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"Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Developer practice exams"
"Prepare for Your Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) Developer CredentialUnderstand the differences between traditional IT provisioning, Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a ServiceExplain organizations, spaces, routes, services (managed, user defined), manifests, buildpacks, applications and dropletsIdentify Pivotal Platform components: Router, Cloud Controller, Health Manager, Loggregator and CellsDeploy pre-existing applications to Pivotal Platform, obtain logs, debug deployment issues, scale, start, stop, bind to servicesUse the command-line interface to work with Pivotal PlatformUnderstand the impact of the cloud environment on application architecturePerform zero-downtime deploymentsUnderstand the role of services in Pivotal Platform, gain experience using one or more examplesUnderstand the purpose of buildpacks, gain experience specifying buildpacks and making configuration changesUnderstand and gain experience with 3rd party log management, Application Performance MonitoringUnderstand and gain experience with Continuous Delivery tools that integrate with Pivotal Platform*** This course does not content the study material. This course contains 98 questions ***"
Price: 24.99

"A Step-by-Step Guide to Learn Planets Symptoms In Horoscope"
"WelcomeA Step-by-Step Guide to Learn Planets Symptoms In HoroscopeWho can join this Course?This Course is Designed for all. any profession in you are don't worry.No need of any specific fields related Knowledge required.If you are interested to learn astrology , or if you are astrologer or do you want to predict your chart then this course is for you.anybody can join this course whatever is your profession doesn't matter. What you Learn in Course ?Threw this course you can learn to analyze any chart and understand deep knowledge of different planets Which affect and also understand planet is good or bed in the different charts.If you are from astrology background then you can learn how to impress your clients by telling them symptoms of planets in their chart and your clients will satisfied of your prediction.After completing this course , you develop different aspects from astrology point of view.You will learn all the planets symptoms in all the house that means 12 house 9 planets = 108 symptoms.Deep Knowledge of astrology which is given by our course can improve your accuracy of Prediction .You become Celebrity in your friend circle and family by showing your astrology talent.Trust me after completing this course your astrology knowledge is ten times more.Thank you Shree Hari"
Price: 12800.00

"Become a Better Photographer!"
"Become a Better Photographer! is an online photography course designed for professional photographers who want to advance in their career and for photography enthusiasts who want to elevate their knowledge and technique.This course will be your photography school, your visual boot camp. Together, we will cover the essential concepts of photography for beginners, intermediate enthusiasts and advanced professionals.What are the key elements of this course?Foundational knowledge of the main concepts in photography: It doesn't matter how you use your camera and your lenses if you don't know why. This course will explain the science and the technical reasons behind the features of our gear.Operational technique: no matter what the shooting conditions are, photographers constantly face challenges and problems when it comes to capturing the best image possible. My photography lessons will give you guidance and will teach you how to use your knowledge to identify the problems and your technique to fix them. Settings: Modern cameras are a jungle of menus, options, screens, dials, and buttons. In this course, I will give you my set of settings, the ones I use every day at work. In time you will develop your own set but it's important that you start your learning curve with a benchmark, a set of tools you can use and deep expertise you can build on, from day one.In detail, what will you learn with the lessons in this course?In the first section, called ""The tools"" I will discuss the main components of lenses and camera bodies.In regard to lenses, I will introduce key topics like aperture, f-numbers, field of view, focal length and their categorization (fisheye, wide-angle, normal, tele, macro, prime and zoom lenses.)About the camera body, we will start examining the difference between the two most modern systems (DSLR and Mirrorless) and their main features like sensor format, pixel count or megapixels, frames per second, ISO range, performance in low light conditions and autofocus system.In the second section, I will examine in detail the main ""Ingredients"" of the photographic technique: Shutter Speed, Aperture and ISO number. We will learn about their relationship with exposure and their creative uses: motion capture, depth of field and the handling of digital noise. I will help you understand the various camera operating modes and which of these ingredients they grant you full control of. I will tell you about the camera mode I favor and most importantly, I will explain why.This section will give you a deep understanding of the key elements of the photographic technique. The ingredients you will learn in these lessons will unleash your creativity and will help you shape and perfect your style.In the third section called ""Settings"" we will examine all the main settings common to all professional cameras, regardless of make and model. I will explain in plain English what these settings do and I will give you guidelines, suggestions so you wont waste time and energy trying to figure them out during your photoshoots.We will cover a huge array of topics: file format, color space, drive mode, metering mode, color temperature, white balance, mixing light, exposure value compensation, creative styles, picture effects, optical image stabilization, GPS settings, how to handle memory cards, how to handle data loss, introduction to post-production workflow, black and white photography in the digital age, how to read and interpret a histogram.In the fourth section called ""Focus"", we will examine the modern autofocus system's interface and the three main focusing modes: manual, single-shot and continuous.I will discuss all the different kinds of focus area settings (wide, zone and spot) and I will give you my guidelines on which one to use according to the scene you're photographing and according to the type of camera you are using.I will also introduce Face detection and Face & Eye tracking, the latest and most exciting technological advancement in autofocus systems.In the last section, called ""Composition,"" I will discuss the basic guidelines of composition and most of all my firm belief that composition should not have strict rules.I will give you guidance and I will show you some basic techniques. I will explain the importance of creating dimensional layers to produce the impression of depth in your image. I will teach you how to value and enhance the relationship between subject, background, and foreground. I will introduce the concept of off-camera influence.This section will be a true creative session that will help you form and develop your style.Note: this photography course is non camera-specific. Regardless of what gear you own or you intend to buy, this course will give you the expertise and the tools you need to improve your technique, develop your style and advance in your career."
Price: 19.99

