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"Curso avanado de Bitmex"
"Curso avanado completo de BitmexEsse curso voltado pra quem tem zero ou pouco conhecimento sobre a plataforma bitmex. O curso aborda desde conceitos bsicos como a criao de conta at ferramentas avanadas na plataforma.Contedo do cursoIntroduo - apresentao do curso1 - Plataforma e o processo de negociao2 - Long, short e margem de garantia3 - Diferena entre os tipos de ordens4 - Evitar grandes perdas e potencializar ganhos pt. 15 - Evitar grandes perdas e potencializar ganhos pt. 26 - Tudo sobre bitmex pt 1. Comparativo das corretoras e Perpetual inverse contracts7 - Tudo sobre bitmex pt 2. Hedge, testnet e transferindo bitcoins8 - Tudo sobre bitmex pt 3. Demais funcionalidades e mais margem e alavancagem9 - Tudo sobre bitmex pt 4. Taxas: como ganhar com as ordens e comparando bitfinex10 - CONTEDO EXTRA: customizar o grfico de anlise11 - CONTEDO EXTRA: anlise e gerenciamento de risco"
Price: 39.99

"Learn To Build And Launch A Creative Website Step by Step"
"Lots of people need a website and want a website. They have very little money. Many have very little content of their own when they start a website. The best option for a starter website is a one page website that contains enough content to tell people who you are, what you do, how much and where they can reach you. This course teaches you how to build a one page eye-catching starter website by using a W3schools W3.CSStemplate and changing parts of the code HTML and W3.CSS, to create a web page that looks and feels like a website built for you and to represent your business. This step by step approach will help beginners begin to understand the basis structure of a web page, the different tags used to structure or layout a web page and insert text, images and other items. It will set the student on a path to being able to identify W3.CSS and where it is used.The aims of the course are to begin to remove the fear of using HTML &W3.CSSto build a web page and make learners more curious about learning more about them; build a web page for the leaner and or their business that they can put online immediately and to create a buzz in the student to want to know more."
Price: 19.99

