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"Test Automation Fundamentals"
"As Software testers, we need to be increasing our skills and our knowledge, so that we are capable of adapting to the new trends. We need wider knowledge, and deeper skills. Automation is one of these areas we need to focus on. This course aims to make clear what the benefits and pitfalls are when using automation."
Price: 49.99

"Risk-Based Testing"
"Often risk-based testing is conceived to be only about risk-based test managementallocating resources to test activities according to particular product risks. When the term risk-based testing is used, it means both risk-based test management and risk-based test design.This course is designed to introduce testing resources to the skills and benefits of using a risk-based approach."
Price: 49.99

"Test Design Techniques"
"A test design technique helps a tester to select a good set of tests from the total number of all possible tests for a given system. It also enables testers to specify the correct expected results for each test case. There are many different types of software testing techniques, each with its own strengths and limitations. A number of test design techniques can be used to identify potential test cases for a given requirement that aim at finding specific defect types. Each technique also includes mechanisms for reducing coverage."
Price: 49.99

"Behaviour Driven Development Essentials"
"Behaviour-Driven Development, or BDD is an approach to software development that attempts to improve the communication gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders. Behaviour-Driven Development is not a paradigm-shift in thinking, but is rather a blending of existing good practice, bringing together elements from Test-Driven Development (TDD) and Domain-Driven Design (DDD).BDD is based on a few simple principles, many of which are closely aligned with broader Agile principles:Describe behaviour, dont specify solutions.Discover the behaviour that will deliver real business value.Use conversations and examples to explore what a system should do."
Price: 49.99

"Emotional Intelligence: It's Personal, Not Business"
"When is the last time you felt peaceful, free of stress or worry? Do you feel confident that you have the tools to face, and bounce back from, any challenges that you might encounter in life?Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a term most often used in the business world, but emotional intelligence is for everyone.  This course identifies the facets of emotional intelligence and well-being that are not taught in schools and is the beginning of a repository of information for those seeking to edify themselves and transform their inner well-being and their lives. In this first course Emotional Intelligence: Its Personal, Not Business you will:Receive powerful ways to re-wire yourself for inner harmony and emotional wellbeingBe able to identify thoughts you have been thinking that have been tripping you upLearn where emotional pain comes from and how to not let it affect you like it hasLearn how to successfully implement changeUncover the reasons why you have been held hostage to negative emotions and stress and replace them with a solid emotional base and the real peace youve longed for.This course is rich with knowledge and tools and youll find yourself re-listening to it over and over to try new ones. Even if you only implement one thing one change you will find that you make a huge leap towards the peaceful and happy life you have been longing for. One client said it to me this way: I am amazed that after just hearing this information I am not the same person, and I cant go back to thinking the way I did before.My name is Cynthia Shepherd and I have been a life coach for 20 years, helping people transform the areas of life that have pained them and stymied them. Over the past decade Ive been asked repeatedly by clients to write a book so that more people could benefit as they have. The book is nearing completion but when I discovered Udemy I felt this might be an even faster way to get my message out to more people.You have the opportunity here and now to create your inner foundation of calm and the emotional toolbox that will serve you the rest of your life. I look forward to hearing your success stories and to celebrating with you your newfound freedom."
Price: 49.99

"Yoga Nidra Meditation Course & Guided Meditation"
"Guided Meditation With Yoga Nidra The Ultimate Guide for Beginners is an introductory meditation course, taking you through a basic approach to the experience of relaxation, healing, and mindfulness.Each section will focus on real-life challenges we all face. Four different guided meditations will be presented, to help reduce stress, alleviate an overactive mind, heal unwanted emotions, and addresses issues related to family.This is not a how-to class. Its experiential. These are guided meditations taking you into the deeper parts of your being, to teach you how your internal meditative process works.Through course lectures, you will come away with a clear understanding of what guided meditation is and how it can transform the very essence of your being. In addition, the meditations will provide profound experiences to aligning you with the very person you are meant to be.Course material will be presented through video lecture and guided meditations. You will come away feeling better with a profound sense of inner awareness and expanded consciousness.The course will include:Learning the art of DEEP RELAXATION.Guided meditations to help QUIET AN OVERACTIVE MIND.Guided meditation technique RELEASE INHIBITING EMOTIONS and repeating patterns that accompany them.Guided meditations addressing the deeper aspects of FAMILY INFLUENCES.Students will receive a spirituality topic related E-BOOK as a gift in thanks for taking my course.Heres what scientific research is telling us about meditation. Meditation promotes numerous health benefits including:Reducing stress, anxiety and depressionRegulating emotionsBoosting the immune systemIncreasing empathy, compassion and emotional intelligenceSlowing the aging processSpecial Credit for Script:Desire Hendricks, innerspacemeditation, Green Mountain at Fox Run"
Price: 19.99

