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"Curso de Mindfulness e Qualidade de Vida"
"Este um curso que vai te ensinar como incorporar as tcnicas de meditao mindfulness na sua vida de forma simples e  descomplicada. Mesmo voc, que nunca teve contato com as tcnicas antes, poder se beneficiar de seus efeitos positivos medida que voc faa dela um hbito em seu dia a dia. Estou aqui para te ajudar com isso!"
Price: 69.99

"FREELANCER: Como Ganhar Dinheiro Online e Ser Top Freela 3X"
"Se voc quer uma Oportunidade Incrvel para ganhar mais Dinheiro fazendo o que ama, tendo mais Tempo livre e mais Qualidade de vida...Ento ESTE CURSO PRA VOC!Indiscutivelmente o Curso mais completo: SEM DVIDA, este o curso de Freelancer mais prtico, didtico e objetivo que voc encontrar na internet. ainda o nico curso que vai alm e oferece gratuitamente Dicas Extras que potencializaro seus resultados (confira mais abaixo).Voc ir aprender os SEGREDOS para se tornar um Freelancer Premium, com um PASSO-A-PASSO bem explicativo que ensina como ganhar projetos Freelancers rpido, Como conquistar clientes atravs de Templates prontos que funciona e Aprender como construir uma Proposta Vencedora de Sucesso, mesmo voc sendo um iniciante na rea!Curso com qualidade acima da mdia do Mercado (no apenas feitos para quem s busca apenas um certificado), mas um curso diferenciado, com uma linguagem simples e exemplos realistas, que te orientar a usar tcnicas valiosas para se destacar no Mercado mais Promissor do momento, o de Freelancers. Voc vai descobrir que tem a Oportunidade incrvel de assumir o controle de sua carreira, fazer seu prprio horrio de trabalho, ter ganhos financeiros ilimitados e fazer aquilo que ama. O Instrutor vai te guiar na escolha dos seus clientes e como estar no lugar certo, na hora certa para encontr-los. Ele ir te guiar para desenvolver um servio Freelancer de qualidade, ou seja, um modelo de Servio Nvel 5 estrelas que faro os clientes vim at voc propondo novos trabalhos de forma automtica, sem voc precisar ir atrs deles. Voc tem a oportunidade de se tornar um renomado Especialista na sua rea de atuao. E tambm aprender os segredos para gerao contnua de leads para novos clientes, o que se traduzir em uma renda maior como freelancer.Ainda, como aula super especial de ""Agindo na Prtica"", voc receber um desafio dos 7 dias para entrar em ao no seu 1 Projeto Freelancer, se tornar MUITO mais produtivo, ganhar mais dinheiro e ser (mais feliz!)."
Price: 249.99

"Sucesso no YouTube! Sua placa em poucos meses."
"Ol! Meu nome Rafael Ferreira, mais conhecido como Dead Jack. Sou dono do canal ""O Covil de Jack"", atualmente com mais 400 mil inscritos. E neste curso eu no vou te ensinar apenas como criar um canal de sucesso no YouTube, mas tambm como se aproveitar desde espao e desse pblico conquistado para ir alm na sua vida profissional. Basicamente, passando de YouTuber para um empreendedor.O que voc vai aprender nesse curso:Como criar um canal de sucesso da plataforma.Como utilizar os metadados (ttulo, capa, descrio e tags) para o canal ser recomendado.Como viralizar vdeos e alcanar pblico o mais rpido possvel.Entender como o algoritmo do YouTube funciona.O que no fazer para no ser punido por esse algoritmo.Ideias para ganhar dinheiro a partir do YouTube, mas fora dele.Eu trabalho com o YouTube a praticamente 3 anos e tenho experincia de sobra para ensinar. Posso afirmar com toda certeza que seguindo todos os simples passos que eu ensino neste curso, qualquer pessoa abordando qualquer tema que domine consegue fazer um canal crescer e sempre estar progredindo dentro do YouTube. E como j dito, no apenas dentro da plataforma. muito importante no se acomodar. Voc tambm ir aprender diversas formas de continuar fazendo sua carreira profissional evoluir atravs de um pblico j conquistado."
Price: 39.99

