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"WordPress 2019 - Curso Desenvolvimento de Temas"
"Voc j teve a impresso de que os contedos disponveis sobre desenvolvimento para WordPress so rasos demais?Aqui o nosso principal objetivo descomplicar o contedo de programao para essa ferramenta!Ou seja: esse curso foi desenvolvido para pessoas que querem realmente aprender a desenvolver temas para WordPress.No curso, vamos aprender realmente a programar, passando pela instalao, estrutura, funes, actions e filters do WordPress. E o mais importante: sem uso de plugins e temas prontos!Nas aulas, passamos o contedo de forma simples e objetiva, para que voc assimile os tpicos com clareza, garantindo otimizao do tempo de evoluo na sua carreira!"
Price: 399.99

"Otimizao de Performance para sites WordPress"
"Voc j teve a impresso de que os contedos disponveis sobre otimizao para WordPress so rasos demais?Aqui o nosso principal objetivo descomplicar o contedo sobre otimizao de sites com essa ferramenta WordPress!Ou seja: esse curso foi desenvolvido para pessoas que querem realmente aprender a otimizar sites em WordPress.Nas aulas, passamos o contedo de forma simples e objetiva, para que voc assimile os tpicos com clareza, garantindo otimizao do tempo de evoluo na sua carreira!"
Price: 84.99

"PHP Essencial para WordPress"
"Voc j teve a impresso de que os contedos disponveis sobre desenvolvimento para PHP so complexos?Aqui o nosso principal objetivo descomplicar o contedo de programao com essa linguagem!Ou seja: esse curso foi desenvolvido para pessoas que querem futuramente aprender a desenvolver temas e plugins para WordPress e ainda no tem conhecimento de PHP.O PHP essencial para o desenvolvimento de temas e plugins WordPres.=====================================!!! IMPORNTANTE: Nesse curso voc vai aprender apenas o essencial do PHP e no vamos abordar nada do WordPress.O foco voc aprender o essencial do PHP sem enrolao para voc futuramente aprender a desenvolver temas para WordPress.Se voc j sabe PHP e quer apenas aprender a desenvolver temas para WordPress o curso ideal para voc  nosso outro curso focado em desenvolvimento de temas:WordPress 2019 - Curso Desenvolvimento de Temas====================================No curso, vamos aprender realmente a programar, passando pela instalao, estrutura, funes, loops e variveis do PHP. Nas aulas, passamos o contedo de forma simples e objetiva, para que voc assimile os tpicos com clareza, garantindo otimizao do tempo de evoluo na sua carreira!"
Price: 129.99

"WordPress Seguro - Curso de segurana em Wordpress"
"Voc j teve a impresso de que os contedos disponveis sobre segurana para WordPress so rasos demais?Aqui o nosso principal objetivo descomplicar o contedo sobre segurana de sites com essa ferramenta WordPress!Ou seja: esse curso foi desenvolvido para pessoas que querem realmente aprender a proteger sites em WordPress.Nas aulas, passamos o contedo de forma simples e objetiva, para que voc assimile os tpicos com clareza, garantindo otimizao do tempo de evoluo na sua carreira!"
Price: 84.99

"Crea chatbots para el Asistente de Google con Dialogflow"
"Bienvenidos a este curso de creacin de chatbots para el Asistente de Google. En este curso aprenders todo lo que necesitas para hacer un chatbot que podr estar disponible en el 98% de los dispositivos mviles del mercado sin necesidad de instalar nada, ya que el asistente de Google est disponible tanto para Android, como para IOS. Aprenders a usar Dialogflow que es la herramienta de Google que permite desarrollar interfaces conversacionales usando Inteligencia Artificial. Con Dialogflow se pueden hacer chatbots para diferentes plataformas como Facebook, Web, Alexa, Twitter y muchas ms. Aunque nos centraremos en el asistente de Google, ser fcilmente exportable a otras interfaces. Veras los pasos necesarios para poder publicar en el Asistente de Google. Pero Dialogflow no lo hace todo y tambin es necesario programar si queremos resultados avanzados. Para eso estn los Webhooks que permiten conectar dialogflow con nuestros desarrollos. Veremos como hacer eso usando NodeJs y subiendo el cdigo a un servidor, poniendo como ejemplo Firebase. Veremos como aprovechar los portales de datos abiertos y las APIs disponibles en Internet para dar posibilidades ilimitadas a nuestro chatbot."
Price: 79.99

