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"Salk Kurulularnda iletiim"
"Salk Kurulularnda iletiim dersi sayesinde salk kurularnda hasta ve hasta yaknlar ile nasl iletiim kurulmas gerektiini renmi olacaksnz.Hasta ve salk personelinin iletiimi tedavi srecinde ve sonrasnda nemli bir yere sahiptir. Beklentilerin karlanmas, doru ve etkin tedavinin yaplmas, istek neri ve ikayet gibi durumlarn iletilmesinde ve deerlendirilmesinde hasta / salk personelinin iletiimi dikkate alnmaldr. letiim hayatmzn her annda nemli bir yere sahiptir. Anlamak, anlalmak, duygu ve dncelerimizin aktarlmasna neden olur."
Price: 49.99

"Laravel PHP: Introduction to Laravel for Absolute Beginners"
"Hello, welcome to the introduction of Laravel for the Absolute Beginners. This is an introductory course for absolute beginners who are aspiring to make their career in Web Development. In this course we will start with Software installation and Configuration and then create a real world sample application to manage a Employees Details of an Organization and design a intuitive front end interface to handle the CRUDoperations on the Employee Model. Come join along with me to explore more about the Laravel - The most elegan PHP Framwork for the Web Artisans."
Price: 19.99

"Video Aula de Teclado Tocando Atravs das Cifras"
"Aula para tecladistas iniciantes ou interessados em aprender algum instrumento musical que querem tocar a base de suas msicas preferidas. Nesta aula eu lhes ensino a localizao das notas do teclado, as cifras e os acordes em trades maiores, menores, aumentados e diminutos, o que fazer na mo esquerda, inverso de acordes, baixo em outras notas e alterar as tonalidades."
Price: 84.99

Price: 4800.00

"Segredos da Hipnose"
".A alguns anos atras quando eu voltava da praia vi alguns homens hipnotizando as pessoas que passavam na rua, ento eu decidi experimentar, porque no, era gratuito.O homem pediu para que eu olhasse em seus olhos e me disse que em algum momento os meus olhos se fechariam, eu no sabia exatamente se acreditava ou no, mas eu segui as instrues e para minha surpresa meus olhos realmente se fecharam tal como o homem disse que aconteceria.Eu decidi entender o que aconteceu, pesquisei muito e encontrei bastante coisa sobre hipnose, mas no era suficiente, ento fui informado de um curso que aconteceria em dois dias, em um espao razoavelmente prximo de onde eu morava, no pensei duas vezes e me inscrevi.Apesar do curso ter levado apenas dois dias, foram dois dias bem longos e conforme o contedo era passado eu fui percebendo que a hipnose no era apenas verdade, mas que estava por toda a parte e que qualquer pessoa pode dominar essa ferramenta.No fim do curso eu estava em xtase com as novas habilidades que havia adquirido estava louco para coloca-las em pratica e foi exatamente isso que fiz, no mesmo dia fui para as ruas hipnotizar as pessoas tal como fizeram comigo meses antes.Isso virou um habito, toda semana eu tirava um ou dois dias para hipnotizar pessoas nas ruas, e eu percebi que muitas dessas pessoas que passavam pelo processo assim como eu se interessavam bastante e me perguntavam como poderiam aprender.Porem muitas dessas pessoas no seguiam a diante por no terem tempo ou recursos para fazer um curso completo, e depois de mais de um ano ouvindo pessoas me perguntando ""como eu posso aprender, o que eu fao, eu queria muito aprender hipnose"", e foi ai que pensei ""E se voc pudesse aprender sem sair de casa estudando no seu tempo livre"" no seria incrvel?E foi pensando nessas pessoas que eu desenvolvi esse mtodo para que voc possa HIPNOTIZAR QUALQUER PESSOA EM POUCOS SEGUNDOS sem precisar investir em cursos caros ou mesmo sair da sua casa.O QUE EU VOU APRENDER ?Hipnotizar qualquer pessoa em poucos segundosMelhorar suas habilidades de comunicaoGerar autoridade sobre qualquer pessoa Fazer com que confiem mais em vocTRANSFORME A SUA VIDA Ao dominar essa ferramenta maravilhosa que a hipnose, voc consegue benefcios nicos na sua vida, como melhorar sua comunicao, controle emocional avanado, controle da dor, maior poder de convencimento e persuaso, estabelecer conexo com qualquer pessoa fazendo com que a mesma confie em voc, desenvolve sua capacidade de liderana, te da maior entendimento do funcionamento da mente humana, domnio completo da linguagem hipntica e tcnicas exclusivas onde voc vai conseguir HIPNOTIZAR QUALQUER PESSOA EM POUCOS SEGUNDOS.SUA JORNADA1 - ASSISTA AS AULAS           2 - TREINE O CONTEDO             3 - SEJA UM HIPNOTISTAO QUE IREI RECEBER?ADQUIRINDO NOSSO CURSO VOC IRA RECEBER ACESSO COMPLETO AS NOSSAS VDEO AULAS, APOSTILAS E EXERCCIOS ONDE IRA APRENDER TUDO QUE PRECISA PARA HIPNOTIZAR QUALQUER PESSOA, MAS NO E S ISSO VOC TAMBM VAI RECEBER UM MODULO EXTRA ONDE ABORDAREMOS COMO CONTROLAR A DOR USANDO A HIPNOSE, ESSE BNUS POR TEMPO LIMITADO."
Price: 54.99