"E-mail Marketing pelo Photoshop: Faa Voc Mesmo!"
"Faa voc mesmo suas peas de e-mail marketing de uma maneira simples, fcil, rpida e direta. Tenha liberdade e agilidade na criao e codificao das suas campanhas de e-mail marketing. No perca mais o timing das suas campanhas por causa do prazo da sua agncia de marketing digital. Voc tambm pode garantir uma renda extra, criando e codificando peas de e-mail marketing para seus amigos e clientes."
Price: 39.99

"This Course is designed primarily for people who lack confidence in expressing their opinions, act and make decisions. It will benefit all those readers who suffer from low levels of motivation towards achieving their goals.You want to take your life to the next level ? Then This course is for you. Find out about the most powerful tips that led leaders and the most famous people to  a strong Self-Confidence.With this course you will understand first of all why you lack confidence, and know about the steps you should take to fight this lack of Confidence and take controle of your life."
Price: 19.99

"How To Hold A Conversation ?"
"Have you ever engaged a conversation with someone but at the end you got that strange feeling that the conversation did not go well ? Have you ever run out of words and faced this awkward silence when you met a new person because both of you have not found anything interesting to talk about ?In this course you will learn how to keep the conversation going and make yourself interesting by mastering the art of conversation. Yes indeed, there are some powerful techniques that you will learn to hold a conversation with anyone anywhere.How many times you went to a network event but you struggled to make contacts only because you don't know how to prolong a conversation.Now, it's time to make the conversation progress and stop missing opportunities because of small talks.This course will teach you how to : Stop Being Boring Be A Great Conversationalist Never Run Out Of Words Hold The Conversation As Long As You Want To Master The Art Of The Conversation"
Price: 19.99

"Comunicao Segura"
"um curso que ensina a identificar uma crise de imagem de uma empresa. So ensinadas aes para gerenciar um momento sensvel e de crise; como criar um comit de crise, como diminuir os impactos de crise e aes ps crise. So tambm fornecidas dicas de como falar com a imprensa, influenciadores digitais e formadores de opinio.  So apresentadas as ferramentas que auxiliam na gesto de uma crise, alm da criao de um fluxo de comunicao."
Price: 39.99

"Como Montar Refeies Equilibradas E Saudveis"
"Com a era das ""dietas restritivas"" e ""resultados rpidos"" faz crescer a cada dia a fama de que os alimentos so nossos inimigos e no aliados a nossa sade.Dietas da moda e a preocupao com resultados rpidos no produz o mais importante para a sade e um peso saudvel, que a mudana de comportamento e hbitos de vida.Esse curso lhe proporcionar um novo olhar para a comida, com informaes corretas sobre como escolher e montar suas refeies.Mudar os hbitos alimentares ir refletir no seu peso sem precisar passar fome.O curso ministrado pela Nutricionista Giovana Cordeiro"
Price: 99.99

"WordPress Guide - Agency Secrets With 49 Free Templates"
"Learn the fastest way to create a quality site, and learn why, ""Agencies hate him!""This comprehensive tutorial will give your WordPress basket of tools a quantum boost to another level.  The essential resource in this class is having a library of (at least) 49 free sites.  By using expert templates, you will learn best practices from professionals that have come before you.  First timers will appreciate that this class assumes zero prior knowledge in WordPress.  It walks you through the initial setup of obtaining hosting and installing WordPress with step by step videos.Experienced users can skip the initial setup and dive right into creating a quality site in under an hour. Initial Setup (if you have hosting and WordPress, skip)Get HostingInstall WordPress and SSL EncryptionLoggin inTheme, Plugins, Under ConstructionInstall themeInstall pluginsUsing ""Under Construction""Download and Install 1 of 49 Free Template WebsitesInstall WebsiteMaking Changes To TemplatesImages, Background videos, eMail Contact FormGlobal Fonts and ColorsNew ContentCreate Blog PagePages - Making New PagesPosts - Making New PostsAnimations and effectsHeader and FooterCreate Free Logo $$ Worth price of class by itself $$Header TutorialFooter TutorialTerms and Conditions PagesWordPress Backups and SecurityThree ways to backup WordPressSecure your site with a security pluginTrouble Shooting and Getting HelpWhat to do if page builder won't loadGetting help from customer support"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda Licitaes do zero - Nvel Bsico"
"O que voc aprender no Curso?Aqui voc aprender quais as leis que regem as licitaes, os princpios jurdicos, como participar e como acompanhar as licitaes.Meu nome Mary e serei sua instrutora ao longo das aulas.Participo diretamente de licitaes desde 2009 e atualmente tenho empresa de consultoria em licitaes, onde acompanho de perto os clientes desde o incio at o fim do processo licitatrio.Ao longo do tempo, tenho presenciado muitos erros de licitantes nos certames, por isso venho apresentar atravs desse curso todo o conhecimento bsico e inicial que todo licitante deve ter antes de iniciar no mercado de licitaes.Ao final do curso voc ser capaz de:- Entender o bsico da licitao;- Participar dos primeiros certames licitatrios;- Participar das contrataes diretas;Voc sair apto a participar de algumas das licitaes mais fceis para iniciar a sua carreira no mercado de licitaes.O curso est estruturado em sees nas quais voc conhecer:- Quais as principais legislaes que regem a Licitao;- O objetivo da Licitao;- Modalidades;- Tipos de contratao direta;- Tipos de Comisso de Licitao.O aluno desse curso voc: microempresrio de qualquer ramo, advogados, administradores, contadores, estudantes que desejam seguir a este mercado que tem evoludo e crescido constantemente."
Price: 69.99

