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"Curso Quadro de Coleo"
"Este curso tem como propsito orientar a criao de um quadro de coleo, ou seja, a coleo desde a definio de tendncias, escolha de tecidos, cores, nmero de peas, quais artigos, chegando at a criao.Este curso pra quem ama moda, gosta da criao, est querendo abrir sua prpria marca, ou j a tem, mas tem dvidas de como agradar ainda mais o cliente, dando opes suficientes para seu cliente abrir mo de outras marcas e apostar na sua empresa. Seja pra comear sua primeira coleo, ou reavaliar o que j tem feito no mercado, este curso te direciona a pensar no passo a passo pra ter uma coleo de sucesso!"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Gradao de Moldes"
"Aprenda na prtica como definir os valores a serem graduados para transformar um tamanho menor em um maior, ou vice-versa. Com este curso, voc conseguir transformar sua pea piloto em quantos tamanhos forem necessrios. Facilite o seu dia-a-dia e faa seu trabalho render mais! Descubra atravs de um mtodo dividido em 10 passos simples e efetivos, como acertar 100% uma gradao. E MAIS:- Entenda como ler e criar uma tabela de medidas- Como utilizar medidas para criar tamanhos adicionais- Aprenda a gradar a base da saia, blusa frente/costas, manga e cala- Faa suas peas sem ter medo de errarAdquira este curso e ganhe LIVROS EXCLUSIVOS:> BASES DE MOLDES para tecidos planos, pronto para imprimir> TECIDOS E FIBRAS TXTEIS tudo o que voc precisa saber sobre tecidos> MODA Histria e Definio! Porque a histria da Moda pode servir como inspirao?"
Price: 579.99

"Workshop de Costura"
"Workshop onde o aluno vai aprender 11 tcnicas de costura, praticados na mquina reta. As aulas so em vdeo,  e prticas! Cada aula ser uma prtica. Elas so:*Tcnicas de Costura - Bolso Lateral ou Bolso de Abrigo*Tcnicas de Costura - Costura Francesa*Tcnicas de Costura - Colocao de Zper com Braguilha*Tcnicas de Costura - Colocao de Zper Invisvel*Tcnicas de Costura - Pregas*Tcnicas de Costura - Bainha com Curva*Tcnicas de Costura - Mquina Reta Jack A3*Tcnicas de Costura - Bolso Social Falso*Tcnicas de Costura - Pesponto*Tcnicas de Costura - Costura sobre Alfinetes*Tcnicas de Costura - Costura de Camisa"
Price: 204.99

"Are you ready to find out what the market is hiding from you"
"My name is Bashir Sanuga and I am a professional Trader .I have been trading more then 6 years and I studied trading with top traders in the world and I got a lot to share with you i will have only one course in udemy that has all you need from A to Z after taking this course you will master all the knowledge that you need to be professional trader and get out from 90% zone, I am going to teach you one by one , my only question is are you ready to take action today?I hope you take action and join my student to change your life."
Price: 99.99

"Cloud Computing Foundation For Everyone"
"What is Cloud Computing? What is computer virtualization? What is AWS, Azure or GCP? What is a LAMP stack? What is WordPress? All these are common knowledge in the computing world now. Even if you have been using the computer for sometime now, have you ever felt like computing have came such a long way that you have been left so far behind that it would be impossible to catch up? Need a refresh and an update?This course is created for this specific purpose. To bridge the gap of basic computing knowledge centered around Cloud Computing for the everyday user. This course will explain the very basic concepts and components of the computer and how it evolved into Cloud Computing today. You will get actualAt the end of the course, you can be confident that your foundational knowledge about computer and cloud computing is up to date."
Price: 199.99

"Piede - Tecnica inedita di Spolverizzazione Podalica"
"Con questo corso imparerai a valutare il piede secondo una nuova idea concettuale ispirata s alla biomeccanica articolare legata alle ossa del tarso (Astragalo-Calcagno) ma anche molto vicina ad una visione olistica di approccio al problema. Non per questo meno preciso, anzi ben mirato, veloce e assai chiaro!Teoria e Pratica del piede in una visione funzionale inedita olistica."
Price: 19.99

