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"Docker Curso Intensivo para DevOps y Desarrolladores."
"De qu trata este curso:Este curso cubre todos los aspectos fundamentales de Docker y te ensea todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el desarrollo y despliegue de aplicaciones modernas con el software Docker.Al final de este curso, obtendrs un conocimiento profundo sobre el software Docker, as como habilidades generales de DevOps para ayudar a tu empresa o proyecto a aplicar el flujo de trabajo adecuado de Docker y de esta manera entregar continuamente un mejor software.Qu aprenders de este curso?En particular, aprenders a:Contenerizar una aplicacin web basada en un enfoque de microservicio, y a cmo automatizarla utilizando un Dockerfile.Disear aplicaciones multi-contenedor, y automatizar el flujo de trabajo utilizando Docker Compose.Escalar el flujo de trabajo de Docker con Docker Swarm, orquestar y desplegaruna aplicacin a gran escala a travs de mltiples hosts en la nube. Implementar las mejores prcticas de trabajo con el software Docker en proyectos.Obtendrs un conocimiento detallado sobre el software Docker, as como habilidades generales de DevOps para ayudar a tu empresa o proyecto a aplicar el flujo de trabajo adecuado de Docker y de esta manera entregar continuamente un mejor software.Invaluables habilidades de DevOps, tal como la configuracin de pipelines de integracin continua.Por qu debemos aprender sobre las tecnologas Docker?Hoy en da Docker est a la vanguardia de la tecnologa. Tambin es una de las tecnologas ms atractivas de la ltima dcada debido a su gran impacto en el desarrollo de software y actividades operacionales.Docker se est convirtiendo en una herramienta imprescindible para los desarrolladores. Los contenedores y el enfoque de Docker te brindan la oportunidad de trabajar sin necesidad de dependencias. Docker permite a los desarrolladores centrarse en las cosas que realmente importan sin preocuparse por el entorno donde se ejecuta la aplicacin.Muchas compaas ya estn usando Docker en produccin, y hoy tiene el acceso a esta misma tecnologa de virtualizacin, directamente en tu escritorio.Sobre el Autor: En el pasado, James Lee trabaj en muchas compaas como Amazon y Google. Ahora James est trabajando en una de las principales startups de Silicon Valley que se especializa en big data analysis. Durante los ltimos dos aos, James ha estado liderando a su equipo de desarrolladores a dockerizar sus antiguas aplicaciones monolticas utilizando el enfoque microservicio. La compaa de James ha obtenido grandes beneficios al usar Docker en produccin. En este curso, compartir con usted su experiencia profesional, aos de conocimiento, as como mejores prcticas de trabajo con Docker, aplicables a proyectos reales. Por qu DevOps skills? Hoy en da, los ingenieros de DevOps tienen una gran demanda en la industria de TI. Las empresas buscan desarrolladores que puedan desarrollar e implementar aplicaciones. El salario promedio de un ingeniero de DevOps es de aproximadamente $ 140,000 por ao enSilicon Valley, que es un 20% ms alto que el salario de un ingeniero de software, eso quiere decir que, mejorar o aprender habilidades DevOps te ayudar a mantenerte por delante en el competitivo mercado laboral de hoy en da. Por qu elegir este curso? Este curso es muy prctico, James se ha esforzado mucho para proporcionarte no solo la teora, sino tambin ejemplos de desarrollo de aplicaciones Docker que puedes poner en prctica en tu propia laptop. James ha subido todo el cdigo fuente a Github y podrs seguir sus clases con Windows, MAC OS o Linux. Al final de este curso, James confa en que obtendr un conocimiento profundo sobre Docker, as como las habilidades generales de DevOps que ayudarn a tu empresa o proyecto a aplicar el flujo de trabajo adecuado de Docker y ofrecer continuamente un mejor software.30 das de garanta de devolucin de dinero!Obtendrs una garanta de devolucin de dinero por 30 das de Udemy para este curso. Si no est satisfecho, simplemente solicite un reembolso dentro de los 30 das. Obtendrs un reembolso completo. Sin preguntas en absoluto. Ests listo para llevar tus habilidades y tu carrera en DevOps al siguiente nivel? Toma este curso ahora!"
Price: 124.99

"S71200 PLC Step by Step with TIA PORTAL"
"Coupon Code: PERFECT1200This course will teach you the general structure of the PLC, the features of the s71200 plc, the comparison of relays and PLC systems, the s71200 plc's hardware, how to choose it, and how TIA Portal software will use it. This course will help know TIMERS, Counters, Relays, Coils and Ladder Logic,  build you FIRST PLC Program From Scratch and analog signals, word lojik opetaions, match functions etc."
Price: 59.99

