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"MS Access FORMS Series-3"
"Learn how to create a form from basicsWhat is the use of different types of views- Design,Layout and form viewKnow about labels,text boxes,check boxes,option buttons,list-box and combo-boxHow to put values in combo-box using SQL syntaxHow to put value in combo box using select query wizard or manuallyHow to use row source property and customize the query being used in these controlsHow to set up relationship between two combo-boxesHow to set up relationship between combo and list boxLearn how to use macro and query in forms - just a basic partHow to link form controls with queries and be able to generate wonderful projectsLearn about sub-forms from their design to their actual use in real life.What is difference between control source and row source property of form controls and how to use control source for calculationsHow to use add existing field tab how to email the data without using vbahow to work with images if you like to do itIn last . one project shared with you which covers above said point in detail. Everything is downloadable and you can practice."
Price: 1600.00

"Connect XL & Outlook -Access VBA & Collection Loops Series 7"
"Using ms access vba how we can work with ms excelUsing ms access vba how to connect outlook application.How to send emails using access vbaHow to send any ms access table data via outlook mail using vbaEarly binding and late binding approaches - which is better and why?What is Create Object and Get Object methods in late Binding.How to import outlook email information from any folder to any ms access tableWhy to declare object and why a class object.How we can create a new excel object using access vba How we can open an existing excel from ms access vba editorUse of file-dialogs like open dialog and save-as dialog What are the collection loopsCollection loops use in tablesCollection loops in queriesCollection loops use in formsCollection loops  use in reportsCollections loops  for macros and modulesFew interesting projects for youAlways ready to help you online with 100% guaranteed"
Price: 1280.00

"Microsoft MTA Network Fundamentals 98-366: Test Prep"
"COURSE OBJECTIVESUnderstanding Local Area NetworksUnderstanding Wireless NetworksImplementing network topologiesIntroduction to routers and switchesData EncryptionUnderstanding the OSI modelIP addressingUnderstanding IPV4 and IPV6This course offers you all the tools necessary to pass the Microsoft Networking Fundamentals exam! Through detailed lectures and interactive exercises you will gain the fundamental knowledge to pass the exam. You can also go at your own pace! No matter how fast or slow that may be.  Getting certified will set you apart and make your more marketable to employers! Obtaining this certification will lead to increased knowledge, career advancement, and salary increases! Enroll Now!"
Price: 99.99

"Microsoft MTA Operating System Fundamental 98-349: Test Prep"
"COURSE OBJECTIVESUnderstanding Operating System ConfigurationsUnderstanding Managing ApplicationsManaging DevicesTroubleshooting Operating SystemsMalware prevention and detectionConfigure and use management toolsConfigure antivirus settingsUnderstand encryptionPractice quizApply Knowledge through several practical exercisesThis course offers you all the tools necessary to pass the Microsoft Operating System Fundamentals exam! Through detailed lectures and interactive exercises you will gain the fundamental knowledge to pass the exam. You can also go at your own pace! No matter how fast or slow that may be. Getting certified will set you apart and make your more marketable to employers! Obtaining this certification will lead to increased knowledge, career advancement, and salary increases! Enroll Now!"
Price: 99.99

"Ransomware Detection: Everything You Need To Know"
"Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts files and then asks for a ransom to be paid for their return. This type of malware has been present since 2004 and became more widespread with the advent of cryptocurrencies, since they made it easier to collect anonymous and untraced payments. Millions, if not billions, of Euros have been extorted from innocent users and businesses in this way.This course includes a definition of Ransomware such asmajor types, propagation, operation, payment, prevention, and recovery. It includes a list ofhistory of Ransomware from 2002 to 2017. A list of detection mechanisms such as Sandbox Analysis, CPUUsage, I/O Behaviour, AutoRun Mechanisms, Signature-Based Analysis, and Network Traffic. It also shows a number of case studies."
Price: 19.99

"Sviluppare pagine web lato Front End ( Per disegnatori web)"
"A chi non rivolto questo corso?1. Pigri: questo corso non per te se hai poca voglia di apprendere, e vuoi la tua pagina web con 3 click.2. Procrastinatori: Se rimandi sempre quello che devi imparare oggi, lascia stare, fare il front end un mestiere che richiede dedizione e tanta voglia di apprendere.3. Frettolosi: Se pensi che alla fine di questo corso sarai in grado di inviare il curriculum alla Silicon Valley, non iscriverti nemmeno.4. Anti-intraprendenti: Se sei una persona che non ha la minima voglia di cercare di risolvere  anche piccoli problemi legati alla informatica, ti sconsiglio di iniziare anche solo questa carriera, per fare questo mestiere devi essere minimamente dinamico, laborioso, ingegnoso, questo mestiere richiede costanti studi ed energie.E tutto troppo complicato?Non svalutarti, forse queste cose che ho scritto qui sopra potrebbero sembrarti robe da Marins, ma non cos, tutte queste abilit si imparano con il tempo e non con un solo corso, e sopratutto tutto questo lo faccio per spronarti a migliorarti ed entrare nel terreno dei veri FrontEnd.Chi sono e cosa faccio:Mi chiamo Alessandro Cuoghi e questo il mio secondo corso sulla piattaforma Udemy, il primo tratta il famoso software di grafica Adobe Illustrator. Software che uso attualmente per disegnare flussi per siti web e Applicazioni Mobile, nonostante esistano software dedicati come Adobe XD.Da 20 anni lavoro nel campo del disegno e sviluppo web, durante gli ultimi mi sono dedicato anche alla realizzazione di applicazioni Mobile con Ionic.In passato sono stato titolare di una web agency in Italia, mentre ad oggi sono co-fondatore di un team di sviluppo per Start up in Ruby on Rails, occupandomi specificatamente del Front End con base a Palma de Mallorca ""Spagna"". Oltre aver aiutato Startup a lanciare i loro progetti abbiamo anche creato una nostra applicazione ""prodotto"", e partecipato alla Hackathon  aiutando Madrid nella creazione di un portale di trasparenza per i cittadini.Perch scegliere me tra i tanti corsi che puoi trovare.1. Ho 20 anni di esperienza in ambito digitale.2. Questo il mio secondo corso su questa Piattaforma.3. Ho lavorato con Startup, avuto una agenzia di comunicazione in Italia, ed ora lavoro da dove voglio con il mio team di sviluppo che si trova in Spagna.4. Perch sono specializzato lato Front End, disegno Layout tenendo in considerazione la UI/UX e so integrarmi con programmatori Backend.Quando vengono creati siti web o applicazioni, gli sviluppatori si dividono di base in tue categorie i Front End e i Back End.I primi sono quelli che si dedicano a convertire un layout grafico ""che non fa nulla, proprio perch una immagine"" in qualcosa di interattivo, scrivendo il codice apposito usato per il Front End, ovvero Html, Scss, Jquery, ma se vuoi creare applicazioni dovrai sapere anche Angular, React etc..che non tratteremo in questo corso.I secondi di occupano di Database e funzionalit per fare determinati calcoli, e in questo corso non ne parleremo, proprio perch gi essere un buon sviluppatore lato Front End richiede parecchio tempo e dedizione.Se quello che ti piace e dare gusto e rendere applicazioni piacevoli per gli utenti creare interattivit allora fai parte dei Front End, e questo il corso adatto a te.Per lavorare nel campo web, la cosa migliore da fare specializzarsi solo in una cosa, proprio perch le informazioni sono tantissime, e saperle tutte servono tanti anni di esperienza, e poi c' da dire che essere FullStack, ovvero sapere tutto non una cosa che si impara in qualche mese e forse nemmeno in tanti anni.Le aziende di una certa portata solitamente cercano figure che siano specializzate in una cosa sola.Cosa impari in questo corso?Devi sapere che esistono vari ambienti di sviluppo, come ad esempio Php, Asp, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, Wordpress, Joomla etc, ma quello che importa capire quali linguaggi servono per sviluppare il lato Front di un sito web o di una applicazione.Una volta apprese le basi del Html, Css, Jquery potrai entrare in qualsiasi ambiente di sviluppo proprio perch i linguaggi li conosci e dovrai solo adattarti alle metodologie della azienda o dello stesso ambiente di lavoro.Quindi in questo corso dopo aver appreso le basi dei linguaggi base, ti far usare uno dei framework pi utilizzati al mondo ""Bootstrap"", ma ti parler anche di Foundation e TailWind e di come creare animazioni web.Devi sapere l'inglese?Non necessario che tu sia a conoscenza della lingua inglese in modo approfondito, ma dovrai iniziare ad imparare qualche parola proprio perch la maggior parte delle risorse che puoi trovare online parlano questa lingua, e in fin dei conti ti servir per il tuo futuro.Alla fine del corso sar in grado di creare la mia pagina web?Si, alla termine di questo corso avrai creato la tua pagina web che si adatta alla stragrande maggioranza di dispositivi Desktop, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone e la potrai pubblicare su internet."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Access 2016 Beginner's Course"
"In this course, students will learn how to construct a basic database, including tables for data storage, forms for managing data and reports for disseminating the data. They will also learn how to put the finishing touches on to make the database an application and will learn some basic database management and maintenance techniques, including how to secure the database."
Price: 19.99

