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"Crea Sitios Web Responsivos desde Cero con HTML y CSS3"
"Con este curso aprenders a crear sitios web con Responsive Design, adaptables a cualquier pantalla y dispositivo mvil. El curso esta compuesto por 16 videos donde paso a paso y desde un diseo PSD, realizaremos la maquetacin esttica del mismo en XHTML y CSS, luego crearemos una grilla flexible y por ultimo convertiremos todo el sitio a Responsivo. Tambin te dar una serie de herramientas que te ayudarn a trabajar mejor con Responsive Design y mucho mas rapido. Y por ultimo, animaremos las transiciones de los elementos !! Este curso est apuntado a toda peronsa que desee ser parte de lo ultimo en tecnologa de desarrollo de sitios web modernos. Responsive Design te permitir ahorra mucho tiempo de desarrollo ya que con un solo sitio maquetado, puedes adaptarlo a cualquier dispositivo. Si eres o quieres ser un programador web, Responsive Design te permitir brindar un valor agregado a tus clientes, obteniendo ganancias mas altas en tus trabajos. Puedes visitar tambin mis otros cursos para continuar avanzando en tu formacin: PSD a HTML Paso a Paso: Experto en HTML5:"
Price: 74.99

"Running A Web Design Business"
"You can run your own web design business from home and make exceptionally good money all you need is a computer and an internet connection.My name is Rob Cubbon and I have been running a successful web design business since 2006 which turns in more profit year after year.How do I do it? Well, it's not because I'm the best designer in the world, that's for sure! ;) Here are some essential questions I'll answer for you:What software and hardware you will need to start and grow the business?How do you get clients? How you handle clients on email, on the phone in real life?Do you need contracts? If so, what you put in a contract.How do you get paid? What are the best ways to ensure you get paid properly and on time?If you really want to make money running a web design business then you'll have to offer a premium service to the best type of clients and I can show you how to do that.In order to build a company that offers complete digital solutions rather than being an overworked freelancer you will need to learn the following:How to start The first essential tasks necessary to start your web design business.How to continue The basic principles behind the business.Getting work Should you signup on bidding sites, cold call or concentrate on your site to bring in business?Dealing with clients How much information, what to say and when to say it.Numerous tried-and-tested email transcripts to simply paste into your client emails.What to charge A simple sliding scale of charges and lists of extras to provide so you can charge premium rates!How to branch out How to offer logo design, print design, SEO and marketing services to your clients to expand your businessHow to specialize and ways to pinpoint your interests so you because the go-to business in a certain field.And, meet the designers. Direct advice from over 40 successful independent web designers!This isn't just my business model. I surveyed over 40 different independent designers from the mega-successful to those just starting out. Some names you may know, like David Airey, Chris Spooner and John O'Nolan. They answered questions like how much you should charge, how much time you should spend marketing, how you should get work and many more.In fact I collate their answers and display them graphically to give you a complete picture of the life of a web design business owner.Leaving work and running my own web design business from home changed my life for the better. It can change yours too."
Price: 99.99

"Time to Thrive...for Family Leaders"
"Time to Thrive is a proven time management and productivity system for busy parents who are ready to get control of their schedule and accomplish big goals in their personal or professional lives. As a Family Leader today, you face some really unique challenges. You do so many things, you dont feel like you can do any of them well. You have lots of dreams and goals, but you dont see any way to get to them. Youre just too busy. If you look closely, youll find that most of your struggles boil down to losing control of your time. You do more and more stuff, but less and less of what matters most to you and your family. Its time to change that. I believe that you deserve to live life intentionally and do more of what matters. Thats why I created Time to Thrive. This program is the result of many years of learning, living and teaching other Family Leaders. Its here for you to guide you step-by-step away from feeling overwhelmed and to a place of contentment where you can fully enjoy the many blessings youve been given. The promise is strong but simple follow the Time to Thrive plan over the next 30 days and you will gain at least one extra hour of quality time every day. How would it feel to be in control of your schedule? How awesome will it be to finally accomplish that big goal you keep putting off because you have "more important" things to do with your scarce time? Here are the Top 5 benefits of completing Time to Thrive according to feedback from our graduates: The easy step-by-step format helps you break free of overwhelm and enjoy the confidence that comes with regaining clear FOCUS.You'll gain new healthy HABITS by doing the things that matter most to you.You'll learn the 12 top techniques that empower family leaders to become SUPER PRODUCTIVE.By following the Thrive plan, you'll accomplish a big GOAL that you've been anxious to achieve - all during our 30 days together.Above all, the biggest benefit you'll receive by completing this course is gaining at least an extra hour of quality TIME each day to do more of what matters to you and your family.When you join today, you'll also get access to our exclusive private Thrive Community on Facebook. Its not just a great place to hang out but an important tool for taking action and staying accountable. Youll never be alone. And youll have direct access to ask me (your instructor) any question you have along the way right inside the Community. As a busy Family Leader, you know how easy it is to put all of those other important tasks at the front of your to-do list, never making time for yourself. Make today the day you invest in YOU! Let me take you by the hand and lead you to a life where you have control of your schedule, a sense of accomplishment and actual FREE time. In the next 30 days, youll not only achieve a big goal thats important to you, but youll learn to enjoy an extra hour of quality time each day. But to get there, you must take the first step. Enroll in Time to Thrive, and Ill be there to get you started right away. When you access your course, youll find a welcome video and a simple roadmap/checklist to guide you to success. And dont forget your investment is 100% guaranteed. I can't wait to see you inside to show you how to Thrive in your busy life!"
Price: 49.99

