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"- Complete Dark Web Course In Tamil"
"Welcome to my course onComplete Dark Web Course In Tamil! This course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in Dark Web and by the end of it you'll be at a high level, being able to use Dark Web like security experts!The Complete Deep Web Course Is The Most Comprehensive And Extensive Course On The Deep Web With The Aim Of Getting You On The Deep Web Securely And Safely.This Course Has Everything From Basic Terminology, Setting Up A Secure And Safe Environment to Accessing the Deep Web/Dark Net On Android.This course will show you the best Online services the Deep Web/Dark Net has to offer from Search engines To Email Providers.This course will ensure your safety and security from the threats posed on the Deep Web Dark NetThis course will target every aspect of the Deep Web/Dark Net from the Best Search Engines To Best Social NetworksThis course is targeted at anyone who wants to get started with using the Deep Web in a safe,and secure manner. Even if you are a complete beginner, or someone who has a little experience with the Deep Web but no confidence or have a sense of insecurity, You are in the right place."
Price: 19.99

"- Complete Android App Development In Tamil"
"So you want to build your own apps?And you want to build them from the comfort of your home in your own time without having to attend class or wade through endless textbooks (or online guides). Am I right?And let me guess: you only want the latest technology, software and techniquesbecause youve got big plans, big ideasand lets be honest youre impatient and you want to jump the queue?My names Ashwin, creator of the worlds best-selling online coding courses and Ive designed The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil, especially for YOU.A huge range of technologies are covered, including open source Parse Server, Firebase, Admob, GDX (game development), Bluetooth and a whole lot more.Buy this course today and this is what youll get.Firstly, I will teach you complete java for android, then Android Studio, I'll teach you how to build real, marketable apps.And by the wayjust like my other record-smashing coursesthis course is project based, which means you build your own apps in REALTIMEAs. You. Learn.Over half a million students tell me this is THE most motivating and effective way to absorb information. You'll start by downloading Android Studio and building an easy-peasy app. You'll also get a full guide on submitting your apps to Google Play, plus THREE BRAND NEW WALK-THROUGH chapters explaining exactly how to effectively market your appsand generate revenue with Google Ads. You'll learn all the latest Android P features, including App Permissions and Android Pay.Why learn to make Android apps? Android is without a doubt THE biggest mobile platform in the world, with over 80% market share and over 1 billion devices sold in 2016 alone. You can develop for Android on a Windows, Mac or Linux computer. Java is a fantastic language to learn, allowing you to make apps for PC, Mac and the web, as well as Android. Android app discovery is way superior to the App Store, so your app has a far better chance of getting seenand bought. Ad-based revenue is a lot more common on Android than on iOS, and a cinch to set up with Google Ads.Top class professional presentation of a well-constructed course. Consistently pitched at the right level to remain interesting and challenging, this course quickly brings the student to a point where generating their own applications is realistic and fun.Who is this for?Anyone who wants to learn to code to become an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Ethical Hacking Course. So once youre up and coding like a demon app developer, itll ALSO teach you how to make money from your apps.Sound good?Its also for anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work opens news doors to our awesome digital worldAshwin has a knack for explaining material in an easily digestible way. The mini challenges he presents within his lectures are an excellent way to commit things to memory. The lectures are well paced - fast enough to maintain your interest but not so fast that you get left in the dust!Is this course right for me?Coding and app development is the future. Whether youve got plans to create the next Facebook, or you want to get ahead at work and increase your earning potential, I GUARANTEE anyone will find The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil course show-stoppingly useful.A quick summary of why The Complete Android Developer Course In Tamil is the number one resource for budding app developers, like you: Time-tested, quick-to-pick up learning strategies Quality insider tips, that only the pros normally know Home-based learningso you can go as fast or slow as you please Simple, jargon-free language and HD definition"
Price: 24.99

"- Complete Hands on Ethical Hacking (Python)"
"Welcome this great course where you'll learn python programming and ethical hacking at the same time, the course assumes you have NO prior knowledge in any of these topics, and by the end of it you'll be at a high intermediate level being able to combine both of these skills and write python programs to hack into computer systems exactly the same way that black hat hackers do, not only that but you'll be able to use the programming skills you learn here to write any program even if it has nothing to do with hacking.This course is only for educational purposes!!! This course is highly practical but it won't neglect the theory, so we'll start with covering some basics about ethical hacking and python programming, installing the needed software and then we'll dive and start programming straight away. From here onwards you'll learn everything by example, by writing useful hacking programs, so we'll never have any boring dry programming lectures."
Price: 54.99

"Panduan Terlengkap Facebook Ads"
"Panduan terlengkap untuk belajar Facebook Ads. Dirancang untuk diikuti oleh para pemula yang tidak memiliki pengetahuan sama sekali tentang Facebook Ads. Benefit yang akan Anda dapatkan dari kursus ini:Anda akan belajar dasar-dasar digital marketing dan mindset yang benar, yang harus Anda pahami sebelum memulai beriklan menggunakan Facebook Ads.Anda akan dibimbing langkah demi langkah secara rinci dalam teori dan praktek, sehingga Anda memiliki dasar pengetahuan yang kuat dan tidak asal mengeluarkan uang untuk beriklan.Materi selalu diupdate secara berkala, baik untuk menambah penjelasan maupun saat ada update/perubahan dari Facebook.Dengan mengikuti dan mempraktekkan semua pelajaran dalam kursus ini, Anda diharapkan dapat menguasai Facebook Ads sampai mahir, dan menggunakannya untuk beriklan dan menghasilkan uang darinya."
Price: 2800000.00

