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"How to write an academic research paper"
"In this course, you will learn how to write a research paper in English in 5+1 steps which will be dealt with in three phases (i.e., the pre-drafting phase, the drafting phase, and the post-drafting phase).In the 5+1 steps, which will be dealt with in this course, you will learn how to start by selecting your research topic (in the first step), and you will be guided step-by-step from the journal selection to the step of submitting your final draft to the target journal and getting it published (in the last step).The information provided in this course is not only useful while writing a research paper, but a large bulk of it will also be useful while writing book reviews, review papers, short reports, and so on."
Price: 29.99

"Perfect Your English! 50+ Common English Mistakes"
"Are you tired of making the same mistakes in English?Do you want to speak and write more clearly and accurately?Do you want people to take you more seriously in professional and academic situations?Or do you need to get a high score in an exam such as the IELTS, TOEFL or CAE?Then this course is for you!This course includes:1. Videos with corrections and explanations of more than 50 common English mistakes made by non-native speakers2. 7 video quizzes so that you can test your knowledge3. 2 PDF quizzes for you to download"
Price: 39.99

"Kursumuz yazlm renmek isteyip de bir trl balayamayanlar,nternette yazlm videolar izlerken nereye ne yazacan nasl hemen anlyor?diye merak edenler,Yazlma atlp bir ey anlamadan hemen pes edenler,C# ile oyun gelitirmek isteyenler,niversitede C# derslerini rahat vermek isteyenler,Yazlmn aslnda ne kadar kolay olduunu grmek isteyenler,Ve tabikide yeni balayan arkadalarmz iin bire bir hazrlanmtr :) yi dersler."
Price: 49.99

"Productividad Efectiva - El secreto para tener ms tiempo"
"Tardas mucho en realizar tus tareas? Dejas tus metas a medias? Te gustara conocer las claves para acabar tus proyectos en el mitad del tiempo?En este curso donde aprenders todos los secretos para ser mucho ms productivo y efectivo. Te voy a ensear como eliminar distracciones, enfocarte totalmente y conseguir hbitos diarios saludables para ti y lo mejor es que voy a explicrtelo desde mi propia experiencia. Cmo consegu pasar de ser un chico desordenado que perda las tardes viendo series en Netflix a construir mi propio negocio online, hacer deporte diariamente y llevar acabo cada una de mis metas.Vas a aprender a analizarte a ti mismo, a ver cmo tratar con las personas txicas de tu entorno, cmo tener autodisciplina, cmo levantarte temprano e incluso cmo afecta la msica en tu productividad.Ests preparado? Nos vemos dentro."
Price: 99.99

"Entiendes la economa?"
"Si quieres estar dentro de esta afortunada minora, la mejor forma de empezar, al igual que al hacer un edificio, es teniendo unos buenos pilares sobre los que luego ir construyendo. En este curso encontraras las bases para empezar a entender de que va el mundo econmico.Si estas leyendo esto doy por echo que eres una persona curiosa, as que en el apartado ""lo que aprenders"" te he dejado una serie de preguntas que contestaremos durante el curso."
Price: 19.99

