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"EC0-232 EC-Council E-Commerce Architect Practice Exam"
"252 UNIQUE practice questions for EC0-232 EC-Council E-Commerce Architect Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : EC0-232 EC-Council E-Commerce Architect Practice ExamTotal Questions : 252Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (189 of 252)"
Price: 174.99

"ST0-10X Veritas Storage Foundation 5 for Unix Practice Exam"
"194 UNIQUE practice questions for ST0-10X Veritas Storage Foundation 5 for Unix Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ST0-10X Veritas Storage Foundation 5 for Unix Practice ExamTotal Questions : 194Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : (145 of 194)"
Price: 159.99

"HP0-Y31 Implementing HP Network Infrastructure Solution Exam"
"119 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-Y31 Implementing HP Network Infrastructure Solution ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-Y31 Implementing HP Network Infrastructure Solution ExamTotal Questions : 119Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (89 of 119)"
Price: 144.99

"HP0-055 Implementing HP ProLiant Servers Practice Exam"
"156 UNIQUE practice questions for HP0-055 Implementing HP ProLiant Servers Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : HP0-055 Implementing HP ProLiant Servers Practice ExamTotal Questions : 156Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 156)"
Price: 154.99

"250-253 Administration Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 Unix Exam"
"223 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-253 Administration Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 Unix ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-253 Administration Veritas Cluster Server 6.0 Unix ExamTotal Questions : 223Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :140 minsPassing Score : 75 (167 of 223)"
Price: 174.99

"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam"
"269 UNIQUE practice questions for PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice ExamTotal Questions : 269Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :165 minsPassing Score : 75 (201 of 269)"
Price: 169.99

"JK0-015 CompTIA E2C Security + Certified Practice Exam"
"250 UNIQUE practice questions for JK0-015 CompTIA E2C Security + Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : JK0-015 CompTIA E2C Security + Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 250Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :150 minsPassing Score : 75 (187 of 250)"
Price: 174.99

"1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Practice Exam"
"135 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-264 Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Support Practice ExamTotal Questions : 135Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (101 of 135)"
Price: 149.99

"CISA Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Practice Exam"
"110 UNIQUE practice questions for CISA Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CISA Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Practice ExamTotal Questions : 110Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :75 minsPassing Score : 75 (82 of 110)"
Price: 154.99

"250-352 Administration Storage Foundation HA Windows Exam"
"271 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-352 Administration Storage Foundation HA Windows ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-352 Administration Storage Foundation HA Windows ExamTotal Questions : 271Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :170 minsPassing Score : (203 of 271)"
Price: 179.99

"ECCouncil EC0-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator Exam"
"304 UNIQUE practice questions for ECCouncil EC0-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : ECCouncil EC0-349 Computer Hack Forensic Investigator ExamTotal Questions : 304Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : (228 of 304)"
Price: 169.99

"250-250 Veritas Storage Foundation Administration UNIX Exam"
"190 UNIQUE practice questions for 250-250 Veritas Storage Foundation Administration UNIX ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 250-250 Veritas Storage Foundation Administration UNIX ExamTotal Questions : 190Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :125 minsPassing Score : 75 (142 of 190)"
Price: 164.99

"() ? ?! () ? ! , ! ?! ?! , , , ! ! , , , !.. --!.. ??? , ?, ..., , , : , ()() , ! - , , , !, ! ! , , . . 30 . . ? - .. (, , ). . .?, . , ( ) , . . . , ? ()? , ? , , , . ? ?, ?? "" ""! , , ."
Price: 1799.00

"Aprenda Codeigniter do zero ao essencial"
"Neste curso voc ir aprender os conceitos iniciais para o desenvolvimento de aplicaes web com PHP como:Modelo MVCInstalao de ambienteCriao e configurao de banco de dados MySQLGerenciamento de sesso de usurioAlm disso voc ir aprender a aplicar todos esses conceitos usando o Codeigniter, que um dos frameworks mais conhecidos no mercado de desenvolvimento PHP. Vamos te apresentar vrios pontos importantes sobre o framework como:ArquiteturaInstalao e configuraoPrincipais recursosAlgumas ferramentas disponveisComo customizar alguns recursos para um caso especficoE claro, alguns problemas que voc poder evitarVoc ir aprender tudo isso com a mo na massa desenvolvendo um sistema de controle de finanas pessoais do zero! Ns vamos te apresentar a ideia do sistema e desenvolver passo a passo desde a configurao do ambiente at a entrega do sistema.Te espero no curso!"
Price: 39.99

