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"DevSecOps :Master Securing CI/CD Pipeline within a week 2020"
"This course is designed for Developers, DevOps, Security, Freshers, QA, Infra, Build & Release(All), InfoSec/AppSec Professional to learn and implement the DevSecOps methodology, tools & technology for your company/project using security best practices. This will help you to secure top quality jobs in the upcoming market with higher salary (similar to the current trend of DevOps, Cloud & Security). As digitisation is the key for all companies to succeed in market/business. Why to purchase this course ?As now-days there is no need to have schools or attend training institutes , as all the things can be learned offline or online with little bit of research. I have tried to include almost every part of DevOps, Security & testing for the application.Also if you go for training institutes / online tutors/ Seminars / Conferences the cost of learning this professional high demand course may vary ( 400 usd to 4000 usd)  whereas you are learning the same course with a nominal fee and also can go with your own pace.DevSecOps enables rapid application development with agility, at the same time it secures your application with automated security checks integrated within the pipeline. It helps to increase productivity and security by integrating security stages in the pipeline.Also in this course we have compared the traditional DevOps pipeline with modern DevSecOps pipeline , provided techniques to automate the security scanning at various phases and stages of the build pipeline instead of waiting for the pen testing team to start manual testing once the application is deployed.Also we have included all the latest & free opensource tools so that everyone can try getting their hands dirty with the code. Gartner's report for DevOps + Security collaboration(by 2021) is attached with the promo video for reference.By the end of the course , I am sure you will have absorbed enormous amount knowledge, tools, technologies related to DevSecOps and should be able to implement DevOps or DevSecOps pipeline, culture for your project/product independently . Also now you have a DevSecOps quiz to test your basic DevSecOps skills knowledge."
Price: 69.99

"Python Programming for Beginners: Learn to Code in an Hour"
"This course is perfect for students with no prior programming experience. It will allow students to have a hands on experience in the simplest understanding of computer science basics yet. This is a great opportunity for you to learn Python as your first language and will initiate your passion for programming. :)"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Violo"
"Primeiro curso de violo que traz a opo de incluir o estudo do violo em sua rotina, independente de como ela seja. Aqui voc vai aprender o bsico sobre violo. Vai conseguir ler cifras, ritmos, e treinar seu ouvido para tocar suas msicas. Tudo isso ser entregue em um cronograma que se adeque sua realidade. Ou seja, mesmos e voc no tem tem tempo vai conseguir aprender. Baste se dedicar e tirar alguns minutos da semana."
Price: 39.99

"Mindfulness para nios y nias de preescolar (3-6 aos)"
"En este curso puedes aprender a practicar mindfulness con tus hijos en casa o con tus alumnos en el aula de Educacin Infantil, gracias a ejercicios practicos muy fciles de llevar a cabo y muy dinmicos para que los nios y nias no se aburran Te espero en esta aventura!"
Price: 24.99

"Power to Thrive"
"Welcome to The Power to Thrive! Youre about to embark on a transformative journey to increase your ability to thrive by building the foundations of a thriving career and life, as discovered during a 30-year study of exceptional leaders. A multi-disciplinary study of over 2,000 high achievers by the consulting group TenorCorp identified the four foundations of exceptional leaders who achieve a life of significance, and these are Purpose, Attitude, Connection, and Energy. We will call those who exhibit a mastery of these foundations, PACEsetters. By building upon these four foundations, you and those you influence will grow and flourish in life. Purpose produces passion, and passion motivates people to excel. Attitude plays an essential role toward gaining optimal achievement. Connection reflects the way in which we relate to others, and building strong relationships is one of the most effective producers of joy. And finally Energy ultimately dictates whether we can sustain the momentum for achieving lasting results. These four foundations set the pace for achieving a thriving life. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the PACE foundations while practicing the corresponding skills for building these foundations. You will also have the opportunity to learn and practice these skills And, finally you will be able to shift your mindset by using these skills so that you can begin practicing productive and fulfilling habits in your career and life. Now, lets begin your journeyto thrive!"
Price: 199.99

