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"How to get a win win agreement without conflict"
"Most negotiators come to negotiation thinking they may win or lose. They want to destroy their partner to get the maximum benefits possible.What I will teach you here is to change your perspective of a ""pie to share"" to an ""expandable outcome"" where you use your creativity so that both partners win.The goal here is to maintain a long term positive relationship and build your reputation as a fair, positive partner.In this course, you will learn  :- the 3 steps to lead an effective negotiation. - the basic principles to reach a win win agreement.- the skills to develop to become a better negotiator.- the tips to close an agreement."
Price: 199.99

"Les secrets de la communication dans la vie quotidienne"
"Dans ce cours, vous dcouvrirez des techniques simples pour mieux  vous exprimer et tre entendu par les autres.Vous apprendrez les 3 points essentiels dans toute communication ainsi que les rsultats de recherche en communication.Vous pourrez ainsi revisiter votre manire de communiquer. Vous allez prendre conscience de vos forces et faiblesses et pourrez pratiquer vos nouvelles comptences dans votre vie quotidienne.Hormis les techniques utiles pour amliorer votre manire d'tablir le contact avec les autres, vous dcouvrirez les principes qui sous-tendent tout change efficace.Ce cours inclut des vidos ainsi que des exercices pratiques afin de vous permettre de mesurer vos progrs au jour le jour."
Price: 199.99

"Ngocier pour avoir ce que vous voulez"
"La plupart des gens viennent ngocier en craignant de perdre et veulent gagner le plus possible. Ils souhaitent dtruire leur opposant pour maximiser leur gain.Ce que vous apprendrez ici, c'est changer votre perspective. Il s'agit d'accroitre le gain en augmentant les possibilits. Il s'agit d'tre cratif pour que les deux partenaires y gagnent.Le but est de maintenir des relations positives dans le long terme et de construire une rputation de personne positive et quitable.Dans ce cours, vous dcouvrirez:- les 3 tapes d'une ngociation effective.- les principes de base pour arriver a un accord gagnant gagnant.- les stratgies pertinentes selon la situation de pouvoir.- les styles de ngociation selon les personnes et les cultures.- les comptences a dvelopper pour devenir un bon ngociateur- les conseils pour parvenir a un accord gagnant gagnant."
Price: 199.99

"6 Steps To Proofreading Jumpstart"
"How would you like to make GREAT money reading novels from home? Now you can! Do you notice every single typo in the books that you read? If you do, then you are exactly the type of person authors are looking to hire to proofread their books! You just need an eagle-eye for typos and a love of reading to start your very own freelance career proofreading novels. What is proofreading exactly? It's the LAST SET OF EYES a manuscript gets before being published, so you're proofreading already edited (and almost perfect) books for authors. They just need YOU to catch the random typos that previous editors didn't catch. That's it! The 6 Steps To Proofreading Jumpstart is the easiest way to learn how to earn money from home by reading books from your favorite authors!YOURSUCCESSISUPTOYOU!!!*Note* All course modules are available to you immediately after signing up for this Jumpstart. No need to unlock the modules weekly!"
Price: 79.99

"Quieres usar UML como un experto? - Parte 1"
"Un error muy comn es que en tus proyectos obvies las etapas de modelacin del negocio, anlisis y diseo, por creerlas innecesarias.Ir directamente a la implementacin, generalmente nos traer problemas como una mala delimitacin del alcance, de los requisitos funcionales y no funcionales; esto har que el proyecto consuma ms recursos.Para ello vamos a hacer un repaso del Lenguaje de Modelacin Unificado (UML). Veremos su utilizacin para la modelacin del negocio, el anlisis de requerimientos y el diseo."
Price: 49.99

"Testing REST API with JBehave"
"In This course you'll learn first the basic of Jbehave:What is Jbehave?Why we use it?What is Serenity?After that you'll learn how to create an acceptance Test with BDD Write your first storyMap the story steps to java methodsRun your testView the ReportsIn the third Section of this course, you'll be able to test REST API with Jbehave.Test the status code of a REST APITest The Media Type of a REST APITest The JSON Payload of a REST APIAt the end of this course, you'll be able to integrate Jbehave into jenkins.Install JenkinsInstall the HTML Publisher PluginConfigure this plugin to see the Serenity Reports"
Price: 99.99

