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"Coding Botnet & Backdoor In Python For Ethical Hacking!"
"Welcome to This Comprehensive Course On Coding a Custom Botnet In Python Language! This course covers everything you need to do in order to have your own Fully Functioning Backdoor With Alot of Options aswell as coding your own Keylogger And Implementing it in your backdoor. This Course Does Not Cover Python Programming."
Price: 199.99

"Curso de Automaquiagem / Auto Maquiagem da Silvia ROSS"
"Curso de direto ao ponto e sem enrolao para voc aprender de vezcomo fazer a sua maquiagem com qualidade profissional!Matrias abordadas:Preparao de pele,Aplicao de base/p/corretivo, Maquiagem dia,Maquiagem noite,Maquiagem festa, Delineado,Correo de sobrancelhas e Aplicao de clios postios.Organizadas em 5 Aulas.Objetivo do Curso:Trazer o conhecimento para se automaquiar com qualidade e facilidade.Sendo este curso o seu primeiro passo para se tornar um maquiador profissional."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Maquiadora Completo [nico com mais de 6 Hs de Aula!]"
"Curso Completo para quem deseja se tornar uma Maquiadora Profissional.So 17 Aulas conceituais e prticas cada uma em Vdeo-aula com Provinha online:- Atuao da maquiadora- Biossegurana- Produtos- Itens- Pincis- Colorimetria- Facechart- Preparao de pele- Uniformizao- Camuflagem- Contorno- Sombras- Delineados- Sobrancelhas- Clios postios- Batom- Maquiagem para pele negra- Maquiagem e atendimento de noivas"
Price: 54.99

"How to Write Amazon Affiliate Content That Converts!"
"*** This is a LIVE and Raw course. Watch over my shoulder as I write an affiliate product review!So, you've been working on your fabulous new affiliate site and bought every course and viewed every YouTube video available, right?Which is fantastic. You have taken the first steps to build a real passive income.However, after having a beautiful website, building links, and outsourcing your content writing to budget writers, you do not seem to be gaining much momentum; sound familiar?I have been writing content for affiliate sites for many years now, earning a side income while studying and then working full time. Your content is the bare bones of your website. Without it, you mostly have nothing.A website without content is like a house without a door. No-one will ever find their way in!Content needs to be informative and to the point. In 2019/2020, Google wants long, educational content, and I will show you how to write it in just a couple of hours.Write articles that rank for hundreds of keywords and grow your small affiliate site into a money-making monster!With this course, you will learn how to write product reviews and buying guides in the rawest and most straightforward form. Over the years, I have developed a technique that will allow anyone with basic writing skills to write fantastic product reviews and guides!You can use the tips in this course in many ways;Use it to improve the content on your affiliate websitesUse it to learn how to write, then make money writing for other sites!Use it as a guide to make sure your writers are writing content which will rank!And more!I am also including my E-Book with the course showing more examples and practical tips on succeeding as an affiliate content writer.If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me on here."
Price: 19.99

"Scrum Developer Exam Practice Assessments"
"Scrum (dot) org offers Professional Scrum Developer (PSD I) certification. All candidates should pass PSD I exam to get certified. So, it is recommended that all Scrum Developers who work in a Scrum team would certify themselves.We know that exam questions are tricky and most people are not prepared enough for the exam. Indeed they aware of the trickiness of the questions right when they take part the real exam.So, we decided to prepare some practice assessments with the exact characteristics of the real exam. It means 80 questions, 60 minutes timeframe and real questions format (True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer) with a passing mark of 85%. In addition, we prepared an explanatory and extensive answer to each question. These answers are reliable learning source to improve your fundamental understanding and knowledge as a developer in a Scrum team. Furthermore, these auxiliary answers strongly improve your confidence because you learn related tips and tricks. You can visit our website for fresh blog posts: www.ScrumSchool(dot)teamSo, we invite you to prepare yourselves for the PSD I exam with our high-quality practice assessments.Note: We are not affiliated with Scrum(dot)org and do not claim that our contents are endorsed and confirmed by Scrum(dot)org, but we work hard in this context to prepare and evolve quality contents continuously."
Price: 59.99

