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"SAP simulator SD-02 - Intermediate Structure Configuration"
"An essential  training about sales parameters for SAP intermediate users.Provided with Video + interactive SAP simulator, this course introduces you with SD Master Data, sales assignments  and reporting modes. It covers the customization of Credit Control, Distribution Channel, Sales group, Billing and Personnel areas. A step by step practice to define a new Sales and Distribution structure.After purchase, contact me to get your access codes  for online simulator!ASSIGN SALES ORG TO CIE CODE CREATE A SALES AREA CREATE A SALES OFFICE CREATE DISTRIBUTION CHANNEL CREATE SALES ORGANIZATION MAINTAIN A SALES GROUP ASSIGN DIVISION TO SALES ORGANISATION ASSIGN SALES AREA TO CREDIT CONTROL AREA CREATE BILLING DOCUMENT CREATE PERSONNEL AREA CREATE PERSONNEL SUBAREAS FINAL EXAM"
Price: 59.99

"SAP simulator SD-03 - SD/MM Structure and Assignments"
"A comprehensive training about Distribution and Material assignments. You will assign Material parameters with specific logistic, Finance and Distribution settings and you will configure mandatory MM specifications in the context of a new SAP structure implementation. Essential for SAP structuration understanding and provided with practical and theoreticals contextual explanations.After purchase, contact me to get your access codes  for online simulator!ASSIGN CHART OF ACCOUNT TO CIE CODE DEFINE PERIOD FOR MATERIAL MANAGEMENT DEFINE AND ASSIGN FISCAL YEAR VARIANT UPDATE MATERIAL TYPE QUANTITY ACCOUNT DETERMINATION FOR VALUATION AREA ASSIGN MATERIAL TO PLANT CREATE ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT FOR MATERIAL ASSIGN COUNTRY TO CALCULATION PROCEDURE DEFINE CHECKING GROUPS CUSTOMERS ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT GROUP DEFINE CUSTOM TRANSPORTATION CREATE A MATERIAL PRODUCT FINAL EXAM"
Price: 59.99

"SAP simulator SD-04 - SD Customer Structure Basic"
"SD Customer Structure BasicFirst, you will setup customers legal status then you will position it inside SAP customer hierarchy. Afterwards, you will integrate this customer in Sales and Accounts structures and configure specific connections to logistic and Condition types. An essential training about SD commercial structuring for SAP users involved with sales and product management.After purchase, contact me to get your access codes  for online simulator!DEFINE FLOATS MARGIN KEYS DEFINE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT GROUP DEFINE CUSTOMER LEGAL STATUS DEFINE CUSTOMER GROUPS DEFINE SALES DISTRICT ASSIGN SALES AREAS TO CUSTOMER HIERARCHY ASSIGN ACCOUNT GROUP TO CUSTOMER HIERARCHY DEFINE SHIPPING TYPES DEFINE ACCESS SEQUENCES DEFINE CONDITION TYPES COPY RULES FOR CONDITION TYPES FINAL EXAM"
Price: 59.99

"SAP simulator SD-05 - SD Accounts Determination"
"Setting Pricing procedure and Accounts determination.Pricing Procedure and Accounts determination are based on numerous business and material criterias necessary to build the effective commercial SD structure. You will configure these mandatory accounts parameters in the ATP planning context. These lessons are in the center of SAP SD procurement. After purchase, contact me to get your access codes  for online simulator!PRICING PROCEDURE DETERMINATION DEFINE DOCUMENT PRICING PROCEDURE CUSTOMER ACCOUNT ASSIGNMENT GROUP DEFINE ACCOUNT KEYS ASSIGN GL ACCOUNTS USE DEFINE CHECKING GROUPS DEFINE MATERIAL BLOCK FOR OTHER USERS DEFINE CHECKING GROUP DEFAULT VALUE PB CONTROL FOR AVAILABILITY CHECK MAINTAIN PRODUCT PROCEDURE ALLOCATION FINAL EXAM"
Price: 59.99

"Curso Completo de Bitcoin Criptomoedas na Prtica"
"Criei este curso voltadoparaIniciantescom as informaes necessrias para que voc consiga iniciar seus investimentos no mundo das criptomoedas de forma rpida e segura. Os grandes diferenciais deste curso so:Abordagem prtica em mais de 90% do cursoAulas objetivas e dinmicas Linguagem financeira usada de forma simples para fcil compreenso Uso do Bitcoin no seu dia a diaDicas para investir em novas moedas digitais (ICO) E muito mais! Neste curso abordo o tema de criptomoedas com foco no Bitcoin(BTC) por ser a principal moeda digital. Porem com os conhecimentos adquiridos voc conseguir comprar e guardar com segurana outras moedas digitais da mesma forma.O futuro do dinheiro fsico est mudando rapidamente com o avano das plataformas descentralizadas, as criptomoedas iro mudar o mundo e impactar nossas vidas pessoais e profissionais, vo mudar em breve os meios de pagamentos atuais. Empresas como Microsoft e Dell dentre outras j adotaram o Bitcoin como meio de pagamento. O curso possui acesso vitalcio e direito a certificado. Quem tem o conhecimento, tem o poder!.Para quem NO este curso?Este curso no recomendado para quem deseja fazer operaes anlise tcnica ou tenha conhecimento avanado em criptomoedas."
Price: 279.99