"Atravs deste treinamento o aluno ter o conhecimento das principais ferramentas do SolidWorks 2018 .Este treinamento foi desenvolvido de uma forma simples e fcil que o aluno conseguira utilizar as ferramentas para construo de modelos,inserir as informaes do modelo no ambiente desenho, criar folhas padronizadas,inserir as informaes da legenda automaticamente,inserir componentes no ambiente de montagem.Conhea alguns tpicos que sero abordados no curso:Interface;Menus e Barras;Teclas de atalho;Ferramentas de construo;Relaes Geomtricas;Principais comandos para construo de modelos;Importando peas;Configuraes Tabela de projetos;Exerccios passo a passo;Contedo extra com desenhos em PDF para treinar;Detalhamento de peas;Utilizando Gerador de guia de propriedades;Criao de folha padro;Criao de legendas automticas;Montagem;Posicionamentos Avanados e Mecnicos;Exerccios passo a passo aplicando montagem de componentes."
Price: 69.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect - (em Portugus)"
"A Certificao Amazon Web Services (AWS) est se tornando rapidamente a obrigao de ser certificado para qualquer profissional de TI que trabalhe com a AWS. Este curso foi desenvolvido para ajud-lo a passar no CSA (Certified Solutions Architect) da AWS - Associate Exam. Nenhum conhecimento de programao necessrio e nenhuma experincia anterior da AWS exigida. Com esta certificao da AWS, voc estar em alta demanda por muitas empresas e poder obter um melhor salrio.Pare de perder tempo com outros materiais de preparao da CSA Associate que afirmam estar atualizado. A AWS est tornando o exame mais e mais complicado, e sua nica maneira de remediar isso e passar na primeira tentativa, estudar e entender os servios da AWS em profundidade, que a filosofia central de design deste curso / contedo.O curso inclui +19 Hrs e +800 Questes e  Exame prticos, onde voc aprende a ler perguntas, analis-las, identificar respostas erradas e encontrar a melhor / correta resposta.Porqu inscrever-se neste curso?-  Passe no exame de associado do AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate - Atender com confiana a qualquer entrevista tcnica de emprego relacionada AWSEsta a promessa do CloudOneWizard, voc no encontrar outro curso que possa dar tudo isso em um nico curso. O melhor companheiro para se preparar e se certificar.Se voc srio em se tornar AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (Arquitetos de Solues da AWSS). Ento, este curso para voc.Visite nosso site para receber descontos - CloudOneWizardEu ensino Cloud porque eu sei disso. De dentro e fora. Trabalhei como administrador de sistemas, desenvolvedor, arquiteto de solues e gerente de tecnologia da informao para algumas das maiores empresas existentes.Sou formado em Cincia da Computao e tenho mais de 20 anos de experincia em Tecnologia da Informao, trabalhando para empresas multinacionais.Tenho ampla experincia em trabalhar com aplicativos complexos de vrios domnios em organizaes globais. Eu sou certificado da AWS, bem como Microsoft Certified Expert em solues de computao em nuvem, framework .Net, C# e tecnologias de infraestrutura e banco de dados SQL."
Price: 39.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Practice Exams +1,460"
"Sick of all the junk practice questions out there? +1,460 TOP-NOTCH QuestionsThe AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate (SAA-C01) - 2019 is consistently among the top paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the leading cloud services platform in the world! Earn over $150,000 per year with an AWS Solutions Architect certification!You will have 780 questions in the exam format with explanations, plus access to another +680 extra questions.CloudOneWizard - AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate practice tests are widely considered to be the best. They help prepare you to the point where you will confidently pass your AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate exam with a great score.Our questions are designed to reflect the difficulty of the real exam, and are the most similar to the real AWS exam experience available. All other practice tests on Udemy are much easier than the real exam and don't prepare you properly. +1,460 TOP-NOTCH Questions - Questions are scenario-based and conform to the AWS SAA-C01 2019 exam blueprint Money-back guarantee - Unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee Updated - Based on student feedback from the real exam Access on mobile - Study on the go and access all resources from your mobile DETAILED EXPLANATIONS, REFERENCE LINKS - our answer keys at the end of each set have full and detailed explanations along with complete reference links so you can check and verify yourself that the answers are correct. Added videos in some of the explanations - coming from the official Amazon Web Services YouTube channel, these tutorials can help you better understand the topic and requirements of the scenario. Instructor Support - Responsive instructor support for any questions or concernsEnroll now !!!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Solutions ArchitectSimulados +1,460-Portugus"
"Quer passar no novo exame da AWS (SAA-C01) - 2019? +1,460 TOP-NOTCH Perguntas e respostas ira te ajudarO Associado de Arquitetura de Solues Certificadas da AWS (SAA-C01) - 2019 est consistentemente entre as principais certificaes de TI, considerando que a Amazon Web Services (AWS) a principal plataforma de servios de nuvem do mundo! Eleve sua carreira e salrio a um nvel totalmente novo com uma certificao da AWS!Voc ter 390 perguntas no formato do exame com explicaes, com acesso a outras +1,070 perguntas extras.Nossas perguntas so projetadas para refletir a dificuldade do exame real e so as mais semelhantes experincia real do exame da AWS disponvel. Voc ter acesso a tradues simultneas entre portugus-ingls, ingls portugus. Se voc estudar questes somente em portugus suas chances de passar ficam limitadas. Voc tem que ter acesso as questes em ingls, pois a prova ser em ingls. +1.460 Perguntas e respostas - As perguntas so baseadas em cenrio e esto em conformidade com o modelo de exame AWS SAA-C01 2019 Atualizado Acesso em dispositivos mveis - Estude em movimento e acesse todos os recursos do seu celular EXPLICAES DETALHADAS, LINKS DE REFERNCIA - Nossas chaves de resposta no final de cada conjunto tm explicaes completas e detalhadas, juntamente com links de referncia completos, para que voc possa verificar se as respostas esto corretas. Vdeos adicionados em algumas das explicaes - provenientes do canal oficial do Amazon Web Services no YouTube, esses tutoriais podem ajud-lo a entender melhor o tpico e os requisitos do cenrio.Visite nosso site para receber descontos - CloudOneWizardInscreva-se !!!"
Price: 24.99