",  Paper Planes. . , , , , . , . . - . 9 15 . :  . . ."
Price: 1799.00

"Get More Done"
"This course has life-changing strategies.  If you are someone who feels overwhelmed by the number of items on their to do list, or like you are always going to have to work in the evening or on weekends to get everything done, or like you are worried about home when you are at work and about work when you home - this course is for you. Specifically, this actionable course provides you with strategies as well as ways to work those strategies into your daily, weekly, and monthly routines.  It includes a downloadable planner to support you in this endeavor.  Strategies included in this course will help you: write specific goals and break them down into actionable steps,prioritize the tasks on your to do list so you are getting the right things done, andcomplete those tasks efficiently every day, even if you are a procrastinator!"
Price: 99.99

"Curso de Bolsa - Momentos para entrar y salir de la bolsa"
"Miguel ngel Lpez MendoPROGRAMA: 12 horas1- El bolsillo del ciudadano como el gran protagonista de la Bolsa y Economa2- Estudio de la Fase de las Medidas Restrictivas3- Fase de las Medidas de Reactivacin: Alza Lquida, Fundamental y Especulativa4- Alza Fundamental y especulativa5- Anlisis de los valores ms interesantes del momento1- El bolsillo del ciudadano como el gran protagonista de la Bolsa y EconomaConsideraciones a tener en cuenta:Relacin de la economa con la BolsaInterpretacin distinta de los procesos econmicosEl inversor ha de ir con la mentalidad de Detective, pescador y cazador.Razones de los movimientos burstiles: Nos estamos jugando lo ms sensible: nuestro dinero.La Bolsa se reduce a un problema de instinto, intuicin y estmago. Cmo desarrollarlos, EjemplosAmigos y enemigos (conscientes e inconscientes) del inversor: Medios de Comunicacin, Inversores Privados, Medios Financieros y Familia.Factores que intervienen en los movimientos burstiles:Factor econmico: Economa Internacional, Nacional y EmpresaFactor Monetario: Banco Emisor, Banca e Inversores extranjerosFactor Humano: Manas, celos, envidia, miedo, pnico, histeria, etc.Estudio e interpretacin de la informacin privilegiadaCmo actuar ante ella: Quienes la poseen?Insiders directos(directivo, gran accionista, abogados)Insiders: indirectos (familia, amigos, etc.)Reguladores burstilesEstudio de los Ciclos econmicos desde el punto de vista burstil, como inversores privados y profesionales.Comportamiento econmico.Situacin de la economaEmpresarios, sindicatos, gobierno, ciudadanosAparicin de los tumores econmicosMomento ideal de las Reconversiones: Por qu no se realizan y consecuencias burstilesComportamiento BurstilParalelismoSe gestan las grandes ruinasFenmeno de la distribucinClimax: Cmo detectarlo?Qu hace la gran banca?Aplicaciones a corto y largo plazo2- Estudio de la Fase de las Medidas RestrictivasComportamiento econmicoMedidas que se tomanCaractersticas de las mismasCmo identificar su eficaciaDescontento social, Manifestaciones, Huelgas, AntidisturbiosCmo identificar sus objetivosCada de VentasCrisis empresarialesMorosidadDesempleoRepercusiones burstilesEjemplos: Crisis del Yom-KippurReconversin industrialEEUU y EspaaRusiaArgentinaComportamiento BurstilActuaciones del inversor privado que le llevar a las prdidasActuaciones del gran inversorMercados InternacionalesInmuebles: Aqu se darn las mayores subidas del ciclo.DerivadosAparece el fenmeno de la Acumulacin.Cmo identificarlo, Ejemplos3- Fase de las Medidas de Reactivacin: Alza Lquida, Fundamental y EspeculativaAlza LquidaComportamiento EconmicoMomentos ms negros de la economaCrisis empresarialesMorosidadDesempleoMedidas que se tomanComportamiento BurstilLa economa sufre, las Bolsas suben: Se producen las primeras grandes subidas de la Bolsa.Caractersticas de los valores que ms subirnClasificacin de los valores por su situacin econmicaCmo se gestiona una cartera: EjemplosEstudio de los Indicadores Psicolgicos y su interpretacin en BolsaEstudio de la moda femenina y sus posibilidades como indicador burstilMedios de Comunicacin y Financieros, los grandes enemigos del inversorResumen de la Alza Lquida + Ejemplos.4- Alza Fundamental y especulativaAlza FundamentalGiro del Alza Lquida a la Fundamental, momento ms difcil de todo el ciclo.Indicador psicolgico: el aburrimientoModa femeninaSubida de tipos, una buena noticiaComportamiento de los valores ms clsicosDivisin del Alza en dos crecimientos: Crecimiento lento y rpido de la economaEstudio de todos los datos necesarios para que esto se produzcaAutomviles, Inmuebles, Consumo, Restaurantes, tapeo, publicidad, etcCreacin de empleo, el dato ms importante de esta faseComienzan a subir los inmuebles de mayor calidadCmo detectar el final de esta faseDatos econmicos: consumo, morosidad, ventas de automviles, etc.Aparece el modelo de automvil tpico de la euforiaComienzan a repuntar la vivienda de vacacionesComportamiento de las Bolsas en estas fases.Circunstancias para adelantarse a los acontecimientos econmicosAlza EspeculativaLos inversores pretenden hacerse millonarios en tres meses.Chicharros y Chicharrillos, los grandes protagonistasDetectar el final de la faseO.P.A.sCrackEstudio en profundidad de sus repercusiones a corto y largo plazoEstudio del ""climax"" necesario para que se produzcaNo se produce por motivos econmicos sino psicolgicosComparacin con las histerias humanasLa histeria te hacen ver cosas que no existenEstudio del CrackCracks histricos: Bulbo de los Tulipanes, Mares del Sur, Crack 1929Burbujas recientesDiferencias entre cracks y un ataque a las divisasAnlisis TcnicoEstudio de todas las teoras y figurasSe abordar de una forma distinta a como lo hacen los medios de comunicacin, dndoles una interpretacin profesionalPrensa EconmicaCmo leer un peridico de economaPeligros ms recientes de los mediosMomento actual de los mercados financierosSituacin de la economa internacionalReformas necesarias que se han de introducir en la Unin EuropeaSituacin del gobierno espaol actual y su ministerio de economa5- Anlisis de los valores ms interesantes del momento"
Price: 29.99

