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"Beginners Paper Quilling"
"Paper Quilling is fun and easy to learn. Even if you are a beginner, you can easily learn this and start a new hobby that will have you wanting to do more and more. All the techniques used in this course are easy to master with practice. Just follow the step by step instructions and you will be amazed at how easy it is to create these beautiful piece of craft. This paper quilling course will also help you to get inspiration to make your new quilled decors and gifts."
Price: 29.99

"Moving From Self-Criticism to Self-Confidence"
"What kind of life do you want to lead? Life has given you the freedom to choose. In every situation you always have an option. What choices you make and how you live, is dependent on you. Everyone is bound to face their own share of problems at personal and professional level; how long do you want to sit at the mercy of fate, waiting for some miracle? If you have decided to take the responsibility of your life and your actions, then this program is for you. Making a shift from negative to positive mindset to be a self-confident person, might not be easy. Nonetheless, you have already tried staying with the negative mindset, it hasnt really worked for you. OR has it??? Why not try something different? Lets transform into a person who doesnt blame, or complain but appreciates, and encourages. And whenever the problem arises is ready to face it with confidence, dignity and strength.You will never be given a perfect life, and would need the support of 3Cs - Consistency, Conviction and Courage-to lead the life of your choice. This program is designed keeping these 3Cs in focus to build your mental strength. You and I will work together to1. Build self-confidence,2. Lead a mindset makeoverThis course is defined to work on at your core mental and emotional level to bring lasting changes. The result-driven exercises suggested through the program helps you to work actively on building your confidence. Later in the course 15 different exercises are provided to practice each day. These exercises cultivate a positive mindset and makes it easier for you to drop the negative mental dialogue. The areas covered within this program are: 2. Understanding self-love and how it helps to achieve self-confidence. 2. Using the power of inner motivation and law of attraction3. Addressing the limiting beliefs4. Decluttering the thoughts Now that you have decided to take-up this program, lets meet and start learning. Keep shining and smiling."
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin al violn 1: cmo dominar la tcnica del arco"
"En este curso encontrars una metodologa original de enseanza para fundar la base estructural de la tcnica del violn: la mecnica del arco y su dominio. La msica que podemos hacer con el violn no tiene su origen en el virtuosismo de la mano izquierda que pulsa las notas, sino que proviene del sonido de que produce el arco, de modo que la belleza de nuestra expresin estar dada por l. Es por esta razn que en este espacio de iniciacin nos dedicaremos a trabajar puntual y especficamente todos los aspectos de la produccin de sonido y el control del arco de una manera relajada, fluida y natural, haciendo foco en el disfrute de la experiencia de aprendizaje, y haciendo msica desde el primer momento, ya sea imitando composiciones propuestas o improvisando sobre pistas diseadas especficamente para esta etapa del camino. No slo trabajaremos en la produccin de un sonido claro, caudaloso, parejo y bello en todo el arco, sino tambin en las diferentes rtmicas y tempos.Con este mtodo aprenders a practicar, creando tus propios ejercicios de manera creativa y original, y sabrs cmo superar las dificultades que se presenten mediante tcnicas sencillas. Adems, podrs experimentar al cuerpo como vehculo del sonido (y al instrumento como su herramienta), y podrs conectar con lo ms puro del sonido y la vibracin."
Price: 119.99

"Violin for begginers 1: how to master the bowing technique"
"In this course, youll find an innovative teaching methodology, designed to found the structural basis of violin technique: the functioning of the bow and its control. All the music we can perform with the violin does not come from the left hands virtuosity, but from the sound the bow can produce, so the beauty of our expression will be given by it.This is why in this stage of initiation we will be dedicated to work specifically all the aspects of the production of sound and bow control in a relaxed and natural way, focusing in making this learning experience pleasurable and enjoyable; making music from the very start, whether it is by imitating the compositions suggested or by improvising over tracks designed especially for this initial stages. We will not only work in the production of a clear, full, even and beautiful sound with the entire bow, but also in practicing different rythms and tempos.With this method you will learn the best way to practice, making your own exercises creatively, and youll know how to overcome any difficulty that comes up through simple techniques I will provide. Besides, you will experience your body as the vehicle of sound (and the instrument as its tool), and youll be able to connect with the purest aspect of sound and vibration."
Price: 119.99

