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"Estimation de construction"
"Nous savons tous qu'un bon estimateur doit avoir une bonne connaissance des techniques de construction et des facteurs qui influencent la ralisation d'un projet. Nous savons galement qu'une personne qui possde un haut niveau d'exprience dans son domaine, mais pourrait aussi tre un mauvais estimateur en l'absence de mthode fiable. Donc, dans ce cours, nous nous concentrerons davantage sur la mthode des estimations que sur les techniques de construction.Cest pourquoi, le but de ce cours est de permettre aux tudiants d'acqurir des connaissances fondamentales sur l'estimation du cot des projets de construction de btiments."
Price: 74.99

"Budget de construction"
"Cette formation propose une mthode complte d'analyse des cots pour lutilisation dans la planification des cots et le contrle budgtaire, pendant toutes les tapes des tudes de faisabilit lappel doffre.Elle permettra au participant dlaborer et de prparer des budgets de construction et contrle de cot en fonction de lutilisation des normes de lASTM (en particulier la norme Uniformat II) et de lICMS et des pratiques reconnus en conomie de la constructionCette normalisation de planification conceptuelle et budgtaire permettra d'analyser, doptimiser et de contrler les choix des systmes et cots pendant la phase de conception d'un projet.Suite la formation, le participant sera en mesure de raliser une conception selon le budget (Design to Budget). la fin de ce cours, ltudiant sera en mesure de prparer des estimations budgtaires de classe 1 5 ou de classe a D dassurer le contrle budgtaire durant la phase de conception du projet dutiliser les outils propres la gestion de cot"
Price: 124.99

"Analyse de rentabilit de projet de construction"
"La formation permettra de dvelopper les outils pour lanalyse de rentabilit des projets de construction. Lon abordera les techniques lors de la mesure de la valeur des biens immobiliers et les tapes suivre pour raliser une tude de faisabilit. Le chapitre temps et argent traitera des effets de l'investissement de l'argent et de l'intrt. La plupart des projets de construction ncessitent diffrentes formes de financement. Cest ce qui sera vu dans le chapitre sur le financement."
Price: 74.99

"Tools to form your businessIn Depth TrainingAccess to Private Facebook GroupHow to get started this week flipping houses to increase your incomeHow to negotiate your dealsHow to close the deals and get your checkHow to effectively marketHow to properly brand your businessProven Lead generation methodsContractsPrivate Proven Blue Print To Flip Your First Home"
Price: 99.99

"Aprende a Realizar un Taller de Memoria para Adultos Mayores"
"En este curso aprenders a desarrollar un taller de memoria y de estimulacin neurocognitiva para adultos mayores con envejecimiento normal y deterioro cognitivo. Identificars los diferentes patrones de envejecimiento, realizars evaluaciones neurocognitivas de cribado y podrs llevar a cabo actividades especficas para estimular la memoria, atencin y otras funciones mentales."
Price: 34.99

"Beginner's Guide for Starting an Online Clothing Boutique"
"Does this sound like you? You have been thinking about selling online. You feel overwhelmed with the business startup process. You are not sure how to brand your boutique. You are unsure about product photography and shipping.This course is all about learning the beginning stages of how to form a business with your ideal client in mind. You will be given tools to write a strong business plan and with yearly goals.***Here are some of the exclusive worksheets that you will be given: Business Plan Template How to Create a Pinterest Mood Board How to Establish a Business Name Checklist Branding Worksheet Market ChecklistThis is more than an online course. Its a guide to help you build an online business with a strong foundation.-----------------------------------------------What each lecture includes:Section 1: Intro and Pinterest Mood Board// Students will learn how to create a Pinterest Mood board and attract their ideal client.Section 2: Business Name, Business Plan, Business Structure, License, Bank Account, Address// Students will learn basic business fundamentals and legal steps to form a business at the county, state, and federal level. A business plan template will be included so that students can begin their online business with a strong and organized foundation.Section 3: Branding Your Boutique// Students will learn how to brand their online business for success by learning about logos, typography, and brand colors.Section 4: Buying Wholesale// Students will learn where and how to buy wholesale inventory.Section 5: Online Selling// Students will learn about different online platforms, product photography, shipping process, and supplies.Section 6: Wrap up and Conclusion// You are ready!"
Price: 99.99