"Master Overview of a Career in Solar Sales"
"If you are looking to expand your business into solar energy or you are looking to start a career in solar energy, this is the perfect course. It is designed for HVAC, roofers, contractors and handimen  who want to get into solar energy. It is also extremely useful for those considering a career in selling solar energy.  Who buys solar? How do you sell it?  How much does it cost?  How much can you earn?  It is all explained in this course.  "
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Vendas Completo - Da prospeco ao fechamento"
"Destaques 100% de garantia! Devoluo do dinheiro em at 30 dias caso no fique satisfeito! Qualidade comprovada! Professor com quase 20.000 alunos na Udemy! Destaque no jornal Folha de So Paulo: ""Professores usam sites para vender aulas em vdeo""Certificado de concluso do cursoExcelente para vendedores B2B (vendedores que vendem para outras empresas) Como ser bem sucedido em vendas? O que os vendedores e negociadores de sucesso possuem so ferramentas e tcnicas de vendas que os ajudam a fechar mais negcios. Em cada etapa da negociao existem boas prticas e tcnicas que devem ser seguidas para voc aproveitar ao mximo de cada oportunidade de fechar um negcio. O que voc aprender no curso? Como vender suas idias, produtos ou serviosComo prospectar e abordar do jeito certo clientes potenciaisComo entrar em contato com clientes por e-mailComo vender de maneira efetiva pelo telefoneComo aplicar tcnicas avanadas de fechamento e negociaoComo aumentar sua produtividade diria em vendas ************Veja abaixo a ementa completa com as 71 aulas! Quem o professor? Meu nome Alessio Aliono e comecei minha carreira em vendas captando patrocnio e negociando com empresas como TIM, Fundao Getlio Vargas, Petrobrs, Correios, Brasil Telecom, HSBC, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Ambev e muitas outras. Depois disso fui consultor em fuses, aquisies e revitalizaes de empresas, restruturando a rea comercial de negcios com faturamento entre 50 e 200 milhes por ano nos setores da indstria, varejo e servios. Nesses processos de restruturao, minha principal funo era formar equipes comerciais agressivas e de alta performance, responsveis por tirar empresas do prejuzo e lev-las para uma nova fase de crescimento, aquisio de novos clientes e sade financeira. Essas equipes foram to bem sucedidas que acabei sendo mentor e conselheiro de outras empresas e startups e participei como palestrante e jurado em eventos como Feira do Empreendedor do Sebrae, Startup Meetup, Startup Pirates, Desafio Brasil, Startup Brasil, E-talks da Endeavor, HUB Fellowship e outros, sempre contribuindo quando o assunto se refere a marketing, vendas e negociao. Como vender 2x, 3x mais? Pode-se aprender como ser um bom negociador? Eventualmente uma pessoa pode ser mais extrovertida e ter uma facilidade natural para se relacionar, mas isso no significa que ela ter as competncias e habilidades necessrias e presentes em todos os grandes vendedores. Com o tempo aprendi que vender no um dom que nasce de bero - os melhores na verdade tem muito conhecimento, habilidades, ferramentas e tcnica, muita tcnica. Em minha opinio todos, se tiverem vontade verdadeira de aprender, podem se tornar vendedores excepcionais. Por causa desse aprendizado que resolvi ensinar e transmitir de forma fcil, didtica e organizada tudo o que aprendi em todos esses anos de prtica como vendedor e formando vendedores. O curso muito completo, so 13 horas de contedo separados em 71 aulas ensinando desde os passos mais bsicos como o passo a passo para montar um script de vendas tcnicas avanadas de fechamento e negociao. Desejo de corao que voc tenha muito sucesso aps aplicar esses ensinamentos, assim como eles me ajudaram todos esses anos como vendedor, coach de vendedores e empreendedor. Bem vindo ao clube, j so quase 2.000 pessoas em todos os meus cursos online. TPICOS 1.0 Como posicionar seu produto ou servio Domine o processo de como analisar o mercado, como mapear o perfil dos seus clientes potenciais, entender as relaes de poder na negociao, como definir o posicionamento da sua empresa e saiba como realizar uma anlise de valor agregado para realizar propostas mais efetivas. 2.0 Como montar seu discurso de vendas A forma como voc explica o que vende fundamental para o cliente decidir se precisa ou no comprar de voc. Nesta etapa, voc aprender a como montar um discurso de vendas perfeito, como mant-lo resumido, o que dizer primeiro, como explicar em loops para facilitar a interpretao e outros. 3.0 Ferramentas e tcnicas para aumento de produtividade Como se organizar e controlar seus prospects de forma a conseguir fazer mais negcios? Descubra quais so as ferramentas, boas prticas e planilhas mais utilizadas em equipes comerciais de alta performance e aplique os mesmos modelos no seu dia-a-dia. 4.0 Como prospectar corretamente clientes potenciais Como abordar de forma eficiente clientes por telefone, e-mail e prensencialmente atravs de reunies. Alm disso, dicas pontuais para aumentar sua produtividade em eventos comerciais. Boas prticas, dicas de como usar (ou no usar) materiais visuais como portflios, grficos e pastas. 5.0 Linguagem corporal e Programao Neuro Lingustica (PNL) Aprenda como ler atravs de comunicao corporal e facial o que o cliente est pensando. Use tcnicas de Rapport para criar empatia com o cliente e para deix-lo inclunado a falar o que precisa e comprar o seu produto ou servio. Aprenda sobre as chamadas pistas de acesso ocular e saiba como us-las para detectar mentiras dos clientes. 6.0 Como descobrir as necessidades do cliente Aprenda como fazer uma das etapas mais importantes da venda, a coleta de dados. Aprenda quais so as perguntas mais adequadas para descobrir o quanto o cliente est disposto a pagar por seu produto ou servio, o que ele valoriza e quais so as perguntas ideais para se conduzir uma venda. 7.0 Objees A venda comea com o primeiro no Quem nunca ouviu no telefone um por favor, pode me enviar tudo por e-mail que te respondo? quando estava prospectando um cliente ou na etapa de fechamento de negcio objees como no tenho dinheiro ou preciso pensar ou desculpas similares? Aprenda como contornar as objees mais comuns e como evit-las. 8.0 Parfrases Conduzindo o cliente para comprar Uma das etapas mais importantes da venda, mas dominada por poucos vendedores. O cliente s vai comprar quando ele perceber que precisa do seu produto ou servio. Aprenda a conduzir o cliente a criar essa necessidade fazendo parfrases que induziro o cliente a comprar. 9.0 Tcnicas de fechamento de negcios Um excepcional vendedor no quem apresenta bem, quem fecha mais negcios. Aprenda detalhadamente como funciona um ciclo de fechamento de negcio, como identificar oportunidades de fechamento e quais so as tcnicas mais adequadas para cada situao especfica. Dvidas mais frequentes: 1. Qual o prazo para concluir o curso? O tempo para acessar ilimitado! Voc poder fazer tudo no ritmo que achar ideal. 2. O curso tem horrio fixo? No, voc pode fazer o curso quando e onde achar mais confortvel. Do trabalho, de casa, nos fins de semana. Voc s precisa de um computador com acesso a internet! 3. Por qu o valor do curso est em dlares? A plataforma na qual o curso realizado (Udemy) americana, ento os valores so definidos em dlar. De qualquer forma, ao realizar o pagamento usando o Paypal voc pode escolher a opo de pagar o valor em reais. 4. Mas qual o valor do curso em reais? O valor do curso em reais pode variar de acordo com a taxa de cmbio do dlar de sua operadora de carto de crdito. Veja quanto um dlar vale hoje, e multiplique esse valor pelo preo em dlares do curso. 5. Quais so as formas de pagamento? Voc pode pagar com os principais cartes de crdito pela plataforma do Udemy."
Price: 564.99

