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"El ABC para un negocio exitoso con UBER y CABIFY"
"Pensando en entrar en los negocios de moda en Mxico? Aprende de la experiencia de operadores reales de UBER y Cabify acerca de los requisitos y recomendaciones para tener un negocio rentable con las modernas plataformas de transportacin urbana que estan cambiando el ambiente de negocios en nuestro pas y en todo el mundo.Cul plataforma existe en mi ciudad?Qu requisitos debo cumplir?Cules son los mejores vehculos para operar?Cunto puedo ganar en este negocio?$7,500.00 MXN semanales, es correcto? (La respuesta, es s)Cmo puedo hacer crecer mi flota de vehiculos actuales?Hasta dnde puedo llegar?Encuentra recomendaciones para resolver estas preguntas, de socios conductores e inversionistas con operacion real y constante en estos negocios. Al finalizar, habrs desarrollado dos importantes documentos para tu negocio: 1) tu propio plan de arranque y crecimiento de operaciones; y 2) tu programa de administracin de tu flota.Nos respalda nuestra experiencia:+18,000 viajes realizados+$900,000 MXN en ingresos netos9 vehiculos operados en las plataformas3 ciudades en MexicoExplora el contenido del curso y empieza cuanto antes."
Price: 1545.00

"Gamification in Teaching & Learning"
"This course is to foster creating your own educational game for your students' enjoyable, effective, memorable and sustainable learning experiences.Also, this course provides gamified self-directed learning experiencessuch as quests, points, badges andunlocking the magic code based on ""Level-up Gamified Teaching and Learning Game.""Through the gamified learning experience, you may understand your students' gamified learning experience in the classroom. It wouldbe helpful to design your students' learning experience as well as to create educational games for your brilliant students."
Price: 99.99

"Gamification in Teaching & Learning: Practical Course"
"In the previous course, Gamification in Teaching & Learning, the students discovered the 5-digit magic code, which allows takingthis course for free. This course contains a review section about 4F 8Steps in Edu. Game design, four authentic educational games, materials, and presents. This course is helpful to understand how to create an Edu. Game and apply to the educators' teaching environment."
Price: 199.99

"Probar Django 1.10 Crear un Blog Dinmico"
"Probar Django 1.10es un video tutorial de Django en el que se explica paso a paso cmo crearun blog dinmico y bonito. Es un curso ideal para gente sin mucha experiencia tcnica en general o desarrolladoresque no han trabajado anteriormentecon Django, ya quees un framework que fomenta el desarrollo rpido junto a un diseo limpio y pragmtico. Te ensearemos lo fundamental y lo suficiente,para que te quedes con un proyecto robusto sin marearte.Crear el proyecto de tus sueos en poco tiempo.Empezarun proyecto con Django desdeceroAcabar con un blog supermegachuloAprender los componentes fundamentales del frameworkDesarrollar tu blog segnel concepto CRUDCompartir en redes socialesDarle alto rendimiento &diseo atractivoDjango es un backend framework de cdigo abierto y de alto nivel, utilizado por Instagram y Pinterest. Con Django es posible construir aplicaciones web muy tiles y poderosas para todos tus proyectos. Est escrito en Python, un lenguaje de programacin potente y muy expresivo, es perfecto tanto para expertos como para principiantes.Las comunidades de Django y Python no dejan de crecer, nete y vers las posibilidades que te salen!Resumen del CursoEste curso con enfoque prctico est dirigido a gente motivada, tanto desarrolladoresde otros frameworks como emprendedorescon poca experiencia tcnica perocon grandes ideas,impulsadosa crear una aplicacin webdistinta, dinmicay atractiva.Como est escrito en Python, aprenders el concepto de programacin orientada a objetos (POO, u OOP segn sus siglas en ingls), un paradigma de programacin que usa objetos en sus interacciones, para disear programas informticos. Est basada en varias tcnicas, incluyendo herencia y encapsulamiento.Siguiendo el curso, crears un blog--pasito a pasito-- algo que te podra servir tambin como base para otrogran proyecto (un comercio online, por ejemplo). El objetivo es crear una pgina web con muchafuncionalidad.A diferenciadel cursoProbar Django 1.9(un curso para principiantes en el que creamos una pgina bsica de aterrizaje --""landing page""), eneste curso deProbar Django 1.10vamos a llevar los aspectos fundamentales de Djangoms all. Tanto las URLs en s comoel mapping de ellas sern ms dinmicos. Haremos que nuestro proyecto sea ms fcil de compartir, y veremos como hacer exactamente eso en las redes sociales ms utilizadas hoy en da. Tenemos modelos como siempre, pero aadimos Model Managers. Creamos usuarios pero aadimos permisosy tambin utilizamosforeign keyspara relacionar usuarios asus publicaciones.Empleamos formularios como en cualquier otro proyecto pero aadimos el elemento de poder subir imgenes y exponerlas en el blog. Todo esto y mucho ms.Por ltimo, las explicaciones son suficientemente bsicaspara que las puedan entenderprincipiantes. Es decir, no te explicar ""en marciano"". Quiero que tuexperiencia con Django sea agradable NO frustrante!Elementosque cubrimos en este curso:FormulariosModelos y Model ManagersVistas que siguen el concepto CRUDPlantillas (herencia, tags integrados & tags personalizados, filtros, queries)URLs (mapping, parmetros)Archivos Estticos (imgenes)Diseo atractivo con Bootstrap(y CSS & HTML)QuerySetsFacebook social pluginsy MUCHO MS!Por qu 'Probar Django 1.10'?40videos y 6horas de leccionesAprenders lo fundamentalde Django para crear un proyecto personalizado y con mayor funcionalidadLos conceptos complejos se presentande manera sencillaPorque estar contigo durante todo el proceso: escribiremos el cdigo juntos y si te pierdes, reptelo todas las veces que hagan falta!Dejar vuestras preguntasen los comentarios o mandarnos un mensaje privado para que podamos atender a nuestros alumnos y susdudas.***Cdigo fuente en nuestra cuenta de github: probardjango"
Price: 94.99