"Data Structures and Algorithms : From 0 to HERO"
"If you are interested to learn more about data structures and algorithms or you are preparing for an interview this course is the best option, doesn't matter the programming language you choose. You will learn how to approach a problem and how to write clean and efficient code so you could pass any interview at any company. Topics: Arrays  StringsMaps Linked Lists  Stacks Queues and Priority QueuesGraphs BSTDynamic Programming"
Price: 19.99

"Sci-Fi Interior Environment Creation for Virtual Reality"
"ATTENTION:This course is still under Development. MUCHMORETOCOME!Have you ever wanted to build Sci-fi Environments and didn't know where to start? Did you ever wonder what the pipeline between Autodesk Maya, Substance Painter, and Unity is for development? Is Virtual Reality something that interest you but you didn't know where to start?Well this is the course for you!This course has been recorded in real-time, nothing has been sped up, and not a single step has been missed. Everything you everwanted to know about the 3D pipeline between these programs is completely covered from start to finish.This Course Will Cover:Autodesk Maya:Setting up Maya Project correctly.Lining up concept art to Maya camera both manually, and with SLiB Match plug-inSaving scenes correctly.Using basic primitives to create complex geometry.Modeling to concept art.Proper use of display layersOrganization, optimization, naming conventions, grouping forkeeping a clean organized manageablescene.UV Mapping made simple and using the UV Transfer Script.Organizing UV Maps to share with multiple pieces of geometry.Applying and naming materials correctly for use with Substance Painter.Exporting Geometry correctly for use withSubstance Painter.Applying Substance textures to geometry for use with Unity.Setting up the sceneproperly for real worldscale within Unity.Exporting finalmodel with Game Exporter for use with Unity.Substance Painter:Setting up Substance Painter Project and importing Maya model.Baking out texture maps (Normal, Curvature, Ambient Occlusion, World Position, etc) for use with Smart Materials.Importing Hard Surface Alphas properly for use with High Frequency Detail.Adding High Frequency Detail to the model.Baking out High Frequency Detail into a Normal Map and baking maps properly.Import custom materials from the Substance Share website and how to organize material library.How to use Smart Materials and adjust their parameters.How to create custom Smart Materials.How to use layering system, channels, and blending modes.How to apply alphas with smart selections and Smart Mask.Best practices of using Generators andFilters.Create custom images in both Photoshop and Illustrator for use in Substance.Painting with Brushes and Particle Brushes.Adding wear and weathering to your paint.Create custom export channels to create extra texture maps for use with Unity.Export Textures properly to the correct directory.Unity and Virtual Reality:Setting up Unity Project correctly and folder structure.Importing textured model correctly.Set up proper color space to work best with PBR Textures.Adding Model into the scene correctly.Lighting the scene and creating a mood.Creating Particles to add extraelements into the environment.Rigging,animating, and triggering custom animations.Importing characters into the scene and applying motion capture animation.Add post effects to the camera.Importing Steam VR Plug-in for use with Virtual Reality.Adding Controllers and scripting them to teleport around the scene.How to set up both the HTCVive and the Oculus Rift Headsets.Export your VR Scene as an app that can be viewed on the Samsung Gear or Google CardboardMuch More to Come!"
Price: 199.99

