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"Divorce/Parenting Aid Class"
"This class is not intended to be a counseling class. The focus of this class will be on how adults should understand paternity, separation or divorce and to know what changes to expect in their lives. It will also provide ideas on how to make the adaptation process easier for the children. Here at La Solucion LLC we understand that this process is often very difficult for parents, sometimes even more for the children. Thinking about your time and needs, we have developed this simple online course, which you will be able to complete at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.Our objective is to provide understanding of the process, what to expect, normal and abnormal ways to react to paternity, and how to shift from the personal aspects to the needs of their children. Using an educational approach, our classes assist parents to focus on the enhancement of the children's ability to function within unwed relationships, the relationship between separate households, and discuss how to improve the parental relationship to provide a nurturing, non-threatening home environment. Our classes are suited for all parents, grandparents, or others that directly or indirectly influence decisions about children.Putting the right importance in protecting children's innocence while continuing to provide for their development; this will be a major factor. Our class assists parents to gain knowledge on what they and their children will be facing. Our course also covers topics such as the stages of separation and divorce, children's age appropriate adjustment to divorce, how to develop positive co-parenting strategies, abuse issues, and how to introduce new relationships or step-family in your children's lives.This course will save you time, resources, and most importantly, it will help you make healthy choices regarding your children. Take our Online Class and receive your Certificate quick and easily! This signed and validated Certificate of Completion will be sent to you immediately after you finish this course."
Price: 39.99

"Make A Chunky Knit Wool Blanket In Less Than 45 Minutes"
"This course takes you from bare basics to creating a professional chunky knit blanket in record time.  After arm knitting for years I've developed my own, tricks and hacks to make turning out perfect blankets easy even if you're clueless.  Anyone can do this, whether you're 6 or 106 you'll master arm knitting in this short power packed course!You'll learn:How to make a basic chunky knit blanket as quick and easily as possible.How to prevent your blankets from sheddingThree different types of textured stitches for blankets to make them stand apart from the restHow to make perfect size stitches without having the stitches on your armsHow much yarn and how many stitches you'll need for different size blanketsThe cheapest place in the world to buy wool roving (that I know of at least)This course is for absolute beginners and walks you through the whole process of making a gorgeous blanket step by step.By the end of this course you'll be a PRO arm knitter!  And be able to make chunky knit blankets with ease.Once you know these foundational arm knitting principles the blanket variations are virtually endless! Happy Arm KnittingStacy"
Price: 49.99

"Getting started with jMock"
"In this course you will learn about jMock, a mocking test framework. Mocking test frameworks are fairly common standard across all software companies as it allows you to simulate all dependencies without making network calls and evenwhen dependencies are not ready. The focus is on testing the code you have written as fast as possible and with all possible permutations and combinations. Show you boss that you mean business when you write powerful and robust tests to defend your code and catch bugs before customer sees them.Here are objectives of this courseWhat is iMock?Why do we need to use mock?What is dependency injection or Inversion of Control (IOC)Learn how to set upjMock.Live example of wrting jMock testsAdvanced featuresAt the end of this course a student will be able kickstart writing jMock tests immediately and prove to his peer about new robust and efficient way of writing unit tests."
Price: 19.99

"Authoring reliable code with Nunit"
"In the agile world of programming, softwareengineers are often faced with challenge of delivering high quality code at short intervals. The code churn is so high that it is nearlyimpossible for QA engineers to validate code changes quickly and effectively. This course addresses this challenge by teaching you a technique to automate testing of code. Here you can learn aboutusingNUnit test framework to write high quality tests and run it in automated fashion. It teaches you how to set up NUnit, author a test, debugging and also how can one automate it inside continuous integration, continuous deployment (CI CD) infrastructure. It also talks at length about Test Driven Development practice and demonstrates it using NUnit. This course is aimed at all .NET programmers who are passionate about creating high quality code. No Prior Knowledge of NUnit is needed. At the end of this course, student will be able to write automated tests for their code. Since the code is always backed by test, anyone else making code changes is also highly confident as defects would be caught by NUnit long before it goes to production. It makes engineer shine in manager's minds. Creating high quality code backed by NUnit tests is of paramount importance as reliable code creates trust in customer's minds. A customer is usually using software for critical operations in the business. He/She would be delighted to have a software that functions smoothly. NUnit tests enables journey to create a highly reliable software."
Price: 19.99