"Aprender a viver da Profisso de Coaching"
"S muito bem-vindo/a este processo online de Mentoria para ti, que desejas ser Coach Profissional e viver de Coaching.Provavelmente j realizaste outras formaes com o mesmo tema, e dou-te os meus parabns por isso, porque de facto o saber no ocupa espao : ) mas isso leva-me a perguntar: J colocaste em prtica tudo o que aprendeste? Se no, ento este curso tambm no te vai ajudar, lamento dizer-te. De facto ao longo destas aulas vais-te deparar com exerccios de reflexo ou de implementao do que vais aprender. Se nada fizeres, nada vai acontecer!Este curso diferente dos outros porqu? Porque te vai explicar aquilo que resultou comigo. Sim. Pode no ser a soluo mais fcil ou a ideal, ou LEAN (como se costuma dizer nos dias de hoje), mas foi o que resultou comigo, depois de muitas tentativas e erros, depois de aprender on job, depois de verificar o que que me trazia resultados e Clientes.No te estou a vender a vida ideal, em que vais ganhar garantidamente 10 mil euros por ms e s vais trabalhar uma hora por semana lamento : ( ainda no cheguei a! Nem quero que associes o meu nome a solues milagrosas que depois acabam por no solucionar nada.Estou-te a mostrar a vida que eu tenho, que resultou e resulta para mim.Alerto-te j: sem muito trabalho, ser difcil. (Mafalda! Usaste a palavra difcil!)Realiza os exerccios, reflete.Trabalhei e trabalho muito, mas com um sorriso no rosto. Desenvolvo contedos todos os dias. Aprendo todos os dias. Conheo pessoas novas (quase) todos os dias. No desperdio o meu tempo com televises, ou com pessoas que no me nutrem. Promete-me que fars o mesmo!Vamos comear?Obrigada por estares desse lado, obrigada pelo voto de confiana, e obrigada por me deixares desenvolver este trabalho de equipa contigo."
Price: 19.99

"Calculation tricks"
"In this course you shall learn many calculation tricks for Quantitative Aptitude which are very helpful for aspirants of various competitive examination like IBPS,SSC,RAILWAYS,UPTET,CAT,MAT,GRE,UPSC..etc.These tricks will save your time so that You can attempt more questions to ensure your success.We know that nowadays competition is about answer with accuracy within limited time."
Price: 2240.00

"Cours splunk en franais"
"Ce cours est destin aux administrateurs scurit et aux personnels IT qui souhaitent exploiter la plateforme Splunk Enterprise en tant quoutil dintelligence oprationnelle.Les mthodes abordes durant la session pourront tre utiles autant aux dbutants Splunk issus des mtiers de linformatique ou de la scurit qu'aux utilisateurs plus avertis souhaitant se mettre niveau."
Price: 19.99

"Splunk: les fondamentaux 1"
"Ce cours est destin aux administrateurs scurit et aux personnels IT qui souhaitent exploiter la plateforme Splunk Enterprise en tant quoutil dintelligence oprationnelle.Les mthodes abordes durant la session pourront tre utiles autant aux dbutants Splunk issus des mtiers de linformatique ou de la scurit qu'aux utilisateurs plus avertis souhaitant se mettre niveau."
Price: 49.99

