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"How to Be Your Own Life Coach"
"Are you ready to create the life of your dreams?Are you willing to change?If you answered YES then this Course can definitely help you in the process of self-coaching.Being Happy is a Choice. Make it! Life Coaching CAN and WILL Help You!WHO is this Life Coaching Course for?Do you want to become Your Best Self?Discover the beliefs and feelings that Motivate You the Most?Develop exciting Goals and Achieve them?Attract the kind of Life You Truly Desire?Coach Yourself to Lasting Happiness?If you answered YES then this Course is for YOU!WHAT will we be covering in this Life Coaching Course?We will discuss the differences between Coaching, Counseling and Therapy. We will then do a Self Assessment and Action Graph which coversPhysical Health & FitnessMental & Intellectual GrowthEmotional UnderstandingSpiritual Connectionand RelationshipsFor each Life Zone, we will cover our beliefs, vision, purpose and strategies along with many Real Life Examples and great exercises to move into a more amazing life than you've ever dreamed possible.We've also included dozens of Powerful Questions that will help you understand yourself better and unlock your true potential!  There are resources galore to help guide you through the video instruction to fully understand and integrate your underlying beliefs with your goals.Life coaches help you sort through your priorities to define and achieve your goals.They direct you to tools and support to help you get amazing results.They encourage you to keep moving forward and help you with problem solving.They help you build your self-esteem and become a happier person.They help you weed out time wasters, toxic habits, and negative thought patterns.Studies show that 99% of clients who hire a coach are delighted and that 96% of them would hire a coach again! Also, 80% improved their self-confidence, 72% improved their communication skills and 57% improved their time management skills. Life coaching works so well, soon everyone will have their own life coach just as they now have their own cell phone!Now YOU can be your own Life Coach!You can begin to improve your life in every area includingHealth and FitnessIntellectual GrowthEmotional IntelligenceSpiritual LifeLove RelationshipsSocial LifeParenting & LeadershipCareerFinancial Lifeand More!Am I getting any FREE stuff?Once you've completed the course, there is an amazing BONUS module that offers you additional guided meditation videos, releasing exercises and techniques and a free coaching session with me!So, at  this point you really need to ask yourself, can you afford not to take this course? Everyone in your life deserves, but most of all, YOU  deserve the best you! I believe everyone is entitled to a happy life. But you won't get it unless you decide to take action.  And you won't get it just by reading and thinking about it without actually creating it in reality with Life Coaching support.Put yourself first! Don't let another day go by, without taking action! Smash that enroll button, now! You have nothing to lose & a brand NEW, HAPPY LIFE to gain! Give this gift of GREAT VALUE to You AND your Loved Ones! Enroll now and be the next person to tell me, ""This Life Coaching course has changed my life!"""
Price: 89.99

"Passive Income - How to Make Printables to Sell on Etsy"
"This class will teach you how to create a digital art printable using free tools. You would sell things like this on Etsy or other online marketplaces where digital art is sold. You won't need any previous skills to participate (but you will need a working laptop/desktop computer & an internet connection). I made this class for YOU, the total beginner who has no idea where to start!I created the class I wanted last year and couldn't find. I WAS you - and now that I've learned how to do this, it's my job (and privilege) to share the knowledge.You will learn how to:Use free (or close to free) tools to create your work.Create a simple digital art design using free vector images and fonts.Change sizes & image resolution to meet standards for high-quality print options (300 DPI/dot per inch).Create mockups & watermarks for your designs using free tools & templates.Find graphics & fonts to use for your designs.And, you'll get a short, motivating pep talk telling you why it's SO cool to learn new skills & take action in the face of your fears by doing something new & creative!When you finish the class, you will have created your first piece of printable art.Woohoo!You will use this information to duplicate the process over and over again until you decide to broaden your tools and skills.This class will take you from complete newbie to action taker...From pondering to accomplished...From ""I wish I could"" to ""I DID!"""
Price: 129.99

"How to Lose Weight Safely and Responsibly"
"In this class, I am going to teach you how to use a free (and outstanding) weight loss program you can access through your desktop or laptop - or using free apps on your phone or tablet. I used this program, I loved it and I strongly feel it can help you reach your weight loss goals and maintain a balanced, healthy lifestyle that you can realistically stick with."
Price: 99.99

