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"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Maz"
"En esta luna hablaremos sobre las fases lunares para la magia, la influencia de los signos lunares, el caldero, nuestro animal de Poder, (el Totem ) y como nos ensean los animales si nos permitimos conectar con ellos, conoceremos a nuestro Dragn de la Tierra y continuaremos con nuestra rueda de Runas. A disfrutar de la energa del verano!"
Price: 69.99

"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna Azul"
"La rueda sigue girando y nos encontramos ahora en su ltimo cuarto, en este curso veremos: herramientas para la magia (varita, athame, copa y pentculo), reglas mgicas, correspondencias y sigilos, hechizos en papel y pergamino, magia para el da a da, el rbol de tero y nuestra rueda de runas."
Price: 79.99

"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Cosecha"
"En esta Luna profundizaremos ms en los hechizos para que podamos compartirlos con otras personas, hablaremos de la abundancia y sus rituales ms poderosos, veremos bibliografa, lugares mgicos, nuestras runas del mes, el Sabbat de Manon ( es hora de dar las gracias por lo que tenemos ) y muchas cosas ms. Que me dices.....Empezamos?"
Price: 59.99

"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Sangre"
"En este curso trabajaremos con las Diosas Oscuras, llamamos a Lilith despertando nuestra energa sexual y libertad. Conectamos con nuestro poder interior bajando a nuestra dcimo primera luna, nuestra diosa guerrera, caminamos por nuestro lugar mgico, consagramos nuestra herramientas mgicas, celebramos Samhain y nos permitimos soltar todo lo que no deseamos en nuestras vida a travs de un hermoso hechizo de otoo y muchas cosas ms."
Price: 59.99

"Guerreras del Caldero: Luna de Duelo"
"En este curso desarrollaremos nuestros sentidos, repasaremos nuestras conexiones entre los ciclos, conos de poder, runas, guerreras de poder, despertar el poder interior de esta luna en nosotras, el espejo mgico, haremos jabones con Rosala y despus lo intentaremos nosotras, Sabbat de Yule, lugares mgicos, hechizos muy potentes para soltar y muchas cosas ms."
Price: 59.99

"El Orculo de las Runas: Conectando con tu poder interior"
"En este curso aprenderemos la historia de las runas, El orculo ms antiguo que se conoce.Conectaremos con cada una de ellas, sus muchas posibilidades , para bendecir, compartir, aprender, recordar, confiar...Diferentes formas de leerlas para nosotras y para otras personas. Descubriendo el poder y la fuerza que encierra esta mgica simbologa que me recuerda y devuelve mi verdadero poder interior."
Price: 119.99

"El Misterio de los 13 poderes lunares"
"En este curso trabajaremos con nuestra Magia interna. Despertando los 13 aspectos de la luna a travs de la magia de las cuerdas, animales, plantas y piedras de poder. Recuperaremos o recordaremos nuestra fuerza ancestral en cada una de estas lunas de poder, para que nos acompaen de ahora en adelante en nuestra vidas."
Price: 69.99

"Diosas y Atributos de Poder"
"En este curso trabajaremos con 13 atributos de poder para que podamos conocernos mejor, sacar nuestro mximo potencial, conocer las opiniones de mas personas. Porque entre todos podemos hacer un curso donde crecer juntos y escuchando todas las ideas tanto las que nos gustan como las que no, nos ayuda a crecer.Awen"
Price: 59.99

"El camino Druida: Mi camino hacia la libertad"
"En este curso aprenderemos sobre la filosofa Druida: cultura, orgenes, prcticas, ejercicios, fundamentos...Trabajaremos con los Bardos (artistas, poetas), Vates ( Chamanes Celtas) y Druidas (sabios y consejeros).Basado en las enseanzas de las Ordenes de Inglaterra e Irlanda.Espero que lo disfrutes!Recitemos juntos la oracin que uno a todos los Druidas:Concdenos, oh! Diosa Madre, tu proteccin, y en la proteccin, fuerza, y en la fuerza, entendimiento, y en el entendimiento, conocimiento, y en el conocimiento, el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, y en el conocimiento de la ley de la Naturaleza, el amor a ella. Y en el amor a ella, el amor a todo lo que existe, y en el amor a todo lo que existe, el amor de la Diosa Madre y todo lo que es bueno.Awen"
Price: 34.99