"Curso de piano para cantantes "" Cantantes al Piano"""
"Te cansaste de gastar dinero en pistas karaoke o bajarte cualquier cosa de internet?Comprendiste lo complicado y desgastante que es coordinar ensayos con msicos?.Sents que es chino bsico cuando otros msicos hablan de tonalidad, acordes o te preguntan en que tono cants?.Hacs siempre lo mismo en el piano y quers nuevas ideas, acompaamientos emocionantes y expresivos?. Armamos un curso especial para ti... Qu es Cantantes al Piano? Es el primer curso 100% online que te da las claves para que puedas cantar y acompaarte con el piano usando las mismas herramientas que tus artistas favoritos. Y todo el proceso lo realizars desde cualquier parte del mundo y a tu propio ritmo, pudiendo acceder cuando quieras a las clases y al material. ""Cantantes al Piano"" es apto para quienes recin estn arrancando con el instrumento.+30 VideosManual en PDFSoporte para dudasGaranta de satisfaccinContenido del cursoEn ms de 30 videos presentados de manera progresiva, vers los siguientes contenidos:1) Patrones de acompaamientos.Distintas figuras y rtmicas, arpegios, riff, stride, rellenos meldicos, acordes quebrados uso del silencio y mas de 20 variantes.2) Aprender a enlazar acordes.3) Anlisis de artistas: Cmo se acompaan?. Alicia Keys, Queen, The Beatles, Norah Jones, Cold Play, Fito Pez, Regina Spektor, Diana Krall, Alejandro Lerner, etc.4) Nociones bsicas de lenguaje musical aplicado.5) Entrenamiento rtmico para independizar manos y voz. Trabajos para coordinar las dos manos y la voz.6) Gua para tener dedos giles y fuertes.Ejercicios tcnicos en el piano (acordes-escalas-arpegios, etc.)7) Piano en los gneros: Patrones de acompaamiento de estilos determinados.Aprender a acompaar Rock, balada, blues, jazz, latino, etc.8) Conceptos generales de Arreglo.Forma, estilo, desarrollo, expectativas, etc.9) Uso del pedal de sustain.10) Mtodo para extraer la tonalidad de las canciones.11) Apreciacin musical y anlisis de acompaamientos de canciones populares.A tener en cuenta: Acompaarse con el piano es una actividad principalmente prctica por eso la clave del xito ser el trabajo que le puedas dedicar en la semana. La informacin que recibirs es muy relevante, pero si no la aplicas te ser muy difcil poder lograr soltura a la hora de cantar y tocar. Con este curso , cada alumno recibir un manual en PDF con todo el contenido a desarrollar. Adems de los videos de clases, contestaremos a travs de Whatsapp todas las dudas que tengas acerca del material. De esa forma aprovechars al 100 x ciento cada clase. Preguntas frecuentes1) Nunca toqu el piano y no s leer partituras. Voy a poder aprovechar este curso?.Si. Lo podrs aprovechar, ya que si bien el curso tiene material en pentagrama no es imprescindible desarrollar la lectura. Te daremos herramientas alternativas para poder realizar los ejercicios y acompaamientos sin tener que aprender a leer partituras. Existen ejercicios en el programa para aquellos que recin arrancan con las teclas. Dedicndole un tiempo corto pero continuo, rpidamente podrs realizar todo el material del curso.2) Con tan solo hacer al curso ya me voy a poder acompaar?.Si. El material est diseado para que luego de realmente aprender los contenidos puedas acompaarte. Sin embargo la informacin por s sola no va a hacer que las manos y tu voz coordinen espontneamente. Es imprescindible para que obtengas resultados tu prctica regular.3) Estoy buscando clases de canto. Este curso me sirve?.No. En esta propuesta no se ve tcnica vocal. Esta destinado a que aprendas a acompaarte con el piano, es decir, se trabaja la coordinacin de tus manos con tu voz, pero no tcnica vocal.4) Si tengo una duda puedo preguntar por Whatsapp o mail?.Claro que si. Parte importante del curso es cubrir todas las dudas particulares, tener un ida y vuelta. No solamente te llevas muchos videos e informacin. Tambin queremos acompaarte en tu proceso de aprendizaje. Por esa razn esperamos con entusiasmo tus consultas."
Price: 64.99

"Aprend Piano y msica con Reggaeton #1"
"Qu es "" Aprend piano y msica con REGGAETON ?  Es el primer curso  que, a travs de xitos del Reggaeton, te ensea msica y a tocar el piano.  Destinado a aquellos que recin arrancan con las teclas y alumnos intermedios que buscan nuevo repertorio e informacin. Porque no solo vas a aprender a tocar los temas mas famosos del gnero sino que tambin realizars ejercicios para adquirir fuerza e independencia; aprenders acordes, escalas y todos los contenidos adicionales que cada obra demande : nociones de estructura musical, ritmo, dinmicas, etc. Este es un material exclusivo que no encontrars en internet. Explicado paso a paso. Todo el proceso lo realizars desde cualquier parte del mundo y a tu propio ritmo, pudiendo acceder cuando quieras a las clases y al material. En este volumen veremos dos xitos : Calma (Pedro Cap, Farruko ) +  Hola Seorita (Maria)- GIMS, Maluma +20 Videos+ Material en PDF Soporte para dudasGaranta de satisfaccinEn clases presentadas de manera progresiva, vers los siguientes contenidos:1) Aprender a tocar los mejores temas de Reggaeton2) Nociones bsicas de lenguaje musical aplicado.3) Si te gusta cantar , aprender a acompaar los temas estudiados4)  Ejercicios tcnicos preparatorios en el piano (acordes-escalas-arpegios, etc.)5) Conceptos generales de Arreglo.6) Forma, estilo, desarrollo, expectativas, etc.7) Uso mecnico y expresivo del pedal de sustain.A tener en cuenta: Tocar el piano es una actividad principalmente prctica por eso la clave del xito ser el trabajo que le puedas dedicar en la semana. La informacin que recibirs es muy relevante, pero si no la aplicas te ser muy difcil poder tener xito. Con este curso , cada alumno recibir un manual en PDF con todo el contenido a desarrollar. Adems de los videos de clases, contestaremos  todas las dudas que tengas acerca del material. De esa forma aprovechars al 100 x ciento cada clase.                                                                                           Preguntas frecuentes1) Nunca toqu el piano y no s leer partituras. Voy a poder aprovechar este curso?. Si. Lo podrs aprovechar, ya que si bien el curso tiene material en pentagrama no es imprescindible desarrollar la lectura. Te daremos herramientas alternativas para poder realizar los ejercicios y acompaamientos sin tener que aprender a leer partituras. Existen ejercicios en el programa para aquellos que recin arrancan con las teclas. Dedicndole un tiempo corto pero continuo, rpidamente podrs realizar todo el material del curso.2) Con tan solo hacer al curso ya  voy a poder tocar los temas vistos?. Si. El material est diseado para que luego de realmente aprender los contenidos puedas tocarlos. Sin embargo la informacin por s sola no va a hacer que las manos  coordinen espontneamente. Es imprescindible para que obtengas resultados tu prctica regular.4) Si tengo una duda puedo preguntar ?. Claro que si. Parte importante del curso es cubrir todas las dudas particulares, tener un ida y vuelta. No solamente te llevas muchos videos e informacin. Tambin queremos acompaarte en tu proceso de aprendizaje. Por esa razn esperamos con entusiasmo tus consultas.5) Para quin es este curso?  Destinado a aquellos que recin arrancan con las teclas y alumnos intermedios que buscan nueva informacin y que les encanta el Reggaeton!!."
Price: 24.99