"Create Cool Text Effects Using Free Design Tools"
"In this class, I am going to teach you how to create some cool text effects using a free online digital art design program called Ipiccy dot com.You would be able to use these text effects to create things like:blog post imagest-shirts, mugs, posters, iPhone/Android phone cases & other physical productsdigital art prints/art printableslogosvideo thumbnailsThe idea is to have fun with this project. Grab your inner-child, imagine all of the cool things you can do using fun & colorful fonts and get busy designing!I'll also show you how to take your saved design and resize it to a 300 DPI (dots per image) to make it into a high-resolution print-ready design - also using a free online tool."
Price: 99.99

"Passive Income: Beginners T-Shirt Design & Print on Demand"
"In this course, I am going to show you how to create t-shirt designs using free online design programs! I'm also going to show you a couple of print on demand companies you can use, for free, as well.Whether you're looking to create a simple text design or something more elaborate and artistic, the good news is you have tools available - even if you're a total beginner!You won't need any previous design skills to take (and succeed) in this course. You will only need a desire to learn something new, cool and interesting. You'll build your foundation starting now and only grow and expand on your skills from here on out.This is exciting! You are in for a treat.It can be daunting to learn a new skillset as a total newbie, so my job is to make this learning experience simple and fun so you'll feel elated and accomplished by the end of this course.This is strictly a beginner's level design course.There are a ton of other knowledgable instructors out there to teach you about how to market your designs and products to the public, so I'll let them be the ones to teach you that.MY job is to get your creativity in gear and help you to go from ""I have no idea what I'm doing or where to start"" to ""Wow, - look what I've created - I totally get this now!""You'll go from confused to capable - and all without spending a dime on design tools. This is the course I desperately wanted as a newbie t-shirt designer. Now I'm bringing my knowledge to you."
Price: 129.99

"Maths prpa : Suites et sries remarquables"
"Les suites reprsentent un chapitre majeur en mathmatiques matriser absolument.Nous tudierons les suites arithmtiques, gomtriques et arithmtico-gomtriques pour elles-mmes mais aussi pour leur utilit dans des domaines aussi varis que l'conomie, la gomtrie ou les probabilits.Nous tudierons aussi ces suites en lien avec l'tude des sries numriques, notamment les sries gomtriques et sries gomtriques drives.Les exercices proposs commencent au un niveau lyce et progressent vers un niveau de matrise attendu dans le suprieur et constituent ainsi une passerelle entre le lyce et l'aprs Bac.Il est d'ailleurs conseill d'utiliser cette formation comme une prparation l'entre en classe prparatoire.Maths After Bac."
Price: 19.99

"Maths prpa : Logique et Raisonnements"
"Si tu es lass de voir sur ta copie des remarques signalant ton manque de clart et de rigueur ou bien pire encore si tu a le syndrome de la page blanche face des questions difficiles et bien sche qu'il y a une solution : Bien raisonner.La premire partie est constitu de deux tests qui tabliront les bases ncessaires au bon apprentissage de l'art de bien raisonner:Test sur les notions de logique mathmatiquesTest sur les quantificateursNous allons voir et dcortiquer les uns aprs les autres tous les raisonnements utiles en classe :Raisonnement par implication et quivalenceRaisonnement par disjonction des casSavoir montrer l'inclusion ou l'galit d'ensemblesSavoir utiliser un contre-exempleRaisonner avec les epsilonsRaisonner par contrapositionRaisonner par l'absurdeRaisonner par analyse-synthseRaisonner par rcurrenceRaisonner par rcurrence forteLa dernire partie est plus difficile et permet de mettre en application les notions abordes prcdemment.Les exercices proposs peuvent tre abords  au un niveau lyce et progressent vers un niveau de matrise attendu dans le suprieur et constituent ainsi une passerelle entre le lyce et l'aprs Bac.Il est d'ailleurs conseill d'utiliser cette formation comme une prparation l'entre en classe prparatoire.Maths After Bac."
Price: 19.99