"Nederlandse Video Editing met Premiere Pro voor Beginners"
"Ga in deze cursus aan de slag met Premiere Pro en leer videos editenIn deze cursus zal ik jou in een korte tijd vertrouwd maken met Premiere Pro en je alles leren om jou eerste video in het programma te editen/monteren.Ik weet zeker dat jij na deze cursus andere videos met gemak kunt editen in Premiere Pro. Je kunt deze vaardigheden gebruiken om zelf videos te maken als influencer, een baan te krijgen als video editor of social media content creator of gewoon creatieve eigen projecten opzetten (zoals bijvoorbeeld je eerste eigen short-film).Is het mogelijk om als beginner Premiere Pro onder de knie te krijgen binnen een paar uur? Ik weet zeker van wel!Het probleemEr zijn vele mensen die videobewerking proberen en na een korte tijd afhaken. Dit komt omdat er zoveel functies in de programmas zitten, dat je soms het overzicht kwijt kan raken. Er is zoveel materiaal te vinden online over Premiere Pro van Adobe dat je door de bomen het bos niet meer ziet.De mogelijkhedenHet leren van Premiere Pro is enorm leuk. Je maakt van losse nietszeggende bestanden een verhaal. Na deze cursus heb jij geen losse videobestanden meer die rondzwerven op jouw computer. Ook zal je aan het eind van deze cursus jouw nieuwe vaardigheden kunnen gebruiken voor anderen, om zo bijvoorbeeld voor bedrijven te werken en er geld mee te verdienen.Een simpele oplossingNa heel lang online lesgegeven te hebben over filmmaken, kwam ik erachter dat ik een oplossing kon bieden voor de paniek die mensen hebben als ze voor het eerst het programma openen of willen starten met editen. Een complete Premiere Pro cursus, waarin je op een snelle, efficinte manier en binnen een paar uur het programma onder de knie krijgt. Geen cursus van 40 uur waar geen eind aan lijkt te komen, maar gewoon de functies die je nodig hebt in het echte leven of werkveld, zonder poespas.Al 20.000 mensen gingen je voorOp YouTube heb ik al meer dan 3.000.000 weergaven en 20.000+ abonnees behaald met mijn videos, daarom hoop ik dat ik ook veel andere mensen tevreden kan maken met mijn werk!Alleen focus op wat echt nodig isMaar hoe bepaal je wat je wl en wat je niet leert? vraag je je misschien af. Ik geloof dat die vraag eigenlijk alleen beantwoord kan worden door ervaring in het werkveld. Ik ben al zon acht jaar bezig met videobewerking n met Premiere Pro en weet ondertussen wel welke technieken je wl en niet hoeft te gebruiken. Deze technieken heb ik toegepast voor zowel grote als kleine betaalde klanten. In je auto gebruik je ook niet alle knopjes om op je locatie te komen toch?Ik help je een handje!Om in Premiere Pro snel en handig te kunnen werken is een goede werkwijze belangrijk. Daarom maken we gebruik van sneltoetsen, waardoor je super snel kunt werken in het programma. Hiervoor heb ik een speciaal document bijgevoegd die je er bij kunt houden (of zelfs kunt printen). Ook heb ik oefenbestanden toegevoegd, zodat je ook zonder eigen videobeelden aan de slag kunt gaan.Zonder risicoMocht je mijn cursus echt niks vinden, dan is dat helemaal niet erg. Je kunt zonder moeite binnen veertien dagen je geld terugvragen . Het risico is dus enorm laag!Veel gestelde vragen:Wanneer begint en eindigt de cursus?De cursus is gestart en zal nooit eindigen. Het is een op zichzelf staande online cursus, jij beslist dus zelf wanneer je start en stopt.Hoelang heb ik toegang tot de cursus?Zo lang of als je wilt. Je krijgt je leven lang toegang tot deze cursus en kan de cursus dus volledig op je eigen tempo volgen! Het is niet zoals op school dat je binnen een bepaalde periode alles afgerond moet hebben.Wat nou als je niet creatief bent?Toen ik begon met videos maken had ik precies diezelfde gedachte. Maar je gaat pas goede ideen krijgen als je er echt mee bezig gaat. Toen ik leerde hoe leuk het was om met de simpele technieken iets moois te maken kreeg ik juist een boost in mijn creativiteit.Schrijf je nu in voor de cursus en begin direct!"
Price: 94.99

"Overcoming Performance Anxiety"
"Performance anxiety is the worst. It drains us of joy, turning experiences that could be nothing but bliss into tests of endurance, or keeping us from even having those experiences in the first place. Who wants that?This course provides practical tips for everyone, whether or not you choose to be on a literal stage. The instructor is a concert pianist, voice actor, podcaster, and former university professor. In addition to the videos, downloadable materials include a reading list and thoughts/questions for further study."
Price: 29.99

"A beginners guide to the 3 Principles running your Mind"
"This course is designed to introduce you to a set of principles as important as gravity, but the problem is we have all forgotten about them, although we still use them daily we are not aware of them.By becoming aware it will have a profound effect on your life.This skill requires no previous knowledge or skill set of any kind, just an openness to accept a simple process that can change your life in an instant."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Orgnico - Como Alcanar Mais de 100.000 Pessoas"
"Nesse curso voc ter a oportunidade de ver diversas estratgias fora da curva para aumentar incrivelmente o alcance de uma pgina no Facebook.Voc descobrir como criar contedo de alta qualidade e altssimo engajamento de maneira prtica e rpida, mesmo que no se considere uma pessoa criativa.E voc poder viralizar contedos facilmente, de modo a atingir centenas de milhares de pessoas, ou at mesmo milhes de pessoas com publicaes impactantes e com alto potencial de viralizao.Este curso foi criado com foco 100% prtico, por isso as aulas no ficam dando voltas em assuntos que no nos interessam.Vamos direto ao ponto, com tudo sendo mostrado na prtica e com exemplos reais para voc entender cada detalhe de todo o processo.O curso screencast (gravao da tela) e conta com monitoramento dirio para responder a todas as suas dvidas o mais rpido possvel.Novas aulas sero adicionadas sempre que for preciso, com novas estratgias que forem desenvolvidas e insights de valor para seu trabalho.Para quem este curso:Donos de pequenos/mdios negcios;Profissionais de marketing digital;Social media;Afiliados de produtos fsicos e digitais;Estudantes de publicidade e marketing;Entusiastas de redes sociais"
Price: 39.99

