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"Photoshop CC 2019 for Beginners: Master Photoshop Essentials"
"New Updates:Welcome to Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 for Beginners course. In this course Ibehelping students to learn creative designs, retouching images,clipping, cropping, different techniques of selection and digital painting.Adobe Photoshop is one of the world's most powerful software. Nearly every computer user definitely knows about Photoshop in some way. Ever wonder how Photographers use Photoshop for retouching and How designers use Photoshop for web and app designing and how digitalartists design textures, makeconcept digital painting, digital portrait and landscape?If no, thenthis course if for you.While being a professional Computer Graphic designer I have decide to cover all these topic in this course Adobe Photoshop CC for beginners where we will be guiding yourall topics with easy steps and techniques."
Price: 199.99

"Organizing: Project You"
"You are tired. Work, school, the house, volunteering, and all the other things that make up your life feel overwhelming. You are looking for a better way to handle everything. This course is for you if you fit the description above. Join me as we discuss how organizing can help. We will take an in depth view of what it really takes to get organized and the starting point is YOU.We will be focusing on four main topics: what ""being organized"" means,mindsets, the necessity of managing your time and energy, and the habits you need in place to stay organized. This course is for you if you are willing to change and create an organized life. This is not a course filled with tips and tricks, we are diving deeper than that. If you need that, head on over to Pinterest. The ideas we are talking about precede all of that. Are you ready? I am happy you are here."
Price: 19.99

"How to Make Great Sales Calls"
"This course teaches you how to make sales calls - successfully.Unfortunately, we receive too many phone calls today which are very poorly carried out - which try and pressurise us into a sale, and which are often rude, abrupt and deceitful.However, there is a good way to make calls - one which focuses on the caller rather than you, and which is 180 degrees different to the traditional call.There are ten modules to go through, each one is short, no longer than eight minutes. A workbook is included for you to download, and to use in the exercises.Also included are questions to test your knowledge and to see how much you have learnt!Good look, and enjoy!Happy selling..."
Price: 24.99

"Apple Final Cut Pro X 10.3 for online instructors"
"I've created hundreds of hours of videocontent for some of Udemy's most popular instructors and now I'm going to share my course creationvideosecrets with you. It's no secret thatI'm a huge fan of this software. It's incredibly fast and powerful and Ibelieve it's the best software for course creators and online content producers. This course will get you up and running withApple Final Cut Pro 10.3straight away. This coursewill revolutionise the way you edit and create your content.Iwill show you everything you need to knowto get started withApple Final Cut Pro 10.3. As many teachers come from a PCbackground, the course will firsttake you through how tochoosean Apple Mac for editing along with recommendations for extra equipment that will come in useful. You will be walked through downloading andinstalling the program from the Apple App Store before moving onto running the program for the first timeandunderstanding the interface.Learn how toset-up your library, events and project beforeimporting your first video clip/s.You will thenlearn how to make your first edits and create transitions and effects,how to add animated text to your video and how to work with green screen video along with tips on working with 3rd party plugins and effects. At the end of the course you will be able to utilise the powerful features to start building your own engaging video content."
Price: 149.99

