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"SAP MM - Material Management Training"
"SAP Material Management (MM) covers all tasks within the supply chain, including consumption based planning, purchasing, vendor evaluation. It also includes inventory, production planning, and complete procure to pay process. SAP MM is used by many big or small organizations, for the efficient management of raw materials and consumables.Post completing our MM course, you can proceed ahead to become SAP MM Consultant."
Price: 12800.00

"SAP ARIBA Training"
"SAP Ariba  offers an open network and Web-based applications to buy, sell and manage cash among B2B buyers and sellers. Ariba procurement on-demand lets you leverage the worlds largest business network to help buyers and suppliers collaborate, better improve compliance, and enhance efficiency across your requisition-to-pay and Catalog-to-catch processes.SAP Ariba is a cloud-based Procurement solution to perform business transactions on a single platform. It can be easily integrated with other SAP ERP products without using middleware and can be customized as per business requirements. Ariba provides out of box functionality to buyers and suppliers to do business and to get maximum benefits from procurement management."
Price: 12800.00

"SAS Base Programming Complete Course"
"Welcome to Knowasap Master Course series on SAS!!This course focus on SAS BASE Programming. When you complete the SAS Base Programming course, you will have demonstrated skills in manipulating and transforming data, combining SAS data sets, creating basic detail and summary reports using SAS procedures and identifying and correcting data, syntax and programming logic errors. These skills prepare you for the SAS Base Programmer certification exam.Please download SAS UNIVERSITY EDITION tool online and start Practice."
Price: 12800.00

"Business Analytics Complete Course"
"Business Analyst is an evolving concept and with emergence and booming of software industry, need of BAs raised. Business Analyst will understand business needs, assess the impact of changes on the clients organisation. BA will Contribute in a project through proper analysis and documenting requirements according to industry standards. BA facilitates the requirements nurturing to a solution.Business Analytics will help demystify data and equip you with concrete skills you can apply in your everyday decision-making. Beginning with basic descriptive statistics and progressing to regression analysis and many other topics, youll learn business analytics through real-world examples."
Price: 12800.00

"Microsoft Power BI Complete Course"
"This MS Power BI Master Course consist of 3 Parts:1. Microsoft Power BI Complete Course - In which all end to end concepts are covered in details with different Scenarios.2. Microsoft Power BI - Analyzing and Visualizing Data - This course also covers every concepts with more practical and complex scenarios to make  you more confidant in your learning and clearing concepts.3. MS Power BI 70- 778 Practise Test - It consist of  2 Practice test, total 60 question. Each of 30 questions. Candidates should at least give 21 correct answer in each test for your own evaluation. Power BI is a radically new tool in the hands of business enterprises who are overwhelmed with the amount of data at hand and until now did not have a cost-effective tool to extract insights from it. Upon the completion of this course, as a trained professional, you can enter Power BI which is a set of tools and applications that let you extract data from multiple unrelated sources and convert it into neatly managed and coherent set of information, visually appealing insights, interactive data, charts, graphs and reports."
Price: 12800.00

"Microsoft Power BI - Analyzing and Visualizing Data"
"This MS Power BI Master Course consist of 3 Parts:1. Microsoft Power BI Complete Course - In which all end to end concepts are covered in details with different Scenarios.2. Microsoft Power BI - Analyzing and Visualizing Data - This course also covers every concepts with more practical and complex scenarios to make  you more confidant in your learning and clearing concepts.3. MS Power BI 70- 778 Practise Test - It consist of  2 Practice test, total 60 question. Each of 30 questions. Candidates should at least give 21 correct answer in each test for your own evaluation. Power BI is a radically new tool in the hands of business enterprises who are overwhelmed with the amount of data at hand and until now did not have a cost-effective tool to extract insights from it. Upon the completion of this course, as a trained professional, you can enter Power BI which is a set of tools and applications that let you extract data from multiple unrelated sources and convert it into neatly managed and coherent set of information, visually appealing insights, interactive data, charts, graphs and reports."
Price: 12800.00

