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"Abstract Algebra: Group Theory with the Math Sorcerer"
"This is a college level course in Abstract Algebra with a focus on GROUP THEORY:)Note: Abstract Algebra is typically considered the one of HARDEST courses a mathematics major will take. This course is a step above a general mathematics course. Students should have familiarity with writing proofs and mathematical notation.Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Feel free to jump around from section to section. It's ok to feel lost when doing this, remember this stuff is supposed to be super hard for most people so don't get discouraged!3) After many sections there is short assignment(with solutions). 4) Repeat!If you finish even 50% of this course you will know A LOT of Abstract Algebra and more importantly your level of mathematical maturity will go up tremendously!Abstract Algebra and the Theory of Groups is an absolutely beautiful subject. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"College Algebra with the Math Sorcerer"
"This is a complete college level course in Algebra, hence the name College Algebra:)Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Eventually you should be able to do the problems before I do them. Try! Keep watching until you can do the problems on your own:)3) There are assignments throughout the course. Work through these if you need more practice.4) Repeat!If you finish even 50% of this course you will know A LOT of College Algebra and more importantly your Algebra skills will improve a ton!College Algebra is an awesome class because it prepares you for higher level math in a big way. To be honest, lots of higher level math like Calculus isn't even that hard, it's the ALGEBRA that makes Calculus hard! This means if you become really good at Algebra then once you get to Calculus it will be much easier!I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"Statistics with StatCrunch by the Math Sorcerer"
"This is a complete college level course in Statistics which uses StatCrunch.****In order to fully benefit from this course, you must have access to StatCrunch.***If you are currently taking Statistics using StatCrunch or plan to take Statistics in College using StatCrunch, then this is the PERFECT COURSE!!!Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Eventually you should be able to do the problems before I do them. Try! Keep watching until you can do the problems on your own:)3) Repeat!If you finish even 50% of this course you will know A LOT of Statistics and more importantly your Statistics skills will improve a ton!Statistics is an awesome class because it gives you real life examples of how mathematics is used. This is really the ideal course for anyone who wants to learn Statistics and already has StatCrunch or is willing to get it.I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"Calculus 1 with the Math Sorcerer"
"This is literally the ULTIMATE Calculus 1 Course!!!Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Try to do the problems before I do them(if you can!)3) Try to complete the assignments. Solutions are included to every single assignment and in some cases the solutions are very detailed.4) Repeat!If you finish even 50% of this course you will know A LOT of Calculus 1 and more importantly your level of mathematical maturity will go up tremendously!Calculus 1 is an absolutely beautiful subject. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"Advanced Calculus/Real Analysis with the Math Sorcerer"
"This is a University Level course on Selected Topics in Advanced Calculus/Real Analysis with a major focus on WRITING PROOFS:)Note: Advanced Calculus(aka Real Analysis) is typically considered the HARDEST course a mathematics major will take. This course is a step above a general mathematics course. Students should have familiarity with writing proofs and mathematical notation.Basically just,1) Watch the videos, and try to follow along with a pencil and paper, take notes! 2) Try to learn to write the proofs as I do. If you understand the proofs then you have learned a great deal. If you can write the proofs on your own then you have really graduated to the next level.3) Repeat!If you finish even 50% of this course you will know A LOT of Advanced Calculus and more importantly your level of mathematical maturity will go up tremendously!Advanced Calculus is a beautiful yet notoriously difficult subject to learn and teach. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write Proofs with Functions with the Math Sorcerer"
"This is a course on PROOF WRITING with Functions:)It is extremely helpful to know How to Write Proofs in Set Theory before jumping into this material or at least know some mathematical logic.Because this material is more advanced and this is a PROOF WRITING course, this course includes multiple introduction videos.The first section has various introductory videos.The second section has TWO videos which are both considered roughly full introductions.The best way to learn to write proofs is to watch someone else give careful proofs and then try to do it on your own. This is the MANTRA behind this course which is full of beautiful 100% correct well written proofs!!!Basically just,1) Watch the introduction videos if you need to. Even if you don't need to, watch them anyways, it's worth it!!!! These cover the very basic things that you should know regarding functions.2) Watch the PROOF videos in ANY order. Take notes, try to understand them.3) Try to do the proofs on your own! If you can't, watch the video and cheat and try again.It takes A LOT of effort to learn to write proofs like the ones you see in these videos, so don't feel discouraged if you find it difficult, it is supposed to be tough.This is an EXCELLENT course for anyone who wants to jump into proof writing and has some knowledge of basic proofs. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write Proofs in Set Theory with the Math Sorcerer"
"This is a course on PROOF WRITING with Sets:)This course starts with some VERY BASIC definitions regarding the theory of sets. Some simple examples are given at the beginning, but soon after, the PROOFS begin!!Important Note: A formal prerequisite for this material is an understanding of mathematical logic. However I have tried to explain the ideas from logic as they come up in the proofs.The best way to learn to write proofs is to watch someone else give careful proofs and then try to do it on your own. This is the MANTRA behind this course which is full of beautiful 100% correct well written proofs!!!Basically just,1) Watch the introduction videos if you need to. These cover the very basic things that you should know regarding sets.2) Watch the PROOF videos in ANY order. Take notes, try to understand them.3) Try to do the proofs on your own! If you can't, watch the video and cheat and try again.It takes A LOT of effort to learn to write proofs like the ones you see in these videos, so don't feel discouraged if you find it difficult, it is supposed to be tough.This is an EXCELLENT course for anyone who wants to jump into proof writing. I hope you enjoy watching these videos and working through these problems as much as I have:)"
Price: 19.99