"How to write a Business Plan - Step by step guide- Learn now"
"This course will teach you in about half an hour how to write a business plan, create a product, find a target group and sell this product.The content is compactly summarized of many books and other courses.This course is a step-by-step guide and deals with every important topic of the business-foundation.THIS COMPLETE BUSINESS PLAN COURSE teaches you everything you need to know in order to make an incredible business plan"
Price: 84.99

"Python Spark and Machine Learning"
"Apache Spark est un framework de traitement parallle open source qui existe depuis un certain temps maintenant. L'une des nombreuses utilisations d'Apache Spark est pour les applications d'analyse des donnes sur les ordinateurs en clusterVous apprenez obtenir des donnes partir de toutes les plaques-formes d'hbergement de donnes populaires, y compris HDFS, Hive, JSON et grer de grands ensembles de donnes avec PySpark pour acqurir une exprience pratique du Big Data.nous couvrons l'installation et la configuration de PySpark, les oprations RDD, le nettoyage et le traitement des mgadonnes, et l'agrgation et la synthse des donnes dans les rapports utiles. Vous apprenez galement comment implmenter certaines techniques pratiques et prouves pour amliorer certains aspects de la programmation et de l'administration dans Apache Spark. la fin, vous serez en mesure de crer des solutions analytiques et d'apprentissage machine Big Data en utilisant les diffrentes offres PySpark et galement de l'optimiseur efficacement."
Price: 199.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams"
"Cet examen pratique vous prpare l' examen Architecte de solutions certifi AWS - Associ (SAA-C01). Cet examen pratique se passe sur la dernire version du programme d'examen.le test de pratique peut tre pris plusieurs fois. Il est important de passer le test aprs avoir rvis tous les sujets importants d'AWS. les questions incluses dans les tests de test sont aligns sur les dernires tendances d'AWS et vous tes amliors avec eux.Les questions abordes dans ce test ont t values dans les solutions informatiques avances. Les questions sont alignes sur l'examen de fvrier 2019 publi par AWS. Vous pouvez savoir o vous vous situez dans le domaine de l'architecture AWS,il s'agit du fonctionnement, des meilleures pratiques, des cots et divers autres aspectsCes copies d'examen associ aux architectes de solutions certifies AWS sont en ralit un examen fictif."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Digital et Machine Learning"
"Dans le cadre de votre activit commerciale, En effet, les systmes de recommandation sont devenus trs importants au cours des dernires annes. Ils reprsentent maintenant une opportunit norme pour le commerce lectronique, particulirement avec le Big Data. En travaillant avec de grandes quantits de donnes et en introduisant des algorithmes sophistiqus, les boutiques en ligne devraient voir leurs conversions augmenter avec les systmes de recommandation actuels.Vous avez sans nul doute dj vu apparatre sur vos crans les formules classiques de type les clients qui ont achet cet article ont aussi achet... ou cela pourrait galement vous intresser lorsque vous faites du shopping en ligne. Ces astuces, adaptes aux prfrences individuelles de l'utilisateur, sont le rsultat de calculs et d'algorithmes sophistiqus. Les systmes de recommandation sont dj bien ancrs en e-commerce, mais des technologies et des algorithmes toujours plus performants se sont galement immiscer dans d'autres domaines trs varis.Dans cette formation , vous allez crer  un moteur bas sur le contenu qui fonctionne sur les mtadonnes de film. Vous utiliserez des filtres collaboratifs pour utiliser les donnes de comportement des clients"
Price: 199.99

"kafka de A - Z"
"Apache Kafka est une plate-forme de diffusion distribue trs rpandue qui fait office de file d'attente de messagerie ou de systme de messagerie d'entreprise. Il vous permet de publier et de vous abonner un flux d'enregistrements et de les traiter de manire tolrante aux pannes mesure qu'ils se produisent.La publication de message est un mcanisme permettant de connecter des applications htrognes des messages achemins entre elles, par exemple l'aide d'un courtier de messages comme Apache Kafka. cette  formation est un guide complet sur la conception et larchitecture dapplications de diffusion en continu pour entreprises utilisant Apache Kafka et dautres outils Big Data. Il inclut les meilleures pratiques pour la cration de telles applications et aborde des problmes courants tels que l'utilisation efficace de Kafka et la gestion aise de gros volumes de donnes. cette  formation explique dabord le systme de messagerie de type, puis fournit une introduction complte Apache Kafka et ses dtails internes. La deuxime partie du livre vous guide dans la conception d'applications de diffusion en continu l'aide de divers frameworks et outils tels qu'Apache Spark. Une fois que vous matriserez les bases, nous vous expliquerons des concepts plus avancs dans Apache Kafka, la fin de cette  formation, vous aurez toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour savoir utiliser Apache Kafka et pour concevoir des applications de transmission de donnes en continu efficaces."
Price: 199.99

