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"Complete Ethical Hacking With Termux : Android Tutorial 2020"
"Hello, Welcome to my course Complete Ethical Hacking With Termux : Android Tutorial 2020 In this course you will learn how to Hack and Secure with termux with your Android device from scratch, you don't need to have any prior knowledge about Hacking,  Linux, Android and even Computers. This course is designed for everyone out there who want to learn how to learn ethical hacking in new and fun way with Android devices.   This Course Includes Complete Termux Tutorials In Ethical Hacking & Information Security. Imp notice -         ###  **** We are also giving you study material as pdf in our course . you can download it when you enroll in our course."
Price: 3520.00

Price: 49.99

Price: 29.99

"Instagram 2020 - Droga do sukcesu w Social Media dla Biznesu"
"Witam w kursie Instagram -  Droga do sukcesu w Social Media. Kurs ten tumaczy wszelkie niezbdne podstawy, ktre pozwol zaistnie firmie w Social Mediach.Moim celem i celem tego kursu jest umoliwi Wam wykorzystanie caej mocy Instagramu, by wykadniczo zwiksza sprzeda, pokona konkurencj i sta si liderem Instagram w Waszej niszy, jednoczenie wietnie si bawic i tworzc spoeczno fanw, ktrzy pokochaj Wasze produkty.Za nie wicej ni redni koszt obiadu w restauracji, otrzymasz ponad 4 godzinny kurs wideo z Instagram!, oraz dostp do moich konsultacji zwizanych z tematyk kursu.To nie jest Wasz typowy kurs na Udemy gdzie po prostu ogldacie filmy i nigdy nic nie wdraacie. Bdziemy pracowa z kontem, reklamami i najwaniejszymi aspektami w Instagram. Wszystko po to, aby mie gwarancj, e do koca kursu bdziecie absolutnie dominowa na Instagramie w oparciu o prawdziwe wyniki, korzystajc z najlepszych strategii marketingowych social mediach.Kadego dnia Instagram odwiedza ponad 800 MILIONW uytkownikw i ponad 80% z nich obserwuje profile biznesowe!Wykorzystanie dobrze dobranej, przemylanej strategii zagwarantuje Ci niesamowite rezultaty. Zwikszy sprzeda, ilo klientw, poprawi Twoje kontakty z nimi, zwikszajc ilo polubie Twoich zdj, wywietle Twoich klipw wideo i zainspiruje followersw do konwersji w klientw.Jak zoptymalizowa konto na Instagramie, aby zyska wicej followersw?Jak stworzy efektywny content plan, aby zwikszy ilo polubie, komentarzy i udostpnie?Jak pozna i pokona konkurencj uywajc ich wasn strategi?Jakich rzeczy naley unika w Social Mediach?W tym kursie nauczysz si jak trafi do uytkownikw korzystajcych z Instagramy i jak ich przekonwertowa w klientw i zaangaowanych followersw.Pomog Ci stworzy i zoptymalizowa Twj profil na Instagramie tak, aby gdy kto na niego wejdzie to kliknie OBSERWUJ! Stworzymy Content Plan, ktry rozwie problem stagnacji twrczej ""o czym teraz opublikowa post"". Zidentyfikujesz konkurencje, poznasz ich sabe i mocne strony - co dziaa, a czego unika tak aby mg to od razu zaimplementowa w swoim biznesowym