"Probar Django Principios Fundamentales del Framework"
"ProbarDjango Principios Fundamentales del Frameworkes un video curso de Djangoen el que se examinan en detalle todos los aspectos fundamentalesdel framework: Modelos, Vistas, Plantillas y Formularios. Tambin van incluidos en el cursootros dospasos muy importantes:Instalaciones & Deployment (cmo empezar y terminar tu proyecto).Para crear una aplicacin web con Django hay que comprender cmo estos componentestrabajanjuntos para poderdesarrollar tu proyecto siguiendo las buenas prcticas de cada uno de ellos y el concepto CRUD.Crear el proyecto de tus sueos en poco tiempo.Empezarun proyecto con Django desdeceroAcabar con un conocimiento profundo del frameworkAprender los componentes fundamentales en detalleDesarrollar tu conocimiento del framework segnel concepto CRUDDarle alto rendimiento &diseo atractivo a tu proyectoDjango es un backend framework de cdigo abierto y de alto nivel, utilizado por Instagram y Pinterest. Con Django es posible construir aplicaciones web muy tiles y poderosas para todos tus proyectos. Est escrito en Python, un lenguaje de programacin potente y muy expresivo, es perfecto tanto para expertos como para principiantes.Por qu Django?Es un framework que fomenta el desarrollo rpido junto a un diseo limpio y pragmtico. Te ensearemos lo fundamentalpara que te quedes con un conocimiento suficiento para poder empezarun proyecto robustode Django. Las comunidades de Django y Python no dejan de crecer, nete y vers las posibilidades que te salen!Resumen del CursoEste curso con un enfoqueprctico est dirigido a principiantes (de Django y de programacin) ygente motivada,comoemprendedorescon poca experiencia tcnica perocon grandes ideas,impulsadosa crear una aplicacin webdistinta, dinmicay atractiva. En el curso analizaremos ydiseccionaremos el framework, aprendendiendopoquito a pococmo funcionan todos sus elementos.Como el framework Django estescrito enPython, aprenders el concepto de programacin orientada a objetos (POO, u OOP segn sus siglas en ingls), un paradigma de programacin que usa objetos en sus interacciones, para disear programas informticos.Al terminar este curso(en el que utilizamos versin 1.9 de Django) los alumnos podrn seguir nuestro curso de ProbarDjango Crear una Aplicacin Web en Python, completamente gratuitoen esta misma plataforma de Udemy, en el que S creamos nuestro primer proyecto, poniendo en prctica todo lo que hemos aprendido en el curse de los Principios Fundamentales de Django. En el curso disponible actualmente se usa Django 1.9 paracrear una pgina de aterrizaje (landing page) en poquito tiempo. Prximamente saldr ProbarDjango Crear una Aplicacin Web en Python usando la versin ms actual de Django (1.10).Por ltimo, las explicaciones son suficientemente bsicaspara que las puedan entenderprincipiantes. Es decir, no te explicar ""en marciano"". Quiero que tuexperiencia con Django sea agradable NO frustrante!En este curso cubrimos el 'cmo' y el 'por qu' de los siguientes elementos:Modelos (migraciones, Python Shell, claves forneas, model managers, mtodos de las instancias, seales)Vistas que siguen el concepto CRUDFunctionViews: vistas basadas en funciones (vistas CRUD & decoradores)Class Based Views:vistas basadas en clases (vistasCRUD &Mixins)Plantillas (herencia, tags integrados & tags personalizados, filtros, queries & diseo)Formularios(mtodos HTTP, guardar en la base de datos, ModelForm, widgets &labels y formsets)Interfaz administrativa de DjangoURLs &Slugs(mapping,expresiones regulares, pasar parmetros)Diseo atractivo con Bootstrap(y CSS & HTML)Consultas a la base de datos &Querysetsy MUCHO MS!Por qu 'ProbarDjango Principios Fundamentales del Frameworkpara principiantes'?54videos y8horas de leccionesAprenders lo fundamentalde Django para crear un proyecto personalizado y con mayor funcionalidadLos conceptos complejos se presentande manera sencillaEl curso es muy completo y detallado en cuanto a todos los aspectos fundamentales del frameworkPorque estar contigo durante todo el proceso: escribiremos el cdigo juntos y si te pierdes, reptelo todas las veces que hagan falta!Dejar vuestras preguntasen los comentarios o mandarnos un mensaje privado para que podamos atender a nuestros alumnos y susdudas."
Price: 49.99