"Protect Your Kids! Apple iOS Restrictions iPhone & iPad."
"Utilizing Apples built-in iOS Restriction Controls, Guided Access, and Find My iPhone, you become the Master! I will show you how to track your iPhone or iPad, send alerts to locate around the house and even lock & wipe it if it gets stolen! I will also show you how to Protect yourself from 'Them Pesky Kids' as they can wreak havoc on your device and you'd not even know for weeks to come! Protect your kids from the eminent danger of using Apple's iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch with no Apple iOS safety controls in-place. Providing only Age Appropriate Content to our children is not only a good idea, but it is our responsibility. An unprotected device is like handing over a dirty magazine wrapped in a bunch of expletives over to your kid - This is crazy!"
Price: 99.99

"Como dibujar la figura femenina"
"Deseas aprender a dibujar la figura femenina para algn proyecto de historieta, animacin, videojuego? o simplemente por el placer de dibujar? En este curso aprenders los mtodos que se ensean para los practicantes de dibujo tanto bsico como intermedio; con ms de 14 horas de curso divididas en 50 mdulos con ejercicios complementarios, consideramos que este es un gran curso que te ensear a comprender la estructura y forma del dibujo de la figura femenina y que te dar varios tips en caso de que tengas ya un poco de experiencia."
Price: 1245.00

"8 weeks of rapid mass gaining"
"2 Different Plans of Training That Will Shape Your Body Perfectly!!First 4 weeks :Perfect Chest and TricepsExercisesPerfect Back and BicepsExercisesPerfect Legs and Shoulders ExercisesSuitable Cardio and AbsExercisesTime of TrainingTime of Resting Between setsSecond 4 weeks :Harder ChestExercisesHarder Back ExercisesHarder Arms and AbsExercisesHarder Legs ExercisesHarder Shoulders , Arms and AbsExercises"
Price: 49.99