"Uzman Doktor Kemal ASLAN'dan Spermiogram Kursu"
"Videolar ve Aklamalarla 5 derste ve toplamda maksimum 2  Saatte Spermiogram Testini reneceksiniz. Spermiogram nedir, nasl yaplr, nelere baklr, nasl deerlendirilir, hasta hazrl nasl olmaldr gibi bu test ile ilgili hereyi pratik noktalar ile sizler iin nce spermiogram nedir sorusunu yantladktan sonra nelere ve nasl bakyoruz sorusunu cevaplyoruz ve ardndan nasl deerlendirdiimizi birlikte inceliyoruz.Kurs sonunda da 9 soruluk pratik bir snavmzla temel baz bilgilerinizi test ediyorsunuz.Bu nemli testi renerek altnz laboratuvarda fark yaratn..."
Price: 49.99

"Ich mache DICH fit in 28 Tagen!"
"Hallo liebe Sportsfreunde!Mein Name ist Marius und ich habe es mir zur Aufgabe gemacht, Dich in den nchsten 28 Tagen fitter zu machen, damit Du Dich vitaler und besser fhlst. Da Du diesen Text hier gerade liest, kann ich Dir sagen: Du bist auf dem richtigen Weg! Dein Interesse fr das Thema ist der Beweis dafr, dass Du den ntigen Willen hast, die nchsten 28 Tage durchzuziehen. Du wirst deine Konzentrationsfhigkeit und Deine mentale Strke auf das nchste Level bringen. Dann brauchst Du kein schlechtes Gewissen mehr zu haben, wenn Du Dir am Abend eine Pizza gnnst, am Eis schleckst oder Dir etwas Ses zum Naschen holst. Die ersten drei Tage bekommst Du die ntige Theorie an die Hand, indem Du alles rund um das Training step by step lernen wirst. Fett abnehmen und Muskeln aufbauen? Kein Problem! Wir werden zusammen Dein krperliches Ziel fr die nchsten 28 Tage setzen und dieses mit wenig Aufwand und etwas Ehrgeiz erreichen. Du lernst die Grundlagen der Trainingswissenschaften kennen, sodass Du verstehst, wie der menschliche Krper arbeitet, wie er sich an Belastung anpasst und wie Du diese Prinzipien in Deinem Leben anwenden kannst. Nach den drei Tagen Theorie geht es richtig los! Ich begleite Dich die nchsten 28 Tage und gebe Dir jeden Tag Dein 10 Minuten Training vor, welches Du live mitmachst. Wenn Du die Lektionen aufmerksam verfolgst, wirst Du berraschst sein, wie Du Dich sowohl krperlich als auch mental verndern kannst. Ich freue mich auf DICH! Bist DU ready?- Fitness- Gesundheit- Vital Vitalitt- Energie- Fit- Training"
Price: 149.99

"Gitarren Masterclass - Gitarre lernen fr Einsteiger"
"Hallo, an dich :)Falls du dir gerade deine erste Gitarre gekauft oder deine Alte aus der Ecke geholt hast, dann ist das genau der richtige Kurs fr dich. Wie du dein Instrument stimmst, pflegst, sie richtig hltst und noch vieles mehr lernst du in den ersten Videos. Du lernst alle Grundlagen von A bis Z. Fr diesen Kurs brauchst du keine Vorkenntnisse.  Mit diesem Kurs erhltst du eine Abkrzung zum King am Lagerfeuer. Schon nach wenigen Minuten lernst du deine ersten Akkorde auf der Gitarre.  Jede Frage wird geklrt. Spter gehen wir verschiedene Zupf- und Schlagmuster durch. Du lernst alles um wie die Profis zu klingen.Ich zeige ich dir die Technik jedes Lied lernen und mitspielen zu knnen wodurch du am Ende des Kurses bereits in der Lage bist folgende Lieder zu spielen: Zombie, Knocking on heavens door, Wonderwall, Sweet home Alabama, Hallelujah, Otherside, Wie soll ein Mensch das ertragen, Fast car, ...Wenn du ein wenig Zeit in den Kurs investierst und die Tipps&Tricks anwendest wirst du viele schne Abende mit der Gitarre verbringen knnen. Es geht nichts ber einen entspannten Abend auf dem Sofa oder am Lagerfeuer mit Gitarrenmusik ;)Wie klingt das fr dich? Hol dir die Gitarren Masterclass jetzt und gib den Ton am Lagerfeuer an ;)"
Price: 149.99