"Entwickle Berichte in SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)"
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Entwicklung von Berichten mit den Microsoft Reporting Services (SSRSReporting). Die Lektionen sind aufeinander aufbauend gestaltet. Sie zeigen dir den kompletten Vorgang von der Erstellung von Datenquellen bis hin zu fertigen Berichten, welche abschlieend auf einem Report Server bereitgestellt werden.Du wirst einige Kniffe lernen, mit welchen du die Unwegbarkeiten in Reporting Services umschiffen kannst.Die finale Projektdatei ist als Download angehngt. Diese kannst du spter als Referenz nutzen."
Price: 99.99

"Building Reports with SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)"
"This course demonstrates the development of reports with the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS). The Lessons are building up on each other. They show the complete workflow. Beginning at the definition of datasources, over the report development until the deployment to a Report Server.Additionally some best practices and work around for advanced topics are demonstrated.The final project file is attached for reference."
Price: 99.99

"Como fazer Bolsa Maternidade com material sinttico"
"Neste curso voc aprender detalhadamente como fazer uma bolsa maternidade com material sinttico.Todas as aulas foram formuladas de modo que voc consiga passo a passo confeccionar a bolsa.No curso voc aprender como confeccionar a bolsa maternidade em dois tamanhos, bolsa mdia de passeio e bolsa maternidade.Voc gastar aproximadamente:Bolsa Media : R$ 49,00Bolsa Grande: R$63,00Sugesto de preo de venda:Bolsa Media: R$ 190,00Bolsa Grande: R$220,00"
Price: 219.99

"Como fazer bolsa em material sinttico - Bolsa Paula"
"Neste curso voc aprender detalhadamente como fazer uma bolsa maternidade com material sinttico.Todas as aulas foram formuladas de modo que voc consiga passo a passo confeccionar a bolsa.No curso voc aprender como confeccionar a bolsa maternidade em dois tamanhos, bolsa mdia de passeio e bolsa maternidade.Voc gastar aproximadamente:Bolsa Media : R$ 49,00Bolsa Grande: R$63,00Sugesto de preo de venda:Bolsa Media: R$ 190,00Bolsa Grande: R$220,00"
Price: 189.99

"Full Stack React Native with Hooks: From Beginner to Expert"
"This course teaches full-stack mobile development. Students will learn the basics of React Native & Redux, create a Database using Mongo Atlas and build a Node.js API. What you will learnReact Native fundamentalsReduxMongoDBHerokuNode.jsExpressAuthenticationUser SessionsHow to use public API'sHow to build and host an APIAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Must a MacBook or Windows PCSome familiarity with JavaScript would help but is not neededInterest in mobile developmentWho is this course forAnyone looking for a career changeGrad graduates looking to add skills to their resumePeople who want to learn mobile developmentAspiring full-stack developers"
Price: 99.99