"Habit Masterclass - Boost your Wellbeing & Productivity"
"Many people understand the power of Daily Habits but find it difficult to make any real long-lasting changes. Do you find yourself procrastinating? Do you find it difficult to stay motivated? Do you have bad habits that need breaking? This course is designed to overcome these challenges by mastering each Habit Skill one at a time.This Habit Masterclass will give you the skills and techniques to build long-lasting habits and transform your health, fitness, productivity, relationships plus much more!This course is fully animated and split into bite-size videos making it fun and easy to watch over and over again.You will learn proven techniques and principles for behaviour change in life and work. Plus its designed to be easily understood by absolute beginners.We first make our habits, then our habits make us. - John DrydenWhat will this course do for you?The habits you build today are creating your future health, wealth, and happiness.This Habit Masterclass will give you the template for future habits so you can:Build Good HabitsBreak Bad habitsImprove Your Health & WellbeingBecome More ProductiveBe More MindfulBecome More GratefulEliminate DebtFeel More Control Over Your LifeA year from now you will wish you had started today. - Karen LambWhats inside this course?Through 11 lessons, you'll learn how to:Boost your motivation by understanding the benefitsStart small to eliminate excusesFind your habit spark to embed the habit into your daily routineCreate reminders that actually work so you never forget to do the habitHack your equipment to work for youTrack your new habit so you can review your progressCreate feedback loops to make it fun and enjoyableUtilise social accountability to build sticky habitsSet up consequences that make it difficult to quitAdjust & adapt to build future habitsWell work through each step together to build the habit of Drinking More Water each day.Each animation includes dedicated time at the end to complete the 2-minute-assignment. Taking just 2 minutes to complete these mini-assignments as you go along makes it much more likely for the new habit to stick.Completing these real-world assignments after each animation is the best way to get the full benefit from this course."
Price: 49.99