"Aprende y domina AutoCAD 2019 - Curso completo 2019"
"Bienvenido al curso Aprende y domina AutoCAD 2019El curso completo de AutoCad 2019 cuenta con 16 lecciones en vdeo. En este curso aprendemos a usar las herramientas y recursos de AutoCAD 2019.En este paso curso de AutoCAD 2019, se aprenden cosas, herramientas bsicas de dibujo tales como formas geomtricas, nociones de espacio, escritorio, tipos de archivos de AutoCAD, dibujos herramientas de edicin, capas o layes AutoCAD, crear y editar bloques, las coordenadas diseo, propiedades dibujos, tipos de lnea, comandos de alineacin escotilla entre otros.Regstrate ya en este curso y aprende a usar las diferentes herramientas y opciones de AutoCAD 2019."
Price: 19.99

"App Inventor 2, Apps Orientadas al Hardware y Domotica"
"En este curso veremos la creacion de Apps en Android de Manera rapida y sencilla, empezamos desde cero viendo diferentes componentes a usar en cada seccin, adicionalmente lo uniremos con el hardware ayudando arduino, para hacer aplicaciones de domotica y robotica sin ningun problema.El curso esta orientado desde cero y vamos subiendo el nivel hasta llegar a la parte de proyectos, donde usaremos todo lo aprendido para el desarrollo de estos."
Price: 29.99

"Curso de Raspberry Pi 4 Model B con Python, IoT y Domotica."
"En el curso trabajamos ntegramente con la ultima versin de la Raspberrys, la cual es la Pi4, cubrimos diversos temas entre los cuales resaltamos el siguiente temario, el cual siempre estar en constante actualizacinComponentes necesarios para iniciar con Raspberry y su instalacin.Comando bsicos en Linux.Introduccin al lenguaje Python.Sockets, la esencia de la comunicacin Cliente-Servidor.Interaccin con el Hardware, uso del GPIO.Conexin Raspberry - Arduino.Manejo de la cmara de RaspberryLos esperamos en este fabuloso curso."
Price: 99.99

"Asterisk Nativo, Configura tu central Telefnica desde cero."
"En el Curso, trabajamos con asterisk nativo, por lo que veremos los siguientes temas principalmente-) Introduccin a los fundamentos de VoIP, sus conceptos y descripciones.-) Comandos Bsicos de Linux.-) Instalacin de Asterisk.-) Funcionalidades Bsicas de Asterisk.-) Funcionalidades avanzadas de Asterisk.-) Troncales Telefnicas. para conectar el Asterisk con otra central telefnica, sus medios de conexin."
Price: 49.99

"Votre Calendrier Editorial, simple, pratique et automatis"
"Vos projets en ligne ncessitent un investissement-temps important sur les rseaux sociaux... Des tonnes de gestes rpts, chaque semaine, ou mme chaque jour...  De prcieuses secondes qui deviennent rapidement des minutes, puis des heures...Ne serait-ce que la machine vapeur qu'est devenue Facebook et qui met un temps fou ragir !Et puis, charger des images ; les envoyer ; les mettre au bon format pour Twitter, pour Instagram, pour Pinterest ; aller copier les bons hashtags ; trouver les emojis ; penser publier telle photo sur Instagram ; envoyer la dernire vido sur Youtube ; aller prparer la publication pour l'annoncer ; etc, etc.Et si vous automatisiez toutes ces actions faible valeur ajoute ?Au travers de ce cours guid pas--pas, vous apprenez, non seulement, automatiser de nombreuses tches comme par magie, mais aussi le faire dans l'environnement graphique et pratique de l'application web gratuite Trello.Vous voyez vos publications apparatre automatiquement, et avec ponctualit :Sur votre chane Youtube ou votre blog Wordpress !Sur Facebook, que ce soit sur votre page ou votre groupe !Sur Twitter, Pinterest, ou Instagram !Vous mettez galement en place une veille mdia automatise, qui vous permet de savoir, par exemple, quand quelqu'un parle de vous, de vos concurrents ou d'un sujet qui vous intresse.Vous voyez mme comment grer vos mots de passe d'une manire parfaitement sre et, videmment, automatique. Ah, et aussi, vous dcouvrez le MEILLEUR moyen de crer facilement des illustrations pour vos posts !En plus de cela, avec toutes les automatisations que vous crez au travers de ce cours, vous devenez capable de d'utiliser l'automatisation, mme en dehors ce qui est appris ici ! Un potentiel illimit vous est ouvert !Alors, c'est parti ? Si vous en avez marre de perdre encore et toujours plus de prcieuses heures sur ces tches rptitives, alors n'attendez plus. Cliquez simplement le bouton rouge ""Ajouter au panier"" ou le bouton blanc ""Acheter ds maintenant"" juste en dessous de celui-ci."
Price: 59.99