"Mindful Meditation Mastery"
"Hey there,Did you know that you and I will have between 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts today?98% of these thoughts are the same as yesterday.70% of them will be negative thinking.Which means, most of us live our day to day talking down to ourselves!We abuse ourselves with negative thoughts that not only limit our growth in life but also damage our body.When I found out about this fact, I decided to turn my mind from an enemy into a friend.I promised myself that I would never let my mind put down my ambitions, goals, and dreams.Instead, my mind will be the supportive friend that guides me towards those desires.Thats when I started to improve my relationship with myself and discovered mindful meditation.WHAT SCIENTISTS HAVE FOUND ABOUT MEDITATIONAccording to research, mindful meditation has been shown to bring positive effects to both the body and mind. Obviously, it reduces stress and anxiety. Whats remarkable is that it also improves immune function and reduces inflammation, which means you are less prone to disease and pain. Scientists also found that it increased the gray-matter density in the part of your brain associated with compassion and learning. 8 weeks of meditation was enough to make the patients more focused and more loving. Isnt it wonderful how the simple act of meditation can transform you into a productive person who everyone likes being around? Within us is the power to become ten times better than what we are now and yet everyone is asleep!Youre About To Discover Amazing Ways To Boost Your Productivity And Health By The Simple Act of MeditationTodays your lucky day because Im giving you FULL ACCESS TOEverything Ive learned through my journey to a positive mind by Mindful Meditation!And for the first time ever, theyve been compiled into one incredible blueprintHow to Practice Mindful MeditationMindful Meditation and RelationshipsSuccessful People Who MeditateThe Inner Joy That Everyone Is Born WithThe state of mind Ancient Greeks Called Henosis; One Pointed AwarenessAnd MANY moreJust know that Ive spent thousands of dollars on researching the scientific studies and different methods of meditation, and distilling them into these proven methods. Methods used by successful people to achieve wealth, health and happiness. Its your chance now to dissolve any barriers to success and happiness to become the best version of YOU!The Journey Within That Will Unearth Your True PowerMindful Meditation is your go-to Master Guide to bringing their productivity levels to the next stage while handling the hair-pulling stress that comes with it like nothing! You will discover new abilities to focus, think creatively and perform without anxiety or stress. Find out how to evolve yourself into a happier, more successful and loved by others. Its all within you."
Price: 149.99

"Spring Boot JPA"
"Spring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpring Boot JPASpringBoot JPASpringBoot JPA SpringBoot JPA HQLSpringBoot JPA SQLSpringBoot JPASpringBoot JPA SpringBoot JPA HQLSpringBoot JPA SQLSpringBoot JPASpringBoot JPA SpringBoot JPA"
Price: 19.99

"Spring Cloud"
":Spring Cloud Spring Cloud Eureka Spring Cloud Eureka Spring Cloud Eureka Spring Cloud Ribbon Spring Cloud Ribbon Spring Cloud Ribbon Spring Cloud Hystrix Spring Cloud Hystrix Spring Cloud Hystrix Spring Cloud Feign Spring Cloud Zuul Spring Cloud Zuul"
Price: 19.99

"Mobile Product Management for beginners"
"The growing advent of smartphones, along with apps that run on them is perhaps the biggest technical phenomena in recent times. Smartphones have now become the remote control for our lives, with things happening in just a single tap through a surplus of mobile apps to choose from. Despite this, there is a lack of mobile product management courses available. This course will address this problem and teach specific topics to mobile product management:  what are the different types of mobile apps, common components and views, design guidelines, common capabilities, releasing a native app and analytics. Students aren't required to know anything related to mobile product management beforehand. We'll cover the fundamentals as well as talking about more detailed topics and share my learnings on the job.Your instructor:Alexander Thomsen is an experienced product owner, having worked both in Asia and Europe. Currently, he is a product owner at Sparrow Ventures, a Swiss-based venture builder, where he is responsible for validating, prototyping and building MVPs in multiple industries. Who this course is for:Anyone looking to get a job in mobile Product ManagementAnyone aspiring to understand mobile development"
Price: 29.99

"Bu kurs mimari anlamda ihale alp veya dardan aldklar mimari bir ii daha rahat yapmalar iin hazrlanm bir kurstur. kur sayesinde  hi zorlanmadan bir binann 4 ayr grnn rahata karabilecek, bina boy kesitini de zorlanmadan tek tkla alabileceksiniz. ksaca kurs ieriine bakarsak ;decad mimari v10'da bulunan tm komutlar ve ksayollar ayrntl bir ekilde uygulamal olarak reniyoruz.decad v10 ile d cephe kaplamas nasl yaplr ayrntl reniyoruzdecad v10 ile bir binann boy kesiti ve grn nasl alnr reniyoruzdecad v10 ile bu kurs sayesinde Bir bahenin peyzaj ve arazisi nasl dzeltilir rahata renip uygulayabiliyorsunuzMimari bir plana Betonarme elemanlarn nerelere hangi tayc sistemin konulduunu ve nasl modeleme yapldn reniyorsunuzdecad v10 ile elik yapnn nasl modelleneceini de reniyorsunuz.7 katl modern bir idari binann 3D modellemesini yapp mahal listesi hazrlyoruz bu sayede belediye onayl bu rnek proje sayesinde altrma yapm olacaksnz. Kursa mimari modelleme yapmak isteyen herkes katlabilir ve kurstan renciler ile piyasada alan arkadalar da faydalanabilir bylelikle piyasaya daha hzl adm atm olursunuz."
Price: 49.99

"Kurs ierii ;2 farkl alma masas modellemeMimari kat plann 3 boyuta eviriyoruz Villa bir yapnn 3d modellemesini yapyoruzKonteyner yapsnn modellemesini yapyoruzKulbe bir yapnn modellemesini yapyoruz. Kursu bitirenler nelere sahip oluyor ?Kursu bitirenler mimari alanda veya baka bir alanda 3d  modellemeyi rahata yapabilecekler.Dardan 3D modelleme ii alp rahata modelleme yapabilecekler. Maket ileri ile uraanlar veya maket yapm ofisi amak isteyenler rahata modelleme yapp maket karabilecekler."
Price: 49.99