"Software Product Leadership - Product Management 101"
"Welcome to Software Product Leadership - Product Management 101, a short course focused on Product Management(PM) as it relates to building Software that customers love and leading Software Developers by influence i.e. without direct or formal authority. Product Manager may look like a fancy title, but it is serious work. Digital landscape is always changing, user expectations are rising and there is simply immense competition in the marketplace due to rising dominance of incumbents and ever increasing number of startups in the tech space. As you start your PM journey, we want to share our learnings from being Product Managers in different PM roles at Microsoft and other places and as technology entrepreneurs starting companies . The course is designed as a crash course to provide you with an overview of important Business, User Experience, Leadership, Execution and Measurement(or Business Analysis) topics and ideas you need to be aware of as you start your journey and to give you more than enough knowledge to decide whether PM is the right career for you or not. Syllabus OverviewSection 1: Introduction and Business ConceptsRole of a Product ManagerAn overview of business skills needed to run your products and features.A deep dive into performing competitive research.How to keep up with prevailing market trends and how to think about what features, apps or products to build next.Section 2: Leadership and TeamworkHow to create a pitch for your ideas.An overview of how to do estimation of time and resources needed when trying to get your idea funded.Understanding the dynamics and the culture of the team that you are inBest practices to avoid isolation and mis-alignment for yourself and others.Tips on socializing your ideas and seeking feedback on them from others in respectful and non-intrusive ways.Section 3: User Experience(UX) DesignDeveloping user stories and making use of personas to communicate product and feature ideas.Basics of visual design and working with designers to come up with alternatives (explorations) to bring the ideas to reality.Understanding the non-visual elements of design such as gestures, responsiveness, etc.An overview of common methods for performing user research, such as flash feedback, etc.What is A/B testing and how and why to A/B test different ideas.Section 4: Execution and Evaluation(Data Driven-ness)Writing functional specifications.Unblocking Engineers by taking care of non-technical issues all the way from legal things such as open source licenses to UI strings that could block your team's progress.Understanding your role as the person who may be responsible for communication with partners.Role of Data - Understand common metrics such as Monthly Active Users, Daily Active Users, Net Promotor Score and so on - What are they about? How to use them to make product decisions!Special topic: A day in the life of a PM.Section 5: Product Management interviews and Career advancement strategiesPro-tips for preparing for your Product Management interview.References to books, blogs and materials you need to read to get started for your PM interview.A peek into career strategies that Dean applied to continuously grow his career for20+years.A framework for figuring out your career advancement as a PM"
Price: 19.99

"Garoto de Informtica - Formatao + 3 Cursos para Tcnico"
"Se voc chegou nesse vdeo provavelmente quer muito ter o conhecimento ou quer muito ter o dinheiro que esse conhecimento pode te dar.Ou.. Se voc como eu, quer os dois!Ento darei um breve resumo sobre o que o curso e o que se encontra nele.Primeiramente, qualquer pessoa pode fazer o curso, ele foi estruturado para que qualquer um possa assistir e aprender.Formatar computadores pode ser um jeito simples de voc adolescente ganhar seus R$300 reais por ms para voc curtir com seus amigos e claro curtir sua adolescncia e at mesmo ajudar sua famlia em casa.E tambm pra voc adulto que quer complementar a renda da famlia ou pra voc que quer criar um negcio em cima disso com apenas 10 minutos de trabalho.Isso mesmo, voc leu direito! 10 minutos!!Neste curso voc ira aprender um macete que te permite usar todo o desempenho da maquina para ao invs de esperar 1 hora para sua maquina ser formatada, voc ira esperar 10 minutos.Desta maneira voc pode formatar de 4 a 5 computadores em uma nica hora. Imagina s.O preo de uma formatao hoje est na faixa dos R$50,00 reais.Agora imagina voc.. na sua cidade.. Ganhando R$50,00 por formatao. Podendo chegar a mais de R$200,00 em um nico dia, COM UMA HORA S DE TRABALHO.Claro, isso se voc for trabalhar sozinho... se voc colocar sua esposa, filhos ou 2 amigos. Esse preo passa de R$200,00 para R$2000,00. Isso porque neste nvel voc estar formatando para sua cidade e para as cidades vizinhas.Seja l qual for a sua cidade, e quantas pessoas sabem formatar. Seja, dono, dela. O mais rpido possvel! Chame 2 ou 3 amigos e domine o negcio de formatao de computadores na sua cidade AGORA!!E assim voc possa ter uma das coisas mais incrveis do mundo: Escolher o quanto voc quer ganhar!!- Ganhar o suficiente para comprar suas coisinhas e curtir com os amigos no final de semana- Ganhar uma renda extra para ajudar a famlia - Construir um negocio em cima da Formatao de Computadores.Aqui voc escolhe o quanto voc vai ganhar!! isso ai. Eu te espero l do outro lado. ;)"
Price: 39.99