"Russir Votre Vido De Vente de L'Etude Client la Cration"
"Pourquoi ne faites-vous pas ce quil faut pour vendre plus? Le clbre spcialiste du marketing Web, Neil Patell, le souligne: une vido de vente augmente le taux de conversion entre 64 et 85 %!Ce peut tre bien plus dailleurs: je lai constat moi-mme par rapport des vidos de vente dont jai rdig le script pour des clients.Beaucoup dentrepreneurs web nutilisent pas de vido de vente, parce quils ne savent simplement pas comment la faire! Ou quand ils le font, ils confondent avec la ralisation dune vido de prsentation simple. Une vido de vente est faite POUR VENDRE!Pour cela, elle utilise des techniques et des ressorts psychologiques.Il faut aussi savoir analyser sa cible, ses motivations, ses freins, ses peurs Vous devez connaitre votre client idal comme sil tait vos cts. Vous devez rpondre ses besoins, et linciter acheter MAINTENANT. Sil procrastine, il nachtera gnralement pas.Vous devez savoir galement comment raliser votre vido de vente. Quel matriel utiliser (mme si vous pouvez dbuter avec votre Smartphone)? Quelles techniques? Faire des vidos face camra? En vues relles? Proposer des animations? Des slides de textes?Ne sachant tout cela, peut-tre vitez-vous de mettre une vido de vente et vous privez-vous ainsi dune quantit majeure de conversionsEh bien, cela change aujourdhui!Fort de mon exprience comme rdacteur-copywriter et, tout la fois, formateur, je vous propose ici toutes les principales cls pour russir vos vidos de vente.En vous guidant, tape par tape.Comment identifier votre cible ?Comment lui parler pour la convaincre?Quels sont les motivations et les objections communes lachat?Comment identifier les questionnements pour y rpondre dans la vido de vente?Comment liminer les freins classiques lachat sur Internet?Comment trouver les avantages produits pour les mettre en valeur? (A ne pas confondre avec ses caractristiques.)Comment rdiger la structure du script, sans tre un expert du copywriting?Comment transformer ce script en vido?Quels sont les meilleurs outils, utilisables mme par un nophyte?Quel est le format le plus adapt votre offre: animations explicatives, whiteboard, slides textuelles, vues relles, face camra?Comment raliser la vido? Ou comment faire sous-traiter cette ralisation?Etc. Tout ce que vous apprenez ici sapplique quel que soit votre service ou produit. Certaines techniques sont plus adaptes selon le type doffre, mais je vous prsente, justement, ces diffrences.Nattendez plus: pour le succs de votre business, passez au niveau suprieur avec des vidos de vente russies!"
Price: 59.99

"ROS Actions"
"Learning ROS is hard... But youve made it. You have some good basics about ROS nodes, topics, services, This is a pretty good start. And you want to take your skills to the next level.Or youre already in the process of learning ROS actions, but you have some real trouble finding documentation and tutorials online.A great ROS developer must know about ROS actions, and must be able to use them efficiently when required. Topics, Services and Actions are the 3 communication tools that will allow you to create any complex robotic application.Warning !!! Before continuing, I want to be sure you understand that this course is not a course for total ROS beginners. You have to get some ROS basics first if you want to be able to follow the pace of this course. Why this course ?When I first started with ROS actions, my progress was really, really slow. I didnt find any structured resource or tutorial to go beyond the very basic stuff. It took me a very long time (several months) to finally have a clear understanding.This course is the course that I wish I had when I started. Practical and to the point. Showing you directly how things work, how you can quickly start and build more more complex applications. Now, why should you choose my course ?For the last 2 years I have developed a complete ROS software for an entire 6 axis robotic arm. Im telling you that, because by developing this robot, I learned (the hard way) what I really needed to know to build things that actually work.My experience with Robot Operating System is not only about university work or a weekend hobby : I actually co-founded a business with a robot powered by ROS. By doing so, I had to focus on going to the point, finding what is useful, and what is not.So today, with the practical vision that Ive developed, I know exactly what you need to learn at the beginning if you want to get serious about building more complex robotic applications.And getting serious means mastering ROS actions. One day or another, youll need to use them or else youll be stuck. What is this course aboutThis course is a complete course about ROS actions. Ill show you each part of the process, step by step, and explain all the code that I write.In the first part of the course, youll start using ROS actions with the SimpleActionServer and SimpleActionClient classes. Those parts will let you understand the key concepts behind ROS actions.The second part is focused on using ActionServer and ActionClient classes. Those are more difficult to understand but allow you to create far more complex applications. You will learn how to handle multiple goals, how to change the server goal policy, how to put goals in a queue, etc.During the course, you will practice through activities and challenges. Practising is the key if you want to learn efficiently.I will mostly use Object Oriented Programming. Thats a great opportunity for you to improve your OOP skills, which is really working well with ROS. Also, all the code will be written in both Python and C++ ! So Dont wait too much and enroll in this course to go to the next level of ROS!During the course I will also give you all the best practices that I know when developing with the Robot Operating System. So thats another opportunity to get some practical insights that will help you develop better and more complex robotics applications."
Price: 139.99