"Come aprire Partita Iva per: libero professionista Freelance"
"Benvenuto, in questo video corso imparerai quali adempimenti sono necessari per iniziare l'attivit di Libero professionista. freelance.Vedremo come scegliere il codice ATECO, compileremo insieme con semplici esempi i modelli di apertura Partita Iva, di registrazione alla Gestione Separata INPS e in conclusione analizzeremo le novit in tema di fatturazione.Al termine del corso sarai in grado di aprire tu stesso le posizioni IVA e INPS utili per la tua attivit."
Price: 49.99

". .   - - - - - - -"
Price: 49.99

"Desarollo Web Full Stack con JavaScript 2020"
"Con este curso aprenders el lenguaje de programacin ms buscado en el mbito laboral , y es que est comprobado que este lenguaje te da trabajo , JavaScript se a convertido en , si no el que mas , uno de los ms importantes lenguajes de programacin gracias a su versatilidad , con JavaScript puedes desarrollar aplicaciones web tanto de el lado del cliente como del servidor , hacer aplicaciones de escritorio y hacer aplicaciones mviles ,aplicaciones tan importantes como Netflix , Skype o Discord estn realizadas con JavaScriptEn este curso aprenders desde 0 hasta un nivel profesional , no necesitas tener ningn conocimiento de programacin en absoluto , aqu aprenders todo lo necesario paso a paso con muchas clases , ejercicios y proyectosListo para impulsar tu futuro?"
Price: 104.99

"Como ouvir uma criana"
"Este curso tem o propsito de incentivar pais, educadores e cuidadores de crianas, a desenvolverem uma comunicao assertiva com elas e serem influenciadores para a formao de adultos melhores do que ns tivemos a oportunidade de ser. Ele traz exemplos e dicas prticas para levar o adulto a uma reflexo e mudana no manejo com a criana, iniciando pela melhoria na habilidade de ouvir o que ela tem a dizer."
Price: 39.99

"Aprenda Operar Opes Binrias - Mdulo 01"
"Aprenda investir em Opes Binrias e lucre at 85% por operao. Curso rpido e objetivo para quem quer comear a ganhar dinheiro imediatamente. Com este curso voc ter base no s para operaes em Opes Binrias como tambm para operaes em FOREX, Bolsa de Valores, dentre outras formas de investimentos, pois seguem a mesma anlise grfica."
Price: 39.99