"Bu kurs sayesinde farkl mimarilerin modellemesini yapp kendinizi ileri dzeye tam olacaksnz. zellikle deiik ve modern alanda hazrlam olduum bu modelleme kursunda mimari alanda kendinizi daha st seviyelere tam olacaksnz. kurstan modelleme yapmak isteyen tm renciler faydalanabilirler. kurs ierii olarak  sketchup arayzn ve tm komutlar batan sona renip 7 katl modern bir idari binann 3D modellemesini yapyoruz ayrca lumion program ile de render alyoruz"
Price: 49.99

"Kurs ierii;Bu kurs ile mimari renklendirme yapabileceksiniz.peyzaj , vaziyet plan ve mimari plan olarak istediiniz mimariyi canl bir ekilde tefrilendirip boyayabileceksiniz.kursu bitirdiinizde kaliteli iler karabileceksiniz.dardan i alp ekstra para kazanabileceksiniz.bu konuda photoshop programna da hakim olacaksnz.kurs geliime ak olup istediiniz zaman soru sorabileceksiniz.bu yaptklarnz sayesinde renci bitirme devlerinizde de yardmc olmu olacaksnz"
Price: 49.99

"Tale corso rivolto a coloro che vogliono conoscere e capire i 7 livelli del modello iso/osi, con particolare attenzione al livello di trasporto e breve descrizione dei due protocolli TCP e UDP.  Esempio pratico del modello tramite connessione bluetooth. Approfondimento sulla differenza tra IP privato e IP pubblico con dimostrazione fatta sul programma Cisco Packet Tracer."
Price: 19.99

", , . , , "" ."
Price: 19.99

"How to Get Deep Sleep Every Night and Wake Up Refreshed"
"Do you have trouble falling asleep?  Do you wake up multiple times throughout the night?  Do you feel tired in the morning?  Do you feel tired throughout the day?  Do you have insomnia?Students who take this educational and informative but fun and entertaining course will learn scientifically up-to-date techniques to get deep sleep every night through an understanding of modern sleep physiology.  Students  will learn to apply up-to-date scientifically proven techniques to treat insomnia.  - By improving your sleep, you will improve cognitive functioning and improve your overall medical health.- You will learn the importance of the various stages of sleep and the types of dreams we have during each stage of sleep.  - You will learn which stage is more important: R.E.M. or stage 3 sleep. - You will learn how to maximize the quality of sleep for better sleep efficiency. - You will learn a quick and easy trick to immediately falling asleep by hacking our evolutionary brain.  - You will learn a quick and easy trick to fall back asleep after you wake up in the middle of the night.By applying these current medically-approved techniques, students will feel more refreshed in the morning and have more energy and vitality throughout the day."
Price: 39.99

"Domina tus hbitos: el mtodo definitivo para tu xito"
"Ha cambiado mi vida. Es tan efectivo y a la vez tan sencillo. Sin duda el mejor curso de mejora personal que he tomado nunca y he hecho unos cuantos.~ Vicente Crcel (empresario)Domina tus hbitos: el mejor curso online de hbitos y el ms prctico Cambiar tu vida!El curso completo te ensea como funcionan los hbitos y lo mejor de todo aprendes sobre cada una de las fases para hacer que tus nuevos hbitos se produzcan y duren en el tiempo y para conseguir que tus hbitos txicos desaparezcan.Hay cantidad de casos prcticos mos de mis alumnos que te abrirn los ojos sobre la infinidad de posibilidades y como puedes llevar la vida que siempre habas soadoEntre otros hbitos aprenders a dejar de perder el tiempo, ser ms productiva o productivo, dejar de fumar, beber, leer ms y lo que es ms importante enfocar cualquier reto con un arsenal de armas que te harn conseguir un xito seguro.Domina tus hbitos descubre los secretos para cambiar cualquier hbitoMe encanta este curso, se lo estoy recomendando a todas mis amigas. El profesor sabe de lo que habla y habla de cmo funcionan los hbitos y sobre todo de cmo aplicarlo. Por fin he conseguido dos objetivos que llevaba tiempo fracasando: dejar de perder el tiempo con el mvil y empezar a hacer deporte. Es increble aprender que es fcil crear nuevos hbitos y deshacerse de los txicos. Laura V.Te has preguntado alguna vez por qu por mucho que lo intento no consigo hacer lo que me propongo?Si es as, es porque seguro que no conoces como funcionan los hbitos ni las leyes que pueden modificarlos a tu antojo.Quieres conocer los secretos que una lite mega exitosa tiene para conseguir sus sueos personales y profesionales?Si tu respuesta es que S! ste probablemente puede ser el mejor curso que puedas tomar en tu vida.Puede sonar pretencioso, pero ha cambiado mi vida propia y la de muchsimos alumnos que estn consiguiendo las metas que siempre se haban propuesto y nunca haban conseguid.Muchas personas esperan, esperan a que les toque la lotera, esperan a que les presenten el amor de su vida, esperan a que les propongan un trabajo mejor, pero eso les deja su vida a la deriva y a merced de otras personas.Si t eres una de esas personas que quieres tener el control de la tuya, te animo que seas como muchos otros alumnos y tomes este curso. Vers que aplicando todo lo que enseo en el curso conseguirs todo aquello que antes te costaba tanto o pero an que nunca habas conseguido.Mi vida personalmente ha sido una constante mejora. Durante aos me esforc para conseguir sacar con xito dos carreras universitarias (arquitectura y farmacia), para aprender 5 idiomas, para montar una startup de cero sin ningn conocimiento. Pero desde que he estudiado los hbitos y he aplicado todos los libros y conferencias que he ledo estoy consiguiendo resultados que no poda ni soar hace aos. HE CONSEGUIDO DOMINAR MI VIDA.Hace aos pensaba: si tuviese la motivacin necesaria conseguira cualquier objetivo en mi vida. Pues no es la motivacin lo que va a cambiar tu vida, son aquellas acciones que tienes mecanizadas.No esperes a tomar accin a maana, la semana que viene o el mes que viene. Si eres infeliz hoy te dir un secreto probablemente lo seas tambin dentro de 5 aos a no ser que tomes accin.Tu vida puede cambiar radicalmente hoy cuando empieces a aprender en domina tus hbitos y apliques los sencillos pasos para crear un nuevo hbito y para destruir un hbito malo.Si quieres cambiar tu vida y unirte a todas las personas que ya lo estn haciendo, simplemente dale a aadir a cesta. TE ESPEROTu amigoAlejandro Sahuquillo"
Price: 34.99