"Einwandbehandlung - Die wichtigste Fhigkeit im Verkauf"
"Dieser Kurs ist fr DICH konzipiert worden. Du hast in ein exklusives Premiumprodukt und viel wichtiger noch - in Dich selbst - investiert. Dieser Masterkurs ist die Quelle, um Deine Verkaufsskills auf die nchste Stufe zu heben.Wichtig: Dieses Coaching ist so zusammengestellt, dass Du alle Inhalte, unabhngig von Deinem bisherigen Wissen und Deinen Fhigkeiten, in Deinen Verkaufsalltag integrieren kannst. Hier und da sind kleine Anpassungen notwendig, die Essenz hilft Dir auf jeden Fall weiter.Wichtiges zu BeginnMit den Inhalten aus diesem Kurs hast Du die Mglichkeit eine Menge Einfluss geltend zu machen, sehr berzeugend zu sein und Menschen motivieren bestimmte Handlungen durchzufhren. Wir legen groen Wert darauf, dass Du alles, was Du hier lernst und fr Dich anwendest im ethisch, moralisch und gesetzlich erlaubten Rahmen machst.Es gibt leider immer wieder Menschen im Verkauf, die falsche Absichten haben und Menschen ausnutzen. Dies ist weder notwendig noch sinnvoll. Wir arbeiten hier absolut sauber und legen grten Wert darauf, dass Du es auch tust.Wie nutze Du diesen Masterkurs bestmglich?Um diese Inhalte optimal zu verinnerlichen und nutzen zu knnen, haben wir hier einige kurze Tipps fr Dich zusammengestellt. Versuche regelmig (tglich) ein paar Inhalte zu konsumieren. Regelmigkeit ist wichtiger als Menge.Nutze Dein Trainingsportal berall - Die Inhalte sind fr den Desktop, das Tablet und das Smartphone optimiert.Lege Dir ein (digitales) Notizbuch an, in dem Du Deine Erkenntnisse, die fr Dich wichtigsten Inhalte und Gedanken festhltst. Fr die digitale Variante empfehlen wir z.B. Evernote, Onenote oder Google Notizen. Nimm Dir bestimmte Trainingszeiten und ziehe diese durch. Z.B. eine bestimmte Uhr- oder Tageszeit. Starte mit kurzen Zeiten und verlngere je nach Mglichkeit und Bedarf. Vorwissen - Jeder Teilnehmer diesen Kurses hat unterschiedliche Vorkenntnisse. Dies ist bercksichtigt. Da es gleichermaen wichtig ist seine/die Basics immer wieder zu wiederholen (Wiederholung ist die Mutter allen Knnens) und gleichzeitig seinen Wissenshorizont permanent zu erweitern, wirst Du hier genau dort abgeholt, wo Du gerade in Deiner Karriere stehst. Einer DER Vorteile, den dieser Masterkurs fr Dich bereithlt:Durch den Aufbau des Kurses hast Du die Mglichkeit, gerade die Formulierungsbeispiele und -hilfen, immer wieder und wieder zu trainieren. Wir machen immer wieder die Erfahrung, dass gerade das hufige Konsumieren dieser Abschnitte die Sicherheit, das Selbstvertrauen und damit auch die eigenen Umstze steigen lsst.Arbeite mit den bereitgestellten Arbeitsmaterialien (z.B. Nutzenargumentationstabelle). Diese Tools untersttzen Dich darin eine eigene Datenbank an Informationen aufzubauen, die Du perfekt mit den hier vermittelten Techniken anwenden kannst. Um das hufige und einfache Trainieren der Formulierungen zu gewhrleisten sind diese Videos in kompakter Form gehalten und auf das Wesentliche beschrnkt. ""Fllmaterial"" findest Du hier vergeblich :-)Deine Meinung - Du findest am Ende des Kurses eine Bewertungsfunktion und ein Textfeld, Z.B. interessiert uns, welche Techniken fr Dich am besten funktionieren, welche Du bevorzugst etc. Ich liebe Verkauf mit allem was dazu gehrt. Deshalb habe ich ein hohes Interesse an der stndigen Optimierung meiner Inhalte und der Bereitstellung weiterer Inhalte fr Dich. Je mehr Du uns hier mit Deiner Meinung hilfst, desto besser kann ich diese bercksichtigen und weitere Inhalte in die entsprechende Richtung produzieren. Notiz: Natrlich sind alle diese kurzen Umfragen zu 100% freiwillig.Stndige Erweiterung - Ich arbeite permanent an der Verbesserung und Optimierung diesen Kurses. Bitte wundere Dich nicht, wenn es pltzlich neue Inhalte, Videos oder anderweitige Ressourcen gibt.Notiz: Natrlich informiere ich Dich ber Neuerungen.Eine paar letzte und wichtige Hinweise:Ersetze Dein Wissen nicht durch unseres - In jedem Bereich, Verkauf (online wie Offline) ist da keine Ausnahme, gibt es eine Menge Propheten, die unterschiedliche Dinge predigen. Wir haben kein Interesse an egoistischen Wirsinddiebestenchallenges. Besitzt Du Techniken und Anwendungen, die fr Dich funktionieren - super! Wende sie an, alles andere wre idiotisch. Ergnze Dein Wissen und Deine Fhigkeiten mit all dem, was Du hier fr wertvoll erachtest, so dass Du Schritt fr Schritt mehr Wissen zusammen sammelst, flexibler wirst und Deine Fhigkeiten verbesserst. Es geht am Ende um ein Ziel: Mehr verkaufen online wie offline!Teile Deine Erfolge mit mir - Lass uns jederzeit wissen, mit welchen Techniken, Informationen und Anwendungen aus diesem Masterkurs Du Erfolge feierst. Dein Erfolg ist unsere Inspiration stndig neue Ideen zu entwickeln und weitere Inhalte zu konzipieren. Lets go!"
Price: 99.99

", ! . , - . * , ."
Price: 24.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye Vue.JS Eitimi ve Uygulama Gelitirme"
"Nereye bakarsanz bakn (Google Trendleri, Github da Star, Tweet says) VueJS JavaScript Framework dnyasnda ykselen bir deer. VueJS inanlmaz bir Framework!!Frontend Frameworkleri, bize Reactivity verdii iin inanlmaz popler. Mobil Uygulamalardan bildiimiz mkemmel kullanc deneyimi, artk bu frameworkler sayesinde bu mkemmel kullanc deneyimi tarayclarda da mmkn. phesiz ki Frontend dnyasnda en fazla cret denen gelitiriciler, bu tarz JavaScript Frameworklerine ( VueJS gibi ) hakim olan gelitiriciler. Bundan dolay JavaScript Framework'leri bu alanda ok deerli. Angular2 ya da ReactJS biliyor olabilirsin, VueJS bu iki frameworkn en iyi zelliklerini kendi bnyesinde birletirir. Ayrca VueJS ile kk Widget tasarmndan byne, Enterprise Seviyesinde uygulama gelitirebilirsin ve bunu yaparken VueJS in olduka kolay yapsyla elenebilirsin.Eer bu 2 framework hakknda bir bilgin yoksa da endielenme sakn. nk bu kurs dier iki framework ile ilgili herhangi bir bilgi iermiyor. Kurs ierisinde VueJSi sfrdan renmeye balayp, VueJS uzman olana kadar kodlamaya devam edeceiz.Kursun inde;VueJS nedir? Nasl Ortaya kt? Neden Kullanlr?DOMetkileimleriKoullar ve Liste Render lemleriDinamik CSSve Style lemleriDerinlemesine Vue InstanceDevelopment ServerWebpackComponent YapsComponent'ler Aras letiimGelimi Component KullanmDirective KullanmFilter ve Mixin ile almakAnimation ve TransitionVue Resource ile HTTP Request YnetimiVue Router ile Single Page Application Yapm (SPA)Vuex ile State ManagementAWS zerinde uygulamay Deploy etmekAxios ile HTTPRequest YnetimiVuelidate ile Input ValidationVueJS Uygulamalarnda Auth lemleriVueJS ile Firebase Kullanmve ok daha fazlasn detayl bir ekilde reniyoruz. Ayrca Kurs iinde seni hemen hemen her blmde en az 1 tane dev bekliyor. devler seni, rendiklerini daha iyi pratik yapman ve VueJS konseptini daha iyi renmen iin olduka nemlidir.Tabiki sadece devlerle kursumuz bitmiyor. Kurs boyunca birbirinden gzel ve elenceli, retici 6 uygulama yapyoruz. Bunlar;Canvar Av OyunuAn Defteri UygulamasStok Al Verii UygulamasFilm Arivim UygulamasTODOList UygulamasTicket Sistemi Uygulamasgelitiriyoruz. Bu kadar ierik varken neden hala kursun aklamalarna bakyoruz :) Hadi hemen kursa katl ve VueJS'in saysz avantajlarndan yararlanp, gelitiriciler arasnda 1 adm ne kmaya hemen balayalm!!######### Bu Kurs senin iin mi?#########Bu kurs hakknda eer bir bilgi varsa, bir bakalm bu kurs senin iin mi?Bu kursa ak olacak 4 tip renci vardr:1.renci:Biraz JavaScript tecrbesine sahip olan ve JavaScript ile neler yaplabileceine kar ilgisi olan. JavaScriptin gzel Web Uygulamalarn yapabildiini ve varolan Web Sayfalarnn zelliklerini ykseltebildiini duymu ve okumu olan. VueJS senin tercihin :)2.renci:Dier Frontend Frameworkleri (Angular2 veya ReactJS) hakknda tecrbesi olan ancak bu frameworklerden kaynakl olarak hayal krkl yaan ve alternatif arayan. VueJS senin aradn olabilir.3.renci:Backend Framework ya da dilleriyle tecrbesi olan ama Frontend dnyasna girmek isteyen. VueJS mkemmel bir seim. VueJS ok elenceli bir frameworkdr. Native JS kullanr ve olduka gldr.4.renci:Angular 2 seni hayal krklna m uratt. Bir Frameworkn 2 saat kurulum aamas iyi midir? Bence deildir. te VueJS bunu size kantlayacaktr :)Hadi VueJS e derinlemesine girelim!"
Price: 209.99

