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"Email Marketing For Bloggers - Easy Beginners Edition"
" Hi there!  My name is Michael Brown and I've been teaching people how to blog and do online marketing for around 5 years now.In this course I am going to take you from a raw newbie to a email marketing vet in a very short time period.The main benefits this course will have for you are:Increasing your income through email marketing on your blogBuilding a lifelong business from you blog through email In this course I am going to teach you, as a blogger, how to do the following:Build an email list from scratchHow to create good emails that get resultsHow to properly send promotional emails to your listHow to write great subject linesHow to increase your income from your blogHow to grow a trustworthy reputation from your email listHow to save time and run a good portion of your blogging business while you are away from the computerHow to get good email open percentagesHow to get lifelong fans and sales by building your email listThe included materials in this course are:19 Lectures15 Easy-To-Watch-Videos W/Step-By-Step TrainingPDF email examplesYou should take this course if you are looking to do any of the following:Increase your income from bloggingBuild a better and honest reputationIncrease your blogs traffic and bounce ratesAutomate traffic, sales and outreachMany will find that you can go through all of this material in a few hours.  You will be able to continually come back and reference any of the lessons and videos if you need to.Plus, a big bonus is that if you need anything you may ask a question at anytime, right from the lecture!Note: While this course is specifically designed for bloggers email marketing it can also be used for small businesses and standard website owners as well."
Price: 49.99

"Real Estate Basics: Creative Non-bank Financing And More"
"This course is about learning how to buy houses without banks or credit.The format is with print and video. You can review the video as much as you want.It will take about 90 minutes to complete.The course is structured with a focus on -Creative non-bank financingAgreements used in real estate investingBuilding a team of contacts for your business (lawyer, CPA, title company, etc)Starting a business, marketing for houses, and exit strategies.We are going to cover:Understanding ""Needing New Financing Deals""Understanding ""Using Existing Financing Deals""Understanding ""No Financing Needed Deals""Although this is an overview, it will pave the way for you to learn the more in depth courses that are avilable for a low cost investment:Buying with Sub2Buying with Agreement for DeedBuying with Lease OptionBuying with Wrap Around MortgageUsing Straight OptionsUsing Land Trusts for PrivacyFinancing with Hard MoneyFinancing with Private IRA LoansFinancing with Joint VenturesFixing Credit Reports with Legal Credit RepairUsing Credit Cards for Business ExpensesMarketing for Houses - 11 waysNegotiating with Home SellersCreating a LLC Inexpensively."
Price: 19.99

"Email Marketing Kickstart"
"Create a new email list from scratch, and stuff it full of happy subscribers who love reading your emails... and buy like crazy! We've created a remarkably simple, easy-to-follow blueprint that reveals how anyone can quickly start using advanced Email Marketing strategies to massively improve their bottom line profits! Inside this fast-paced, fun, instantly-accessible 7-Module training program, were going to quickly sweep away all the confusion, insecurities, and frustration youve felt in the past about Email Marketing... We're going to replace them with confidence, clarity, and a full understanding of a proven marketing system you can replicate over and over again with ease. Learn HOW you like... Every Kickstart Module comes complete with detailed written instructions with images... PLUS quick, 10-15 minute overview videos for each module and beautiful, downloadable PDF documents.  No matter how you learn best, we've got you covered! Stay on the CUTTING EDGE... Each of the 7 Modules is laser-focused on one critical Email Marketing component.  We've designed the course from the ground up so it's easy to implement everything you're learning as you go... We worked hard to make this simple! => MODULE 1: Email The Kickstart Way... The Email Marketing Kickstart philosophy. PLUS - bonus training on building your first website(s), getting traffic to them, and converting more of that traffic into buyers.=> MODULE 2: The Nuts & Bolts...Breeze through the technical side of setting up shop for world-class quality Email Marketing. We'll help you pick the right Autoresponder, configure it, and start sending emails right away.=> MODULE 3: The Three Types Of Emails...Learn all about the only 3 emails you ever need to know how to write or send. Once you've mastered this, you will never again wonder what to send or when.=> MODULE 4: Writing Great Emails...Discover how a cheesy superhero show on TV can completely transform the way you write emails. Subject lines, body copy, and advanced triggers.=> MODULE 5: Sending Broadcasts...How to send super effective email blasts and create great results whenever you want. Plus when and how often to send broadcast emails for best results.=> MODULE 6: Creating Sequences...Erik's ninja way of organizing and creating sequences before he writes a single word (this is mega-cool). Plus, an entire schedule of what to send and when.=> MODULE 7: The Advanced StuffEmail Personalization done right, along with advanced Story-Selling and more copywriting juju. How to segment lists and measure your results effectively... Email Marketing Kickstart is guaranteed to take your Email Marketing to an entirely new level... but our Core Training Modules are just the beginning. We both consult with some of the greatest Marketers in the world... So we knew we could call in some favors, and offer you something NOBODY ELSE possibly could. And that's just what we've done. We've dug deep into our contacts... Across every market and industry under the sun... and managed to bring together a superstar roster of heavy-hitting experts! See, we know that many of you are just getting started... or just getting serious about your Email Marketing. And so, to join us for this Live Training, our experts had hit ALL the checks on our three-point checklist: Qualification #1: They had to be able to teach their methods. (Many expert Email Marketers are terrific at doing, but they kind of stink at teaching. It can be hard to convey knowledge in a way others can use and understand...) Qualification #2: Their methods had to work and be replicable today by people who are not super marketers or super geeks... Qualification #3: They had to have a long history of demonstrating genuine love for helping others succeed with what they teach.That's a tall order - but boy did we deliver - take a look at who we cornered and squeezed for their very best advice!EXPERT INTERVIEW #1 - ANDRE CHAPERON Email Marketing Expert (Autoresponder Madness)TOPIC: Building Relationships Through EmailMeet Andre Chaperon, creator of the uber-popular Autoresponder Madness email marketing training course, widely considered the modern-day master of effective relationship-based Email Marketing. When you see some of the markets Andre is working inand see the way he communicates with those audiences you'll be shocked! EXPERT INTERVIEW #2 - CRAIG EUBANKSProfessional CopywriterTOPIC: The 25 Minute Email MethodMeet expert copywriter Craig Eubanks, and swipe his brilliantly simple method for consistently cranking out great emails in just 25 minutes a day (or less)...Craig will reveal how he "wrote himself a pool" using nothing but emails!EXPERT INTERVIEW #3 - BIG JASON HENDERSONEmail Marketing Expert (Email Response Warrior)TOPIC: Email Conversion & Deliverability Secrets</p></p> Meet Big Jason Henderson, the 6'11" incredible hulk of Email Marketing. Jason will completely demystify his cutting edge conversion and deliverability secretsAnd probably talk about bunnies a little, too.EXPERT INTERVIEW #4 - BRIAN MCLEOD & ERIK STAFFORDTOPIC: Creating Your Own "Language Libraries"Meet Brian McLeod and Erik Stafford, the two Chief-Executive-Knuckleheads from Kickstart-Media. These really, really good-looking guys will be talking about how to speak the same language your readers speakAnd how to create a whole new language just for your tribe!</p>"
Price: 49.99

