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"ELEKTRK PROJE ZM ETM Temel Seviyeden leri Seviyeye"
"  NDRM FIRSATI !  OCAK AYI  NDRM  OCAK25  PROMOSYON KODU ile EN DK FYATTAN 24.99 TL'ye ALABLRSNZSon geerlilik tarihi: 30/01/2020  nstagram: @muhendis_port - letiime geebilirsiniz        Bu kurs programn hazrlarken amacmz bu program bitiren kursiyerin kurs sonunda  mesken tipi ( Konut, Villa, apartman)  uygulama  projelerini izebilecek dzeye gelmesini salamaktr bundan dolay standartlam  konut projelerinden ziyade daha ok iinde ayrnt ieren villa tipi konut projesini  tercih ettik.  Herhangi Bir Meskenler ( Konut, Villa, apartman)  iin elektrik projesini tasarlayp izimini ve hesaplamalarn yapabilecek ve gerekli malzemeleri proje zerinden Dwg den  excel'e dkp keif  yaklak maliyet karabilecek dzeye gelebileceksiniz Priz Aydnlatma, Data, Telefon , TV  projelerini okuyabilecek Tek hat emas ve sembol listesi Temel  topraklama Aydnlatma hesaplamalarn ve Sembol listelerini Projeye dkebilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz. Bu kursun en nemli fark olacak olan Bu proje zerinde size gstereceimiz dnden gnmze Autocad'e  eklenen yeni zellikler (Parameters, Action ve elektrk projesi izim ve  yaklak ve kesin hesap karmada kullanacamz bir ok lispler)    ve komutlar  kullanarak proje iziminde daha hzl ve daha az hata yapacaksnz. "
Price: 49.99

"Tcnicas Psicolgicas para reducir el Estrs en el Trabajo"
"Independientemente del lugar de trabajo, el estrs laboral puede hacerse presente, ya sea porque est relacionado a causa de condiciones externas al individuo y propias a la organizacin, o incluso con circunstancias especiales del propio trabajador que lo afecten negativamente a la hora de insertarse o desenvolverse en el ambiente laboral.En este curso hallars conceptos tiles para reconocer los orgenes y causas del estrs laboral, para luego aprender diversas tcnicas de tipo cognitivo, de organizacin, tcnicas de relajacin y algunas prcticas para mejorar las relaciones laborales. Estas tcnicas pueden ser implementadas de inmediato y sin ningn orden en particular, dependiendo de la situacin y de la necesidad del individuo, quien puede utilizarlas y adaptarlas a lo que le resulte ms conveniente.Si ests listo para empezar a aplicar mtodos prcticos para solucionar situaciones que te provoquen estrs en el mbito laboral, si sientes que este es el momento para actuar activamente y mejorar tanto tus relaciones con tus compaeros de trabajo como la forma en que se desarrolla tu interaccin con los dems en general, este curso te otorgar los conceptos y herramientas adecuadas para que comiences a prevenir y eliminar el estrs que padeces en tu desempeo laboral.Podrs hacer uso de la informacin que te brindamos, e inclusive trasladarla a otros aspectos y mbitos de tu vida, aprovechando los mtodos ms adecuados para tu situacin, mtodos que lamentablemente no suelen explicarse en la educacin formal ni en el hogar. El fin de este curso, por tanto, es poder ayudarte a reconocer primero las causas del estrs y en base a la evidencia actuar acorde, con las acciones, destrezas y tcnicas que te resulten ms apropiadas segn tus necesidades y circunstancias, para transformar positivamente tu visin del mundo y tu entorno mediante una participacin activa."
Price: 19.99

"Tcnicas y Recomendaciones para Mejorar el Estudio"
"El mbito acadmico, puede volverse rpidamente un lugar muy estresante, no solamente a causa de las obvias tareas y pruebas que entraa, sino por la exigencia misma que demanda en el cursado diario, la bsqueda de informacin, etc. A menudo aquellos estudiantes que han conseguido superar la etapa educativa de su adolescencia sin formar hbitos de estudio serios, se ven desbordados al llegar a la universidad, donde la cantidad de material aumenta a pasos agigantados y el tiempo para ocuparnos del mismo disminuye conforme nuestras obligaciones aumentan, provocando ansiedad extra y muchas veces sentimientos de inadecuacin en los estudiantes al quedarse rezagados.En este curso encontrars diferentes mtodos y sugerencias para que puedas organizarte mejor, crear un ambiente cmodo y adecuado para fomentar tu estudio, y finalmente tcnicas para concentrarte mejor o lograr extraer ms informacin de tus lecturas, como as tambin retener ms informacin de lo aprendido.Si ests preparado para comenzar a obrar positivamente sobre tu vida estudiantil creando hbitos responsables y apropiados, que adems te servirn para otros aspectos y situaciones de tu vida, este es el momento de comenzar este curso e iniciar ese camino hacia la superacin de tus temores y dudas.Nuestro fin es ayudarte a reconocer aquellos aspectos en los que necesitas probar diferentes enfoques, entregarte herramientas y mtodos oportunos y tiles para que pongas en prctica, transformando acciones poco productivas en hbitos y comportamientos que te permitan sacarle el mximo provecho al estudio y a tu carrera."
Price: 19.99

"Tai Chi Yang Style Short Form"
"Paul Carlos takes us through a step-by-step guide to the famous Yang Style Short Form Section One. Suitable for absolute beginners with no previous experience. Excellent for those wishing to learn a meditative movement health exercise. Promotes a calm mind state , heals and builds our intrinsic energy, promotes better flexibility and generally strenghthens us up. Course includes suplementary Qi Gong exercises, articles, videos and more. "
Price: 19.99