"Las 4 Claves Para Priorizar Tareas y Actuar - Mtodo FAST"
"Este curso lo han hecho miles de personas en formato presencial. Me he decido a montarlo en online para que el mximo nmero de personas puedandisfrutarde los beneficios que mis alumnos me transmiten que les ha aportadoel mtodo FAST:Menos estrs, conseguir por fin trabajar en lo que es clave, dejar de correr, pasar tiempo con las personas importantes en tu vida, y un largoetctera.En este curso aprenders las ltimastcnicas de gestin del tiempo y productividad con base cientficaen forma delos4 principios clave(FAST: Focus, Achieve, Sustain y Target) para ser productivos en el mundo de las interrupciones ylas 6 reglas de oro a aplicar.Dejars de correr y conseguirs el triple siendo ms feliz y equilibradoEstas reglas y principios te permitirn en esencia, ser ms productivo, ms equilibrado, ms feliz y disear y mantener una vida con ms sentido.Cuando acabes el cursopriorizarslas cosas importantes de manera natural, no te dejars arrastrar por lasinterrupciones(llamadas, compaeros, reuniones, etc.), dedicars tiempo a diario a tusobjetivosydirs que NO sin esfuerzoa las cosas que no aportan a tu vida, pasarsms tiempo con tus seres queridosy este ser de mucha ms calidad, etc.Resultados increiblesIncluso si te pasa como a mi, que hemultiplicado mi productividad, tu estilo de vida mejorar tanto que en mi caso he conseguido por fin hacer deporte yperder 18,5 Kgen 10 meses y he hecho yavarios triatlonesdesde que empec a aplicar FAST. Esto es aun ms sorprendente para mi si tenemos en cuenta que llevo 10 aos aplicando metodologas de productividad y con el objetivo de hacer deporte, y antes de aplicar FAST me han pasado 14 aos por encima autoengandome dicindome: no tengo tiempo.Extremadamente prctico y aplicable desde el primer daTambin conocerslos errores tpicosque el entorno y nuestro cerebro nos incita a cometer ylas pautas para solucionarlos. Tambin veras herramientas prcticas en forma de plantillas en papel que te guiarn en el da a da y en todo el proceso para volverte una persona FAST.Echa un vistazo y contina con los videospara entender bien las pautas y dar todos los pasos que necesitas para ponerte en marcha y mantenerte FAST."
Price: 144.99

"Scrum and Agile Basics - Theory, Practical Hints, Cert. Tips"
"A complete Scrum course divided into multiple modules. Each module consists of multiple sections ending with a quiz that helps solidify the knowledge.The course covers all core Scrum framework elements such as:Scrum Events, Scrum Roles,Scrum Artifacts, but also comes with additional modules devoted to Scrum values (a new segment added to Scrum Guide in 2016), differences between the agile and waterfall approaches (to help the student get the broader perspective) and the Scrum Master certification.All of those modules, combined with a one on one support, Q&A section and additional materials provided by the course authors form a complete package. This Scrum package can serve as a knowledge base for those who are already working with Scrum or agile, those who have only heard about it and want to fully understand its principles and to those who are preparing for the Scrum Master certification.The course was created by two agile enthusiasts who work with Scrum teams and experience Scrum every day. Jarek and Pawe are Scrum Masters who started their adventure with IT projects in a waterfall environment, then worked with multiple teams on introducing the agile change and are currently working as Scrum Masters. Their professional experience allowed them to obtain the full image of the agile methodology (and the Scrum framework in particular) and how it relates to the waterfall approach.IMPORTANT NOTICE:This course is not an official preparation for the Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) certification by Scrum(.)org and it is not connected with this organization. We also highly recommend the official Scrum trainings offered by this them."
Price: 199.99

"Top five lessons to be a successful entrepreneur"
"I have been the coach of entrepreneurs for some years now and in this class I will share with you five areas cover the most common obstacles and when mastered the strongest foundation I will share the top five lessons I have learned from coaching successful entrepreneurs and working in different advisory projects.There is a group of common challenges and a pattern in how to solve them. In these lessons I will share my learning, give you exercises to helpreview your own unconscious beliefs that might slow you down andprovide you with some practical tools to overcome some of the most common obstacles entrepreneurs and leaders are facing.Each lesson has a presentation and then leaves you with a piece of simple practice that you can start doing right away."
Price: 19.99

"Student Short Film-The First Five Weeks-Pre Production Basic"
"You hear everyday that high-school students and lots of other people who want to make films. Granted with digital technology things have gotten easier but the steps to produce and create good films are still the same. You might have the technology to assist you but a good story and strong pre- production basics are an absolute necessity for a good film.Are you a high school students who loves the idea of filmmaking and do not know what to expect in one of the beginning filmmaking classes in college ?Are you passionate about filmmaking but do not quite know if it is worth going to film school. Try out the weekly guide that is laid out for you in the first five weeks of student short film.Enroll now!!Why This Course?Learn from a Filmmaker and a educator about what is involved in the pre-production stages of Filmmaking.These basics have already been tested in a classroom environment and we have gone to create and produce amazing short films. We have found out students at the end of the semester love this bootcamp method or hate it. Based on their experiences they findcareer paths which they are are more interested in . Students who love theenergy,chaos and the limitedcreativityof being on shoe string budgetshave gone on to crowd fund andproduce their next short.This is astep by step guide as to why do we need certain production documents?Why do we have to limit our locations and the characters?I have put together the first five weeks of work that is required for producing and directing a short film. This course will give you a weekly breakdown of the work that a student filmmaker absolutely needs to do before they film."
Price: 19.99