"  !  . , , ? . , ? . , . ? , ? 10 ,  20 ,  . 10 ,  , ."
Price: 19799.00

"FAA Part 107 Exam Prep for Environmental Professionals"
"In this course, not only will you prepare to take and pass the FAA Part 107 Exam, you will also learn tips and techniques about how drone professionals really go about their business. Having been a professional drone pilot the past 3 years using my drones to enhance my environmental analysis skills, I have learned volumes on these remarkable tools. I want to pass this information along to you, so you can save time and fly safe. Flying drones is incredibly fun, yet it is a serious endeavor. Safety is paramount so we cover it thoroughly in this course. Drone data collection is a real game changer in the environmental management world. Drone skills are in demand. With this course and the subsequent license you will obtain, your professional skills will help drive your career forward. I have taught this material (and much more) to my University level students for the past 3 years. Come join me and we will soar to new heights!"
Price: 19.99

"Laravel 6"
"En este curso vas a conocer las estructuras y controles bsicos de Laravel para despus enfrentarte al desarrollo de una aplicacin de tareas en la que trabajaremos por medio de Homestead con bases de datos MySQL.Todo el proyecto se basar de Bootstrap 4.3 para conseguir una configuracin mobile-firstDurante la creacin de la aplicacin implementar entre otras cosas, el sistema de modelos, las vistas, controladores, la validacin de campos la proteccin CSRF.Al finalizar, obtendrs una app de tareas en la que crear, editar, eliminar y marcar como completadas las mismas.Tras esta aplicacin, continuar poniendo en prctica y afianzando los contenidos por medio de la creacin de un Foro con autenticacin de usuarios, opcin de respuestas, uso del servicio Gravatar.Todo ello por medio del framework PHP con arquitectura MVC ms extendido, Laravel."
Price: 29.99

"Illustrator - Diseo para Crafters"
"Para ser crafter, no tienes que ser diseador profesional, pero con este curso podrs obtener los conocimientos bsicos para crear proyectos como un experto.No importa si eres Cameo Lover o Team Cricut, eres bienvenid@ a participar! Puedes aplicar los conocimientos que aprenders para crear proyectos que podrs cortar en el plotter de tu preferencia.Este curso esta creado para todas las personas que quieren aprender a disear en Adobe illustrator cc y as poder usar sus propios diseos en un plotter de corte para la decoracin de eventos o creacin de artculos personalizados, tanto si es para uso personal o comercial.Aprenders a crear y disear elementos para cortar con herramientas modernas. As que, domina este programa para impulsar el talento de tus manos creativas."
Price: 79.99

"Arduino Timer Relay Project"
"Arduino yazlm ile zaman ayarl rle yapacaz. Projemizin alma yntemi butonlar vastasyla dakika ve saniye bilgisi girilir. Tarama yntemi ile alan seven-segment ekranmz bulunmaktadr. Dakika ve saniye deerleri ekranda grlmektedir. Start butonu ile komut verilir rle eker ve saniye geriye doru azalr. Sfra geldii zaman rle off konumuna dner ve buzzer dan sesli uyar duyarz. Sre tamamlanm ve ilem bitmi demektir. Bu proje ile algoritma oluturmay mikrodenetleyici programlamay reneceksiniz. yi almalar."
Price: 24.99

"Gml sistem tasarlamann mantn ve dikkat edilmesi gereken noktas renmek ister misiniz?MAX7219 src entegresi ile kayan yaz devresini Parola src dosyas ile altrmak ister misiniz?DS3231 RTCC saat ipine mekanik butonlar yardm ile veri girii nasl yaplr renmek ister misiniz?Algoritma nasl oluturulur renmek ister misiniz? Vakit kaybetmeden eitim setini satn aln."
Price: 24.99

"Beginners Guide to Tattooing"
"About This ClassWelcome to your new career!I'm glad to be your teacher on this journey of learning to tattoo. My name is Tattoo Bob and I have tattooed over 20 years in all styles such asblack & greytraditionalportraitstribalwatercolorrealismThese videos are by no means a substitute to a traditional apprenticeship but this will be a great stepping stone to a wonderful new career and life. The best way to learn is to watch these videos as much as possible. Take notes.REPETITION IS KEY!!!In the the following videos I will be teaching you everything fromStation Set UpMachine Set UpStencil Making and Proper Placement on the BodySimple OutliningShading TechniquesColoringSterile Procedures and AftercareSo sit back, grab some drawing paper, and let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Programa Tu Vida: Libera tus creencias y traumas"
"Con el curso de autoterapia cuntica sers capaz de suprimir tus creencias que has creado desde el nacimiento y programaras todos tus proyectos de vida, para que todo lo que realices no sea a travs del sufrimiento o lucha, despertaras el poder que te otorgaron!Aprenders a usar las tcnicas de ""Activacin de Energia"" y ""Biomagnetismo"" tcnicas que juntas suprimen programas y programan en el menor tiempo y esfuerzo, as como la tcnica mas efectiva y antigua del planeta."
Price: 24.99