"Master Unity C# Creacin de Videojuegos para Android - iOS"
"En este curso aprenders a disear, producir y publicar tu propio videojuego, en tiendas como Google Play. Aprenders como se manejan los videojuegos en la industria de la forma profesional.Conoce las fases de produccin de videojuegos, desde la conceptualizacin hasta la publicacin, estudiamos el diseo y la planificacin, la programacin, el arte ... Establecemos un modelo de marketing que lleva a cabo y publicamos nuestro juego en la Play Store.    Aprenderemos a manejar el motor de la Unidad con ejemplos prcticos.Reconoceremos la interfaz de Unidad y nos moveremos automticamente a travs de ella   Estudiaremos herramientas tales como UI y Animation.   Obtendremos unas bases fuertes de programacin con las creamos desde cero nuestro videojuego.Obtendremos unas bases fuertes de Arte con Photoshop, con todas las capacidades de crear de manera profesional todo el arte de nuestro juego.Obtendremos unas bases fuertes de diseo y planificacin de videojuegos con tcnicas y documentos utilizados por los profesionales.Aprenderemos a Disear cualquier tipo de videojuego que queramos    Crearemos diferentes tipos de animaciones para trabajar dentro de Unity (pose a pose)    Implementaremos estrategias de Marketing con el Gamification Canvas   Utilizaremos la consola de desarrollo de Google Play para publicar nuestro juegoCrearemos todo desde cero, conociendo todos los procesos llevados a cabo en la creacin de videojuegos        Este curso se mantendr en constante actualizacin y mejora     Dirigido a:    Cualquier persona interesada en aprender a trabajar de forma profesional los videojuegos (no se requiere ningn conocimiento, puesto que crea todo desde cero)"
Price: 129.99

"Teoria Musical - 1"
"O Curso Teoria Musical Dinmica desenvolve-se de maneira simples e objetiva, sem rodeios para que o aluno no perca o foco nos estudos e o interesse causado pelo cansao e desmotivao. As aulas so narradas pelo instrutor/ autor, estando presente em todas as aulas na gravao por meio de cmera reduzida no canto das telas. As  aulas so progressivas de acordo com cada assunto, levando o aluno a raciocinar junto com o instrutor, descobrindo algo novo engajado em cada aula subsequente. Os exerccios devero ficar por conta da necessidade de cada aluno, visando a teoria aplicada cada instrumento. O inteno didtica deste curso visa o despertar do interesse contnuo do aluno sobre a matria, j que muitos desistem do aprendizado, vencidos cansao estresssante ou por falta de compreenso. Temos como ponto crucial e principal objetivo o de ensinar o ""Princpio e no o ""Fim"", pois enxergamos a msica como uma engrenagem entendendo que tudo seja importante onde uma coisa dependa da outra, formando assim, uma cadeia de conhecimentos aplicveis na prtica e no to somente tericos."
Price: 54.99

"Catia AudiR8 Car Modeling"
"Catia , . , Catia AudiR8 . Generative Shape Design , FreeStyle 3D Curve 3 , (Geometrical Continuity) . , , ."
Price: 66000.00

"Google Ads Masterclass 2.0"
"Discover the Money-Making Secrets of the UK's Highest Paid Google Ads Guru for 91% Less Than His Private Clients Pay Him...Dont miss this chance to peer inside a Google Ads genius mind as he reveals every sneaky but ethical Google Ads trick, tip, technique, and strategy...hes ever uncovered or developed...including the secrets behind his own $80k per month business from Google Ads.Learn the little known Google Ads cash secrets (used only by top ad Gurus)See the list belowWhy Google Ads holds such an incredible money-making opportunity today (while most people are struggling with Facebook ads)The demystifying truth about creating a Google Ads account the easy way for rapid profits.Keyword research made simple- you get all the tools you need to quickly and easily find top buyer keywordsAll the Ad types and networks you will ever need to know aboutThe insider secrets to Setting up your first campaign the easy way for maximum long term profit.Exactly what you need to know about Google policy so you NEVER get banned.Underground ad auction tactics to maximise your profits.Conversion tracking and campaign management strategies made simple.The simple strategy for running a Google Ads campaign for profit."
Price: 199.99