"Piazzolla en Piano"
"Qu es "" Piazzolla en piano ?  Es el primer curso  en el que, a travs de tangos de Astor Piazzolla, aprends a tocar su msica y yeites del gnero. Destinado a aquellos  alumnos intermedios que buscan nuevo repertorio e informacin. Porque no solo vas a aprender a tocar los temas mas famosos de Astor sino que tambin vers informacin valiosa relacionada a la composicin y anlisis armnico/meldico ( escalas, acordes y todos los contenidos adicionales que cada obra demande : nociones de estructura musical, ritmo, dinmicas, etc) . Este es un material exclusivo que no encontrars en internet. Explicado paso a paso. Todo el proceso lo realizars desde cualquier parte del mundo y a tu propio ritmo, pudiendo acceder cuando quieras a las clases y al material. En este volumen veremos 3 tangos : Invierno porteo +  Otoo porteo + Adis nonino +30 Videos+ Material en PDF Soporte para dudasGaranta de satisfaccinEn clases presentadas de manera progresiva, vers los siguientes contenidos:1) Aprender a tocar los mejores temas de Piazzolla2) Nociones bsicas de lenguaje musical aplicado.5) Conceptos generales del tango ( forma, articulacin, etc) 7) Uso mecnico y expresivo del pedal de sustain.A tener en cuenta: Tocar el piano es una actividad principalmente prctica por eso la clave del xito ser el trabajo que le puedas dedicar en la semana. La informacin que recibirs es muy relevante, pero si no la aplicas te ser muy difcil poder tener xito. Con este curso , cada alumno recibir un manual en PDF con todo el contenido a desarrollar. Adems de los videos de clases, contestaremos  todas las dudas que tengas acerca del material. De esa forma aprovechars al 100 x ciento cada clase.                                                                                           Preguntas frecuentes1) Nunca toqu el piano y no s leer partituras. Voy a poder aprovechar este curso?. Si. Lo podrs aprovechar, ya que si bien el curso tiene material en pentagrama no es imprescindible desarrollar la lectura. Te daremos herramientas alternativas para poder realizar los ejercicios y acompaamientos sin tener que aprender a leer partituras. . Dedicndole un tiempo corto pero continuo, rpidamente podrs realizar todo el material del curso.2) Con tan solo hacer al curso ya  voy a poder tocar los temas vistos?. Si. El material est diseado para que luego de realmente aprender los contenidos puedas tocarlos. Sin embargo la informacin por s sola no va a hacer que las manos  coordinen espontneamente. Es imprescindible para que obtengas resultados tu prctica regular.3) Si tengo una duda puedo preguntar ?. Claro que si. Parte importante del curso es cubrir todas las dudas particulares, tener un ida y vuelta. No solamente te llevas muchos videos e informacin. Tambin queremos acompaarte en tu proceso de aprendizaje. Por esa razn esperamos con entusiasmo tus consultas.4) Para quin es este curso?  Destinado a aquellos alumnos intermedios que buscan nueva informacin y que les gusta el Tango"
Price: 29.99