"AWS Certificao Desenvolvedor - Curso Completo"
"Este curso foi desenvolvido para ajud-lo a passar no exame de 2019 do NEW AWS Certified Developer Associate (CDA). Com a certificao AWS em seu currculo, voc estar em alta demanda para empresas e ter um salrio melhor. A certificao Amazon Web Services - (AWS) est se tornando rapidamente o certificado obrigatrio para qualquer profissional de TI que trabalhe com a AWS.Inclui Simulados para a prtica do exame - AWS Certified Developer Associate (DVA-C01). So mais de 300 questes includas nesse treinamento. Com isso voc no precisa adquirir nenhum outro materialPor favor, note que este no um curso para ensinar a codificar, este curso foi projetado especificamente para ajudar voc a passar no exame AWS Certified Developer de 2019. Todo o cdigo requerido para fazer os exerccios deste curso fornecido quando voc entra no curso.A AWS est constantemente evoluindo sua plataforma, medida que 2019 progride, atualizaremos continuamente este curso com novos contedos.A maioria dos vdeos tem de 5 a 30 minutos de durao. Sou Arquiteto de Solues Certificado pela AWS e desenvolvedor certificado, moro e trabalho nos Estados Unidos com mais de 20 anos de experincia em TI. Passe no exame de desenvolvedor da AWS Familiarize-se com a plataforma da AWS do ponto de vista do desenvolvedor. Torne-se um expert da nuvem Laboratrios Inclui SimuladosVisite nosso site para receber descontos - CloudOneWizard"
Price: 29.99

