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"Aprenda a Desenvolver Seu Sistema"
"Neste curso ns ensinamos a utilizar uma ferramenta que disponibilizada de forma grtis, isso mesmo, a ferramenta freeware, e serve para desenvolver diversos sistemas, seja sistemas, comerciais, empresariais, mdicos etc. Desenvolva sistemas simples, robustos ou complexos mesmo sem ter nenhum conhecimento na rea de TI ou ser formado. O segredo a ferramenta, se voc aprender a desenvolver nessa ferramenta voc ir criar diversos sistemas. No necessrio aprender nenhuma linguagem de programao, basta somente a aprender o uso da ferramenta de desenvolvimento. Aprenda a criar formulrios, criar relatrios, adicionar botes etc. Criar sistemas sem a necessidade de digitar nenhuma linha de cdigo.Ensinamos a criar um ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento que o windows xp ou windows 7, o Visual Basic 6 e a ferramenta de desenvolvimento. Desta forma, seu computador fica do jeito que est, sem alterar em nada a configurao atual. Basta criar este ambiente virtual propcio para o desenvolvimento da ferramenta. Escopo do Curso:1) Vamos criar dois bancos de dados, um de cadastro e o outro de empresa;2) No banco de dados empresa vamos criar uma tabela de empresa para o cliente cadastrar a sua empresa;3) No banco de dados cadastro vamos criar duas tabelas: Clientes e Contas a Pagar;4) Vamos criar formulrio de entrada de dados para: Empresa; Clientes e Contas a Pagar;4) Elaborar consulta e relatrios para: Empresa; Clientes e Contas a Pagar;5) Vamos aprender a baixar, instalar e a configurar a ferramenta;6) Conhecer o ambiente de desenvolvimento da ferramenta;7) Compilar o Sistema criado no Visual Basic;8) Vamos desenvolver um sistema como exemplo e de forma didtica."
Price: 294.99

"Como Publicar Meu Primeiro Livro"
"Este curso ensina a publicar livro fsico em duas plataformas de autopublicao. So autores e escritores que no sabem como publicar seu livro ou no conseguiram publicar. Este curso para voc, ensinamos da diagramao, formatao no MSWord, usando um modelo de livro para publicao, disponibilizado gratuitamente no curso. Voc vai aprender a realizar da diagramao at a publicao. Realizando todo o processo necessrio para este tipo de publicao como exemplo: Retirar registro de editor autor, obter ISBN do livro, registrar a obra no Escritrio de Direitos Autorais - EDA. Enfim deixar o livro pronto para ser publicado aps todo este processo. Alm disso tudo converter o livro para o formato e-Pub e PDF. Se voc tem um livro e no sabe como publicar, no sabe diagramar ou formatar? Tem ideia como retirar o registro de editor? Voc sabe como registrar sua obra no Escritrio de Direitos Autorais? Imagina como retirar o ISBN? Portanto, publique seu livro fsico e e-book em duas plataformas.Afinal o que ns vamos estudar neste curso? O que o curso ensinar?Escopo do Curso 1) Apresentao do Processo de publicao. (Afinal ns temos que fazer tudo);2) Conhecer as etapas dos processos (Experincia do autor nas publicaes de onze livros);3) Por onde comear;4) Organizar para conquistar;5) Iniciar O Projeto;6) O livro que no livro;7) Reviso de texto (Por sua conta, a nica coisa que no temos como ajudar ou ensinar alm das dicas);8) Registrar a obra EDA - Escritrio de Direitos Autorais;9) Diagramar o livro;10) Formatar o livro;11) Desing da capa;12) Converter o formato do livro para e-Pub e PDF;13) Tirar o registro de editor;14) Tirar dois ISBN para o livro fsico e e-book (aps obter o registro de editor);15) Publicar o livro em duas plataformas de autopublicao no Brasil;"
Price: 189.99