"How to have joyful work"
"This course will guide students through a process to develop a roadmap for life and work. This course is applicable to those mid-life adults seeking to recreate a life  and work that works perfect for them as well as the college student  and young adults seeking to figure out what work is best for them."
Price: 24.99

"Ventas y Servicio al cliente en un Restaurante o Bar."
"Para un servicio al cliente de calidad en un bar o restaurante aqu podrs aprender desde temas de presentacin, tcnicas de servicio, tcnicas de venta, manejo de quejas, bienvenidas y despedidas. Ideal para quienes tienen contacto en alguna forma con clientes o quieren incursionar en el tema de la hospitalidad y servicio. Para un negocio es vital poder cuidar a los clientes y que mejor que darles un servicio excelente. Es ms fcil destruir una relacin con el cliente que construirla, es por eso que hay que tomar en cuenta todas las etapas de contacto con el cliente y hacerlo un cliente fiel cuidando todos los detalles."
Price: 34.99

"Curso Virtualizao com VirtualBox e VMware Player"
"Este curso lhe dar noes bsicas sobre virtualizao de computadores, suas vantagens e melhorias de utilizao de equipamentos. Mostrar como rodarmais de um sistema operacional na mesma mquina, para que possa fazer testes de softwares,aprender a utilizar novos sistemas operacionais e at mesmo garantir o acesso a bancos e web de forma segura sem comprometer os dados de seus computador.Este curso ir ensin-lo a instalar e operar um servidor web LAMP (Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP) em um ambiente de virtualizao Virtual Box, de modo que passe a ser o seu servidor web de sistemas ou sites desenvolvidos com a linguagem PHP e banco de dados Mysql. Suas principais vantagens so o baixo custo e a facilidade de implantao, escalabilidade, estabilidade e segurana.Voc tambm ir aprender a instalar e operar o software que possui a tecnologia mais avanada de ambientes virtualizados, o VMware. Para isso utilizaremos o VMware Player, a verso gratuita, mas que possui grandes vantagens comoafacilidade de implantao, escalabilidade, estabilidade e segurana. Utilizaremos o VMware Player para rodar mquinas virtuais com os sistemas operacionaisLinux eWindows. Iremos tambm rodar um LiveCD que possui diversas ferramentas de edio de udio sem precisar instal-las nos seu computador e um virtual Appliance, que uma mquina virtual j totalmente configurada.Tenhaem casa o poder e flexibilidade dos grandes datacenters.Voc tambm ter um servidor virtual comWordpress instalado!Depois de concluir este curso, voc estar preparado para instalar o servidor web LAMP de forma rpida e segura. Saiba como executar um backup completo da sua mquina virtual com todas as configuraes e como clonar o servidor, facilitando o aumento da capacidade rapidamente. Voc ter um servidor em seu notebook ou desktop para fazer prova de conceito ao seu cliente. Voc estar preparado para instalar o VMware e criar mquinas virtuaisde forma rpida e segura. Sabercomo clonar o servidorrapidamente. Voc ter um servidor em seu notebook ou desktop para fazer prova de conceito ao seu cliente.Vamos instalar o Apache, MySQL e PHP, e vamos estudar a sua configurao com um teste de execuo prtica. Finalmente, aprendemos a clonar e produzir um servidor modelo, transform-lo em um appliance para que voc possa instal-lo rapidamente em outros servidores fsicos (host) VirtualBox.Se voc quer o melhor ambiente de virtualizaousado em todo omundo para seus sistemas,inscreva-se no curso."
Price: 279.99