"Android MySQL Retrofit CRUD with Search and Pagination"
"THIS WEEKS UPCOMING PROJECT - Retrofit CRUD Multipart Image Upload/DownloadMaking any type of Software is all about data manipulation, be it pixels, images, text. Being able to write to and read from a database is therefore of paramount importance if you desire to create any meaningful app. Unfortunately there are surprisingly not many android tutorials online that give you an all in one solution for this.I have been making apps for several NGOs here in Nairobi,Kenya and mostly I use MySQL, sometimes Firebase. Hence I have decided to produce a course to make working with MySQL and performing HTTP requests as easy as possible yet robust enough to be used in production.Main Things You Will LearnThis course aims to teach you the following:How to Perform all CRUD operations against MySQL: INSERT SELECT UPDATE DELETE.How to perform a fast server side search and pagination.How to use retrofit as all in one solution HTTP Client  to make HTTP Requests in the background thread.How to write Object Oriented quality PHP code to perform CRUD, search and pagination for students coming from Java background who find most PHP code in the web weird and dirty looking.How to design and incorporate splash screen, dashboard, detail pages, data entry pages and listing pages into a an app.How to Create a reusable real world app template that can be modified by inexperienced programmers.The process of coding a full app in realtime.My Style of TeachingI have done many tutorials in YouTube in Java,Android and C# mainly, so am able to take students through a full course, covering everything, emphasizing important part yet moving at an amazing peace.My courses assume no experience at all in app creation. Maybe my only assumption is that you can install android studio. Hence beginners can find this course very important. Intermediates can also benefit from this course as we cover several intermediate topics like Making HTTP requests and achieving pagination and search highlighting.We code line by line and at the same time narrate and explain. We explain method by method.What Can I create after this course?Any app that involves CRUD. Your imagination is your limit.For example recently I have used this template to create for a client an app. I will also be using this as a template to create other mysql apps as well as Firebase. Hence if you follow this course keenly, you will be able to create any type of app that involves CRUD.Your app will be able to perform reliably in production. Your app won't crush as we have handled exceptions reliably. For example if there is no connection or user enters wrong data. A beautiful dialog gets shown to the user informing of him of the error.The app will be very fast, no matter how many hundreds of thousands or millions of rows you have. This is because the app doesn't download all data at once. Instead short HTTP requests are made as the user scrolls through the recyclerview. The pagination takes place at the database engine level which is heavily optimized. The client downloads just a small chunk of data weighing a few bytes.Your users will be able to take advantage of a search feature that doesn't slow your app. This because the search also occurs at the database level.  This is a multi-column search, hence you can add as many columns in as you want. I have used two columns as an example in this app.What if I don't know PHP? How will I maintain the app?Well you are in luck. The PHP code is the easiest to understand code you will ever find especially if you are a Java/C#/Python developer. It's completely Object Oriented and is written in a single file. That file has only two classes. One class where you add the database credentials and the other class performs all the CRUD operations. All you will need to do is replace the table name and database name.What Technologies does this course teach and Why?The technologies that we use to create this simple app. And we cover them in a practical manner by coding.1. Retrofit We use it as our HTTP Client. It takes advantage of GSON as a dependency, using it to map our JSON data to our model classes. Thus this saves us from having to use JSONArray and JSONObjects to parse our JSON data. Moreover Retrofit allows us uniquely map our HTTP requests using an interface. This gives us a higher level of abstraction and makes our code maintenable and clean.We use it's enqueue method to queue and asynchronously send our HTTP requests. Thus we are liberated from having to deal with AsyncTasks here and there.Retrofit also allows us abstract our response from the server easily in a response model class. Moreover handling of Failure is abstracted away for us, thus we only have to log or show the exception message. No more try--catch blocks.2. RecyclerViewIt's the most powerful adapterview in android. It's more powerful and flexible than ListView. We rely on it's onScroll events to do our pagination.We will use it almost all our upcoming courses.3. CollapsingToolbarLayoutIt's great and beautiful. It allows us show an image on top. It gives our app material design feel.4. LovelyDialogsRather than showing exceptions and warnings in toasts, we use the lovely dialogs. I will use this library in many of my upcoming courses. It's beautiful and is easy to wrap in a utility method that can then be invoked from anywhere.Moreover it gives almost 4 dialog options: info,single-choice,multi-choice and input. It allows us easily align the dialog contents, control number of buttons shown, assign custom dialog images and handle onclick events.5. CalligraphyFor your app to dominate play store you need the app to feel and taste nice. Fonts will make massively help with that. However not old fonts like sans serif and Times New Roman. We need custom fonts. Those you can download from the web.Calligraphy is the best custom font library. I show you how to use it to load any font throughout your app or in individual widgets.Do you provide support?Obviously. I come from a YouTube background so am used to providing support to my students. I also welcome suggestions to improve myself as I enjoy learning, sharing and growing."
Price: 19.99

"Android MVVM Room LiveData - Creating Several Full Projects"
"The fast evolving Android LandscapeOne thing you guys may have noticed is that the android landscape is changing rapidly, so fast that alot of developers are being left behind. Google as well as the open source community are releasing new APIs, libraries and frameworks at an amazing rate. Just keeping up is not for the faint hearted. Yet android developers are being searched for and paid well by companies all over the world. As a great android developer, you will be getting emails from companies as well as individual all over the world interested in your services. Mobile developers are in demand right now and this trend will continue for alongtime. However you have to stand out from the average and be upto date with your skills.What we try to solveSearch over courses online, be it in udemy, youtube tutorials and tech blogs and you will realise one thing. It is difficult to find effective and practical enough courses. Most courses are either too theoretical or not a course at all but people pasting code snippets here and there. You don't learn so much from that. The over theoretical courses don't teach the innate problem solving capability required to create a project in the real world. Because in the real world you need to solve problems by coming up with amicable solutions that work well in the larger context and are maintenable. Needless to say, you will not learn anything from courses where the instructors don't follow an organized approach and keep jumping from here to here or explain what they are doing.We try to solve the above problems. We will follow a project based approach. We come up with an idea, plan it and outline the challenges we will likely encounter. Then we start by creating our project in android studio, add dependencies, add resource files like fonts, images, themes, menus etc. Then we move to coding part. In the coding part we type our code step by step but fast so not boring. Yet as we type we explain. So you can see in the real world what we are doing and why we are doing it. This allows you to understand faster. The code we write is super high quality and well organized yet not bloated with repetitions. Thus you can pick up the code and modify for your purposes.This Particular CourseWell this course is an android mvvm livedata room course. This means we will cover the following concepts in our projectsMVVM - Model View ViewModelRoom - Our data access layerLifecycle Components - LiveData and ViewModel. These allow us pass data across components and listen to them reactively yet in a lifeOther practical concepts required in a project like performing CRUD etc.Tell Us how we are doingPlease tell us how we are doing by taking a minute to assign us a rating and if possible why. This is how we gauge how our students perceive our methods and do even better. Thanks in advance,Oclemy."
Price: 19.99

