales Volume for 2016 and 2017Required Python Packages for This CoursePython 3.4 and aboveNumPyPandasScipyScikit-learnMatplotlibSeaborn"
Price: 99.99

"Ciencia de Datos con R"
"CURSO ONLINE CON ACCESO PARA SIEMPREEl objetivo del Curso online Ciencia de Datos con Res ayudarte a aprender las herramientas ms importantes en R que te permitirn abordar un proyecto tpico en Ciencia de Datos. Un curso 100 % prctico a partir del manejo de una mquina virtual individualizada que te permitir practicar las tcnicas clave para afrontar una amplia variedad de tareas en el anlisis de datos: Programacin en R y uso de RStudio Captura y almacenamiento de la informacin Transformar datos brutos en informacin lista para su anlisis. Visualizacin de la informacin. Comunicacin de nuestros resultados. Es un curso innovador que utiliza herramientas avanzadas como RStudio, un IDE que nos facilitar los procesos de trabajo en las diferentes tareas de un proyecto de Ciencia de Datos y Tidyverse un conjunto de paquetes que abarcan todo el flujo de trabajo en el anlisis de datos, fciles de aprender y usar. No esperes ms y descubre por qu la Ciencia de Datos es el ""trabajo mas sexy del siglo XXI"", mejora tus conocimientos y da un salto adelante en tu carrera profesional."
Price: 199.99

"Filmvertrieb Meisterkurs: Verkaufe Filme & Serien effektiver"
"Wrdest du gerne lernen wie man Filme, Serien und Kurse online und offline verkauft und vermarktet?Oder hast du bereits Videos produziert und mchtest diese gewinnbringend anbieten?Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.In diesemKurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wie du gutes Geld mit Filmen, Serien und Kursen verdienen kannst. Wir werden alles ber das Thema Filmvertriebsfirmen, Outsourcing und Produktmarketing lernen und ich werde dir an echten Beispielen zeigen wie du jede Strategie, die ich dir im Kurs beibringe fr dich, umsetzen kannst. Was genau werden wir alles in diesemKurs lernen?Fernsehformate - In diesem Kapitel werden wir Schritt fr Schritt lernen wie man mit Filmvertriebsfirmen in Kontakt tritt, welche Business Modelle es gibt, wie man Filme an Firmen wie Netflix verkauft und warum man Aufmerksamkeit rund um den eigenen Film aufbauen sollte. Amazon Video Direct - Amazon Video Direct ist Amazons Filmvetriebstool. ber dieses Tool kannst du direkt auf Amazon deine Filme anbieten und erhltst fr jede Minute die von deinem Film gestreamed wirdGeld. Wir lernen wie man Produkte auf Amazon Video Direct hochldt und Untertitel automatisch generiert. Outsourcing - Post Production und Erstellung von Untertiteln ist teuer. In diesem Kapitel zeige ich dir wie du Kontakte in die Ukraine, nach Bangladesh und viele andere Lnder aufbaust und deine Arbeit outsourced. Wir werden diesbezglich vor allen Dingen uns auf die Plattformen Upwork und Fiverr konzentrieren.Direktvertrieb und Marketing - Wie verkauft man seine Filme eigentlich effektiv ber das Internet?Wie vermarktet man seine Amazon Video Direct Produkte und wie baut man eine Community rund um seinen Film auf?All dies werden wir in diesem Kapitel lernen. Der Fokus wird diesbezglich auf FacebookMarketing und FacebookWerbeanzeigen liegen. Nachdem du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast, wirst du fhig sein folgende Dinge zu tun: bernehme den Direktvertrieb deiner Filme, Serien und KurseVerkaufe deine Filme, Serien und Kurse ber 10+ Online PlattformenSei fhig die ""Post Production"" und anderes online zu outsourcen und spare viel GeldVerkaufe deine Filme, Serien und Kurse an Vetriebsfirmen und Firmen wie Netflix Baue eine Community um deinen Film auf und nutze diese um ffentliches Interesse zu weckenLerne wie man Filme, Serien und Kurse ber Facebook Werbeanzeigen vermarktetLerne alles ber Amazon Video Direct und wie man Filme, Serien und Kurse ber Amazon anbietetDeswegen nimm deine Chance jetzt wahr, schreibe dich ein und wir beiden sehen uns dann gleich bereits im ersten Video!Beste Gre und viel Erfolg imKurs, Leon Chaudhari -Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Medium Meisterkurs: Werde zum Vollzeit Blogger durch Medium"