"Achieve Udemy Success with Course Marketing - Unofficial"
"This course is not sponsored by or affiliated with Udemy, Inc. You need online learners to enroll in your course and you need them NOW! Learning to effectively market Udemy courses is key to achieving financial success. With thousands of other instructors and some trying to sell the same course as you are, you need a competitive advantage. Optimizing a course for both Udemy onsite marketplace search as well as Google, Yahoo and Bing rankings can push you well-past competitors and fast! Getting your course to top search results on Udemy as well as search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing will have has the following benefits; Brand exposure to buyers searching (by keyword) for specific, online learning opportunities Beating out other instructors, with the same courses, for top placements Dramatically increasing students enrollment counts and profits Page #1 course rankings on Udemy's Marketplace Page #1 search rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing Core to success for online instructors is building a student base. With this comes financial success! Join us today and begin the process of optimizing each area of your course and strategically placing them where the real money is - HIGH SEARCH RANKINGS!"
Price: 19.99

"Web Development: Make A Website That Will Sell For Thousands"
"If your looking to get a start on learning the, fun, and profitable skill of web development, then this course is for you. Unlike other courses which teach tedious theory ABOUT making a website, you'll learn practical knowledge on HOW to do it. This course takes you step-by-step as we build a complete professional website from scratch. Websites like the one we build in this course can easily sell for $1,000 - $4,000. The course starts out assuming that you know nothing, and shows you where to get the free tools needed to make a website. Then we jump right in and start learning HTML5 and CSS3 the easy way. By the end of the course, you'll be able to make a complete professional website and be able to sell your work for a lot of $. Whether you're looking for a new career, to make a little extra on the side, or you want to be able to make a website for yourself and friends, you've come to the right place. You could be making money RIGHT NOW on the internet instead of wasting your time. Enrolling in this course will give you all the skills you need to do so.We begin by learning HTML which is the structure that makes up every single website. Once the structure of our site is complete we begin styling it using CSS, which is also used on every single website. CSS is used to style everything on a website, including: background colors (or images), font sizes, font colors, as well as the width, height, and position of everything on a webpage.We then cover topics which are critical to modern websites, like responsive design and embedding images and videos. We also go over how you can develop a website locally on your computer, then put the files on a live server for the world to see.Enroll now to invest in yourself and to open the doors to this exciting field."
Price: 49.99

"Marketing Plan made easy!"
"This course will help you to create your marketing plan. It includes a short introduction to Marketing and the explanation of the marketing plan development process in 5 steps: Context Analysis Strategy Planning Managing At the end of this course you will be able to create your own marketing plan. Laurent delivers courses that are really simple and pragmatic enabling direct implementation no matter student's background. From the same instructor: Create a Damn Good Business Plan !? How to Draft a Business Plan?"
Price: 19.99

"Thai Language For Beginners"
"Thai For Beginners online video course is designed as an easy to use, fun and interactive introduction to the Thai language. It's ideal for people wanting to travel or live in Thailand. The course focuses on day-to-day conversational topics and building a good fundamental understanding of the language. You'll develop a solid foundation in Thai through speaking and using the language, instead of spending weeks on learning grammar rules and the alphabet. By taking this course you'll be able to pierce through that invisible veil that exists between foreigners and Thais, and start speaking with the locals in their language, therefore developing much deeper relationships and experiences. Your confidence when dealing with things in Thailand will grow, while your image in the eyes of the Thai people will rise immensely as you'll set yourself apart from being "just another foreigner". The course covers 20 lessons through dynamic and interactive video lectures, and follows a structured and easy to use pattern. At the end of most lessons, there's a review part where you're able to practice and repeat what you've learned in that lesson. I highly encourage you to repeat words, phrases and sentences after me as you go through the lectures-- your learning process will be much faster as your muscle memory develops through pronounciation and as you internalize how Thai sounds like, its melodic structure and its easy grammar. After completing the Thai For Beginners course you will be able to communicate in practical, day-to-day situations in Thailand and develop a natural understanding of the language. By acquiring the conversational basics of the Thai language you'll be able to: Gain a deeper understanding of the Thai culture Get an insight into the Thai mentality, which is heavily reflected in the language Make more Thai friends -- maybe even meet your future partner -- and deepen your relationships and understanding with your existing Thai friends Travel around Thailand and deal with every day necessities with less hassle and more confidence When taking this course you will also get a FREE 20-minute Skype conversation where you'll be able to practice your Thai, ask any questions you may have about the language, strengthen your weaknesses, focus on what you're struggling with, and more. Start learning Thai today and see you on the inside!"
Price: 34.99