"Segredos da Linguagem no Verbal!"
"Voc sabia que apenas 7% de toda a nossa comunicao verbal, 38% pelo tom de voz e ritmo respiratrio, e 55% atravs da linguagem corporal, gestos e EXPRESSES FACIAIS. Exatamente a maior parte da comunicao acontece de maneira no verbal, ento ter um domnio aprofundado sobre LINGUAGEM NO VERBAL vai beneficiar muito sua capacidade de se comunicar e compreender.VANTAGENS:Melhora significativa na comunicaoMaior poder de persuaso e convencimentoAs pessoas confiam mais em vocCapacidade avanada de analisar a linguagem no verbal de outras pessoasMaior chance de atingir seus objetivos sociais.TRANSFORME SUA VIDA:Um conhecimento avanado sobre a linguagem no verbal te da a capacidade de mudar a forma que as outras pessoas te enxergam abrindo um leque incrvel de possibilidades. Voc pode usar todo esse conhecimento a seu favor de forma que evite que todo o seu talento e potencial passe despercebido, e a valiosa habilidade de analisar e entender a linguagem no verbal te ajuda a evitar que pessoas mal intencionadas acabem te engando.BNUS:E alem de todo esse contedo, ns ainda preparamos um bnus incrvel sobre a LINGUAGEM DA ATRAO, para que voc no deixe nenhuma oportunidade passar, aprenda a entender e usar toda a linguagem da paquera e torne a sua vida social muito mais badalada."
Price: 39.99