"Educao Ambiental"
"A insero da temtica educao ambiental na sociedade global teve seu boom em 1980, mesmo assim tudo lentamente, se vocs retornarem o tempo, refletirem sobre o passado, observaro que no mencionavam temas como sustentabilidade, preservao do meio ambiente, aquecimento global, economia verde, entre muitos outros temas. A Ecologia referia-se somente a uma rea da Biologia que aprendia no Ensino Mdio.E Educao Ambiental surgiu como resposta CRISE DO SISTEMA EDUCATIVO; Ela possibilita a adoo de uma cosmoviso sistmica, em que as interaes culturais, sociais e naturais esto totalmente integralizadas, visando superar a dicotomia entre NATUREZA e SOCIEDADE para estabelecer uma atitude ecologicamente equilibrada. Todo programa de Educao Ambiental um instrumento importante de sensibilizao e capacitao e estimula a participao de todos para apresentaes de solues e propostas para aes, reavaliando os resultados, campanhas de incentivo, seminrios e etc."
Price: 39.99

"Discovering Freedom: Overcome Challenging Emotional Patterns"
"Are you a person with high functioning autism or Aspergers syndrome who:-has difficulty engaging with everyday life-is struggling with frequent or constant difficult emotions-is wondering if you'll ever have the peace, wellness, and satisfaction you want in lifeI understand how it feels to always be the outsider and to always be reaching for something to make you whole, because I have Asperger's syndrome. I used to suffer from depression, feelings of isolation, and belief that it was impossible for me to ever connect with another human on a meaningful level. I have been on a journey for the last seven years that has completely transformed my life to one of joy, inner peace, and feelings of connection. I thought it was hopeless, but I did it, and I know you can too.What does it take?1. Dedicate yourself to experiencing more joy in your life 2. Make a commitment to yourself that you will take the action necessary to transform your life.3. Sign up for the online course to learn how to master your thoughts and emotions -- the first step to experiencing internal peace.4. Follow through in completing the course and all exercises as described to be on your way to a happier, more fulfilling life.Help Create a Life Changing Course while you Transform your Life!What you'll get:-Full access to the pilot course Discovering Freedom: Overcome Difficult Emotional Patterns by Harnessing the Power of your Thoughts-Free upgrade to the expanded, updated course when it becomes available-The opportunity to add valuable feedback to improve this course and help change the lives of others!-100% Risk-Free 30-Day Money Back GuaranteeThis pilot version of the course already has immense value and a number of actionable steps to creating peace and joy in your life. The course will be updated and expanded as I get student feedback to curate it to meet the specific needs of the users. It will be updated right here on Udemy, and you will retain your full access."
Price: 94.99

"RoadMap Your Life - A Course for Clarity"
"Roadmap Your Life is 8 interactive modules that will help you craft a vision and an action plan for the next 3 years in your key life areas.So you can design a life that leverages your strengths, aligns with your values and reflects your deepest potential; with a focus on delivery, accountability and massive action.Create a 3 year vision in 5 key Life Areas and craft a 12 month RoadMap of Action.RoadMap Your Life HighlightsDROP THE PINMap where you are now so you can measure your progress and know exactly where you want to go.INCREDIBLE YOUFind what makes you great by leveraging your strengths, living your values and claiming your unique life experience.THE 3 YEAR VISIONGet the power questions to reveal your 3 year vision. Living the experience of your ideal day.DESIGN YOUR LIFE BOARDLearn how to create this powerful accountability tool for a vision you can see.THE 12 MONTH ROADMAPGo from design to build as we dive into your stretch goals and your RoadMap of aligned action.YOUR NORTH STARFind your reason for doing what you do. Your Why for you and Why for the world.FACING THE DRAGONBecome friends with fear and overcome self doubt, learning to choose the inner mentor over the inner critic.THE FOCUS FORMULAGet your accountability strategy in play to check in, update and realign your journey with dynamic quarterly stand ups."
Price: 24.99