"HTML & CSS: The Web Developers Bible"
"This is a beginner's course covering HTML and CSS. I will teach you how HTML is used to create web pages and how CSS is used to make it presentable.What you will learnHTMLCSSWeb DesignAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?Must a MacBook or Windows PCNo Experience with HTML or CSS is requiredWho is this course forAnyone looking for a career changeGrad graduates looking to add skills to their resumePeople completely new to web designWhat youll learnHow web pages are laid outHTML FundamentalsHTML5HTML tags, attributes, and elementsCSS How to add styling to your web sitetypographyCSS rules and propertiesAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?An interest in web design"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda a Gerenciar Diretrios com openLDAP em Linux"
"Este curso de OpenLDAP tem como objetivo mostrar de forma prtica e rpida como implementar e administrar servidores de diretrio usando a soluo Open Source OpenLDAP. Sero abordados conhecimentos tericos e prticos de segurana, backup e integrao de servios de rede. O software de diretrio OpenLDAP usado por instituies pblicas e privadas do mundo inteiro.Aprenda com uma das maiores referncias em ambiente Linux do Brasil."
Price: 69.99

"Construindo Supercomputadores com Linux - Cluster HPC"
"Esse curso visa demonstrar o que computao de alto desempenho baseado em computadores genricos do dia-a-dia. Aprenda como funciona, como se projeta, como se configura, como integrar com aplicaes reais. Use para fazer demonstraes, aulas de sistemas distribudos e, at mesmo implementar ambientes corporativos em computao de alto desempenho em clusters classe Beowulf."
Price: 219.99

"Hacking e Segurana em Redes sem Fio"
"Esse curso visa ensinar toda a teoria envolvida em redes sem fio e, no somente no uso das ferramentas. O instrutor enxerga que as ferramentas ajudam no processo de aprendizado e, portanto, se aparecerem novas ferramentas no decorrer dos anos o aluno estar preparado para estudar e usa-las como convenha. O curso ensina uma teoria forte aplicada a prtica, onde o aluno ser capaz de compreender por completo as tecnologias embarcadas nas redes sem fio, suas vulnerabilidade, processos de intruso e mtodos de segurana que devem ser implementados para evitar os ataques aqui expostos. O autor no se responsabiliza pelo mau uso das informaes aqui expostas .Portanto, o curso voltado para ensinar a proteger uma rede sem fio atravs de mtodos de ""Testes de Invaso"" controlados."
Price: 69.99

"Segurana em Servidores Linux - Proteo Anti-Hackers"
"Muitas pessoas consideram os firewalls como um elemento-chave da segurana na Internet. No entanto, os firewalls no so e no devem ser a nica linha de defesa. Se o seu firewall for invadido, ou se voc no tiver um firewall, uma forte configurao de segurana no servidor continuar a proteger os seus sistemas ou seja, configure cada servidor em seu ambiente para que ele seja resistente intruso.Providncias a TomarAlm de escolher um bom sistema operacional (eu sugiro o GNU/Linux), existem algumas providncias que devero ser tomadas para garantir a segurana de seus servidores individualmente. A maior parte dessas providncias so bem simples e deveriam ser includas no processo de instalao/administrao de sistema.Redobrar a checagem da configurao do sistema e fazer auditorias peridicasAcrescentar controle de acesso redeRemover servios desnecessriosInstalar patches de fornecedores rapidamenteUtilizar verificadores de integridadeAplicar controles de acesso baseados em RBAC/MACUtilizao de CriptografiaE muitos outros ... exatamente o que esse curso se prope, fortalecer as configuraes nos seus servidores Linux, para minimizar riscos e melhorar o nvel de proteo ao seu ambiente computacional."
Price: 489.99

"Calculus Functions and their Applications"
"The course is mainly focused on the applications of functions in real life problems. The course concentrates on various types of functions such as linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, logistic, and rational. In the beginning of each section, we go through a brief overview of the mathematical aspect of each type of function and then we present their applications through word problems.After introducing functions and their applications, we move to the derivative. We begin with an overview on limits and then proceed to the definition of the derivative as the limit. We see the geometric interpretation of it as the slope of the tangent line and as the instantaneous rate of change. We then proceed to various differentiation techniques and to the first and second derivative tests. The maximum and minimum points of functions are found using the derivative tests constructing the appropriate sign tables. The concavity of functions is discussed. Then, we examine applications of maximum and minimum points such as maximizing the profit function or minimizing the cost function."
Price: 99.99