"Website erstellen: ohne Vorkenntnisse zur perfekten Homepage"
"Du willst eine professionell aussehende Website und das mglichst schnell?Perfekt! Hier bist Du goldrichtig :)Beim Website erstellen kann man sich schnell verzetteln und Stunden mit kostenloses Tutorials und Blogs verbringen, die nur die Hlfte erklren. Dagegen ist es gut, wenn man Jemanden hat, der das alles schonmal gemacht hat und im Schlaf beherrscht. Wenn Du eine erfolgreiche Website betreiben willst, dann ist ein solide Grundlage  das A und O. Dabei musst Du fnf wichtige Dinge beachten, damit dein Vorhaben ein Erfolg wird:den richtigen Web Hosting Anbieter auswhlendas perfekte Content Management Systemein ansprechendes DesignOptimierung fr Suchmaschinen Rechtssicheres Online Marketing betreiben knnenMeinst Du nicht auch, dass Du viel Zeit und Geld sparst, wenn Du gleich von Anfang an die richtigen Entscheidungen triffst, damit Du schneller an dein Ziel kommst?Mit 15 Jahren Praxiswissen bietet dir der Kurs alle wichtigen Inhalte fr deine perfekte Webseite. Ich habe Web-Entwicklung in einer groen Internet Agentur gelernt, war SEO Manager und habe diverse Blogs und  sogar Online Shops mit Wordpress betrieben. Wenn Du dich fragst ob es kompliziert ist, dann kann ich dich beruhigen. Der Kurs ist so konzipiert, dass ein blutiger Anfnger in kurzer Zeit die perfekte Webseite erstellt. Du schaust mir ber die Schulter und ich erklre dir Schritt fr Schritt was Du tun musst. Du lernst welcher Hoster fr dein Vorhaben am Besten istdas kostenlose Content Management System sicher bedienen ansprechende Landingpages aus hunderten Designvorlagen erstellendeine Seite auf die vordersten Pltze bei Google bringstdeine Seite DSGVO konform anlegest fr rechtssicheres Online MarketingDarber hinaus erhltst Du lebenslagen kostenlosen Zugang zu einem Premium Grundgerst, dass schon alleine 160$ kostet. Wenn Du dich bis lang mit anderen System abgemht hast, dann ist das nicht weiter schlimm. Mit dem Kurs machst Du alle verlorene Zeit wieder wett. Ich erklre dir jeden Handgriff, sodass Du in einem Wochenende deine perfekte Webseite erstellst."
Price: 199.99

"Smart CPA Offers"
"Announcing the New 8-Part Course Step by Step""Finally, you have a CPA network without having to be aPaid traffic for ... starting today ""This specific training course is designed to help you understand howBuild a business around CPA networks even if you are a newbie.Dear businessmanIs it nothing without selling anything?All you have to do is have a clue to act, either by filling in aForm by subscribing to a list, sending a notification or taking action.This is what CPA is all about and CPA means cost per action.CPA may be new to the environment and the CPA business can be difficult forespecially novices.Generating CPA Profit Is Not So Simplesource of any offer, a Facebook ad campaign, etc.In fact, it is extremely difficult unless you know what you are doing.The sad truth is that many ""gurus"" surpass the dream of an easy country.model.Also, you can have a good time finding a winner.campaign.But what if there was an easier way?Now - there is and is not another business model bs.This is an evolution in the CPA market and we call it Smart CPA.offers.They defined conversions very well - even for beginners in their own languages.Introducing (Smart CPA Offers)8 part of the video courseThe following is a featured series of 8 part videos in more detail:Video # 1. Introduction to CPA 2.0As we said earlier, this is a fast and rich business. Like any businessmodel, requires a lot of hard work. You will learn the honest truth andyou need to get there and what you need to dostarted.Video # 2. The good and the badIs this video revealing what you are for this movie?such as a bad name. What CPA companies may or may not do toyou.Video # 3. Protecting YourselfAs we discussed earlier, like CPA's high value networks. But that saidThere are good good good. So how can you know if you areDirect leads a good CPA network? Does that mean you pay?Video # 4. Increase Your Pass RateGetting into CPA networks is not as easy as 1, 2, 3 - especially if you arenoob. To better understand how to be accepted at a higher CPAyou need to understand what they are looking for and moreimportant - what you don't seem to be looking for.Video # 5. CPA EvolutionThe purpose of this video is to show the results when it comes toFind high converting offers - especially for beginners and how you canTake an easy path that is starting to become popular. Esse VideoThe journey begins to find easier ""Smart CPA"" for the converter.Video # 6. CPA Networks That Buy Your TrafficThis is slightly different from a ""Smart Offer"" but the other source of revenueThis is super easy for beginners - literally now.Video # 7. Traffic SourcesThere are several different traffic sources you can use. It's easy to getLost at sea in different ways. Other people recommend seeing on Facebook,but honestly this is one of the more rotations as you will needcomplex funnels to convert your traffic ... and there are other traffic sourcesWe will discuss.Video # 8. Pop Traffic SourceTo help you get started, use the pop command as our traffic source.You can use other fonts like Pop-Cash, but we like to drop pop more.For what is working, you will have access to the CPA network.with a ""smart CPA"" request that we discussed earlier.Attend this video course and learn how to take advantage of Smart CPA offerings.Greetings,[Wellington Soares]PS: This is a sleeping course.PPS This training course is designed to help you understandAs if it is a meaningless networking business, you are a newbie."
Price: 19.99