"Learn any Language with the Best Online Tools"
" What is the course about?This course is about finding the right method for you to boost your language study.  Every learner is different, and every learner needs something different to succeed.  This course will help you learn methods, and find resources that fit your learning style, and will help bring you closer to real fluency.   How long will the course take to complete?This course isn't like like a school class, with a beginning, middle and an end.  Treat this course like a buffet, picking and choosing ideas as you please, and implementing them into your language study.  How is the course structured?This course will be structured around the main areas of language acquisition.  Each area will include multiple ideas about how to boost that area of interest:ReadingWritingSpeakingListeningOther (grammar, vocabulary, translation etc.)Why take this course?Learning languages is fun, but it's also really challenging.  Studying from textbooks and from a teacher are NOT the only ways to learn, and there are a lot more fun, innovative, and more effective methods available outside of the classroom.If you feel something missing in your language education, this course could be for you!Through this course, you'll learn to take control of your language learning, have more fun, and feel great about learning a foreign language!"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Iniciacin a la Arqueologa y SIG"
"Objetivos del Curso: Los objetivos fundamentales de este curso son 2: Por un lado, conoceremos la profesin de Arquelogo de una forma didctica y amena, a la vez que rigurosa. Y por otro, estudiaremos la importancia de esta profesin como proyecto social. La Arqueologa es una disciplina que tiene un compromiso con la sociedad, ya que Aquel pueblo que olvide su historia, est condenado a repetirla. Si siempre has tenido claro que quieres ser arquelogo pero no sabes los pasos que debes dar para conseguirlo, si estas estudiando una carrera universitaria relacionada con Humanidades y no sabes cmo abordar una intervencin arqueolgica o simplemente, si te apasiona el mundo la Arqueologa y sientes curiosidad por conocer el da a da de un arquelogo... Estas en el curso adecuado!. Recuerda que una vez realizada la inscripcin, puedes acceder al curso todas las veces que precises sin tiempo limitado y beneficindote de una atencin personalizada. Anmate y acompanos en este fascinante viaje. Saludos. Ficha tcnica del Curso: Alojado en la prestigiosa plataforma educativa Udemy. No existen plazos de matriculacin, ni lmite de tiempo para finalizarlo. Curso adaptado 100% a las propias necesidades del alumno/a. Se trata de un curso ""vivo"", en donde se irn progresivamente actualizando, modificando e incluyendo nuevos contenidos. Derecho de un Certificado de aprovechamiento al finalizar los contenidos del curso, emitido por la propia plataforma educativa Udemy. Impartido por un profesor con 10 aos de experiencia en Proyectos de gran envergadura (Parques Elicos, Lneas Elctricas, Plantas Fotovolticas,... Todo ello por tan slo 49$ (40 aprox.). Si no quedas satisfecho se te devolver el importe del curso dentro del primer mes de matriculacin. Anmate a formar parte de nuestro equipo de trabajo. Te esperamos! Antonio Castaeda Arquelogo y Consultor Medioambiental"
Price: 49.99