koncie.Poznasz 4 typy reklam w Instagram Ads, dowiesz si jak stworzy swoj pierwsz efektywn kampani marketingow na Insta. I oczywicie dowiesz si jakie zalety zwizane s z implementacj Instagram Stories na swoim profilu.Czego si nauczysz? (Jeli znajdziesz minimum dwa punkty, ktre pokrywaj si z Twoim zapotrzebowaniem to nie czekaj i zapisz si ju teraz!)Jak zidentyfikowa i pokona swoj konkurencj na Instagram. Przeanalizujemy j specjalnym oprogramowaniem, ktre wykae ich wady i zalety - uczc si na bdach konkurencji, a nie wasnych.Jak stworzy spoeczno fanw, ktrzy bd zainteresowani Twoimi publikacjami i produktami na Instagramie.Jak stworzy content plan publikacji na Instagram, ktry wygeneruje najlepsze wyniki i zaoszczdzi Ci czasu, pienidzy i energii.jak tworzy unikalne moliwoci biznesowe wynikajce z obecnoci Twojej marki na Instagramie.Jak budowa i pielgnowa relacje z followersami, klientami i parnerami biznesowymi bazujce na zaufaniu.Jak pozyska wicej followersw na Instagramie, polubie, komentarzy i udostpnie.Jak wykorzysta Instagram do generowania sprzeday.Jak zbudowa wiadomo marki i trafi do odbiorcw znajdujcych si w dowolnym kraju na wiecie.Jak wykorzysta Instagram, aby zwikszy ruch na Twoj witryn Internetow - do Twojego sklepu lub na inne kanay w Social Mediach.Jak tworzy, optymalizowa i utrzymywa kampanie marketingowe w Instagram Ads. Jak poprawnie korzysta z Instagram Stories.Jakie strategie digital marketingowe moe zastosowa na Instagramie, tak aby przyniosy Ci realne rezultaty, oszczdzaj Twj czas, pienidze i energi.i wiele, wiele wicej!Dlaczego warto zapisa si na mj kurs ju teraz?Kadego dnia z Instagram korzysta ponad 800 milionw osb. Nawet jeeli tylko niewielka cz stanowi Twoj grup idealnych odbiorcw/klientw to i tak bdzie to olbrzymia ilo osb, ktre tylko czekaj, aby si dowiedzie o Tobie, Twoich usugach czy produktach. Jeeli nie zaistniejesz w wiecie Social Media, a w szczeglnoci na Instagramie moesz straci niesamowit okazj na zwikszenie sprzeday.Przede wszystkim dlatego, e znajdziesz tu praktyczne, realne strategie Social Mediowe. Przeanalizujemy topowych graczy Instagrama, odkryjemy z jakich strategii korzystaj i sprawdzimy czy moemy dopasowa ich gotowe rozwizania do naszego wizerunku w Social Mediach.Spodoba Ci si ten kurs poniewa zosta zaprojektowany i nagrany tak, aby przynie Ci realne korzyci niezalenie od Twojego poziomu zaawansowania w Instagramowych realiach.Niewtpliw zalet tego kursu jest fakt, e nie poruszamy zagadnien mechaniki kwantowej. Wszystko zostao jasno i prosto wytumaczone tak, aby mg/moga od razu zastosowa prezentowane techniki w praktyce na swoim koncie.Warto zapisa si na ten kurs poniewa zyskasz umiejtno rozpoznania strategii biznesowych innych uytkownikw - konkurencji zarwno na Instagramie jak i w yciu codziennym.Serdecznie Ci dzikuj za powicony czas na przejrzenie kursu. Woyem w niego duo serca i dowiadczenia... Mam nadziej, e do usyszenia!"
Price: 144.99