"Aprenda a Desenvolver Seu Sistema de Controle de Estoque"
"Neste curso ns ensinamos a desenvolver um Sistema de Controle de Estoque, ou seja, nosso foco o Sistema de Controle de Estoque. Ns vamos utilizar uma ferramenta que disponibilizada de forma grtis, isso mesmo, a ferramenta freeware, e serve para desenvolver diversos sistemas, seja sistemas, comerciais, empresariais, mdicos etc.  Contudo, nosso foco o Sistema Controle de Estoque. Caso voc queira obter mais conhecimento da ferramenta de desenvolvimento, ns temos outro curso bsico aqui na Udemy, que ensina a desenvolver qualquer sistema. Desenvolva sistemas simples de controle de estoque, robustos ou complexos mesmo sem ter nenhum conhecimento na rea de TI ou ser formado. O segredo o conhecimento que vamos disponibilizar por meio deste curso para desenvolvermos juntos um sistema simples de controle de estoque. No necessrio aprender nenhuma linguagem de programao. Aprenda a criar formulrios, criar relatrios, adicionar botes etc. Criar sistemas sem a necessidade de digitar nenhuma linha de cdigo. necessrio primeiro criar um ambiente virtual propcio de desenvolvimento. Calma, ns vamos ensinar a criar, configurar e desenvolver.Ensinamos a criar um ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento que o windows xp ou windows 7, o Visual Basic 6 e a ferramenta de desenvolvimento. Desta forma, seu computador fica do jeito que est, sem alterar em nada a configurao atual. Basta criar este ambiente virtual propcio para o desenvolvimento da ferramenta. Escopo do Curso:1) Vamos criar dois bancos de dados, um de cadastro e o outro de empresa;2) No banco de dados empresa vamos criar uma tabela de empresa para o cliente cadastrar a sua empresa;3) No banco de dados cadastro vamos criar nove tabelas: Clientes, Contas a Pagar, Empresas, Produtos, Fornecedores, Entrada de Produtos, Itens de Entradas, Vendas e Itens de Vendas;4) Vamos criar formulrio de entrada de dados para todas as tabelas informadas no item 3;4) Elaborar consulta e relatrios para todas as tabelas informadas no item 3;5) Vamos aprender a baixar, instalar e a configurar a ferramenta;6) Conhecer o ambiente de desenvolvimento da ferramenta;7) Compilar o Sistema criado no Visual Basic;8) Vamos desenvolver um sistema controle de estoque como exemplo e de forma didtica."
Price: 294.99

"Aprenda a Desenvolver Seu Sistema de Ordem de Servio"
"Neste curso ns ensinamos a desenvolver um Sistema de Ordem de Servio, ou seja, nosso foco o Sistema de Ordem de Servio. Ns vamos utilizar uma ferramenta que disponibilizada de forma grtis, isso mesmo, a ferramenta freeware, e serve para desenvolver diversos sistemas, seja sistemas, comerciais, empresariais, mdicos etc.  Contudo, nosso foco o Sistema Ordem de Servio. Caso voc queira obter mais conhecimento da ferramenta de desenvolvimento, ns temos outro curso bsico aqui na Udemy, que ensina a desenvolver qualquer sistema. Desenvolva sistemas simples de ordem de servio, robustos ou complexos mesmo sem ter nenhum conhecimento na rea de TI ou ser formado. O segredo o conhecimento que vamos disponibilizar por meio deste curso para desenvolvermos juntos um sistema de complexidade intermediria de ordem de servio. No necessrio aprender nenhuma linguagem de programao.Aprenda a criar formulrios, criar relatrios, adicionar botes etc. Criar sistemas sem a necessidade de digitar nenhuma linha de cdigo. necessrio primeiro criar um ambiente de desenvolvimento virtual propcio ao desenvolvimento com a ferramenta. Calma, ns vamos ensinar a criar, configurar e desenvolver.Ensinamos a criar um ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento que o windows xp ou windows 7, o Visual Basic 6 e a ferramenta de desenvolvimento. Desta forma, seu computador fica do jeito que est, sem alterar em nada a configurao atual. Basta criar este ambiente virtual de desenvolvimento, propcio para o desenvolvimento e a utilizao da ferramenta.Escopo do Curso:1) Vamos criar dois bancos de dados, um de cadastros e o outro de empresa;2) No banco de dados empresa vamos criar uma tabela de empresa para o cliente cadastrar a sua empresa;3) No banco de dados cadastro vamos criar dez tabelas: Clientes, Contas a Pagar, Empresas, Produtos, Fornecedores, Ordem de Servio, Itens de OS, Vendas, Itens de Vendas e Status;4) Vamos criar formulrio de entrada de dados para todas as tabelas informadas no item 3;4) Elaborar consulta e relatrios para todas as tabelas informadas no item 3;5) Vamos aprender a baixar, instalar e a configurar a ferramenta;6) Conhecer o ambiente de desenvolvimento da ferramenta;7) Compilar o Sistema criado no Visual Basic;8) Vamos desenvolver um sistema ordem de servio como exemplo e de forma didtica."
Price: 399.99