"Android Firebase MVVM Jetpack - Many Offline-First CRUD Apps"
"You might have noticed that there are quite so many courses, tutorials and articles online teaching Firebase. However the problem with these is that most of the time they are incomplete and don't teach you how to use Firebase using modern design patterns. Most of these courses and documentation only teach you simple techniques making it difficult to integrate their code into your own projects. We've taken alot of time calibrating our code so that it is easily extensible and pluggable into all types of projects. Luckily for us, Google had introduced Android Jetpack a few years ago, thus we are able to utilize Clean Architecture in our projects.Our projects try as much as possible to be generic and easily customizable. Using MVVM allows us to achieve this. We will be releasing new projects into this course every month, so buying it early allows you to save money and keep getting new projects that respect the latest techniques.Why CRUD Apps?Well all types of applications' main role is to manipulate data. And that data manipulation is what is called CRUD(Creating Reading Updating Deleting). If you master these three then you can create any type of application imaginable. These make up the core of any app. And doing it using Clean Architecture ensures you will have a solid code base you can use to easily start any type of app and have something working within a few minutes. That's why we have dedicated this course to creating CRUD apps with search and pagination and storing data offline as well. You can take advantage of that of using what we provide you here as a template to start any type of project.What is this Course about?Well in short: Firebase Realtime Database and how to Create several full CRUD applications and apply several caching techniques.In Long:We will be creating full applications making use:Firebase Realtime Database as our data store.You will learn  how to insert select update delete search and paginate/page firebase realtime database data.You will learn how implement an efficient offline fast approach in development. This means the app will have offline capability even if users completely have no internet connectivity. Through this approach users are still be able to browse data, search data. However to modify  we need internet connectivity since our main data store is Firebase Realtime database not SQLite.You will learn how to apply several aggresive caching techniques like custom permannet Hard Disk caching, caching in SQLite using Room and memory caching.How to use MVVM - Model View ViewModel to write easy to understand and testable app. You will be surprised how easy our code is to enhance or maintain.Use several Android Jetpack components like LiveData, ViewModel, Room etc.Brief History of FirebaseSince the rise of the world wide web in the 1990s, there was only one main way of storing data in the cloud, that was through HTTP web services. You had to write server side code and host in a webserver, then write your web app and talk through HTTP methods. This was still the main way of doing things even with the rise of mobile development in the 2000s. However cloud technologies quickly started to arise like parse and Firebase. Firebase is a mobile and web application development platform developed by Firebase, Inc. in 2011, then acquired by Google in 2014. It is now the main cloud storage technology for mobile development. Firebase Realtime Database is one of the suite of products included in Firebase. It has the following advantages:It's realtime and allows our data to be synced across a multitude of devices.It's easy to use  and integrate into our projects.It's cross platform.It is well maintained by Google engineers. There is also reasonable stability despite the updates.It has an honest free package."
Price: 19.99

"A'dan Z'ye Amazon'da Dropshipping,WordPress,E-Ticaret"
"Gnmzde internette harcanan vakit bir hayli artmtr buna doru orantl olarakta gnmz artlarnda kiisel giderlerimiz de artmaktadr.Bunlarn artmas finansal adan bize kriz dnemleri yaratabilir.Cebinizdeki telefon veya bilgisayarlar internet eriiminizi artk internetten gelir elde etmek iin gerekten kullanabileceinizi biliyor muydunuz ? Eitim setinde bulunan birden fazla yntemlerin en azndan birini deneyerek ve doru bir ekilde uyguladnzda kendinize bir pasif gelir salayabilirsiniz.nternette harcadnz vakti nakite evirin, kendinize daha fazla zaman ayrn!Neler reniceksiniz;-Amazon'da Doru Ve Sorunsuz Dropshipping-Bir Web Sitesi aarak site trafiiniz sayesinde REKLAM geliri elde etme-Trkiye'de Stoksuz E-Ticaret-lk haftanzda 20 ile 50$ dolar arasnda kazandrcak yntem-Ve her ay eklenecek yeni bir ek gelir yntemi"
Price: 129.99

"Genesis Project: Hip - Hop Freestyle 101 (Basics)"
"This curriculum was designed to introduce Hip Hop Dance and Culture to the student wanting to create a new identity within their craft. While educating themselves on what hip hop is truely about and beyond the trendy dances he/she may have seen on social media and in music videos. You will get an in-depth experience with party dances, techniques, systems and methods but also information about the history of hip hop culture and its roots. After this curriculum you will feel ready to move further into your hip hop education and dance with confidence and conviction."
Price: 39.99