"Yoga - Essential Background Knowledge"
"Essential background course for either keen Yoga students wishing to deepen their knowledge of Yoga philosophy and practice and how to apply this in one's daily life, or prospective candidates for any of our internationally certified Teachers Training courses. The aim of this course is to introduce the foundational principles of Yoga as a topic and practice.Once you have successfully completed the program, you can use this as a credit towards the 100, 200 or 500 hour training programs. All our teaching programs gaurantee you the highest level of support and mentoring on your journey to becoming a confident, experienced and knowlegable Yoga instructor. Please note the Yoga Teacher Certification program has a number of steps that have to be taken and we will not issue any accredited certificates until all the requirements have been fully met. For the complete curriculum and breakdown of this process together with the total costs involved, please conact us via your Udemy dashboard or visit our website"
Price: 69.99

"Yoga Teacher Training 100 Hour - Category One"
"Sacred Spiral Yoga 100 Hour Teacher Training Program is a fully accredited certification with Yoga Alliance International. This is the first of six categories that have to be completed. Our 100 hour course is the entry level and once successfully completed, allows you to teach classes, offer private instruction and even run workshops and retreats. The program offers a complete online solution for prospective instructors. Sacred Spiral Yoga includes lifetime support for all our teachers and our advanced courses even include basic 1 - 1 mentoring as part of the agreement. (T's and C's apply)Once completed, should you wish to upgrade your qualifications later on to our intermediate or advanced instructor levels, we will credit you both cost wise and for hours required. The material in this module includes a balanced selection of Origins and History of Yoga, Lifestyle and Philosophy, an introduction to Astanga (Eight Limb Path) Ancient Yoga Texts, Introduction to Sanskrit for Yoga Teachers and Yoga as a realistic path to self realisation in today's modern technological environment. The course utilises documents, video and audio, pdf downloads, images, external references as well as assignments and short writing briefs for you to check your own progress. This category one has no pass on or repeat criteria."
Price: 69.99

"Yoga Teacher Training 100 Hour - Category Two"
"This is the second category of 6 that needs to be completed for our internationally accredited Yoga Teachers Training. In this section we cover Asana, Pranyama, Bandha, Mudra and Kriya. (postures, breathing practices, energy locks and seals and specific cleansing techniques)These form an important 'backbone' of practice that has the physical body as a focus. Included are extensive video demonstrations and workshops of the postures and techniques required along with supporting pdf docs and images. Assignements are included so that you can measure your own knowledge and understanding and practical application."
Price: 69.99

"Yoga Teacher Training 100 Hour - Category Three"
"This Category 3 of our 100 hour Y.A.I accredited Yoga Teachers Training, covers Sacred Sound and Mantra for our spiritual practice. Sound and vibration performed with deep intention and feeling, known as Pranava, has the ability to cut quickly past the day to day usual state of awareness and take us into altered states of consciousness. Needless to say the 'monkey mind' is not invited and takes a serious back seat - a great relief for all of us. Light Meditation is a lightly altered state, Deep Meditation is a deeply altered state. So, also included are lectures on Meditation, Relaxation, Contemplation and Visualisation. Examples and real life practical situations are given. Video and Audio sections offer material we can listen to and chant along with.I have also included some extremely powerful Subliminal Audios, where the messaging is just below normal hearing level. Some guided Mp3's are also available covering deep meditation and Relaxation.Please bear in mind that all 6 categories have to be completed before any Yoga Alliance International Certificates will be issued."
Price: 69.99

"Yoga Teacher Training 100 Hour - Category Four"
"Hi and welcome to Category 4 of our 100 h Sacred Spiral Yoga Teachers Training course.In this module we look at Anatomy and Physiology for yoga instructors from both a traditional medical and a practical, realistic Yoga teaching environment perspective. As practitioners, and even more so, as student instructors, a practical, relevant and working knowledge of anatomy is essential.I further Introduce the Autonomic nervous system and make a start with ways of gaining control of these systems within our own being. From an ancient yogic perspective, our subtle energetic body including the common major cakra's, nadis and koshas is covered. These are the energy centres and channels permeating throughout our electro-magnetic, or pranic, bodies. The Kosha's are the 'sheaths' of our total spiritual being, of which our physical body, similar to the material universe, is only the outer layer, so to speak.  Even more useful, is an understanding of the psycho-physical implications of how our emotions, feelings, intentions, beliefs and attitudes and more, impact into these energetic fields that collectively comprise our total being. Enjoy the course and I wish you sincere, fulfilment, joy and great spiritual development on your journey."
Price: 69.99

"GDPR Awareness - European Accredited Level 2 Certificate"
"* All participants will receive by post or e-mail an accredited Level 1 or 2 Certificate valid all over Europe.The EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) added extra responsibilities to the Data Protection laws in Europe. All businesses that handle personal data must ensure that they are aware of the new rules and must examine the processes they currently have in place to ensure they continue to comply with the law.This GDPR training course will outline your main responsibilities and help you to start making the necessary changes. The biggest changes under the GDPR are in relation to obtaining consent, the right to be forgotten and the appointment of a Data Protection Officer.Developed by a qualified trainerAccredited at level 2 by an Real Training Centre - valid all over EuropeFully online course and assessment with no time limitsFull audio voiceoverApproximate Duration: 35 mins on-demand videoPlease see Bonus Lecture for details about the way we offer your certification"
Price: 19.99