"UX / UI Design: Fundamentos en Experiencia de usuario"
"Este curso ha sido diseado para ofrecer una introduccin a la disciplina de Experiencia de usuario o UX/UI Design, nuestra intencin es proponer un proceso de trabajo claro y conciso alineado con la necesidad real de las empresas. Este curso online, combinado con cualquiera de nuestros programas presenciales, te permitirn dedicarte profesionalmente a esta disciplina en constante crecimiento.El contenido te ayudar a empezar cualquier tipo de proyecto digital, dndote las herramientas necesarias para que puedas enfrentarte a contextos de alta incertidumbre y seas capaz de avanzar, desde cero hasta la creacin de tu primer diseo de APP."
Price: 19.99

"Gagnez de l'argent en louant ta voiture"
"Participes la premire formation accessible toutes les bourses sur la location de voitures entre particuliers. La mthode pas--pas pour apprendre gagner de l'argent en louant ta voiture ds maintenant. TU VEUX accder au programme ? C'est maintenant !Je vais t'expliquer comment mettre en place ton propre business de location de voitures qui te guide pas pas en partant du zro . Voil ce que tu dois absolument savoir, ce programme va te permettre de gnrer des revenus complmentaires en louant ta voiture. Tu feras donc partie des personnes qui sont sur la bonne voie pour quitter le rat race et a que tu soit dbutant ou confirm en suivant ce programme.Tu pourras fter ta premire location et tu auras tes premiers revenus grce la location de ta voiture. imagine ce que tu vas ressentir quand tu vas recevoir toutes les semaines des virements sur ton compte. imagine ce moment o tu pourras dire tout le monde que tu as russi et que tu es un investisseur succs et que tu es sur la bonne voie pour quitter la rate race c'est ce qui va t'arriver si tu rejoins formation aujourd'hui.- Si tu es salari et que tu en as marre de la routine mtro-boulot-dodo. - Si tu veux commencer investir et arrter de gagner de l'argent en vendant ton temps. - Si tu veux te constituer des revenus complmentaires sans y passer toutes tes journes pour y arriver. - Si tu veux avoir des revenus complmentaires tout de suite et pas dans six mois comme en immobilierPar exemple si tu en as marre de devoir faire 15 rendez-vous avec un banquier pour qu'il te prte de l'argent alors que ton projet est super rentable, je suis pass par ce chemin avant toi. J'avais un job dans l'informatique mais du jour au lendemain j'ai PERDU mon emploi et je me suis lance dans la cration d'entreprise aprs plusieurs checs avec un projet qui avance pas et pas aussi vite que je voulais. J'ai cherch un moyen de gagner de l'argent sans que cela me prenne tout mon temps et c'est l que j'ai dcouvert la location de voitures entre particuliers. J'ai commenc avec un seul vhicule pour tester la demande et voir si ce nouveau type de business tait viable et rentable.J'ai donc dcid de me lancer fond dans ce nouveau business petit petit j'ai russi grossir et j'ai finalement abandonn mon premier projet pour me consacrer entirement la location de voitures entre particuliers. Je peux organiser mes journes comme je veux, je peux tre disponible pour mes proches et c'est la mme chose pour mes vacances, pas besoin de demander la permission un patron ou de compter les jours de cong qui me reste.Imagines-toi si je n'tais pas pass l'action je serai jamais sorti de la routine mtro-boulot-dodo et je serai toujours dans la recherche d'un emploi derrire mon petit cran rver de la vie que je pourrais avoir alors oui je sais que c'est compliqu et que a peut faire peur mais c'est pour a que j'ai cr ce programme pour encourager et accompagner un maximum de personnes qui souhaitent se lancer. Si tu veux avoir du changement dans ta vie il faut que tu sortes de ta zone de confort mme si la location de voiture peut paratre simple il vaut mieux tre