"Educa Tu Voz"
"Este es un curso para ti que sienten la necesidad y el deseo de mejorar tu voz hablada.Atravs de ejercicios orales logrars pronunciar correctamente tus mensajes para que tus oyentes los entiendan totalmente.Practicars ejercicios con todas las consonantes y vocales para que tengas un control de tu voz en todos los sonidos del habla. Practicars con diferentes duraciones, con diferentes ritmos logrando as el nfasis adecuado en tus mensajes. Ejercitar+as ritmos en tiempos lentos y en tiempos rpidos para fortalecer la musculatura involucrada en el acto de el habla.Tambin ejercitars ejercicios sencillos de canto para aprender a usar la voz en diferentes tonos de tu voz para tener una variedad de alturas en tu comunicacin hablada.Usars varios trabalenguas para que logres dominar las diferentes combinaciones de las letras y que cualquier mensaje sea emitido con una clara diccin. Con los trabalenguas logrars fortalecer y darle agilidad a la musculatura de tus labios, lengua y mandbula que te permitirn un excelente control sobre tus palabras habladas.En cada ejercicio se ejercita tambin la respiracin. Al dominar la respiracin podrs usar la voz con una intensidad fuerte o una intensidad suave como un susurro.Inscrbete hoy en este Curso y moldea tu voz para satisfacer tu necesidad de comunicarte eficientemente."
Price: 1020.00

"Guitarra Rtmica de Acompaamiento"
"En este Curso de Guitarra Rtmica de Acompaamiento empezars a aprender a afinar la guitarra con un afinador gratuito en lnea. Conocers las principales partes de la guitarra. Podrs ver y tocar los movimientos bsicos de la mano derecha. Para cada movimiento de la mano derecha hay un ejercicio para lograr que tengas un buen control de ese movimiento. Despus combinars los movimientos bsicos para hacer varios ritmos: Ranchera Lenta, Vals, Balada Ska, Pasito Duranguense, Balada Sencilla, Corrido, Cancin Ranchera, Balada Lenta, Balada Rtmica, Balada Moderna, Cumbia, Reggaetn, Tres variantes de Rock, Rumba, Rumba Flamenca, Balda Sincopada, Bolero, Bachata, Clave, Huapango, Balada Arpegiada. Vers en video como se ejecuta cada uno de esos ritmos y tambin vers explicado en una grfica los movimientos exactos para cada ritmo. Para aprender los ritmos uso las FRASES RTMICAS que son algo que ayuda mucho a comprender con claridad el ritmo. Para la mano izquierda primero empezars a practicar unos ejercicios sencillos para los fortalecer los cuatro dedos que pisan las cuerdas. Luego aprenders los acordes que junto con los ritmos de la mano derecha te van a servir para ACOMPAAR cientos de canciones. Adems de las lecciones para principiantes y para medio avanzado voy a ir agregando ejemplos de canciones que pueden ser acompaadas con los acordes y ritmos que vayas aprendiendo. Usando los videos y las matemticas bsicas te voy a mostrar con exactitud en que momento de la cancin debes hacer los cambios de acordes. Tambin vas a aprender las CUATRO ETAPAS DEL APRENDIZAJE. Este conocimiento es muy til para poder superar los momentos en que sientes que no puedes hacer algo que ests aprendiendo. Tengo ms de 40 aos enseando a tocar la guitarra y el piano. He puesto toda mi experiencia como profesor de msica para que t tengas el mayor aprovechamiento en el menor tiempo posible. Te invito a que te inscribas en este Curso de Guitarra Rtmica"
Price: 1320.00

"The Secret to Getting into College"
"LEARN ABOUT HOW TO BEST MARKET YOURSELF AS A COLLEGE APPLICANTIwork with high school students everyday on college applications, high school consulting, and test preparation. As an applicant myself, Ihad a perfect GPA, perfect test scores, and was accepted to Harvard, Yale, MIT, Stanford, and more...I will teach you thesecrets on how to get in. Ireceived my B.S. from MITand have helped over 15 students get into the top schools of their dreams including University of Chicago, Stanford, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, Harvard, Yale, and many more!Keep in mind that this course is audio only -- there is not anything to show on video and so Iwant you to be able to listen to this where ever you are; driving to school, on your way to a soccer game, before bed, etc. Take advantage to listen during any of your spare time!What are the requirements?Nothing. All you need is an open mind and a very positive attitude as you can do anything if youset yourmindto it.. Ihavehelped many accomplish their dreams! : )What is the target audience?Anyone that wants to go to a top school.Anyone considering college and feeling lost and confused by the process.Use this course to learn about being an Indian-American and how the fundamentals of building your college application packet apply to you. The basic foundations of what you should do in high school are covered in this course as well as the nuances that Indian students must look out for."
Price: 34.99

"Ansible - A Beginner's Tutorial"
"In this course I show how to setup a simple web platform with Ansible. You will learn how to install Ansible itself, how to write roles and tasks, copy files to the target systems, configure passwords, use handlers to trigger actions and much more.At the end of the course you will be able to use Ansible to automate your server saving time and improving quality."
Price: 19.99