"Nuxt.js ile Vue.js Uygulamalarnz Glendirin"
"Vue.js; olduka gl SPA ve kullanc deneyimini en st dzeyde bize sunan mkemmel bir Framework! Eer Vue.js konusunda herhangi bir bilginiz yoksa benim Trke olarak en ok satlan ve uzun sre en Udemy zerindeki en yksek puana sahip olan Sfrdan leri Seviye Vue.JS Eitimi ve Uygulama Gelitirme eitimime katlabilir ve bu interaktif eitimle beraber Telegram grubuna ve Canl yaynlara katlabilirsiniz!! Vue.js ok kapsaml bir framework. Vue.js ile daha fazlasn renmek istiyorsanz, ite bu kurs tam size gre. Nuxt.js ile Vue.js uygulamalarnz bir adm ileriye tayn!!Nuxt.js aslnda Vue.js iin bir ktphane. Bi nevi bir framework'e ait bir framework diyebiliriz. Nuxt.js 'in Vue.js' e ekledii 2 nemli ey var. Vue.js uygulamalarnz Server Side Rendering ile Google zerinde SEOuyumlu yapmasVue.js gelitirme srelerini olduka kolaylatrmas. Sadece dosya ve klasr yardmyla bile birok ilemi Nuxt.js ile kolaylkla yapabilirsiniz.Bu kursun ierisinde Nuxt.js ile beraber Vue.js uygulamalarnz ok daha profesyonel ve ok daha etkili yapacak bir ok konuyu grecek ve uygulayacaksnz. Bunlarn tamamn yaparkan Nuxt/Vue uygulamalarnn nasl oluturulduunu sfrdan balayarak adm adm ilerleyerek yapacaz. Kursun sonunda ise bu uyguladklarmz gerek bir projeye dkerek Nuxt.js ile sfrdan uygulama nasl gelitirilir grm olacaz.Kursun sonunda ise Nuxt.js ile Server Side yani sunucu tarafnda derlenmi ve optimize edilmi tam bir Vue.js uygulamasna sahip olacaksnz. Bu kurs ierisinde;Nuxt.js tam olarak nedir? ve Vue.js ile balants nedir?Vue.js uygulamalarn daha iyi hale getirmek iin Nuxt.js nasl kullanlr?Nuxt.js ile gelen; dosya ve klasr ayarlarn deitirerek, uygulama nasl optimize edilir?Farkl proje seeneklerinin nasl olduunu? (Universal, SPA, Static)Nuxt.js ile kullanc etkileimli tam bir uygulamann nasl yapldn?ve daha fazlasn renmi olacaksnz.Bu 2 framework'e gerekten baylyorum :) ve seninle beraber bu 2 muazzam framework ile daha derine gitmek iin sabrszlanyorum :)"
Price: 179.99

"Geographic Information System Simplified"
"This course gives a simplified explanation of Geographic Information System (GIS) concepts. Topics covered in this course include the following GIS areas: definition, history, software, data types, data formats, data resolution types, coordinate system, database, data structure, map production, elements of image interpretation, GIS methods, Spatial Analysis and validation of GIS maps."
Price: 49.99

"Criar Jogos 2D e 3D com Unity + C# + Modelagem e Animao 3D"
"Criao de jogos para os fortes, esse curso para quem quer realmente se tornar um profissional no desenvolvimento de jogos e ainda trabalhar com essas habilidades. Do que se trata esse cursoSe voc est procurando se tornar um profissional de desenvolvimento de Jogos com o motor Unity, se quer entrar no mercado de trabalho com essas habilidades, desenvolvendo jogos comerciais para vrias plataformas, ento esse curso de desenvolvimento de jogos no Unity para voc.Aprofundaremosno desenvolvimento de jogos 2d e 3d, estudando com detalhes a programao C# e ainda vamos abordar como vender seus jogos ou at mesmo como trabalhar online utilizando seus conhecimentos de desenvolvimento de jogos esse o nosso diferencial. O que voc ir aprender nesse curso1. Programao C# completa, laos, variveis, vetores, classes, estrutura de deciso e etc2. Tipos de tiros, Lasers, tiros tripos, velocidade, impulso, escudo3. Conhecendo as caractersticas do motor Unity e sua navegao4. Como trabalhar um shader de qualidade para mais realismo no cenrio5. Dados de entrada de usurios, Sistema de coliso, Movimentos de jogadores6. Trabalhando sistema de partculas, implementando msicas de fundo, efeitos sonoros7. IA - Inteligncia Artificial para dar ao aos inimigos no jogo8. Coletagem e destruio de objetos dentro do jogo9. Team Collaboration do Unity, como ativar e usar esse servio10. Distribuindo seu jogo em plataformas diferenciadas11. Comercializando seu jogo ou prestando servio na ara12. Conceitos de animao, modelagem 3d e rig13. Como trabalhar no mercado utilizando seus conhecimentose muito mais...Voc ir aprender a desenvolver jogos com qualidade comercial totalmente profissional, no ter receio algum de produzir um jogo e gerar receita com ele, podendo realmente trabalhar na rea ou construir seu prprio negcio de desenvolvimento de jogos. Para quem no esse curso?Esse curso no paracuriosos que no querem levar a srio essa profisso de desenvolvedor de jogos, esse curso para pessoas srias e que querem se destacar no mercado de forma profissional e gerar autoridade nesse nicho, no um cursinho de final de semana, um curso muito srio e que exige foco e dedicao, para os forte, para quem quer ser profissional. Porque ser um desenvolvedor de jogos e usar o motor Unity?Hoje com o crescimento do setor,o Unity se destaca sendo o motor mais usado para o desenvolvimento de jogos em diversas plataformas.Com isso voc poder desenvolver uma carreira de sucesso e trabalhar com o que gosta, realmente poder viver do desenvolvimento de jogos, hoje isso possvel com as diversas oportunidades que se encontrar no mercado online e at mesmo fsico.O mercado est em crescimento e a industria de jogos est prxima a gerar um faturamento acima de$110 bilhes de dlares at 2020, esse o momento certo de entrar e fazer parte dessa mina de ouro que s cresce.Nosso curso foi criado pensando em voc, em facilitar a produo ao mximo e ser o mais didtico possvel, visto que programar algo que assusta muita gente. Que sou eu para te ensinar?A anos pesquiso e estudo sobre programao de jogos, quando comecei eu no utilizava motores, eu fazia tudo na unha, tempos difceis, hoje voc tem a faca e o queijo nas mos, tudo ficou mais fcil, eu aprendi a programao de jogos com Unity, com um curso autorizado pela prpria Unity, ento voc imagina que as informaes que tenho so realmente relevantes para que voc possa se tornar profissional no mercado.Meus primeiros jogos foram criados utilizando C++ e API Direct X, fazia a modelagem dos personagens e mapas todos no 3DS Max, era um sofrimento agradvel produzir uma pequeno mapa, esse foi meu incio.Estudei e estudo animao 2d e 3d, Modelagem 3d e Rig, tudo para ter um conhecimento abrangente na rea de desenvolvimento de jogos, mas voc no precisa saber tudo isso, hoje voc conta com diversos recursos que facilitam o seu desenvolvimento.Tive aula de animao e desenho inicialmente com um diretor de animao do Maurcio de Souza, algumas aulas com animadores da Pixar e por ultimo ainda estudando com um professor que foi animador da Disney.Trabalho hoje atravs de minha casa, prestando servio nas reas que possuo habilidades e isso eu tambm irei ensinar voc a fazer nesse curso.Ao final desse curso voc ter um bom conhecimento de C# e poder desenvolver seus prprios jogos 2d e 3d com domnio nas mais recentes tcnicas de desenvolvimento de jogos do mercado.Encontro voc do outro lado!"
Price: 84.99