"Manual Handling of Goods and People - Level 2 Accredited"
"The Manual Handling Operations Regulations require employers to ensure that all employees are trained and competent in manual handling.Manual handling accidents account for more than a third of all accidents reported each year to the enforcing authorities. It is estimated that in excess of 500,000 people in Great Britain suffer from a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) mainly affecting the upper limbs or neck that was caused, or made worse, by their current or past work.This Manual Handling Training Course provides the necessary information and training for organisations to understand more about the risks associated with manual handling, how to undergo a risk assessment and how to ensure appropriate control measures are put in place.Ensures compliance with Health and Safety legislationDeveloped by health and safety professionalsAccredited by SPTCFully online course and assessment with no time limitsFull audio voiceoverApproximate duration: 30-45 min"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Programming Using Javascript"
"Introduction to Programming Using JavaScript teaches the skills and knowledge necessary to recognise and write syntactically correct JavaScript code, use data types supported by JavaScript, and be able to recognise and write JavaScript code that will logically solve a given problem. Topics Covered in this course includesVariables and Data StorageArrays and Objects as forms of collections and data structuresIterations and Conditional StatementsFunctions and ScopesJavaScript Dom ManipulationDebugging in the Console"
Price: 24.99

"How to Start Web Development 2020 : Understand the Basics"
"*** The WEB DEVELOPMENT Basics Knowledge course in the official Udemy! ***This course ""Start Web Development: Understand the Basics"" is about teaching you proper Web Development Basic Knowledge in the Era of 2K. Web Development is very huge & best idea for business and knowledge. Today there are lots of people want to be a web developer or want to build websites but they dont know from where they have to start.In this course you will learn everything you need to know about Web Development. Even if you know how to start business of Web Development, this course will teach you the ins and outs of Web Development.Why take this course?If you have an idea, want to start a company or just want to make websites for fun or if you just want to learn and want to enter in the web development business, this course is for you. Start Web Development: Understand the Basics Course gives you all the Modern skills that you will need to succeed as a web developer."
Price: 19.99

"How to Overcome Anxiety and Depression Naturally"
"Have you ever had panic attacks, felt anxiety, depression, overwhelming stress, or the feeling that you are loosing your appetite for life in general? Are you currently struggling with challenges in your personal or professional life? Then this class is for you. In this class, we'll tackle 5 strategies to help you manage anxiety and depression and work towards wellness. You will explore the following methods:Mindfulness MeditationPlayBuilding CommunityBeing in NatureGratitudeBy the end of this class, you'll have a toolkit of methods you can use to overcome anxiety and depression and build sustainable wellness. This is a holistic approach, so not every strategy will work for everyone, but my aim is that you find a strategy that works for you."
Price: 19.99

"scada systems plus classic control complete course"
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career inIndustrial Automation and scada systems design track and being able to design a complete project? >>If your answer is big YES,then you're definitely in the right place.Why this course is Powerful and Unique ?this course is thefirst oneon udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to built a complete scada systems .At this course:These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing .We'll design with each other a complete scada system used in the practical life.My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a questionas I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click ""BuyNow"" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding scada system.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with Industrial Automation and scada systems.Anyone understands scada but can't design a complete scada system. Anyone wants to learn about simatic manager program and indusoft web studio program."
Price: 149.99

"plc complete course(tia portal / simatic step7 / its plc)"
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career in Industrial Automation  and PLC  design track  and being able to design a complete project? >> If your answer is big YES, then you're definitely in the right place.Why this course is Powerful and Unique ? this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to built a complete PLC systems .  At this course :These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing .We'll design with each other a complete PLC programs used in the practical life.My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question as I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now "" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding PLC system.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with Industrial Automation and PLC systems.Anyone understands PLC but can't design a complete PLC programming system. Anyone wants to learn about simatic manager program and TIA PORTAL program."
Price: 149.99

"pv solar system complete course"
"Hi Our Friend!Looking to improve your career in Solar energy and be able to design complete sizing of project? >> If your answer is big YES, then you're definitely in the right place.You will have a technical skills you would never find it except in real life and at the end you will perform on a huge real world project you will size it from zero and if you have any annoying problems with the basics of physics you will find small solution for all of those problems at the beginning of this course. as we start from solar cell level until you have all experience needed in this field. I promise at the end of this course you will be able to design any kind of PV system by 3 different methods. this course is the only course on udemy platform introduce you to Sizing program { PVSol premium } and give you a great experience from the scratch of physics to be professional solar energy designer.  We are looking forward to see you inside!!!Why this course is Powerful and Unique ? This course will give a person with no prior experience the basic tools necessary to create a PV system from scratch.this course is the first one on udemy platform and on most of educational platforms which can get you from academical information to the real world career as it gets you - step by step - to understand how to be able to built a PV will be able to use PVsol premium software to design grid connected system.this course is using many exercises more than any other courses.This course will offers you a great opportunity to learn about silicon crystalline and thin film here you will find our help is available for you at any will have many small question from real interviews between sections.We have here a huge number of instructors supervising this course willing to Put in your hands all their experiences in real life.   At this course :These tracks would be like a piece of cake to you.We'll take you from the Scratch to a HIGHER level of Designing and Analysis.We'll design with each other a renewable energy used in the practical will be introduced to PVsol software to design complete ON grid system, and produce a complete sheet for the project.My help is always available to you if you get stuck or have a question as I believe we can learn from each otherThis is a course that will continue to grow and grow ..## So don't hesitate and click "" Buy Now "" button so you can begin on the right path!Who is the target audience?Anyone who is interested in Understanding renewable energy.Electrical Engineering Students.Anyone who wants to be familiar with photovoltaic energy.Anyone understands sizing but can't design a complete his own PV system."
Price: 49.99