"Corso di Salsa Cubana Livello Base"
"Scopri come SalsEnergy ""Corso Base Salsa"" (Principiante) un corso che ti insegna a ballare Salsa e a sentirti a tuo agio ballando nel Social. Ogni lezione si baser sulla lezione precedente e ti aiuter a sentirti a tuo agio con la pista da ballo.Non sono necessari materiali o scarpe speciali. Solo un piccolo spazio e un partner con cui esercitarsi. Il completamento di questo corso  richiede meno di due ore, ma sicuramente una buona idea ripassare il materiale pi e pi volte per assicurarsi di portarlo in memoria per le tue usciteQuesto corso ti aiuter a prendere sicurezza sulla guida e sui passi, e sarai libero/a di ballare con i qualsiasi ballerino/a in tutte le piste da ballo. ora di uscire e possedere la pista da ballo!"
Price: 59.99

"Become a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)"
"Do you need to earn your Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH v10) certification? If so, you've come to the right place.Hi, my name is Ric Messier, and Im an information security (IS) expert with decades of professional experience as a programmer, system administrator, network engineer, security engineering manager, VoIP engineer, and consultant. Im also an adjunct instructor at Harvard University and bestselling tech book author who has personally trained thousands to pass various IS certification exams including CEH.The CEH is an entry point to part of the broad world of information security. This course covers the range of topics that are covered in the CEH certification. This includes: the importance of ethics basic testing methodologywireless networkssocial engineering attacksweb application testingThe importance of ethical hacking isn't in the breaking, it's in the fixing. To that end, you will need to understand remediations, like good software development practices, remediating web application vulnerabilities as well as policies and standards that should govern all information security practices within an organization. The CEH is a very dense exam. It covers a very broad range of material. This course will be a good resource for you to understand not only the material but the breadth of the material. As EC-Council expects you to have two years of experience before you can even register to take the exam, I don't expect this course alone will be enough for you to pass the test. Hands-on experience will help a lot. While this course is an excellent way to start preparing for the exam, I will also mention other resources you can use to set yourself up for success.There is a lot to learn, so let's get started!Certified Ethical Hacker and CEH are registered trademarks with EC-Council. Their use here is not an indication that any of the material here is authorized or endorsed by EC-Council."
Price: 49.99

"Reiki Level 1 Training with Tim Stanek, RMT"
"This course helps you to discover how to meditate with Reiki, use Reiki on yourself to delve into self-soothing and alignment, and gently guides you in how to treat others with Reiki energy. At the successful completion of this course, you will be a Certified Level 1 Reiki Practitioner. This course includes an attunement, administered by a trained professional Reiki Master-Teacher.The attunement is suggested, and, although not required to take this course, it is required to receive your certification."
Price: 199.99