"Zbrush, Como Criar Personagens 3D Profissionais Para Jogos"
"Quem sou eu para te ensinar modelagem 3d no Zbrush?Ol, sou Edson e serei seu instrutor nesse curso de modelagem de personagem para jogos no Zbrush.A anos pesquiso e estudo sobre modelagem e animao 3d, sempre em busca de aprimorar minhas habilidades para compartilhar o melhor contedo.Meus primeiros passos na arte de criar personagens foi com um amigo meu que na poca era diretor dos estdios de animao do Maurcio de Souza.Depois estudei um pouco de modelagem 3d com um animador da Pixar e por ultimo ainda estudando animao 2D com um professor que foi animador da Disney.Busco todo esse conhecimento para entregar a voc o melhor treinamento possvel, hoje vivo de minhas habilidades, trabalhando atravs da internet.O que voc aprender nesse cursoNesse curso voc aprender a modelar um personagem para jogos no Zbrush e aprender as tcnicas mais usadas por profissionais da rea que prestam servios para a industria de games e animao.Ao final do curso voc estar apto para criar qualquer personagem para jogos utilizando essa poderosa ferramenta de escultura digital que o Zbrush.O que podemos fazer com o ZbrushSegundo o Wikipedia: O ZBrush conhecido por sua simplicidade, e por ser voltado ao leigo, j que at mesmo este pode obter excelentes resultados. Criado inicialmente para fins ilustrativos, o ZBrush comea a chamar a ateno e abrir os olhos de desenvolvedores de games e animaes 3d.O ZBrush uma ferramenta de escultura digital que combina modelagem 3D/2.5D, texturizao e pintura. Ele usa uma tecnologia proprietria ""pixol"" que armazena luz, cor, material e informaes detalhadas de todos os objetos na tela. A principal diferena entre ZBrush e mais pacotes de modelagem tradicional que ele se assemelha mais escultura. ZBrush usado como uma ferramenta de escultura digital para criar modelos de alta resoluo (at dez milhes de polgonos) para uso em filmes, jogos e animaes. Ele usado por companhias que variam da ILM Electronic Arts. Para quem esse curso?Esse curso para quem j possui habilidades bsicas com a ferramenta, uma vez que no ser ensinado como utilizar a ferramenta , embora, mostrarei todos os passos para o desenvolvimento do personagem. um curso para quem quer aprender a criar um personagem do zero at sua finalizao e que busca melhorar suas habilidades para trabalhar junto a grandes companias ou trabaho independente.Porque fazer esse curso?O diferencial desse curso que ele alm de ensinar voc a criar um personagem 3d para jogos no passo a passo como um profissional, voc aprender como gerar renda com suas novas habilidades e como poder buscar oportunidades no mercado de modelagem 3d para jogos.Ento no perca mais tempo, essa a sua oportunidade de aprender a criar um personagem para jogos da maneira correta, como os profissionais fazem, nos vemos no curso."
Price: 264.99

"Android Desenvolvimento Profissional de APPs Top + Java"
"Esse curso no para curiosos, esse curso para quem realmente quer se tornar um profissional no desenvolvimento de apps para Android.Quem sou eu para te ensinar apps para Android?Sou Edson e a anos estudo programao de sistemas e jogos, alm de animao e modelagem 3d, me especializei no desenvolvimento de apps e jogos mobile porque tenho paixo por programao e arte e me aprofundei no estudo de marketing digital para criar o melhor contedo para voc.Estudei e estudo com os melhores instrutores especialista do mercado de programao em C#, PHP, Java entre outras, trabalho hoje atravs de minha casa com os conhecimentos adquiridos.A tempos buscava me posicionar no mercado de desenvolvimento de apps para Android, e trabalhar para empresas que pagam em dlar, investi muito tempo e dinheiro para dominar essa rea e poder transferir esse conhecimento para voc.Se voc ainda no consegue desenvolver aplicaes para Android, voc est perdendo uma grande fatia do mercado e que est em crescimento, esse o momento de se tornar profissional no desenvolvimento de apps.O que esse curso ensina?Esse curso ensina a criar vrios apps que funcionam tal como as tops de mercado, faremos isso no passo a passo, no se preocupe.Se voc quer entrar no mercado de desenvolvimento e trabalhar como um profissional de qualidade, ento esse curso para voc.O curso dividido em sees e todas as aulas so em vdeo, com material de apoio quando necessrio.Estudaremos a programao Java completa para AndroidDesenvolveremos vrios apps de nvel profissionalTrabalharemos com o Android StudioSaiba como publicar seus apps para o mercadoComo fazer do seu conhecimento um negcioTorne-se um empreendedor e tenha seu prprio negcioComo prestar servio na rea de apps para AndroidQual o diferencial desse curso?Alm de aprender a criar apps para Android a nvel profissional, voc tambm aprender a fazer de seu conhecimento um negcio lucrativo, ou como encontrar empresas que contratam profissionais para trabalhar em sua casa, um curso completo para mudar sua vida.Esse contedo estar na aba bnus.Grupo no FacebookContaremos com um grupo especial no Facebook para trocar ideias na rea e um ajudar o outro para qualquer questo referente ao curso.Imagine voc desenvolvendo apps de sucesso e podendo at gerar receita com seus projetos ou trabalhando na rea.Ento esse o seu momento, tome a sua deciso inteligente e junte-se ao nosso time de sucesso e comece a desenvolver apps para Androide a nvel profissional.Faa de seu conhecimento uma nova carreira de sucesso, esse o seu momento, ns vemos dentro do curso."
Price: 54.99

"Rich text editing in React with Draft.js"
"In this course we will go through how to add rich text editing features (such as bold, underline, italic) to your React application, using an open source framework called Draft.js.You will learnHow to add rich text editor component to your React applicationHow to add features like bold and underline to the editorHow to save rich text content to databaseHow to load rich text content from databaseHow to edit saved contentHow to display saved rich text content e.g. as HTMLPrior knowledge of rich text editing and Draft.js is NOT required. Basic knowledge on React is however required because we will be concentrating on Draft.js features."
Price: 24.99