"Google Entrepreneurship Fundamentals"
"In this ""Google Entrepreneurship Fundamentals"" course, we will arm you with the tools you need to start a successful business.In this beginner training course, we are going to show you how to use 5 of the free tools that Google offers to plan & manage your new startup business. The free tools we will cover in this module are: Google Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Drive & KeepOur course is designed for the beginner entrepreneur and structured in a way that will teach you how to use Google's tools even if you are not tech savvy. Our team are professional trainers, our videos are professionally made and you can expect a high quality training experience. In each of these modules, we will teach you why these are the perfect tools for an entrepreneur, the advantages of using them, how to navigate the tools and how to use them effectively._________________________________________________________________________________________MODULES:Google Mail (also known as Gmail)Gmail is a very powerful application, although a lot of its features are not immediately obvious. It is important to Remember that Google is an ecosystem, and as far as we are concerned, Gmail is the centerpiece to this ecosystem. To make sure you are not overwhelmed by the vast amount of emails that can accumulate within Gmail and to keep your business running as efficiently as possible, our course is designed to help you establish a new way of thinking about how you approach running your business with Gmail.Google ContactsGoogle Contacts is a relatively straightforward and simple application, but if leveraged properly can have a powerful impact on any business.In this module we will teach you how to create new detailed contacts and manage your business contact list, as well as how to ensure you can access that list from anywhere, on any device, at any time.Google CalendarGoogle Calendar is the primary application that will become the heart of your business and is a far more effective tool for managing a business than it may look on the surface. It will allow you to plan your business time effectively, from scheduling out your day and planning meetings, to coordinating your employees and managing interactions with your clients.In this module we will teach you everything you need to know to make Google Calendar your daily time & task management application.Google DriveManaging your files in a new business (from new clients proposals to supplier invoices) can be a daunting task if you dont know how.For businesses today, accessibility and collaboration are essential to success, so knowing how to use Google Drive effectively will not only change how you do business, but save you countless hours of adminIn this module, we teach you how to navigate Google Drive, how to create, upload, download, edit and share files with your team, your suppliers and your clients. We will also show you how to backup your data, how to use Drive to ensure your ideas are kept safe and how to attach files in other Google apps directly from Google Drive.Google KeepKeep is simple application that mimics real world sticky notes.Designed to work on your mobile phone so you can take notes quickly on the fly, it can be used for everything from making a quick shopping list to jotting down evolving ideas for a business project.Used effectively it will become an incubator for your best ideas, projects, goals and plans."
Price: 49.99

"Japanese for IT Business / IT"
"Contents / :You can efficiently learn expressions necessary for IT business.There are ten Units in this course. The concrete contents of each UNIT are as follows. IT UnitUNIT---------------------------------------------------------1: (Job interview)2: (At a new workplace)3: (Receive instruction)4: (At meeting)5: (Communication under development)6: (Progress report)7: (Unit test, integration test)8: (System Test)9: (Demo for customer)10: (Acceptance inspection, after-sales support)---------------------------------------------------------For who? / :IT Professionals such as programmer, system engineer, software engineer etc. working in/for JapanJLPT N2 or more equivalent  ITOK)JLPT N2*IT*"
Price: 21000.00

"-------------------------------------------1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. -()2. -(3. -(4. -()5. -()6. -()7. -()8. -()9. 1. 2. (P)3. -------------------------------------------"
Price: 24000.00

"Organizacin de Espacios - Mtodo KonMari"
"Qu es el Mtodo de Marie Kondo y Cmo organizar toda tu casa aplicndolo.Dictado por una Consultora Certificada en espaol, detallando cada categora una por una y como llevarlo a adelante del principio al fin.Con demostraciones de doblado de prendas, y como guardar todo para aprovechar el espacio de tu casa al mximo. Consejos para no fallar, tips de organizacin y de como descartar lo que ya no necesitas en tu vida."
Price: 19.99

"Speak English With A Neutral British Accent - Clear and Easy"
"Accent reduction can greatly improve work prospects, facilitate better conversation and make navigating English conversations a pleasant and enjoyable experience.  Speak English with a neutral British Accent can also be of help to an actor looking to master the neutral British accent.This course is designed to take students through the pronunciation of English in a Neutral British Accent.  It covers the alphabet, vowels, consonants and the most common sounds that students will encounter in a fun and engaging way.  The instructor, Phil, is a native English speaker who has studied several other European languages as well as having worked in the corporate business environment and as a voice actor.The lectures are aimed at both native English speakers who want to modify their accent, or for foreign learners whose accents may be more distinct.  They give the opportunity to match sound with spelling and ample opportunity for repetition throughout the course to build success.We are 100% backed by the Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee, so if it doesn't live up to your expectations you can apply for a full refund.  We hope, however, that you will find this to be a useful, engaging and helpful learning experience on your journey to perfecting the neutral British accent."
Price: 99.99

