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"Curso de Tcnica e Fundamentos na Guitarra (Chop Builder)"
"Este um curso prtico, um curso onde minha maior preocupao que o aluno melhore suas tcnicas de guitarra da forma mais rpida possvel.So 40 treinos que iro explorar as tcnicas de palhetada alternada, Palhetada econmica, Ligadura, Ligadura + Sweep e Sweep.No so treinos cromticos, os famosos No! So treinos em um determinado tom com enfoque na tcnica e tambm no conhecimento rpido do brao da guitarra.Todos os treinos esto no tom de Am e so aplicveis para melhorar seu improviso e sua capacidade de raciocnio rpido.Esse o curso de tcnica que eu gostaria de ter tido quando comecei a tocar.Aproveite bem."
Price: 144.99

"Destroza tus Creencias Limitantes"
"Cambiar una creencia es algo sencillo (siempre y cuando tengas un buen mtodo), el problema es que no nos ensean como cambiar nuestras creencias de forma correcta, y es que si no ests teniendo total xito en tu vida, probablemente sea porque tienes creencias limitantes que te estn saboteando y ni si quiera eres consiente de ello!Menudo problema, ya que... tus creencias controlan tu vida!Pues ya lo dijo Henry Ford: Tanto si crees que puedes como si no, tienes raznY encima lo mas probable es que no sepas como detectar tus creencias limitantes, y esto es bsico, ya que necesitas conocerlas para poder reemplazarlas por creencias potenciadoras, por ello yo te enseo de una forma fcil y sencilla para que puedas detectar tus creencias inconscientes limitantes para poder llevarlas a tu mente consciente y luego reemplazarlas por otras potenciadorasPor eso he creado este curso en el cual te enseo con un mtodo probado para que puedas reprogramar tus creencias de una forma sencilla, para que cualquier persona pueda aprovecharse de el, y es que en el pongo todo el conocimiento que he aprendido durante todos estos aos dentro del desarrollo personal para que tu tambin puedas empezar a revolucionar tus creencias siguiendo unos simples pasosPero recuerda: Si no lo aplicas, no sirve de nada!Adems, vers una mejora en tu autoestima una vez que tengas tus nuevas creencias potenciadoras en tu mente inconscientePreparado? Lets Go! ;)"
Price: 94.99

"Los secretos de los Influencers para crecer en Instagram"
"Tienes una cuenta de Instagram la cual est estancada o incluso pierdes seguidores da tras da? Si no utilizas las estrategias correctas en Instagram solamente vas a conseguir perder tiempo, dinero, energa... Si aplicas lo aprendido en este curso aumentars el nmero de seguidores, de me gustas en tus fotos, visualizaciones en tus videos...Y es que si no tienes el conocimiento correcto, solamente trabajars duro y no conseguirs nada, ya que no se trata de trabajar duro sino de trabajar de forma inteligente (aunque por supuesto esto no implica que no tengas que trabajar duro una vez que trabajes de forma inteligente)Pues en este curso te enseo los secretos que yo he aprendido tras invertir mi tiempo y dinero sobre Instagram, y como poder crecer dentro de esta plataforma. Te enseo paso a paso todo lo que necesitas saber para mejorar tu cuenta y cmo puedes sacarle el mximo partido para ver unos resultados increbles, adems te doy 5 estrategias para que puedas crecer dentro de esta plataforma (1 nica de pago y 4 totalmente gratuitas). Y te regalo 3 Bonus en los cuales te enseo un error que debes evitar a toda costa, estrategias para monetizar tu cuenta y apps super tiles en tu camino por Instagram, para que puedas llevar tu cuenta al siguiente nivel.Recuerda que lo ms importante es implementar lo aprendido, solo as vers resultados. Todo lo que te enseo son cosas que yo aplico y que me han dado unos resultados increbles, y que me han hecho pasar de estar estancado en Instagram y apenas tener participacin de mis seguidores a crecer da tras da en seguidores y tener mucha mas participacin en mis Posts, pero como te digo dentro del video curso por favor ten paciencia, las cosas de palacio van despacio."
Price: 94.99