"Muito prazer, o meu nome Sanso e eu sou Massoterapeuta a mais de 10 anos e hipnotista a mais de 5 anos, e eu vou te explicar porque essas duas informaes so importantes para que voc entenda a relevncia desse curso.Eu sempre sai pelas ruas de salvador para praticar o Street Hipnose (hipnose de rua) onde basicamente eu hipnotizo pessoas aleatrias nas ruas, mas meu trabalho principal era a massoterapia vendendo meus servios, mas uma certa poca o movimento estava bem fraco, tinha uma queda bem expressiva no numero de clientes que estavam fechando comigo.Certo dia em um dos meus ""passeios hipnticos"" eu pensei, e se eu usar a hipnose para melhorar meu desempenho na hora de vender meu servio, e assim eu fiz, desenvolvi uma forma de aplicar a linguagem hipntica para convencer outras pessoas que adquirir o meu servio uma boa ideia.E comecei a botar essa nova estratgia de vendas em prtica e a melhora nos resultados foram incrveis, eu sempre anunciei meus servios na internet em diversos classificados, por tanto sempre tive muitos contatos, mas aps usar a linguagem hipntica a converso desses contatos em vendas aumentou mais de 80%, e eu percebi que muitas das pessoas que entravam em contato, pretendiam sim consumir o servio, mas durante sua pesquisa estavam escolhendo outro profissional que provavelmente estava se destacando na hora de se comunicar.O processo que leva a uma venda bem sucedida depende muito de uma comunicao eficiente entre vendedor e possvel comprador, e nesse curso voc ir aprender tcnicas exclusivas de hipnose para melhorar muito a sua comunicao e aumentar o seu poder de persuaso e assim obter resultados incrveis nas suas vendas.O QUE EU VOU APRENDER ?Tcnicas avanadas de persuaso Melhorar suas habilidades de comunicaoGerar autoridade sobre qualquer pessoa Fazer com que confiem mais em vocMelhorar suas habilidades me vendasA passar uma mensagem de maneira eficienteO QUE IREI RECEBER?ADQUIRINDO NOSSO CURSO, VOC VAI TER ACESSO VITALICIO AS AULAS QUE VO TE ENSINAR TCNICAS EXCLUSIVAS QUE VO TE AJUDAR A VENDER QUALQUER COISA PARA QUALQUER UM, E MAIS UM EXTRA SOBRE PERGUNTAS IMPORTANTES PARA SE FAZER NA HORA DA VENDA."
Price: 54.99

"Micro Expresses Faciais Analise"
"A sou hipnotista e sempre gostei de estudar as cincias comportamentais, e a alguns anos eu conheci o F.A.C.S. que um sistema taxonmico da face, onde esto catalogadas todas as expresses faciais, e eu fiquei encantado com todo aquele contedo novo que eu tinha descoberto, e a partir da eu estudei muito o assunto, apliquei todo conhecimento tanto na minha vida pessoal como profissional .Esse conhecimento me trouxe resultados positivos em todas as reas da minha vida, desde conversas com clientes que resultaram em mais negcios, at em conversas sociais onde conseguir fazer novos amigos e relacionamentos.A expresso facial a forma mais bsica e comum de expresso das emoes, sendo um dos meios de comunicao mais importante nas relaes interpessoais, seja para obter a confirmao de expectativas ou a afirmao de determinados estados de esprito, espontneos ou idealizados. O livro A Linguagem das Emoes de Paul Ekman uma tima leitura se voc se interessa por essa temtica, pois destaca a importncia das emoes expressadas pela linguagem facial com o contexto do assunto. Mas a pergunta : voc j se deu conta do poder das micro expresses?As micro expresses so expresses faciais rpidas e involuntrias, ligadas diretamente a pensamentos ou emoes. Normalmente, ocorrem quando a pessoa tenta ocultar ou reprimir determinadas emoes em situaes de alta tenso, estresses constantes ou quando existe uma divergncia entre o que sentimos e o que dizemos. O conhecimento sobre as micro expresses pode ser uma estratgia profissional para os agentes de compliance que atuam em entrevistas investigativas forenses, entrevistas de emprego, demisses, mediao de situaes embaraosas ou investigao corporativa em casos de suspeita de fraude, corrupo e assdio.O QUE VOU APRENDER? Reconhecer e codificar micro expresses faciais Entender com mais preciso as emoes humanas Identificar expresses forjadas Introduo ao F.A.C.S. (Facial Action Code System)TRANSFORME A SUA VIDAAo dominar essa ferramenta maravilhosa, voc ira aprender a reconhecer as expresses e micro expresses faciais da emoo com preciso, o que vai beneficiar muito suas habilidades de comunicao, fazendo com que voc possa identificar o que as outras pessoas esto sentindo apenas observando as expresses faciais.SUA JORNADA1 - ASSISTA AS AULAS 2 - TREINE O CONTEDO 3 - CODIFIQUE AS EXPRESSES FACIAISO QUE IREI RECEBER?ADQUIRINDO NOSSO CURSO VOC IR RECEBER ACESSO COMPLETO AS NOSSAS VDEO AULAS, APOSTILAS E EXERCCIOS ONDE IRA APRENDER TUDO QUE PRECISA PARA RECONHECER E CODIFICAR QUALQUER EXPRESSO E MICRO EXPRESSO FACIAL O QUE VAI TE ELEVAR SUA HABILIDADE DE SE COMUNICAR A UM NVEL ACIMA."
Price: 54.99