"Government Contracting for Everyone"
"Did you know that the US Government is the largest buyer in the world spending $410 billion dollars in government contracting each year?This course Government Contracting for Everyone aims to teach you the basic knowledge of government contracting or B2G sales. B2G is business to government and unlike Business-to-Consumer or Business-to-Business sales, starting a B2G company can be complicated, and finding the most current and relevant information you need can be frustrating. And that is why I created this course.Whether you are a current small business owner, recent graduate or startup entrepreneur exploring new opportunities, this course is designed to make government contracting and its convoluted regulations fun and easy to understand for everyone.This course is broken down into 5 different sections or modules, 28 lessons, in chronological order from the first step of forming your business to the last step winning and successfully performing your first government contract.After each section will be a short quiz to help you remember the key take-aways. Also as a bonus for Udemy only, I added a bonus video at the end of the course to go over some of the most common B2G mistakes I came across since consulting small businesses.I hope you enjoy this course."
Price: 49.99

"Bootcamp for the Scammed: How to Detect an Online Scam"
"Have you ever been scammed? Ripped off? Lied to? Did you purchase something online, and it never showed up? Or did you spend all your money on that one thing that was supposed to help, but it turned out to be a scam?Maybe it was supposed to be a gift for your family. Maybe it was going to be a labor saving device for you. Maybe it was going to solve all of life's problems. Whatever it was, it is now no where to be found, and you're not sure why. 'What did I do wrong?''I thought I was buying from a legit company.''How did I fall for this?''I learned about this from a reliable place.''Is everything out there a scam?'We know what it's like to get scammed, and feel the remorse and shame of falling for something. The thoughts of 'I should have known better'  seemed to be constantly on our minds. Because of this, we decided to learn all we could about how a scam comes about, and the essential parts of a good deceptive scheme. This course is the culmination of all that knowledge. The more we dug around and the more we looked into scams, the more we found patterns and clues that would easily point out whether a site was running a scam or not.Not only that, but we also found that all these clues are so simple that even a child would be able to figure it out, if they had the right knowledge. Which is why we created this course.In the course we delve through easy-to-understand processes that will help you decide just how trustworthy a site really is. You'll learn step-by-step instructions for gathering information and making a well-informed judgement on something online.Topics that we cover include:Checking For Malware (to make sure nothing bad is coming with the site you're looking at)Checking the Registration of a Site (to see just how old a site really is)Checking for Past Snapshots of a Website (to find whether the site has been operating the same program over the years).Website Errors and Issues (understanding just what to look for when surfing on a website you want to purchase from)Analyzing Social Media Accounts (to check the site's social authority and whether they're on it frequently)Confirming a Website's Email Address (to see if a site's used it before, and if it connects them with other fraudulent websites)And through-out this course, if you are ever not sure what something is or isn't, we'll be right there, lending our knowledge to you wherever and whenever we can."
Price: 19.99

"Workplace Diversity"
"The course provides insight to workplace diversity.  The instructor provides ideas and solutions for planning, implementing, measuring ,and evaluating diversity in the workplace. The course provides different categories of diversity, and examples of diversity.  A list of  benefits of diversity that one might use to enhance work environment, revenue and relationships are also discussed."
Price: 29.99

"14 Life-Changing Ways To Overcome Depression & Be Happy"
"Did you go through a breakup, lose a job, or have something traumatic happen? Those are all devastating things that can make us feel depressed. But, of course, you want your mind to be happy again, and it is our life's mission to show you how. I co-created this course with Dr. Faisal Ahmed, who has also dedicated his life to helping people with mental health. I'm a Certified Life Coach from the nationally accredited, Coaches Training Institute and collectively we've spent 25 years discovering magnificent and totally natural ways to create happiness.This online program will bring you to a place of peace and happiness. It includes 14 powerful, step-by-step videos (with digital handouts, and PDF's) that will give you fresh, new perspectives to strengthen your mind and see the world in a way that works FOR you, not AGAINST you.Oh yeah, and incase you're not satisfied with the course, there's a 30-Day Money Back Guarantee. So you have nothing to lose!Get started now. You deserve it!The TruthIt's not your fault. You didn't choose to be feeling this way, and you can't just snap your fingers and automatically feel better. You're feeling bad because something happened. Maybe you feel like a dark cloud is hovering over you, or you feel stuck or trapped.I was in your shoes not too long ago. I'm here to tell you that you're not alone, and in this program I will show exactly you how to heal yourself. Just follow my lead.What does the course look like?I don't want to spoil the surprise but just so you have an idea, you'll use your imagination to create a vehicle of your choice. Then you'll begin your journey through the bamboo forest, past the highway, over the crystal mountains, through the mushroom fields, and right past the golden gates to the land of everlasting happiness. Along the way you'll meet mysterious characters who will give you special messages along the way. Oh yeah, and I'll be your navigation system taking you step-by-step to learn the superhero tactics to get yourself on the path to happiness. ?"
Price: 129.99

"How to create a website by your own?"
"Websites creating by Elementor are easy fast and no any code required. Just need you to understanding the basis of WordPress and some plugin to blend in. there are 3 main things in website here need you to considered that we are going to work with, header, Body and footer.It looks amazing one you see the first results from your own design idea, believe yourself on elementor you can do it. You are going to save 90% cost expensed on your business website after to learn this course and you are able to manage your own business webpage by your won time."
Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"c language with android compiler"
"C language Tutorial with programming approach for beginners and professionals, helps you to understand the C language tutorial easily. Our C tutorial explains each topic with programs.C programming is considered as the base for other programming languages, that is why it is known as mother language.It can be defined by the following ways:Mother languageSystem programming languageProcedure-oriented programming languageStructured programming languageMid-level programming language"
Price: 19.99