accompagns pour ne pas faire d'erreurs qui peuvent coter trs cher est empch de continuer avancer parce que oui tout le monde peut mettre en location son vhicule mais tout le monde ne sait pas comment faire une bonne affaire l'achat, ne sache pas comment grer la situation, avec un locataire en panne ou un accident. - Tout le monde ne sait pas comment ngocier des tarifs avantageux pour l'assurance les rparations le nettoyage et tous les frais qui peut y avoir tout le monde ne sait pas comment s'organiser pour tre le plus efficace possible et surtout gagner du temps tout le monde ne sait pas comment grer une flotte de plusieurs vhicules. Tout le monde ne sait pas comment prparer un vhicule avant une location et surtout comment le vrifier la fin. - Tout le monde ne sait pas non plus comment rentabiliser son investissement en moins d'un an et demi et a c'est ce que j'ai fait avec mon vhicules. Avec cette formation je veux vraiment partager toutes les mthodes que j'ai mises en place et qui fonctionne parce que toi aussi tu as le droit de russir et d'tre un loueur entre particulier succs. Toutes les mthodes que j'utilise et que j'ai mises en place depuis mon permis d'avoir de bons rsultats tout en rduisant le temps que je consacre cette activit.Aujourd'hui j'ai dcid de partager mon exprience et mes mthodes au plus grand nombre et a c'est un de mes traits de caractre depuis que je suis tout petit quand je matrise un sujet j'ai vraiment envie d'aider les autres parce que c'est encore plus gratifiant pour moi de voir que les personnes que j'aide russissent grce aux conseils que je peux leur donner.Je veux que ressentent la mme chose que moi quand je regarde mes mails le matin et que je vois que j'ai encore gagn de l'argent grce la location de voiture. Je peux t'assurer que quand tu te rveilles et qu'un virement est tomb tu le sourire et la patate pour le reste de la journe je toi aussi tu ressentes cette sensation et tu sois fier de ta russite. Je dj dit le programme est rpartie en 8 section et il aborde tous les points essentiels connatre pour louer ta voiture et devenir tout aussi un loueur entre particulier succs. - Tu vas commencer par la thorie avec la prsentation des diffrents acteurs de ce secteur.- Tu verras aussi pourquoi la location de voitures entre particuliers un bel avenir tu comprendras pourquoi les loueurs traditionnels ne sont vraiment plus du tout dans le coup. - Tu sauras quels types de vhicules achets en fonction de ta situation de tes disponibilits et du montant que tu veux investir. - Tu sauras comment trouver la bonne affaire et surtout identifier les arnaques. -Tu sauras quelles questions poses aux vendeurs quand tu l'auras pour la premire fois au tlphone et comme a tu perdras pas ton temps en te dplaant pour ngocier une pave. Ce sera une suite de questions structures vraiment copier-coller que j'ai utilise pour l'achat de tous vhicules - Tu seras vrifier le vhicule sans tre un mcanicien, je te donnerai aussi toutes les astuces que j'utilise pour faire baisser le prix facilement tu sauras comment faire les documents lgaux et mettre en ligne ton annonce en moins de 72 heures. - Tu sauras comment obtenir des commentaires au top pour monter dans les rsultats de recherche avoir toujours plus de demandes et surtout le plus important pour passer devant tous tes concurrents. - Tu auras la structure et les cls pour investir dans de nouveaux vhicules facilement. Tes prochains achats se feront vraiment facilement et sans encombre parce que le plus dur c'est de se lancer et de raliser ses premires locations mais maintenant tu n'es plus seul.Je t'accompagne tout au long de ce processus pour que ton premier investissement soit une totale russite en plus toutes les vidos de cette formation sont disponibles pour toi vie . Je te retrouve tout de suite de l'autre ct."
Price: 54.99