"Perfect Bodies 56 Program: An 8 Week Home Workout Plan"
"You may not know this about me, but after rupturing both my Achilles tendons within 10 months of each other, I put on nearly 70 pounds (5 stones).I managed to lose those 70 pounds, in only 5 months by following a High Intense Workout Program and making better food choice all from the comfort of my own home.Since then I have become a World Class Instructor, who has taught classes to over 1000 people, in the last 5 years. This PBF 56 Program is the culmination of what I have learned in that time, in order to help busy people just like yourself, look great and feel fantastic every time you look in the mirror.What you will get:Simplified Nutritional Guidance:We aim to make your life as easy as possible, so you can lose weight and become healthier for the long term.You will implement a simple approach, to makes sure that you constantly feel satisfied, energetic so you can always get great results.We will tell you what to eat & when to eat it to, to take the hassle out of constantly making descions on what to eat, without holding your favourite foods hostageTime Efficient Workouts:You get 4 Home Workout Videos delivered by a world class instructor, that use our accelerated series program, thats is scientifically proven to help you lose weight in less time and extend fat burning up to 48 hours.All of these workouts can be done either at home or if you are on the go that can be followed on your phone, tablet or whichever device you choose.Results:Over the course of the last 5 years, we have had the pleasure of helping hundreds of people look great when they look in the mirror & feel fantastic in every aspect of their lives.We have constantly refined and fine-tuned this program, to ensure that it will give you that GREAT RESULT, that you looking for, whilst remembering that as busy people  your most precious commodity is time.Features & Benefits4 Workout Videos, all come with a modification option so suitable for any level.You may lose up to 3lbs of weight a weekYou will save so much time (no need to go to gym)You will save a lot of money, and you can go back to the program whenever you wantThe workouts are follow alongSo if You're Ready to Look in the Mirror and Feel Confident, Look in the Mirror and Feel More Desirable to Your Other Half. Gain the Energy Levels to Crush It at Work & Have Great Relationships With Your Loved Ones, Without Needing to Sacrifice Your ScheduleThis is the workout for you"
Price: 24.99

"Teach Children: Bible teaching course"
"Do you feel anxious every time you are asked  to teach in your Children's Church program? Would you like to know how to teach with confidence? Do you feel overwhelmed and don't know where to begin? Then this course is for you. The first step in teaching the Bible to children is understanding a Bible passage for yourself. Teaching the Bible is a large part of what Children's Church (Sunday school) is about. Because it is such a big part, and such an important part, we need to treat the Bible with care. When you have understood a Bible passage for yourself you will then be in a better position to teach it. This course will give you some helpful tools to be able to study a Bible passage for yourself. You will have lots of opportunities to put into practice all the tools that you will be learning about. By the end of the course you would have completed the first step in teaching the Bible to children.  You will no longer feel anxious or overwhelmed. You will be able to approach a Bible passage with confidence. Let's begin learning!"
Price: 450.00

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Price: 1799.00

"Run your own Research and Usability Testing"
"In this 60-minute class, explore how UX/ UI Designer Eva Jobard walks you through the different techniques to conduct User Research: by observing users in context, running surveys from your office or interviewing your teammates. She'll provide alternatives to help you, no matter the size of your team or your previous knowledge.You'll learn how to test in any stage youre in right now and how to gather feedback. Those findings will allow you to design human-centred products based on your users.Step by step, you'll discover, explore, test and listen. With short and easy exercises to apply to your own project or product, you'll have all the tools you need such as:Interviewing users and conducting UX auditsRunning a content/ feature inventory to perform a competitive analysisDefining the red routes and creating your personasCreating user stories, mind maps and storyboardsPerforming a heuristic evaluationRunning a usability testing with paper & interactive prototypeDefining KPIs to measure success and improve your productUsing surveys to gather quick insightsDesigning a human-centred experienceIt will help if you have basic knowledge, at least an understanding of the vocabulary that will be used in this course such as Personas, Red Routes, UX audit, Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis.In this course you will learn how to:Observe & interview users to spot frustrations & strugglesInvolve your team to get insights & solve usability/ design/ technical issuesAlign user goals and business goalsPerform a UX audit to spot inconsistenciesRun a content/ feature inventory to perform a competitive analysisUse affinity sorting to cluster user observations by themesDefine red routes using a severity chartIdentify your persona(s)Draw an empathy mapPerform a heuristic evaluationCreate your storyboardRun a usability testing with paper & interactive prototypeDifferentiate quantitative & qualitative methods + when & how to use themMeasure usability with KPIsUse surveys to gather quick insightsDesign a human-centred experienceA list of resources and templates are provided here to help you. It is highly encouraged to upload your work all along the way to make some progress, share your findings and interact with fellow students."
Price: 29.99