"Healthy Gluten-Free Baking and Desserts (90% Vegan)"
"This course is created for everyone who wants to learn about healthy gluten-free baking and desserts, but has not time to spend in the kitchen.The recipes in the course are not traditional - they are based on very practical techniques for busy home bakers.We all crave sweets and baked goods from time to time, but the store-bought cakes are full of unhealthy ingredientsand sugar. It becomes even more difficult for those who choose gluten-free and vegan diets. The good new is that there are simple techniques and tricks you can apply at home to create easy baked goodies which are tasty, healthy and nutritious.All recipes (except for one which uses eggs)are also vegan.MEASUREMENTSEach recipe refers to cups as a measurement unit. 1 cup accounts for 150 gram"
Price: 39.99

"The Easiest Guide To Accelerating Your Productivity."
"This course will teach you a lot of tips about productivity so that you can get things done quickly and enjoy your life.After watching this course, you will be able to Set Yourself right goals. Its is very important. Statistics shows that only 8% od people complete the New Year resolutions.You will also find out how to improve your efficiency so that you will achieve your goals quickly through managing your time, energy, focus and emotions.Then, you will find out about how to manage your information so that you won't be overwhelmed.And finally, you will know how to stay on the right track using simple tricks."
Price: 44.99

"Vendas : O Segredo do Vendedor de Sucesso"
"Vendas uma carreira fascinante e cheia de oportunidades. Mas chegar ao topo na carreira de vendas requer preparo, tcnicas de persuaso, planejamento de vendas e grande capacidade de ter disciplina e persistir, afinal se h algo certo na vida de uma profissional de vendas de sucesso que ele tomar muitos ""Nos"".O curso est dividido em 4 reas que juntas podem fazer de voc um campeo de vendas. Inteligncia emocional, estratgias de persuaso, planejamento das etapas de vendas e como se tornar uma autoridade especialista.Muitos cursos de vendas falham por tratar de apenas uma destas 4 reas, neste curso vou te ajudar em um verdadeiro passo a passo nestas 4 reas para te ajudar a se transformar em um CAMPEO DE VENDAS!"
Price: 219.99

"Email Marketing & Automao - Active Campaign"
"PORQUE DEVE FAZER ESTE CURSOComunicar atravs de email marketing, uma das formas mais poderosas de fazer crescer o seu negcio. um dos melhores canais para construir e desenvolver relaes com os seus clientes e aumentar o valor da sua marca, o que no final significa mais vendas!!E por falar em vendas, sabia que 77% das pessoas prefere receber promoes atravs de email do que outros canais como as redes sociais?Se j ouvir dizer que o email marketing est morto, ento vai ter que repensar essa afirmao Segundo um estudo recente da SMARTINSIGHTS, em 2018, 47% das empresas prev aumentar o seu investimento em Email Marketing enquanto 33% afirmou manter o montante de investimento neste canal. No tenho dvidas, que a principal razo que est por detrs desta deciso se prenda com o R.O.I. Atualmente, no Reino Unido em 2017 por cada libra investida o retorno de 32 libras, o que fantstico! Neste estudo, os profissionais de marketing reconhecerem que o email marketing o canal mais efectivo!! Mas maior parte das empresas no esto a tirar proveito deste fantstico canal, apesar de 47% reconhecerem que os resultados so bons ou excelentes, a falta de competncias nesta rea tem sido um dos principais dissuadores.Ao longo deste curso, vai aprender a desenvolver campanhas de email marketing do zero, comeando com aspectos mais bsicos como criao de campanhas, formulrios, segmentao at aspetos super avanados avanados como remarketing e automaes. So mais de 3 horas de contedos , 70 aulas, exemplos prticos e tutoriais, tudo para que possa desenvolver e aplicar uma estratgia de sucesso no seu negcio.SOBRE MIMO meu nome Helder Pinto e sou Consultor de Marketing Digital, onde no meu dia a dia, ajudo empresas de todas as dimenses a dinamizarem os seus negcios com recurso ao Marketing Digital. Alm de vrias certificaes, tenho um Mestrado em Marketing Digital e ainda uma licenciatura em Gesto de Empresas. Ao longo dos anos, criei campanhas de email marketing que venderam dezenas de milhares de euros e neste curso quero partilhar tudo o que aprendi, consigo!!Ao inscrever-se neste curso, vai ter acesso vitalcio a esta formao e no se esquea que pode fazer estas aulas em qualquer dispositivo ou local, aprendendo ao seu ritmo e segundo o seu horrio. Se no ficar satisfeito, tem 30 dias para pedir a devoluo do seu dinheiro, significa que o seu investimento 100% seguro! Inscreva-se j e aumente a performance do seu negcio atravs do email marketing!"
Price: 184.99