"Tendine Centrale - Testazione"
"Con questo corso imparerai come ci si deve posizionare al meglio per testarlo e quindi metterlo in evidenza praticamente. La sua valutazione vera e propria. Si vuole chiarire in tutti i suoi aspetti anatomici, fisiologici e delluso dello stesso, la sua origine, come si dirama allinterno del corpo e la sua funzione ed infine dove si inserisce. Le correlazioni fasciali che esso stabilisce con tutte le strutture simili presenti in nel corpo."
Price: 24.99

"Spalla - Tecnica passiva propiocettiva"
"Con questo corso imparerai a posizionarti con precisione sui capi ossei che compongono larticolazione Scapolo-Omerale, a metterli in tensione con la dovuta attenzione ed a effettuare spostamenti di tale comparto allunisono con i movimenti dello stesso operatore. Perch in alcuni casi non riprodurre passivamente alcuni esercizi riabilitativi come in questo caso quello propiocettivo legato allarticolazione della spalla?Ho pensato che riproporre, se del caso, il pendolo di Codman con un fare proprio della pratica manuale caratteristica di ogni professionalit, potesse essere unidea interessante. Diventare il manovratore di tale comparto con unintenzione tipica propiocettiva, sensore della tensione e degli spostamenti della stessa ed infine sostegno attento ed accogliente, poteva dare risposte differentemente efficaci. Quali ad esempio?Maggior consapevolezza nelleseguire di questo esercizio in modo attivo ed autonomo, dallaltro una modalit tecnica da fare al bisogno durante una terapia o un massaggio o altro"
Price: 24.99

"Anca - Tecniche di compressione"
"Con questo corso imparerai a dare sollievo alla persona che in disequilibrio a livello di tali rapporti articolari, ricreare la corretta mobilit, ritrovare la possibilit di riprendere a camminare bene.Teoria e Pratica per ridare mobilit e respiro ad una parte del corpo molto spesso soggetta a costrizioni e compressioni piuttosto forti.Facilmente usurabile, non per questo procurare dolore. Piuttosto dare insospettatamente allinizio solo piccoli segni di perdita di mobilit facilmente trascurabili oppure risolvibili con usuali pratiche curative.Ma con il tempo essere invece il sintomo di una vera e propria patologia con forte perdita di ampiezza del movimento, a cui subentra dolore e difficolt anche importante nella deambulazione.Cercare cos di ridare la corretta mobilit a questa articolazione di carico e snodo delle varie forze ascendenti e discendenti diventa prioritario.Aggiungerei ossigenare e vascolarizzare attraverso un movimento di compressione e decompressione quindi a mo di pompages.Tutto ci secondo le linee di forza caratteristiche di due ossa importanti del bacino come losso sacro e liliaco."
Price: 24.99

"Articolazione del Ginocchio - Testazione inedita legamenti"
"Con questo corso imparerai a eseguire un test funzionale ad ispirazione fasciale, secondo una modalit che rispetti lanatomia inserzionale di tali legamenti e la loro disposizione spaziale.Naturalmente a seguito di ci lapplicazione di forze tensionali fasciali in grado di valutare restrizioni di mobilit di un legamento rispetto allaltro. Questo sia manualmente attraverso lappoggio delle mani che con una postura precisa delle braccia delloperatore.    Si vuole riprendere i concetti ed i principi che stanno alla base dellosteopatia.In questo modo il test dei legamenti crociati potr avvenire ed essere eseguito in un modo chiaramente osteopatico, inedito, senza copiature e aggiustamenti di altri test, per altro propri di altre figure professionali sanitarie, sia in relazione a concetti che ad obiettivi. "
Price: 24.99