"Maths prpa : Complexes"
"Si vous voulez dmontrer des rsultats srieux et de la plus haute importance aussi bien en Algbre qu'en Analyse et aussi en Gomtrie, alors allez dans le monde des complexes est souvent un passage oblig.Dans ce monde des complexes, il y a des rgles de calcul matriser et je vous invite les dcouvrir avec moi lors de cette formation.Les exercices proposs peuvent tre abords  au un niveau lyce et progressent vers un niveau de matrise attendu dans le suprieur et constituent ainsi une passerelle entre le lyce et l'aprs Bac.Il est d'ailleurs conseill d'utiliser cette formation comme une prparation l'entre en classe prparatoire.Maths After Bac."
Price: 19.99

"CFA Level 1 - Quantitative Methods (2019) Full Module Course"
"This course is designed basically for CFA level 1 exam. This course deals with Quantitative Methids section of CFA level 1 Exam. This course covers the following readings :Time Value of Money, Discounted Cash Flow, Statistical Methods, Probability Concepts, Sampling and Estimation, Technical Analysis. There will be total of 28 videos in this course. You can also ask your doubts on this section."
Price: 19.99

"Fit & Fab Over 40"
"Each program consists of the full yoga package! It will take you on the step to step journey to improve your skills and revitalize your life. Fit and Fab over 40 unlocks a start up video package for both beginner and advanced level Yogis. All videos can be linked into a full body workout but if you are short for time they can be sub-divided to target your daily needs.Every Video Consists of an beginner and advanced step through tutorial with both audio and animated descriptions. Once youve mastered each step through, dont worry, the program isnt over yet! Once you sign up, you will be part of a mailing list that will inform you of new videos and tips that will be added regularly.If you do have any queries there is no problem. As part of the program you can contact us at any time to discuss techniques or future dates of program releases. Furthermore, with our new chatroom you can talk to other members of the program and discuss what works for you! We believe at Be Motionless that you should not be alone and that we are all in this together."
Price: 19.99

"CAMBIO VITA! I 7 passi del cambiamento"
"""La logica vi porter da A a B. Limmaginazione vi porter dappertutto"". Questo ci che amava affermare Albert Einstein quando parlava del ""cambiamento"", tuttavia cambiare pur essendo un fenomeno continuo e naturale spesso ostacolato da tanta incertezza, dubbio e paura di fallire.Ma perch cambiare diventato cos difficile? Il perch in questa equazione che descrive la vita di tantissime persone che non riescono a cambiare:(SOGNI - PAURE) x TEMPO = ZERO RISULTATI. Se questa formuletta ti familiare e ti stai chiedendo cosa puoi fare per raggiugnere i tuoi obiettivi di vita senza bloccarti pi, sei nel posto giusto perch in questo video corso ti insegner i 7 principi della psicologia del cambiamento, che ho trasformato in un percorso di 7 passi semplici e lineari, e altrettanti quaderni degli esercizi che ti aiuteranno fin da subito a chiarire e a sbloccare un tuo obiettivo di cambiamento di vita.Che dire! Iniziamo a lavorare?"
Price: 19.99

"KAIROS. Torna padrone del tuo tempo"
"In questo video corso non trovi solo una raccolta delle tecniche di Time Management che utilizzo personalmente per gestire in modo ottimale il mio tempo, ma soprattutto un nuovo approccio mentale per imparare ad organizzarlo e quindi a goderne.Per creare questo video corso ho tenuto presente 3 aspetti: 1. La  miglior teoria la pratica2. Utilizzare un linguaggio semplice e alla portata di tutti 3. Condividere solo le tecniche di cui ho fatto realmente esperienza.Chi ha tempo non perda tempo! Ti aspetto in Aula."
Price: 34.99

"Aktien Analyse Meisterkurs: Dividend Investing & Aktien A-Z"
"Du mchtest deine Ziele umsetzen, aber hast am Ende des Monats kein Geld brig? Ich zeige dir wie du besser Sparen kannst und deine Ziele definierst. Zustzlich lernst du was eine Aktie ist, ein Fonds,ein ETF, REIT`s und welche Strategien es bei Aktien gibt und wie du eine gute Aktie findest. Diese musst du dann noch kaufen, beobachten und dein Risiko im Blick haben, das klingt anstrengend. Aber keine Sorge ich zeige dir alles Schritt fr Schritt, das ist gar nicht so schwer. Probiere es aus und lass uns gemeinsam starten!Weitere Themen die in diesem Kurs behandelt werden,sind: Stock Trading, Personal Development, Personal Finance Development, Dividend investing, Aktien Analyse, Geld sparen, Geld anlegen, Aktien+Analyse, Technische Analyse,Aktien kaufen, Brse und Aktien und vieles mehr."
Price: 199.99