"Introduccin al violn 2: entrenamiento de la mano izquierda"
"Pensado como continuacin de ""Introduccin al violn 1: cmo dominar la tcnica del arco"", curso en el que nos centramos exclusivamente en desarrollar la destreza del brazo y mano derechos para lograr un sonido bello y caudaloso en todas sus variantes (pero sin ser su realizacin requisito previo para tomar este curso), y apoyndonos sobre esa base firme como el cimiento de nuestra prctica, en este nuevo curso trabajaremos sobre la mecnica de la mano izquierda, acompaada del entrenamiento del odo y el reconocimiento de la afinacin, sin el uso de pegatinas, para adquirir la destreza de los movimientos precisos de los dedos a la par que la del odo en la escucha activa del tono y armona.Con explicaciones sencillas y detalladas para principiantes, aprenderemos el paso a paso de la mecnica de la mano izquierda y los dedos, desde la postura correcta, pasando por los movimientos de cada y retirada de cada dedo, para luego abordar las escalas bsicas ms sencillas para violn, que nos abrirn las puertas de la ejecucin de una gran variedad de obras y melodas.Adems, profundizaremos la tcnica de arco lograda mediante el trabajo sobre la dinmica del sonido, la intensidad con palanca, la diferenciacin entre forte y piano, y la introduccin a nuevos golpes de arco o arcadas, efectos de sonido a lograr con diferentes tcnicas del brazo y mano derechos: legato, staccato, spiccato y martel. De esta manera, contarn ahora con ms herramientas para la interpretacin musical, tanto de las obras compuestas con fines pedaggicos que fueron y sern el eje de la prctica, como de obras clsicas sencillas y canciones populares adaptadas al nuevo nivel tcnico que estarn adquiriendo. Siguiendo la filosofa del aprendizaje como experiencia fundamentalmente de disfrute, y en espiral, en la que volvemos sobre los mismos temas estudiados previamente, pero incorporando nuevas tcnicas y enfoques, las composiciones/Eje que trabajaremos sern las mismas que en el curso anterior, pero aprenderemos a tocar las melodas principales de cada una de ellas, poniendo en prctica la interpretacin de la voz primera, y la afinacin en cuarteto o quinteto de cuerdas.Por supuesto, contarn con pistas para la prctica, para aprender a afinar con otros instrumentos, escuchar y reconocer la armona, y entrenar el odo de manera gradual, y tendrn material escrito para descargar, tanto el trabajado en el curso, como material adicional para una posterior profundizacin de lo aprendido.Los nicos requerimientos para este curso son poder producir sonido claro y limpio con toda la extensin del arco, y tener nociones bsicas de lenguaje musical, de manera que est orientado no solamente a principiantes, sino a todos aquellos que quieran tomarse el tiempo para revisar y deconstruir la tcnica de la mano izquierda, desde el inicio.Los invito a este espacio para disfrutar de la prctica, sin metas fijas, simplemente diseado para transitar el camino del aprendizaje haciendo msica en todo momento."
Price: 129.99

"How to Make Engaging Animated Videos with Keynote"
"When it comes to popular content formats, video is the reigning king. And it's showing no signs of giving up the throne anytime soon.Just consider the facts: Video has been found to grow revenue 49% faster, drive 12x more engagement on social media, and even increase organic website traffic by 157%.But you already know making videos is a smart business decision. Otherwise, you wouldnt be here. So let's address the first part of the question: Why use Keynote?I'll tell you why.Most video animation software comes with high costs and steep learning curves. And though there are many online animation tools trying to solve this problem, they require an internet connection and recurring payments.If you own a Mac, however, Keynote is easy to use and free.""But Keynote is presentation software,"" you object.Sure. Keynote can make presentations. But it also comes with 30 cinematic transition effects for objects and text, more than 700 customizable shapes, and many other useful features for making videos.In this course, youll discover the settings and techniques necessary to unlock Keynote's potential as a robust animation tool. What do I get with this course?70+ minutes of on-demand training videos4 follow-along exercises with template files10 most popular royalty-free songs from Music for Makers ($190 value)Custom illustrated character made and editable in Keynote17 blank social media templates set to best practice dimension ratiosUnrestricted lifetime accessHow can I apply what I learn in this course?Keynote is an excellent tool for making explainer videos, promotional videos, tutorial videos, training videos, and more. You can also use it to create overlay graphics such as animated lower thirds that you can then import into a video editor. (This course covers how to do that using iMovie, another free Mac app.)"
Price: 49.99

"Digital Electronics & Logic Design"
"This course aims to teach students the fundamentals of digital logic design. Starting from learning the basic concepts of the different base number systems, to basic logic elements and deriving logical expressions to further optimize a circuit diagram, this all encompassing course teaches students everything they need to not only evaluate different combinational logic designs, but also design their own digital circuits given different parameters.Each section is dedicated to teaching the fundamentals of digital logic circuits, and builds upon the previous sections to add more value to what is being learned. The course contains material on:Base Number systems, Base conversions, Digital Logic gates, Boolean Algebra and Principles, Boolean Expression simplification, Karnaugh Maps (or K-Maps) as well as more advanced concepts of Combinatorial Circuits including:Encoders, Decoder, Multiplexers, DeMultiplexers, Adders, Sequential Circuits and more!Quizzes will be administered at the end of each Section to test the student's knowledge of the skills learned for that appropriate section. After completing this course, the student will have a fundamental understanding of digital logic circuits, from the fundamentals of binary representations of digital circuits, to extracting Boolean expressions, using minimization techniques to further optimize circuits, as well as designing their own digital logic circuits."
Price: 49.99