"Unix essentials for NGS bioinformatics"
"This course has been designed to introduce Unix to students as most convenient tool for working with big data in biological sciences such as next generation sequencing (NGS) data. NGS technologies are producing massive amount of data in each run which is difficult to handle through GUI based tools, even it is difficult to open raw files. That's why sequencing data are produced and stored in text format for easy handling and processing.Unix skill is an assets for bioinformatics. It is very easy, convenient and save lot of time. Bioinformatics skilled people are knows very well to analyze data with programming language PERL/PYTHON. But all of them not realized that it is not necessary to write program all the time. With the help of unix utilities, data handling and processing, input formatting for software, and easy text processing of results for the understanding can be performed without using high end programming skill and special software's. But you will need software and programming skills for advance bioinformatics analyses. It is great skill for bio-sciences researchers and scientist and NGS beginners. Unix skills will help you in making of pipelines where you can use different software to solve your own objective such asCounting and formatting of fasta and fastq sequencesMultiple line fasta sequences to single line fasta sequencesExtraction of desired fasta and fastq sequences from whole datasetSplitting and subseting of large sequence fileFormatting of blast, pfam, and interpro output for analysisExtraction of sub sequences from genome filesSequence file cleaning: Triming and filtering of sequencesRandom data set generationBulk data processing for common tasks ................... and many more common tasksHere, I am intend to cover only specific aspect of unix as required for NGS data processing and project management. Whole course is divided into 4 module from basic command to script. In this course, you will have lot of practice opportunities. In 4 days, you will learn through tutorials, video lectures and assignments for practice. There could be several ways for the teaching and learning, But, i used easiest and simplest approach, and focused to develop thinking for data processing instead of advance and compact use of commands. In guide to practice commands, I have given multiple approach to perform single task. So, you will also have opportunity to use compact and advance options of commands.Day 1 - Introduction to NGS and UNIXCourse introductionBrief description of NGS and UNIX (video).Unix: How to start, basic commands (Directories and files: creation, remove, navigation, listing, writing/retrieval, and unpacking of NGS data files)System information related commands and their usagesQuick revisionPractice assignmentsChallenge of the dayDay 2 NGS bioinformatics data excursionNGS: data source, files and file formats.Unix command for excursionSmart trick to solve complex problemsQuick revisionPractice assignments (with common NGS data processing related tasks)Challenge of the dayDay 3 Flying with commandsFile streaming and redirection, stream editor, pipe, filtersPermission, symbolic linking, construction of pipeline on terminal Practice assignments (with common NGS data processing related tasks)Challenge of the dayDay 4 - Bulk data processingBrief introduction of shell scriptingPattern matching, variables, subshells and loopsPractice Assignments (with common NGS data processing related tasks)Challenge of the day"
Price: 29.99

"CONTENT KING: Comment crer du contenu qui buzz coup sr ?"
"Bien le bonjour !CONTENT KING est une formation en ligne que j'ai ralis dans le but d'aider les entrepreneurs donner la visibilit qu'ils mritent leurs publications sur les rseaux sociaux. En effet, je me suis aperu au cours du temps que l'une des premires problmatiques que rencontre quelqu'un lorsqu'il dcide de se lancer sur les rseaux sociaux dans une approche professionnelle, c'est qu'il ne sait pas comment diffuser son contenu devant son cur de cible.Et beaucoup pensent que crer du contenu de qualit leur permettra de passer outre cette problmatique car celui-ci va attirer plus d'attention que la moyenne. Mais malheureusement ce n'est pas si facile. Vous aurez beau avoir le contenu le plus qualitatif du monde, si vous ne savez pas comment le publier devant les bonnes personnes, vous allez perdre beaucoup de temps et d'nergie pour rien.Et justement c'est ce que je vous apprends faire travers cette formation. Devenez un pro de la cration de contenu efficace et pertinent et assurez vous un succs sur les rseaux sociaux."
Price: 94.99

"Canva Course 2019 To Create Professional Pinterest Pins"
"Are you have no experience in Design and graphic ?Are you have no experience in image editing in Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator ?Are you looking for a easy way in 2019 to create a Professional Design and Graphic for your Pinterest Pins ?Are you looking to make your Pinterest Profile Professional to generate more visitors ?if yes, this course is for you.Without having to spend Time to download Software that is very complicated to use to create Designs for your Pinterest Profile, and spend a lot of money to have High Quality images for use them on your Pins.In this Course, I will explain and teach you the method of working on the best design and graphic website to create Professionals Pins for your Profile, it's Canva.The best bloggers and people they have any websites (a blog, an e-commerce website, an affiliate website, ...), and that make a large number of visitors in a small period, know that they use Pinterest, and they have professionals profiles on it.So, if you have a Professional profile with high quality pins, you will make easy 1.000.000 Visitors per month.So, in this Course, I will teach you everything you need to know from getting started through to be a Professional en creating Pins on Canva.By joining this Course you'll also gain access to my Team on Canva where I publish a lot of Pinterest Pins Templates.- I strongly believe this course is different from the other courses about creating Pro Pins using Canva on this Platform.Let me tell you How :First, I wanted the Course to be as hands-on & practical as possible for you, it will not only teach you how to use Canva to create Pinterest Pins, but I will give you all of pratical examples.Second, with this Course, you can create a professional Pinterest Profile without spending any money, all is Free.So, don't miss this opportunity and don't wait anybody.Enroll now , and Let's get this party started !!"
Price: 199.99

"StartUp - Partire da Zero con 0 ()"
"** StartUp - Partire da Zero con 0 () **Il Video-Corso in cui ti mostrer come concretizzare la tua Idea di Business senza investire tempo e denaro su un'Idea non perfettamente sviluppata!In questo video-corso ti insegner partendo da ZERO (Zero conoscenze e 0 euro) a validare la tua Idea di Business applicando un Metodo testato in molte realt imprenditoriali. Il percorso ti permetter di risparmiare tempo e denaro, per lanciare sul Mercato la tua Idea di Business e raggiungere il Successo!All'interno del corso imparerete e applicherete, step by step:Cos' una Start-Up e i vari Modelli di BusinessIndividuare il tuo mercato (Competitor e non) e il tuo Target clientiCreare un Business Model CanvasApplicare un Metodo concreto ed efficaceCreare le tue Teorie e IpotesiSvolgere dei Test sul Mercato targetAnalizzare i dati derivanti dai Test svoltiCreare e presentare un Prodotto PilotaCreare un Funnel Aspetti di Marketing (creazione Landing Page, pagina Facebook e Instagram...)Come creare e svolgere una Lead GenerationLa StartUp dal punto di vista Legale (Partita IVA, Societ..).Ti invito ad entrare sul gruppo Telegram ""StartUp - Partire da Zero con 0"" per ricevere un buono sconto da applicare al corso!  L'ingresso nel gruppo completamente gratuito e potrai restare al suo interno anche senza aver acquistato il Video Corso.Se acquisterai il Video Corso avrai l'opportunit di entrare nel Primo gruppo Imprenditoriale italiano.A breve verr aperto il Gruppo Segreto e Esclusivo Facebook nel quale inviter solo i miei studenti, per creare la prima Community Italiana di Imprenditori!Non lasciarti sfuggire questa enorme opportunit!"
Price: 79.99