"Niche Marketing Secrets 2.0"
"Now Its Your Turn To Be The Expert and command the success and income you deserve....Recently a small group of savvy marketers, business owners and entrepreneurs attended a very private, closed door, pull no punches, pure content workshop on becoming an EXPERT in your business FAST.It was presented by my friend, mentor and bestselling author, Richard Mc Munn.The whole day was captured on film which means for serious people like you, you can get your hands on the adrenalin pumping, instantly downloadable videos . . . that will teach you exactly how to swamp your business with more cash than youve ever imagined . . . and leave YOUR competitors feeling like one legged ducks swimming in circles-trying to make sales and grow their revenue.How to become an EXPERT in your niche videos, give you a PROVEN and tested arsenal of Amazingly Powerful strategies and techniques, a proven, paint by numbers business tool-kit that is a NO fluff, NO filler, NO slick B.S. system for rising to expert status and dominating the sales in your space.As an award winning bestselling Author who has helped many people become recognised as an expert . . . Richard is a serious student of Positioning and educates the seminar attendees with the very same tools he uses to dominate the markets he is in!This is a rare opportunity for YOU to become part of a select few, savvy business owners and entrepreneurs who are serious about their success . . . who want to create the kind of expert status that compels your prospects to whip out their credit card or cash and purchase whatever it is youre offering."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook Groups 2.0 Domination"
"Running your own Facebook group is a powerful way to create the authority you need to stand out in the market place as an expert and get people buying from you.One of the key rules of selling and marketing is giving people what they want. Facebook groups are an ideal way to get close to your audience and find out exactly what they want. And then you can sell it to them.A Facebook group will grow organically which means it ultimately outstrips any advertising cost you have. Once you set up your group right-its like having free advertising for your product or service.The bottom line is Facebook groups are a simple, easy, fast and accessible way for literally ANYONE to make money online these days.All you need is a Facebook account to start."
Price: 199.99

"Facebook (Ads) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020"
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.Facebook (Ads) For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Facebook (Ads) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Welcome & Overview0 - Introduction - Sales Video1 - OverviewSection 2: Creating And Promoting Pages2 - Creating A Page3 - Promoting The Page - Part 14 - Promoting the Page - Part 25 - Promoting the Page - Part 3 - VideoSection 3: Promoting Your Business6 - Promoting Your Business Locally7 - Promoting A Specific Website - Part 18 - Promoting A Specific Website - Part 2 - Going to Business Manager9 - Promoting A Specific Website - Part 310 - Promoting A Specific Website - Part 4Section 4: Payments Leads & Advertising11 - Setting Up Your Payment Method12 - Collecting Lead Information with Forms13 - Using the Automated Advertising PlatformSection 5: Creating Audiences14 - Creating an Audience in the Ad Platform15 - Creating An Audience From the Business Manager-Mailchimp-Import16 - Creating A Audience From A Customer List - CSV17 - Creating a Lookalike Audience18 - Creating A Saved Audience19 - Sharing An Audience With Another BusinessSection 6: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 109.99

"Facebook (Live) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020"
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.Facebook (Live) For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Facebook (Live) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Welcome & Overview1 - Introduction - Sales Video - OverviewSection 2: Equipment Needed2 - Mobile Equipment Needed3 - Mobile Equipment Not Needed But Useful4 - Desktop Equipment Needed5 - Desktop Equipment Not Needed But HelpfulSection 3: Sharing Screen / Camera / Monetisation6 - Sharing Your Screen on Facebook Live7 - Sharing Your Camera On Facebook Live8 - FB Live MonetisationSection 4:Going Live & Downloading9 - Going Live on Your Personal Profile10 - Going Live Into a Group11 - Going Live on Your Page12 - Going Live From Your Mobile Device13 - Downloading Your VideoSection 5: Using the Facebook Creator Studio14 - Using the Facebook Creator Studio15 - FB Creator Content Studio Library16 - FB Creator Studio Insights17 - FB Creator Launchpad18 - FB Creator - Rights Manager19 - FB Creator Sudio PreferencesSection 6: Conclusion20 - Conclusion - Go Live On Pages and In Groups Simultaneously"
Price: 109.99