"eductronics The Complete Guide to Arduino"
"eductronics The Complete Guide to ArduinoA Step-By-Step Comprehensive Course in Arduino, including Tutorials, Projects, and ProgrammingBuild a strong foundation in Arduino and Open-Source Electronics with this Comprehensive Course.KEY FEATURESMost updated course! Course content is updated regularly, by adding new tutorials and projects.Each lecture is produced in High-definition (1080p, Full HD) quality and with High-resolution audio.Each lecture has Subtitles and Closed Captions (CC) in English language.Learn Arduino and Open-Source Electronics from a professional instructor from your own desk.We designed this course to be easily understood by absolute beginners.Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning.Each lecture is focused on a particular topic.Downloadable software and source code that are used in our tutorials and projects.Full lifetime access to our course content.Receive our constant support in your projects.CONTENT AND OVERVIEWSuitable for both Beginner and Advanced learners, through this course youll learn all of the Arduino fundamentals and establish a strong understanding of the concept behind Open-Source Electronics. Each lecture closes with practice activities, putting your new learned skills into practical use immediately.Starting with the installation of the Arduino IDE and other software, this course will take you through different types of Arduino Development Boards and how to use them. By learning through different tutorials and projects, youll establish a strong understanding of Arduino and Open-Source Electronics.With these basics mastered, this course will take you through the different types of Displays, Motors, Motor Drivers, Sensors, Modules, Shields, etc. as well as communication technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Radio, LoRa, etc. to add complexity and functionality to your programs.Complete with working files and code samples, youll be able to work alongside the instructor as you work through each concept. Students completing this course will have the knowledge to create functional and useful Arduino programs. Also, youll be able to build your own Arduino projects.So, Get this Course and Join our Growing Team of Makers and Inventors!MONEY BACK GUARANTEE30-Day Money-Back Guarantee - We want you to be satisfied, so all courses purchased can be refunded within 30 days. For whatever reason, if you are unhappy with a course, you can request a refund.TRADEMARK INFORMATIONAll product names, logos, and brands are property of their respective owners. All company, product and service names used in this course are for identification purposes only. Use of these names, logos, and brands does not imply endorsement.COPYRIGHT INFORMATIONThe content of this course is the subject of copyright and any commercial use of such material requires the prior written consent of eductronics. All rights are reserved.Copyright eductronics. All rights reserved."
Price: 99.99

"The Heavenly Piano Masterclass - Piano Improvisation Mastery"
"New for 2019, ""The Heavenly Piano Masterclass"" is an inspiring piano course developed by musician and recording artist Mark Shian to help piano players take their playing to greater heights and discover their true potential in a very short period of time. In this course Mark shares his knowledge and unique approach to his playing ability that took him over 20 years to develop. His experience in the studio and stage has been crucial to the development of this unique piano course. The goal here was not to just make another piano course that teaches things you can't really apply to real world situations but to really give you effective skills and knowledge that will help you create better performances on stage and in studio recordings.No time is wasted learning unnecessary theory or boring scales. This course is designed to cut right into the heart of dynamic piano playing which can be applied to all modern styles of music. By the end of this course, you will be able to play and improvise like a professional using techniques not taught in conventional piano education. The course is designed to be accelerated, this means that what would take a typical piano student years to learn through conventional training can be learnt in this course in a fraction of the time. In this course you will be given a unique understanding of playing techniques that will help you develop a sound that is dynamic and unique to you. This is important because Mark believes that every pianist should have a unique musical identity. In light of this, this piano course has been developed to help you discover your own unique abilities as a piano artist, improviser, and songwriter. What students are saying :""I can honestly say that this is the best way to learn the piano. The difference with this course and others is that this one will train you to become a musical professional while others will only teach you to play the piano."" - Josh B""Finally a course which deals with chord and melody playing on a higher level! I have never got such a push to play more interesting chord transitions and melodic development as in this course. It opens up a new world! This is definitely one of the best courses on Udemy."" - Rainer W""This course provides a huge amount of great information. Anyone who devotes the time and attention that the course deserves will improve their piano playing immeasurably."" - Steve L""The course was put together in an orderly fashion with alot of love and time. I couldn't believe how good it was to learn and experience techniques that are different from other courses."" - Crystal M""Very Beautiful course. Must have for anyone who really want to enjoy piano while learning. Was looking out for such a course from the past few weeks and now I can truly say I have found one."" - Lenin FMark's playing style can be used in all modern singer/songwriter, contemporary, pop, rock, and worship music. The core of his techniques and methods are taught in a way so it can be applied to any style and genre of music. If you are in a band or worship team and want the tools to be able to express yourself in a way that captures the hearts of the audience, with no time wasted on learning classical scales and pieces that don't help, this program is for you. This course focuses entirely on building you to become a more expressive and dynamic piano improviser on stage and in the studio.  The course begins with a foundational section to help beginners understand basic music theory concepts before moving to the development stages to improve your playing ability. The intermediate section represents the core of the Masterclass. In this section, Mark shares all the techniques he uses to create dynamic sounding piano music and breaks it down step by step to allow you to follow along and adopt. The advanced section of the course covers advanced techniques as well as coaching on musicianship and songwriting. This section also has video examples of Mark playing and singing and showing you how to perform and express a song in a singer-songwriter situation. The Masterclass ends in the advanced section with Mark demonstrating and walking you through four of his songs in his newly released piano solo album ""Dwelling in the Glory"". Through this process, he explains exactly what he is doing as he is playing the song to help you understand and achieve the same level of playing ability. The Heavenly Piano Masterclass was designed to be an accelerated piano course. The rate of improvement in playing ability and expression should far surpass the speed of conventional or classical learning for the average musician.All students who sign up for this course will receive a FREE High Quality MP3 DOWNLOAD of Mark's newest piano album ""Dwelling in the Glory"". The download will be available inside the course.The goal from the beginning was to give students professional level education and information that is not available elsewhere in conventional piano lessons. Try the course risk free. If your understanding and playing abilities are not significantly improved by the end of it, ask for a refund from Udemy within 30 days and you'll get your money back with no questions asked. "
Price: 99.99