"Probar Django 1.10 Avanzar el Blog"
"Probar Django 1.10 Avanzar el Bloges la segunda parte deun video tutorial de Django en el que se explica paso a paso cmo crearun blog dinmico y bonito. Es un curso ideal para gente sin mucha experiencia tcnica en general o desarrolladoresque no han trabajado anteriormentecon Django, ya quees un framework que fomenta el desarrollo rpido junto a un diseo limpio y pragmtico. Te ensearemos lo fundamental y lo suficiente,para que te quedes con un proyecto robusto sin marearte.Crear el proyecto de tus sueos en poco tiempo.Empezarun proyecto con Django desdeceroAcabar con un blog supermegachuloAprender los componentes fundamentales del frameworkDesarrollar tu blog segnel concepto CRUDCompartir en redes socialesDarle alto rendimiento &diseo atractivoIntegrar software, frameworks & bibliotecasDjango es un backend framework de cdigo abierto y de alto nivel, utilizado por Instagram y Pinterest. Con Django es posible construir aplicaciones web muy tiles y poderosas para todos tus proyectos. Est escrito en Python, un lenguaje de programacin potente y muy expresivo, es perfecto tanto para expertos como para principiantes.Las comunidades de Django y Python no dejan de crecer, nete y vers las posibilidades que te salen!Resumen del CursoSiguiendo el curso, MEJORAREMOSun blog (que hemos construidoen el curso previoProbar Django 1.10 Crear unBlog Dinmico), aadiendo elementos avanzados al proyecto. Escribiremos cdigo en Javascript y mejoraremos nuestros documentos HTML con jQuery entre muchas otras cosas.Este curso con enfoque prctico est dirigido a gente motivada, tanto desarrolladoresde otros frameworks como emprendedorescon poca experiencia tcnica perocon grandes ideas,impulsadosa crear una aplicacin webdistinta, dinmicay atractiva.Como est escrito en Python, aprenders el concepto de programacin orientada a objetos (POO, u OOP segn sus siglas en ingls), un paradigma de programacin que usa objetos en sus interacciones, para disear programas informticos. Est basada en varias tcnicas, incluyendo herencia y encapsulamiento.RECOMENDAMOS hacer el primer curso en esta serie porquevamos a llevar los aspectos fundamentales de Djangoms all.Por ltimo, las explicaciones son suficientemente bsicaspara que las puedan entenderprincipiantes. Es decir, no te explicar ""en marciano"". Quiero que tuexperiencia con Django sea agradable NO frustrante!Elementosque cubrimos en este curso:HTML&Markdown (estilo Stack Overflow)Imgenes adaptables (con Bootstrap)jQuery:vista previa, mens deplagablesClaves ForneasModel ManagersComentarios (responder & hilos de comentarios)Diseo atractivo y operativocon BootstrapQuerySetsSistema de Login, Logout, Registrode UsuariosPermisosSealesMapping dinmico de las URLsy MUCHO MS!Por qu 'Probar Django 1.10 Avanzar el Blog'?28videos y 5horas de lecciones (en total 68 videos &11 horas con los dos cursos de la serie)Aprenders lo fundamentalde Django para crear un proyecto personalizado y con mayor funcionalidadLos conceptos complejos se presentande manera sencillaPorque estar contigo durante todo el proceso: escribiremos el cdigo juntos y si te pierdes, reptelo todas las veces que hagan falta!Dejar vuestras preguntasen los comentarios o mandarnos un mensaje privado para que podamos atender a nuestros alumnos y susdudas.***Cdigo fuente en nuestra cuenta de github: probardjango > repositories > probar-django-1.10-Avanzar-el-Blog***"
Price: 94.99

"Career Navigation - The DISCOVER IT Course"
"Learn from Australias Leading Career Transformation Expert and discover the right career path for you! Learn the step-by-step process to gain clarity and confidence about the right career path you. After interviewing 10,000 or so people in my ITRecruitment &HR career I found many people were unsure how to find the right career path for them no matter how senior they were. The thing is, figuring out what you want to do for your career IS hard. You are pulled in a lot of different directions in work and life and its difficult to know exactly what is right for you. Many times self-doubt creeps in and you wonder if it is possible to have a career that is both fulfilling and financially successful. They key is to find a career that is closely aligned to who you are. In this course you will create your own Career Blueprint based on your personality, strengths, values and needs.This is done throughthe following core areas: Identity: Discover the careers that are best suited to your personality, drivers and needs.Influences: Identify the people and situations that have influenced your career so you can stop listening to everyone else and start listening to your inner voice.Interests: Understand your own voice, passions and pathways that suit who you are.Get crystal clear clarity on the best path for you. This course is easy and will take you through a proven process that gets you out of your head and clear about the career path that is right for you. This is a path that can lead to being your best self, and doing your best work.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for people in all stages of their career from students leaving college to mid-career professionals pivoting careers and senior professionals at a cross roads. This course is quick to do and compromised of 3 sections and 10 video lectures to help you discover the right carer path for you. Each lecture has an accompanying PDF Worksheet for you to help you uncover who you are, and what the ideal career pathways are for you. Starting with Identity, you will look into your personality with an MBTI Type Indicator test and the recommended career pathways for your type. In this section you will also identify you specific career drivers (motivators and values) as well as what you really need in a career to be happy (your career needs)! Secondly in the Influences section you will uncover your past career influences and current influences to be able to let go of the things that no longer serve you in a positive way. Finally, in the last section you create an awareness of your Interests by identifying what your Voice is (what messages you want to say in your career) as well as your Quests (what you really want to achieve) and your potential pathways. (youre your passions, interests and career options are). The OutcomeThe entire course is tailored to help youtap into your inner voice and be more aligned with yourtrue self when deciding on yourcareer pathways. The more aligned youare, the better work you will be able to do. The better work, the happier and more successful youwill be in the longer term.The Journey BeginsComplete with videos andWork-ITsheet files you will be able to work along side Career Transformation expert Rachel Sparkes who is there to guide you along the first step in your Career Navigation journey - Discovery."
Price: 199.99