"Learn Quranic Arabic Language: Grade Two"
"Grade Two of Quranic Arabic Language is designed for those who already finished Grade One, since this is an integratedcourse where each grade is based on the previous one, and all grades cooperate to achieve the advancement desired. Those who already have a detailedknowledge of the Arabic Alphabet, and wish to extend their knowledge in Arabic Language,may also take the currentcourse."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Quranic Arabic Language: Grade Three"
"In grade 3 of Learn Quranic Arabic Language we continue adding more and more Arabic vocabularyand sentences; those concerned with family members,Arabic numbers, time, places, food, plants and animals. Enjoy our lectures. At this level you will feel much more familiar with Arabic language vocabulary and sounds, and will learn how make some sentences. It is a good addition to the previous two grades."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Quranic Arabic Language: Grade Four"
"In grade four of our Quranic Arabic Language we continue providing more and moreArabic vocabulary and sentences; those concerned with dress, colors, transport, tools, adjectives, conditions, and body parts and organs. Further enhancement of your ability to construct, write and read Arabic sentences is emphasized. Applications on what you have learnt so far are also provided."
Price: 49.99

"Learn Quranic Arabic Language: Grade Five"
"In grade five of our course ""Learn Quranic Arabic Language"" we proceed to an advanced level. You will learn the vocabulary and sentences related to feelings, ethics, andjobs. You will also learn in detailsthe types of verbs in Arabic language, how to derive each type, how to use it with singular and plural pronouns andwords, and how the verbs change with masculine and feminine words."
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye D Ticaret lemleri ve Muhasebesi"
"D Ticaret Eitimi ve Muhasebesi de tpk matematik gibidir. Ezberlerseniz anlamazsnz, anlamazsanz da renemezsiniz! Bu kursun amac D Ticareti basma kalp ezberlerden, zihin bulandran tekrarlardan kurtararak nasl ve neden sorularna cevap vererek rencilerine muhasebenin mantn anlatmak ve aktarmaktr. D Ticareti anlamaya baladnzda greceksiniz ki, aslnda her ey olduka sistematik ve bir o kadar da kolay. D Ticaretin mantn kavradnz zaman artk nnzde ne snavlar durabilecek, ne de D Ticaret bilgisi gerektirdii iin bavurmaktan ekindiiniz i ilanlar. Neden mi? nk artk siz, D Ticareti biliyorsunuz! Eksik Konular Srekli Gncellenecektir."
Price: 24.99

"( , ,.. ) , , , , , , , - - ."
Price: 49.99

"Blockchain and Bitcoin Fundamentals in Arabic"
". :- - - - - - - - - - !"
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Sensorial e Merchandising no ponto de vendas"
"O mdulo de Marketing Sensorial contm: 19 aulasO mdulo de Merchandising contm:10 aulasE o bnus com o Mdulo de Comportamento do Consumidor contm:13 aulasMarketing SensorialMarketing sensorial, neuromarketing, marketing de experiencia, brand marketing so nomes que levam ao mesmo fim, gerar uma experincia para o consumidor e fazer com que ele sinta-se a vontade em um ambiente de compras.Estudaremos os cinco sentidos e como eles podem ser utilizados como estratgia de marketing, em um ambiente de vendas ou marca. Alm disso, veremos tambm outros exemplos estratgicos para gerar experincia de marca e fazer com que o consumidor lembre-se de forma positiva de tua loja ou marca.Contedo: O que Marketing O que Marketing Sensorial Branding sensorial Neuromarketing Introduo ao Marketing Sensorial Audio Viso Olfato Paladar Tato Sinestesia Planejamento de marketing sensorial para lojas DicasMateriais complementares:Materiais de palestras utilizados em empresas e universidades: A mulher e o varejo A evoluo do vitrinismo Como gerar experincias no pdv Marketing sensorial no supermercado Estratgias para supermercadosMerchandising no ponto de vendasO merchandising envolve todas as tcnicas de exposio de produtos em ambientes de vendas para que o cliente seja atrado pelos itens da loja. Com isso necessrio entender todos os itens que podem constituir uma loja desde o layout at as estratgias de exposio do mobilirio, expositores e produtos.Estudaremos tambm a base para incluir estratgias de marketing sensorial e aumentar a percepo do cliente no ponto de vendas.Contedo: Definies Merchandising Compreendendo o consumidor Layouts Exibitcnica O pblico Digital Signage Material de PDVBNUS: Mdulo de Comportamento do ConsumidorO curso de Comportamento do Consumidor contm:11 aulasDados:Formato: videoaula com slides narradosSlides em pdf para baixar.Professora: Tatiana Benites"
Price: 174.99