"MS Power BI 70-778 Practice Exam"
"This MS Power BI Master Course consist of 3 Parts:1. Microsoft Power BI Complete Course - In which all end to end concepts are covered in details with different Scenarios.2. Microsoft Power BI - Analyzing and Visualizing Data - This course also covers every concepts with more practical and complex scenarios to make  you more confidant in your learning and clearing concepts.3. MS Power BI 70- 778 Practice Test - It consist of  2 Practice test, total 60 question. Each of 30 questions. Candidates should at least give 21 correct in each test answer for your own evaluation. Power BI is a radically new tool in the hands of business enterprises who are overwhelmed with the amount of data at hand and until now did not have a cost-effective tool to extract insights from it. Upon the completion of this course, as a trained professional, you can enter Power BI which is a set of tools and applications that let you extract data from multiple unrelated sources and convert it into neatly managed and coherent set of information, visually appealing insights, interactive data, charts, graphs and reports."
Price: 12800.00

"Diseo tcnico de moda con Illustrator"
"Curso prctico para aprender con el programa Illustrator la creacin y gestin de plantillas para figuras planas de distintos tipos de prendas.Conocers las medidas y proporciones de acuerdo a las tallas y medidas ergonmicas estandarizadas segn rango de tallaje europeo normalizado.Podrs partir de una plantilla base donde realizar todos los diseos posibles utilizando distintos archivos y generando tu propia coleccin de prendas.Realizar plantillas, interpretar diseos de faldas, blusas, vestidos, chaquetas o pantalones, as como otras prendas tales como ropa de bao o abrigos.Trabajar en colores planos o aplicar distintas texturas segn el tipo de prenda que ests trabajando.Gestiona tus archivos y organiza tus trabajos en tu equipo. Podrs compartirlos con patronistas, estilistas y otros diseadores."
Price: 29.99

"Curso Rpido de Integrao Contnua com o GitLab"
"Aprenda de maneira rpida a como instalar o GitLab, sobre os principais conceitos sobre Git, DevOps e CI/CD, alm de aprender a como criar um deploy automatizado. Voc ter a oportunidade de aprender passo a passo a como usar o Git, de maneira genrica, e tambm a instalar o GitLab para um ambiente de testes."
Price: 39.99

"Learning For Peak Performance: Learn Faster, Perform Better"
"How can you learn information and skills faster and better?How can you achieve more while putting in less effort?How can you make sure youre at your very best for big events?If you guessed that its by following the methods in this course, then congratulations and have yourself a cookie. But its not just marketing spin. There are so many myths out there about how to learn that drive me crazy as an educator, that I wanted to create this course based on the very latest research about what actually works.Every lecture contains at least one actionable step that will help you immediately.The other problem with the information currently out there about learning is that much of it is theoretical and often fairly dense. Thats why this course focuses on practical steps that you can take to improve your performance.Its all taught by a professional educator with over ten years experience of teaching and refining these methods in the field, with tangible and proven results for thousands of students.Ive used these methods myself to go from high school fool to winner of the top academic prize in my discipline from the University of Durham, to memorise more pointless information than I can now remember (ironically), and to somehow go from a middling IQ to becoming a member of Mensa (even my own family thinks that must have been a mistake).These methods are tried and tested by myself, my students, and by numerous empirical studies. They work.Not another boring lecture, sir!All are presented in the engaging and memorable style that youd expect from a teacher.At least I like to think so. Please start learning and judge for yourself. Enjoy!"
Price: 99.99

"Complete Bash Shell Scripting"
"This unique course is designed to become an expert in bash shell scripting to automate repetitive tasks.As we know that most of the organizations are moving into Linux and Unix operating system as its generally open source. Additionally, Linux, Unix skills gained by developers would make them more in demand.From a developer perspective, this course not only cover command line commands, but also Bash shell scripting to make you comprehensive developer expert in Linux Unix OS.The topic covered are as follows:How to write shell scripts from basic to advanced levelWhat is the shebang line and why every shell script need ones.How to create and use variablesTesting and Decision MakingCommand line argumentsInput and outputConditional StatementsExit statusfilters like grep, awk, cut and sedFunctionsWildcardsLoopsCase statementsLoggingDebugging tipsBash Shell OptionsWorking with remote serversInterview questions and Practice on each topicHappy learning!!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Automation with boto3 of Python and Lambda Functions"
"This Course is focused on concepts of Python Boto3 Module And Lambda using Python, Covers how to use Boto3 Module, Concepts of boto3 (session, resource, client, meta, collections, waiters and paginators) & AWS Lambda to build real-time tasks with Lots of Step by Step Examples.This course also teaches how to refer to Boto3 Documentation to Develop Code For automating any kind of tasks in AWS.Note: Collections,waiters and paginators are explained for different AWS services with different examples."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Python Scripting for Automation"
"Welcome to the Complete Python Scripting for Automation.This course will take you from beginner to expert in Python, easily and smartly.This course will dive right into Python and get you productive from the very beginning.Why Learn Python?Over the last few years, Python has become more and more popular.Demand for Python is booming in the job market and it is a skill that can help you enter some of the most exciting industries, including data science, AI,web applications, Server side Automation, home automation and many more.Python is one of the ""most loved and most wanted programming languages according to recent industry surveys. If people are not using Python already, they want to start using Python.This course will make it easy for you to learn Python and currently we are looking more on server side automation, but later we will also update this course for GUI and Web Applications Dev elopement.Who is This Course For?Beginners who have never programmed before.who want to learn python from scratch to Advanced level"
Price: 19.99