"Learn Greek: Level 1 (Greek Alphabet)"
"I will be teaching you the Greek alphabet.  More specifically I will be teaching you how to phonetically pronounce each letter properly as a native Greek would and also how certain letters together make different sounds.   The Greek alphabet consists of 24 letters and each letter has an uppercase and lowercase variation. We will be focusing on what sound each letter produces.  I will be speaking English in a clear neutral accent that will be easy to understand and follow.  You will learn and fully understand the Greek Alphabet(and hopefully the Greek Language) in no time at all!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Think And Grow Rich"
"Are you hungry for success? Do you want more out of life? Do you have big dreams and goals? Are you interested in personal development and the possibility of living life on your terms? Have you read the number 1 best seller book by Napoleon Hill Think and grow rich?If you are a fan of Napoleon Hill you know that his number 1 best seller book Think and grow rich has sold over 100 million copies, you know how this book has helped countless of self made millionaires achieve financial success. You may even have seen the recent documentary Think and grow rich the movie which was realised in 2017, 80 years after the book was published and is still helping people achieve financial freedom.Are you excited about the power of the book think and grow rich, but unsure how to actually get the discipline, focus,determination and motivation to understand and apply the 13 principles of success?  Are you looking for a simple step by step process to help you turn your dreams and goals into reality? Then you're in the right place at the right time.In this simple step by step program, I will provide you with the tools and resources you need to understand and apply the 13 principles of success in the book Think and grow rich. In this course you will:Get the tools and resources you need to turn your dreams into reality.Be able to understand and apply the 13 principles of success in the book think and grow rich.Reprogram your mind for success consciousness using advanced hypnosis audios. Get the confidence you need to start taking action towards your dreams.Get a simple step by step blueprint to success.By the end of the course, you will have all the tools and resources to turn your dreams and goals into reality. You will know exactly what it is that you want to achieve and the steps you need to take.Let's get started!What youll learn6 Steps to richesSelf confidene formula for successDefine clear specific goals How to turn your dreams into reality6 ghosts of fear and how to overcome themAre there any course requirements or prerequisites?You should have read the book think and grow richA soft or hard copy of the bookAudios of the bookAccess to the internetDevice and headphones"
Price: 99.99

"How to make homemade Tunisian Harissa step by step"
"Welcome to my course.All people around the world knows about Tunisian Harissa (Chili paste). It is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. But this national Tunisian condiment b has a traditional recipe only local people knows about it. You can not find this authentic recipe anywhere. In this course I will reveal the secret of the traditional recipe of Harissa called Harissa Arbi.This recipe for Tunisian harissa is a good starting point for making your own homemade harissa. Once you have made your own harissa a few times, you can begin experimenting with the quantities to create your desired flavour.Once you learn how to make harissa at home, you may never opt for buying it outside. Dont stop yourself from trying something new specially when it comes to cooking. Homemade harissa will be tastier and better than what you may get in the stores. The most important factor why one wishes to make harissa at home, is that you know your ingredients and there are no chemicals added."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a programar desde cero en Visual Studio"
"No necesitas saber programar para empezar, cualquiera puede y debe saber programar, por eso aqu en este curso vas a aprender a desarrollar apps, y programas para windows de manera super sencilla y fcil, as que, qu espera para emprender el camino hacia un joven experto programador?, quin dice que no eres el futuro Bill Gates?... as que adelante..........."
Price: 420.00

"With New Year 2020 around the corner, this course is an ideal present to anyone who you love. It is a new direction, a new hobby, a new career, who knows. It is a great gift.There are many ways of trading the Economic News Release as an online business. Straddle is a popular one but we will use the banks' way instead. It is safer and faster. The banks use 2 ways to trade economic news releases. The first one is HFT, and that stands for High Frequency Trading. It uses high speed computers to trade on millisecond timing. This requires a good financial backbone for the physical structure. The second technique used by the bankers is trading on realtime release. This means that if the news are very good, the banks buy the currency, if the news are very bad, they sell, and if the news are so and so, they do nothing and sometimes react later. Our course is teaching you this method.We use a real-time economic news release application, available from the website. It has a 14 days free trial and after that, you register for a minimal fee of $10 per month. We have tried to find free ones, but the release is not real-time and lapses into the seconds. That is too late. The banks have already reacted by then. We will set up together a free robot that closes the trade upon reaching a predefined profit that we calculate beforehand. This course shows you how to do that by using a calculator that is on the website.You can trade this system with a real account of 200 with a 0.04 lot setup. The best would be to have $1000 capital with 0.2 setup. On $1000, using 0.2 lot, you would be risking around $20 depending on the currency traded. If you go to forex factory website, you will see how many news trades you can do per day. The extreme minimum investment is $50 because of the minimum number of lots that brokers allow of 0.01. Trade the forex news like bankers do."
Price: 199.99