"Beginning Music Ear Training and Aural Skills 1"
"This Course1, Section 1 course focuses on learning to notate basic rhythms andnotes after listening to a melody. Through listening exercises andinstruction, a student will be able to correctly notate a melody. This includes identifying simple time signatures in which the quarternote receives the beat and notate simple rhythms. A student willlearn to identify different key signatures and scales and transcribewhatthey hear."
Price: 19.99

"Business Development: 11 Steps to Start your First Business"
"Starting Your Own Business? Dealing With Confusion? Feeling Overwhelmed? Procrastinating?Ever feel like you are on a treadmill running through peanut butter. Like there is always more to do than you can possibly get done in a day?Making the decision to start out on your own can be scary. Even if you are a fan of change and challenges, the uncertainty of starting your first business can often be an obstacle to pursuing your dream and idea.Overwhelm comes in many forms, but it typically involves having too many options, not knowing where to start, constantly struggling with shiny object syndrome, overconsumption of information and taking too much on all at once.To help you overcome those obstacles, I created this 11 steps course. It will give you clarity and focus because it takes you by the hand and shows you what to do each day.I created this course to help you break free from financial stress, trading your time for money, and fears that tripped you up in the past, and to guide you through the early stages of establishing your business.Start your dream NOW, that gives you ownership of your time and money. And grow from there.Heres what I propose: start small. Follow the 11 steps and take it one day at a time.Ready? Let's jump into it."
Price: 29.99

"UAS/UAV (Drone) Remote Pilot Certification Test - Part 107"
"I have a lot of free content on my website, The Legal Drone (.com), including a full (and free) Ultimate Part 107 Study Guide. Each study guide is also incorporated into the lectures in this video course.If you want to fly drones (also called UAVs or UASs) in the United States and get paid for it, you must get your remote pilot certificate. This course is different because I recognize that not everyone interested in commercial drone work has a background in aviation. Most content available teaches the concepts for this test from an aviation perspective and without the aviation novice in mind. In addition to the knowledge needed to pass the test, I will provide you with some of the tools that have most helped my drone services business succeed.I am very active on Udemy, updating the course content on a regular basis (including additional test questions), and answering student questions. I make it a top priority to engage with my students so that each one of you can achieve a passing score on the Part 107 knowledge exam. Several student reviews will show you that this course provides the information you need to take and pass this exam.Additionally, this course includes access to an active Facebook Group, where you can ask questions about Part 107 as well as other questions related to flying drones commercially in the United States. Finally, I frequently update my Youtube channel with new videos on questions that are frequently posed to me by students."
Price: 19.99