"Career Navigaton - The DESIGN IT Course"
"Learn from Australias Leading Career Transformation Expert and deliberately design yourcareer!""The ultimate destination for any career is to do work you love, with people you like, getting paid what your worth; ina way that authenticallysuits you, andtrulyserves others! That'swhat myCareer Navigation programs are designed to help you do."" Rachel SparkesLearn the step-by-step process to create a plan so you can deliberately design the career of your dreams!After interviewing 10,000 or so people in my ITRecruitment &HR career I found many people were unsure how to take control of their career design through correct planning.The thing is, sitting down to consistently set goals and stick to them in yourcareer IS hard. You are pulled in a lot of different directions in work and life and its difficult to know effective goal setting and accountability techniques.Many times we wonder how to balance meaning with our desire for 'money' and 'service to others' for our need to 'look after our own needs'and confusion creeps in so we give up before we begin. You end up reactive and not really reaching your greatest potential in your career. Self-doubt can also creep in and you wonderif it is possible to have a career that is both fulfilling and financially successful.They key is to setting the right type of goals that are balanced with both momentum and meaning.In this course you will create a holistic, deliberate career design through the following process:Goals- The 9 Step Career DesignProcessthat creates goals to achievebothmeaning and money!Gaps- Pinpoint exactly what you need to bridge to get where you want to go!Game Plan- The15 Year Roadmap, The12 Month Game Plan, The90 Day Actions to get you on your way!Get crystal clear clarity on what to do and how to keep accountable:This course is easy and will take you through a proven process that gets you stop starting and start finishing' your career goals. Its all about teaching you how to Ideate, Create and Commit to the goals that you care about and teaching you productivity and accountability techniques that will ensure you get them done!This is a CareerDesign processthat can lead to being your best self, and doing your best work.Content and OverviewThis course is suitable for people in all stages of their career from students leaving college to mid-career professionals pivoting careers and senior professionals at a cross roads.This course is quick to do and compromised of 3 sections and XX video lectures to help you deliberately design your career path over the next 90 Days, 12 Month and even 15 years!!Each lecture has an accompanying PDF Worksheet for you to help you write everything down and eep everything in one place, and decide on what goals and actions you need to take to get you where you want to go.Starting withGoals,you will learn the 9, yes 9 goal areas to create meaning, money and balance between giving and getting in your career.In this section you will also identify the difference between safe, stretch and faith type goals to keep you reaching for your greatest potential.Secondly in the Gapssection you will learn two new tools that will help you identify the real (not untrue) gaps between where you are now and where you want to be. I will introduce you to the TRANSITIONPLANNINGtechnique and the PRESETTEST tool which are tools Ihave developed to help you pin point exactly what you need to do to bridge those gaps. You will also learn ideation technique called 'Annual Themes' to make sure you cover all bases on what your gaps are in your current career.Finally, in the last section you create an awareness of yourGame Planby identifying what your long term vision is for your career in the 15 Year Roadmap. This is also an ideation tool to get you out of your logical mind and into your intuition and pure potentiality. You will then chunk down your goals and gaps into achievable steps in the 12 Month Game Plan and 90 Day Actions and learn gamification techniques to make it all happen!The OutcomeThe entire course is tailored to help you do the following to deliberately design your career:Ideate (Think about what youwant)Create (Design the career of your dreams) andCommit (Gamify the process for fun accountability)""The ultimate destination for any career is to do work you love, with people you like,getting paid what your worth; ina way that authenticallysuitsyou, andtrulyserves others! Thats' what this and my Career Navigation programs are designed to help you do."" Rachel SparkesThe Journey BeginsComplete with videos andWork-ITsheet files you will be able to work along side Career Transformation expert Rachel Sparkes who is there to guide you along the secondstep in your Career Navigation journey - Design."
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Fleet Management"
"This course is designed for Fleet Owners, Company Directors, Fleet Managers, Finance Managers, Fleet Administrators/ Supervisors who are seasoned professional in different facets of the business. It is also designed for people who are starting up in Fleet Management and aspire to be Fleet Managers one day. All these professionals share an interest to bring down their operation's Fleet operating expenses.By the end of this course you will be able to:-Understand the concepts of Fleet Management as a discipline and related applicable scientific principlesFormulate a Fleet Policy and have a full view of critical policy issues that have to be included in that fleet policyLearn about the fleet life cycle and how intertwined and interdependent the life cycle stages are on one anotherDiscover different methods of financing your fleet and also learn how to calculate total fleet costing, insurance premium calculations and other key techniques necessary to manage any fleet environment betterDiscover risk issues facing your fleet operation, how to evaluate risk and proactively take actions that allow you to make educated decisions on how to transfer risk cost effectivelyLearn how to perform critical expense control calculations for fuel, maintenance, depreciation, tyresImplement interventions that will bring about visible changes in your operation"
Price: 199.99

"Pimp UP the System Fonts on Your Windows PC IMac or MacBook"
"Pimp-Up your systemfonts like a BO$$!If you are sick and tired of sticking with the same old boring fonts that shipped with your windows Pc or Mac - you know the exact same ones that everyone else uses & has access to, then this is absolutely the course for you!This course is also for you if:You are an EntrepreneurYou are a StudentYou are a DesignerYou are a CreativeYou will essentially breathe a whole new breath of fresh air & originality to your work by unleashing 100s of new super-cool fonts on to your system.You will NOLONGER be tied to just using the likes of: 'Times New Roman', 'Verdana', 'Arial' etc. You will soon be able to use a whole new range of fonts across all of your applications - many of which you will probably never even have heard of let alone know existed!This is absolutely sure to be the most rewarding course that you have taken all week. Not only will you learning new skill, and learn how to install a brand-new font onto your system, you will also be given over 1000 completelyfree fonts on me that you will be able to download &install to make use of right awayWhat if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.See you on the inside!"
Price: 44.99

"Design & Create Text Logos in Adobe Photoshop CS5"
"Over 2000 student have already jumped into this course!....Welcome to this course: Design & Create Text Logos in Adobe PhotoshopThis is a Logo design course with a cooldifference.........the main difference being that it will NOT over complicate things by producinglogos that feature weird / wacky shapes textures or layers....Why?........ BecauseIf you think about it, some of the biggest companies in the world todayactually have some ofthe simplest yet still verymemorable Logos around. They make use of nice fonts and cool colours.I am talking about the likes of: eBay, Facebook and even the all mighty Google. They feature NO wild shapes or curves. But instead opt for simplicity & practicality. This really is the future trend in logo design for serious online businesses.This unique course will take you through a different type of Logo Design. A type that does not include crazy or quirky shapes.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be toldyou have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.See you on the inside!"
Price: 94.99

"Install & Setup a WordPress Template just like the Demo"
"Over 4000 students have alreadyjumped in to this exciting course!.......It's now your turn toLearn how to confidently install just about any WordPress theme!...Installing WordPress themes is big business nowadays. Whether it is for yourself or for a client there is always a need for this skill.This course will set out to teach you how to install WordPress themes the correct way via several different methods.You will be shown how to set the theme up so that it looks just like the Demo, as well as how to install plug ins, ho to install a slider to the front page, and much more.You will learn all that you need to in order to be a confident wordpress theme installer. You will even be shown how and whereto Make Money onlineinstalling Wordpress themes.Here is a bit about what you will learnYou will be shown...How to install a theme using the many that are available within adminHow to to go about purchasing and downloading a theme ready for install. it may seem simple, but people are always downloading and trying to install the wrong parts of the theme package - and so running in to errors.How to install and configure a theme after uploading. We cover how set the home page and set up the websites menu.How to install 'Sample Date' for our given theme.How to use 'FTP' (File Transfer Protocol) to upload theme files to a serverWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modern skill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I would just like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'. I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!"
Price: 94.99