"Estatstica Descritiva Bsica em Lingustica"
"Este curso pretende dotar os alunos dos conhecimentos e habilidades bsicas necessrias para a correta aplicao da Estatstica Descritivaa uma vasta gama de pesquisas e estudos em cincias da linguagem, em especial nos campos da Psicolingustica e da Aquisio da Linguagem. Pretende, tambm, apresentar aos interessados os recursos disponveis no software de anlise estatstica Action."
Price: 39.99

"Design Experimental em Lingustica"
"O curso pretende capacitar os alunos para a concepo, elaborao e aplicao de mtodos experimentais em Lingustica, em especial na reas de Psicolingustica e Aquisio da Linguagem. Voltado para os aspectos bsicos da experimentao em cincias da linguagem, seu objetivo permitir aos discentes o domnio inicial dos delineamentos mais simples, com vistas construo posterior de experimentos mais sofisticados. Com isso, visa-se ampliar os horizontes acadmicos dos alunos, inserindo-o em um novo campo metodolgico."
Price: 39.99

"How to Write a Marketing Plan for your Business"
"This course consists of 13videos that walk you step by step throughhow to write an excellent marketing plan for your company. You will learn what you need to knowin order to make a plan that will impress you bosses and help your marketing department be more successful. The course is just over30 minutes long and covers all aspects of a marketing plan, including lead generation, name recognition, collateral, website, SEO, publishing, social media, trade shows, product development, research, SWOT, competitive analysis, PR, market share, customers, and management of the plan. You are much more likely to be successful as a marketing department or company if you have a good plan that covers all of the bases. You don't need any materials for this course, except what you would use to write your ownmarketing plan."
Price: 29.99

"Practical English for Chinese speakers -"
".This course is for any Chinese who want to learn practical and useful English phrases for communication in daily life. If you want to improve your English communication skills, then this is the right course for you. Students will learn how to apply the right language for greetings, introduction, applying numbers in daily life, telling time and dates, eating out, shopping and taking public transport.This course is meant for Chinese speakers with little foundation in English. You do not need to have any previous knowledge of English language. Direct Chinese interpretation is provided throughout the course. No preparation is required on the part of the student. Just watch the video, listen attentively and practise speaking."
Price: 29.99

"Learn more on Fibonacci Sequence"
"Thecourse will address the Fibonacci Sequence.It will address who is Fibonacci and how is the sequencegenerated through recursion. Well see that different problems in life have solutionsreferred to Fibonacci Numbers (Well see an example related to climbing a staircase). Moreover,well learn about the Golden number (also known as Golden ratio or divinenumber). How divine is this divine number?!Binet came up with a method to calculate the numbers intheFibonacci Sequence non recursively. We'll investigate Binet's formulaand how he came up with it.Moreover, the course discusses the variouscharacteristicsof the sequence such as the Cassini's Identity. Cassini's identity presents an arithmeticrelationshipbetween various Fibonacci Numbers.We'll investigate the formula to simply the sum of the first""n"" Fibonacci numbers."
Price: 34.99