"Massagem Relaxante"
"Eu sou massoterapeuta a mais de 10 anos, e durante esse tempo eu atendi muitos clientes, e aprendi e desenvolvi muitas tcnicas e trabalhei de varias formas nessa rea.Uma das minhas tcnicas favoritas e sem duvida a que me deu os melhores resultados a ""Massagem Indiana"" que sempre teve uma grande aceitao, e quando aplicada corretamente os pacientes sempre ficam satisfeitos e costumam voltar para novos atendimentos.Aprendendo essa tcnica voc pode imediatamente iniciar seus atendimentos e ingressar no mercado de trabalho como massoterapeuta, onde voc pode aplicar suas tcnicas como autnomo, profissional liberal ou mesmo trabalhar em um espao especializado em massoterapia, academias , centro de reabilitao e etc.O QUE VOU APRENDER?Aplicar a massagem indianaIniciar no mercado como massoterapeutaFazer fichas de anamnese da maneira corretaIdentificar contra indicaes relativas e absolutasTRANSFORME SUA VIDA!Se voc esta desempregado ou quer uma renda extra a massagem indiana vai te possibilitar trabalhar como autnomo de maneira imediata podendo assim mudar sua realidade financeira, ou mesmo aplicar a tcnica somente na sua vida pessoa e obter resultados incrveis.SUA JORNADA1 - ASSISTA AS AULAS           2 - TREINE O CONTEDO             3 - SEJA UM MASSOTERAPEUTAO QUE IREI RECEBER?ADQUIRINDO NOSSO CURSO VOC IR RECEBER ACESSO COMPLETO E VITALCIO A TODAS AS AULAS QUE IRO TE ENSINAR A APLICAR A TCNICA DE MASSAGEM INDIANA COM PERFEIO."
Price: 39.99

"Psicologia para Jogos Digitais"
"O objetivo deste curso fazer com que o aluno seja capaz de identificar os diferentes tipos de perfil psicolgico dos jogadores, para ter mais facilidade de definir seu pblico alvo. Alm disso, fazer com que o aluno seja capaz de criar jogos que deixem o jogador retido e engajado.O curso est em uma linguagem de fcil compreenso, e contm inclusive algumas aulas ldicas/descontradas. Espero que vocs se divirtam com o curso!"
Price: 99.99

"Sistema Expert de Finanas Pessoais"
"Voc gostaria de aprender a gerenciar seu dinheiro como um expert para nunca mais precisar se preocupar com dvidas?Seria importante para voc ter uma metodologia passo a passo para alcanar sua liberdade financeira e conquistar os seus objetivos de forma mais rpida e eficiente?So 8 aulas com exerccios poderosos para que voc consiga alcanar seus objetivos financeiros e ainda mais: - Aprender um sistema passo-a-passo para gerenciar seu dinheiro - Ter acesso a ferramentas para organizar e planejar seus objetivos financeiros Com isso vai ficar mais fcil fazer aquela viagem, comprar aquele carro... e poder viver o estilo de vida que voc deseja.Este treinamento indicado para quem realmente deseja mudar sua vida financeira com tcnicas e ferramentas eficientes de coaching, planejamento e consistncia para te mover para ao.Voc vai aprender quais as etapas que precisa percorrer para alcanar o seu estilo de vida e como atingir seu objetivo financeiro de mdio e longo prazo, com o Master Coach John Viudes."
Price: 39.99