"Anlisis Transaccional: Vive Tu argumento de Vida"
"Todo Humano nace emocionalmente SANA(O) y dependiendo de la forma que se relaciona en la vida, se ven transformadas las formas de su pensar, hacer, actuar, dando paso a muchos fracasos, errores y actuaciones afectando sus juegos o transacciones de todas sus actividades, determinando la forma que vive, pero, con el sabio aprender de este CURSO le da la premisa de que UNO MISMO recupere la esencia y poder PERSONAL, cambiar a su libre albedro todo lo que necesite para llevar una vida, feliz, armoniosa, llena de bondades, beneficios, mejorando considerablemente la calidad de su vida, en si mismo, su familia, trabajo, negocios y relacionarse con su entorno, entendiendo perfectamente lo que este le dice a travs de los MENSAJES, sean directos o subliminales."
Price: 24.99

"Advance steel Autodesk"
"En este curso aprenderas el uso de las herramientas basicas del Autodesk Advance Steel version student para generar porticos en un modelo 3D, crear lista de materiales, uso de vistas y generar  plano general de estructura.Con estas herramientas basicas podras introducirte al curso nivel intermedio, donde se aplican mas herramientas pero bajo el mismo concepto y secuencia de trabajo mostrado en el presente curso.Espero disfrutes del curso y lo aporbeches al maximo.Exito !!!"
Price: 19.99

"G1 Testing"
"The Auto Maintenance and Light Repair (G1) task list focuses on 7 core areas, and you can expect to be asked a total of approximately 55 question on your certification exam, broken out as outlined:A. Engine System (9 Questions)B. Automatic Transmission/Trans-axle (4 Questions)C. Manual Drive train and Axle (6 Questions)D. Suspension and Steering (13 Questions)E. Brakes (11 Question)F. Electrical (8 Question)G. Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (4 Questions)"
Price: 19.99

"Instagram Business Marketing Game Plan 10k+ Paying Customers"
"Whether youre a personal or business user - this course is the NO FLUFF solution to finally cracking the Instagram code to building a loyal following AND generate income at the same time!  Imagine if you could have More likes from your ideal audience Posts and stories full of genuine comments and replies Daily DM's inquiring about your products & services More collaborations and sponsored posts More raving fans excited and wanting to buy your products The system the pros use to save time and energy creating content Wake up to more subscribers on your email list Have more free time to do the things you enjoy doing in your businessAll of this is possible With: THE INSTAGRAM GAME PLAN! The Instagram Game Plan will teach you step-by-step how to: Grow your Instagram account with authentic, and engaged followers Get crystal clear on your goals and core offer Identify and attract your ideal customer Optimize your profile to create community, build loyalty, and maximize your exposure to potential leads Take and edit your photos like a pro and see exactly what apps I use to do it Create compelling captions that will have people excited for what you have to offer Create a Posting Strategy that saves you time while maximizing your exposure Understand Instagram's algorithm and how to actually use it to your advantage Create professional, yet entertaining Instagram Stories that work to meet your business goals, without being too salesy Implement a proven system to turn your followers into email list subscribers How to create Facebook and Instagram ads that convert AND MUCH, MUCH MORE!++++ Plus you will get instant access all of these BONUSES: Bonus #1: Roadmap - Step by step roadmap to help you implement everything you have learned in the courseBonus #2: 12 Month Trending Content Calendar - Trending calendar with a YEAR'S worth of social holidays, trends, and correlating hashtagsBonus #3: Strategic Posting Process Checklist - Checklist to use every time you post, to maximize exposure & engagement"
Price: 199.99