"Entrepreneurship Finance, Theory and Enterprise Valuation."
"Welcome to the world of entrepreneur finance. You will be introduced to the theory and practice of finance as it applies to entrepreneurship. If you are an entrepreneur, a business owners, an investor, finance student or you have curious mind for learning, this course is for you. You will have an opportunity to learn the theory of entrepreneurial finance as it applies to entrepreneurship, areas covered are Fundamental of entrepreneurship Principles of entrepreneurial finance Stages of successful venture lifecycle Major type of venture financing Types of business organizations Key elements of a business organization Intellectual property You should not be scared of numbers. Where numbers are used, you will be walked through calculations steps. Numbers are used to explain the concept and application of finance in entrepreneurship and how you can use numbers to ascertain value of enterprise, calculate ownership dilution and make managerial decision. Areas involving calculations are, Enterprise valuation Valuation process Capitalization table Dilution of ownership Pre-Money and Post Money valuation calculation Ration Analysis This course is delivered through video and prepared script. The main objective is to equip student with the knowledge and skills for creating a business, application of the theory in executing business idea and understanding of how the valuation of enterprise is performed, the effect of outside investors have on ownership dilution and the use of ratios to make managerial decisions. You will learn the role of finance in entrepreneurship application. Background in finance is not required for this coarse, what is required is passion for finance and entrepreneurship and a curious mind to learn."
Price: 149.99

"Speed Maths - Tricks for faster, smarter Maths"
"Maths is an essential component in all competitive examinations. The key to acing the mathematics section of competitive examination is to master shortcuts and improving the speed and agility with which you approach the section.EdVinci's SpeedMathserieshelps you with learning simpler and more creative ways to solve maths questions. Delivered by Shruti, in an engaging style,SpeedMathcan be you best companion in your competitive exam preparations."
Price: 19.99

"Cracking the HR job interview"
"Hi. Welcome to EdVinci's newcourse - ""Cracking the HR job interview"".Several factors affect success in job interviews. A great resume, job expertise, a pleasingpersonality,interpersonal skills,and greatpresentation skills are all important for successfully landing your dream job offer. Whileseveral of us are aptly qualified for the job, we sometimes miss out on getting the all important interview call or inprogressing through the various stages of the interview.The course contain a series of videos that will help you identify the various pitfalls that stop you from cracking the interview. You will also get to know of some great ways to approach the all important HR interview questions.A quiz at the end of each video will help you to revise the concepts learned.This course is anendeavor by EdVinci Innovation Labs. We, at EdVinci, are passionate about helping young minds unleash their limitless potential through products that drive inquisitiveness and creativity. The 5W (Why, When, Where, What, Who) series is a set of educational videos covering a wide range of general awareness topics.If you feel more clear and confident about attending an interview, by the end of this video, then we have definitely accomplished our task. Also, this is an ongoing endeavor from our end. We would be uploading more parts to this series that would address various facets of career development.If you have any queries or suggestions, please do write back to us at wait. Get start right away!!!."
Price: 29.99

"General Awareness for Competitive Exams"
"Hi. Thank you very much for taking a look at our course. General Awareness for Competitive Exams is a set of 32compelling video lectures covering topics across geography, history, world events, inventions, discoveries, and many more. With concise coverage of topics at hand, professional presentation style, and engaging graphics, the lectures are a fun way to learn GK. The course is in fact equally attractive to students, job seekers, and any general knowledge enthusiasts. Our goal is to imbibe and encourage the natural interest of the human mind to question anything and everything around them and seek answers. A quiz at the end of each video will help you to revise the concepts learned. This course is part of the 5W series endeavor by EdVinci Innovation Labs. We, at EdVinci, are passionate about helping young minds unleash their limitless potential through products that drive inquisitiveness and creativity. The 5W (Why, When, Where, What, Who) series is a set of educational videos covering a wide range of general awareness topics. The biggest takeaway you can have from this course is a rekindled sense of inquisitiveness and a keen interest to question and explore more on similar topics. This is also an ongoing series. We would be publishing more such videos for you in the coming weeks. So, why wait? Do sign in start right away.."
Price: 44.99