"Understanding Yourself as an Entrepreneur"
"Understanding Yourself as an Entrepreneur will provide students with a solid foundation in small business conceptualization, planning, innovation, and design based on Scriptural principles. We seek to help the student learner better understand their spiritual gifts and talents, and what makes you uniquely you. With this as a foundation, it is our desire to help the student learner assess their own goals, talents, strengths and weaknesses in order to realistically prepare to launch a business of their choosing. Within this course, there are eight modules, which we describe as follows: Module I: Course Introduction: David and Scott introduce the course, discussing who can benefit from taking the course, and their Module 2: Discovering Your DISC Profile: In this session, you will be introduced to the DISC personality profile assessment. Well describe its history, what it is, and how it can benefit you. Well show you how to log into the Uniquely You Portal. Module III: A Realistic Appreciation of Who You Are: In this session, we lay out the learning objectives for this session. We examine what French Economist John Baptiste Say meant when he coined the term entrepreneur. Using your DISC personality profile assessment, we ask you to think about your personality blend in light of what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Module IV: Counting the Cost of Entrepreneurship: In this session, we ask you to think about what you are willing to invest to achieve your goals of becoming an entrepreneur. We begin exploring the creation of a business plan by examining the book publishing industry. Module V: Becoming a Team Player: Sooner or later, you will have to work with others; and build a business team. Entrepreneur must be very specific about the structure of the business and the roles of the business team members if they are to succeed. In this session, well consider the elements you must address when establishing these processes. Module VI: Your Journey from Ignorance to Expertise: This session covers Generation Self Employeds approach to talking about entrepreneurship by using the story of the book publishing industry. Using the book publishing industry, we will begin to work on creating a business planning process you can apply to your business idea. Module VII: The Lemonade Stand Game: A Case Study: In this session we see that if you are an owner instead of an employee, success or failure of your business rests on your shoulders. An employee can walk away form a J.O.B. An owner cannot easily walk away. An OWNER must consider what might go wrong and cause people to complain about your product or service. By playing the Lemonade Stand Game, you will learn what it means to have an OWNERSHIP mindset. Module VIII: Next Steps: In this session, we discuss the other courses in the Generation Self Employed study series, and how they can help you in your journey from ignorance to expertise. As you take this course, our goals for you and what you will learn are as follows:"
Price: 24.99

"Kids Coding - Beginner HTML"
"Reading for parentsDo your kids spend too much time on the computer, phone or tablet? Don't you wish they could do something more productive? Why not get them to learn a life long valuable skill that will lead them into a career that pays 2 times the national average?Programming is the new math. The average computer programmer makes 78k a year and there will always be a need for programmers. The only problem is that all of the educational courses are not tailored towards the learning styles of children. Most of the documentation is geared towards people over 18. This course shows kids how to code by adapting the material to their learning styles. There are animated lectures, informative screencasts and tests. This course is not only fun for kids to watch and listen, it is interactive and fun. More and more people are learning to code so do you want your kids to not have the same opportunities as others? This course offers your kids a competitive advantage. Employers look for technical skills and applicants that can code are more attractive to hire. Even if the job isn't technical it always helps to have that technical knowledge to communicate with the technical team. Personally, I like to hire people with programming skills. If they are artists, video editors, or social media marketers, I generally prefer to hire people with programming experience. About me, the instructorMy name is John Bura and I have run the software company Mammoth Interactive. We have had a ton of sales on our software which includes XBOX 360, iPad and iPhone games. On top of this I have been teaching people full time since I was 17. With the combination of teaching experience and real world experience, I have a truly unique experience that you can't find anywhere else. The knowledge I give out is from first hand knowledge of the industry and years of teaching experience. Thank you for considering to purchase my course. Even if you choose to not buy it I wish you and your family a happy road to success. "
Price: 19.99

"Kids Coding - Beginners CSS"
"Reading for parentsDo your kids spend too much time on the computer, phone or tablet? Don't you wish they could do something more productive? Why not get them to learn a life long valuable skill that will lead them into a career that pays 2 times the national average?Programming is the new math. The average computer programmer makes 78k a year and there will always be a need for programmers. The only problem is that all of the educational courses are not tailored towards the learning styles of children. Most of the documentation is geared towards people over 18. This course shows kids how to code by adapting the material to their learning styles. There are animated lectures, informative screencasts and tests. This course is not only fun for kids to watch and listen, it is interactive and fun. More and more people are learning to code so do you want your kids to not have the same opportunities as others? This course offers your kids a competitive advantage. Employers look for technical skills and applicants that can code are more attractive to hire. Even if the job isn't technical it always helps to have that technical knowledge to communicate with the technical team. Personally, I like to hire people with programming skills. If they are artists, video editors, or social media marketers, I generally prefer to hire people with programming experience. About me, the instructorMy name is John Bura and I have run the software company Mammoth Interactive. We have had a ton of sales on our software which includes XBOX 360, iPad and iPhone games. On top of this I have been teaching people full time since I was 17. With the combination of teaching experience and real world experience, I have a truly unique experience that you can't find anywhere else. The knowledge I give out is from first hand knowledge of the industry and years of teaching experience. Thank you for considering to purchase my course. Even if you choose to not buy it I wish you and your family a happy road to success. "
Price: 99.99