"Mdia de performance: ganhe foco no seu resultado"
"O marketing digital pode assustar. So mais de 7 mil ferramentas e todos os dias aparecem novos conceitos como Mdia Programtica, Demand Side Plataform, Growth Hacking, entre muitos outros.Seja para quem quer entrar ou para quem j trabalha com o assunto, tanta coisa que fcil ficar perdido. Voc se pergunta coisas como:Comeo a divulgar meu site pelo Google ou Facebook?Fao SEO ou Inbound marketing? (ou ainda: o que SEO e Inbound marketing?)Como analiso as minhas campanhas?Ser que estou priorizando a coisa certa?Veremos na prtica como separar o joio do trigo e realizar as aes que fazem sentido para o seu negcio! Voc utiliza seu canal digital para vender produtos, servios ou para gerar leads? Seja qual for o seu modelo vamos definir objetivos e KPIs (principais indicadores) que efetivamente vo alavancar seus resultados.Para ter um olhar orientado a dados no basta ter o Google Analytics instalado: preciso saber quais as mtricas que se deve acompanhar para cada tipo de ao. No tenha dvidas: o profissional do futuro data-driven.Voc no vai encontrar contedo como esse em nenhum outro lugar: baseado em experincia prtica de quem trabalha h mais de uma dcada otimizando campanhas de e-commerces, startups e grandes empresas."
Price: 399.99

"Curso Google Ads (Adwords) com Foco em Pequeno Oramento"
"O Google Ads (antigo Adwords) maior ferramenta de publicidade do mundo, conectando milhares de negcios com momentos cruciais na jornada de compra de seus clientes. Se usado corretamente ele tem o potencial de ser o maior motor de crescimento de uma empresa. No entanto, uma plataforma complexa e - se voc no entende a parte tcnica - em pouco tempo pode perder  seu investimento sem trazer resultado algum. particularmente difcil para pequenos negcios: que no tem oramento suficiente para contar com profissionais qualificados ou ainda tempo para investir e entender da ferramenta em profundidade.Esse curso para voc que precisa dar um passo decisivo para comear a divulgar seu produto, mas precisa fazer valer cada real investido em publicidade.A concorrncia nos resultados de busca nunca foi to alta: aprenda os processos para ter diferenciais competitivos reais, atingir seu pblico de forma eficiente e fazer seu negcio acontecer!Diferenciais do cursoCurso com processo e metodologias proprietrias, com foco em ao e resultado, voc ter acesso ao conhecimento e experincia de um dos primeiros profissionais do mundo a anunciar no Google Ads. um curso que atende tanto quem no conhece a ferramenta quanto quem j tem conhecimento intermedirio, sempre otimizando o seu tempo com foco naquilo que realmente far a diferena.Em todo caso, voc sempre pode contar com um guia de 17 pginas explicando os principais conceitos dos vdeos, alm de um checklist completo em PDF para voc no esquecer de nenhuma prtica na hora de configurar as campanhas.Ateno! Esse um curso voltado para uma primeira campanha na rede de pesquisa do Google Ads. No inclui Google Shopping ou GDN (Google Display Network), que pouco recomendada para um estgio inicial. Menos mais: vamos focar - muitas vezes em profundidade e com exerccios prticos - somente nas tcnicas necessrias para maximizar seus primeiros resultados.No perca a oportunidade de acessar mais de 13 anos de experincia em Google Ads, com metodologia nica para rentabilizar ao mximo seu oramento!"
Price: 99.99