"Curso prctico de hablar en pblico. Convirtete en speaker"
"Lo que los estudiantes dicen de este curso: Muchas gracias de verdad por este curso, porque por fin he conseguido aprender a hablar en pblico. Durante aos me he dedicado a hacer distintos cursos tanto online como talleres presenciales y aunque mejoraba algo nunca consegua sentirme cmodo ni atraer a las audiencias. El curso prctico de hablar en pblico es exactamente eso, un curso totalmente prctico y que te ensea de verdad. El sistema que propone Alejandro de dar un concepto, poner un ejemplo, hacer que lo practiques y luego darte deberes y grabarte es realmente efectivo. Adems el feedback que me dio de los videos que hice fue determinante en mi mejora. Sigue con el gran trabajo - Luis Valcrcel La pasin que le pone Alejandro a este curso unido con lo bien estructurado que est y lo prctico que es han sido las mejores 2,5 horas invertidas en mi vida. Cada cierto tiempo lo repaso y sigo mejorando. No dudes en tomar este curso si quieres aprender de una forma efectiva a hablar en pblico. Cayetano Gonzlez Me ha impresionado lo sencillo que es y a la vez efectivo. Helena Rocamora Recomiendo este curso a todo el mundo. Para m ha sido un cambio radical, siempre me costaba muchsimo hacer presentaciones delante de mi equipo y ahora las adoro. Gervasio GarcaEl curso ms efectivo de hablar en pblico 100% online. A andar se aprende andando, a nadar nadando y a hablar en pblico hablando en pblico.El Curso prctico de hablar en pblico. Convirtete en speaker, mediante su revolucionario mtodo consigue acompaarte de la mano para que vayas aprendiendo todas las habilidades necesarias para ser un extraordinario orador.El curso est estructurado de tal forma que mediante vdeos realmente prcticos no slo entenders y aprenders todos los fundamentos de la oratoria, si no que tambin PRACTICARS y adems tendrs la posibilidad de GRABARTE PARA PEDIR FEEDBACK.Adems aprenders a crear un discurso de 0 que consiga dejar con la boca abierta a cualquier audiencia.Hablar en pblico es muy fcil si sabes como y practicas. Y en este curso hars las dos cosas aprenders y adems practicars.No lo dudes porque ests a un solo clic de cambiar tu vida.Como siempre, estoy aqu para cualquier duda que puedas tener.Disfruta el curso aprendiendo tanto como lo he hecho yo producindolo!Muchas gracias,Alejandro"
Price: 29.99

"Master your habits: the method for your success with habits"
"Master your habits: the best online course of habits and the most practical It will change your life!The full course teaches you how habits work and best of all you learn about each of the phases to make your new habits occur and last over time and to make your toxic habits disappear.There are many practical cases of my students that will open your eyes on the multiple possibilities and how you can lead the life you had always dreamed of.Among other habits you will learn to stop wasting time, be more productive, quit smoking, quit drinking, read more and what is more important to approach any challenge with an arsenal of weapons that will make you achieve a sure success.Master your habits - discover the secrets to change any habitI love this course, I am recommending it to all my friends. The teacher knows what he is talking about and talks about how habits work and especially how to apply them. I've finally achieved two goals that had been failing for a long time: stop wasting time with my cell phone and start playing sports. It is amazing to learn that it is easy to create new habits and get rid of toxic ones. Laura V.Have you ever wondered why no matter how hard I try I can't do what I set out to do?If so, it is because you surely do not know how habits work or the laws that can modify them as you wish.Do you want to know the secrets that a successful mega elite has to achieve their personal and professional dreams?If your answer is YES! This may probably be the best course you can take in your life.It may sound pretentious, but it has changed my own life and that of many students who are achieving the goals they had always set and never achieved.Many people wait, wait to win the lottery, wait for someone to introduced them the love of their life, wait for a LinkedIn message offering a better job, but that leaves their lives adrift and at the mercy of other people.If you are one of those people who want to have control of yours, I encourage you to be like many other students and take this course. You will see that applying everything I teach in the course you will get everything that you struggled so much before or even that you had never achieved.My life personally has been a constant improvement. For years I struggled to get two successful university degrees (architecture and pharmacy), to learn 5 languages, to start from scratch a startup without any knowledge. But since I have studied habits and applied all the books and lectures I have read, I am getting results that I could not even dream of years ago. IVE MANAGED TO DOMINATE MY LIFE.Years ago I thought: If I had the necessary motivation, I would achieve any goal in my life. Well, it is not motivation that will change your life, but the actions that you repeat over and over.Do not wait to take action tomorrow, next week or next month. If you are unhappy today, I will tell you a secret, you probably will be in 5 years time unless you take action.Your life can change radically today when you begin to learn to master your habits and apply the simple steps to create a new habit and to destroy a toxic one.If you want to change your life and join all the people who are already doing it, simply click on ""add to cart.""Your friendAlejandro Sahuquillo"
Price: 49.99