"Monitorea tu red con Nagios"
"Hola, me llamo Cristhian Plazas, soy Ingeniero en Telecomunicaciones de una prestigiosa universidad en Colombia y CO-Fundador de MEEP. Toda la vida he visto cmo grandes empresas de diferentes industrias mueren por la falta de control e innovacin y ya que cada da, es mayor el porcentaje de dependencia de las empresas en los sistemas de informacin y la tecnologa, mantener nuestra produccin disponible 24x7, controlada con Nagios, es fcil e increble. Si crees que este curso es para ti, !INSCRBETE YA y s parte de mi equipo."
Price: 19.99

"MCSA 2016 Certification Bundle (exams70-740,70-741 and 7042)"
"This course will prepare you to earn the MCSA certification (MCSA: Windows Server 2016) The course offers you the 3 practice tests needed to earn the MCSA (Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate) 70-740 ( Installation, Storage, and Compute with Windows Server 2016) - 137 Questions70-741 ( Networking with Windows Server 2016) - 100 Questions70-742 ( Identity with Windows Server 2016) - 100 Questions "
Price: 29.99

"Simuladores Especialidades Medicas"
"Enfocados a mdicos generales enfocados en presentar exmenes de residencia, el contenido se va actualizando con nuevas preguntas y exmenes por rea, la base de datos inicial es de 50 preguntas se ampliara hasta 600 preguntas. contiene preguntas del enarm, mir, universidades de Colombia y Argentina. una vez adquirido el curso se entregara contenido plus, con mas simuladores y PDFs."
Price: 19.99

"Watercolor painting for beginners, paint this TURNER sunrise"
"In the course we will concentrate on a particular painting by JMW Turner (the painting in the course picture).Many years ago when I stated out painting in watercolours I would look with envy at this painting wishing ""if only""and,by learning the same techniques shown here,gradually I became more adept with my brushes and paint and by practicing every day I was able to produce more professional looking paintingsVenice, Looking East from the Guidecca, Sunrise, 1819This is just one name for this piece because no one can agree where exactly in Venice this is!The particular beauty of the painting makes it perfect as our reference and we only need to use 4 colors.You can do this course as often as you like, I would say if you do it at least 3 times you will have your very own JMW Turner masterpiece.We start by applying our washes and watching how they dry,we use a HAKE brush quite a lot,if you are not familiar with this brush you can watch the half hour free preview where I paint a full picture using only the HAKE,if this does not convince you on this brush nothing will.When we have finished the background and foreground washes we will build up the middle ground,dont worry if this sounds like too much,many of my students have painted superb pictures by painting along with me.The last thing we tackle is the boats at the front,we do this in a very impressionistic way which means it does not matter if we are accurate,it is all about the colors so come on in and give it a go,regardsDavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 19.99

"Paint like a master FREE style watercolor painting beginners"
"Many years ago when I started out painting in watercolors I would look with envy at this painting wishing ""if only""and,by learning the same techniquesshown here,gradually I became more adept with my brushes and paint and by practicing every day I was able to produce more professional looking paintingsIn the course we will concentrate on a particular painting by Sir William Russell Flint (the painting in the course picture).called ""A sunlit square,Languedoc,France""The particular beauty of the painting makes it perfect as our reference and we only need to use 6 or 7  colours.You can do this course as often as you like, I would say if you do it at least 3 times you will have your very own Sir William Russell Flint masterpiece.see you soon DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 19.99

"How to paint Sunflowers FREE style Watercolor for beginners."
"By using the masters as reference David takes you right from the start to the finish using real time videos and his 30 odd years of experience.In this my fourth Udemy course we tackle Van Goghs sunflowers but not in oils,in watercolors,as an exersize in composition this is great to do.In the course,there is a template for you to use for the drawing so don't worry if your drawing skills are lacking a bit.Again we use my limited palette of colors and just a few brushes,this should not present any problems for the beginner if you follow me step by step.Sunflowers by Van Gogh is one of the best loved pieces,if you do this course 2 or 3 times you will own your very own Van Gogh masterpiece. see you soon David.Art is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 19.99