"Articolazione del Ginocchio - Riequilibrio Femoro rotuleo"
"Con questo corso imparerai a lavorare su questa articolazione secondo la fisiologia di tale comparto osseo e quindi approfittarne per ridare quellequilibrio a queste strutture ossee tra manualit passive e attive allo stesso tempo.Con lo scopo di togliere tutte quelle limitazioni e fastidi legati ad un ingranaggio biologico fondamentale per la deambulazione da un lato e dallaltro per non perdere una qualit di vita essenziale per la propria salute.Teoria e Pratica dellepifisi femorale (condili) e della rotula. Manualit inedita di alleggerimento e di ripristino dei contatti e del movimento di queste due parti anatomiche perch possano lavorare bene, liberamente e senza costrizioni.Ci sia dal punto di vista passivo che dinamico."
Price: 24.99

"Parenting with Melissa"
"Join me as I share tips, tools, and concepts that will encourage you as you improve your parenting. I take my 20+ years of parenting experience plus what I learned from my degree in Marriage and Family Counseling and share the most realistic and helpful parenting skills and ideas with you."
Price: 49.99

"Practice Tests Confluent Certified Developer Apache Kafka"
"Prepare the Confluent Certified Developer for Apache Kafka (CCDAK) certification exam..160 Unique Questions have been organized in 3 Practice tests. 3 practice tests are around below areas -Practice Tests By Section:Application Design [This section contains questions on Application Design]Development [This section contains questions on Development]Deployment,Testing and Monitoring [This section contains questions on Deployment,Testing and Monitoring]Other 3 practice tests having random questions from above areas. Please note that these are same questions covered in first 3 practice tests but presented similar to certification exam.""This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with Confluent in any way."""
Price: 94.99

"Setup Single Node Cloudera Cluster on Google Cloud"
"Please note that this is neither an official course of Cloudera nor Google.The purpose of this course is to provide hands-on exposure to you to setup Big Data Engineering Lab in Pseudo-distributed mode (Single Machine Cluster). The environment is built using new Cloudera platform i.e. Cloudera Data Platform for deploying HDFS, YARN, Hive, Spark etc. on Google Cloud Platform. This course leverages free credits of Google Cloud Platform so there is no need to pay anything to anyone for running labs till free credits are available."
Price: 99.99

"Desenvolvimento pessoal"
"Aqui voc aprendera como priorizar e identificar quais as reas da sua vida que voc necessita desenvolver.Com intuito de alcanar sucesso de forma sustentvel, na sua vida familiar, profissional, conjugal, financeira e muito mais.Desenvolver seus conhecimentos e descobrir o mundo que esta diante de voc, basta tirar as vendas da mente, e seguir nessa viagem tao empolgante que a vida, te convido a seguir viagem suba no trem e venha conosco, e descubra-se.Tenho certeza que ira encontrar algo maravilhoso que voc no sabia que estava ai dentro.Quem tem a chave voc!!!! Vamos?"
Price: 39.99

"Complete guide to AWS Step Functions"
"In this course you will learn everything you need to make effective use of the AWSStep Functions service. You will learn the basic concepts, what is Step Functions and when you should use it. You will be able to follow along with our hands-on demo to see how you can build workflows and orchestrate Lambda functions using Step Functions. You will also learn how to trigger state machine executions using APIGateway and CloudWatch Events, as well as how to wait for human input using activities.Furthermore, Step Functions can integrate with far more than just Lambda functions. You will see how to integrate your state machines with other AWSservices such as SNS, SQS and DynamoDB. You'll learn about best practices and see some common design patterns you can apply with Step Functions such as the Saga pattern."
Price: 19.99

"Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0"
"Welcome to Deep Reinforcement Learning 2.0!In this course, we will learn and implement a new incredibly smart AI model, called the Twin-Delayed DDPG, which combines state of the art techniques in Artificial Intelligence including continuous Double Deep Q-Learning, Policy Gradient, and Actor Critic. The model is so strong that for the first time in our courses, we are able to solve the most challenging virtual AI applications (training an ant/spider and a half humanoid to walk and run across a field).To approach this model the right way, we structured the course in three parts:Part 1: FundamentalsIn this part we will study all the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence which will allow you to understand and master the AI of this course. These include Q-Learning, Deep Q-Learning, Policy Gradient, Actor-Critic and more.Part 2: The Twin-Delayed DDPG TheoryWe will study in depth the whole theory behind the model. You will clearly see the whole construction and training process of the AI through a series of clear visualization slides. Not only will you learn the theory in details, but also you will shape up a strong intuition of how the AI learns and works. The fundamentals in Part 1, combined to the very detailed theory of Part 2, will make this highly advanced model accessible to you, and you will eventually be one of the very few people who can master this model.Part 3: The Twin-Delayed DDPG ImplementationWe will implement the model from scratch, step by step, and through interactive sessions, a new feature of this course which will have you practice on many coding exercises while we implement the model. By doing them you will not follow passively the course but very actively, therefore allowing you to effectively improve your skills. And last but not least, we will do the whole implementation on Colaboratory, or Google Colab, which is a totally free and open source AI platform allowing you to code and train some AIs without having any packages to install on your machine. In other words, you can be 100% confident that you press the execute button, the AI will start to train and you will get the videos of the spider and humanoid running in the end."
Price: 199.99

"Qlik Sense Widgets from Scratch"
"In this course you will learn to make widgets in efficient and easy way, you will learn about some API which can be implemented in widgets, that can be useful.QLIK SENSE API,Field APINavigation APIVariable APIThese are widely used, so in these videos you are going to use these API to meet development challenges.HOPE YOU LEARN  & DEVELOP BEAUTIFUL WIDGETS FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION."
Price: 1280.00

"Qlik Sense Mashup from Scratch"
"In this course you will learn to make HTML & CSS based pages in efficient and easy way, you will learn about some API which can be implemented in mashups, that can be useful.QLIK SENSE API,Field APINavigation APIVariable APIBookmark APITable API i.e for export optionThese are widely used, so in these videos you are going to use these API to meet development challenges.HOPE YOU LEARN  & DEVELOP BEAUTIFUL PAGES FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION."
Price: 1280.00

"Qlik Sense Extension form Scratch"
"In this course you will learn to make HTML & CSS based UI in easy & efficient way, you will learn about some API which can be implemented in mashups & extension also, this can be useful.QLIK SENSE API,Field APINavigation APIVariable APIBookmark APITable API i.e for export optionBackend APIExtension APIThese are widely used, so in these videos you are going to use these API to meet development challenges.HOPE YOU LEARN  & DEVELOP BEAUTIFUL EXTENSIONS FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION."
Price: 1280.00

"BSc Math Calculus Chapter 7 plane curves II"
"In this course you will learn how to find1. Asymptotes(Horizontal,vertical,Oblique)2. Relative extrema(relative maximum,relative minimum)3. First & second derivative Tests4. Concavity(Point of inflection5. Singular pointsand First three exercises (7.1,7.2,7.3)All the lessons are taught in Urdu languageI have done my best to teach in basic and easiest way in this course.If you have any query you can tell me at any time."
Price: 19.99

"The Principles of Furniture Selection for Home"
"I designed this furniture course to be easily understood by absolute beginners. Even, your progress will depend on how you will involve with this course and how much afford you will give for the better understanding of this course as well. Every section of this course have been developed in such away that you will able to understand its purpose and application in the real time ."
Price: 24.99