"Automation with Ansible Playbooks"
"The target audience for this course are systems or automation engineers with a few years of experience in managing various parts of infrastructure, including operating systems, application configurations, and deployments. This course also targets anyone who intends to manage systems and application configurations effectively and in an automated way, with the shortest learning curve."
Price: 19.99

"Learn HTML from Scratch"
"HTML course is for beginners who are interested in learn web designing. It is the first phase of web design. By the end of this course you would have learnt the tags in html and how to use it to create a web application. In the end you will be creating a website by showcasing the skills which you have learnt throughout the course.In this Course you will learnWhat is HTML?HTML EditorsSyntax for HTMLCommentsBasic Tags,Special Tags & Non Closing TagsDisplay ImagesFont Tag, Alignment & Add Background Color/ImageList ElementsTable ElementsHyperlinksForms CreationSimple Website Creation Project"
Price: 1280.00

"Build Your Jewelry Making Business"
"This course is divided into 5 sections.Section 1 and 2 demonstrate how to make two types of jewelry.Section 3: Pricing Your Artisan JewelrySection 4: Write An Effective Artist BioSection 5:  Sell Your Art in Art Galleries, Boutiques, and Museum Gift ShopsI refer to the Project Gallery in the course, the Project Gallery in the comment section of this course."
Price: 19.99

"Scrivere con Fantasia"
"Scrivere con la Fantasia un corso di scrittura creativa che siprefigge, come scopo, d'introdurre le persone alle basi fondamentaliper intraprendere un percorso creativo e narrativo di qualunque genereesso sia, per poi utilizzare al meglio le proprie capacit nello sviluppodella storia che si intende raccontare al lettore, cercando di sottolinearei passaggi pi importanti e delicati che bisogna compiere per portare atermine un progetto di tal portata. Tante sono le fasi e tanti sono gliargomenti sui quali ci soffermeremo per dare la possibilit di acquisirei concetti necessari che serviranno ad aiutare, ogni studente del corso,a far sbocciare l'arte narrativa che presente in ognuno di noi. Oltrealle varie fasi principali, approfondiremo anche quelle piccolecesellature che servono ad abbellire e migliorare ogni tipo di libro inprosa, fino a spiegare come decidere, quale via di pubblicazione sipensi possa essere pi idonea per il proprio lavoro. Nelle prossimepagine, troverete quindi, il mio personale sistema di scrittura, il qualeho deciso di condividere con tutti voi, prendendo spunto dalle basiclassiche della materia che tratteremo insieme, per potervi condurre trale vie del labirinto della fantasia e far s che le vostre idee possanotrovare lo sbocco per essere descritte nel migliore dei modi."
Price: 19.99

"Writing with Fantasy"
"Writing with Fantasy is a course of creative writing that aims, as goal, to introduce people to the fundamental bases to undertake a creative narrative path of any kind it could be, and then to use your own skills in the development of the story that you want to tell to your readers, trying to underline the most important and delicate steps that must be made to complete a project of this kind. There are many stages and there are many topics on which we shall focus, giving the opportunity to acquire the necessary concepts that will help each student of the course, to bloom the narrative art that is present in each one of us. In addition to the various main phases, we shall deepen also those small chiselling that are used to embellish and improve every kind of prose book, up to explain how to decide, which way of publishing, you think can be more suitable for your work. In the following pages, therefore, you will find my personal writing system that I decided to share with all of you, inspired by the classic foundations of the material that we shall handle together, to lead you through the labyrinth streets of your imagination and ensure that your ideas could find the exit to be described in the best way."
Price: 19.99