"Watercolor flowers, how to paint in FREE style step by step."
"When I started painting watercolors 35 years ago I was given a HAKE brush for Christmas and it was the best present I ever had!Why?Because, with it being such a big brush you can't mess about making too much detail,you have to be free and you have to simplify your work.This course is based on all the techniques I which I have developed using my HAKE and one or two other brushes and just my 7 color palette.There is a section at the end of the course dedicated to my 7 color palette and also a full half hour video on the HAKE brush,you can check out all these videos in the free preview section of this course before you buy.Painting flowers is a superb way to learn how to use watercolors,their delicacy is made for it.Using 3 paintings which I painted a few years ago,I take you through freehand wet in wet painting in the poppies section,then for the tulips there is a very small amount of sketching and masking work,in the final daisies part there is a bit more drawing and more involved techniques but nothing a complete beginner cannot tackle.""I always worked better when I thought my painting would be a gift for someone special""All 3 of these paintings will make superb gifts for friends and family,use this goal when starting the course as your motivation to keep trying!see you soon DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"Paint my 3 sunsets FREE style Watercolor painting beginners."
"Everyone loves a nice sunset,I painted the 3 reference paintings 22 years ago and now I present them for you to learn from the very beginning using very little equipment (see the free preview video ""Tools required"").What better gift to give to friends and family than a hand painted picture by you? When I visit my friends and family I am constantly amazed that they might have changed their carpets,kitchens,bedroom furniture and room decor,even moved house a few times but my painting is still there hanging proudly,even after 30 years!If you feel that you need more help on the basics,my watercolors for beginners foundation course is available on my profile page.see you soonDavid.Art is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"Paint my 2 FREE style watercolor paintings from Venice."
"From my latest trip to Venice I have produced these 2 beautiful watercolors and in this tutorial you will be taken step by step through the process of producing your own watercolors.I supply a drawing template for both paintings so if you are not confident in drawing you can still do this course.I have been an artist for over 30 years and all that experience is boiled down in these videos to teach you how to do it.DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"Paint 2 river scenes in FREE style Watercolor painting ."
"A beautiful summers day in Betws y Coed North Wales,what better way of spending a day,sketching these 2 paintings,how lucky to see a heron.The course only requires you to have very basic knowledge in watercolors and basic equipment,I supply a drawing template for both paintings so if you are not confident in drawing you can still do this course.You only need 4 brushes and 6 colors to paint these 2 pics.DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"FREE style Watercolor painting how to paint two landscapes."
"Painting in watercolors is one of the most rewarding pastimes there is,I have been painting in this medium for over 30 years and I am now producing this series of tutorials to pass my knowledge on to the beginner artist or someone who is coming back to it after some time away.Taken from within 20 miles of where I live,these 2 watercolor paintings will look fabulous on any ones wall. I will take you right from the start with the drawing,if you are not too happy about drawing,thats ok there are 2 of my special templates for you to use,you will need only 4 brushes and 6 colors to paint these pictures,so I will see you soon,do not forget you can ask me questions as you go through so do not get stuck with a problem,cheers DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"Paint my FREE style watercolor painting Fall impression."
"You would be the star of the party! I remember when I started painting,over 35 years ago,my biggest thrill was going to a function and presenting which ever host it was with one of my first paintings,now you can do it this year.You will follow me step by step in real time videos,you can do the course as many times as you wish until you get it right!You can ask questions if you need to in the QAYou only need 3 brushes and 6 colors,check out the free preview for tools required and.if you have not used a HAKE brush before there is a free 30 minute preview on the hake also.With the Fall/Autumn season almost upon us I thought it would be nice to show you exactly how to paint this scene from beginning to end,I will show you in real time videos the complete process from blank page to finished piece,so I hope to see you soon,DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 19.99