"With New Year  2020 around the corner, this course is an ideal present to anyone who you love. It is a new direction, a new hobby, a new career, who knows. It is a great gift.Forex traders use all sort of tools to try to gain an advantage over other traders. They will use fundamentals, algorithmic forex trading, technical indicators, wisdom, point and figures, pendulum and so on. Yet, a simple technique to get into forex trading is actually to use complete randomness and let the market tell us the direction to trade. If we use a well diversified portfolio, with enough currencies, the trading should be profitable. This system uses this view point. We use it at the club with reasonable success.We aim at reaching 10% profit per month. With our sophisticated online calculator, we know exactly the number of lots we need in order to manage our trades.The system is so simple that it requires only a bit of patience to wait for the currencies to tell us the direction. We use a robot for the exit, based on our target to reach 10% monthly or double our capital yearly. And we use a calculator for the risk management.We use 2 platforms for this strategy. One experimental and one for the trading itself. All is explained in this course."
Price: 199.99

"With New Year 2020 around the corner, this course is an ideal present to anyone who you love. It is a new direction, a new hobby, a new career, who knows. It is a great gift.During the Asian trading session, the volatility is calm and the trend is more of a ranging channel. At around the London session opening time, things change and spiking comes up. It is possible to trade the London open manually using straddle methodology. In this course, we use algorithmic trading with the help of a robot to do the operational multitasking for us.Because the robot is not finely tuned to each broker on Earth, it is very unlikely to be tuned to your broker, dear student. So, we fine tune the robot by experimenting, analysing and adjusting its trading style to your own broker. You may want to use your strategy tester to optimize the robot to your own broker's data feed.To do this, you will need 1 experimental demo account, 1 analytics platform and 1 demo trading account. Once the robot passes the tests, you will need a trading account, funded by yourself or funded by a private club. The choice is yours.All the tuition is covered. A personal invitation to a funded club is provided. Check the password in the resources.Happy Pips"
Price: 199.99

"With New Year 2020 around the corner, this course is an ideal present to anyone who you love. It is a new direction, a new hobby, a new career, who knows. It is a great gift that you can offer them.The secret in forex trading as a business, as everyone in the know knows, is to have a well balanced and diversified portfolio of robots using algorithmic trading. It is rare if not unknown that the EUR, the USD, the JPY, the CAD and the other currencies would go wild at the same time. They are in different time zones as a start. The time frame that is used by traders varies with their methodology, style and psychology. So, a diversified range of currencies traded on different time frames should work well as an investment if optimized for a particular broker. But what if you could not only diversify your portfolio of currencies, but also have a diversified portfolio of robots trading that diversified portfolio of currencies throughout the days and nights. That is the algorithmic trading strategies used by EA Studio. ""EA"" merely means Expert Advisor or robot. It is an algo trader. It uses an Artificial Intelligence algorithm that takes on a trade based on rules and definitions that the robot has determined by itself. The trader only determines the money management side of things.EA studio will create an unlimited number of robots, optimized for the data that it received by the user. Once EA Studio has finished creating his army of robots, the trader tests them on demo for a while. During that time of testing, the robots are analysed through an independent analytic website called fxblue.When the testing period is over and fxblue shows what are the best robots amongst the whole set, we trade them live on a small account for a limited time. During this period, we continue monitoring the results with fxblue.Since it is required to have the internet on 24/7, we direct you to a youtube video that shows you how to set  up a free Virtual Personal Server online that does that for you.All is explained in this course. We will go through the whole setup so that you can be in your algorithmic trading strategies business pretty quick. Just click on the Enroll Now button to join the class with us."
Price: 199.99