"Enochian Magick"
"Learn about how to practice Enochian magick as was taught by the Enochian entities to John Dee and Edward Kelly. We will cover how to make the tools, how to setup the ritual space, how to derive the names, Enochian elemental magick, Enochian planetary magick and even Enochian astrological magick! This course brings you through the actual practice of Enochian magic, as well as how to prepare for these workings; in a step by step format."
Price: 199.99

"The World of Fermentation! An introduction."
"To get the party started, we're launching the fresh, first Video Series + eBooks on The World of Fermentation.This course will introduce you to the basics of the World of Fermentation.You will receive valuable hints, tricks and recipes to start practicing.You will learn...Basics of Fermentation with TFK team Fermentation: What is it? Benefits of fermented foods Easy, nutritious and funProbiotics What are Probiotics? How to correctly use Probiotics Top Ten Foods that contain ProbioticsHomemade Fermented Beverage eBook > 3 Infallible Steps to brew your own Healthy Ginger SodaSauerkraut with Andy Crowe Homemade Sauerkraut in 5 minutes 2 Versions > White and Red & Beetroot Keys for successSourdough Starter with Manu Garca Laborde Homemade Sourdough: Easy pancakes every morning! Types of flours Keys for successHomemade Fermented Beverages eBook > 3 Simple Steps to brew your own Homemade Passionfruit & Orange SodaFAQs Fundamental Questions and Concerns about Fermentation"
Price: 19.99

"Formation XLSForm, ONA, ODK"
"Formation avanc: Skip logic, fichiers media (image, vido, audio, signature), Rptitions, Slection en cascade, Groupe de questions, Contraintes, CalculsNous serons dans la peau de XLSForm, Dans La peau de ODK, surtout dans la peau de ONASkip logic, fichiers media (image, vido, audio, signature), Rptitions, Slection en cascade, Groupe de questions, Contraintes, Calculs"
Price: 24.99

"Writing an Impressive Resume"
"At the start of the course, you will learn: How to write an impressive resume along with drafting a resume objective. The lecture will include creation of SWOT analysis to help you identify your personal strengths.In another lecture, you will learn how to write a career objectives based on the strengths identified in the SWOT analysis. You will also learn about the characteristics of a resume, what is included and what is not, along with the help of a sample format.Before the start of the lessons, you can use the 'Expectations Form' to write down your list of expectations from the session. You will find it in the resources. There are exercises or assignments to complete as we proceed. Doing these in sequence with the session will help you understand better and implement the learning.At the end of the course there is a feedback form which you may like to share with me.Happy Learning!"
Price: 1920.00

"Interview Questions, Answers and Expectations"
"Get Job Interview ready with what to expect before, during and after a job interview. We will learn of the different types of questions usually asked and how to identify them. We shall also go through some of the frequently asked questions at job interviews and get tips on how to answer them effectively. We shall also learn of the myths and realities to help you clear any doubts about job interviews.At the start of the lessons, you can use the 'Expectations Form' to write down your list of expectations from the session. You will find it in the resources. There are a couple of exercises in the workshops after the lesson. Doing these in sequence with the session will help you understand better and implement the learning.Happy Learning!"
Price: 1920.00

"IONIC 4 Design Hybrid Mobile Applications IOS & Android"
"This course is mainly focused on the latest version of ionic 4 which has the latest update Neutronium and i have discussed all the components of ionic 4 an update this course on regular basis with live demonstration and live coding with Project based examples. We will cover:Ionic 4 ComponentsAngularTypeScriptWhy This Course:Clean Coding StylePractical ImplementationProject Demos"
Price: 19.99

"17 Power Tips To Create The Perfect Landing page"
"In this course i will cover all the steps you need to make a perfect landing page page (squeeze page) 1. 3-sec rule2. all elements should drive and support one point! (what is the pain? what is the desired result? )3. Headline-sub headline, benefits, testimonial, call to action4. bullet points5. Headline( short, benefit rich)6. Create a video. (Front load, be helpful and provide tips don't sell)7. Trust Indicators 8. What's In It For Me??? 9. Social Proof Start to day to increase your skills!!"
Price: 19.99