"Yoga & Meditation - Decoded"
"Yoga & Meditation - Decoded! what is written in the classical texts of Yoga as Patanjali's Yoga Sutras ? Yoga Vashista ?,  etc are nearly 3000 years old, hence the contemporary man finds it difficult to corelate to the modern scientific era. There can be no relationship because the approach of education today is through science, while the texts belongs to pre -scientific days in CODIFIED messages .Today the environment is different, the body chemistry is different, the food is different, mind is different so I would like to introduce modern man to the highest ESSENCE of YOGA in a scientific way not only intellectually but experientially also .The teaching technique should be scientific so that one can easily perceive why he has to do certain posture, why he has to breathe in a certain way, where you will understand the dysfunction of the body and mind - HOW & WHY  they arise and how can they be overcome.Yoga is misunderstood, misinterpreted, looks like gymnastics .eg Hatha yoga in the earlier days was practiced in monasteries, these people were just doing yoga, nothing else but can you expect the same thing from modern man who has to work for his living and hardly he gets time for himself .I will teach yoga in the non monastic way so that you don't have to disrupt your daily routine ."
Price: 1600.00

". CorelDRAW illustrator, flat , . , , , , . - . , , . , . , ."
Price: 19.99

", . , . , 13- . , , , , Logobook, Guideline, Brandbook, , , , , , , , . . , , , . . , , , , . . . , . 1. CorelDRAW 2. Adobe illustrator , , ., , -, , , ."
Price: 19.99

"FL Studio 20: Sfrdan renin"
"Bu FL Studio eitimi ile basit bir ekilde batan sona mzik altyaps nasl yaplyor reneceiz ve ""rap/hiphop/trap"" tarznda altyap oluturacaz. Bu eitimin sonunda sizler de arklar iin altyaplar hazrlayabilecek ve ya kaytlar mix/mastering yapabileceksiniz. Kurs ieriimizde FL Studio ile ilgili bilmeniz gereken her ey olacak ve her gn altrmalar,rnekler eklenecektir."
Price: 49.99

"How to Succeed with Process Improvement"
"Welcome to the first course in a unique set designed to shine a light on many of the main process models in use today. The World is Full of Process ModelsThere are many process models on the market. Most lack the internal structures and inbuilt-value necessary to achieve the claimed benefits. In this first course I explain the hidden structure of good models and the importance of management processes, in particular, in underpinning the successful improvement of technical processes. Basline Your OrganisationThe second module in this series gives all the specific guidance you need in order to organise and carry out a baseline assessment of your organisation's current process maturity, regardless of the model you use. Understand How Maturity Models WorkLater modules in this series will deconstruct specific well known models to highlight their strengths and weakness by comparing them to the generic framework set out in this first module. Course Set and MaterialsThis course set is based on practical experience of implementing process models, and change, in a wide variety of situations. All the templates you need to carry out the steps and guidance given throughout the course set will be made available as each module is published.DisclaimerImplementing the advice given throughout this course set requires a high level of experience and is only intended to be applied with support from my approved consulting partners. "
Price: 199.99