"Stock Market Technical Analysis - Beginner's Guide (HINDI)"
"People Learning, people earning, are you?Be able to determine the movement of stock in the 15 mints. LEARNPRICEACTIONFROMSCRATCH. Enroll with us now.1. Stock Market Basics - Forces deriving stock market - Factors affecting stocks - Factors affecting index2. Types of Stock Market Analysis - What is Fundamental Analysis: - What is Technical Analysis: - Pros and cons of technical analysis - Pros and cons of fundamental analysis3. Trend analysis- What is Trend- Various type of Trends- Why Following Trend is very Important- How to determine Trend4. Different types of charts and their uses- Line chart - Bar chart - Candlestick chart5. Most Effective Indicators of the stock market- Stochastic indicator- RSI indicator- MACD6. Price ActionBasic TookKit- Support and Resistance- Pivot Points- Fibonacci Retracement6. Advance Technical Tool kit- 10+ Basic Candle Stick Patterns - Advance Multiple Candlestick patternsSPECIAL STRATEGY1.5 Step Strategy for best positional trades 2.Special Tested 5-2-4 StrategyLearn Stock Market Trading and overcome practical difficulties both as a beginner in Stock Market and as an experienced Trader. From Price Action to Risk Management to Trading Psychology. Achieve massive returns and become a successful Trader cum Investor.Disclaimer : We do not give tips or recommendations. We teach strategies that is for educational purposes ONLY. We do not believe in recommending stocks or act as advisers in any any way. Everything in this course is PURELY EDUCATIONAL."
Price: 8000.00

"Stock Market Technical Analysis - Beginner's Guide (ENGLISH)"
"People Learning, people earning, are you?Be able to determine the movement of stock in the 15 mints. LEARNPRICEACTIONFROMSCRATCH. Enroll with us now.1. Stock Market Basics - Forces deriving stock market - Factors affecting stocks - Factors affecting index2. Types of Stock Market Analysis - What is Fundamental Analysis: - What is Technical Analysis: - Pros and cons of technical analysis - Pros and cons of fundamental analysis3. Trend analysis- What is Trend- Various type of Trends- Why Following Trend is very Important- How to determine Trend4. Different types of charts and their uses- Line chart - Bar chart - Candlestick chart5. Most Effective Indicators of the stock market- Stochastic indicator- RSI indicator- MACD6. Price ActionBasic TookKit- Support and Resistance- Pivot Points- Fibonacci Retracement6. Advance Technical Tool kit- 10+ Basic Candle Stick Patterns - Advance Multiple Candlestick patternsSPECIAL STRATEGY1.5 Step Strategy for best positional trades 2.Special Tested 5-2-4 StrategyLearn Stock Market Trading and overcome practical difficulties both as a beginner in Stock Market and as an experienced Trader. From Price Action to Risk Management to Trading Psychology. Achieve massive returns and become a successful Trader cum Investor.Disclaimer : We do not give tips or recommendations. We teach strategies that is for educational purposes ONLY. We do not believe in recommending stocks or act as advisers in any any way. Everything in this course is PURELY EDUCATIONAL."
Price: 8000.00

"Passos para a Fluncia: Ingls para Brasileros - Bsico 1"
"Seja bem vindo ao curso Passos para a fluncia: ingls para brasileiros - Bsico 1 , o curso de ingls  com videoaulas mais completo que voc ir encontrar! Criado pensando no aluno brasileiro que quer aprender ingls do zero e que tambm no possui tempo para ir a um curso ou est cansado de metodologias ineficazes e entediantes.Aqui voc tambm ir aprender todos os segredos por trs desse idioma, desde dificuldades de iniciantes at dicas que iro ajudar em seus estudos.Videoaulas completas e bem resumidas. Voc aprende ouvindo e tambm interagindo com o professor. Alm disso, voc poder testar todo o conhecimento obtido com o curso por meio de mais de 50 exerccios das principais aulas."
Price: 519.99