"Kizomba On Fire! Learn Kizomba & Have Fun on The Dance Floor"
"Wait No More and Start Learning Kizomba Today!Did you always wish to learn KIZOMBA the right way, or to improve your Kizomba technique? Are you looking for a new and exciting hobby to do with your partner? Do you want to impress your friend on the next party? Or even would you like to loose some pounds, while increasing your self esteem and having a lot of FUN??JooCapela and Vera Gomes, a couple with more than 15 years of dance experience, had made for you a simple to follow KIZOMBA course, with a series of videos and steps that fit like a puzzle, and that will take you from the total ZERO (from having two left feet) to an expert in Kizomba.Joo and Vera have being teaching Kizomba in their own Dance Studio in Portugal (Academia JooCapela), and also in several other studios and countries.In their portuguese version of this Kizomba Online Course, Joo and Vera have students from Portugal, Spain, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola,Fance, Check Republic, Uruguai, Vietname and growing.In this version specially made for Udemy, you will learn EVERYTHING you need to start in this amazing dance that is Kizomba, and start finally dancing in any place or event. As soon as you start you will stop no more!It is more than proven that learning to dance, like KIZOMBA, is one of the best activities that you can take. Improves your social capacities, your coordination, balance and posture, it is an excellent exercice ... and it's a lot of FUN!In this course you will learn not only the KIZOMBA basic steps the right way, but also some more advanced moves. You will also learn how to move your body and hip, you will learn different step combinations, and much more!!Sign Up Today and Start having fun today While Dancing Kizomba! :)"
Price: 24.99

"Dfinition d'entreprise : Vision Mission Valeurs"
"Vous avez des difficults lancer votre produit ou service, vous ne savez par o commencer, ou vous dmarrez tout juste votre activit Comment trouver sa voie ou prendre le bon dpart ? C'est cette question que rpond cette formation.Vous trouverez les informations ncessaires sur les vision, mission et valeur. Vous comprendre leurs importances pour votre dveloppement commercial, vous apprendrez dfinir et utiliser ces lments vitaux pour votre entreprise. De nombreuses fiches de travail vous aide suivre le processus tape par tape, pour crer, vrifier et tester vos vision mission et valeurs. Ensuite, vous dfinirez votre plan d'actions.Voici une formation complte qui vous rvle les cls de la russite. Un moyen pour prendre confiance en votre potentiel et dvelopper votre activit sereinement."
Price: 154.99

"Tree planning: How to plan, track, and execute any project?"
"This course is going to teach you how to plan, track, and execute your project. So, if you have a project, goal, or a dream in mind, but you don't really know how to plan, and track your progress, then this is the right course for you. For years I haven't been able to reach when I want not because I can't, but because I always forgot about my goals. After years of experience, I came to realize that in order to truly accomplish a massive goal or a project, then it has to be planned, track, and defined clearly. And this course is going to teach you how to do just that."
Price: 19.99

"Python - How To Create & Package Command Line Tools"
"In this course, we will learn how to create & package command line tools using python. So, if you would like to learn how to turn your python program into a Command line tool, and then package it so everyone in the world can use what you have written, then this course is for you."
Price: 19.99