"Learning Multi Language Admin Panel with Laravel 5"
"Not : Projenin kaynak kodlar Ders:68 ierisine zip olarak eklenmitir indirip kodlardan takip edebilirsinizNot: The project source code is added in Ders:68 , you are downloaded itEnjoy and happy codingBu kurs Laravel 5 ile istediiniz kadar dili admin panelden ekleyebileceiniz ve bu dillerin translate ilemlerini html kodlara hi dokunmadan sadece admin panel ierisinden yapabileceiniz, tamamen otomasyon olarak dzenlenmi bir admin panel projesi oluturmay hedeflemitir.Kursu birebir olarak uyguladnzda arapa rusa gibi dou dilleri dahil olmak zere dnyada konuulup yazlabilen tm dilleri panelinizden ekleyebilir ve translate edebilirsiniz.Bu kursu webmaster olan yada olmay hedefleyen ve web teknolojileri gelitiren balang, orta ve ileri seviyedeki tm renciler almaldr, nk u anda bu eitimin bir benzeri yada bu konuyu bu kadar net ve derinlemesine inceleyen baka bir kaynak pek bulunmamaktadr.Kursu tamalayabilmeniz iin gereken materyaller kaynak olarak kursa eklenmitir indirip kullanabilir, benimle beraber ilerleyebilirsiniz.Kursun sresi yaklak 20 saat civar olarak dnlmektedir.Bu kursta, laravel'e yada php ye yeni balam olan renciler gz nnde bulundurularak her detay en ince ayrntsna kadar anlatlmtr, gelitirme makinanzn ayarlarn nasl yapacanz ise gorselsoft com sitemizde cretsiz dersler halinde yayndadr, bu ekilde makina ayarlarnz da sorunsuzca yapabileceksiniz.Eer siz de translation ilemlerini tam otomatik olarak yapacanz web projeleri ile mterilerinizi memnun etmek ve daha fazla kazan elde etmek istiyorsanz bu kursu atlamamal muhakkak almalsnzBu kursa bedel olarak ne kadar demi olursanz olun, reneceklerinizle yzlerce katn kazanma ansnz olacak eitli pluginleri entegre ederken kullandmz global yntemlerle class mantnz gelitirecek ve spagetti php kodlama alkanlnz varsa bunlardan kurtulmu olacaksnz.Ksacas bu kursu aldnza asla piman olmayacaksnz..."
Price: 24.99

"Python for beginners : Learn in 3 hours"
"PYTHON PROGRAMMING TUTORIAL FOR BEGINNERS : LEARN IN 3 HOURS (BASICS )Hey guys, Are you interested in programming? Want to learn python coding? Don't know the basics? Its okay. You have come to the right place. If you are new to programming world , Python will be the best place to start . Python is really simple when compared to other programming languages. It doesn't have any confusing curly brackets,semi colons, etc. Most of the python commands are easy to understand.Did you want to know the best part about it? You don't need to have prior programming knowledge or you even don't need to have basic knowledge about coding. I have a unique and fun way of teaching !!. I assure you that you will not get disappointed by enrolling into this course.This tutorial contains lecture videos and the main thing is that these lectures will be taken in an informal way which helps anyone to clearly understand the topic. The video will cover all basic contents including installing python to making interesting programs. So after completing this course you will able to read a python program and understand its logic and also can write interesting programs.You will learn by writing working programs. This course will solidify all the basic Python concepts. So are you ready to spend just 3 hours of your life? if Yes then you can learn a new programming language!..interesting! .Isn't it?SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? ENROLL NOWCategory:IT developmentCOURSE CONTAINS:-Lecture videos mostly Basics of python programmingWriting interesting programs using python 4. Fun quizzesCOURSE REQUIREMENTS:Interest to learnBasic computer knowledgeINTENDED AUDIENCE :Students who don't have basic knowledge about python programming.Students who need a quick revise about basics concepts of pythonAnyone who wants to write computer programsBeginnersNOT intended for Expert programmers"
Price: 19.99

"Yo Puedo lograr todas mis metas"
"Este programa fue creado para restarle fuerza a esas creencias que limitan tus posibilidades, a esos aprendizajes negativos que dicen que no puedes lograr lo que te propones, a cualquier pensamiento que te detenga en tus proyectos y tus planes.Cada una de lasreflexiones, afirmaciones y ejercicios tienen un formato especficamentepensado para llegar directamente a tu subconsciente y lograr as, cambiossignificativos en tu comportamiento.Nuestras expectativas, afectan directamente el resultado de nuestras acciones, es por eso que, participando activamente en el programa, nutrirs tu mente de nuevos aprendizajes, unos que te brinden la seguridad de que puedes lograr cualquier cosa que te propongas. Para iniciar la reaccin en cadena, querrs empezar por leer el ebook y despus, escuchar esta cinta dos veces al da por al menos 30 das seguidos. Despus de ese periodo empezars a notar cambios en tu forma de ser que sern reforzados por tu comportamiento. Recuerda siempre que t compartes con el resto de la humanidad sus virtudes y cualidades y que, si por las situaciones que han rodeado tu vida, no las has aprovechado al mximo, hoy tienes la oportunidad de hacerlo. Deja salir ese gran potencial que est listo para mostrarse."
Price: 19.99