"Data Science com Qlik Sense Cloud de A Z"
"Data Science com Qlik Sense Cloud de A ZUm importante aspecto que voc precisa saber sobre este curso que ele foi desenvolvido tanto para iniciantes quanto para aqueles que j so experientes no uso de ferramentas de visualizao de dados. Esse o meu pblico e amo trabalhar com ele.Dessa forma, se voc necessita analisar, visualizar e apresentar dados por meio de sofisticados painis com inmeros grficos e filtros dinmicos, esse curso ser uma tima opo para voc, pois o Qlik Sense Cloud uma excelente ferramenta de fcil utilizao e que atende de forma eficiente a todas as demandas dentro do ambiente corporativo, educacional e universitrio.Por que utilizar o Qlik Sense Cloud?Acesso a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar - O Qlik Sense Cloud permite que voc compartilhe contedo de forma ampla ou restrita, conforme necessrio, mantendo a segurana e a privacidade em todos os momentos. O compartilhamento de um clique torna mais fcil compartilhar insights dentro e fora da sua organizao, acelerando a tomada de decises. O Qlik Sense Cloud facilita a anlise visual ao fornecer um poderoso conjunto de recursos completamente acessveis a partir do seu navegador web.Colabore com confiana - Os dados que so carregados no Qlik Sense Cloud esto seguros e s podem ser acessados por usurios autorizados, pois a ferramenta conta com um avanado processo automatizado de criptografia e proteo de dados.Pronto para uso - Diferente de outras ferramentas, o Qlik Sense Cloud no requer configurao, instalao ou infraestrutura. O Qlik Sense Cloud um servio SaaS o que significa que voc s precisa us-lo. O fabricante garante execuo estvel e a atualizao da ferramenta com os recursos mais recentes.Verso gratuita - O Qlik Sense Cloud oferece dentre vrias possibilidades, uma verso totalmente gratuita que permite a voc criar, editar e compartilhar aplicativos contendo visualizaes ou painis de dados totalmente interativos.Compartilhamento - Por fim, o Qlik Sense Cloud permite o compartilhamento de aplicativos pblicos e privados com qualquer pessoa, em qualquer lugar, em qualquer dispositivo. Recursos flexveis de compartilhamento e colaborao garantem que voc possa coletar e compartilhar conhecimento em toda a sua rede distribuda. O que veremos neste curso?Este curso foi desenvolvido para abranger a utilizao de A Z da ferramenta Qlik Sense Cloud, o que significa que no ser necessrio qualquer conhecimento prvio sobre essa ferramenta. Os captulos iniciais salientaro todo o processo de criao e ativao de uma conta gratuita no ambiente de nuvem da ferramenta, como so criadas as aplicaes para visualizao analtica de dados por meio de painis (dashboards) e como feito o carregamento e importao de dados.Alm disso, ser considerado em detalhes e por meio de exemplos reais, a utilizao de cada componente grfico disponvel na ferramenta incluindo todos os componentes grficos mais avanados, tais como o Mapa de Georreferenciamento.Por fim, na parte final foi includa uma viso completa sobre a administrao da ferramenta, sobre a forma de compartilhamento e publicao das visualizaes ou painis (dashboards), uso de frmulas e regras, sobre o procedimento de backup/restore, sobre a conexo com diversas fontes de dados e sobre outros aspectos relacionados.Recursos bsicos apresentados:Grfico de BarrasMapa de rvoreGrfico de PizzaKPIGrfico de LinhasGrfico de CombinaoGrfico de DispersoMostradoresPainel de FiltroComponentes avanados:Grfico em CascataHistogramaGrfico de Plotagem de CaixaGrfico de Plotagem de DistribuioTabela, Tabela Dinmica, Textos e ImagensMapa e GeorreferenciamentoAspectos sobre administrao do Qlik Sense Cloud:Funes administrativas da ferramentaEditor de expresses e frmulasCompartilhamento de aplicaes ou painis com usurios externosBackup e RestoreConexo com outras fontes de dados (CSV, XML, TXT e Web Services)"
Price: 19.99