"Create an Adobe PDF eBook using just Microsoft Word"
"Welcome to this course that will teach you how to create your own eBooks from scratch using just theMicrosoft Word applicationHave you ever thought about creating your own PDFeBook?Did you even know thatyou can use just Microsoft Word to not only write, but also format & layout your eBook ready for distribution (be that via a website or kindle)?Have you not heard?.......eBooks are all the rage nowadays - they areseen as an essential part of any online business sales / marketingstrategy.This step-by-step course will take you through everything that you need to know to be able to use just Microsoft Word tocreate your own Adobe PDFeBooks from complete scratch the right way.Here is a bit about what you will learnYou will be shown...The correct elements that you should absolutely include in any eBook that you create, and also the correct order of these elementsHow to correctly format your Word document ready to convert into aneBookHowto add a table of contents that automatically updates as Your e-book gets longer andpage numbers change. Also one that is clickable so that your readers can instantly click to jump to any particular page that interest them.How to add great looking headers & footers to every singlepageHow to convert your MS Word document in to an eBook the correct wayWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modernskill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be toldyou have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I willSee you on the inside!"
Price: 74.99

"Build an Ecommerce Website using Zen Cart"
"Learn Step-By-Step how to build a Zen cart Ecommerce Website...Have you every wanted to learn BASIC Zen Cart E-commerce website development? Ever wanted to learn how to build your own Online E-commerce / Zen Cartshop, so that you no longer need to pay a recurring monthly fee to a hosted shopping cart provider?....... if yes then this is the course for you.""Build an Ecommerce website using Zen Cart"" will teach you how to build your own Ecommerce shopping cart solution by and for yourself.Here is a bit about what you will learn...You will be shown...How to know when your website hosting is ready to install Zen CartHow to install the Zen cart Ecommerce platform quickly and easily via cPanel (Control Panel)How and where to find free and paid themes to really Pimp Up the look and feel of your Zen Cart web shop.How to download, unzip and then upload the files of your chosen theme in the correct structure using FTP.How to set up and configure your Zen Cart installationHow to add a new product to your e-shop and SEOas you go - which will enable the Search Engines to find and rank your products.We are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modern skill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I would just like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'. I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!..."
Price: 124.99

"Create a HTML eBay Auction listing Template in Photoshop CS5"
"Ever wanted to be able to Learn how toCreate a professional eBay Listing Template?People take just seconds to form an opinion of you as a private or business seller on eBay. The chances are that if it seems obvious that you are running your business from home as a 'one-man-band', the truth of the matter is that some peoplewill just prefer not to do business with you - instead seeking out a company as they feel they would have more of a come back should things go wrong.It' also afact that having a professional looking eBay listing template / shop front will help to convince visitors and potential customers of your professionalism - and so will help to increase both sales and visitorconversions.Professionalism is everything on eBay and if you have an awesome looking listing template for your eBay items then it can really help to increase sales.TheeBay Listing template Design in Photoshop CC CourseIn this course we will be using the mighty Photoshop CC to create a great lookingHTMLAuction Listing template for theeBay platform.NEVERAGAIN will you need to use thoselowquality child-like designs for your listings that eBay themselves provide!Now you will have the power of Photoshop and it's creativity at your disposal.We will be producing a stunning eBay Auction listing template that you will be able to use as an example + your creativity to create your own. You could even use the some principles to create a HTMLeBay Shop template design as well.Here is a morebit about what you will learn on this course....You will be shown...How to use Adobe Photoshop to create a eBay Auction template design image.How and here to add the essential elements of any Listing template.How to use the image slice tool to divide up the image.How to export a flat image as HTMLand several smaller images.How to upload our HTMLand images to the internet ready to use on eBay.How to post your newly created design to eBay and make everything look as it should.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I would just like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.So truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of this eBay Auction templateDesigncourse, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'. I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!"
Price: 89.99

"Design & Export a HTML Web or Sales page in Photoshop CS5"
"Do you want to be able to sell your digital product on the likes of Clickbank or JVZoo?Have you ever noticed how they usually just use one single sales page to sell their digital product?.........well this course is all about teaching you exactly how you can create a seriously awesome sales page using just Adobe Photoshop.Photoshop is an amazing design tool, and many people are not even aware that it is also able to generate HTMLweb pages by using a simple built in'export' function.On this course you will be taught all about this exciting tool. Why is it so exciting?...... because this single tool now unleashes a whole new range of creative possibilities within Photoshop.You canbe as creative as you wish to in your websites design - and then just export your design in to a fully functioning HTML web page with clickable links.What are some of the uses of this?Well, lets just say that you wanted to create your own digital informational product. Nothing would make it stand out more than if you were able to create your own custom sales page for that product that would wow your visitors when they landed on your page.Here is a bit about what you will learn on this courseYou will be shown...How to start off with just a blank canvas in Photoshop and go on to create your on unique web page design that you can then go on to export as HTMLand images.How to decide on the header, body content & footer sectionsSlicing up any flat images ready to be exported.The step-by-step process to exportingANY image as aHTMLdocument.How to format your exported content ready to be used on the web.How to add great looking headers & footers to every singlepageWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a super-cool & verymodernskill.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because hereat Web U Teach want to yoube 100% happy with your course purchase from us.So I wouldjust like to remind you that your purchase is actually backed by the Udemy 30no quibbleDay Money Back Guarantee.So truth be toldyou have absolutely nothing to lose and a possiblebrand-new skill to gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I willSee you on the inside!"
Price: 59.99

