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"Formao Completa no AutoCAD 2D, 3D e VBA"
"O CURSO:No curso Formao Completa no AutoCAD 2D, 3D e VBA o aluno aprender como desenhar em 2D e 3D de forma definitiva, dinmica e inteligente, alm de conhecer a incrvel ferramenta VBA que ir automatizar todo o seu trabalho. O curso conta com uma tima metodologia de ensino e excelentes exerccios prticos. As aulas so claras e objetivas, onde o aluno ir aprender como trabalhar com o AutoCad de maneira fcil e dinmica, aproveitando o seu tempo da melhor forma possvel.Aprenda uma nova profisso e se apaixone pelo AutoCad. POSSO LUCRAR COM O CONHECIMENTO OBTIDO DOS CURSOS?Sim, algumas das sugestes que te dou a de desenhar plantas baixas para engenheiros, arquitetos, tcnicos em edificaes, desenhar mobilirio para marcenarias, desenhar Asbuilt de rodovias, entre outros, ... TEMPO DOS CURSOO curso concludo pelo aluno de acordo com a sua disponibilidade de horrio e interesse, j que todas as aulas ficam disponveis podendo ser assistidas sempre que o aluno quiser."
Price: 109.99

"Curso de Automatizao com Excel e CMD"
"O curso de Excel:O curso visa ensinar aos seus alunos como utilizar as frmulas do Excel de uma forma dinmica, com exerccios acompanhados e aulas complementares. As aulas so claras e objetivas, onde o aluno ir aprender como utilizar de forma inteligente as principais frmulas que podem solucionar qualquer problema em um processo seletivo ou onde voc pode montar qualquer planilha de forma rpida e dinmica, aproveitando ao mximo seu tempo.O curso de CMD:O curso visa ensinar aos seus alunos como automatizar suas tarefas no trabalho para que assim ele produza mais, com agilidade e profissionalismo. O curso conta com aulas explicativas e exerccios acompanhados.Posso lucrar com o conhecimento obtido no curso?Tenho certeza que sim. Uma sugesto que te dou de prestar consultoria a seus amigos ou empresas, onde voc vai deixar a planilha dele mais funcional e dinmica, atravs das frmulas aprendidas no curso. Muitas empresas possuem planilhas que por falta de conhecimento dos funcionrios, as deixam o mais manual possvel, e ai temos uma oportunidade onde podemos automatiz-las com frmulas  e deixarmos a planilha com uma cara mais profissional. Voc pode prestar consultoria em como automatizar processos economizando o tempo de trabalho dos funcionrios.Tempo dos cursosO curso concludo pelo aluno de acordo com a sua disponibilidade de horrio e interesse, j que todas as aulas ficam disponveis podendo ser assistidas sempre que o aluno quiser."
Price: 114.99

"Curso completo de AutoCad Map e Google Earth"
"Google EarthO curso visa ensinar aos seus alunos como utilizar o Google Earth de uma forma dinmica, com exerccios acompanhados e aulas extras. As aulas so claras e objetivas, onde o aluno ir aprender como utilizar todos os recursos disponveis no Google Earth, como georreferenciar uma quadra, delimitar os lotes e calcular suas reas, para que sejam apresentadas as informaes de rea da quadra e nmero do lote no Google Earth, como gerar curvas de nveis com elevaes no Google Earth, como criar um passeio com apresentao de fotos e visualizao no Street View. AutoCad MapO curso visa ensinar aos seus alunos como utilizar o AutoCad de uma forma dinmica. As aulas so claras e objetivas, onde o aluno ir aprender como trabalhar com o AutoCad de maneira fcil e dinmica, aproveitando o seu tempo da melhor forma possvel. Posso lucrar com o conhecimento obtido no curso?Tenho absoluta certeza que sim. Algumas das sugestes que te dou georreferenciar e delimitar rea para empresas ou pessoas que possuem grandes propriedades rurais, criar passeios virtuais e gerar curvas de nveis para concessionrias de rodovias, desenhar plantas baixas para engenheiros, arquitetos, tcnicos em edificaes, desenhar mobilirio para marcenarias, desenhar Asbuilt de rodovias, entre outros, ... Tempo do cursoO curso concludo pelo aluno de acordo com a sua disponibilidade de horrio e interesse, j que todas as aulas ficam disponveis podendo ser assistidas sempre que o aluno quiser."
Price: 144.99