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Price: 19.99

"Elementary level Italian language course: Italian food"
"One World is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the  world. And what you see is the result.Our Italian courses are made by Veronica Altana, who has been teaching at One World for 14 years. She made her name on her YouTube on our channel Oneworlditaliano where her videos have been seen more than 18 million times!What you will learn in this courseWhile cooking Eggplant Parmesan Veronica will teach you vocabulary connected with cooking like teglia da forno (baking tray), tagliere (chopping board) and verbs like grigliare (to grill) and cuocere (to cook). Veronica will also teach you the modal verbs volere (to want),  dovere (to have to) and potere (to be able to) and how to conjugate regular verbs in the present simple tense. You will learn how to use everyday expressions like l'acquolina in bocca (mouth-watering). And most importantly, you will have fun doing it!What is included in the course5 subtitled videos divided into introduction, dialogue, vocabulary, grammar and conclusion sectionspdf printouts with grammar explanations and new vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of the grammar and vocabulary sections to check that you have understood the lessonexam  and  certificate at end of courseReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

"Elementary level English language course: 1st level (A1.1)"
"OneWorld is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the world. And what you see is the result.Our English courses are made by Michael Pett, who has been teaching at One World for 6 years.Our courses follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and if you complete them all you will have covered all the grammar until B2 (upper intermediate) level. This course is the first of 2 modules for the A1 (elementary) level.This course is for you if:you have never studied English beforeyou have studied at school but not very well and you would rather see the rules againyou studied a long time ago and you have forgotten a lot of thingsyou want to begin a programme of learning English which will include all the grammar necessary to have a B2 (upper intermediate) level of EnglishWhat you will learnIn this course you will learn how to introduce yourself, how to use the verb ""to be"" to say where you are and how you feel, talk about what you do, what you did yesterday, how to use ""a"", ""an"" and ""the"", possession and much more. What is included in the coursevideos which explain each grammar point separatelypdf printouts with grammar explanationsbonus material for vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of every lesson to check that you have understood the lessonexam at the end of course and a certificate if you passReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Elementary level English language course: 2nd level (A1.2)"
"One World is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the world. And what you see is the result.Our English courses are made by Michael Pett, who has been teaching at One World for 6 years.Our courses follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and if you complete them all you will have covered all the grammar until B1.1 (Intermediate 1) level. And new courses are on the way! This course is the first of 2 modules for the A1 (elementary) level.This course is for you if:you have done Michael's A1.1 courseyou have a basic knowledge of English and are familiar with the verb to be, the present simple. This course starts with the past simple of irregular verbsyou want to follow a programme of learning English which will include all the grammar necessary to have a B2 (upper intermediate) level of English and you already possess an A1.1 level.What you will learnIn this course you will learn 4 important tenses: the past simple for irregular verbs to talk about the past, the present continuous for actions happening now, the future and the present perfect to talk about past experiences. You will also learn about comparative and superlative adjectives and much more!By the end of the course you will be able to say: ""I went to the cinema last week"" (past simple), ""He's studying at the moment"" (present continuous), ""We're going to make a cake"" (future with going to) and ""I've been to the UK three times"" (present perfect).What is included in the coursevideos which explain each grammar point separatelypdf printouts with grammar explanationsbonus material for vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of every lesson to check that you have understood the lessonexam at the end of course and a certificate if you passReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Pre-intermediate English language course: 3rd level (A2.1)"
"One World is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the  world. And what you see is the result.Our English courses are made by Michael Pett, who has been teaching at One World for 6 years.Our courses follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and if you complete them all you will have covered all the grammar until B2 (upper intermediate) level. This course is the first of 2 modules for the A1 (elementary) level.What you will learnThis course is for students with an elementary level who have studied the present simple, past simple, future with going to and have seen a little of the present perfect.In this course the above tenses are revised and reinforced and you will also learn the past continuous to talk about actions that happened in the past and lasted a long time, the present continuous in the future form for planned events in the future, defining relative clauses, quantifiers and much more.By the end of the course you will be able to communicate in the present, the past and the future. You will be able to say things like: ""We were eating at 1 o'clock"", past continuous, or ""I'm leaving at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning"", present continuous in the future.What is included in the coursevideos which explain each grammar point separatelypdf printouts with grammar explanationsbonus material for vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of every lesson to check that you have understood the lessonexam at the end of course and a certificate if you passReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"Pre-intermediate English language course: 4th level (A2.2)"
"One World is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the  world. And what you see is the result.Our English courses are made by Michael Pett, who has been teaching at One World for 6 years.Our courses follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and if you complete them all you will have covered all the grammar until B2 (upper intermediate) level. This course is the first of 2 modules for the A1 (elementary) level.What you will learn in this courseWith this course you will complete the A2 (Pre-intermediate) level.You will learn the present perfect for past experiences, the present perfect for actions which started in the past and are continuing, the first and second conditionals, the past perfect, used to talk about an action which happened before another action in the past, infinitives, gerunds, the passive form and much more.By the end of the course you will be able to say ""We've just arrived"", ""I've lived here for six years"", both present perfect but used differently, ""If you exercise, you'll lose weight"", first conditional, ""She had been there twice before this trip"", the past perfect.What is included in the coursevideos which explain each grammar point separatelypdf printouts with grammar explanationsbonus material for vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of every lesson to check that you have understood the lessonexam at the end of course and a certificate if you passReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 99.99