"learn local seo course A-z ranking google"
"Complete Local Search Engine Optimization Training Keyword Research Local SEO 2019 Rank SEO Tips & Tools Google If you're just getting started with local SEO, your Google My Business listing is a great place to focus your early efforts. After all, when people search for a product or service near them, they're usually very close to making a purchase"
Price: 19.99

"Start Your Side Hustle: Build Your Own Business From Scratch"
"A great idea should not start and end in your head. Start Your Side Hustle is an online course built to help professionals go from idea to orders without wondering how. Our mission is to enable individuals to take a safe leap with great ideas and turn them into great products!"
Price: 29.99

"Bilgi, gtr. Biz kadnlarn, hayatmzn bu mcadelesinde bilgili olmas hayat kurtarr. alan ve gebelikte eitim almaya vakti olmayan anne ve baba adaylar iin yola kp hazrladm bu eitim, bilmeniz gereken mihenk talarn 7 modlde nnze seriyor. Yaplan aratrmalar, gebelikte eitim alan kadnlarn, gebelik ve doum srecini daha rahat ve kolay atlattklarn gstermekte. Daha fazla bilmekten korkma! Yalnzca neyi bilmek istediini farket. Bilmediin eyden korkarsn, bildiklerinden deil! nk, bildiini ynetebilirsin.Eitimin, dinleyen herkese faydal olmas dileiyle.Sevgiler."
Price: 199.99

"Temel Dzey Kriminalistik"
"Merhaba!Adli Bilimler, toplumumuz tarafndan olduka revata olan ve Trkiye'de halen hem teknolojik olarak, hem sahada, hem de niversite dzeyinde eitimsel olarak gelimekte olan bir alan. Bununla ilgili olarak, yksek lisansta rendiim bilgileri, temel dzeyde hazrladm bu 8 modllk eitimde bulabilirsiniz. Genel kltr adna da yardmc olacan dndm bu eitimden bolca faydalanmanz dilerim! Keyifli izlemeler!"
Price: 59.99

"C# Ultimate Course: Best Step Into C-Sharp Program Language"
"C# is really easy to learn if you understand the basics of it. On this course you will learn the fundamentals of c# that is going to help you become a good C# Developer. Every expert coder starts at the basics and only learn by doing. We will start with Datatypes and Variables and then we are going to step into methods as well as Statements, Arrays and Loops. At the end we will give you some extra C# Tipps and Tricks that are going to help you become a good c# developer. You will learn:How to declare methods and classes.How to work faster and more effectively!How to use conditional and iteration statementsHow to define single and multidimensional ArraysHow to create your own Exceptions with Throw100% Full Money-back GuaranteeThis course comes with a 30-day full money-back guarantee. If you don't like this course, ask for a refund within 30 days. For more details about money back guarantee and others, contact course instructor."
Price: 199.99

"Mental health- Build em up"
"This course will explore quotes,themes and theories of experts workers and professionals who work within the business Personal Development and Mental Health Sector, this course will provide solutions, information and theories,this course applies new field of knowledge in the pursuit of greater happiness in their own personal experience and professional goals."
Price: 19.99

"Contracting Terms and Conditions"
"This first curriculum introduces your instructor and provides critical information regarding future content.  It begins the review of the UCC and Common Law.  A discussion of internal documents and business partners is included and the course illustrates the importance of correct word choice and documents.  Examples are used to highlight key learning topics.  Students are invited to submit questions for future courses. "
Price: 19.99