"This course was created to solve twobig problems today: the greatmajority of people around theworld are not happy with their jobs;moreover, the great majority of businessesthat start,fail within 18 months. This course solves both problems at once. If you are not happy with your job or your businessright now, and would like to find a way to use all your potential to create something bigger than yourself, this course isfor you.The key to a successful career or business is to love your work. We will get you there. We will start by raising your self-awareness so you can see how powerful you are. This will make your self-confidence grow and will build in youa solid foundation of faith in yourself, to prepare you for this journey. Once you're ready, you will start touseyour gifts to create. A gift begins with a passion, evolves into a talent, and achieves a purpose. The key to a life of prosperity is to know your purpose. We will get you there.This course will set you on apath where you bringvalueto society and to yourself every day, through your work. You will then be rewarded for it, greatly, by the same people you serve.You will getthe structure you need to follow in order to build the life of your dreams, by understanding how to think about your work. We will provide you withthe ""why"" and the ""how""; you decide ""what"" the nature of your work is, and run with it. By the end of this course, you willhavea product or a service you created by using your gifts. This will be the beginning of a journey where you will make a living by doing what you love. We call this a GIFTEDLife.WARNING: this course is entirely based on your ability totakeaction. Each step requires it, and it is the only way you can expect your life to change. If you do not take action, you will gain the theory behind building a successful career or a business, but it will not become your reality until you put it into practice. If you are unhappy with your workand are ready to take action to turn it all around, sign up forthis course now.RECOMMENDATION: If your command of the English language is strong, we recommend you play the videos at a speed of 1.5x the original, as theywill move at a more comfortable speed for you. Otherwise, the speed will be a little slow to allow non-English speakers to fully grasp all the content."
Price: 29.99

"Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12c Developer Course"
"Join the most comprehensive and popular Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) 12cDeveloper Courseon Udemy, because now is the time to get started!From basic concepts about Data Integration, Intelligence,Architecture,ODI Components, Project Developmentto Migrationand Support,this course covers it all you need to know to become a successfulODI Developer!But that's not all! Along with covering all the steps ofODI developerfunctions,this coursealso hasquizzesand projects, which allowyou to practice the things learned throughout the course!You'llnot only learn about the concepts, but alsopractice each ofthose concepts through Projects.And if you do get stuck, youbenefit from an extremely fast and friendly support- both via direct messaging or discussion. You have my word!Withmore than two decades of ITexperience, I have designed this course for students and professionals who wish to masterhow to develop and support industry standard batch integration inOracle Data Integrator.This course will be kept up-to-date to ensure you don't miss out on any changes once ODI 12c is required in your project!Why ODI?Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) is the integration tool every enterprise need. The key technical capabilities likeExtract-Load-Transform (ELT) approach,Near real time data integration capability through Change Data Capture(CDC),Declarative design with fully modifiable Knowledge Modules,SOA capable through web-servicesIntegration of structured as well as unstructured dataexists only in ODI. It'sOracle's flagship, High-performance bulk data movementand transformation tool. Oracle is investing a lot in this tool.ODI is a built-in batch integration tool for Oracle BI Apps 11g onwards. The current Oracle BI Apps customers will have to replace their existing ETL tool with ODI.The Extract-load-transform(ELT) approach of ODI with knowledge module based modular approach makes it the most complete andscalablebatch integration tool.If you are looking for athriving careerindata integration and analytics,this is theright time to learn ODI.Get a very deep understanding of ODI Developer activitiesEvery new ODI version is coming with added features.Successof ODI implementation and its performance depends on ODI developer.Pay once, benefit a lifetime!This is an evolving course! ODI12c development andlater future versions will be covered in this course. You wont lose out on anything!Dont lose any time, gain an edge and start now!"
Price: 129.99

"Play Piano To-day! - Beginner Piano Lessons For Busy People!"
"Piano for Busy People is for all of you who would love to play the piano but think that you dont have time. For those of you in stressful jobs, with young children, with family commitments, with too many jobs to do and a whole array of different reasons why you cant follow your dream and start learning to play the piano! You dont need to wait any longer. This course has been designed with you in mind and is created to fully replicate face-to-face lessons. You need no prior knowledge of music or piano, as this course is designed for the complete beginner. You will be playing with both hands in the very first lesson and reading music in the second lesson. Piano for Busy People is broken down into bite size pieces, you can dip in and out of at your convenience. There is no need to spend half an hour every day, sat at your piano. You can and will achieve great results with just a few minutes a day. There are a range of downloadable PDFs to enhance and support your learning. These include: Sheet Music a selection of both well-known pieces and pieces that are unique to this method Fact Sheets a range of fact sheets, detailing important aspects of your learning Practice Diary these sheets are a great way to track your progress. Top tips are given for effective use of your time so as to achieve the best results in the shortest time. Piano for Busy People is for you and I hope that you find it a relaxing and motivating part of your very busy day."
Price: 99.99