"An Introduction To VHDL"
"An Introduction To VHDL is an introductory course that presents a set of simple and commonly used features of the VHDL language, so that students can begin writing models of digital logic circuits in VHDL. Numerous examples are included, that explain the different formulations of the language constructs and their semantics.Topics include:Basic Language elementsBehavioral modelingDataflow modelingStructural modelingStandard packages and libraries used in VHDLWriting testbenches for testing functionality of VHDL designsModel simulationHardware modeling examplesAn Introduction To VHDL provides a great beginner level introduction to the VHDL language, that can be understood both by digital logic design enthusiasts, as well as electrical engineers and those interested in learning VHDL language to broaden their knowledge of the digital world."
Price: 19.99

"Blender 2.8 for 3D Printing - 1st Week Preview"
"Do you want to start 3D printing your own ideas? This step-by-step beginner course teaches you how to use Blender's FREE 3D software to turn ideas into 3D printable objects.You'll learn by doing! I'll lead you through a couple of 3D Printing projects that will help you understand the techniques that you can use to start becoming a 3D print designer.You learn 3D Design Workflow & Theory with these projects :- Suzanne The Monkey (with Effects)- A Simple Door WedgeBy the end of this course, you will be able to easily 3D design, fix common design issues, and export for 3D printing.Print That Thing is where we share, inspire, and challenge people to get into 3D printing design. You can find out more about me on my website: If you want to learn more, visit our Top 5 Tools that beginner 3D print designers need to know:"
Price: 74.99

"OpenFOAM CFD - Theories and Practical Applications"
"Do you want to run a Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation without having to purchase expensive software licenses? At this point, more than 100 000 students and working professionals are taking advantage of OpenFoam all around the world. Gone are the days that OpenFoam is hard to learn and too involved with programming. Whether you are a student or a working professionals in fluid dynamics area, conducting a Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation using a free software such as OpenFOAM will give you the edge over your colleagues and competitors who are using the expensive commercial software. OpenFOAM is the most comprehensive open source CFD software in the market and is being used widely in both academia and industries. This course will take you through the step-by-step process of how to install OpenFOAM in your PC and will also introduce you the background theory on Computational Fluid Dynamics. We will then work on our very first simulation which uses incompressible flow as the working fluid. I will explain to you how the geometry is created, and subsequently how to mesh them according you your requirement.We will then run the simulation and view the results using ParaView, which comes preinstalled with openFOAM.From Beginner to AdvancedYou will see that wherever you are in your CFD journey, this course is definitely for you. For the complete beginner, I've included the theoretical CFD background to get you equipped with the knowledge necessary for running your first OpenFOAM simulation.At advanced level, I'll show you how to use tools like SnappyHexMesh to literally mesh any geometry that you would like using OpenFOAM. This course also shows you steps to validate your simulations against experimental data. Perhaps, most importantly, you will learn how to efficiently extract data from the results using your very own post-processing script.On Going ContentTo maximize the value you get for your money, new contents are uploaded every week. You will be notified once new content is uploaded. What you will learn OpenFOAM installationBackground of CFDIncompressible flow simulationManipulation of grid meshHow to test and validate your resultsMeshing and simulations of complex geometriesBuilding Post-processing scriptWho am IHi, I'm Hasbullah (Has). I have obtained a PhD in Fluid Dynamics and Turbomachinery area from Imperial College London. As a researcher in Fluid Dynamics area, I have been performing Computational Fluid Dynamics simulations for over 10 years. I have worked on many CFD simulations, which includes both for academic publications and also industry solutions. Numerical simulation is a great tool to enable flow visualisation around an object in order to understand how it works, and also to improve the design with short turnaround time. I am also professionally teaching Fluid Dynamics in a university for more than 5 years. This will allow me to effectively introduce underlying theories while performing tasks in this course. This enables you to gain greater understanding about the simulations, which in turn makes it easy for you to analyse and make sense of the results during post-processing.I am excited to have you as a student, and I hope that the materials provided in this course would serve you long and well in your career."
Price: 99.99