"Lngua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) do bsico conversao"
"A Lngua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) um idioma reconhecido em lei no Brasil e amplamente utilizado para comunicao entre pessoas surdas e por intrpretes ouvintes. Para facilitar e propiciar de forma adequada o relacionamento e interao das pessoas surdas com seus familiares e com a sociedade em geral, necessrio que o conhecimento sobre esse idioma seja difundido para rgos governamentais, bancos, escolas, universidades, igrejas e empresas privadas. Esse curso foi criado visando capacitar a todos os interessados em aprender o idioma LIBRAS. Ao trmino deste treinamento, voc estar habilitado para estabelecer uma conversao bsica com pessoas surdas."
Price: 19.99

"Corel Draw Logo Tasarm Tekniklerini renin ve Para Kazann"
"Bu kurs ile profesyonel olarak logo tasarm yapmay reneceksiniz.Bir ok farkl programla rettiimiz teknikleri logo tasarlamak iin kullanabilirsiniz.Biz corel draw program ile gsterdik bunun sebebi ise bask platformlarnda(matbaa vs.) corel draw programnn tercih edilmesi.Sizde iinizden sklm olabilir veya sabah kalkmaktan bkm olabilirsiniz.Ayr olarak ek kazan araynda olabilirsiniz.Bunlar kendinize sylyorsanz bu kurs tam sizin iin diyebiliriz.Logo tasarlayarak evinizden internet ile mterilerinizle iletiim kurabilir ve para kazanabilirsiniz.Bu sayede rahat bir yaamn kaplarn aralayabilirsiniz.Ben freelancer olarak evimden baladm sadece logo tasarlayarak ve uan tasarm ofisi sahibiyim bunu siz neden yapamayasnz.Kursumuzun ieriinde gerek bir mteri ile olan logo tasarm srecini,logo tasarlarken nelere dikkat etmemiz gerektiini ve logonun mteri beenisine sunulurken nasl ssleneceini ayr olarak logo eitlerini iledik.Elenceli bir kurs oldu.Unutmayn hayallerinize ulamak sizin elinizde.Belki renci belkide iinden sklm biri olabilirsiniz.Sevdiiniz ii yapmann imdi tam zaman,Yarn bekleme imdi harekete ge ve renmeye bala!Not:Mteri bulma konusunda zorluk ekersen benimle iletiime geebilirsin."
Price: 49.99

"SolidWorks bsico ao avanado (modelar + montar + detalhar)"
"Neste curso o aluno aprender o funcionamento das ferramentas mais utilizadas no SolidWorks desde esboo montagem, detalhamento de peas e montagens.O aluno passar de um nvel bsico (totalmente novato ao software) ao nvel avanado, aprendendo de maneira como utilizado nas grandes empresas que trabalham com o software.- Entender como o software funciona.- Desenhar esboos (utilizando os vrios recursos existentes).- Criar peas em 3D (utilizando os vrios recursos existentes).- Criar montagens (Montagens livres, slidas ou com soldagem).- Detalhamentos de peas e montagens.- Bsico para renderizar.- Informaes adicionais e de experincia do professor sobre trabalho com desenhos tcnicos."
Price: 99.99

"Personality Development"
"This course is designed to push you beyond your comfort zone. Don't worry, all of the tasks are very easy, they are just unusual. Remember those times, when you wanted to say NO, but said Yes! Or You spent hours in front of mirror thinking what went wrong? Or You thought, how are you not fitting with the society or you lag behind? Well this course, has addressed all such issues that we face in our daily lives."
Price: 49.99