"Secrets to Dieting"
"Teaching the protocols of true dieting and healthy eating What diet actually means and how you can diet the healthy way without starving yourself, healthy eating on the right way to help fix your diet to match your own current daily lives You will know the process of how your body regulates foods which trigger your hormones that make you react to food.More than 10 benefits of why you should eat healthy and eliminate bad habits that include processed and junk food"
Price: 39.99

"How to train yourself to resist junk food"
"This course can teach you the elements of training yourself to resist junk foodThe main goal of this course is to not only focus on avoiding junk food but to give you the bigger picture of how you yourself can be put into mind to avoid anything bad in foodWhat you will learnIdentify your junk food properlyThe science mesh behind the processThe training processThe cure"
Price: 54.99

"Information Security for IT Professionals"
"The course is designed for students who are interested in the area of information security and want to make their career  in this area. Also this course is useful to organisations that are concerned about the information security of their organisation and wants to  train their  employees in this area. It is also helpful as a refresher course for the information security professionals and will help those people who just concentrate on ""Ethical Hacking"" aspect of information security that too from technical perspective.    It will be beneficial for employees that are in the job role of ""SysAdmin"" , ""System Engineer"" and ofcourse people working in the managerial role in IT.This course provides holistic approach towards information security for organisations as it covers Management , Administrative and physical aspect of information security in addition to the technical aspect which people tend to concentrate more.It talks about  real world scenarios, examples and tools that are used for attacks and protection in addition to the theoretical knowledge thus providing a blend of both the factors.  This course is designed by taking into consideration the real world experience over a period and  keeping in mind the practicality. It is designed ""A mile wide, an inch deep"", thus touching most of the topics from organisations ' information security perspective and to make sure that it provides right pointer and directions for explicit further study for those who want to deep dive into particular area of interest.  I am very sure that this course will assist you in getting into ""Information Security"" related job roles for beginners as well as intermediate level employees."
Price: 44.99

"Curso Completo De Automao Android Com Espresso Android"
"Fazendo esse curso voc vai... Ser capaz de trabalhar com automao, escrever e entender scripts de testes robustos, documentar especificaes e cenrios com BDD. Alm disso, automatiza-los com uma linguagem de programao amigvel e divertida. No final do curso voc vai conseguir criar os seus testes automatizados do zero utilizando umas das melhores arquiteturas j utilizadas em testes de telas. Com esse curso voc vai se tornar um especialista em automao android onde no Brasil vem crescendo muito as oportunidades especficas para Android, trabalhando com o Espresso."
Price: 84.99

"Automao de Testes com Appium + CodeceptJs"
"Curso completo do Appium + CodeceptJS. Aqui voc vai aprender tudo sobre como podemos automatizar os testes de UI utilizando o mesmo cdigo. Vamos aprender um pouco sobre o mundo DevOps e tambm como isso pode nos ajudar como analistas de testes em automao mobile.Aprender a desenvolver os seus testes para dispositivos mveis sem saber programao avanada. Vamos utilizar o mesmo cdigo para automatizar os nossos testes e tambm vamos aprender bastante sobre o mundo Mobile."
Price: 84.99

"Budowa Domu Systemem Gospodarczym. Cztery Kursy z Lektorem."
"Kurs jest oparty na studium przypadku. Prezentuj w nim i omawiam proces wykonania zoonego i wyjtkowo ciekawego projektu. W zwizku z istniejcymi na rynku budowlanym trendami jestem pewien, e prezentowany materia jest zdecydowanie na czasie. Od dwch ponad lat borykam si z problemami kadrowymi. Wiem, e ludzi z odpowiednimi kwalifikacjami brakuje a na rynku a ten stan bdzie jedynie si pogbia. Pace w budownictwie rosn dynamicznie a w zwizku z tym naprawd warto obra ten kierunek rozwoju kariery zawodowej. Natomiast jeli jeste inwestorem planujcym budow wasnego domu systemem gospodarczym moesz wzi pod rozwag wykonanie budynku wasnymi rkami, jeli nie caoci to przynajmniej czci. Uwierz mi nie bdziesz pierwszy i zapewne nie ostatni. Do tej pory oferowaem kursy na pytach DVD. Skorzystao z nich okoo 3000 osb spord ktrych zaledwie 6 dokonao zwrotu. Dziki temu mam 100% pewnoci, e materiay, ktre oferuj s bardzo przydatne."
Price: 234.99