"Como criar videoaulas e editar videos"
"Bem-vindo ao curso: Como gravar e editar videoaulas passo a passoAqui voc aprender os princpios envolvidos no planejamento e criao desse tipo de material didtico.Meu nome Igor Oliveira Santos e serei seu instrutor ao longo das aulas.O curso online Como Gravar Vdeos Aulas Passo a Passo foi criado pensando em voc que precisa iniciar seu Projeto de Vdeos e no sabe por onde comear ou ainda j iniciou, porm, no consegue sair do lugar. Voc vai aprender a Criar e Produzir Vdeos de forma rpida utilizando o que voc tem!Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de:Produzir tutoriais e videoaulas sobre qualquer assunto que domine.Editar vdeos usando com recursos amigveis e poderosos.Gravar a tela de seu computador enquanto demonstra o funcionamento de alguma ferramenta digital.produzir seu equipamento de gravao;criar um setup para que seus vdeos sejam muito mais engajadores;gravar e editar seus vdeos usando todo o potencial que seu celular pode te oferecer;Voc aprender a elaborar diferentes tipos de videoaulas, capazes de cativar seus alunos tornar o aprendizado muito mais interessante.O curso est estruturado em sees nas quais voc conhecer:As etapas da produo de uma videoaula.Um conjunto de ferramentas fceis de usar e baratas.Modelos de videoaulas baseados em filmagens com cmera, apresentaes de slides e captura, ou gravao, da tela de seu computador.D uma olhada na descrio e programao do curso, assista uma das aulas livres e faa sua inscrio!Vejo voc nas aulas!At mais."
Price: 39.99

"Simple Leadership Psychology"
"Like many people I work with, you may find managing disengaged people both stressful and hard work. You may also find your role as a manager fraught with conflict and politics. If so, then this course on simple leadership psychology will help you avoid these energy sapping and time wasting obstacles. Instead, if you apply the powerful principles I give you, I guarantee stress levels will fall, productivity will lift (sometimes dramatically) and everything will start to fall into place more. You will feel you are surfing the wave of events rather than pushing water up hill. And all because you will have learned to align your leadership actions with basic human nature and so tap into powerful survival instincts that drive human motivation.Road map to successMy course introduces simple principles from modern neuroscience and psychology that will yield you a massive payback. By the way, you can use these principles in any relationship situation not just within the organization. The course content gives you an unfailing road map that embarks you on a journey of ever deeper understanding and practice in the fields of relationships and leadership. This profound knowledge will power your career and enhance the destiny of whatever organization you choose to work in.As author of 'Reinventing Management Thinking' and a seasoned business improvement specialist in over fifty-five organizations of all types and sizes, I have been given a rare insight into leadership Psychology. In fact I see on a daily basis the positive impact that these easy to learn principles have on organizational activity, employee productivity and management decision-making. I know that if you adopt this science-based approach to leadership you will achieve performance increases of 35% or more within a few weeks.Unlock the door to a lifetime of accomplishment and satisfactionAdopt these ideas and techniques and you will cease to rely on external factors to motivate people, such as incentive schemes, more pay and so on. Instead you will find new ways to work with human nature and avoid taking those actions that spark off stress and de-motivate your employees. Learning these simple facts unlocks the door to a lifetime of accomplishment and satisfaction. As part of your ability to transform your work culture the course will help you resolve those frustrating people problems that take up so much time and energy. By this I mean you will be able to overcome employee resistance to change, transform under performing colleagues, and dissolve your own personal stress. You will also eliminate constant trouble-shooting, conflict, absenteeism and low engagement with management goals.The message is you dont have to be a super star to be a highly effective leaderWhether you are just starting out as a new supervisor or manager or whether you have reached senior level, or you run your own business the really good news is that you dont have to be 'special' or a super star to be a highly effective leader. Any healthy human being can follow these simple guidelines, and easy to apply techniques and concepts to create a dynamic working environment. Leading in tune with human nature will enable you to: Fully engage and empower your employees Inspire enthusiasm, loyalty, trust and commitment Reduce operational mistakes and non-compliance to a fraction of the norm Ultimately improve productivity by 50% or more Experience much lower sickness, absenteeism and presenteeism Retain top talent and shrink staff churn Unleash the full potential of your team Tap into the creativity of every employee Speed-up information flows between people and functions Improve planning outcomes Enhance decision-making - yours and other people's Ignite spontaneous problem solving at every level Nurture compassion, empathy and other positive emotional states needed for good working relationships and customer service Create a healthier, happier work culture Significantly lighten your own load of stressPrevious client commentsI have been really exhilarated. This knowledge has changed my life."" Carl Hills General Manager PCE a division of Tuboscope oil field services companyJeremy Old has the unique ability of engaging, understanding and pulling teams of people together across all disciplines in the business and focusing us all in achieving our personal and company goals Fantastic! Toby Martin, joint Managing Director, Mauveworx Ltd.The course successfully drew together all the aspects of situations I have encountered in a variety of organizations that I deal with on a daily basis. I can readily use this information. I found the new understanding of the impact poor management and procedures has on morale and the effectiveness of the workforce particularly helpful. Staff Counsellor, UK civil service.The workshop provided lots of tips. It arranged the psychological principles and ideas into a useful unifying approach applicable to all organisations. Thoroughly enjoyable and informative Occupational Psychologist"
Price: 79.99