"Screenwriting: Write the Shockingly Professional Screenplay"
"Writing a professional screenplay that stands out from the competition doesn't have to be a confusing mystery or heartbreakingly painful. Let me show you how I've been doing it for years. My name is Jeffrey Alan Schechter and I've been a working writer for over 20 years. My writing has been nominated for two Emmy awards as well as awards from the Writer's Guild of America, the Writer's Guild of Canada, and the British Academy of Film and Television Arts. I'm a Gemini award winning producer and the author of the bestselling book My Story Can Beat Up Your Story! , Amazon's top-reviewed book on screenwriting. I'm also the creator and executive producer of the hit show Stitchers currently airing on ABC Family. I know this isn't the least expensive screenwriting course on Udemy but every once in a while you do actually get what you pay for. This course is guaranteed to turn your screenplay into the toughest kid on the block or your money back. What I teach is no sterile paradigm, no BS system taught by failed writers. This is the same dynamic system that I've used in my 20+ year career as a working writer. It decodes the major storytelling moments shared by the most popular movies of all time so you can use them in your own writing. This system is based on simple to understand principles that I've used to generate millions of dollars in writing assignments and script sales. Seriously. It really works. WHAT ARE PEOPLE SAYING? LOTS! Jeff has an acute understanding of the kind of story structure that makes for successful movies. By analyzing blockbusters he extrapolates a story construction model that is surprisingly simple and universally applicable. And, best of all, it works. - Tim Hill, Director. ALVIN & THE CHIPMUNKS, MAX KEEBLE'S BIG MOVE, MUPPETS IN SPACE Writers have been searching for the perfect story structure paradigm for 2,500 years. Jeff Schechter may have found it. Take that, Aristotle! - Ian Abrams, Chairman, Dramatic Writing Program, Drexel University. Writer/ Creator EARLY EDITION, UNDERCOVER BLUES. Screenwriting is an art, and Jeff Schechter conveys both the craft and soul of the trade. A gifted teacher, he provides methods which will help you both structure and elevate your best ideas. - David Sacks, Executive Producer/Writer. THIRD ROCK FROM THE SUN, THE SIMPSONS A refreshing, no-nonsense, incredibly insightful primer for beginners and laser-guided tuner-upper for journeymen. And it's damned entertaining to boot. David N. Weiss, writer, Shrek 2, The Smurfs Smart and engaging...brims with common-sense methods of breaking down and conquering the most stubborn structural problems in screenwriting.Alvaro Rodriguez, writer, Machete, Shorts Since I took Jeff's course I've become a Hollywood screenwriter. I recently finished the first draft of a supernatural thriller which I was able to option after my FIRST PITCH to a producer. Now I'm on my next 'gig.' If it wasn't for Jeff I would still be writing my way out of page 55."" Scott M, AUSTRALIA Jeff breaks down screenwriting structure into small, easy to understand bites. I finally think I'm comprehending screenwriting and how it works, and I owe it all to this class. If you only take one screenwriting class, make sure it's this one!"" Elissa T, LONG BEACH WHAT'S IN THE COURSE? This course is divided into four sections covering 41 lectures: SECTION 1 -- STRONG FOUNDATIONS: Three acts, four questions, four archetypes & the perfect elevator pitch. This is the first section of the course but it's anything but basic! In this section you'll learn: An enhanced understanding of the classic three act structure. The critical four questions you need to know about your main character How to craft a central question that charts your hero's physical, emotional, and spiritual journey. How to ensure your main character fulfills his or her story destiny by transitioning through each of the four archetypes How to construct a compelling 'elevator pitch' that lays out your entire story from start to finish SECTION 2 -- THEME & CHARACTER: Knowing how to weave theme and character into a screenplay has been poorly understood and very under-utilized...until now! In this section we take a deep dive into the easiest way to understand character interactions and thematic integrity. In this section you'll: Learn the power of theme (and scratch your head that so few people use it effectively!) Determine the thematic question, thematic argument, and thematic synthesis of a story (it's easier than it sounds!) Incorporate thematic opposites into your story through characters, props, and architecture. Use the Unity of Opposites to align both the positive and negative characters with theme. Learn how to easily create a cast of as many as 14 characters, both positive and negative, that inform and amplify your hero and villain SECTION 3 -- BULLETPROOF PLOTTING: This is it! The pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. The 44 plot points that guarantee a perfect structure as well as the 12 story landmarks that all top films share. In this section we: Work through the 12 foundation plot points of act 1. Use the central cuestion to craft the plot points of act 2 so that they build upon each other in a professional, exciting way Build act 3 using four essential plot points Chart a story course with approximate page counts for the 12 major landmarks of your now bulletproof story SECTION 4 -- THE TOUGH WRITER'S BUSINESS PLAN: If you want to be a professional writer, you have to treat the business like a business. The 16 lectures in this section cover all the advice I wish someone would have given to me when I was getting started: The Big Lie and the Big Truth about a career in screenwriting The best way to be a working writer according to the Writer's Guild of America. Do you have to move to Los Angeles? What's the best material to be writing right now? Different ways to leverage your time and creativity The surprising reason why you need to write something unproduceable! When should you try to get an agent or a manager? The reality about pitch and script competitions. A solid plan to write 4 pieces of new material in less than a year. 41 lectures, hours of HD video, hundreds of images, clips, charts, and diagrams...this is an entire screenwriting course that you can watch on your computer, your mobile device, or on your tablet whenever you want. I am so sure that this course will improve your writing that I offer a 30 day NO QUESTIONS ASKED refund policy. Take a month to watch and learn. If you want a refund, just ask and it's yours. Zero risk, maximum benefit! READY TO GET STARTED I hope so. This course represents over 20 years of professional, expert experience and contains information that has truly generated millions of dollars in sales and assignments. So let's roll up our sleeves and get ready to go write something awesome."
Price: 34.99

"Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) Exam Training Made Easy"
"Please note this course is the 1st part to gaining full CCNA certification, part two of this exam training, Cisco 200-101, (ICND2), is available here About This Course This Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) training course from Infinite Skills prepares you for the Interconnecting Cisco Networking Devices Part 1 exam. The ICND1 exam gives you your CCENT (Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician) certification, and is a required exam for achieving your full CCNA Routing and Switching certification. This tutorial covers the topics recommended by Cisco for the 100-101 (ICND1) exam. The Cisco 100-101 exam tests your knowledge of the network fundamentals required to install, operate, and troubleshoot a small branch office network. This video tutorial covers all of the recommended topics for this exam; operation of IP data networks, LAN switching technologies, IPv4 and IPv6, Routing Technologies, DHCP, NAT and ACLs, network device security and basic troubleshooting. Once you have completed this computer based video training course, you will have a thorough understanding of the concepts you need for passing the Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) exam. You will also be able to apply these concepts to building and managing a real-life client network. How to take the Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) Exam: 1. Find a test center near you to take the Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) certification exam, their will provide details on test center locations and schedules. This exam is typically priced around $150 dollars. 2. Study the required material to pass the Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) examination. This course covers the material that is within the Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) certification exam, and will help put you in a great position to succeed in the exam 3. Pass your exam! 4. Tell your friends how easy passing the Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) exam was using Infinite Skills training courses The information laid out above is given in good faith, we are not endorsing and third party company by offering a link to their site. You should always do your own research prior to making a purchase or using any service linked to via this website. Prices or details may alter and any information listed can not be guaranteed to be accurate. Note: While this course is comprehensive in regards to covering material on the exam, we do recommend using other aids to guide your study."
Price: 49.99

"How To Stay Relevant Online"
"Sometimes staying relevant online is a challenge within itself. In this course we're going to talk about how to stay relevant and stay ahead of the game. The only materials that you would need to master this course will be an Internet connection from any type of device. I've done everything in my power to keep the course shortest possible, my main objective is to make sure that you get through it within 1 to 2 sessions. This course is mainly set up behind a screen share to show you real-life daily interactions. All the events that you see within the course are live and gear towards myself as a web developer. From my examples it will be very easy for you to tailored towards your niche. However you're able to obtain the resources you will be able to utilize your iPad your phone your tablet or desktop computer to take the skills to staying relevant online. Enjoy =)"
Price: 49.99

"Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) Exam Training Made Easy"
"Please note this course is the 2nd part to gaining full CCNA certification, part one of this exam training, Cisco 100-101 (ICND1), is available here About This Course This Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) training course from Infinite Skills teaches you the concepts that you will need to learn in order to pass the Cisco ICND2 (200-101) exam. The ICND2 is a required exam that you will need to pass in order to achieve your CCNA Routing and Switching certification. This tutorial is designed for the user that has already passed the ICND1 exam, or has a complete working knowledge of the topics covered in the CCENT certificate. The lessons in this computer based training course are designed to specifically cover the information that you will need in order to pass your ICND2 exam. This includes the recommended learning topics from Cisco, and other information that may be on the exam. The topics covered include; LAN switching technologies, IP routing technologies, FHRP, Syslog, SNMP v2 & v3, troubleshooting, WAN technologies and many more important subjects you will need to know to pass your exam. Once you have completed this entire Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) video tutorial, you will be familiar with all the material you are be required to know for the ICND2 exam, and should be fully prepared for, and capable of, passing the test. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons. How to take the Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) Exam: 1. Find a test center near you to take the Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) certification exam, their will provide details on test center locations and schedules. This exam is typically priced around $150 dollars. 2. Study the required material to pass the Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) examination. This course covers the material that is within the Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) certification exam, and will help put you in a great position to succeed in the exam 3. Pass your exam! 4. Tell your friends how easy passing the Cisco 100-101 (ICND1) exam was using Infinite Skills training courses and take our Cisco 200-101 (ICND2) exam prep course, to prepare for your ICND2 exam. Fusing you ICND1 with an ICND2 certification will leave you with the full CCNA accreditation. The information laid out above is given in good faith, we are not endorsing and third party company by offering a link to their site. You should always do your own research prior to making a purchase or using any service linked to via this website. Prices or details may alter and any information listed can not be guaranteed to be accurate. Note: While this course is comprehensive in regards to covering material on the exam, we do recommend using other aids to guide your study."
Price: 49.99

"Learn to create beautiful web interfaces and logos"
"This course will help you to know how to create beautiful interfaces fast and effectively as you will be using an amazing tool available for Mac.This course is aimed for people that wants to learn how to create amazing designs really fast and want to be able to implement them easily.You will learn how to use a tool for Mac designers and you will create some work to see how you can make some amazing things really easy.Get this course if you want to learn more about design, frontend and interfaces.This course gives you also the ability to download the files of the exercices so you can compare your work with the work from the video."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Modbus RS485 Network Communication"
"The Modbus protocol is the oldest and still by far the most popular automation protocol in the field of process automation and SCADA. Knowing how to create Modbus based networks that run on the RS485 serial communication standard is essential for any electrical technician and engineer working in these fields. Being able to integrate devices from different manufacturers is a skill that is in demand and will ultimately make you more valuable and marketable in the industry.This course gives you the theory behind the Modbus Protocol as well as RS485. It then goes on to show you how they work together to create a Modbus RS485 network. Two freeware applications are then used to create a Modbus network right on your PC so you can see the communication in action. After completing this course, you will be able to integrate devices from the same manufacturers and different manufacturers, that are Modbus compliant, to form a complete seamless network."
Price: 34.99

"Learn The Pastry Arts - The World Of Cookies"
"Welcome to - The World Of Cookies! --- Build the essential pastry training skills, and dazzle all of your friends in the kitchen. New or old to the art of the culinary journey, this course is designed for speed and ease. Join us! Have you ever wanted to dive into the pastry arts? Maybe you are a student or pastry professional who needs access to high quality recipes and videos? Pastry Training Centre - A pastry arts training program, with a timeline that fits your schedule. But what are our students saying? “Just wanted to thank you for the fabulous classes and training of the past few weeks! Thank you for the generosity of your time,  the high-quality impeccable ingredients you use, for sharing all of your tools, your incredible knowledge and especially the sharing of your recipes – I will keep them safe and honored. I have not met yet such a generous and fine teacher.” -Caroline Witteveen, Past Student. Videos are all shot with TWO ANGLES in a professional pastry kitchen, learn from the best. All recipes are PDF Downloads, and easy to read and follow. Owner and instructor Chef Marco Ropke is a fourth generation pastry chef from Germany with over twenty five (25) years of international pastry experience.  He now brings his knowledge of European, Asian, and North American pastries to an easy to use online school. The pastry training centre reflets Marco's deep passion for his trade and strong teaching ethics. What to expect? Lessons and Knowledge: Hands down the best resource and speedy but extensive knowledge into the basics and fundamentals of the pastry kitchen.  Video Walk-Throughs: Every single recipes published will have a full video walk-through in 720p HD with TWO CAMERA ANGLES!. We know how important it is to have close-ups of the footage, but also feeling connecting with the teacher. The science behind the art: Learn from Marco Ropke, who not only teaches you the methods and recipes, but also the science behind the art. Understand why things turn out a certain way, and be your own creator and create your own pastry recipes in the future that hold the fundamental basics to success in the kitchen. History & Characteristics: Learn the history of many items you are going to be baking, and the characteristics that define their definition. Lessons Covered? Intro: We start with an intro to the pastry arts, the kitchen essentials, conversions, recipe understanding, and how to adjust based on different ovens, and climate temperatures in the kitchen. The World Of Cookies: Not your average cookies, these cookies are fit for royalty. Learn about the traditional mixing methods, cookie styles, shapes, and methods. We outline a wide variety that spans many different skill sets and methods to make you an expert on the high-tea, cookies, and the characteristics that make them great! Dive right in and take the helm!"
Price: 19.99