"Yoga Postnatal Tous Niveaux"
" Le Yoga Postnatal vous permettra de vous remettre de l'accouchement en douceur, de soulager les maux des suites de couches, de reprendre contact avec votre nergie vitale, votre force et votre quilibre intrieur.Dans ce cours, je vous guiderai dans des exercices pour protger votre perine dans sa periode de recupration et pour renforcer vos muscles abdominaux profonds. Nous ferons egalement quelques poses avec bb qui sont ludiques et qui vont apporteront de nombreux benefices. Avec aussi des massages doux pour bb et des poses a faire avec le coussin d'allaitement.Le cours est organis pour vous donner les bases fondamentales du Yoga Postnatal selon la Mthode De Gasquet intgr avec du Yoga Hatha & Vinyasa qui prend en compte la fois le corps (Asanas), la respiration (Pranayama), et la relaxation profonde.  Meme si vous n'avez jamais fait de Yoga auparavant, si vous tes plus de 6 semaines aprs l'accouchement, ce cours est pour vous!Il est recommand de ne pas faire dexercices pendant les 6 semaines qui suivent laccouchement. Cependant, je prconise une remise en forme du prine et des muscles abdominaux profonds dans les 40 jours qui suivent la naissance Mon approche est simple et dtaille pour vous apporter les bienfaits suivants: Protger le prine pendant sa priode de rcuprationRenforcer les muscles abdominaux profondsRemonter les organesrelcher les tensions du dos re-muscler le bas du dosrquilibrer le bassinrelaxer le systme nerveuxcrer un lien dattachement avec votre bb faire quelques exercices pendant lallaitement vous amuser avec votre bb a laide de posture simple et de massages doux C'est un moyen la fois de retrouver son nergie vitale, de se renforcer, de relcher les tensions, de trouver un quilibre, de s'ouvrir une flexibilit du corps et de l'esprit! Et surtout de vous faire confiance en apprenant avoir une meilleure coute de soi. Enfin, de continuer respirer profondment tout au long de cette priode de vie si particulire!Merci de votre intrt pour ce cours et j'espre qu'il contribuera votre bien-tre et a celui de votre bb! Attention: Si vous avez eu une csarienne, des points de sutures ou quelques complications que ce soit a la naissance, consulter d'abord votre medecin, Si vous prsentez les symptmes suivants, vous ne devez pas faire ce cours: Saignements vaginaux, hypertension artrielle, un souffle court plus leve que dhabitude, vertiges ou  malaises, contractions utrines, douleur dans la poitrine, fuite de liquide provenant du vagin, frquence cardiaque leve (pouls rapide), des difficults a marcher Appeler immdiatement votre docteur si vous remarquez lun de ces symptmes"
Price: 29.99

"How To Make A Magazine - Create an Apple Newsstand Magazine"
"You can now join 200+ digital publishers in this course showing you step by step how to publish a magazine on the Apple iOS Newsstand. Great changes are happening in the digital publishing world. People are changing their reading habits; they are consuming information in different ways and when it comes to magazines, readers want the latest issues delivered instantly to their digital devices. They also want a wider choice and realize they can access magazines from around the globe, instantly. These changes are just the beginning of a new world in publishing, content creation and distribution, and this course will ensure you are in the right place to be at the forefront with publishing to mobile devices and tablets. Digital Publishing Made Easy This digital magazine publishing course is a one of a kind complete step by step solution for companies or individuals who want to publish their own magazines on the Apple Newsstand. This course makes it a simple process to take an existing magazine and produce a complete digital magazine that can be downloaded from the Apple iTunes Newsstand. All you need to get started is a PDF of your magazine. You can then follow the course videos to turn your PDF's into digital magazines. If you can create MS Word, MS Powerpoint, Pages or Keynote files.... you can save those as PDF files and get started right away. The creation process has been broken down into simple steps so that anyone can follow the video tutorials, download the template app and produce a magazine within in less than a day. Once you have a place to store your digital files online (Website, Amazon S3 account etc..) there is ZERO cost going forward. Everything you need is free! A stark contrast to services like PageSuite, Magcast, Mag+ and Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Let's answer a few Digital Magazine questions ... I am not a Magazine Publisher. Can I benefit from this course? The playing fields have been levelled. No longer do you need to have an existing magazine and a mountain of cash to develop a magazine and get it published. If you have a website, Blog or produce a newsletter... in fact, if you publish just about any content at all you can build your own magazine and get it published on iPhones and iPads. Take a look on the newsstand right now and you will see there are new magazines focused on the tiniest of niches that are gaining huge readership numbers. You can do the same. Does This Mean I Have To Create Lots Of Content? No! A great feature of making a digital magazine is that there are no limitations on what you can publish. Forget duplicate content penalties! You can repurpose all of your own existing material in you magazine(s). Think about it... Your magazine sits behing Apple's iTune store... You are not producing a website here, you are producing a magazine. You can publish what ever you like. Why would I want to publish a magazine on the iPad or iPhone? You no doubt know that being able to write and publish a digital book (think Kindle) is a fantastic way to help boost your own credibility and establish yourself as a leader in your field. Well what do you think owning a magazine will do? You build yourself a platform from which you can not only reach your audience on a regular basis (Daily, Weekly or Monthly) but also have the opportunity to bring in other experts to produce content for you. Who controls the magazine? One of the beauties of publishing a magazine using the processes highlight in this course will mean you own the complete end to end solution. There are many digital magazine solutions out there for you to choose from, but what they don't tell you is that once you start using their platform, you are stuck with them going forward and they often take a cut of you magazine profits. Not to mention the ongoing high fees they charge. This course leave you in full control of your own digital magazine solution. You own it and you get to keep 100%% of the income. Do I need to purchase any software to create the Digital Magazine? Absolutely not. There are some costs involved but these are for things like joining the Apple Developer Program ($99 per year - everyone has to do this to be able to sell app's and magazines on iTunes) and hosting you magazine files online (from as little as $3 per month). This course will show you step by step how to use existing software tools that nearly everyone already own to create the Newsstand files. One of the key goals when creating this course was to make sure you don't have to spend any money on software tools to get started. Do I have to have any programming experience? Absolutely not. All you need is to produce a PDF. From there just follow along with the video instructions. Can I ask for Support? Most definitely. You can ask as many questions as you wish and Pete will answer. Do I need a Mac to do the course? Ideally yes, but it is not absolutely necessarily. The course also includes a section on how you can rent a virtual Mac online for just a few dollars. Can I add interactivity to the magazine? Yes you can. If you know anything about HTML or are able to create HTML5 web pages, you will love this course. Anything you can do on a web page you can add into your magazines.... Videos, Audio, Interactive elements, javascript, transitions, social integration.... this list just goes on and on. ********************************************** You'll Learn How to design your magazine so it fit perfectly on the iPad. How to structure your magazine pages to take advantage of the Barker Framework magazine Index navigation functionality. How to make simple tweak to your pages for dramatic effects. How to store your magazine issues online for easy downline by your magazine app. How easy it is for you to add as many back issues of your magazine as you wish. Fast magazine creation techniques and what pitfalls to look out for. The easy way to create you apps on iTunesConnect. How to setup free magazine subscriptions. Important testing techniques to makes sure you magazine looks awesome on the iPad before releasing it live. How to track down bugs and test out changes super super fast. The various Baker Framework configurations options to make you magazines work in lanscape and portrait modes. Learn how to turn on page zooming SPECIAL BONUSES As a special bonus, you will get access to Pete's very own magazine issue creation software that lets you create your magazine issues in under 2 minute! Saving hours and hours of time. This app is currently in development and will be release as soon as the final bugs are ironed out. If you want a pre-release, just ask once you have signed up! Once enough people are on-board, you will get access to a special Publishers online community where you can share ideas, tricks and techniques to make the most out of you magazines. So what are you waiting for? If you have any questions you need answered before signing-up, send Pete a message here on Udemy or on facebook - I want you to feel 100%% confident in this course so you are assured that you will get the best results you can get. I look forward to seeing you inside the course. Get Started Today!"
Price: 19.99