"The Art of Buying a Diamond"
"The Art of Buying a Diamond is an in-depth guide on how to buy a diamond. This unique course aims to provide you with a transparent and neutral outlook to help you buy a diamond confidently, wisely and strategically.This step-by-step course is a culmination of over a decade of experience working in the opaque diamond industry, and I am confident you will extract invaluable knowledge from my expertise, allowing you to optimize your time and budget.Expert Advice: Expert strategies from a gemologist, jewelry expert and consultant.Peace of Mind: Learn how to buy a diamond confidently, wisely and strategically.Immediate ROI: Avoid mistakes, optimize your budget, and save thousands of dollars.Learn How ToStructure and optimize your budgetUnderstand the opaque diamond marketplaceIdentify trustworthy diamond companiesStrategically narrow down the selection of a diamondEffectively apply your knowledge of the 4CsChoose between Ecommerce VS Retail marketplacesInterpret Synthetic VS Natural diamondsAvoid costly mistakesWhy Me?Neutral, transparent, independent diamond consultantExperience in wholesale, retail, Ecommerce, auction, pre-ownedNo incentives to sell you a diamond, not sponsored by any companiesOver a decade of experience in the diamond industryStrategic thinker with in-depth knowledge of current trendsPersonalized touch to your individual needsThis one-time investment will help you save thousands of dollars by avoiding mistakes, strategizing your purchase, and optimizing your time and money. Designed with a holistic approach, this unique 360 course is the most effective shortcut to a stress-free and pressure-free diamond purchase."
Price: 199.99

"Guia Prtico de Sucesso Emocional com os Florais de Bach"
"Este trabalho   baseado em minha  experincia pessoal e profissional.Os Florais de Bach e o Ho'oponopono so ferramentas eficazes no tratamento da ansiedade.Este material contm exerccios muito simples e funcionais, para a limpeza de memrias com a poderosa ferramenta do Ho'oponopono e, tambm, a  lista dos 38 Florais de Bach.Contm  2 SUPER PRESENTES: Uma frmula dos Florais de Bach e o Direito a uma sesso teraputica ON-LINE (30minutos) para voc ou para quem voc quiser presentear - via Skype/Whatsapp/e-mailUm abrao,Vaneska Santos"
Price: 39.99

"How to write an effective personal statement"
"Congratulations. Since you are about to write a personal statement it means that you have excelled at your academic career and are ready to reach the next level. Ive helped hundreds of students to write their personal statements and I know writing a great personal statement is difficult, but I can show you how to skillfully pull it offand get a boost of self-esteem to boot. I first want to convince you of the importance of the personal statement in your application process; most students dont understand the huge role it plays. Then Ill show you who precisely is your audience, who specifically you are trying to impress. Then Ill take you through my three-step process that will convince you to take the time and energy to insure that you create an outstanding essay."
Price: 24.99

"Simulados COBIT 5 e 2019 PT-BR"
"Conjunto de simulados preparatrios para a certificao COBIT 5 e 2019. muito importante que voc atinja uma nota superior a 70% em todos os nossos simulados, s assim voc vai estar suficientemente preparado para fazer a prova de certificao.Fique atento! Nossos simulados so atualizados frequentemente; assim, voc vai ter disponvel o maior nmero de questes para ajudar na sua preparao.Em breve lanaremos um vdeo com o resumo de todo o framework do COBIT dando dicas sobre o que mais cobrado na prova. Tambm falaremos sobre os diversos sinnimos utilizados na traduo do framework e como eles aparecem na prova.Se inscreva agora e no perca todas essas vantagens!"
Price: 39.99