"Communiqus de presse conomiques Trader le Forex"
"Avec les ftes de fin d'anne 2019 qui approchent, ce cours est un cadeau idal pour tous ceux que vous aimez. C'est une nouvelle orientation, un nouveau passe-temps, une nouvelle carrire, qui sait. C'est un grand cadeau.Il y a beaucoup de faons de trader des communiqus de presse conomiques. Straddle est populaire, mais nous utiliserons plutt la mthode des banques. C'est plus sr et plus rapide. Les banques utilisent deux moyens pour trader des communiqus de presse conomiques. Le premier est HFT, (High Frequency Trading), ce qui correspond au trading haute frquence. Ils utilisent des ordinateurs haute vitesse pour ngocier en millisecondes ou microsecondes. Cela ncessite une bonne structure financire pour la structure physique. La deuxime technique utilise par les banquiers est le trading en temps rel. Cela signifie que si les nouvelles sont trs bonnes, les banques achtent la monnaie, si les nouvelles sont trs mauvaises, elles vendent, et si les nouvelles sont telles ou telles, elles ne font rien et ragissent parfois plus tard. Notre cours vous enseigne cette mthode.Nous utilisons une application de communiqu de presse conomique en temps rel, disponible sur le site Web indiqu dans les resources. Vous avez un essai gratuit de 14 jours et aprs cela, vous vous inscrivez pour un tarif minimal de 10 $ par mois. Nous avons essay de trouver des versions gratuites, mais la publication nest pas en temps rel et se termine dans les secondes. C'est trop tard. Les banques ont dj ragi d'ici l. Nous allons mettre en place ensemble un robot gratuit qui ferme la transaction ds que nous atteignons un profit prdfini que nous calculons auparavant. Ce cours vous explique comment faire cela en utilisant une calculatrice de prcision incluse que vous pouvez accder sur le site internet."
Price: 199.99

"This new November 2019 course release is ideal to start the new year, gift as a Xmas present to a loved one or take a new direction in life.This course takes you into the finding of a research that I did when I was winning competitions. As I was winning real money, it came to my mind that perhaps there were institutions out there that could be interested in my trading results. After extensive research, I made a list of all funding institutions that I could talk to. The ones that I shortlisted are listed below to save you a bit of research. I joined a few to get a good funding portfolio and a diversity of strategies deployed over this portfolio. If you need some trading strategies, have a look at my other courses and books.Happy Pips"
Price: 199.99

"Native American Traditional Mindfulness Counseling"
"The Native Strength path is a centuries-old philosophy that uses the Wheel of Life to help understand our world.   Native American religion and culture were illegal in the United States until 1978.  You'll be introduced to the inner personas and the fear feeders along with ways to help your clients tell the difference between the two. "
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Native American Mindfulness"
"Most people erroneously think about crystals and feathers when they hear about Native American mindfulness, but few know the best-kept secrets of Native American philosophy.  Medicine wheels and keys open the door to understanding the techniques of our system.  Nothing will be able to throw you off balance when your happiness comes from within.  This is an introduction to the Native Strength system."
Price: 19.99

"Overcoming Bullies"
"This course examines over 30 different kinds of bullies that force themselves into our lives and steal our time and energy.  There are ways to overcome their abuse. When we examine these bullies using the Wheel of Life, we can find the best ways to counteract their behavior and save our sanity. Overcoming bullies isnt about being stronger, its about being smarter."
Price: 49.99

"Create the Life You Always wanted with Meditation!"
"Looking to learn meditation, but never found the right course? No need to look for more! Learn all the different forms of meditation to adapt to your daily life. Yes, there is not one form of mediation! There are several ways you can meditate to achieve the fantastic benefits of the practice. Learn from the well-known form of Mindfulness to the tranquil practice of Contemplation. All forms of meditation can bring you to the ideal place of relaxation developing with time an enormous sense of well-being, tranquility, confidence & mental growth. Learn how to stick to the regular daily practice by understanding that there is not one form of meditation, there are several that you can learn & choose.Learn from expert Meditation Master, Jane Morales.Jane Morales is a Writer, Lifestyle Coach & Meditation Master. She holds a BS in Marketing from Bentley University in Boston and a Master of Science in Communications from Boston University. Jane worked for 10 years in the television industry with Telemundo Network and NBC Network as producer and entertainment news anchor. After years in the TV industry, she held the position of Communications Director for Cartier Jewelers International in charge of the Latin American markets. In addition to her higher education, she is trained in The Power of Intention, Positive Affirmations, and Living your own Success. Jane is also the creative director of the lifestyle brand Culture10."
Price: 34.99

"ESPAOL - Curso Huawei HCIA Routing & Switching ENTRY"
"El curso pose contenido relacionado con la preparacin oficial para obtener la certificacin HCIA R&S de Huawei, as como para el desarrollo de ingenieros que desean familiarizarse con las tecnologas Huawei VRP y productos LAN, WAN de redes empresariales.El entrenamiento y preparacin para obtener la certificacin, est dividido en dos cursos, Entry e Intermediate. Cada uno de ellos cumple las funciones y objetivos planteados por Huawei para dicha certificacin, el primero contiene temas bsicos escenciales que todo ingeniero networking debe comprender y dominar antes de cursar el siguiente nivel Intermediate, este ltimo contiene temas ms avanzados y complementan el entrenamiento y preparacin para obtener la certificacin HCIA R&S.Este es el primer curso de dos, los cuales son propuestos oficialmente por Huawei para la certificacin, por lo que este curso es el primero y en nivel bsico, Entry."
Price: 945.00