"Fundamentals of Electrical Controls"
"This course is an introduction to electrical controls with an emphasison motor controls in the real world.In this course, we focus on industrial and commercial installations,we will start with the absolute basics of electrical circuits. We look at the fundamentals ofresistive circuits, and introduce Ohms Law, a mathematical formula that all electricians learn. The course looks at the different types of voltages and where they come from in the real world, focussing on transformer formations from the power supply authority,and AC and DC Voltages. As this is a course on the fundamentals of electrical controls, we will go through the basics of control circuits such as, normally open and normally closed, and look at how controlsare made up of series and parallel circuits.Taking a more practical approach to the subject, we dive inside control panels and look at each electrical component thatwe will be using later in the course, inour ownmotor control installation. We look inside the parts in detail and see how they work, discuss ratings, and learn how to size them up, with a particular focus on contactors and overloads. We alsosimplify an explanation of how an asynchronous motor works.Before we get to wiring up our own control circuit, we look at the different types of control voltages in the real world and follow themfrom end device at the customers installation all the way backto the supply transformer at the power company, so we can see how a full installation might look, and get an insight into different systems that we might find in industry.Afterlearningthebasics, we look at how we would install a motor control installation from scratch, including the motor itself. We get to see all the parts that we have learned about, working together in a mock real world installation, we learn how to size up the components and then go through the wiring of the circuit step by step. Part of installing a control board is commissioning it, so we go throughthe operation of the circuit after we have installed it to make sure it works.Installations are often amended and modified in the real world, so we'll look at a few ways in which we could modify our mock installation, change our wiring around and re-commission the installation.At the end of the course, we're going to challenge ourselves, and learn how to fault find a circuit as we would if we were called to a breakdown as an electrical controls technician. We'll go through a few faults that we might come up against in the industry and look at how we might repair them. We also briefly touch on preventativemaintenance techniques and discuss why they are important, for safety reasons and also financial reasons too.Controls can be quite daunting and complicated, we willgo through slowly and steadily, learning each part of the installation in detail before putting it all together, the course is weighted towards learning from practical examples, perfect for those of usthat are visual learners. And, instead of enforcing hard and fast rules of how things must be done, Wefocus more on learninghow to break down circuits and understand them for ourselves.I will show youwiring techniques used by Controls Electricians in the real world. What is covered in the course:Learn the fundamentals: AC andDC voltages, 3phase voltages,resistive circuits, ohms law, normally open and normally closed, series and parallel circuits, supply transformers(star &delta),faults to earth.Electrical components: Control panels, isolating switches, circuit breakers, fuses, contactors, overloads, asynchronousmotors, push buttons,indicator lights,power supplies.Types of installations: Single phase, dual phase, power supply, mixed voltage control.Installation of a motor control circuit: Install electrical components, wiring of a mock installation, commission installation.Modifying an installation:Add and remove components, wirea hold in circuit,commission.Fault finding and maintenance: Fault find and repair, use amultimeter,preventativemaintenance.Are you ready to upskill?"
Price: 19.99

"Raspberry Pi Essentials: Learn More in Less Time"
"The course is designed for beginners who wish to work with Raspberry Pi. It doesnt matter, if you already know Python Programming. We will begin our journey of Raspberry Pi right from the basics from setting-up a Raspberry Pi for first time boot. Later on, we will make some Raspberry Pi Projects. The concept learned in early part of the course will help us take projects to the next level.The Biggest objective of this course is to help you quickly get started with Raspberry Pi3/4 . This course will not only help you learn Raspberry Pi Programming but also help you understand underlying concepts of operating systems. We will build some cool projects which will motivate you to learn concept of electronicsThis course is step-by-step guide to setup Raspberry Pi for Programming. The course starts with very basics and ends up making internet connected applications. We will setup every circuit from scratch and write python programs for it. We will spend enough time in the beginning to get basics right. This will save time in long run and make you feel confident working with Raspberry Pi and Python.Later on, we will be building some mini projects using LED, Switches, DHT11 Sensors (Temperature/Humidity/Light/Distance), Streaming Live Data to IOT Cloud (Internet of Things) and many more. These Projects will be small yet very powerful which enable you to get hands on experience with different technologies related to Embedded Software and Hardware Development."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Fotogrametria escaneamento 3D com fotos para jogos"
"A Fotogrametria definida como a cincia aplicada, a tcnica e a arte de extrair de fotografias mtricas, a forma, as dimenses e a posio dos objetos nelas contidos. Com o uso dessa tcnica conseguirmos interpretar em 3D o que se torna um tipo de escaneamento 3D para produo objetos, texturas e cenrios para jogos. O CURSO completo com todo o processo de fotogrametria, na primeira parte tem o foco de introduzir o aluno a essa tcnica, abordando todo o processo terico de registrar os objetos com fotografias e a interpretao correta para a construo da malha 3D, para complementar o assunto abordaremos todo o processo para criao de texturas e mapas semeless para aplicao em qualquer projeto com as mesmas tcnicas.Cobriremos o processo terico e introdutrio ao processo.Ser apresentado todo o processo de interpretao ou gerao da malha 3D e mapas de texturas a partir das fotos.Veremos o processo de limpeza e ajustes da malha scan para uma melhor apresentao.Veremos a construo da malha Lowpoly a partir da pea High para utilizao em jogos.Criaremos todos os mapas de textura pelo sistema de Bake mapasFaremos a aprestao do projeto final com a construo de uma cena, com composio e iluminao e faremos nosso render final e tambm a apresentao da ossa textura de superfcie. Confira os vdeos para conhecer mais detalhes sobre o curso e processo abordado.Aguardo voc em nossas aulas. Att"
Price: 84.99