"LEED Green Associate LEED V4/V4.1 Exam1200 Questions"
"Free ""LEED v4  Study Guide for GA  "" for your reference and study / New & latest practice Questions course.(Download links will be sent on message box)600 (Online Questions)+600(Downloadable Questions)=1200 Questions set has been created after Referring 3 Study Materials of  leading  USGBC Education Partners,If you practice our one  test it will be equivalent to practising three tests.(Download links will be sent on message box)Youll receive access to 600 questions in our online learning platform for practice and 600 downloadable questions with explanation by credit categories for learning .The LEED Green Associate Practice tests will ensure you have a thorough understanding of green buildings and LEED.Our LEED Green Associate practice exams are assessed psychometrically to ensure our practice questions evaluate the knowledge needed in order to pass your exam the first time.Receive instant test scoring feedback and this LEED Green Associate Exam Prep course includes products that can be accessed instantly in our online learning portal.Your doubts & Queries will be answered by LEED Professional.Our online practice tests give everyone a user friendly simulation of the LEED Green Associate exam experience. It provides students with an opportunity to become familiar with green design principals. Our LEED Green Associate practice tests are a functional replica of the GBCIs credential exam for the LEED Green Associate professional accreditation.Our LEED Green Associate Practice Tests SpecificationSpecifications:The following outline provides a general description of our LEED Green Associate Practice test content areas which is  replica of the GBCIs credential exam for the LEED Green Associate professional accreditation. Knowledge Domains reflect the rating systems credit categories and what one needs to know. These include concepts such as LEED Process, Integrative Strategies, LEED credit categories and Project Surroundings and Public Outreach.LEED Green Associate Exam:The LEED Green Associate exam tests your general knowledge of green building practices for both commercial and residential spaces and both new construction and existing buildings as well as how to support other professionals working on LEED projects.Knowledge Domains - 1. LEED Process (16 Questions)A. Organization fundamentals (e.g., mission/vision; non-profit; role of USGBC/GBCI) B. Structure of LEED rating systems (e.g., credit categories; prerequisites; credits and/ or Minimum Program Requirements for LEED    Certification) C. Scope of each LEED rating system (e.g., rating system selection; rating system families [BD+C, ID+C, O+M, ND, Homes]) D. LEED development process (e.g., consensus based; stakeholder and volunteer involvement; rating system updates/evolution) E. Credit categories (e.g., goals and objectives of each [LT, SS, WE, EA, MR, EQ, IN, RP]; synergies) F. Impact categories (e.g., what should a LEED project accomplish?) G. LEED certification process (e.g., certification levels [Certified, Silver, Gold, Platinum]; LEED Scorecard; 3rd party verification; role of documentation submission; LEED Interpretations; Addenda; awareness of different system versions [e.g., LEED Online]; components of LEED Online and Project Registration) H. Other rating systems (e.g., in general what other rating systems are out there?)2. Integrative Strategies (8 Questions)A. Integrative process (e.g., early analysis of the interrelationships among systems; systems thinking; charettes)B. Integrative project team members (e.g., architect; engineer; landscape architect; civil engineer; contractor; facility manager, etc.)C. Standards that support LEED (e.g., breadth not depth of American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Engineers [ASHRAE]; Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association [SMACNA] guidelines; Green Seal; Energy STAR; HERs; Reference Standards listed in ACPs, etc.)3. Location and Transportation (7 Questions)A. Site selection (e.g., targeting sites in previously developed and brownfields/highpriority designation area; avoiding sensitive habitat; located in areas with existing infrastructure and nearby uses; reduction in parking footprint)B. Alternative transportation (e.g., type, access and quality; infrastructure and design)4. Sustainable Sites (7 Questions)A. Site assessment (e.g., environmental assessment; human impact) B. Site design and development (e.g., construction activity pollution prevention; habitat conservation and restoration; exterior open space; rainwater management; exterior lighting; heat island reduction) 5. Water Efficiency (9 Questions) A. Outdoor water use (e.g., use of graywater/rainwater in irrigation; use of native and adaptive species)B. Indoor water use (e.g., concepts of low flow/waterless fixtures; water-efficient appliances; types and quality)C. Water performance management (e.g., measurement and monitoring) 6. Energy and Atmosphere (10 Questions)A. Building loads (e.g., building components; space usage [private office, individual space, shared multi-occupant spaces]) B. Energy efficiency (e.g., basic concepts of design; operational energy efficiency; commissioning; energy auditing) C. Alternative and renewable energy practices (e.g., demand response; renewable energy; green power; carbon offsets) D. Energy performance management (e.g., energy use measurement and monitoring; building automation controls/advanced energy metering; operations and management; benchmarking; Energy Star) E. Environmental concerns (e.g., sources and energy resources; greenhouse gases; global warming potential; resource depletion; ozone depletion)7. Materials and Resources (9 Questions) A. Reuse (e.g., building reuse; material reuse; interior reuse; furniture reuse) B. Life-cycle impacts (e.g., concept of life-cycle assessment; material attributes; human and ecological health impacts; design for flexibility) C. Waste (e.g., construction and demolition; maintenance and renovation; operations and ongoing; waste management plan) D. Purchasing and declarations (e.g., purchasing policies and plans; environmental preferable purchasing (EPP); building product disclosure and optimization [i.e., raw materials sourcing, material ingredients, environmental product disclosure]) 8. Indoor Environmental Quality (8 Questions) A. Indoor air quality (e.g., ventilation levels; tobacco smoke control; management of and improvements to indoor air quality; low-emitting materials; green cleaning) B. Lighting (e.g., electric lighting quality; daylight) C. Sound (e.g., acoustics) D. Occupant comfort, health, and satisfaction (e.g., controllability of systems; thermal comfort design; quality of views; assessment/survey) 9. Project Surroundings and Public Outreach (11 Questions) A. Environmental impacts of the built environment (e.g., energy and resource use in conventional buildings; necessity of green buildings; environmental externalities; triple bottom line) B. Codes (e.g., relationship between LEED and codes [building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, fire protection]; green building codes) C. Values of sustainable design (e.g., energy savings over time; healthier occupants; money-saving incentives; costs [hard costs, soft costs]; life cycle) D. Regional design (e.g., regional green design and construction measures as appropriate; regional emphasis should be placed in Sustainable Sites and Materials & Resources)In the following link, you will access the UDEMY Practice Tests FAQs : notes:1.LEED AP and the LEED AP logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and are used with permission.2.LEED Green Associate and the LEED Green Associate logos are trademarks owned by the U.S. Green Building Council and are used with permission.Copyright 2019 by Shahbazuddin and Udemy , All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher ."
Price: 19.99