"The Basics: How to Teach English Abroad (Language Teaching)"
"This introductory course gives you all you need to know in order to get the most out of teaching English as a Foreign language in a foreign country. Section 1 assigns homework after each lecture which ensures you stay on-track to finding the job you want. The other sections ensure that you will be ready to teach once you walk into your first classroom. Upon completion of this course you will have all you need to both find a teaching job abroad and succeed in the classroom. What other teachers are saying about this course: ""We're getting ready to open our ""train the teachers"" course which will be for TESOL. Your course would be a great pre-requirement!"" -Brian McCarthy English Language Communications Training & Coaching ""The concise overview of the major tools of teaching your course provides will undoubtedly be very handy for graduating TESOL students going abroad."" -Natalia Reilly, Ph.D, MATESOL University of Central Florida Enroll today and take the first step to teaching English abroad!"
Price: 19.99

"Business Plans for Startups"
"Join the azLearning Financial Education Series for an intense and focused course for early stage start-ups and new businesses designed to achieve success with their business plans. Build an effective business plan and a high quality executive summary. Approach your next steps with your new venture with confidence."
Price: 39.99

"Photography - Become a Better Photographer - Part II"
"'These courses are among the best values in Udemy' - Don 'I guarantee that you will go over this course again and again as you progress and each time you do you'll get more and more out of it. Thank you Bernie.' - Stephen'This is a fantastic course filled with so much useful information. I am a big fan of Bernie's and he sure came through with this course. You won't be disappointed.' - Diane_________________________________________________________________________ Today's DSLR and Mirrorless cameras are fantastic aren't they? The great thing is... they have an enormous number of features and settingsThe problem is.........they have an enormous number of features and settings!! And it is a problem, because although there are some real hidden gems amongst all those features, they can seem confusing or intimidating, and so a lot of photographers simply ignore or shy away from them (you know who you are!!) This course, aimed at beginner and intermediate photographers, covers DSLR and Mirrorless basic settings, but also explains your camera's more advanced features and settings. You probably already know about some of these settings but not entirely sure how and when to use them, and there may even be some that you're not even aware of! Watch photos being taken and compared using different settings Real life examples filmed in the real world Clear, concise and effective photography training that works See immediate improvements in your photos Easy to follow and understand, with a fun teaching style All boring bits removed (well, most of them anyway!) Here are just some of the topics covered in this course, new ones will be added over the next few months:- Basic settings:- Learn about the Exposure Triangle Understand the difference between exposure modes, Aperture / Shutter Speed priority etc.. Learn when and how to use Exposure Compensation Tips for getting tack sharp images of stationary subjects Learn about White Balance and how to get better colours More advanced settings:- Understand depth-of-field and give your images that wow factor When and how to use the Evaluative, Spot and Center Weighted Metering, and which is best? How to take sharp images of moving subjects Understanding Histograms What's the difference between Full Auto and the 'P' mode? Understand the advantages of full Manual exposure mode Learn about Auto ISO and an exciting new exposure mode. RAW vs JPG, which is best, and which one should you be using? ... and more Real World Settings:- Best settings for photographing inside a church or cathedral Best settings for natural light portraitureLandscape photography:- Introduction to Landscape Photography / Camera Settings / Neutral Density filters2 Live Landscape photo sessionsBest settings for landscape photography (walkthrough with advanced landscape photographerColin Mill) Flash Settings:- Learn the best basic flash settings to use When and how to use fill flash? Understand your flash max sync speed with this great shutter animation. Flash 'High Speed Sync', learn how this incredible feature can help you. Important please note that for completeness,about half a dozen lectures are repeated from the Part I course, mainly the ones on 'Basic Settings'. This is so that students only taking this course still have access to those videos."
Price: 34.99

"The Java Spring Tutorial: Learn Java's Popular Web Framework"
"An introduction to the widely-used Java Spring framework. Discover how to wire together your Java objects using Spring and dependency injection. You'll learn how to set up your system for Spring development, how to use Maven, and how to work with databases using Spring and Hibernate and how to create web applications with Spring MVC. We'll also look at managing user accounts with Spring Security,JDBC, working with web forms, Apache tiles for building modular web pages, aspect-oriented programming (AOP) and using Log4J and JUnit."
Price: 34.99

"How to Run truly Productive Meetings and add value"
"This course teaches you seven great strategies to: reduce the NUMBER of wasteful meetings make every meeting you DO hold give great returns run meetings that ENGAGE and energise people figure out what your meetings COST YOU right now. a chance to stand out as a manager who can run HIGH PAYBACK meetings There dont seem to be managers that can run good meetings let alone great ones. Pointless Meetings is the joint number one time-waster for business people, according to the Microsoft Office Productivity global survey. As for interest and engagement - nearly three quarters of us try doing our own personal work during meetings. The true cost of meetings is often hidden. But not anymore. As well as showing you how to facilitate meetings, it gives great protocols for the whole team and for all types of meetings. The principles have been tried and tested in classroom training courses in UK, Scandinavia, Iceland and North Africa, in a mix of global businesses. The short summaries give you the basics, literally, in minutes. The 12 videos and accompanying book are structured in short, 5 minute sections - and you can keep improving from the greater detail whenever you want. If youre a first time manager, team leader, or business operator and youre fed up with the time and cost wasted in meetings click on the link and make meetings work FOR you."
Price: 49.99

"Mortgage Fraud Prevention & Detection"
"Learn how to detect and prevent fraud! Mortgage fraud costs lenders - and consumers - billions of dollars every year! Protecting yourself and your company could be as simple as one-or-two clicks and 60 seconds of double checking a small detail. But nothing is small when it comes to fraud! Learn the "tricks of the trade" from a 30-year industry veteran and certified fraud expert who has investigated and worked on some of the largest fraud cases in the country - and how catching little oversights could have prevented millions of dollars in losses. Designed for lending professionals, including compliance, loan originators, processors, underwriters, closing staff and mortgage executives - this 60-minute training provides an inside look at mortgage fraud schemes and trends. Program includes specific details on: Mortgage fraud trends and current schemes being used Purchase & refinance schemes - including short sale flops & identity fraud How to properly check identification of borrowers & supporting documents Typical "Red Flags" of the 1003 application, and other warning signs Training looks at signature analysis (actual case study), the legal side of fraud, your individual liability, compliance procedures, CFPB and SAR reporting, and the penalties for fraud.Presented by best-selling author, mortgage fraud & industry expert Chip Cummings.  This course includes actual fraud examples, transcript, PDF manual and bonus materials/resources.  Also includes Q&A from industry attendees on the LIVE presentation! This quick course is a MUST for anyone involved in mortgage lending or the world of real estate! BONUS DOWNLOAD - Attendees receive a downloadable state-by-state identification and online resource guide!"
Price: 39.99