"Google (Ads) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020"
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.Google (Ads) For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Google (Ads) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Welcome & Overview1 - Overview2 - Account OpeningSection 2: Account Set Up3 - Account Reactivation4 - Setting Up Your Billing5 - Allowing Team Access6 - Data Protection ContactsSection 3: Keyword Planner7 - Keyword Planner - Part 18 - Keyword Planner - Part 29 - Keyword Planner - Part 3Section 4: Campaign Creation10 - Campaign Creation - Part 111 - Campaign Creation - Part 212 - Campaign Creation - Part 313 - Campaign Creation - Part 414 - Campaign Creation - Part 515 - Campaign Creation - Part 6Section 5: Reporting and Rules16 - Predefined Reporting17 - Custom Reports18 - Placement Exclusion List19 - Rules and AutomationsSection 6: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 109.99

"YouTube (Live) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020"
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.YouTube (Live) For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:YouTube (Live) For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Welcome & Overview1 - Overview2 - Minimum Equipment Needed for Desktop StreamingSection 2: Account Set Up3 - Equipment Not Required But Good to Have4 - More Equipment Not Required But Good To Have5 - Creating An Account6 - Channel Status and FeaturesSection 3: Setting Up Defaults7 - Setting The Upload Defaults8 - Setting Up the Branding9 - Creating an Associated WebsiteSection 4: Private Vs Unlisted Vs Public10 - Private Vs Unlisted Vs Public11 - Going Live From Your Desktop12 - Using the Events Tab13 - Advanced Info and Settings for Live Streaming14 - Google Hangout Settings15 - Google Hangout Left Margin ToolsSection 5: Start Live Streaming16 - Starting the Hangout for Live17 - Google Slides-Alternative to Using Chat18 - Re-stream For Facebook Live and YouTube Live Simultaneous Streaming19 - Streaming Through MobileSection 6: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 109.99

"Instagram For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020"
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.Instagram For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Instagram For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Account Set Up2 - Set Up Your Account3 - Profile Set Up4 - Profile Privacy5 - Link TreesSection 3: Creation Tools6 - Opt-In Form7 - Making Connections8 - Content Creation ToolsSection 4: Desktop Setup9 - Desktop Video - Part 1 - Capture Camera10 - Desktop Video - Part 2 - Capture Screen11 - Desktop Screen ShotSection 5: Mobile Setup12 - Mobile Application13 - Mobile Video Creation14 - Mobile Screen ShotSection 6: Image Posts15 - Image Posts - Part 116 - Image Posts - Part 2Section 7: Story Posts17 - Story Post Creation18 - Story Posts19 - A Note About Story Posts20 - Creating Highlights"
Price: 109.99

"LinkedIn For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020"
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.LinkedIn For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:LinkedIn For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: Pricing & Search2 - Pricing3 - LinkedIn As A Search EngineSection 3: LinkedIn Profile4 - Your LinkedIn Profile - Part 15 - Your LinkedIn Profile - Part 2Section 4: LinkedIn Settings6 - Your LinkedIn Settings - Part 17 - Your LinkedIn Settings - Part 2Section 5: Setting Up8 - Your Personalised LinkedIn URL9 - Your Company Page10 - Your NewsfeedSection 6: Contacts & Connections11 - Importing Your Contacts12 - Making New Connections13 - Accepting Invitations14 - Managing NotificationsSection 7: Posting Content15 - Posting Written Content16 - Posting Audio and Video17 - Your SSI RankingSection 8: Groups18 - Participation in Groups19 - Creating GroupsSection 9: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 109.99

"Pinterest For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020"
"Course Description:Most people do not know how to get started with all the Social Media products online today. With our range of Fast Track Training courses designed for beginners, you will be up and running in no time and surfing the web with confidence.Pinterest For Beginners is a straight to the point, step by step training course to get you started immediately.See the course subjects below:Pinterest For Beginners: Fast Track Training 2020Section 1: Course Overview1 - OverviewSection 2: The Pinterest Mission2 - The Pinterest Mission3 - Mobile ApplicationSection 3: Your Pinterest Profile4 - Set Your Profile5 - Claiming AccountsSection 4: Pinterest Settings6 - Other Settings7 - Upgrading To BusinessSection 5: Setting Up8 - Creatng Boards9 - Creating Communities10 - Zapier IntegrationsSection 6: Creating Pins11 - Creating Pins12 - Creating Image Content For Pins13 - Creating Video Content for Pins14 - Creating Audio Content for Pins15 - Scheduling PinsSection 7: Wordpress & Newsfeed16 - Create Share Buttons for Your Wordpress Website17 - Your NewsfeedSection 8: Interactions18 - Interactions19 - Creating A Sponsored PostSection 9: Conclusion20 - Conclusion"
Price: 109.99

"Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Virtual Assistant (VA)"
"Imagine being able to work from the comfort of your own home, doing what you love best, and making money at the same time.Via VA-SG Academy, you can now learn how to do that with ease!Introducing... our course:The Beginner's Guide To Starting Your Home-Based Virtual Assistant BusinessThrough this course, you will... Be able to decide the kind of Virtual Assistant service suits you best Have a step-by-step guide to setting up your VA business Learn about the tools of the trade to use for a smooth VA journey Get insider tips & tricks for marketing and getting your first clientLearn about the processes involved in creating your own Virtual Assistant service from the comfort of your own home.Who is this course for?This course is especially designed for people who have home-based responsibilites. Whether you're a single mother, stay-at-home mom or dad, this course gives you a great insight into how you can earn money while working from the comfort of your own home... that too by providing a service that YOU already know and love.This course is also great for travel-lovers and people who dream of working from anywhere and anytime!This detailed-oriented course is for those of you who are ready to take the plunge from having minimal income to becoming your own boss!About the trainer...VA-SG was founded by and is currently spearheaded by Liyana Dhamirah, a mother of three, who infuses her experiences and expertise from the lean start-up movement to strengthen VA-SGs offerings to cater to your needs. Liyana is also a published author of her autobiography, Homeless.Happy VAs!""I would say being a Virtual Assistant is similar to working as a company's personal secretary, but remotely. I have picked up a lot of valuable skills and experience, thank you Liyana for the chance to work as a VA!"" - Cui Ling""Not only that I have picked up skills on data entry, admin and secretarial duties, I was also nurtured by Liyana  on how tasks should be done diligently virtually. She has shown her passion and has educate me via assignments to be done with fulfilment. Her patience and big heart to help single mothers to work from home was one of the best opportunities given to me."" - Sofie"
Price: 49.99

"Learn How to Make Naturally Beautiful Skin Care Products"
"""I am so delighted to share with you, for the FIRST TIME EVER, my BEST SELLING recipes!These closely guarded formulas are from my own personal vault of natural skincare recipes and aromatherapy remedies, that were developed and perfected over 7 years. The high quality and effectiveness of each final product has proven a hit with my clients, time and again.And here they are now for you to enjoy and recreate, whether you want to start your own skincare brand or simply wow your friends and family with your new found skills and creative talent.I hope you enjoy making them as much I did.""Melanie Jane xP.S, The NightingOils brand on the labels is my old brand name :)"
Price: 199.99

"SiRA Aerial Yoga Parents & Kids Home Activity"
"This course will teach you a unique parent and child Aerial Yoga activity that designed to create a quality time where both the parents and the kids enjoy together while getting benefits of yoga practice.SiRA Aerial Yoga Home Activity designed to balance out the time that our children are sitting involved with electronic screens and video games.The Aerial Yoga Home Activity adjusted to both parents and kids so they dont have to be acrobats to learn, love and enjoy aerial yoga. Its designed for real people, so not only fit athletes will be able to enjoy the benefits of aerial yoga.Together with their parent, child will experience a set of basic exercises on the mat and in the hammock to get a taste of a typical Aerial Yoga class. Most of the exercises are done in partnership to promote a sense of mutual connection and to encourage communication between the parent and the child. The theme of this workshop is the birth of a child. Remembering the birth process creates a close and emotional connection between the parent and the child.In addition to the fun aerial yoga exercises you with the kids will be able to experience the benefits of breathing techniques, mind flexibility exercises and relaxation"
Price: 109.99