"Scrapbook: Tcnicas Intermedirias lbum de Viagem"
"Neste curso voc ir aprender tcnicas de Scrapbook, conhecer materiais diferentes e ampliar seu conhecimento sobre o mundo do Scrap.Este projeto tem uma capa diferente no formato de uma maleta de viagens, perfeito para as suas melhores recordaes.Comearemos com os materiais e passaremos para estrutura, montagem, capa, colagem e decorao.Voc contar ainda com um kit de arte digital disponvel para download e impresso."
Price: 39.99

"Tcnicas de Decorao em Scrapbook"
"Neste curso voc ir aprender tcnicas de decorao e pginas interativas para aplicar em seu projeto de Scrapbook. As pginas interativas podem ser utilizadas em lbuns de fotos e em outros projetos em papel, como cartes e enfeites. Voc tambm ir aprender sobre combinao de cores e dicas para facilitar o seu projeto.Voc contar ainda com um kit de arte digital exclusiva do Atelier Bela Arteira disponvel para download e impresso."
Price: 39.99

"TEKLA STRUCTURES Eitim Akademisi"
"TEKLA STRUCTURES (X-Steel), elik projelerde imalat ve detay izimleri oluturmaya yarayan ve bu alanda dnyada en ok kullanlan boyutlu modelleme programdr. TEKLA STRUCTURES olmadan elik proje izilmesi neredeyse MKANSIZDIR!Bu eitimde A'dan Z'ye TEKLA STRUCTURES'n tm detaylar anlatlm, bununla birlikte kompleks bir erisel elik at projesi sfrdan, tm izimlerin oluturulma safhasna kadar btn detaylar ile ele alnmtr. TEKLA STRUCTURES, bir kiinin kendi bana renebilecei bir program asla deildir. Bu balamda Mhendis Akademi kalitesiyle ve n. Yk. Mh. Mehmet ner YELEEN'in anlatmyla oluturulan bu eitimi KAIRMAYIN!Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!Not: Eitim V21'de hazrlanmtr."
Price: 319.99

"SAP2000 Eitim Akademisi (TBDY2018'e gre)"
"SAP2000; tm dnyada inaat mhendisleri tarafndan kullanlan en yaygn statik analiz programdr. Gnmz dnyasnda bir inaat mhendisi iin, teorik bilgi ile birlikte bu bilgiyi kullanabilecei bilgisayar yazlmlarn bilmesi kanlmaz hale gelmitir.Mhendis Akademi tarafndan oluturulan ve anlatmlarn n. Yk. Mh. / Dr. Ad. Mehmet ner YELEEN'in yapt bu eitim setinde, bir yandan SAP2000 yazlmnn tm detaylar aklanrken dier taraftan da statik analiz sreleri A'dan Z'ye ele alnmtr.Eitim ieriinin 1. ksmnda; bir SANAY YAPISI sfrdan oluturulmakta, analiz edilmekte, kan problemler detaylandrlarak dzeltilmekte ve dzeltilen analiz sonucunda teslim edilecek 'STATK ANALZ RAPORU'nun nasl yazlacana kadar tm sre ele alnmaktadr.Eitim ieriinin 2. ksmnda; ulam alarnda sklkla kullanlan bir sanat yaps olan BETONARME KUTU MENFEZ tasarm ve analizi, en ince detayna kadar anlatlarak anlatlmaktadr.Eitim ieriinin 3. ksmnda; TBDY2018'de dikkat edilecek nemli noktalara deinilen 1 saati akn sreli yeni bir blm (BLM 14) eklenmitir!SAP2000 Eitim Akademisi, srekli gncel ierii ile yaknda kapsaml bir proje akademisi haline gelecek ve mkemmel bir baucu kayna olacaktr!Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 279.99