"UXUX()UX3(Liberal Arts) () () ()"
Price: 4800.00

"Creating Stylized Scifi Window For Games with Maya"
"Hi, Welcome to intro to Stylized Scifi Window for Games. I design this tutorial to build confidence and understanding of the game asset workflow. So starting with some basic primitives to gain fundamental understanding of the process. We will then move through every stage until we have a final model ready for a game engine. I hope you find this entertaining and valuable. And thank u for your time. Enjoy it."
Price: 19.99

"SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1809 (SAP Simple Finance)"
"Disclaimer: We are not SAP Authorized Partner, we are just sharing our knowledge.Note: This course is recorded with a live audience so that most of your queries/ questions get answered.In this course, you will learn- What exactly is SAP S/4 HANA- How is SAP S/4 HANA different than SAP ECC- How to use SAP Fiori to perform business transactions and how to provide correct Authorizations of Fiori Apps- How to Implement SAP S/4 HANA using SAP Activate framwork- What is changed in SAP FICO compared to ECC- What is impact on General Ledger Accounting/ AP/ AR/ Asset Accounting/ Bank Account Management/ COPA/ Material Ledger in S/4 HANA- What are different paths for existing customers to migrate to SAP S/4 HANA Finance- What is difference between SAP S/4 HANA On Premise and On Cloud- What are prerequisites to migrate to SAP S/4 HANA- What will happen to existing Business Processes, Interfaces, Custom Codes once migrated to SAP S/4 HANA"
Price: 3200.00

"SAP S/4 HANA 1809 Sales (Simple Logistics - Sales)"
"Disclaimer: We are not SAP Authorized Partner, we are just sharing our knowledge.Note: This course is recorded with a live audience so that most of your queries/ questions get answered.What youll learn?SAP HANA Basic ConceptsVarious Deployment & Adoption OptionsOverview to SAP FioriSAP S/4 HANA SalesChanges in Material Master Data compared to SAP ECCChanges in Customer/ Vendor Master Data - Business Partner Config & Master DataSimplified PricingChanges in Billing Output DeterminationChanges in Credit Management - FSCM Credit Management Config, Master, TransactionsChanges in Rebate Processing - Settlement ManagementSales Order Fulfillment using SAP Fiori Apps"
Price: 3200.00

"SAP S/4 HANA 1809 Procurement (Simple Logistics - MM)"
"Disclaimer: We are not SAP Authorized Partner, we are just sharing our knowledge.Note: This course is recorded with a live audience so that most of your queries/ questions get answered.In this course, you will learn- What exactly is SAP S/4 HANA- How is SAP S/4 HANA different than SAP ECC- How to use SAP Fiori to perform business transactions and how to provide correct Authorizations of Fiori Apps- What is changed in SAP MM compared to ECC- Changes in Material Master- Changes in Vendor Master - Business Partner Concept- New Output Management based on BRF+- New Inventory Valuation based on Material Ledger- Table level changes compared to SAP ECC- Pricing related changes compared to ECC"
Price: 3200.00

"Learn the truth about wealth creation"
"Everything You Have Been Taught About Money Is DEAD Wrong!""You have been lied to by the banks, by schools, by financial advisors, even by your parents (and it's not their fault) Youre probably working right now to pay off debt for stuff you purchased that does not make you money, that does not buy you freedom, that does not actually make you happy actually if you are perfectly honest with yourself you have become a slave to the stuff around you.IT IS NOT YOUR FAULTThis trap was designed created to make you a slave Right now the banks retailers and big businesses love you you are the 99%In the $MONEYSECRET you will learn:CHAPTER 1Why half the money belongs to 1% of the populationWhy most of what you have been taught about money is wrongWe shatter the biggest myths around moneyChapter 2 Why money is an illusionWhy paper money has no real valueHow your emotions can make you a slave to moneyHow the gold standard insured the value of moneyChapter 3How you have been conditioned all your lifeThe 2 biggest differences between the 1% and the 99%Why you spend money on crap you don't needChapter 4 How to ""trick"" your brain into forming new habitsThe 2 most effective techniques that the wealthy useHow to form new habits when it comes to better money managementChapter 5 The difference between the rich and the wealthyThe number 1 things that the wealthy do differently from the richWhat you need to do to generate wealthChapter 6The difference between assets and liabilitiesThe 3 different asset classesHow the 99% acquires the wrong asset classesChapter 7How to calculate your net worthThe reason why you are budgeting (it's not what you think)How to stay focused on where you want to goChapter 8 Why budgeting shouldn't be a punishmentHow to change your mind around budgetingWhy most people fail with budgetingChapter 9How the envelope budgeting method worksWhy households in the past managed their money better than the present householdsLink to a free website that you can use to manage your budgetChapter 10 What passive income isWhy passive income is the key to wealthWhat the wealthy uses to generate passive income"
Price: 200.00