"Object Oriented Programming (Java) Theory"
"Do you want to improve your fundamental knowledge to get better at programming?At this point, more than 15,000,000 students and working professionals are taking advantage of computer programs to develop all sorts of applications. Amongst the most important concept that developers need to know is Object Oriented Programming. Gone are the days where every code is in the form of function that could easily break down once the code are getting bigger.It is very often that other programming courses would begin with step-by-step installation process, introduction about variables, the importance of using a correct syntax depending on the language and so on. Avoid missing out fundamental theoriesAt some point of any of those programming courses, you will come across the term Object Oriented Programming, or OOP. The problem is, if you do learn the concept of OOP on the fly, there is a good chance that you will miss the background theory of OOP. In this course, I will take you to the important concept of OOP without having to start programming yet. This is so important so that when you do start programming using OOP, you are already well versed with the terms such as classes, inheritance, composition, encapsulation and polymorphism. Tailor the technique towards your programming objectivesThis allows you to use the correct method depending on your program objective. This course will take you to everything you need to know about OOP in under an hour so you would be ready to start implementing it as soon as possible. Personal notes that you can keep foreverIt will also serve as your own personal notes should you decide to come back for a good refresher. It will go a long way to prepare you to make yourself a better programmer.Maximize your investmentTo maximize the value that you get for your money, a new content is uploaded weekly, and only keep the course if you feel like the course earns your money. So give it a try, and I think you'll love it.What you will learn Basics of Object Oriented Programming (OOP)What is an Object and how to create itHow object is related to ClassHow the use of Constructor could shorten your code immediatelyUse of Composition to achieve your programming objectivesHow Encapsulation can save to tons of coding hours finding bugs on your program once you change somethingUse Polymorphism to your advantageWho am IHi, I'm Hasbullah (Has). I have a PhD degree in Fluid Dynamics and Turbomachinery area from Imperial College London. In my line of work, coding is necessary in order to process all the data that I usually gather from mathematical computations of a turbomachine. I had troubles understanding Object Oriented Programming in the beginning as I was not properly introduced to the concept. Instead, I learned the concept while simultaneously coding in Java. Until I properly understand how mechanism such as inheritance and polymorphism work, my code was not nearly as optimized.I believe there are many developers out there who are battling the same problem as I did. For you out there, this course is for you. I wish a course like this existed long time ago when I first start programming. I hope you enjoy this course. Good luck programming! and keep charging!"
Price: 99.99

"Create Awesome Animated Videos using Powtoon"
"Videos, without doubt, have evolved into a communication tool. Its predicted that by 2021, video content will account for almost 82% of Internet traffic. From consumers to learners, everyone is looking for a quick video rather than long text and boring presentations. Video is a great tool for learning and super easy to consume, but sadly we believe that its super tough and a costly affair to make an animated video.Well, not anymore with the introduction of do-it-yourself tools such as Powtoon. I am Rachna from India. I am a master Powtoonist and have made 600+ animated videos for trainers, businesses, educators, and consultants in the past three years using Powtoon. In this course, you will learn How to easily create awesome animated videos using Powtoon; How to explain the complex concepts, product, or service in a visually engaging way; How to create classroom content thats more engaging than presentations; How to write an interesting script using a script template that I personally use; And three Useful Powtoon Hacks to make your Powtoon stand out.I started just like you with no knowledge of animation, and I still dont know how to use the complex animation tools. So dont worry if you dont know anything about animation or never made an animated video before. Rather, smile because we are gonna have fun with this simple drag-and-drop video animation tool.In order to start, all you need is a computer with Chrome or Firefox installed, a working Internet connection, and a free or paid Powtoon account."
Price: 49.99

"German Language by an IITian- English-Hindi-German Medium"
"German Language all levels from beginner to professional. Learn German language sitting at home. Learn about the purpose of this life, learn how to be happy, learn the dos and donts. Learn to become rich and successful!A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 , C1,Medical GermanTechnical GermanM KursT KursW KursStudienkollegHigher Studies in GermanyJobs in Germany for Engineers, Doctors, Nurses"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda facilmente a tocar Saxofone com Flvio Sandoval"
"Neste curso voc vai aprender uma maneira diferente de estudar saxofone.Alm de uma introduo ao instrumento,onde so abordados os principais tpicos relacionados ao saxofone,tais como: emisso do som,coluna de ar,embocadura,afinao e articulao.Proponho uma maneira diferente de tocar,enfatizando os ritmos da musica popular brasileira.Sero apresentados exerccios de aplicao de escalas e arpejos (trades e ttrades),para serem tocados sobre um ""Play back rtmico"" (base com os outros instrumentos) dos principais gneros da msica brasileira como: samba,choro,baio e bossa nova.Estes estudos vo propiciar a voc grande desenvoltura rtmica estabelecendo uma conexo entre a sua pulsao interior e as clulas apresentadas no play back.A partir do domnio dos acordes e escalas voc poder construir suas propis linhas meldicas,utilizando como referencia os exemplos apresentados no curso.Estes exerccios vo trazer voc para o universo sonoro que a msica brasileira possui, possibilitando tambm conhecer a versatilidade que o instrumento possui.Bons sons!"
Price: 39.99