"The Ultimate World of Warcraft Classic Goldmaking Guide"
"Tired of worthless Youtube videos and odd streamer personalities? Looking for immediate answers and methods on how to make gold? Then welcome to the Ultimate, Unofficial Classic WoW Goldmaking Guide. Written by a former WoW multi-millionaire and real-life researcher, this guide will show you a variety of safe, in-game, and legal methods of earning gold. (Updated with new solo gold farming charts, trade good values, and stocking plans for each WoW Classic Patch) With this guide, you'll have enough gold for BOTH your level 40 and level 60 mounts and mount training. Whether you are starting on a fresh WoW Classic Server or starting later on, this guide will have you covered. There is even an amazing section full of secrets for long term passive gold making!Why World of Warcraft Classic? Like many of you, I have fond memories of the original WoW and its Burning Crusade Expansion. I remember a time before instant gratification, achievements, and cross-realm group finder, where your reputation, skill as a player, and social connections mattered. When faced with the challenges of Azeroth, we all had to make friends and work together. With the return of classic WoW, we can all have that again: friendships that last beyond the game, instead of gear that is recycled with each content patch. Classic Wow is about quality over quantity. I have nearly 200 mounts on regular WoW, yet none feel as rewarding as my original level 60 mount.With this series of lectures, you can become that legend again or become a new legend, in the most important MMORPG of our time."
Price: 19.99

"Quick & Easy General Chemistry: Significant Figures"
"Need a quick Chemistry cram before your first big exam? Then you'll need this course! This course covers the first two weeks of General Chemistry: Significant Figures, Measurements, Accuracy, and Precision.This is the perfect course to get a solid foundation (pun intended) in General Chemistry. This course is designed for High School Students (Regulars, Honors, Dual Enrollment, AP, and Gifted), as well as Freshman College Chemistry Majors. In addition, high school teachers and college instructors will benefit from the lectures and downloadable resources when designing their own lesson plans.By purchasing this course, you also numerous resources, including copies of each lesson, a lab assignment, and a practice exam focusing on difficult critical thinking questions!"
Price: 19.99

"The World of Warcraft Classic Horde Leveling Guide"
"Updated with additional speed running notes, data, and findings! Welcome to the Ultimate, Unofficial Classic WoW Horde Leveling Guide. With this guide, you'll save days off of your leveling time, getting you to 60 in the fastest time possible! This guide is designed for new players and veterans alike, and you'll need it when faced with the difficulty of the original World of Warcraft. This guide contains both an outline of leveling by questing area and character level, as well as tips, tricks, secrets, and advanced techniques to speed up your leveling! If you want to quickly get into level 60 raids and dungeons, you'll need this guide!Why World of Warcraft Classic? Like many of you, I have fond memories of the original WoW and its Burning Crusade Expansion. I remember a time before instant gratification, achievements, and cross-realm group finder, where your reputation, skill as a player, and social connections mattered. When faced with the challenges of Azeroth, we all had to make friends and work together. With the return of classic WoW, we can all have that again: friendships that last beyond the game, instead of gear that is recycled with each content patch. Classic Wow is about quality over quantity. I have nearly 200 mounts on regular WoW, yet none feel as rewarding as my original level 60 mount.With this series of Guides, you can become that legend again or become a new legend, in the most important MMORPG of our time."
Price: 29.99

"The World of Warcraft Classic Alliance Leveling Guide"
"Welcome to the Ultimate, Unofficial Classic WoW Alliance Leveling Guide. With this guide, you'll save days off of your leveling time, getting you to 60 in the fastest time possible! This guide is designed for new players and veterans alike, and you'll need it when faced with the difficulty of the original World of Warcraft. This guide contains both an outline of leveling by questing area and character level, as well as tips, tricks, secrets, and advanced techniques to speed up your leveling! If you want to quickly get into level 60 raids and dungeons, you'll need this guide!Why World of Warcraft Classic? Like many of you, I have fond memories of the original WoW and its Burning Crusade Expansion. I remember a time before instant gratification, achievements, and cross-realm group finder, where your reputation, skill as a player, and social connections mattered. When faced with the challenges of Azeroth, we all had to make friends and work together. With the return of classic WoW, we can all have that again: friendships that last beyond the game instead of gear that is recycled with each content patch. Classic Wow is about quality over quantity. While I have nearly 200 mounts on regular WoW, none feel as rewarding as my original level 60 mount.With this series of Guides, you can become that legend again or become a new legend, in the most important MMORPG of our time."
Price: 29.99