"Personality Development in Hindi"
"The Personality Development course is designed to fill you up with confidence to carry your personality. This course will help you developing your personality in your personal as well as your professional life. With the help of some normal changes and given tasks, be able to see the transformation within yourself. Just one request to all of you, do not skip through the videos or the tasks in order to complete the course. It will be fun , if you do it one by one."
Price: 44.99

"Screenwriting 101 - Write a Screenplay that sells!"
"Hello everyone and welcome to the Screenwriting 101 Masterclass. This is the first major step in bringing your ideas on paper and create a compelling script that producers, actors and directors will want to read. In the past years working in Hollywood and the European Film Industry,I have taken notes on what studios and producers are looking for in a screenplay and this course will teach you all of these tools. What is a Logline, how do I have to structure my script and what makes a great hero? This is much more will be answered here including exercises between the lessons, that will maifest the knowledge you've just acquired. So what are you waiting for? Let's learn a new craft and tell amazing stories together!"
Price: 49.99

"A'dan Z'ye Finale 25 Nota Yazm Program"
"Finale 25 kursuna hogeldiniz. Finale 25 Nota Yazm Programn kullanarak kendi bestelerinizi ve istediiniz her trl mzik eserini uluslararas standartlara uygun olarak yazmay reneceksiniz. Yazdnz notalar ile rencileriniz ve grup arkadalarnz ile sahip olduunuz mzikal fikirleri daha kolay bir ekilde paylaabileceksiniz. Ayrca yazm olduunuz eserleri dijital platformlarda yaynlayarak bundan gelir elde edebilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99

"Zapanuj nad STRESEM"
"TECHNIKI OBNIANIA NAPICIAPoznasz proste i skuteczne techniki obniania napicia krtkoterminowo oraz dugoterminowo, ktre zastosujesz od zaraz. Dziki czemu bdzie ci atwiej zapanowa nad stresem i nie naraa si na dugofalowego konsekwencje, ktre za sob niesie. STRATEGIE DZIAANIAZapoznasz si z technikami zarzdzania ryzykiem UPMZ oraz strategiami rozwizywania konfliktw, co pomoe Ci przeciwdziaa potencjalnie stresujcym sytuacjom oraz rozwizywa konflikty w najlepszy, moliwy sposb.ZROZUMIENIE STRESUDowiesz si dokadnie jak przebiega sytuacja stresowa, poznasz fazy oraz rodzaje stresu i moliwe reakcje Twojego organizmu na kadym etapie. Zrozumiesz dlaczego pewne sytuacje stresuj Ci bardziej a inne mniej. Nauczysz si jak zwiksza swoj odporno na stres.STRES JAKO PRZYJACIELNauczysz si odrnia stres pozytywny od negatywnego i wykorzystywa go na swoj korzy za pomoc dostosowania poziomu stresora do Twojego progu tolerancji. Zweryfikujesz te, czy Twoje miejsce pracy jest odpowiednie dla Ciebie, pod ktem poziomu stresu."
Price: 579.99

"Handling corruption in international sales"
"Want to increase your sales revenue? See exporting as a way to do it? Scared of what corruption can do to you? You need this course.I have 40+ years experience in international sales as salesperson and sales director. I've lived and worked on every continent except Antarctica. The course covers all aspects of corruption - how it works, the legal framework, the penalties that can come from breaking anti-corruption laws, and how to increase your sales revenue and profits while staying out of trouble"
Price: 59.99

"Your Novel: How To Write About Sex Without Writing About Sex"
"Most of the submissions we receive at Mandrill Press are unpublishable. Theres often the germ of a good story there, but the writers make the same mistakes over and over again. Their characters arent convincing. They tell us things instead of showing them to us. The structure is hopeless. Theres no conflict. Or no theme. Orwell, its a long list. A lot of those mistakes could be put right if the writers knew they were making them. Thats why we're creating a series of short classes on the various things that novice writers get wrong. And how to fix them. Our hope is that the quality of submissions will improve.This is the first. The others will follow at 10 day intervals, beginning with Show, Don't Tell (Course 2) and moving on to Timelines and How to Get Them Right (Course 3); ultimately there will be 15 short courses, each focused on a single error often made by novice writers (and some who are experienced).This first course breaks the ice with a fairly light-hearted look at something all would-be novelists need to learn. How do you write about sex without writing about sex? (It's about not distracting your readers from the meat of the story)."
Price: 19.99