"Get Fit: Full-Body Workouts for Every Day"
"Get Fit: Full-Body Workouts for Every Day is designed to help improve your cardio fitness, build muscle, lose weight, and increase your overall wellbeing - with quick and easy to perform daily workouts. We live busy lives. Unfortunately, our busy lives have a great impact on our health, fitness, and overall wellbeing. For many of us, it seems impossible to find the time required for a fitness or exercise program. The problem is that we think working out and exercising requires at least an hour at the gym. This time is tripled once you consider the commute and the time it takes to change your clothes and then shower afterwards. Who has time for all of that?Get Fit comes packed with 7 workouts (one for each day of the week) designed to maximize your time and take you through core strength, conditioning, flexibility, and balance training. This course works as a supplement to your existing training routine or can be used as a stand-alone exercise program. The decision to get fit is one that deserves your time and focus and the Get Fit: Full-Body Workouts for Every Day will help you stay on track and reach your goal.This course includes: 7 full workouts requiring little to no equipmentFocusing on flexibility and stretching, mobility, core strength and body strength 50+ exercises broken down with instructions and performance tips This course is suitable for all levels as each exercise can be adapted based on your current level. Created for men and women."
Price: 29.99

"Get Fit: For Men"
"Get Fit: For Men is an exciting course designed to help you get fit and stay fit. This course includes: Low-calorie meal plans for breakfast, lunch, and dinnerSnack and workout smoothie ideas4 full-body, complete workouts (40+ exercises)Focusing on: Strength, Power, Endurance, and Mobility Tools to track and monitor your progress This course is designed for 8 weeks. During this time, you'll gain the tools to successfully lose weight and the lifestyle tips to keep it off. It's not a magical solution, but one that requires your focus, dedication, and effort. You'll be introduced to the concepts behind good nutrition and healthy exercise before starting your low-calorie meal plans. The 4 full-body intense workouts are designed to increase your strength, power, and endurance as well as improve your cardiovascular output and muscle tone.Get Fit: For Men is about making the right choices and making you the centre of your own attention. You will choose what to eat and which workout to perform. These 8 weeks will help you take back your life and place it on the road to a healthier lifestyle.The difference between this course and other weight loss/fitness courses is that you have the power of choice with every step of the process. You're not simply told what to do - you are encouraged to start making the right decisions and begin creating the healthy life that you deserve. "
Price: 29.99

"CCNP R&S 300-101 Route Labs Only"
"The CCNP Routing and Switching certification is appropriate for those with at least one year of networking experience who are ready to advance their skills and work independently on complex network solutions. Those who achieve CCNP Routing and Switching have demonstrated the skills required in enterprise roles such as network engineer, support engineer, systems engineer or network technician."
Price: 99.99

"Build A Consultant Website With WordPress and Elementor 2.0"
"All the tools we are using on this course are all 100% free.Everyone knows about the importance of creating a responsive website that looks smashing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.In this course, we go through step by step how to create a stunning WordPress website with the FREE Elementor and Astra theme.We then go on to explain how to customize the website we created to fit all devices, using Elementor's visual mobile editing tools."
Price: 99.99

"CCNA R&S 200-125 v3.0 - 4.0 Infrastructure Services Labs"
"The CCNA certification proves an individual's capabilities to configure, operate, and troubleshoot switched and routed networks. This course is designed to help students preparing for their CCNA certification; we've provided some labs and we explain the labs while we are configuring it and in the process, we troubleshoot if anything goes wrong. by the time you finish the course you will gain a lot of hands-on configuration and troubleshooting experience through practice labs."
Price: 19.99