"Fully Accredited Client Transformation Certificate Course"
"Fully Accredited Client Transformation Certificate Course.Transforming Your Reality In Health, Wealth, Relationships & Creativity. Understanding the Workings Of Consciousness.This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association. Have you ever wished for real tools that you can use in order to change the cause of any issue in life? During this course you will be empowered with a deep understanding of life, how you create your everyday reality and how to change it! You will gain invaluable information and practical tools that you can use today to improve your life in all areas including health, wealth, relationships and creativity. Whether you are at the beginning of your personal development journey or seeking to further your understanding and gain more tools for helping yourself or others, this course is for you! This certificate course will set you up with the strong foundation that you will need in order to become a Client Transformation Practitioner if you chose to continue on to do our further courses.This course is filled with incredible insights into why we need to transform and the workings of consciousness. You will discover whether mind governs matter and be empowered to navigate life consciously! Your Certificate in Client Transformation Course covers the following:Introduction to your Client Transformation Certificate CourseYour Certificate in Client Transformation Course Training Manual PDF What Consciousness IsHow Consciousness Moves to Know and GrowThe Journey of ConsciousnessThe Task of TransformationHow Humans are Destined to Grow in ConsciousnessHow Feelings Program the SubconsciousHow Thoughts Convey What is WantedWhich is More Powerful, Mind or Matter?Its Your Show Life is a MirrorCombatting FearYour #1 AuthorityThe Two PathsAnd much more!At the University of Consciousness Education, we welcome questions and are always here to support you. Please dont hesitate to contact us if you need to. Your course is presented by Dr. Katie Webber. This is the doorway to freedom you have been yearning for!This course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association."
Price: 94.99

"Desarrollo Frontend con Svelte"
"Svelte es un nuevo framework javascript para construir interfaces de usuario, es considerado el futuro de JavaScript en el desarrollo frontend . Svelte est desarrollado sobre 3 pilares fundamentales:Escribir menos cdigo: Svelte tiene como filosofa mejorar la experiencia del programador mientras escribe sus aplicaciones, es por ello que ha puesto un nfasis fundamental en proveer a los desarrolladores un marco de trabajo donde el cdigo escrito sea altamente funcional, legible y ligero.Sin virtual DOM: El creador de Svelte concibi la necesidad de aprovechar las nuevas ventajas aportadas por JavaScript para crear un framework reactivo sin la necesidad del uso de un Virtual DOM, optimizando los recursos del hardware y los tiempos de respuesta de la aplicacin.Reactividad: La reactividad en Svelte tiene un enfoque totalmente novedoso, permitiendo que el manejo de estados de los componentes se gestione de forma muy sencilla. Sin la necesidad de arquitecturas complejas.Al finalizar este curso aprenders desde los conceptos ms bsicos del framework hasta los aspectos avanzados. Proporcionando los conocimientos necesarios para que puedas escribir tus propias aplicaciones webs aprovechando todas las ventajas proporcionadas por el framework."
Price: 29.99

"SwiftUI - Easily create beautiful apps"
"SwiftUI is a brand new framework just released by Apple. Build user interfaces in a simple way that makes sense, and automatically works across a range of Apple devices. The SwiftUI declarative sytax is easy to read and natural to write. Automatic support for Dark Mode, accessibility, localization and etc. means professional quality apps with no extra work.In this course we're going to:Deep dive and build a functioning app in SwiftUIUnderstand how to combine Views for complex interfacesNavigate between our screensWork with json dataTake a look at what's included with SFSymbolsLearn about the built-in components and how to use them in your own appsThis course is a great way for anyone to get started with SwiftUI, covering the most important topics, and showing you how they can actually be implemented when building your own apps"
Price: 89.99

"Write Like a Pro! (Part One)"
"In this Six Lesson course you will discover why many people write and your own motivations to write; which will assist you in getting clear on your ideas moving forward. Learning how to conduct research, create outlines, writing plans and goal setting; all serve to provide a solid foundation for your writing journey. There is a short homework assignment at the end of each video where you are encouraged to apply the tools and tips outlined. There is also a downloadable  Power Point presentation for all lessons which compliment the lectures. Throughout the course I mention an Online Writing Workshop Companion, this tool is not required to successfully complete the course. However, if you would like to use it, it is available on Amazon, just search my name (don't forget the apostrophe).  Have Fun!"
Price: 49.99