"ProTrader - Advanced Technical Analysis"
"ProTrader is an advanced technical analysis course on stock market trading and investing. This course is designed for traders and investors who want to capitalize on the technical cues.In this course, you will learn how to analyze the markets trends and behaviors and accurately time trades with clear, rules-based strategies. You and will also be trained to classify and identify the markets overall direction and then take a position in sync with the market movement. In this course you will learn:The structure and the main participants of the stock marketThe different types of analytical methods used by investors and traders.The most common technical indicators used by traders to predict price movement.The process of designing and testing profitable trading system.This course will shorten the learning curve of the new trader and will sharpen the skills of the experienced market players."
Price: 124.99

"Professional Watercolors, 8 Assorted Colors,Masterpack, 36/Set"
"Semi-moist transparent watercolor paints contain no wax. Brilliant pigments mix cleanly, flow easily, and stay true. Paint never dries out. White, segmented lid for true color mixing. Includes 24 Oval Pan 8-Color Sets and 12 refills. Color(s): Assorted; Assortment: Black; Blue; Brown; Green; Orange; Red; Violet; Yellow; Chemical Compound: Water Based; Packing Type: Oval Pans."
Price: 104.39

"Semi-Moist Watercolors, 8 Assorted Colors, 36/Set"
"A great value that adds a festive, shimmering element to watercolors kids love! Washable formula easily comes off hands and nearly all clothing. Color(s): Assorted; Assortment: 12 Each: Classic Color Set , Metallic Color Set and Glitter Color Set.; Chemical Compound: Water Based; Packing Type: Oval Pans."
Price: 82.36

"Steel Time Card Rack with Adjustable Dividers, 6"" Pockets"
"Ideal for warehouses and manufacturing facilities. Versions with wire pockets can be configured to change number of pockets. Durable heavy-gauge steel construction. Scratch- and chip-resistant finish. Predrilled holes for mounting. Color(s): Gray; Overall Width: 13 5/8""; Overall Depth: 2""; Overall Height: 30""."
Price: 59.38

"Trait-Tex Double Weight Yarn Cones, 2 oz, Assorted Colors, 12/Box"
"This value assortment carton of arts and crafts yarn includes 2-oz. double-weight yarn cones ideal for rug making, weaving, knitting and more. Material(s): 100% Acrylic; Color(s): Assorted; Yarn Size: 2-Ply; Yarn Weight per Skein/Cone: 2 oz."
Price: 54.96

"Decorol Flame Retardant Art Rolls, 40 lbs., 36"" x 1000 ft, Tropical Green"
"Brightly colored paper in a convenient roll for all large projects. Made of 100% vat-dyed sulphite for superior strength and fade-resistance. Durable surface takes on all types of media on either side. Great for art projects, banners, murals and bulletin boards. Size: 36"" x 1,000 ft; Paper Color(s): Tropical Green; Paper Weight: 40 lb; Rolls Per Unit: 1."
Price: 133.68

"Decorol Flame Retardant Art Rolls, 40 lb, 36"" x 1000 ft, Cherry Red"
"Brightly colored paper in a convenient roll for all large projects. Made of 100% vat-dyed sulphite for superior strength and fade-resistance. Durable surface takes on all types of media on either side. Great for art projects, banners, murals and bulletin boards. Size: 36"" x 1,000 ft; Paper Color(s): Cherry Red; Paper Weight: 40 lb; Rolls Per Unit: 1."
Price: 128.96

"Decorol Flame Retardant Art Rolls, 40 lb., 36"" x 1000 ft, Sapphire Blue"
"Brightly colored paper in a convenient roll for all large projects. Made of 100% vat-dyed sulphite for superior strength and fade-resistance. Durable surface takes on all types of media on either side. Great for art projects, banners, murals and bulletin boards. Size: 36"" x 1,000 ft; Paper Color(s): Sapphire Blue; Paper Weight: 40 lb; Rolls Per Unit: 1."
Price: 132.85

"Decorol Flame Retardant Art Rolls, 40 lb, 36"" x 1000 ft, Frost White"
"Brightly colored paper in a convenient roll for all large projects. Made of 100% vat-dyed sulphite for superior strength and fade-resistance. Durable surface takes on all types of media on either side. Great for art projects, banners, murals and bulletin boards. Size: 36"" x 1,000 ft; Paper Color(s): Frost White; Paper Weight: 40 lb; Rolls Per Unit: 1."
Price: 107.88