"Transformational Living"
"You do not have to be a victim of your circumstances and stressors. What if you could learn how to use your circumstances and stressors to you advantage, in other words you gainfully employ your stressors and other challenges?This course is designed to help you transform the way you live. Basically, you have three choices with your life:1. Go backwards.2. Accept things as they are.3. Become the best possible version of yourself!You must have realised that there is more to get out life. But with stress and the other challenges of life constantly tugging at your heals, this must slow you down or at least be tiresome to you.But what if we taught you to better understand yourself, what if we taught you how to harness the energy that is being drained from you and to put it to work for you? What if we taught you self-care, self-management and spiritual strategies as well? The result is: Transformational Living.If you can truly say that you have arrived, you have nothing left to learn and that you have a perfect life, then this course is not for you.But for the vast majority of us, this course is both a life changer and a game changer. What are you waiting for?Bonusses: Downloadable workbooks. Great commentaries. Practical exercises. Self-evaluations to help you find your way. Your instructor holds a relevant post-graduate qualification, is well experienced and truly cares about you.I will share many secrets and strategies in this course in order to help fast track you toward your goals.Personally, FaithCoach is looking forward to the evidence of your successes because you have done this course."
Price: 19.99

"After Divorce Care"
"What if you could use your loss to work to your advantage? What if your pain is a steppingstone to a fantastic future? What if your divorce is a defining moment in time, the time when in which meaning and hope is born? What if right now is that place and moment where you set out to build the best possible future?For many people, divorce is a devastating full stop. In reality though, the sun will come up tomorrow and life will continue. The question is: how life will continue, because your life will never be the same again! So, you have a choice to make about the rest of your life; will you be a victim or a victor?This course will guide you through self-forgiveness and how to forgive others, even if you do not feel like forgiving them. This course will prove to you that forgiveness is in your own best interest.This course is designed to help you come to terms with what just happened, meaning that your divorce is also the springboard from which you can launch into your best possible future.Bonusses: Downloadable material. Grow when on the go with audio commentaries. Practical exercises. Self-evaluations to help you find your way. Your instructor holds a relevant post-graduate degree, is professionally registered, well experienced and truly cares about you.FaithCoach will share many secrets and strategies in this course in order to help fast track you toward your goals.We are looking forward to the evidence of your successes."
Price: 19.99

"How to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence"
"Why would you want to do this course? Because you have several unused future successes ahead of you that are key to you opening up your best future.Some psychologists, such as Goleman, claim that your EQ is more important than you IQ. And you can quite easily improve your EQDo you want to succeed? The tools that you learn in this course will help you to unlock yourself and to better understand others. Why settle for the status quo when the opportunity is here, right now, to strive toward developing your potential?Many questions with one answer: Why do others succeed where I dont? What separates mediocracy from greatness? Why dont I understand myself? Why dont others understand me? How can I get more out of life? How can I find peace with myself and live in harmony, whilst still becoming the best possible version of myself?The fact is that your emotional intelligence influences both your successes and relationships. Emotional intelligence definitely affects your choices and when developed, helps you to make better choices, create multiple options and possibilities you might have never imagined.You need to become emotionally intelligent! Emotional Intelligence is linked to your self-awareness, your ability to regulate your emotions, your empathy and your social skills. This course will help you to: Identify and understand your emotions. Get your emotionsboth positive and negativeto work for you through appropriately managing them in a positive and effective manner. Influence your probabilities of success. Live life with intentionality, purpose and autonomy. Improve your relationships with yourself and with others. Improve the quality of your life as you learn to reduce your stress, anxiety, conflicts and learn to overcome many of lifes challenges.Bonusses: Downloadable material. Practical exercises. Self-evaluations to help you find your way. Your instructor holds a related doctorate and masters degree, is professionally registered with 3 boards, well experienced and truly cares about you. Examples of the differences that emotional intelligence can make.We will share many secrets and strategies in this course in order to help fast track you toward your goals.We are looking forward to the evidence of your successes."
Price: 19.99