"Finanzielle Bildung Meisterkurs: Financial Analysis von A-Z"
"In diesem Kurs lernst du alles von A bis Z ber die Finanzwelt. Angefangen von dem Grund des Vermgensaufbaus, ber den Zinseszins Effekt, der Inflation, verschiedenen Sparmglichkeiten, den verschiedenen Anlageklassen bis hin zur Depoterffnung bringe ich dir alles mndlich und schriftlich bei und zeige dir an verschiedenen Beispielen wie du es in der Praxis umsetzen kannst.Ich wrde mich geehrt fhlen dein Dozent sein zu drfen. Bis gleich in der ersten Lektion, dein Dominik."
Price: 199.99

"Excel dbutant confirmer"
"Envie d'apprendre utiliser excel, mais vous n'avez pas le logiciel, pas de problme je vous explique comment l'utiliser gratuitement et en toute l'galit ! Je vous explique comment vous en servir avec des exemples et surtout les raccourcis pour gagner du temps. Vous pourrez aussi tlcharger les fichiers excels pour travail en mme temps que le cours . Que vous dbutiez ou que vous souhaitez vous amliorer ce cours est pour vous."
Price: 24.99

"Architectural Design- Learn How to make WORKING DRAWINGS"
"                                                                                  A BIG NOTE THIS COURSE DOESN'T TEACHES YOU AUTOCAD. SO YOU SHOULD HAVE A BASIC  UNDERSTANDING AND KNOWLEDGE OF AUTOCAD. THIS COURSE IS ACTUALLY MEANT FOR ARCHITECTS (THOUGH FOR PERSONAL INTERESTS  ANYONE CAN TAKE IT).  THIS COURSE  WILL COVER ARCHITECTURAL DETAILS COMBINED WITH STRUCTURE  AND PLUMBING SERVICES FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING.*********************************************************************************************************This course is for the people who want to learn Working Drawings, which is must for an Architect. Ill be starting with the concept, then Ill make Submission drawings and then finally well be move to Working drawings. So, this course is a bit longer than other courses, but trust me you will not regret it when you will enroll to this course. And as far I am concerned, you will not find such a course anywhere on internet. So if you feel that this course can add value to your work, then go ahead, enroll in it and Ill see you in the course.               "
Price: 3200.00

"Architectural Design Masterclass - Learn GREAT Design"
"PLEASE GIVE YOUR REVIEWS FOR THE COURSE. I WILL REALLY APPRECIATE THAT!                                                                                                                                                                                                 A BIG NOTE THIS COURSE DOESN'T TEACHES YOU AUTOCAD, PHOTOSHOP OR SKETCHUP SOFTWARE.  YOU ARE EXPECTED TO HAVE CLEAR UNDERSTANDING AND KNOWLEDGE OF THESE SOFTWARES. HOWEVER, I HAVE TRIED TO EXPLAIN TE COMMANDS USED IN THESE SOFTWARES. THIS COURSE DOENSN'T TEACHES YOU ANY DETAILS LIKE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS OR WORKING DRAWINGS. FOR THOSE, WHO WANT TO LEARN WORKING DRAWINGS, CONSTRUCTION OR DETAILED DRAWINGS, THEN THEY CAN ALWAYS REFER TO MY FIRST COURSE WHICH TEACHES YOU HOW TO PREPARE PROFESSIONAL LOOKING WORKING DRAWINGS.***********************************************************************************************************This course comprises of 3 PHASES. In the first phase, the students will get an insight on how to design or create spaces for a particular project (in this case it's a Residential cum Commercial project). You will learn how to create Elevation, as when you put your ideas into elevation, you tend to do changes in floor plans in order to achieve your desired elevation. In the second phase, you will get to know how to render floor plans in Photoshop, like how to provide colors to the walls, how to add texture to the floor, how to add furniture to the layout. Finally, in the last phase, we will extrude the design in Google Sketchup software. In this, you will come to know about all the commands that have been used in the process. All the plugins that had been used for the 3d view will be explained. Along with this, a link also has been shared within the description of the video, which will direct you to the Website - Sketchucation - where you can download these plugins for FREE. So with this course, you will learn the designing part, you will get to know how to bring Photoshop into use for getting a HIGH QUALITY Render Plans  &Last you will learn Google Sketchup and its various commands that contribute to generate awesome view of your project.So what are you waiting for, Get enrolled in the course and add value to your designs and skills."
Price: 2240.00