"Ionic Angular Firebase: From ZERO to ONE"
"ABOUT THE SOURCE CODEAll code from this course can be found at the GitHub monorepo (didaktio/Ionic-Angular-Course). The monorepo is broken down into submodules, which are independant repositories also locatable on the didaktio GitHub profile. Attached to every video (in Resources) is a link to the specific repo containing the code used in that video.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________This is a fast-paced, information-dense and future-proof course intended to get you flying solo as soon as possible. Unlike many other such courses, little time is given to theory about the technologies and languages used. What matters is their capabilities and potential as relevant to your needs. This course is about that. This course is making these powerful technologies do what you want. That isn't learned from documentation. It is learned through problem-oriented doing. In this course you will pick up 90% of the important principles underlying Ionic and Angular by focusing on specific and common problems like: login, user registration, role-based capabilities, blocking particular URLs, storing and manipulating data, notifications, sending emails, and more. Every line of code in this course was written on a live development server, so most videos finish with the result live in the browser.The course is as anti-academic as you can get. We'll work through solutions together, often line-by-line, thinking in real-time. This means we'll encounter errors, figure out alternatives on-the-fly, and that things will be uncompromisingly changed when necessary.The guiding philosophy is Just-in-Time Learning. Like every subject-area in the world, advancement in understanding is amplified 100-fold when the information being provided maps onto a local problem in other words, we learn much faster when working with problems that we understand AND that are interesting. Absent well-defined problems, learning never really happens; theory only sticks when you're familiar with the subject area.Again, this is a practical course. Only take it if you're serious about learning how to develop applications and build websites with Ionic and/or Angular.Amongst the learnings on offer:The fundamentals of the LATEST Ionic and Angular releases + TypeScript, Node, Google Cloud, RXJS, and moreUser Login and Signup (multiple methods)Popovers, Modals, AlertsNotifications, automatic emails, text message logic (and all common background task needs)How to deploy an app/website to the web using Kubernetes and/or Firebase HostingStoring data on device for user detection (like how most websites know it's you even when you're logged out)How to stream, convert, transform and present live, complex data as good as Netflix (RXJS)Angular Modules, Components, Pipes, Attributes, Directives (ngFor, ngIf, ng-container, ng-template etc)Building a fine-grained theme controllerIonic Pages, UI Components, CLIRole-Specific capabilities: routes, data-viewing and entirely different UI's  for different types of users (eg admin vs customer)LifecyclesForms: Simple and advanced, validation, error-handling and pre-populationServices, reusable utilities, global featuresInterpolation, DOM SanitisationCAPTCHA forms and the 'Are You a Robot?' testCustom scriptsBuild and publish a Progressive Web Application (PWA)Firebase: Firestore Documents, Collections, PermissionsCloud Storage: uploading and accessing images and other media typesCloud Functions: running secure backend processes, scheduling, fine-grained control over your appDesigning for all device screen sizes using Ionic Grid and other SCSS tricksand much, much more.The videos are fast-paced, dense, and sometimes unforgiving. Where necessary, they're slowed down but practical people with work to do(!) want and need information that can be employed immediately. Hopefully every single video delivers on this measure. It certainly does sound-wise: every minute is backgrounded by brainwave-enhancing, epiphany-inducing sounds from the brilliant Steve Reich.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________NOTE: The Basics section of this course is where to go if you're stuck with or unsure about some of the core concepts (directives, interpolation, forms, data presentation, services etc). It one of the latter modules by design because your first foray into any domain should be to get a feel for it. You likely already have knowledge of the basics: realistic, tangible (and personal) problems are how we weave independent and fragmentary threads of knowledge into something deep and functional. Starting with theory before practice is at minimum going to slow down learning rate, and is typically the most reliable and quickest way to become disinterested and eventually turned off.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________GOING THROUGH THE COURSEThere is no Right Way to Learn. There is the way that works for you. The course is as loosely structured as it can be without sacrificing on quality. In other words, the naming needs to be informative but not --verbose, the sectioning needs to have a purpose, and each video must be lean and to the point but also able to stand on its own. The Just-in-Time Learning philosophy must only be deviated from when necessary; videos should first and foremost be practical, concise, and time well spent. With all that in mind, what follows is a few pointers for navigating your way up Mount Everest. They're not all incompatible; use those that appeal to you, experiment, iterate, throw others in the trash. The critical thing to know is: formalities and structure and tyrannical rules about sequence are usually bad things, and freedom to explore and follow interest are good. This isn't school. This is you taking control over your own learning. And yes, it can and should! be fun. To the tips:Watch the Outro before you start.Move laterally. For example, you might do the Basics section first and then jump to the intro, and then the RXJS section, and then the Badass Todo App (thetodoapp[dot]com). Do the Basics section first if you're unfamiliar with Angular.Criticise. Have the confidence to change things, improve the code, structure the code in your preferred manner.View everything through a practically-oriented lens. Watch videos wearing your technique-coloured glasses, not those lawyer-esque analysis spectacles.Use tools(!) those recommended in the course and those you discover yourself. The heuristic here is simple: if it lets you get on with working on the most important stuff (the HARD problem solving, the stuff that requires true creativity), then it's worth it. All other benefits it saves time, increases readability, better security etc are secondary.Speed up videos. Slow down videos. Install Video Speed Controller on your browser to enable easier jumping through and speed manipulation of the tutorials.Use the supporting materials where possible (download the files, visit the links).Peruse the GitHub repository when one exists.Post questions.Combine this course with other courses and brilliant bodies of work (Fireship on YouTube, Angular in Depth, The Net Ninja on Youtube...) Use The Problem of Concern as your North Star.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________WRITING CODEPrioritise techniques and concepts over formalities.Use Stack Overflow and the relevant GitHub Issues pages for errors and/or optimisations.Know that things will constantly evolve, which means you shouldn't lock yourself in from the first day. This means being liberal with typings (use any and unknown quite a lot early on), and worrying about structure and clean imports and other formalities when things are working. The heuristic here is: let small fires burn. Small fires rid the woodlands of flammable materials, thereby minimising the chances of one big, catastrophic fire. This applies to pretty much all aspects of life, but is starkly manifest in programming.When building for users, how you do things under the hood should be extremely conservative relative to the UX. This is most apparent with form input, where users should be able to enter typos and other different representations of the same data without any fuss. Under the hood, all data is converted and normalised into a standard form. For example with dates, you might let the user enter a date or use a datepicker. This means two different types of data. Combine this with the usual complication accompanying date manipulation (dealing with timezones, incorrect dates, offsets, readability, unix vs iso etc), and you've got the ultimate recipe for a migraine. A far-reaching decision to make early on might be to deal only with ISO strings in the backend, meaning you convert EVERY single date into an ISO. If the datepicker gives you a date object, you convert it to an ISO. If the user enters something like (10.12.2019), you convert it to an ISO. This ISO is how you store the information backend. Displaying it frontend then becomes a doddle: another conversion into the preferred format, and some interpolation simple. This method works because ISO strings, like unix and javascript timestamps, are the same for everybody.Don't worry about testing.The less code the better. Condensed, concise code has more to it than beauty: by demanding true understanding, it protects against the illusion that information consumption equals knowledge. It doesn't. I can read one thousand lines of code and, thinking that the time invested and length of information absorbed is impressive enough, be satisfied with my grasping. But later on I end up coming back to that code repeatedly and making a ton of other errors because actually, I don't understand. Alternatively, I could breakdown (and even improve upon) that one line of code which resembles a spacetime equation, and not leave until I actually understand. And if I cannot understand, at least I don't have the illusion that I do. Finally, condensed code far better facilitates principles of modularity, flexibility, changeability, and debugability.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________GOING FORWARDThis is a future-proof course. Just like any real-world project or company or system, the course and it's supporting resources (links, GitHub Repo) will be continuously updated new tutorials, errors addressed, dependencies updated, and additional content added as requested or necessary. The course uses a combination of Angular 8 and 9, node 10 and 12, and Ionic 4 and 5. If you have any problems, a question or something else you'd like to talk about, do reach out.keywords: ionic, angular, web development, ionic 4, ionic 5, angular 8, angular 9, typescript, node, kubernetes, firebase, npm, websites, progressive web application, pwa, future-proof, coding, programming, google cloud, aws, docker, git, role-based, notifications, reminders"
Price: 199.99