"Paint this watercolor FREE style poppy seascape for beginner"
"This scene is taken from Pensarn /Llandullas beach which is just about a mile up the road from where I live in North Wales,in mid summer the poppies go absolutely wild and this painting was done earlier this year (2018). I know that when I started off painting in watercolor over 30 years ago one of my biggest problems was knowing what subjects to paint and that is why I have made this series of tutorials for the beginner watercolor artist.Not only do you have this scene ready for you to paint but I also take you step by step right from the beginning and explain in real time videos exactly how to do it,if you have any questions during this tutorial you can ask me via the Q and A.There is a free preview video which tells you what equipment you will need,I make lots of use of a brush called a Hake brush,this fantastic brush is not expensive and there is also a free half hour preview video of this brush which you can watch so you will be up to scratch on it when you go to buy one. The Hake brush I use is a 1 inch size and the average price is about $5 US dollars so as you see it is more than affordable,you will not be disappointed with it I can assure you.We will start off doing a simple sky and background then I will walk you through the middle ground before we come to the subject of the painting which of course is the poppies at the front,I know you are really going to enjoy painting the poppies,everyone does.If you are worried about your drawing ability and think you will not be able to do the little bit of drawing at the start,dont you worry because I have drawn a template and all you need to do is print off the template and I will show you how to use ""tracedown paper"" which is an artists version of copy paper,this is available at all art supplies shops these days,of course if you enjoy doing freehand drawings you can do your own sketch. But I know from experience that lots of budding watercolor artists are put off because of their lack of drawing skill.By the way,by using the trace down method you will be surprised at how your drawing skills improve.I think I have covered most things here so ,what are you waiting for? sign up and lets get going,you will soon have another of my beautiful watercolor paintings on either you wall of you can give it as a superb gift to friends or family,see you soon,DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 19.99