"CSA Professionals: Be a Successful Veggie Box Member!"
"This course, videos and forum will allow CSA members to succeed with using their veggie boxes week-to-week. We will outline tips and Tricks on how to use your box each week. Veggie Storage, Preparation and Preserving informationRecipe Ideas Online Cooking videos Vegetable Harvest Calendar- so you know what to expect from week to weekCommunity Member Forum for you to post questions, pictures and share ideas with other members! Updated information about our upcoming farm events"
Price: 59.99

"Histoire de la langue arabe"
"Des cours sur l'Histoire de la langue arabe en langue franaise . Ce n'est pas commun!!!Vous allez voyager dans le monde de la langue arabe et de la civilisation arabo-musulmane . Vous allez apprendre des choses dont vous ne souponniez mme pas l'existence . Cette civilisation arabo-musulmane qui brill son age d'or doit forcment vous intressez .  N'hsitez pas vous inscrire , vous ne serez pas dus."
Price: 19.99

"Dropshipping Amazon To Ebay Easiest Way To Make Money Online"
"Are You struggling on your 9-5 job making less money than you aspire to make?Well, You are in the exact right place,You will be able to learn how to dropship and make money on retail arbitrage easily, Maybe you heard a lot about dropshipping, and you've been asking is it hard? well it's not, and on this course I can prove that all you have to do is follow all the steps and sessions, Money can be made why you're asleep, maybe it sounds weird, but its REAL, I quit my job 6-7 months ago (November 2018) and I've been making much more than what I've been making on my 9-5 job, only working from home, working the time I want, And even traveling, all you need is your laptop and a Wifi;In this course, I will be teaching you:-How To Start-How to find profitable items so easily-How to scale using eBay's Stores-How to use one of the biggest and awesome drop shipping tools that will help you automate your business up to 100%EL HAMIM ABDERRAHMANEELhamimabderrahmane (ON INSTAGRAM)"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Azure + Preparao Certificao Oficial Az-900"
"Esse curso voltado para pessoas interessadas em conhecer a Nuvem Microsoft e j garantir sua primeira certificao nessa tecnologia, para assim agregar um grande valor no seu curriculum vitae. A grade do curso terica e com muitos exemplos prticos, exige pre-requisitos tecnolgicos para cursar... ento, entre agora no mundo das certificaes atravs desse treinamento e garanta sua posio rapidamente :) Zeca Nunes"
Price: 249.99

"Palo Alto Networks PCNSE 8.0 Practice Test"
"A Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) is capable of designing, deploying, configuring, maintaining and trouble-shooting the vast majority of Palo Alto Networks Operating Platform implementations. PCNSE certification validates your knowledge of the Security Operating Platform, ensuring you can make use of its full functionality to benefit your company and showcase your expertise. The Palo Alto Networks Certified Network Security Engineer (PCNSE) is a formal, third-party proctored certification that indicates that those who have passed it possess the in-depth knowledge to design, install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot most implementations based on the Palo Alto Networks platform. The students must have the knowledge of Initial Configuration, Interface Configuration, Security and NAT Policies, App ID,  Content ID,  URL Filtering, Decryption, Wildfire, User ID, GlobalProtect, Site-to-Site VPN,  Monitoring and Reporting &  Active/Passive High Availability.Students must have a basic familiarity with networking concepts including routing, switching, and IP addressing. Students also should be familiar with basic security concepts. Experience with other security technologies (IPS, proxy, and content filtering) is a plus.Target Audience :  Security Administrators, Security Operations Specialists, Security Analysts, Security Engineers, and Security Architects"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to VMWare on AWS"
"VMware Cloud on AWS is an integrated cloud offering jointly developed by AWS and VMware delivering a highly scalable, secure, and innovative service that allows organizations to seamlessly migrate and extend their on-premises VMware vSphere-based environments to the AWS Cloud running on next-generation Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) bare metal infrastructure. VMware Cloud on AWS is ideal for enterprise IT infrastructure and operations organizations looking to migrate their on-premises vSphere-based workloads to the public cloud, consolidate and extend their data center capacities, and optimize, simplify and modernize their disaster recovery solutions. In this course you will learn the basics of using VMWare Cloud on AWS."
Price: 19.99