"SEO 2020 - Pozycjonowanie Od Podstaw + SEO dla WordPress"
"**** Bestseller na Udemy! Ponad 300 zadowolonych uczestnikw zapisanych w niecae 30 dni! Kurs przystosowany do ogldania z prdkoci min. x1.5 ****ZROZUM ZASADY DZIAANIA I IMPLEMENTACJI SEO, KTRE PRZYNOSZ FAKTYCZNE REZULTATY! WYNIE SWOJ STRON NA SZCZYT WYNIKW WYSZUKIWANIA! Kiedy Twoi potencjalni klienci korzystaj z Google, Bing czy Yahoo ... czy Twoja strona internetowa pojawia si organicznie na grze wynikw wyszukiwania (SERP) ? Jeeli nie... to ten kurs pomoe Ci zrozumie i wdroy kroki, ktre to naprawi! Pod koniec kursu bdziesz dokadnie rozumie czym jest SEO (Search Engine Optimization) i jak moe Ci pomc zwikszy ekspozycj Twojej strony, a tym samym zwikszy Twoj sprzeda.SEO, ktre dziaa!Search Engine Optimization wydaje si by mroczn sztuk ... pen chaosu, nieporozumie i wprowadzajcych w bd informacji. SEO jednak jest do proste, a ten kurs wyjania wszystko:Czym waciwie jest SEO - SEM - Reklama PPC (Google Ads - Adwords)Czym jest On-Page i Off-Page SEOWybr najlepszych sw kluczowych dla SEOPrzygotowywanie witryny, bazy sw kluczowych i zaplanowanie dziaa SEO.Przeskanowanie konkurencji pod wzgldem wykorzystywanych przez nich technik SEO.Zrozumienie roli treci w SEO.Optymalizacja stron - meta tagi, hierarchia strony, robots.txt, mapa witryny xml i wiele wicej.""Przesyanie"" Twojej witryny do wyszukiwarek - Google Search Console.Zrozumienie znaczenia linkw (dofollow vs nofollow) w SEO i tego, jak one dziaaj dla na Twoj witryn.Znajdowanie miejsc, aby uzyska doskonae linki do Twojej witryny.Jak rol peni Social Media (Facebook - Instagram - Twitter) w SEO.Czym jest negatywne SEO i jak go unika.i wiele, wiele, wiele wicej...Czy ten kurs jest dla Ciebie?By moe jeste wacicielem maej firmy, a Twj sukces zaley od Twojej witryny. Moe jeste programist i chcesz wykona lepsz prac dla swoich klientw - a Twoi klienci chc SEO - lub jeste odpowiedzialny za stron internetow swojego pracodawcy i odczuwasz presj, zwizan z podniesieniem jej pozycji w wynikach wyszukiwania Google. A moe wynajlicie firm SEO (Search Engine Optimization) i nie jestecie pewni, czy wykonuj dobr robot ... lub dopiero zamierzacie zatrudni firm optymalizacyjn i syszelicie przeraajce historie zwizane z dziaaniami agencji SEO od znajomych i kolegw.Niezalenie od Twojej sytuacji, ten kurs wyjani Ci - krok po kroku, czym jest SEO w teorii i w praktyce. Wszystko w oparciu o zdroworozsdkowe rady i zrozumiae przykady. Search Engine Optimization to nie mechanika kwantowa, istniej podstawowe zasady, ktrych zastosowanie przynios Ci sukces.Zawarto & PodsumowanieZa nie wicej ni redni koszt obiadu w restauracji, otrzymasz ponad 7 godzinny kurs wideo z Google Ads (AdWords)!, oraz dostp do moich konsultacji zwizanych z tematyk kursu.Do tego wszystkiego otrzymujesz doywotni dostp i zwrot 100% gotwki w 30 dni!Zaczniesz od zrozumienia znaczenia sw kluczowych w SEO, sposobu sprawdzenia, co ludzie faktycznie wyszukuj w Internecie i jak wybra waciwe sowa kluczowe SEO dla Twojej witryny. Dowiesz si rwnie o tym, co moesz zrobi na swojej stronie, aby si przygotowa, do dziaa SEO.Wyjani rol treci - contentu - na Twoich stronach internetowych i jak zoptymalizowa rne wane tagi na Twojej witrynie  Usyszysz take o znacznikach danych strukturalnych, ktre bd sposobem informowania wyszukiwarek o tym, co faktycznie reprezentuj treci na twoich stronach.Dowiesz si, jak najlepiej ""przesa"" swoj witryn do wyszukiwarek za pomoc Google Search Console.Usyszysz rwnie o tym, co czsto jest najtrudniejsze, jeli chodzi o optymalizacj pod ktem wyszukiwarek, czenie ... z uzyskiwanie linkw z innych witryn. Wyjani szczegowo, dlaczego jest to tak wane, w jaki sposb powinny by skonstruowane backlinki i jak je uzyska.Pod koniec tego kursu bdziesz mie solidne podstawy w SEO i bdziesz w stanie zoptymalizowa swoj witryn lub nadzorowa programistw i firmy SEO, aby by pewnym, e dobrze wykonujswoj prac.SEO naprawd nie jest neurochirurgia... ani mechanika kwantowa. Wiem, e jest olbrzymia ilo informacji o SEO w sieci, co powoduje, e moesz by przytoczony ich nadmiarem. SEO jest jednak waciwie stosunkowo proste. Wszystkie te informacje zostay zebrane w tym kursie, posegregowane i wyjanione w przejrzysty i zrozumia sposb.Serdecznie Ci dzikuj za powicony czas na przejrzenie kursu. Woyem w niego duo serca i dowiadczenia... Mam nadziej, e do usyszenia!"
Price: 249.99