"Decorol Flame Retardant Art Rolls, 40 lb, 36"" x 1000 ft, Black"
"Brightly colored paper in a convenient roll for all large projects. Made of 100% vat-dyed sulphite for superior strength and fade-resistance. Durable surface takes on all types of media on either side. Great for art projects, banners, murals and bulletin boards. Size: 36"" x 1,000 ft; Paper Color(s): Black; Paper Weight: 40 lb; Rolls Per Unit: 1."
Price: 123.48

"Tru-Ray Construction Paper, 76 lbs., 9 x 12/12 x 18, Assorted, 2000 Sheets/Ct"
"Heavyweight 100% vat-dyed sulphite with longer, stronger fibers. Tough enough to take scoring, folding and curling without cracking or tearing. Superior fade-resistance keeps projects brighter longer. Acid-free for archival quality. Each carton contains 32 packages of 9 x 12 and 8 packages of 12 x 18 heavyweight construction paper. Size: 12 x 18; 9 x 12; Paper Color(s): 10 Assorted Colors; Paper Weight: 76 lb; Sheets Per Unit: 2000."
Price: 113.94

"Peacock Four-Ply Railroad Board, 22 x 28, White, 100/Carton"
"Brilliantly colored on both sides. Great for art projects, mats, mounting, block printing, painting, markers, stenciling and posters. Smooth finish on front and back. Art Board Type: Poster; Color(s): White; Board Size (W x H): 22"" x 28""; Board Size Open (W x H): 22"" x 28""."
Price: 41.96

"Spotlight Presentation Board, 48 x 36, White, 24/Carton"
"Ideal for displays. Lightweight, corrugated board for easy portability. Natural Kraft on back side. Art Board Type: Display; Material(s): Corrugated Board; Color(s): White; Board Size (W x H): 48"" x 36""."
Price: 59.97

"Spotlight Corrugated Presentation Display Boards, 48 x 36, Black, 24/Carton"
"Ideal for displays. Lightweight, corrugated board for easy portability. Natural Kraft on back side. Art Board Type: Display; Material(s): Corrugated Board; Color(s): Black; Kraft; Board Size (W x H): 48"" x 36""."
Price: 98.97

"Pacon Drawing Paper Sheets"
"Heavyweight drawing paper is an ideal texture for beginning drawing and sketching. Use with crayon, charcoal, pencil and tempera paint. Manila drawing paper is recyclable."
Price: 51.26

"White Drawing Paper, 57 lbs., 18 x 24, Pure White, 500 Sheets/Ream"
"Pure white 100% sulphite drawing paper for watercolor, crayon, pencil and charcoal. Size: 18 x 24; Paper Color(s): Pure White; Paper Weight: 57 lb; Sheets Per Unit: 500."
Price: 54.76

"White Drawing Paper, 57 lbs., 24 x 36, Pure White, 250 Sheets/Carton"
"Pure white 100% sulphite drawing paper for watercolor, crayon, pencil and charcoal. Size: 24 x 36; Paper Color(s): Pure White; Paper Weight: 57 lb; Sheets Per Unit: 250."
Price: 61.57

"White Drawing Paper, 47 lbs., 18 x 24, Pure White, 500 Sheets/Ream"
"Pure white 100% sulphite drawing paper for watercolor, crayon, pencil and charcoal. Size: 18 x 24; Paper Color(s): Pure White; Paper Weight: 47 lb; Sheets Per Unit: 500."
Price: 49.94

"White Drawing Paper, 78 lbs., 18 x 24, Pure White, 500 Sheets/Ream"
"Pure white 100% sulphite drawing paper for watercolor, crayon, pencil and charcoal. Size: 18 x 24; Paper Color(s): Pure White; Paper Weight: 78 lb; Sheets Per Unit: 500."
Price: 63.76

"Heavyweight Tagboard, 36 x 24, White, 100/Pack"
"Provide exceptionally strong, multipurpose tagboard to your young artists. It's ideal for a variety of arts and crafts projects, and it works well for chart making, too! High-quality, two-sides-one-color design allows for creations where reversibility would be desirable. 2 pt. thickness. Art Board Type: Tag; Color(s): White; Board Size (W x H): 24"" x 36""; Board Size Open (W x H): 24"" x 36""."
Price: 49.78