"MIND ENGINEERING : (Malayalam)"
"MIND ENGINEERING : (Malayalam). , . ? ? ? ? . Nicola Tesla . . .Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates . , , .... . , , ."
Price: 1280.00

"Photoshop Fundamental"
"Aprenda o principal software de edio de imagens do mercado.Aprenda do bsico ao avanado.O curso passa pelas ferramentas bsicas, edio e tratamento de imagens, criao e muito mais.Vamos abordar tambm assuntos mais avanados como a famigerada ""Seleo de cabelos"".Tudo em vdeo aulas e com a experincia de quem trabalha com o software por quase 20 anos."
Price: 39.99

"Oracle EBS Essentials Course (Hands on in 12.2.8)"
"This course was created as a primary focus to introduce Oracle EBS 12.2.8 functionalities to new or experienced users and also provide a extensive overview for learners that are curious about Oracle EBS Essentials.Our chapters are divided as below:Navigating in Oracle R12;System Administration;Responsibilities and Menus;Running and Scheduling Concurrent Programs;Fundamentals of Flexfields;Introduction to Role Base Access Control (RBAC);Introduction to Multi-Org Access Control Structure;Introduction to Trading Community Architecture;Introduction to Subledger Accounting;Introduction to Folder Functionality;"
Price: 24.99

"Master PEGA (40 HRS) - A Complete Guide to Senior Architect!"
"If you want to jumpstart your career in IT and application development by industry-experienced trainer, then this course is for you! It gives you a full understanding of all the concepts and topics you need to clear the most in-demand PEGA CSSA certification today by learn the essentials of Masters PEGA - The Complete Guide to Become Senior Architect course.This course offers an easy to understand, structured approach with realtime scenarios to mastering PEGA SSA and help you clear your certification and land you in the role a senior system architect at your dream company!"
Price: 24.99

"PEGA CSSA 7.4 Dumps & Frequently Asked Questions (120+ Qns)"
"This course contains practice exams which students can give before appearing for the actual exam. This course covers the frequently asked questions in Pega CSA 7.4 Exam. These are specially hand-picked by group of experts from latest pega certification but the level of difficulty is same. All the answers provided are answered why they are correct . This questions test your ability for qualification of PEGA CSSA also if you are already a SSA you can test your ability for any room for improvement."
Price: 19.99

"Build Customer Service Application with PEGA CRM 8 Framework"
"PEGA CRM 8 Provides a robust collection of CRM Features that allow developers to build a complex yet fully featured customer service application. Now let us understand how you can easily create a Fully functional customer service application using the PEGA CRM Framework.Dig into the PEGA CRM Framework and become Customer Service Ready!"
Price: 19.99

"Tableau de A a Z - Modulo I - Business Analytics"
"Com este treinamento, voc ter uma base slida para usar o Tableau, independente da sua formao ou experincia.Este curso destinado a todos usurios, desde queles usurios que no tem formao tcnica at aqueles usurios de TI e banco de dados.Voc aprender a usar o Tableau em praticamente todas funcionalidades, passando por grficos, tabelas e dashboards.No perca a oportunidade de se tornar um mestre na arte de lidar com dados."
Price: 129.99

"Tableau Desktop Intermedirio"
"Com este curso intermedirio, voc se desenvolver ao ponto de conseguir criar diversas visualizaes diferentes, passando por conceitos mais avanados da ferramenta. Vamos aprender campo calculados com Fixed e Exclude, clculo de tabela rpido, conjuntos, painis com aes dentro outras vrias funcionalidades.No final, voc estar pronto para comear a desenvolver painis complexos e chamativos!O curso voltando para quem j trabalha com Tableau ou quem busca aprender sobre a ferramenta mais famosa do mercado."
Price: 189.99