"Electrnica Desde Cero (PBL: Arduino)"
"Mi nombre es Juan Martinez Rossi. La mayor parte de mi vida me he dedicado a ser un humano. Durante parte de mi tiempo en la Tierra he hecho cosas como estudiar Ingeniera Electrnica, crear un videoblog en YouTube orientado al desarrollo personal y a la divulgacin en temas de Ingeniera, y mudarme de mi Crdoba natal (Argentina) a la ciudad de Barcelona con el fin de continuar estudiando en la carrera de ""Ingeniera en Sistemas de Telecomunicacin"" de la Universidad Politcnica de Catalua. Ah, y tambin he creado este curso.El fin de estas +6 horas de vdeo y los 11 recursos descargables en .PDF es el de que puedas introducirte por primera vez en el mundo de la electrnica. Muchas personas llegan a ser seducidas por la simplicidad de implementacin de las placas Arduino (y las innumerables posibilidades que estas ofrecen), pero llegan a utilizarlas sin comprender a fondo el fenmeno fsico de la naturaleza por el cual funcionan: El de la electricidad. En este curso, mediante la metodologa PBL (Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos), podrs ser capaz tanto de implementar un proyecto basado en Arduino, como de comprender a fondo los fenmenos fsicos en los que se sustentan la electricidad, y consecuentemente la electrnica. Comprender esto ltimo te permitir llevar a cabo proyectos que incluyan circuitos bsicos basados en sensores de distinto tipo y resistores, y modificarlos para que se adapten a tus necesidades o disear los tuyos propios.La metodologa en la que se basa este curso, como ya se ha mencionado, es la del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (PBL, por Project Based Learning). Los objetivos que se buscan al aplicar esta metodologa son:Aprender habilidades de la vida cotidiana, acorde a las necesidades que plantea la vida en el Siglo XXI: Vivimos rodeados de tecnologa y no sabemos nada de cmo esta funciona.Potenciar la colaboracin entre los estudiantes: Podrs debatir sobre la implementacin del proyecto con otros estudiantes.Mejorar las habilidades comunicativas del estudiante: Tendrs que aprender a detallar el funcionamiento de tu proyecto para que otros estudiantes puedan entenderlo.El estudiante tiene una experiencia llevando a cabo el proyecto que lo divierte y le genera ilusin.Por esta razones, que adems he experimentado en carne propia siendo estudiante, es que se bas la enseanza de los temas orientados a implementar un Sistema de Seguimiento del Sol basado en la placa Arduino UNO. Dicho sistema tiene como objetivo aumentar la eficiencia de los paneles solares (se detallar en la clase de introduccin). Adems, se darn apartados especiales para explicar temas que, si bien no tienen aplicacin en este proyecto, probablemente s la tengan en otros proyectos que quieras llevar a cabo en el futuro. Si tu objetivo de momento es slo implementar este proyecto, podrs saltarte estos apartados.ADVERTENCIA: A este curso se le aplicar el PRINCIPIO DE LA MEJORA CONTINUA. Tengo pensado agregar ms secciones en el futuro (e.g.: Seales Elctricas), agregar animaciones que potencien el aprendizaje, y dems mejoras. Pero quiero dejarte claro que, sea cual sea el momento en el que adquieras este curso, estars pagando el precio que considero adecuado para el contenido ACTUAL del mismo. Es decir que cuando agregue ms material y el curso se haga ms completo, su precio ir aumentando. Por lo tanto, al comprarlo hoy, podrs disponer de esas mejoras futuras en forma GRATUITA, pero no te estoy cobrando actualmente por la promesa de que va a haber ms contenido. De hecho, podra no haberlo por mltiples y diversas causas (desvo de mi inters hacia otros proyectos, abandono definitivo de mi condicin de humano vivo, mudanza a un sistema estelar con baja cobertura de internet terrestre, etc)."
Price: 39.99