"Online Arabic Language Course: Learn Arabic Language Fast"
"WELCOME (MARHABA)Hello, my name is Nezha, and welcome to ""Arabic 4 U,"" a series of Arabic courses that will help you learn Arabic quickly and speak it like an Arabic speaker. I will be teaching you all aspects of the Arabic language: FORMAL ARABIC & SPOKEN ARABIC DIALECTS in addition to Arabic & Islamic cultures. WHY TAKE THIS ARABIC COURSE?This first course is unique because:   You will be able to learn Arabic QUICKLY and EASILY, SAVE TIME, MONEY and ENERGY, and AVOID FRUSTRATION   You will be able to WRITE, READ, and Pronounce ARABIC LIKE AN ARABIC SPEAKER not like a foreigner    You will be able to LEARN ARABIC ON YOUR OWNIt gives you the right foundation that will help you SAVE TIME, MONEY, and ENERGY, and AVOID FRUSTRATION during your Arabic learning journey by assisting you with:             1- Deciding which version of the Arabic language you should learn DEPENDING ON YOUR NEEDS not depending on which Arabic version the teacher speaks or wants you to learn. Therefore, you will not waste your time, money and energy learning the wrong version.             2- Learning the correct pronunciation of Arabic words and sentences in both spoken Arabic and Formal Arabic will help you avoid being frustrated because you will understand and be understood by Arabic speakers from different parts of the Arabic speaking world.             3- Learning the correct pronunciation of Arabic words and sentences in both spoken Arabic and Formal Arabic will help you learn the Arabic language ON YOUR OWN.             4- Learning the Arabic language quickly, and speaking it like an Arab using the principles in this Arabic course.             Perhaps you are beginner in Arabic, just starting your Arabic language learning journey. Maybe you are intermediate or even advanced in your Arabic language studies, yet still struggle and/or feel frustrated when trying to communicate with Arabic speakers. Whichever one you are, this Arabic course is designed specifically for you.              1- Deciding which Arabic version you should learn before starting is extremely important. It will save you time, energy and money. There are several versions of Arabic and you do not have to learn them all. In this Arabic course, you will learn about all the versions of Arabic and I will guide you in choosing the Arabic version that is right for you. Most teachers teach one of two things. Either they teach:                       ~ Modern Standard Arabic, the version we do not speak, which we learn in school and then quickly forget after taking the Arabic exam. Therefore most Arabs are not even proficient in Modern Standard Arabic.                      ~ Their own Arabic dialect without taking in consideration the version you need to learn depending on your own goals.Unlike most Arabic teachers, I am a master of all Arabic versions because I have spent more than 20 years working as a full time Arabic teacher, Arabic curriculum developer, translator, interpreter, and Arabic voice over talent, and so I can show you how to choose which Arabic version to learn based on your goals.                                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~           2- Pronunciation in any language is very important. This course will teach you the correct pronunciation so you will be understood by Arabic speakers.You can learn and memorize tons of Arabic words, phrases and sentences but if you do not pronounce them correctly, nobody will understand you. You will waste your time, energy and money in addition to feeling frustrated.Fortunately, unlike English, pronunciation in Arabic is straightforward and easy. Once you take this course and practice as I show you, you will be able to pronounce Arabic like an Arabic speaker.                                                                               Yes, you can speak Arabic like an Arab!                                                                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~             3- Learning the Arabic language ON YOUR OWN using the principles in this Arabic course:Learning how to read and pronounce Arabic words will help you learn Arabic on your own if you choose to do so. We will cover principles regarding pronunciation including basic information about which syllable to place the emphasis on when pronouncing Arabic words.                                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~            4- Understanding the differences in pronunciation of certain letters in Formal Arabic (Modern Standard Arabic) and the spoken Arabic dialects will allow you to understand and be understood by Arabic speakers from different parts of the Arabic world.In this course, I will teach you all those letters and how they are pronounced differently.    WHAT MAKES ME QUALIFIED TO TEACH THIS ARABIC COURSE?I am a native Arabic speaker and passionate, certified teacher who has been working as an Arabic teacher, Arabic curriculum developer, translator, interpreter, and Arabic voice over talent for 20+ years. I have experience with teaching and tutoring all age groups, from 4 years old all the way up to adults 75 years old, to master the Arabic language. I have taught in high school, college, and the Center for Arabic Culture in Boston, MA, USA. Currently, I teach Modern Standard Arabic, Classical Arabic, and several Arabic dialects, in addition to Arabic and Islamic cultures to Government employees and officials and prepare them to take written and oral Arabic Language Proficiency Tests such as OPI test and others. I am knowledgeable in all Arabic dialects in addition to Formal Arabic. I am obsessed with the Arabic language. I spend up to 10 hours a day working with languages, keeping up to date with different Arabic dialects' evolution, etc.My students are always satisfied: Please check the recommendation letters written by my students to see what they say about me! DO YOU KNOW WHY STUDENTS LEARN the ARABIC language BUT ARE STILL UNABLE TO COMMUNICATE WITH ARABIC SPEAKERS?Many students, who have taken conventional Arabic courses, come to me having experienced a strange look of ""What are you saying?"" on Arabic speakers' faces when they tried to communicate with them in Arabic.Here are a few reasons why!      _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________They never learned how the Arabic letters are pronounced in SPOKEN ARABIC. While Arabic is one language, it consists of several Arabic dialects whose words differ slightly in pronunciation from region to region. This topic will be covered in this course. Think of how an American would pronounce the word ""schedule"" versus how a British person would. In Arabic, for example, the letter ""G"" is pronounced as soft ""G"" in MSA and most dialects. However, in some parts of Egypt it is pronounced as a hard ""G."" Therefore, the word for ""camel"" can be pronounced as ""jamal"" with a soft ""G"" or ""gamal"" with a hard ""G"" depending on where you are in the Arabic speaking world. BUT DO NOT WORRY! I will teach you these differences in pronunciation so that you can communicate with any Arabic speaker! Once you complete this Arabic course, you will also be able to decide which version of Arabic you should focus on in order to communicate with Arabic speakers from different regions.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________They never learned which syllable to place the emphasis on when pronouncing Arabic words. Basic knowledge of syllable emphasis in the Arabic language will allow you to effectively communicate in Arabic and be understood by Arabic speakers. In this course, you will learn part 1 of syllable emphasis in the Arabic language. We will cover the rest in upcoming courses. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________They never learned how to convert Formal Arabic to Spoken Arabic: During my 20+ years of teaching, interpreting, translating, and narrating whether Modern Standard Arabic, Classical Arabic or Arabic dialects, I have developed a one-of-a-kind system of linguistic formulae to easily convert Formal Arabic called Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) to spoken Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). This has helped my students master formal Arabic and communicate easily in many Arabic dialects, without having to learn all the Arabic dialects individually from scratch. We will cover these formulae in detail in upcoming Arabic courses.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________They never learned the differences and nuances between formal Arabic (MSA) and the Arabic DIALECTS: In future Arabic lessons, we will be covering all these different patterns to allow you to communicate with Arabic speakers if you already know Modern Standard Arabic.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________They never learned the differences and nuances between Arabic dialects: In this Arabic course, we will talk about the different Arabic dialects spoken in the Arabic speaking world. Learning certain nuances and differences between the Arabic dialects will help you better understand and be understood by Arabic speakers from different parts of the Arabic world. This will be covered in upcoming Arabic courses. QUESTION: WHAT IF I AM UNSATISFIED WITH THE COURSES?We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with the courses, you are welcome to get a full refund in the first 30 days. My goal is for my Udemy students to be as satisfied as the thousands of students I have taught in the past. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION ONCE YOU FINISH THE COURSEOnce you complete 100% of this Arabic course, you will be emailed a certificate of completion by Udemy to show as proof of your expertise in Arabic and your completion of a certain number of hours of Arabic instruction."
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Red Hat 7.6 Linux in 5 days"
"This course is designed for experienced Linux system administrators who hold a Red Hat Certified System Administrator (RHCSA) certification or equivalent skills and who want to broaden their ability to administer Linux systems at an enterprise level.The course is focused on deploying and managing network servers running caching Domain Name Service (DNS), MariaDB, Apache HTTPD, Postfix SMTP nullclients, network file sharing with Network File System (NFS) and Server Message Block (SMB), iSCSI initiators and targets, advanced networking and firewalld configurations, and the use of Bash shell scripting to help automate, configure, and troubleshoot the system. Through lectures and hands-on labs, students who have already earned the RHCSA certification will be exposed to all competencies covered by the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) exam (EX300)."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Ingls com gramatica comparativa"
"Este curso foi feito para facilitar o estudo gramatical da lngua inglesa, para ensinar o aluno a pensar em possibilidade, ramificaes e equivalncia entre o ingls e o portugus.Foi desenvolvido de forma clara e objetiva. Baseasse em ensino comparativo e equivalente entre o ingls e o portugus.Ganha-se tempo no precisando racionalizar um explicao terica que j existe na mente do aluno devido ao conhecimento da sua prpria lngua.A Abrangncia deste curso vasta do adolescente ao adulto e do bsico ao avanado.E uma excelente preparao gramatical para qualquer exame de ingls internacional."
Price: 249.99