"Tableau Desktop Avanado"
"Com este treinamento voc aprender conceitos mais avanados de Tableau Desktop, passando por diversos campos calculados, incluindo LOD (Nvel de Detalhe) e Clculo de Tabela Rpido mais avanados.Este treinamento dedicado a todos que desejam se aprofundar no Tableau Desktop e que j possui um pouco de conhecimento na ferramenta. Para os que esto comeando, aconselho olhar meus outros dois cursos antes, o Tableau de A a Z e o intermedirio primeiro. Este treinamento essencial para todos que desejam se tornar um bom profissional de Tableau Desktop"
Price: 204.99

"Learn to DJ from beginners to advanced"
"This is a 3 section course with 27 lessons that will walk you through becoming a DJ as well as advanced DJ methods and techniques. We will walk you through:EquipmentMixingperforming Fundamentals of DJ'ingAdvanced FX and controlsEQ'sBeat matchingUnderstanding the musicScratchingAdvanced ControlsHarmonic MixingPreparing your DJSetMusic LibraryMashupsCrowd readingBooking your first gig and more!"
Price: 19.99

"Top Mental Math Secrets - for Practical Real World Use"
"The fastest people at Mental Math are using techniques that aren't taught in schools to help them solve problems with much less effort.I'm an International-Level Competitor in Mental Calculation, representing the UK six times in events such as:Mental Calculation World Cup (2012, 2016, 2018)Memoriad (2016 with a Bronze Medal in the Hectoc Category and a new record in Calendar Date Calculations)Mental Calculations World Championship (2017, 2018, 2019)I run the biggest website for advanced Mental Math training, and I'm one of the official trainers who prepare the under-20s for the Junior Mental Calculations World Championship.There's a whole assortment of Mathematical tricks I use in order to perform at this level, but in this course I've chosen the most practical techniques and facts for real-life use, and quickest for you to learn.The most important goal of Mental Math in this modern age is to calculate high-quality estimates at lightning speed. For perfect precision we all have calculators now. Therefore I've filled this course with the best techniques for accurate estimation, and some other exact techniques that are faster than a calculator.My goal is to quickly make you into one of the fastest people you know at Mental Mathematics!By the end of this course you will:Be able to quickly find very accurate estimates to ANY multiplication or divisionKnow the optimal method for learning information such as number facts (and even vocabulary for languages!)Evaluate deals quickly in order to easily select good value itemsConvert between Fahrenheit and Celsius, miles and kilometers, pounds and kilograms, and other common unitsSwitch between currencies in your head without worrying about paying the wrong priceCalculate percentage discounts in salesSee quickly what any test score is as a percentageI've made this course compact and efficient, so that even the busiest learners can benefit from the techniques taught in this course, and there are plenty of practice activities so you can level up your skills at your own pace.The first videos of sections 2, 3, 7 and 8 are available for a free preview for a more detailed introduction to the content you'll be learning here.By enrolling now you'll have unlimited access to the resources within, and the support of myself and your fellow students as you learn your new skills.See you in the videos!"
Price: 44.99

"Gamification Tools for Personal Motivation + Productivity"
"Whether you want to bring your productivity to the next level, or build new habits, we can all benefit with a boost in motivation.For years I've been hyper-productive and kept control of a range of lifestyle choices using techniques from Game Psychology. For example:(2011) Finishing university projects well in advance of deadlines(2012) Going from doing zero exercise to working out 5 days per week(2018) Training to compete for the UK in Mind Sports(2019) Creating this video course on UdemyIn this class I'll be showing you the 4 most powerful techniques I've found for applying Gamification elements to real life, and share with you 4 templates that you can use for a real, sustained boost in your productivity.You'll also learn about the Psychology of Motivation, and explore 5 further advanced techniques, so that by the end of the course you'll have:Some ready-made templates (in Google Sheets) that you can begin to use whenever you likeThe ability to design your own system (in any format) to match your productivity and lifestyle needs (or other people's)And as with all Udemy courses, you are able to ask questions to me at any time and I'll be here to help!"
Price: 34.99