"Hacking Debutant - Black Hat Hackademy"
"Bienvenue dans mon cours ""de Hacking thique"".  Avec le coupon ""PROMOTION"" (sans les guillemets) vous pouvez payer moins chre la formation.Dans  ce cours, tu apprendras installer et configurer Kali Linux. Si tu n'as pas envie de faire des formations Linux seulement pour utiliser Kali Linux, tu trouveras dans ce cours les bases pour les dbutants pour apprendre utiliser le terminal avec Kali Linux. Tu vas apprendre les bases de Metasploit Framework qui sont essentielles pour les dbutants, mais souvent ngliger dans les cours et tutoriel de Hacking. On va faire l'installation de Lab de Pentesting pour pouvoir t'entraner au piratage. Tous mes tudiants auront la chance d'apprendre sur un LAB de pentest avec Kali Linux et les autres outils. Si tu es un dbutant et que tu commences avec Kali Linux ce court est fait pour toi.Ne t'inquite pas. Tu n'as pas besoin de connaissance pralable. Les bonnes nouvelles sont puisque les outils libres et populaires sont utiliss vous n'avez pas besoin d'acheter n'importe quel outil ou application.Apprenez utiliser le puissant ensemble de bibliothques principales de C # pour automatiser des tches fastidieuses mais importantes telles que le coding de payload, le fuzzing, les analyses de vulnrabilits. Avec laide de Mono, vous allez crer vos propres outils de scurit pratiques fonctionnant sous Windows, OS X, Linux et mme sur des appareils mobiles.  Organiser et simplifiez votre journe de travail en tirant le meilleur parti du vaste rpertoire d'outils et de bibliothques du C # avec cette formation de Hacking.Savez-vous coder un Trojan ou un payload Meterpreter indtectable. Moi oui  et c'est ce que je vais vous apprendre dans ce cours. Quand on veut apprendre le pentesting et savoir comment font les cybers criminels pour rendre indtectables leurs malwares on passe normment de temps sur internet chercher les trucs, astuce et logiciel pour trouver la solution.La solution la voici, connaissance et savoir, je ne vais pas vous donner  une solution toute faite cl en main, mais si vous travaillez, faites  vos propres recherches avec les informations du cours, vous arriverez au  FUD et ne ferez plus jamais confiance un antivirus.Nmap et Metasploit sont les outils les plus populaire d'Internets avec des fonctionnalits avances que la plupart des gens ne connaissent mme pas ! Dcouvrez les secrets du piratage thique et de la dcouverte du rseau en utilisant Nmap et Metasploit sur ce cours complet.Nmap et metasploit sont des outils indispensable que tous les informaticiens devraient bien connatre. Il sont utiliss par tous les bons hackers thiques, les pentesteurs, les administrateurs systme et tous ceux qui veulent en savoir plus sur la scurit d'un rseau et de ses htes. Vous ne pouvez pas tre un bon hacker thique ou administrateur de systmes sans tre un expert dans Metasploit et Nmap. Vous passerez de dbutant expert dans des tapes structures faciles suivre et nous couvrons toutes les plateformes majeures sur lesquelles Nmap et Metasploit peuvent tre utilis , y compris Windows , Linux et Kali Linux.Je suis toujours en train de mettre jour ce cours avec du contenu frais. Ce n'est pas un secret comment la technologie avance un rythme rapide. De nouveaux outils sont publis chaque jour, et il est crucial de rester au fait des dernires connaissances pour tre un meilleur spcialiste de la scurit. Vous aurez toujours un contenu mis jour ce cours sans frais supplmentaires. Aprs avoir achet ce cours, vous aurez un accs vie celui-ci et toutes les mises jour futures.IMPORTANT: Ce cours est cr des fins ducatives et toutes les informations apprises doivent tre utilises lorsque l'attaque est autoris.L'tudiant idal pour ce cours est techniquement intress par le piratage thique et la scurit des rseaux. la fin de ce cours, vous aurez l'occasion d'utiliser Nmap et Metasploit pour analyser les rseaux. Vous serez en mesure de trouver des vulnrabilits et des faiblesses sur des systmes qui peuvent tre exploits par des pirates informatiques."
Price: 24.99