"Leadership - The Basics in One Hour"
"People generally go where they are led.Being labelled a leader does not make you a leader. You have to be a leader.Leadership is both an art and a science. It is a science because of the disciplines and theory needed to be a successful leader. It is an art because of the ongoing development, learning and practicing of leadership skills.As a leader, you will be working to achieve goals and visions. To be successful in this you have to rely on people. This involves many disciplines, including conflict management, earning trust and communication. Your integrity and competence are integral to these ends.This course provides a basic overview of leadership in one hour. Although it is impossible to cover everything in one hour, this course will stimulate your thought and provide a point of reference as to what to do next in your quest to become an excellent leader.This is an excellent gateway toward further in depth and complex leadership is a bonus lecture - some thoughts on Christian Leadership."
Price: 19.99

"Giriimcilik 101"
"Giriimci, konumac, yazar ve gezgin Perin mrek, giriimcilik alannn temellerini bu eitimde kendi deneyimlerinden yola karak anlatyor. Bu eitimde ele ald balklar yle:Neden Giriimcilik?Giriimci kimdir? Giriimcilik nedir?Giriimcilik dnyasna nasl girilir?Baarszlktan renmekKrizden frsat yaratabilmekGiriimcilikte pratiin nemiGiriimcilikte srdrlebilir baarUluslararas giriimcilikYolda giriimcilikBunlara ek olarak giriimcilikte vergi, uluslararas giriimcilik, okumann nemi gibi konularda da bilgilerini paylayor."
Price: 19.99

"Adan Zye Google Analytics"
"Dijital pazarlama ve veri analitii alannn en bilgili ve deneyimli isimlerinden Berkan Bac, bu geni kapsaml Google Analytics video eitim programnda Google Analyticsi en temel bilgilerden detayl raporlama ekranlarna kadar uygulamal rneklerle anlatyor.Adan Zye Google Analytics eitiminde neler var?GA nedir ve nasl alr?Bilmemiz gereken temel terimler nelerdir?Sfrdan bir GA hesab nasl kurulur?Google Tag Manager ile nasl altrlr?Detayl filtreleme nasl yaplr?Kanal ayarlar nasl yaplr?Raporlama ekranlarAna sayfaszelletirmeGerek Zamanl RaporlamaKitle zellikleriEdinmeDavranDnmler"
Price: 29.99

"Complete SEO tutorial for the Beginners"
"Search engine optimization, or SEO, helps to ensure that a webpage or website is accessible to a search engine and improves the chances that the site will be found via search by the real humans who are looking for the content you publish.After all, its the real humans who read your content, sign up for your free gifts and take advantage of your offers. And its the real humans that hire you and pay your fees. The humans just happen to use a search engine to find your website.SEO that focuses only on search engines especially at the expense of your real human visitors isnt worth your time.So this course wont include secrets that only the professionals can use, or techniques that may soon become obsolete with the next Google update; instead, this course will make SEO approachable and simple to use, even if you arent technically inclined.Well start with a good introduction to how engines actually work to catalog and deliver content to users and then cover how you can help them accurately display your content to the people looking for what you write about. The more you give the search engines what they need to do their jobs, the more traffic your content will generate.This course isnt designed to teach you all that there is to know about SEO; exhausting that topic would take much more than an hour and a half.But if you have struggled with understanding SEO on your own, the SEO for Bloggers and Other Content Creators Course will help you to master the basics of SEO so more of the people you write your content for will be able to find it."
Price: 1280.00

"100% . , , . , :1) , .2) .3) . 4) """" """" . 5) ( ) ."
Price: 124.99

"Equity trading and express equity valuation"
"This course will teach you1) How to find equities appropriate to your risk appetite and investment horizon. 2) How to calculate equity fair value for assigning growth potential. 3) How to find equity entry point. 4) How to construct efficient portfolio, where risk level will always be lower than your potential return."
Price: 124.99

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Price: 179.99

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Price: 24.99