"Cmo perder grasa y conseguir msculo"
"Alguna vez soaste con tener un buen cuerpo? Alguna vez intentaste conseguirlo? Pues yo te traigo la frmula para conseguir el cuerpo de tus sueos, para tener un abdomen tonificado y para obtener una perdida de grasa considerable.Te sentiste frustrado cundo empezaste en el gimnasio y no conseguiste esos resultados que t pensabas que ibas a obtener? Pes no te preocupes, yo te voy a ensear a como conseguir esos resultados, y ser la envidia de todos. Muchos alumnos me solan decir al principio ""Es imposible que yo consiga un buen cuerpo"", pasadas dos semanas ya se lo crean ms y al pasar un mes ya se vean los resultados. Porque no puedes pretender conseguir un buen cuerpo en una semana, eso es imposible. Nadie puede conseguir un buen cuerpo en tan poco tiempo. Yo en este curso te voy a ensear a como conseguirlo rpido y bien.Que aprenders: Aprenders a como quemar esa grasa corporal que sobra en tu cuerpo. Aprenders a como comer sano y equilibrado, sin privarte de nada con una dieta flexible. Aprenders a como realizar los ejercicios del gimnasio, como se hacen correctamente y cules se adaptan ms a tus necesidades que en este caso es la quema de grasa corporal. Aprenders la diferencia entre la acumulacin de grasa masculina y la acumulacin de grasa femenina y como funciona tu cuerpo internamente.En este momento te estars preguntando ""ser cierto lo que dice? Esa es siempre la primera pregunta que se hacen mis alumnos, y ya te digo yo que vas a notar los resultados pronto, solo tienes que ser constante."
Price: 19.99

"Agilidade Emocional para Professores"
"Se voc professor e gostaria de ter uma vida mais leve e equilibrada, se conhecer mais, aprender tcnicas e ferramentas de agilidade emocional dentro e fora da sala de aula, este curso para voc. Voc ir aprender a reconhecer as suas emoes, a ter mais autoconscincia emocional, como desenvolver aulas socioemocionais e estratgias para lidar com pais e alunos. Atravs do curso voc ter acesso a uma apostila com trinta dinmicas para voc aplicar em sala de aula e outra com cartazes para desenvolver diversas atividades e reflexes. um curso prtico e vivencial que oferece trazer apoio e suporte para vivenciar a docncia de forma mais leve.Vamos desenvolver juntos a sua agilidade emocional."
Price: 294.99

"obiettivi PRO"
"Formulare correttamente gli obiettivi un'abilit chiave per chiunque desidera avere successo nella vita e trasformare i SOGNI in REALT,tuttavia ,non basta avere un obiettivo dichiarato .Per avere i risultati che desideri , i tuoi obiettivi devono rispondere a determinate caratteristiche per farsi che tutta la tua energia e tutte le tue risorse siano orientate in un unica direzione ,invece che sperdersi i pi direzioni .Sfortunatamente, la stragrande maggioranza delle persone non stabilisce alcun obiettivo oppure non segue alcuna strategia che li aiuti a realizzare concretamente i propri obiettivi. Quindi,hanno in mano semplicemente un sogno lontano che forse un giorno accadr.QUESTO CORSO TI INSEGNER PASSO PASSO LO SCHEMA ESATTO CHE POTRAI SEGUIRE PER REALIZZARE I TUOI OBIETTIVI PI GRANDI!""Un obiettivo un sogno con una scadenza."" - Napoleon Hill"
Price: 199.99

"Obiective pro"
"Astazi Misiunea Mea Este S Transmit si Altora Aceleasi Instrumente Care Mi-au Permis Sa Recastig Controlul Asupra Vietii Mele si Sa Obtin Rezultate Extraordinare.Ca antrenor mental am dezvoltat abiliti specifice pentru a te ajuta s dezvolti comportamentele cele mai funcionale pentru a iti atinge obiectivele i bunstarea i am ctigat experiena de a face acest lucru rapid.Iar in cazul in care inca nu tii care sunt obiectivele tale ... nu iti fa griji, te voi ajuta s le descoperi! Este specialitatea mea!n practic, te ajut s iti imbunatatesti calitatea vieii i s iti transformi visele n rezultate concrete..Cu ajutorul acestui curs , vei invata sa iti formulezi corect obiectivele astfel incat sa le poti atinge mai usor.Totodata,vei invata cum sa iesi din zona de confort urmand misiunea ta personala ."
Price: 24.99

"Addio emozioni negative"
"Finalmente un corso completo ed efficace per conquistare la sicurezza interiore, dare significati positivi alle difficolta' ,entrare in sintonia con le tue emozioni e trovare la tua serenit interiore .Ti mai capitato di vivere momenti di stress,preoccupazione ,tensione o sconforto?Allora questo corso fa per te.Accedi e scopri come puoi gestire le tue emozioni e cambiare il tuo stato d'animo con un click."
Price: 199.99

"How to Start Your Profitable Mini Importation Business"
"I bet you often hear that one of the best ways to create wealth is by having multiple streams of income, which is absolutely right!Well, with mini importation business, you wont just have another source of income, youll have a strong source of income.In this course, youll learn how to start a profitable mini importation business in Nigeria, Ghana or whichever country youre currently based.Ill hold you by hands and walk you through a step by step tutorial guide on how start your own personal importation business.One of the key factor of success in any eCommerce business is the kind of products you choose to sell. In this course youll learn the importance of winning products.And most importantly where to buy it at a cheaper price.As we all know, China is the worlds cheapest manufacturer of products. This can be attributed to their low cost of products which puts us in a fair advantage.Most people know products is cheap in China but theres no way to communicate fluently with them without the issue of language barrier.In this course, youll learn about cheaper Chinese websites made for the Chinese alone at which you can buy products at a very cheap price.Most importantly youll also learn how to ship your products from China to Nigeria within 24 to 72 hours at a relatively cheap price.Same thing goes for Ghana.Are you looking for an extra source of income? Or you need a reliable online business thatll pay you enough to quit your job?Are you a stay at home Mum, unemployed graduate, a student and you need an extra income to patch up your expensive?Trust me, look no further, as mini importation is here to change your financial status!This isnt a business that requires tons of capital to start, you can begin with the current amount in your hands right now!All you need is someone to put you in the right direction, and this is exactly what this course is all about!"
Price: 39.99