"Gasometria - da fisiologia beira do leito"
"O Curso de Gasometria - da fisiologia beira do leito, j consagrado na sua verso presencial, vem sendo ministrado pelo Prof. Rodrigo Storck h mais de 10 anos e agora ficar disponvel na sua verso online. Trata-se de um curso extremamente objetivo, com propsito de mostrar a utilidade da Gasometria no estudo da oxigenao celular/tecidual, no estudo das trocas gasosas, bem como no estudo do equilbrio cido-bsico."
Price: 54.99

". 2. Deutsch fr Touristen.Teil 2"
"15 ( 4 1- ), 20:80, 20 % - , ( , )/ ; 80% - , . , . , ! : 1- , , 2 - , . , ."
Price: 2799.00

"pierwsza pomoc przedmedyczna"
"Dziki temu kursowi odczarowane zostan zasady pierwszej pomocy.Nie ma si czego ba - niesienie pomocy potrzebujcemu czowiekowi powinno by odruchem, a kada osoba powinna zna zasady udzielania pierwszej pomocy, by podejmowane dziaania byy sprawne i skuteczne.Warto te pamita o tym, e zgodnie z polskim prawem pracy naoono na pracodawcw obowizek zapewnienia rodkw niezbdnych do udzielania pierwszej pomocy w nagych wypadkach. Pracodawca powinien take zadba, aby zesp by przeszkolony z zakresu pierwszej pomocy, gdy brak takich umiejtnoci wrd zaogi moe mie tragiczne konsekwencje.Nieudzielenie pierwszej pomocy jest przestpstwem. Zgodnie z treci art 162 Kodeksu Karnego: Kto czowiekowi znajdujcemu si w pooeniu grocym bezporednim niebezpieczestwem utraty ycia albo cikiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu nie udziela pomocy, mogc jej udzieli bez naraenia siebie lub innej osoby na niebezpieczestwo utraty ycia albo cikiego uszczerbku na zdrowiu,podlega karze pozbawienia wolnoci do lat 3.Nasze szkolenie obejmuje najczstsze sytuacje. Omawiamy midzy innymi: Zasady Bezpiecznego prowadzenia akcji ratunkowej. Resuscytacja kreniowo-oddechowa w tym, resuscytacja dziecka i niemowlcia. Zadawienia u dziecka. Pierwsz pomoc przy krwotokach. Pierwsz pomoc przy zamaniach. Pierwsz pomoc przy poraeniu prdem. Zasady postpowania przy utracie przytomnoci lub napadzie drgawkowym."
Price: 159.99

"PMI-ACP (Agile Certified Practitioner) Practice Tests - 2019"
"The PMI Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP) formally recognizes your knowledge of agile principles and your skill with agile techniques. Therefore, it's important to be well prepared in order to pass the certification exam in the first attempt. Unlike other certifications, PMI-ACP tests your agile mindset rather than the theoretical knowledge, therefore it's very important to absorb the principles of Agile through some real world situational questions. This is the only course on Udemy that offers you practice tests based on practical Project Management situations in accordance to real exam, which will help you absorb the Agile mindset more thoroughly. You will get 1 practice test comprising of multiple choice questions challenging your Agile mindset. The questions conform with the Agile Manifesto and are based on PMI ACP exam format. The questions are collected from the experiences of several Project Managers and experienced agilistsPMI-ACP Exam InformationAgile is the most growing important topic in project management. In project management, agile technique is neither a technique nor framework to complete the project.The PMI-ACP identifies individual skills in agile practices in their projects using agile tools and techniques.PMI-ACP certification provides higher credit as it requires a combination of agile training, experience working on agile projects and examination on agile principles, tools and techniques. It supports individuals in meeting the needs of organization that rely on project practitioners which is applied to their project management.PMI Agile certified professional illustrates his knowledge and commitment of the project management for progressive growth.PMI Agile practioners shows the professionalism in agile principle, practices, tools and techniques. It provides combination of agile training includes agile principles, knowledge and skills & tools and technique.This test series allows the professionals to pass PMI-ACP exam which consists of 120 multiple choice question for 3 hour examination. Project managers, product development professionals and senior product development managers who are having agile practices in their organization should obtain PMI ACP Certification.The exam content splits into two categories such as, tools and techniques & knowledge and skills and their domains. This breakdown is done to create value for the logical framework for clustering agile concepts.These practice tests have been created in accordance with the PMI-ACP certification objectives and covers all 7 domains:Domain I. Agile Principles and Mindset 16%Domain II. Value-driven Delivery 20%Domain III. Stakeholder Engagement 17%Domain IV. Team Performance 16%Domain V. Adaptive Planning 12%Domain VI. Problem Detection and Resolution 10%Domain VII. Continuous Improvement (Product, Process, People) 9%* The questions are regularly updated to stay current with the latest PMI-ACP certification exam.These practice tests will provide you a practical assessment (120 questions each), so go ahead, set your timer and start the test now.PMI and PMI-ACP are registered marks of Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 19.99