"Wrdest du gerne dein Hobby zum Beruf machen und als Blogger Vollzeit arbeiten?Oder suchst du einfach nur nach Wegen deine kommenden und bestehenden Blogs zu wiederkehrendem Einkommen umzuwandeln?Dann ist dieser MediumMeisterkurs genau das richtige fr dich! In diesemKurs werde ich dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen, wie ich vierstellige Summen jeden Monat auf Medium, durch die sogenannte MediumOpen Paywall, Affiliate Links und Produktplatzierungen verdiene. Was genau werden wir aber im Detail hier in diesemKurs lernen?Grundlagen von Medium -Wie erstellt man eine Story auf Medium, was ist eine Serie und wie kann man auf die EmailAdressen von den eigenen Followern zugreifen?In diesem Teil des Kurses werden wir Schritt fr Schritt die technischen Komponenten von Medium kennen lernen und verstehen warum Medium so eine groartige Mglichkeit zum Hosten des eigenen Blogs ist.Nischenfindung - Ohne eine Nische ist es schwer auf Medium hohe Klickzahlen zu generieren. Und nicht vergessen: Geringe Klickzahlen bedeuten wenig Profit, hohe Klickzahlen viel Profit. Genau deswegen lernen wir in diesem Abschnitt des Kurses uns selbst ein wenig mehr kennen und beantworten die Fragen:Worber kann und will ich bloggen?Welche Themen sind profitabel und wie gehe ich das Verfassen des Artikels an?Artikel auf Korrektheit berprfen - Wenn du vielleicht nicht besonders gut imBereich Rechtschreibung oder Grammatik bist - keine Sorge!Ich zeige dir in diesemAbschnitt Wege die es dir ermglichen immer fehlerfreie Artikel zu verfassen.Design Tipps - Zu jedem guten Medium Artikel gehrt ein ordentliches Design.Wir werden diesbezglich ein komplettes Design Tutorial durchgehen, das dir nicht nur zeigt wie man designed sondern auch wie man nicht die Rechte anderer dabei verletzt.Wachstumsstrategien - In diesem Teil des Kurses zeige ich dir wie ich in nur einer Woche mein Medium Profil auf ber 1000 Follower skaliert habe und wie du das auch kannst. Du erhltst alle Strategien von mir und wirst am Ende des Kapitels fhig sein 1 zu 1 meine Strategie fr deine Zwecke anzuwenden.Medium Stories, Series und Publikationen - Medium bietet eine Vielzahl an Mglichkeiten geschriebene Inhalte zu verffentlichen. Diese mchte ich dir vorstellen und dir helfen das meiste aus ihnen rauszuholen.Wir werden auerdem lernen wie man ein eigenes Magazin auf Medium erstellt und innerhalb von 6 Wochen durch das Magazin passives Einkommen generiert.Medium Open Paywall und Marketing - Nun zeige ich dir wie ich vierstellige Summen jeden Monat ber Medium generiere.Dazu wirst du ein komplettes Tutorial zum Thema MediumOpen Paywall und Produktplatzierungen erhalten.Auerdem wirst du lernen hochkonvertierende Email Kampagnen mit Mailchimp und Landing Pages mit dem Mailchimp Landing Page Creator zu erstellen. Und wenn das schon nicht genug wre, erhltst du auerdem noch ein komplettes Facebook Werbeanzeigen Tutorial welches dir Schritt fr Schritt zeigen wird wie man effektive Werbekampagnen fr das eigene Medium Profil und Stories erstellt.Folgende Dinge wirst du knnen wenn du diesenKurs abgeschlossen hast:Erstelle, publiziere und vermarkte Medium Artikel in 180+ LndernVerffentliche dein Eigenes Magazin auf Medium, verkaufe Werbespace und skaliere es Generiere deine ersten 1000 Follower auf Medium in weniger als (circa) 3 MonatenBlogge hinter der Medium Open Paywall und werde bezahlt fr deine BlogsFhre effektive Email Marketing Kampagnen mit Mailchimp durchErstelle hochkonvertierende Facebook Werbeanzeigen und promote Medium Open Paywall ArtikelVerstehe wie man Grammarly effektiv verwendetDeswegen schreibe dich jetzt ein! Worauf wartest du noch?! Nimm diese Chance jetzt war und wir beide sehen uns dann gleich im ersten Video im Medium Meisterkurs!Ich freue mich auf dich! Beste Gre, Business Hero - Dozent -"