"Write Like a Pro! (Part Two)"
"In this Six Lesson course you will learn the fundamental aspects of storytelling. Since all writing is some form of telling a story, these lessons can be applied across the board. I dig deep into what it means to thoroughly understand how Genre, Character, Setting, Plot, Tone and Title development should have a symbiotic relationship in all great writing. There is a short homework assignment at the end of each video where you are encouraged to apply the tools and tips outlined. There is also a downloadable Power Point presentation for all lessons which compliment the lectures. Throughout the course I mention an Online Writing Workshop Companion, this tool is not required to successfully complete the course. However, if you would like to use it, it is available on Amazon, just search my name (don't forget the apostrophe).   Have Fun!"
Price: 49.99

"Write Like a Pro! (Part Three)"
"In this Five Lesson course you will learn the fundamental aspects of publishing your writing projects independently. Whether you would like to publish the traditional way or on your own, it is important to know the ins and outs of the process to be sure you are making the most informed choices as it pertains to distributing your projects. I dig deep into Copyright, Editing, Agent, Cover Design and Print on Demand (POD) topics while providing both theoretical and pragmatic exercises. There is a short homework assignment at the end of each video where you are encouraged to apply the tools and tips outlined. There is also a downloadable Power Point presentation for all lessons which compliment the lectures. Throughout the course I mention an Online Writing Workshop Companion, this tool is not required to successfully complete the course. However, if you would like to use it, it is available on Amazon, just search my name (don't forget the apostrophe).  Have Fun!"
Price: 49.99

"FMEA / Failure Mode Effect Analysis (Trke)"
"Merhabalar,Bu kursta ""FMEA"" Failure Mode Effect Analysis anlatlmtr.Peki neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz ?* Ders ierii otomotiv sektrnde alan bir uzman tarafndan hazrlanmtr.* Pratikteki uygulamalardan rnekler verilmitir.* FMEA'nn otomotivdeki dier konularla olan balantlar da anlatlmtr.* Herhangi bir balang bilgisine ihtiya yoktur.FMEA eitiminde Istanbul Open Course'u tercih ettiiniz iin teekkr eder, iyi almalar dileriz.Eitimci profili:Toplamda 13 Sene Otomotiv Tecrbesi* Ana sanayi tecrbesi: Hyundai Assan i10 & i20 (Para Gelitirme Departman)* Yan sanayi tecrbesi: Yakt, klima ve direksiyon rnleri grubu...vd. (Japon ve talyan irketlerinde 6 sene)* Renault ve Fiat Eitim Akademisinden alnan otomotiv eitimleri (SPC, PA Audit, AMDEC, ISO/TS 16949..vd.)* allan departmanlar: Kalite:7 yl, Proses:4 yl, Para Gelitirme:2 yl* allan baz projeler: Tofa 636 Doblo USA, Renault x52&x98, Hyundai IA (i10) & GB (i20)..vd.Sayglarmzla,Istanbul Open Course"
Price: 49.99

"SPC / istatistiki Proses Kontrol (Trke)"
"Merhabalar,Bu kursta ""SPC"" statistiki Proses Kontrol anlatlmtr.Peki neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz ?* Ders ierii otomotiv sektrnde alan bir uzman tarafndan hazrlanmtr.* Pratikteki uygulamalardan rnekler verilmitir.* SPC'nin otomotivdeki dier konularla olan balantlar da anlatlmtr.* Herhangi bir balang bilgisine ihtiya yoktur.SPC eitiminde Istanbul Open Course'u tercih ettiiniz iin teekkr eder, iyi almalar dileriz.Eitimci profili:Toplamda 13 Sene Otomotiv Tecrbesi* Ana sanayi tecrbesi: Hyundai Assan i10 & i20 (Para Gelitirme Departman)* Yan sanayi tecrbesi: Yakt, klima ve direksiyon rnleri grubu...vd. (Japon ve talyan irketlerinde 6 sene)* Renault ve Fiat Eitim Akademisinden alnan otomotiv eitimleri (SPC, PA Audit, AMDEC, ISO/TS 16949..vd.)* allan departmanlar: Kalite:7 yl, Proses:4 yl, Para Gelitirme:2 yl* allan baz projeler: Tofa 636 Doblo USA, Renault x52&x98, Hyundai IA (i10) & GB (i20)..vd.Sayglarmzla,Istanbul Open Course"
Price: 49.99