"A Beginners Guide to Domains & Website Hosting for Business"
"Over 1100 students have alreadyjumped in!.......Welcome to this Beginners course which is a reveal all guide to Domain Names and Website Hosting for business.Although this course is mainly aimed at beginners, the more experienced could also learn a thing or two from it.We will cover all you could possibly need to know about Domain Names and website hosting -even delving deeper in to the important things that you need to think about when coming up with a domain name to register for your website or online business.If you have any intention of getting in to online business then this course really is for you.Here is a bit about what you will learn on thiscourseYou will be shown...What exactly is a Domain NameWhat is website hostingHow domain names and web hosting work in relation to each other.How to change the nameservers of a domain to point to a particular web hostThe important elements to look out for when registering a domain nameWe are going to have a lot of fun on this course and you are going to learn a really important modernskill.We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Alsolook forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I willSee you on the inside!"
Price: 29.99

"Website Hosting for Internet Entrepreneurs"
"Welcome to this course: 'Website hosting for internet entrepreneurs'. The course that will teach you all that is important for internet entrepreneurs to know when it comes to website hosting.Here is a bit about what you will learnYou will be shown...An explanation of Domain Names. Domains usually go hand-in-hand with website hosting, so this also needs to be explained in more detail.What exactly website hosting is. Many people think that they know, but experience tells us that this is not always the case.More detail about ""WHM"" -this is really the element that is for entrepreneurs as it is the 'parent' and enables you to produce 'child' cPanelwebsite hosting accounts. You will be learning more about this.What 'cPanel' and how they stem from WHMparent accountsThe obvious and inevitableconnection between Domain Names and Website Hosting.What if I am not 100% happy with the content of this course?I am really glad you asked that. Because here at Web U Teach want to you be 100% happy with any course that you decide topurchase from us.Let meremind you that your purchase is actually backed by the rock solidUdemy 30 no quibble Day Money Back Guarantee.Which means that if you are not happy with the course then you can go ahead and request a refund. SIMPLESSo truth be told you have absolutely nothing to lose and a possible brandnew skill +new knowledgeto gain!We really can't wait to see you on the inside of the course, and welcome you to the Web U Teach 'Family'.I Also look forward to sending you your personal welcome message once you have joined.Jump in NOW and I will See you on the inside!!Knowledge is Power!"
Price: 44.99

"Graphicriver Autor Verkaufe deine Designs online"
"Mit der Envato Market Plattform Graphicriver ist es mglich digitale Produkte wie Visitenkarten, Bewerbungsvorlagen, Flyer, Poster und andere Templates online als digitales Produkt zum Verkauf anzubieten und sich somit ein lukratives passives Einkommen aufzubauen.Wenn du Grafiker oder Designer bist und die gngigen Tools wie Photoshop, Indesign oder Illustrator beherrschst, dann wirst auch du es schaffen mit dem, was dir wirklich Spa macht, viel Geld zu verdienen.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du dich auf der Plattform erfolgreich als Autor registrierst und dein eigenes Produkt fr den Upload vorbereitest.Ich gebe dir ntzliche Tips wie du die fr dich passende Produktkategorie ausfindig machst, wie du dein Produkt technisch aufbereitest und perfekt in Szene setzt und wie du gute Bewertungen bekommst und in der Verkaufsrangliste ganz oben landest.Am Ende des Kurses wirst du in der Lage sein selbst ein digitales Produkt auf der Plattform anzulegen und dir damit eine passive Einkommensquelle zu generieren.Trumst auch du davon dein eigenes digitales Produkt zu entwickeln und zu verkaufen? Finanziell unabhngiger zu sein? Oder Geld zu verdienen whrend du schlfst oder deinen Hobbys nachgehst? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das Richtige fr dich!"
Price: 29.99

"Kickstarting Your Insider Threat Program"
"The Insider Threat can affect any organization anywhere, whether through stolen information, corporate sabotage or fraud. New U.S. Federal requirements under NISPOM Conforming Change 2 now compel cleared defense contractors to create and maintain a functioning Insider Threat Program.Many companies are confused. They dont know where to start. We believe every company deserves clarity so they can be compliant and build robust programs. This online course, Kickstarting Your Insider Threat Program, is developed from Big Sky Associates widely acclaimed live seminars. The course is designed to provide you with the best practices you need to build an Insider Threat Program, whether you are a security manager, Facility Security Officer (FSO), Insider Threat Program Senior Official (ITPSO), or other company official. The lessons will show you how to define the Insider Threat problem, clearly explain the NISPOM Conforming Change 2 (CC2)requirements, and show you how to uncover potential insider threat indicators. Big Skys subject matter experts have developed Insider Threat Programs for U.S. Defense and Security agencies as well as for private companies."
Price: 199.99

"Classroom Behaviour Management"
"These 7 steps are the key things that confident teachers put in place without even realising they are doing it, they form the foundation for being able to deal with challenging behaviour and non-compliance in a calm, planned way.In this 7 session programme you will learn:the things you must have on your classroom wall;the things you need to have set up to reduce the time you spend telling pupils off;the psychology of classroom management;how to use the class to help you manage behaviour;the strategies that will help the kids to love your teaching, whilst still maintaining control;the one simple thing that will dramatically change your relationship with your pupils.The course covers:group identity in the classroom;the change process;setting up basic classroom rules;getting pupil buy-in to class rules;the importance of visual timetables in lesson and throughout the day;making transparent decisions about behaviour;making reasonable behaviour adjustments;explaining behaviour management decisions to other children;brain development introduction;automatic brain reactions to threat;establishing trust and security in the classroom;understanding your beliefs, motivation and buttons;understanding how they affect your reactions to behaviour;the elements of engaging lessons;using engaging lessons to manage behaviour."
Price: 74.99

"Airtable for Entrepreneurs"
"Welcome to Airtable for Entrepreneurs! Do you own a business?Do you struggle keeping all the records and data together and organized?This course is for you! I'll walk you through step by step, from setting up your account to having a full fledged database that can run a small business.You need to take this course because Airtable is the most flexible and responsive database program around right now. With limited technical skill, you can avoid thousands of dollars buying a clunky and expensive system. And you'll have the control to do what YOUwant. Neat, huh?This course will only take a couple of hours to complete, but you can reference it whenever you need a refresher!I can't wait to work through this course with you!"
Price: 94.99