"Learn How to Rank Your Videos Higher on Google and Youtube"
"A Powerful New Ranking System will Help Rank Your Videos on Google & Youtube Faster. This will help Getting You more Targeted Traffic, Sales and Lead. Anyone, Regardless of Experience or Technical Know-How, Can Use Tube Video Booster To Learn How to Rank Videos Higher on Google and Youtube. The Results will vary for each person of course, depending on how much effort you put in to learn this information and applying it. Ihave helped hundreds of students rank their own videos with my system. This system will give you the tools you need to succeed if you follow my step by step instruction. What is Tube Video Booster?This is a unique never before seen METHOD to Boost Your Youtube Videos on Youtube and Google. Its doesn't matter what you have learned in the past, this system will add to what you may already know about Ranking videos. This is a New System!Who Is it For?This is for anyone who wants to rank their videos higher on Youtube and Google! Marketers, SEOs and Local SEO's, Web Designers, Affililate Marketers, Video and Product Creators, this if for you! Our System Uses 100% Free Techniques and Software! Who Created This Product?Johnny Thompson is a full time SEO, Web Designer, Affiliate Marketer and co-product creater. He has worked with some of the Top Product Creators on Clickbank and JvZoo, including Rob Wiser and Jackson Lin.Is this New Material or Same Old Stuff?I guarantee that most of what I am teaching in this course has not been seen before! Some of the basics are covered but our BOOSTER SYSTEM is one of Kind! You will get over 10 Custom Made over the Shoulder Videos with nothing but solid Video SEO training secrets and White Hat and a few Grey Hat Training Methods. What does is cover?We cover Setup of your Videos the RIGHT WAY. The GOOGLE BLASTER METHOD, the ROCKET BLASTER BOOSTER METHOD, The COUNT DOWN METHOD, and TOP SECRET SUPER SPY METHOD and Much Much More!Johnny Thompson has been one of the top SEO experts in the game for over 16 years. He has been my go-to SEO expert since 2008. When he showed me this new course about how to rocket your videos up to the top of the YouTube results I tried it, and its incredible. It works! Real results, Real fast! This is a winner if you want to know the Ninja tips and tricks that will give you an unfair advantage over your competition, on the MOST profitable search engine in the world. By the way, its not Google these daysitsYouTube. - Rob Wiser, Clickbank Platinum Product Producer and Super AffiliateFact is, there are many good to great points covered inside this dynamic video course you will be hard pressed to find another SEO for video course that covers these steps with this much laser precision"" - David Breth - Full Time Internet MarketerAfter you have watched the videos and learn the tricks I have been using to Rank my Videos and My Clients videos, You will be able to do this in just a few minutes! White Hat SEO Video Techniques that Google Loves and only a very few people even know about! Start Getting You more Targeted Traffic, Sales and Leads Super Fast!"
Price: 199.99

"Guitar Buying 101"
"In this course, you will learn the essential steps for researching, understanding, shopping, inspecting, and buying an electric guitar. The process will be broken down in a simplified and easy to understand manner so that the selection, shopping and buying experience is less stressful, and therefore better and more enjoyable. The aim is to provide you with the information and insight you need to be comfortable buying a guitar that best fits you, and your needs, given consideration to budget, guitar options and features, and of course personal preferences."
Price: 19.99

"El Viaje Chamnico, un pasadizo a tu mundo interior"
"En este curso vas a sumergirte en el fascinante mundo del Viaje Chamnico, una herramienta ancestral, sencilla y muy poderosa, y al alcance de todos, para conectarte fcilmente con tu SENTIR ms profundo, con tu mundo interior y tu parte creativa.Aqu encontrars un mtodo contrastado, prctico, directo, natural y efectivo, explicado con todo detalle y lleno de ejemplos para que lo puedas llevar a la prctica fcilmente.Deja ya de repetir en automtico el mantra la sabidura est en nuestro interior y pasa a la accin para acceder a tu propia sabidura interior. Aqu tienes un mtodo para ello.Cuando viajas con tu corazn y escuchas tu SENTIR, desaparecen todas las creencias, todas las mscaras, todas las limitaciones y te encuentras cara a cara con tu Verdad.Coge las riendas y cabalga al son del tambor, al ritmo de tu corazn, para crear mundos de armona y paz en tu vida.Dispones de ms de tres horas y media de valioso contenido.Adicionalmente te regalamos los audios con la msica del tambor, 45 minutos de sonido especial para conectar con tu corazn y tu mundo interior, que te acompaar en tus viajes.Y en exclusiva especial obtendrs el BONUS El Viaje Chamnico EXPRES, un novedoso mtodo que te permitir viajar en cualquier momento, en cualquier lugar y en cualquier circunstancia para conectarte con tu mundo interior y empoderarte en poco tiempo y en tu da a da.VIAJA PARA SENTIR!SENTIR PARA VIVIR!"
Price: 119.99

"Curso de QA Automation con Serenity - De novato a experto!"
"al finalizar el curso los estudiantes podrn crear un proyecto de automatizacin implementando Serenity BDD como framework, utilizando Cucumber para escribir casos de pruebas, podrn enfrentar problemas al momento de interactuar con elementos dificiles, y tambin aprendern tcnicas sobre como encontrar un elemento exitosamente.Este curso comienza desde cero, enseando sobre Selenium en un principio y luego subiendo la complejidad al introducir nuevos conceptos que hacen que nuestros proyectos sean mas avanzados y robustos. Utilizaremos diferentes paginas de internet para realizar pruebas y tener un entorno real con casos de pruebas reales."
Price: 24.99