"Recover from Anxiety, Depression & Insomnia naturally"
"This course focuses on getting to the root cause of  your anxiety, depression and/or insomnia. Lessons in this course have been proven to work on countless of people including the instructor and his family. People who have been failed for over 5, 10 or 15 years by our healthcare can get better within just couple days or weeks. Many can achieve even full recovery if they can follow the instructions carefully."
Price: 29.99

"Know Your Voice"
"Learn how to build and access your full vocal potential with these basic vocal exercises for finding Core-sound including; breath management, laryngeal control, manipulation of filters and resonators and language and tongue workouts.The Vocal Paradox provides training in the expressive, impactful and authentic use of your voice for song and speech. Voice teacher, Anette Norgaard, establishes a bridge between the practical, scientific, artistic, and personal skillsets involved in voice proficiency. Paired with audio and video exercise materials, the reader is guided through a systematic exploration of the mental, emotional and spiritual elements involved in finding their Core-sound while also exploring Vocal Identity Types.Anette will have you digging deeper into what it means to express yourself fully and truthfully through your unique voice and provide you with a broad understanding of the Vocal Paradox."
Price: 29.99

"Teach Your Teen Driving"
"Parents are the Primary Driving Instructor for their TeenagerEven though your teenager drove with a professional instructor for a few hours, they will spend much more time with you supervising them as they learn. Like it or not, this makes you your teens primary driving instructor! Running short trips to school, sports practice, or the store is great, but you may not run across all the situations they should know about. I know all too well how hectic it can be with teenagers in the house! With homework, and extracurricular activities time is a premium. If you invest just 15 to 20 minutes watching and discussing the short videos with your teen three times per week, you can complete the program in 6 weeks. I know you may be tempted to send them to a ""Teen Survival Driving School,"" but studies show these schools will increase your teen's chances of getting into an accident because it makes them overconfident. Parents have the biggest influence on their teenager's driving skill and behavior.Do not hand this program to your teen and tell them to do it! This is for you, the parents! You can watch the videos along with your teen, but DO NOT JUST GIVE IT TO THEM AND WALK AWAY. The learning occurs when you discuss the videos. Each of these steps only takes about 15 to 20 minutes.When you enroll, these are just a few of the things you will get:Would you like an easy way to teach your teen how to parallel park, park in a stall, and maneuver in tight spaces without damaging your car?Use the exercises and accompanying videos in this course to help you teach your teen in an fast, easy, and fun way.Would you like to minimize conflicts with your teen about driving?The Driving Session Evaluation Form that helps you avoid these conflicts by setting clear expectations that can be quickly assessed.Would you like to know which critical skills your teen should know?The Skills Verification Checklist allows you to check off and track these critical skillsWould you like your teen to know how decision / reaction times affect stopping distances?Videos on decision and reaction times show how they affect total stopping distances. Learn how doubling speed, quadruples stopping distance.Would you like to better communicate with your teen by knowing their unique learning language?Information on how to determine they way your teen learns and how parents can use that to their advantage - and not just with driver training!Would you like your teen to know the most common traffic situations that cause accidents and what to do in those situations?Take 10 to 15 minutes to watch a discuss videos of these situations with your teen"
Price: 24.99

"De aprendiz a mestre em c#"
"Aprenda C# e fundamentos OO com viso do domnio e no do Banco de Dados, aprenda tambm Linq, MediatR, Patterns e muito mais.Este curso ajudar a se tornar um programador melhor, no iremos focar apenas em tecnologia mas sim como podemos utilizar melhor a orientao objetos nos domnios e ao longo do curso colocar os problemas do dia-a-dia e apresentar algumas dicas como (Refatorao, Bibliotecas, e dicas) para programadores iniciantes e em geral."
Price: 99.99