Price: 199.99

"Protheus - Configurador na prtica"
"Aprenda de forma prtica a utilizar a principal ferramenta dos analistas de sistemas ERP Protheus. Neste curso voc vai aprender do ZERO como iniciar no mdulo configurador. Lembre-se que para prosseguir no curso importante que tenha realizado o curso de Arquitetura e instalao na prtica, caso no tenha feito o curso ainda, basta acessar rctitreinamentos .com .br e adquirir o curso com o cupom de desconto.Neste curso, vamos aprender, alm de detalhes importantes da ferramenta, a criar um projeto do zero, vamos criar um cadastro de lbuns musicais e suas respectivas musicas. vamos criar tabelas customizadas no banco de dados do sistema, criar campos com suas devidas validaes, e administrar o acesso do usurio.Este curso avaliado em um alto valor, mas ns da RCTI pretendemos disseminar o conhecimento de forma que seja acessvel a todos, por tanto voc pode estar adquirindo o curso com nossos cupons de super desconto pelo nosso site. No espere mais, inicie hoje mesmo o curso de configurador e seja a diferena no mercado de trabalho.* Protheus, ADVPL e TOTVS so produtos e marcas registradas de  propriedade da TOTVS S.A. Logotipos TOTVS e Microsiga so de propriedade  da TOTVS S.A. *"
Price: 69.99

"PHP com Linux e MySQL para iniciantes!"
"O mercado de trabalho anda cada dia mais exigente referente ao conhecimento tcnico dos profissionais de TI. No mundo da programao web no diferente, a busca por programadores PHP ainda muito grande e na maioria das vezes as exigncias so o domnio dos sistemas operacionais Linux, assim como o banco de dados MySQL.Pensando nestas exigncias, a RCTI resolveu preparar um curso completo com estes trs temas, um curso ""Trs em um"". No curso voc vai iniciar instalando e configurando o sistema operacional Linux Ubuntu 18.04. Vai aprender como usar o terminal, diretrios do sistema, permisses de usurios e muito mais. Tambm veremos sobre o banco de dados MySQL, um banco de dados muito poderoso que muitas vezes utilizado em projetos PHP. Vamos aprender como configurar o MySQL em um sistema operacional Linux, assim como realizar consultas, alteraes, excluses e criao de tabelas e registros utilizando a linguagem de banco de dados relacional SQL.E finalmente vamos comear o aprendizado em PHP, esta linguagem que comporta cerca de 80% de toda a internet! Vamos aprender do ZERO como desenvolver sistemas em PHP, ao final do curso o aluno estar apto para iniciar sua carreira de programador PHP nas empresas, carregando todo o conhecimento necessrio em Linux, Banco de dados MySQL, linguagem SQL e o poderoso PHP.No perca tempo, todo dia dia de aprender. Te vejo nas aulas ;)"
Price: 54.99

"Tutto quello che devi sapere PRIMA di scrivere un libro"
"In questo corsovoglio prenderti per mano e fartivedere cosa significa scrivere, com' il mondo dell'editoria, e comesi pu diventare scrittori professionisti oggi, in quest'epoca nuovae ancora tutta da esplorare. Non sono un editore, n un agenteletterario, non faccio scouting e non pubblico libri di altri. Maquello che ti posso dare molto pi prezioso di tutto ci. Non tivoglio dare un pesce. Voglio insegnarti a pescare.Il percorso idealmente diviso indue. Nella prima parte scopriremo il tuo sistema interiore legatoalla scrittura, faremo esercizi per capirlo meglio e ti dar spuntiper cambiarlo dove non ti piace. Nella seconda parte vedremo anche ilsistema esteriore, il meccanismo dell'editoria e i veloci cambiamentiche lo stanno