"How to Sell Goods and Services to the Government of Canada"
"The Government of Canada is one of the largest public buyer of Goods and Services in Canada, purchasing approximately $17 Billion Dollars worth every year on behalf of Federal Government Departments and Agencies. This course will give students in depth knowledge on the Government of Canada purchasing processes and the tools necessary to successful be awarded Government contracts. Student will learn how to register to do business with the Government and how to find sales opportunities on the Government of Canada tender site. At the end of this course you will know how to find sales opportunities, how to respond to Request for Proposals and how to submit a bid that will get screened in for evaluation and contract award."
Price: 199.99

"Complete React Hooks Course 2020: A - Z ( Scratch to React )"
"This is a modern and comprehensive React JS course that focuses on only the latest version of React with hooks ( ""no classes""). We will cover the following:Fundamentals like JSX, component communication, events, fragments, Higher Order Components, and more. Built-in hooks like useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext, useDebugValue, useMemo, useRef, useLayoutEffect.  Build our own custom hooks. Global State Management with Redux and Redux thunkReact Testing with Jest and React testing Library One of the best feature of this course is its simplicity. All the coding samples are very easy to understand. I prefer to use realtime use cases to explain concepts. "
Price: 149.99

"Child Protection Plan System"
"You know that sinking feeling you feel when you sit down on the airplane that you haven't done enough to protect your children while you are away? You can put an end to that and so much more with a Child Protection Plan. Ensure that your children go to the right people and not the State or the wrong guardians should something happen to you."
Price: 199.99

"Take Ownership of Your Fertility Journey"
"This course and workbook will help you self-reflect, take ownership, and most importantly, be more intentional about navigating the rough waters of infertility. This course will offer plenty of tips and techniques to help your infertility journey SUCK LESS!Course OutlineModule 1) Before You Begin the Course This module is intended to set the stage for the course and provide an outline for how to best experience it. An important note is the value of the workbook section of each module.IntroductionSetting the stageHow to best experience this courseModule 2) Why Do I Care About Infertility? This module is intended to share my personal journey with infertility and invite the attendee to outline their ideal fertility journey.My journey and my lightYour journeyModule 3) Introduction to Infertility This module is intended to give an overview of infertility from a medical perspective and highlight some important facts.What is infertility?Quick facts about infertility and a typical treatment journeyModule 4) As a Woman This module is intended to focus on the experience of women about to go through fertility treatments or someone who is in the middle of their treatments. This module will offer plenty of tips and self-reflective tools to help navigate the struggles with infertility that are unique to women.Elements of infertility for womenIntroducing the Suck-O-MeterInfertility Journey Map featuring stories from real peopleDifferent emotions and coping mechanismsMy Yes to and No to listModule 5) As a Man This module is intended to focus on men going through infertility challenges, and how men can support their partners in their struggles.Important factsElements of infertility for men, with real storiesDifferent emotions and coping mechanismsThings to do and avoid when supporting your partner during infertilityModule 6) As a Couple This module is intended to highlight the invisible problems (i.e. relationship struggles) that happen with couples experiencing infertility. This module will offer antidotes to the various toxins that can appear in relationships when a couple is experiencing infertility, and how to best navigate this journey together. This module offers a variety of workbook activities including writing a personal love letter to each other.The Invisible WallFour toxins that form in a relationship faced with infertilityAntidotes for the four toxinsModule 7) For Family and Friends This module is intended for those family members and friends who truly care about and want to support their loved ones going through infertility. This module offers plenty of tips on how to show your support in a way that will be well received by your loved one(s).Things not to tell people going through infertilityHow can you help?Module 8) Bringing it All Together This module is intended to provide a recap of the previous modules and leave you inspired to help start or continue your journey more energized, empowered, and rejuvenated.A quick recapYour journey moving forwardInspirationModule 9) Next Steps/Useful Resources and References This module will provide useful resources and important next steps."
Price: 149.99