"Los 7 Acordes para Tocarlo Todo en un fin de semana"
"Quieres aprender a tocar la guitarra pero te falta tiempo, te duelen los dedos y con tanto tutorial en internet no sabes por donde empezar. Empieza por los acordes. Los acordes son el corazn de una cancin. Sabias que la mayora de las canciones tienen de 3 a 5 acordes? y sabas que siempre se repiten los mismos acordes una y otra vez? Son solo 7 acordes. Con este curso te dars cuenta de lo sencillo que es poner los 7 acordes para tocarlo todo, de simplificarlos para que no te cueste poner cejilla, y de aprenderte tus canciones favoritas en muy poco tiempo. Si aprendes a tocar desde cero hemos diseado este curso para hacer fcil lo difcil, que te sientas menos torpe, que aprendas poco a poco, y que domines los acordes de guitarra en un fin de semana intensivo. Si ya ya sabes tocar la guitarra, sabas que puedes progresar el doble de rpido si tu mejor amigo toca la guitarra? Prueba a regalarle este curso desde la pestaa ""Regalo"". Te lo agradecer siempre y yo tambin. 10 aos de docencia y 170.000 seguidores en Youtube nos respaldan. Estos son algunos testimonios de nuestros alumnos: ""Amigo, entend ms de la guitarra viendo 20 minutos de tus vdeos que viendo los libros de guitarra que tengo desde los 7 aos. FELICITACIONES!"" -judiac95 ""Muy buen curso. La mayora de los profesores saben tocar pero no tienen ni idea de ensear. El alumno necesita entender lo que est haciendo"" -hudini430 ""Me encantas to dices las cosas tal y como son sin fanfarria y sin po****. Muchsimas gracias si algn da me hago msico profesional a unos de los que les dar las gracias ser a ti."" -narfcisco95 "" Fue mi base para ser lo que ahora soy de guitarrista. He mejorado mucho! sigo siendo novato pero el cambio es radical! GRACIAS!!"" - Alex Lara Adems este curso es interactivo y puedes: Preguntarme directamente para que te responda Seguir este curso tambin en tu smartphone o tableta Bajarte documentos con trucos, herramientas y consejos para tu guitarra Toma este curso por menos de lo que vale una clase particular y si no te gusta te devolvemos el dinero."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Adobe Photoshop CC"
"In this Adobe Photoshop CC training course from Infinite Skills, you will learn how to use the worlds most popular graphics and photo editing software. This training is designed for the absolute beginner, and you will learn Photoshop from the ground up, with no prior experience required. This training course breaks down the features and tools of Photoshop CC into easily understood parts, increasing your ability to understand and retain the information. You will learn how to: organize your files using Adobe Bridge, work with Camera Raw images, create and manage color in an image, utilize layers in Photoshop and work with filters. Andy shows you how to use tools such as dodge and burn, the magic wand, brushes, cloning and healing, and even Type in Photoshop. With almost 13 hours of instruction in this Photoshop CC tutorial, you will learn more than can be possibly listed here! By the time you have completed this video based training for Adobe Photoshop CC, you will be familiar with the tools available to you in this graphics editing and creation software, and how to apply them to your own projects. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Introduction to Hypnotherapy and the secrets within."
"This course will teach you about the way in which Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy is used today.This course will take approx 90 minutes to complete.This course is based upon my ten years of experience.If you want to learn more about Hypnosis and the how and why it works, this course will be for you!You will hear some of my case studies and be able to relate to these in your life.what modality is used for which issue.This is presented using power point presentation with my narration.This course is interesting because you will hear about some of my case studies, these examples will help you to identify common issues people may have and will clearly show you how and why Hypnosis was an effective tool in helping them to overcome the issue."
Price: 19.99

"How To Apply Makeup Like a Pro"
"In this makeup course you will learn all the tips and tricks to applying makeup like a professional makeup artist.  You will learn:How to create a flawless canvasHow to work with color correctors and why How to find the best color for your skin tone How to create a natural look How to create a glamorous look How to apply blush based on face shape How to contour and highlight like a professionalHow to take your look from day to nightHow to create different looks for different clientsThe benefits of primerApplication tips and tricksThis course will give you a better understanding of where to apply makeup and why as well as tips used on models and celebrities on shoots. "
Price: 19.99