"Foundations of JavaScript Urdu/Hindi"
"***First Complete JavaScript Course in Urdu/Hindi on Udemy.***In JavaScript Foundations, you'll learn the most popular programming language in the world - JavaScript! You'll learn the basics of the language and then take the next step by looking at the advance JavaScript topics, functions, arrays and objects.You can practice JavaScript in your web browser! Take advantage of Google Chrome developer tools.There will be lots of quizzes on the JavaScript syntax we have just covered. The goal of this course is to move slow and allow these concepts and syntax to sink in through repetition.Course Contain.Basic Data TypesConditionsFunctionsLoopsArraysObjectsSo all in all this course will be very amazing and really helpful for you to boost your programming skills and your career.Who this course is for:Take this course if you are new to the world of programming.Take this course if you really want to understand JavaScript from very basic.Take this course if you search over Udemy and doesn't find the amazing content in your own language Urdu/Hindi.Take this course if you want to learn world most wanted programming language quickly and easily.Now This is your turn to decide........."
Price: 49.99

"Informtica Bsica - Windows 10, Email, Internet e Nuvem"
"EsseCurso de Informtica e Windows 10foi criado para pessoas que ainda no tem muita intimidade e conhecimentos sobre itens bsicos de informtica e windows. Dessa forma ele constri umabase de conceitosmuito importantes que facilitaro e daro muito suporte para usar o seu computador de forma mais produtiva. Alm disso, tambm inclui no meu curso tpicos sobre como navegar na internet, melhores prticas para usar o navegador, armazenamento na nuvem e muito mais. Se voc tem alguma dificuldade com windows e computadores, fique tranquilo. Neste curso vou do zero at um bom nvel para que voc consiga utilizar seu computador para fazer suas principais tarefas de forma mais fcil. Alguns dos contedos so:WindowsExplorador de Arquivos: extenses de arquivo, como localizar e manipular seus arquivos facilmente, etc.Internet e Navegador: principais funes do navegador, sincronizando dados, etc. Email: como utilizar seu email e o que inbox zero. Algumas outras dicas de produtividade. Durante todo o curso, voc ter o meusuporte para suas dvidassobre os assuntos estudados.Fique a vontade para explorar a grade curricular completa disponvel abaixo. Veja tambm o vdeo de apresentao do curso e algumasaulas gratuitasque foram disponibilizadas."
Price: 39.99