"Tia Portal V.14"
"Tia Portal PLC Step7-200, Step7-300 , Step7-400 , Step7-1500 , Tia Portal"
Price: 104.99

"The Ultimate Sketching Course - Amateur to Pro"
"The Ultimate Sketching Course - Amateur to Pro will show you how to create advanced and beautiful art that will stand out. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of art - or your money back!The course is your guide to obtaining new drawing skills that you always wanted to achieve! Whether for your own projects or to draw for other people.This course will take you from having little knowledge in sketching to creating advanced art and having a deep understanding of sketching fundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Youll create different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!Youll gain instant access to all sections of the course.The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, the process of sketching on white and toned paper. It will equip you with the knowledge to create stunning designs and illustrations!Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to the sections of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of drawing from the ground up. The course is supported with over 2 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingertips instantly. The course starts with the basics. You will get an in depth understanding of the fundamentals. Fundamentals are the most important part of creating art. You will learn everything from shape and form to perspective. Next youll learn some very effective sketching techniques.Once you've learned that I'll walk you step by step in Sketching with a blue pencil. I'll then take you through some thumbnail exercises.Next Ill show you how to sketch on gray toned paper with a black and with colored pencil. Finally you'll learn how to create perspective without using a ruler. What else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course tutor- Lifetime access to course materials- Quizzes and exercise worksheetsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and change your art world today!"
Price: 109.99

"The Ultimate Photography Course - Beginner to Advanced"
"The Ultimate Photography Course will show you how to take advanced photos that will stand out as professional work and break down camera tech into easy to follow lectures. This course will enhance or give you skills in the world of photography - or your money back! The course is your track to obtaining Photography skills like you always knew you should have! Whether for your own projects or to start a career.This course will take you from having little knowledge in photography to taking advanced photos and having a deep understanding of camera fundamentals.So what else is in it for you?Youll have over 20 different projects in this course that will take you from beginner to expert!Youll gain instant access to all 31 sections of the course. The course is setup to quickly take you through step by step, Starting with the fundamentals them moving into different categories of photography and editing.Dont believe me? I offer you a full money back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.Heres what you get with the course:Youll get access to 99 lectures of the course that will teach you the fundamentals of photography from the ground up. The course is supported with over 10 hours of clear content that I walk you through each step of the way.All at your fingertips instantly.The course starts with the basics that are aperture, ISO, and shutter speed. Or the 3 pillars of photography that you need to know.Next youll learn lens and camera basics and what camera or lens you should get or upgrade to.Once youve learned the basics well do deeper into gear and accessoriesAt this point youll learn how to take advantage of instagram as a social media portfolio.Next youre going to learn the difference between manual and automatic shooting and which one you should use.Then you'll learn to use natural and artificial lighting in photos and understand the scale of white balance.Well then go through 11 types of photography and learn the best gear and tips to use.Lastly you will learn how to use Lightroom to edit you photosOver the 31 sections you will learn:ApertureISOShutter SpeedCamera basicsLens basicsPhotos in natural lightingHow to get a blurry backgroundWhite balancePortrait photographyLandscape photographyStreet photographyWildlife photographyNature photographyMacro photographyProduct photographyArchitect photographyMobile photographyNight photographyLow-light photographyMixed photographyCompositionLightroomPhoto editingRecover over and underexposed photosShoot JPEG and RAWHow to get hiredPortfolio buildingWhat else will you get?- Personal contact with me, the course instructor- Lifetime access to course materials- Understanding of how professional photos are taken- Quizzes and exercise work sheetsThis all comes under one convenient easy to use platform. Plus you will get fast, friendly, responsive support on the Udemy Q&A section of the course or direct message.I will be here for you every step of the way!So what are you waiting for? Sign up now and learn photography today!"
Price: 199.99