"How To Easily Start A Blog Today"
"Do you want to start a blog, but not sure how? Maybe you've tried and it's too difficult, you got confused or frustrated and gave up. Imagine if creating a blog was quick and easy... This course is designed for beginners that are looking to start a blog now. You will learn 7 easy steps that will help you go from start to finish and create a blog now. You will learn how to pick out a name (important), how to set up your blog easily, how your blog works, how to make it look beautiful for your visitors, how to easily create a beautiful logo, the best plugins to save you time and money, and how to make money! !"
Price: 29.99

"Indian Income Tax Return Filing Part-2"
"This course is for those who either want to have an idea about Indian Income Tax, or want to become a tax practitioner or are students of taxation. Here I have tried to explain everything in detail with a practical approach.Do....purchase this course this will be a great help for you all. Thank You...With Regards,Vivek Sancheti"
Price: 24.99

"PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice Test"
"Are you ready to pass the PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice TestUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learntime management for the real exam.What you get from this course150+ UNIQUE practice questionsforPRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice TestPractice tests arecreated by Subject Matter Expertsand the questionsalways stay currentwith the actualexam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you canatleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam DetailsExam Name :PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 250Type of Questions: MultiplechoiceTime Allowed : 300minsPassing Score : 70(175of 250)"
Price: 154.99

"PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice Exam"
"Are you ready to pass thePRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice ExamUse this course to gauge your readiness level for the actual exam. These practice tests will help you know if you are ready to take the exam, or identify if you need to spend more time on any of the exam topics.These tests cover material from each of the exam topics. With time limits on each test, you will learntime management for the real exam.What you get from this course200+ UNIQUE practice questionsPRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice ExamPractice tests arecreated by Subject Matter Expertsand the questionsalways stay currentwith the actualexam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you canatleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam DetailsExam Name :PRINCE2 Foundation Certification Practice ExamTotal Questions : 244Type of Questions: MultiplechoiceTime Allowed : 300minsPassing Score : 70(171of 244)"
Price: 174.99

"Learn Python 3"
"Welcome to the ""Learn Python 3"" course. In this course you will learn python 3.7 with 50+ questions and their solutions with explanations. By the end of this course you will be able to have basic python programming skills, understand and manipulate the code and its results. You will have basic knowledge of variables, core datatypes, basic operators and strings. The ideal student for this course is beginner programmer, who wants to step in the world of python. There are no requirements necessary to enroll, except for some of the basic knowledge of using computer."
Price: 19.99

"PHP for Beginners - Become a PHP Master - CMS Project"
"Have you ever wonder why their are so manyPHPMysql Coursesbut they offer very little practicalskills. Even though if you search onUdemythe longestcourse will only offer 1 big projects. Sometimes its difficult forbeginnersto understand the long project right after learning basics due to lack of practice.Furthermore, big courses just give presentation to projects they never ever let students see their actual content.For example the basic videos, Free starter content etc. However this course is Scam-Free course.Students can watch more than 2 hour of initial content free of cost to decide weather to buy this course or not.This course is designed in more logical way from easy to complex modules step by step. Here is description of the courseRoad Map:Building Blocks Fundamentals 5Hour 30 mintsof ContentProjects:Regular Expressions25 mintsComplete Contact Form + Email1 Hourof ContentDynamic Web Pages (Directory Project)1 Hourof ContentCMS Based Employee Management CRUD2Hour + 30 minutesof ContentCMS+ Admin Panel with Stunning blog +FREE Bootstrap10 Hourof ContentThis course will focus on all the Fundamentals , Building blocks andAdvance Concepts of PHPin complete details which are essentials for beginners. In this Coursestudentswill buildproject after every section to see the real world representation of PHP.Bonuses:Getting Started with Bootstrap FrameWork from scratch without using any Bootstrap TemplateUsing PHP Sessions in a more sophisticated way and pass information easily on different modules of ProjectFull Coding ExercisesLogin Logout Admin SystemTips / TricksThis courseoffers youa 30 Days Money Back Guarantee, in case if the course does not meet your expectations you cangetafull re-fund immediately. Also i will answer all of your questions on top priority.Now if you want to learn PHPand start your professional career, Take this course now--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This courseis forcomplete beginnersand for those who want tobuild projects in PHP.-----------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"PHP for Beginners: How to Build an E-Commerce Store PHP"
"Hands on Real Life Project inside!On Demand E-commerce Skills InsideThis course comes packed with new tricks and code format that would take your basic PHP skills to different heights.If you have taken my course, you will notice that this course's project is more function based, more secured, we have more techniques, more organized and we upload our final application to the web.Completing this course will prepare you to build E-commerce stores online for clients that would gladly pay really good for your work.My first PHP course prepares you with all the knowledge but this course will polish all that knowledge and at the same time show you new tricks and grow your skills."
Price: 19.99