"Iniciao ao violo com Flvio Sandoval"
"A ideia estabelecer o primeiro contato com o violo atravs de uma forma 100% pratica, possibilitando um aprendizado mais fluente e motivador. Entender como funciona a distribuio de notas no brao do violo, assim como o funcionamento da mo esquerda, direita e a sincronia entre as duas. Conhecer os principais acordes (Trades) e sua localizao de uma maneira pratica e rpida. Exerccios propostos para a fluncia da mudana dos Acordes e aplicao em msicas diversas. Apresentao de ""levadas"" de conduo da mo direita e exerccios para a fluncia da mo esquerda.Conhecer a sonoridade do violo quando tocamos com cordas de Nylon ou Ao."
Price: 39.99

"ISTQB - Agile Tester Extension - Practice Test"
"*********************************************************************************************************SAMPLE EXAMS LAST UPDATED ON JAN/2020.*********************************************************************************************************Are you ready to pass the ISTQB Foundation Level - Agile Extension certification exam? Find out by testing yourself with these practice tests.The practice tests provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery and providing you with the confidence youll need to take your final ISTQB Foundation Level Agile Extension certification exam.The practice tests are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the ISTQB allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly to help you continually improve. Youll also be able to see an explanation for each question at the end of the test to help you avoid making the same mistakes when taking the exam.You can go back and retake the practice exam as many times as you wish. If you need to leave during the practice test, or decide that you want to work on something else, the feature will automatically pause the exam and the tests timer. So, when youre ready to return to the practice test you can resume where you left off!It is recommended that you take practice tests when you are done with your certification exam preparation.Practice exam is just to assess your knowledge and should not be taken as result of the real exam."
Price: 99.99

"Become an Excel Hero ..."
".... . ... !! .... !- .- .- .- . :1. 2. 3. 4. ( )   .... ( ) :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tables6. 7. (pivot tables)8. (Charts) :Section 1 : IntroLecture 1: Introduction Lecture 2: Work Space Lecture 3: Basics Lecture 4: Selection & Move Section 2: Create your First Report Lecture 5: Enter Data Lecture 6: Table Formatting Lecture 7: Data Formatting Lecture 8: Alignment Tools Lecture 9: Copy & Paste options Lecture 10: Number Formatting 1 1Lecture 11: Number Formatting 2 2Lecture 12: Number Formatting 3 3Lecture 13: Number Formatting 4 4Lecture 14: Auto Fill Lecture 15: Costume List & Flash FillSection 3: Excel TablesLecture 16: Into to Excel Tables Lecture 17: Table Basics Lecture 18: Filter & Sort Section 4: Excel Formulas Lecture 19: Formula Basics Lecture 20: Dealing With Reference Lecture 21: Math & statistics Sum,Count,Average,ProductLecture 22: Math & statistics SumIFS,CountIFS,AverageIFSLecture 23: Math & statistics Min,Max,Rank,ModeLecture 24: Logical Functions IF, And, or, NotLecture 25: Lookup & Reference VlookupLecture 26: Lookup & Referance Match, IndexLecture 27: Date &Time Functions Today, Now, Date, Time, day, month, year, minute, hoursLecture 28: TEXT Functions Right,Left,MidSection 5: Advanced toolsLecture 29: Pivot Table Basics Lecture 30: Pivot Table Calculation Lecture 31: Excel Charts 11 Lecture 32: Excel Charts 22 Lecture 33: Data Validation"
Price: 34.99

"Aprenda MS-DOS (Prompt de Comando) do bsico ao avanado"
"Bem-vindo ao sistema operacional Microsoft MS-DOS.Este curso inclui informaes para usurios com pouca experincia em sistemas de computador e alguns tpicos avanados para aqueles que esto familiarizados com o MS-DOS, inclui informaes sobre como digitar comandos e os respetivos parmetros e opes.Incluiu tambm comandos adicionais para utilizar na deteco de possveis falhas na estrutura de rede de computadores e acesso a internet. Welcome to the Microsoft MS-DOS operating system.This course includes information for users with limited computer system experience and some advanced topics for those familiar with MS-DOS, including information on how to type commands and their parameters and options.It also included additional commands to use to detect possible failures in computer network structure and internet access."
Price: 54.99

"Introduction to A/B Testing"
"This course will teach you an easy to follow process that was distilled over many years from lessons learned first hand by having not just successes but also facing some monumental failures as well. You can look at this resource as a crash course in A/B testing since at the end youll have a clear understanding of A/B testing as well as a step-by-step process that you can apply in even if you test alone on your small business or as part of a big marketing team in a multinational company."
Price: 19.99

"Balangtan Profesyonel Seviyeye Solidworks"
"Tasarm ileri temelde bir iletiim problemidir, Solidworks gibi modelleme programlar ise bu iletiimin kurulmasnda konumak kadar nemli bir aratr. Bu eitim seti, Solidworks programnda sertifikal profesyonel kullanc haline gelmenizi salayacaktr. Derslerimiz piyasada edinilen tecrbelere dayal olup, karlaabileceiniz her trl zorlua kar sizi hazrlayacaktr. Temel seviyeden balayan eitim programmzla siz de Solidworks kullanmann aslnda hi de zor olmadn grecek, ne kadar rahat ve hzl rendiinize aracaksnz!"
Price: 219.99