"Construindo APIs com Django REST Framework"
"Ol, o meu nome Luiz Maciel . Seja muito Bem vindo ao curso Construindo APIs com DJango REST FRAMEWORK.Neste curso voc ir aprender a construir apis com o Django Rest Framework, iremos construir duas apis do ZERO.Alm de aprender a utilizar a ferramenta postman, ns iremos consumir um dos nossos endpoints com os Frameworks/ Bibliotecas mais populares do mercado como: Angular, Jquery, React e Vue.Qualquer dvida que voc tiver em relao ao curso, s deixar uma pergunta na rea de perguntas da Udemy que irei dar um suporte para a sua Dvida em at 24 horas.Bons Estudos."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Chinese with APPs"
"Guess what? You Can Communicate with More Than a Billion People in the world after you master Chinese!Chinese Will Open Up a World of Opportunity for You because Chinas economy is booming! The status as a rising global superpower, Over the last 35 years, China has transformed itself from an impoverished third world country to become what is arguably the largest global economy.If you are interested in learning Chinese, I am here to support you. Before you begin the lesson, please ignore the haters: Chinese isn't as hard as you think! Not like European languages or any other Asian languages, Chinese has no tenses, no cases, no genders and simple grammar! Also, there Are Better Ways to Learn Chinese Than Ever! Technology based learning is making learning Chinese much easier and more fun! Typing are making handwritten characters less important!Whether you are adults who worked in professional industry like technology, economy, media or education... or teens who worked on Chinese Language Exam such as AP, IB, HSK...etc, these project based courses are the best resources you learn and master Chinese!"
Price: 24.99

"Crush LinkedIn Video"
"Crush you goals using LinkedInVideo.Just a year ago I quit my job to pursue video content creation full-time on LinkedIn and have built a profitable business around LinkedIn Personal Branding, LinkedIn Video Marketing, and LinkedIn Content Creation.I've been able to travel the world going to different events like LinkedIn Local Networking event in Sydney, or an Industry Conference in Dubai, or Hawaii for the weekend just for fun.LinkedIn Video made all of this possible!I want to share with you my motivation, knowledge, and tips so that you too can crush your goals by leveraging LinkedIn Video.If you are not satisfied after purchasing my course for any reason, I offer a full money back guarantee! Anyone who purchases my course is also free to DM / message me for further assistance. Thank you for considering purchasing this course!I look forward to helping you CRUSH your goals using LinkedIn Video!"
Price: 99.99