"Design your own sales sheet"
"In this course you'll be learning how to take a blank screen and turn it into a piece of sales collateral that you can leverage to convert prospects into customers. The ability to create and edit your own sales and marketing collateral is a huge key to getting your business off the ground, saving cash, and getting your company's information into prospects hands sooner. This crash course on how to design your own sales sheets without the need for a graphic designer will add more skills to your resume and get your company's value in front of potential clients quicker."
Price: 19.99

"Grow your social following by creating amazing graphics"
"This course is going to walk through many different types of graphics that can be used on social media from basic all text images to complex graphics that show off a brand.   Students learn how to create using Adobe Photoshop in a beginner friendly environment.I have compiled all of my knowledge in social media graphic creation from managing multiple companies social channels and put it in this course so students can get the knowledge they need in a short amount of time."
Price: 29.99

"Full guide to becoming a Google Slides Master"
"This course covers all of the key features offered in Google Slides and takes a deep dive into hands on implementation of key skills through out the course.   This full guide to Google Slides covers all essential topics and walks students through how to create professional and clean presentations.  At the end of the course students will get a bonus download as well as a certificate of course completion.This full guide to Google Slides is designed to teach skills and knowledge that can be used everyday in the real world."
Price: 19.99

"Ferramentas do Coaching para Profissionais Liberais"
"O Curso conta com vdeo aulas e em anexo, as ferramentas para serem aplicadas no seu negcio.O Curso tem como posposta principal desenvolver nos profissionais liberais, autnomos e empreendedores em geral, a habilidade de linkar a melhor proposta de valor ao seu cliente ideal. Aumentando o faturamento e evitando desperdcio de tempo, dinheiro e produtividade.Atravs de ferramentas simples mas essenciais o empreendedor ser capaz de mapear todo o seu negcio e observar onde ele est errando e fazer as mudanas necessrias para alcanar novos resultados."
Price: 39.99

"Python Programming For Beginners From Scratch"
"This Python course will get you up and running with Python very quickly saving you time spent googling for video tutorials, exercises and examples. The course has it all. It first covers Python basics and then teaches you how to use that code to build some real example programs.The course is ideal for those who haven't programmed before, but it also works for experienced programmers who want to learn Python as long as they don't get offended by a bit of extra explanations of programming concepts.You will start from scratch by learning all Python fundamentals and slowly progressing into more advanced Python third-party libraries and by the end of the course you will know how to write Python programs. You will actually build your a real Python program that has a graphical user interface (GUI) built with Python. As a bonus you will also learn how to convert that program into an executable that runs both on Windows and Mac as a standalone program so that you can give your program to anyone.The course also guides you on how to go about building even more advanced programs with Python. You will learn how to use Python third party libraries for building programs in a wide range of application areas.This is not simply a tutorial. The content of the course consists of a mix of video lectures, quizzes, exercises, and discussions with the instructor and the fellow students giving you a complete package to help you become a professional Python programmer."
Price: 24.99