"Home Base Business to Make Money"
"This course teaches you 3 simple ways to start making money without any hassles and start up fees in quick amount of time. The course demonstrate everyday devices that you use and how to make money using what you already have in your home that you never imagined that it could fetch you money. So catch the surprises inside by taking this course today. If it helps you make your first bucks right from your home, do not forget to write testimonies about it and also tell others to join in and learn! Thanks for taking my course."
Price: 19.99

"Electric Guitar beginners- play the Electric Guitar -2020!"
"Hello and thank you for taking interest in this course. ""Electric Guitar beginners- Learn to play the Electric Guitar""Do you have 15 minutes a day  ?This course is simple straight to the point and delivers all the necessary knowledge  a beginner needs in a non-intimidating and organized way.This course includes all my 18 years of experience teaching thousands of students with this proven method. This course will help you stop dreaming and start living your dreams today!with this Electric Guitar beginners course, you need only 15 minutes a day - practice a short amount of time every dayand start to rock&roll!Big credit deserve to this amazing channel for the backing tracks in this course - you can check it "" Best Songs Backing Tracks"" on YouTube"
Price: 19.99

"DevOps : Docker Rancher CD"
"Hot CI/CD , . , Feed-back CI/CD . , . , DevOps engineer Continuous Delivery , ."
Price: 79.99

"IELTS Writing Task 2: Achieve 7.5 and above"
"This course will help you understand Writing Task 2 and how the examiner correct it,so you can get a high score. Learn how to write a coherent essay. The goal of the IELTS test preparation courses is to improve students English language skills, familiarize them with the types of speaking, listening, reading and writing tasks they will be required to perform on the IELTS test, and provide intensive practice in relevant test-taking strategies, so that students will be able to increase their IELTS score by .5."
Price: 19.99

Price: 6000.00

Price: 6000.00

Price: 6000.00

Price: 6000.00

"                                                                                        "
Price: 6000.00

"Asterisk and FreePBX - Begin Your VoIP Dev Journey"
"This course is for you if you are new to VoIP and want to learn how to setup Asterisk the flexible and extremely popular open source platform for enabling VoIP based systems.In this course, we will start from the very scratch. This is a very applied course, so we will only look at one brief theory lesson and then start building asterisk from source. I will explain all the concepts as they come along. You only need a basic understanding of the Linux command line. I will try to explain all the asterisk-related commands in this course.We will also set up FreePBX a GUI-based system that allows you to handle your asterisk installation in an easy-to-use and powerful interface. Once you set it up, even a moderately knowledgeable client can use it to set up their systems and perform their day-to-day operations thus making your life as an administrator much easier.In this course, I will explain all the steps necessary to setup Asterisk, dial a hello world call to this system and then set up FreePBX. Afterwards, we will set up two local extensions that will allow you to create an exchange within an office environment. Since this is a basic course, we will not cover inter-organization VoIP such as DIDs, SIP trunks etc. However, we work in.a way that after completing this course, these other aspects will also be easy for you to set up.And remember: The primary reason you pay for a course is because of support. So, make sure you ask questions if you ever get stuck and I will respond as quickly as possible. My maximum response time is about 10 hours across all my courses."
Price: 19.99

"Elixir and Phoenix: Real World Functional Programming"
"To become a professional level programmer, you need to learn different types of languages: Everyone knows Object Oriented Programming but few people realize they need to learn a Functional Programming language that scales well in distributed computing! Elixir is one such language. Its a fairly young language but has gained immense popularity in the past couple of years Its the language of the future. Learning Elixir and its web framework Phoenix means you will be set for this high-demand job skill for the near future.In this course, we will start from scratch with Elixir and then move on to Phoenix -- the next generation web framework that is set to replace a lot of deployments of Ruby, Django, PHPand even Node. The course assumes that youve had some basic programming experience before. If you know a bit of Python (just the basics: if, while, for, lists, dictionaries and tuples) or Java, youd be all set.This is a very applied course, so we will explain everything through the commands/code and not bore you with dull slides. In fact, there isn't a single slide in this course!In this course, we aim to give you the feel of the rhythm behind Elixir and Phoenix so that you are in the position to understand the philosophy behind it and use it to your advantage. Through this approach, we can cover the whole spectrum in less than ?? hours. We will quickly cover the fundamentals of the Elixir language (but not go into those concepts which are never used). Similarly, we will cover different aspects of Phoenix (see detailed outlines below for specifics) in a way that is both quick and efficient instead of spending many hours explaining simple concepts.Remember: The reason you pay for this course is support. I reply within the day. See any of my course reviews for proof of that. So make sure you post any questions you have or any problems you face. I want all my students to finish this course. Lets get through this together."
Price: 19.99