"Simulado para Certificao Scrum Master"
"Vamos conquistar sua certificao Scrum? Estamos aqui para te ajudar.Nesse simulado voc poder treinar questes sobre o Framework Scrum, com questes de mltipla escolha, o que ir ajuda-lo a fixar, a estudar e se preparar para a prova oficial de Scrum.Na reviso do teste possvel visualizar a comentrios sobre o assunto da pergunta, no qual pode-se agregar mais informaes e ajuda-lo a entender melhor sobre o assunto questionado."
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Revit COMPLETO - do Bsico ao Avanado!"
"Aprender Revit no das tarefas mais fceis apesar de sua versatilidade. Sabemos exatamente das dificuldades. No entanto, a PROJETA foi criada pensando em facilitar e simplificar o aprendizado. Queremos te mostrar somente o que importa e a maneira mais rpida e eficiente (e a mais barata) de como chegar at l.Voc vai aprender:- Inserir Template do Projeta- Conhecer a interface do Revit- Inserir Terreno- Plat e clculo de corte e aterro- Inserir eixos e famlias- inserir elementos estuturais- criar cortes e chamadas de detalhe- inserir paredes e esquadrias- criao de piso e forro- trabalhar na vista 3D- inserir rampas e escadas- criar o madeiramento e telhas- shafts- adicionar acabamentos, moblias, equipamentos hidrossanitrios e iluminao- rodaps, roda-teto e frisos- documentao (cotas, tabelas de quantitativo e oramento, pranchas, plotagem)- Aprenda a renderizar e criar imagens incrveis!Comece j seu curso!"
Price: 69.99

"Curso Avanzado de Openscad: Haz figuras complejas de hacer"
"En este curso podrs crear figuras un poco  mas difciles de realizar. Se trabajara en baja definicin debido a la cantidad de recursos que conlleva hacer las piezas que se realizaran en cada pieza.Si puedes imaginar una pieza puedes programarlo.Las piezas pueden ser usadas para uso personal, domestico y/o venderlo.Los conocimientos que se adquieran en este curso pueden servir para reforzar sus conocimientos en openscad"
Price: 270.00

"Posing Masterclass 2019 (Models, Couples, Families)"
"This course is for all Portrait Photographers. If you take pictures of people wheter as a hobby or professionally then this course is for you. It has hours of content regarding posing subjects. With hundreds of examples so you can see clearly how it is done. If you are ready to take your photography to the next level then this course is for you."
Price: 199.99

"Photography Mood Boards - Models, Kids, Couples, Weddings"
"THIS IS 4 COURSES IN 1! THE ULTIMATE RESOURCE FOR PHOTOGRAPHER! IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING WITH IDEAS OF WHAT TO SHOOT WITH YOUR CLIENTS, IF YOU ARE A WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER, IF YOU NEED NEW CREATIVE CONCEPTS TO EXPAND YOUR PORTFOLIO, THEN THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU!CONCEPT PHOTOGRAPHY 100 CREATIVE PHOTOSHOOT IDEAS: This course provides 100 different concepts for photoshoot mainly with models. Great for any portrait session you do. Each concept has a mood board with several images you can recreate. CONCEPT KIDS PHOTOGRAPHY 100 CREATIVE PHOTOSHOOT IDEAS: This course provides 100 different concepts for photoshoot mainly with kids. Each concept has a mood board with several images you can recreate. CONCEPT COUPLES PHOTOGRAPHY 100 CREATIVE PHOTOSHOOT IDEAS: This course provides 100 different concepts for photoshoot mainly with couples. Each concept has a mood board with several images you can recreate. Great for engagement shoots and wedding photographers. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY ULTIMATE MOOD BOARD: This course provides mood boards for every aspect of a wedding. Great for photographers to show clients ideas of pictures for their wedding, and for photographers to have a checklist of pictures they should take throughout the day so they don't miss anything."
Price: 199.99