"Augmentez vos ventes grce au Marketing Automation"
"Dcouvrez la mthode simple pour- Construire un argumentaire en bton- Crer une squence convaincante- Pousser le bon contenu au bon moment- Amliorer la conversion de vos emailingVous allez bnfier de 4h de formation vido avec des cas pratiques+ 2 scnarios reprendre cls en mainAu SommaireC'est quoi le marketing Automation ? Quels outils ? Quels prix ?Rappel : avant de se lancer, il faut avoir une liste !Dfinir les objectifs, les personas, les scnariosMettre en place un auto rpondeur simple Niveau dbutantMettre en place une squence de Trigger Marketing Niveau intermdiaireBonus russir ses emailings !"
Price: 29.99

"Apprenez prospecter sur Linkedin en 15 minutes / jour !"
"Une mthode simple pour- Identifier des prospects cibls- Transformer un contact en prospect- Obtenir des rendez vous- Automatiser votre prospectionAccdez immdiatement aux 10 h de formation vido avec cas pratiquesQu'allez vous obtenir dans la formation ?J'ai conu une mthode cls en main pour les Freelances, Consultants, PME... qui veulent exploiter Linkedin pour trouver des clients.Je vous explique pas pas comment :Exploiter ce vivier de prospects qu'est Linkedin... sans passer y passer des heuresDevenir enfin visible auprs de vos prospects, et les inciter vous contacterExploiter 110% votre rseau afin d'obtenir des rendez-vousDevenir une rfrence dans votre domaine et rester en mmoireAutomatiser votre prospection quand il le faut et comme il le faut !Vous distinguer de vos concurrents, et mme exploiter leurs contacts !Vous allez conomiser BEAUCOUP de temps car vous profiterez de mes nombreux essais et tests pour ne pas vous perdre en actions inutiles et aller l'essentiel !Je vais vous montrer comment j'ai mis en place une vritable machine gnrer des prospects et obtenir des rendez vous commerciaux.Et comme je sais que le Web volue sans cesse, vous pourrez poser toutes vos questions dans l'espace de formation"
Price: 99.99

"Gnrez plus de trafic via Google & les influenceurs"
"Dcouvrez la mthode simple pour- Apprendre les piliers du rfrencement- Augmenter le trafic de votre site- Amliorer la conversion de votre site- Gagner en visibilit sur les Media SociauxAu sommaire : plus de 10h de formation vido avec des cas pratiques + un Club Priv pour poser toutes vos questions----------------  Au Sommaire de la Formation   ------------------La formation est conue pour vous faire monter progressivement en puissance afin d'tre capable d'appliquer facilement mes conseils et mthodes pour augmenter le trafic de votre site web et amliorer sa conversion.Vous allez commencer par les fondamentaux (dfinir son client type, les diffrents types de contenus...) puis les bases de la cration de contenus, pour finir par les techniques avances.Voici ce que vous allez apprendre au cours des 10 heures de la formation :Les piliers du rfrencement naturel via le contenu (c'est dire crire pour Google et pour les Internautes)Comment produire du contenu sans se prendre la tte pendant des heures (cueil N1 du content marketing)Comment lutter contre l'explosion du contenu sur le web (c'est dire se diffrencier, surfer sur les tendances...)Comment capter du trafic l o il se trouve (concurrents, influenceurs...)Module 1 - Les fondamentaux du Content MarketingLa mthode pour dfinir son Persona (le client type et les 5 profils d'internautes)Les diffrent types de contenus crer selon le cycle d'achatLe mythe de l'article de 500 motsEcrire pour le Web (story telling, mthode SPRIT, pyramide inverse...)Blog ou pas Blog ? Je vous dis ce qu'il faut faire pour russirModule 2 - Les piliers d'un bon rfrencement naturel sur GoogleLes cls pour produire du contenu qui va plaire Google (mots cls...)Les recettes d'un contenu enchante les internautes (titres, sujets...)L'Audit de contenus afin d'exploiter le trsor qui dort dans votre disque durLes bases de la conversion d'un site web et l'analyse via le tunnel AARRRLes 17 types de contenus possder obligatoirement sur son site webModule 3 - Produire du (bon) contenu sans se prendre la tteDe la voix l'crit, l'astuce pour ceux qui ont du mal rdiger du texteLa sous traitance de contenusFaire de l'Easy writing & de la rdaction rapideLa mthode pour crire un livre blanc sans se prendre la tteL'utilisation des influenceurs pour capter du traficLa diffrence entre la traduction, l'adaptation et l'inspiration...Module 4 - Quand crer du contenu ne suffit plus...Pourquoi se contenter d'crire du bon contenu ne suffit plus de nos joursLa mthode pour capitaliser sur ses contenus via le MulticanalEvnementialiser son contenu pour crer le BuzzFaire de l''infotainment, la nouvelle manire de produire du contenuBonus : ma Mini checklist pour la promotion de vos contenusModule 5 - Dtourner le trafic de ses concurrentsLa mthode pour surpasser ses concurrents (et les doubler)...Les outils d'espionnage de la concurrence, et la mthode pour les dpasserUne petite astuce pour rentabiliser sa curation ... en toute lgalit !La puissance d'une bonne petite polmique pour se faire connatreModule 6 - 25 erreurs ne pas commettreUn rsum des choses ne pas faire aprs 12 ans passs bloguerBonus : Tout ce que je ferai si je devais repartir 0 avec un blog"
Price: 99.99