"PHP, CodeIgniter ve Laravel ile Proje Gelitirme."
"Ayn aileden 3 farkl yaklam renmeniz, renirken karlatrabilmeniz ve zmseyebilmeniz iin bu kursu hazrladk.Bir yazlm dili olarak PHP ile iki bilinen framework Laravel ve CodeIgniter. Ortak ynlerini, avantajlarn, dezavantajlarn ve en nemlisi birbirlerine grece stnlklerini uygulayarak renmek istiyorsanz doru yerdesiniz.PHP, Laravel veya CodeIgniter....Proje gelitirmek iin siz de hangisini kullanmalym diyorsanz... Hangisi performansta, Hangisi kodlamada, Hangisi kurulumda nde diye soruyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre.PHP, web tabanl uygulamalar iin kullanlan yaygn bir dil. Dnya genelinde yaynda olan internet sitelerinin yarya yaknnn PHP tabanl olduunu gz nne alrsak ne demek istediimiz daha iyi anlalacaktr. Framework'e gelince, herhangi bir proje oluturmak iin temel bileenlere sahip, gelitirici iin yardmc ktphaneler ve zmler sunan gelitirme ortam diyebiliriz.PHP tabanl frameworkler deyince  akla ilk gelen iki framework; tabi ki Laravel ve CodeIgniter.phehiz her iki framework'n de kuvvetli ve zayf taraflar mevcut. Bunu anlamann en gzel yolu bu yaklamlarla proje gelitirmek. Peki size ayn projeyi hem PHP, hem Laravel, hem de CodeIgniter ile gelitireceiz dersek?Bylece her yaklam ayn proje zerinde renme ve karlatrma imkannz olacak dersek?Gzel olmaz m?Bu dnceyle hazrladmz bu kursun sonunda amacmz PHP dili ile Laravel ve CodeIgniter framework'lerini tanmanz ve renmenizi salamak. Kurs ieriini balang seviyesinde tuttuk. Burada her yaklam tanyarak, gelitireceiniz projelerinize hangisinin daha uygun olduuna karar verebileceksiniz.Ayrca, best practice odakl yaklam ile syntax bazl programlamann yannda, Ne-Ne Zaman-Nerede-Niin sorularna cevap veriyoruz. Kursun bitiminde; ayn projeyi saf PHP, CodeIgniter ve Laravel framework'lerini kullanarak gelitireceksiniz. Dolaysyla ayn zme farkl yntemlerle ulaacak; yolculuunuz esnasnda hem farkl teknolojileri tanyacak, hem de bu teknolojilerin birbirlerine gre hangi alanlarda daha stn veya dezavantajl olduunu renmi olacaksnz.NELERDEN BAHSEDECEZ HIZLICA BR GZ ATALIM :MAMP uygulamasnn tantm ve kurulumumySql veritaban kurulumu,mySql veritabannda tablo oluturulmas,AdminLTE HTML temann indirilmesi,AdminLTE temann projeye uygun hale getirilmesi iin paralanmas,AdminLTE tema dosyalarnn PHP projesine uygun hale getirilmesi,Oluturulacak sayfalarn projeye uygun hale getirilmesi,Tema dosyalarnda statik sayfa ierikleri ile link ayarlamalarnn yaplmas,DataTable eklentisinin tantm,DataTable eklentisinin indirilmesi,DataTable eklentisinin kullanmna ilikin statik verilerle rnekler verilmesi,PHP dili ile AJAX metodunun kullanlmas,PHP, AJAX teknii ve DataTable eklentisi ile veritaban (ekleme, gncelleme, silme ve okuma) ilemleri (CRUD functions),BONUS: DataTable eklentisinin server-side zelliinin tantlmas,SAF PHP KONULARI :Veri gncelleme ilemlerinde modal popup kullanm teknii,DataTable ile raporlama ilemleri,DataTable Trkeletirme ilemleri,LARAVEL KONULARI :Laravel framework tantm,Ayn projenin Laravel framework'ne entegrasyonu (migration, seeder ve routing),MVC mimarisine uygun olarak View, Controller ve Model dosyalarnn oluturulmas,Laravel ile veritaban ilemleri,BONUS: Laravel FAKER Ktphanesinin anlatm ve rnek kullanm,CODEIGNITER KONULARI :CodeIgniter framework tantm,Ayn projenin CodeIgniter framework'ne entegrasyonu,MVC mimarisine uygun olarak View, Controller ve Model dosyalarnn oluturulmas,CodeIgniter ile veritaban ilemleri,Veri gncelleme ilemlerinde model popup kullanm ile form POST metodu kullanmnn karlatrlmas,BONUS: Proje gelitirilirken DATABASE ve URL Ktphanelerinin anlatm ve rnek kullanm.PEK BU KURSTA NELER YOK?Orta ve ileri dzey konulara yer vermedik,Web servis gelitirilmesi yok,Login ilemleri yok,Kullanc rol ve rol bazl yetkilendirme ilemleri yok,Raporlama ilemleri yok,Middleware gelitirme sreleri yok,Session ynetimi yok,Cache ynetimi yok,Laravel ve CodeIgniter framework'lerine zg yardmc ktphanelerin detayl anlatm yok (Laravel'de rnek olarak FAKER; CI'de database ve url ktphanelerine rnekler verilmitir),Gvenli kod yazma sreleri yok...Bu kursta yer vermediimiz konulara ilikin olarak sizlerden gelecek geri bildirimleri esas alarak neler yapabileceimizi ilerleyen srete deerlendireceiz."
Price: 69.99