"How to write a cover letter to get into #1 companies/schools"
"In this course, we reveal the formula behind the cover letter structure that has convinced recruiters and hiring managers in any company or (business) school.Simply download our cover letter / SOP template, complete the lectures and work along with us.You will be able to finish that winning motivation letter in under 2 hours."
Price: 19.99

"Science of Influence"
"How many times have we found ourselves agreeing for something that we really didn't want to do, or were not really interested in but still said yes? How many times have you seen people agree to things you know they would never agree otherwise, and then the same people end up holding their new position more strongly?There are a lot of Human Behaviors we tend to engage in that not only boggle other people but, in most cases, ourselves too. ""i cant believe i gave up my leisure time for this!"" - i found my self saying this so many times. If i know some thing to be so unbelievable, then why do i do it in the first place?Better yet, why does ANY rational human do this? What makes some people so influential and some people not? Why do people always say yes to this guy?There are a lot of questionable behaviors out there that psychology has attempted to explain over time. This course, will help you understand them. Next time you see someone holding a ridiculous belief or doing an action they never would, you will have a better understanding of what cognitive processes might be at play. Also sometimes we really want to make conversation with someone. Be it someone you like or a business prospect. However, these conversation don't always end up being memorable for THAT person. As a result, our influence remains low. So how do we make them remember our talk? or better yet, remember ME? Luckily, psychologists have studied this too! And in this course you will learn techniques to have meaningful conversations even if its the FIRST time you meet someone.How can you influence someone if you are unaware of their personality and preferences? This course will also help you with scientifically researched ways in which you can easily do that without appearing as a creep. In short, this course is designed in way to not only help you understand the science behind human behavior, but also apply this understanding around you in such a way that your influence drastically increases. Of course, all this will ONLY work provided you actually DO what you learn."
Price: 194.99

"Principios prcticos de Pruebas de software"
"En este curso estaremos analizando ejemplos prcticos para desarrollar las pruebas de software y de esta manera verificar y validar la solucin que ser entregada al cliente del mismo. Analizaremos los principales conceptos as como la aplicacin de las diferentes estrategias de de pruebas de manera prctica. Adems iremos consolidando lo aprendidoen cada clase, mediante un trabajo de curso."
Price: 19.99