"Cmo implementar automatizacion de testing eficientemente?"
"Bienvenido!Te has preguntado si saber automatizar es suficiente para tener una carrera en testing automation?Quizs has pensado como lider tcnico o project manager cuales son las consideraciones a tener en cuenta antes de empezar a invertir fuerzo y tiempo en implementar un equipo de automatizacin.O quizs seas un tester automation avanzado en el rea tecnolgica pero quizs sientas que necesitas un poco ms de informacin sobre como llevar a cabo una implementacin que incluya ms al resto del equipo.Si te sentiste identificado con algunos de estos roles, o estas interesado en aprender ms sobre automatizacin de pruebas, entonces este curso es el que necesitas.Mi nombre es Juan Torres, y tengo ms de 5 aos de experiencia trabajando como QA Automation Engineer en varias empresas nacionales e internacionales.Durante mi carrera eh podido ir aprendiendo cosas bsicas y otras no tan simples sobre los desafos, buenas prcticas y consejos que me podran haber ayudado anteriormente. Es por eso que cre este curso para encaminar a aquellos a quienes les interese poder implementar su conocimiento de automatizacin de una manera eficaz, para generar mayor impacto en su equipo de trabajo y llevar a cabo sus metas personales con respecto a su camino de carrera.***NOTA***En este curso no aprenders a automatizar, este curso es complementario para personas que ya saben a hacerlo o estn por empezar a aprender algn framework nuevo. Si te interesa aprender a automatizar, tengo un curso aparte llamado Curso de QA Automation con Serenity - De novato a experto! donde podrs aprender automatizar con Serenity.  Si estas interesado en tener los dos cursos juntos, escribeme!Espero que deseen tomar este camino para mejorar su carrera en el rea de testing automatizado, los espero en clase!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso completo de Postman para todos los niveles y perfiles"
"Aprende a automatizar casos de pruebas de backend utilizando postman a todo su potencial, asi seas tester o desarrollador. Obtendrs el conocimiento que necesitas para dominar esta herramienta.Crea una base de conocimientos para sobresalir utilizando postman al aprender cosas como:Introduccin a fundamentos de Postman y RESTUtilizar variables globales y de ambientesAprender cmo se componen diferentes tipos de peticionesOrganizar nuestras pruebas de forma eficienteCmo escribir casos de pruebas avanzadosPostman collection runnerPostman MonitorsImplementacin de Newman para automatizacinImplementacin de integracin continua con JenkinsGenerar reportes profesionales con resultados de ejecucionesManipular los flujos de casos de pruebas.Y mucho ms!Un curso completo al alcance de tus manosEl contenido agregado en este curso est diseado para que cualquier persona pueda aprender, ya sea con o sin experiencia. Empezamos con conocimientos muy bsicos y vamos aumentando la complejidad del curso aprendiendo a hacer cosas ms avanzadas clase a clase.Por qu este curso?Adaptado para testers y desarrolladores que recin empiezan en el mundo de backend as como para perfiles ms avanzados, encontrarn ms de 10 horas de contenido dividido en diferentes secciones seleccionadas cuidadosamente para cubrir los detalles ms importantes al momento de utilizar la aplicacin.Comenzaremos desde cero, aprendiendo sobre diferentes formatos de peticiones y respuestas como Json y XML, aprenders a diferenciarlos entre s y a navegar a travs de sus variables para obtener los valores que buscamos en las pruebas.En este curso aprenders a hacer aserciones avanzadas con parmetros dinamicos, de esta manera podrn llevar a cabo pruebas de backend.Al finalizar el curso podrn implementar automatizacin de pruebas utilizando diferentes opciones que postman nos brinda, tambien podrn implementar integracin contnua para ejecutar sus pruebas desde Jenkins.Quieres ser eficiente y experto utilizando postman? !Entonces no lo pienses ms y unete al curso! Estaremos agregando ms informacin y secciones a medida que se actualice la aplicacin y cuando pidan que cubramos otros temas. !Los esperamos adentro!"
Price: 24.99