"Edio de Video com Final Cut Pro X"
"Esse um curso para aqueles que nunca editaram um vdeo na vida, mas tambm para todos que j editam, porm com um PLUS e DICAS de uma profissional.Nesse curso voc vai aprender a editar vdeos no ritmo da msica, editar entrevistas, vdeo clips, fontes cinematogrfica, plugins que deixam seus vdeos mais profissionais e etc.  Com as habilidades aprendidas nesse curso, voc poder produzir seus vdeos, colocando em prtica suas idias e sonhos. O FCPX (Final Cut Pro X) sai do caminho da criatividade, tornando vrias tarefas e passos para deixar seu vdeo com tima qualidade cinematogrfica de maneira fcil e eficiente."
Price: 144.99

"MOST POPULAR BEAUTY SKILL:Learn How to Apply Strip Eyelashes"
"Have you gone to the makeup store and found yourself down the false lash aisle and thought, ""Which one is supposed to look best for my eyes?"" Or maybe you've gotten as far as making it to your house and you have all your lashes to try on, only to find that the glue you bought is not Latex-Free? Does does Latex-Free even pertain to me? Why does one side of my eyes look different than the other eye when I applied it? Did I do something wrong?These are the troubles that most of us have struggled with. But not anymore...LashClass was purely designed for you! Get the videos of the top Q&A (question and answers) where I give you all the suffering answered to give you 100% guarantee that you will learn how to apply false eyelashes from home OR YOUR MONEY BACK!Give LashClass a try and watch what can happen. Soon, you'll be styling lashes on your everyday work routine for that new promotion, or maybe on special occasions or events. No need to travel to the mall makeup stands and pay $25 to have professional makeup artists apply it for you. Imagine, all in the comfort of your home. Just Easy and Fun!"
Price: 34.99

"How To Convince In Minutes?"
"Do you sometimes find yourself struggling to get your point across or feel frustrated that your views are not being taken seriously?Have you always wondered how some people can sound so confident when they speak?Do you want to be more convincing in your conversations?Do you want to have better outcomes from your discussions in your personal life?Do you want to improve your ability to convince others?You have found the right course for your needs.In this course you will learn powerful language patterns that are based on Neuro-Linguistic Programming, to improve your communication skills and have them available at your fingertips. The language patterns are taught with adequate examples to make it easy for you to remember and use them in real-life conversations.  Use these language patterns to be a better communicator, create more impact and conversationally influence other's opinion or belief."
Price: 19.99

Price: 3600.00

"International Relations and Politics: The Origins of NATO"
"In this course, you will learn about the historical events and negotiations that led to the founding of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). You will understand how the United States broke with its longstanding non-entanglement tradition (isolationism) to establish the North Atlantic alliance with western European countries and Canada."
Price: 49.99

"C# 8 From Novice to Expert Part 1"
"C# 8 is one of the most powerful programming languages on the planet.  It is ideal for writing desktop and mobile applications, and is in use by hundreds of thousands of programmers.In this course no prior programming experience is necessary, so it is perfect for beginner programmers who want to get started on programming in C# 8We start at the very beginning (data types, if statements, etc.) and work our way up to the fundamentals of object-oriented programming. Along the way we will demonstrate best practices.  All the software we use is free, and in an hour and a half of lectures, you'll go from complete novice to ready to tackle intermediate and advanced topics Note that Part 2 is a separate course, and assumes you have finished Part 1 or have equivalent knowledge.  We depart from Part 1 to tackle intermediate and advanced topics in C# programming, including delegates, lambda expressions, templates, tuples and much more.These courses are taught by best-selling author Jesse Liberty, who wrote the premiere book on C#: Programming C# published by O'Reilly, as well as 12 other books on programming, and numerous videos on coding.  He is a former Distinguished Software Engineer for AT&T and a Vice President in Citibank's Information Technology division, as well as Lead Programmer for PBS's Learning Link.  He was on the teaching staff at Brandeis University."
Price: 44.99

"C# 8 From Novice to Expert Part 2"
"In this course on C# 8, you will go beyond the fundamentals, working your way through intermediate C# programming and on to advanced topics.  At the end of this course, you will be fully equipped to use C# to its maximum advantage.Topics covered include asynchronous programming including asynchronous streams, extensive coverage of LINQ, delegates & events, exceptions, extension methods, indices and ranges, nullable operators and operator overloading, patterns, switch expressions and more."
Price: 59.99