"iMessage Sticker -"
".iMessage iOS iMessage Sticker ! . AppStore . ! !"
Price: 24.99

"DC Electronic Circuit Analysis"
"This course take the Student thru Calculating Voltage, Current and Resistance on a Series , Parallel and Series Parallel circuits ! The Instructor give the student a step by step instruction on how to solve these circuit properties. After finishing this course the student should have a very good understanding of Voltage drops , Current Division and Power consumption in a Electronic Circuit ."
Price: 69.99

"matemticas preuniversitarias (preclculo)"
"Aprueba y estudia para tu examen de preclculo de manera prctica, fcil y en poco tiempo.El curso de matemticas de pre universidad ideal para aprobar tu examen de ingreso enfocado a preclculo. Conoce los temas que debes estudiar para entrar a la universidad que tanto deseas.El curso esta enfocado a estudiantes de preparatoria y universidad que no tengan los fundamentos del pre clculo bien aprendidos, as como paraestudiantes y personas de cualquier profesin u oficioque requieren de un curso intensivo para recuperar los conocimientos olvidados.En las universidades los conocimientos de clculo son indispensable para desarrollar las aplicaciones con las cuales cuenta cualquier profesin incluso para tus negocios es importante poder contar con los fundamentos matemticosadecuados.Con el curso intensivo de clculo pre universitario podrs aprender:ConjuntosNmeros complejosPolinomiosFunciones matemticas.LogaritmosMatricesLmitesDerivadasIntegralesEl profesor Eduardo Mezaes graduado en ingenieraen la Universidad deGuanajuatoen Mxico, DICIS y una de sus especialidades es el clculopor lo cual puede responder cualquier tipo de pregunta avanzada y orientarte hacia niveles superiores."
Price: 1095.00

"Trigonometra preuniversitara"
"Aprende trigonometra con el curso bsico de trigonometra online Aprender trigonometra bsica de una manera prctica, fcil y en poco tiempo.Este curso bsico de trigonometra te permite aprender a resolver ejercicios muy sencillos como razones trigonomtricas hasta resolver problemas de trigonometra mas complicados como las identidades trigonomtricas ya que los temas se explicande manera clara y por supuesto evitando complejidades innecesarias, para que aprendas en poco tiempo y paso a paso los conocimientos bsicos del curso de trigonometra.El curso esta enfocado a estudiantes de secundaria y preparatoria que no tengan los fundamentos de trigonometra bien aprendidos, as como parauniversitarios y personas de cualquier profesin u oficioque requieren de un curso intensivo para recuperar los conocimientos olvidados.En las universidades la trigonometra es indispensable para desarrollar proyectos acadmicos e industriales que requieran clculos trigonomtricos para disear y contar con los conocimientos matemticosadecuados.El profesor Eduardo Mezaes graduado en ingenieraen la Universidad deGuanajuatoen Mxico, DICIS y una de sus especialidades es la trigonometrapor lo cual puede responder cualquier tipo de pregunta avanzada y orientarte hacia niveles superiores."
Price: 495.00

"**************************************** !! LEARNJAVASKILL 10 ^^****************************************< 25> . 25 .25 . 12 ."
Price: 24.99

". . . , , ."
Price: 89.99

"IntelliJ Gradle Spring Framework"
"*******! LEARNSPRING 39(51%) ********(Spring) (Java) . . . Spring ."
Price: 79.99

"SAT Exam Writing Punctuation Boot Camp 2019"
"Studying for the SAT? Struggling with the writing section? Do you tend to get those nasty comma questions all mixed up? After watching the videos in this course and completing the exercises, you'll be well on your way to acing the SATexam. The Punctuation Boot Camp will get you using commas, dashes, semi-colons, colons, and apostrophes correctly in no time. Within this course, I will break down College Board released example questions. Additionally, the exercises are there to help you apply the rules and boost your score. ITWILLNEVERBEABETTERTIMETOSTARTSTUDYINGONLINE THANTODAYIf you haven't started studying for theSAT, it's okay! You don't need anything to get started.You don't need to buy any books. You just need to start somewhere. You just need to believe in yourself. You just need to keep your eye on the goal of getting into a great university! Start today! If you have already started and are feeling frustrated, let me help! I make this process simple by breaking down each type of punctuation into straight forward rules, without offering you an overwhelming amount of information. WHOAMI? I've been teaching the SAT for over two years and have been teaching for over 5. I've helped students get into top U.S. universities includingHarvard Princeton DukeSarah Lawrence CollegeStanford UniversityUniversity of California, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Davis, Irvine, Santa Barbara,San Diego,RiversideUniversity of ChicagoUniversity of Michigan I've helped students improve their SATscore by 300+ points in order to gain these acceptances!HEAR FROMMYPASTSTUDENTS Megan helped me find my stride as a student and taught me to be confident as a person. I wouldnt be where I am today without her and I am so grateful.Oskar, Accepted into University of ArizonaMiss Megan teaches complex Math theories in a simple yet understandable way. SAT Math became much easier after having all the concepts that she has analyzed explained to me.Celine, Accepted into University of California LAMegan has helped me realize the variety of universities that offer different degrees and courses, and has helped narrow down the ones best for me.Eugene, Accepted into University of California Santa BarbaraICAN'TWAITTOSEEYOURSUCCESS!See you inside, -Megan"
Price: 39.99