"Convirtete En El Crack Del Email Marketing Con GetResponse"
"El mail es una de las herramientas ms usadas a la hora de realizar acciones de marketing. Descubre todas las funciones y opciones que GetResponse nos presentaEl e-mail marketing es la utilizacin del correo electrnico con nimo comercial o informativo y se diferencia de otras herramientas de marketing tradicional porque permite realizar una oferta personalizada y exclusiva a cada persona a travs de un medio inmediato.Hoy en da personalizar el mensaje es esencial. Adems le coste del medio empleado, en este caso el correo electrnico es muy reducido y permite unas dosis altas de creatividad.GetResponse es la plataforma de Email Marketing ms sencilla del mundo. Dicha plataforma te permite crear una valiosa lista de marketing de clientes potenciales, con los cuales quieres empezar a entablar slidas relaciones construyendo una buena base de futuros clientes.Gracias a los 30 vdeos que prepare para ti, vas a ser capaz de manejar GetResponse a la perfeccin.No es necesario que tengas conocimiento alguno porque gracias al contenido y el orden del temario vas a darte cuenta que sencillo es manejar esta plataforma de email marketing.Si estas buscando un auotrespondedor para tu blog o tu plataforma en internet, te puedo asegurar que GetResponse cumple todos los requisitos necesarios para empezar a captar los emails que necesitas y as construir una buena base de clientes.El curso empieza con el registro a GetResponse y poco a poco se va subiendo el nivel apto para cualquier persona sin conocimiento alguno de email marketing.Todo el material del curso esta compuesto por 30 vdeos tutoriales en Espaol aprendiendo al detalle todas las funciones paso a paso.Seras capaz de hacer Newsletter, hacer una estadisticasde las mismas, trabajar campaas, crear campos personalizados, crear rss a email, getresponse webinar, precios getresponse, getresponse afiliados y un montn de funciones ms."
Price: 54.99

"Start from the beginning! Opening a beaty facial salon"
"Daily self-facial massage at homeThose who want to work as a professional therapist in the futureThose who are interested in beauty and anti-agingThose who are not comfortable going to the esthetics but are concerned about facial swelling and swellingIf you want the right skin care but don't know how to do itRecommended course forMethod of self-facial massage and small face lymphatic massage along skeletal muscleBeing able to do it yourself, you can maintain beauty by gently massaging each day as if you were doing makeup daily.It can also be used as training materials for salon owners and salon stores."
Price: 15000.00

"Give your self acupressure massage methods anytime, anywhere"
"This course is made for people who always use computer and smartphone. You can easily get rid of your fatigue by applying what you learn from the course.At work, on your break, on your day off, you can try it while sitting on a chair.Nutrition is delivered to all over the body through blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. Then, waste matters in the body are collected through lymphatic vessels and are eliminated to outside of the body. In Japan, this lymphatic path is called Keiraku and pressure point is called Tsubo.In this course, you can learn an effective and easy way to utilize pressure points along with some easy stretching method, depending on your purpose and condition.There are 240 pressure points in our body and oriental medicine and acupuncture use them. With our program which takes three minutes a day throughout a month, youll learn how to find right pressure points and how to give pressure.After completing the 31 days course, youll notice that your body doesnt get tired easily.From the next month, you can start from step 1 again, or you can just work on some programs that you want to focus on."
Price: 29.99

"Designing for 3D Printing with Fusion 360"
"The real magic in 3D printing happens when you are able to createyour own designs. We will learn how to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to design tenpractical and functional products that can be 3D printed. Each lesson will build on the prior to introduce design concepts and best practices when when designing for desktop 3D printers. Fusion 360 is free for students and hobbyists and is a very powerful designing tool. By the end of the course you will have the skills and confidence to begin creating your own designs and start turning your ideas into physical objects."
Price: 149.99

"MBA in Entrepreneurship: How to Start a Business in 6 Steps"
"MBA in Entrepreneurship: How to start a business in 6 stepscourseis ideal for you if you'repassionate about becoming a successful entrepreneur and starting your own business. Passion and drive is all what is needed to start with, the practical knowledge providedpavesyour way ahead to find successful business ideas andturn theminto successful and profitablebusinesses.Learn the6EssentialMBA Subjectsin Entrepreneurship, that:Teach all the essential knowledge about how to start a businessTeach you everything you need tostart with before launching your startupPreparesyourmindsetto be a successful entrepreneur.Allow business ideas to flow directly to your mind.Teach you how to testideas indifferent business aspects.Help you take action and translate visions into a series of activitiesand achieve results.Basically, in this course you'll learn how start a business in any industry you like, whether it's an online business, physical shop or a company.This course is for you if you're looking forward to learn:How to start abusiness of your own, whether it's an online business, home business or a companyHow to make a passive income from a business ideaDigital marketing and what channels to use for marketing your productsHow to make money of the same business idea, but utilizing different modelsThe psychology of successful entrepreneurs and what makes them successfulHow to find business ideas easilyHow to progress and achieve your goalsHow to conduct a market researchIn six chapters, an entire MBA in entrepreneurship knowledge is provided in simple and clear way for understanding, that aims to pave your way for launching a startup.Starting with the first step, you'lllearntwo practicalmethods tofindsuccessfulbusiness ideas.Then we startby examining different entrepreneurshipMBA aspects tomakeit a profitable business, by first testing the potential of the idea by learning how to conduct a market research.Then we proceed with how to secure funding for your businessand how to approachinvestors.Then a clearer path will start to appear for the business, andyou'll learn how to market it to customers and how to build a brand for your business.After that, you candecide on how revenue is going to reach you from customersand thedifferent options to make money from your idea (revenue streams and revenuemodels).Finally, in the last chapter you'll bring that idea into light by learning the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) concept that allows you toexecute it in the real world."
Price: 149.99