"Build An Ecommerce Website with WordPress and Elementor 2.0"
"Everyone knows about the importance of creating a responsive website that looks smashing on desktop, tablet and mobile devices.In this course, we go through step by step how to create a Ecommerce Website with WordPress using WooCommerce, Elementor Pro 2.0 and Astra theme.We then go on to explain how to customize the website we created to fit all devices, using Elementor's visual mobile editing tools."
Price: 99.99

"WooCommerce Essential Training"
"WooCommerce is an open-source, completely customizable eCommerce platform for entrepreneurs worldwide.Go beyond the confines of traditional eCommerce solutions, and be limited only by your own imagination.WooCommerce provides advanced store management for physical and digital products in a clean and easy-to-understand package.Create a beautiful store where customers can find what they want."
Price: 49.99

"learn the ultimate arabic conversation ."
"Hello everyone , I hopeyou will enjoy learning here .i designed this course to help you out to learn Arabic as fast as you can with the most effective way .as you know we all like to talk and have a conversation with other languages , so i designed this course to help you improve your communication skills and be able to talk in Arabic at ease in a lot of places and situations .in this course i came with so many situation when you are going to need to use Arabic like : ( the hotel . the bank , the doctor's office and so on ....) so just get ready for this journey . why this course is important for you?as you know Arabic is one of the richest languages in the world and more than422million peoplearound the world speak Arabic, making it the fifthmost spoken languagein the world ,by taking this course you will be able to have a conversation in Arabic and also you will be able to understand and read some Arabic words so you can get interact with so many people around the globe .it will be better tocheck out the free preview so you would havean idea about what i'm teaching..i really hope you find this course interesting , and thank you so much .my regardsZakaria Fessa"
Price: 24.99

"Approaching SEO Website Audits in 2019"
"The primary goals of this course are:1)Help SEOsunderstand standard and technical SEO, and;2) Educate them on thethe best approach for conducting both targeted and broad technical SEO website audits.It breaks down important high level on-pageoptimization concepts against Google's sophisticated algorithm,pavingthe way for a verymethodical and all-encompassingSEO audit with clear cutdirectives. Long term, it will help guide analysis and insight toward a collective goal ofincreased website performance in search engines."
Price: 19.99

"SketchUp para arquitectos o estudiantes de arquitectura"
"En este curso aprenders el manejo correcto de las diferentes herramientas de dibujo y modificacin de uno de los programas ms utilizados para crear modelos de arquitectura, as como la forma de organizarlo correctamente creando los componentes, grupos y capas necesarios para una mejor visualizacin de las presentaciones de tus proyectos, incluyendo recorridos virtuales."
Price: 39.99

"Sheet Set Manager para AutoCAD con propiedades anotativas"
"Los sheet sets managerintegran el manejo de los documentos con operaciones de vista e impresin. Ellos automatizan varias funciones al crear planos con vistas, XRef coordinados e informacin vinculada travs de una configuracin de archivos. Las sheet sets estn tambin diseado para permitir publicaciones rpidas, trasmitir y archivar mltiples archivos de dibujo. Adems las propiedades anotativas te permitirn un manejo apropiado de los tamaos de texto independientemente de las escalas que uses en los detalles, as como manejar bloques cuyas dimensiones cambian de acuerdo a la escala de dibujo, as podrs ver siempre el mismo tamao en tus objetos sin importar la escala de tus dibujos."
Price: 24.99

"How to Draw and Paint Cartoon Characters... Digitally."
"Iam a commercial artist who specializes in realism, and fantasy, but I also enjoy doodling simple cartoon characters. In this series, Iwill show you how you can borrow some of the elements from realism, and apply them to your cartoon characters (however simple) and get a fun and interesting result! Iam using Photoshop, but you can apply the principles to other mediums or programs."
Price: 99.99