"Recitare Vivere"
"""Recitare Vivere"" un corso teorico che serve ad introdurre i neofiti all'arte della recitazione, esplorando sia la parte teatrale, sia quella cinematografica della materia e prendendo soprattutto come base d'esempio il teatro da cui il mestiere d'attore nasce. Nelle lezioni del corso vengono illustrati diversi concetti base suddivisi in 3 moduli. Nel primo modulo vengono affrontati tutti gli argomenti che servono allo studente per avvicinarsi al mondo del teatro e/o del cinema, le basi fondamentali per iniziare questa professione, come allenare la memoria, come preparare un personaggio da interpretare, senza dimenticare l'uso corretto della respirazione, in concomitanza con il diaframma, e della dizione . Nel secondo modulo si parla di come usare al meglio le ""Armi"" che gli attori hanno a propria disposizione, cio come recitare a 360 gradi. Quindi non solo con la voce che viene messa in risalto per prima sotto vari aspetti, tra cui anche l'uso dei dialetti e degli accenti etnici, ma anche con la mimica facciale e con il corpo. Nel terzo modulo arriviamo alla praticit del palcoscenico e come usarlo in tutto e per tutto,  analizzando come possano aiutarci gli oggetti di scena, come eseguire un monologo, come recitare in un dialogo fino ad arrivare all'eventuale necessit del superare la timidezza e qualunque tipo di inibizione si possa riscontrare prima di esibirsi. Durante il corso vengono anche proposti diversi esercizi pratici, sia durante le lezioni regolari, sia con video o slide espressamente dedicate, affinch si possano mettere in pratica i concetti impartiti durante il corso, provando cos ad eseguire una sorta di piccolo laboratorio teatrale virtuale."
Price: 19.99

"Python Game Development - Create a Tetris with PyGame"
"This course is for anyone who just started learning programming and is bored of repeating book exercises over and over and want to move to more exciting project. In this course you will gradually build a tetris game while improving your programming skills. Hand-on course meaning you will start creating the game straight away without going through hours of game development theory."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Data Analysis in Excel"
"4.5 hours professional course for everyone who wants to learn essentials of data analysis and visualization in Excel and become an Advanced Excel User. Unlock the power of Excel to utilize its analytical tools no matter your experience level. All what you need to be able to:     - work with large real-world data sets,      - clean and prepare data for further analysis,     - combine data from multiply sheets using Vlookup, Index and Match functions,      - perform advanced calculations and sensitivity analysis,     - execute aggregation commands (SUM, SUBTOTAL, etc.) and their conditional variants (SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, etc.) to summarize data sets.,      - analyze data using Pivot Table, Pivot Chart, Slicer,      - visualize your results and prepare interactive charts and dashboards,     - perform statistical analysis by Data Analysis ToolPak,     - turn data into business insights.All this we will do on the real-world data and will solve real-world tasks. You don't need to spend weeks and months to learn Excel. Start now, take all the steps with me, and in a few days you will feel very comfortable working in Excel and solving tasks in your job. Good luck!"
Price: 99.99

"Power BI: From Zero to Hero"
"Learn all essential tools and techniques for business data analysis in Power BI. Become a business intelligence guru in a short period. Learn how to turn raw data into business insights and make data-driven recommendations by Power BI. If you want to take your skills of data analytics to the next level, this course is definitely for you. Let's get going together."
Price: 99.99

"Data Analyst's Toolbox: Excel to MySQL"
"Use Excel, Statistics, SQL, and Power BI to identify trends and drive business decisions with realworld data.1. MS Excel:     Unlock the power of MS Excel to utilize its analytical tools no matter your experience level.     Execute conditional aggregation commands (SUBTOTAL, SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, etc.) to summarize data sets.     Practice applying the PivotTable tool for data analysis of a sample business case.     Use the VLOOKUP, INDEX and MATCH functions to manipulate data sets in MS Excel.2. Statistics     Understand the value of descriptive and inferential statistics.     Learn to describe data using its mean, median, mode, range, and variance.     Practice applying statistical functions in MS Excel.     Create Linear regression Model by using Data Analysis ToolPak in MS Excel.3. MySQL     Filter data using advanced SQL commands (Where, Group By, Having, Order By, Limit).     Obtain data by creating relationships between tables using Joins.     Summarize data sets by employing aggregation commands (Sum, Average, Count, etc.).     Use CASE statements to structure data and create new attributes.4. Power BI     Get hands-on, practical experience navigating the Power BI software interface.     Connect your data to Power BI and identify the best ways to visualize and display your results.     Analyze and visualize your data in Power BI in order to answer basic questions.     Create advanced interactive dashboards for presentation."
Price: 99.99

