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"Quadrivia : TOEIC Speaking & Writing Preparation"
"We developed this course specifically to help you get the best grade at the TOEIC Listening & Reading test. We are official partners with ETS Global, that support the quality of our course and our teaching methodology. By the end of this course you will be ready to pass the Speaking & Writing part of the TOEIC and will know the basics to understand written and spoken English. This course is taught by a certified English professor from La Sorbonne who spent the last 15 years teaching students and preparing them for the TOEIC."
Price: 29.99

"Quadrivia : Business English Course"
"We developed this course specifically to help you increase your knowledge on english in a business setting. We are official partners with ETS Global and various French universities, that support the quality of our course and our teaching methodology. By the end of this course you will be ready to pass the Listening & Reading part of the TOEIC and will know the basics to understand written and spoken English. This course is taught by a certified English professor from La Sorbonne who spent the last 15 years teaching students and preparing them for the TOEIC and learning English."
Price: 19.99

"Mathematical intuition for Calculus"
"In this course Calculus is explained by focusing on understanding the key concepts rather than learning the formulas by rote. The process of reasoning by using mathematics is the primary objective of the course, and not simply being able to do computations.The prior knowledge requirements are pretty basic. Previous knowledge of the concept of: functions, trigonometry, simple high school algebra would be useful."
Price: 19.99

"Mathematical intuition behind Multivariable Calculus"
"In this course Multivariable Calculus is explained by focusing on understanding the key concepts rather than learning the formulas and/or exercises by rote. The process of reasoning by using mathematics is the primary objective of the course, and not simply being able to do computations.The prior knowledge requirement is Single variable Calculus (even without a great mastery of it)."
Price: 39.99

"Mathematical Intuition behind Complex Calculus"
"In this course Complex Calculus is explained by focusing on understanding the key concepts rather than learning the formulas and/or exercises by rote. The process of reasoning by using mathematics is the primary objective of the course, and not simply being able to do computations.The prior knowledge requirements are: Single variable and Multivariable Calculus (it is not required a great mastery of them)."
Price: 39.99

"Sale Page WordPress WooCommerce"
"WordPress 1 ?1. 1 2. ? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 3 4 ... ? .com template confiirm Order"
Price: 1400.00

"WordPRess Elementor Pro"
"WordPress + Elementor Pro Elementor Pro Step By Step WordPress + elementor Pro WordPress WordPress"
Price: 1800.00

"24 ??? 2 3 4 5 Ebook ============================= 1 =============================? ! ? 1.Plugins vdo 2. remote ^^3. 5 =============================? =============================?1. E-learning"
Price: 3800.00

"Wordpress basic to advance"
"!!! Plugind Elementor ProCustom Post TypeAdvance customs field"
Price: 1800.00

"50 !!!"
Price: 1000.00

Price: 8400.00

Price: 2400.00

"6 Steps to Reduce Problem Behavior for Children with Autism"
"This course teaches a simple 6 step process that anyone can follow.  With the process you will learn to teach your child with autism in the way he learns best.The course follows a father, Tom, as he uses the process to help his son Ethan. You will follow the same steps throughout the course to identify behavior changes that can lead to meaningful learning for your child.This isnt about fixing your child. Instead, we show you how to understand your childs unique experience of the world so that you can teach him the way he learns best.FormatWe have kept this course short intentionally with busy parents in mind. Each lesson provides foundational knowledge that builds on prior lessons. We give you tools you can use from the very beginning of the course to teach your own child.What You Get 13 modules of actionable information to help your family Examples and exercises to help put what youre learning into practice Tools and resources to guide you as you follow these steps with your child Udemys unconditional 30-day money back guarantee take this course and if we dont deliver what weve promised you get your money back 100% risk free! A FREE copy of our 6 Step Behavior Change eBook valued at $24.99Stop dreaming of helping your child and start learning how now!Facts about Autism According to the CDC, 1 in 59 children have been diagnosed with autism. Autism affects children across the globe, not just in the US. Many families have more than one child with autism. Children with autism often have co-existing diagnoses including epilepsy, ADHD, anxiety, sleep and eating issues, depression and more. Behavioral interventions cost $40,000 to $60,000 per year per child. This is in addition to related medical expenses.  Therapy is often not available to the children who need it. While Applied Behavior Analysis is considered by many to be the best treatment for children on the autism spectrum, many families are unable to gain access to treatment. Most child care centers do not have staff trained to include care for children with autism, leaving many families without child care options.With so many children and families affected by autism, its time for everyone to learn how to understand the world from their perspective. It is our responsibility to learn how to teach and interact with these children on their terms, without expecting them to conform to traditional teaching methods.Who Should Take This Course?This course is specifically designed to help parents and caregivers of children who are on the autism spectrum learn how to teach their child with autism. However, we encourage teachers and other professionals who interact with these children to also take the course as these same techniques can help them improve their effectiveness.  If you come into contact with a child with autism this course will help both you and the child!It is our mission to make these skills accessible to everyone who needs them."
Price: 64.99