"Iphone Photography Masterclass + Editing"
"Do you have an Iphone and want to take better photos? Are you a photographer and want to take better pictures with your Iphone? Do you have an Instagram and want better pictures for your social media accounts? Then this course is for you!THIS IS THE ULTIMATE IPHONE PHOTOGRAPHY COURSE OUT THERE! UP TO DATE FOR 2019 Iphones! IPHONE 11 PRO + MAX and IOS 13 Lectures Coming Soon! In this course you will learn all the tools the latest Iphones cameras have. Most of these tools will work with any Iphone you own.You will learn about the new Portrait Mode and Portrait Lighting to take advantage of it and get better looking portraits.Live Photos and how to use that feature to not miss a good shot.Panaroma Mode and how to get the best Panorama Pictures.We will also go over 14 TIPS TO TAKE BETTER PICTURES!HeadroomAnglesPerspectiveFramingBlown out BackgroundUneven LightingGlareDistracting ElementsBackgroundsShallow Dept of FieldRule of ThirdsShooting in Low LightBlack and WhiteTelephoto ModeYou will then learn about the Top 3 Photo Editing Apps for Iphone Snapseed, Facetune 2, and Lightroom CCYou will learn all the relevant tools on those apps and how to use them, and how to edit by a picture by combining all the tools.This course is the most comprehensive course on Skillshare for Iphone Photography. So if you are ready to take your photography to the next level. Then enroll today!"
Price: 199.99

"Portrait Photography Masterclass: 10 Courses in 1"
Price: 199.99

"Photoshop for Photographer - 3 Courses in 1"
"5 Min Edit Using Camera Raw in PhotoshopLearn how to edit images in Photoshop quickly and effectively. This is for Portrait Photographers using Fashion, Family, and Kids portraits as examples. You will learn how to use Camera Raw within photoshop to edit images smoothly and quickly. You will also learn several other tricks within Photoshop to do other retouching to an image to fix common issues you will get as a photographer.This course is taught as if you are brand new to Photoshop with simple explanations of everything being used in Photoshop so if you are brand new to that software you won't get lost.Some of the samples will show to to remove objects in the images, how to make clouds and skies pop in images, and how to make colors look more vibrant.There is a lot to learn in this course and after you are done you will be able to edit most portrait images in roughly 5 minutes or less.  2. Levitation Photography Masterclass - Compositing Using PhotoshopIn this course you will learn how to do the famous Levitation Photography Photo Manipulation. You will see samples done at the beach, woods, pond, and indoors. You will learn how to do a lot of cool effects in Photoshop from adding shadows, floating objects, and using actions. You will see behind the scenes footage of multiple Photoshoots so you can see the set up involve in getting the shoots done.  3. Photoshop Actions Masterclass  Filters for PicturesIn this course you will get access to a bunch of actions for Photoshop. These are shortcuts to get filters on your pictures to make them stand out. You will learn how actions work, and take your photography to the next level."
Price: 199.99

"Habeas Data. Proteccin Datos Personales conforme l"
"El desarrollo de nuevas tecnologas impone la necesidad acerca del conocimiento sobre nuestros datos personales y la obtencin de la actualizacin constante de los mismos.Adems, esto implica la obtencin de nuevas competencias y habilidades para contener, orientar y saber gestionar tanto extrajudicial como judicialmente, las necesidades y respectivos conflictos que nos ofrece la dinmica realidad humana."
Price: 19.99

"Price Action Trading With The Anti-Climax Pattern"
"Welcome to this course. Here youll learn a practical price action trading framework for the Anti-Climax setup.When a market rises or falls with strong momentum and speed, traders fear theyll get left behind. The instinctive response is to chase the market, hopping onto the bandwagon at market prices. Eventually, the market runs out of new entrants. This is the beginning of the disappointing end.This is the Anti-climax a pattern that will help us fade exhaustive price swings.By the end of this course, youll be able to spot Anti-Climax setups, locate trade entry points, and set stop-loss levels.To enhance the Anti-climax setup, you will also learn how to identify congestion zones that work as reliable support and resistance.Well walk you step-by-step through the process. Diagrams and chart pattern examples are used throughout the course to illustrate the key concepts.This course is designed for the existing trader who is looking for a structured approach to a classic trading situation; an overbought or oversold market. Instead of using indicators like the Stochastic and RSI, we use a simple and effective price action pattern.The concepts in this course apply to stock trading, Forex, and futures trading. You can use them with day trading, or swing trading. Price action principles are universal.Of course, theres no guarantee youll profit. You need to study the material and see what works for you. You may not implement the information exactly, but youll get something from the course you can use in your trading.Please look through the course description, and we hope youll join us."
Price: 99.99

"How to attract the ideal person for the relationship"
"There are many singles in the world searching for their ideal mate, attending social gatherings, weddings, church, relationship seminars, joining dating website and yet they are not meeting the ideal person. This course helps put all the worries away and share one powerful secret to bring the ideal person your way."
Price: 29.99

Price: 39.99