"C#8 De Principiante a Experto Parte 1"
"C# 8 es uno de los mas poderoso lenguajes de programacion del planeta. Es ideal para escribir aplicaciones de escritorio, para la web y moviles, y es utilizado por cientos de miles de programadores.En este curso no necesitas experiencia de programacion previa, es perfecto para programadores principiantes que quieren comenzar a programar en C# 8.Comenzamos con conceptos fundamentales (tipos de datos, sentencias condicionales, etc) y vamos avanzando hacia los fundamentos de la programacion orientada a objetos. Por el camino veremos ademas mejores practicas. Todos los programas que utilizaremos son gratuitos, y en una hora y media de clases, progresaras de completo principiante a un programador que puede aprender temas intermedios y avanzados.La parte 2 de este curso es un curso adicional, y asume que ya completaste la parte 1 o que tienes un conocimiento equivalente. Partimos de esta primera parte para abordar temas intermedios y avanzados de C#, como delegados, expresiones lambda, plantillas, tuplas y mucho mas.Estos cursos son impartidos por el famoso autor Jesse Liberty, quien escribio el libro sobre C#: Programando C#, publicado por O'Reilly, asi como otros 12 libros sobre programacion, y numerosos videos sobre codificacion. Jesse es un ex Ingeniero de Software Distinguido en AT&T y Vice Presidente de la division de Tecnologias de la Informacion en Citibank, asi como un Programador Lider para PBS. Fue profesor en la universidad de Brandeis.Acerca de la traduccion.Mi nombre es Rodrigo Juarez, y estoy colaborando con Jesse Liberty en el doblaje de este curso desde su version en ingles.Soy un desarrollador full stack y tengo mas de dos decadas de experiencia desarrollando software."
Price: 39.99

"SCRATCH 3.0 : Les bases pour le collge (DNB)"
"Ce cours est destin en premier lieu au collgiens, qui dbutent et apprennent le langage de programmation Scratch. Le concept Scratch est certes accessible tous, mais l'lve peut avoir certaines difficults tout au long de son cursus scolaire ce sujet.Ce cours est aussi destin aux autres personnes (adolescents et adultes), souhaitant dcouvrir le monde fabuleux de Scratch.Il vous est prsent par deux lycens ayant obtenu leurs brevets avec mentions trs bien, souhaitant partager leurs connaissances ce sujet. Des vidos sont en ""aperu"", pour vous donner lapptit de dvorer tout Scratch !Codes coupon :Spcial: NOEL2019Classique : SCRATCH3.0*offre non cumulable"
Price: 24.99

"Curso de ingls - Mtodo fantstico para ser fluente"
"Voc aprender o vocabulrio e formar frases em ingls com facilidade.Exerccios interativos para falar, ler, ouvir, escrever, pronunciar, traduzir e verter. Os exerccios faro com que voc memorize e grave com facilidade.So lies dirias, melhorando sua pronncia, seu vocabulrio e sua gramtica em ingls.Voc aprender frases afirmativas, frases negativas, frases interrogativas, frases negativas interrogativas e muito mais.Voc entender a utilizao dos verbos DO, DOES, DID, WILL, WOULD, HAVE e HAS.Voc dominar os tempos verbais, presente, passado, futuro e outros. Transforme o aprendizado de ingls em seu novo hbito dirio. Voc estabelece o seu programa lingustico.Sucesso no seu curso de ingls espetacular."
Price: 459.99

"Nuevas Tendencias en Diseo Arreglos Florales"
"En este curso aprenders a crear una gran variedad de arreglos florales modernos de forma rpida y sencilla, a combinar lo moderno con lo clsico para obtener lo actual.Tambin aprenders los diferentes tipos de flores y follajes tales como rosas, lirios, girasoles, plumillas, ruscu, entre otros y como bases, bales, cajas de cartn, cristales, yute, telar, donde no solo aprenders sobre la elaboracin de arreglos florales de forma sistemtica sino del conocimiento de todos los materiales ya mencionados."
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate Guide for Script-writing for Short Films"
"This course delves into the fundamentals of script-writing, ending with a complete script. Students will go through the process from scratch learning key terminology and industry-standard techniques. Students will also be able to complete a Development Package and prepare their film for pre-production. In just under four hours, students will be able to write any script with ease having gained a solid grasp of the formal devices used in script-writing."
Price: 199.99

"Guide for Property Auction Market in Malaysia"
"Investment in auctioned property in Malaysia 10 15"
Price: 19.99