"Docker and Kubernetes: The Complete Guide From Scratch 2020"
"This course is an excellent introduction to Kubernetes, helping you gain basic experience and an understanding of the vital components of the platform. Given its recent explosion in popularity, it is important to be on the frontier of this cutting-edge technology. Discover how to use Kubernetes to simplify your software development.As an IT professional with 20+ years management, I want to share my experience in providing technical solutions for achieving business objectives.This course is ideal for beginners and advanced to container technology or those new to Kubernetes engineering.This course includes the following chapters:Course Introduction and OverviewWhat is Kubernetes?Why Kubernetes?Up and Running: BasicsCluster ArchitectureCore Objects and PrimitivesEnroll in the course and get started with Kubernetes todayDocker from Scratch!In this course you'll learn Docker from absolute fundamentals, beginning by learning the answer to basic questions such as ""What is a container?"" and ""How does a container work?"". From the very first few lectures, we will do a deep dive on the inner workings of containers, so you get a core understanding of exactly how they are implemented. Once you understand what a container is, you'll learn how to work with them using basic Docker CLI commands. After that, you'll apply your new-found mastery of the Docker CLI to build your own custom images, effectively 'Dockerizing' your own personal applications.CI + CD PipelinesOf course, no course on Docker would be complete without a full understanding of common Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment patterns. You will learn how to implement a full CI + CD workflow using Github, Travis CI, and Amazon Web Services, creating a pipeline that automatically deploys your code every time you push your latest changes to Github!Multi-Container Deployments on AWS!After building a deployment pipeline, you'll apply it to master both single-container and multi-container deployments on Amazon Web Services. You will construct a multi-container application utilizing Node, React, Redis, and Postgres, and see the amazing power of containers in action (Note: all Javascript coding in this course is optional, the full source code is provided if you don't want to write JS).Kubernetes!Finally, you will tackle Kubernetes, a production-grade system for managing complex applications with many different running containers. You will learn the right way to build a Kubernetes Cluster - this course doesn't have any of those annoying ""don't do this in production"" comments! You will first build a Kubernetes Cluster on your local machine, then eventually move it over to a cloud provider. You'll even learn how to set up HTTPS on Kubernetes, which is harder than it sounds!"
Price: 149.99

"Revit Structure(Revit2019)"
"Revit StructureBIMRevit20193DRevit2019Revit2DCADBIM3DBIMRevit StructureBIMBIMBIMBIMRevit Structure"
Price: 9600.00

"El estudiante conocer las herramientas bsicas de la Admninistracin del proyecto como son: Metodologa de Defincin de Proyectos, Admnistracin de Riesgos, Clculo de Tiempos utilizando Tiempos optimistas y pesimistas, procesos de monitoreo de actividades y recursos y cierres de proyectos. El cuso incluye videos, formatos y material de referencia para el estudiante."
Price: 645.00

Price: 124.99

"Architectural Illustrations"
"We are delighted to present to you to our very first skills training on architectural illustrations.Our resident architect and illustrator, Nurul Kusumaningrum, has developed a unique style of architectural illustrations one which shes been dying to share with the world.Nuruls beautiful illustrations move way beyond the traditional (and lets face it, rather dull) 3D renders and sketches.In this course, shell teach how to get your ideas across to clients, co-workers or lecturers in a much more emotive way by using Adobe Illustrator.This class wont be useful to everyone. We created it specifically for young designers, students and graduates looking to set themselves apart in an increasingly competitive market.But if youre a seasoned architecture veteran who wants to brush up their drawing skills, this course will be very useful too.If you want to stand out from the crowd, if you want to create something that moves the emotions of your views or you just want to create something different. This is the course for you!"
Price: 29.99

"Real Estate for Youth"
"Course includes all 3 Core Concepts of our signature Real Estate 100 Program:Basic to Agency Relationships - Who's Got Your Back?Basics to Financing - Gettin' Your Buck$ In OrderBasics to Escrow - Let the Buying and Selling BeginE-book of Real Estate 100: The Teen Home Buying Experience included, with downloadable worksheets from Real Estate 100 Empowerment Workbook, Assessments, and Certificate of Completion"
Price: 34.99