"Java 8 New features"
"Java 8 is one of the major and more prestigious version from Java. In this video tutorials we covered every topic in detailon the board and on the system with live execution. Definitely you can feel like you are learning in class room directly from the instructor.As the part of this course we are covering the following 11 topics.Get an overview of (almost) all of the new features in Java 8Gain in-depth understanding of the major new features in Java 8 that you can apply straight awayTopics Covered:1. Functional Interfaces 2. Default methods in Interface 3. Static Methods in Interfaces. 4. Predicate 5. Function 6. Consumer 7. Supplier 8. Method Refernce & Constructor Reference by Double Colon(::) Operator. 9. Stream API"
Price: 19.99

"Azure Automation for Beginners."
"This Azure Automation course though is a very small course, it completely covers both conceptual and practical knowledge about Azure Automation Runbooks and DSC. A walkthrough is provided on how to create PowerShell Runbooks and Graphical Runbooks. Also and example is provided on how input parameters can be used for customization."
Price: 49.99

"Tableau Server 2018 Administration"
"The revamped version of 'Tableau Server 2018 Administration course created with Tableau Sever 2018 and has been designed specifically to answer How anyone can manage and configure daily tasks of the administrator? The course will provide that missing gap by giving an opportunity to manage and configure the Tableau Server by having the learner themselves take on the role of a Tableau Admin, and actually produce results by executing projects, tasks, and taking on responsibilities that are conducted on a day to day or weekly basis. This, in turn, will give confidence, encouragement and a sense of direction to what exactly is expected from a Server Admin, thus increasing chances of getting an new opportunity.COURSE CONTENTTableau Server Overview Understanding Tableau ProductsDesktop- Server OverviewSingle Server InstallationServer Processes and FunctionsTechnical Specifications & ChecklistInstallationConfiguring Server Installation optionsUnderstanding When/How to Upgrade Understanding high-availabilityUser ExperienceUnderstanding Content Navigation, Searching, Filtering Creating Site, Project, User and GroupModifying Admin SettingsPublishing workbooks and data sourceServer Tasks Tabadmin: Change Server configuration Tabcmd: Automate tasksJavaScript API: Hosting your viz over webAdvanced TasksChanging content OwnershipAssigning Permissions to ProjectsData driven alertsRevision HistoryRow level securitySchedules: Extract refresh and SubscriptionsWeb authoringMonitoring ServerViewing Server Status Built-in admin viewsPerformance RecordingOverview and Generating snapshot of Logs"
Price: 1280.00