"Gestin Estratgica de la Productividad Laboral"
"El curso contiene los fundamentos estratgicos para mejorar la productividad laboral y el anlisis de un conjunto de casos que ilustran la aplicacin de dichas estrategias. Los estudiantes tendrn la oportunidad de interactuar con su tutor y sus compaeros/as compartiendo un conjunto de estrategias exitosas que han podido aplicar en su experiencia laboral."
Price: 99.99

"UIPath RPA Tutorial - Zero To Advanced RPA UIPath Developer"
"Robotic Process Automation RPA is one of the buzzing word in the world technology market. Learning RPA now is one of the best thing for your future. This course covers from very basics of RPA UIPath to advanced certification level. Course Covers:- RPA, UIPath intorduction, Basics- UIPath Studio, Robot and orchestrator- UIPath Certification Details- Email, Excel, Word, PDF, Application, Websites Automation- Debugging- Build and deploy Real-time robotsNote: This course helps you to learn from Basic to certification level. But It doesn't guarantee you to get the UIPath developer certification. However, It has some samples that helps you to give the flavor and help in certification exam."
Price: 99.99

"Excel Makro Dashboard Eitimi ve Powerpoint Sunumu Oluturma"
"Excel zerinde dinamik dashboard tablolar oluturup grsel sunumlarnzla fark yaratabileceksiniz. Uzun sren derslerdense etkili olmas iin sadece gerekli olan bilgilerle dolu bir kursta eitim alacaksnz.Bilgi kirlilii olmadan grdklerinizi birebir uygulayarak ksa srede Excel'de neler yapabileceinizi grmek sizi sevindirecek.VBA makro temellerini reneceksiniz.CV zerinde ekinmeden Excel bildiinizi yazabileceksiniz.Toplantlarda dinleyen deil yneten olacaksnz."
Price: 209.99

"Corso Pratico di Mindfulness: Realizzare Nuove Opportunit."
"Questo un Corso di Mindfulness Applicata alla creazione di nuove opportunit. E' strutturato in 7 sezioni con 4 video di 3 minuti circa l'uno e schede PDF di esercizio e testo di riepilogo dei video, scaricabili.Il corso concepito in 7 moduli di una settimana di pratica dell'esercizio proposto; ogni modulo corrisponde ad una sezione e all'apprendimento e sviluppo una precisa capacit.Svilupperete 7 capacit per Creare Nuove Opportunit:- la prima capacit la Mindfulness e con essa l' Attenzione al momento, segue il mantenimento del Focus con continuit. -Accrescerete la vostra Autostima con uno specifico esercizio nella sezione dedicata; -il Pensiero Creativo un'altra delle capacit che svilupperete, con anche un esercizio da ripete re ogni giorno tutta la settimana. -La Gratitudine come capacit di riconoscere ed essere grati per tutto ci che di buono ci raggiunge ad ogni istante, ha una sua sezione. -L'individuazione e realizzazione di Nuove Opportunit un insieme di capacit che svilupperete e praticherete, sia con esercizi di pratica che con schede di feedback della performance."
Price: 99.99

"Node.js - 11 Langkah Membuat API dengan Adonis JS"
"API(Application Programming Interface) digunakan untuk keperluan skalabilitas, kompleksitas, portabilitas dari satu atau beberapa service yang saling berintegrasi satu sama lain, atau dari sistem ke service dan begitu sebaliknya melalui apa yang disebut dengan system calls.Didalam API, terdapat banyak fungsi fungsi yang terhubung melalui request dan response dengan format yang serumpun"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Revit,Etabs and Robot in one course"
"In this course,You will learn how to model a building in Revit software,and export the model T o Autodesk robot structural analysis and Etabs.You will learn how define materials,loads and others...You will learn how analyse the model and design the columnsAnd finally How to define seismic forces in the 2 softwares,and compare the results."
Price: 34.99

"Robot Structural Analysis"
"In this course,you will learn how to model and analyse many elements in ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS PROFFESIONALFirstly we will set preferences and job preferences (Design code,combinations,materials)You will learn how to analyse simply supported beam,continuous beam,frames and truss...You will learn how to design many reinforced concrete elements(Columns,beam,isolated footing,combined footing)You will learn how to design reinforced concrete slabs (Solid slab,flat slab and Ribbed slab)"
Price: 79.99