"Christmas watercolor painting how to paint easy step by step"
"With the festive season fast approaching I thought it would be nice to get into the spirit of things by offering this watercolor painting of my local town,Colwyn Bay in North Wales modified into a Chocolate box watercolor Christmas scene.With over 2 hours of video I will guide you through the drawing,masking and watercolor painting so you will achieve a beautiful watercolor painting which you can hang proudly on your wall over the Christmas period or give as a gift,you could also get it printed as your family Christmas card this year!For those of you with a bit more experience you could use an old photograph of your own high street as the background and,following my instruction on masking out the snowy bits,use my drawing template for the foreground,great idea for gifts this Christmas.I have edited out the drying times so this is quite an intense tutorial at 2 hours so it would be a good idea to watch the course through first and make sure you have plenty of time set aside to do each section.I have kept the color pallet to a minimum (see the free preview video ""tools required"") and you will need just 3 brushes plus some old brushes for the masking fluid (more below).This watercolor painting relies heavily on masking fluid so if you can buy an old rigger brush and an old quarter inch flat brush from a jumble sale or charity shop,this is better than ruining your good brushes with the masking fluid.You will also need either an old fan brush or a toothbrush to apply the masking fluid using the ""splatter"" technique described in detail in the tutorial.If you are not happy with your sketching skills I have provided a detailed template and instructions on how to use trace down paper.see you soon DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"Learn how to paint 3 FREE style watercolors for beginners."
"Hello and thanks for looking at my ""Live Facebook sessions"" course.My name is David Walker,I have been a professional artist for over 30 years painting mainly in watercolor.Over the years I have done many live tutorials all around the U.K. and I now teach to a worldwide audience with Udemy.This course is a compilation of my first 3 live watercolor painting sessions on Facebook.The 3 watercolor paintings you will be following step by step are inspired by the countryside round where I live in North Wales.Each section of the course concentrates on one individual painting.The live sessions each last about an hour and are broken down into easy to manage parts of around 15 minutes each,there is also a sped up time lapse version so you can get an idea of what is coming in the full version and there is a high quality download of each painting for you to use as reference.I mainly use the ""Hake"" brush and just 7 colors in all 3 paintings,if you are not familiar with the Hake brush,there is a full free preview section where you can see a half hour video all about this fantastic brush.There is also a free ""tools required"" video in the  preview section which tells you what tools you need to do this course.You will learn as I learn in these 3 tutorials because for the first time I use a hairdryer to dry the washes,this was necessary as I was filming live to a live audience and so I had to make it dry much quicker than usual.As you will see in the videos it is quite interesting to watch how the paint reacts to this new technique.As I have explained,all 3 watercolor paintings are painted in front of a live audience so I can not go back and re film something if there is a problem,this is what appeals to me as an artist,I have to think on the spot and if there is an accident on the painting I have to sort it out there and then,so if you hear my dog grumbling in the background or the seagulls raiding my bins or me putting my brush into my coffee instead of my water,please bear with me,it is all part of the fun which,watercolor painting should be.The 3 watercolor paintings I make in this course were seen by over 40,000 people,many have asked me to do more which I will be because it has been such an enjoyable process and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have,see you soon,DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"Watercolor gardens, how to paint in FREE style step by step."
"Hello and thanks for looking at my ""Live Facebook sessions"" Floral watercolors course.My name is David Walker,I have been a professional artist for over 30 years painting mainly in watercolor.Over the years I have done many live tutorials all around the U.K. and I now teach to a worldwide audience with Udemy.This course is a compilation of my second 3 live watercolor painting sessions on Facebook.The 3 watercolor paintings you will be following step by step are inspired by the Gardens round where I live in North Wales.Each section of the course concentrates on one individual painting.The live sessions each last about an hour and a quarter and are broken down into easy to manage parts of around 20 minutes each,there is also a sped up time lapse version so you can get an idea of what is coming in the full version and there is a high quality download of each painting for you to use as reference.I mainly use the ""Hake"" brush and just 5 colors in all 3 paintings,if you are not familiar with the Hake brush,there is a full free preview section where you can see a half hour video all about this fantastic brush.There is also a free ""tools required"" video in the  preview section which tells you what tools you need to do this course.You will learn as I learn in these 3 tutorials because for just the second time I use a hairdryer to dry the washes,this was necessary as I was filming live to a live audience and so I had to make it dry much quicker than usual.As you will see in the videos it is quite interesting to watch how the paint reacts to this new technique.As I have explained,all 3 watercolor paintings are painted in front of a live audience so I can not go back and re film something if there is a problem,this is what appeals to me as an artist,I have to think on the spot and if there is an accident on the painting I have to sort it out there and then,so if you hear my dog grumbling in the background or the seagulls raiding my bins or me putting my brush into my coffee instead of my water,please bare with me,it is all part of the fun which,watercolor painting should be.The 3 watercolor paintings I make in this course were seen by over 50,000 people,many have asked me to do more which I will be because it has been such an enjoyable process and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have,see you soon,DavidArt is such a beautiful way to express yourself and as a watercolor artist for over 30 years I can not urge you enough to give painting in watercolors a try,I never get bored with the effects of the colors on my paper,I still learn new techniques in my work every time I paint something,it is such a free and easy medium and it is well worth the time and effort you may invest.To paint a watercolor picture is to escape into your own little world where nothing else matters and all your problems and worries can be forgotten, at least for a little while.To give your own watercolor painting as a gift could not be more rewarding,I never get bored with the expression on the face of a friend or family member when I present them with an original watercolor painting which I have painted specially for them.The medium of watercolor, for me, is the ultimate medium because even as a complete beginner you can achieve many effects using techniques which sometimes you are taught and sometimes you learn by complete accident which we call ""happy accidents"",such as when one color runs into another color and creates water marks or bleached paper,this is why sometimes I sit and watch the painting paint itself in front of my very eyes.Of course now and then it does not work out as I wanted it to but all I have lost is a little bit of paint pigment,a piece of watercolor paper and a little time so I put that piece of paper to one side and start again!Too many people have a go at painting with watercolors and think that they have to produce a perfect painting every time and they overwork the piece,desperate to get a finished painting to hang on their wall and of course they end up with a mess,get dispirited and give up announcing that they will never be an artist and so never paint again.I would like to show these people the hundreds of watercolor paintings that didn't work out for me because without making mistakes you can't improve.I keep all my paintings good and bad and I look at the failures quite often,in these failed paintings there is quite often a part of the painting that I really like and I try to remember which technique,which colors I used,which brush made a particular mark on the paper so I can use these same techniques in my future watercolor paintings. If I was stranded on a desert island,my watercolor kit would be the first thing I would wish for. "
Price: 24.99

"Integrate Arduino ,Soft PLC and HMI using ModBus TCP"
"This course provide hands on Step by Step experience to integrate , Arduino , PLC and HMI using ModBus TCP by implementing real industrial project.Two real projects will be designed step by step to help you grasp the concepts.By the end of this course you will be able to integrate various technologies together in order to control industrial automation project in multiple ways , like using Soft-PLC with Arduino and using HMI with Arduino .The materials also contain a lot videos that will teach you various skills . Stuff like, Ladder logic programming , HMI design , VFD driving and many other cool lectures that you can use to expand the Arduino integration in real industrial automation projects .You will use technologies and brands like :ArduinoCodeSysSchneider ElectricModBus TCPVFD (Industrial motor drivers)And the best part is you will be able to simulate and integrate most of the things without having to buy any expensive industrial automation hardware.However , if you plan to buy the equipment , then you will be able to design your own projects since this course will walk you through Programming and schematic of two complete integration projects.This course will be based on the famous industrial protocol ModBus TCP , where you will learn how to use it in integrating almost any Modbus TCP supported device with Arduino , and just to note , this protocol supported by over 70% of the industrial automation devices and equipment.What you need is:Arduino UNOArduino Ethernet shieldPC/Laptop with Windows Some wires and potentiometerOptional (8-CH Arduino Relay external card with 5v 700mA minimum power supply) All software we will use are free so you don't need to worry about obtaining any of them , all the links will be provided , noting that these are very highly professional software used by the biggest companies around the world and are by no mean poorly developed ones.Skills you will learn in this course:Arduino Integration with CodeSys Soft PLC systemsArduino integration with HMI Learning how to use ModBus TCP with multiple equipmentBasic VFD driving using ArduinoDesign HMI screens in two different software Designing in Ladder LogicHandling Classical VFD devices (Industrial motor drivers) Using Arduino to simulate small size industrial automation projectsThe two projects designed from scratch in this course w are designed step by step. And in addition , by the end of each project , an electrical panel based demonstration video will be shown in order to let you see the end result not only in simulation but also with real industrial automation electrical hardware.An Arduino is NOT a replacment for a PLC system , though it can be deployed for small scale projects."
Price: 19.99