"Gestin de Investigacin de Accidentes Areos"
"Desarrollar destrezas y habilidades conceptuales bsicas en el rea de investigacin de accidentes de aviacin necesarios para determinar las causas que originaron el accidente y aspectos relacionados con los sistemas, normas y procedimientos de carcter tcnico-legal que rigen en la materia en el mbito internacional.Ustedes lograran entender lo complejo de un proceso de investigacin, como los investigadores pueden llegar a las causas de los accidentes utilizando las herramientas adecuadas y establecidas internacionalmente para ello. Se darn cuenta de la importancia del sistema tutelar normativo para manejar este tipo de investigaciones."
Price: 49.99

"The Complete Course Of Labview"
"In this series, by presenting a whole fundamental method of teaching the different parts of the course in certain projects and simple yet practical examples, we have tried to provide those who lack necessary information in this regard or have just begun working with labview, in order to enter this industry and start creating functional projects."
Price: 19.99

"Learn to Sew Home Decor"
"It's all about becoming. . .     Becoming friends with your sewing machine while creating beautifully unique designs for your home.  Becoming familiar with the simple basics of sewing while adding personalized embellishments for your soft furnishings.  Becoming a sewist with ease - you, the sewist who creates and sews the home you and your family love to live in."
Price: 19.99

"Sewing Basics for Home Accessories"
"Include the finer details of added fringes, various trims, various types of cording, banded edges with mitered corners, ruffling, and hemming techniques to your repertoire of design options for sewing soft furnishings and accessories for your home.   Easily add gathered or knife-pleat ruffles to your home creations.  Cover raw cording with chosen fabrics, or use a decorative rope trim.  You will simply and easily learn necessary skills for integrating the sewing details you desire into your home decor designs.  All these techniques help you create/sew the home you love to live in."
Price: 29.99

"Be A Panel Queen"
"Never buy patterns for panels again!  With the information in this course, you will learn to calculate, cut to measurements, and sew panels for the look you dream of, no matter if you are copying something you saw on Pinterest or anywhere else.  See it in a magazine?  No problem!  See it in a store or showroom?  You can make it!  Create the home you love to live in with sewing techniques of a professional workroom.  In this course, you will learn to design your own soft furnishings in the form of curtain panels."
Price: 64.99

"Master the Art of Rap and Song Creation"
"Welcome to the course on how to master the art of rap and song creation. My name is deebo dioso and i have been writing and making music since the age of 9. Now at 26 i am pleased to share with you guys the fundamentals of hip hop and rap song creation!No musical background needed! Have fun and trust the process as i guide you to be the best rapper out there!If your as passionate about music as i am this is for you!Don't be discouraged as being the best takes a ton of practice but i'm gonna show you ways to bypass a lot of unnecessary steps and get you straight to the topWho this course is for:Those Wanting to learn how to make hip hop music from scratch and be better than your average rapperThis course is for all Levels This course is for those who want to learn unique ways to getting better as an MC from someone raised in Hip Hop's BirthplaceThose willing to learn and Have funYou can always message me here or find me on Instagram/Youtube : @officialdeebo"
Price: 49.99