"How To Be A More Successful Creative and Problem-Solver."
"Recently, 101 radiologists were pitted against an artificial intelligence system to judge their accuracy of detecting breast cancer with over 28,000 readings. Principal investigator, Ioannis Sechopoulos in the Netherlands, found that the AI system was essentially equal in skill as humans but found that the AI performance was lower than the most experienced ones. Organization leaders tell us that they need team members who can think strategically and creatively - something that machines cant do. Go All Creative is specifically designed to empower the next generation of top Creatives and Artists by connecting with and learning from the worlds Super Creatives around key common strategies and practices these Super Creatives use.Creators Leigh Faith, film and television actress and content producer, and Ted Fujimoto, education innovator and school designer, filmed hundreds of hours of conversations with these Super Creatives. Five core practices emerged that are essential to any creative and learning environment.This course covers the main themes that arose from these conversations: Iteration to create the best solutions, leveraging curiosity to rewire the brain, using mindfulness and managing your environment to optimize your mental and physical well-being, using calibration to achieve excellence and forming relationships that become the foundation to success."
Price: 44.99

"Managing your time"
"We all get 24 hours in a day, but how is it that some seem to manage all that they have to do in any given day, whilst others are cracking under the pressure? 'Managing your time' will help you to look at your life (whether at work, at home or at play) and allow you to ascertain whether all that you are doing is beneficial, essential or even required!"
Price: 29.99

"Preparing your 'space' for a professional presenation will enable you to succesfully plan, prepare and produce a high level event, whether it be an in-house meeting, a seminar, a conference or a social gethering. You will be given strategies and tips to assist your planning and you will also be made aware of the pitfalls of planning."
Price: 29.99

"Quantum Mechanics : Beginner to Advance with Problem Solving"
"You Will Learn About Following Topics :-Introduction to Quantum MechanicsWhat is a Wave Function and Its Properties ( Momentum & Energy Operators ) Hilbert Space and Its Properties Dirac Notations and Their Rules Operators Algebra Commutator Algebra with ExamplesTime Independent & Time Dependent Schrodinger Equation Particle in One Dimensional Box or Potential Questions Based on Particle in One Dimensional Potential Standard Integrals Two Dimensional Box or Potential Three Dimensional Potential or Box Problem If [xp]= Then Show That [xp.exp]=(1-p)exp  Harmonic Oscillator in 1,2 & 3 DimensionsAsymmetric Harmonic Oscillator Ladder Operators and Its Problems"
Price: 29.99

"The Course is all about about learning new software such as Salome, BulueCFD panel, ParaView.Many Student Faces problem in setting up Boundary condition and solving the problem.The purpose of this course is to give a simple and straightforward introduction to OpenFOAM covering common bugs and mistakes so that you can easily pass through the steep initial learning curve at your own pace. While the lessons learned here can be applied to any OpenFOAM solver (of which there is a substantial range), the focus is on solid mechanics since the implementation is typically much simpler than more popular applications (high speed flow, etc.). In addition, since solid mechanics is necessary for most engineering disciplines even if it isn't that discipline's primary interest (aerodynamics centres around the interaction between solid objects and fluid flows for example), solid mechanics is an excellent core skill to have and a necessary theoretical precursor to a healthy understanding of fluid dynamics of all forms."
Price: 94.99