"How to Build a Successful Business: Real Life Principles."
"Welcome to How to build a Successful business. Business Training/Lessons from a CEO of 20+ years!This is the only online course you need to acquire the business acumen to:Start up your own business.Grow your existing venture.Take your career to the next level.Get promoted and apply managerial, financial, marketing, decision-making and negotiation skills in the real business world.Have an all-around view of why some companies (and people) succeed when doing business and others do not.This course is jam-packed with the same useful information and real-life case studies with real-usage business applications.Teaching is our passion:For 20+ years, I helped build countless multi-million dollar businesses and marketed them with a system that has consistently tripled revenues, profit and exposure. In record time.We've done it for startups, Fortune 500 companies, retailers, wholesalers, manufacturing concerns and Internet based companies. We can do it for you too, if, you will allow us! The marketing process we've followed has been the exact same process every time and we've subsequently documented it in a step-by-step ready to use format.We charge a handsome sum to deliver this process one to one and in our workshops, but after 5 years of documenting this road-map we've managed to get the system in an E-Learning format... it is subsequently now available for a FRACTION of the price and we recommend that you take advantage. Actual business workshops charges $1200 and more for this training. Structure Breakdown: Each 52 Lecture topic (week) you will review a video, workbook, and E-class (learning checkpoint) documents; to apply the strategies given to you and to monitor progress which outlines the weekly activity towards dominating and out marketing your competition along with a complementary online video presentation that will walk you through EXACTLY how to implement this business altering information.Each Lecture course will take you no longer than 2 hours per week so DO NOT concern yourself if you fall behind, but DO ensure you do the entire course EXACTLY as it is outlined and directs you. Work on your time. 52 lesson course of detailed information no other course provides. If you need to play catch up and do two exercises in one week that is just fine.You will not be left disappointed with the results if you apply them.What makes this course different from the rest of the Business courses out there?Wealth of Real-Life Experience and Real-Life Applications that Executives are currently using. Knowledgeable instructor (CEO of 20+ years with multiple 7 & 8 figure clients).Complete training we will cover all major topics and skills you need to become an entrepreneur, a successful investor, or a business executive.Extensive workbook & Case Studies that will help you reinforce everything that youve learned.E-Class applicable classroom practice documents.Business Growth process: make this course an interactive experience to test what youve learned while taking the courseExcellent support - if you dont understand a concept or you simply want to drop us a line, youll receive an answer within 1-2 business dayDynamic - we dont want to waste your time! The instructor keeps up a very good pace throughout the whole courseSpecial Bonus: E-Class Learning documents that provides moreextensive detail from the sections with actual business applications to review. Double learning power in each section / lesson. Real-life principles. **If you have any questions as we move along please do not hesitate to contact me and I'll ensure you get any and all the direction you need. Your feedback (good and bad) is appreciated and a way for us to improve the course for you and others that follow behind you. We will be expanding this into smaller niche sections of updated material in Facebook Marketing, Digital Marketing, and Branding. So, you have nothing to lose! Subscribe to the course and give it a try!Click the 'Take this course' button now! This will be one of the best decisions in your professional career!Best of luck and fortune, Trainer/Coach David Vega"
Price: 199.99

"Essential Publishing Tools for Researchers"
"As a researcher, you need to have a clear strategy on how to publish your paper in the best journals with the hope that your research will bring maximum impact to yourself (e.g reputation and tenure) as well as to the others (e.g well referred, policy change, helping bottom billions). This aims can be achieved if you carefully take into consideration the following points: journal quality evaluation & selecting relevant journals to your area of research.Obviously, It is not that easy to identify the right journals for your manuscripts especially for first timer. Therefore, in this course we'll try to explore various publishing tools to help you to identify list of best journals in your field before deciding which journals to publish your very next research articles for maximum impact!"
Price: 99.99

"Spring SpringBoot 2 ToDo"
"JavaJavaJavaSpringWEBRuby on RailsPHPLaravelSpring)10Java: 5Java: 6JSP: 3 (WEBSpring)SpringSpringJavaWEBWEBSpring(Spring BootSpringWEB5ToDoCRUDToDoSpringPC(SpringBeginnerEasy)OSwindowsOS"
Price: 12000.00

"DX()ITIT DXAIIoT ITIT IT IoT 1. IT2. 3. IT4. IT5. IoT6. IT/AI7. 8. 9. 10."
Price: 12000.00

"My paper experience a paper crafting activity for families"
"This course will teach you how to build paper craft models starting with very easy one part models up to a twelve parts model that you can build together with your child in a unique exciting and creative quality time ,This activity will develop your child's imagination, improve on your child's hand to eye coordination and spatial perception And will also help with Fine motor skills and if you choose it you can embrace it as a hobby for you or your child."
Price: 79.99