"WordPress for beginners in Urdu/Hindi Elementor"
"In this course you will be able to  learn the basics of Wordpress using a free page builder that is Elementor , in a very easy and a quick way. Following the lectures in a a smooth pace will lead you to fully implement a website for free at the end of course and a certificate of completion."
Price: 19.99

"Converting WebSite into App from Android Studio & Publish it"
"After this course, you'll be able to convert any website into an APK in a few seconds.  This course contains proper java code to transfer any website into an app.At the end of this course, you can convert any website into an app by just pasting the website URL again and again. No need to write the code every time. Besides that, I also showed how to generate a signed APK to publish into the Google Play Store, and How to Publish in Play Store.Before enrolling this course make sure you have got an android studio installed in your device.No prior coding experience needed.Install a virtual device in Android studio also to check whether the app is running smoothly or not."
Price: 19.99

"Educao Financeira: Controlar os Gastos"
"Curso destinado s pessoas que desejam aprender como controlar os gastos. Atravs de tcnicas e ferramentas, voc ser capaz de controlar os gastos em busca da verdadeira prosperidade sustentvel para viver uma vida em excelncia. Afinal, o objetivo gastar para viver, e no viver para gastar, certo?! Vamos juntos... Vamos Otimizar! ? Vamos Prosperar! ?"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Forex Bsico Real En vivo"
"Este es un Curso desde Cero para todas las personas que quieren iniciarse  en el mercado FOREX. Lo realice por que se que hay demasiados cursos en Internet  pero hay ocasiones donde no te explican de manera detallada!!!  Me paso a mi entonces ahora para resolver ese problema , realice este curso para ser lo mas directo y claro posible para ensear lo aprendido durante ya algunos aos en forexEl objetivo principal del curso es aprender cmo funciona el mercado, entender los conceptos bsicos, los indicadores tcnicos bsicos, incluyendo su correcta interpretacin y como usarlos Al finalizar este curso tendrs, lo cual es un requisito previo indispensable si realmente quieres generar buenos ingresos extras .Iniciaremos con los aspectos bsicos y gradualmente iremos avanzando hacia las lecciones ms complejas.Una gran ventaja de este curso es que mostrare Ejemplos EN VIVO  trading real, donde aprenders cmo se aplican tcnicas de forma sencillas para obtener resultados y el ejemplos de como usar lo aprendido!Espero verte pronto en clases!Atentamente,Brian Vazquez"
Price: 1320.00

"Macram do Zero"
"O macram uma tcnica de tecer muito antiga sem usar nenhuma ferramenta, apenas as prprias mos. Atando ns entre os fios voc cria uma infinidade de peas e desenhos!  uma arte manual extremamente verstil e til no dia-a-dia, tanto para compor ambientes quanto para produzir roupas, acessrios e mobilirios. Nesse curso abordado o universo do macram para quem ainda no conhece e quer iniciar na prtica ou para quem possui s um conhecimento bsico e deseja aprender mais sobre os materiais e a utilizao dos ns.  No final do curso so ensinadas duas diferentes peas para voc produzir junto  e ter a prtica necessria para entender como produzir vrias outras!"
Price: 139.99