"Build a Lucrative Copywriting Portfolio from Scratch"
"Do you want to create an impressive copywriting portfolio?Would you like to attract more clients, land well-paying gigs or earn more at work?Are you impatient to get started?Sure you are!You've learned the basics. Now you want to put your skills to work.I hear you. But something's holding you back... Am I right?Maybe you're thinking...But INEED clients to GET clients?How do I build a copywriting portfolio with no experience?I'm a complete newbie... HELP!All totally valid thoughts. It's tough when you're an aspiring copywriter.Especially when you're looking for work and you have zero professional writing experience. But let me tell you a secret...You dont actually need any on-the-job experience at all...__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ""This course was great! I thought I was only going to get tips on how to build my portfolio, but learning where to go for jobs and asking for testimonials, and my favorite, samples of copy to write, were all such amazing bonuses! Thank "" you!JessieSince1986 ""Great course and great PDF summaries and resources!"" Mike Malley ""This course has already given me so much confidence, and I""m only half way through! I'm excited to see what the rest of the content will offer!"" Moriah ""Tamsin has done it again! As an aspiring copywriter, I was completely clueless about how to start my (new) career until I watched Tamsin's videos. She goes into the nitty-gritties of what is required to jumpstart a copywriting career. Her exercises forced me to tap into the unused parts of my brain to do some actual ""copywriting"" work, which I'm so grateful for, as it gave me a feel of the elbow grease I'd have to go through to build my career. Tamsin's encouragement is so valuable. It's almost like having a personal coach telling me what to do and not to give up. The rest is up to me - practice, thick skin, grit, research, hard work. Thank you, Tamsin, for the invaluable advice and tips you've shared with me."" Brenda Chung ""I loved the writing prompts to begin creating my portfolio. This helped immensely and I was able to get 5 or 6 documents added! It really helped to motivate me to continue writing on a vast array of subjects. Thank you!"" Kristine Walker ""This course is truly amazing! I have recently moved into full-time copywriting and web development and needed a portfolio of work. Following Tam's lectures and writing has enabled me to do just that. When Tam says the copy templates the course provides are proven to work, she is not wrong! I used the one to approach my contacts and had a reply requesting my services from a large company CEO, within hours!!"" ""If you haven't taken Tam's other copywriting course, and are serious about copywriting, then you are missing out, I really recommend that course as well!"" David Kalcher ""For months now, I've been telling myself that I need to build a portfolio so I can start freelancing more seriously, but it just never got done. It felt like too big of a task to tackle, so instead, I distracted myself with more skill-building courses, and planning and re-planning my freelance business."" ""The best thing about this course so far is that it cuts through all of the busywork and potential roadblocks, and really encourages students to do what matters. I love this. Building a copywriting portfolio has never felt so doable before."" Tara Nelson It's got me writing! That has to be a good thing. Ajibola Anita Dahunsi ""A great follow on from her Copywriting course (but can be used independently of it) with very helpful tasks. Definitely puts one's mind at ease about going on this new copywriting venture!"" Che ""I initially finished the Complete Copywriting Course, and this course is the perfect addition to take what Tamsin teaches there and put it into practice. By the end of the course (if you actually do the exercises) you'll come away with a body of work all ready to go."" Dominic Frencken ""Tamrin was Awesome, she brought us along and had us put together 5 pieces for or portfolio- I think more feedback and assignments to have to turn in either with links or cut and paste to her would be helpful so she can review and help us further BUT as I start her full course I think I'll get just that! Also I would love to see a group with shared copy of please invite me if this is up or when you have it up! I so want to take my copywriting and make a business out of it and have it really help my blog flourish!"" Pamela Schmidlin ""I found this course to be exactly what I was looking for an exactly as described. As far as improvement goes, I would recommend just having some more example copy as part of the building our own copy. Something that is similar to the examples we should be building, but not to similar. Analysis of something like that also might be good as far as looking over/editing our own copy or improving someone else's."" Spencer Smith__________________________________________________________________________________________________And Im going to show you how to build your copywriting portfolio completely from SCRATCH. Inside this course you'll find five prompts you can use to create credible writing samples. (Plus tons of inside circle tips and tricks for getting them done with ease.)REMEMBER:When you can demonstrate your copywriting skills youve got a fighting chance of getting SEEN, HEARD and HIRED. When you cant? Might as well wear an invisibility cloak. *Sad face*All you've got to do is learn how to put together a great portfolio, and effective ways to get it in front of your potential customers.And thats EXACTLY what we're going to do, together, inside this course.Step by step. Plus, you get to choose the pace. If you want, you could complete the whole thing in one afternoon. Or, you could do it over the space of a few weeks. Speedy or relaxed, your choice.Not only that but we're gonna go out and GET YOUR FIRST COPYWRITING GIG.Yep, you'll have a real paying client sample in your portfolio. And to make things less intimidating (cos Ihear those voices in your head too y'know)...__________________________________________________________________________________________________ ""I've learned everything there is to know about building my portfolio thanks to Tamsin. Udemy has a wide selection of courses and trainers, glad I decided to take her course."" Telecia LaRue ""Tasmin 's Course is great, and worth it. Get the course as it works in real life. Great video and great sound. To the point. Better than a five star course in rel life."" Andre Pretorius Andre Pretorius ""This instructor gets to the point and provides a lot of value by giving it straight. The easy, stepped exercises are spot on. If you do what she says, you're going to succeed. Inkudoble!"" Michael James Fitzgerald ""I feel really excited about copywriting so far in this course as I feel more reassured about how to get a portfolio going (I am a complete beginner at copy). I love the way Tam presents the course, clear, concise, engaging."" Amy Ma ""I found this portfolio building course from Tamsin's ultimate copywriting course. This was exactly what I needed to help build my portfolio as I continue my journey of making a career change. The course is filled with useful exercises to help you build the foundational pieces for your portfolio. Not only are the exercises manageable, they are completely focused on real-world situations -- perfect for showing off to future clients! You won't be disappointed with this purchase."" Tristyn Sipsy ""Tam has done it again with an excellent course for the aspiring copywriter. I will be going through the exercises and building up my own samples and finally taking action towards getting my first copywriting clients..well done Tamsin!"" Stephen Johnson ""Tamsin is an excellent Instructor. She is generous with information and resources. Her courses provide the skills and confidence needed to succeed."" Brenda Wyche ""This is a great build on the previous course (The Complete Copywriting Course). Gives me everything I need to get going...and takes away any excuses! :)""Thanks Tamsin! Robin McShane__________________________________________________________________________________________________Ive simplified the whole process for you.Ive broken it down into five, fun mini projects, carefully designed to expand your confidence as you go.So by the end of this course...You'll have a digital copywriting portfolio you'll be proud to show clients and employers. (It won't cost you a penny, either.)A credible, meaningful, versatile, client-impressing, competition-smashing copywriting portfolio that shines a light on your skills.In fact, never again will you have to sell yourself. Why? Because your work will do the talking for you.PACKED WITH TEMPLATES, PITCHES AND TACTICSI'll also be sharing my time-tested email templates, pitches and hush-hush copywriting brief. These are gonna set you in good stead for the rest of your career.Plus, I've built in positive experience escalation, a sort of gamification, to keep you motivated and focused on your writing. So that you can FINALLYget your portfolio DONE.And before you know it, not only will you have a collection of excellent copywriting samples... youll have landed your first client.Yep, right here, inside the course.Ready to get started?WHO IS THIS COURSE FOR? Freelance copywriters Social media managers Digital marketers: all levels Creatives Agency workers Web designersBecause these days, if you're job involves any kind of writing, you're a much more attractive prospect if you can demonstrate persusasive writing skills. WHO AM I?Hi! My names Tamsin and Ive taught over 5000 students on Udemy with my best-selling copywriting course.Ive been writing marketing copy under various guises for 16 years. For six of those, I've been running a successful copywriting business. I work just two days a week and love the freedom and flexibility of calling the shots for myself.Brains and human behaviour have always fascinated me. So getting paid to geek out on the science of what makes people tick is so rewarding. I'm evangelical that copywriting is THE most useful (yet underated) skill ANYONE can have. And when you have an effective platform to demonstrate it AKA your awesome portfolio, youre gonna win the hearts, minds and pockets of all those copywriting clients out there.And trust me theyre everywhere.NEVER has there been a better opportunity for copywriters. So whether youre an aspiring copywriter, a heavyweight marketer or a social media Godzilla (or anything where you need to write WORDS as part of your job), you need a portfolio to demonstrate your skills.SHOW don't TELL, remember?Here are some nice things people have said about my Complete Copywriting Course ""Just the fundamentals section covered more than most copy writing books I've read. I'm moving on to the advanced techniques, and I can't wait. Gonna be learning till late tonight. Better than Netflix."" A. Jackson ""Best copywriting course on Udemy! Practical and easy-to-follow."" Carys. S. ""Amazing course! I learned so much. The lessons were light and beautifully explained,the visuals also helped a lot. The information is relevant and applicable, I started taking action immediately. I loved Tamsin's personality and her voice was easy to listen to. I liked that certain things were repeated in various sections, it solidified the information in my head. I will certainly be going over the lessons. This course gave FAR more value than it costs. I would highly recommend it and will be on hunt for any other content this instructor has out there. Thank you Tamsin!"" Christina F-Thomas ""This course has removed so much confusion and guesswork in my writing."" ""AWESOME course! This stuff is almost a no brainer When you hear it you finally realize you knew what to do all along. It all makes so much more sense. And, awesome examples + resources that come along with this course, it really helps you understand copywriting on another level. You can definitely tell a lot of hard work went into putting this course together. Totally worth the buy."" K. McMurrick ""Its so obvious now why our copy wasnt working before. We were making every classic mistake. The tips and tricks Ive learned on this course have completely changed the way Im writing. The how to guide make it easy to follow. Now all I need is practice! Add to this the lectures are engaging and get to the point quickly.Thanks Tamsin."" Suean Pascoe ""I'm happy I took this course because it increased by copywriting knowledge ten fold. Now I know what I'm looking at when it comes to copy."" E. Lemus ""This course was so informative and has empowered me to get started with my freelance copywriting business right away. The content flowed well and I feel prepared to go it on my own!"" J. Smith ""SO HELPFUL!!!"" Ryan ""Definitely a good match. The presenter starts from scratch but never assumes the audience is stupid. Also love her energy & passion. This is not only teaching me skills, it's invigorating me!"" D. Biancotti ""I really love this course, everything is broken down into simple steps and very well explained with plenty of examples and exercises to give you a chance to see if you understand it before you move on to the next lesson. Would definitely recommend this course."" Sean Smith ""As a complete novice to copywriting, I absolutely enjoyed the pace of the course. Tamsin brought a wealth of knowledge and energy to every lesson. You can tell that she put her heart into this and it shows. My main take aways were grasping an understanding of persona, WIIFM, features and benefits. I would highly seek out and recommend her future courses to everyone!"" Jacquie DearIS THIS YOU?Youve got the copywriting basics, but your lack of portfolio is holding you back.You keep using excuses like: How am I going to get clients without any paid work to show?You dont know where to start with your portfolio or what to write aboutYou havent got a clue how to even present your portfolioYoure worried youre not quite good enough to show your workLet me start by saying:All of that is just blleeeep.Everybody starts somewhere. And youll be surprised just how quickly things escalate once youve got your copywriting portfolio up and running.In fact, all of these worries are unfounded and insignificant. Mere distractionsSo Im going show you the specific path I took to build my portfolio, with all the tried and tested templates, prompts and tips.Thats why I created this course, to help you replicate my journey and create your own version of success.Today really is the best day to get started. Other people are already discovering the awesomeness of copywriting. So youll want to start as soon as you can (like today!) to take advantage of this mushrooming opportunity.HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL GET IN:BUILD AN AWESOME COPYWRITING PORTFOLIO FROM SCRATCH LIFETIME ACCESSto all the prompts and resources you need to improve the conversion rate of everything you'llwrite again. ONE HOUR OF BINGEWORTHY VIDEO TUTORIALSchopped into tasty mini projects. RINSE AND REPEAT EMAIL TEMPLATESthat cut to the chase and help you get results. 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEEif you're not completely satisfied. INDISPENSABLE RESOURCES and BONUSES, downloadable PDFs and At-A-Glance guides- worth the price of the course alone.I cant wait to see your success.In the first section, I give you my secret copywriting brief and my valuable system for building a digital portfolio in just ten minutes or less.See you inside the course! - Tamsin"
Price: 129.99