"Creating a Compelling Cover Letter for Your Resume or CV"
"Learn the basic format, principals, concepts, and trends you will need to master the modern job application cover letter. Complete with examples, discussions, and resources to help you take your cover letter to the next level. Write attention-grabbing cover letters for your job applications with this specialized course for career-minded professionals looking to get ahead in their chosen field. Understand the different types of recruiters youll encounter Learn what goes where and why See first-hand how to do it all in four short paragraphs Keep up to date on the latest trends and techniques within the job market Cut through the noise with a masterfully crafted cover letter Understanding what different types of recruiters are looking for and where they expect to see it lets you easily tailor custom cover letters that stand out from competing applicants no matter how fierce the competition. Each year the job market becomes at the same time more fragmented and global. Get the competitive edge you need to secure that all-important interview with a comprehensive course that covers every aspect of your cover letter from the first line to the last. ""Clark made me realise how much my job application documents could be improved by explaining important concepts about how the recruitment world works and how quickly a recruiterreads these documents. Even when you think your application is ready to go,Clark will point out things that canbe improved."" Martn Alexanco Clark helped me realize that customizing my cover letter each time I send it out is not only absolutely necessary, but not as time consuming as youd think, if you just follow his advice. Marjan Ghorbanian Content and Overview More than 11 lectures provide over an hour of content highlighting everything you need to know about cover letters. This includes the different types of recruiters youll need to appeal to when sending out your cover letter, the different paragraphs within your cover letter and what should go in them, the format you should use, and all the other things youve wanted to know about cover letters but never knew who to ask. Youll learn what kind of content to include, how to highlight your achievements, the proper way to begin and sign off a cover letter, and more. Everything you need to understand from the focus and purpose to the execution of tiny details is covered, including who to address your cover letter to, how to ask for an interview, and the best way to start your first paragraph. Included besides the 11+ lectures are valuable reference resources on S.T.A.R. Achievements, Different Types of Recruiters, Up-to-date Tips and Best Practices, and even an example cover letter to give you as much confidence as possible. Once youve completed the course, youll be able to quickly assess listings and your resume to understand what you should include, identify what should go in each paragraph in your cover letter, and have far greater insight into seeing your cover letter through the eyes of potential recruiters."
Price: 29.99

"Building a Compelling Resume or CV"
"Master your CV or resume with in depth discussions of everything you need to do to catch a modern recruiters eye. A comprehensive course including lectures, examples, and valuable resources that cover how to build a knock-out resume or CV from top to bottom. Build, update, and refocus your CV or resume for individual job listings with this specialized course for career-minded professionals looking for a competitive edge in their industry. Give your resume or CV the focus it needs to keep a hiring managers attention Learn what you should put where and why Discover tips and techniques for how to handle gaps in your work history Understand the different types of resumes or CVs and which is best for you Laser-focus your resume or CV on what recruiters want to see There is no one-size-fits-all approach to resumes and CVs. Everyones career path is a little different, so naturally their resumes are different as well. The key to standing out today is understanding what elements of the modern resume are best used to leverage your particular work history, career path, and industry. Landing an interview in the face of fierce competition requires a resume that does a better job of showing potential employers you are the candidate they should spend their time interviewing than those you are competing against something this course will teach you to do. Each year the game changes, and your resume needs to change with it. This deep dive into your resume will leave no stone uncovered as it provides perspectives, tips, and examples of the most effective way to stand out from even the fiercest competition. Clark showed me some amazing techniques on how to quickly focus my resume on exactly what employers were looking for and taught me that all the information in the world wont help me if it isnt relevant to meeting their needs. Marjan Ghorbanian ""The first lesson Clark taught me, and probably one of the most important, was how to put myself in the recruiter's shoes."" Martn Alexanco Content and Overview More than 14 lectures with over an hour of discussions covering everything you need to include in a resume or CV. Discussions of the different types of resumes, what you should put where, how to describe achievements, whether or not you can use color, how to prepare for an ATS, best practices to ensure your resume is easily readable on mobile devices, and everything else youve ever wanted to know about your resume or CV but didnt know who to ask. Youll learn first-hand what to put where, how to pitch yourself, the best way to focus the beginning of your resume, where and how to modify each time you send it out, whether or not your professional history or education should go first, and more. From the format and organization to best practices for bullets, the course covers it all. Give yourself the confidence you deserve the next time you send out your CV for a job application. In addition to an hour+ of lectures, downloadable resources include documents to help you describe your best achievements, determine the best format type for your resume, and even an example resume with tons of information packed into it for easy reference."
Price: 29.99