"3 Secrets pour Perdre du Poids Rapidement et Durablement !"
"Est-ce que la Nutrition est suffisante pour perdre du poids ?Est-ce que la Motivation est suffisante pour perdre du poids ?Imaginez que vous puissiez perdre du poids sans faire de sport et sans vous limiter...Imaginez que vous puissiez dcouvrir les Secrets que trs peu de personnes connaissent sur le fonctionnement du corps et de l'esprit...Les Secrets qui font la diffrence entre les personnes qui chouent et celles qui russissent perdre du poids Durablement.Vous vous dites srement ""encore une mthode miracle"" !Et vous avez raison d'avoir des doutes...Ce que je vous offre ici est tout l'inverse, je vais vous rvler comment ne plus jamais avoir besoin de suivre de mthode miracle.Je vais vous rvler dans ce cours :Comment fonctionne votre corps et sa capacit perdre du poids par lui-mme.Comment notre mental et nos motions nous empchent de perdre du poids et comment faire en sorte d'utiliser nos capacits mental pour nous permettre d'atteindre notre poids idal.Comment perdre du poids sans faire de sport et sans vous limiter.Les aliments qui font grossir et ceux qui aident perdre du poids.Comment trouver l'quilibre dans les diffrents domaines de votre vie.Des Outils et des Techniques de Psychologie et de Coaching permettant d'avoir confiance en soi et de grer nos motions...Un accompagnement et un plan d'actions tape par tape.Et bien plus...En Bonus, vous pourrez aussi tlcharger de nombreux outils et livrets utiliser pendant et aprs ce cours en ligne.Vous vous demandez peut-tre qui je suis pour vous offrir ces solutions et toutes ces mthodes...En rsum : J'ai t sportif de haut niveau, j'ai tudi et pratiqu les principes que je vous rvle ici depuis plus de 20 ans.Je travail en tant que Coach de vie et Thrapeute depuis 15 ans.J'ai un Diplme en Nutrition accrdit l'internationale et j'ai appris auprs de spcialistes de la sant aux tats-Unis, au Canada et en Asie des principes peu connues qui permettent de perdre du poids facilement et durablement.J'ai une Certification en tant que Coach de vie et en tant que Matre Praticien en PNL.J'organise des stages de bien-tre autour du monde et je forme des Coachs et des Thrapeutes qui veulent utiliser mes mthodes.Regardez la vido de tmoignages pour dcouvrir les bienfaits des mthodes que j'utilise sur les participants mes stages.Ce cours en ligne est l'quivalent de 5 ou 6 sances de coaching personnel, vous y dcouvrirez les techniques et les mthodes que j'utilise lors des sances avec mes clients. Et tout cela pour peine le prix d'une seule sance de coaching tout en ayant le confort d'tre chez vous et la possibilit de pouvoir accder ces sances en accs illimit !Des centaines (pour ne pas dire des milliers) de personnes ont perdu du poids en utilisant ces mthodes. Aujourd'hui, je vous propose de dcouvrir ces solutions et d'enfin vous sentir en paix avec vous-mme et bien dan votre peau...Tout en sachant que ce problme de poids est derrire vous et qu'il ne reviendra pas car vous connaissez maintenant le fonctionnement de votre corps et de votre esprit.Ne laissez pas passer cette opportunit de vous librer de ce poids, inscrivez-vous ce cours ds maintenant !"
Price: 79.99

"Get Rid of Chinese Accent"
"Are you tired of being asked to repeat yourself? Is your strong Chinese accent dragging you down? This course is based on more than 25 years of teaching experience. We have been helping hundreds of people to get rid of their accents and become confident communicators. All our courses, books and apps are very practical and to the point, they are focused and contain 10% of theory and 90% of practice. This course teachers you how to speak without an accent. During this course students will learn all sounds of Received Pronunciation (RP).  RP was called in the past the Queens English, Oxford English or BBC English. Today, RP is simply a neutral pronunciation of educated Southern English; it is also called Standard English. RP is associated with good education, high class and success. This course will provide you a short cut to a more valuable enhanced image, which in turn will open doors to greater opportunities. Content of the courseThis course consists of 42 private video lessons and three lectures. Linda James, one of the top speech tutors in the UK with over 25 years of experience explains and demonstrates how each English sound is formed in the mouth (, ). Her student, Olga Smith tries to produce the sounds and then Linda offers very effective exercises for Olga. Together, Linda and Olga have co-authored several international bestsellers in the series the Get Rid of your Accent. The popularity of their books led to creating accompanying apps, one of the app is specifically for Chinese speakers of English, it is called ""get rid of your accent uk1 china"". Lesson numbers in the video course, books and apps correspond to the same sound. Audio books are available on Audible, paperback books and e-books on Amazon. . , ,, ,,., . . ,. , . ., , , . . , ,This video course is designed to support our existing app ""Get Rid of your Accent uk1 China"" with a demonstration of speech organ positions, providing a total solution for accent reduction on line. The main benefits of this course to students1. You will have fun learning English sounds in the atmosphere of a private lesson. 2. You will get useful tips and techniques for accent reduction which are unique to this course.3. You will learn pronunciation rules that make your speech grammatically correct.4. The course is adapted for smartphones, tablets, and computers, allowing you to study at any time, anywhere.5. If you are taking private lessons, the course makes your lessons more effective."
Price: 99.99