"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training (Tech, Financial)"
"This Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Oracle Apps R12 Financials with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course DetailsOracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseThe following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.senior architecture and developersjava and non java background.senior IT Software professionalsFreshersThe following job roles will get benefited from this course:Functional ConsultantsTechnical ConsultantsBusiness AnalystsFinance Functional ImplementersEnd UsersCandidates interested in taking up a career under OracleRelated Jobs and Positions in the IndustryOracle Apps R12 Financials Course Details Oracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?End Users, Business Analysts, Sales Consultants, Support Engineer, Technical Consultant, Functional Implementer"
Price: 3840.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training (Technical, SCM)"
"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Oracle Apps R12 SCM with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.This Techno Functional Course includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course and Oracle Apps R12 SCM Functional Course Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course DetailsOracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseThe following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.senior architecture and developersjava and non java background.senior IT Software professionalsFreshersThe following job roles will get benefited from this course:Functional ConsultantsTechnical ConsultantsBusiness AnalystsFinance Functional ImplementersEnd UsersCandidates interested in taking up a career under OracleRelated Jobs and Positions in the Industry.Oracle Apps R12 SCM Course DetailsOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM  Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation.."
Price: 3840.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Functional Training Bundle (Financials, SCM)"
"Oracle Apps R12 Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Financials and Oracle Apps R12 SCM Course with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.Oracle Apps R12 Financials Course Details Oracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?End UsersBusiness AnalystsSales ConsultantsSupport EngineerTechnical ConsultantFunctional ImplementerOracle Apps R12 SCM Course DetailsOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM  Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation.."
Price: 3840.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training(Tech,Finance,SCM)"
"Oracle Apps R12 Techno Functional Training Course bundle Includes Oracle Apps R12 Technical, Oracle Apps R12 Financials, Oracle Apps R12 SCM Courses with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course DetailsOracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseThe following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.senior architecture and developersjava and non java background.senior IT Software professionalsFreshersThe following job roles will get benefited from this course:Functional ConsultantsTechnical ConsultantsBusiness AnalystsFinance Functional ImplementersEnd UsersCandidates interested in taking up a career under OracleRelated Jobs and Positions in the IndustryOracle Apps R12 Financials Course Details Oracle Apps R12 Financials is software product offered by Oracle corporation. Oracle R12 Financials Applications have great features to manage Organization's Financial and accounting information. With Oracle Financials Applications Organization's can track detailed business transaction data, same data can be used for reporting and decision making purpose.Oracle Apps R12 Financials consist of below applications:Oracle General LedgerOracle Accounts PayableOracle Accounts ReceivableOracle Fixed AssetsOracle Cash ManagementFrom this course, you get a clear idea ofIntroduction to ERP, Versions in Oracle Apps, Modules in Oracle Application, What is Implementation Process, General Ledger, Introduction to GL Module, Key Flex Fields, Segments, Design Charts of Accounts, Value Sets, Define Currency and Calendar, Define Primary Ledger, Creation of Journals, Open/Close Periods, Reverse Journals, Journal Batch, Recurring Journals, Suspense Journals, Statistical Journals, Mass Allocation, Budgets, Inter-company Journals, Journal Approval Process, Tax Journals, Currency Translation, Reporting Currency, Revaluation, Consolidation, Cross Validation Rules, Standard Report (Trail Balance), FSG (Financial Statement Generator), Account Alias, Security Rules, Access Set, Purchasing overview, Financial Option, Overview of Procure to Pay Process, Purchasing Options, Requisitions, Document Types, RFQs, Quotations, Purchase Orders, Receipt Creation, Matching Options and Receipt Routing Methods, Invoice and payment creation, Account Payable's overview, Payable Options, Financial Options, Accounting Periods, Payable System Setups, Payment Terms, Distribution Sets, Defining Suppliers, Standard Invoice, Debit Memo, Credit Memo, Prepayment Invoice, Invoice Created Against PO, Introduction to Expense report, Employee Expense Reports, Withholding Tax Payment, Payment