"Start your own recruitment agency from home"
"** AWARD WINNING RECRUITMENT AGENCY START UP COURSE**** GENUINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR ASPIRING ENTREPRENEURS**** JOIN THE RECRUITMENT REVOLUTION WHERE THOUSANDS OF ENTREPRENEURS ARE MAKING MILLIONS AND ENJOYING A SHARE OF THE THRIVING 490 BILLION A YEAR RECRUITMENT INDUSTRY****START YOUR BUSINESS FROM HOME WITH LITTLE INVESTMENT REQUIRED AND MINIMAL OVERHEADS****ESCAPE THE 9-5 RAT RACE AND SECURE FINANCIAL FREEDOM****BECOME YOUR OWN BOSS****WORK FROM ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD****FREE eBook included** **AVERAGE RECRUITMENT FEE IS 4,238 IN THE UK**Are you ready for a life changing opportunity? In this course you will learn everything you need to know to start your own recruitment agency business from home. This course covers all the important aspects of starting your own recruitment agency business from home and taking advantage of the current favourable market conditions. The cost of starting your own recruitment agency business has never been lower with many entrepreneurs starting from home incurring minimal costs whilst maximising their profits. The contents of this course are all based on real life experience within the recruitment industry. AG Consulting are an innovative leading recruitment agency start up company working with hundreds of recruitment agencies worldwide, helping set up recruitment agencies in England, Qatar, Dubai, Paris, America & Australia. Benefits of starting up your own recruitment agency businessLow cost business modelNo limit to how much you can earnOffer your services to businesses globally Recruitment industry is growing consistently every yearEnjoy your share of the 490 billion spend on recruitment agencies every yearSecure financial freedomBecome your own bossBuild your own businessEscape the 9-5 rat raceHighly rewarding helping others and getting paid to do soBusiness model can be run from anywhere in the worldCustomer Testimonials: ""Love how straight forward this course is. Simple yet covers all the relevant information without blabbing on for hours about irrelevant things like so many courses i have taken. Thank you for providing such a well structured, engaging and straight forward course."" - James Bonfield ""I took my time to complete the course and really enjoyed learning about the recruitment industry. Its an eye opener for sure, i cant wait to start"" - Farooq Khan ""Simple and engaging course. The way the course is structured in simple steps makes it easy to follow and digest the information which Asif makes engaging and the video format is a lot better than text/theoretical type courses"" - Louise Henry ""Highly recommend working with Asif, his knowledge and passion for the recruitment industry is second to none and he is always willing to go the extra mile. He has helped me build a recruitment agency from scratch and nothing is too much to ask. Would not hesitate to recommend Asif to anyone who wants to start a recruitment agency"" - Liam Smith ""Started the course, really informative and interesting. Great videos which are not boring to watch, i am taking plenty of notes which i cant wait to put into practise"" - Janser RafiqI look forward to being a part of your new and exciting journey. Starting a recruitment agency business can be a life changing decision, helping provide you with the financial freedom and lifestyle you truly deserve. I pride myself in the one on one relationships we build with anyone taking our course so please do send me a message with your feedback and any questions you have as you can see from the feedback above, i will always be more than happy to assist where i can."
Price: 199.99

"Aprende a programar paginas web con php"
"Encontrar un curso completo de programacin no es tn fcilAqu te traigo una serie de videos que te permitirn aprender este fascinante lenguaje de programacin y las tcnicas utilizadas en la actualidad para el desarrollo acelerado de sistemas de informacin. Si no tienes experiencia en programacin, si nunca has escrito una lnea de cdigo, entonces este material es para ti. Me he dedicado a resumir de una forma muy sencilla y utilizando una metodologa paso a paso, para ensearte a programar y hacer sistemas de una forma prctica. A lo largo de este curso te llevo de la mano y te revelo la forma de trabajar que utilizan los expertos."
Price: 199.99