"Meet your instructor for the course, Celebrity Makeup Artist and Best Selling Author of Passport To Beauty, Shalini Vadhera.  In this course you will learn all the secrets to applying your makeup or your clients makeup like a professional celebrity makeup artist on multiple skintones and ethnicities.  You will learn:How to create a flawless canvasHow to work with color correctors and why How to find the best color for your skin tone and solutions for multi-cultural beauty challenges How to create a natural look How to create a dramatic lookHow to create a sporty lookHow to create a glamorous look How to apply blush based on face shape How to contour and highlight like a professionalHow to take your look from day to nightHow to create different looks for different clientsThe benefits of primerApplication tips and tricksFor more info on Shalini or to connect with her:Official website: http://www.shalinisworld.comTwitter: @shalinisworldFacebook: shalinivadherapotts"
Price: 159.99

"Yoga @ Home with Meta - Immersion for Experienced Students"
"The way to actually learn yoga and deepen your practice of yoga is to do the same poses day after day for a period. Then you can learn how your body responds to the physical poses, you can relax and watch your mind in the calm of knowing what comes next, and you can grow with the pose on many levels. This 4 week yoga immersion course offers you a way to learn yoga in the truest sense, poses and philosophy, how to live your life in yoga, not just a pose on a mat.  The pose sequence for the class is exactly the same for each day of that commitment, with additional teachings and support offered each day. The course is designed for practicing poses for six days and on the seventh, you'll rest the body and energize your mind with teachings of philosophy, yoga off the mat and even a bit of yoga cooking. Learning yoga is like learning a language, daily practice is much better than cramming before an exam.  This level is called Ginger as it is warm, spicy, hot, healing, juicy and has intense energy. In addition to the daily 30 minute practice, each day includes a video teaching on a yoga topic with related reading materials. The topics include how to watch your thoughts and notice negative self-talk, how to incorporate yoga in your daily life, how to practice yoga breathing techniques and how to meditate wherever you are. You will need to have a yoga mat, a space in your house that is at least enough enough for the mat. If you have yoga blocks, that would be helpful, but if not, you can use books or a chair. Come to the 30 minute pose practice with an empty stomach and open mind. The best time to practice is first thing in the morning, but whenever you can make it to your mat, that is the time for you. You watch the philosophy video and read the material anytime during the day, perhaps just before you practice the poses, or alternatively, just before you go to bed."
Price: 24.99

"Yoga @ Home with Meta - Immersion for Intermediate Students"
"The way to actually learn yoga is to do the same poses day after day for a period. Then you can learn how your body responds to the physical poses, you can relax and watch your mind in the calm of knowing what comes next, and you can grow with the pose on many levels. This 4 week yoga immersion course offers you a way to learn yoga in the truest sense, poses and philosophy, how to live your life in yoga, not just a pose on a mat.  The pose sequence for the class is exactly the same for each day of that commitment, with additional teachings and support offered each day. The course is designed for practicing poses for six days and on the seventh, you'll rest the body and energize your mind with teachings of philosophy, yoga off the mat and even a bit of yoga cooking. Learning yoga is like learning a language, daily practice is much better than cramming before an exam. This level is called Sol meaning sun in Spanish and sounds like soul, which yoga nourishes, and also means radiant, warm, promotes grow, life force, bright, glittering, shining. In addition to the daily 30 minute practice, each day includes a video teaching on a yoga topic with related reading materials. The topics include how to watch your thoughts and notice negative self-talk, how to incorporate yoga in your daily life, how to practice yoga breathing techniques and how to meditate wherever you are. You will need to have a yoga mat, a space in your house that is at least enough enough for the mat. If you have yoga blocks, that would be helpful, but if not, you can use books or a chair. Come to the 30 minute pose practice with an empty stomach and open mind. The best time to practice is first thing in the morning, but whenever you can make it to your mat, that is the time for you. You watch the philosophy video and read the material anytime during the day, perhaps just before you practice the poses, or alternatively, just before you go to bed.</p></p>"
Price: 24.99

"Have fun learning music basics! No-Anxiety Music Theory."
"If you would like to be able to look at sheet music without feeling intimidated, understand how guitar chords work, learn your choral music more quickly, this course will help you. This course is a detailed primer in music basics. Taught by Bill Neely, who developed the Udemy course, Adventures in Classical Music, a comprehensive history of classical music. Beginning with a short history of Rock and Roll, this course first identifies the component elements of musicrhythm, melody, harmony, texture, tempo, dynamics, and form. Then, it goes on to show how those elements come together to create musicany music whether a pop song or a classical symphony."
Price: 24.99

"The Strategy of Bargaining"
"This course takes the "teach a man to fish" approach--rather than blasting you with random bargaining tips, we discover how bargaining works, why some people win more than others, and when bargaining fails. Borrowing heavy from game theory, we build simple yet insightful models of bargaining and untangle the logic. Whether you are a professional negotiator or just want a better deal on a car, this class is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Sociology"
"""The Way We Live"" is a comprehensive introduction to Sociology and self-paced online course that combines the real world immediacy and intimacy of professionally-produced video with the free, open-source, peer-reviewed textbook ""Introduction to Sociology"" from OpenStax College. Noted sociologists provide insights for understanding social groups and institutions, social change, and the sociological forces of daily life. Areas of exploration include:Sociological InvestigationCultureSocial InteractionGroups and OrganizationsDevianceSexualitySocial and Global StratificationRace and EthnicityAgingEconomy and WorkPolitics and GovernmentFamilyEducationReligionPopulation and UrbanizationSocial Movements Students visit Delancy Street, an innovative alternative to the correctional system that focuses on rehabilitating instead of simply housing criminal offenders. They meet the people of the Winnemem Wintu tribe of the Pacific Northwest and learn how government land and water policies have affected them. They gain perspective about how thoroughly issues of gender saturate daily life in our society through the players on a women's professional football team. The course is organized in 22 sections and covers all of the topics commonly taught in college introductory courses in Sociology. It can be adopted as is for use as a complete online course, as a quality textbook replacementto existing courses, or for homework and test preparation (e.g. CLEP Exam)"
Price: 29.99