"Build WordPress ECommerce Store with Marketing Automation"
"Do you want to create an apowerful eCommerce store for your businessbut arent sure where to start?Hi, Im Mauriceand for the last 3years I've been helping entreprenuers build top-class online stores using WordPress.Now I want to teach you how to build YOUROWN ROBUSTeCommerce store that has built in marketing automationwith confidence.Most learning material out there only teaches you how to build eCommerce sitebut then they never tell you that TODAY having an eCommerce site isONLY thebeginning.You need a way to engage with your customers, to let them know what's happening, introduce to them new offers as well as to identify and reward the ones that aremost loyalto increase your business revenues.I know how it feelsspending your time and hard earned money to build an eCommerce store, launch it and then having to balance between marketing, logistics and the other aspects of your business. Ive been there, done that and its not fun.Which is why in this course you will learn how tointegrate marketingautomation into your online store.Ill be at your side explaining my thought process along the way while we build up a powerfuleCommerce storeusing WordPress, WooCommerce and MailChimp.After this course youllwalk away with everything you need tofeel confident building your own eCommerce website.Heres just some of what youll learn by taking thiscourse:Learn how to use WordPress andWooCommerceLearn how to install WordPress in a live web host.Learn how to structure your eCommerce website to make it easy for visitors to browse, view and search forproducts.Learnhow to setup and use MailChimp for marketing automation.What makes WordPress and WooCommerce great?29% of the Internet is powered by WordPressWooCommerce powers over 28% of all online storesYou have a large community of developers and tons of resources(themes, plugins and learning material)onWordPress and WooCommerceWhy is MailChimp worth using?It is the world's largest marketing automation platformIt has afree plan that is adequate to get started withIt is easy to use - no design or coding experience is necessary.You wont just be able to build your own eCommerce websiteby taking my course but youll also gain the confidence to buildonline stores with marketing automation for othersat a fee and create a nice side hustle for yourself."
Price: 99.99

"Learn Travel Poster Design Using Sketch App"
"Do you want to learn how to make awesome travel or business posters using a tool that does not take you back to class for a year? Hi, Im Mauriceand for the last 3years I've been helping travel agencies sell their travel packages through attractive, informative and engaging posters that are mostly shared via Facebook and Instagram.Now I want to teach you how to design YOUROWN POSTERSwith confidence.Most graphic design material out there is only focused on the traditional Adobe suite of software. Others tell you that Sketch is ONLY good for UI Designers. I want to debunk this. This course teaches you how to design like a PRO even if this is your first time hearing about Sketch. Whats more there is a bonus lesson that will show you how to design a cool logo from Scratch. There are a lot of websites today that offer design templates but after a month you have exhausted the templates. You eventually have to spend huge sums to get a quality designer. I know how it feelsspending your time and hard earned money working with freelance designers only to end up with not quite the poster you wanted. It is about time you took charge of your designs.In this course you will learn how todesign a proper poster and logo from scratch.Ill be at your side explaining my thought process along the way while we build up the poster and logo. After this course youllwalk away with everything you need tofeel confident to start designing your own posters using Sketch app. Heres just some of what youll learn by taking thiscourse:* Learn how to use Sketch app* Learn how to structure your design* Learn how to work with images, masks and transforms.* Learn how to come up with those cool circular writings on your circular logo. What makes Sketch app great? * Its light (doesnt hog up your hard disk space) and uses less resources than other comparable software* It has a very short learning curve.* It has tons of resources and plugins that you can use to improve your workflow and/or output.* It is one-time cost purchase and not a costly monthly subscription.* It is a versatile tool. You wont just be able to design your own posters and logosby taking my course but youll also gain the confidence to offer your design services to othersat a fee and create a nice side hustle for yourself."
Price: 29.99

"Easy Drawing, Painting & Illustration For Absolute Beginners"
"With this courseyoull learn the fun and cute skills For Absolute Beginners art practice. Thefocus is on finding your own beginners way of working.You will deepen and develop your drawing style andThis will enable you to build a beautifulsketchbook. The course youll develop or rediscover the skills and confidence needed for creating art."
Price: 29.99

"Beginners Sew Your Own Clothes Without Sewing Patterns"
"Create Your Own Clothing Collection is 4 fashionable, beginner friendly & easy to make pieces of clothing for suitable for complete beginners would not be appropriate for advanced seamstress If you want to sew your own clothes but are intimidated by using sewing patternsyou will love using this course to make your own wardrobewithout the use of any sewing patterns. the class begins with sewing techniques and tools need to succeed with this course.This Sew Your Own Fashion Collection course will help you become familiar with the basics of machine sewing, help you build your confidence at making yourown clothes and develop sewing skills. learn how to make your own fashion collection without the use of sewing patterns. I have developed my own easy freehand cutting method this technique can be applied to anything you are making.The course includes: Easy Freehand Cutting Method, Looking at Standard stitches Seaming curved edges Straight edges, standard seam and French seams on a home sewing machine.Beginners. You should have an interestand a desire to learn but no previous experience is required. No need for intimidating sewing patterns"
Price: 34.99

"Womenswear Watercolor Textile Print Design For Beginners"
"Learn How To Design And Create Wonderful Digital Textile Prints From Watercolor. This Fun Watercolor Textiles class programme will develop your textiles arts skills.Printed textile design, techniques and design process. You'll learn stepby step how to design A watercolortextile print from a design brief and create atextilefor your chosen muse or fashion brand.The class will cover: Introduction to fashion and printed textile design watercolour illustration for print design Printing digital designs into real fabrics Beginner Introduction to garmentdesign & makingintroduce you to the exciting creative potential within the structural applications of pattern design in womenswear"
Price: 64.99