"Create Web Experiences using Adobe Experience Manager 6.4"
"Today most organisations need to manage multiple brands from several different sites on social and mobile platforms and many of them choose Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) as the Content Management System. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM), formerly known as CQ5 or Communique5, is an Enterprise Web Content Management System which allows organizations to deliver a highly personalized digital experience to audience across different delivery channels including web, mobile and social.In this course Create Rich Web Experiences - Adobe Experience Manager 6.4, use Adobe Experience Manager to create rich responsive web experiences quickly and how to manage the content of your web experiences. The course is designed to build your skills in AEM Touch UI, Authoring in AEM, how to manage and publish the web pages in AEM etc.By the end of the course you will be well versed and comfortable in AEM authoring essentials with pretty good fundamental knowledge of authoring experience on the latest version AEM 6.4."
Price: 24.99

"Enterprise IT Business Analysis"
"Benefits of Taking This Course:Career Enhancement: Ongoing commitment to, and investment in, your professional development and the success of your yourself or organization.Well-Rounded Curriculum: My courseoffer a blend of courses to developcompetencies, and provide experience through hands-on practice with real-world challenges for typicalBA tasks.Immediate Application:I have designed thiscourse tohave practical learning activities - enabling you to apply what you learn in class directly to your work environment.Current Topics and Comprehensive Materials:Course topics and materials are continuously updated to reflect changes in the workplace and the latest industry best practices. Dynamic Instructions engaging you in relevant real-world experience.Main Reasons For Creating This Course:To help students:UnderstandIT project lifecycle and explain where a BA is specifically involvedMaster skillset for BA tasks ina start-up or anenterprise level organizationLearn and apply requirements elicitation and managementtechniques.Draft Requirements for a real-world IT enterprise project.BA course curriculum that would explain ITprojects from avery realistic (real-world ITenvironment)and practicalstandpoint - Enterprise Project Demo."
Price: 19.99

"Start Your Online Business From Scratch"
"If you're thinking about starting your own online business, but not quite sure where to start, then this class is for you! You'll be taken through the basics of how to identify a gap in the market, the most ideal online platforms so use and how to market your online store when it's up and running.This class is ideal for people who are both new to online businesses and also people who may have tried launching their own online business in the past, but aren't quite sure how to make it become successful. Luckily, you've come to the right place!In this class you will learn:- How to choose the most suitable online platform for your business.- How to find a demand in the market to fill.- How to plan your marketing strategy to get customers to buy your products or services.- How to think of the best name for your business.- The initial steps towards building your online store.- The best ways to market your business based on your products, services and platform.- How to manage your finances; the basics of income vs expenses to be able to run a profitable online business.- How tweaking your online store regularly and experimenting with your business can bring positive rewards and allow you to see any changes in your market very quickly.Class objective:By the end of this class you will know exactly how to start a new online business from scratch, choose the best platforms for your products or services, and be confident in being able to market your business effectively. This class is for entrepreneurs who are keen to learn how to take advantage of a gap in the market and create a profitable online business - from zero."
Price: 19.99

"SQL Server Best Practices automatizado com PowerShell"
"Aprenda como criar um best practices do seu SQL Server no Word com o word sendo gerado na sua frente me tempo real e na hora. um trabalho de horas feito em minutos . Veja o video promocional e veja a magica do PowerShell. Foram quase 4 meses de trabalho montando o scripts que eu darei para vocs e ensinarei como usar"
Price: 114.99

"Curso de Negociao (Bnus de Marketing)"
"Este contedo rene dois grandes professores da Fundao Getlio Vargas (FGV) para falar de NEGOCIAO e DIFERENCIAO. No somente quando pensamos em mercado, mas at mesmo em nossa vida pessoal, ambas as habilidades so fundamentais para atingir os resultados esperados.Fernando Marchesini e Claudio Goldberg oferecem dicas valiosas que podem ser utilizadas hoje mesmo por qualquer pessoa. Voc ir perceber que a capacidade de negociar e criar valor podem nos separar entre o sucesso e o fracasso."
Price: 99.99

"Aprenda AutoCAD na Prtica"
"Neste curso voc aprender a desenhar mais de 100 exerccios na prtica, passo a passo, sem enrolao. A vantagem deste curso que o aluno aprende o comando e j aplica nos desenhos, o que torna a aprendizagem muito mais eficiente e agradvel.Indicado para alunos que querem aprender a desenhar no AutoCAD e tambm para os mais experientes, interessados em se aperfeioar e se atualizar.O mtodo de ensino aplicado neste curso permite que o aluno aprenda aquilo que realmente importa para ele, no importa a verso do AutoCAD que voc esteja utilizando e voc nem precisa seguir o curso em sequncia pois cada aula independente da outra,Voc comear a desenhar exerccios fceis onde aprender as ferramentas bsicas, a dificuldade vai aumentando conforme a quantidade de ferramentas aprendidas, desde o primeiro exerccios voc ir aprender como definir escalas para o desenho dentro de um formato padro ABNT, tambm ir inserir as dimenses e realizar sua impresso."
Price: 189.99