"The Journey to Self Healing - Unlock Your True Potential!"
"Over this course, you'll be learning how to unfold that deep power within. This course will support you on your self-healing journey, as you discover a deeper understanding of yourself and form an honest, intimate relationship with who you really are. Healing isn't a gift that is awarded to a chosen few - we are all created with the innate ability to heal ourselves. When the body becomes unwell, it knows how to heal itself. It's the same with our mind, emotions and energetic body.This course will teach you more about your energetic body, about the biodynamic connection between physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual. You will become aware of different energy fields, and how to connect with these in your own unique way to help yourself to heal, grow and ultimately live a happier, healthier life.You will become more balanced and have a clear mind. You will feel healthier and calmer.You will learn how to drop inside and connect with yourself.And you will learn the power of surrender. The true path to happiness is full of bumps in the road, but if you allow yourself the chance to be your own best friend on your travels, the journey becomes one of simplicity, truth, and well-being. Think of this course as a roadmap to help you along the way!"
Price: 69.99

"Cmo vender cualquier cosa"
"Aqu aprenders todos los conceptos bsicos de la venta. Veremos los procesos de venta y cmo dominarlos para tomar el producto o servicio que queramos y venderlo sin dificultades.Aprenders tambin, conceptos y herramientas de persuasin, es decir para lograr cambiar el resultado en las interacciones con las personas. Con este curso logrars de forma sencilla aplicar todos estos conceptos, y lo mejor es que con luego de cada clase ya tendrs una nueva herramienta para utilizar.En la primera parte, titulada ""Entendiendo la venta"" veremos todo lo referida a la misma. Luego, la seccin de ""Elementos de persuasin"" vamos al grano con las estrategias, sin rodeos ni conceptos enredados.Finalmente contars con la posibilidad de hacer un proyecto prctico para utilizar las herramientas adquiridas."
Price: 19.99

"Curso automaquillaje"
"No necesitas ser un experto en la materia para tomar este curso, incluso si no sabes nada de maquillaje, aqu podrs aprender los temas bsicos y hacerte camino hacia este hermoso arte.Mi meta es poder ensearte todos los puntos claves, darte los mejores tips y resolver todas tus dudas para que tu maquillaje se vea ms en forma, ms pulido y sobre todo ms profesional.No necesitas conocimiento bsico, pero s necesitas ganas de aprender, empecemos este viaje juntos y consigamos lo mejor de l. Bienvenido!"
Price: 420.00

"The Rise of China"
"By the end of this course, you will understand why the world is talking about China's rise, the context to the latest trade war with the United States, the motivation for China's sheer economic interests around the world and how it practically seeks to achieve these interests. You will study China from many dimensions including its philosophical outlook, its political history, geopolitical ambitions, the man behind the mission and much more."
Price: 99.99

"Read a CBD lab report"
"Your health matters the most. We have seen brands that have improperly store their products. Brands that leave hemp flowers on the same floor that their employees walk on. These same brands are white labeling their products to others. Its important to verify that the products are fully tested.Its also important to make sure that the product is not tested by the same company."
Price: 19.99

"Become a Creativity Genius"
"IF YOU WANT to be a creative thinker, you need to get away from some of the old habits, and the old ideas, that you probably have. Creative thinking is nothing like pushing yourself until youre exhausted and ready to drop, only to have the idea you were trying to create pop into existence. If anything, creative thinking involves your most relaxed moments, when your mind is at ease and is ready to receive input and make something of it. This lesson teaches how to get your environment to stimulate your creativity."
Price: 149.99

"Financial Independence via Innovation"
"Financial Freedom does not depend on a genius-level I.Q., and it does not require extensive, high-level education. As long as you can follow the creative thinking principles I teach, you should be able to think creatively and be innovative. I desire to spread the ability to think creatively as widely as possible, and this lesson is one means for me to do that. Learn to think creatively and take your life to a new level financially. The gold is in your environment, don't look far."
Price: 199.99