"Accounting and Financial Analysis-Management Series"
"This course consist of following topics in detailed manner:01-Definition,Objectives,Functions & Nature of Accounting02-Branches of Accounting,Merits & Demerits of Accounting03-Orientation in Accounting04-Accounting Principles05-Accounting Concepts06-Accounting Conventions07-Double Entry System08-Traditional & Modern Accounting System09-Journal & Ledger Posting10-Cash Book11-Preparation of Trial Balance12-Preparation of Manufacturing & Trading Account13-Preparation of Profit & Loss Account14-Preparation of Balance Sheet Under Sole Proprietorship15-Adjustment Entries16-Form of Company's Profit & Loss Account17-Form of Balance Sheet of Companies18-Segment Reporting19-International Financial Reporting Standards-I20-International Financial Reporting Standards-II21-International Financial Reporting Standards-III22-Meaning,Nature & Types of Financial Statements23-Significance & Limitations Of Financial Statements24-Concept of Financial Analysis25-Vertical VS Horizontal & Internal VS External Financial Analysis26-Accounting Ratios27-Computation & Interpretation of Liquidity & Turnover Ratios28-Long Term Financial Analysis & Capital Structure Ratios29-General & Overall Profitability Ratios30-Fund Flow Statement31-Sources and Application of Funds32-Cash Flow Statement33-Valuation of Shares34-Methods of Valuation Of Shares35-Goodwill36-Valuation of Goodwill37-Valuation Of Inventory38-FIFO and LIFO39-Approaches to Price Level40-Forensic Accounting,Money Laundering,Financial Intelligence"
Price: 19.99

"Theory of Strategic Management-Management Series"
"An important concept for business owners and managers to grasp, strategic management entails evaluating business goals, objectives and plans in light of your company focus on effectiveness and efficiency.In this course we will provide complete knowledge about strategic management. It is very helpful for all students who want to pass the exam. We will cover all the topics which you need.This course consist of following topics in detailed manner:01-Concept of Strategy02-Strategic Management Process03-Corporate Governance04-Strategic Intent05-Corporate Vision,Mission & Objectives06-Environmental Factors Analysis07-Environmental Scanning & Approaches08-Competitive & Industry Analysis09-Strategic Competence & Capability Analysis10-Resource Based View & Internal Analysis11-Framework of Corporate Level Strategies12-Integration Strategies13-Intensive Strategies14-Diversification Strategies15-Defensive Strategies16-Cooperative Strategies17-International Strategies18-Business Level Strategies19-Strategic Analysis20-Strategic Choice21-Models of Strategy Implementation22-Structural Implementation of Strategy23-Functional Implementation of Strategy24-Operational Implementation25-Strategic Leadership26-Corporate Culture & Strategic Management27-Ethics,Social Responsibility & Strategic Management28-Strategic Evaluation29-Balanced Score Card30-Strategic Control31-Knowledge Management & Strategy32-Strategic Planning & Change Management33-Strategic Issues in Managing Technology & Innovation34-Strategic Issues in Non Profit Organisation35-Strategic issues in Small Business36-Strategic Entrepreneurship37-Strategic Management in Public Sector38-Strategic Risk Management39-Strategic Issues in Emerging Economies40-Contemporary Issues in Strategic Management"
Price: 19.99

"Essential LinkedIn Course for Business Marketing"
"LinkedIn is an absolutely amazing platform! It doesn't matter whether you are B2B, B2C, or just want to grow your personal brand, you want to make more money online, right? Well,you've found the perfect course.In this course, Iexplain and show you how Ihave successfully grown my LinkedIn presence and generated massive lists of email addresses as well as driven new business for several industries using LinkedIn marketing.My name isAustin Armstrong,and I've been doingdigital marketing for 13 years (I started very young). Through my profession Ihave seen successful digital marketing strategies work time and time again and developed strategiesto generate leads, phone calls, website traffic, emails, awareness and everything in between!By joining this course,you will learn:- How to fully optimize your LinkedIn profile so you can be found by the right people- Optimization strategies to increase the reach on all of your posts- Learn about LinkedIn native video and several strategies for video types- How to generate email addresses for prospecting on LinkedIn and drive new business and salesand much more!Whether you are just starting out or are already having some success with LinkedIn marketing, this course will provide you with a much better understanding and show you some cool tricks to get in front of a highly targeted audienceand build long term growth,If you are ready to take your passion, business, expertise, hobby, etc to thenext leveland start reaching people online, Ihope you will give this course a try."
Price: 99.99