"Resolucin de problemas"
"UD1. Resolucin de problemas: concepto e ideas fundamentales1.1. Qu son los problemas y como nos afectan?1.2. Factores a tener en cuenta para resolver problemas1.3. Actitudes ante el problema1.4. Estilos de resolucin de problemasUD2. El pensamiento crtico: concepto e ideas fundamentales2.1. Para qu sirve el pensamiento crtico?2.2. Utilidades del pensamiento crtico2.3. Relacin entre pensamiento crtico y resolucin de problemas2.4. Definicin y caractersticas del pensamiento crtico2.5. Qu define a las personas con pensamiento crtico?UD3. Habilidades y competencias bsicas para resolver3.1. Capacidad de anlisis3.2. Capacidad de abstraccin3.2. Escucha activa3.3. Toma de decisiones3.4. Tolerancia a la presin3.5. CreatividadUD4. Metodologa y herramientas para resolver problemas4.1. Diseo para la accin sabia4.2. Tcnicas para desarrollar el pensamiento crtico4.3. World Caf4.4. Open Space"
Price: 29.99

"UD1. Negociacin: concepto e ideas fundamentales1.1. Qu es la negociacin?1.2. Elementos fundamentales de la negociacin1.3. Aspectos clave de la negociacin1.4. El rol del negociador1.5. Objeciones, ventajas e inconvenientes de la negociacinUD2. El proceso de la negociacin2.1. El mtodo de la negociacin2.2. Las etapas y los pasos de la negociacin2.3. Los estilos de la negociacin UD3. Habilidades bsicas para ser un excelente negociador3.1. Organizacin y planificacin3.2. Comunicacin3.3. Escucha activa y feedback3.4. Inteligencia emocional3.5. Persuasin e influencia3.6. Seguridad y confianzaUD4. Estrategias y tcnicas de negociacin4.1. Estrategias de negociacin4.2. Tcnicas de negociacin"
Price: 29.99

"UD1. Qu es la motivacin?1.1. Mantener la motivacin en el tiempo1.2. Primer paso para un lenguaje positivoUD2. Claves para construir y llenar una buena ""mochila de motivacin""2.1. Cmo convertir las excusas en motivacin2.2. Cmo crear un tablero de visin2.3. El reto de los 66 dasUD3. Cmo motivar?3.1. Cmo motivar a una persona segn la edadUD4. El poder que hay dentro de nosotros4.1. Cmo realizar la lnea de la vida4.2. Diario de 5 minutos4.3. Qu esconden los no puedo4.4 Reducir la sensacin de sacrificio"
Price: 29.99

"Transformacin Digital"
"UD1. El cambio como constante empresarial1.1. La Transformacin Digital1.2. Contexto Digital1.3. Las organizaciones frente a la Transformacin Digital1.4. Los protagonistas en el ecosistema digitalUD2. Las diferencias generacionales2.1. La responsabilidad de ser empleado2.2. La plasticidad en entornos complejos2.3. El autoaprendizaje no ocupa lugar2.4. Resiliencia. A ver cunto aguantasUD3. Un nuevo modelo de negocio, una nueva organizacin3.1. Las nuevas organizaciones3.2. Los recursos humanos y la transformacin digital"
Price: 29.99

"UD1. Qu es la asertividad?1.1. La importancia de la autoestima en la asertividad1.2. Puntos a tener en cuenta sobre la empata1.3. Cmo alinear la comunicacin verbal con la no verbal y paraverbalUD2. Claves para ser una persona asertiva2.1. Tips para identificar mi perfil de comunicacinUD3. El conflicto3.1. La necesidad de evitar pedir disculpas en exceso3.2. Tips para identificar creencias irracionalesUD4. Herramientas4.1. Herramienta: Personificar la asertividad4.2. Tips para ganar confianza durante una conversacin"
Price: 29.99

"UD1. Qu es la creatividad?1.1. Concepto de creatividad1.2. El proceso creativo1.3. Modelos creativos1.4. Actitud creativaUD2. La creatividad como estrategia en la organizacin2.1. Creatividad en la empresa2.2. Cultura creativa2.3. Cultura creativa y liderazgo2.4. Entornos creativosUD3. Tcnicas potenciadoras de la creatividad3.1. Tcnica Analogas3.2. Tcnica Cre In3.3. Tcnica Galera de Famosos3.4. Tcnica LEGO3.5. Tcnica PNI3.6. Tcnica Seis Sombreros3.7. Tcnica 4x4x43.8. Tcnica Brainstorming3.9. Tcnica Brainwriting3.10. Tcnica Mapa Mental3.11. Tcnica Scamper3.12. Tcnica Visual Thinking"
Price: 29.99