"Podcasting with GarageBand for Teachers"
"In this Course you will be introduced to Podcasting with Garageband. The structure of the course is laid so that you start from beginning to end on the process of planning, asset gathering, recording, editing, and finally sharing your podcast."
Price: 19.99

"American Accent Training for East Asian Professionals"
"This course trains East-Asian professionals how to speak with more of an American English accent. It includes video lectures and practice sheets for each section. Background languages targeted are: Chinese (Mandarin/Cantonese), Korean, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Japanese. In American Accent Training, feedback is very important. This course features videos of feedback sessions with Mandarin (Chinese) speakers. Participants are offered feedback individually as well; once a week, you can send in a voice recording and you will receive feedback."
Price: 24.99

"Learn iMovie for the iPad"
"Make beautiful movies anywhere with your iPad and iMovie and this video tutorial! The videos in the tutorial cover everything from the interface to editing to adding Ken Burns effects to Themes to creating movie trailers! Tutor for iMovie for iPad covers everything you need to make your movies Hollywood!Find out how to:set and change your theme.add music including your own music.apply the Ken Burns effect.share your new movie.add your location to a theme.change the transition.change the length of the transition.change the length of time a photo is shown.reorder your clips.use precision editing to edit your more with iMovie!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Discover and Fulfill Your Destiny"
"Is it possible that there are no accidents and coincidences in the universe? That you're given just what you need...right when you need it? This course is for you if you have experienced or are experiencing any of the following: -You feel a longing within you to serve in a significant way -You are unsatisfied with your current job or career path -You want closer more fulfilling relationships -Your ready for a change in your current lifestyle -You have goals and dreams but don't know how to make them a reality -You feel stuck where you are and aren't sure how to break through the obstacles -You don't have as much money as you would like to accomplish what you desire -You feel overworked, undervalued, and are ready to experience a profound change According to a scientific study conducted at the Rush University Medical Center, discovering and following a greater purpose in life is associated with lower mortality rates. This is just one study amongst thousands of others that show how knowing and participating in your purpose/destiny can eliminate depression, anxiety, and an unsatisfactory lifestyle. In this course you will learn how to easily and effortlessly discover and fulfill your destiny. You will be taught specific tools and techniques to discover and align with your purpose, manifest your desires, and become at peace with who you truly are --an amazing spiritual being. The course includes integrative meditations which bring together relaxing visuals, affirmations, and on screen guidance. These meditations give you the opportunity to relax very deeply and helps to alter negative subconscious beliefs. The back bone of this course incorporates a spiritual outlook on The Law of Attraction that guides you to attract and bring about what you truly want. This course is recommended to be taken as a 12 week course, with each lesson taking about a week to complete. However, it is only a recommendation and the course can be completed at your own pace. Each lesson contains: -A 10-20 minute spoken lesson designed to introduce and simplify the main topic. -A creative workbook to enhance your experience of the lessons topic. The workbook gives you the opportunity to experience the lesson firsthand with powerful questions and activities. -An Integrative Meditation to guide you into relaxation and inner calm. While in a relaxed state, you will affirm the information you learned so your subconscious can begin to change it's negative belief patterns. I invite you to consider how this course could change your experience of life and the understanding of who you truly are. Why Is It Important To Discover and Fulfill My Destiny? All we ever have is the present moment. We no longer have yesterday and the future is but a glimmer of maybes and what if's. There is more to life than the everyday routines and the conditioned behavior patterns within you. There are powerful aspects of yourself that give you the opportunity to express your role as a creator in your own life. By taking the first step to discover and fulfill your destiny you are making a statement to the universe that your ready for a change. This one step can make a substantial difference in your lifelong happiness levels, the kind of happiness that comes from within and is unlimited and infinite."
Price: 19.99

"Branding: How to Brand Yourself and Your Business"
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please note if you've already taken my course, How to Market Yourself as a Coach or Consultant, this course covers the same Branding process, however, it goes into more detail and includes additional exercises. Please be aware there is overlap between the two courses.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Branding is NOT just for big corporations. Branding is also not just for packaged products like toothpaste and laundry detergent. Or high-priced products like automobiles and electronics. Branding is crucial for coaches and consultants, too. It can mean the difference between your business succeeding or you continuing to struggle to get clients and stay afloat. If you dont want to be fighting to stand out among a sea of other service professionals in your category, you need a unique and compelling brand to set you and your business apart. Ive been branding businesses of all shapes and sizes for nearly 30 years, including: Large Corporations Small Businesses Start-ups Non-profit organizations Independent service professionals (coaches, consultants, and other experts) I developed a step-by-step proprietary branding process that Ive been using with my private consulting clients for years. And it works! In this course I share that exact process with you. Dont settle for being just another [fill in the blank] coach, consultant, or service professional. I want you to think about something for a moment... What if you had a name that clearly communicated exactly what you do for people? A name no one else was using? A name that was interesting, intriguing, and really stood for something? A name that truly represented who you are and what you stand for? A name that you love and are excited to put on your business? Can you imagine what that might do for your business? Its time to step out of the generic marketing trap. And thats exactly what this course will help you do. I encourage you to watch the Free Preview Videos so you can see all the benefits of branding yourself and your business, as well as my experience in branding. Branding is what I do. In fact, I was doing it long before it became trendy. This course includes: Video lessons that explain every step of the process Handouts and worksheets to help you apply the process to your business Real-world examples of brands created by other service pros just like you to inspire you and get you excited about creating your brand Interviews with service professionals who have successfully branded themselves so you won't feel like you're in this alone Free and low-cost resources so you can research, create, implement, and protect your brand without breaking the bank If youre tired of having to work so hard to stand out, get attention, and get clients, this course is for you. If you see other coaches or consultants out there with great brand names and youve always wished you had one too, now is your chance. If youve ever been confused by exactly what branding is, or how to brand yourself effectively, this course will answer all of your questions and walk you, step-by-step, through the very same process I take my private consulting clients through, for a fraction of the price."
Price: 149.99