"Compliance Anticorrupo: Viso Prtica"
"Neste curso ns trabalharemos os conceitos de compliance, gesto de riscos, evoluo da legislao anticorrupo no mundo e um overview dos 9 passos para implantao de um programa de Integridade eficiente. Abordaremos sobre as 3 fases de trabalho: Preparao, Desenvolvimento e Implantao, pontuando sobre as respectivas etapas que as compem, desde o mapeamento e anlise de riscos at a implantao de controles internos de compliance, passando pelos treinamentos e lanamento do canal de denncias e consultas."
Price: 39.99

"Traitez efficacement vos emails client"
"Crer du lien et fidliser vos clients en devenant des experts du traitement des emails client. Prenez de l'avance sur vos concurrents en rejoignant ce cours exclusif de la relation client.Nous aborderons ensemble, comment:- Amliorer votre prparation - Dvelopper votre comprhension - Mener une bonne analyse- Rdiger une rponse percutanteLe succs avec vos clients est proche. Bienvenu dans ce cours!"
Price: 89.99

"Natralioji kdiki higiena"
"mogui, kad ir kokio amiaus jis bt, NORMA lapintis ir tutintis be kelni!Js k tik ugims kdikis taip pat nori turti galimyb oriai keliauti tualet, kad patenkint kilus poreik.ios paskaitos metu aptarsime tokius dalykus:KAIP suprasti, kad kdikis nori tualet;KAS ir KAIP gali j ten palydti;KOKI priemoni reikia, kad galtume praktikuoti NKH;KODL svarbu, kad kdikis lapintsi ir tutintsi be kelni;AR manoma uauginti vaik visai be vystykl ir/ar sauskelni.Paskaita skirta mamoms ir tiams: norintiems geriau suprasti savo k tik ugimus ir labai greitai augant eimos nar, imokti atliepti jo kilus poreik lapintis ir/ar tutintis, stiprinti susikalbjimo su savo vaiku jausm bei norintiems leisti laik su gerokai reiau verkianiu kdikiu."
Price: 24.99

"Steps To Buying a Semi Truck and Booking Freight"
"This course is a step by step guide for what you will need in order to start your trucking business. The documents needed before and after obtaining a truck are explained in detail in this course. Everything you need in order to get your truck rolling is explained. It is just as simple as following the steps provided.  In depth details, advice, and examples included. Presentation presented by Chaney Logistics Group and instructed by consultant, Nakeya Welch, using Prezi."
Price: 74.99

"Como ensear a leer paso a paso a su hijo o estudiante"
"Este es un curso que detalla paso a paso como se puede utilizar el mtodo silbico en conjunto con el mtodo de la palabra generadora, en la enseanza de la lectura en nios y nias de forma simple, gil y rpida sin necesidad de requerir ms material que el que usted tiene en sus manos. Es una gua que con instrucciones precisas lograr el aprendizaje de la lectura en nios y nias desde los cinco aos en delante de una forma dinmica y diligente; disminuyendo el tiempo en bsquedas en internet, bibliotecas o libreras sobre la temtica, este solo tomo har que sus estudiantes o hijos aprendan a leer en poco tiempo."
Price: 19.99

"Montessori Teacher's Training Prep. Exam on Basic Concepts."
"Montessori education is basically a model to improve children learning development. It also promotes education at early level. There are two principles related to this. The first is to engage the children physically to their environment . Second is giving the children liberty and freedom within their environment so they take their studies positively. This exam features the main points of Montessori Teachers Training are:Maria Montessori LifeSensitive period Absorbent mind Prepared environment Children normalizationIf you are taking the official Montessori course from any recognized institute then this course will help you to appear in official exams and will some how prepare you. We do not claim that this course exam is an official one, but however it will surely help the aspirants of Montessori Directress courses and training."
Price: 39.99