"Pet Business Certificate (UK)"
"Would you love to be a pet sitter, dog walker or cat carer? This course is perfect for anyone wishing to set up and run a successful pet business in the UK. It includes essential information on the UK pet industry, legal aspects, accounting, marketing, pricing, documentation and other important and helpful information and guidance."
Price: 19.99

"I Want Out: New life in Europe by Free education in Germany"
"Hey there! Do you dream to LIVE in Europe?Would you love to STUDY in Top Universities for FREE?Have you been telling yourself lately that THIS YEAR I will start a new life abroad?But then you wonder: How can I actually move abroad? How can I support myself financially? What if I run out of money?What if I can't find the job after studying in Germany?What if I can't speak German and have no friends?What if.....Understood, but WHAT IF IT WORKS? How amazing is it to change my life, live in Europe and realize my DREAMListen up! I had the same dream as yours! Imoved to Germany from Hong Kong 5 years ago to study for a Master for FREE without any preparation at all, and Iend up able to find a job here without speakingGerman, and gained my permanent residency upon working in Munich for 2 years.I faced many challenges as I have not prepared at all before coming to Germany and yet Imade it. Solet me tell you this, it is not super easy but it is totally possible. If I can make it without much preparation, and when you are preparing now by taking this course, what is STOPPING you to achieve your dream? Living your dream life in Europe could be easier than you thought! This course is designed for those who dream to study abroad but was put off due to various reasons. Based on my experience and themany people I have met here in Germany, I will share with you all the tips to better secure an offer fromGerman university and build your career to stay in Europe for longer terms.You will also be presented with theperspective of reallife inGermany so you can better prepare for your adventure.I will also help you to develop an open mindset which you will need for this journey. If you come from Asia, I can totally understand that you might have extra concern due to the risk involved and the high expectations placed on us due to social norm. Therefore I will also help you to be at ease with those concern.** As I am continuously adding new content to help you succeed in this journey, this course will be FREE for a limited of time. All you need is to take 5 seconds to enroll in the course, leave me some comments if you have extra topic you want me to cover. Take Action NOW!"
Price: 19.99

"PHP Maker2018 Construa sites com banco de dados s/ programar"
"Ol alunos Udemy, com este curso de PHPMaker voc aprender como desenvolver um sistema de gerenciamento de contedo para seu site ou de seus clientes, de forma rpida e eficiente.lembrando que possivel voc fazer muito mais do que criar sistemas administrativos de sites, porm neste curso ensinaremos na pratica:Como voce comprar uma licena do PHPMaker, Baixar e instalar o programaConectar ao seu banco de dados mysqlFazer as configuraes principais para utilizao.Desenvolver cada coluna da tabela com seus respectivos valores, condizentes com a nescessidadeDesenvolveremos um Projeto Prtico para um sistema de administrador para utilizar em um site institucionalE faremos a hospedagem do painel num servidor web real, simulando todas as fazes do processo.lembrando que esta a ideia inicial, podendo haver continuidade nos estudos, com ampliao de materiais e ou a criao de novos cursos a partir deste."
Price: 19.99

"Manipulando banco de dados com Navicat!"
"Com este curso voc ter os conhecimentos necessrios para gerenciar e manipular seu banco de dados de forma rpida, fcil e eficiente, pois o Navicat uma ferramenta grfica desenvolvida justamente para lhe proporcionar produtividade no desempenho de seus trabalhos.O Navicat permite que voc manipule diversos bancos de dados como Mysql, PostgreSql, Oracle, SQLite e SQLServer entre muitos outros."
Price: 39.99