"Come diventare copywriter: i primi passi, TEST"
"Importante: non fermatevi dopo l'esito del test! Dopo aver dato risposta a tutte le domande, controllate le singole risposte, leggendo la spiegazione dell'insegnante. E' li che troverete tutto ci che necessario conoscere per avvicinarsi al mondo del copywriting. Il test risponde a domande apparentemente scontate, che spesso per non vengono approfondite in modo corretto da chi cerca di farvi conoscere la professione del copywriter."
Price: 19.99

"How to obtain the best quality mesh for your simulation"
"In this course you will learn how to make a mesh as correct as possible. You will learn the basics of a mesh. You will meet the most common quality criteria. You will learn how to approach the most complex geometries, difficult areas and common areas without wasting too much time thinking about them. All the notions explained and presented have at least one example so that it is as easy to understand."
Price: 24.99

"Snapseed. Fun and Easy Editing"
"Snapseed is one of the best apps for editing photographs. It is very intuitive, user friendly and free. It works both on Android and iOS and for someone who enjoys taking smartphone photos, it is an excellent choice for editing.The goal of this course is to help you be(come) confident in using Snapseed, starting from the very beginning, the tools. Once you understand how these tools work, then you can use them precisely on your needs and not just apply them and hope they work. Because photography is such a creative domain, no two photos are alike. And nor is their editing. Therefore, it is best to understand what you are doing (both in taking photos and editing) and apply that knowledge. Next, after you understand what each tool does, you can apply them individually or combined, confident that you will know what the end result will look like. Unlike other courses, this one covers the basics of these tools, to give you knowledge and confidence. If you already know these tools, simply skip to the parts that are of interest for you.You will notice that the course is divided in three major parts. First part covers the basic tools I mentioned before (how to apply each tool to an image and the effects it brings). The second part covers examples of simple editing applied to certain images, where several tools are combined. And the third part covers more advanced editing, where you can see nine images from three categories (architecture, landscape and commercial), edited from zero to finish, with most of the tools combined and explained.For your convenience, I also added the images used for this course, so you can use them yourself in your editing and learning process. Feel free to use them or experiment with your own photos.Taking part in this course, you will receive an A to Z training from a professional photographer and trainer, on a pace that is specifically thought for you, with real life examples of locations and objects. Going through this course will give you access to all the updates that will follow and allow you to edit both your personal photos in a way to amaze your friends and also edit images for professional reasons, should you decide you want to sell photos online or photos of products to be commercialized online. The info I give in this course also comes from years of experience selling photos online on dedicated websites for stock photography. And nowadays, with the advances of smartphone cameras and editing apps, the balance of DSLR versus smartphone photos rapidly tilts towards smartphone photos for me and other photographers and, why not, for you as well.In the end, you will become more consistent in taking photos, because now you know that you are able to bring them to life the way you saw them in your mind. You will also become more confident in editing photos and advancing into more complex editing techniques. Last, you will do all of this in a fun and relaxing way. Because photography should be, first and foremost, enjoyable."
Price: 39.99

"Direito Administrativo Animado - Mdulo 1"
"Voc est procurando uma forma diferente de aprendizado e que vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para a to sonhada aprovao em um concurso pblico, certo?Voc est cansado de aulas entediantes, pouco atrativas e com contedos muito extensos, certo?Ento voc est no lugar certo!!!Neste curso, prometemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para prender a sua ateno, explicitando, de forma animada, os principais temas relacionados ao Direito Administrativo.No Mdulo 1, apresentaremos:Conceitos iniciais relacionados ao Direito Administrativo: conceitos de Direito Administrativo; Direito Pblico; Direito Privado; Sentido formal e material de Administrao Pblica; Estado; Atividades Administrativas.Fontes do Direito Administrativo: Lei (sentido amplo e estrito); Doutrina; Jurisprudncia; Costumes; Fontes Primrias e Secundrias.Sistema Administrativo Brasileiro: tipos de Sistema Administrativo (ingls/francs); Unicidade e Dualidade de Jurisdio.Regime Jurdico Administrativo: poderes e restries especiais; clusulas exorbitantes; desapropriao.Princpios do Direito Administrativo: princpios implcitos e explcitos; supremacia do interesse pblico; indisponibilidade do interesse pblico; legalidade; impessoalidade; finalidade; moralidade; publicidade; eficincia; razoabilidade; proporcionalidade; autotutela; contraditrio e ampla defesa; segurana jurdica; motivao.Deveres e Poderes Administrativos: poder-dever de agir; abuso de poder; eficincia; probidade; prestar contas; poderes vinculados e discricionrios; poder hierrquico; poder disciplinar; poder de polcia; poder regulamentar.tima aula. Divirtam-se!!!"
Price: 39.99