"Learning Japanese Language in an Effective way"
"If you are struggling to learn Japanese or looking for an effective way to learn Japanese, why dont you try my language learning method? I especially, highly recommend my method to those who are still unable to carry out a basic conversation after studying Japanese in school or by doing self study.The secret is knowing a well-suited way to learn a language. After learning my method ,if you persist with continuous, repetitive practice, you will achieve the desired result.Your Japanese competency level will be so much better. You will be more fluent, more accurate, and more confident in your Japanese reading and speaking abilities.This is the course was created with the intention of sharing an effective learning language method to help boost your Japanese communication skills.  The method is two parts, the Sentence Pattern Method and the Read-aloud Method.The Sentence Pattern Method  is essential to acquiring the Japanese grammar rules unconsciously in your mind.The Sentence Pattern Method is a sentence template that contains constants and variables. This is similar to structure of a mathematical formula. Being able to recognize a variety of sentence patterns enhances your ability to use those patterns when communicating verbally. The Sentence Pattern Method helps a learner to convert his/her thoughts from their mother tongue language into Japanese sentences very easily.However, just knowing the Sentence patterns is not enough. We need to practice these sentence patterns regularly in order to help set them more firmly in our memory.So, this course will tell you how to utilize Read-aloud Method to embed sentence patterns in your memory and to open the door to boost your Japanese communication skills."
Price: 69.99

"The ULTIMATE Technical Analysis Course"
"This course is layered with 10 levels of videos building from the basics to more advanced mechanics. It will teach you nearly everything that you need to know about technical analysis especially in the world of cryptocurrency. This course is for you whether you are a beginner or already know what you're doing, but want to learn more."
Price: 109.99

"Health and Safety for Freelancers and Digital Nomads"
"On this course, I will teach you about the risks to wich you are exposed every day and, once you are aware of those risks, to help you act in such a way as to avoid injuries and professional diseasesIn this course you will learn:1. How accidents happen2. What are the general hazards3. Safety when coworking4. Tips for travel safety 5. Office ergonomics                    How to set up your chair                   How to set up your monitor                   How to set up your work surface6. What to do in case of fire7. What to do in case of an earthquake8. Basic information about first aid                   First aid kit                   How to treat cuts                    How to treat first degree burns."
Price: 19.99

"nva s acorzi primul ajutor"
"Cursul nva s acorzi primul ajutor este destinat tuturor romnilor care doresc s afle cum se acord primului ajutor adulilor n diverse situaii.Cuprinsul cursului:IntroducereIntroducereDe ce s nvei s acorzi primul ajutorDeclinarea reponsabilitiiPrincipii de baz n acordarea primului ajutorApelarea serviciilor de urgenConcepii greiteComponena trusei de prim ajutorPrincipii de bazTehnica splrii minilorTestSuport vital de bazEtapele principale n acordarea primului ajutorEvaluarea victimeiVictima contientVictim incontientVictim incontient respirVictim incontient NU respirRecapitulare suport vital de bazTestPrimul ajutorArsuriDezobstrucia cilor aeriene - Metoda HeimlichElectrocutareHipertermie - InsolaieHipotermie - DegerturiLeinPlagCriz epilepticTestConcluzii"
Price: 19.99

". , , , , , , , ?, . . 15 ."
Price: 1600.00

"Ionic 4 & Wordpress App, iOS/Android, Push Notification 2020"
"In this course you will learn how to create and publish an iOS and Android APP using Ionic 4 and WordPress Restful API. We will go throw every detail from how to setup working environment, creating the app, managing push notification and publish the app on respective stores. In this tutorial you will get also all the source code of what we will create. We will share with you tips and tricks how to submit your app in App Store and Play Store. This course has everything you need to know on how to create and publish an app using WordPress as back-end or any other back-end that use Restful API. Please check the course previews and curriculum for more details. We cant wait to get started."
Price: 19.99

"Website to App iOS & Android 2020. No coding skills needed"
"In this course you will learn how to convert your website in app and publish an iOS and Android using Ionic 4 and webview. We will go throw every detail from how to setup working environment, creating the app.In this tutorial you will get also all the source code of what we will create.  The easiest way to get your website converted. No coding skills are needed. you just need to follow some easy steps that we have shared in this tutorial and for any help we will be here for you."
Price: 19.99

"; 30"
Price: 600.00

"How to select and cut in Photoshop"
"One of the most important things to master in Photoshop, is selecting objects or persons, and then cutting them out, so you can replace the background or move them to another image.I will take you from the most basic tools, like the magic wand and lasso tool, to the more advanced tools like the pen tool and layer masks. You can follow along, by downloading the images used, and try it yourself, before you go on to the next tool.The class is for both the newbies of Photoshop, but also the ones who knows a bit more about Photoshop.Hope you enjoy this class. Make sure to follow me for more Photoshop tricks :)"
Price: 19.99