"Complete Tableau 2018 Guide with Prep, Desktop and Server"
"Let's decide if this course is right for you.Have you recently started, or are you planning to start, usingTableau Productsat your work?Are you looking toquickly build your skillsin Tableau Product stack?Looking for an opportunity with Tableau?This course is perfect to kick-start your path to becoming a Full Stack Tableau Developer! In this course, students will get an opportunity to explore 3-dimensional view to understand all aspects of BI development. Tableau PrepWe will start with Data preparation step which will give student fare understanding over data reshaping. Tableau Prep is the latestproductfrom Tableau, this will allow us most complex ETL tasks with No code environment. In this course you will see most of the part is covered over hands on- this will help in understanding new concepts quickly and also, project view will give you a better understanding of real-time problem solving with Prep.The course is structured in such as way as to guide youstep by stepthrough the process ofETLdata with Tableau Prep. We'll begin with connecting to your data and understanding basic steps. We'll look at the best ways ofharmonizingdata. We'll look at ways to analyze the data using data analytics. And we will put it all together into a project view.Tableau DesktopData visualization with Tableau desktop will give an understanding of visual analytics and the ability to solve complex business questions. this will help students to become expert in data visualization. I created this course to be what I wanted when I was learning Tableau Desktop.The Data visualization with Tableau Desktop course covers the fundamentals of Tableau Desktop before diving deep into advanced concepts.The entire course is based around a single goal: Turning you into a professional Tableau Desktop developer capable of developing, testing, and deploying real-world production Dashboard.The best way to learn Tableau Desktop is by building the Tableau Desktop dashboard.From the very start, youll be developing every task and working through challenges that Ive designed to reinforce what youve learned. This will give you the hands-on experience necessary to be able to create your own dashboards once youre done.Youll be building two dashboards:A Sales dashboard to judge your marketA Customer analysis dashboardTableau ServerThe Tableau Server administration focuses on the complete introduction to Tableau server admin role. This will add the necessary experience in managing, configuring, installing, and deploying the server.This section is designed specifically to answer How anyone can manage and configure the daily tasks of the administrator?. The course will provide that missing gap by giving an opportunity to manage and configure the Tableau Server by having the learner themselves take on the role of a Tableau Admin, and actually produce results by executing projects, tasks, and taking on responsibilities that are conducted on a day to day or weekly basis. This, in turn, will give confidence, encouragement and a sense of direction to what exactly is expected from a Server Admin, thus increasing the chances of getting a new opportunity.For details on the full course,Please have look at the course curriculum.When learning, learn the latest.I work to keep this course full of the most up-to-date Tableau material out there. This course is compatible with Tableau version 2018.2 and below, the newest Tableau Desktop version available. Youre getting access to hot-off-the-press features.Theres no better time to learn Tableau Desktop. According to the 2018 Gartner's report for BI and Analytics, Tableau is in the leader quadrant. This means more jobs opportunity and stable career growth for you.You might get stuck. But Im here to help.Theres nothing worse than getting five hours into a course, getting stuck, and not getting the help you need to continue.Im in the Q&A every day to help you get unstuck. I reply to every question to get you back on track.I guarantee this is the most up-to-date Tableau full stack course available, and it comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee."
Price: 1280.00

"Unity 2018 - Formation dveloppeur de jeux vido"
"Bienvenue sur cette formation !Si vous tes ici, c'est que vous avez comme objectif d'apprendre dvelopper des jeux vido sur la dernire version de Unity et j'ai une trs bonne nouvelle, vous tes au bon endroit !Dans cette formation complte dveloppeur de jeux vido 3D et 2D avec Unity vous allez apprendre :L'utilisation de toutes les fonctionnalits de Unity 2018La programmation en C#La ralisation d'un jeu vido completLa compilationEt beaucoup d'autres choses !La meilleur faon d'apprendre et la pratique, c'est pour a que je vous propose des ateliers pratiques dans lesquels nous allons mettre en pratiques tout les concepts que je vous aurai enseign !Vous allez dvelopper votre premier jeu vido 3D avec plusieurs niveaux, des animations, de la musique, un systme de game over, un menu... bref, il y aura beaucoup de chose !Bref, je pense que vous avez compris qu'une trs grande aventure vous attend, donc si vous voulez devenir dveloppeur de jeux vido, n'hsitez pas rejoindre cette formation sans plus attendre !"
Price: 199.99

"Go Oyunu 101"
"Aslnda4000 yllk bir strateji tahta oyunu olan; ama zellikleson yllardayapay zeka ile adn oka duyar olduumuzGo oyununu renmeye ne dersiniz? Dikkat! Bu size keyifli dakikalar, farkl bak alar,yeni zmyollar, hayatnza yeniproblemler(tsume-go) vekeyifli arkadalklar katabilir.Bu kurs,kolaydan zora doru 4 ana blmdenemli Go kurallarnaklyor.Teori ile birlikte yer alan mini testlerle rendiklerinizi de snayabilirsiniz.Kursu bitirdiinizde tahminen20-30 kyu arasnda bir seviyede bu oyunu oynuyor olacaksnz. ster sadece internet zerinde oynayn,isterseniz yz yze bir turnuvada ya da bir kafedehi farketmez. Ksa srede bu oyun hakknda fikir sahibi olacaksnz.Tal yola hogeldiniz!"
Price: 99.99