"Advanced Ionic & Angular: 10 Techniques in Web Development"
"This course is about making Angular and Ionic do what you want. It's about taking your web development skills up a notch or seven. Basic tutorials, introductory courses and starting templates are enough to get the ball rolling, but if you are serious about:creating  beautiful, intuitive, thrilling User Interfacesa fast, functional, original User Experiencebeing at the forefront of web technologiessecurity, reliability, and costthen you have to be different.You have to do things differently from others. Which means you need knowledge. This course will open the door to many wonderful, underutilised techniques and concepts that will not only vastly broaden your skill set, but enable you to stand out amongst the ever-growing population of coders and web developers. You will save money and shortcut endless hours of painful trial and error. And most crucially, coding, designing, idea-manifesting, making, moving from dream to idea to mock to real-world product... will become much more fun.A sneak peak at what's in store:Compressing a large production bundle for faster download speed,  better performance, and sanity-saving build times.Deploying to Kubernetes. How to use Docker, Nginx, and the Google Kubernetes Engine.Why and how to use a Node Server.Making the DOM do what you want - animations, event listening, seamless navigation, and more.How to execute one-off or regular tasks like specific-time reminders, ongoing notifications, background cleanup tasks, etc.Locking down specific critical dependency versions such as Node using custom scripts and warnings.Sharing common functions, widgets, variables and other configuration files between pages, services and components.Automatic and/or event-driven emails.WHY TAKE THIS COURSE?There's an idea going around that all the secrets have been discovered. That most of the wealth has been created and that's it. That there are no more interesting problems to solve. That there is no room for more platforms, services, small business, entrepreneurial endeavours in the internet space, and so on. That is all nonsense.There are plenty of known problems still to solve.With online payments for example, there are many countries in which people can still not easily accept or make online payments. Creating and maintaining a website is still a laborious process. Our lives have yet to optimally merge and therefore take full advantage of The Internet of Things. There is much work to be done. And a substantial part of it involves better online services, applications, platforms; better connection with computers and the internet.And it gets better: an infinite amount of unknowable problems await us. There are problems that currently exist that we know nothing about, and problems that we will create in the future. In both cases, the greatest preparation is knowledge.SOURCE CODEThe Downloadable Materials in the Resources section of each video contain code and other supporting materials. Also, ~all code from this course can be found at the GitHub monorepo (didaktio/Ionic-Angular-Course). The repo is broken down into submodules, which are independant repositories also locatable on the didaktio GitHub profile.GOING FORWARDThis content and its supporting resources will be at minimum be continuously maintained. Additional videos might also be added as requested or necessary. Each video uses a combination of Angular 8 and 9, node 10 and 12, and Ionic 4 and 5. If you have any problems, a question or something else you'd like to talk about, do reach out.keywords: ionic, angular, web development, ionic 4, ionic 5, angular 8, angular 9, typescript, node, kubernetes, firebase, npm, websites, progressive web application, pwa, future-proof, coding, programming, google cloud, aws, docker, git, notifications, reminders"
Price: 54.99