"Learn How To Work From Home Efficiently"
"A complete course for work at home professionals, freelancers, solopreneurs and work at home entrepreneurs. I will share with you useful tips that would help you to change your daily routine, so that it matches your new schedule, and get you more efficient while working from home. You will also get several scheduling documents that you could use in your daily and weekly work at home routine to stay productive.In this course, you will learn: how to prepare yourself for a work at home job, how to manage your new workflow, how to structure your day and create an efficient working schedule how to prepare your homies to your new schedule and how to make sure your home and work responsibilities do not overlap.Who is this course for? Professionals getting ready to shift to a remote job Freelancers, work at home professionals and solopreneurs SMB owners and online entrepreneurs who might do with some extra advice Anyone who enjoys useful tips, tricks and how-to hacksMake sure you are ready for work at home challenges and enroll for the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Aprenda a Falar NO"
"APRENDER A FALAR NO uma das habilidades pessoais mais importantes que voc pode aprender e desenvolver para se sentir mais confiante, segura e feliz.Aprender a FALAR NO uma necessidade, um dever e um DIREITO! importante saber Quando falar NO, em relao a Qual assunto, para Quem e, principalmente, Como voc vai fazer isso.A comunicao faz parte da vida. Alis, a vida uma sequncia de comunicaes. Voc gosta de ajudar pessoas? Creio que sim e eu tambm, estou aqui por isso. maravilhoso poder dizer SIM e ver gente feliz, porm a vida no feita apenas de SIM e sei que voc ouve NO constantemente. Voc pode APRENDER a falar e ouvir NO, a falar e ouvir SIM!Observe ao seu redor e voc vai encontrar pessoas que se comunicam com segurana e assertividade. So aquelas que (geralmente) tm desempenho diferenciado nos estudos e no trabalho, frequentemente conquistam mais rapidamente empregos e promoes, tm relacionamentos mais saudveis... e tudo isso porque sabem expressar no apenas suas ideias, mas suas intenes.O curso APRENDA A FALAR NO o NICO curso na UDEMY (ao menos por enquanto!) QUE ABORDA EXCLUSIVAMENTE O TEMA e um dos nicos no mercado nacional. Ele foi projetado para ser seu alicerce porque apresenta UM MTODO.Com as tcnicas que voc vai conhecer e praticar, realizando as reflexes e atividades propostas, mesmo antes do trmino do curso voc j se sentir mais segura para enfrentar diferentes cenrios, que vo desde conversar firmemente com aquela amiga que ama xeretar a sua vida (e voc no sabe como impedi-la) at participar com destaque de reunies na empresa, passando por pedir aumento de salrio ao seu lder.Ao participar voc vai encontrar a SUA forma de se comunicar de modo claro, seguro e confiante, com educao e cordialidade, jogando fora de vez! a submisso e o sentimento de ser rejeitada porque diz NO. Esse sentimento muito mais comum do que voc possa imaginar.Ao trmino desse curso sua autoestima, alm de suas habilidades de autoliderana, autoconfiana e assertividade, sero expandidas rpida e drasticamente, permitindo que voc se comunique de maneira eficiente e eficaz na maioria (pelo menos!) das situaes da sua vida.Veja o depoimento de Joana (nome fictcio) que j praticou e sabe que o mtodo funciona:Eu tenho colocado em prtica os ""Nos e procurado ser mais assertiva. Tenho dificuldade s vezes, por conta do hbito horrvel de estourar, acabar falando demais e perdendo a razo. Estou em uma fase de adaptao, me sinto mudando. Tenho procurado refletir e pensar bem antes de falar as coisas que me incomodam e est dando muito certo. E tudo muito bacana Izabel, eu nunca tinha feito esse exerccio. Achei bem libertador observar um monte de coisas em mim mesma e a liberdade da expresso do ""No"". Eu vou continuar a treinar e praticar. J vi resultados. No esto como eu gostaria, mas eu chego l, porque depende s de mim. Obrigada!Aprenda a se relacionar com pessoas muito diferentes entre si, sabendo que voc capaz de lidar com comportamentos verbais indesejados, como crticas negativas, insultos, manipulao emocional, bulling ou um simples no, obrigada que muitas vezes no nada simples.Nesse curso voc vai aprender o mtodo que criei e inclui tcnicas e estratgias que foram estudadas, testadas, praticadas, aperfeioadas e ensinadas a centenas de pessoas que fizeram (e fazem!) parte dos meus mais de 30 anos de vida profissional.Eu acredito que essa a SUA HORA. o momento de agir. Chega de ter medo do que os outros vo dizer ou pensar quando voc falar seus pontos de vista, suas ideias e convices.Voc inferior a algum? De jeito nenhum! Voc o nico exemplar do Universo e isso tem valor, muito valor!Valorize-se cada dia mais aprendendo a FALAR NO.Seja bem-vinda nossa comunidade!BjssIzabel"
Price: 249.99

"SAP Certification Practice Tests for S/4 HANA Sales"
"Welcome to the practice tests for the SAP Application Associate - S/4 HANA Sales certification exam. There are 3 practice test included in the course.Each practice test contains questions which will help you prepare for the actual exam by covering a variety of questions from each topic areas. *SAP and other SAP products or services mentioned herein the course or respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP SE and Ido not claim any copyright information.ACTUALEXAMFORMATAs per the current information posted by SAP, exam contains 80 questions with a duration of 180 minutes. Exam needs to be completed in one sitting. You need a score of 65%to pass the exam. Icannot guarantee that the format will not change, however when I appeared for the certification in Feb 2019 , the questions had the following format .1) Question with multiple choice with only one correct answer.System will ask to choose correct answer. You can only select one option.2) Questions with multiple choices and multiple correct answers. System will ask to choose correct answer(s). You can select multiple options. You get the credit if all the correct answers have been selected and no credit is given for partial correct answers.3) You can flag questions for review later after answering the questions.4) When you review your progress, system will show you questions which you answered and not answered in color code.PLEASENOTETHATABOVECERTIFICATIONINFORMATIONISONLYFORYOURGUIDANCE ,YOUSHOULDALWAYSCHECKWITHSAPBEFORE TAKINGTHECERTIFICATIONEXAMTOCHECKTHELATESTFORMATANDCONDITIONSFORTAKINGTHEEXAM.ICLAIMNORESPONSIBILITY THAT THE EXAM WILL HAVE THE SAME EXACT FORMAT.PRACTICETEST FORMATEach practice test has 80 question from different topic areas. The format for question is as follows. I have raised the passing score to 80% in order to challenge you to prepare for the actual exam.1) Evaluate a statement if it's True or False.2) Questions with multiple choices and only one correct answer.3) Questions with multiple choices and multiple correct answers. You need to select more than one answer.Once you finish the test, you will be able to see the scores by each topic area. Ihave provided the explanation to the answers where necessary, which allows you to review the incorrect answers and understand the related topic.PLEASENOTETHEPRACTICEQUESTIONSAREDESIGNEDTOHELPYOUTO ASSESSYOUREXAMPREPARATION ANDIDONOTGUARANTEETHATEXACTLYSAMEQUESTIONSWILLBEASKEDINTHEEXAM. Use these practice tests to test your knowledge and readiness for the actual exam. For your reference the practice test will have mix of questions from following topics. The percentages are only estimates and number of test questions may not exactly tie to the percentage. Topic Area Number of QuestionsSmart business 8-12%Simplification 8-12%HANA essentials 8-12%Enterprise Management execution 8-12%Cross Functional customization 8%Master Data 8%Billing Process and customizing 8%Shipping process and customizing 8%Pricing and condition technique 8%Sales Process 8%Availability Check 8%Organizational structure 8%Basic Functions ( Customizing) 8%Sales Document Customizing 8%"
Price: 99.99