"One Year in Italy Italian Course - June (Intermediate)"
"Welcome to this course on the theme of Summer. Here are the lessons in this course:Introduction Dialogue: What do you think of summer?Vocabulary: what to do and what not to do in summer in ItalyGrammar: how to express your opinions and how to ask for other people's opinionsConclusion""La bella stagione"" has arrived in Italy and Veronica is happy about this because summer is without doubt her favourite season!  In the dialogue, section she talks about how much she likes it and and asks you what you think of summer. If you spend the summer in Italy you will know exactly how to behave thanks to the vocabulary section where Veronica gives valuable advice on what to do and not do when you are here on vacation. In the grammar section you will learn how to express your opinions and how to ask for other people's opinions correctly."
Price: 29.99

"One Year in Italy Italian Course - June (Elementary)"
"In this course you can dive into the magical world of an Italian summer! Veronica tells you how she spent last summer with her relatives and friends in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. In the dialogue part of the course you will learn all the indispensable words of the summer, whether you spend it by the sea or in the mountains. Finally, thanks to the grammar lesson you will learn more about the past simple (passato prossimo) with irregular verbs and you will understand when to use the auxiliary ""essere"" or ""avere"".The lessons are as follows:Introduction to the courseDialogue: How I spent last summer Vocabulary: useful words connected to summerGrammar: Passato prossimo of irregular verbs and when to choose ""avere"" and when to use ""essere"".Conclusion"
Price: 29.99

"One Year in Italy Italian Course - June (Advanced)"
"Welcome to the advanced level summer course. The course is divided into the following sections:IntroductionDialogue: where should I go this summer?Vocabulary: expressions and proverbs connected to the summerGrammatica: the periodi ipoteticiConclusionIn this course Veronica talks about summer in Italy, without doubt her favourite season. In the dialogue section she talks about how to get the most out of summer, depending on whether you like the sea, the mountains or the cities of art. As you wander around Italy you will be able to put to use the proverbs and idiomatic phrases on the theme of summer you will learn in the vocabulary section, such as ""There is no summer without flies""! In the grammar section you will learn to distinguish between the various ""periodi ipotetici"" and use them with confidence.Ready for an Italian summer?"
Price: 29.99