"International Business English 101: Sentence Structure"
"Enhance your English and Business Communication Skills with a focused look at sentence structure, passive voice, and the causes, rules, and key techniques for professionals who learned English as a second or third language and work with or compete in English-speaking markets and countries. A fully-developed stand-alone business-minded course complete with over 90 minutes of video lectures, downloadable resources, exercises, step-by-step instructions, and quizzes. Excel with English Sentence Structure and Passive vs. Active Voice to Better Command the Attention of English-speaking Consumers, Coworkers, and Business Associates. Learn to quickly identify and correct run-on sentenceGain valuable insight into issues that affect the 21st century business language EnglishWork with the instructor step-by-step on practice exercises Develop a stronger understanding of active and passive voice in business writing Impress More English Coworkers & Consumers with Stronger Sentences Featuring Active Voice What is IBE, or International Business English? The technology boom of the 21st century has radically transformed business, making the world much smaller and transforming English into a common language for international businesses. As industries and technology continue to evolve, so does English. Whats more, standing out in a crowded market and building consumer trust are harder than ever as consumers have access to more and more options globally. Thus, the need for professionals from all kinds of industries to excel in English is greater than ever. International Business English (IBE) a specialized series of self-paced single-topic language courses on Udemy designed to help modern international business men and women improve their communication in English markets and countries by improving their command, understanding, and familiarity of modern business English. A basic proficiency in English is assumed in the course. No information is presented in any language other than English. Each IBE course covers a different topic with the goal of offering students a customized approach where they can pick and choose the topics with which they need help, saving them both time and money over traditional approaches to language. This course, IBE 101, focuses exclusively on the common issues related to sentence structure and passive voice that many students who learned English as a second or third language find challenging. Content and Overview More than 15 lectures with over 90 minutes of discussion as well as practice exercises, resource materials, and quizzes are included! The entire course is designed from the get-go to make learning and remembering key rules, techniques, and strategies to write stronger, modern English sentences utilizing active voice easier than you ever thought possible. Youll learn how to identify resources already around you, strategies to practice what you learn, and ways to spot opportunities where you can further improve your English. With a specialized format that starts by identifying why these issues are challenging before taking you through general tips as well as review of actual rules with included reference materials, and finally through practice exercises, and review quizzes, IBE 101 is the ideal course for anyone looking to improve their sentence structure and use of active voice in their business communications. This course is targeted to those who already have a strong understanding of the basics of English and focuses specifically on the issues of sentence structure and active voice. It has been created with non-native speakers in mind, but would certainly benefit any native English speakers who wish to brush up on their use of passive vs. active voice and sentence structure. All parts of this course are presented in English."
Price: 49.99

"Windows PowerShell Boot Camp"
"The PowerShell Boot Camp was designed with all skill levels in mind. We take the basic of PowerShell, expose you to a few simple commandlets and build on that. You will become familiar with the terminology but also develop the skills to write PowerShell scripts that can automate administration tasks. We take a look at advanced functions and show you the ropes how to invoke Active Directory administration with PowerShell.In this PowerShell training you will learn the following:Introduction to PowerShellIntroduction to PowerShell ScriptingRemote Administration using PowerShellIntermediate PowerShell SkillsScript Development using PSSessionBuilding scripts for Automating Administration TasksAdvanced PowerShell FunctionsAdministrating Active Directory using PowerShellAnd much more..."
Price: 49.99