"MSA / lm Sistemi Analizi (Trke)"
"Merhabalar,Bu kursta ""MSA"" lm Sistemi Analizi anlatlmtr.Peki neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz ?* Ders ierii otomotiv sektrnde alan bir uzman tarafndan hazrlanmtr.* Pratikteki uygulamalardan rnekler verilmitir.* MSA'nin otomotivdeki dier konularla olan balantlar da anlatlmtr.* Herhangi bir balang bilgisine ihtiya yoktur.MSA eitiminde Istanbul Open Course'u tercih ettiiniz iin teekkr eder, iyi almalar dileriz.Eitimci profili:Toplamda 13 Sene Otomotiv Tecrbesi* Ana sanayi tecrbesi: Hyundai Assan i10 & i20 (Para Gelitirme Departman)* Yan sanayi tecrbesi: Yakt, klima ve direksiyon rnleri grubu...vd. (Japon ve talyan irketlerinde 6 sene)* Renault ve Fiat Eitim Akademisinden alnan otomotiv eitimleri (SPC, PA Audit, AMDEC, ISO/TS 16949..vd.)* allan departmanlar: Kalite:7 yl, Proses:4 yl, Para Gelitirme:2 yl* allan baz projeler: Tofa 636 Doblo USA, Renault x52&x98, Hyundai IA (i10) & GB (i20)..vd.Sayglarmzla,Istanbul Open Course"
Price: 49.99

"Cp&Cpk / Proses Yeterlilik ndisleri (Trke)"
"Merhabalar,Bu kursta ""Cp&Cpk"" Proses Yeterlilik ndisleri anlatlmtr.Peki neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz ?* Ders ierii otomotiv sektrnde alan bir uzman tarafndan hazrlanmtr.* Pratikteki uygulamalardan rnekler verilmitir.* Cp&Cpk'nn otomotivdeki dier konularla olan balantlar da anlatlmtr.* Herhangi bir balang bilgisine ihtiya yoktur.Cp&Cpk eitiminde Istanbul Open Course'u tercih ettiiniz iin teekkr eder, iyi almalar dileriz.Eitimci profili:Toplamda 13 Sene Otomotiv Tecrbesi* Ana sanayi tecrbesi: Hyundai Assan i10 & i20 (Para Gelitirme Departman)* Yan sanayi tecrbesi: Yakt, klima ve direksiyon rnleri grubu...vd. (Japon ve talyan irketlerinde 6 sene)* Renault ve Fiat Eitim Akademisinden alnan otomotiv eitimleri (SPC, PA Audit, AMDEC, ISO/TS 16949..vd.)* allan departmanlar: Kalite:7 yl, Proses:4 yl, Para Gelitirme:2 yl* allan baz projeler: Tofa 636 Doblo USA, Renault x52&x98, Hyundai IA (i10) & GB (i20)..vd.Sayglarmzla,Istanbul Open Course"
Price: 49.99

"Kontrol Plan ve Kritik Karakteristikler"
"Merhabalar,Bu kursta ""Kontrol Plan ve Kritik Karakteristikler"" anlatlmtr.Peki neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz ?* Ders ierii otomotiv sektrnde alan bir uzman tarafndan hazrlanmtr.* Pratikteki uygulamalardan rnekler verilmitir.* Kontrol Plan ve Kritik Karakteristikler'in otomotivdeki dier konularla olan balantlar da anlatlmtr.* Herhangi bir balang bilgisine ihtiya yoktur.Istanbul Open Course'u tercih ettiiniz iin teekkr eder, iyi almalar dileriz.Eitmen profili:Toplamda 13 Sene Otomotiv Tecrbesi* Ana sanayi tecrbesi: Hyundai Assan i10 & i20 (Para Gelitirme Departman)* Yan sanayi tecrbesi: Yakt, klima ve direksiyon rnleri grubu...vd. (Japon ve talyan irketlerinde 6 sene)* Renault ve Fiat Eitim Akademisinden alnan otomotiv eitimleri (SPC, PA Audit, AMDEC, ISO/TS 16949..vd.)* allan departmanlar: Kalite:7 yl, Proses:4 yl, Para Gelitirme:2 yl* allan baz projeler: Tofa 636 Doblo USA, Renault x52&x98, Hyundai IA (i10) & GB (i20)..vd.Sayglarmzla,Istanbul Open Course"
Price: 49.99