"Learn PHP CodeIgniter Framework with AJAX and Bootstrap"
"Continuously updating course on Udemy. Updated: 22/09/2016Real time live coding and Real time Practice Projects which will also help in future development.Learn Codeigniter - the most popular PHP Framework! In this course you will build a complete application in the CodeIgniter Framework from Scratch. You'll learn how the MVC pattern works as I will explain you the MVCconcepts in easy way using diagram.If you want to learn how to make Dynamic PHPApplications using MVC then this course is for you, yes for you.Why Codeigniter?Because it is the most popular PHP framework and is on demand for jobs and freelance projects.Model-View-Controller Based SystemExtremely Light WeightSecurityForm validationDatabase configurationsDatabase queries (CRUD)From the market point of view all the High paying Development Jobs require Frameworkknowledge.One Individual must know how to use and make a professional Web app using MVCFramework. So CodeIgniter is the best choice to start with the MVCFramework in PHP.Note: All the Students can message me any time for any help I would love to help you.See you guys in the course."
Price: 74.99

"3DS MAX Modelleme Ve Keyshot Render Eitimi"
"Bu kurs 3 boyutlu modellemeye ilgi duyan verenmek isteyen kullanclar hedeflenerek hazrlanmtr. Bu kurs ilesfrdan orta dzey bir kullanc seviyesine gelebilir ve fotorealistik render alarak aklnzdaki soyut kavramlara grsel olarak hayat verebilirsiniz. Hatta dosya export blmnden almanz.STLuzantl kaydederek 3 boyutlu yazcdan bastrabilirsiniz (bu konu derslerde ilenmemitir ancak ilgi duyanlar mesaj yoluyla bilgilendirilebilir). Bu kursta modellemeye arlk verilmi,mmkn olduu kadar fazla pratik yaptrlarak, hedeflenen orta seviye 3ds max ve Keyshotkullancsolmanzsalanmtr. Kapak resminde yer alan otomobil ve cep telefonu kursta yaplan modelleme ilerenderrnekleridir ve kursu bitirdiinizde geleceiniz seviyeyi gstermektedir.Modelleme ksmnda verilen rnekler basitten kompleksyapya doru seilerek modelleme mantn daha iyi kavramanzve neyin nerde kullanlacan renmenizsalanmtr. Proje ksmnda yer alan otomobil modelleme rnei zellikle seilmitir. Bunun nedeni,karmak ve birok modelleme teknii vearacierdiinden,modelleme konusunu tam olarak pekitirme ansnznolmasdr.Bu kursta dev olarak alma dosyalar da sizlerle paylalm ve konuyu daha iyi anlamanz salanmtr. Bu kurs3ds max 2012 ile hazrlanmtr. Bunun nedeni , 3ds max'in daha st versiyonlarnn yksek sistem gereksinimlerinden dolay birok bilgisayarda yavalamalara sebep olmasdr. Ltfen unutmayn, 3ds max, 2000ylndanberi ayn arayz kullanmaktadr ve kursta kullanlan3ds max 2012 srmsizler iin KESNLKLE BR DEZAVANTAJ DELDR.. Yksek srmlerde de aynarayz kullanldndan kurs boyunca dilerseniz yksek srm, dilerseniz daha dk srmleri kullanabilirsiniz."
Price: 119.99

"Aprende Ingls con las 3FS"
"Bienvenido a las 3Fs, el curso que te ayudar a convertirte en un comunicador sincero, directo y amable (frank, forthright & friendly) en Ingls.A quien va dirigido este curso?He diseado el curso para un nivel bsico o nivel medio. El curso va avanzando en dificultad de forma gradual. Los grandes temas que propongo son los ms solicitados por mis alumnos. Tenga un nivel bajo o medio-alto te vas a beneficiar del curso de ingls.Qu aprenders?El curso est diseado para mejorar tu nivel de conversacin, pronunciacin, comprensin, y sobre todo tu confianza.Vas a encontrar el curso til, entre otras cosas, si alguna vez ha tenido problemas con los puntos gramaticales como gerundios o infinitivos, el presente perfecto, o frases verbales. Tambin mejoraras en el entender el sonido ingls.Cul es la estructura del curso?Esta dividido en 12 video que se dividen en 3 secciones de las 3fs (frank, forthright & friendly) con sus correspondientes 4 videos. Este curso junto con el material adicional con pdfs le permitir mejorar tu nivel de Ingls y seguir avanzando con el idioma.En todos los videos puedes activar lossubttulos en ingles o enespaol para que te ayuden en el proceso de aprendizaje.El curso tambin se centra en los sistemas de ortografa y sonidos britnicos Ingleses para ayudarle a entender mejor y tambin reducir su acento extranjero.Qu necesito para completar el curso?Slo necesitas tu ordenador con el navegador. Necesitaras dedicarle varias horas para asimilar los videos y completar los pdfs. Es relativamente fcil de realizar el curso a tu ritmo y podrs repetir los videos las veces que necesites.Qu habrs conseguido al final del curso?Al finalizar el curso, tendrs una mejor gramtica, pronunciacin y mayor vocabulario.Un gran acierto para niveles bsicos o medios que deseen perfeccionar las habilidades del ingls.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to the 3Fs, the course that willhelp you become a frank, forthright, and friendly communicator in English.Who is the course aimed at?I designed this course with all levels in mind. The course progresses in difficulty as we go through but dont let this put you off. All the topics I have included I know cause learners from beginners to advanced problems. Wherever you are on the learning spectrum , I know you will benefit from this English languagecourse.What will you learn?Thecourse is tailored to improve yourlevelin speaking, pronunciation, comprehension, and above all confidence.You will find the course helpful if you have ever struggled with grammatical points such as gerunds or infinitives, the present perfect, andphrasal verbs. Or even the dreaded English sound system!What is the structure of the course?The 12 video programme is split into 3F sections with 4 videos in each explaining a topic related to the main F.This course together with the additional material in pdfs will allow you to improve your English level and feel good about it.In all videos you can activate subtitles in English or Spanish to help you in the learning process.The course also focuses on spelling and British English sound systems to help you understand better and also reduce your foreign accent.What do I need to complete the course?You only need your computerto complete this course.And of course some time to watch the videos and complete the pdfs at your own pace.What will you have accomplished by the end of the course?By the end of the course, you will have improved grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary.A great achievement for all levels who wish hone their skills."
Price: 19.99