"Insegnare con Arduino"
"Il corso permetter di imparare l'utilizzo della piattaforma Arduino e del relativo linguaggio di programmazione attraverso la costruzione di coinvolgenti progetti pratici. Oltre al video corso, sono infatti incluse le dispense teoriche corredate con le schede guida ai progetti utilizzabili direttamente in classe. Oltre 50 esercizi che gli studenti potranno svolgere completano l'offerta.Ecco i progetti proposti: il dado multicolore con il led RGB, la calcolatrice, il semaforo con chiamata pedonale, il cronometro con display, una stazione di rilevamento della temperatura, il passaggio a livello con il servo-motore.E' particolarmente indicato per docenti della scuola Secondaria di Primo e Secondo Grado che intendono proporre l'utilizzo della piattaforma in classe. Il corso perfettamento adatto anche agli appassionati di informatica, elettronica, robotica e studenti."
Price: 19.99

"Design Thinking for Beginners: Develop Innovative Ideas"
"Think of a problem or challenge you had to solve at work recently. How did you approach it? Did you find yourself overwhelmed with the number of possible solutions? Were you unsure how to even start? Design thinking can help.Design thinking is a five-step human-centered process for creative problem solving. It was popularized by the Stanford and IDEO, and has been used by organizations around the world to solve knotty problems. It is all about understanding your user's needs and solving the right problem. By using this human-centered design approach, you can develop products and services that truly help your user.This course is meant to serve as an introduction to the principles of design thinking and touches on ways you can implement it in your workplace. The material is best suited for students who are new to design thinking or want a refresher on the core concepts. Luckily, design thinking can be applied to almost any field; no matter what your profession, design thinking can help you discover and implement the best solutions to problems you encounter. In this course, you will:Apply the 5-step design thinking process to a design challenge in your organization.Empathize with your users through interviews and observations, in order to take a human-centered approach to a challenge.Define your core problem by synthesizing and analyzing information gathered during your empathy work.Ideate solutions to your problem by brainstorming using ""How might we..."" statements.Prototype your ideas rapidly to identify the best possible solution for your problem.Test your prototypes with users to gather feedback on your proposed solution.Pitch design thinking to your team or organization using storytelling.You will spend the duration of this course completing your own design thinking project, solving a design challenge of your choice. Each section contains activities that help you apply each step of the process to your design challenge. I've also provided a workbook for you to complete as you progress through this course with all the templates you need to complete your project. These can also serve as resources as you bring design thinking to your own day-to-day work!My name is Laura Pickel, and I'll be your instructor in this course. After learning design thinking as a student at the, I've continued to both use and teach design thinking at a variety of organizations, including IDEO, Lyft, SAP, and the I love helping people learn about the power of design thinking and hope you will be one of them!If you're ready to develop breakthrough solutions to help and delight your users, enroll in this course today!"
Price: 74.99

"R Basics - Programmierung und Datenanalyse"
"Dieser Kurs dient als Einstieg in die Programmierung und Datenanalyse mit R & RStudio. In dem Kurs lernt Ihr im ersten Schritt Grundlagen der R-Programmierung. Danach erfolgt, eine Einfhrung in die, aus Sicht des Autors, wichtigsten Pakete fr die Datenanalyse. Ihr lernt das ""tidyverse"" und ""data.table"" kennen. Die in dem ersten Kapitel eingefhrten Mglichkeiten zur grafischen Darstellung von Daten werden durch ""moderne"" Bibliotheken, wie ""ggplot2""  und ""plotly"" ergnzt.  In Kapitel 4 lernt ihr u.A. die Grundlagen von Web-Applikationen mit dem ""shiny"" package kennen. Im Fokus dieses Kurses steht die Vermittlung von Konzepten und Techniken, und weniger die Statistik. Es werden keine Vorkenntnisse in der Programmierung bentigt. Dieser Kurs eignet sich fr alle, die einen Einstieg und in R bentigen und Datenanalysen durchfhren mchten. Dieser Kurs eigent sich zudem als Einstieg in das Feld ""Data Science"" mit R."
Price: 54.99