"Intermediate level Italian language course: Christmas!"
"One World is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the  world. And what you see is the result.Our Italian courses are made by Veronica Altana, who has been teaching at One World for 14 years. She made her name on her YouTube on our channel Oneworlditaliano where her videos have been seen more than 18 million times!What you will learn in this courseVeronica loves Christmas but giving and receiving gifts is something she finds very stressful and she explains how she manages this and gives advice on what to do and not to do during an Italian Christmas. As for the grammar, you will learn about combined pronouns such as ""gliene"" or ""glieli"" and many others. What is included in the course5 subtitled videos divided into introduction, dialogue, vocabulary, grammar and conclusion sectionspdf printouts with grammar explanations and new vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of the grammar and vocabulary sections to check that you have understood the lessonexam  and  certificate at end of courseReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

"Elementary level Italian language course: Christmas in Italy"
"One World is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the  world. And what you see is the result.Our Italian courses are made by Veronica Altana, who has been teaching at One World for 14 years. She made her name on her YouTube on our channel Oneworlditaliano where her videos have been seen more than 18 million times!What you will learn in this courseVeronica will teach you how to write a perfect letter to Santa Claus, some important verbs often used at Christmas including ""desiderare"" (to want) and ""augurare"" (to wish), along with many others which often cause confusion. After this course everything will be clearer!What is included in the course5 subtitled videos divided into introduction, dialogue, vocabulary, grammar and conclusion sectionspdf printouts with grammar explanations and new vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of the grammar and vocabulary sections to check that you have understood the lessonexam  and  certificate at end of courseReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

"Advanced level Italian language course: Christmas in Italy"
"One World is a language school based in Cagliari, Italy, founded in 2001. Recently we decided to share our experience and knowledge in language teaching with the rest of the  world. And what you see is the result.Our Italian courses are made by Veronica Altana, who has been teaching at One World for 14 years. She made her name on her YouTube on our channel Oneworlditaliano where her videos have been seen more than 18 million times!What you will learn in this courseVeronica's Christmas has to be perfect and she explains how to best organise everything for the festive period. The vocabulary section will allow you to discover many idioms, proverbs and expressions related to Christmas while the grammar section will teach you the passive form with many examples taken from the Veronica's dialogue. What is included in the course5 subtitled videos divided into introduction, dialogue, vocabulary, grammar and conclusion sectionspdf printouts with grammar explanations and new vocabularymp3 downloads so you can listen to the course wherever you aretests at the end of the grammar and vocabulary sections to check that you have understood the lessonexam  and  certificate at end of courseReady? Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

"How to Design Low-Content Books in PowerPoint"
"Low-content books such as journals, planners, and workbooks are popular for good reason. Here are just a few of the benefits:Theyre much faster and easier to create than other books.They can make nice companion books to your other books. For instance, you can create a workbook, planner, or journal that goes hand-in-hand with your other book(s).You can create a low-content book for your own use, designed exactly the way you desire.They make excellent gifts.You can add them to your list of products or create an entire business based on low-content booksThe great news is, you dont need any special or expensive software to create beautiful books. All you need is something you likely already have PowerPoint.This course provides step-by-step instructions for using PowerPoint to create a variety of low-content book pages. Among other things youll learn:How to properly set up your pagesA trick for adding margins to your PowerPoint slidesHow to create a variety of page types such as lined pages, dot (bullet-style) journal pages, graph paper, and moreHow to create a variety to your pages using elements such as borders, lines, shapes, images, and moreBy the end of this class youll be able to quickly and easily create unique low-content books in PowerPoint that you can gives as gifts, use for your own purposes, or make available to others in print or PDF form."
Price: 69.99