"Montessori Teachers' Exercise of Practical Life (EPL) Exam"
"Introduction of EPLThe objective of Exercise of Practical Life (EPL) is to empower the child taking control in the relation to his or her movement, and assist the child to have liberty in doing things and respond properly to the society. It is vital to  avoid correcting the child in Montessori system, instead helping him/her to get taught through experiencing. This is done so as to adapt the child to be a useful member of the family, class and society as a whole. Practical Life Exercises (EPL) also help the  development and growth of the childs intellect and help him gaining focus. It also empower the child to start thinking in an organized manner. What this exam is about?This exam is offered to Montessori teachers and aspirants who are willing to assess their knowledge on Montessori Exercise of Practical Life.  The exam is based on following composition: Preliminary ExercisesCare of the PersonCare of The Environment (COE)Grace and CourtesyFor Montessori TeachersIf you are a Montessori Teacher, this course will help you refresh your learning on Montessori Exercise of Practical Life (EPL). Moreover you can also share your questions and experiences in Q/A. For Students Aspiring as Montessori TeachersIf you are taking the official Montessori course from any recognized institute then this exam on EPL will help you to appear in official exams and will prepare you on the concepts of EPL. We do not claim that this course exam is an official one, but however it will surely help the aspirants of Montessori Directress courses and training for EPL."
Price: 49.99

"The Hebrew alphabet"
"Hebrew is Gods holy language. Each letter is a revelation from God how to live in a close loving relationship with Him. We will discuss each and every one of the 22 with deep insights into the name of the letter, how it's written, and it's numerical value.  Each letter will have amazing life changing guidance from God."
Price: 19.99

"Morning Blessings"
"A successful day must start off the right way. In this incredible lesson series you will learn the depth and beauty of the morning blessings. They are much more than a ritual of thanksgiving for our life necessities. They are forging a mindset for living a day together with God in a close loving relationship. "
Price: 19.99

"Healthy Relationships"
"All human relationships were created as demonstrations of our relationship with God. From Gods instructions how to forge, develop, and maintain an eternal close loving relationship with Him (which is the purpose of our lives), we can learn the guidelines how to do the same with every one of our worldly connections. Through implementing these tools with our ephemeral loved ones, we can constantly grow in our eternal closeness to God. "
Price: 19.99

"The holiest of prayers is the Kaddish. We sanctify HaSHem's name in public. We do this at least 10 times a day. We do it as a merit for our relatives who passed away. Each word has profound meaning. The sanctity and merit can only be according to how much we understand what we are saying. In this lesson series we explain beauty and depth into every word and concept in the Kaddish."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP Certification Practice Exam (All Domains)"
"Welcome to our CISSP Practice Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your CISSP exam.This practice test has 375 High Quality Question to prepare for your CISSP exam. This course does not content the study material. This course contains 375 questions.What will students learn in your course?1.375 High Quality Question to prepare for your CISSP 2.Mastering all the topics of CISSP exam by practicing this test question3.Enhance your knowledge about CISSP examWho are your target students?1. For those who are about to take the CISSP exam.2. Who wants to pass their CISSP in their first attempt.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?1.You have to know about the CISSP & its curriculum2.You need some basic idea on CISSP exam & all domains (if it has)IMPORTANT NOTEThese CISSP exams have a passing score of (passing score) but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you reach a score of 85% or higher."
Price: 19.99

"CISSP Certification Practice Exam-448 Quality CISSP Question"
"Welcome to our CISSP  Practice Test.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your CISSP  exam.This practice test has 448 High Quality Question to prepare for your CISSP exam. This course does not content the study material. This course contains 448 questions.What will students learn in your course?1.448 High Quality Question to prepare for your CISSP2.Mastering all the topics of CISSPexam by practicing this test question3.Enhance your knowledge about CISSP  examWho are your target students?1.For those who are about to take the CISSP exam.2.Who wants to pass their CISSP in their first attempt.Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?1.You have to know about the CISSP& its curriculum2.You need some basic idea on CISSP exam & all domains (if it has)IMPORTANT NOTEThese CISSPpractice exams have a passing score of 70% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you reach a score of 85% or higher."
Price: 19.99