"How to make an Ad-Game from scratch without programming"
"Have you heard of AdGames? If you haven't you soon will. AdGames are one of the most innovative forms of advertising around. This course is a crash course that covers what AdGames are and how to make them. In this course you start out with nothing and you end up with an AdGame you can put on your website. The best part about this is that the engine we are using is a visual programming engine so that means you don't have to write a single line of code. That's right you can make an HTML 5 AdGame for your webiste without writing a single line of code. "
Price: 19.99

"Stress Management"
"Say goodbye to Stress forever How would you like to be Stress Free in 7 days? Are you always worrying about life, money, family, or even your health? Do you wake up at around 4am in the morning and then struggle to get back to sleep? Is the merry-go-round of thought in your head, seemingly non-stop? Is your stress affecting your health, your relationships, your career or even your loved ones? Why wont any of the other stress remedies out there help you? What can be done to stop you feeling stressed forever? My name is Damian Mark Smyth, and I am a stress management coach. I am also a teacher and trainer in a field of modern psychology called the Three Principles. This area of prevention has been proven to work with even the most extreme cases (including in maximum security prisons) and it will give you the freedom you require from stress forever. I should know. I recently went through a divorce and custody battle and came through it completely unscathed. In fact, people were often saying to me how impossibly calm I was throughout the whole thing. You too can learn the secrets about stress that will change your life around so you will no longer have to live with the constant fear, worry and anxiety. You too will be stress-free in 7 days. This course is designed to give you the understanding behind the human operating system and to show you how the process works. As with anything else, once you have an understanding of how a system works, its a darn sight easier to then correct it. Think about your car. If you know how its put together and functions, its a lot easier to fix it when it goes haywire. There are no catches, no tricks, no hidden surprises... all of the ideas in this course are simple to follow and even easier to put into practice. In fact, there is a great deal of doing nothing involved. And theres a very good reason for this: When we listen through what we know, we limit ourselves to what we already know. So I will be asking you to leave what you already know at the door before you enter. The reason this programme works and is life changing is BECAUSE its different to what you already know. Thats got you to where you are right now - without a solution. This programme IS the solution. So get ready for a life changing seven days, as we get you stress free forever! All the modules in this programme come with an audio download, along with the written version, which means you have the choice of how to use the material. Either way, the course is interactive, so please provide answers to the questions at the bottom of the module. This will help me tailor the understanding that you will be getting to your personal requirements and answer any queries you may have. It will also help me to get a better idea of who you are and how to achieve stress free success quickly and efficiently. The approach outlined within this course is very different to other, more traditional 'stress management' programs. Therefore it is likely that you will have insights and queries that may well need addressing by me - this is an online coaching course as much as an instructional process."
Price: 19.99

"Lee, interpreta y vive"
"Este curso tiene la finalidad de ofrecer una perspectiva diferente y actual del proceso para desarrollar la competencia lectora en el aula. Aunque no es necesario tener el libro para tomar este curso, s es altamente recomendable solicitarlo para tener un panorama ms amplio del contenido del mismo. Las autoras estaremos contestando sus preguntas tcnicas o de cualquier tipo en la plataforma.Lee, interpreta, vive! es un libro de trabajo que presenta una propuesta diferente, crtica e innovadora que pretende desarrollar la competencia lectora, la cual permitir el desenvolvimiento del alumno en diversas circunstancias de la vida, tanto escolar como cotidiana, para resolver problemas, leer entre lneas, llegar a conclusiones, proponer hiptesis, reflexionar sobre diversos panoramas y evaluar la informacin tanto a nivel del fondo como de la forma, con la finalidad de proponer nuevas ideas y soluciones a diversos problemas. Cada clase de este curso expone la justificacin y propsito que tienen los cinco apartados de los que est compuesto cada captulo del libro Lee, interpreta, vive!: Lee!Lee tu mundoEl autor y su mundoEl mundo de las letrasAsocia tu mundoAunque reconocemos que es un proceso difcil, esperamos que represente un reto dentro del aula."
Price: 19.99

"Excel BI - Learn Power Pivot and DAX functions"
"Power Pivot is an Excel add-in, available in Excel 2010 and certain versions of Excel 2013. You can use Power Pivot, with its own DAX functions to perform powerful data analysis and create sophisticated data models. With Power Pivot, you can mash up large volumes of data from various sources, perform information analysis rapidly, and share insights easily.LEARN HOW SET UP POWERPIVOT REPORTS AND CHARTS AND MASTER DAX FUNCTIONS USED TO PERFORM POWERFUL CALCULATIONS AND ANSLYSIS.MICROSOFT'S EXCEL, WHICH INCLUDES POWER PIVOT, IS NOW PART OF A BI SYSTEM. IF YOU WANT TO IMPROVE YOUR EXCEL SKILLS FAR BEYOND THE BASIC LEVEL THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOUCONTENTS AND OVERVIEWIn section one of this course we will start at the very basics and learn how to set up and import data to Power Pivot. In this section you will find sample data to download, so you can practice along.Section two and three will cover the basic elements of Power Pivot such as tables, table relationships, calculated columns slicers and measures.Once we are working well with these basic's we are going to power things up using DAX functions. DAX functions such as the Calculate function and filter and distinct will give you greater debt to your analysis.Finally we will look in detail at the Time intelligence functions Power Pivot has to offer.Who Should Attend?This course is suited to those with an interest in Excel, Data Analyst's, Data Mining, BI, Reporting and Pivot tables and is well suited for Accountants, Auditors, Internal Auditors, Business Analysts, Finance staff, Banking staff, Management and those involved with Compliance and Risk assessment and BI. This course is meant for those involved in the Analysis of Data, Finance & Accounting and Reporting roles. This course is not a traditional functions and formulas based course but instead this course covers Excels Add in Power Pivot and is own function language DAX This course is suited to those with an interest in Excel, Fraud and Audit and is well suited for Accountants, Auditors, Internal Auditors, Business Analysts, Finance staff, Banking staff, Management and those involved with Compliance and Risk assessment and BI. This course is for you if you are looking to learn advanced Excels functions. This course is not for you if you are new to Excel."
Price: 29.99

"Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 Introduo Arquitetura e Suporte"
"Conhea a mais nova verso da soluo de entrega de Aplicativos (RDS) e Desktops (VDI) do mercado fazendo o curso introdutrio do Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6 O que voc ganha? 1. Voc ter somente o melhor treinamento: O curso ministrado por Cleriston Cardoso, que possui mais de 18 anos de experincia na indstria de TI com foco intenso em virtualizao de servidores e desktops 2. Curso 100% certificado: No basta ser treinado. obtenha a certificao 3. Obtenha a prtica: Voc comea a aprender tudo, desde a teoria bsica do XenApp FMA (HDX) at a entrega de Desktops Virtuais (VDI) com o XenDesktop. 4. Aprenda confortavelmente: O curso oferecido on-line no conforto da sua prpria casa 5. Pague uma pechincha: O curso est sendo oferecido por uma frao do preo original obtenha agora a melhor formao, sem que seja um fardo para seu bolso. 6. Portugus: O curso oferecido 100% em portugus. 7. Certifique Citrix: Fazendo os trs cursos da srie "Certificao Citrix", voc estar preparado para fazer os exames 1Y0-200 (CCA-V) e/ou 1Y0-300 (CCP-V) e fazer um upgrade da sua carreira. E mais... Realizando este curso o aluno conhecer a arquitetura do Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6 incluindo todos os componentes envolvidos para o correto funcionamento da soluo. O curso Introduo ao Citrix XenDesktop 7.6 fornece ao participante as habilidades necessrias para identificar e solucionar problemas de forma eficaz e resolver problemas dos usurios mais rapidamente, evitar que problemas ocorram novamente e usar as consoles apropriadas durante a resoluo de problemas para determinar rapidamente a causa raiz dos problemas dos usurios. Ao concluir este curso o alunos ter a capacidade de solucionar problemas dos usurios, incluindo interpretar as necessidades do usurio final, fazendo as perguntas adequadas para resolver problemas comuns, e aplicao das melhores prticas para garantir uma transio suave quando uma escalao for necessria. Este curso indicado para quem teve pouco (ou nenhum) contato com o produto Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6 Este o primeiro curso da srie Certificao Citrix que tem como objetivo fornecer as informaes necessrias no apenas para garantir o correto Deployment, Gerenciamento e Suporte do ambiente Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp 7.6 como tambm habilitar o participante com o conhecimento adequado para se certificar Citrix com as seguintes certificaes: Citrix Certified Associate - Virtualization (CCA-V) 1Y0-200 e/ou Citrix Certified Professional - Virtualization (CCP-V) 1Y0-300. Ao participar dos trs treinamentos, o aluno ter o conhecimento* necessrio para realizar os exames de certificao. *Ateno: Para passar na prova de certificao alm dos conhecimentos adquiridos nos trs cursos, o aluno precisa adquirir experincia prtica (podendo ser atravs do trabalho dia-dia ou laboratrios)"
Price: 94.99

"Surpassing Your Kickstarter Goals"
"Get the inside secrets to zipping past your goal!With a number of successful and highly funded campaigns and over $250,000.00 raised, Richard Haberkern offers an insider's perspective on achieving highly successful funding goals.  This course also includes the best practices for project creators, and analyzes some of the pitfalls that campaign creators may encounter on the road to success.In this course you will learn: How to properly setup pledge levels. Tricks to entice more pledgers and higher backer rewards. Pricing pledge levels to guarantee that bakers receive their rewards. How your goal amount affects backers' decisions. The psychology behind the goal. Making backers want to be a part of your success. Setting a realistic goal to increase the chance of a project's success. Technical tips and scripting guidelines to shooting an engaging video. How to analyze the actual costs involved in delivering your rewards. Good practices for laying out your campaign. The importance of sharing your project's history and story with the community. Using blogs, social media, and other websites that lead to a successfully funded project. Viral Marketing and other methods that lead to successfully funded projects. Using individual website and blog statistics to maximize the traffic driven to your campaign. How to utilize the kickstarter dashboard to track the course of your project's success. How to utilize metrics to track the course of your project's success. Simple math that you can do to estimate where your project's goal is headed. How the first few days after launch will determine your project's outcome. And much more! This course is designed for those serious about crowd funding and raising money on Kickstarter.  It is a how-to-guide from a successful Kickstarter project creator.  Gain inside knowledge from someone who is raising money via crowd funding and internet marketing every day!"
Price: 29.99