"Get Rid of your Accent Part Two"
"Do you want to sound fluent in English and more like a native English speaker? Is your speech a bit monotonous? Then this course is for you. After you mastered all English sounds in our Get Rid of your Accent Part One course, you can take it to the next level. In this course we demonstrate to you what you need to do to sound fluent and natural.This course is based on more than 25 years of teaching experience. We have been helping hundreds of people to get rid of their accents and become confident communicators. All our courses, books and apps are very practical and to the point, they are focused and contain 10% of theory and 90% of practice.This course teachers you how to speak without fluently in English and more like a native speaker.Content of the courseThis course consists of 6 private video lessons and three lectures. Linda James, one of the top speech tutors in the UK with over 25 years of experience explains and demonstrates how to sound more fluent in English. Linda offers very effective exercises for her student, Olga Smith. Olga highlights to Linda main difficulties that non native speakers of English have.This video course is designed to support our existing products: the bestselling book ""Get Rid of your Accent Part Two, Advanced Level"" and the app ""Fluent English Speech"".The main benefits of this course to students1. You will learn essential rules to sound fluent in English.2. You will learn pronunciation rules that make your speech grammatically correct.3. The course is adapted for smartphones, tablets, and computers, allowing you to study at any time, anywhere.5. If you are taking private lessons, the course makes your lessons more effective and helps you to save money on a number of lessons you take."
Price: 99.99

"Srividya meru meditation"
"Srividya is the king of tantra tradition. This is a perfect, systematical and safe way to awaken the kundalini power. This include mantra,tantra and yantra techniques for step by step safe activation of kundalini power. Most of the people practicing this ancient secret system in wrong way and creating so many problems and pains themselves. The secret of srividya is hidden. Most of the ( 99.9%) ashrams and spiritual monks are teaching this system, with only the outer worships of goddess and chanting mantras hours and hours.Here we have a practical steps to active the power through decoding of sriyantra practies. To activate this system, we should carefully use the essence of all tantric traditions like kaula, samaya and vama depend up on the vasanas of disciple. Which is known as MISRA the top path in srividya.This path leads to the internal world of energy sensitivity and secrets of our life changes in the form of energy and awareness.Here we can attain:- Deeksha (Iniciation)Mahameru meditation to do daily worship of sriyantra for material and spiritual successThe basics secrets of Srividya tantric traditionThis teaches through the ancient guru shishya deeksha system. Each and every step, the disciple can clearly experience the real changes of his consciousness.NOW,Welcome to start this ancient and scintific system in a practical way."
Price: 1920.00

"Holistic Pelvic Self-Care 101"
"This a course offers a detailed introduction to self-care for women of all ages with hands-on practices and meaningful resources for holistic wellness. This is a guide to aligning with your natural rhythm, honoring the wisdom of your body, fulfilling your creative desires, cultivating healthy boundaries, and living your most fulfilled, vibrant life.You will learn basic anatomy of the muscles, nerves, bones and organs of the pelvic area and begin to become intimate with your own pelvic bowl. You will learn learn herbal medicine recipes, physical fitness and self-massage for your pelvic bowl health.Deepen your awareness of physical and energetic patterns and learn tools to restore balance. Learn how to cleanse and cultivate your creative energy with practices to release held emotions, and empower yourself with tools and wisdom to care for your wellness and deepen your body connection.The lessons in this course will give you introductory lessons about postpartum self-care, UTIs & BV, womb trauma, pelvic pain, menstruation issues, and emotions/stress held in the energetic pelvic bowl and physical pelvic floor muscles.Sasha Rock Meretzky studied directly with Tami Kent, HPC founder and author of Wild Feminine."
Price: 139.99

"Introducing Cobit 2019"
"Some disclaimer facts I want to share with you before starting with you guys ;-)Although using public research material related to ISACA and COBIT 2019 brands, those here are my opinions expressed by my own point of view on such subject based on my own working and COBIT using experience.Such material is not an exam prep and does not support any exam and official ISACA exam.Briefly have structured the course in 3 topics:ConceptChanges version 2019Practical Use"
Price: 19.99