"How to teach mindfulness with confidence and ease"
"This course will enable you to surprise your students not just by what you teach but by how you teach. The course is based on the three pillars of mindfulness teaching and can be applied within any mindfulness programme including MBSR, MBCT and other approaches.It will show you how to keep teaching Simple - you will be shown that keeping teaching simple is not only more effective for your students/clients but also takes the pressure of yourself as a teacher also. You will explore how to keep teaching in the here and now and not to get lost in over explanation.You will explore how to make teaching Elegant - Elegance is what you leave out. Many teachers say far too much and over complicate this simple and profound practice. You will be shown that what you leave out, is as important as what you put in. It will show you why you should avoid cramming too much information and too many activities into your classes, and allow space.Ensure teaching is Practical - Teaching has to be practical and relevant to a students or clients everyday life. You will explore how to show your students/clients how to apply mindfulness to every area of their lives, such as home, work and relationships. Relationships are often an area of much difficulty but also of much growth. You will learn practical techniques to share with your students when in difficult situations in life."
Price: 174.99

"Curso de Diseo Web: HTML y CSS desde cero hasta avanzado."
"En este curso aprenders HTML y CSS, los dos lenguajes fundamentales para iniciar una carrera profesional en el mundo del diseo y desarrollo web.Se trata de una formacin completa, 100% prctica, compuesta por 154 lecciones que representan 27 horas de contenido, en la cual conocers paso a paso los conceptos y tcnicas para desarrollar pginas web profesionales. Comenzaremos con lo ms bsico de cada lenguaje, pero a medida que avancemos abordaremos los aspectos ms complejos de estas tecnologas, de tal manera que puedas dominar la dinmica de los elementos web y ms adelante sea ms fcil especializarte en otros lenguajes como Javascript, PHP y MySQL, Python y otros ms.Al finalizar este curso tendrs las habilidades necesarias para convertir cualquier diseo en un sitio web profesional, moderno y funcional. Incluso, si ya manejas algn sistema de gestin de contenidos (CMS) como Joomla o Wordpress, los conocimientos adquiridos en este curso te permitirn realizar ajustes en la estructura y aspecto visual de tus sitios dinmicos.Todos los temas se tratan mediante ejemplos prcticos y muy fciles de comprender, pero con un nivel de profundidad tal, que hace que este curso sea apropiado incluso para personas que tienen conocimientos previos de HTML y CSS y desean actualizarlos.Adems, a lo largo de este curso conocers varios tips y consejos que te ayudarn a evitar los errores ms comunes que cometen aquellos que se inician en el diseo y desarrollo web. Asimismo, aprenders a utilizar algunas herramientas y recursos online que facilitarn tu trabajo y aumentarn tu productividad.CARACTERSTICAS DE ESTE CURSOEl programa de este curso ha sido cuidadosamente diseado para todos aquellos que desean iniciarse como profesionales en el mbito de la web, dotndolos de habilidades y conocimientos prcticos para desarrollar sitios modernos y funcionales.Aprenders las caractersticas ms avanzadas y actuales de estos lenguajes, al tiempo que obtendrs una base slida para aplicar estos conocimientos en proyectos del mundo real.Aunque el diseo y desarrollo web actual requiere del dominio de mltiples lenguajes, frameworks, libreras, herramientas, etc, este curso se enfoca en el aprendizaje de HTML y CSS, de esta manera tendrs un dominio profundo de ambas tecnologas y esto te servir para continuar aprendiendo otros lenguajes, en funcin de tus necesidades.CONTENIDO DEL CURSOEl curso se divide en varias secciones, en las cales podrs aprender los fundamentos de estas dos tecnologas. A continuacin puedes ver una breve descripcin de los contenidos de cada bloque:IntroduccinAqu veremos la presentacin del curso, y luego procederemos a descargar e instalar en nuestro computador las herramientas necesarias para desarrollar un proyecto web, por ejemplo, navegadores y editores de cdigos.HTMLEn esta seccin entraremos en materia y conoceremos en profundidad todo lo relacionado al lenguaje HTML.CSSEste es un bloque extenso en el que aprenderemos a utilizar hojas de estilos para definir el aspecto visual de los contenidos de una pgina web.Proyectos finalesAqu pondremos en prctica todo lo aprendido en los bloques anteriores, y en ese sentido disearemos 3 proyectos web del mundo real:1. Crearemos un landing page o pgina de aterrizaje para una empresa que imparte un curso de marketing digital.2. Despus, disearemos un sitio multipginas para una oficina de abogados.3. Por ltimo, crearemos un one page site o sitio web de una sla pgina para una empresa de servicios de catering.BonusPara finalizar el curso, conoceremos algunas tcnicas, buenas prcticas y herramientas que te ayudarn a aumentar tu productividad como diseador(a) y desarrollador(a) web.Adems, aprenderemos los conceptos de dominio, hosting y cliente FTP para publicar nuestros proyectos en Internet.Inscrbete ahora mismo en este curso de HTML y CSS desde cero hasta avanzado, y aprende a disear sitios web profesionales."
Price: 99.99