"Discover Powerful Secrets-Awaken Your Soul-Achieve Results"
"This is YOUR OPPORTUNITY to receive coaching from a Certified Canfield Coach on The Success Principles - How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be. This course not only touches on the 3 most important and most significant Principles but it also bridges the gap between mind-body-soul. Im sure youve heard of SELF-DEVELOPMENTAnd Im sure youve heard of SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT.But what about a program that COMBINES both self-development and spiritual elements into one harmonious course!Waitwhat? So youre saying I get to experience:Career of my dreamsUltimate financial successDesired wellness goalsLove-fulfilled relationshipsRaise my vibrationHone my intuition skillsCommunicate with sourceConnect with my higher selfThis higher-vibrational self-development course will help you to:Open awareness to your CURRENT vibrational frequenciesReduce and eliminate lower vibrational frequencies from your lifeFocus energies to higher vibrational levels of manifestationLearn the true application of law of attractionAchieve spiritual awakeningWhy this program?This HIGHER LIVING PROGRAM is unlike any other course because it combines mind-body-soul by infusing each of the 3 phases with the core content to stimulate all 8 dimensions of a persons SELF. By activating these 8 dimensions, you experience a deeper, higher-self connection to the experiences which produce life-altering and long lasting results.This Program:Focuses on heightening self-awarenessIncreases vibrational frequenciesIncludes powerful enrichment toolsInclude success habits to help hack into ones potentialIs self-pacedIs about self-exploration and self-discoveryContains over 2 hours of content to be accessed anytime from anywhere!Includes 6 guided meditations"
Price: 44.99

"Improve Your Confidence-Conquer Your Fears-Master Your life"
"If you feel like a fraud, feel like you don't belong, feel like you don't measure, then this course is right for you. If you have negative thoughts telling  you you're not good enough, you don't deserve that, you can't do that, then you've come to the right place. Maybe you havent openly thought to yourself that youre a fraud or imposter, but perhaps youve brushed off your successes as luck, or being in the right place at the right time.From high school students to CEOs, imposter syndrome doesnt discriminate. In fact, studies suggest that 70% of people experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers. Its likely that youve felt those emotions too - insecurities tugging at your side, discomfort when someone calls you an expert at something.So many people suffer from thoughts of not measuring up or not being good enough, but no ones talking about it - which is why I decided to create this experience. Dont let your negative thought patterns get in the way of achieving great things. This course will help you become confident in your worth and reach your goals.Here's a brief overview of what to expect:There are 7 lectures, a 20-page workbook, and 3 meditations.This is a more detailed description: Section 1In this section we discuss what Imposter Syndrome is and whom it affects, we talk about how our beliefs control us, and uncover the true definition of F.E.A.R. The Workbook Exercises include topics like hidden victim language, how we scare ourselves, and have we can have control over our fears. Section 1 Challenges you to ""scare"" yourself and includes meditation on removing negative limiting beliefs. Section 2 In section 2 we discover the subcategories of the syndrome and symptoms, the causes, and the beginning of how to transform your thoughts. Workbook Exercises include Transforming Your Inner Critic , removing your emotional blocks, and creating the story of your life. Section 2 Challenges you to confront being told ""NO"" and includes a meditation on self reflection.Section 3This last section reveals steps you can take on How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome. There are several workbook exercises in this section that include major turning points, major life success, how to write affirmations, how to build self-esteem, and a challenge that will make you see eye-to-eye with yourself. Includes a meditation on establishing confidence to rewrite Imposter Syndrome thoughts. Join me on this journey to (re)building the foundation of your self-confidence, (re)vitalizing the core of your self-esteem, and (re)igniting the flame of your self-empowerment. Become the person you want to be by allowing yourself to be the person that you already are."
Price: 24.99