"Android Development for Beginners: Your first app in 2 hours"
"Welcome to the ""Android Development for Beginners"" course.This is a project oriented coursewhich willhelp you to learn Android app development in a straightforward and consistent way by guiding you through the real life app development process. Main objective of this courseis to build aNotes app for Android using latest development tools,following material design guidelines andAndroid development best practices.First we will cover key concepts and components of the Android app such as activities and their lifecycle, intents, layouts, views,resources and data storage (sqlite). After each bit of theory we will use gained knowledge to develop Notes app.Each lecture is followed bylink to the more detailed guides and documentation regarding the topic. Source code of the project app is available at each step.This course is for everyone who wants to start building Android Apps and has at least basic knowledge of Java and Object Oriented Programming."
Price: 154.99

"The Basics of Relations and Functions"
"This short introductory course explains everything you need to know about the basics ofrelations and functions: whata relation is, what a function is, and when a relation is,or isn't, afunction. Easy to follow guidelines are provided to enable you to be a power learner of mathematics, which in turn promotes the mastery learning of these key concepts. The course contains detailed video lessons,comprehensive lesson notes, extensive activity exerciseswith fully worked solutions,and a quiz, with fully worked solutions,for testing your knowledge and understanding of these essentialmathematical ideas."
Price: 19.99

"Networking: The secret to getting job interviews"
"Many talented people loseout on jobopportunities due to poorcareer skills, and the biggest challenge for them is networking.This course isa step-by-step approach on how to improve your networking skills.If you are tired of submitting resumeafter resumetoonline job portals andnot getting the job interviews you want, then this course is for you.Why Networking is crucial:It is the secret to unlocking the hidden job market where80% of all jobs areIt is the most effectiveway to by-pass the online job portalprocess for a jobItis the best way to practice your interview skillsBy theend of the course you should be able to:Define what networking isExplain its importance in the practical worldExecute the five steps of effective networkingThiscourse is taught usingthe same active learning method used in5stepCareers'flagship bootcampsthat have received an average rating of 4.6 out of 5.0. The entire course is broken down into 5 easy-to-followsteps, each of them 10 minutes or less, suited tothe average adult attention span. There will be quizzesto reinforce your learning by forcing you to recall the information you just learned andapplication exercises so thatyou can put your learning into practice.Carefully selected resources are also providedto further augment your learning.The five stepsin this course are:LinkedInDeveloping a target listThe approach e-mailInformational InterviewThe follow-up"
Price: 39.99

"PowerPoint - Zero to Hero"
"Get the most out of the worlds leading business presentation application and create engaging slideshows and presentations. Print handouts, use slides and masters, import items from other Microsoft Office programs, and incorporate movie and sound clips to make your message memorable.This course will be updated regularly with new content including tips and tricks."
Price: 19.99

"Moroccan Recipes : How To Cook a Traditional Tajine"
"-------------------------------------------------UPDATE COURSE : 30/12/2016-----------------------------------------------Do you have an idea about MoroccoCuisine? flavors, ingredients ? do you have the chance to taste one of the most popular recipe in Morocco? haveyou think how you can prepare it?But what is the recipe ? Ah , its the Moroccan traditionalTajine Do you want to learn how tocook a delicious Moroccan Tajine recipe by the traditional andhealthyway ? Now its your right place.In this course youll discoverFish tajine with vegetablestypeoftajinethe wayhow to combine ingredientsmaking the CharmolaIn each section, you willtake step by step cooking the Tajine.Have fun with healthy food."
Price: 34.99

"Instalacin y Configuracin de Hadoop & Hive"
"El curso de Instalacin deHadoop & Hive, pretende proporcionar las competencias necesarias para los retos relacionados con la instalacin, configuracin y uso de dos de las herramientas ms populares del entorno BIG DATA. Estas competencias incluyen conocimientos como:Instalacin y configuracin de una Maquina VirtualInstalacin del Sistema Operativo LinuxInstalacin y Configuracin de HadoopInstalacin y Configuracin de HiveLaboratorio Practico del uso en conjunto de ambas herramientas."
Price: 29.99