"Lucid Dreaming 101-Using Science to start Lucid Dreaming Now"
"""This course is absolutely amazing, it was exactly what I was looking for. The depth of knowledge and clarity of detail is astounding! Thank you so much for this insightful and powerful journey!"" -Rachel Donald**Update October 2019: Audio Download section added so you can download the audio of the course and listen wherever and whenever you want**Welcome fellow dreamers!Please check out the free previews!My name is James Cussen and I would like to welcome you to my Lucid Dreaming course. I am a life coach and personal development trainer with over a decade of experience learning, tinkering and playing around in my private virtual reality of lucid dreaming. I am a lifelong die-hard student of all things psychology, personal development and spirituality. From meditating for an hour every morning and evening to working with my dreams by day and lucid dreaming by night I am constantly working at unraveling the mysteries of the human brain. And what I love to do is share everything that I have learned and am learning with people also on the journey of personal development whether that's in lucid dreaming and astral projection or emotional wellbeing and time management.Of all the tools I have come across on my personal development journey lucid dreaming is is in a world of its own. There is so much we can learn in the dreamworld and so much to experience. It allows you to go deep into the subconscious mind and work with the depths of your mind while at the same time enabling you to blow off steam in the most fantastic ways imaginable. From flying and having sex to meeting your dream guides and astral projection, lucid dreaming is the most fun that you can have on the journey to self-actualisation.It is one of the most fascinating portals into self-discovery. Socrates said 2.5k years ago that the unexamined life is not worth living. With lucid dreaming you get a chance to do this up close and personal by talking to and interacting with your subconscious mind which is spinning your dreams.What you will learn on this course:This course will take you through the method practiced in dream labs all over the world and which was discovered by one of the greatest minds of lucid dreaming history. Through this method you will learn the skill of lucid dreaming which can be learned by absolutely anybody and learn how to:Experience the indescribable ecstasy of realising you are in an alternative reality of dreams where anything is possibleExperience what its like to fly through the sky while lucid dreaming: feel the wind brush past you, the horizon open up before you and beneath you and know you can go anywhereTravel to anywhere you want to go in the world (or the universe)Bring any character or object that you desire into your lucid dreaming world so you can meet your heroes, experiment with sexual adventures or drive the most expensive car in the worldTalk to your subconscious and gain a level of self-knowledge that many spiritual gurus can only dream ofFace your fears and overcome your anxieties by dealing with them in an environment completely under your controlUse lucid dreaming as a practice ground for physical skills such as sports and drivingTap the infinite creative potential of lucid dreams like some of historys greatest minds from Einstein to TeslaAnd on the way you will learn the lucid dreaming skillset including:How to remember your dreams every night and leverage them to have start lucid dreamingHow to use affirmations and visualisation to wire your brain for successHow to extend your lucid dreaming experiences so they last 10x as longHow to summon dream characters and objects into the lucid dreamHow to harness a scientifically developed method to start lucid dreaming regularlyWhy choose my course?Instructor who is a performance and life coach with over a decade of experience with lucid dreaming and astral projectionTechnique created by the foremost dream scientists and used in dream labs all over the worldNo fluff or information overload: a course which focuses on what you need to know to start lucid dreaming nowAccess to the incredible one-stop shop for lucid dreaming with:Bucket list with suggestions for things to try when lucid dreamingDreamsign analyser: a tool tailored to your dreamworld which tells you your own personal dreamsigns which you can use to become aware in your dreamworld regularlyProspective Memory trainer: a tool for improving your prospective memoryDashboard for ease of use in analysing your dream worldA course which teaches not just how to start lucid dreaming but:What to do when you are lucid dreamingHow to make your lucid dreaming experiences last 10x longerHow to summon any person or go anywhere when you are lucid dreamingCurated list of the best internet guides, books and online communities for continuing your lucid dreaming journey into other techniques such as astral projectionLive the life of your dreams with Lucid DreamingLucid dreaming is a skill which anybody can learn since every single one of us dreams every night. It is an opportunity for us to make use of the one third of our lives that slips by us every single night.Ask the storehouse wisdom of your subconscious for guidance in your daily lifeLive out any fantasy that you can imagine in a completely safe, free environmentRehearse important events such as speeches or athletic eventsPractice physical skills such as playing guitar or martial artsGet a motivational talk from your greatest heroesGain insight into the working of your own mind and find wisdom from withinFace your fears in a completely safe, controlled environment where you are in controlThere is so much potential for how to use this tool and these points are just the beginning. You are only limited by your imagination. Lucid dreaming allows us to do the impossible and create and experience anything we want in our own interactive virtual reality. You too can bend the laws of space and time like the characters of the Matrix and Inception. You too can do anything you want while being totally conscious as if you were awake. Sounds good right?Lucid dreaming is a transformative skill. It can be used for fun or you can join the other pioneering lucid dreamers by testing the limits of reality. The Chinese philosopher Chuang-tzu awoke from a dream over two thousand years ago which was so vivid that he wondered whether I was Chuang-Tzu dreaming he was a butterfly or whether I am a butterfly dreaming he is Chuang-Tzu. American poet Edgar Allen Poe once asked is all we see and seem/But a dream within a dream?. Lucid dreaming gives us a skillset to begin to explore these questions for ourselves. It is a powerful spiritual practice which changes the way you see the world. It can be used for therapeutic purposes to deal with fears, anxieties and traumas, it can be used for seeking spiritual guidance and deepening spiritual practice or it can be used to just have fun and fulfil your most far-fetched fantasies. From sex and flying to astral projection and meeting your higher self lucid dreaming is a trove of treasures for every aspect of life. The course will show you the path to realising that you are dreaming and give you the tools to make it a regular occurrence. Make use of your infinite potential virtual reality now by learning the skill of lucid dreaming.Join the ranks of some of historys greatest minds from Einstein and daVinci to Edison and Tesla, from Mozart and Salvador Dali to many more modern celebrities such as Tim Ferriss, Leonardo di Caprio, James Cameron and Richard Linklater. It is a playground for creativity and problem solving and has been used in the creation of movies such as Avatar, the Matrix, Scanner Darkly and in the novels of Stephen King. You can take advantage of this creative space which was once known only to shamans (who used it for astral projection) and ancient Buddhists yogis by learning and practicing the skill of lucid dreaming.Enroll now and begin your transformative journey and join a community of more than 500 dreamers in 75+ countries all over the world.Check out the free previews!See you inside,James"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Time Management for Personal Productivity"