"Earn Passive Income With Pinterest Affiliate Marketing"
"Did you know you could use your love of Pinterest in a money making way with affiliate marketing ? But why would anyone want to do affiliate marketing on pinterest? Here are some of the benefits that may encourage you to pursue a pinterest affiliate career online:Have the convenience of working at homeYou get to work any time of the dayMake passive income while you sleepYou dont even need to have a blog (but creating a blog would be a bonus) Ditch your full-time jobWork and Travel (ANYWHERE in the world with an internet connection!)if you have a passion, you get to promote products and services that you love every day. And provide people with value. this is a step-by-step guide to creating and making money from your own pinterest affiliate marketing strategy Have you ever dreamed of making money online? Do you want to earn passive income while you sleep?You do not want to regret NOT doing this later on in life!Might as well try working online now because you will probably be back at some your 9-to-5, wishing for change (but never actually making it happen. But instead of settling for less, you can choose to CHASE your dream life and career! If you're ready to take BOLD action and finally chase your affiliate marketing goals so you can build your dream life"
Price: 199.99

"How to read Quran in Tajweed, Quranic Arabic Course"
"In this Course, we start from the scratch starting with the right pronunciation for the Arabic letters. Every week, a new video will be added insha Allah until finishing Iqraa book series. You can enroll in this course and master the current lessons and after finish the available lessons you will find a new lesson added ."
Price: 39.99

"100 Practical Sales Skills & Sales Tips To increase Sales"
"100 Practical Sales Technique & Sales Tips To increase SalesEssential sales skills, Sales strategies ,sales Tips ,Sales Hacking and sales techniques to sell about anythingI welcome you to this exciting course about 100 Practical Sales Technique & Sales Tips To increase Sales where I have given more than 100 ways to increase your sales and will be adding more with the passage of time. These techniques are easy to understand, and to implement and all have been practiced and experienced by small businesses which have given them boost in their sales, revenue growth and popularity. The sales profession moves faster than ever today. No matter what industry youre in, there is no time for trial and error or order taking; it is the time to sell. In, this course you will find more than 100 ways and techniques that can help to improve your sales performance, reduce cost of selling, and ensure your survival in this competitive era. I guarantee you that by following these simple ways, not only will your personal sales increase; your businesses will flourish as well. Thanks for Taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!    "
Price: 24.99

"Aromatherapy Fundamentals For Beginners"
"It's a pleasure to welcome you to this course about Aromatherapy fundamental. I will make sure that you learn a great deal of knowledge about aromatherapy and essential oils in shortest possible time. Actually Aromatherapy is the modern name for using natural essential oils that are extracted from flowers, fruits and plants to help maintain our physical and mental wellbeing. Nowadays, Aromatherapy has become one of the most famous complementary medicines to help people to get benefits naturally from the usage of essential oils and can help to cure lots of physical and mental symptoms being faced by humans all around the globe.You will learn all about: INTRODUCTIONTO AROMATHERAPY WHATARE ESSENTIAL OILS AND THEIR USAGE?CHOOSINGESSENTIAL OILESSENTIALOIL USES FOR NATURAL MEDICINEESSENTIALOILS USAGE FOR SPA & RELAXATIONBEST RECIPESFOR HEALTH USING ESSENTIAL OILSFREQUENTLYASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT AROMATHERAPYESSENTIALOILS SAFETYI have also shared best recipes that will definitely help you a lot in your daily routine work and for wellbeing of your body. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started. Best of Luck!"
Price: 99.99

"I welcome you to this course about fundamentals of Color Therapy. In this course, you will learn basics about different colors like red, blue, yellow, green, violet etc. and will know about the relationship between light and color. Let me tell you that actually Life is more of a process than a thing. The bio photonic full spectrum light and color device has characteristics that help in the stimulation of healing process, regenerative along with reparative processes of human body naturally. . Through stimulation of certain areas of body, particular qualities of bio photonic light will benefit in reducing pain and also aid in numerous healing processes. . Modern life is utilizing this light and Color therapy to benefit the human kind. The fundamental unit of life iscell and main source of energy and information is light. For the last many decades, the use of light in hospitals and homes has shown cure for different disease and illnesses. The motive of light is to stimulate the regenerative and reparative processes of the full body. If you utilize light and color therapy in your life, you can heal your body and become the master of your health in no time. I have tried to make it short but covered most important aspects but still if you need any clarification about any topic, I am always there to help. Thanks for taking interest in this course. Now lets get started with it. Best of Luck!"
Price: 74.99