"Introduction to Cryptocurrency Trading"
"You may have heard of Bitcoin, the digital gold that your colleagues keep talking about. We all have that one friend who wont stop talking about all the money they made trading cryptocurrency. Now its your chance to cash in on the hottest digital commodity of the century! Education is the key to success in trading, we are here to help you so that you dont make mistakes. Learn how to get started on exchanges, how to do technical analysis, trading strategies, and much more! Created by our senior analyst, William Smith, our course offers all the information you need to start trading and making money.This course is geared towards new and intermediate traders. This course covers the basics of cryptocurrency, technical analysis and fundamental analysis, how to spot good investments, how to use exchanges, and how to read charts. If you are a more advanced user and want to expand your skills, I recommend checking out my more advanced course."
Price: 19.99

"Masterclass - How to Profit with Stocks, ETFs & Roboadvisers"
"Learn how to beat the market over five to ten years with automated stock trading.Learn the value of investing in index trackers via Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). The course will teach you how to save &structure your wealth through smart tax &inheritance planning. You will learn about algorithmic trading and why it is hard to ""time the market"". We will show you robust ways to invest over time to increase your wealth, but this is no quick fix or get rich quick scheme. The startegy uses systematic investing by lowering risk, improving asset diversification and employing algo trading to increase your wealth over long time periods. There will be losing months &even occasionally losing years, like in 2018, however, if you invest over longer time periods, you should reap the rewards of steady investing.I hope you enjoy the course and you can always email us with any questions you have."
Price: 89.99

"Como Ler 121 Livros em 2020: Se torne uma MQUINA de Leitura"
"O que o Leitura de Alta Performance?O leitura de alta performance um mtodo passo a passo para que voc consiga ler de 3 a 4 vezes mais rpido aumentando o foco, a compreenso e a reteno do contedo.Como Funciona?A metodologia baseada no que mais funciona quando se trata de aumentar a velocidade de leitura: Exerccios Oculares. Voc seguir um passo a passo durante 7 dias executando exerccios que aumentaro (e muito) a sua velocidade de leitura.Isso possvel porque foca no que essencial no estudo da leitura dinmica e aprendizado acelerado, deixando todo o resto de lado. Alm disso, no teoria, puro treinamento. Eu estou te propondo esse resultado e voc vai alcan-lo."
Price: 279.99

"Aprende a manejar Serum by Xfer de cero a pro"
"Gua definitiva para el manejo de sintetizador digital lder en la industria; Serum by Xfer. En este curso totalmente completo conocers el instrumento desde los controles ms bsicos hasta los secretos ms profesionales que esconde y te harn diferenciarte del resto. Adems el curso viene con un pack de regalo de 20 presets de artistas internacionales listos para incluir en tus producciones!"
Price: 24.99

"COSMIC - Medicin de software"
"El objetivo de este curso de Preparacin para el examen de certificacin COSMIC es ofrecer al participante las condiciones para el xito en el examen y acompaamiento permanente de los instructores hasta la fecha del examen.Este envuelve:Presentacin de la certificacin COSMIC CCFLProporcionar comentarios, tips y orientaciones para el examenRealizar una revisin en profundidad de los conceptos, reglas, definiciones, procedimientos de medicin y mtricas de acuerdo al manual de COSMICEnsear al participante a gestionar el tiempo disponible para examinar e identificar los vacos de conocimientoDesarrollar ejercicios por temas del manual de COSMICPrcticar test simulados completos"
Price: 119.99

"Fundamentos de la gestin de riesgos en proyectos"
"Este curso proporciona una visin general de la gestin de riesgos en proyectos y su importancia. La referencia bsica para este curso es la gua PMBOK (sexta edicin) para la direccin de proyectos y el estndar prctico de administracin de riesgos de proyectos, ambos publicados por el PMI (Project Management Institute).Contenido abordado:Por qu gestionar riesgos?Objetivo de la gestin de riesgos y conceptos asociadosEl ciclo de gestin de riesgosPlanificar la gestin de los riesgosIdentificar los riesgosRealizar el anlisis cualitativo de riesgosRealizar el anlisis cuantitativo de riesgosPlanifica las respuestas a los riesgosImplementar las respuestas a los riesgosMonitorear los riesgos"
Price: 19.99