scuotendo. E vedremo come queste due dimensioni,interiore ed esteriore, possono incontrarsi. Ti dar un soluzione.Questo non un corso di scritturacreativa, che tengo altrove, n un corso di scrittura terapeutica.Questo un corso che vuole condurre te ad esplorare il tuodesiderio di pubblicare un libro, ad esplorare le vie che possonotrovargli una risposta, e a conoscerne l'effettiva fattibilit. Allafine del corso non avrai imparato a scrivere meglio. Ma avrai messo ordine dentro e fuori di te e potrai cos rimuovere gli ostacoli che ti impediscono di diventare grande in questo settore."
Price: 19.99

"Jenkins MasterClass for Absolute Beginner - Hands On DevOps"
"Jenkins online training course is designed to provide you with a thorough grounding in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery concepts and give you the necessary skills to implement them using Jenkins, Jenkins Code Pipeline, AWS CodeDeploy & AWS CodePipeline.What is this course about:This course covers all the fundamentals about Jenkins and teach you everything you need to know to setup a Jenkins build pipeline starting with continuous inspection (build, test and static analysis) all the way to continuous deployment(deploy to staging and production).In the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Jenkins and general DevOps skills to help your company or your own project to apply the right Jenkins workflow and continuously deliver better software.What will you learn from this lecture:In particularly, you will learn:Understand the concepts of continuous inspection, continuous integration, and continuous deployment, and the difference between them.Build an automated continuous deployment pipeline to build, test, analyze and deploy a web-based application with Jenkins.Create a multi-stage Jenkins job and visualize the complicated build pipeline with Jenkins build pipeline plugin.Integrate CI builds with other tools such as GitHub, Maven, Tomcat, Java, etcScale Jenkins workflow with Jenkins master and slave architecture, deploy and configure a multi-node Jenkins cluster in the cloud for labeled builds.Learn how to configure and extend Jenkins functionality with Jenkins plugins such as copy build artifacts plugins and deploy to container plugins, etcInvaluable DevOps skills such as setting up staging and production environment for continuous integration workflows.Learn tips on how to effectively improve Jenkins build time such as executing jobs in parallel.Best practices of working with Jenkins in the field.In-depth knowledge about Jenkins and confidence to help your company or your own project to apply the right Jenkins workflow and continuously deliver better software.And many many moreWhy shall we learn Jenkins:Jenkins is on the bleeding edge of technology today. It is also one of the most compelling technologies of the last decade in terms of its disruption to software development andoperationpractices.The Jenkins Continuous Integration solution has become a standby in organizations of all sizes that want to increase productivity and streamline software development in the era of Agile. Ithas extensive community support has the extended the core functionality of Jenkins by developing thousands of useful plugins. An ecosystem of more than 1,100 plug-ins has emerged, enabling customers to add all sorts of functionality and integrate Jenkins with everything from Active Directory to GitHub to Tomcat.Jenkins is becoming a must tool for DevOps.It allows companies to build very sophisticated build pipelines very quickly, thus greatly reducing the risk within the software development lifecycle.Tons of companies have already been using Jenkins to implement continuous integration pipeline.Today you have the access to that same technology right on your desktop."
Price: 194.99