"If you have more to do than time to do it and find yourself consistently overwhelmed and snowed under by the ever-growing mountain of daily work then youve come to the right place. This course is designed with your pain as its starting point; it will teach you the tricks and tools to take you from being overwhelmed to increasing your personal productivity by maximising your effectiveness, squashing your distractions and creating a powerful routine of habitual excellence and productivity which will get you on top of your mountain so you can begin to look to the horizon at what you want to do and not just the stuff thats demanding to be done right now. Its too easy to get carried away by the daily urgencies that you end up missing the wood for the trees and end up on a life course that you arent plotting. Take control of your lifes direction once again with this course: by taking control of how you manage your time you take the reins on your lifes direction.If you are a person that knows you are capable of much better outcomes than you are currently getting then you know there is a better way. The first step is eliminating the blockages that stand in your way. So great news! This course is going to show you that better way. And its 100% guaranteed to work or your money back!Its going to show you a program of tools and techniques and get you formulating your time management plan so you can:Squash your distractionsMultiply your productivityGet on top of your lifes inbox and feel powerful and in controlControl the direction of your lifeWe all know we could get more out of our days. But most people never stop for long enough to figure it out. So congratulations on taking the first step by searching for a course on time management and personal productivity. I can assure you that if commit to this journey it will be life-changing. Its a shocking thing to think that our modern life with all its conveniences and all the efficiencies that technology have brought us have not made us freer with our time but more constrained, rushed and overwhelmed than ever. But it doesnt have to be this way. What weve really learned from all this chaos is that there was never a problem with the time in the first place the problem was always in the management.What we need more than anything else is a plan. Too many loose ends keep floating around in our head. Are they important? Who knows but they are urgently biting at our heels as we race from task to task week to week stress to stress. I want to invite you now to try a little exercise: imagine that you have reached the end of a day and you feel free, you feel your blood pumping with the invigorating pride of having accomplished everything that needs to be done with your day; more than this you have enough mental space left to ask: how can I make tomorrow even better? With this course I want to help you shift your way of looking at the world from the putting out fires mindset to the blueprint-planning mindset. In this course you will meet the tools which get you on top of your workload and give you the feeling of control, productivity and liberation which allows you to look beyond the days workload and towards the grand canvas of your life.DISCLAIMER: a quick disclaimer first though. Much as Id love to I cant do the work for you. I can show you the way and be your supportive guide but I can't get in the trenches with you and do your tasks for you so in this course your are going to be rolling your sleeves up and putting everything you learn into practice and I promise you that if you make this commitment the return on the investment of your time and money will be exponential. And Im not just talking financially here but more importantly in terms of your fulfilment with your work and your life as well as your emotional wellbeing. At the end of the day this is what we are looking for and it has been an axiom of philosophers and wise men for centuries and millennia that the wise man is he who has mastery over himself. With this course you are going to take a big leap on that journey by mastering your schedule, your day and by planning out the life you want to live. With these tools and techniques and a healthy sprinkling of commitment and hard work on your part you are going to be the productivity master of your days and your life.In this course you will learn:How to make a plan to tackle your lifes in-trayThe difference between whats urgent and whats importantHow to prioritise the tasks which have the most leverage in your lifeHow to squash distractions and time drainersThis course has come out of over a decade of experimentation on my part with different tools, techniques, programs and insights. I have always known there was a better way to do things and bit by bit I have begun to separate the wheat from the chaff. Bit by bit I have experimented with all the gurus have to offer and put together a system which has given me powerful feelings of freedom, power and control over my life. I have been there with you, I have experienced the frustration of being overwhelmed by my workload and being unable to maintain control. In this course I will share my story with you and the techniques that have given me back control over my life. This journey has taken me through the works of the ancient philosophers and the wise sages from all traditions into the modern worlds of psychology and personal development and it has taken me on the journey of becoming a performance and excellence coach and a Neuro-Linguistic Programming practitioner. My own journey to mastering productivity has inspired me to dedicate my time and life to empowering others do the same.My name is James Cussen and I am a life and business coach and I wanted to utilise what I have learned from thousands of hours of coaching clients, reading personal development, psychology, business books and experimenting with my own mind and life to create a course which is also a self-coaching program where you will not only gain knowledge of key time management concepts but by completing the steps of the course you will be applying that knowledge directly and immediately to your own life so you can coach yourself to excellence. If you're sick of feeling overwhelmed and out of control then waste no more time in taking control. See you inside,James "
Price: 199.99