"Comunicao entre microservices usando Spring Cloud"
"Microservices hoje esto na moda, mas muitos vezes pensamos em como funcionar a comunicao entre microservices. Neste custo vamos contruir um pequeno sistema que contem 5 microservices e vamos configura-los para se comunicarem por rest de forma sncrona, e por RabbitMQ de forma assncrona. Vamos tambm utilizar estratgias diferentes de banco de dados e de cache de usado, usando Mysql e Redis."
Price: 39.99

"Microservice, RESTAPI, CI/CD, Deploy, LoadBalancer e Monitor"
"CI/CD um mtodo para entregar aplicaes com frequncia aos clientes.Este mtodo aplica monitoramento, automatizao contnua a todo o ciclo de vida das aplicaes, alm da entrega continua e implantaes. todo o ciclo de vida desde a codificao at o deploy. Neste curso vamos descomplicar o CI/CD e criar nossa pipeline de forma muito simples.Mas vamos avanar mais. Veja como subir replicar da sua aplicao em um Docker Swarm, usando um projeto de microservices que faz comunicao com REST API,  faa Load Balancer dos microservios e explorar algumas das melhores forma de monitorar os microservices usando o Spring Admin e o Hystrix Dashboard."
Price: 39.99

"Microservices 'igual' Spotify usando Spring Cloud e Kafka"
"Hoje alguns dos grandes SAAS do mundo usam esta arquiteutra, e um deles, muito conhecido o Spotify.Neste curso, voc aprender uma arquitetura de microserives para desenvolver um music player. Vamos criar microservicos para registrar um cliente, registrar as msicas, fazer upload e criar um player.  Tudo usando Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, REST API, KAFKA.Nesta arquitetura, voc vai aprender a usar o Kafka para processar mensagens  assncronas usando request/reply."
Price: 39.99

"Hands-On. Seu primeiro microservice com Spring Boot"
"Muito se fala em microservices, mas exitem uma boa parcela dos desenvolvedores que nunca tiveram a oportunidade de trabalhar com microservices. Vamos neste curso ento, focar em entender e criar nosso primeiro microservice, usando a stack do Spring Boot.Vamos ver como muito simples criar uma aplicao web hoje usando Java, comparado a antigamente, quando gastavamos muito tempo configurando bibliotecas.Vamos tambm construir algumas API REST e vamos integrar com o Spring Boot Data para usar o MySQL."
Price: 39.99

"How to buy Bitcoin. Day Trading 100x leverage. Best altcoins"
"Look, this is finally a trading course that might work! From beginner to expert level. I have spotted the Bitcoin double bottom in 2019 and started to film the trading tutorials from February to September as you will see in the Tradingview charts of the course.""Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you've fed him for a lifetime."" This is the true objective of this masterclass too. It will give you all the strategies needed to buy low and sell high usable not only in the crypto market, but also on the stock exchange, in order to obtain your financial freedom.I`ve spent thousands of hours on YouTube and reading articles in my early years to test and experiment, until I reached the conclusions of this complete course.The most important indicators and trading strategies i`ve presented here, people don`t talk about on YouTube. They keep the knowledge for themselves. Some of the Tradingview strategies are backtested by myself and give consistent gains. If you don`t find the information useful, you have 30 days money back guarantee, but i think this course might one of the best investments of your lifetime.You will learn how to set up an account and make your first buy on the most trustful crypto exchanges to transfers, wallets, trading bots, ICOs, trading strategies, mining, chart patterns, pump and dumps, scams, and leverage trading!Some of the best blockchain crypto altcoins with the most potential in 2019-2020, real use cases, working products, real value,  real world applications and big partnerships are sitting now at all time low levels because of the bear market. Don`t postpone and miss this opportunity of your lifetime! Take action now!Disclaimer: Trading and investing in cryptocurrencies involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The content covered in this videos is NOT to be considered as investment advice. Im NOT a financial adviser. These are only my own personal opinions, ideas,  charts, technical analysis and tokens predictions for 2019 and beyond. The valuation of cryptocurrencies and futures may fluctuate and clients may lose more than their original investment. All trading strategies are used at your own risk."
Price: 99.99