"Microsoft Powerpoint 2013 Tutorial"
"This Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 training course will show you how to create high quality presentations using the tools and techniques available to you in this software. PowerPoint has long been the go to choice for presentations and allows you to create dynamic slideshows with music, video and animation that really let your information shine!This tutorial for PowerPoint 2013 is designed for the beginner. You will start with the fundamentals by creating a presentation from scratch. Erin has included working files with this course to allow you to follow along step by step, using the same content she uses throughout. You will learn how to create themes, how to use outlines effectively, and how to work with text on the slides. You will add objects to the slides, draw and format shapes, insert images and SmartArt, as well as format tables and charts on your slides. Erin also shows you how to add audio and video, animations and transitions to the presentation, and finally how to share and present your finished piece!By the time you have completed this video tutorial for PowerPoint 2013, you will be fully capable of creating your own presentation using a variety of techniques to make it dynamic and interesting. You will understand what tools are available to you, and how to utilize them effectively to create an interesting and engaging slideshow."
Price: 49.99

"Advanced Algebra: Strategies for Success"
"This course covers algebraic topics including advanced strategies for solving equations, graphing algebraic functions, polynomials, systems of equations, advanced topics with radicals and square roots, variation, and applications (word problems). The course curriculum aligns to content that is common to most high school algebra 2 courses as well as college level intermediate algebra. Content is taught through interactive video lectures that include guided practice problems and the associated live action solutions. The curriculum is organized into 7 chapters (topics), containing a total of 60 video lectures that are approximately 10 minutes in length each. The course culminates with end of chapter assessments to check for skills mastery. Answer Keys are included for all assessments. The instructor for this course is a certified math instructor with over 10 years of middle school, high school, and college level teaching experience."
Price: 34.99

"Integrating Social Media with F2F Customer Service"
"Discover How To Harness The Power of Social Media Sites To Ignite Your Business...In this day and age when customer have too many choice and not enough time, it is important to deliver a remarkable experience.  These remarkable (or even less than remarkable) experience are often capture, recounted and shared online via social media.  This course explores how brick and mortar, local businesses, can first create positive, remarkable customer experiences and then integrate those efforts with a solid social media presence thereby increasing foot traffic back to their stores.This course consists of 5 modules with nearly 1.5 hours of videos plus worksheet and checklists to get your started."
Price: 19.99

"Once you're familiar with HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a great way to further your web site building skills. CSS is used to extend the formatting and stylistic capabilities of your HTML documents, allowing greater flexibility and control in page layout and design.  In this course, you will find worksheets and sample files to play with.  This 2 hour course will allow your designer fingerprint on any website."
Price: 49.99

"How do you prepare for the world of web design and on-line publishing? Learn the language of HTML. HTML Web Design program teaches you how to create colorful, interactive and accessible web sites that take full advantage of the latest web browser technology. The Beginning HTML classes teaches you how to format text on your pages, add hyperlinks, pictures and tables. Even if you plan on doing most of your web design with an authoring tool such as Macromedia Dreamweaver, Macromedia Flash, or Microsoft FrontPage, an understanding of HTML is necessary to make the most of those programs and fine tune your page design.  This 2 hour course will prepare you to really shine."
Price: 39.99

"Javascript is an open source scripting language used to enhance user interfaces and dynamic websites.  Learn how to tweak websites by enhancing the back end of HTML and CSS to allow for greater control, shortcuts and formatting.  Dive deeper with this 5 hour Course and customize your websites like a pro!"
Price: 49.99

"Wordpress Essentials For Beginners - 52 HD Videos"
""Finally, a course that every one can understand, explained clearly and precisely! Thanks a lot!" Pino Amato, Udemy Student - 5***** Rating "Very usefull course, especially for people like me that are not web masters." Maria Kastanis, Udemy Student - 5***** Rating "I'm already building my website along with the course and it's so exciting! Thumbs up!" Jonathan Nichols, Udemy Student - 4**** Rating Wordpress Essentialls For Beginners - Be a Wordpress Poweruser in less than 2 weeks. Build your website with confidence and ease. You are minutes away from gaining access to: *14 sections of in depth tutorials covering all aspects of Building, Setting, Maintaining and Optimizing your Wordpress website. *52 HD Videos showing you step by step how to build a Wordpress website from scratch. *Over 4 hours of visual content along with PDFs and MP3s, all Downloadable so you can study them anytime of the day, everywhere! ***Special Course Bonus:You'll get the popular premium Wordpress Theme "WP Social Press" as a complimentary bonus to this course, so you can implement right away, everything you've learned using this beautiful, highly customizable premium theme. *The ideal course for people with no technichal skills or prior experience on building websites. Everything is explained fully in simple terms, easy to understand for everyone! You probably have heard a lot about Wordpress and almost everything is true! Wordpress is a beautiful platform for creating websites and blogs in just a few minutes.And the best part, it's absolutely free! But the real power of Wordpress is flexibility. There are dozens of plug-ins that allow you to do all sort of amazing things with your website or blog, you're only limited by your imagination. You could build a personal blog, a commercial website, a forum , a membership site, you could build a list, everything you can imagine of! The Wordpress Essentials for Beginners was designed by professionals especially for you. You are a few minutes away from learning how to: Register a domain Host your website Install Wordpress Create posts Add Videos, Pictures and other files Customize comments Edit users Use tags Use Plugins Use Widgets Transfer files Customize the appearance of your Website Send Emails from your Wordpress site Install Facebook button Install Paypal button Hide affiliate links Install Google Analytics Create a Google XML Sitemap Create Polls Create a Forum Build a Membership site The Wordpress Essentials for Begginers is the complete course for being a Wordpress Poweruser. Learn how to build Wordpress websites like a Pro and become a Wordpress Webmaster, smart, fast and simple!"
Price: 24.99