"Create A Thriving Independent Massage Therapy Business"
"This course is designed for any massage therapist that is looking to venture out on their own but aren't sure where to begin. I am here to help you get up and running! I ventured out on my own 14 years ago as an independent massage therapist and I was scared to death! But if I can do it, anyone can.I will share with you everything I know about marketing, advertising, getting new clients and retaining clients, creating a high demand for your services and finding your ideal workspace. You may already have an idea of what you want to do, where you want to set up shop, and perhaps you are exploring options. I am here to give you the pros and cons of each option and to help you make an informed decision. I am here to guide you along the way so you can avoid many pitfalls and costly mistakes. I am sharing everything I know with you about how to be successful from the very beginning and to spend very little money, if any, to do it.It is my sincere desire and pleasure to guide you along this path to make it as smooth as possible and to take the stress factor down a few notches. I wish you the greatest success in this next chapter of your life!"
Price: 49.99

"Your Facebook Profile Blueprint for Big Business"
"Learn how to take your personal Facebook profile to the level you need in order to attract new customers and raving fans. In this course, we'll cover:How to Set Up Your Profile for SuccessPowerful Posting StrategiesCommon Mistakes Made on FacebookFacebook LIVE Formula for BusinessContent Creationand so much more!Bonus: Productivity Secrets + Social Media 101"
Price: 149.99

"Pewno siebie! Poegnaj przecitno i korzystaj z ycia"
"Czy zdarzyo Ci si odpuci lub zrezygnowa w ostatniej chwili?Patrzye jak inni wygrywaj i z odwag zdobywaj sukcesu, stojc z boku?Jak si wtedy czue?ile kosztowaa Ciebie poraka?Ile pacisz za stagnacj i stanie w miejscu, gdy inni id do przodu? Tylko tak wcale nie musi by! Wyobra sobie, e przejmujesz kontrol i i odpowiedzialno. Z odwag sigasz po to co, do tej pory byo poza Twoim zasigiem:lepsza praca, lepsze zwizki, wakacje, majtek, a take wewntrzne bogactwo i spjno. Jak teraz si czujesz? Ile to jest dla Ciebie warte? Czy czujesz, e czas zrobi krok do przodu?Ten kurs powsta wanie po to, by poegna przecitno raz na zawsze!Czy zastanawiae si jak zmieni si Twoje ycie, jeeli dzie po dniu zaczniesz korzysta z okazji jakie czekaj przed Tob? Jak zamiast ich unika, zaczniesz z coraz wiksz odwag siga po nie? Taka postawa otwiera przed Tob cakiem nowe drzwi.Skorzystaj z kursu, jeeli zdarza si Tobie, e:Czsto powstrzymujesz si przed siganiem wicej, apaniem odwanie okazji i szansOsigasz dobre rezultaty, ale czujesz e sta Ci na znacznie wicejChcesz docenia mocniej wasne osignicia, krytykujesz siebie i wierzysz w gos wewntrznego krytykaNie doceniasz siebie czsto i nie lubisz mwi o swoich sukcesachWolisz pozostawa w swojej strefie komfortu i czujesz si nie pewnie w nowych okolicznociachNie masz jasno wytyczonej cieki, ktr chcesz poda lub czsto z niej zbaczaszChcesz pracowa nad swoimi przekonaniami, gdy nie zawsze sprzyjaj Tobie w osiganiu pozytywnych rezultatwChcesz przeama swoje lki i ograniczenia i od duszego czasu nie wiesz jak si za to zabraKurs to wysza pewno siebie poprzez prac z wasnymi ograniczeniami. To nowe, lepsze i bardziej adekwatne przekonania. Czas na to, by sta si bardziej skuteczniejsz wersj siebie!Zapraszam Ciebie serdecznie - Joanna"
Price: 159.99

Price: 14400.00

"Wedding Business SEO: How To Optimise Your Google Ranking"
"This course is created for wedding business owners who want to boost their Google rankingIt includes:Wedding-industry specific tips and tricks that aren't found in most general SEO coursesCommon mistakes to avoidLessons on: Keywords, Backlinks, Blogging, Design, Mobile Layout, Social media and more.Taught by the owner of Advantage DJs: a successful wedding business with an outstanding Google ranking.Brendan will show you his precise method for SEO success."
Price: 149.99

"Candombe Contemporneo"
"Candombe Contemporneo es la fusin entre Candombe tradicional y el Candombe en una versin ms moderna, como arreglos, distintos compases, sticks tricks, y el empleo de rudimentos y nuevas tcnicas de percusin aplicadas al Candombe.En este curso aprenderas acerca de la forma de ejecutar los tres tambores de Candombe, Chico, Repique y Piano.Tambin la forma de tocar las diferentes claves, los distintos toques en cada barrio tradicional, la forma de comunicarse los tambores, improvisacin etc. Todas las personas que accedan al curso tienen la posibilidad de aprender, no hay limites de edad.Los barrios que son tradicionalmente de Candombe en Montevideo son: Barrio Sur, Barrio Palermo, Barrio Cordn.Cada uno de estos barrios tiene una forma diferente de ejecucin de los tambores, as como la afinacin de los tambores, el tamao de los tambores etc. En este"
Price: 34.99

"Reach Your Goals - The Power Of Dreamwork"
"Do you want to be more productive, be more successful and achieve every one of your goals? Through our 4-step model, students will learn how to find success in life by achieving their dreams. This course teaches students how to articulate their dreams, create manageable goals, prioritize those dreams in practical ways, learn and apply The Dreamwork Formula to create and build momentum and understand the power of accountability."
Price: 59.99