"Direito Administrativo Animado - Mdulo 2"
"Voc est procurando uma forma diferente de aprendizado e que vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para a to sonhada aprovao em um concurso pblico, certo?Voc est cansado de aulas entediantes, pouco atrativas e com contedos muito extensos, certo?Ento voc est no lugar certo!!!Neste curso, prometemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para prender a sua ateno, explicitando, de forma animada, os principais temas relacionados ao Direito Administrativo.No Mdulo 2, apresentaremos:Organizao Administrativa - Viso Geral: Administrao Pblica (formal/material); Administrao Direta e Indireta; Entidades Administrativas; Entidades Polticas; Centralizao; Descentralizao; Outorga; Delegao; Desconcentrao.Organizao Administrativa - Administrao Indireta: Entidades Administrativas; Fundaes Pblicas; Autarquias; Sociedades de Economia Mista; Empresas Pblicas.Organizao Administrativa - Segundo Setor: Descentralizao; Delegao; Administrao Privada; Concesses; Permisses; Autorizaes.Organizao Administrativa - Terceiro Setor: Descentralizao Social; Paraestatais; Plano Diretor da Reforma do Aparelho do Estado; Modelo Gerencial; Servios Sociais Autnomos (SSA); Organizaes Sociais (OS); Organizaes da Sociedade Civil de Interesse Pblico (OSCIP).rgos e Agentes Pblicos: Teoria do rgo; Entes Polticos e Administrativos; Classificao de Agentes Pblicos (honorficos; delegados; credenciados; polticos; administrativos); Agente de Fato; Caractersticas e Classificao dos rgos Pblicos.tima aula. Divirtam-se!!!"
Price: 39.99

"Direito Administrativo Animado - Mdulo 3"
"Voc est procurando uma forma diferente de aprendizado e que vai te ensinar tudo que precisa para a to sonhada aprovao em um concurso pblico, certo?Voc est cansado de aulas entediantes, pouco atrativas e com contedos muito extensos, certo?Ento voc est no lugar certo!!!Neste curso, prometemos fazer tudo o que pudermos para prender a sua ateno, explicitando, de forma animada, os principais temas relacionados ao Direito Administrativo.No Mdulo 3, apresentaremos:Atos Administrativos: conceito; ato da administrao; fatos administrativos; requisitos/elementos de validade (competncia, finalidade, forma, motivo e objeto); mrito do Ato Administrativo; oportunidade e convenincia; legalidade e ilegalidade de atos; motivao; teoria dos motivos determinantes; atributos dos atos administrativos (legitimidade, imperatividade, tipicidade, executoriedade, auto-executoriedade); anulao; revogao; cassao; convalidao; classificao dos atos administrativos.Administrao Pblica na Constituio Federal: princpios; agentes pblicos; ingresso no servio pblico; cargos, empregos e funes de confiana; sindicalizao e greve; remunerao, vencimento, subsdio e salrio; regime previdencirio; acumulao remunerada de cargos/empregos/funes; acumulao com aposentadoria.Organizao Administrativa - Segundo Setor: Descentralizao; Delegao; Administrao Privada; Concesses; Permisses; Autorizaes.Responsabilidade Civil da Administrao Pblica: conceito; evoluo histrica da responsabilidade (irresponsabilidade, culpa comum, culpa administrativa, risco administrativo, risco integral); responsabilidade civil no Brasil; atenuantes e excludentes de responsabilidade; ao regressiva; ao de indenizao; responsabilidade do agente pblico.tima aula. Divirtam-se!!!"
Price: 39.99