"Basics of Linux Shell"
"This course is a concise crash-course into Linux Shell. Although it is short, it introduces you to a number of commands to interact with files and directories, and build a chain of commands into pipelines: ls, cp, chmod, grep, find, less, head and even more. Whether you are in an urgent need to get familiar with common shell commands, or want to take your time and discover command line interface, this course will help you to get started.What is Command Line Interface (CLI, or just Shell)? Wikipedia says, it is ""a means of interacting with a computer program where the user (or client) issues commands to the program in the form of successive lines of text (command lines). A program which handles the interface is called a command language interpreter or shell (computing)"". Command Line gives you a great control over functions of the operating system, as well as the hardware of your computer, such as a network or a sound card. Many end user applications have a user interface that simplifies user experience, and if you want a better flexibility, the Command Line gives you this option.Command Line Interface is the core of the operating system, it gives you access to the lowest level of interactions with it. This course will focus on the Linux/Unix interface but most of the commands in the course are also available in MacOS.Important note! If the course is too fast or too slow, you can change the speed of the video up to your liking. Click at the bottom of the video next to the ""Play"" button or at the top if you are on mobile.This is what students are saying about this course:""It's a really basic course, but it's good enough to give you and idea about the things that you'll need to learn later on about this subject"" - Elia Pari, Udemy Student""... This is not only a great refresher (I've been using Linux as a basic user for 20 years), but it also is teaching me many simple things that I don't know or never learned  (...) like using the center mouse button for pasting, using 'control r' to go thru command history, and many other things. All very useful."" - Gregg Powell, Udemy Student""Very Useful Commands and Shortcuts in time saving manners, Thank You."" - Vipin Kumar, Udemy Student""An excellent introduction to Linux command line. The course approach gets you right into using the commands immediately. Definitely a good starting point for beginners."" - August Schau, Udemy Student"
Price: 129.99

"Amazon FBA Eitimi : Sfrdan leri Seviye Sat (2020)"
"UDEMY PLATFORMU ZERNDEK EN GNCEL VE KALTEL (TRKE ) AMAZON FBA KURSU. Bu kurs sayesinde hibir bilgi sahibi olmasanz bile Amazon FBA yaparak oturduunuz yerden nasl kolaylkla para kazanabileceinizi reneceksiniz.Yeni balayanlarn yan sra hali hazrda satan veya kendini en st noktaya tamak isteyenler iin oluturduumuz bu kursta her ey adm adm anlatlmtr. Tm sorularnz 24 saat iinde uzman ekibimiz tarafndan cevaplanacaktr ve bu sayede kafanzda bir soru iareti kalmadan eksiksiz sat yapar hale gelebileceksiniz.   Kursun Sonunda ;Satc Hesab amayKolaylkla Payoneer Hesab amay ve Bank Account Statement almayKarlaabileceiniz problemlerin kolay zmnEn ok kazandran rn bulmayKolaylkla nasl Pazar Analizi yapabileceinizirnlerinizde nasl fark ve bundle oluturabileceiniziAnahtar Kelime analizleriniNasl inden kolaylkla retici bulacanzreticiler ile nasl irtibat kurup anlaacanzKolaylkla en optimize  rn Sayfas oluturmayHibir yerde olmayan Sat StratejileriniEtkili PPC reklam oluturmayBedava rn datmadan ilk sayfaya gelmeyiMarka Tescili (Trademark) kontrol ve nasl kendi markanza sahip olacanzPatent Kontrol yapmayrenmi olacaksnz. Haydi ne bekliyorsunuz ? imdi FBA Akademi ailesine katln ve E-ticaret yaparak kolaylkla para kazanmann gzelliklerini bizimle birlikte yaayn."
Price: 409.99

"Corona Render Express - Exterior"
"Um curso Diferente de todos que voc encontra no mercado!Aqui no h aquelas aulas pr-preparadas e editadas em que tudo funciona perfeitamente.Atravs de uma Situao Real, voc aprender a desenvolver uma cena externa (diurna e noturna) desde a interpretao do e-mail do cliente at a entrega final.SEM CORTES, SEM EDIO, tudo em REALTIME.Utilizando uma Metodologia Simples e Lgica utilizada nos maiores estdios de maquete eletrnica do Brasil.VOC RECEBERSuporte direto com o Professor via WhatsappAcesso ao Grupo Exclusivo para alunos no FacebookEmais...Voc ainda receber como Bnus, o Curso Completo de 3DS Max (tambm nico no mercado).Esse curso de 3DS Max vai muito alm do que ensinar a ferramenta, voc aprender a Configura-lo e Personaliza-lo para que ganhe mais velocidade no seu fluxo de trabalho!"
Price: 489.99

"Unwavering Self-Confident -Become Confident from inside-out"
"Self-Confidence is the major tool for success in life because you will be equipped to handle any obstacle in life.When you develop a high level of self-confidence, you will stop appearing needy or desperate. Your relationships will get better because you are no longer playing defense all the time. You will begin to see things in a different way which will allow you to listen to other people's ideas without feeling intimidated."
Price: 99.99