Format, Bank Creations, Bank Account Creation, Bank Branch Creation, overview of multi organization structure, business group setup, Defining Operating units, Defining Inventory organizations, Defining Sub Inventories, Account Receivables Introduction, Key Flex Fields, Sales Tax Location, Territory, Statement Cycle, System Options, Remittance to Address, Payment Terms, Introduction to Dunning Letters, Collectors, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Invoice Transaction, Credit Memo, Deposit transaction, Bills receivable, Guarantee, Chargeback, transaction Sources, Receipt Classes, Receipt Sources, Creating Invoice, Applying the Receipt to Invoice, Rise the Credit memo, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Applying the receipt, Miscellaneous Receipts, Remittance Receipts, month ending process, Fixed Assets introduction, Flex Field, System Controls, Financial Year Calendar, Values, Prorate Conversion Calendar, Depreciation Calendar, Book Controls, Depreciation Methods, Asset Categories, Changes, Additions, Create accounting, Asset Transfer, Mass Additions, Retirement, Cash Management, System Parameters, creation of new bank, creation of new branch, creation of bank account, Bank Statements and Reconciliation, Forecasting Vs Reconciliation, Bank Charges, Bank Transfer, Introduction to HRMS.Who is the target audience?End UsersBusiness AnalystsSales ConsultantsSupport EngineerTechnical ConsultantFunctional ImplementerOracle Apps R12 SCM Course DetailsOracle R12 Supply Chain Management (SCM) is a systematic approach to manage the seamless flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories warehouses to the end customer.Oracle Apps R12 SCM  Consist of Below ModulesOracle PurchasingOracle Inventory ManagementOracle Order Management.From this course, you get a clear idea ofProcure to Pay Cycle Overview, Overview of Purchasing Process, Integration with other Oracle Applications, Overview of Suppliers, Supplier Information, Supplier Site Information, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Categories, Item Attributes, Enterprise Structure, Locations, Organizations, Units of Measure and Items, Defining Locations, Inventory Organizations, Establishing Inventory Parameters, Requisition Life cycle, Requisition Structure, Creating and Maintaining, Creation of RFQs and Quotations, Request for Quotation Life cycle, Request for Quotation Life cycle Implementation, Creation of Purchase Orders, Purchase Order Types, Standard Purchase Order Elements, Blanket Purchase Agreements, Contract Purchase, Planned purchase order, Receiving Locations, Receipt Routing, Receipt Processing Methods, Creation of Blanket Purchase Agreement, Creation of Contract Purchase Agreement, Planned Purchase Order, Blind Receiving Transactions, Express Transactions, Unordered Receipts and Cascade transactions, Inventory Overview, Inventory Capabilities, Oracle Inventory Applications Integration, Integration of Oracle Inventory to Financials, Understanding the Receipt to Issue Life cycle, Understanding Receiving Inventory, Defining Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Inventory Organizations, Understanding the Structure of an Inventory Organization, Understanding Locations, Defining Locations, Difference between Master and Child Organization, Units of Measure Overview, Units of Measure Class Overview, Defining Unit of Measure Class, Defining Unit of Measure, Defining Unit of Measure Conversions, Defining and Maintaining Items, Item Attributes and Statuses, Assigning Items to Organizations, Sub inventories, Defining Subinventory, Inventory Controls, Concepts, Explaining Lot Control (Item Level), Lot Control (Org Level), Explaining Serial Control (Item Level), Explaining Serial Control (Org Level), Explaining Revision Control, Explaining Locator Control, Subinventory Transfers, Explaining Move Order, Creating Manual Move Order, Creating Requisition Move Order, Requisition Move Order Approval Process, Transact Move Orders with 2 Methods, Miscellaneous Transactions, Restrict Subinventories, Inter-Org Transfer, Shipping Methods, Shipping Network, Transit times for Shipping Methods, Entering inter-org transfer charge, Entering Freight Charges, Direct Inter-Organisation Transfer, Performing Reorder-point Planning, Performing Min-max Planning, Explaining Cycle Counting, Explaining Physical Inventory, Defining and Maintaining a Cycle Count, Defining Cycle Count Scheduling and Requests, Overview of Oracle Order Management, Order to Cash Life cycle Overview, Ordering Process, Inventory Organizations, Define Shipping Parameters, Customer Creation, Auto Cash Role Set, Customer Profile Class, Customer Bank Creation, Transaction Types, Transaction Sources, Creating Invoice, Creating Deposit Invoice and Applying the Deposit to Invoice, Enter Orders, Managing Order, Drop Shipment Implementation, Back to Back Order Implementation, Pick Release Sales Orders, Ship Confirm a Delivery, Define a Pick Slip Grouping Rule, Define a Release Sequence Rules, Order Management Transaction Setups, Defining Order Transaction Type, Defining Line Transaction Type, Defining Document Sequence, Return Material Authorization, Return With Credit No Receipt, Return With Receipt Only, Return With Receipt, Credit Auto Invoice, Internal Sales Order Implementation.."
Price: 5440.00