"Introduction to Shaders in Unity3D with Shader Graph"
"Hello! Welcome to the world of shaders!   This is not only a course on shader graph, this is also an introduction to shader development. Shader development was not so easy in the past. You had to learn how to write shader code and also need mathematical skills. Most indie game developers omit it up to an advanced level. But today this is changed with shader graph.In this course, we will start from the basics and create complex shaders in later chapters with shader graph. We will also learn several concepts on graphics programming and at the end of the course you will be comfortable to create your own shaders.Complex Shaders which we are going to create are:*Ghost Shader*Simple Hologram Shader*Wind Effect Shader*PBR Shader*Glowing Effect Shader*The Earth Shader*Code Rain Effect(Matrix) Shader(Coming soon)*Teleport Shader(Coming Soon)*Snow Shader(Coming Soon)"
Price: 19.99

"RabbitMQ: de A-Z com exemplos"
"Neste curso, voc aprender sobre o RabbitMQ, explorarando sua funcionalidade em detalhes e aprendendo como ele pode ser usado para construir sistemas robustos e escalveis.Entre os temas abordados esto: Instalao Filas Exchange Durabilidade Acks Plug-ins Funcionalidades de administrador ClusterizaoO curso estruturado em torno de exemplos que explicam cada conceito de forma prtica e fcil. Os exemplos so feitas usando o Plugin de Gerenciamento do RabbitMQ, Python e scripts. Desta forma, as demonstraes so fceis de seguir por programadores de qualquer nvel e de qualquer linguagens de programao.Tambm estou disponvel para responder a quaisquer dvidas que voc possa ter em relao a qualquer material do curso que voc no tenha entendido ou queira mais detalhes, e a sugestes de contedos que ficaram para trs."
Price: 39.99

"Unix/Linux Commands with basic shell scripting All in one"
"Below are points that will be covered during the course along with real IT experience that will help one to speed up his workwhen interacting with unix or linux OS.Each IT professional or student must have this skill as these OS are widely used across all industry. Andriod is also a unix type Operating system.User based operations , controlling process and memory  , monitoring tools for disk managementPowerful Unix tool like cut, grep , sed , awk are covered hereShell scripting , task scheduling, crontab  , vi editor and lot more....I have added few resources which will be very helpful as well as small quizzes to test your own skills"
Price: 1280.00

"Affiliate Marketing Comparison Prices Exclusive Strategy CPA"
"                                                                                                                                     : : , , , , , "" "" , ; "" ...."" , , , %10 %15, : $100, $10 $15, : google adsense aliexpress ads, ; .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                    35 % ---                                                                  :    --* .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                                                         .--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                            ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :Partner eBay AND developer eBayAmazon associates AND Amazon awsportals Alixpressaffiliate Walmart AND developer WalmartViglinkLink ShareKelkooFlickrZanoxPepper jamClick bank------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :REHub - Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme 61$Content Egg - all in one plugin for Affiliate, Price Comparison, Deal sites 51$WPBakery Page Builder for WordPress 48$Yoast SEO: the #1 WordPress SEO plugin 89$WordPress Contact Form Plugin Ninja Kick 21$WP Bakery Page BuilderRevolution slider with 6 unique layoutsAdvanced Product Filter pluginMDTF filters and specifications for postsRH Frontend PRO (frontend submit),RH Buddypress member Types (for advanced Buddypress Member types)RH Link Cloak for hiding and changing offer links. Supports also user submitted linksRH Woo Tools (set of unique Tools for Woocommerce)RH Brand logo (automatically assign brand logo for Post images)RH Gif (use animated images for Featured image)WPAI Post addon. Bulk import deals and coupons from xml, csvWPAI CE addon. Bulk import product comparisons in Content Egg plugin-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :AdmitadaffiliatewindwbolkomCity adsCJ linkEnvatoUdemygdoslonflipkartfreebaselomadeeskimlinksozontradedoubler"
Price: 194.99