"Freestyle Soccer Ultimate Academy (HD video tutorials)"
"Learn 30 amazing freestyle soccer tricks to improve your skills and impress your friends1 FULL HOUR!! of HD video tutorials, teaching every trick step-by-step with slow-motion & multiple angles.Perfect for beginners! Start from scratch and learn the skills at your own paceEach tutorial is coached by freestyle legend Daniel Got Hits. Its like having your own personal class!"
Price: 79.99

"Creating Your Soul's Oasis"
"Students will learn:what is House-coachingwhat is a soul oasiswhat a soul oasis means and why it's important to have onehow to use the Bagua Map to decorate in an entirely new wayhow to see common home decor items from the perspective of symbolismto combine decorative items to create deeply meaningful storieshow these items provide the subconscious mind with clues to your dreamswhy this course is the next step in Marie Kondo's Tidying Up processhow to get ideas out of your head and in front of you"
Price: 34.99

"40-Day Challenge for Single Wives & Married Wives Course"
"Are you ""looking for love in all the wrong places"" such as outside of yourself?Are you tired of being mean and inconsistent with your husband or significant other? Are you tired of being single?Do you feel empty and incomplete, even with someone else in your life? You long for stability in your own life so you can be stable in your relationship, with your children and in your career.VISUALIZE THIS:Being free from thirst and beginning to attract the love you desire; Vacationing quarterly on exotic islands with your husband;Attracting a man who loves Jesus more than he could ever love you;Strengthening your relationship with God to the point that your husband begins to appreciate the amazing spiritual transformation in you;Winning your husband over to Jesus because of the change in you;Balancing being a phenomenal wife and mother while running an online financial business, making money for your household while you sleepThose are some of the testimonies of the wives who said, Yes! to The 40-Day Challenge for Single and Married Wives.I created The 40-Day Challenge for Single and Married Wives Course in 2018 and opened it up to over one hundred women to invest in the course so that I could determine the benefits and the results that the course would yield for women all over the world.For the single and married wives who took the challenge seriously, journaled daily or at least 90% of the 40 days, and completed all the activities in the challenge, they had amazing results."
Price: 99.99

"Image Recognition with Neural Networks From Scratch"
"This is an introduction to Neural Networks. The course explains the math behind Neural Networks in the context of image recognition. By the end of the course, we will have written a program in Python that recognizes images without using any autograd libraries. The only prerequisite is some high school precalculus. Although the prerequisite is minimal, we will discuss many advanced topics including:1) functions and their computational graphs.2) neural networks3) conceptually understand the derivative and the gradient.4) gradient descent and backpropagation5) the multivariable chain rule6) mini-batch gradient descent"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to the Discrete Fourier Transform with Python"
"The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is one of the most useful algorithms in computer science and digital signal processing. If you've ever opened a JPEG, listened to an MP3, watched a MPEG video, or used voice recognition of Alexa or the Shazam app, you've used some variant of the DFT. Its efficient implementation, the Fast Fourier Transform, is considered one of the top 10 algorithms of the 20th century by the American Institute of Physics and the IEEE Computer Society. Fortunately, the math is very accessible and only involves basic complex numbers and basic trigonometry.This course is a very basic introduction to the Discrete Fourier Transform. We will focus on understanding the math behind the formula and use Python to do some simple applications of the DFT and fully appreciate its utility. . The Python code we are writing is, however, very minimal. Students with little or no programming experience will still be able to learn Python through the examples in the lectures. Students should have Anaconda installed with the Jupyter Notebook. However, all of the programming assignments can also be run on the cloud on MyBinder."
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop scripting for artists"
"This training series will explore how you can utilise Javascript to write scripts for Photoshop. Whether you are a professional retoucher, photographer, hobbyist or artist, these skills will help you to smooth out your Photoshop pipeline so that you can spend less time doing file administration and more time actually creating the art.You will start with the very basics with no assumed knowledge of scripting or programming. By the end you will be able to write efficient markup transfer systems, intelligent file save scripts, control panel interfaces and preference storage systems.This course is highly recommended for anyone who wants to kick their Photoshop skills up to the next level!"
Price: 64.99