"Oracle Apps R12 Technical Training Bundle (Technical, D2K..)"
"Oracle Apps R12 Technical Training Course Bundle includes SQL&PL/SQL, D2K (Forms & Reports 10g), Oracle Apps R12 Technical Course with Live Meeting Support on every Weekend to Clear your Queries.SQL & PL/SQL Course DetailsThis course covers Introduction to RDBMS, Introduction to SQL, Oracle data types, classification of sql, DDL and DML Commands, Integrity Constraints, SQL Functions, Character Functions, Number Functions, Date  Functions, Group Functions, Joins, Sub Queries and Clauses, Database Objects, DCL and TCL Commands, Introduction to PL/SQL, Data Types and PLSQL Blocks, Looping Structures, Conditional Statements, Cursors, Exceptions, Exceptions continued, Procedures, Functions, Packages. Oracle D2K (Forms and Reports 10g) Course DetailsFrom this course you will get a clear idea of Forms 10g and Role in Oracle Apps, Fundamentals of D2K, Creation of Data blocks Through wizard and Manually, Creation of Different Types of Canvases and Working with Canvases, Types of windows and working with windows and changing windows properties, Different types of Triggers, Working with Triggers and Applying to Different Controls, Creation of alerts and Calling of Alerts Changing Properties at runtime and Re-using Alerts, Creation of Editors, Types of Editors and Calling editors through Code, Creating and Using Object Groups . Creating and Using Object Libraries, Creation of Lov through wizard and Manually, Working with Lov Properties, Creation of Record Groups Based On Query and Using Static Values, Creation of Master-Detail Data Blocks, Parameters, Creation of Menus and attaching menus to Forms, Working with Procedures, Functions and Packages in Forms, Usage of PL/SQL Libraries in Forms and Attached Libraries, Reports 10g, Introduction to Reports . Fundamentals of Reports . Advantages, Features and role of Reports in D2K, Creation of Different types of Reports . Creation of Reports with different Parameters . User Parameters . System Parameters, Working with Formula Columns . Working with Summary Columns . Working with Place Holder Columns, Working with Data links, Developing Reports Manually, Reports in Triggers, Creation of Layout in Reports . Drill Down Reports . Calling Reports from Forms . Calling Reports from Reports.Who should take this oracle D2K CoursePL/SQL DeveloperForms DeveloperApplication DeveloperReport DeveloperSystem AnalystTechnical ConsultantBusiness Intelligence DeveloperOracle Apps R12 Technical Course DetailsOracle Apps Technical is the Enterprise Resource Package (ERP) package. It has designed on the base of Generally Acceptable Accounting Principles (GAAP). This Oracle Application has the business software or else application software of the Oracle Corporation.Oracle Apps Technical Course is a collection of complete end-to-end solutions that serve businesses with their own functionality. The course provides an in-depth explanation on the technical module of data integration. This module makes you understand the architecture, table relations, designing reports and forms using Oracle Apps.From this course, you get a clear idea ofTypes of Roles, Application Object Library, Application Development, Registration of Custom Objects, Interfaces and Conversions, Flex fields, Profiles, Value Sets, Multi-org Concepts, Functional Modules Overview, Reports and Forms in Oracle Applications and development of XML Reports.There are incredible job opportunities for the desired aspirants with highest paid salary range. It will be a great career advantage by taking Oracle Apps Technical Course.Who should take this oracle Apps technical courseThe following software or industry professionals were deserved to take this Oracle Apps technical training.senior architecture and developersjava and non java background.senior IT Software professionalsFreshersThe following job roles will get benefited from this course:Functional ConsultantsTechnical ConsultantsBusiness AnalystsFinance Functional ImplementersEnd UsersCandidates interested in taking up a career under OracleRelated Jobs and Positions in the Industry"
Price: 3840.00