"Felicidad en el Trabajo"
"UD1. Felicidad en el trabajo Realidad o ficcin?1.1. Qu entendemos por felicidad laboral?1.2. Un empleado feliz est ms motivado y es ms eficiente?1.3. Cmo detectar la motivacin1.4. El coaching empresarial cmo herramienta de motivacin y productividad1.5. Felicidad labora, un asunto de negocios1.6. Mayor felicidad mayor productividad?1.7. Propuestas para mejorar la felicidad y la productividadUD2. Cultura empresarial con marca ""Felicidad""2.1. Cultura empresarial con marca ""Felicidad""2.2. Happyshifting: el nuevo movimiento que apuesta por la felicidad en el trabajo2.3. Eres un Happyshifter? Cmo se consigue?"
Price: 29.99

"Gestin Eficaz del Tiempo"
"UD1. El tiempo: conceptualizacin y contexto1.1. Qu es el tiempo?1.2.Urgente vs importante1.3. Ventajas de gestionar el tiempo de forma eficaz1.4. Productividad personal y gestin del tiempoUD2. Dificultades en la gestin del tiempo2.1. Ladrones del tiempoUD3. Leyes y principios en la gestin del tiempo3.1. Ley de Parkinson3.2. Ley de Pareto3.3. Ley de Murphy3.4. Ley de Illich3.5. Ley de los Ritmos Biolgicos3.6. Ley de AcostaUD4. Metodologas para gestionar el tiempo4.1. Criterio ABC4.2. Mtodo GTD4.3. Matriz de Esenhower4.4. Diagrama de Gantt4.5. El Mtodo PomodoroUD5. La gestin del tiempo en el entorno profesional5.1. Gestin eficaz de reuniones y correo electrnico5.2. Herramientas para gestionar el tiempo5.3. Gestin del tiempo y estrs"
Price: 29.99

"Gestin del Cambio"
"UD1. Gestin del cambio: conceptualizacin y contexto1.1. El cambio: causas y reflexiones1.2. Los personajes en el cambio1.3. Ventajas e inconvenientes de la gestin del cambioUD2. Competencias y habilidades bsicas para la gestin del cambio2.1. Competencias para gestionar el cambioUD3. El proceso de gestin del cambio3.1. El ciclo del cambio3.2. Factores propulsores del cambio3.3. Factores limitadores del cambio3.4. Los 8 aceleradores del cambioUD4. El papel del gestor del cambio4.1. Liderazgo y cambio"
Price: 29.99

"Gestin del Estrs"
"UNIDAD 1. Qu es el estrs?1.1. El estrs no es maloUNIDAD 2. Estrs y salud2.1. Tips para reducir la ansiedad en cualquier situacinUNIDAD 3. El estrs laboral3.1. Poner fecha al objetivoUNIDAD 4. Reduccin y prevencin del estrs4.1. Qu problema tienes ahora mismo?UNIDAD 5. Herramientas5.1. El reto de los 66 das"
Price: 29.99

"Habilidades de Comunicacin"
"UD1. Qu es la comunicacin?1.1. La comunicacin: definicin elementos y componentes1.2. Comunicacin verbal y no verbalUD2. Componentes personales y sociales de la comunicacin2.1. Empata2.2. Asertividad2.3. Escucha2.4. El arte de preguntar2.5. FeedbackUD3. Comunicacin eficiente y persuasiva. Liderazgo y comunicacin3.1. Comunicacin eficiente y persuasiva. Programacin neurolingstica y marketing emocional3.2. Liderazgo y comunicacinUD4. La comunicacin en la gestin de conflictos4.1. La comunicacin en la gestin de conflictos"
Price: 29.99

"Inteligencia Emocional"
"UD1. Qu es la inteligencia emocional?1.1. Por qu es ms importante el consciente emocional que el consciente intelectual?UD2. La gestin de las emociones2.1. Hablando con el miedo2.2. La importancia de la gratitud2.3. Las 3 preguntas mgicas para aceptar2.4. Tips para ser asertivos2.5. Tips para ser resilientesUD3. Herramientas3.1. Cmo practicar Mindfulness en 10 segundos"
Price: 29.99